Blackmann_Oracles in Ancient Egypt

December 31, 2017 | Author: Imhotep72 | Category: Religion And Belief
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Bv r\YT,WARD nl. RLACKIIAN, ])'Lt't"t" I. PaPYrus

B'M' IO335' pt'ague, suggesied that



D.. Öerny .f Itabher more than a ycar ago my friend, On my rnentioning this to ?rofesso' Ieet' o.u"les. rnake . special study of nn"ioniEgypti*rt b*t ptoposctl thai I sho.ld deal rvit[ t'he he noi only corclially encouraged-i[e entcrprisc, to find room in Lhis Jotrnal. ,-utj..t in,,.c.ies of articles, ior which hc prornised 1\fonsieur-I3oretrx, obüained squeczcs oI. lasb year I lravc, by tlre courtesy of During tlie

and Monsieu| Gauthicr Stelu' and, the Stela"qf Bu'nislmrctit'' Monsieur Lacau collation of the Stela o'f Slteslt'onlc' which is in have most kindly f'urnished me',uitlt a nerv plye{. *.t ty disposal -the collation thc Cairo l\Iuscurnr, and l)r. Graporv has generously of Naville's copy of the Paynozcrn II rrlrde fr-rr thc Berlin Dictiontry by Prot'essor sethe rterv versions of oiirer l'cxts rls rvell' oracular i'scription ab Karnakl. i ltou" also sccu.otl will nppear in thc-''Io&nrol in due course' :lntl 1'hcse, together wibh translat,ions and notcs, .li*uttttt, anel the results of the enquiry the rvhole material thus collected will be fully summed up, in a final article' ,,. , ,r -^-."^- Paqtyrus, nBritislr' 10335' -,. tn Museum D^^^,^^,. no' This lirst article deals with the very importanb generosity ext'reme the to ent'irely i, due That I am in a posit,ion thus to make ube of ;t Peet. that I contemplated engaging Professor from hearing o,, of Mr. W. n. uu*.o,,, *ho, riisposal his copy of the documenü; in this particular br*nch of ,"r"ur"ti placed at, my in the Joimal, an6 asked me to undertake which he originally himself intended to publish work in one of rny art'icles' thc translation ancl lo,,,*"ntury, trrd ihr,s incorporate -his a great deal of. trouble over the trrrDscripThis is especially kind of hiDt, as he has takcn the Bentreslt,

tiorrofthepapyrusandhasul.ogon"tothcexpenseofhavirrgitllhobographcd. I colht'ed ,fhe plates rcpr
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