Black Ork Codex 1.2 Warhammer 40k 2nd edition

February 24, 2017 | Author: Jason Lark | Category: N/A
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Compiled Black Ork rules for Warhammer 40k 2nd edition...


Codex Atra Orkus The Complete Guide To The Black Ork Culture In The Forty First Millennium Version 1.1

The Black Orks 10/15/07

Armies of the 41st Millennium Black Ork Rules Society Black Orks resemble normal Orks, but are larger, stronger, and more intelligent. They average six and a half feet in height, and stand tall and straight compared to normal orks. They often sharpen and decorate their large canine teeth with gems and gold. Their skins can vary in color from dark green to jet black. Their eyes have a phosphorescent red glow which can be seen in dim light. Black Orks are a military minded people, much more so than normal Orks. Their entire lives are oriented around the military hierarchy, with the larger more powerful Black Orks at the highest levels. Black Orks serve their military hierarchy to peruse glory, fame, trophies and slaves. Black Ork society is regimented, following a complex system of laws and customs that call for loyalty and obedience. Leaders are respected and obeyed. Black Orks would never consider backstabbing a leader to get ahead; all challenges to leaders are done by formal combat. While they may seem ruthless or brutal, the Black Orks behavior is actually controlled by a code of ethics. This code appears similar to human warrior’s codes such as bushido and chivalry in that it promotes bravery, martial skill, and loyalty to the Clan. They are fearless in battle and will eagerly attack any enemy that approaches them. Once in close combat Black Orks are virtually unbreakable and will often fight to the death even when faced with overwhelming odds. Most Black Orks will not bother killing a creature it considers "weak" or unthreatening. When the Black Orks encounter their prey's females or young, they more than often spare them, considering it dishonorable to shed the blood of those who cannot defend themselves. They have also been known to spare a worthy opponent, preferring to take an item, like a weapon or piece of armor as a trophy instead.

The first contact that Imperium had with the black orks was a series of lighting raids on outlying Imperium worlds. All of these raids where the same no trace of the victims where left, living or dead and no trace of the attackers. All that was known was that these attacks where so fast that the victims had no time to call for help. Though still rare, the Imperium will unfortunately see much more of them in the future.

Slavery Slavery is a important element in Black Ork society. Periodic raiding expeditions are sent by Black Orks to ravage Imperium space, bringing back valuables and slaves. Slaves were often bartered for objects of various different kinds: they are exchanged for cloth, trinkets, mounts, weapons and armor. Skilled slaves are a valued commodanty in black ork society, a slave with weapon or armor making skills may soon find himself on a level in society as a Black Orks himself. The treatment of some slaves could be said to be harsh, but not extremely brutal. Slaves actually have some rights in Black Ork society, the unwarrented killing of a slave by a Black Ork is a crime. Depending on the value of the slave, the punishment could be as light as rembursment to forced slavery for the Black Ork himself. Generations of families have been born into slavery on Black Ork worlds. On these worlds about 60% of the population consisted of slaves.

Battle Honors There are several special upgrades “Battle Honors” that can be bought for the Black Ork squads and Characters. A sqaud may have one ability; no ability may be used more than once per army. Characters may have one ability and may trade wargear for abilities 1 for 1. These upgrades are listed below. Squad and Character abilities Cost Description Berserk Charge +5 When this model is charging, he may double his base number of attacks before adding any bonuses. However, the model may not make any parries that turn Crazed +25 Make Break test only if 50% of squad is lost in single turn. Deadeye Shots +25 Each model may re-roll To Hit die once each turn Enemy Race +10 Immune to psychology induced by one race. May choose to follow the rules for hatred against that race. Command characters provide an additional +1 Strategy rating when fighting against an army of that race. Grizzled +15 Roll 3D6 for Leadership test, take the best two. Gunfighter +10 May fire up to two Pistols weapons in the shooting phase. Alternately, the model may fire a single Pistol a number of times equal to his Attack characteristic. If the model is using a pistol in close combat, double his Initiative value when determining ties. Hardened Fighters +10 May re-roll any single die in hand-to-hand combat; the original is ignored even if it's a fumble; opponents may not parry. Massive Blow +10 +2 Strength in close combat; wins all ties in. Opponent may not parry. Rapid Fire +10 Provided that the model does not move in the Movement Phase, he may fire twice in the Shooting Phase. This skill only works with one related group of pistols and basic weapons or a single heavy weapon. Street Fighters +20 If the squad is in Soft Cover, enemy models are at -2 to hit this unit; if the squad is in Hard Cover, opponents are -3 to hit. May not be taken by Rough Riders. Strong +5 +1 Strength. Tank Hunters +10 Immune to psychology induced by vehicles; May re-roll any or all armor penetration dice once per shot. Tough +10 +1 Toughness. Character Only Cruelty

Cost +10

Combat Master


Hurl Opponent


Description If the model is within 12” of a squad that fails its break test, he can immediately shot at the closest model. If he hits and kills the model, the squad is regarded as if it had successfully passed the test. When attacked by multiple opponents in close combat, add +1 to the model's Weapon Skill for each opponent after the first. Multiple attackers gain no bonus. If the model wins in close combat, he may throw his opponent D6” + his Strength away in a chosen direction; instead of inflicting normal damage, the enemy model takes one hit with a Strength equal to half the distance rolled.

Mighty Strike






If the model scores 2 or more hits in close combat, you may trade in the additional hits to increase the Strength of a single blow by +1. Starts with a Mastery Level of 1. Increase Mastery Level by 1 for an extra 25 points; max 4 Level. May also purchase Force weapons The model has the ability to release the power of the Waaagh once per battle, at any time. During the turn, all Black Orks gain +1 WS and A and pass any LD test for the turn. Warboss only.

Army Organization 25%+ Troops

Up to 50% Support

Up to 50% Characters

Troops: Assault Squad, Nobs, Black Ork Squad, Heavy Weapons Squad, Infiltrators, Jumpers and Slaver Squad. Support: Allies, Field Artillery; Vehicles Characters: War Master, Battle Standard, War Boss, Slave Master, Infiltration Master, Weapon Master, Medic, Slaver, War Priest, Greater War Priest and Nob. Black Ork armies have a Strategy Rating of 4

Black Ork Armory Assault Weapons Models picking from this list may select as many items as they wish. Assault Weapon Chainsword Power Axe Power Fist (Nobz and characters only) Power Sword Sword or Axe Autopistol Bolt Pistol Hand Flamer Plasma Pistol Stun Pistol Chain-Axe Power Claw (Nobz and characters only)

Cost 2 7 10 6 1 1 2 6 4 2 2 8

Special Weapons Models picking from this list may select only one item. Special Weapon Boltgun Flamer Meltagun Plasma Gun Stun Gun

Cost 3 7 6 6 3

Slaver Weapons Models picking from this list may select only one item. Heavy Weapon Power Maul Suppression Shield Web Pistol Webber Heavy Webber Stun Pistol Stun Gun Heavy Stunner Whip

Cost 5 5 6 9 30 2 3 15 5

Heavy Weapons Models picking from this list may select only one item. Heavy Weapon Autocannon Heavy Bolter Heavy Flamer Hydra Missile Launcher Lascannon Missile Launcher w/Frag & Super-Krak shells MultiMelta Heavy Plasma Gun Heavy Stubber

Cost 16 10 25 35 30 30 39 26 7

Armor Models picking from this list may select only one item. Can only be taken by Character models. Armor Ork ‘Eavy Armor (4+ save) Ork Mega-Armor (2+ save) Ork Bionic Mega-Armor (2+ save)

Cost 7 25 30

Stikkbombz (Grenades) Models picking from this list may select as many items as they wish. Stikkbombz Frag Krak Melta Smoke

Cost 2 3 5 1

Transport Transport Nobz Bike (including driver)

Cost 20

Black Ork Characters Characters War Master 85 points (0-1x) Troop Type M WS BS S T War Master 4 7 6 5 5 Wears ‘Eavy Armor (4+ save), carries a Bolt Pistol.


Assault Squad 17 points (5-20x) Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld Assault Squad 4 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 8 Mesh Armor (5+ save) and are armed Axe and Bolt Pistol. Options Any Boy may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Boltgun for +1 point per model. Any Boy may pick equipment from the Assault and Stikkbombz lists. Can be used as an assault slaver squad, if so they are armed with power mauls and suppressor shield for +8 points. Black Ork Nob Squad 20 points (3-15x) Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld Nob 4 5 4 4 4 1 3 1 9 Mesh Armor (5+ save), carries a Bolt Pistol. Options Any Nob may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Boltgun for +1 point per model. Any Nob may pick equipment from the Assault, Special, Transport, and Stikkbombz lists. Any Nob may wear Ork ‘Eavy Armor (4+ save) for +5 points or Mega-Armor for +22 points per model if equipped with mega armor may select 1 armor upgrade (all models in unit must have the same item). Black Ork Squad 17 points per Black Ork (5-20x) Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld Black Ork 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 Mesh Armor (5+ save) and are armed with a Bolt Pistol, Axe, and Frag Stikkbombz. Options Any Boy may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Boltgun for +1 point per model. Any Boy may pick equipment from the Assault, Special, and Stikkbombz lists. Up to two models may carry a Heavy weapon. Heavy Weapon Squad 17 points per Blood Axe Boy (3-5x 1 per Black Ork squad) Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld Black Ork 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 Mesh Armor (5+ save) and are armed with a Bolt Pistol, Axe, and Frag Stikkbombz. Options Any Boy may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Boltgun for +1 point per model. Any Boy may carry a Special or a Heavy weapon. Infiltration squad 25 points per Infiltrate (5-10x; 0-1x in army) Troop Type M WS Infiltrators 4 5

BS 4

S 4

T 4

W 1

I 2

A 1

Ld 9

Infiltration wear Mesh Armor (5+ save) and are armed with a Bolt Pistol, Axe, and Frag Stikkbombz. Infiltrates may use the rules for Infiltration and Dispersed Formation. Options Any Infiltrates may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Boltgun for +1 point per model, and/or his Axe for a Power Axe for +6 points. Any Infiltrates may pick equipment from the Assault and Stikkbombz lists. Up to one model may carry a Special or Heavy weapon. Jumpers 17 points per Jumpers (5-20x; 0-1x in army) Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld Jumpers 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 8 Jumpers wear Mesh Armor (5+ save) and are armed with a Bolt Pistol, Axe, and Frag Stikkbombz. Options The entire squad may be equipped with Jump Packs for +5 points per model. Any Boy may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Boltgun for +1 point per model. Any Boy may pick equipment from the Assault and Stikkbombz lists. Up to one model may carry a Special or a Heavy weapon. Slaver Squad 17 points per Slavers (5-20x) Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld Slavers 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 8 Slavers wear Mesh Armor (5+ save) and are armed with a Stun Pistol, and Stun Stikkbombz. Options Any Boy may replace his Stun Pistol with a Stungun for +1 point per model or a web pistol for +4 or web gun for +7. Up to one model may carry a Heavy Stunner or Heavy Webber.

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