Blas vs Santos
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Blas vs Santos...
Blas vs Santos
March 29 1961| Labrador, J. | What may NOT be objects of contracts- Future Future nhertance PETITIONER: Mara !er"aco #$as, Manue$ !er"aco #$as, Leonco !er"aco #$as %nd Loda !er"aco #$as RESPONDENT: &osa$na 'antos, n her ca(acty as '(eca$ %dmnstratr) of the *state of the deceased Ma)ma 'antos +da e #$as, n '( .roc No 2/20, ourt of Frst nstance of &3a$, defendantsa((e$$ants Marta !er"aco #$as and r 4ose h" SUMMARY: 'meon #$as marred Marta ru3 5th 5hom he has hers Marta ded n 19 'meon marred Ma)ma n 199 The (ro(ertes he and hs hs former 5fe ac7ured ac7ured durn8 the rst marra8e 5ere 5ere not $7udated n 19:6, 'meon #$as e)ecuted e)ecuted a 5$$ ds(osn8 ha$f of hs (ro(ertes n fa"or of Ma)ma the other ha$f for (ayment of debts n $eu of ths, Ma)ma e)ecuted a document, *)hbt % , that she 5$$ res(ect and obey a$$ and e"ery ds(oston of sad 5$$ and (romses that she;$$ be 8"n8 oneha$f of the (ro(ertes she;$$ be ac7urn8 to the hers and $e8atees named n the 5$$ of her husband 'meon #$as ded cent su>cent cause and consderaton DOCTRINE: When a8reement to transmt oneha$f of conju8a$ share s a contract as to future nhertance % document s8ned by the testator?s 5fe, (romsn8 that she 5ou$d res(ect and obey a$$ the ds(ostons n the $atter?s 5$$, and that she 5ou$d ho$d oneha$f of her share n the conju8a$ assets n trust for the hers and $e8atees of her husband n hs 5$$, 5th the ob$8aton of con"eyn8 the same to such of hs hers or $e8atees as she m8ht choose n her $ast 5$$ and testament, s a com(romse and at the same tme a contract 5th su>cent cause or consderaton t 5$$ be noted that 5hat s (rohbted to be the subject matter of a contract under %rtc$e 12@1 of the "$ ode s Afuture nhertanceA 7.
Simeon Bl Blas married twice. (see flowchart below) •
First marriage was with Marta Cruz. (had 3 children: only one of whom, Eulalio , had left children namely aria, arta and !a"aro. !a"aro is sur#i#ed by his 3 legitimate children). children). Simeon Blas contracted another marriage with Maxima Santos when arta $ru" died.
&hen &hen art artaa $ru" $ru"'& '&if ifee 1 1 died, died, there there was was no liquidation of the couple’s property . t also a**ears that a+ima Santos'&ife Santos'&ife % had not a**orted any *ro*erties to her marriage with Simeon. Sime Simeon on Blas Blas e+ec e+ecut uted ed a last will and testament (one wee before death) which which stated that half of their *ro*erty (with a+ima'&%) is the share of his wife.
-%. uring my second marriage with a+ima Santos de Blas, *ossessed and ac/uired wealth and *ro*erties, *ro*erties, consisting of lands, fish*onds and other inds of *ro*erties, the total assessed #alue of which reached the amount 02.4.44.-
-;5& 8!! E; B< =>ESE 0?ESE;=S: -=hat 8@8 S8;=5S E B!8S, of legal age, married to SE5; B!8S, resident of alabon, ?i"al, 0hili**ines, #oluntarily state:
=hat ha#e read and new the contents of the will signed b y my husband, SE5; B!8S, (%) and *romise on my word of honor in the *resence of my husband that will res*ect and obey all and e#ery dis*osition of said will (3) and furthermore, *romise in this document that all the *ro* erties my husband and will lea#e, the *ortion and share corres*onding to me when mae my will, will gi#e onehalf (A) to the heirs and legatees or the beneficiaries named in the will of my husband, (7) and that can select or choose any of them, to whom will gi#e de*ending u*on the res*ect, ser#ice and treatment accorded to me. ; &=;ESS &>E?E5F, signed this document this % th day of ecember, 13 at San Francisco del onte, San Cuan, ?i"al, 0hili**ines.- (E+h. -8-, **. 3 431, 8**ellantDs brief).
-1. 5nehalf of our *ro*erties, after the *ayment of my and our indebtedness, all these *ro*erties ha#ing been ac/uired during marriage (con6ugal *ro*erties), constitutes the share of my wife a+ima Santos de Blas, according to the law.-
8not 8nothe herr docu docume ment nt (Exhibit !"# was e+ecuted by a+ima'&% which states that one9half of her shares of the *ro*erties left to her by her husband, she would gi#e to the heirs and legatees or the beneficiaries (*laintiffs) (*laintiffs) named in the will of her husband.
(Sgd.) 8@8 S8;=5S E B!8S
=his case was institute instituted d by *laintif *laintiffs fs agains againstt the the administratri+ administratri+ of the estate of a+ima Santos'&%, to secure a $udicial declaration that one9half of the *ro*erties left by said a+ima Santos da. de Blas'&% and requestin% that
said properties so promised be ad$udicated to the *laintiffs. . &C held that said Exhibit '!' has not created any ri%ht in favor of plaintiffs which can ser#e as a basis of the com*laintG that neither can it be considered as a valid and enforceable contract for lac of consideration and because it deals with future inheritance. =he court also declared that E+hibit -8- is not a will because it does not comply with the requisites for the execution of a will G nor could it be considered as a donation.
8lso &C’s (H defendantIs arguments), is that the heirs of Simeon Blas and his wife arta $ru" can no longer mae any claim for the unli/uidated con6ugal *ro*erties ac/uired during said first marriage, because the same were already included in the mass of *ro*erties constituting the estate of the deceased Simeon Blas and in the ad6udications made by #irtue of his will, and that the action to reco#er the same has *rescribed.
contract under 8rticle 1%21 of the (5ld) $i#il $ode is -future inheritance.6uture inheritance is any *ro*erty or right not in
&o; E+hibit 8 is a #alid contract since the ob6ect is a future inheritanceJ (&o; the *laintiffs ha#e'can claim from A of the *ro*erties recei#ed by Santos on the basis of E+hibit 8) a* &o; a+ima com*lied with her obligationJ
+,-./01 2etition %ranted*
Cudgment a**ealed from is re#ersed =he defendant9a**ellee, administratri+ of the estate of a+ima Santos, is ordered to con#ey and deli#er one9 half of the *ro*erties ad6udicated o a+ima Santos as her share in the con6ugal *ro*erties to the heirs and the legetees of her late husband Simeon Blas $ase is remanded to =$ for ad6udication as to res*ecti#e shares and *artici*ation
transmit onehalf of her share in the con6ugal *ro*erties ac/uired with her husband, which *ro*erties are stated or declared to be con6ugal *ro*erties in the will of the husband. =he con6ugal *ro*erties were in e+istence at the time of the e+ecution of E+hibit -8- on ecember %, 13. 8s a matter of fact, a+ima Santos included these *ro*erties in her in#entory of her husbandDs estate of Cune %, 132. =he *romise does not refer to any *ro*rties that the maer would inherit u*on the death of her husband. =he document refers to e+isting *ro*erties which she will recei#e by o*eration of law on the death of her husband, because it is her share in the con6ugal assets. .t is not void under !rt )45) of the old civil code* &hat is *rohibited to be the sub6ect matter of a
e+istence or ca*able of determination at the time of the contract, that a *erson may in the future ac/uire by succession. =he *ro*erties sub6ect of the contract E+hibit -8- are well7 defined properties , e+isting at the time of the agreement, which Simeon Blas declares in his testament as belonging to his wife as her share in the con6ugal *artnershi*.
/o* Maxima did not comply with her obli%ation to deliver 8 of her shares*
E#ident from a consideration of the abo#e figures and facts that a+ima Santos did not com*ly with her obligation to de#ise onehalf of her con6ugal *ro*erties to the heirs and legatees of her husband. She does not state that she had com*lied with such obligation in her will. a+ima de#ised to arta Ker#acio Blas 4ha •
RATIO: 3es* Exhibit ! is a compromise (to avoid liti%ation# and at the same time a contract with a sufficient cause or consideration* .t is not a contract on future inheritance*
• •
=he E+hibit -8- a**ears to be the com*romise defined in 8rticle 14 of the $i#il $ode of S*ain, in force at the time of the e+ecution of E+hibit -8-. ts *re*aration and e+ecution was ordered by Simeon Blas e#idently to *re#ent his heirs by his first marriage from contesting his will and demanding li/uidation of the con6ugal *ro*erties ac/uired during his first marriage, and an accounting of the fruits and *roceeds thereof from the time of the death of his first wife. t is not a contract on future inheritance since the document refers to existin% properties which she will recei#e by o*eration of law on the death of her husband, because it is her share in the con6ugal assets. t is an obligation or *romise made by the maer to
fish*ond, out of total 147.23. t also had am e+sting obligation to the ?ehabilitation Fiance $or*oration 8ngelina Bals gi#en only 14 s/.m. lot !eony Blas gi#en the sum of 0344.44
Spanish Civil Code, Ari!le "#$%& om(romse s a contract by 5hch each of the (artes n nterest, by 8"n8, (romsn8, or retann8 somethn8 a"ods the (ro"ocaton of a sut or termnates one 5hch has a$ready been nsttuted
Ne' CC, Ari!le "()*& %$$ thn8s 5hch are not outsde the commerce of men, nc$udn8 future thn8s, may be the object of a contract %$$ r8hts 5hch are not ntransmssb$e may a$so be the object of contracts
u(on $earnn8 Oher iss+es& C1 of such fa$ure on the (art of Ma)ma 'antos Deendans a$$e8ed= .roject of (artton, to com($y adjudcatn8 to Ma)ma 'antos oneha$f as her 5th sad (romse share n the conju8a$ (ro(ertes, s a bar to 4#L &eyes oncurrn8 Most$y about 'uccesson another acton on the same subject matter, octrne set by the ' of '(an s but one of a seres of Ma)ma 'antos ha"n8 become abso$ute o5ner decsons rea>rmn8 the $e8a$ (ro(oston theren $ad of the sad (ro(ertes adjudcated n her fa"or do5n t can thus be seen that the constant Fa$ure of the ($antDs to o((ose the (roject of authortat"e nter(retaton of the (rohbton a8anst (artton n the sett$ement of the estate of a8reements n"o$"n8 future nhertance re7ures not on$y that a future successon be contem($ated but a$so 'meon #$as, es(eca$$y that (orton of the that the subject matter of the bar8an shou$d be ether (roject 5hch ass8ned to Ma)ma 'antos onethe un"ersa$ty or com($e) or mass of (ro(erty ha$f of a$$ the conju8a$ (ro(ertes, bars (resent o5ned by the 8rantor at the tme of hs death, or acton, e$se an a$7uot (orton thereof SC he$d= e"od of mert These contentons ))) 5ou$d be correct f a(($ed to the c$am of the 'nce the a8reement n the nstant case dd not ($antDsa((e$$ants that sad (ro(ertes 5ere refer to the future estate of the 5do5 of #$as, but on$y to ac7ured 5th the rst 5fe, Marta ru3 - #ut the man 8round u(on 5hch ($antDs (art of her (resent (ro(erty at the tme the contract 5as base ther (resent acton s the document madeE *)hbt A%A snce the (romse to retransfer oneha$f of her - contans the e)(ress (romse made by conju8a$ Ma)ma 'antos to con"ey n her testament, share 5as su((orted by ade7uate consderaton as u(on her death, oneha$f of the conju8a$ sho5n (ro(ertes she 5ou$d rece"e as her share n n the man decsonE snce the contract ob"ated the conju8a$ (ro(ertes, the acton to enforce (rotracted the sad (romse dd not arse unt$ and after $t8aton and com($cated accountn8 n sett$n8 the conju8a$ (artnersh(? of #$as and hs rst deceasedG her death 5hen t 5as found that she dd 5feE not com($y 5th her abo"ementoned and snce the testament that the 5do5 (romsed to (romse maHe 5as mere$y,the mode chosen to (erform the contract - ($antDs dd not 7ueston the "a$dty of the and (roject of (artton (recse$y because of the carry out the (romsed de"o$uton of the (ro(erty, (romse made by Ma)ma 'antos n the ben8 com(romse *)hbt A%AE they ac7uesced n thus of secondary m(ortance, can see no reason the a((ro"a$ of sad (roject of (artton for because they 5ere re$yn8 on the (romse made dec$arn8 the entre arran8ement "o$at"e of the $e8a$ by Ma)ma 'antos n *)hbt A%A, that she nterdcton of contracts o"er future nhertance, and 5ou$d transmt oneha$f of the conju8a$ (ro(ertes that she 5as 8on8 to Marred 1696 rece"e as her share n the conju8a$ 'meon #$as (artnersh(, u(on her death and n B her 5$$, to the hers and $e8atees of Marta ru3 -ed n 1696 her husband 'meon #$as, C2 efedentants= .rescr(ton *u$a$o h$d 2 h$d '= Nether can the c$am of (rescr(ton be consdered n fa"or of the defendants The r8ht of La3aro !er"aco Marta Mara #$as acton arose at the !er"aco !er"aco #$as #$as -ed n 19/2 tme of the death of Ma)ma 'antos on October /, 19/6, Manue$ Leonco Loda 5hen she fa$ed to com($y 5th the !er"aco !er"aco !er"aco (romse made by her n *)hbt A%A The #$as #$as #$as ($antDsa((e$$ants mmedate$y dsa((ont the $e8tmate e)(ectaton he$d by the (resented ths acton on ecember 2@, 19/6, hers of
the rst 5fe durn8 a$$ these years #arrera oncurrn8 *)hbt % refers s(ecca$$y to and aDects so$e$y the share of the 8rantorMa)ma 'antos n the conju8a$ (ro(ertes as determned and s(eced n the 5$$ of her husband 'meon #$as, 5hose (ro"sons, 5hch she e)(ress$y acHno5$ed8ed to ha"e read and understood, consttute the rason d?etre of her (romse to de$"er or con"ey, by 5$$, oneha$f of that s(ecc share to the hers and $e8atees named n her husband?s 5$$ No5here n the document *)hbt A%A s there reference to her heredtary estate that she herse$f 5ou$d $ea"e behnd at the tme of her o5n demse 5hch $e8a$$y 5ou$d be her Afuture nhertanceA For ths reason, be$e"e the contractua$ ob$8aton assumed by Ma)ma 'antos n "rtue of *)hbt A%A does not come 5thn the (rohbton of %rtc$e 12@1 of the '(ansh "$ ode, no5 %rtc$e
1:0@ of the "$ ode of the .h$((nes #auststa %n8e$o 4, ssentn8 Wh$e a8ree 5th the theory that the *)hbt A%A does not n"o$"e a contract on future nhertance but a (romse made by Ma)ma 'antos to transmt oneha$f of her share am ho5e"er of the o(non that heren a((e$$antsha"e no cause of acton because Ma)ma 'antos has substanta$$y com($ed 5th her (romse
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