Blammo Pattern Patterns Poems and Stories Like Bishops Journal

December 24, 2016 | Author: gregorise1359 | Category: N/A
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Patterns, Poems, and Stories


PATTERNS...................................................................................................................................................................1 ADVENTURER VS EXPLORER PATTERN...............................................................................................................................1 AMAZING WOMEN PATTERN.............................................................................................................................................2 ATTRACTION VS. LOVE PATTERN.......................................................................................................................................3 BISHOP’S THREE RULE PATTERN.......................................................................................................................................5 BJ PATTERN # 1.......................................................................................................................................................6 BJ PATTERN # 2.......................................................................................................................................................7 BJ PATTERN # 3.......................................................................................................................................................8 BJ PATTERN #4 : THE ICE CREAM PATTERN....................................................................................................9 ROSS'S ABSOLUTE FAVORITE PATTERN: THE BLAMMO...........................................................................10 THE BOYFRIEND DESTROYER: PART 1...........................................................................................................14 THE BOYFRIEND DESTROYER: PART 2...........................................................................................................15 BOYFRIEND DESTROYER : "RELATIONSHIPS ARE LIKE TELEVISION"...................................................16 THE CALLBACK PATTERN.................................................................................................................................17 CATERPILLAR AND MOTH: .............................................................................................................................................18 THE "CENTER OF ENERGY" PATTERN...............................................................................................................................20 CELTIC SOUL GAZING PATTERN .....................................................................................................................................22 COLOR OF PLEASURE PATTERN.................................................................................................................................23 COMPANIONSHIP VS ROMANCE PATTERN..........................................................................................................................24 THE COOKIE CLOSE.............................................................................................................................................25 DANCER PATTERN...............................................................................................................................................26 "DEEP FASCINATION" PATTERN.......................................................................................................................................27 THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL / THE IDEAL ATTRACTION PATTERN.........................................................28 THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL / THE IDEAL ATTRACTION PATTERN ........................................................29 PERFECT MAN PATTERN.................................................................................................................................................31 THE POWER OF "HAVE YOU EVER": FASCINATION PATTERN..................................................................33 "THE EROS STONE NECKLACE" PATTERN...........................................................................................................34 ICE TEA PATTERN................................................................................................................................................36 INDULGENCE VS SURRENDER PATTERN.............................................................................................................................37 INSTANTANEOUS/TIMELESS CONNECTION PATTERN VARIATION #1...................................................38 INSTANTANEOUS/TIMELESS CONNECTION PATTERN VARIATION #2...................................................39 INSTANTANEOUS/TIMELESS CONNECTION PATTERN VARIATION #3...................................................40 LOCKET PATTERN..........................................................................................................................................................41 LOVER'S RING PATTERN.................................................................................................................................................43 THE MOVIE PATTERN..........................................................................................................................................44 "NEW TECHNOLOGIES" PATTERN.....................................................................................................................................46 PEAK EXPERIENCES PATTERN............................................................................................................................................47 REMOTE CONTROL ZIP ANCHOR.....................................................................................................................48 SECRETS PATTERN.........................................................................................................................................................50 THE "SEDUCTION LAND" PATTERN..................................................................................................................................51 SMILE PATTERN............................................................................................................................................................52 SOUL JEWELRY PATTERN................................................................................................................................................53 SUBMISSION VS. SURRENDER PATTERN .............................................................................................................................55 THE SUMMER NIGHT PATTERN........................................................................................................................58 TIME DISTORTION................................................................................................................................................59 TITANIC PATTERN................................................................................................................................................60 SPECIAL PATTERNS...............................................................................................................................................61 DARK SUN PATTERN .....................................................................................................................................................61

GEMINI PATTERN (99 LA VIDEO)...................................................................................................................................69 BISHOP’S WARMTH BUILDER........................................................................................................................................72 BISHOP’S ROSE (LIVE EXAMPLE)....................................................................................................................................74 HUNA PRAYER......................................................................................................................................................75 STORIES / POETRY..................................................................................................................................................77 A WARM FUZZY (BISHOP’S VERSION)......................................................................................................................77 A WARM FUZZY (ROSS’S VERSION)..................................................................................................................................80 ANGEL LOVER I............................................................................................................................................................81 ANGEL LOVER II..........................................................................................................................................................82 BLUEBERRIES................................................................................................................................................................83 THE DIAMOND DRAGON.................................................................................................................................................84 FASCINATION: BY ROSS JEFFRIES...................................................................................................................86 HER JOURNEY...............................................................................................................................................................88 THE JOURNEY...............................................................................................................................................................91 THE KEY.....................................................................................................................................................................93 KISS..........................................................................................................................................................................95 THE LOVER'S DANCE 1........................................................................................................................................96 THE LOVER'S DANCE 2: TO THE GARDEN ONCE MORE..............................................................................97 THE MERMAID AND THE BLOWFISH..................................................................................................................................99 PONDERING THE INNERMOST THOUGHTS OF A BUTTERFLY................................................................................................100 THE RAIN OF DESIRE...................................................................................................................................................102 RED SATIN.................................................................................................................................................................103 "REMEMBER WHEN"....................................................................................................................................................104 THE RUBY BUTTERFLY................................................................................................................................................105 THE SAPPHIRE FLOWER................................................................................................................................................107 STAR OF BISHOP.........................................................................................................................................................108 THE SWEETEST SOUND.....................................................................................................................................110 "THE TEAR"...............................................................................................................................................................111 THE WHISPER OF ANTICIPATION....................................................................................................................................112 WORDS ON A PAGE....................................................................................................................................................113 YOU CAN MAKE IT BE.......................................................................................................................................114 LINES AND THOUGHTS.......................................................................................................................................115 MAJOR MARK ON FANTASIES – ....................................................................................................................................115 ORION ON CLOSES -.....................................................................................................................................................115 ROSS ON BIG CATS – (WIP) – .....................................................................................................................................115 ORION (ET. AL.) ON WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN – ...............................................................................................................115 ORION (ET. AL.) ON GETTING PHONE NUMBERS – .............................................................................................................115 ROSS & ORION ON BOYFRIENDS –.................................................................................................................................115 ORION ON SURPRISE KISSES –........................................................................................................................................116 ORION ON MASSAGES – ...............................................................................................................................................116 ORION ON JAPANESE AND NECKS – ................................................................................................................................116 MAJOR MARK ON MARRIED WOMEN – ...........................................................................................................................116 ROSS ON “NOT MY TYPE” –........................................................................................................................................116 BISHOP ON MEETING NEW WOMEN -............................................................................................................................117 BISHOP ON WOMEN WHO QUESTION IF THEY WANT TO MEET YOU -.....................................................................................117 MAJOR MARK ON MONOGAMOUS RELATIONSHIPS............................................................................................................117 BISHOP ON ANCHORS -................................................................................................................................................117 THEMES....................................................................................................................................................................119 SECRET CORE THEME..................................................................................................................................................119

PATTERNS ADVENTURER VS EXPLORER PATTERN You: Which do you think best describes you, being and adventurer, or an explorer? (No matter which one they say, even if they say neither or "I don't know" continue with ... ) See most people think the two are pretty much the same, but that's just not true. An adventurer is able to ... LOOK AT THIS OPPOURTUNITY (self point) and immediately. FEEL A RUSH OF EXCITEMENT. And as that excitement grows stronger and stronger there is this internal voice that says, "EXPERIENCE THIS ... MAKE IT YOURS RIGHT (snap fingers) NOW!" And the adventurer goes out there and is able -to ... JUST DO IT. An explorer on the other hand, starts to ... GET VERY CURIOUS ... about things (point to your crotch) they have not seen yet. They start to ... FEEL A WARMTH OF DESIRE ... to see what this is all about. So as they ... CONTINUE TO STAY CURIOUS ... and ... THAT WARMTH GROWS ... they have only one thought, which is, "EXPLORE THIS (self point) COMPLETELY." So you see, an adventurer sees an opportunity in front of them and they go for it, while an explorer gets curious about what they have not yet experienced and decides to ... SEE WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT. So as you think about it like that, can you ... FEEL THAT (tap wrist) TO APPLY TO YOU?


AMAZING WOMEN PATTERN You: I was watching the most interesting program on cable the other night. They were doing a week long profile on amazing women in History who were highly influential, and the powerful decisions they made. And this particular night, they profiled Cleopatra, and Joan of Arc. They said of Cleopatra, that when she was able to ... SEE AN OPPOURTUNITY HERE ... she made the decision to say to herself, "MAKE THIS YOURS " (self point) She had the ability to ... FOCUS ON THIS (self point) and ... DELETE ALL OTHER DISTRACTIONS ... and was able to succeed, where other women were unable to. All of the women at that time had the same options and abilities, but Cleopatra's famous for it because she was ambitious enough to set her sights on powerful men (gesture toward self) and always believed that ... THIS REWARD IS DESERVED (self point). And then there's Joan of Arc, who at age 13 said that inside her head she could ... HEAR THIS VOICE, and as time went on and she began to ... FOCUS ON THIS VOICE ... and began to ... SEE IMAGES of what was being described. With her able to ... HEAR THIS VOICE, and ... SEE POWERFUL IMAGES, the people of France in 1429 saw her as having a celestial connection with God, and so she was chosen to lead France's battle into England. She made a powerful decision, the decision to BELIEVE THIS VOICE and ACCEPT THESE IMAGES. TODAY, as you know. that decision is called listening to your woman's intuition. But look at the whole picture. You have a woman who set her sites on a man, then decided to ... DO WHATEVER IT TAKES ... to ... MAKE IT HAPPEN. And you have a woman who heard and saw amazing things within her mind. Two amazing people (motion back and forth between you and she) doing amazing things. So if a woman was good enough to have those options then, why can't you ... HAVE THIS OPTION (self point) TODAY? The answer is, you can. If you can. JUST STOP ... and ... FOCUS ON YOUR DESIRES ... you will realize you have powerful, alternative, options. And from these options, you can make a powerful decision, a decision that will not only cause you to ... FEEL THIS IS RIGHT ... but will also add more fulfillment to your life, because you know that you were able to ... MAKE IT HAPPEN. Take a moment to ... LISTEN TO THIS VOICE inside your mind. That's your woman's intuition. So no matter what anyone else says to you, when this voice tells you to ... ACT ON YOUR DESIRE S ... you know that you're going to (snap fingers) JUST DO IT. Now, with me, as I see it, this gives you more fulfillment in your life.


ATTRACTION VS. LOVE PATTERN You: Have you ever thought about the difference about between attraction and being in love? Her:

What do you mean?

You: Well, actually I think they take place in different settings. I mean attraction is what you experience when you're in the presence of that person, (point to yourself) and you're looking at them, and you maybe you think to yourself ... (pause) mmmm. And maybe you start to have certain ... (pause) thoughts, images and you know what that feels like, right? Her:


You: But falling in love, well I think you do that when you're not even in that person's presence. I mean, can you remember a time when you just totally fell for someone? Her:


You: And as you sit there looking at me, thinking about what I'm saying, you can remember what it felt like, right? Her:


You: Yeah, but here's how it happened. You spent some time with that person (gesture to yourself) and then you went home, and you PICTURE THAT PERSON IN YOUR MIND (as you do this, draw a frame around your own face! Ha! This sticks you in there!) right? Her:


You: And then, maybe you IMAGINE YOURSELF in all sorts of situations with this person (point to yourself again) having lots of fun, and enjoying the kind of feelings and things you'd like to enjoy with them? Can you REMEMBER HOW THAT FEELS? Her:


You: And then maybe you start to LIST ALL THE QUALITIES about him you really like: He's so smart, he's so funny, he's so fun to be with, whatever they were, whatever the things are you really WANT AND ENJOY THAT in someone (point to yourself again) , right? Her:


You: And then you get that feeling, right in the pit of your stomach, right in your solar plexus, that just starts to spread out and let you know you really, REALLY LOVE THIS PERSON? (point to self again) I mean, can you feel that as I describe it to you? Her:

Oh yeah.

You: And then, here's the kicker ... you START SAYING HIS NAME OUT LOUD. You start BRINGING IT UP IN CONVERSATIONS WITH YOUR FRIENDS, and maybe even you DANCE AROUND THE HOUSE, SINGING IT if you're 3

a real goof? Right? Her:


You: See, I think everything, including falling in love is a process. And when you DO THAT PROCESS WITH SOMEONE, (point to yourself) and really LET IT HAPPEN, that's when the magic takes over, the magic we're really all looking for. Of course sometimes that can take months, but the real magic is when it happens INSTANTLY and you know it right away. That's an incredible feeling, isn't it?


BISHOP’S THREE RULE PATTERN You: "Before I have sex with a woman, there are three rules that I have. The first rule is, that no matter how well you think you're protected, I'm going to wear a condom. It's a sign of respect and just how I do things. And the second rule I have, is that making love with me is exactly what you want, for your own reasons, not mine. If you can say to yourself, 'I want us to make love. No question, this is what I want.' then I have respect for that, and want to know that this is how you feel. Because if there's uncertainty, it's best to not let it happen. And the third rule is, we have to have the understanding that we will give ourselves over completely to our passions and give each other the best that we have to offer. Because I'm not interested in just the act of making love, I'm determined to make it a night of shared passion so absolutely unlike anything you've ever felt before, that just the thought of what we have done brings a warmth to your heart and makes your soul purr. A night so perfect, that months from now, after already having shared that intimate, unforgettable night with me, you still feel as energized as when we first made love. And allowing yourself to look back on today, and realizing that this was when it all began. And that feeling will come from right … in … here. (Then I fired off the anchor I had set there during the "Secrets" pattern)


BJ PATTERN # 1 Basically, this is it's 3-step structure. Ask her about anything she really loves to eat 1. Describe the sensation of eating that food and amplify with gustatory gusto 2. Link it to your dick using a "dick point". 3. Let's put flesh into it ? Sure. Me

Hey Alicia. What do you love to eat ? Something that really makes you salivate just by thinking of it ?

Alicia Oh ... I love fresh ripe mangoes from Hawaii ... oh yes ... Me

Ripe Mangoes huh ? Mmmm ... that's yummy. I don't know if you can IMAGINE ... SUCKING into one sweet, delicious, juicy mango NOW ... mmm ... can you taste the sweetness of the mango ... swishing INSIDE YOUR MOUTH ... mmm ... soo tasty ... doesn't that give you lots of pleasure and ha-PENIS just thinking about that? Mmm ... I bet, if there were a mango here NOW, you'd WANT IT IN YOUR MOUTH (point to dickee !) .



Hey XXXX, What do you love to eat? Something that really makes you salivate just by thinking of it?

XXXX Oh, I just love fresh strawberries from Ohio. Me

Fresh Strawberries, huh? … Mmmmm … that's so tasty! I don't know if you can IMAGINE….SUCKING into one SWEET JUICY strawberry NOW … mmmm can you taste the sweetness of the strawberry … swishing INSIDE YOUR MOUTH …. Mmm … soo yummy ….doesn't that give you lot's of pleasure and ha-PENIS just thinking about that? MMmmm … I bet if there were a big plump juicy strawberry here NOW, you'd WANT IT IN YOUR MOUTH (self point)



I mean you ever come home from a hard day a work and the boss was a jerk and kept piling the papers up on you desk and its like all you can think about it is dropping your clothes and getting into that steamy hot bath or shower. That's like before you even step in you can already feel that heat working its way through every muscle in your body and all your frustrations just drop away and all you can feel is the pleasure of that warmth just shooting thought every part of you. And then there's that moment of sliding in where you really let that pleasure take you and it just feels great doesn't it? Yeah well do you like chocolate? (Is there a food where when you see it you absolutely have to put it in your mouth.) I mean, can you stop and remember a time when you, it's like you see that piece of chocolate and your mouth is already tasting it before you even put it in you can already taste that sweetness against your tongue and you can feel the special rich texture of it against your tongue as well. You know that texture that really good chocolate has. And then there's that moment, that moment when the first molecule of chocolate touches your tongue and you know it's inside your mouth and you just want to keep it there because it's so rich and so good. And there's that extra special warmth when you swallow that sweetness down. Or then maybe, you know like sometimes you meet someone and you're really attracted to them and you both know it and there's that moment when your eyes lock, it's that special look just before you kiss before the very first time and you're trembling with anticipation and your heart is pounding because you're thinking about how good it's going to be. It's like every physical moment of that relationship is enfolded/contained or rolled into that first touch of the lips and there's that excitement, with that first soft contact of the lips where you don't even know if you are touching or not but then, oh man, it's like a jolt of electricity all through you. See I think what happens is the conscious mind goes down into the unconscious and brings back up all these thoughts, images, desires and fantasies, and you may think those thoughts are above me, but really I think they're blow me _____ because you're coming from a much deeper part and your mine Aren't you?


BJ PATTERN #4 : THE ICE CREAM PATTERN I started telling her about my **special way** to eat ice cream. You: First I like to admire the ice cream. You know just look and admire the body of the cone ... the way the balls of ice cream sit in the cone. Then after looking at it for a minute or two I take that first tentative lick ... and I roll the cream around in my mouth, really savoring the texture the smooth consistency. I like how the flavor changes as it heats up in the mouth ... and no matter what you do you can't stop, from getting it all over the fingers that are trying to keep the cream from running all over the place. It's a real curious and wonderful sensation that happens at the point where you stick your tongue into the cone. Imagine a cool heat that spreads; all over; from your mouth. It's so sweet and because you have gotten the cone all; moist and wet. You have to eat it gingerly. All saturated with the taste of your favorite ice cream which of course is no longer ice as it has melted and gotten extremely warm. It's so good. I would think that ice cream is natures ultimate feel good food. You can see yourself eating it all summer ... I know I could. Nothing is as satisfying once you have experienced it. Don't you think?


ROSS'S ABSOLUTE FAVORITE PATTERN: THE BLAMMO Note: This pattern can be done at any time ... either on a date or at first meeting. The basic steps to the pattern are as follows: Step 1: Use fluff talk and humor to make her feel comfortable, listen to her babble for a little bit. Step 2:

Use the Instantaneous Connection Patterns from Chapter 10 to get her to feel both an incredible connection and distort her time sense so it seems like she's been deeply connected to you for months. This is an H-Bomb combination! (The HBomb uses fusion which can only be ignited from the heat generated by atomic fission. That's why they have to use an A-Bomb to set off an H-Bomb. Isn't science wonderful?)

Step 3:

Set her up for anchoring an intense pleasure state by first getting her to notice how everything happens with a pattern or structure.

Step 4:

Elicit and anchor intense pleasure

Step 5:

Fire off that anchor

Step 6:

Find out her sub modality location for picturing falling in love.

Step 7:

Accelerate her pleasure state by describing the warmth of your voice coming from that place and spreading all through her body.

Step 8:

Super-accelerate her pleasure state by intensifying your description of that state and using quotes.

Step 9: Pounce or step back and let her pounce!!! Got that? So here it is, picking up with step 3: You: See? Everything has a structure to it. For example, think about someone you really like for a second? Ok? Got that? Now, point to where you seem to see that picture. (Let her point) You: Right there? Ok. Now think of someone who you really don't like at all. Ok? Point to where you see that. (Let her point ... and by the way if she's one of those people who doesn't dislike anyone, then have her think of someone she could take or leave ... who she's neutral about!) You: Now watch ... take that picture of the person you don't like ... and try as hard as you can to move it over into the place where you see the picture of the person you do like. (She'll discover that she can't do it) You: See that? It doesn't want to go does it? Because you need a way to sort out who you really like (point to yourself ... why miss an opportunity) from who you don't. Isn't that need? Her:

Yeah! Cool! Wow! (Or any other similar stupid female expostulation!)

You: Now see, there's another difference in the way you make pictures in your head. For


example, you ever been on a roller coaster? Her:


You: Ok, watch. I want you to remember a time you were on a roller coaster, and I want you to see yourself sitting in the roller coaster car, riding up and down on the roller coaster. Just do that for a few seconds. (Let her do this for a bit) You: Ok ... now we're gonna do it again, but this time, instead of seeing yourself, see what you'd actually see through your own eyes if you were there, going on that roller coaster ride. (Let her do that) You: Now, of those two, which one felt more real, actually gave you the feelings of being there? Her:

The second one!!

You: Of course ... because you can see yourself in a memory, or see what you actually saw. When you see what you actually saw it really helps you to get the feelings of how it actually felt! Her:

Wow! This is fascinating!!!

You: Isn't it? Now look ... here's the next piece of this and it's called anchoring. So, here, try this ... close your eyes ... you remember a time when you were feeling exquisite pleasure in your body??? Her:

mmmm ... yes.

You: Ok. I want you to see what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel how it felt. And when those feelings of exquisite pleasure really reach their peak, just wiggle your little finger for me. (Watch to see she's really in state ... her face will change, breathing quicken, etc. when she wiggles that finger, reach over, touch her wrist and say, :) You: Purrrfect. And just hang on for a minute to how good it feels to FEEL PERFECT. (Keep holding her wrist as she's experiencing this!) You: Ok. Open eyes. Close em again. And go through it again ... see what you saw, hear what you heard, feel how it felt. And when those feelings reach their peak, wiggle that finger. (Repeat the anchor process) You: Ok, one more time (run her through it one more time) You: Ok. Open your eyes. Now, the theory behind anchoring is, that if someone is in a certain state, and you combine that state with a touch or sound, when you repeat that touch they'll go back into that state. So if I were to say to you, you know, I find that when I spend time with someone, and I really start to FEEL THAT SENSE OF INCREDIBLE CONNECTION, maybe then you can just FEEL PERFECT (fire off the anchor by touching her wrist) And that feels great, doesn't it? Her:

Oh, yeah! 11

You: Isn't this interesting? Isn't the mind really cool? Now notice something else: you ever just fall head over heals in love with someone (point to yourself ... never miss that opportunity!) Her: You:

Oh yeah! Well, as you're remembering that time, point to where you see that picture!

(let her point it out) You: Ok ... and you're really feeling perfect right now, aren't you? (fire off that anchor again!) Her:

Oh yeah!

You: So watch ... (point to where she falls in love) As you THINK ABOUT THAT SPACE AS I TALK TO YOU ... as you ALLOW MY VOICE TO COME FROM THAT SPACE ... you might find it's like you want to CREATE AN OPENING FOR MY VOICE ... and opening that allows the deep, rich warmth of my voice to just penetrate your thoughts, and SPREAD THAT WARMTH ALL THROUGH YOUR BODY ... that sure feels great, doesn't it? Her:

God, yes!!

(At this point you have two options for preceding. Either will work) Option #1: Quotes You: In fact, as THE WARMTH OF THAT VOICE JUST TURNS TO A FIRE, SPREADING through your chest and down through your body ... as YOUR HEART BEATS FASTER and your BREATHING INCREASES, and you really FEEL THAT TOTAL PERFECTION (fire anchor again) ... I just want to tell you I'm having a great time with you tonight. It sure is better that being with all those jerks out there. Cause I know some guys can be so crude. It's like the other night, I was in a bar ... and this guy walks right up to a girl and he says: "Can you IMAGINE HOW GREAT IT WOULD FEEL if I were going down on you, exactly the way you like it, all night long, and you were SO HOT AND SO WET YOU WERE BEGGING TO HAVE ME INSIDE YOU?" I can't believe how crude some guys can be!!! Option # 2: Describing Another Person's Experience You: My friend Kim was telling me that her roommate has this best friend, Dawn. And when Dawn starts to notice that growing attraction, it happens in a certain way. Like first, as she looks at the guy, and starts to REALLY PAY ATTENTION, she just becomes aware of certain things ... like the rhythm of her breathing, and the beating of her heart, and the out line of his face ... so as she becomes aware of all these things, one particular feature of his face just starts to rivet her attention, so she becomes totally absorbed in the connection taking place ... and as that's all happening, it's like the warmth of his voice, the deep rich warmth of it, just starts to penetrate her consciousness, and spread all through her body, and as her heart


beats faster and her breathing increases, that warmth just heats up into a fire, a fire spreading through her chest and down through her belly, a fire pounding and pulsating all through her, down to where she really longs to have it go, until that desire for him just BECOMES UTTERLY OVERWHELMING, and she just SURRENDERS to it completely.



You have a boyfriend? Well, I have to admit I'm disappointed, I have to respect that you're in a relationship. But let me ask you a question. How surprised would you be to FIND YOURSELF ACTUALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO SPENDING A LITTLE TIME WITH ME? I mean maybe to the point where you could IMAGINE US OVER COFFEE, LAUGHING AND HAVING THE BEST TIME, and you starting to FEEL REALLY COMFORTABLE WITH IT? As you THINK ABOUT IT LIKE THAT, doesn't seem natural to meet like Monday or Tuesday for coffee?



I'm sorry ... I can't keep seeing you. I should have told you before, but I have a boyfriend. (or, as you are making out like crazy)


We really shouldn't be doing this. I have a boyfriend

You: But I'll tell you what really fascinates me. It's like, what's this guy's name you're going out with? Her:


You: Right, so you're going out with this guy, Bill (Point to your right palm) OK. And you think he's real cool, and you're enjoying it and all that ... and then let's say for whatever reason you break up. You ever BREAK UP WITH SOMEONE (point to palm) and you go through that period of mulling it over, and maybe you NOTICE THE PATTERNS IN HIM THAT RUINED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP ... or maybe you start to LOOK AT HIM IN A WAY THAT REALLY MAKES HIM A LOT LESS ATTRACTIVE IN YOUR MIND? However you would JUST DO THAT! I mean it's so weird how the mind does all this stuff, but what I'm curious about is, what would it be like for a person if that entire process that usually takes months, what would it be like if that entire process were to TAKE PLACE INSTANTANEOUSLY (snap your fingers in her face) in someone's mind? It'd be like (wave your hand in her face) YOU COULDN'T SEE HIS PICTURE ANY MORE IN YOUR MIND. Every time you tried it'd be like something was just wiping it right out. And that's how you'd know that you'd already started to FORGET ALL ABOUT HIM, TO MAKE HIM LESS IMPORTANT. Or you know, like, is there someone you used to date, but now there way out of your mind ... you haven't even thought about them in a long time? Yeah? Well notice as you take your finger and point, where do you see there picture? Right over there? Isn't that interesting? So if you were to, FORGET ABOUT THIS GUY (hold up your palm, push it to where she pointed) , it'd be like he gets stuck in the same place. And of course you might think to yourself, "but I want to put him back". You might think you might think that ... until you REALLY NOTICE that from over there, from this perspective, you really can SEE ALL THE THINGS in him and about him you don't like ... something that over time, would really cause you to dump him. And when that happens it's a little sad, but it's also a nice thing, because it allows you to CREATE AN OPENING FOR SOMEONE NEW. (point to yourself) I know that's how it can GO DOWN WITH ME (point to your dickee!)


BOYFRIEND DESTROYER : "RELATIONSHIPS ARE LIKE TELEVISION" You: "Have you ever noticed that relationships are a lot like watching television?" Her:

"Hmm, how do you mean?"

You: "Well, lets say you have a boyfriend (motion to your left) and like a good TV program, there's something there that caught your eye, so you decided to see what this was about. But, then, for whatever reason, you start to feel something missing from this (motion left again) and it just isn't as exciting as it used to be. So you decided to see what else is out there (motion right) , you change the channel so to speak. And there might be some people who capture your attention for a short time, so you date them, or in this comparison, you channel surf. So here you are changing the channel, and periodically stopping on a channel to see what it's about, then changing to another channel. But then, out of the blue, you see something in this screen (make a square TV screen with your face in the center of it) that really captures your attention. And the more you look at this, the more you realize that this (point to self) is what you were looking for, this (point to self) is what you want to enjoy. And you become so interested, that you actually start planning your week around enjoying this. So, can you feel that to be a lot like relationships?


THE CALLBACK PATTERN So here's how it works. First thing is to give her a call when you can best calculate she will NOT be home. That's right ... NOT be home. This is an important part of the set up; to leave an "average Joe" kinda message that will NOT get a response. When you get her machine, leave a message like, "Hey ... this is Bob ... I met you at the Starbucks. Call me back at 555-5512." The sad thing, of course, is how this message, straightforward as it is, almost NEVER gets a response. It almost always will get ignored ... which is what you want! The killer piece comes about a week later when you leave your NEXT message. This will almost always work; it's worked 90% of the time for me, and of those times, about 80% of the women called back within 24hrs, some as soon as within the hour! Here's the message you leave, the second time: "Hey Debbie ... this is Bob ... I thought I'd give it one last shot at getting a chance to talk. I've learned one lesson, living in (insert your city or part of the country ... since I live in L.A., I say L.A!) L.A. my whole life, and that's that beauty is common ... but people with a great attitude ... a great energy ... a great outlook on life are rare ... and they're worth working to get to know. And I think that's an understanding that goes BOTH ways. So if you can find your own reasons to call me, my number is 555-5512."


CATERPILLAR AND MOTH: (Rev 3: June 1999) © Dan Scorpio The point of the story is to cause the woman to associate herself as the butterfly and yourself as the moth. The story has a complete ending but it never reveals the words. The magic would be lost if it did. There are so many different NLP word tricks in this story that it would take a much longer email to analyze it all. You: I'm going to tell you a short story about a caterpillar and a moth. The story is so short, it only takes a minute to tell, so no interruptions are allowed. Just settle back and let it flow. Caterpillar loved to play 'pretend'. She had a very vivid imagination and could pretend she was anything at all, anywhere at all, any time at all. When she let her deeper feelings well up, she could hear beautiful sounds, feel wonderful sensations, scent sweet, sweet perfumes and taste and see magical things. She could make time go faster, or slow down at will, or make any image shrink, or grow larger at her slightest command. When she made things larger, she could examine them in tremendous detail and could always observe vivid colors, intense sounds and feelings; things from the past she could remember with perfect clarity, as if they existed in the very here and now. One day, she went out blarging, eager, attentive and filled with joy, in a huge, leafy, green, spherical object of delight, and met a moth with glittering golden wings and gorgeous eyes. 'Hello,' said the moth in his sweet, deep, breathy voice, 'Why are cabbages round and green? Passion; Life is my name, and I know your S he See or He Tea. Come, I know you aren't really a caterpillar at all, and so do you. That's just what you've been told and believed, falsely pretended, until you reached this cross-roads in time and met up with me. You know as well as I, that open doors permit entry, and hidden deep inside you lives an eager, beautiful, playful butterfly who yearns to be released, wants to come out play and frolic in joyous pleasure. But she's so shy, so timid, so reserved. Fortunately, and for her delight, I am a master of metamorphosis, change. I know her secret longings and the magic word that will release her; would you like to hear the word?' 'Yes please, oh yes!' cried the caterpillar eagerly, 'I've always wanted to fly, be joyful, to soar above the ordinary and do so many other different, exciting things. Please, kind Sir, please tell me the magic word that will set me free.' The Moth drew her towards him, held her close, and whispered in her ear. The caterpillar immediately transformed into a beautiful, multicolored butterfly with translucent gossamer wings. She became free and no longer had to pretend things, for all the wonderful things she had pretended before became true. Can you guess what the word was? Performance notes: 18

The correct answer to guessing what the word was is 'no': if you get an attempt at an answer, gently refute it. Now lean over and whisper something appropriate in her ear. Then continue, (because there's likely to be a vacuum here while it all begins to sink in)], do you know what happened next? If 'no', which is the likely response, then start thinking on your feet and describe what' she's doing, in real time e.g ... 'The butterfly stared, wondering what this new knowledge meant ... ' 'Butterfly tried to dismiss the moth's magic as a joke, but deep down she knew it was true ... ' 'She wanted to dance, to sing, to be joyful ... ' putting her in the role of the butterfly & you in as the moth in REAL TIME. If 'yes', then ask what, get reply & work it as above. Additional Notes: Since I've been asked questions several times about some of the peculiar words used & the phrasing: a) The word 'blarging' is not a spelling mistake: say it like it is, neither is the peculiar looking word group 'S he See or He Tea', which spells out SECRET phonetically. These are deliberate word interrupt devices b)

Leave the question about the cabbage in: it's another interrupt.

c) you are attempting to cast the lady as the caterpillar/butterfly & yourself as the moth in this little metaphor. Copy the moth's breathy voice for added impact. When he 'draws her close' do so. Magic/Kino/Anchoring Performance In the UK, it's quite easy to obtain adhesive backed 'Butterfly' stickers of various kinds. When you, as Mr. Moth, draw the lady close, you have one of these fastened to your palm (tiny blob of Blu Tak or such) with the adhesive side out. Be sure to rest your hand on her shoulder & leave the butterfly (implied transformation AND anchor) stuck there. Point it out when you tell her the word: she'll take the sticker home with her for sure & you can always have another one handy if you meet again. TantraLA the magic word is "believe"


THE "CENTER OF ENERGY" PATTERN (I recommend only using this on babes who are either into the mystical arts, or who exhibit a very strong energy. Otherwise it may not be real for them and they won't connect to it) You: Have you ever heard the term "center of energy" before? Her:

(No matter if she says "yes" or "No" continue as follows)

You: What that's really referring to, is a person's unique ability to draw energy up from the earth, and create a more powerful force through their body. Ancient Druids said they had witnessed this remarkable ability in some people. The ability to ... JUST STOP ... and ... FOCUS ON THIS (self point) PRESENCE-that others do not notice. And as ... THAT FOCUS GROWS STRONGER ... a warming begins to start from the soles of the feet. As that starts to happen, without even having to think about it you begin to draw energy up from the earth. (As you say this last part, raise both hands up from your waist, palm upward) And the more you. FEEL THAT ENERGY RISING ... the more you start to ... FEEL THAT WARMTH GROWING deep inside you. But since not all energy is empowering, the druids wondered what did these people do to excise the bad, while retaining the good and being able to ... HOLD THIS INSIDE YOU. What they discovered was ... ab ... solutely ... amazing. Here, close your eyes a moment. (Wait for them to close their eyes, then lightly brush your index finger UP from the tip of their nose, to the point between the eyebrows, bring your finger back to the tip of her nose and again lightly brush it up to the point between her eyebrows, continuing this three or four times as you say ... ) Ancient druids claimed that the nose was like a filter for all the energy these special people drew up from the earth. That in this exact motion you feel right now, all the negative and limiting energies were cast aside, so the positive and fulfilling energies could enter your mind. The negative and limiting energies were thrown out of the body, in the form of a sneeze, or in the exhale of a good laugh. (Begin to rub the sides of the temple as you say ... ) The empowering and fulfilling energies would then flow to the sides of the eyes, allowing you to ... SEE THIS OPPOURTUNITY that others were missing out on. (She might open her eyes at this point, which is fine) And the more you ... FOCUS ON THIS OPPOURTUNITY ... in front of you-the more you come over and over to the conclusion that-THIS IS WORTH EXPLORING. And a burst of certainty fills your mind (As you say this, spread your fingers wide, and basically use the tips of your fingers to massage the back of her head) because you ... HEAR THIS VOICE ... and you know, without even having to think about it that-THIS IS YOUR VOICE OF PERMISSION. 20

(Stop massaging her head, take your hands and form an invisible circle all around her head as you say ... ) And that warmth inside you starts to build, that certainty gets stronger, and suddenly you realize that a shield of absolute protection has formed around you. A shield so strong that you know with complete certainty ... THIS IS SAFE. And having this shield to protect you, and the earth's energy to power you, you ... ALLOW YOUR DERSIRES TO RISE. And as you feel that shield protecting you, and as the earth's energies protect you, and as you allow your desires to rise up from deep inside you, you ... FEEL IT ALL EXPLODE ... right ... through ... here (tap three times on top of head near the back) Exploding all that you are, and all that you will be, and bathing the surroundings with your presence. And in doing that, you have willingly chosen to ... MAKE THIS (self point) YOURS ... RIGHT ... NOW! (snap fingers)


CELTIC SOUL GAZING PATTERN What I'll do is analyze an HB's writing. When I'm done I'll say, "let me see your left hand". When she gives it to me, I take it with my right hand and turn it palm up. I keep her hand in mine the whole time I am talking. She THINKS I'm going to read her palm. You: "Let me show you something really interesting. They SAY the eyes are the window to the soul, but that's really only half true. The RIGHT eye (I point to HER right eye ... not the eye that appears on MY right, but her actual, eye on HER right side) is the window to the body and the mind ... and the left eye (pointing to HER left eye) is the window to the soul. So, we're going to do a little soul gazing here. You see the Celts don't believe in soul-mates. That just creates too much pressure. The Celts believe in Soul-Friends, that we have plenty of soul friends just waiting to meet us. (this totally takes all the romantic pressure off ... she can relax and feel great because what guy would bring up the "friends" term that quickly? There goes THAT ever being brought up by HER!) So, as I open up my left eye, and let you in, to see this soul friend waiting to meet you, you can open up your left eye, and let me see the soul friend that's been waiting her whole life to meet me. (Then relax and soften my eyes ... thinking loving thoughts ... 100% of the time, they follow right along ... when I see a little sparkle in their eye I say) THERE! RIGHT THERE! THAT one! Can you FEEL THAT (squeeze the hand) is the coolest thing to experience? They are amazed 100% of the time by this! Now I have a soul friend anchor on her left hand, just by squeezing it (I don't anchor the right hand ... as it would get fired off by everyone who shakes her hand! I want it to be uniquely anchored to ME if possible!) You: Now, here's something even more interesting. Can you see an image of yourself on your 5th birthday? (If she can't go that far back, try 10th birthday) Her:


You: Now, notice what it's like as a you see an image of me, standing their next to you on your (X) birthday ... (fire off anchor) ... feeling that Soul Friend Connection Her:


You: Now imagine yourself on your birthday 5 years from now ... and see me standing their next to you ... (fire off anchor) feeling that Soul Friend Connection Her:


You: now ... draw a line between the you on your X birthday and the you 5 years from now ... and FEEL THIS (fire off anchor) as something really wonderful.


COLOR OF PLEASURE PATTERN (From the atlanta essential skills, CD included with the LA videos) You: On a scale of one to ten how good do you feel? What if as good as this feels it was only the start? What if instead of being the end it was only the beginning? What if it was only the start of your asking yourself the question how much pleasure can I stand? How wonderful can I really feel? As that realization joins with my voice to wrap itself around you like a pair of powerful yet gentle arms lifting you higher and higher the higher, you go the more your capacity for pleasure and experience continues to expand and the more your capacity continues to expand the higher and higher you go. You probably haven’t yet realized there’s a color to the feeling of pleasure but if you could See That Color Now what color would that be as that color expands t fill you pulsing and spreading all through you it expands to fill the room the world the solar system the galaxy the universe. with all of that color all of that feeling flowing back into you. Having you as its center flowing and pulsing right back into the center of who you are. Now how good do you feel? The really amazing thing about feeling so wonderful s to realize really realize that the more you open and the deeper you respond to this voice of new experience this voice of new discovery this voice of new direction. The more you’ll learn and the more you learn the better the quality of life and your experiences will be. Its the kind of thing that could cause a person ... to come over and over and over ... to one conclusion. That there’s an opportunity to move in a new direction and the thing about new directions is its not enough to just ponder it well on day I might get around to it. But instead you got to reach out and create an opening for this new direction. An opening that longs to take it all in ride it join with it and be one with it Now. I don’t know just what in your environment that will remind you to have all these wonderful feelings and that even stronger desire to experience even more it may be whenever you hear a phone ring, and you realize there’s a powerful message coming through. Or it may be whenever you step into that steaming hot bath or shower that reminds you that you just want to immerse yourself in all this pleasure. Maybe when ever you go through a door and you realize there is a doorway to new pleasures new thoughts new beliefs. Or maybe your unconscious will choose something for reasons of its own in a way that will surprise and delight you.


COMPANIONSHIP VS ROMANCE PATTERN Use after getting some rapport and after using the "Relationships/Television" Boyfriend Destroyer. You: I was watching the most interesting program on cable the other right, and they were talking about romance and companionship. They had talked with over 26,000 women, from various parts of America, and what they discovered, blew them sway. Because while there were several women who stated that the romance has been strong even after all this time, it seems that more than 70% of the women admitted that the romance has dwindled over time, but stayed with the guy because he was a good companion to them. One of the women said, "He knows all the non-glamorous things about you, yet is still in the relationship. There's not as much romance anymore, but unless ... HE'S BEING UNFAITHFUL, I have no reason to ... LEAVE HIM. NOW, FOR ME, that makes sense. But I really liked what another woman they interviewed said. Her name was Robin, and she said that she discovered how to find the kind of man who can sustain romance long term. Robin said, "There are those men out there who will romance you with gifts, and compliments, and fancy dinners, but those guys never manage to keep romance alive long term. Because their reason for romancing you, is mainly to impress you. Once you're impressed they're job is done pretty much, so the romance starts to dwindle. But when you meet the other type of men out there (touch palm to chest), the ones who impress you, not with gifts or elegant dinners, but touch you in a special way simply, with ... their voice." Robin went on to say, "You'll know you're in the presence of such a man, because you'll ... HEAR THIS VOICE inside your mind. And you'll be compelled to ... LISTEN TO THIS VOICE. And if you ... LISTEN INTENTLY, you'll hear exactly what you need to do. Because it's like a woman's intuition, and whatever romantic information this voice is giving to you, is exactly what you want deep down inside you. Regardless of what anyone else says, when you ... HEAR THIS VOICE telling you to ... SEIZE THIS OPPOURTUNTTY (self point) it's because ... THAT'S WHAT YOU DECIDED. So you know that.-THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT." NOW, WITH ME, that makes perfect sense. Can you. FEEL THAT to be something you agree with?


THE COOKIE CLOSE Basically there are three parts to the Cookie Close ... part one is when the waiter comes over and asks if you would like dessert ... rather than ordering ... you use the question as a transition to discussions about desserts, and what your favorite desserts are ... which sets up all types of opportunities for any number of "patterns" intended to get her visualizing erotic taste sensations ... part one ends when you admit that frankly, your favorite dessert of all time is simply FRESH BAKED TOLLHOUSE COOKIES ... WARM FROM THE OVEN ... She will admit that such sounds great ... and then you close Part One with an "idea" ... let's go to the market and get the ingredients and go back to your house/my house and make them RIGHT NOW! Such spontaneity typically occurs to her as ever so exciting ... and sweet ... and fun ... and the childish innocence of visions of baking warm cookies is just compelling as hell. So off we go to the supermarket … PART TWO: There is NOTHING like taking a HB you don't know very well to a supermarket ... just being there ... basket/cart in tow ... will fill her with visions of the two of you as a "couple" ... it's pretty much impossible for her NOT to look at you as a "pretend" husband ... and the two of you playing "house". It's just so. She cannot help herself ... you need not say a word ... she will be picturing you and her as a "couple" ... while you stand in the checkout line. PART THREE: Basically, no big deal ... first batch of cookies are totally straight ... second batch involves basic licking dough off spatula ... and then melted chocolate off each other's fingers ... etc ... basically ... by this time ... the heavenly childish scent of baked Toll House Cookies has filled the house ... the innocence of the activity has been superceded by a new "idea" that she will invariably dream up ... you've had your fill of feeding each other warm cookies ... truth be told ... I've never done this technique and NOT burned the third batch. The beauty is that she will have had all the "ideas" herself ... and will brag to her friends the next day how ... ”cute" ... her date was last night as he suggested making cookies ... and we ended up getting chocolate all over us ... with a smirk and a wink ... causing her friends to drool with envy.



When you dance, for you it is a new experience each and every time you do it. It all starts when the lights dim, and you hear that first beat of the music. As you begin to move the music starts to enter inside as it fills you ... the music moves through you and within you, every part of you ... then, you begin to rise ... above everyone and everything that is there to enter that most special of places where you go ... and it is there where you become one with the music and the music becomes one with you ... as the beat becomes stronger with the rhythm flowing powerfully through you even more ... you realize that this is a wonderful place to be ... it is here where you belong and desire to be.


"DEEP FASCINATION" PATTERN You: That is so interesting! That reminds me of a conversation I had the other day, with a friend of mine, named Rachel. And she said some of the same things you just did, and she thought that it comes from a deep fascination that you have. Did you ever feel a deep fascination with something potentially rewarding? Her:

(Let her answer)

You: The way Rachel described it, it's like you suddenly STOP, because you can feel something pleasurable growing inside of you. And the more you focus on this (point to self) the deeper your fascination will get. To the point where all you're focused on, is this feeling of fascination, deep inside of you. But that you don't even have to understand why you're feeling this way, because what matters, is that you choose to just let it happen. And that this feeling you're having right now, manifests itself into an energy. Like a brilliant light, a warmth, slowly filling your body, and flowing out through ever pour. The way Rachel put it, this energy is your own personal acknowledgment, that this is what you want (point to self) , this is what you deserve to feel. Having that deep fascination, and allowing it to flow through your body, lets others see, that you possess something incredible. Without even knowing exactly why, you just burst with an energy that others wish they could have. (Then I anchor it with, "Can you feel that as being the case here?") You: That's just like when you were a little girl, and you imagine all sorts of wonderful adventures you want to have. You're feeling excited about what great things you can enjoy, and what wonderful, maybe even romantic, encounters you'd like to have. Feeling the warm breeze, as you lay down on the sands, of an exotic island. Or maybe feeling the rush of excitement as you treat yourself to a personal adventure. That sense of adventure that you can feel right ... (touch just below the chest area) here. You decide to close off your mind, to any distractions, and focus on that amazing adventure you want to have. Knowing that for your own reasons, this is the chance, this is the opportunity, just go for it. Now, with me (point to self) , there's incredible value in that. (Then I let her talk, or whatever she's going to do, and lead the conversation in the most natural direction for that situation)


THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL / THE IDEAL ATTRACTION PATTERN However, the other night, while watching the Discovery Channel, I had a great new pattern virtually handed to me. See, it was a documentary about people who make their living designing attractions for amusement parks, and these guys were talking about what makes for the ideal attraction! Ha! So, using almost word for word what they actually said, I give you, without ado ... The Ideal Attraction Pattern! You: You know, I saw the most interesting show on the Discovery Channel last night. They were interviewing people who make their living designing attractions for amusement parks like Magic Mountain and Disneyland and Universal Studios. Wouldn't that be a cool way to make a living? Her:

Yeah! That sounds so interesting.

You: Well, anyway, they were talking about the elements that make up the ideal attraction. (Point to yourself) . They said there are 3 parts to the ideal attraction. First, when you EXPERIENCE the ideal attraction, you FEEL A STATE OF HIGH AROUSAL. The ideal attraction makes your heart beat faster, and your breathing gets faster and you just FEEL THAT AMAZING RUSH all over. Her:


You: And then they said that another part to an ideal attraction is; it's fascinating. You just FEEL SO ENTHRALLED that you want to TAKE THIS RIDE (point to your pecker!) multiple times; as soon as you GET OFF you want to GET BACK ON again. Her:


You: And they said, finally, the most important element, is a sense of overall safety. That even though the attraction make look a little dangerous, you're CERTAIN YOU'RE SAFE ... you FEEL SAFE because you realize nothing bad can really happen, so that allows you to FEEL TOTALLY FREE to LET GO AND ENJOY THAT GREAT AROUSAL again and again and again. Can you (squeeze her hand) feel that ... is pretty close to the way it is? Her:



THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL / THE IDEAL ATTRACTION PATTERN (MODIFIED) WIP However, the other night, while watching the Discovery Channel, I had a great new pattern virtually handed to me. See, it was a documentary about people who make their living designing attractions for amusement parks, and these guys were talking about what makes for the ideal attraction! Ha! So, using almost word for word what they actually said, I give you, without ado ... The Ideal Attraction Pattern! You: You know, I saw the most interesting show on the Discovery Channel last night. They were interviewing people who make their living designing attractions for amusement parks like Magic Mountain and Disneyland and Universal Studios. Wouldn't that be a cool way to make a living? Her:

Yeah! That sounds so interesting.

You: Well, anyway, they were talking about the elements that make up the ideal attraction. (Point to yourself) . They said there are 3 parts to the ideal attraction. First, when you EXPERIENCE the ideal attraction, you FEEL A STATE OF HIGH AROUSAL. You: You know first long slow vertical climb on the roller coaster? And you can feel the adrenaline pounding through your body. The closer you get to the peak, the faster your heart beats. Your breathing starts to come faster and faster and as you're reaching the peak and you begin to go down, You're screaming with excitement The ideal attraction makes your heart beat faster, and your breathing gets faster and you just FEEL THAT AMAZING RUSH all over. Her:


You: And then they said that another part to an ideal attraction is; it's fascinating. You just FEEL SO ENTHRALLED that you want to TAKE THIS RIDE (point to your pecker!) multiple times; as soon as you GET OFF you want to GET BACK ON again. Her:


You: And they said, finally, the most important element, is a sense of overall safety. That even though the attraction make look a little dangerous, you're CERTAIN YOU'RE SAFE ... you FEEL SAFE because you realize nothing bad can really happen, so that allows you to FEEL TOTALLY FREE to LET GO AND ENJOY THAT GREAT AROUSAL again and again and again. Can you (squeeze her hand) feel that ... is pretty close to the way it is? Her:

Oooh ...



Okay. When you take this ride, you enter a state of high arousal. And then you say this. You say, "You know first long slow vertical climb on the roller coaster? And you can feel the adrenaline pounding through your body. The closer you get to the peak, the faster your heart beats. Your breathing starts to come faster and faster and as you're reaching the peak and you begin to go down, You're screaming with excitement.” Okay, now. What am I doing here? I'm giving a description. I give a description. Why do I give a description? Because if she's in rapport with me and following along as I describe that state ... Now, let's, let's help, let's have you make it up. When you're on the roller coaster and you're going up that climb, what do you feel in your body as you're going up, hearing clack, clack, clack?


PERFECT MAN PATTERN Here's the basic idea ... 1. Do values elicitation by querying about previous boyfriends [attractors, and repulsions (which are simply antonyms of more attractors)]. 2.

Introduce the concept of a PERFECT MAN


Describe him according to her criteria


Describe how he would begin to effect her.


Pace reality up to a passionate kiss. First, have her close her eyes.

You: "Would you like to try something fun? Relax, and close your eyes for a couple minutes, and imagine this situation ... " What would it be like, if you had JUST MET THE PERFECT MAN ... not perfect in general ... but, instead the man who is perfect ... for YOU ... (IF you've done any values elicitation to her tastes in men, insert them here: "This man is A ... and B ... very C ... and he blah blah blah, etc." Now, she should be pretty solidly into a light trance!) For example ... this man ... from the moment you saw him, there was something just a little different about him. Maybe, from the moment you see him, you are immediately attract to this guy ... or even ... since this is the perfect man ... you feel an almost immediate connection with him ... even from across the room ... and as this man gets near to you ... (Note: here, we begin pacing reality for the duration ... ) and you start to talk with him ... and you listen to his words, you start to feel the most wonderful feelings ... fascination, curiousity, arousal, lust ... all of those wonderful feelings that you really enjoy, ... and the more he talks with you, the stronger these feelings become inside you ... until you start feeling incredible passion for him ... ... and when he touches you [you begin by, running your fingers through her hair, combing it back a bit ... go down the back of her head ... massaging the lower quarters of her head, where her neck starts ... and word down and out toward her shoulders] ... it's exactly what you've been waiting for ... he knows just exactly how to touch you, to make those feelings grow even stronger, (knead your way down her arms to her hands, then grab her hand) and stronger in intensity ... and soon, you find yourself guiding his hand, guiding it to the places that unleash that passion within you ... and as you look at him ... [touch her check, or eyebrown ... if she still doesn't open her eyes, brace your fingers on her cheek, and gently open one eyelid with your thumb]


... as you study his face ... and gaze into his eyes ... you get even more turned on ... and you're looking to see if you can find that passion within him ... already, in your mind ... you are imagining what it would be like to enjoy this man ... this perfect man ... in your favorite, private place ... not for a few minutes ... but for hours ... and you are still gazing into his eyes ... feverishly hoping that he wants you, as badly as YOU WANT THIS MAN ... (wrap your hand around her shoulder, with at least your fingers laying on her shoulder blade) you find yourself drawn closer, and closer to him (if she doesn't close the gap between you ... gently pull her shoulder towards you) ... you can't resist tilting your head to one side ... to give him your best kiss the moment your lips meet.


THE POWER OF "HAVE YOU EVER": FASCINATION PATTERN Note: This pattern should be used after general banter and fluff talk. It can stand on it's own or be integrated into part of a larger pattern. You

"Let me ask you question. Have you ever been totally fascinated with someone? Like maybe as you were there, LOOKING at him, and you started to LISTEN CAREFULLY, it was like his voice just seemed to wrap itself around you, and the rest of your environment just disappeared, and your entire world, everything you saw, became what was right in front of you? And anything he described, you found that you could just PICTURE IT CLEARLY? So you know, if he were talk about a romantic walk, on a moonlit beach, with your perfect partner, you could SEE YOURSELF there with him, just enjoying what that would be like?"



I’ve been staring at your necklace, wondering why it reminded me of something, and now I remember what it was. I recall a story I had read once, called "The Eros Stone Necklace." It was about a woman who was growing apart from her lover, and was losing faith in love. One night she was out walking, up in the mountains near her home. As she sat upon some rocks, and was staring up at the stars, she made a wish that a man would come into her life, and fill her with the adventure she had been missing. Suddenly, there was a flash around her, which at first startled her. But then she began to… FEEL VERY RELAXED. A nice…soothing…comfortable feeling filled her body. Then an image flashed into her head. An image of passion so incredible… so fulfilling, that she almost thought she were dreaming. At first she tried to deny that she was starting to…FEEL A WARMTH DEEP INSIDE…because she was afraid to feel that good. But the more she allowed herself to…FEEL THAT WARMTH INCREASE, the stronger it became, and the more she wanted this to continue. Then she started to ... HEAR THIS VOICE…inside her mind. And the more she allowed herself to ... LISTEN TO THIS VOICE…the more it relaxed her, the more it warmed her, the more it caused her to …LISTEN INTENTLY TO WHAT’S SAID. The voice began to change, and started to sound like her own voice. And this voice said to her, "Focus on what is in front of you, and you will discover that which you desire." Then, POOF, the voice was gone, leaving her to…UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS SAID. She put her hand to her chest, to settle her breathing, and felt something around her neck. She pulled it forward, and saw that where there was once nothing, there was now a beautiful necklace, with a (the color of her stone) colored stone. She was of course confused at first, but then she recalled the voice that she had heard, and what it had said to her; FOCUS ON THIS (point to self) RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU…AND YOU WILL…FIND WHAT YOU DESIRE. Now, it all becomes clear. She has the necklace, and somehow it will give her what she desires. Without even fully understanding what is happening, the decision is made to pursue this…to have what is desired deep down inside. She said to herself, "No matter what anyone else says to you, this is what you want (point to self) this is what you deserve, and you’re going to do it for all your own reasons." The next day she went into town to buy some things, and was amazed…by what happened…upon entering the market. (Stay quiet and wait for her to say something) Upon entering the market, she saw this man (point to self) and felt a tingle, give me your hands (when she gives you her hands do this) a tingle like this, and warmth, a very strong warmth, that ran (slowly move finger up arm) all the way… up her body. The man’s eyes caught her eyes, and they stared for several moments. That warmth deep inside, began to get stronger, and stronger, and stronger. And as the man approached her, she started to FEEL DESIRE FORMING deep inside of her…right…in…here (touch solar plexus) It was like 34

an energy had formed around them, like a soft…private bubble, surrounding them from the rest of the world. In this moment only these two people (motion back and forth subtly) existed. He smiled, and said not a single word, and instead kissed her lips softly. She closed her eyes and took in the moment. (take in a breath, then let it out slowly with a slight moan) At last, she had found the man who would make her feel alive again. The man pulled back to look into her eyes, and whispered softly, "What can I do, what can I say, to make you mine, if but only for a night?" She thought about what it was she wanted, and asked herself, "What do you want deep down inside of you? What is missing from your life right now that you want from this man?" And with only a smile, she took his hand, and lead him out of the market. They talked for hours, sharing insights, and opinions, dreams, and desires. Then they simply fell into each others arms, and made love for the night. It was unlike anything she could imagine. He touched her exactly how she wanted to be touched, made love to her exactly how she wanted to be made love to. And all of this was the result of a chance encounter, and a magical necklace. As they held each other later, he complimented her on her necklace. She revealed to him what had happened the previous night on the mountain, and how she came to possess the necklace. He kissed her lips, then said, "Every time you become aware of having this necklace, think of me. And every time you touch this necklace, I will feel your touch upon my face, and I will smile." They parted the next morning, but made plans to meet again that evening. Sadly, she decided not to meet him after all, for she feared that this magical, wonderful, amazing adventure she had shared with this man (point to self) would eventually be ruined for one reason or another someday. She instead chose to REMEMBER FOREVER that one perfect night, with this one perfect man. She thought of him often, and his image was never far from her mind. And ever day she would touch that necklace, and every day she would FEEL AN INCREDIBLE WARMTH for she knew, that somewhere, he was smiling.



Did you know ... there's a little secret ... about iced tea?


(Wait for her to response)


The other day ... I was reading the most fascinating article ... in a health magazine ... a friend of mine had. It said that ... if you place a raw tea leaf ... just under your tongue ... you'll ... FEEL A PROGRESSIVE CALM ... in YOUR MIND. And that ... unlike a harmful drug ... which might cause you to ... LOSE CONTROL OF YOUR WILL ... the tea leaf simply makes you ... FEEL COMPLETELY AT EASE. WITH ME, I take a different approach. Because ... the article also said ... that drinking some forms of iced tea ... will still allow you to ... FEEL THE BENEFITS ... of what this has to offer you (Point to self). The article stated that ... in a 15 year study ... those who had iced tea ... as their main beverage ... got sick less often, and were better able to ... LISTEN INTENTLY ... when being talked to. I've noticed similar results ... in my extended use of it. I have more energy ... than when I ... used to drink cokes, for example. Plus, it tastes better than coffee to me. Now, there's no reason ... YOU NEED TO FEEL THE WAY I DO. I can respect ... whatever opinion you have.


INDULGENCE VS SURRENDER PATTERN You: Have you ever considered the difference between surrender and indulgence? When you surrender to something (motion LEFT), you're allowing a certain loss of control. And that loss of control, or even the fear of that impending loss, causes you to hesitate or even avoid pursuing an opportunity further. Sometimes though, there's (motion RIGHT) a loss of control that's good, because it's an aspect of your control that had been holding you back from receiving this great benefit (motion RIGHT). So when you can RECOGNIZE THIS IS WHAT'S HAPPENING and you ACKNOWLEDGE THIS IS GOOD you get to enjoy the rewards (gesture to self) Indulgence on the other hand is not about losing control, bad (point LEFT) or good (point RIGHT), it's about experiencing an alternative to the normal (gesture to self).an alternative that the more you. FOCUS ON THIS (gesture to self) the more you realize THIS IS WORTH YOUR ATTENTION. THIS IS YOURS TO ENJOY, so you can JUST GO FOR IT. It's like it takes you back to when you were a little girl ... when you suddenly saw something that made you curious. And with each breath you grew more and more and more ... curious to the point where YOU NO LONGER WAIT you moved straight into this experience without hesitation. And it had nothing to do with you having to give up control because in fact, it gave you a stronger sense of control, a stronger sense of control because you were the only one able to have this right now and you took charge and made it yours for however long it lasts and being able to look back after indulging and feeling satisfied. (take in a deep breath and exhale with a pleased "Mmmm") Yeah. Do you FEEL THAT making perfect sense, or just something you agree with?


INSTANTANEOUS/TIMELESS CONNECTION PATTERN VARIATION #1 You: Have you ever felt an INSTANTANEOUS connection with someone? (Point to yourself) Like maybe as you were there, looking at them, and you started to LISTEN INTENTLY, it was like there was a cord of LIGHT (gesture from your solar plexus to hers) going from you to them? And as that cord began to GLOW, WITH THE WARMTH of that connection, maybe you were even able to IMAGINE A TIME IN YOUR FUTURE (gesture either to your left or to your right ... at this point it really doesn't matter) , say six months from now, still FEELING THAT SENSE OF INCREDIBLE CONNECTION, and LOOKING BACK ON TODAY (point back to you) as having been the start of it? Them: Oh yeah ... You: See, I think it's so funny how some people can JUST DO THAT and LET IT HAPPEN INSTANTANEOUSLY (snap your fingers) because for me it takes longer. But I do find that during the course of an evening, as you REALLY LISTEN to someone (point to yourself) , and you START TO RECOGNIZE those values and qualities in them that you hold so dearly for yourself ... (pause) ... WITH ME that's when you can MAKE THAT CONNECTION and really FEEL THAT GROWING BOND.



Did you ever instantly know you were going to like and trust someone for a long, long time? (Point to yourself) Like maybe even though you only knew them a short while, it seemed like you had known them your whole life, as if there were a timeless connection between you and them? (gesture to her and then to you!) I mean, you know that feeling of incredible bonding, when all the barriers just drop, away and melt and you just feel so totally comfortable and at ease with them. And it's like maybe you were even able to imagine a time in your future, say years from now, still being incredibly connected to this person (point to yourself again) and looking back on today as having been the it? I just think that's the neatest thing when a person can GO INSIDE and INSTANTLY recognize all those qualities and values in that other person, that LETS THAT CONNECTION TAKE PLACE WITH SOMEONE ... (pause) ME, it usually takes a bit longer.



Did you ever instantly know you were going to like and trust someone for a long, long time? Maybe you only knew them for a short while but it seemed that you had known them your whole life, as if there were a timeless connection between you and them? I'm wondering as you read this, if you can remember the feeling of that, and just how wonderful it was, because sometimes life has a way of making us remember those things, right prior to discovering that we can experience those feelings again with someone. Me ... well, I don't think that kind of thing can be forced. No essay or words or video tape can create it (insert her name here) . Words and appearances are only expressions, the vehicles that contain the essence that moves us. It can only happen naturally as the expression of an energy between two people, but when it does ... you know that feeling of incredible bonding, when all the barriers melt and drop away, and two people come together, fused into one spiritual essence, the mingling of energies feeding one to the other, building and increasing and intensifying, mingling into an expression of aliveness that words can initiate but never capture fully? It has instead to be indulged inside your own imagination ... dwelled on, and toyed with, deep, deep inside you. Speaking to you as a person who can experience that kind of connection, just how much can you look forward to enjoying that with someone who moves you in that way? As you remember what that would be like, and find those possibilities opening before you, in such a way that anything else blurs into insignificance, how powerfully will you feel that urge to call and find out more about this person who has so moved you, with just words on a page? As you find yourself wanting to meet with me, realize I can be reached at (___) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _.


LOCKET PATTERN You: You know those little lockets that women use to store momentos? (self-point) ... they have pictures, they have locks of hair ... whatever. You have to understand that what we've been doing together is over, it's going away, because you know … what you can do, if you were to just stop, and think right now, about all of the things we've shared, how it feels. What we've said, how we looked in each others eyes. All of the tremendous meaning we've shared together, and how much we wanted that, how much we enjoyed that ... Its like if you were to take the essence of all those wonderful experiences and just hold them in your hand, it's like you could take them and put them in a locket. And you could take that locket, and just snap it shut, it's something that could be preserved in time forever. And if you take that locket now, and put it deep inside, in that secret place deep down near the essence of who you really are. Then you may find that with every heart beat, with every breath you take, with every thought that you make, that you're taking a little bit of energy from those memories. And they stay alive forever, and maybe when your feeling sad, your feeling down, days when your feeling alone, things really aren't working out for you, you can take those memories out again and you can share them and relive them and remember.


THE LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP PATTERN (Establish rapport, make her laugh at least once, Maybe do a connection pattern, then ... ) You

I have this friend, named Rachel, and she's in a rather ... interesting relationship. You see, Rachel lives here, but he lives in Chicago. And they've been having this long distance relationship for about a year now, and are very satisfied with it. At first I thought, "No way Rachel and that guy will last more than a few months, they only see each other for a couple of days a month, sometimes every other month." But the way Rachel explained it to me, it really makes sense! Rachel told me "Imagine the convenience of being with THIS PERSON (self point), do all the things you really want to enjoy, having an incredible romance, yet still having your breathing room." Rachel said, "You don't have to alter your free time beyond a day or two every month or so, which will give you the time to work on other things, without needing an excuse when you want a break for whatever reason. This way, neither person feels neglected." And what really made sense is when Rachel said, "By only seeing each other every once in a while, instead of daily, or even weekly, makes the time we'll share (motion back and forth) together more special, and fulfilling, and won't be taken for granted." (laugh) Rachel also said, "By the time we see each other again, the meeting will be so highly energizing, that the sex ... will be ... amazing." With me, looking at it that way, it makes some great sense. Because everytime a get-together occurs, it'll be like you're enjoying a holiday. Can you THINK BACK to when you were a little girl, and you really looked forward to your favorite holiday? As the time got closer, you got more excited, and began to PICTURE IN YOUR MIND all the things you want to do when this holiday arrives. And on that special day, you begin to GET VERY EXCITED. Because now this (self point) holiday has arrived, and you're going to enjoy all those things you've really looked forward to. You're going to do all those things you've been imagining. Mmm, how does that (anchor) feel?


(let her answer)


Looking at it that way, can you (anchor again) FEEL THAT to be an enjoyable experience?



Your ring reminds me of a story I read a while back. It was set in the 1600's, and it was about a warrior who gave his true love a ring. But not just any ring, it was a ring the warrior had made himself, for his true love. He wanted her to have a symbol of their love, a tangible reminder of him when they were apart. The ring was made of fine silver (or gold, or copper, if that's what her ring is) and it had a beautiful _____ colored stone set in the ring. The warrior worked on this ring everyday, for seven days, until it was exactly the way he wanted it to be for her. Every tap of the hammer (tap the ring) was like pounding his passion for her deep inside. And every rub of the polishing rag (rub her fingers) was like a loving caress upon her soft skin. And he did this ... until every (run finger up her index finger) ... single (middle) ... feature (ring finger) ... was perfect (hold and rub ring finger a few seconds) Upon giving it to his true love, he said, "Look upon this ring when I am not near, and think of only me. And know that a part of me is always with you." Then one day the warrior left for battle. He was pleased that he had finished the ring in time, and that his true love wore it always. And every night, she would look upon this ring (touch ring) and think of this man (self point) who has touched her heart. And every night, while the warrior was away, his true love would look at the ring ... give it a gentle kiss ... and know ... that somehow ... her lover felt that kiss. And the most amazing thing about this story, is that it's not a fairy tale, it actually happened. And I don't know if you can FEEL THAT (tap anchor) to be true, and accept that such things can happen. I just think it's a wonderful feeling to know that something as small as a ring (touch ring) can connect two people so deeply (motion back and forth) and in such a big way.


THE MOVIE PATTERN Movie topic intro ... have you seen any good movies lately, what do you think of star wars ... etc. Start up the topic of movies as I'm sure you've done 1000 times before with friends. PART 1: The launch. You

"Well, have you ever thought about the difference between a Movie and a Film?" Or "What is it about the experience of watching a movie that make them so profoundly important to so many people?" Etc.



You: "A movie is something that simply is entertaining and keeps you busy for a few hours. Now a film can really reach deep inside and touch you in that special place so you find yourself opening up to a whole new world of feelings, sensations, and experiences ." You

"I think that Martin Scorsese said it best. He was talking about the nature of film. Basically he said that when you watch a Film you can feel/experience what the person or character in the film is experiencing/feeling And if the Film is really well done, you actually become that character ... and you enter that Film, and say that's me up there, those are my problems, those are my dreams etc."

PART 2: The flight (Pick a state you want her to be in, and say "for example, have you ever seen a movie that just made you feel X. For me ... that movie was _______." Then describe the feeling and start running patterns.) I have been working on a few different ways to do this: 1. Describing a specific movie/film and how it makes you/her feel. Pick a movie with a subject along the lines of how you want her to feel. You

"Have you ever seen Deep Throat?" (just kidding) “Have you seen Shakespeare in Love?"

She can say yes or no ... it doesn't matter. But if she says no, then suggest you go see it some time because ... You

"That's a wonderful example of what I mean. It is all about how when you meet that new ideal person ... this person who shows you things about yourself and makes you feel wonderful. You discover an overwhelming desire to open yourself up to this person and you know when you do this, your whole life improves. You find that your work is more passionate, your life is more interesting, the sky is bluer and the roses smell sweeter. You start to learn things about your own passions that you never knew before. When you see the movie, you come ... away from it wanting to meet that special person. You want to find this new person, and make them a part of your life." 44

2. Asking about a film having a given effect on her. You

"Have you ever seen a Film that just filled you with a sense of excitement and anticipation? Maybe it was a little scary or it was a mystery, but you just could not wait to find out what happens next. You find yourself emerged in the experience ... you notice everything around you fading away as you focus on this image in front of you. Can you feel that (anchor) ... when you see a film?" ... Now if she says yes, find out what movie ... and if you've not seen it, rent it. It will be a gold mine of trance material. If she says no, then continue ...


Really ... maybe you have experienced these feelings but just don't realize you're doing it. Now, for me ... watching a film is a very involved process. You might be so tied up by the image in front of you (hehehe kinky me) that you just want to lose yourself in the process. You just let go and experience all that the image before you has to show you. You might not even see it when ... it is happening to you."

3. Describing a general film genre and maybe pointing out an example and how it is structured to make you feel a given way. Only use this one if you have some basic film study skills. You

"What kinds of movies do you like ... horror, action, romance?" "Have you ever noticed most horror movies are constructed and designed the same way? That's because the structure makes you feel a certain way. You feel a little scared, a little excited, but deep inside you know you are really safe. So you can just let yourself relax, you'll let go and allow yourself to experience these feelings. Now for me, this is an important part of the process. I don't want to watch a movie, I want to experience it. When you do this, you find that the image in front of you just takes you exactly where you want to go. There are a lot of dark shots, where you can't see exactly what's happening, but you know something is there and you have to find out. You are riveted to this image, there is nothing else.

(Now I have a question here ... would this work as an anchor) While describing the above, for horror only, you go nice and slow ... like a horror movie ... then ... "The scene will get very quiet and very slow ... nothing will happen, but at just the right moment (snap your fingers right in her face) bam they break the mood to send that rush of adrenaline through you ... and you love that feeling. That feeling is like a natural drug ... you crave it. You can't get enough of it ... that's why these movies make so much money." Part 3: Fly that baby home. Since you have been talking about movies ... you have a shitload of opportunity to bring up a movie and say, "We can get together, go see a movie and I'll show you some amazing examples of this. Or we could just rent a movie too." Or get her number so you can go enjoy a movie some time etc. There are lots of closes here because this is topical and it is a safe topic ... no warning lights go off in a woman's head when you talk about movies. There are so many possibilities to this that it boggles my mind.


"NEW TECHNOLOGIES" PATTERN You: I was reading the most interesting article the other day, on our attractions with new technologies. Like computers for example, the Internet specifically. The article said, that the Internet provides you with everything you need now. Whatever you find yourself desiring, is accessible through the Internet. Like vacations. Suppose you want an exciting experience, you want this amazing adventure (touch palm to chest) to be yours. Now, the opportunity to have this comes in a way you really enjoy. Instead of having to search many different places, to find exactly what you want, exactly the way you want it, you have the luxury of finding it all in one place. With me (point to myself) , no question, it’s an incredible time saver. Because why should you have to waste your valuable time, weeding through all the choices out there, just to settle for something that ultimately isn’t what you thought it was? But through the Internet, you can just relax, and know that you’re not going to leave this spot, until you finally find something here that satisfies your desires. The article posed the question, "Can you imagine how less satisfying your life would be, if you never had this?" Then I anchor it with, "Can you feel that to be true for you?"


PEAK EXPERIENCES PATTERN You: Can you remember the last time you had a peak experience? Like climbing a mountain ... or watching a beautiful sunset ... or the first time you looked at someone (point to yourself) and recognized YOU REALLY LOVE THIS PERSON (point to yourself again) . Her:

Sure ...

You: What was that like? (Here you should SHUT UP and let her describe it ... and LISTEN carefully. She'll give away LOTS of information) . You: That's really interesting. You know, I find it so neat how YOUR MINE can be going along in one direction, you know in an everyday ordinary state, and then SUDDENLY for whatever MYSTERIOUS reason, you just GO INTO A MUCH DIFFERENT STATE ... a state where YOUR MINE is so in touch with the MYSTERY and the WONDER and the beauty of life (point to yourself, dumbshit!) And sometimes it's like in YOUR MINE, you just SLOW TIME DOWN, and the whole world stops, as you just LET YOURSELF GO WITH THIS (point to yourself) . Can you FEEL THAT (reach out and touch anchor) is an incredible thing to experience ... WITH ME ... NOW, I know that for a lot of people different things can trigger that. Her:

God ... yeah ... I LOVE the way you talk ... it's like your inside my soul.

You: Well, thank you dumbshit ... er ... ah ... Debbie. And you know, for a lot of people falling in love, or orgasm are peak experiences, but for me, it's music. Like, the other night I was listening to Mozart, and I don't know if you are familiar with him or not, but some of his stuff is just a series of short little musical segments ... like little pecks on the cheek, and with some of his stuff those segments just HYPNOSIS Debbie, from end to end, and keep getting repeated. But his really great stuff is composed of these long, slow, lingering movements ... they're like long, slow, lingering kisses ... long slow lingering caresses, and you just FEEL ALL OF THAT ALL OVER YOUR BODY when you LISTEN ... TO ME ... NOW ... it's an incredible thing ... you know.


REMOTE CONTROL ZIP ANCHOR You: here's a trick ... see if it works ... Her:


You: close your eyes (not yet ... finish reading this first ... ) and imagine all the sensations that are driving you wild, whatever they may be ... passion, arousal, anticipation, curiosity ... Her:


You: and when you can REALLY feel all those sensations reach their peak, reach over and tap yourself three times on the right forearm, and notice the little charge you get as those feelings intensify at that moment . . . You: then ... Her:


You: touch yourself there again, and sloooowly, slide that touch up toward your elbow, and notice how as you do this, all those sensations intensify and intensify, more and more, throughout your whole body ... by the time you reach your elbow they should be incredibly intense ... (don't worry, I can get you out of this ... ) Her:

I'm going to hurt you for this, you know

You: no, you're going to thank me and THEN hurt me ;) You: tell me when you've gotten that to work ... Her:

one moment



You: cool, huh? bet you didn't know you could do that with just a finger and an arm ... You: ok. now the part you've been waiting for . . Her:

very weird

You: again, slowly, and paying close attention to all those sensations ... sliiiiiiiiide that finger back down, to the original point on your forearm, and feel the sensations diminish from that over-the-top intensity down to a more manageable level of excitement and arousal … You: and then, sloooowly, keep going, down toward your hand, and notice how they diminish even more, to the point where you no longer feel like you're going to explode, but are happy just sitting there and grinning about it ... Her:

LOL ... I'll try this again later, too. Could keep me from doing anything rash over the weekend

You: completely in control ... but content that sometime soon, only when you're really ready, you can experience ALL that intensity again ... with me, I think it's a good reminder that you can have the fun you want when you want it ...


You: one warning ... Her:


You: this weekend, I don't recommend that you slide your fingers up past your elbow ... at least not unless you're thinking about me ... because you don't want to find yourself pouncing on some innocent bystander ... Her:

oh really?

You: well, you were the one worried about what to do with all that pent up ... tension. Her:

you may be getting an evil phone call when I get back then

You: what kind of evil phone call? Her:

one that tells you that you have absolutely no choice but to get your ass over to my apartment NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You: now think about this ... if what you just did is possible just by reading my words on your computer, just imagine the kinds of things that are possible face to face ... when you're with someone who possesses the mysterious secrets ... Her:

That's what intrigues me and scares me somewhat

You: then just sliiiiiide those fingers down until you're the right amount of intrigued and no longer scared. see how groovy that can be. just be careful when _I_ reach for your arm … Her:




Have you ever noticed how some secrets affect us in amazing ways?"


How so?


Well, there are some secrets that you know you'll never utter to another living soul, and then there are those secrets that you have to really work on keeping to yourself."


I suppose, yes


For example, I recall a conversation I had one day, with a friend of mine, named Rachel. Now Rachel had apparently been told this really juicy secret, and she said that she ready to explode. The way Rachel described it, it's like this ball of light, or energy. And as you ... feel that energy forming inside of you ... right ... here (I touched her just under the breasts, where the two sides of the rib cage meet the breastbone) you can ... feel a warmth start to spread. And the more you ... focus on this energy ... the more intense it gets. To the point where you ... suddenly feel it growing ... all through your body. And like most secrets, you try your best to keep it in. But sometimes, this (point to self) can be quite an intense experience. You want to hold this inside of you as long as possible, but you're also tempted to let it slip out. So you start to debate with yourself, to keep it in, or to let it out. In, out, in, out, in, out, until you feel yourself wanting to just explode. With me, that can be a most intense situation. (Tap the back of her hand) Can you feel that applying to you?"


THE "SEDUCTION LAND" PATTERN You: Do you like Disneyland? Her:

Response: (If she gives a positive response, which is pretty damn likely, then continue)

You: I do too. And one of the things most people don’t take a moment to realize, is the true magic of what Walt Disney created. For example, think back to when you were a little girl, and you first went to Disneyland. Can you REMEMBER HOW THAT FELT that first time? The fascination .the excitement the absolute certainty that this was going to be a wonderful world of adventure. Because you knew that with this being real (self point) and this having everything you want to enjoy, that nothing else could ever compare. And as you FEEL THOSE FEELINGS NOW, WITH ME take a moment to appreciate what that was like. Then notice how you still have that little girl sense of enjoyment when you visit Disneyland today, as an adult. You still have that feeling of being in a place that is untouched by the outside world, where you can JUST RELAX and HAVE FUN FOR HOURS. WITH ME, you can’t help but just let go. And the reason why you FEEL THAT WAY is because Walt Disney did what no one else had thought to embrace. Instead of employees, he had "performers." And instead of engineers, he had "Imagineers" And he took your favorite Disney cartoon character, whoever that might be, and made it possible for that character you really like, that character you have enjoyed for years, and made it possible for that character to be right here right in front of you. So while other people were trying to impress you with flashy rides, and impressive titles, Disneyland focused on one simple thing. (Pause a few seconds to build a sense of anticipation) And that is you are in a place right now where your imagination your fantasies run wild. All those exciting feelings you had as a little girl, come rushing back as an adult, everytime you see this (point to self) great escape from the outside world. Looking at it just like that, can you FEEL THAT to be something truly magical?



You wanna hear about something really cool?




I was thinking about something the other day that was just so cool I couldn't help but get a big smile just exploding across my face ... You know what that's like right? (give a big smile) I mean it's like you know when you're just going through your day and you think of something (self point) that just brings a smile to your face? And it's kinda funny cuz maybe it's because you started to FIND YOURSELF HAVING THOUGHTS OF SOMEONE SPECIAL (self point) or maybe your started to PICTURE THIS PERSON IN YOUR MIND (draw a frame around your face) or maybe you could even HEAR THIS VOICE inside your mine ... and it's like NOW whenever you THINK OF THIS PERSON (self point) you just start to NOTICE WHAT ITS LIKE as a great ... big ... smile (smile big) just flows across your face, right? And what's REALLY cool is when ... YOU'VE MET SOMEONE ... really (self point) ... special (self point) , I think it's cool cause then maybe it can happen the other way around. Like maybe FROM NOW ON when you go through life and you have good experiences that make you smile one of those great ... big ... happy ... smiles (smile big and lead her to smile) ... NOW when THAT happens (point at her smile) you can NOTICE THAT SMILE REMINDING YOU OF THAT SPECIAL PERSON (self point) and the more you smile the more you THINK OF THIS PERSON (self point) and the more you THINK OF THIS PERSON (self point) the bigger your smile gets ... to the point where you can't help but REALIZE THIS PERSON (self point) has affected you in a very powerful way ... In a way that causes you to want to smile all the time ... think of this person ... and FEEL A FLOOD OF hapPENIS entering deep inside you that can just FEEL SO GOOD, ya know? ... I mean can you IMAGINE THAT happening and causing you to just FEEL INCREDIBLE?


SOUL JEWELRY PATTERN You: Do you like Jewelry? Her:


You: I'm going to give you something, that's probably going to be the greatest gift you've ever received from anyone. (Let them respond/react to that) Close your eyes. Now, what's your favorite metal? If you could have a ring made out be? Her:

(Let her answer)

You: Okay, now what gem stone would you want on this ring? Her:

(Let her answer)

You: Niiice. Now, what shape is this "stone?" Is it a baguette, oval, trillium or some other shape? Her:

(Let her answer)

You: Very nice. Now, what size is this "stone?" a karat, 2 karats, 5 karats, what? Her:

(Let her answer)

You: Very nice. Okay, can you picture that ring clearly, can you see it? Her:

(Let her answer)

You: Okay, now I would like you to imagine in your mind's eye, a perfect "metal" ring. Not the stone yet, just the "metal" ring. The most beautiful "metal" ring you've ever seen. And maybe it's crafted in a way that's maybe not possible to make with metal. Like maybe it's disconnected in some way, or maybe it has shapes on it that you've never seen before. Or maybe it's connected in various spots by an energy. This is your unique "metal" ring, so craft it how you most want it, remembering to make a place for that beautiful setting for your stone. And let me know when you can see it clearly. (Wait for her to let you know) Okay, now look at that "X" karat "stone" Notice the shape of it, the way it glitters, the colors it gives off. Can you see that? Her:

(Let her answer)

You: Purrrrrfect. Now, see that "X" karat "stone" mounted into the ring and notice how beautiful the ring looks. Notice all the features you enjoy most about this ring. And as you see that ring, that perfect, beautiful, inside your mind, I would like "metal" ring itself to represent the feeling you have ... Just before you ... Mmmmmm ... stop into a hot bath or shower. And feel that same pleasure of when that warm water covers your entire body, filling you up with a warmth deep inside you. Feeling the wonderful sensations that this brings, and the wonderful 53

feelings you have from this experience. Can you feel that? (Let her answer) That's what the "metal" ring represents, that feeling. And the "stone" that beautiful stone, represents that feeling of ... You know that feeling you get, when you're with a guy, and you're having a good time, and he looks at you and you look at him and you know that something wonderful is about to happen, something that you both want. And you start to feel kinda nervous inside, and kinda giddy, so you feel like you want to talk a lot, but you're nervous all at the same time and it's kinda exciting? You know that feeling? Her:

(Let her answer)

You: Yeah, that feeling is what that "stone" set in the "metal" ring represents. And now, I'm going to give you a feeling that you've never felt before. I guarantee that you're going to experience an emotion and a feeling that you've never felt in your life. And it's going to be so beautiful, you're going to be able to take it with you wherever you go. Now, what I'm going to do, is I'm going to take that ring, and I'm going to slide it onto your finger, which finger do you want it on? Her:

(Let her answer)

You: Perfect. Now take a deep breath, because what is about to happen is pretty amazing. (Wait for her to take a deep breath-take one with her too by the way) You: Now ... as I slowly ... slide ... this ring ... onto your finger, you're going to notice those two feelings we talked about starting to mix together. Swirl inside of you. (Start to "put" ring on desired finger) Now notice the feelings mixing together for the first time. Notice just how amazing that feels. Then notice how the color starts to light your whole hand up, and run up into your body, and swirl all through you. Can you feel that? (Let her answer) Now notice something. Notice how now that you have on this incredible ring, this ring that only you can see, the ring is on forever, you can't take it off, no matter how hard you try. Slowly now ... open your eyes ... and see very vividly that beautiful ring on your finger. Can you see it on there? (Let her say 'Yes") See how it looks exactly how you imagined it would. And how now you have it forever. That is my gift to you.


SUBMISSION VS. SURRENDER PATTERN You: Do you know the difference between submission and surrender? Her:


You: Submission implies that you’ve been defeated, that you’ve been beaten, that someone has snapped your will. There’s a feeling that you’ve given in or given up. But surrender is something completely different. Surrender is like when you sigh that sigh of relief (long tension-releasing sigh) cause you’ve finally come home. You’ve come home to someone whos mature enough to see the woman that you are. To accept you just as you are. He’s experienced enough to see the woman you’ve become. And strong enough to make you feel totally protected in his arms. And wants to take care of you, and provide for your needs and give you some security so you can just relax and live life fully with joy and happiness like it’s supposed to be. And this man is sensitive and kind enough to make you feel totally safe enough to open up your soul to him and be free as he takes his pleasure with you and leads you in a completely nude erection. And you realize that you feel completely safe surrendering yourself because now you totally trust this person (point to self). And the thing about surrender is that often times a person may want to surrender, but due to the pressures that we put on ourselves, and that society puts on us, the roles we’re forced to play, maybe a relationship that a person is in that is really restricting them from being finding true happiness in the world, we have to lock away and shut down that part of who we are in that place that I call the secret passionate core. That place deep inside you where anything is possible, where anything can be experienced with pleasure, that place where you keep your highest dreams, its the same place that you keep your most private fantasies and hide your deepest secrets about yourself. And sometimes you keep them hidden for so long, and these secrets are buried so deep that you forget you even have them until that special someone helps you find the key and unlock your fantasies, your hidden desires that you’ve suppressed for so long. But you don’t have to lock that part of you away anymore, you’re free to release that part of you. to be free. I’m giving you permission. But you never even needed my permission in the first place. You are free to bare your soul, to me, It’s that place right next to the essence of who you are where anything can happen, where anything can be tried out, where you keep your most exciting memories, where you ponder your fantasies, daydreams, and amazing possibilities where you indulge yourself in your deepest desires of physical pleasure and romantic sexual ecstasy. The things you would do if no one were watching and you might not even want your best friend to know you dream about them at all. Because she might become jealous of you, because you have something special like this so beautiful, and so rare. And I think when a man (point to self) can come along and touch a woman (touch her) in all those special places, and in all those ways she longs to be touched and caressed, maybe in ways she can’t even admit to herself, then I think that a trance-formation takes place on a molecular level and she blossoms beyond her physical beauty into something beyond description. (Like a little caterpillar that metamorphasizes into a beautiful butterfly or like a little baby rose


bud that’s closed tight when its young, but as it grows, it blooms and blossoms into a brilliant, beautiful flower with it’s petals spread wide open and free and luxuriating in the warmth of the sunlight of a warm summer day). and that’s the same way it is between 2 people who connect on such a deep level. Just as the sun can provide warmth and light to a flower so it can blossom, a man can provide the warmth and compassion to a woman so that she can open up and blossom into a truly beautiful woman and feel so complete with a strong, sensitive, caring man right beside her. Close to her. with me, when I find that special woman that understands what I’m talking about and can be with me like a lover and a soulmate, I will treasure her with all my heart for the rest of my life. What is it about the way certain people affect us that causes us to think of them in that special place? to hear this voice and feel this presence from that spot in such a way that no matter how we try to deny our desire to act it takes on a life of its own. compelling, powerful, real, so real. A desire that says YES! I wanna step into this special place with (you) this special person and explore anything we can make real together. Now the thing that I wonder about is what would it be like for a person to just feel all those hidden parts inside them just wake up right now, look though our eyes, hear with our ears, and feel with our hearts such incredible passion growing inside us and say YES! right now, this very moment, I have to have it right now ... When you can DO THAT, RIGHT NOW, that is when the real adventure of your life can begin, right now, the really fun exciting, amazing, incredible mind-blowing romantic adventure of your life can start right now, all you have to do is just enjoy it and be excited about it as you look forward with anticipation to this incredible, amazing adventure that’s about to take place in your life. Just let it happen. Sometimes I think you don’t even know why that’s taking place now, with me, in my experience, I find that sometimes all sorts of things go deep inside yourself and you don’t even know why you can’t help yourself. It’s like there’s this mysterious force deep inside us that’s creating all this passion and desire and feelings, you might call it chemistry between us, but to me, it feels like a mysterious force deep inside us that’s generating all these passionate feelings that go shooting thru the circuits of our bodies, like a jolt of electricity, begging to be released, bursting at the seams to be let out, these feelings deep inside you desperately wanting to be unleashed and shared with the other person. And it could be anything that triggers this explosion of energy and desire that wants to be expressed. It could be the way the person looks at you, the way they touch you, the way the warmth of their voice just wraps itself around you and penetrates you entirely, completely, all of your body and soul. But ultimately, I think it’s about recognition and permission. When you recognize you’re listening to someone who knows what that place is like for himself, then you give yourself permission to create an opening for this person (point to self). An opening that longs to feel filled with the power and the presence of this person coming so strongly deep inside of who you are.


(this poem is optional) It’s just like this amazing poem I read: (openings poem) I will open you petal by petal, taking all the time in the world. I will build you with a slow fire, stick by stick, and watch the color of your sunrise. I will play with the wind of you, cover your body with smiles and games, promises and fantasies that disappear without a trace. I will stir your secret core, witches brew of potions and incantations And feel you rolling, floating, simmering in my hand. I will slowly fill you up every crevice and curve watch, feel, hear, smell, taste you growing full. Can you feel that, would be an amazing thing to experience. The interesting thing about feelings is how they can get better and better and better the more you recognize there’s an incredible opportunity here. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity right here in front of you. To experience incredible passion in your life right now. The thing about new opportunities is it’s not enough just to ponder and think about it and say well, maybe someday. Because then it will be gone and it will be too late. Instead you gotta reach out, grab hold of this incredible new opportunity, take it all the way in as deep as it will go, join with it, make it part of who you are. And then it’s like all those images and fantasies and thoughts move from the place where things might happen into the place where you absolutely must MAKE THEM HAPPEN RIGHT NOW. (read her the essence poem later to rekindle passionate core theme)


THE SUMMER NIGHT PATTERN One of the things to do on summer nights is to sit on the grass, chat, and look up at the stars with quiet surroundings. There're probably a lot of stuff to talk about like horoscopes or constellations but one experience I had I think is worth creating a pattern for. The following pattern basically makes her feel lonely and want you as her salvation. You

Have you ever felt that the world we live in could sometimes be very unreal? (Alternative: You know, this kinda reminds me of the idea of a time machine ... )


Yeah ...


WITH ME ... it often happens at times like right now when it's quiet, dark, and peaceful. It's like in one of those movies, you are able to just STOP, and IMAGINE traveling back in time, say 500 years ago, and PICTURE where you are right now was once some very remote area, no civilization, no humans, no cars around ... right?


Yeah ... I felt that before ...


Yeah and maybe to the point where it was once full of trees, a few wild animals or it could have been a really huge grassland with beautiful, shining stars in the sky ... totally MYSTERIOUS and beautiful ... and think about this. There's nobody around but only you. It's like you FEEL SO UNIQUE but you also feel a sense of DANGER and HELPLESSNESS ... and you can even start to HEAR YOUR INNER VOICE STRUGGLING to escape ... to find someone, to find warmth ... WITH ME, it's the best time to REALLY REFLECT ON ONESELF and let your imagination GO WILD and think about things that you normally wouldn't ...


Oh my God. It's so true ...


(Optional) : And I think it's so funny how when you're back in reality, RIGHT NOW ... WITH ME, you feel it's like you've discovered this very world we live in anew, and everything around you just seems SO REAL again ... like you are able to feel the cool breeze on your skin, and the sounds around you become all that clearer, and you start to notice how beautiful those city lights are from afar ... can you FEEL THAT (Touch Her Gently) ... is a wonderful feeling?



Maybe you were even able to IMAGINE A TIME IN YOUR FUTURE (gesture either to your left or to your right ... at this point it really doesn't matter) , say six months from now, still FEELING THAT SENSE OF INCREDIBLE CONNECTION, and LOOKING BACK ON TODAY (point back to you) as having been the start of it.



(knowing full well that she's seen it) : You saw Titanic, didn't you.


Yeah ...

You: You know what I think the best thing about that movie is? The characters. Girl:


You: Well, I liked the way Jack and Rose were so realistic in what they felt for each other. It's like, when they see each other for the first time, and she knows, right then, that THIS, NOW, is the start of SOMETHING GREAT (gesture at you and her) . Girl:

That was great ...

You: Yeah, they have such an INCREDIBLE CONNECTION, she just can FEEL SO GOOD with THIS GUY. As the looks at HIM, STANDING THERE (point to self) , she's CURIOUS, like when you WANT TO KNOW MORE about THIS PERSON (point to self). When YOU'RE SO CURIOUS about this guy (point) , it's like all you want to do is know him better. Or when he holds her in front of the ship, she FEELS so MAGICAL, like you feel so SAFE AND FREE with this guy (point to self) , you just want to LET GO OF YOUR FEARS and GO WITH IT. And as the movie goes on, she keeps thinking about this guy (point, duh) Her attraction keeps growing every time she sees him, it's like when you THINK ABOUT THIS PERSON ALWAYS (point) .Whenever you open a door, or walk into a room, or while you're lying in bed, just before you go to sleep, you SEE HIM THERE. ME, I love the feelings you get from this movie, not the sad ones, but all the good feelings. Can you remember them? (anchor) The feelings of love between Jack and Rose ... that love between two people can be so strong that she would DO ANYTHING for him. The way that love PENETRATES DEEP INSIDE YOU, like lightning into your soul. Have you ever experienced loving someone like that? (point and anchor) Can you imagine loving someone like that? NOW, WITH ME, I like to think things like that still CAN HAPPEN NOW. Lead into any other more description intensive patterns you like, I think this pretty much sets her up for everything.


SPECIAL PATTERNS DARK SUN PATTERN After fooling around with Dark Sun and variations of it, I'd like to share a few thoughts: 1. Use on married women/engaged women/women who tell you they have a BF. Originally, I came up with the Dark Sun for use on married ladies ... talking about relationships and the roles they require us to play cause us to compartmentalize and shut away certain aspects of who we are … yet they are still there in those SPECIAL PLACES INSIDE YOU'RE MINE ... STARTING with this works great ... for MARRIED women/women in long term relationships because IT IS AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF THEIR EXPERIENCE. Starting this way with women who DON'T fill this bill doesn't get nearly so strong a response. 2. The Special Places Theme-I've found that this idea of "Special Places In You're Mine" to be the LEGGO of patterns … it's attachable ANYWHERE and you can attach virtually ANTYHING to it ... I've found it works best if I FIRST have them do imagination experiments ... visualize the rose I'm holding, step into their ideal vacation spot ... Somehow a trance induced by a sensory rich experience makes them MUCH more capable of using their imagination to get a lot more turned on when I THEN expound on the "Special Places" theme. So ... try it both ways ... Special places and THEN imagination experiments; and imagination and then Special places. I'll bet you the second way works better. (Note that in some respects SS IS like baking a cake ... gotta get the right ingredients IN the right order!) 3. I've found that doing the BJ pattern AFTER the imagination experiments ups the responsiveness to Special Places EVEN MORE! So ideally, I've found, that with HIGHLY visual/suggestible women,(who aren't married or in a long term relationship) the following sequence works best: 1.

What color is this rose?


Ideal vacation spot




Special places in you're mine

5. You can't help yourself ("Sometimes you don't even know why that's taking place ... now ... with me ... I think all sorts of things go deep inside yourself ... and


you don't even know why you can't help yourself ... now ... with me ... ) 6.

POEM! Intro it by saying how all this inspired you to write something ...

With women who tell you off the bat they are married, have a BF, etc, the sequence is: 1. Relationships and the roles they force us to play cause us to shut away parts of ourselves ... 2. But they are still there ... in those special places inside your mine ... where you keep your most exciting memories ... etc. etc ... 3. You can't help yourself 4. BJ 5. Blammo 6. Poem Play with these sequences. The most profound thing I've noticed is that doing the visualizing stuff first REALLY heightens everything else, be it poetry, Dark Sun, BJ or whatever. Part of the reason is, I think, that when I DO have them in their ideal vacation spot I throw in the following KEY piece of language: I invite you to notice that each breath you take ... each beat of your heart ... each word I say allows you to experience anything I suggest you ENJOY that much more vividly! Dark Sun Variation Anyway, the variation is to talk about how important it can be, when getting to know someone, to really understand their sense of personal rhythm. "And you know, Debbie ... there are all sorts of rhythms a person has. There is the rhythm of their breathing ... the rhythm at which they speak ... even the rhythm at which they PAY ATTENTION ... but then there is another rhythm ... a personal and deeply special rhythm ... and that is the rhythm of how they move back and forth between being outside in the world ... talking and communicating with people ... and being INSIDE ... in that special place of FANTASY ... and of course sometimes a person doesn't even know what makes them GO INTO THAT PLACE OF FANTASY ... I think sometimes all sorts of things GO DEEP INSIDE ... and she doesn't even know why YOU CAN'T HELP YOURSELF ... it's like there is this mysterious machinery far, far away, generating all this passion that just goes shooting through the circuits, waiting to be released ... and it can be anything that triggers it ... it could be the way some unique feature of their face rivets your attention ... it could be the gentle way they touch you ... it could be the way the deep, rich warmth of their voice, just wraps itself around you, like a pair of powerful but gentle arms, pulling you in to something that feels SO wonderful ...


It's just so interesting how when that is taking place, a person can just TAKE A DEEP BREATH ... and go ALL THE WAY INSIDE ... into that place of fantasy ... where they can consider the person they are observing ... they can wonder ... really wonder ... what does this person do in their free time ... who do they know in their life ... and what it would it be like ... to be enjoying this person ... in all the ways YOU love to be enjoyed ... in all the ways two people can enjoy each other?" SUMMARY: #1 #2 #3 #4

I waffle on about the email stuff I'm doing I point out some pattern language stuff in greeting cards I point out that this summary business is a lot like hard work ;-) I tell everyone to have fun.

This SS by email is a pain in the neck. I've got two women bombarding me with hints that I should fly across the Atlantic and visit them. Every day the same old thing ;-) Another one at least is actively planning to visit me in the spring. Yes, it's a long time to wait for a shag, but she's going to visit another continent just so she can hop into bed with me? Wow! Now I gotta get the other two turned around. One was suggesting I send her a plane ticket. Getting closer, I suppose, but not quite there yet ... ;-) The lady who's planning on visiting has also taken to sending me cards by snail mail. She's picking up on the pattern language quite fast, and doing her level best to SS me right back, bless her. Anyway, I've hit her with a mix of dark sun, poetry, and some really weird stuff that just sort of rose out of the context, and she started looking for cards to express how she felt. The first one had this message: 'Always A Pleasure' We each have a picture of someone we treasure We take it out often, and always with pleasure. Perhaps for a moment, perhaps for all day Then carefully, lovingly, tuck it away ... It could be a photo, but often it's not It may be no more than a wonderful thought.


The kind that's brought happiness right from the start, And that's always nearby ... for it's kept in the heart. -By Emily Matthews (Forget Me Not Cards) Does the process in that sound familiar to anyone? Now, I get another one that's got so much NLP type stuff in it it can hardly be accidental. It goes like this: [front of card] This card comes with special instructions Okay. You've already opened the envelope. Right? Right. And now you're holding this card in your hands. So here's what to do next ... [inside card] Get a big goofy grin on your face. (Go on: I'll wait.) Now, as you begin to realize how sensational it is to receive a card from _this_ particular person (me!) ... • Start jumping up and down and cheering as though you'd just won an eighty million dollar lottery • Act like you just scored the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl. Do the "end zone strut." Give yourself a high five. Really whoop it up. • Plant a big juicy kiss on this card and say something that sounds incredibly Italian. • open your door and yell at the top of your lungs "Yesss! Yesss!" Startle the neighbors, Get them jumping up and down with you in unison. Then ... go back inside. Smile a nice quiet smile. And think of me. I've been thinking of you. [end of card] This wonderful piece of head meddling was perpetrated by one Jessie Moore, card by Blue Mountain Arts if anyone's interested. (Does this count as plugging someone else's product?)


I mean have a look at that again: Lovely pacing on the first page. Throw in a tag question, a bit of thought binding ... then inside: Get some linked presuppositions on the go, suggest a smile, link to the sender. Get some useful physiologies going, elicit some nice juicy states, some useful sounds as well for the auditory types amongst us. Then "go back inside (?!!) smile a nice quiet smile" ... and link all those feelings to the sender. I'm going to have to do some browsing in a Card Bar somewhere, assuming I can find one that has its pattern language in English. My mind is still fried from Ross' seminar this last weekend and while on the plane home I came up with a wonderful ambiguity that you can work into any pattern. Ross, Mark and the gang made it clear to me on all sorts of levels NOT TO MAKE APPLOGIES for what we do and to be blatant in a context of FUN (Ross, you gotta post about the errant phone call to the seminar room. It was a WONDERFUL example!). The pattern starts off with the Dark Sun and you explain how " ... it's my job, my obligation, in life to make people who will *accept the good things I have* to *feel wonderful* or get them out of my life because WHY NOT PUT PEOPLE WHERE THEY MOST WANT TO BE ANYWAY WITH ME?" Please, tell me if this trances you out like it does me? FIELD TEST! On that note the seminar was AWESOME!!! Ross and Mark were on a roll from day one. Ross, on that spot and inspired my Marks talk evolved a pattern on the difference between what we would like in a relationship and what we NEED ... ... ... but I will leave that for Ross to post. The question came up "Where is SS going?" and just from looking at where its come from in such a short time leaves me beyond speculation. Suffice to say, the sky’s the limit. Hey guys. V-day is coming up, and my school is having a "romantic ramblings" contest. Having wimped out of competing with an SS poem last year, this year I decided to write a Dark Sun poem. The contest deadline is Thursday, and I'd like some feedback. If you like it, by all means use it, but please don't use it until Friday night (just in case). If you have any corrections, send them this way! The Dark Sun A certain spot inside you, Where everything is true, There you store your qualities,


And all the best of you. In your dreams, you often Find that sacred spot. But then there are the fantasies, The things you just might not. In your mind you keep The wishes you embrace, The ones you dare not think of Except that special place. That place you can't yet explore But in your secret dreams, Where anything might happen, For them your mind will scream. Imagine something coming, Soon you'll dream of it. Each dream you will remember, Through all your daily grit. You'll replay all those dreams All day right in your mind. Experience them fully, Time right after time. That place will stay so secret, No other needs to know. With help from your unconscious, Just go down below. You need not feel excited, But in the future, soon, You'll begin to realize, It's something you must own. Remember all your dreams, For when you make them true, You don't need to talk. It's between me and you. Here are the various versions of The Dark Sun Pattern. I will leave you to discover their underlying patterns.


Brothers, Taking the half thrown ball from Ross and brothers I have devised my own Dark Sun Pattern: I think its so interesting how all those creative processes seem to come from that same special place ... like do you remember the last time you really had a good laugh so that as you remember it you smile really wide? ... or have you ever worked on something that really compelled you (point) to study it so the you wanted to take it all in as far as it would go? ... NOW, WITH ME, there is that one special place where all of that comes from. WITH ME, as you GO THERE it really is a place where you can FEEL NEW FEELINGS, and THINK OF NEW WONDERFUL IDEAS. It's the place where you can DREAM THE DREAMS THAT WILL(WE'LL) BE COMING TOGETHER to make new things possible. WITH ME, it's like you are able to LISTEN TO THIS VOICE that just draaaaaws you inward ... and if you can THINK OF TIME YOU MADE A REALLY GOOD DECISION it was this voice that guided you ... this voice of wisdom ... this voice of experience ... I have a voice like that ... in fact maybe you can think of a time in the future where need to make a decision and you STOP and you HEAR THIS VOICE guide you ... I'll bet that if you listen you can hear this voice right now ... with me ... that's what *MY* voice does ... and it comes from that special place ... inside ... Special acknowledgements to Ross and Mark C. Here's a version of "Dark Sun" designed to get a woman having intense sexual dreams about you. I think it was Brother Xhodos who posted about his dream induction pattern, and I've used a wee bit in it. *********DARK SUN: BETA TEST VERSION II***************** Caution: this pattern may induce uncontrollable sexual arousal in women. Use caution if applying it around women who are on the more unstable side. Where to use it: Try it as a phone pattern ... there's a lot of key phrasing that it depends upon. Conversational set-up: Ask if she has any married friends. It doesn't matter what the answer is. Follow up by saying you were having the most interesting conversation with your married friend, Suzanne. You say: "We were discussing how relationships and the roles we play in them require that we shut away and compartmentalize certain aspects of who we are ... yet they are still there in that special place where we keep our most exciting memories ... where we ponder fantasies ... daydreams ... new thoughts ... amazing possibilities ... and what is it in how some people effect us that causes us to


think of them in that special place ... to hear their voice and feel their presence from that spot ... so that no matter how much we may try to deny our desire to act ... it takes on a life of it's own ... undeniable ... demanding ... compelling ... real ... " (Ok. now that you've set her up ... here's where you program the dreaming) I think it's the kind of thing to explore in a dream ... with me ... as I think about it ... a dream is a place where their are no rules ... no restrictions ... just fantasies ... excitement ... and the amazing enjoyment of something you realize you have to have.


GEMINI PATTERN (99 LA VIDEO) This is a transcription from several sources. The punctuation may (probably) be wrong. Do you think most men understand what women really want? I think most men don’t either But I’ve learned something that has helped me to begin to understand women. I think inside every woman there are two women. The culturally programmed woman and then there’s the natural woman. The culturally programmed woman is the one the one with all the rules and roles. I don’t kiss on the first date, I don’t give out my phone number, I don’t sleep with anyone until after the third date. And then there’s the natural woman. That’s the one where you keep your most exciting memories where you ponder fantasies daydreams amazing possibilities. The kinds of things you’d do if no one were watching and you wouldn’t even want your best friends to know you dream about and long for. And often times what happens because of the pressure society puts on us. The roles you have to play and maybe a relationship that really restricts you. A person has to lock those parts away and keep them safe and yet they’re still there waiting to be released. Watch for anchor potential here. The two questions I like to ask myself are what is it about the way certain people affect us that causes us to Think Of This Person in that special place, to hear this voice, feel this presence and see this face in that space in such a way that no matter how we try to deny our desire to act. It takes on a life of its own compelling powerful real. Where that voice inside says Yes, I want to step into that special place with this Special Person and explore anything we can make real together. Listen they may talk here. And the other question I ask myself is what would it be like for a person right now. To feel all those hidden parts and desires wake up hungry desiring alive ready realizing this is the moment the main chance right Now a chance to move in a new direction and the thing about new directions is its not enough to just ponder them instead you gotta reach out grab hold of them take them all the way in ride it join with it make it real right here Right Now. I added this next paragraph its from the Maui tape. I think its so interesting sometimes you don’t even know why you just want to go deep inside that place of fantasy. I think all sorts of things go deep inside yourself and you don’t even know why you can’t help yourself now I think its so interesting that how sometimes a person can just take a deep breath and go all the way down into that place of fantasy into that place where she can consider the person in front of here and she can wonder really wonder what is this person like who do they know in there life and what would it be like to be enjoying this person in all the ways you love to be enjoyed in all the ways two special people can enjoy each other and the interesting thing is how sometimes those thought take on a life of their own so even if your already with someone its like suddenly with them you see this persons face you imagine this


persons touch you hear the warmth of this persons amazing voice wrapping itself around you and you know that this person is who you want to be with. Back to the Maui tape The things that have no impact no value and you just don’t give a dam about you know you have a conversation with someone at a party it goes in one ear and right out the other. You know you learn something at school and you forget instantaneously someone you meet makes no impression on you and yet in know its equally true that there’s a special place right next to the essence of who you are as a woman where you keep your most exciting memories where you ponder fantasies daydreams amazing possibilities and hypnosis is about asking the question how can you now go into that place and from that place open yourself up to something wonderful because you see _____ there are three kinds of people in this world there are the people who go for what they know they can get that’s the majority of people then there’s that very rare smaller segment of the population who go for what they really truly want and there’s the much rarer people there so rare there precious gems when you find them and those are the people who can open themselves to that place where anything can be possible because they can open themselves to experiences they never knew they were missing they never knew they were missing cause they never realized it could feel so amazing to open your mind to new thoughts open your heart to new feelings open your body to new sensations seduction is about a similar recognition but there’s an additional recognition there’s the recognition that sometimes because relationships were already in or just whatever is going on in our life our circumstances or conditions we’re forced to lock away to shut down and lock away certain parts of who we are and yet those parts are still there in those special places so seductions about asking a slightly different question its about asking the question what is it about the way certain people affect us that causes us to think of them in that special place to hear this voice and feel this presence in that spot in such a way that no mater how we try to deny our desire to act it takes on a life of its own compelling powerful real I think sometimes you don’t even know why that’s taking place I think sometimes all sorts of things go deep inside yourself and you don’t even know why you cant help yourself it could be anything that triggers it you know ____ it could be some unique feature of this persons face that rivets your attention as you just keep looking it could be gentle way they touch you it could be the way the deep rich warmth of their voice just warps itself around you pulling you into something that makes you feel so wonderful you begin to get certain ideas but you know its about another question the other question is what is it about the way a certain person touches us in that special place in that special way that we hunger to be touched exactly the way we long to be touched right there that can cause those parts those parts of us to wake up right now look out through our eyes hear with our ears and say in a loud voice on the inside oh my god I want this and that to me is what seduction is really about ______ Most of the kinds of communications that guys think will touch a woman in that special place in that special way instead go right into the trash. I’ll bet he’s a control freak. He treats you like one of his business deals. That’s right because he doesn’t know how to touch you in that special place.


What your boyfriend doesn’t realize is he looks at you and sees a beautiful babe but he doesn’t see the goddess inside that’s crying out to be released. That’s crying out to be touched in a way where she can come to the surface and you will blossom beyond being physically beautiful into something that’s ethereal beyond this world because that’s what you really want with the right man. What I love about poetry is that it touches us in that special place in the mind the place where you keep your most exciting memories where you ponder fantasies. There are different places in the mind there’s the place where you keep the things of least importance to you in one ear and out the other and then there are those places where you keep the things that are the most important to you as a woman where you keep your most exciting memories you ponder fantasies and daydreams amazing possibilities and what is it about the way certain people affect us that causes us to think of them in that special place In that special way we hunger we long to be touched that causes that special place to wake up right now Look out through our eyes hear with our ears and recognize that there’s this unbelievable opportunity such that we hear its voice saying so loudly oh my god I want this right now I think its so interesting sometimes you don’t even know why you just want to go deep inside that place of fantasy I think all sorts of things go deep inside yourself and you don’t even know why you can’t help yourself now I think its so interesting that how sometimes a person can just take a deep breath and go all the way down into that place of fantasy into that place where she can consider the person in front of here and she can wonder really wonder what is this person like who do they know in there life and what would it be like to be enjoying this person in all the ways you love to be enjoyed in all the ways two special people can enjoy each other and the interesting thing is how sometimes those thought take on a life of their own so even if your already with someone its like suddenly with them you see this persons face you imagine this persons touch you hear the warmth of this persons amazing voice wrapping itself around you and you know that this person is who you want to be with END MAUI


BISHOP’S WARMTH BUILDER Hold the babe's hand with her palm UP. Put your index finger in the center of her palm, and tell her to focus on the warmth in that spot your finger is on. Then tell her to imagine a shape (any shape she wants and she is not to tell you what shape she chooses ) ** Next tell her imagine that shape is sloooowly ... riiising ... up from that spot of warmth. (raise you index finger up to prompt her to raise her shape) Tell her it is floating ... rotating ... around ... and with each rotation ... it gets warmer ... and warmer ... and warmer, Then tell her to slooowly let that shape sink back down into the spot it rose from. Next tell her to feel the warmth, as it travels UP from her hand ... to her wrist ... and it stops in that spot where the arm bends. (Your index finger will be tracing the movement) While it is stopped here, invite her to notice how much warmer it became as it moved to this spot. Then have it start moving again, this time travelling up and stopping on her shoulder. (you are still tracing the movement) Invite her to notice how that warmth is now even stronger ... and more fulfilling. Continue moving and stopping at her "charm" zone (that's the area where a charm on a necklace would be resting) Again invite her to notice how even warmer and more fulfilling it continues to get. The move and stop on her "heart" zone (Stop tracing it from this point, as it might be too intrusive to her) Again inviting her to notice the growing warmth and fulfillment. Then move it down to her solar plexus (And here use EXACTLY this wording, "And notice how that warmth seems to double ... maybe even triple in intensity ... as if the core of all that warmth ... all that fulfillment..came from ... right ... in ... here." Then poke her solar plexus to anchor it!) Then tell her to continue moving that incredibly warm and fulfilling shape down (and tell her something like, "Continue this movement, even though you think you might explode ... with enjoyment.") Then swoop your hand BY her crotch, at an angle, and say, "And just let all of this flow right out and through you." (Make sure you do NOT stop your hand by her crotch, because it's too blatant. Instead, move your hand BY her crotch, at an angle, and over her right or left leg) And then SHUT UP and let the first words be out of HER mouth, so you know what result you got and where you might need to take the sarge from this point!


** It's important that you DO NOT make her tell you what shape she chose, because it becomes more personal when she does not have to share it. Remember, if it goes as designed, that shape is now her symbol for orgasmic pleasure. The mere thought of that shape from this point on will give her pleasure, because it is a personal anchor for her. Keep in mind, if AFTER you've done the "Warmth Builder" (and gotten a favorable result) she tells you what shape she chose, that's a great sign that she is having sensual thoughts with you in mind. (It's like a woman showing you where her clit is, she tells you because she wants you to use the information!) WHEN DO YOU USE IT? It varies from babe to babe. My most successful uses of the "Warmth Builder" happens to be on quality servers (that what I call waitresses ... well, the good ones anyway) Because chances are her legs are tired and she's been getting "slammed" before you showed up. So once I've built a little rapport, and illicit some of her trance words, I'll introduce it like, "I know if you had a choice, you'd walk right out that door and get a nice manicure, soak in a hot tub for a half hour, and then sleep until the week-end. But that's not possible right now, so let's do the next best thing." Dude, THAT will get her interested enough to give you three minutes to use the "Warmth Builder." But the rule I follow, is to introduce it AFTER deep rapport, and after I've either done a guided visualization, or I elicit some of her trance words in some other way. I feed them back their trance words, then, since we're obviously on the subject of things that bring her pleasure, or is an example of her imagination, It's easy to lead into the "Warmth Builder" by saying something along the lines of, "Speaking of _______, let me show you something really cool."


BISHOP’S ROSE (Live Example) I smiled and said, "So, wanna see just how powerful your imagination is?" She smiled back and joked, "Why is it I suddenly feel like a hypnotist's volunteer?" I replied, "Because you are." She laughed and asked, "Are you really going to hypnotize me?" I said, "I'm going to join you in exploring your imagination. You will have complete control over whatever it is you imagine." (Notice I didn't actually answer her question) She said, "Okay." So I asked her, "What's your favorite color?" She replied, "Yellow." I said, "Perrrrrfect ... Now, I bet you can ... see me holding a rose in this hand ... and of course ... it's yellow ... your favorite color ... .I want you to ... take this yellow rose ... from my hand ... being careful ... to hold it ever so gently." She took the "rose" from my hand. Then I said, "Now ... hold the rose up ... up to your nose ... and smell the wonderful scent ... that pleasing aroma ... Mmm, nice, isn't it?" She said, "Oh, yeah, this is very nice indeed." (Her breathing at this point had slowed down to match my speaking pace.) Then I said, "Now I want you to ... close your eyes ... and ... imagine the wonderful ... metamorphosis ... of the rose ... becoming your favorite flavor lollipop." She said, "Lollipop? I don't have a favorite one of those. I like chocolate though." I said, "Perrrrfect ... because just as quickly ... as you ... close your eyes again ... that lollipop ... becomes your favorite chocolate treat. Mmm, do you want some? " She licked her bottom lip, and replied, "That would be nice." I then said, "Slowly ... open your mouth ... and ... let this treat ... touch your tongue ... Now, can you ... imagine ... that first ... explosion of flavor ... as this treat ... touches your tongue ... and begins to ... slide down your throat." She said, "Oh, my, I believe I'm getting quite excited, and it has nothing to do with chocolate.” I laughed slightly then said, "Do you want more?" She opened her eyes quickly, let out a small laugh, then whispered to me, "is there a hidden offer in that question?" I smiled and joked, "Ya' don't know, do you?"


HUNA PRAYER HUNA PRAYER BRIEF GUIDE At some point, in your life, you made a DECISION, at a deeply powerful level of the mind, a DECISION about the kinds of results you deserved to have in an area or areas of your life. That decision shaped what you could do ... how you thought ... what you could perceive and WHAT RESULTS THE UNIVERSE COULD BRING TO YOU. Decisions alone are powerful, but more importantly, it is in what state and what level of mind the decision is made and held that makes a difference in how it effects us and our lives. Decisions made at an ordinary level of conscious awareness seldom have much effect, by themselves. Many of us have "decided" lots of things and never actually wound up seeing any difference at all from these "decisions". However, decisions made in an altered state of consciousness, coming from the deep level of identity and deservingness are no different in form, function or effect than a powerfully offered PRAYER ... a PRAYER to your Higher Self to create a reality that you would go through and experience. This is why many people never really change as much as they consciously want to, even when given very powerful tools to work with and master. With ALL your exposure to the best technology and tools for change, you may well make incremental "progress" but quantum leaps won't take place, IF those leaps would run COUNTER to the "prayer" you sent up with full belief. Now, I know that CONSCIOUSLY, this is NOT what we set out to do, and that is precisely the point. When we reach deep inside, and decide what our reality will be, it opens a channel to the "High Self" and says, "this is what I believe, without doubt, will happen" and happen it will, even if it doesn't lead us to being happy, fulfilled, etc. etc. etc. Do you remember what a Great Master once said about, "Whatever you ask for in prayer, without doubt, will be given to you?" Well, that is what most of us do, without even knowing it, by the decisions we make at deep levels of consciousness ... and then we can spend a lifetime "not quite getting there" and struggling with "almost’s" and "damn ... just this close!" Here is how to change this. First, realize that according to the Hawaiian system of prayer called Huna, we have a High, Middle and Low Self. These correspond to the SuperConscious, the Conscious and Unconscious Minds. Prayer, properly done, consists of this: 1. The Middle self(conscious) forms an image of what it wants. 2. The Unconscious connects up with the High Self(The High and Middle selves do NOT communicate directly).


3. The Unconscious sends the images formed by the Middle Self up to the High Self, along with the energy of deep breathing. 4. The High Self makes manifest the thought form in it's own Higher Realm, and then uses the energy of your consciousness to make it real in THIS realm. Brothers and sisters, what this means is we are all, unwittingly, MAGICIANS. We create our reality from a deeply held belief and DECISION. I'm sure you've heard this before; what's been missing is the mechanism to take control of the process and make it work FOR us at OUR will, according to our desire, instead of by chance or accident! Now, here is what you must do. Find a quiet place ... sit in meditation or even lay down ... Before you, on the ground, visualize a circle of deservingness ... of unlimited possibility ... a place where anything can be manfested and all possible realites are equally present. STEP into this circle. Close your eyes, turn them upward about 30 degrees and count as follows ... 3 ... 3 ... 3 ... 2 ... 2 ... 2 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 Say, "Lower Self, I ask that you begin to make contact with the High Self ... my loving Parental Spirit" ... Visualize a cord of light going from your solar plexus up to your High Self ... and feel a flow of love going from you to the High Self and back. As you do this, take four deep breaths and imagine blowing the breath back out through your lips as a golden stream of energy to the High Self. Say, "High self ... I ask you now to help heal me of this earlier decision I had made that has been blocking my life. I know that you can do this for me and I trust now that you are healing me of this ... please remove this from me so that I can manifest the wishes of my heart in ways that are for the Highest good for myself and all those I will touch. Please take this limit and this decision from me with all the power I know you have ... Visualize the Gold Light of the High Self, sweeping through your past time line, removing the limiting decision and all the beliefs, attitudes, responses and behaviors that came from it ... and see it sweeping it's golden light into you future ... Get a click ... a sense of completion ... just like when you have remembered where you put your keys, or something you have to do, or when you remember a word that had been on the tip of your tongue. Say, "Thank you for granting my prayer ... I now send to you the energy of my breath to make this manifest and real in this, the physical realm". Take four deep breaths and blow golden energy out through pursed lips up to your High Self. Close the prayer sessions by saying, "I now withdraw from contact, content my prayer is being granted. Let the rain of blessings flow" Do this once a day, for as long as you feel you need to ... but at least 3 weeks ...


STORIES / POETRY A WARM FUZZY (BISHOP’S VERSION) You awake to find a gift waiting for you. A gift that is both out of the blue, and sent by someone unknown. Cautiously, you look at the gift and it's intricate wrappings. The velvety red paper feels good to the touch, and the golden bow that adorns it is pleasing to your eyes. You run your fingers across the paper, and you feel a warmth fill your body. You wonder what this texture would feel like around your body. A wave of pleasure fills your body as you literally FEEL it touching you. Minutes pass while you are enjoying this special gift given to you. Soon you become aware that it has been almost a half hour, and you have yet to open this gift from a stranger. Your fingers play with the golden bow for a moment, and you find yourself smiling. You notice that your breathing has gotten heavier, and that your excitement over the gift's contents, is increasing. Running a hand over the velvety red paper again, you take in a deep breath ... then begin to unwrap the gift. Delicately you peel off the golden ribbon, making sure not to damage it in any way. Your fingers gently stroke the silky golden ribbon, as you remove it slowly from the package. Soon you complete the task, happy to have not torn the beautiful ribbon. You again run your hand over the velvety red paper, searching for the best place to begin peeling it off. To your surprise, the paper has not been taped at all. Instead it has been carefully tucked and folded, and made to embrace the gift that lay beneath it. You gently give one end a slight pull, and it surrenders to you. Then you take hold of another corner, and find that it releases itself to you willingly. Soon, the velvety red paper has been removed, allowing you to gaze upon your gift. Your eyes look anxiously, at the milky white box that lays before you. Your fingers run across the smooth texture, and it feels like a perfectly carved piece of ivory. Though the box is not at all heavy, you are certain that it is indeed ivory that you are touching. 77

You reach down, and smell the box. The scent of vanilla kisses your nose, and brings another smile to your face. Images dance inside your head, thoughts of what might be waiting inside the ivory box. You sit for several moments, running a hand over the box, imagining what might be inside. Finally, you can take it no longer. Your eager fingers grasp the box, and slowly open it up. As you remove the top, a brilliant light fills the room, but not so bright as to hurt your eyes. In fact, the light feels quite ... relaxing. You feel as if you might actually be floating at this moment. Weightless ... Content ... Invigorated. You wonder what this could possibly be, and how it came to be given to you. As another wave of pleasure fills your body, you gaze inside the ivory box. The brilliant light that fills the room, only seems to intensify as you look inside the box. Reaching a hand inside, you pull out a most curious object. It feels so wonderful, yet is not solid at all. It appears to be shaped like a crystal ball, only to change its shape a moment later. Your stare fascinated at this object, uncertain of what you are seeing. The object slowly turns into your most favorite color. A perfect hue of that one color you enjoy the most. The hand that is holding the amazing object, begins to tingle. You feel the tingle begin to run down your arm. Then it reaches your shoulders. Your neck. Your face. Your chest. Your stomach. And farther, down, until, it, reaches, your,


toes. You feel an energy within your entire body. An ecstasy like you have never known before. You feel as though you are bursting with raw energy. The feeling is incredible to you, and you wish it to never end. Your passionate eyes gaze once more inside the ivory box. Inside you notice a small, handwritten card. Perhaps now you will find out who has given you this incredibly satisfying gift. With eager fingers, you reach inside and pick up the card. It simply reads: You are the recipient of a Warm Fuzzy. May it fill your days with unrivaled pleasure, and your nights with incredible dreams. Signed


A WARM FUZZY (ROSS’S VERSION) You stir from a wonderful dream, And are surprised to find a gift awaiting you as you awaken, The package is elegantly wrapped in velvety and a golden bow atop of it You run your hands along the soft, smooth wrappings A pleasant warmth begins to fill you You let out a pleased laugh and continue to caress the wrapping Next you run a finger over the golden bow, noticing its firm texture, You let out another laugh as you realize that the soft gentle wrapping and strong firm bow, are like a perfect couple Both have their own unique abilities, yet complement each other, perfectly A tingle of pleasure runs through you as you relish your delight at this thought You enjoy the pleasured thoughts for several moments, allowing yourself this time of personal enjoyment and escape. Then you slowly begin to unwrap the gift. You’re careful not to tear the wrapping As you peal it back slowly, exposing what lays underneath Then you gently pull away the golden bow and set it off to the side Now, exposed, you see that a perfectly white, ivory smooth box lays before you Running a hand over it, you feel it’s cool, smooth, texture Suddenly a light shoots forth from the box, filling the room with a brilliant display of your favorite color. A pleasure beyond your imagination comes over you A feeling of pure ecstasy You feel the rush of warmth flood through you, over and over again. Several moments pass before you can even open your eyes. Yet when you do, a card can be seen within the box You reach in, bite the side of your lip as you open the card It simply reads You have been given the gift of a warm fuzzy. May it fill your days with lovely thoughts and prime your nights for incredible dreams Signed


ANGEL LOVER I I came upon a woman in a state of arousal, And wondered how she might feel with an open mind, If she came upon someone naked, And thought about the man sitting in the chair: I have seen you with beautiful eyes, Entered that house with a strange feeling, Spoken to the woman with great self-confidence, Yet spoken to her as a child: Then dreamed I had an angel in my bed, An angel who had worn shoes on her feet, With hair askew to explain why, I touched this woman with a good feeling, I know that you can see me as a friend, Imagine me with a warm smile, And see me as a lover. (c) Dan Scorpio 1999 Be SILENT after the last line.


ANGEL LOVER II I have seen you with beautiful eyes, Entered that house with a strange feeling, Spoken to the woman with great self-confidence, Yet spoken to her as a child: Then dreamed I had an angel in my bed, An angel who had worn shoes on her feet, With hair askew to explain why, I touched this woman with a good feeling, I know that you can see me as a friend, Imagine me with a warm smile, And see me as a lover. I met a woman in a state of arousal, And wondered how she might feel, With an open mind, If she came upon someone naked, And imagined someone sitting quietly. (c) Dan Scorpio 1999


BLUEBERRIES The power of a blueberry, is not so fast to see. If you take the time to focus, I'm sure you will agree. That beneath it's soothing color, and underneath the skin, lay something quite exciting, where adventure can begin. Take a nibble, just a bite, but make it very small and you'll taste the nectar of this satisfying ball. Now slip it all into your mouth, but do not bite it yet, For the greatest gift is has for you, hasn't happened yet. Close your eyes, and suck it slow, making sure to smile, Tasting it upon your tongue, just do that for awhile. Roll it around, inside your mouth, and just feel it there, And notice just how good it tastes, like nothing can compare. Once you have done all this, and can simply wait no more, suck out all the juice it gives, and let the nectar pour. Down your throat you feel it go, a tasty, tangy treat, Now isn't that the nicest thing, you ever had to eat?


THE DIAMOND DRAGON As you lay upon your bed, and think about your day Your eyes then close, your body floats, and you drift away. Soon you are up in the clouds, flying like a bird And listening to the sweetest sound, you know you've ever heard. Music fills your ever space, and touches you within And you know without a doubt, an adventure did begin. From underneath the fluffy clouds, you see large fields of green No word can express this sight, this truly magic scene. To the right are wild horses, doing what they do And to the left a glistening lake, so vast and perfect blue. Then suddenly you gasp in air, as a shadow covers you At first you start to panic, unsure of what to do. Turning your hear up to the sky, you glance a massive sight And summon up all your courage, preparing now to fight. But then something deep inside of you, waves your fear away And now instead of fighting, you have the urge to play. Flying up ever so high, and higher yet again You greet your massive playmate, a nice big diamond dragon. Rainbows seem to dance about, all over his clear frame And with tiny smirk you ask, "Hey there, what's YOUR name?" "I was born to the name Googlemon, but you may call me Goo. And since I am not at all blind, an angel must be you." You smile at this compliment, though you've heard it all before And you hope this dashing dragon will not become a bore. Then Goo says with a sly grin, "Let me see your hand. For I am the greatest aura reader, in all of this fair land." You at first think it a joke, and he must be kidding you. But then you stop and ask yourself, "What if it is true?" Lady-like you give your hand, he holds it in his claw Then he makes some "Oh, ho!" sounds, two "Hmms" then an "Ah!" He studies every finger, every digit, every groove. You get all caught up in it, that you hardly move. Finally Goo looks up at you, and says with an impressed grin "You have a nice unique aura, where shall I begin?" He tells you of your little habits, which absolutely no one knows. And before you even know it, your attention to him grow. He talks of fiery adventure, and that time you kissed that geek And of that funny thing you did, to some idiot last week. For reasons you can not explain, you look at Goo with lust He seems so very tuned into you, have him, yes, you must! Without a word, you reach on over and give Goo a big kiss He looks at you with surprise and asks, "What was that for. Miss?" You reply not a word to him, instead you rub his chest Then you let passion take over, and let it do the rest. Two beings soon become like one, no beginning and no end No him, no her. No you, no he, just one erotic blend. You gasp in complete pleasure, he moans in sensual glee Then all at once you both stop time, and explode out happily.


What happened next you are not sure, it got hazy at this time But you know for ever more, you'll always have this rhyme


FASCINATION: BY ROSS JEFFRIES Have you ever been fascinated by someone who's words just seemed to PENETRATE you? You FIND YOURSELF LOOKING and you can't look away and the more that you try the more that GAZE STAYS RIVETED HERE where you want it to be cause you know that there's something you just have to see As you LISTEN SO CLOSE and you START TO WONDER what would it feel like to be FALLING UNDER A spell, umm so magic being spun by the sound of a voice whose rich warmth was spreading on down Have you ever experienced INSTANEOUS CONNECTION? To the point where your thoughts moved in mmmm ... Just one direction? People sometimes ask, "Please ... just a kiss!" Funny how you find yourself WISHING THE SAME WISH Your mind is amazing when you really LET IT GO As you FIND YOURSELF PICTURING mmm ... you know? As the warmth of that voice takes on a glow Spreading and pulsing where you want it to go I will tell you all you desire ... ME ... I know.


You step out of what was Invited, slipped inside Feels like warm rain Between your sighs And it's not important that you find every inhibition is left far behind As you recall how it feels To be SO IN LOVE And you SEE THAT IMAGE of us (point to it) Up above You see at last who you've finally found what you've looked for and longed for has finally COME round


HER JOURNEY Her Journey It was a long long time ago, but near Where days were warm with sunny skies so clear. There was a woman dwelling in this place Who knew she lacked in beauty and in grace. So sure was she, she put on heavy clothes To mask her form complete from head to toes. She'd shy away from all the men she'd see Embarrassed that they'd spy her and would flee. And so she thought it was her lot in life To live alone and never be a wife. But then one day she hatched herself a plan, To travel far to find herself this man, A potent wizard schooled in ancient lore Who might transform her so men'd pound her door. Which she would open to that special man She felt excitement as she made her plan: I'll climb at once up to the highest peak Where wizard did erect his tall stone keep. 'Tis there I'll travel now to plead my case To beg him please to change my curséd face. She packed her things, 'til everything was set She said farewells and in the morning went Towards the rising sun to where her quest Led her, where her life would change for the best. She traveled long, the time it passed quite quick Past fields and valleys, eyes were ever fixed Upon her goal, which rose up to the sky Her mind was set to climb upon that height. Then late one day, she came into a glade All sunny warmth, a stunning bright cascade Of water pouring down from rocks above, To fill a pool surrounded by foxglove. Her journey thus had been one long and hot So bathing in this pool was all she thought.


Her modest nature bade her check all sides To know her glade was safe from prying eyes And then in comfort safe she did undress, To find she did enjoy the sun's caress Upon her skin, it warmed her deep inside Relaxed she gave a long contented sigh. She slowly slipped into the frothy swirl, It wet her feet and ankles too, then curled Around to wrap her thighs and hips. She felt so perfect now she felt as if she'd melt Away into this blissful moment's heat. At last she felt the grass beneath her feet And halted by the pool awhile to feel The sun upon her skin. She wished to steal another perfect moment here, but knew This could not do. She dressed and quickly flew Along the path which led up to that peak. She kept her pace to reach it ere the week Was gone. Her glade she knew was in his land And so the mountain grew quite close at hand. And now 'twas time to climb that peak, she gasped: His touch she felt it deep within. His grasp It reached out from his keep, to probe her thoughts He knew her deep. The wizard's power caught Attempts to reach his fortress, tall stone keep, And probed the minds of all who tried this feat To know their reasons, why they'd seek to climb His mountain tall, on which he pass'd his time. If worthy were their thoughts, why to seek this Aid, then perhaps he'd let them have their wish. But first there was a trial to pass, to prove Resolve. This test was one that most did loose For though the wizard would not hurt a soul, You had this trial to pass to reach your goal: It was in truth the most unique defense, The wizard would assault your every sense With perfect pleasure felt in every pore


But magnified a thousand times or more. It mounted higher with her every step, In wave and wave it throbbed inside, and yet She still climbed up and up the mountainside, Towards that tall red keep which stood in sight: That highest peak which she in pleasure climbed. She came at last up to that keep which shined Her breathing slowed, she'd made the trip at last, So now 'twas time to go inside and ask To grant that favor which she wanted so She could not wait, if yes she had to know. She raised her hand to touch the waiting doors They opened first; to enter was her fate.


THE JOURNEY I admire the colors of a setting sun, as they dance upon the waters of the ocean. The thinning purple clouds, stretching out along a darkening sky. I listen from my vantage point, and can hear the music of the sea. The water hits the rocky shore, and plays a song for only me. I close my eyes and breathe in deep, relaxing with each new breath. A warmth begins to fill my body, from deep inside, where my soul resides. That warmth increases, more, and more, as I feel my body float. It’s as if I were about to fly, and I feel the rising begin. Up, higher, and higher, as if soaring above the ground. I no longer feel my feet on solid ground, it has been replaced by the wind through my toes. It’s a gentle wind, a soothing breeze, a comfortable air. Now the warmth within me grows stronger, and seems to envelope my body, from within, and without. The warmth and the wind, joining together like lovers. Conforming, embracing, and alive. It’s now as if I feel fingers, caressing the features of my face. A loving brush across my brow, then my eyes, my cheek, my lips, then my neck. Nothing can be put into words, only emotions exist now. Feelings of surrender, submitting to this pleasure. My pleasure, our pleasure. The fingers of the wind embrace my shoulders, and I feel safe. The warmth within brings tranquillity, to this pleasured moment in time. I feel the fingers rub down my arms, and the warmth rush up my spine. Passion comes in many forms, and this is one of the most fulfilling. The wind and the warmth embrace me, holding me close. I let out a pleasured breath, and focus on every detail of this moment. Every, single, detail.


Though my eyes remain closed, I can feel night upon me now. It joins with the wind and the warmth, and brings its own gifts. It spreads out before me, like silky satin sheets. A smile forms across my face, and a moan of approval slips through my lips. The fingers of the wind now touch me lower, deeper, and with more intent. The warmth is now below me, inside me, and through me. The satin of the night blankets me, cradles me, caresses me. My mind races, searching for an understanding that does not come right away. And time has been neither dragging, nor speeding, but instead merely flowing. The liquid of reality washes over me, and I suck in a breath of anticipation. And in one….magnificent….moment, I feel no gravity, and am taken in a new direction. Where the night was once dark, brightness now bursts forth. I slowly open my eyes, eager to know where I have been taken. The initial sting now replaced by utter ecstasy. For while I began this journey standing upon the shore of the sea, I now sit alongside a beautiful angel, and realize that I have been brought to you.


THE KEY As the last shine of daylight slips away beyond the sea, I ponder the thoughts that dance through my mind. Where have I been, where am I at, and where will I be? And what is your place in all of that? You who’s voice wraps around me like a silk robe. You who’s eyes give a preview of adventures to come. You who’s very essense is all around and through me, warming me like no other has done before you. Deny it all, is my first impulse. Deny it, because it can not be real. It can not be real, because it has never been this way for me. Throw away your image from my mind, so I can leave this feeling. This feeling of ... I don’t know what it is called, I have never felt it before. How dare you do this to me! How dare you invade my waking thought, and my sleeping world. Why did you choose me? Why? If only I could turn back the clock, I would ... I would ... I would ... let it happen again. I do not like this feeling of being controlled by you. You are controlling me, right? Because if you are not controlling me, that means I want to feel this way. And by wanting to feel this way, I must ... want you. Yes, that’s it, isn’t it? Yes, of course, it is it! The sparkle of the now visible stars reflect in my eyes, as I think of you ... and of me ... and of ... us. Ah, the stars ... another reminder of you. I close my eyes, and imagine you here. Here, with me. I feel your presence right ... here. It warms me. And I feel your touch, right ... there. It arouses me. My body fills with sensations known and unknown.


Sensations that are incredible satisfying ... there I’ve said it. And as my breathing grows rapid, and my body surrenders to your touch, I realize something. I realize that I almost lost you, because of my fears. My fears of the past, and of what I thought I wanted. You have shown me a door to a room that I have seen before. You have given me the key, and the choice. The choice to hand back the key, and never look back. Or to use the key, and find out everything. I take in a deep breath ... I slip the key inside ... I turn it ... and experience ... something beyond my own expectations. Everywhere around me is bathed in the most soothing light. Every part of my body sings like a thousand angels. And in the distance, I see what must be heaven. I reach out to touch it, and find that my hand has cupped your face.


KISS My angel of the half-light Undulating swoon of curving grace What passes through your mind As you sway, sway, and sway again To the torrid rhythm of pulsing air? Do you feel the purple song Entering your ears and rushing on down To course through your whole body? Does the glowing red sphere at your core Grow larger, hotter with every motion Every breath making it glow With the heat of a thousand suns? And as your breathing speeds -Faster, shallower, breath of fire -Does your chest tingle and sweat And ache for the caress That lifts you higher, higher and higher still To where every cell of you can come To an explosion of light and flame Tingle of neck, arch of back Electric waves moving back and forth And back again, into the darkness of penumbra And into the light of you -- your sun, Your wisps of arching flame Your luminous being Joining with mine In an ecstasy of fusion As hot as our first kiss.


THE LOVER'S DANCE 1 come with me, my lovely, as we start the lovers dance. take hold of my hand, and rise up with me. our wings spread wide, and our passions laid bare. higher we soar, with each heated breath. and upon the clouds we sit, looking over our kingdom below. me upon you, for we have begun the lovers dance. words never spoken, yet images abound. time does not hold us here, so we dance without a care and all that you have dreamed, shines brightly into reality then once we are done, we embrace with just one thought that we have entered the garden, and planted a tree.


THE LOVER'S DANCE 2: TO THE GARDEN ONCE MORE As I lay down inside the warm water of a soothing bath, feeling those muscles relaxing ... surrendering ... I sense you watching me. Watching me like a cat ... purring seductively ... preparing to pounce. My muscles twitch in nervous excitement ... and I become aroused. You leap from your hiding place, an animalistic gleam in your eyes. Landing with a splash, you wrap your arms around me. The wetness ... the nakedness ... of our bodies ... is like slippery silk. I thrust my tongue between your parted lips, and we share a passionate kiss. As I share a deep thought in each others eyes, you put your hands into the water ... and explore. You guide the object of your desire to where you want it ... and ... let out a pleased moan. Our bodies blend into one, as we seem to float ... to travel ... back. Back to the garden we have gone ... another tree to plant. I gently bite your neck, as you apply the pressure from your nails in my back. The Dance of Lover's, we have learned it well together. There are no words to be said, instinct and primal desire make the decisions. You kiss my chest, and I rub your wet hair across my face. Our motions intensify, and you grab my shoulders. You tease my mouth with fleeting contact from your chest ... then again ... and again. This passion we have created ... in this moment ... is beyond words ... beyond anything ... your mind will concoct deep inside you. I pull you down ... then under me ... in one fluid motion. The Lover's Dance continues. By the time we both ... release ... and return once again to our shared bath, there is little water left inside the tub. We take our time exiting, never disconnecting. I carry you ... dripping wet ... out of the room ... and onto the bed. You turn me over, laying me on my back ... keeping our connection ... and taking the upper spot ... the balcony seat. I cannot budge, you have me pinned. You create the rhythm ... a hard ... long ... series of motions. I thrust my head back in pleasure ... and the room spins. You shudder with an explosion ... deep within you ... taking in the passion. Then you disconnect ... and let me taste. With not a single word spoken, we become even more animalistic, flying off of the bed and onto the floor. The passion continues to intensify ... as we work ... ourselves ... up ... along ... the wall. You continue up ... while I linger down. You grab my head and grip my hair between your fingers. I feel the rush of your next release ... and accept it all. Returning to meet you, I turn you around ... to face the wall. I reach around and cup you ... as we begin our Lover's Dance anew. Our legs tighten in fatigue ... but we refuse to relent. The Dance lasts for several more moments ... then ... you reach around ... take a hold of me ... and accept my release.


We share in our gifts to each other, as we once again fall onto the bed. Laying together, we take pleasure ... in the warmth ... of our heated bodies. And as we listen closely ... for a moment ... the twin beats of our hearts ... unite as one. Soon, the relaxing wind will put us in slumber ... and we will sleep. Within that sleep ... our Lover's Dance continues. We will never know for sure ... when we were dreaming ... and when we were not. The night will give way to day ... and our next Dance will begin.


THE MERMAID AND THE BLOWFISH One day a mermaid was swimming near a beautiful island cove, and came upon an underwater cave. Being the adventurous type, she decided to check it out. As she entered the cave she noticed a nice, soothing glow was filling the cave. A glow that was in the hue of her favorite color, and slowly fading from bright, to dim, bright ... to dim ... bright ... to dim, almost as if the cave had begun to BREATH VERY SLOWLY. As the mermaid continued on her exploration, she began to notice that there were exquisite markings all over the cave walls. And the way the light was hitting these markings, revealed some nice features she hadn't noticed at first. But the more she began to FOCUS ON THESE FEATURES (self point) the more she was pleased with what she saw. To the point where she was able to FEEL VERY EXCITED ABOUT BEING HERE. Suddenly a blowfish appeared and asked, "What do you see?" The mermaid looked the blowfish with confusion and replied, "What do I see? I see a cave, with beautiful markings and soothing lights." The blowfish smiled and said, "No, that is what you think you see, because your mind must make sense of what is around you." The mermaid rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, great, you're one of those new age fishes." The blowfish smiled and asked, "What makes you think I'm a fish at all?" And with that, the blowfish exploded into a growing ... growing ... ball of light, exactly the same color as the glow throughout the cave. The mermaid began to GET VERY FASCINATED by what was happening. Without even understanding how, she began to FEEL A WARMTH enter her body ... right ... in ... here.(touch her solar plexus) And that warmth began to grow (extend fingers out in front of her solar plexus) ... and spread ... (Run fingers up from her wrist, to her shoulders) all through her body. She noticed that her breathing was growing more rapid, and was matched perfectly by the throbbing pulse of the glow within the cave. Slowly ... deliciously ... she began to feel something happening from within her. Something ... wonderful. And as it began to grow more strongly inside her, she began to HEAR THIS VOICE inside her mind. And somehow she knew, that THIS VOICE is the voice of permission. Her own permission, allowing herself to fully enjoy not only the feelings she was having right now, but to continue to ENJOY THIS all the way to it's conclusion. Feelings of untold pleasure filled her from deep down inside, and for the first time she realized ... she had never know this kind of pleasure before. She had always thought she had experienced true pleasure in her life, but after this, she realized what the height of true utopia really feels like. The rush of total satisfaction ... the peak of personal awareness-the very fiber of what had been missing in her life up to this point. And just like THAT (snap fingers) she was back inside the cave. The glow was gone, the cave was dark and covered with yucky stuff, and the blowfish (self point) was gone. It was at this time she realized what had been going on this whole time. What she had thought she wanted when she entered the cave, personified itself to her. But what the blowfish gave her a taste of, was what would truly make her happy. She had been fulfilled, but also left lacking. Because while she now knew what would truly make her happy, she failed to see what true benefits could be had with the blowfish (self point), so she only got a glimpse of what could have been hers.


PONDERING THE INNERMOST THOUGHTS OF A BUTTERFLY Today a new adventure begins, filled with countless possibilities. That is the thought, in fact, the innermost thought, of the butterfly who has awakened from her cocoon slumber. And what a perfect day for this exciting new adventure to begin. The sky is the most glorious ever, at least it appeared that way. When you have something truly exciting to look forward to, it can make every single day seem glorious. The trees were alive with rich green leaves, and were only outdone by the lush green grass of the far reaching hills, with the reds and yellows of wild flowers here and there. The majestic mountains in the distance, still cast the coolness of a deep shade on the hills. And Just beyond the mountain range, an awe inspiring ocean flickered and glinted the sun's rays upon its surface. Birds could be heard chirping in the distance, and the faint sound of the ocean's melody against the shore, made the scene a treat for your eyes, your ears, and your mind. The butterfly sat on a tree branch to take a moment and see all these wonderful images clearly, and to hear all those magical sounds. No longer the caterpillar that was unfulfilled in her life, this new butterfly took in a long ... deep ... refreshing ... breath ... holding in that wonderful feeling ... then exhaled ... ahhhhhh, yeah, that felt gooooood. Looking around her environment, the butterfly said to herself "Look at the opportunities right in front of you." And a smile formed on the butterfly's face, adding a brightness to an already bright day. With a soft flutter, the butterfly lifted up off of the tree branch, and began the new adventure that awaited her. higher ... Higher ... HIGHER ... she flew. From waaaay up here, the blades of grass looked miles away. Onward she flew; her eyes closed and smile on her face, as she could feel the soft embrace of the wind. The butterfly opened her eyes just a moment, and could see a beautiful assortment of flowers just up ahead, loaded with all kinds of good things just right for a butterfly. She let out a pleased moan, and thought, "Mmmm, I've earned something as good as this, I deserve to enjoy this, so I'm gonna go for it." The butterfly closed her eyes again, and began to imagine how good this treat will be. She began to imagine ... that first ... exciting ... contact. Mmm, yeah, this will be so niiiiiice. Then she began to imagine ... how it would ... feel ... to ... enjoy this ... again ... and again ... and again. Mmm, and it was all hers if she acted quickly enough. After all, something this good would not stay free for long, and then someone else would be enjoying it instead of her. She landed on the flowers with the gentleness of a graceful feather, and enjoyed the rewards in front of her. Suddenly, a bee flew next to her and pleasantly asked, "Hi, I haven't seen you around here before have l?" She replied, "No, we haven't met. I just today became a butterfly." The bee looked at the butterfly's wings and said, "Those are very impressive wings, very colorful." "They sure are!" Came two voices from behind. It was a ladybug, and a grasshopper, and they had just arrived. The butterfly smiled and said, "Thank you all. I love my new wings, and the colors that they have." The ladybug asked, "How many different colors do you have on your wings?" The butterfly said, "Well, let's take them one at a time, shall we?" Then she spread out her wings, and began. "There's green, which looks like the lush, healthy grass of the hills." "I think it looks like the long, silky stem of a flower." Said the grasshopper with excitement.


"Hmm." said the bee, "To me, it looks like the bountiful leaves on a mighty oak tree. " Not to be left out, the ladybug gave her input. "That green color makes me think of the juicy growing tomatoes in the garden of a farm." They all enjoyed playing this fun game, so the butterfly moved on to the next color on her wings. "Then there is blue, which looks like the cool, soothing color of a gentle lake." "I think it looks like a sparkling sapphire." Offered the grasshopper. "Well, " said the bee, "To me, it's like the freshest morning sky of a spring day." Then the ladybug said, "That blue color reminds me of a pair of jeans I landed on, which were hung over a farmer's wooden fence." Next the butterfly said. "Then there's yellow, which has the rich, golden, warm glow like a sunrise." "I think it looks like the yellow of a dandelion." Said the grasshopper. "Well," said the bee, "To me, it's like the sweet, tasty honey me and my brothers make." And the ladybug said, "Ooh, the yellow color reminds me of ripe ears of a corn cobs." Next, the butterfly said, "And then I have white on my wings, which reminds me of a soft, comfortable pillow." "I think it looks like the white of an abundant cotton field." Said the grasshopper happily. "That's a good one." Said the bee, "And to me, it's like the fluffy clouds up in the sky. " The ladybug said, "Ooh, white, like the color of a furry, gentle, kitten." And then the butterfly said, "And finally, there's red. And this red reminds me of a big, juicy apple." "I think it looks like the red of a beautiful Cardinal bird." The grasshopper said with a smile. "Very nice." Said the bee. "And to me, it's like the red of beautiful rose when it reaches full bloom." The ladybug laughed. "That color red reminds me of a big, sweet, sticky, lollipop." They all smiled, and began to imagine ... what it would be like ... to taste that ... right ... now. Mmm ... the sensations ... of tasting ... that sweet ... treat ... makes your ... mouths ... water. After taking a moment to enjoy the imagined treat, the butterfly thought to herself "Wow, this is a wonderful experience. I wonder what else there is to enjoy on this adventure? " And what the butterfly experienced next, was beyond her imagination. Never before had she thought such a wonderful adventure could be hers. TO BE CONTINUED (Brothers, keep in mind that there is no real conclusion to this story. It's just a tool to capture her imagination, lead her into some very descriptive directions, and then see just how curious she has beCUM to learn more. When a babe inquires, I tell them the truth, that it's not finished yet. Then I send them another story/poem/SS laced e-mail.)


THE RAIN OF DESIRE I sit atop my mountain perch, and look out at the glorious view. In the distance I can see the fast coming darkness of storm clouds. A low sound of thunder, and a slight flash of lightning tickle my senses. The coppery scent of what is to come, brings a smile to my face. Soon the clouds powerful attack on the unyielding earth will be upon me. The wind blows strong against my face, as if warning me that the battle is near. I lay down on the smooth rocks that is my vantage point, and stare up into the sky. Soon, the low sound of thunder grows louder. And just as soon, the crackle of lightning illuminates that which is all around me. I close my eyes, as the first drop of rain pelts my face. The feeling is like a touch, but ever so brief. A touch as if from a lover. My face is touched again, but now more frequently. And soon, it becomes more like a caress ... all over my face. The wind blows through my hair, as if from a lover's fingers. Then my lips feel the wetness ... of a lover's kiss. I feel my lover upon my neck, and a warmth begins to grow inside. I take in a sudden breath, as I feel my lover all around me. A thunderous sound of passion echoes through the valley. And the brightness of this passion flashes for all to see. My heart races, as I take in this moment of desire. I want to remain just like this ... forever. But, then ... just as quickly as it began ... my lover has stopped. I slowly open my eyes, to find my lover gone. Sitting up, I see that the storm clouds have moved east. The battle between the clouds and the earth rages elsewhere now. And then ... a thought enters my mind. A smile forms across my face, as I ponder this thought. The thought that perhaps the deep, powerful, clouds, and the strong, unyielding earth, are not in battle at all. That instead, they are simple ... making love.


RED SATIN I sit upon the rocks, watching the sunlight dance upon the ocean, and feeling the warm wind across my face. It feels nice across my skin, like a lover's touch. The touch of satin, red satin. I close my eyes, and enjoy the moment. Suddenly the warmth upon my face seems to fill me from within. Is it my imagination, or did I just feel my lover's fingers on my chest. I breathe in deep, as a touch upon my neck is like a sensual kiss. The warmth within begins to build, and I let out a pleased moan. Dare I open my eyes, or shall I stay like this ... forever?


"REMEMBER WHEN" Do you recall ... that perfect night, you know that everything's ... just right. You know ... he's just about to come, to take you ... for a night of fun. Remember when ... you first met him? You knew ... you liked him even then. As if ... you'd known him all your life, you fill with wonder ... and delight. You hear a knock upon your door, and ... feel your heart race ... like before. Exciting feelings build within, you know ... you're safe and warm with him. You stop ... and think of years from now, and still in awe ... you savor how, you feel so closely to this man, who's here ... right now ... to take your hand.


THE RUBY BUTTERFLY Below the bluest sky with its wisp of cotton clouds, lay a massive field of lush green. Beyond the field stand many trees, which interlock like nature in dance. Through the trees you can hear a waterfall, which sounds like angels laughing joyfully. At the foot of the waterfall, next to the rocks, is a colorful ... single ... flower. Upon that flower sits a butterfly. A beautiful ... magical ... butterfly. To most everyone she is a sight to behold, but she must be handled carefully. Because beyond her obvious beauty, lay a secret that very few have ever known, and fewer still have ever seen. To unlock this secret, one must touch her in just the right way. A gentle ... caring ... caress, down her back, will release a sprinkle of golden dust from her fluttering wings. This golden dust will form a glowing globe, with only you and she inside. This is where ... magic happens. Touch her wings ... just ... like ... this, and watch them turn a beautiful ruby red. A caress here ... a stroke there ... just right. Her wings will flutter faster with each perfect touch. Faster ... and faster ... and faster. A warmth will begin to grow, both in her ... and in you. A warmth of satisfaction ... of something ... wonderful. Her ruby wings will flutter so fast, that they actually ... start ... glowing. Glowing brighter ... and brighter ... and even brighter. Soon all that you are ... all that she is ... is bathed in this flood of pure enjoyment. Nothing else can describe it ... because the words have not been discovered yet. The very peak of absolute pleasure is reached ... then you are sent flying beyond even that. You hear the echo of a single word, uttered by the butterfly.


One word that causes this voice inside you to respond ... to release. One word that makes everything safe ... everything allowed. Shhh ... listen ... can you hear it? If not ... how curious are you to find out? Make sure to send this in an e-mail. When she asks you for the secret word, have her call you, or you call her, and have her read you the story. Then, once she's done, say, "The secret word is ... Permission. Permission to step outside the confines of your day ... step outside of what you know, and into something ... wonderful ... and amazing ... and fulfilling. Allow yourself this pleasure ... this luxury ... you deserve it ... so just go for it." If you happen to have her sitting there with you, end with, "Can you FEEL THAT (anchor her wrist) to something worth indulging in?"


THE SAPPHIRE FLOWER Ancient legend tells of a once in a lifetime love that is so deep and pure, that an incredible event occurs. It's said that when certain lovers meet for the first time, and the love that they share is untainted, that somewhere deep, in the bluest of the ocean, grows a flower of sapphire. The sapphire flower is so delicate and fragile, that it can never be touched. That is, except for the lovers that it bloomed for. Its petals are like silk, and its stem is strong. The mild ocean current gives the illusion that the flower is dancing. Perhaps it is. Legend contends that when the lovers gaze upon the sapphire flower, the faint tone of music can be heard. So soothing is the music, and so intoxicating, that the lovers get lost in a dance. A slow, private, dance. A dance not just through the physical, but through the mind, and the soul. People have said that such a flower is fantasy, and that it does not really exist. Perhaps the reality is, it does not exist for them. It isn't meant to.


STAR OF BISHOP Bishop’s Note: Here is a story I wrote not that long ago, which I use to get a HB feeling an incredible connection, then anchoring that connection, and her positive feelings, with me. If you're familiar with "The Warrior's Bottle" story, you'll see that I have worked it into the last part of the story. (I've even bought a few small bottles at Pier One Imports to give to those whom I want to have a tangible anchor of the moment in their home) Those who read my transcript, of the party I went to in Manhattan Beach a couple of weeks ago, will know that "The Star of Bishop" is the story I used on 4 babes at once, and all 4 had a positive reaction to it, even the jaded catalog model, Diana! I hope that it goes without saying, that you'll want to have the HB outside, seeing the stars, as you recite this story to them. The ... pauses ... you see ... are where I ... chose to pause, as I recite this story in a calm, relaxing tonality. Your personal method may vary. I have included where, when, and how, I anchor, for those of you still working on your anchoring skills. I freely share this with you all, and give my blessing to make it your own! Bishop There were ancient philosophers ... who believed that ... everything we did, said, and lived, personified itself ... in some form or another. Take the stars for example. They believed that every ... single ... star ... represented all the ... positive emotions ... that you feel. The more ... intense the feeling, the ... brighter the star. So when you ... start to feel fascinated ... a star begins to shine. And that star will only get ... as bright ... as the intensity ... of your feelings. It may start off ... as a soft ... gentle ... flicker. But as you ... feel yourself becoming more fascinated ... that star will ... begin to warm ... and build ... to a strong ... and steady glow. The philosophers ... must have been ... true romantics as well, because they believed ... that if you happened to ... feel that fascination ... and create that soothing glow ... while with someone ... that you not only ... begin to ... feel an amazing connection with this person ... but that the star ... was now ... a combined result ... of the energy that is ... now shared. So as you ... feel this (anchored with me tapping my finger on her wrist) growing connection ... this voice goes inside of you ... and serves to remind you ... of the connection you now have ... with this person you are with. (I pause here a moment, so she can have an uninterrupted moment to feel those wonderful feelings, and because she may start talking, which will give you additional stuff to use, like replacing a few words in the next part of the story) The philosophers also believed that the same held true for your thoughts. That ... if you were to ... have certain ... thoughts ... and ideas ... a star would appear ... and the connection would


grow stronger ... with whomever you were with ... in that moment. A connection ... you can feel ... right (Tap my index finger just under her chest) here. This was an incredibly powerful thing ... and served to ... connect these two people ... when one set off on a great journey ... or off to battle. The intense connection that they shared ... stayed with them even when apart. And it was traditional then ... that a warrior give the woman a small bottle ... before departing. She would ... keep this bottle at all times ... and grasps it faithfully ... when she would ... look up at the stars ... the ones that they alone ... shared. And when she would cry for her warrior ... she would ... save the tears ... inside the bottle. If the warrior had survived the battle ... he would ... look upon the bottle. And if the bottle were ... filled up inside ... he knew ... that she had continued to ... feel that connection ... just as he had. Should tragedy strike however ... and the warrior fell in battle ... the woman would ... do whatever it takes ... to find him. And upon reaching the sight of his burial ... she would ... open the bottle ... and pour out the tears ... right onto his grave. This would release his spirit ... and make her ... feel warm inside ... for now when she ... gazed upon the stars ... she knew ... that more than just ... feeling a deep connection ... the warrior was now in the stars ... keeping them brightly shining. (I then look at her, and again tap her wrist with my finger, as I say) “Can you feel that, to be an incredible connection to have. With me, as I see it, all your doubts can just start to melt away."


THE SWEETEST SOUND The sweetest sound I've ever heard, was the coo of a newborn child. It reminded me of a song by bluebirds, on a cloudless day, among the lush cool green grass of a country field. The melody was far reaching, and I soon found myself standing on the beach. The magical music of the crashing water on the rocks, was a thing so beautiful, that most people could not hear it, but which lovers could not resist hearing. And now, as I talk with you, , talking of bluebirds, and magical seas, I once again hear the sound of that newborn child cooing, and I smile.


"THE TEAR" Oh, to be a tear, I'd be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.


THE WHISPER OF ANTICIPATION You stand upon the shore of a tropical getaway, and watch as night slips over the sky, like a blanket. The most gentle wind blows upon your face, Caressing you into a contented mood. Closing your eyes, you begin to hum a tune to yourself, and smile the way you do when you feel really ... you know. Without even realizing it, you've laid down upon the still warm sands. A tingle of ... adventure ... begins to rise up through your body. It almost feels like a million tiny candles, each one focused on a part of your body, down to the most delicate feature. And as you listen closely, you can ... hear the whisper ... of anticipation. Something is about to happen, something ... wonderful. And as you take in a ... long ... deep ... energizing ... breath, you gently bit your lower lip ... and I am there. A warming ball of golden light surrounds us ... and you take my hand. Together we create a new adventure for each star in the sky, new memories ... experiences ... far beyond what most people ever get to enjoy. No two adventures are alike, yet every single one is exactly the way we wanted it to be. Every color the perfect hue ... every scent the perfect aroma ... ever sound the perfect song. Our time here speeds by rapidly and almost embraces forever ... all at once. Soon daylight returns, hiding the stars beneath the brightness of the new day, and once again we are upon the shore ... where it all began. We share a loving embrace, a passionate kiss, then say goodbye. Knowing that come nightfall, for as long as there are stars, we will have a reminder of what we have shared. Be well, and listen always for the whisper of anticipation, when once again we can create something ... wonderful.


WORDS ON A PAGE Have you ever experienced the beauty of words on a page? Sometimes just words on a page spark an inner experience of beauty that moves the same way and just as powerfully as something external to us that catches our eye and stirs our senses. Sometimes I think the most interesting sense is that sense that all of your senses ARE there, waiting for you ... waiting for your command ... to activate fully, to do their job so that you can drink life in to its fullest ... experiencing it with every molecule ... every fiber of your mind and heart and every part of your body, experiencing it down to the smallest moments ... the moments between thought ... the moments between breath ... the moments between the beats of a heart ... the moments that softly silence all fears and doubts in the mystery and the wonder that sweeps us away beyond all thought ... dissolving together only in pure ecstasy, bliss and pleasure. As you feel the excitement of this possibility pounding through you ... as you feel yourself moisten and open to this opportunity ... and realize how deeply you long to have this, how could you possibly deny yourself or settle for anything less? Nothing else brings fulfillment ... every moment brings more and more desire for it ... you feel yourself melting away with the heat that is generated there in that place that aches and hungers for it ... to be filled by the one person you KNOW can bring it to you ... where do you imagine you will first feel his lips? Where do you imagine you would first feel his tongue ... partaking ... tasting ... exploring ... consuming as you yourself are consumed with the passion and the pleasure of it? How do you imagine him first entering ... slowly ... quickly ... a little bit ... all the way? How do you imagine the slick, slide rhythm building and building, ebbing and flowing, waxing and waning between you as you feel it building ... building ... closer to the edge of it and then ahhhhhhh ... boom ... right over, melting into the waves of sweet oblivion? And if you give yourself permission ... true permission ... to indulge these thoughts ... find them running through your mind during days and filling your dreams at night ... until that line between fantasy and reality blurs and you find that it has become real ... real with the action of your taking the action that has made it happen ... and you look back on having experienced it with a fond sigh as a memory you will treasure forever, something you can draw upon for the rest of your life, whenever you wish, does it not already seem like something that already in some way inevitably already IS real and meant to be?


YOU CAN MAKE IT BE So let's say you do the incredible connection pattern. You go, "Debbie, it's just like ... ” remember I said those words - it's just like and it's just like when - will really get you laid? It's just like this poem I read on the Internet. Two eyes across a crowded room, ... A spark electric in the gloom. A fleeting glimpse of one with whom You can truly feel free. For one long beat the contact held A time in which you are enspelled. A time in which two souls can meld If only this could be. Then comes a smile to match those eyes A gentle voice invites your sighs A voice as soft as butterflies that brush you tenderly. A voice that flows like liquid gold And warms your senses in its folds And gives in your heart to hold The hope that this could be.


LINES AND THOUGHTS Major Mark on fantasies – [Give 3 descriptions] – “Say, it's all interesting isn't it. What is it about, well you know, those fantasies that are so compelling? It's like, you have to ask yourself is it that they draw you towards them with an irresistible desire or is that you are just compelled to move towards them out of something that's welling up within you?” Orion on closes "You know, I would love to have a chance to get to talk to you another time were aren't so many distractions and,” something along the lines of "get to know the inner you is as beautiful as the outer one.” Ross on big cats – (WIP) – "Do you, did you, you ever gone to the zoo and look at a big cat or predator. Do you ever watch people watching predatory cats? I think the real appeal of the cat is to note that this is something really dangerous, really powerful, but not right now. At the moment, you feel totally safe with this, but you know at the right moment, all that coiled power can be unleashed and directed right at you. Almost like you're something for them to eat And what is that like inside when you walk the line between danger and safety, danger and safety? And you feel the tug between the two forces deep on the inside such that it opens up an entirely different personality inside? A personality begins to emerge and come forth. A personality that goes, ummm, I bet you I could pet that tiger and make it roll over and purr for me and only for me, ummm.” I'm riffing on this, I'm making ... Orion (et. al.) on what needs to happen – “What would have to happen for us to laugh over a cup of coffee?” “What would have to happen for you to convince your wondrous self to join me for a cup of coffee?” "What steps would we have to take to make sure we get a chance to talk again, ... ” Orion (et. al.) on getting phone numbers – [If they ask for yours] - Oh, sure I'll give you my phone number, but I also need to get yours from you.” … "Because I'm real serious about getting together with you and I want to make sure we get together.” [If they wont give you theirs] - "You know, no is okay. If you don't want to give me your phone number, no is okay, but I'm real serious.” Ross & Orion on boyfriends – ”Boyfriend? That's great. He must be the kind of man who can touch you, who are deep inside, instead of just someone you're keeping around until you find someone better.” "It's so rare to find somebody who meets all of your own special, unique values.” "Boyfriend?" I'll go, "Hey, that's all right. I can promise to control myself. I can't control how naturally and easily you'll find all your feelings changing for just, only the right reasons.”


Orion on surprise kisses – ”Have you ever had a person give you a surprise kiss? Like maybe you're there and you're thinking about all the worries of the day or all the hassles or problems? And suddenly, a person can lean forward and look deep in your eyes, understand your distress and give you a kiss that sends an electric thrill throughout your spine, throughout your whole body and just lift you up like a bed of clouds. Do you feel that pleasure, that enjoyment of that kiss? You go into a space where it's just, you feel so good. And as you continue to let that happen, you can imagine six months from now reaching back to recapture the sweetness of that kiss.” Orion on massages – You can have them close their eyes, you can do some really heavy trance stuff when they've got their eyes closed and you're massaging them. ”You know, some people think, some people, as they experience a massage and really feel the pleasure of a massage from someone who really knows how to give a wonderful massage cause they've trained so well. They're able to feel a certain inside or associate a certain color with that warmth. So, for example, if you were to think of a color that you associate with the warmth of those relaxing, wonderful feeling, what color might you tell me? Red. And as you see that red getting bigger and brighter and maybe even wrapping itself around you like a pair of warm but strong arms, some people can even allow those thoughts to just penetrate your and put that red deep inside you.” Orion on Japanese and necks – "You know, the Japanese think that the back of a woman's body is the most sensuous part of her. And I don't know if it's because of all those fine nerve endings And I don't know if, if it's the most sensuous part of a woman's body because that's where the nerve endings are or if it's because they believe that's where the energy enters your body or if it's because of all those soft, fine hairs or because they think it's so attractive, you know, the low-cut kimonos where you see that beautiful back of a woman's neck.” And you can be brushing the back of her neck "Or maybe it's because you can't tell whether it's the soft brush of a person's fingers or the soft brush of their lips, the kiss, the touch of your tongue.” You can do is caress the back of their neck and put your hand underneath their ear. Cup it … and if they've, if they're down with that ... Major Mark on married women – If there was a way for you to enjoy a romantic or sexual adventure outside your marriage in such a way that it would never negatively impact your primary relationship, would you do it? Ross on “Not My Type” – Her:

"I liked the pic, but you're not my type." over phone

Ross: (e-mail) Surprisingly this is a short note to say "THANKS" for your direct, no-bullshit response. You could have jerked me around with "uh … can you call me back?" etc but were direct and straight to the point. That's a stand-up attitude I've got to respect. It says lot about you and how you walk through the world and I wanted you to know it was appreciated. P.S. Just as a funny side note: I can tell you the last few women with whom I've been deeply involved (with one notable exception) all told me the same thing when I


first met them about not being their type. Funny, after spending about an hour with me over coffee, somehow they all got this strange realization that what was typical for them really hadn't made them very happy and fulfilled and it was time to explore a totally different range and set of choices and responses! I guess 13 years of training and experience with hypnosis and seeing over 5000 clients gives a person some skills in moving minds, bodies and feelings in new and unexpected ways. Anyway, refreshing encountering someone, however briefly who knows her own mind and choices and stands by them. Too bad we'll never meet in person; I've a feeling it would have been glorious. Good luck in your search Bishop On Meeting New Women The goal is to be different from from every other guy. How can I approach her in a way she may have never known before. Bishop On Women who question if they want to meet you Her:

Why would I want to know you / get to know you better?


You strike me as an intelligent woman. You could have dozens of men drop to their knees and respect only the physical side of you, and if that's all you're about, then I thank you for your time and I'll be on my way. If however, you're the type of woman who would like to share her thoughts and her dreams, her inspiration and her aspirations, I would like to be the guy to find out about the women who lies within this angels body. Oh, well, I guess this adventure ends here (turn and walk away)

Major Mark On Monogamous relationships I’m perfectly willing to date you exclusively, just as soon as you show me, in ways that I can understand, that you are going to give me everything any woman could ever offer to me, because, that of course, is going to make me want to take all my time, all my attention, everything I have to give, and give it just to you. Bishop On Anchors The touch itself is a stimulus that connects the touch to the emotion, and the stronger her emotion when you anchor, the more powerful it will work for you later. BUT, anchoring does is not limited to just touching her to get the emotion. In fact, I've anchored dozens of women who are now thinking of me when they see the stars, or the moment they turn on the television set, or when they hear a specific song. So while touch anchoring is in my opinion the strongest way to anchor, it's certainly not the only way. Speaking for myself, I only snap my fingers sporadically, depending on what direction the conversation is going, and only when I want her to feel what 117

I'm describing in that moment, but then I ALWAYS anchor with a touch once she's feeling it at peak state. The wrist tap anchor is mine, so I'll cover that one. I agree that touching them too aggressively is not wise, that's why I tap the wrist, and not, say, the solar plexus. My pattern of anchoring goes from least intrusive to their body to slightly personal. A common set of anchors I use would be: wrist, arm, opposite hand, opposite arm, throat/neck, solar plexus.


THEMES SECRET CORE THEME Cultural vs. Natural Woman Pattern (Gemini) You: Do you think men really understand women? Ok, here’s the fundamental problem. It’s hard for men to understand this but, You see, inside of every woman I really believe that there’s two women. There’s the cultural woman and then there’s the natural woman. (have you seen the movie Titanic.) At first, on the surface, there’s the part of you that you show to the world. that’s the culturally conditioned woman, the socially programmed woman. The woman who is supposed to be PROPER and conduct herself like a lady. That’s the woman that follows all the rules, all the should’s, and the shouldn’ts, all the dont’s, the wont’s, the cant’s, has all the fashionable etiquette, some of which she gets from all the women’s magazines. Cosmo, Glamour, she follows what is considered acceptable ladylike behavior, the socially conditioned woman inside of you reluctantly listens to what your mom tells you to do, or you act according to how your parents raised you. You also are influenced by what your girlfriends tell you. Do this. Don’t do this and You can’t do that. Even today, there is still pressure on a woman to look and act in a certain way or else she is not accepted. And that’s what most women fear, not being accepted by their girlfriends, or being rejected by their mother or father. So she must follows certain rules to be socially accepted and is culturally conditioned and programmed, and suppressed and confined, to the point of being repressed. Now, if you don’t think that you are being repressed; Let me give you 2 examples of this repression of women. 1. Some women feel that they cannot express their true, real feelings about certain things for fear that they will be rejected, and so they shut up and repress their feeling deep inside them. Now, the second form of social repression of women is just as harmful. And that’s the repression of feminine sexuality. Historically, because of social conditioning and cultural training, women have had to repress their own sexuality. Now, most women secretly know this. They admit it to themselves and each other. But they have learned to keep probably 90% of their passion suppressed and hidden from men. Why? Because they feel they must play the "virtuous" role that society has burdened them with. And, because so many men feel threatened by a woman’s superior sexuality, women get the message that "nice girls just shouldn’t have those desires". Now, you and I both know that’s bullshit. Of course, you have those feelings and desires deep inside you, don’t you? So, the cultural or social woman that most women show to the world, to their family, to their friends, to their husband or boyfriend is the person who represses her true, deep down feelings & desires, and that is unhealthy. But then, there’s another woman inside you; and that’s the natural real woman. The natural woman is the part that’s inside every woman, but she doesn’t dare


show it to the world because then she might be disapproved of. If this were a perfect world, this is the part of the woman that would never be repressed. The natural woman is not afraid to show her real self. She doesn’t suppress her true feelings or her sexuality. She lets them out and expresses her real feelings and emotions and passions because she is not afraid of what other people might say or she’s not afraid of what her parents and family would think if they really knew her deep dark secrets or how she really felt inside. Why do you think most women bury this natural woman deep inside themselves? Here’s why: Do you remember when you were a teenager or a young girl and maybe you were falling asleep in your bed, and you were just drifting off to sleep, feeling the warmth of your bed sheets, the smell of your bedroom, and you began to dream of the ideal man for you, your perfect partner? your soulmate that you would meet someday. and you realize, you fell in love with him at that moment, and it's like you carried this love in your heart throughout your whole life into your adulthood as a full grown woman, waiting for that moment when you knew it was safe to release all that love that’s been building up inside you, waiting to be shared now with the right person. that faraway someday is today, you don’t have to wait anymore. I think the tragedy is some people couldn't even just stop and imagine what it would be like to make that discovery. Now, with me, as I think about it, I think that's really amazing that it can happen in an instant, don't you? but to feel all that love and emotion flooding back into your mind ... its amazing that you can remember all that right now here with me. We all fantasize about our perfect mate. It’s Natural. {ideal man pattern}I don't know what it is you think about when you just stop and you go inside and you consider the ideal man you want to be with and you begin to imagine exactly what it would be like to be with this person, to feel all the things you really want to feel for all the right reasons, but I'll tell you something, when I'm with a woman like that and they begin to see the possibilities of having all that with me, what a difference in the way you think about things. Ok, getting back to what I was saying: But over time as we grow up, after years of dating and being disappointed by other men (point away) time after time, you really begin to wonder when that ideal man (point to self) is going to come along (point to self), and you continue to hope to find your soulmate, (point to self) that special person who complements you so perfectly. But that natural woman that was formed in you when you were young is still in there, but it’s asleep inside of you, covered by a bunch of layers. Layers of social conditioning and programming. What I think that most women really want deep down, but they would never admit this out loud or even to themselves consciously, what women really want is they wanna find that man, that special man that can touch them and reach deep inside them and awaken that natural woman that sleeps inside, once the natural women inside you is awake and alive and ready to live life passionately, you feel true joy and happiness That part of them that longs to be free and then to fall into this man’s arms and to be held close and to be cared for and to be loved unconditionally. and she wants to be accepted and respected for who she is. The natural woman wants a man who is


strong enough not only to understand that she has passionate emotions but strong enough to be his own man and to be her protector to make her feel safe when she needs someone to lean on and to hold her in his big strong arms when she wants be comforted or to cry on his shoulder. A woman wants to know that she has security with him, that he will take care of her. and he’s not afraid to share his feelings with her when he feels vulnerable. and he’s smart enough and man enough to not put up with her female bullshit when she’s disrespecting him by walking all over him. He’s smart enough to know she’s trying to test him. and he’s sensitive enough to anticipate her feelings so that she doesn’t always have to tell him what’s on her mind because he just knows her so well. This man and this woman have developed such an incredible connection with each other that they are truly connected, like soulmates and they compliment each other perfectly. like you and me, we understand that in order for a woman to feel good about herself and comfortable about expressing herself and her sexuality fully, she needs to feel safe and reassured that her ideal partner not only gives her his permission, but he actually wants and tells her to unleash her sexuality whenever she wants to ... He wants her to be sexually uninhibited. He encourages her to be free with her passionate sexuality and her emotions and her feelings. And when a woman finds this special man, it’s just natural that she can just surrender herself to him because she knows that she’s finally found a place where she can be free to do whatever she wants and express herself and share herself in every way that she wants to with this man. (Go into surrender pattern) (Do essence poem sometime after to rekindle)


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