Black Mirror II
Short Description
Black Mirror II by Cranberry Production Walkthrough Walkthrough by MaGtRo
May 2010
Gameplay : This is a third person point and click game. The main menu has new new game, load game, options, options, extras, credits credits and exit. The options menu has: has: Gfx option has Gamma, screen resolution, screen refresh rate and graphics quality selections. Sfx option has overall, music, speech, eects and environment volume selections. Game option has display dialog sutitles! use hardware mouse pointer, original "lack #irror $ mouse pointer, additional game help, display tips and activate "ig %ead mode. Save the changes using the save selection at ottom of the screen. &xtras have the pictures, videos and mini'games already viewed during gameplay. (ew game has a selection of easy and normal game mode. &asy game mode oers additional game help, the option to skip special pu))les and to receive further tips from the diary. (ormal game mode has no additional game help. "ut additional game help can e selected while in this mode. The in'game menu is accessed accessed y pressing pressing the &S* key key.. "ack, menu, load game, save game, options and exit selections are seen. +nother set of in'game menu is seen when the cursor is moved at top right of the screen. %ere, see loadsave game, the main menu, diary and show all hotspots icons. The save page shows shows the picture of the location. The title of the saved game can e entered after pressing the save utton. Then press the green arrow elow it. The saved games can e deleted y clicking on the torn paper icon at left of the frame. Saved games can e overwritten. The diary has -arrens -arrens /ournal and tasks tasks to do. do. To To activate a collected item in inventory ar at ottom of screen, screen, right mouse click the item. %elpful %ints: (ew diary entry is alerted y a 0ashing ook icon at top left. The diary is accessed y using the icon at top right or y the - or 1 key. To see all the hotspots in the screen, press the space bar or H key or the hotspot icon at top right of the screen. The items in the screen screen that are for information information only are deactivated deactivated after clicking'learning aout them. 2ight click on a character to get information aout them. The ta key key skips cutscenes.
+fter +fter the location has een accessed y going there, the postcard can serve as a /ump to map. When the easy mode is selected, all mini-puzzles have a skip choice after time is spent on the puzzles. The mini'games can e replayed using the extras at main menu. 3ou 3ou can die in this game ' save save often. There There is an autosave when you you die also. 199! Black Mirror Ca"tle! Willo# Creek! $ngland% Samuel is seen running through the forest. %e arrives at "lack #irror *astle. 4nside the castle, his wife *athryn is in search of Samuel. +t the lirary, she reads an open ook. Samuel hits *athryn and inadvertently urns part of the castle and his wife. 5This is the 6re that urned the tower in "lack #irror $.7 The frst let click describes an item; the second let click gives additional inormation or does the action i needed on that item (take, (tak e, press...). So click until the cursor is grayed out or disappears. I 199&! Bidde'ord! Maine (uller)" Photo *tore% 2ead the diary and learn that -arren is on his 8 weeks of semester reak. %e is working at the 9uller hoto Store. The inventory has a postcard postcard of "iddeford "iddeford that can help to /ump to locations and camera. Get the po#er on% Go to the crammed shelves on the wall at right. Take the carton of fuses at ottom shelf. 2ight click the carton of fuses in inventory at ottom of the screen and get a fuse ;pen the fuse ox left of the shelves. Take the cover of the second from left fuse ' the one with no screw at top. Take Take the roken roken fuse fuse and click again to get -arren -arren to discard it. lace the new fuse on the holder. ull the lever of the main switch at ottom right. (ow theres light. e need to get them to stop the chatter. &xit the store and click on the red convertile. -arren activates the car alarm. 4mmediately enter the shop so that the women can hear the alarm. Talk Talk to 2osie 2osie now that she is alone. alone. She gives the package for for 9uller. She also informs -arren that there is another package here for 9uller. She needs another collection note to release it. See and try to take lank collection notes from the counter. Talk Talk to 2osie 2osie aout all the dialogue pictures. pictures. Talk Talk to 2osie 2osie again aout package for -arren. >hile shes looking for a package, immediately take a lank collection note. &xit the store. .and o+er (uller)" letter to Mr"/ Biba% Go right to side street and continue to the main square. +t the square, go right to the "ias -iner with a red convertile in front of it. *heck the ule gum machine, neon and string of lights outside the diner. &nter the diner. diner. See a stranger talking to #rs. "ia and umps -arren on the way out. Talk Talk to #rs. "ia. She got upset upset aout the letter. letter. Try Try to exit the diner and e stopped stopped y -r. -r. (ewhouse sitting in the ooth. ooth. -arrens mom was supposed to meet him aout her paintings to e hung at the *enter. Call Mom% &xit the diner. diner. 2ight click and use the postcard and /ump to the hotoshop. Talk Talk to +ngelina. 9ulton 9ulton groped her. her. She asks that -arren -arren ring her pictures to >est >est *oast room ? where she is staying. See the stranger from the diner tail her. 9ulton 9ulton calls -arren inside and gives him a unch of orders. &nter the door to the ack room left of the door to the asement.
@se the phone on 9ullers desk. 9uller 9uller arrives and mentioned that -arrens mom called saying the words +drian and #irror. -arren goes home and 6nds mom on the 0oor unconscious. *all for an amulance y clicking on the phone. Mom)" medication"% -r. -r. (ewhouse tells -arren to get all of his moms medications. illow *reek left of the athroom. (James lighthouse!" (amily doctor)" number% &nter the edroom at left. ;pen the ottom drawer of the side tale. Get the locked address ook. *heck the pot plant on the window sill. #ove the pot and get a small key. @se the key to open the address ook. 2ight click the address ook and 6nd out -r. >ake6elds numer. @se the telephone and talk to the doctor. ait until you see a clear picture of +ngelina and click on the paper to take it out. lace developed picture in water dish. 4f a mistake is done, repeat the process. -arren will tell where the prolem lies: too light ' lengthen the time in the developing solution. +haC The brightness and contrast is correct... Get print of 6rst photo. More print": 2epeat the whole process again to get another print. -arren will then automatically develop the rest of the 6lm. Get copies of +ngelinas pictures.
Read Mr"/ Biba)" letter% %ear the doorell ring. -arren goes out and talks to #rs. "ia. She gives a letter to 9uller. -arren decides to open the envelope. Go ack home to the cottage. Go to the kitchen. Take the empty tea kettle from the stove. @se the empty tea kettle on sink to get full tea kettle. lace the full tea kettle on stove. *lick the stove to turn it on. %ts steaming. @se the letter on the tea kettle. See $?BB dollars that might e lackmail money. Go to 9ullers and place the letter in the mail slot. -ake (uller)" photo" to 3ngelina% Go to souvenir shop area. Go to the end of the dock. See a sign to the >ild *oast %otel. 9ollow the sign or use the /ump to postcard to get to hotel. Talk to the receptionist'porter'owner. Go up to +ngelinas room. -arren talks and does a photo shoot with +ngelina. &xit the room and see the stranger asking aout +ngelina #organ. Talk to the porter. e+elop the picture" and make print"% -arren says to use his moms athroom to develop the 6lm. %e needs D trays, red light and a pro/ector. Red light and 5er : Go to "ias diner. *lick on a red ul from the string of lights. -arren gets a red safelight ul. &nter the diner. Take a slice of read and vinegar from the counter. 3ou can talk to #rs. "ia if you want. ,unk "hop: Go to the /unk shop right of 9ullers. Talk to &ddie, the lind man. See a slide pro/ector at top shelf. *lick on the radio'walkie talkie aove a ham radio setup that is on the left side of the counter. Talk to &ddie again aout all dialogue, eing lind and the pro/ector. 3n old coin% +fter a while, &ddie gives the old coin to -arren for identi6cation. *lick the old coin on the coin catalogue on the counter. 4ts a $F8 coin worth D?BB dollars. -arren tells &ddie aout the coin. Cane: &ddie wants -arren to get his cane he lost playing poker with the owner of the >ild *oast %otel. Go to hotel. Talk with porter completely. %e gives the white cane after eing threatened with 2osie. Pro6ector: Go ack to &ddie at /unk shop. Give &ddie the white cane. &ddie loans the pro/ector. Go home and enter the athroom.
(ow that you have all the items needed for developing, -arren automatically develops the 6lm. -arren keeps a single picture of +ngelina. +ngelina and -arren talk at the -iner. -arren tells +ngelina all aout her mom and >illow *reek. +ngelina opens the /ewel ox. 4nside is a picture of -arrens mom and a man at >illow *reek outside the gate of "lack #irror *astle. -arren has a nightmare. #arren, help me. II *apt. *onley of olice -ept. arrives and talks to -arren. %e asks aout 9uller. 9uller was staed to death early hours of the morning. +ngelina was found standing over 9uller, full of lood. +ngelina is in /ail. %e asks -arren to do a photo6t of the stranger. Make a photot picture% &xit the house. "e at the police station working with the policewoman on making a composite of the stranger. Select the appropriate features. Then click on save and exit utton. There is a reset utton if a mistake is done. arren)" note" ha+e a dra#ing and de"cription o' the "tranger% "rown, comed'ack hair Small straight nose with wrinkles on the sides -eep 'set eyes, dark eyerows Thin mouth, small moustache Slightly droopy cheeks Get a photo6t of the stranger in inventory. +ngelina is rought in and she egs -arren to help her.
Proo' o' (uller)" dealing"% -aren needs evidence to prove that +ngelina is innocent and others have motives. &xit the station and go right at #ain Square to "ias -iner. See #rs. "ia throw something in the trash in. *heck the trash in and get paper snippets. Mr"/ Biba)" torn letter% ut together the torn pieces of paper. 2ight click the paper snippets in inventory to see the pu))le. all of *hina Dnd rope ' *astle (euschwanstein in Germany The ackdrop rises to reveal the secret door. *heck the door and see that it has a numeric pad lock. -arren wants to check 9ullers elongings in the morgue for clues. 3cce"" to the morgue% Go to hospital. Talk to the nurse aout everything. hile waiting to e introduced to the ladies, -arren gets a vision from the mirror. -alk to the re"ident"% Talk to hen arranged, press the utton at ottom right square. Get a all.
@se the all at the mechanism at ottom of the mirror frame. Ball pu>>le% The aim of the pu))le is to move the all to end up at the center hole. The side wheels lower the walls so that the all can move inward. The ottom left wheel lowers the second from outer circle. The top left wheel lowers the next inner circle. The top right wheel lowers the second from the inner circle. The ottom right wheel lowers the inner circle to the hole. The all is released using the circular utton at ottom left. 4n easy mode, a skip icon is availale for this pu))le.
The secret room is opened. (ind the third piece o' mo"aic%
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