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comes from the Greek word “taxis=arra!emets" ad “nomos=sciece" Science of arrangements meas 'a set of classication principles', or #str$ct$re#% ad Domain simpl& meas # category#.
+ho is ,-J*0 ,1OO2
,-J*0 *4-1 ,1OO was a Jewish)*merica -
(Feb. (Feb. 11! " Se#. 1$
ed$catioal ps&cholo!ist. Contributions: 1. Classic Classicatio ation n of Educational Objectives 2. Theory Theory of of aster astery! y! "earning 3
7e>elopmet of critical thiki! skills
*ttit$de ad emotios domai
8COO5O ; 7O*0
8h&sical tasks s$ch as t*e mani#-'ating o5 ob6ects
%no&'ege )om#re*ension A##'ication Ana'ysis Synt*esis +,a'-ation
e/ex Mo,ements Basic F-namenta' Mo,ements 0erce#t-a' Abi'ities
*ised 5aA 5 aAoom& oom& +M+MB+io$s leared iformatio. ;ecalli! rele>at kowled!e from lo! term memor&. ote 'earning or memori4ation. •
; ,;0 G
,loomKs ;e>ised 5aA 5 aAoom& oom& ;ND+STANDised 5aA 5 aAoom& oom&
*8 81 0 G
A00LYel sit$atios. ) abstract ieas into #ractica' sit-ations •
,loomKs ;e>ised 5aA 5 aAoom& oom&
* *1 L 0 G
ANALY>e 7omai: ;--,-; I know *88;O8;0*5-
6-;, Choose% describe% deMe% idetif&% label% list% locate% match% memorize% ame% omit% recite% reco!ize% select% state% $derlie
Co!iti>e 7omai: ;--,-; I know 8;O74C5
Chart% model% worksheet% draw a map% pict$re% demostrate% !raphs
Co!iti>e 7omai: ;--,-; I know 05;4C50O* •
1 5;*5-G0- i!hli!hti! ;ehearsal emorizi! emoics
N4-50O +ho2 +here2 +hich Oe2 +hat2 ow2 +hat is the best oe2 +h&2 ow m$ch2 +he2 +hat does it mea2 •
Co!iti>e 7omai: ;ND+STAND I comprehend
6-;, Classif&% defed% comm$icate% demostrate% disti!$ish% eAplai% eApress eAted% !i>e eAample% ill$strate% idicate% iterrelate% iterrelate% report% iterpret% ifer% j$d!e% match% paraphrase% represet% represet% restate% rewrite% select% iterpret
Co!iti>e 7omai: ;ND+STAND I comprehend 8;O74C5
Chart% model% maki! a Mlm strip% worksheet% draw a map% pict$re% demostrate% timelie% diorama% !ame% report% report% dia!ram '?
Co!iti>e 7omai: ;ND+STAND I comprehend
05;4C50O* •
1 5;*5-G0- e& eAamples -mphasize coectios -laborate cocepts $mmarize
O7-1 •
N4-50O tate i &o$r ow words. +hich are facts2 +hat does this mea2 0s this the same as. . .2 Gi>e a eAample. elect the best deMitio. tate i oe word . . . -Aplai what is happei!.
Co!iti>e 7omai: *881 I can use it *88;O8;0*5-
6-;, *ppl&% choose% practice% sol>e% ill$strate% cod$ct% classif&% emplo&% dramatize% eAplai% !eeralize% j$d!e% or!aize% pait% prepare% prepare% prod$ce% select% show% sketch% sol>e% $se% costr$ct% i>esti!ate% restr$ct$re% restr$ct$re% maip$late 'B
Co!iti>e 7omai: *881 I can use it 8;O74C5
$r>e&% diar&% scrapbook% photo!raph% cartoo% leari! ceter% ill$stratio% costr$ctio% sc$lpt$re
Co!iti>e 7omai: *881 I can use it 05;4C50O*1 •
5;*5-G0- odeli! Co!iti>e appreticeships “idf$l" practice Q O5 j$st a “ro$tie" “ro$tie" practice 8art ad whole seR$eci! *$thetic sit$atios “Coached" practice Case st$dies im$latios *l!orithms
O7-1 •
N4-50O 8redict what wo$ld happe if Choose the best statemets that appl& J$d!e the ePects +hat wo$ld res$lt 5ell 5ell what wo$ld happe happe 5ell 5ell how% whe% where% where% wh& wh& 5ell 5ell how m$ch cha!e cha!e there wo$ld be 0detif& the res$lts of '9
Co!iti>e 7omai: **1LI can be logical *88;O8;0*5•
6-;, *al&ze% cate!orize% classif&% compare% diPeretiate% R$estio% disti!$ish% idetif&% 0fer% poit o$t% select% s$bdi>ide% s$r>e&% cotrast% cate!orize% debate% eAamie% ded$ce
Co!iti>e 7omai: **1LI can be logical 8;O74C5
Graph% s$r>e&% famil& tree% timelie% R$estioaire% commercial% commercial% dia!ram% chart% report% fact Mle
Co!iti>e 7omai: **1L0 ca be lo!ical 05;4C50O*1 •
5;*5-G0- odels of thiki! Challe!i! ass$mptios ;etrospecti>e aal&sis ;eSectio thro$!h jo$rali! jo$rali! 7ebates 7isc$ssios ad other collaborati! leari! acti>ities 7ecisio) maki! sit$atios
O7-1 •
N4-50O +hat is the f$ctio of . . .2 +hat#s fact2 Opiio2 +hat ass$mptios. . .2 +hat statemet is rele>at2 rele>at2 +hat moti>e is there2 t here2 ;elated to% eAtraeo$s to% ot applicable. +hat cocl$sios2 +hat does the a$thor belie>e2 +hat does the a$thor ass$me2 ake a distictio. 3'
Co!iti>e 7omai: -6*14*5I can judge *88;O8;0 *88;O8;0* *5•
6-;, 6 -;, *ppraise% j$d!e% criticize% defed% estimate% compare% compare% meas$re% >erif&% j$stif&% select% decide% decide% choose% recommed% assess% critiR$e% re>ise% >alidate% stadardize% ar!$e% rate% meas$re 33
Co!iti>e 7omai: -6*14*5I can judge 8;O74C5
elf e>al$atio% s$r>e&% editorial% eAperimet% pael e>al$atio% recommedatio% cocl$sio% co$rt trial% essa&% letter
Co!iti>e 7omai: -6*14*5I can judge 05;4C50O*1 •
5;*5-G0- Challe!i! ass$mptios Jo$rali! Jo$rali! 7ebates 7isc$ssios ad other collaborati! leari! leari! acti>ities 7ecisio)maki! sit$atios
O7-1 •
N4-50O +hat fallacies% cosistecies% icosistecies appear2 +hich is more importat% moral% better% lo!ical% >alid% appropriate2 e 7omai: C;-*5I can plan *88;O8;0*5•
6-;, Choose% combie% compose% costr$ct% create% c reate% desi!% maa!e% de>elop% do% impro>e% form$late% h&pothesize% i>et% make $p% ori!iate% or!aize% pla% ima!ie% prod$ce% role pla&% tell
Co!iti>e 7omai: C;-*5I can plan 8;O74C5
tor&% poem% pla&% radio show% p$ppet show% ews article% i>etio% dace% m$ral% comic strip% recipe% patomime% tra>elo!$e
Co!iti>e 7omai: C;-*5I can plan 05;4C50O*1 •
5;*5-G0- odeli! Challe!i! ass$mptios ;eSectio thro$!h jo$rali! 7ebates 7isc$ssios ad other collaborati! leari! acti>ities 7esi! 7ecisio)maki! sit$atios
O7-1 •
N4-50O ow wo$ld &o$ test2 8ropose 8ropose a alterati>e. ol>e the followi!. ow else wo$ld &o$...2 tate a r$le. 3
O+ C* +- 7-6-1O8 5*,05 O< *0G 0G-;) O;7-; N4-50O2 1. A,oi 'itera'2'e 'itera'2'e,e' ,e' -estions -estions i fa>or of those reR$iri! hi!her)order hi!her)order thiki!. 9. ;se -estion -estions s re-iring re-iring *ig*er *ig*er22 orer t*ining . .i!her)order
R$estios are importat for modeli! diPeret wa&s st$dets ca: ) oided 5eachers 5eachers sho$ld sho$ld make make s$re s$re their R$estios R$estios ca be classiMed as A00L
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