Blood Bank

June 12, 2016 | Author: Somil Khandelwal | Category: Types, School Work
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Abstract java jdbc...


2015-2016  Topic  Topic :-Blood :-Blood Bank Advance Java Project

Submitted toSubmitted B B::!"# $ S%iva&ami '%andel(al


)A1*1100+0100*1 ,S-A

Acknowledgement –

. (ould like to e/pre"" m deepe"t appreciation to all t%o"e (%o provided me t%e po""ibilit to complete t%i" project report in time# A "pecial &ratitude to(ard" our advanced java acult !"#$ S%iva&ami  (%o"e contribution in "timulatin& "u&&e"tion" and encoura&ement %elped me to coordinate m project e"peciall in (ritin& t%i" report# Al"o . (ould like to t%ank m riend" (%o %elped me in t%i" project# a"t but not t%e lea"t T%e .nternet plaed an important role in %elpin& me under"tand e( concept" related to t%e project (it%out (%ic% t%e completion o t%i" project (a" not po""ible#

Objective T%e purpo"e o t%e blood bank mana&ement ""tem i" to "impli and automate t%e proce"" o "earc%in& or blood in ca"e o emer&enc and maintain t%e record" o blood donor" recipient" blood donation pro&ram" and blood "tock" in t%e bank# .t al"o allo(" enterin& t%e detail" o t%e %o"pital (it% t%e contact per"on#

Modules.n t%i" project . u"e "ervlet"# Servlet" provide a componentba"ed platorm-independent met%od or buildin& 3eb-ba"ed application" (it%out t%e perormance limitation" o ,$. pro&ram"# Servlet" %ave acce"" to t%e entire amil o Java AP." includin& t%e J4B, AP. to acce"" enterpri"e databa"e"# or connectivit . u"ed !S (%ic% i" a databa"e u"ed to "tore data in table#

Donor Information

.t i" u"ed to enter t%e detail" o t%e 4onor (%o i" &ivin& t%e blood and i" "tored in data ba"e (%o"e "c%ema name Bloodbank and table name donorino#

Donor Blood Details

.t (ill take t%e 4onor name rom t%e previou" table donorino o  t%e "ame "c%ema# .n t%i" pre"ent date and time i" taken and "tored (it% all t%e detail" relatin& to "tatu" and 7uantit o t%e blood in anot%er table 4onor4etail"#

Present Date And TimeAl&orit%m:Calendar C=Calendar. getInstance (); String dt=C.get(Calendar. YEAR)+"/"+(C.get(Calendar.MONTH ) +1)+"/"+C.get(Calendar.DATE ); String tm=C.get(Calendar. HOUR)+":"+(C.get(Calendar.MINUTE ) +1)+":"+C.get(Calendar.SECOND );

8ere (e are u"in& calendar cla"" (%ic% i" part o util packa&e#

!os"ital Information-

.n t%e above (e are takin& t%e %o"pital inormation "uc% a" %o"pital id%o"pital name contact per"on and it9" detail" #

Blood #earc$-

8ere (e are "earc%in& t%e blood cit (i"e #

Al&orit%m:String q="select D.*,dd.* from donnerinfo D,donerdetails dd !ere D.loodgro#$=%"+g+"% and D.Cit&=%" +ct+"% "; 'es#ltSet rs=smt.eec#te#er&(q); if(t())    o#t.$rintln("!tml");   o#t.$rintln("tale order=1ca$tion!-font color=redist of Doner/font/!-/ca$tion" );   o#t.$rintln("trt!Doner ame/t!t!0at!er ame/t!t!lood 2ro#$/t!t!Date 3f irt!/t!t!2ender/t!t!Contact o /t!t!4ddress/t!t!Date/t!t!5ime/t!t!#antit&/t!t!Stat#s /t!/tr" ); do

o#t.$rintln( "trtd" +rs.getString(6)+ "/tdtd" +rs.getString(-)+"/tdt d"+rs.getString(7)+"/tdtd" +rs.getString(8)+"/tdtd"+rs.getString(9) +"/tdtd"+rs.getString()+ "/tdtd"+rs.getString(1)+ "/tdtd" tString(17)+ "/tdtd"+rs.getString(18)+ "/tdtd" +rs.getString(19)+ "/td td"+rs.getString(1)+ "/td/tr" );

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