Black Magic Seduction

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Black Magic Seduction By Dahlia Rose

Copyright © November 2010, Dahlia Rose Cover art by Sugar and Spice Press © November 2010 ISBN 978-1-936110-93-3 This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. Sugar and Spice Press North Carolina, USA

Black Magic Seduction

Dahlia Rose

Chapter One “What do you want with a human, and a witch no less?” Jaidon lounged back in his seat with the familiar smell of sulfur in his nose. He looked around at the council members there sitting at the dark table of hell. There were six, and he was one of them. The seventh seat was empty. They wanted to fill it with a human witch? Jaidon couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Chandra was an excellent upper level demon. Who knew she would go rouge and try to conquer hell? For that she was thrown into the pits with the abominations. Five hundred years penance for her deception, to her it would feel like thousands. Jaidon should have told her, you don’t mess with hell. “She has so much potential and no guilt in what she does. She would be easily turned to our ways and not have to be trained.” Lorna pouted. “Besides I’m tired of being the only woman that sits on this council.” “Chandra was a female,” Jaidon pointed out to Lorna. “You’re just mad because she wouldn’t let you taste her pussy.” “She was always out for her own cause. With this one she would be more manageable,” the council leader said. He gave Jaidon a hard stare. “You will convince her to join us. Give her whatever she wants, and make it so refusal is not an option.” “And if she still refuses?” Jaidon asked. “Then kill her, and we’ll begin recruitment again,” one of the other members said simply. “I don’t like this. Andros you must….” Jaidon began. Andros the council leader slammed his hand down on the table until it shook. The ornate gold goblets filled with wine spilled, and the table, as if it was a living entity, sucked up the blood laced wine greedily into its porous depths. “We are in agreement, Jaidon. Do as you’re told or join your lover in the pit. Yes, we know of your affair with Chandra. It was an interesting diversion watching you two rut like dogs in heat. But must I remind you,


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demons don’t harbor feelings. I would suggest you get rid of whatever you have before it becomes a problem.” Jaidon felt rage build in him like a stoked fire. His fingers turned to claws but instead of attacking Andros, he clenched onto the arm rest of his chair so hard it splintered the wood. If the entire council was not there, he would have taken his head clean from his shoulders. As powerful as the man was, Jaidon knew he had become weak. The problem was the rest of the council was faithful to him, and if he attacked now they would rend his flesh from his bones. Patience, he commanded himself. Instead he stood casually and inclined his head toward Andros’ sneer and disappeared from the room. His feet sank into the still warm topsoil of the Arizona dessert, and he looked around at his surroundings. The clouds rolled and lightning cut a swatch through the dark night. He could smell the rain in the air, and no matter how many times he came topside to where humans dwelled he was always impressed. He disappeared again and went directly into New Orleans where the noise and music greeted him. He looked around at the costumes and the flames and grinned. This was his kind of place. Women bared their breasts for baubles, and in the alley where he appeared, a couple was in the midst of sexual gratification. Humans are so easily led astray. Jaidon grinned knowing he would have no problem with a human witch. Her name was Tricia, and she lived close by. From what he was told by the council, she was an openly practicing witch who dealt with both black and white magic. Unusual to say the least. You see either one or the other, but someone on both sides of the fence was an anomaly. Jaidon decided to show up at her door in style. If he was going to give her whatever she wanted he would play with some of the treats as well. At a car dealership he procured a black Charger SRT and climbed behind the wheel. The engine purred to life, and he drove away into the night to find the woman who would now reside in hell. ****


Black Magic Seduction

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Tricia patted the hand of her friend who cried with big tears rolling down her cheeks. “I found him there, and he just smirked at me and asked if I wanted to join in!” Karee sobbed. It was the second time that she came to Tricia with her lovelorn story. Tricia rolled her eyes. Same man, new level of bullshit. They always came with the sob stories about men and how they would never love again because it always ended up in heartbreak, and then a few weeks later they were back in the same repetitive cycle of being hurt. She had a simple solution, bed ‘em don’t wed ‘em, hug ‘em don’t love ‘em. “So what do you want me to do about it?” Tricia tried to sound consoling, but she knew what was coming next. Karee looked at her with wide blue eyes and an expression of shock. “Nothing. Tricia I just needed a friendly ear to talk to.” “Uh-huh, I haven’t seen you in four months. You had a birthday party, and my name was suspiciously off the guest list,” Tricia pointed out. “I sent you out your invite; I thought you were too busy to come!” Karee had the nerve to look surprised. “Listen, chick, I know how it works. Y’all love being able to say at your little parties that you have a friend who is a voodoo priestess, and everyone has wide eyed and says ‘Oh, tell us more!’” Tricia said and sat back. “That’s absolutely fine, but don’t pretend that we don’t both know why you’re here. You want him to suffer but don’t want to take the personal responsibility of saying it to me. You want me to do it as your socalled friend.” Tricia was tired of the two faced people that came into her life. She would prefer to be by herself in any case than to have the fakeness of it all or to pretend that she didn’t know what these women wanted when they came to her. She was not hard up for company, and she knew she would never get the invite to join the Belles of New Orleans Society. It was then that that Karee’s eyes grew cold and harsh. “Are you going to do something or not?”


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And there is the true heart of Karee Tavish, Tricia thought with a smile. “The cost is five hundred dollars. Before you even look affronted, Lorna, we both know you can afford it.” “I want him back,” she whined. “After all he’s done to you.” Tricia rolled her eyes. “Please give me a break.” “But the good outweighs the bad with us.” “I don’t deal in love spells. I can bind him to you, but that’s not real love. It just means he’ll fuck around on you and always come back.” Karee slammed five crisp hundred dollar bills down on the table. “Do what you have to.” She got up and walked to the door before turning and to giving Tricia a dark look. “I won’t forget how you treated me today. See how many of the girls will call you now.” Tricia took up the money and leaned back casually in her chair. She met Karee’s dark gaze with one of her own. “Oh they call me, and you will too when you don’t want to get your hands dirty. By the way, don’t be catty because I just might turn you into one.” The girl’s eyes widened in alarm, and she hurried through the door. The glass vibrated when the door slammed, and Tricia grinned with delight. She got up from her sitting area and walked back to the old kitchen to make a cup of tea and to craft some spell work. The house was hers and hers alone—due to some ritual work to help enhance her prosperity. The wide French doors in her bedroom led to the balcony where she could sit and watch the city. Across the hall was the bathroom with a claw foot tub and decorated to suit her with candles and brass fixtures. Downstairs was her kitchen, sitting room, and large dining room where she conducted séances. She loved her Victorian style home that sat on the border of The French Quarter and the more unsavory side of town. It was just like her, one foot on each side. She called her herb garden outside ‘The Garden of Good and Evil.’ With her tea made she sat down to look into her spell books for the perfect dessert for Karee’s beau. . . again. Her family was long gone, not dead but not in her life either. They hated that she chose the path she did. 4

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Her father was a minister in Louisiana, and her mother loved being a minister’s wife. Her sister dutifully married a man in the church who all pretended to be such a good man but was not, while her brother became a deacon of their father’s church. She embraced her aunts’ lives much to her mother’s disdain. Her mother’s two sisters were practicing witches, and from the time she could read and visited them, their books and lives enthralled her. Even they weren’t too pleased with her and how she dispensed her magic. But how could they see the world as black and white when there was a bunch of gray out there. Tricia chose to see the gray and live in it. Good and evil blended all the time in life so why couldn’t she do the same in magic? With the herbs all mixed in the cauldron she took the small cast iron pot upstairs with her and went into her ritual room. The smell of all her spices and candles enveloped her like a lover’s embrace, and she set it in the middle of her circle. Tricia approached her spell work the same way the priestess’s of old did. She slipped out of her dark blue dress and it lay against the ground as if she cut a piece of the night sky and spread it on the ground. Kneeling in the middle of her circle, she called the elements to her to surround and protect her, and then in their presence she called for a lover’s justice and the beings that would dispense their verdict. This was a long piece of spell work, and a sheen of sweat broke out on her body while she concentrated. The beings she summoned of course needed payment for their service, an element of sexual release. On her knees she leaned back and spread her legs. Rubbing her clit she made her pussy moist with her own touch. Keeping up her chant, she pinched her nipples with one hand and touched herself with fervor. Rubbing her hands over her skin and down her thighs, her excitement rose. She could feel the beings around her rise with delight at her gift. That too make her excited her, and she slipped her hand down her flat stomach and plunged her fingers into pussy. It was hard for her not to cry out in pleasure, but she had to keep the chant going even as she masturbated. To break the words would break the spell work. She had leaned back so far she could feel the hardwood floor against her back. The usually cold floor was warm with 5

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her spell and the beings she summoned. Her fingers penetrated her soaking wet pussy faster and faster, rubbing against her clit while she fucked herself. With the final words she orgasmed, and her body tensed and shuddered with release. The fire of the candles flamed up as her gift was accepted and her spell was done. Tricia lay on the floor for a few minutes to catch her breath before rising and closing her circle and releasing those who were summoned to do as she ordered. She cleaned up after the ritual and threw her dress over her arm as she walked to the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out again wearing her blue dress, and while she went downstairs, the door bell rang. The hair on the back of her neck rose instantly, and a wave of energy hit her so hard that it made her dizzy. She put her hand on the wall to help her keep her balance. Whoever was on the other side of the door was extremely powerful, and there was a smell of… sulfur? Where others in her situation would have run in the opposite direction and put barriers up for protection, a smile of delight crossed her lips, and she descended the stairs casually even though her heart thumped with excitement. Instead of opening the door, she looked at the figure outside through the frosted glass. “I know you have enough power to enter if you want, so why are you standing outside?” she called through the door. The figure disappeared. “Because most humans prefer the knocking on doors while your guests wait, you know the formality of it all.” She whirled when the voice came from behind her, and in her house stood one of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen. Well he isn’t really a man, Tricia thought. She knew he was a demon. The faint smell of hell clung to him. His hair was cut low and styled professionally, and he carried a hint of a goatee on his face around very kissable lips. His eyes flashed red for the briefest of seconds before going back to a blue that one could only call unnatural, and he stood at well over six feet. He was wearing a tailored black suit that hung superbly on broad shoulders, and the red silk tie finished off a man that was way too perfect. Tricia’s smile widened. “You wouldn’t be here if I was most humans.” 6

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He nodded. “True enough. My name is Jaidon. I sit on the council in hell.” His words should have scared her but Tricia was more curious than anything else. She walked into her sitting room and sat comfortably in her red velvet love seat. Without her invitation he took the seat across from her, and they stared at each other. Tricia felt a rush of instant heat between her legs. Oh to have him in my bed. “That can be arranged,” he said with a wicked smile. Tricia tilted her head back and laughed. “There are no secrets with you. So tell me, Jaidon who sits on the hell council, what do you want with me?” “I’ve come to make you an offer.” “And that would be?” “To sit on the council. It is a very distinguished offer to a mere human,” Jaidon replied. “I take it you were not in favor of me taking the seat?” Tricia asked. She was amazed to be sitting with a demon and talking hell like it was a business position she was applying for. “Looking at you I might be persuaded to change my assessment.” He sat back and laced his fingers together. “Needless to say I am here to do the council’s bidding and give you whatever you wish to ensure you say yes. Being an agent of hell can be quite lucrative.” “Oh I imagine so. I’m to be pampered and catered to huh?” “Up to a point,” he said quietly. She heard the underlying danger in his tone and took it seriously. Yet Tricia was not one to back down from any fight regardless of the opponent. “Really you seem to be the one sitting in my house giving me the proposition not the other way around,” Tricia replied. “I will have to think on this. Do I have to give up my life here which I like? You know damning your soul is not an easy decision.” “What about dinner and we can discuss it further?” Jaidon asked. “Maybe Paris?” 7

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“That sounds reasonable,” Tricia said calmly. “Pick me up at eight.” He inclined his head in her direction, and without another word, he vanished from his seat. Tricia looked at that spot for the longest of moments before jumping up and squealing like a school girl. Hell wanted her! The benefit of so much power was unimaginable. A voice in the back of her mind niggled at her, what about your soul? She pushed the wayward thought aside. She was only thinking about it. Who said she would say yes? Besides if she did, no one could touch her, and damnation wouldn’t be one of fire and brimstone but of wealth and prestige and so much power. Imagine what she could do. She could really show her father then when she pulled up in the hottest ride and drop millions into his little church. She ran upstairs to go through her closet laughing all the way. Tonight she literally had a date with hell.


Black Magic Seduction

Dahlia Rose

Chapter Two Tricia Solomon, now there was a woman worth leaving hell for, Jaidon thought. Her dark skin reminded him of polished mahogany, and dark brown her eyes held a hint of devilment. Luscious lips curved in a wicked smile and begged to be kiss, and a drop-dead curvaceous body. This was no innocent woman who he would have to coerce away. Tricia knew what she was doing and how she would do it at all times. They would end up fucking. Jaidon knew this. Was she a good choice for the council? His answer would still have to be no. She would make a good second level demon though, one that could be beneath him in all ways including between the sheets. He walked down the street away from her house. Already it was wall to wall people because of Mardi Gras and it was only four ‘o clock. Jaidon picked a local bar and sat down. He had a few hours to kill before he went back pick her up. Maybe a soul or two would whet his appetite. He found the one he wanted easily. A black girl who reminded him of Tricia, plus he was always partial to the ladies whose skin reminded him of chocolate. It was easy to read her mind. She wanted to be a model like Naomi Campbell or Iman. Whoever they are, typical humans. Jaidon rolled his eyes. He would give her the gift that weighted her heart, and he would take her soul. He met her eyes, and hers widened when she met his. He pushed the thought into her head that he was an agent looking for new modeling talent, and in minutes she was walking his way. The way her hips moved under the little tight skirt and her breasts that were almost falling out of the barely there cut off shirt she wore, he was going to seal this deal the old fashion way. “I saw you watching me,” she stated and leaned her elbow against the bar. The move was to make sure that he could see her cleavage. “You were watching me as well.” Jaidon took a sip of his whiskey on the rocks. “What’s your name?” “Cara,” she replied. “What’s yours?” 9

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“Jaidon.” “Freaky name, what do you do?” “You know what I do.” His eyes flashed red, and she stepped back a little. Jaidon baited the hook. “Don’t run, baby. I’m going to give you a gift.” “What kind of gift?” she asked warily. He could see that she sensed the danger. He could smell it on her, and yet she stayed. “You want be a model, have the world under those stiletto heels, and I can give you that…for twenty years,” Jaidon explained. “What happens after the twenty years?” “Your soul is mine to keep,” Jaidon said softly. She looked taken aback. “My soul…but wait I...” Jaidon pulled her to him and squeezed her thick thighs, enjoying the feel. “What’s a little soul, Cara? You’ll have everything you want in the world plus more, and when you die, you’ll be with me forever. No pain or anything you’ll be an immortal beauty and forever mine.” He captured her gaze, and he watched her pupils dilate under his stare. “Say yes and everything you want will be yours.” She nodded. “Yes.” “Let’s seal the deal.” He took her hand and led her to the back room where there were some people playing pool. “Leave now,” he ordered and without even a question they all left. He didn’t mention to Cara that he would eat her soul and have his fill. That was semantics. She said yes, and while she would have her fame and fortune, all she’d be would be a shell of a human. Nothing would give her pleasure again. “Take your clothes off,” Jaidon ordered. “What little you’re wearing.” She took off the tiny shirt, and her breasts spilled out, and she shimmied out of the skin tight skirt taking her thong panties with it. She stood before him naked and exposed, her breasts rising and falling with every panting breath she took. “Get on your knees and suck.” He smiled wide. “I want to see those pretty lips wrapped around my cock.”


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She obliged and sank to her knees. She unbuckled his belt and worked at his zipper with trembling fingers. His pants dropped to his ankles, and he felt her fingers on his shaft. Her lips touched the head of his cock, and she began to suck and stroke his cock at the same time. Jaidon’s breath hissed out between his teeth as she sucked him and made him twice as hard. He could have blown his load in her mouth, but he wanted the pleasure of taking her soul while buried in her snatch. He lifted her to her feet and deposited her on the pool table. He pushed her back against the green felt and raised her legs. Putting her heels against each slot he spread her wide and sank his fingers into her pussy. She was already wet, and the lips of her snatch encased his fingers. She arched her back off the surface of the pool table. He worked his fingers so fast in and out of her that she was screaming as she came. “Dirty little slut,” he said as she laid their gasping for breath. He took his engorged cock in his hand and watched as the tip sank into her before he pushed himself all the way in with one smooth thrust. She cried out again and writhed on the table like a woman possessed. She pressed against his shaft as he held onto her thighs and pounded himself inside her, feeling the walls of her cunt expand and contract to fit him. His orgasm built, and with a feral growl he placed his hand on the pool table on each side of her and fucked her hard. Jaidon spilled his hot seed inside her, and as she cried out, he grabbed her face and pulled her soul from her body while she came. She twisted and shivered as her soul left her, and Jaidon leaned back in pleasure as it filled him. He stepped away, and his cock wet with her juice slipped from her pliant body. Her soul was filled with such energy the hair on his arms stood on end. “What did you do?” she asked with tears on her face. “I feel so different.” “I took my part of the deal, your soul,” he explained while he cleaned up and got dressed again. “You said, you said I had twenty years.” She sobbed. “And you do. Twenty years from now, I’ll come claim the rest of your carcass.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Enjoy it.” 11

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Jaidon left her there crying naked on the pool table and walked out of the bar. He had more important matters to deal with now he had his fill. Humans were a hot commodity in hell. Some wanted to torture souls, and others used them as servants. For him he wanted the energy, the power inside them, the lust, love, anger, fear, and sorrow. Those fragile little bodies carried so much power, and they didn’t know it. Maybe it was why the council wanted Tricia on the council, to tap into her soul that had to be tenfold because of her magic. Fat Tuesday and New Orleans held the stench of beer, sweat, lust, and sex. That’s all humans came here for every year to throw off the shackles of their daily lives and immerse themselves in the debauchery that was Mardi Gras. A party they could go home and reminisce about, how much pussy they got or how much ass they grabbed. He walked away from the revelry on his way back to Tricia’s house. He passed an alley, and a familiar scent pulled at him so he stepped back into the alley. “Why, Lorna checking up on me so soon?” he said casually. “You should have let me know. We could have met for drinks.” “You smell like you had your fill already, Jaidon.” Lorna stepped from the shadows wearing her usual long black dress. She walked around Jaidon trailing her fingers along his wide shoulders. “What is that delicious aroma you have on you?” “I just had the delight of taking a young soul who wanted to be a model,” Jaidon explained. “You ate her soul didn’t you?’ Lorna’s eyes gleamed like jewels through the dark. “I can smell her sex on you and her energy. Share with me, Jaidon. It’s been so long since I had a taste.” Lorna was like a drug addict looking for her next fix. She couldn’t consume souls like he could but craved it like a junkie would, which made her vulnerable and an easy source of information. He walked toward her until her back was pressed against the wall. Jaidon raised her long dress and kicked her legs apart before he cupped her pussy and insert his finger inside her.


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“What will you give me for this taste, Lorna, hmm?” he asked. While he nuzzled her neck he fucked her with his fingers. Tonight was a night where he seemed to be able to have it all. “Anything, anything just give it to me.” She shuddered and pumped her hips against his hand. He pressed deeper, and she gave high pitch squeal. He knew how to keep her on the edge of what she wanted, holding it from her grasp until she gave him the information he needed. “Why does the council want this witch so badly?” She was gasping hardly able to get the words out. “Her power is unimaginable. The chairman grows weaker. If he can make an ally of her, he would rule the council forever.” “Good girl,” he whispered against her ear and made her come with his hand. He opened her mouth and sent part of the soul energy he had taken only moments ago into her, and she sucked it down greedily. Jaidon closed his mouth suddenly cutting off the flow. She clung to him. “Give me more, demon, now!” Jaidon pushed her away, and she hit the wall. “I’ll keep you supplied if you keep informed of the going on in the council while I’m topside.” “You plan to take the chair don’t you?” she whispered. “I will serve you if you promise to make me your second, and I want souls not just a taste.” “It’s a fair trade,” Jaidon replied. “Now go before you are missed. Tell them everything is on course.” Lorna nodded, and was gone in the blink of an eye. Jaidon knew from the moment they called her name at the council table his instinct was correct. He would take the council chair and kill the chairman himself. Plans change. Maybe he would keep the witch around if her body was enough to capture his interest. Or maybe her would take her soul. He walked away humming a tune and heading back to her house. Yes, plans always change. With a snap of his fingers he wore a white suit with a black tie and shirt.


Black Magic Seduction

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**** Jaidon knocked on her door at precisely eight, and when she opened the door, he forgot to breathe. Her dress was red and tight. It hugged every curve like a second skin. Her legs seemed to go on forever, and she wore no stockings against the dark chocolate skin that begged to be touched. He noticed she had a pentagram tattoo over the left breast right above her heart and a snake tattoo around her left wrist. He knew of witch’s magic, and this was her way to protect her heart and her mind. He wondered if it worked, and without even saying hello, he reached out to touch the pentagram tattoo. It glowed red and burned the tips of his fingers. “While you’re sexy as hell, Jaidon, not even you can get at my heart.” Tricia tapped the tattoo. ‘This is my strongest magic. “Good to know,” he murmured. “You look good enough to eat.” “Somehow I don’t know how to take that.” She stepped aside to let him in. “You should take it as a compliment, darling.” She pressed her hand over her heart. “You’re bringing out the big guns. I may swoon.” “Sarcasm becomes you.” He couldn’t help but grin. “While charm is yours,” Tricia countered. “Are you ready to whisk me away to the high life of Paris?” Jaidon was enjoying the word play. She was unlike anyone he had ever encountered, so willing to embrace her dark side without remorse. “You have to hold onto me while we go. This is more than just a snap of the fingers.” She was in his arms before the words were out of his mouth. Jaidon looked down at her while she clung to him with a trusting gaze on her face. “So eager,” he murmured, and he felt something jump in his chest. It was a good feeling and one that made him uncomfortable. She was his ticket to the council leader seat, nothing more. While he pushed that emotion aside he repeated the assertion in his head. He used his magic, and soon they were hurtling through the thin veil between reality and 14

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magic to Paris where he would wine and dine the little witch. His magic brought them out right in front of The Louvre, and he slowly brought them into focus so as not to scare anyone passing by. Tricia jumped out of his arms and squealed spinning around. “Oh my God, oh my God, we are in Paris!” She clapped her hands in delight. “Please tell me if I take your offer I can travel like that!” “The powers of hell will be at your disposal, yes,” Jaidon confirmed. “This is so freaking gorgeous. Do you know how many pieces of art are behind those walls, the history?” she gushed. “I have been here quite a few times,” Jaidon replied. “We are going across the bridge past the Musee d’Orsay, and we’ll dine at L’Argume. We shall spend the week at Hotel Jules.” Tricia stopped and gave him a look with one raised eyebrow. “Who says I was going to stay the week?” “I was being impulsive,” Jaidon replied. “I doubt you have anything to really do in New Orleans except make spells and charms.” “You think that little of my magic huh?” she said and continued walking. “I’ll have you know I can harness some amazing power.” “Prove it,” Jaidon taunted. Tricia threw him a defiant stare. “I could but I won’t. It’s for you to woo me not the other way around.” “Touché.” Jaidon grabbed her hand. “Let’s go eat.” “I hope you know since I brought no clothes that I’ll need some new things,” Tricia said. “Like I said when I showed up at your door, you will it and it is yours.” The casual walk took around ten minutes and was entirely too pleasant in Jaidon’s opinion. She looked at everything, stopped and peered into shop windows, and all the while he waited patiently which was against his nature. Finally they entered the restaurant and were seated quickly by the host, and a bottle of wine was brought over. She looked at Jaidon with a smile.


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“What?” he asked. He felt surly because he was enjoying this way too much. “You’re so grouchy. We are in the most romantic city in the world.” “For a woman who put a pentagram over her heart, I wouldn’t think you would be looking for romance,” Jaidon snapped. “I’m not. I’m with you aren’t I?” Tricia retorted. “That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy this city. If you don’t like being here, go on, and I’ll enjoy it by myself. Trust me I have ways.” “No doubt you do.” He picked up the menu. “What looks good to you?” She snorted with laughter. “I’m in a restaurant in Paris eating with a demon. This is too funny.” He found his lips forming a smile as well. “What would the neighbors think?’ That statement had her laughing out loud. “They are already scared as hell of me so their opinion doesn’t matter.” “I think I want something from you in return,” Jaidon said while he twirled the stem of his wine glass. “You’re supposed to be giving me favors remember? Making my every wish come true so I feel all warm and cuddly about hell.” Tricia raised the glass to her lips and took a taste. “Good wine.” “It doesn’t mean I can’t taste the fruits of my labor,” Jaidon explained. “And I want my taste of those very luscious lips.” She looked at him like she was pondering the request. “Ok, I’m game, a kiss it is.” He needed no other invitation. He held out his hand, and she took it easily. He helped her from her seat to his lap. “Now let’s see how you taste,” he said in a soft tone before taking her lips. She opened under the onslaught of his mouth easily giving him entrance. He could taste the rich sweet taste of the wine she was drinking, and that only enhanced her natural flavor. His hand rested on the curve of her thigh, and she shifted on his lap making his cock throb. Tricia was not shy about kissing him in return. Her masterful tongue danced in his mouth, and he groaned in 16

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pleasure. She pulled away and licked her lips while her smoky gaze met his. She calmly stood and walked back to her seat and took up her glass. Cool and sexy as hell, Jaidon thought with pleasure. “Maybe we should continue this conversation elsewhere.” She shook her head in a definite no. “That was one hell of a kiss, Jaidon, but I don’t think so. Oh I know we’re going to end up in bed together, and yes it will be one hell of a ride. But like I told you, I’m not most humans. I know who you are and what you’re offering. It won’t be that easy to get a yes out of me, Jaidon. So are we going to enjoy a meal or not?” He raised his glass to her. “I underestimated you. I’ll have to be on my toes.” She smiled and when the waiter came over gave her order in perfect French. The chase has begun, Jaidon thought with pleasure. It was a long time since he had a formidable soul to capture. He was going to enjoy Tricia in more ways than one.


Black Magic Seduction

Dahlia Rose

Chapter Three Thousands of dollars worth of designer clothes and shoes, plus staying in one of the finest hotels in Paris had Tricia in heaven. She was accustomed to the finer things in life, but luxury like this was no way on her scale of comfort. She fixed her new emerald green dress in front of the full length mirror in her suite and picked up her purse from the dresser. After the first night when they shared a kiss and she let him know she was not naïve about what was going on, he made no other move toward her. It was kind of disappointing that now he played the perfect gentlemen. If she wanted that she would not be dabbling with hell. Today it was him who requested after her day of touring that she get ready and meet him at six ‘o clock. She opened the door and Jaidon was waiting outside for her like he did for the past three days. He automatically seemed to know when she was ready to leave. “So where are we off to this fine evening?” Tricia asked. “Back to my suite,” Jaidon replied. “We’re to that stage of the game?” she asked coyly. “Sexual domination.” “Unfortunately no.” He had the nerve to smirk at her, and Tricia felt her irritation rise. “The council feels that I have been dallying with you long enough. They want to see if your power is truly worth all this effort.” Outside his door he pulled her against him, and she could feel the obvious bulge in his pants. “But rest assured, little witch, I will have you under me sooner rather than later.” “Promises, promises,” Tricia replied. He opened the door and ushered her in. “After you.” She turned to him when she stood in the middle of the room. His eyes traveled along every inch of her body. She knew her skin could be seen through the sheer material of the dress. It was why she chose it. “What does your council want me to do?” she asked with her hands on her hips.


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“It’s relatively simple. Call the demons on the seventh level of hell to wreak a little havoc here topside.” Jaidon handed her a spell book. “It should be easy enough to do for a priestess of your power.” She knew it was an obvious jab and yet it still caused her anger to flare. “I’ve summoned succubi before to help a cause of mine.” She looked at the book, and he’d turned to a strong ritual. “This summons them for three days. Do you know the havoc they can create?” “Is that a problem?” Jaidon sat on the leather chair, and she could feel his gaze assessing her. “If you have some kind of guilt factor well…” “There is no guilt. It’s going to take a lot of energy is all I’m saying,” Tricia snapped hating the condescension in his tone. “I’ve done half the work. I drew your circle and brought your ritual tools from New Orleans.” He grinned at her. “I know human witches need time to meditate to bring forth such power. I can wait, and I’ll even help ensure you are properly nourished throughout the many days wait I’ll have.” That was it. She’d had enough of his obvious distaste at her being a priestess. He didn’t think she could handle hell, and she was going to prove him wrong. He wanted power; she was going to blow his head off with it. She had long ago learned that the darker beings fed of human emotions like children with unlimited candy. Lust was one of their favorites, and she could give them what they wanted. “Don’t worry, Jaidon. I think I can handle this.” Tricia took the tie from between the gold buckle that held her dress together. She watched his eyes darken when it fell off her shoulders and exposed her skin. She stepped out of her lacey panties and stood before him exposed. “Three days is a piece of cake. I assume you have to watch my process?” “Yes,” he replied, and she could hear the stark desire in his voice. She would use his arousal to her advantage as well, and she gave him a sexy smile. “I love an audience.” Tricia stepped into the center of the circle drawn on the floor in red chalk. She read the ritual in his book carefully before she picked up her athame and raised it to the ceiling. She would not be calling fourth the god 19

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and goddesses to help her in this quest. This was magic so dark that the lords and ladies of the underworld would be called. She raised her voice and repeated each name over and over again until she felt a gush of hot wind against her naked skin heralding her protection as the ritual began. She looked over to where Jaidon sat. His eyes had gone red, but she could still see lust clearly on his face. When her eyes traveled down his body, his hand was on the bulge in his pants, and he pressed it as if to relieve the ache. She closed her eyes again and began the chant to call the seventh level demons to her. With the athame’s point, she trailed between her breasts and around her nipples until they were beaded hard, and she felt the familiar ache between her legs. She fell on her knees repeating the words in a fervent whisper over and over again. “Hear my words, unleash your wrath, three days to feast before the door blocks your path.” The world fell away, and power rose within her. She heard the excited giggle from the beings she was about to let loose. Pride pushed aside whatever doubts she had. She would prove to Jaidon and the council she was worthy. Tricia placed the athame on the floor beside her and cupped her hands to her breasts. She bowed her head low until her dark hair touched the floor and moved her hips in a seductive dance to the beat of her own heart while she summoned beings from hell. This was more power than she could ever imagine. Bringing them topside for more than an hour or two was something she never tried. “Get on with it.” Jaidon’s voice was harsh. “I want to take you.” She looked over at him, and he stood nude with his cock hard and jutted out. The length of him made her mouth water and built her arousal. But there was no hurrying. This had to be done right, or it would consume her. “Patience, they will have to be appeased,” she bit out and closed her eyes to his masculine form.


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While she swayed she spread her legs wider and touched herself. Her long nail grazed against her sensitive clit, and she parted the lips of her pussy wide against the heat that swirled through the entire room. The succubi screamed their delight being fed with lust. She felt their nails scrape her skin as they tried to grab her. The dark lords of the underworld pushed them back from devouring her as she gave them her arousal. She plunged her fingers into her pussy hard until her knuckles were rubbing against her clit while she built her orgasm to frenzied heights. This was unlike all the other times. The power that filled the room increased her arousal tenfold. She could barely get the words out or control her senses while her body bucked and writhed on the floor. She lay on her back fucking herself with her fingers until she came with a scream. The power went through the room and knocked lamps off tables. The screams of the succubi as they were freed mixed with her cries of release. She lay panting and watched through heavy lids as Jaidon strode forward and dispensed the dark lord himself. Any other time she would be spent, but the power she released fueled her desire to the point that she was almost delirious with wanting. Jaidon stood over her like he was sculpted from marble. Her irritation, pride, and anger were gone, only to be replaced by a lust fueled by dark forces. She raised her hands to him, and he plucked her from the ground. “Fuck me,” she begged before he ground his lips against hers in a forceful kiss. His skin was hot as her hands roamed over him trying to touch him everywhere at once. He dropped her on the wide leather chair unceremoniously and knelt in front of her kissing her wildly again. He trailed kisses down her torso until he reached the most intimate of places. When she felt his breath against her pussy, Tricia shuddered in anticipation. There was no teasing. Jaidon penetrated her with his tongue, and with low growls licked her like a man starving. A hoarse cry was ripped from her throat while she pushed against him in need. His tongue fucked her, and he pulled her against his mouth each time and took her over the edge in another blinding orgasm. Tricia knew this night would be the one to break her. While she could outlast human men, she was no 21

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match for Jaidon. She anticipated him draining every last ounce of pleasure from her body. He licked at her drinking in all the juice from when she came. My God! her mind screamed. The feeling of his mouth eating her pussy had to be a sin. Tricia moaned as his mouth played with her. It was primal even to her own ears. His face was pressed in between her thighs. His tongue roamed hungrily from her pussy, and he lifted her up so he could lick the entrance to her ass before slipping his thumb into her anus. He fucked her ass with his finger slowly and inserted two more into her pussy. “Yes, Jaidon, do it hard,” she moaned. Her body arched seeing his fingers. When she came, his name was on her lips. He raised her to his mouth as if he sipped from a glass of wine and licked as her juices flowed. He growled in pleasure at how her body responded to him. “My turn,” Jaidon said. “Take my cock into your mouth, witch.” He stood above her proud, and Tricia had to kneel in the chair to reach his length. She wrapped her hand around his shaft amazed at how thick he was. Without hesitation she wrapped her lips around his cock and took his length as deep into her mouth as she could take it. She raked her long nails against his balls and felt them tighten in her hands. She squeezed them while her mouth masterfully played on his rod. She licked her way down his shaft until she reached his heavy sack and took one and then the other in her mouth and laved them with her tongue. “Dirty little witch, ah yes, suck my cock. You do that very well,” he moaned. His body tightened, and the strong muscles of his thighs flexed under the onslaught of her mouth. Jaidon groaned in pleasure and reached behind her to slip his fingers inside her while she sucked him. That action sent heat straight through to her core. She rode his long fingers and quickened the pace of her lips around his rod. “Open wide, little Tricia.” He tangled his hands in her hair to keep her head still, and then he began to fuck her mouth, pumping his cock between her lips. The chair moved with each thrust of his hips scraping against the hardwood floor. 22

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He pulled her to her feet, and he bent her over the back of the chair. Her tummy was against the leather that was warm to the touch. Jaidon positioned her so her knees were pressed into the cushion and her ass was high in the air. Tricia moaned in excitement when she felt the tip of his cock against her pussy. The swollen head slipped between the aroused thickened folds and into her a few inches. He pulled out and rubbed his cock up and down from her ass to the wet slit of her pussy. He thrust into her hard, and she screamed in delight with the invasion of his cock, stretching her wide and filling her. This was not the sensual torture that human men thought made them good lovers. It was hot dirty fucking that took her beyond anything she had ever felt in her life. Their bodies came together hard. She lifted her hips and rammed herself against him, taking him deep inside her over and over again. “Take my ass, demon.” She panted. Jaidon made a low feral sound and slipped from the confines of her pussy. Her body’s own juice was used as lubrication before he pressed the head of his cock against her anus and entered her ass. She bit her lip as he filled her and began to push with slow movements. Soon that was not enough, and he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back against his chest before thrusting into her ass faster and faster. He held her chin and turned her face to his for a fierce kiss while their bodies moved. “This is how you want it, rough and hard. Tell me this is how you want it!” His voice was harsh. She felt his finger slip between the lips of her pussy searching out her clit and rubbing the tight bud until she was bucking against him. “Yes, this is how I want it, Jaidon. I’m going to come.” Tricia could hardly speak the pleasure was too intense, and she gave a long keening wail as her orgasm sent her over the edge of reality. When she came it sent him careening into his own release and with a growl his pumped his hot seed into her ass. She fell against the chair complete and deliciously exhausted. With a show of tenderness she did not expect, he lifted her into his arms and took her across the room to the bathroom where she cleaned up, and then he carried her to the wide bed. 23

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“Was that proof enough, demon? Because I’m certainly not opposed to seconds.” Tricia snuggled into the warm thick down comforters on the bed. He looked at her amused. “Nor am I, little human, but while my body won’t break, yours could.” “Well then you should nourish me like you wanted to in the first place.” “I am impressed with your knack for channeling your energy. I see how you got on the council’s radar.” Jaidon brought her the menu off the table, and she appreciated the look of his naked body walking around the room. “Is that how? I thought it was my bubbling personality,” she replied. The dark look he threw her showed he was not amused. “Tricia, with you on the council, they would feed on you until you were a dry husk. Did you ever think of that?” “If I joined the council they would have to give me the same powers as you.” “And that would make you an unlimited source of energy. Do you know how a human soul tastes to a demon?” Jaidon sat on the bed next to her. “It’s like nectar to us, and your soul though tarnished would be like drugs. “Does that mean you want me to say no?” Tricia asked. Jaidon shook his head. “The consequences for your refusal would be great.” “Then you want me to say yes?” Tricia asked. She was beginning to wonder about the council’s motives for sending Jaidon to her. “I’m not saying that either.” Jaidon gave a frustrated growl. “You are a very confusing demon,” Tricia said. “And you are a very stupid human in thinking that making a deal with hell would come without a price.” Jaidon stood and put on his clothes before throwing her a hard look. “I’m a demon first, Tricia, and I look out for me. I won’t save you, and I won’t protect you. The choice is your make it as you will.” 24

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“Thanks for letting me know where I stand with you,” Tricia said. “You’re human and while your talents are…great, it won’t stop me from doing my job.” “So it was part of your job to fuck me?” Jaidon sneered. “There is no rule against sampling.” “Uh-huh maybe one is all you’ll get,” Tricia retorted. “I doubt it. We leave for New Orleans tomorrow.” Tricia flounced back against the bed and folded her arms. “I’m tired of Paris. How about we leave now, and don’t forget my things.” He snapped his fingers, and she was in her own bed in seconds. “I thought I needed to be close for the magic to work?” She reminded him of his words from days before. “My power, my rules.” He shrugged. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” “No, you’ll be back when I call for you,” she replied. She raised her eyebrow at him. “My choice to make so this is my rule. I don’t need you right now.” “I certainly won’t miss this. See you later, witch.” With that Jaidon disappeared from the room, and she was left there lying in her own bed contemplating his words. “I think he doth protest too much,” Tricia said with a wide smile. She began to form a plan, one totally against what the council wanted. She would have to play it cool and close to the chest. Because if hell got wind of her plan, she had no doubt that Jaidon would be the one ordered to make her pay.


Black Magic Seduction

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Chapter Four Jaidon walked along the fire pits in hell with his hand in his pockets and mind deep in thought. Tricia had not called for him in days, and it was driving him crazy. The emotion she evoked inside him was strange and new which was even more of an irritation. He didn’t want to feel anything for this woman. She was the ticket to his taking the council chair nothing more. He could feel the power she was invoking all the way in hell. Since that night when she gave the seventh level demons a pass for three days, they were connected. He smiled a wicked smile at all the destruction they caused in Paris. The honeymoon spot of the world had become the break up, killing, and lovers destruction capital. So much so that that human news was filled with reports of how many people were canceling trips to the City of Love. They went back to their realm pretty easily after they had their fill of chaos. The chairman was delighted with what Tricia could do and of course how she did it. He wanted her in hell as soon as possible. She would make him unstoppable. Wrong, Jaidon thought with a flash of anger. She was his, and the chairman wouldn’t get to lay one pathetic sulfur-covered talon on her. Yet it remained that Tricia was topside in New Orleans using sex magic more often and learning the rituals in the book he gave her. Demons were in a frenzy with all the energy pulsing down to them because of what she was doing. He had to get to her before the chairman himself went to retrieve her. “He grows impatient.” The masculine voice came from behind him. Remy was the closest thing to a brother that a demon could have, especially in hell. “I know, but she has not summoned me,” Jaidon replied. “Since when does that stop you?” Remy smiled and fell into step beside him. The heat of the pits rose up in a rush as another soul was thrown in for torture. “I am trying o play by the rules she set, Remy.”


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“Ah yes but the chairman will not be so accommodating,” Remy reminded him. “For your plan to succeed, she must be yours willingly and stand beside you against him. He is weak now so you must strike.” “Yes, I know this.” They walked in silence for a moment before Remy said, “I bring news from Lorna.” “The other pigeon from our little coup,” Jaidon replied. “Well with all you have been feeding her she is disgustingly happy.” Remy grinned, and his fangs showed. “I think I will end up going topside as well someday soon. It seems to be harvest time.” “What news do you have for me?” “Lorna says the chairman has convinced some of the others that you are not doing your job,” Remy explained. “They plan to confront you by the new moon if the witch is not in hell and seated at the table. He asked for your death for your failure.” “So my plan has less than a fortnight to take effect,” Jaidon said thoughtfully. “The little witch has had too much power in this whole negotiation so far. I think it’s time I turn the tables on her, and you get to come with me, Remy. A little taste of what’s to come when I take the head council chair.” “Well I love taking trips and seeing new sights. I hear New Orleans this time of year is spectacular.” Remy grinned. “You don’t know the half of it, my friend. Let’s go visit the witch.” Jaidon smiled in anticipation. Remy gave him a wink and shimmered out of sight, and with one last look around, Jaidon followed suit. **** Tricia sipped a cup of Earl Gray tea at her kitchen table and looked outside at the rain. Usually the thunder and dark clouds would have calmed her, but inside she felt as if she wanted to claw her way free. She 27

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knew why, days without Jaidon and all the dark magic she was practicing. Instead of the sex magic abating with each ritual, it grew and grew until she was dying with need. The power inside her crackled and licked at her soul like flames. She could have called him by now, and he would have been there, but it was a battle of wills she wanted to win. She picked up her cup and walked into the sitting area. The drapes at the big bay window were opened showing her the wet streets outside. It irritated her for some reason, and she put her cup down so hard some of the tea spilled on the coffee table. She went around the room closing all of the drapes until the room was dim and dark. She wanted the dark, to let it envelope her in a cocoon and keep the outside world at bay. “You seem in a mood.” Her heart leapt, and she looked up to see Jaidon standing there, tall dark and handsome in a black silk suit. Beside him stood another demon and just as handsome as Jaidon. He had blond hair that fell in soft waves over his ears and blue mesmerizing eyes. He was only a tad shorter than Jaidon, but the two of them made up a magnificent presence in her home. “Why are you here, Jaidon. I didn’t summon you.” She picked up her cup and took a sip to wet her throat that had become parched all of a sudden. He inclined his head. “I know. I was checking in on your well being.” “Somehow I don’t think you’re that nice.” She cast her eyes over to his friend that stood silent. “Who’s this?” “This is Remy. He is my second,” Jaidon answered. “Hello, witch,” Remy said casually. “I have a name. How would you like if I went around calling you demon all the time?” Tricia snapped. “I wouldn’t mind. It is my nature,” Remy replied. His calm answer irritated her all the more. She slammed her cup on the table and stood with her hands on her hips. She gave him a dark look before asking, “Why are you and your friend really here?” He strode over to her and pulled her hard against him. Jaidon kissed her until her head swam, and when he lifted his head, they both were 28

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panting. “I missed your taste. I feel your energy pulsing through the underworld, and I want you.” Remy came up behind her, and she felt his heat pressed against her back. While Jaidon cupped her breasts and kissed her into senselessness, Remy’s hands were running up and down her thighs, and she could feel his hard cock against her ass. “What-what are you doing?” she stammered as the two of them surrounded her. “Embrace us and the darkness we bring, Tricia,” Jaidon murmured as he trailed kisses down her neck. “Towing the line does not work anymore. I can feel you ready to burst with such sweet power. Let us help you take it away.” Two men, two demons, taking, filling, stretching me, She moaned as Remy’s hands went under her dress to cup her pussy. She had played in the magic he brought to her in the book. She could see beyond this world and into the next one. She could conjure with a thought now and do so much more. There was no denying it any longer. She would accept the offer and walk between earth and hell. “Yes,” she whispered. Two sets of hands undressed her and then themselves. “Yes, she moaned,” and her head fell back against Remy’s broad shoulders as Jaidon cupped her full breasts and brought the nipples to his lips. He kissed his way down her body and spread her legs forcefully while Remy took her weight by wrapping his arms around her. Jaidon raised her legs to his shoulders and buried his face into her pussy. She cried out as his tongue licked at her clit while Remy took over the task of pinching her nipples and squeezing the globes of her breasts. “She is so responsive, Jaidon. May I have a taste of her?” Remy asked. Jaidon raised his head from her mound. “By all means.” Remy lifted her easily and took her to the wide lounge chair. He sat her down and lifted each leg over the arms of the chair exposing her pussy to him. She looked at Remy. His cock had a curve upward, and his thighs were strong and hard. He went to his knees in front of her, and Tricia held


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her breath waiting for what he would do next. Jaidon walked around behind the chair and rubbed her shoulders. “Spread the lips of her cunt, Remy. Look at how her essence glistens against the coral pink,” Jaidon said. She felt Remy’s fingers pull apart the lips of her pussy. He took a deep breath before saying, “Her scent is intoxicating.” He dipped his finger inside her slowly, and she arched and gasped. “She feels like molten lava, and her pussy clutches at my finger.” “Do it, lick me now!” Tricia demanded. “No, do not give her what she wants just yet. Use your hand to please her,” Jaidon ordered. “Bastard,” Tricia gasped out as Remy dipped his digit into her deep. “Whore.” Jaidon slapped her lips lightly. Remy finger fucked her with more intensity, and she lifted her hips to the teasing pleasure. He inserted another finger and angled them upward to the secret spot and fucked her hard. Tricia screamed in delight and held onto the chair for dear life as pleasure assaulted her senses. “Taste her now. She is about to come,” Jaidon said. She could feel his hands rubbing her breasts and squeezing them hard, intensifying her orgasm, and when Remy’s mouth fastened over her clit and sucked, it sent her over the edge. Her pussy released her essence into his mouth. Jaidon turned her face to him and leaned over to kiss her before replacing his lips with his cock. He pushed between her lips and fucked her mouth while she sucked at him voraciously. Remy stood, and she took his cock in her hands and stoked him while she sucked Jaidon’s. She loved how they treated her, dominated her, and made her their sexual plaything. Jaidon reached down and slipped two thick fingers into her. He buried them hard and deep into her each time and lifted her ass off the chair. She moaned loudly around his cock as he built the fire in her again. She sucked him faster and pistoned her hand against Remy’s thick pulsing cock as desire made her almost crazy with wanting. When she came her essence gushed out, and the men roared as a pulse of energy was sent from her body. They sucked it up greedily. 30

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“Jaidon, she is delicious. Never in my entire existence have I ever experienced this.” She looked up, and Remy’s head was thrown back in ecstasy. Together they knelt next to her one on each side of the chair, and her head was turned from one man to the next as they kissed her deeply and their hands caressed her body. They were big and warm, and left a trail of fire in their wake. She leaned against the back of the chair and spread her legs. Their gazes followed her fingers as they trailed down from her neck to her nipples, where she circled the buds until they tightened. She bit her lips against the almost painful sensation. Everything was heightened; she could hear the blood pumping though her own veins. Her heart racing and their breathing in her ears. Plus her pussy throbbed like it was on fire, engorged with desire and lust of having them both. Their gazes never wavered from her. Her hands went down the smooth skin of her torso to the apex of her thighs, where she grazed the lips of her pussy. Her fingers slipped into the slit, and she bit her lip when she touched the sensitive bud of her clit. When she dipped her finger inside her wet cavern, Jaidon was between her legs in an instant. He pulled her to him and ran his tongue up the slit of her pussy, and she moaned while wantonly shifting her hips and entreating him to continue. Jaidon spread the full lips of her sex and blew against the coral pink clit, and she shivered. Then he buried his face into the center of her desire and sampled her exotic flavor. Tricia pulled him to her as his tongue buried into her depth, and she pleaded for more but then pushed him away as the sensation became too intense to bear. Wrapping his arms around her thighs, he barred any escape. He kept her captured as he used his mouth to take her to the edge, and Tricia fell into the abyss of her release. He didn’t let it end there. “Oh God, oh God!” She repeated it over and over again. “Not God, just us.” The smile on Remy’s face was devilish. She saw Jaidon and Remy exchange a look and knew that this was when they would take her. Jaidon lifted her while Remy stood behind her. She felt Jaidon enter her and pump into her body, and Tricia let out a low 31

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guttural moan. He pulled out, and she felt his hands on her pussy. He dipped his fingers inside her until they were coated, and he used that to lubricate her anus. He took the seat she vacated, and Jaidon spread her ass wide so that Remy could guide himself into her tight ass. They both cried out in gratification. He pumped into her, and she ground against him while Jaidon watched for a few moments. She reached up and pulled Jaidon’s head to her breast, and he obliged by sucking deeply on the chocolatecolored mounds. Remy’s hands massaged her breasts while he thrust in and out of her ass. “More, I want to be full of both of you,” Tricia cried out. “Fuck me now.” “I’m going to take that tight cunt and ram it till you scream.” Jaidon lifted her legs high, and while Remy fucked her ass, he pressed the head of his manhood against the tight glove of her pussy. “Ah, yes,” she cried out and held onto the arms of the chair. With both men inside her she was fevered with the pleasure of it all. When Remy retreated, Jaidon thrust inside her and the rhythm was set. She was staked between them both unable to move and only able to feel, and she felt like she would faint. “Little witch, your ass is so tight.” Remy’s hand plucked at her nipples. “Do you like this, Tricia? You could have this anytime you want,” Jaidon said against her ear while he moved. “Us fucking you and making scream with delight, do you know the things we can do to you?” Jaidon traced her pussy once more with expert fingers rubbing her clit and making her writhe between them. She moaned when he slipped his finger inside her mouth and she sucked on his digit tasting her own juice. They pace increased, and the primal moans from them filled the room. Two thick cocks filled her over and over again until she broke apart in their arms and came with such force that she lost her breath. The energy she released sent them into a frenzy. Remy filled her ass with his come and uttered a harsh inhuman snarl, and Jaidon pumped into her so hard he sent her spiraling into another orgasm again while he came inside her. 32

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Her body was plaint when Jaidon lifted her from Remy’s still hard cock. He cradled her to him, and she certainly didn’t mind because for the first time in days her skin did not feel like electricity was coursing through it. “Go home, Remy,” Jaidon ordered. “But I can…” he began to protest. “No, she is spent. Go home. I’m sure she will give you more at some point,” Jaidon snapped. “Do as I say.” Remy nodded, and Jaidon turned away. Over his shoulder, Tricia saw Remy’s eyes flash red with anger. She lay her head against his chest and said nothing, but his look gave her an prickly feeling at the back of her neck. Jaidon lay her in bed, climbed in next to her, and pulled her close. A sign of affection she was not accustomed to from any man let alone a demon. She stiffened against him for an instant as he caressed her hair. “What are you doing?” She couldn’t help the wariness in her voice. “This pleases me for some reason,” he said. “I think I am becoming fond of you.” “Um is that a good or bad thing?” “You said yes, so it’s a definite good thing. You are under my protection now.” “Protection from what exactly? I thought I was going to be a council member?” she replied not liking the feeling that sat like a lump in her chest. “Yes, you will be, but who you are aligned with is what counts most of all.” Jaidon gave a soft laugh and kissed the top of her head. “Even in hell there are politics, just a more dangerous form.” Tricia said nothing as she lay in his arms. There were things left unsaid, and she should have known that a deal with hell would never be straight forward. By her saying yes, she had become a pawn in a much bigger game, and she wondered if she would come out unscathed or be left with the fires of hell burning into her skin.


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Chapter Five “You have seen the witch?” Remy stood in front of the council leader still reeling from the encounter with Tricia. “Yes, sire, she is…amazing.” “Show me,” the chairman said. Remy could see the excited glitter in his eyes and how his hands shook as he stepped closer. He stood over the council leader and gripped his head funneling part of the energy that he took from Tricia into his master’s core. He watched the frail body arch up off the ornate chair and the wrinkled skin of his hands smooth. Remy pulled away before the council greedily took what he just had the pleasure of receiving. The older demon slumped against the table and gasped in delight. “How is that possible?” the council leader asked. He lifted his hands and stared at them. “I thought she would last a few years at least if I fed on her carefully, but all this just from one ritual with her?” “No ritual, sire. She uses lust to enhance her power, and since Jaidon gave her the book she has been filled with untapped power.” Remy grinned. “He does not know everything he has done so far has been a plan designed by you down to Lorna’s traitorous acts.” “And you will keep it that way if you want his seat on the council,” the council leader snapped. Remy bowed low. “Of course, sire. I know I serve the right hand of the devil. The witch embraces the evil of the book with such fervor. The power will consume her soon enough and turn her from Jaidon to you.” “Very good.” The council leader leaned back. “I cannot wait until she is mine. I will never give up this chair. Jaidon will be torn limb from limb and thrown in the pit with Chandra. The witch will make me supreme. Leave me. I want to enjoy this new feeling of power.” ****


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Tricia’s eyes opened on Sunday morning two weeks after she accepted the power the dark council of hell had offered her. Already she could feel a shadow cast over her heart, and as she used the book that was given to her, the control she had over the elements increased tenfold to the point where she could call the wind with just a whisper or light a candle with the snap of her fingers. All of this was amazing, but she could already feel the last vestige of her humanity or caring leaving her. That scared her most of all. A rustling from across the hall made her get out of bed, and she crossed out of her bedroom not caring about her nakedness in the least. Jaidon stood in her ritual room flipping through the pages of the old black book he gave her weeks before. He was the other factor that caused her concern. He had not left her side since she said yes. In fact every night she had slept in his arms. But was he here because he saw her as a tool to gain supremacy in hell? He was a demon, and she couldn’t expect him to show any affection for her after all, could she? “What are you looking at?” she asked cautiously. She had the urge to run and snatch the book out of his hand. “There is something wrong with this. I just can’t tell what,” he said thoughtfully. She grabbed it from his hand and clutched it to her chest. “What do you mean?” H gave her a strange look. “You clutch it as if it is your life line. That’s what I mean. Every day you are in here summoning and practicing, and there is less of the person I first met.” “I thought you wanted me this way?” Tricia sneered at him. “Or are you afraid that I am becoming more powerful than you?” “I am a few thousand years old, Tricia. Reading from some old book will not make a dent in my power.” Jaidon shook his head. “You were filled with pride, yes, but there is something about you. You are insatiable, and you don’t sleep. None of this should happen until your mortal death and you embrace the underworld.”


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“And when will that happen?” Tricia put her hands on her naked hips. “You have been here for weeks. When will I become all you promised?” Jaidon pulled her to him and kissed her hard before looking down into her eyes. “When I figure out exactly what is going on. Then you will meet the change. I want to make sure you are going to be safe. Believe it or not I do care. I feel something for you, something I have never felt in my existence. It’s uncomfortable, and I don’t like it, but needless to say it’s there. So this will happen in my time.” He grabbed the book. “I won’t be far. It’s time for me to find some answers.” He faded from her sight, and Tricia turned away in irritation. What was she supposed to do until he returned? An idea dawned on her, and she ran to shower and dress quickly. In about a half an house she was dressed in a sleek black dress, and when she fixed the wide elaborate hat on her head, she went downstairs and got into her car headed to her father’s church. Parked in the parking lot she whispered the words of an incantation. She picked up the briefcase that appeared and went up the church steps. At the front door she could not let her feet to pass over the threshold. Each time she went to take a step it felt as if she was being punched in the stomach making her lose her breath. More than one person behind those walls had faith. She retraced her steps and went around to the sanctuary where her father’s office was situated. She opened the door and walked into his office easily. “Faith, obviously it’s not you, daddy.” She listened to the thump of the music that came through the thin walls, the muffled murmur of her father preaching, and she rolled her eyes. By the time service was over she was ready to just drop the briefcase and head home. She heard her father’s voice outside the door, and he practically fell into the door wrapped in the arms of his church secretary. “Pastor, you were so amazing at the pulpit today! It took all my will not to run up and rip your shirt off to kiss your chest,” she said before their lips met and clung. Tricia watched her father’s hands roam the woman’s ass and cup her against him. It made bile rise in her throat watching them, knowing that 36

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her mother was outside getting the after church picnic ready. Her mother knew what went on in the sanctuary. She just chose to not see it and accept it. “Hello, Daddy.” She said the words, and they jumped apart and whirled to see her sitting there. “You really should check your office before starting up. I could have been Mama. Um, no because you know she’s out back, right?” “Tricia, what are you doing here?” Her father’s eyes were wide with shock. “I came to bring you a gift, but I think you were about to get one all by yourself.” She nodded in the secretary’s direction. “Mrs. Adams, how is your husband? Is he out back too? Maybe Mama and him should come on in here and y’all four just get it on.” “Don’t disrespect your mother!” her father snapped and straightened his tie. “You’re doing a pretty good job of it yourself, Pastor Joe.” “Mrs. Adams, I’ll see you outside,” Pastor Joe said. “Hussy!” Mrs. Adam snapped. She was obviously upset that her romp with the pastor was interrupted. “Tramp.” Tricia waggled her fingers. “Bye, Mrs. Adams, I’m sure you can pretend you have paperwork to see to after the picnic.” The woman left in a huff as he father walked behind his desk to sit down, and Tricia swiveled her chair to face him. “Well I haven’t seen you in church for how long now, two years?” Pastor Joe commented. Tricia rolled her eyes. “Please don’t talk to me like I am one of your wayward sheep. This is barely a church, and you are so not a religious icon.” “My parishioners would beg to differ with you, child. Mind your tongue.” Tricia glared at her father. “Or you’ll do what exactly, beat me with the cane or wait make me pray on my knees until they hurt. Those days are long gone.” 37

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“You always hated me because I was strict.” Pastor Joe shook his head. “I was doing right by you, child.” “No, I hated you for your sanctimonious bull crap,” Tricia retorted. “Look at you in here trying to give Mrs. Adams your rod of salvation and preaching to me. I wonder what David would think. He is a training pastor now right? Or Sandy, Ruth, or Becca, those are your children who stayed in the church because they were too scared of you. I wonder how they would feel knowing you are in your office cheating on Mama.” “They stayed because they had some kind of respect.” Her father’s eyes flashed with anger. “No they were scared of your back hand.” “So you came to berate me after two years?” Tricia took the briefcase off the floor next to her and put it on the desk. She opened it to reveal the stacks of money she incanted inside. Her father’s eyes widened in amazement, and then a gleam of pleasure was there as well. Typical, she thought. He pulled himself together and threw her a look of disdain. “Where did you get this?” Pastor Joe asked. “Your damn pagan spells selling well, I see.” Tricia turned the case back to her and went to close it. “Obviously you don’t want it, so I’ll take it and leave.” “No!” He put his hand on the case and dragged it back to him. “Your mom needs surgery, and we were going to raise funds for it in the church. This will help her.” Tricia stood and leaned her hands against the desk, giving her father a dark glare. “You better or I will crumble your precious church to the ground. I love my mama. Her only problem was she was too weak to stand up to you and let you treat us like crap.” She turned to walk away. “Do you want to stay for the picnic? I’m sure your mother would love to see you,” Pastor Joe said grudgingly. Tricia laughed. “You don’t want me there no more than I want to go. Pastor Joe’s black sheep showing up for all those old ladies to tell me how


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bad I was. Yeah right. Go pretend to be holy, Daddy. Mama doesn’t need to add another shame with me in her face as well as you.” She walked out into the sunlight and went to her car. She finally felt as if she could breathe. Her father, that church, and everything about it was the embodiment of a lost child and how she was stifled under his crushing will. He tried to break her more than the others because of her strength, and the others followed suit until she left. She felt guilty in a way for leaving her brothers and sisters under that man’s roof. But when she ran away she could barely take care of herself let alone brothers and sisters. She hoped they could find happiness in their lives. It was the least she could wish for them. She had made her choices. Not wanting to go home and feeling kind of lost with the enormous load she was carrying, Tricia went to the only people she could talk to even as a child growing up—her aunts who had embraced being witches. She drove to the end of the ninth ward, what was left of it after the hurricane that had passed through years before. The houses still stood in ruin, and only a few were rebuilt. Her aunts’ was one of the only houses that didn’t suffer any damage. Why because it was protected by some serious magic, and her aunts always figured something like the levees breaking would happen. They built their house on a foundation that was sunk straight to the rock. It was five feet off the ground with water holes so that any flooding would run through under the foundation instead of pushing against it. They also built their house on a hill. Tricia smiled fondly. Her aunts were shrewd old ladies. She pulled up in front of their new metal fence. It was painted white, reminiscent of the wooden one they had before. That was the only thing they really lost in the hurricane, that and the gardens they planted. The gardens were in full bloom again with herbs and flowers. From mug wart to wolf’s bane they had it planted in their luscious garden. Tricia got out of the car. The wind blew her black dress, buffeting the wispy material out behind her. Before she could even touch the gates, her aunts were coming down the steps, and their faces were none to happy.


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“Tricia Solomon not one foot across our threshold!” Her aunt Cora pointed a finger at her. In her late sixties her aunt still carried beauty that belied her age. “You’ve been swimming in some darkness, child, things we don’t want in our home.” Aunt CeCe came up behind her sister. “I don’t know what you mean,” Tricia denied. Aunt CeCe pointed her finger. “Don’t play smart with us, little girl. We feel the shift every time you practice this new art of yours. We’ve been practicing longer than you can ever imagine. How did you think we would not know you said yes! A piece of us died that night.” “Why would it concern you if I chose power over just being a priestess making charms and spell bags?” Tricia demanded. “Because, stupid child, your power is more than the sex magic you use to enhance their darkness,” Aunt Cora snapped. “You’re feeding them and more than you know.” “Well if you would explain to me what the heck you are talking about, Aunts, I would understand, wouldn’t I!” Tricia retorted. “Don’t take a tone with us, girl.” Her Aunt Cora’s eyes darkened. “We love you, but we can choose to stand aside and let you learn the hard way.” Tricia felt mortification fill her, and she apologized immediately. “I’m sorry, Aunts.” “You’re going to be more than sorry if you don’t listen to what we have to say and make the right choices,” Aunt CeCe said. “Did you think we just got up one day and decided to practice magic?” Tricia furrowed her brow. “I never really thought of it.” “You should have, Tricia. Even your mother practiced at one point,” Aunt Cora said sadly. “Our mother was a renowned priestess in this area and so was our great grandmother and so forth. When our mother died, well your mother lost her way and fell in with the man she married.” “You mean my father,” Tricia amended. “He was no father to you or the rest of your brothers and sisters. He beat the spirit straight out of your mother, forced her to denounce us and 40

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made her the religious zealot like she is now,” Aunt CeCe said. “We have no problem with religion, but your father is not a religious man, and he saw the power in you and treated you worse of all.” “You don’t have to tell me. I lived through each beating and almost drowned when he baptized be over and over again,” Tricia replied. “If you knew this, why didn’t you take me away from them?” “His influence over your mother was strong, and we had to wait until you could come to us,” her aunt Cora explained. “We lost a sister, but we hoped to save you, but by the time you came to us, you had already been made hard and you saw the bad in the world and you decided to use what power you had to make sure you don’t hurt anymore.” She shook her head sadly. “Now look at you consorting with demons using sex magic. You can guarantee that they are drawing not only on the sex magic but the magic of all of us before you.” “What does that mean?” Tricia asked. “They are trying their hardest to turn you into something grotesque and destroy whatever good is in you. What do you think it does to the line of Solomon women? You were the only one to actually have our name, the only one born with power. If you have a child with this demon you are letting in your bed, do you know what becomes of our heritage? A line of magic tainted,” Aunt Cora explained. Tricia felt her anger rise a notch. “So technically it’s not about me but what I do to your precious line of magic?” “No, child, don’t you see you will lose your soul!” Aunt Cece cried out. “I see two women who could have explained this to me when I was sixteen at their doorstep asking to learn,” Tricia said backing away. “I see two aunts who are scared of what I could be care about ruining their precious heritage more than me.” She shook her head. “I should have never come here.” “Say no, child. Come here, and we can protect you!” Aunt Cora yelled. “Renounce your agreement, and we can blanket you in good. They cannot cross this threshold.” 41

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“Neither can I, remember? You blocked me before I could even get through the gate.” Tricia got into her car across the street. She looked at her two aunts standing there, and she could see the worry in their eyes. She could only think it was for their preservation not hers. If they had given her the right answers long ago so she could make the right choices, maybe she would not be where she was now. Maybe she would not have said yes. “Well I made my bed, and I’ll have to lie in it if I have to,” she muttered and started up her car. When she pulled away from her aunts’ home, she did not look back to see if they were still standing there.


Black Magic Seduction

Dahlia Rose

Chapter Six Jaidon looked down as Lorna writhed on the bed. She was a pitiful creature when she wanted to be. She sat on the council because of her ruthlessness when it came to the torture of souls. She was even sadistic when it came to other demons and their punishment in hell. The council leader had essentially neutered her making her dependent on him to feed for power. Until Jaidon. Now as he funneled her energy from human souls, she gave him all the information he needed. He had gone out specifically and fed on a human soul to bring her. He was unwilling to share what he drew from Tricia when they coupled. Watching her twitch and spasm after she had her fill actually disgusted him. “This was beautiful. I needed that.” Lorna licked her lips. “The chairman has been wearing me out in bed.” Jaidon smirked. “I didn’t know he could still work that part of his anatomy.” “He has gotten a boost of energy somewhere, so much that I can taste it on his skin.” Lorna closed her eyes. “It is so delicious.” “Really I wonder who had fed him?” Jaidon mused. He pulled the book from beneath his jacket. “Tell me what do you make of this?” She caressed the leather bound cover before opening the thin pages. “So much magic but something more.” Her brow furrowed in concentration. “There are spells worked in beneath the ritual here, very powerful incantations.” “Bring them to light. Who do they belong to?” Jaidon demanded. His assumptions were correct, and that filled him with fury. There could be only one who did this, and it was the person who gave him the book.” Lorna traced the words, and as she did, symbols appeared in the background. She looked up at Jaidon with wide eyes. “This is the chairman’s hand. His sorcerer is the only one who could write such complex runes.”


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“What do they do?” Jaidon seethed with rage. He wanted to go to the chairman’s quarters and rip him apart. He calmed himself knowing that to act in hate would be his demise, and he’d leave Tricia unprotected. “Bind the witch to him, her power is what I tasted on his flesh.” She gasped. “He has an agenda other than what we thought. He knows of your plot to unseat him from the council!” Jaidon nodded. “If he does he is playing a very subtle game. His sorcerer can no longer provide him adequate energy, so they want Tricia’s as a new untapped source which would keep him in the council chair.” “What are you going to do, Jaidon?” Lorna sat up and swung her legs off the bed. “If he knows, then he must know of my funneling you information from when I share his bed.” “I would suggest you go topside for awhile until this is over,” Jaidon said. “I wouldn’t want to see you lose that pretty little head of yours.” Lorna laughed. “Why, Jaidon, one would think you wouldn’t care about my head. Besides topside or not if the chairman wanted to find me topside, he could. My scent is in his pet’s nostrils. They could rip me to shreds.” She stood and walked over to him and placed her hand on his chest. “I am smarter than all of you think. I know why I was made to be fed like a beggar, and I’m fine with my fate. I will give you information as long as I can, and when I die, it’ll be better than living begging for scraps. To see the chairman unseated will be my ultimate revenge. Do you know that only I know his real name? He made me scream it when he tore my essence away, making me his servant just to be fed. That was three thousand years ago before you were seated. I will make sure it’s the last word I say when I die because I know he will be dead just like me.” Jaidon nodded and faded from the underworld. He saw more strength in Lorna in those few moments than in the all the years he was seated with her at the council table. She knew her fate was sealed, and she would face it with dignity. He went in search of information because if the chairman thought he would go down without a fight, he was wrong. Jaidon would battle him all the way through hell and beyond. Does the book connect Tricia to him in some way? Jaidon wondered. Is that how he got her power 44

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on his tongue? Before the portal to hell closed, Jaidon threw the book back and watched it fall into the pit of fire. The pages instantly ignited as it sank into the fiery depths. **** Tricia slammed back into her house with anger and hurt running through every fiber of her being. She felt like an outcast from her family including her aunts. She felt like an outsider from the world, and usually that was fine, but today it was just too much. She dropped the wide brimmed hat on the ground and stepped on it as she passed through to the kitchen not caring that it would be ruined. When she slammed her kettle on the stove to make a cup of tea, she braced her hands against the counter and heaved a long sigh. Tears threatened to escape, and even though she fought them back a few still managed to fall. Sometimes I feel so alone, so very alone. She took her cup of tea upstairs and went directly into her ritual room. This place usually gave her solace, but since she started working her spells from the book, each time she stepped inside her body began to hum. The energy in the room made her hair stand on end at the back of her neck, and goose pimples formed on her skin. Instant arousal made her flush and grab hold of the door jam. Why is this happening? she wondered. Before she could use sex to enhance her magic, and now it was as if the magic was using her. Unable to stop she walked forward and put her tea on the table. She stripped out of her clothing and stood in the middle of the circle. Jaidon had taken the book, but the words rose easily to her lips as if they were etched in her memory. She fell to her knees and began to touch herself, her breasts and hips as she swayed to the unheard rhythm that pulsed inside her. She made herself wet with her fingers as she plunged them into her pussy over and over again. She spoke in a feverish rush, and she was unable to stop them until she orgasmed so hard it sent her to the floor. “Tricia, Tricia, my dove, I can make the ache stop.” 45

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The voice came from nowhere yet it was all around her. She lifted her head as the sexual energy pulsed through her body. It was Remy, and his body formed in front of her while she lay writhing on the floor. “You can be here, you can’t be here without Jaidon,” she gasped. He knelt between her legs and rested his hand on her stomach. Her body rose to his touch. “I can come whenever I want. I have that gift for you since we are connected now. Jaidon wants me to do this anytime you are filled with such a delicious overflow of power.” His finger trailed down to the swollen lips of her pussy and touched her clit. And she moaned. “I don’t want you. I want him.” “Ssh, ssh it’s ok,” he comforted her. “He will take you later. Right now he wants me to relieve the ache. He can feel your pain,” Remy crooned. “Let me ease your suffering, little witch.” She felt as if she was melting from the inside out, and her head tossed restlessly in lustful agony. He was Jaidon’s second after all, and if his master commanded it of him, then he had to be here under Jaidon’s orders. She needed the release before it ripped her apart. “Do it, do it before I die of this,” Tricia pleaded with Remy. His smile widened, and he plunged his fingers inside her. She arched off the floor with this invasion and cried out in pleasure. Remy’s hand was at the small of her back, and he brought her breast to his lips, sucking the nipple into his mouth before he moved to the other. All the while his fingers kept up their constant thrusts in and out of her pussy until she could hardly stand the intense pleasure. She screamed her release, and her cry echoed off the walls of the room. The pulse of energy she released sent candles toppling and knocked books off the shelves. She opened her eyes and saw Remy above her. He let her pliant body drop to the floor and opened his hands wide to draw her energy in, gasping in delight while he filled himself. “Thank you, little witch.” He wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. “Anytime you need me, I shall return to you. Just call.” He pressed his hand to her lids, and her eyes closed. His voice faded as she fell into an


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exhausted slumber. “Forget I was here, forget my voice.” Those were the last words she heard before her mind gave way to the darkness. “Tricia, Tricia, wake up.” Jaidon’s urgent voice came through to her, and she lifted her heavy eyelids. “Where am I?” she whispered and was surprised to hear the harsh dry sound to her voice. “How long was I asleep?” “You are in your ritual room, and I don’t know how long you have been here.” Jaidon lifted her in his arms and strode to the bathroom. “It’s well after midnight. Why were you in there, Tricia? I took the book.” “The words came to me, and I repeated them.” She shook her head. “I– I can’t remember what happened next.” Jaidon turned on the shower and moved her to stand under it. “Obviously you worked yourself into unconsciousness. Damn it, Tricia, why can’t you see I’m trying to help you?” She gave a weak smile as he began to wash her. “Jaidon, if I didn’t know better I would think you cared.” “I do. I don’t know why, but I have developed a fondness for you,” he murmured. “You’re getting your clothes all wet,” Tricia pointed out. “Clothes can be dried. You need me right now.” She certainly was not accustomed to this level of affection or someone taking care of her. But for Jaidon, a demon, to be the one who washed her and dried her with soft towels and then put her to bed before going to make her soup, well that was her undoing. He admitted he felt something for her, and she didn’t know if she could trust it. But to be pampered and nurtured by the one being for whom those emotions should be foreign, well she sat back and enjoyed the feeling for a little bit. Jaidon making soup. She stifled her laughter as she sat up against pillows, and he placed the tray on her lap. “Nothing just looking at the irony of my situation.” Tricia began to eat the hot meaty liquid from the bowl in front of her. To her surprise she found herself hungrier that she expected and devoured the canned soup with relish. 47

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“When is the last time you ate?” Jaidon asked. “I honestly don’t remember,” she replied. “I seem to spend more time in that ritual room, and then I need you so badly, and we make love for hours.” “Is that what we do, make love?’ Jaidon said softly. “What you feel when you come out of that room is not love. It’s lust, and I’m the itch scratcher.” “Yeah you love scratching that itch, don’t you?” She raised defiant eyes to him. “I do, but the old Tricia was amazing all by herself.” He was saying nice things, words that any woman would want to hear, so she demanded to know, “Why are you being so sweet to me?” “I want you to say no,” Jaidon said in a rush of words. “Revoke your words and go back to being just a priestess.” “You’re kidding right?” Tricia was astonished. He sat forward and took the tray off her lap before placing it on the floor and pulling her close. “Can’t you see what it’s doing to you? The book had binding incantations inscribed into the text. If you say no, things could go back to normal. You could be normal again.” “Where’s the book?’ she asked remembering that since he came back she had not seen it. “I dropped it into the pits of fire to destroy it. The chairman was using it to bind you to him and drawing your energy,” Jaidon explained. “He wants your power to help keep him seated at the council head.” “And you weren’t going to use me for that at all.” Sarcasm dripped from her every word. Jaidon met her dark glare with one of his own. “Maybe that was the case, but now as I tell you to revoke your answer. That proves that I have your best interest in mind. I can find another way to unseat the chairman.” “If I say no I want something in return from you.” He sighed. “Why would you bargain with me for something that you know is the best for you? You can feel it, the way the magic warps you.”


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She nodded. “Yes, I do feel it, and I know you’re right. I was never naive to the consequences, but still I want something more.” “Which would be?” Jaidon prodded. “I want you to stay with me, stay out of hell and live topside with me,” she replied. The idea came to her suddenly, and she told him before she had a chance to talk herself out of it. This felt right. She was never going to be happy with human men and their flaws when it came to women. “I don’t understand. You want me to stay with you?” His face showed he was puzzled. “Listen we make a good fit you and I.” She gave a softly derisive laugh. “Let’s face it, human men are going to be scared of me, and the ones who aren’t will try to use my power for their own personal gain. But you know me warts and all and would accept me the way I am. On the inside, you are just as dark as me.” “Probably darker.” Jaidon grinned. In a sudden show of affection she reached up and caressed his face. “Who were you before the demon?” Jaidon’s smile was a little wistful. “I was a Roman soldier in the time of Caesar. I was asked for something that cost me my humanity, and this choice was given to me.” “A few thousand years,” she murmured. “So you had humanity, and we are both flawed. It seemed like the obvious choice that we should be together. Will the chairman send others to kill you? Is that why you aren’t saying yes to my offer?” “The chairman would send someone to kill me for something else if not this. We don’t exactly get along,” Jaidon replied. “I need to amend my plan to suit this new purpose.” “So that’s a yes?” Tricia asked hopefully. “If they come after you, I will help you fight.” “It is a yes. I will stay with you,” Jaidon said and shook his head. “Who knew you would be the one turning the tables on me, little witch?”


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“Then I revoke my answer to the council. It is an official no.” She smiled with happiness, and then it wavered. “They are going to come after us aren’t they?” Jaidon nodded. “Yes, they will. The council is not accustomed to hearing no, and you’re the chairman’s last bargaining chip.” “What will we do?” He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head before giving her an evil grin. “We are going to wage war against hell.” “Oh, that’s all,” she teased before pulling him down for a kiss. Passion burst free between them both, and soon he was devouring her lips like a man possessed. He molded her body to his while his tongue furrowed into the deep recesses of her mouth. Tricia wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him backward until she was lying on the bed and his body partially covered hers. She could feel the heat of his through the material of his clothes that was the barrier that kept his flesh from her naked skin. His lips ravished hers, and she feasted on him. She wanted more. God, she wanted more from him. She could tell the difference between when the magic created the hunger inside her and how she felt with Jaidon. These were real feelings not the ones conjured up by spells from a book. “I want you.” Tricia looked into his face. She felt as if she had to tell him that the desire was him and nothing else. “Only you, Jaidon.” He growled against her lips before taking them again. His fingers massaged and squeezed her thighs as he feasted on her mouth. “Tell me what it feels like when you touch me?” Tricia asked breathlessly. “I’m a demon, Tricia. I have powers unlike anything that you have ever imagined, but when I’m with you, it feels like heaven even though I live in hell.” She understood what he meant. She was never going to be like her aunts or like her family. She fought that internal war for so long and always failed. She had to be who she had to be, and with that realization she finally felt free. He plucked her from the confines of the blankets and 50

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lifted her easily above him. Her breasts hung like luscious bunches of ripe grapes for his taking, and she gasped when her nipple and areola was in his hot mouth. Tricia arched her back pushing her smooth globe deeper into his mouth. “Oh, yes,” she moaned, and Jaidon groaned in response. “Touch yourself for me, no magic this time. I want this to be just about how you feel when my eyes are on you.” The request thrilled her. This time their contact was much more than the sexual craving the magic caused. They were forming a connection, one that would bond them forever. He sat her on the bed, and she pulled away and went to her knees, slowly lying back against the soft pillows. Tricia smoothed her hands down her body, cupping her breast and pinching her nipples. Her hands moved down the ebony skin of her stomach, and his eyes followed her caress to the apex of her thighs. She spread her legs, tantalizing him with the view of her moist wetness. “Do you like my taste, Jaidon?’ Tricia traced the tip of her fingernail down the slit of her pussy. She slipped two fingers between the slick folds of flesh parting them slightly. “You are intoxicating.” Jaidon’s voice was a gruff whisper. “Then come taste me,” she whispered. “I want to feel your mouth on me, your tongue inside me.” Jaidon accepted the invitation. He stood and stripped his clothes off and was gloriously naked before rejoining her on the bed. With a grin he buried his face between her legs to taste the musky essence of her pussy. His tongue licked and delved inside her before his fingers touched and penetrated, sliding into her over and over again. Tricia’s hips moved, and she moaned in pleasure, pressing herself more intimately to his lips against her clit. She cried out as each sensation assaulted her body. Her fingers grabbed at his hair while her body came apart under his mouth. “I want you to take me now, right now!” she demanded. “My thoughts exactly,” he said. Jaidon took her lips in a kiss, and she could taste her come on his lips. The hard length of his cock was pressed against her stomach as their 51

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tongues dueled and mated. He reached around and pulled her legs up high around his waist before pressing his cock into her waiting pussy. He groaned in ecstasy as he sunk himself deep into her core “Oh fuck, yes, that is so good. You are so thick and hard.” She grabbed his hair and pulled his head from her breasts. “I ache, make it stop, Jaidon.” She gasped when his eyes flashed red and he pumped himself against her in deep strokes. With each thrust he pushed himself to the hilt, the slick caver of her snatch. She was hot and slick with the wetness he had created with his mouth only a few minutes before. Her hips rose to meet his every thrust, and she tightened her legs around him. Their bodies were slick with sweat, and he grabbed her hips to raise her higher against him. “You are so hot and tight, little witch. This is my body, and you are mine!” Jaidon muttered. He punctuated each word with a thrust into her wet pussy. “Your body,” she gasped out in ecstasy. “I’m yours always.” “Say my name, Tricia. Tell me who you belong to.” “Jaidon, my demon lover, I belong to you….Oh, yes, I’m going to come.” She arched against him and pulled his head to her breast, and when he took the beaded nipple between his lips and sucked, it was as if the dam broke. Tricia screamed as her body shook from the intensity of her orgasm. He followed with his own release, and she felt his come fill her. The constant movement of his body never ebbing sent her spiraling into a second orgasm. Their bodies heaved as they tried to catch their breath. Tricia willed her heart to slow down to its steady beat. For the first time in weeks since she met Jaidon, she felt completely sated, and the desire she felt, dulled. “This is good,” she murmured when he finally rolled to lie next to her. “What does that mean?” he asked and sighed in contentment, a sound she assumed was unusual for a demon. “Me and you, this thing we’re in.” She rolled to look in his eyes. “I’m never going to be like other women. A house, minivan, and two point five kids are definitely not in my future. But having you, I mean being with 52

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you makes it all ok. Ya know what I mean? I think you’re going to be my kind of happiness.” “We’ll have a battle to fight, and maybe we will always have to have our ears close to the ground for if hell decides to rise up. But I’m willing to take that risk, ” he said and rolled her body on top of his. His cock was hard and slipped into her with ease. “And I like that there is no grace period between when you can do this.” She gasped as he moved under her filling her slowly. Jaidon grinned devilishly. “My sentiments exactly. Who makes you feel like this?” His voice had deepened with desire when he asked the question. Jaidon went deeper inside her with every stroke, and she raised her hips to meet him. “You, Jaidon, only you forever.” She had no doubt that the words she spoke would be true.


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Chapter Seven “Oh fuck, yes, you savage little demon whore.” The chairman’s voice was harsh, and he the thrust into Lorna over and over again. Her fingers clutched at his back until he felt her nails pierce his flesh. The pain added more to his already heightened passion which was fueled by the energy that Remy brought back after visiting the witch. The thought of the witch sent his lust even higher, and he pounded into Lorna’s body unmercifully while she lay there pliant beneath him barely making a whimper. Usually his dirty words would have fueled her passion, but Lorna’s lack of enthusiasm infuriated him all the more. They had been at this for hours, and she mutely accepted everything he did to her. Maybe it because I took her essence away, he thought. But even so she had been a more receptive bed partner than this. He was better off fucking one of the harpies that lurked outside. At least their screeching would fill the room with sexual sounds instead of the occasional weak moan from Lorna. The chairman lifted her pale legs high in the air and withdrew from her snatch before plunging his cock into her ass. This time she cried out, and his cock hardened all the more. “That’s it, my Lorna, you like when I take your ass,” he said harshly. He rolled to one side taking her with him and fucked her ass with desperation. Since he had been taking power from Remy when he fed off the witch, he was like demon reborn, and his balls were filled with demon seed. He pictured Tricia under him when he finally claimed her as his prize. He would fuck her hard taking that sweet human pussy and tight ass. Her scent would fill the room, and he would have the taste of her come on his lips. The fantasy of her ebony body being at his mercy sent him spiraling into an orgasm, and with each thrust he sent his load deep into Lorna’s ass. He rolled away with his cock finally limp and his appetite sated for the moment. Outside his door he heard a tortured scream as a new soul was sent into the pits, and it made him smile.


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“You used to be such an avid lover,” he said to Lorna. “You always wanted to please your master.” “That was before you decided to ride me like a randy bull for hours on end,” she spat out. He laughed. “I am magnificent lately. It is the witch’s power. It fills me with such vitality.” “I can taste it in your sweat, and yet you do not share,” Lorna snapped. “I’m to be treated like your dog sitting at the edge of the table begging for scraps for the rest of my existence, I see.” “You will be treated in whatever manner I choose,” the chairman replied. Loran laughed cynically. “I am tired of this, of you. Thousands of years of punishment with this degradation is enough. I was Lilith’s sister demon. Power incarnate from Lucifer himself was funneled through me. And now to be your plaything sickens me!” She sat up, and her eyes flashed red in anger much to the chairman’s amusement. “Your day will come regardless of the witch and whatever binding that you did. You are nothing like Jaidon. He will make sure that the witch is protected from you, and when you are weak and pathetic then he will snap your tired body like a twig.” With a roar of anger the chairman rolled onto her body and pinned her to the bed. Instead of seeing the usual fear in her eyes, he saw anger, resentment, and pride. “Go on do it, kill me.” She laughed. “Better to be dead than under your body while you rut like a dog. I would prefer death to living for your scraps. Throw me in the pit like Chandra. I welcome the flames against my skin instead of your lips caressing my flesh. Jaidon will succeed. I made sure of it.” The chairman, livid with anger, wrapped his fingers around Lorna’s neck and squeezed. He knew she was goading him into ending her existence, and even though he knew of her treachery, he succumbed to the blinding rage and took her head straight off her body. The look on her face was pure joy even as her demon blood poured out onto the bed and sizzled 55

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against the sheets. She was a pureblooded demon, one he’d made less than that by taking her ability to feed. He rolled away from his bed in disgust and went to the ornate golden box where he kept his most prized contracts. The one at the very top written in new parchment was Tricia’s contract, and he opened it and caressed the page as if it was her skin. The ends began to fray and singe before it burst into flames and disintegrated into ash. As it crumbled blackened in his hand, he roared in rage and pain. The witch had revoked her answer. Not again! Not again! “Remy!” The chairman screamed the named until the demon appeared. He bowed low. “I’m here, sire.” The chairman backhanded Remy and sent him flying into the rock wall, shaking loose some rocks that crashed to the ground. “The witch has rescinded her answer,” he shouted. “The contract is gone.” “How can that be, sire? She willingly embraced the book,” Remy replied. “Jaidon has changed her mind in some way. She is meant to be mine!” “And you shall have her, sire. Jaidon cannot win this game.” “It is time to step up our plan up.” The chairman paced as frustration and malice coursed through him. “First bring me as much of her power as you can. Drain her past exhaustion if you have to. Then I shall go and claim her on my own. This time I will not be denied.” “Sire, you have not been topside in millennia.” Remy gasped. “Are you sure this is wise?” “You should know better than to question me. Do as you’re told,” the chairman snapped. “And get someone to clean up this mess.” Remy looked over to Lorna’s body and said nothing. He nodded and disappeared from sight. The chairman roared again in frustration, and even the things that crawled along the rock surface of the walls scurried away in terror. ****


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Jaidon never really slept. The nights he stayed with Tricia he allowed his body to relax, but sleep never did claim him. He was so long gone from any kind of humanity he had thousands of years before that his demon body never exhausted. That was one of the perks of being an immortal entity of the underworld. Tonight was one of those nights, and while Tricia shifted restlessly in her sleep even though they had made love deep into the night, he watched her and how she mumbled incantations in her sleep. She sat up suddenly with eyes wide open and slipped from the bed and walked across the darkened room. “Where are you going?” he asked. “Bathroom,” she mumbled in reply. Jaidon watched her naked form move to the door. Something was wrong, very wrong. He could feel the air shift, and when she took longer than necessary to come back, he got up and followed her cautiously. From the time he stepped out of the room he could hear her harsh panting and a low sexual cry. Her voice came from her ritual room, and he made himself invisible before stepping toward the door. She lay in the middle of the circle, and the flames of the candles burned brighter than normal. Her legs were spread, and she played with herself in earnest gasping and thrusting her hips upward reaching for gratification. The sight would have been erotic and entice him over there, but this was not right. She revoked her answer to the chairman yet she was in his grasp. A pulse of energy went through the room as she neared orgasm. It made him gasp in pleasure, and he knew whoever was channeling it from her had to feel it too and was there in the room. Jaidon moved quickly and at the very last moment just before he breached the circle he made his presence known. With one hand he plucked Tricia from in the throes of her own passion and with the other he pushed through the veil that barred the unseen force from his eyes and captured the mystical intruder. He felt his fingers wrap around a thick neck that strained to break free. Jaidon pulled the entity into the light, and his eyes widened in surprise to who it was trying to drain Tricia’s energy.


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“Remy.” Jaidon nodded. “Well I guess we can’t expect not to have treachery in hell.” “Always looking for the bigger better position, you know that, Jaidon,” Remy said mildly. “You killed your master and took his place.” “Well you should change the play up a bit if you plan to follow my path.” Jaidon felt Tricia shiver against him. He looked down to her arm clutching at him and saw the markings of the binding spell glow in red as if they were burnt into her skin. “Very smart. Even though she said no, she is marked with the incantation.” “Each time she opened the book and repeated she spell, the chairman etched his mark onto her soul.” “Then you take her energy and feed him making him stronger,” Jaidon murmured. He squeezed Remy’s neck tighter. “How do I rid her of it?” “Why would I tell you that?” Remy closed his eyes in pleasure. “The taste of her is worse every risk, and your seat on the council will be assured if I serve him.” “I’ll have to kill you both then,” Jaidon said casually. “I certainly don’t mind. You only got a small taste of her power before I stopped you.” He felt the bones under Remy’s neck as he squeezed tight, but Remy used what he had taken from Tricia to send Jaidon hurtling across the room. He wrapped his arms around her and twisted quickly so he could take the force of the blow when he hit the wall. Remy gave him an evil smile. “You have to ask yourself how many times I have visited her and she said yes to me. After all I am your second and your trusted friend. See you in hell, Jaidon.” “Yes, you certainly will,” Jaidon murmured. He felt rage burn through him, and he stood before taking Tricia in his arms. The chairman had played the game well, using his own second against him. Remy had come into her house at his will, and now he would enjoy killing them both. He looked down at Tricia who shivered in his arms. When the runes on her arms glowed bright again, she arched and cried out. He strode quickly across the room and placed her on the bed before going back to the room and closing the curtain that Remy walked through too easily. He forgets he 58

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is still my second, Jaidon thought as he used his own incantation to close the portal he walked though from hell. Remy wouldn’t be able to break that magic no matter how he tried. This would not be safe for her, even with that small patch on the reality that kept earth and hell separate. He would have to find someplace to put her where she was protected until the chairman’s runes could be removed. He walked in to see her writhing on the bed. The runes glowed brightly, and she cried out in agony. Jaidon was by her side in minutes. He pulled her into his arms, and her dark hair spilled down to the bed. He looked into her eyes. She was tortured, and he felt a surge of panic. This was the chairman’s ultimate plan all along. It was not about her ever being on the council but to be one source of constant power. “Jaidon, I’m so sorry. I…he said you sent him.” She gasped and threw her head back. “He said the power would overtake me and you sent him to relieve the ache.” “This is my fault, sweet one I should have seen through the treachery.” Jaidon cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead. “No matter now. I will keep you safe.” “There’s so much, Jaidon, more than ever before. I can feel it under my skin pulsing, aching.” She arched against him. “I can’t stand it! Make it stop. Take me please!” “I won’t use you like they did. Before it was…” He shook his head unable to find the words. “It’s different now.” “I give it to you freely, Jaidon.” She grabbed his hand and placed it on her breast. She looked up at him earnestly. “I trust you. This is yours. Take it.” Love., The word ricocheted through his mind and made something inside him ache with gut wrenching pain. So much so that he closed his eyes and pushed her away even though she needed him. What is this, what is this? he thought wildly. The agony of it sent him to his knees on the floor. In the time he spent with Tricia trying to get her to say yes to the council and then to use her as his own pawn, he had committed the 59

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ultimate sin in hell and fell in love with a human. He made a guttural moan of torment, not knowing how to deal with what he felt. “Jaidon, Jaidon please!” She was calling his name, and it brought him back to his feet. He saw the tears on her cheeks and how the runes on her arms flamed brighter. He stripped the pants he had put on earlier to follow her off and covered her body with his own. Her lips met his with feverish kisses, and he was lost. Her legs were around his back. He pulled them down before slipping his fingers inside her. She was so hot, so wet that he closed his eyes and willed himself to have patience. If he didn’t, he could hurt her or worse with the amount of sexual energy she was putting out. Jaidon put his hand against her stomach while he slowly worked the fingers of his other hand in and out of her pussy. “More, more, more!” Her head thrashed wildly on the bed, and she clutched at the sheets beneath her fingers. A snarl erupted from his lips as he lost the little control he was trying hold on to. His fingers moved inside her at a quickened pace. He could feel her juice coat his hand, and when Tricia came, the energy she dispelled filled him, and he roared his pleasure. The runes on her hand dulled but were not gone. Jaidon pulled her hand over her head and pinned them before settling between her legs and thrusting himself deep into her. They both cried out at the sensation, and she thrust her hips upward to meet him. No words were spoken. The only sound heard was their primal cries as they both searched for release. Jaidon looked down, and her body seemed to glow as she reached for the pinnacle of her orgasm. He closed his eyes and let it envelope him as her release over took them both. Her keening cry of pleasure echoed through him, and as she pulsed with power, he drank it in greedily. So heady was the mix that he came with a guttural cry, and he could feel every tendon in his body strain with the intensity of it. He lay against her for what seemed to be forever until he raised himself on his elbows taking his weight off her. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing even. When he looked at her hands, the runes had 60

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disappeared. She had exhausted herself and fallen asleep. The magnitude of what was happening to her was like a weight in his chest. If the chairman ever got to her, he would do this to her until she broke or said yes to become a demon, one he could control. She was powerful and naïve to the fact that lust was one of the most dangerous traits a human could have or use to enhance magic. It caused men and women to kill, made countries fall, and in her case made her a tool that one of the most powerful demons wanted to possess. The runes had to removed and that was all there was to it. When they pulsed and he drained her energy, one of these days, the sleep she fell into would be death. There is only so much a human body can take. They were fragile creatures, and this situation needed to be handled with care. No demon magic or incantation he could do or find someone to recite could fix this. Jadion looked down at her and whispered words that were strange to his lips. “I love you.” She slept through the gentle ministrations of him washing and dressing her before he lifted her into his arms and disappeared from sight. He was taking her to the only people who could help her now…family.


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Chapter Eight Jaidon stood outside the white metal rails that protected the two witches’ house. To anyone else they looked like just regular fencing, but to him he could see the magic written clearly in the diamond wire maze. Demon’s out, he thought ruefully as the rain began to fall. He doubted that even Tricia could see the intricate spell work that went up the cement walkway to the door. They never told her their secret, with the amount of spell work around the house to ward off demons. Jaidon knew that one of them before Tricia had been made the offer, and this was their way of protecting themselves. Not my secret to tell. If they had told her from the very beginning he probably wouldn’t have even been in Tricia’s life. Humans made their decisions based on protecting someone else. In the long run the secret they held ended up hurting instead of helping. But still they did it every day over and over again. The witches knew he was out there. They even knew he had Tricia in their arms. He could feel them cowering inside trying to decide what to do. Finally growing impatient he raised his head and let out a demonic roar. He couldn’t go inside, but he could make their lives miserable until they came to him. It took a few minutes, but as he was about to roar again, the two older women came bustling out covered from head to toe against the rain. “Don’t you do that again!” One stood next to the rail and gave him a deadly glare. “We know you’re out here, demon.” “Good then you know I have your niece here,” he replied. “What did you do to her?” “I did nothing. She said no to the offer the chairman gave her, and now he has bound himself to her,” Jaidon explained. “I think maybe since the last time he met one of you he learned his lesson.” The second aunt offered up the information grudgingly. “It was neither one of us. It was her mother the first time around.” “Maybe you should have mentioned that to her before I came in the picture.” 62

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“You don’t understand. Her mother after meeting that…that...” “Demon?” Jaidon supplied. The aunt who spoke glared at him. “It changed her, made her who she is now. Tricia suffered for it.” “Humans, you allow your own to suffer to protect a secret.” Jaidon looked down at her. “She would be better off if she never met me.” “You are certainly right about that.” The other aunt sniffed disdainfully. Jaidon ignored her words. “But since I am she needs your help to break the binding spell.” “Bring her closer,” the both requested. When he stepped forward they grabbed her arm, and the rune symbols appeared like welts. Tricia gasped in pain even though she was asleep. “This is magic we cannot break, but we can put a barrier against it,” one of the aunts murmured. “Take her then and protect her until I return.” Jaidon placed her on the ground outside the gates. Even though she was unconscious and they were already drenched in the rain, he knew the aunts would never let him enter their home. “Where will you be?” they asked simultaneously. “I’m going to kill the chairman and free her,” he replied with deadly calm. He reached down and wiped the wet hair from her face. “I will return, sweet one.” “I am called Jaidon. If there is trouble, call my name, and I will be here.” They both nodded, and he noticed the aunts look at him in surprise, but he said nothing. They need not know of his love for her. As long as they did their job and protected Tricia, he didn’t care what they thought. She was his only concern. **** Tricia opened her eyes and the room swam in front of her eyes. She squeezed them shut and opened them again hoping the room wouldn’t 63

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spin, and then as it straightened to a scene she did not recognize. The bright paisley blue flowers on the wallpaper were definitely not her house. “You’re awake.” She heard the voice of her Aunt CeCe. “Where am I?’ she asked in a hoarse whisper. “In our house,” Aunt Cora answered. When she began to move her aunt restrained her with a hand on her shoulder. “Stay still. You’re in a circle of protection.” “How did I get here?” “Your demon brought you,” Aunt Cora replied. “He seems to care…in whatever way a being from hell could.” “Leave him alone.” Tricia closed her eyes and swallowed. “He’s better than some humans I know.” “We must tell you something.” “CeCe, no!” Aunt Cora said sharply. “No, Cora, the time for secrets is over,” Aunt CeCe snapped. “She has to know.” Tricia looked from one woman to the other. Aunt CeCe’s face was etched with worry, and she could see shame on her Aunt Cora’s weathered brow. What else could they be hiding from her, more family secrets and shame? She sighed, tired of the lies and the walls of silence that were built in her family. “Just tell me.” “Your mother…” “My mother what, just spit it out already,” Tricia cried out. Aunt Cora the one who wanted nothing to be said was the one who revealed it all. “There was more to your mother than what we told you, more than what you knew and why she married your father. She was offered the same cursed gift as you long ago. You are the same. You and her.” She smiled sadly. “You are so much alike it’s like watching her when she was a child.” “So my mom was going to be part of the council of hell?” Tricia was amazed. “I take it she refused?”


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“At first no. She accepted just like you but refused quickly after because of our own mother who was a powerful priestess. The chairman saw the defect in your mother, her weakness to change for whoever controlled her,” Aunt CeCe explained. “They did not like her refusal. The demons came and took her from our home one night. The magic could not protect her. She was tortured, we think in ways that she never told us, but we knew. My mother and your great grandma they got her back, but she was already fractured. She started in with your father’s church when he was just a deacon and from there it warped into what you were birthed into. She figured the religion would save her and clean her soul, but in the end it was even worse.” “We could have helped her,” Aunt Cora said. “Between all of us we could have saved her. But she was so scared of the magic by then. Your father seemed like the safest solution, and he turned out to be the human version of the chairman.” “Why are you telling me all this now?” Tricia held up her hands where the welted markings of the symbol magic the chairman used were still visible. “This would have never gotten so far if you had told me all of it long ago.” “We thought your path was different!” Aunt Cora exclaimed. “You accepted your darker side, and we thought because of this there would be no way they would want to corrupt you! They knew the potential in your mother for darkness, yet she never embraced it. You on the other hand, well from the time you came to us, you walked in both worlds the good and the bad. You are strong and not easily swayed. How could we know that this would make you even more coveted by the demons?” “Because they’re demons, Aunts! They love the evil inside men. It’s like their drug of choice! What does it matter who knew what? There’s enough blame to spread out between all of you!” Tricia sat up, and the room swam. She held her head for a few moments willing her stomach not to throw up its contents before she lifted her head to face them. Anger burned inside her mixed in with hurt and the pain of what she was going through now. “The truth, that’s all I ever wanted from this family. My 65

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mother looked at me like she was scared of me half the time, and the other half she was letting my dad beat the hell out of me. You two never and I mean never had my back. Even now you’re doing this to save your necks.” Aunt CeCe shook her head. “No, that’s not true, Tricia. Through all this we have loved you, and we are sorry for the part we played. We should have done more to save you, but we thought destiny would write your path.” Tricia’s laugh was sarcastic. “Destiny shapes the path that others help to mold. I was drowning all my life until I came to you both. You could have helped in the steps my life took, but you left me to figure it out on my own. Now I have to finish this on my own.” She got off the bed, and she saw the circle and symbols drawn on the floor. She stepped over them and immediately felt the pull of the binding spell. “You can’t leave! This spell is the only thing that is keeping you protected against the chairman!” Aunt CeCe cried out. “Your demon told us to protect you.” “You couldn’t be bothered to protect me as a child. I don’t need your help now. I can protect myself.” She found her clothes folded on a chair and put them on quickly even though her body felt weak. “I’m going.” “Tricia, please.” Her Aunt Cora, the stern one, the one with a quick reprimand or a sharp remark stood in front of her. Her eyes held worry, and Tricia swore she saw tears settle in the older woman’s eyes. “Don’t go. We’re sorry we did wrong by you, but please if you leave now I don’t want to think what may happen. We love you, baby girl. Let us make up for our part in all this.” Her aunt’s entreaty should have warmed her heart, but to Tricia it was too little too late. Her life was filled of obstacles she had to overcome all on her own. If she had just one shoulder to lean on maybe it would have been much easier. She learned she could only depend on herself in life. She also learned one thing really quickly. It was hard to forgive those closest to you. They hurt her the most.


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“I’m going. I have to finish this my way.” Tricia swallowed the emotion that threatened to break free of her. There was too much swirling inside her at that point to let it free. “I can’t—Jaidon is going to need me.” “He is a demon. Let him either live or die. It’s not your concern,” Aunt CeCe said primly. “He cares about me, and I care about him,” Tricia pointed out. “And that’s more than I can say I ever got from my family.” Aunt Cora stepped forward and handed over a set of keys. “Take the car. You can’t walk home from here.” “Thanks.” Tricia grudgingly took the keys and walked out into the damp night. She got behind the wheel of the car, and as she started it up the runes of her hand burned painfully like warning of things to come. Instead of heading home Tricia took the familiar route to her mother’s house. There was an urge inside her to talk to the woman who started it all from the time she came from her womb. She didn’t see her father’s Cadillac parked in its usual spot. Tricia didn’t park in front of the house. The neighbors around her parent’s home were snoops and gossips, and in minutes her father would know she was there. From the time she was a child she felt like she lived in a neighborhood cult. She couldn’t sneeze too hard without her father knowing about it which made her blatant disrespect and bad girl ways something she was being punished for on a constant basis. On instinct she went around back knowing when it rained her mother liked to sit under the gazebo. It was her slice of peace. She was the lone figure sitting under the white trellis watching the misty rain pool and fall off the leaves. Her mother’s eyes widened when she saw Tricia step out of the darkness. “Mama,” Tricia said with a hesitant smile. Her mother’s gaze turned wary. “Why are you here?” “I heard you were sick, Mom.” Doris stood and played with some leaves nervously. “Nothing prayer can’t handle.” “I’m sure it can, Mom.” Tricia stepped a bit closer.


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“No, no, no, step back. I can smell the stink of hell on you!” Doris began to visibly shudder. “You don’t forget that, never that!” “Why didn’t you tell me, Mama? You could have saved me from this!” Tricia cried out. “There is no saving you, child.” She pointed a shaky finger at Tricia. “You were rotten from birth. It was you who made your father what he is. If you hadn’t been made, we would have been happier. But those demons wanted you created, and me and your father committed a sin in making you.” “Are you serious? You are blaming me for Daddy and you sleeping together!” Tricia asked in disbelief. “You think this was hell’s plan?” “What else could it be? Now look at you, a demon’s whore.” Her mother fell to her knees. “Your father tried to raise you the right way, to be firm and strong so it would not get you. But there’s evil inside you, girl, and they come for what is theirs.” Tricia was beside herself with rage. She thought she would find some kind of commiseration from her mother, but instead all she found was shame. She stepped closer to her mother. “No, Daddy tried to beat his sin out of me not my own. I was a child, and you let him! You want to know why hell wanted me? Because of you and Daddy. You two made me. Now whatever happens to me is a black mark on your soul.” “Don’t you dare preach to me, child!” “No, you don’t preach to me, Mama!” Tears ran down Tricia’s cheeks. “I was a child, and all I wanted was to be loved. Instead you made me hard. You made me hate, and you filled me with rage every time Daddy slapped me and you turned your head away!” She was sobbing so hard now she could barely get the words out. “No more, I am free of this, and I am free of you. Whatever happens good or bad, Mama. If hell takes me or if I stay on this earth, you will never see my face again! Oh and if you think your prayers got Daddy the money to pay for your surgery, wrong again. It was me!”


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Tricia turned on her heels and fled. Her heart was heavy with grief, but still somehow she felt free. This was never her fault. I was a good a girl. She had been blamed for things she had no control of even before she was created. She got behind the wheel of her aunt’s car and sobbed in earnest. Like the rain it washed away the heavy burden she carried for so long. She pulled away from the house that had been her prison for many years, but tonight was the first night she felt like she escaped. She didn’t get far. The runes on her arms flared bright, and the car went off the road into a ditch when she grasped her arms against the burning pain. She could hear the words being chanted in her head, calling her and entreating her to come home. It was the chairman’s voice, and she felt powerless to resist. She stepped from the car and climbed up the wet mud embankment to the road. The words in her head thrummed like the beat of a drum and matched tune with her heart. There standing in the middle of the road stood the chairman. His hair was so black, it blended in with the night sky. When lightning flashed from the clouds behind him, she saw the chiseled line of his jaw and the sardonic smile on his lips. If it was any other time or situation, she would have seen him as an attractive specimen of a man, but she knew who he was, knew the power he held and what he could do, and he terrified her. He felt triumphant; it was written all over his face. He held out his hands to her, and she shook her head in refusal. Her feet moved of their own accord, drawn to the man while he called her with the crook of his finger, capturing her with an invisible web. She felt the first real fear settle into her heart when she moved closer. Her mind screamed Jaidon, even though her lips could not. When she stood in front of him the chairmen reached out and caressed her cheek. I don’t want this. I don’t want this! her mind screamed. The chairman grasped her hands, and the runes flared bright. She gasped as pleasure infused her core. She could feel the darkness inside swirling forward and encasing her heart. Then there was nothing. The anger, the hurt was gone, and all that was left was the chairman. She was now his, and she smiled up at him. 69

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“Yes, you do want this, and now you have it. Welcome home, Tricia,” the chairman said. He took her into his arms, and she felt the same rush as when Jaidon transported her to Paris. They disappeared from sight and hurtled through the veil that kept the two worlds tenuously apart. When their feet touched the dark earth, she felt the heat through the soft soles of her shoes. Screams echoed around her, and it filled her heart with pleasure to hear the torment. Tricia was in hell.


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Chapter Nine Jaidon walked along the outside of the bar while the music pounded on the inside. He could feel Remy inside there doing what he usually did. He found the weak-minded and used them as his puppets. It was his kind of fun. The demon was known for his sycophant ways to get his enjoyment. He chose not to just walk inside. He could tell that most of the people in there were under Remy’s control. To appear in there, Jaidon would have a mass of humans descend on him, and he would have to kill them all. Possessed humans under the will of a demon were tenacious. Instead he appeared behind Remy who sat in a booth directing the people in a chaotic dance. Some were naked performing sexual acts that anyone could tell were not of their own accord. The distress on their faces was evident, along with all the others who were in various scenes of debauchery, while Remy sat there with a malicious grin on his face. The grin was instantly wiped away when Jaidon’s hand clutched around his wind pipe, and he disappeared from the bar with his second in tow. The people would be fine with the demon presence gone. How they would face each other was a matter he could not control. They stood in the desert, and Jaidon pushed Remy away in disgust. He could have killed him right then and there but preferred to face the demon who betrayed him. “So you’re going to kill me for what happens in hell every day.” Remy spread his hands wide. “Deals are made and brokered all the time.” “Oh, I have no problem with you looking for the bigger payout, Remy.” Jaidon walked around his victim casually. “But I will kill you for touching what’s mine. You are under my brand still no matter what deal you have with the chairman, and when you went to Tricia under my name, you signed your own death warrant.” Remy laughed. “She was never yours. She was always the chairman’s from the time you gave her that book. His brands are written in her skin.” “Yes, but my name is written in her heart,” Jaidon replied softly. “You fell in love with a human!” Remy asked in amazement. “The chairman already has her. He came to pick up his treasure himself.” 71

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Jaidon felt his hear lurch. The chairman walking human streets! He never left hell, which meant he had enough of Tricia’s essence to make him strong. “Your thoughts are written all over your face, Jaidon,” Remy said. “You’re wondering how strong he is. He has become very strong.” He laughed out loud. “All of hell will have your name on their lips, mocking the great Jaidon who fell in love with a human.” “I won’t be there to care.” Jaidon crouched in a predatory stance ready for battle. “Staying topside are you?” Remy replied casually. He too began to circle for the fight. “I’ll make sure to plant your carcass on this earth to rot.” “There won’t be enough of you left to bury.” Jaidon attacked then, and when the men met, the desert sand blew up with the force. He clutched Remy by the neck sinking his fingers into his windpipe and slamming him against the ground. He too was stronger than expected. Jaidon could tell he was keeping some of Tricia’s essence for himself. He lifted his legs and caught Jaidon around his body and pulled him down to the ground rolling on top and planting his fist into his face. Jaidon felt the contact but didn’t let the pain stop him. He lifted his body, taking Remy’s weight with him. He contacted three quick punches into the demon’s stomach before throwing him across the ground. Remy slid and was back on his feet like a predatory cat. He snarled at Jaidon who grinned and called him forward with a crook of the finger. That was always Remy’s downfall. He let anger take over and never thought anything through, Jaidon thought. Remy’s demon face showed through as his fury rose. Jaidon looked calmly on while his second in command attacked like a charging bull. He stepped aside, easily capturing Remy around the neck in a choke hold. All the while younger demon struggled to grab at any part of Jaidon to escape. He was failing miserably. “Do you want to know why you died so easily, Remy?” Jaidon said into his ear. He stopped his struggling, and even though he said not a 72

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word, Jaidon knew he was listening. “You had some of her power, but I have her love. I have slept with her every night and held her in my arms. My body is saturated with her essence. You see, having her heart is stronger than any of the energy you drew from her.” Remy choked out a laugh. “She won’t even recognize you, Jaidon. You have lost. The chairman’s power is absolute, and you will die. Your human witch will be chained to his will forever.” This time Remy’s words pushed Jaidon over the edge, and with an inhuman roar, he broke the demon’s neck with a savage twist. But that would never be enough. A demon could survive many different forms of death, except beheading. Jaidon tore his body limb from limb. He opened a portal to hell easily and threw the parts into the fiery pits. From where he was he could hear the inhabitants of the pit scream their glee at the new flesh that was given to them. They had long gone mad from the suffering they had been inflicted on them and the constant flames on their skin. They would fight over Remy’s body like ants for crumbs. He closed the portal and turned his attention back to Tricia. He couldn’t sense her topside or in hell which meant the chairman would have her hidden. He needed the aunt’s help. Their blood would be the only connection he had to finding her—if he didn’t kill them first for letting her go. He phased out of the desert and went directly to the front of their house. His roar was filled with anger and pain at her loss. His connection to her was already broken, and he felt hollow inside. She made him feel so many new things, and he wondered if he would ever get accustomed to them. He had gone from battling in a dessert to the sleeting rain. The aunts came bustling out holding their coats up to their necks against the rain. “She’s gone,” one of them stated. “You think I don’t know this? The chairman has her!” Jaidon roared at them. “How could you let her leave?” “Don’t you raise your voice at me, demon.” The taller aunt stepped forward, and her eyes were filled with anger. “You’ve met Tricia. Tell me if anyone can stop her from doing what she wants to do. Besides, you were


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supposed to be out killing the chairman. Death is what you do best isn’t it?” “I had to take care of a traitor first.” Jaidon lowered his tone. “The connection we had has been broken. I cannot sense her.” “Well what do you want us to do about it?” “Help me find her. You are powerful witches, and you share a blood bond with her,” Jaidon said and used a word that was not in his vocabulary. “Please.” The two women looked at each other doubtfully. He sighed in frustration. “Look what is worse, letting me in when I mean you no harm or having the chairman’s claws in your niece and becoming so powerful that no one can stop him?” “We’ll reverse the spell until you leave. Wait here.” The aunts went back inside and closed the door. He watched as the spell works they cast around receded like a wave back into the house, and they stood at the door to call him in. He opened the gate and stepped through it. The residual effects of the spell made him slightly uncomfortable as he moved up the walkway and entered the house. Both women were now wearing charm bags around their neck, and he gave them a look with one raised eyebrow. “We might want our niece safe, but it doesn’t mean we trust you, right CeCe?” “‘That is absolutely correct, Cora.” Jaidon nodded. “So I finally know your names.” “Yeah well don’t think you can use that against us. Those are also charmed,” the aunt named Cora replied. “I wouldn’t think of it.” Jaidon looked around. “Do you have a way to find where Tricia is?” “Yes, we do,” the second aunt CeCe replied as they moved to the kitchen. Jaidon followed. “We will use our blood as a map so to speak.”


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On the table there was an old map. The edges were singed and burnt, and he noticed that instead of it being a map of the human word it was the many levels of hell and the areas that even he did not know. He looked at Tricia’s aunts in surprise. “How did you get this?” “Our mother made it from memory after the search for Tricia’s mother,” CeCe explained. “The search took almost three weeks level by level. Each time we saw her hair grow white with what she saw and trying to stay safe while she hunted for Doris. When she came back, she drew this, and when she drew in the last line, the paper began to burn. No one ever had a map to hell. She bound it in a spell and hid it away and only told us on her death bed where it was.” “We will begin.” Cora’s voice was firm. “Demon, stand over there.” Jaidon stood where she directed and watched the women work. “From mothers to daughters, aunts to niece, our blood finds the lost lamb. A path we must see.” The two women cut their palms as they repeated the words and then held hands over the map. Their blood mingled and fell onto the map. He watched as it pooled and made a slow trickle across the page moved by the unseen force of their magic. It trailed and looped until it stopped and made another pool of red. “She’s there.” Both women spoke in unison. “The chairman is on the thirteenth with her?” Jaidon said in an unbelieving tone. “No one goes there.” “Why?” CeCe asked. “First there is no way in or out. That is where the dogs of hell are held, and not even demons dare tread there. They have one commander, and that’s Lucifer himself. They are only sent out under his orders,” Jaidon explained. “Our sister was found there,” Cora whispered. Her hand shook as she put them to her mouth. “What did they do to her? What are they doing to Tricia now?” “There is a door to everything. You just have to find it,” CeCe said firmly. “Cora, your hand if you please.”


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CeCe took a vial from a rack in the kitchen. She reopened the cut on her hand and let the blood trickle inside the glass container. Then she did the same to her sister. “Take this. If Tricia is there, it will help you find her.” “What about the hell hounds?” Cora asked. “Don’t worry about them. I’ll kill every one of them if I have to,” Jaidon replied. “Thank you for your help. I am leaving. You can put your spells back in place. I will either prevail and Tricia’s face will be the next one you see, or I will fail and be torn apart. Either way I wish you well.” Without waiting for them to answer, Jaidon phased from their kitchen and went directly to the underworld. The sounds of torment that usually would appease him just added to his tension. If he died he certainly did not care. He lived thousands of years, and if that was his fate so be it. His only concern was Tricia and saving her from the anguish that awaited her. **** Tricia lay in bed against red satin sheets. She only knew it was satin because one covered her naked skin, and it felt wonderfully cool against her heated flesh. The red was a striking contrast against her dark skin. Her hands were bound to the headboard that seemed to be made directly out of the rock wall. And she writhed waiting for the chairman to return. She couldn’t remember how long she had been there. She only knew that each time he came, he made her body tremble with lust, but he never touched her. He just let it build. Like now in her conscious moments she studied her surroundings. It was humid, so much so that it left small beads of sweat on her skin. There were chairs covered in black velvet and goblets made of gold that she was able to drink out of when the chairman held one to her lips. There was a large wooden door that seemed to be braced into the rock, but it never opened or closed. More than once she had seen the chairman enter. He never used that door, and yet she never saw another way in. Outside the


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door she heard inhuman growls and grotesque barking that made her feel very secure that she was inside the room while they were out there. She sighed in frustration. Every time he came he would lick her pussy until she screamed for the mercy of release, but he never let her get to the brink. Instead he walked away with his cock so hard she could see it straining in his slacks. He never gave her the satisfaction of coming. What is he waiting for? she yelled in her mind. She was his queen, and yet he chose to make her wait. She heard his feet across the stone floor, and he stood looking down at her. She thought the smile on his face was cruel, but it added to her excitement. “Your eyes are completely black now,” the Chairman commented. “Does it please you, sire?” Tricia asked. “It does. You don’t have to call me sire, my dear. You are the queen of the council now.” She felt the bed dip as he sat beside her. “And what should I call you, The Chairman? That seems so formal.” Tricia laughed before she said in a meek voice, “I am very thirsty. Can I have a drink from the goblet?” “You can have as much as you want.” The chairman rose and got the goblet. He held it to her lips. “It’s good for you. It keeps you healthy until your demon transformation is complete. As for my name, maybe one of these days you will know it. It has been too many years since anyone has uttered my name from their lips.” “I will be honored when I am the one given such a privilege,” Tricia said before taking a sip. She drank the sweet liquid that left a bitter aftertaste in her mouth. It should have made her gag, but she drank it down greedily each time, and she always wanted more. He took the goblet away when she refused more. “So when will my hands be untied?” she asked. “I will do so when you’re demonic self takes hold. You still have some human qualities that may make you dangerous,” the chairman answered. She batted her eyelashes at him coyly. “Little me hurt big bad you, hmm I think not.”


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“You’re a naughty wench but no, I’ll keep you tied up for a little while longer.” The chairman began to undress at a leisurely pace. And watching his massive form be revealed when his layers of clothing fell to the floor made her wet. “Right now I need your essence, so I’ll be strong when Jaidon comes knocking.” “Who is Jaidon?” she asked. Somewhere in her mind she felt as if she should know the name, but she could not bring the memory to the forefront of her consciousness. “It’s not someone you should worry about, Tricia,” he said mildly. He pulled the red satin sheet down exposing her naked form. His big hands caressed her body and massaged the smooth globes of her breasts. Tricia arched into his hands begging for more. “Right now, I want to please you.” Finally, she thought with delight. His hands roamed down her body to the apex of her thighs. She opened her legs eagerly to his touch and felt his digit trace the cleft of her pussy to rub her clit. She moaned and thrashed restlessly against the bed. “Such a wanton thing seeking pleasure,” he murmured before sinking his finger into her. He worked his finger in and out of her moist core with force that made her pant with pleasure. “Two fingers,” she gasped out. “I need two of them, sire.” He obliged her request, and she felt her body reaching for the climax that it so wanted from before. Jaidon. The name ricocheted through her mind, and it stopped her orgasm cold. Who was he? What was her mind trying to tell her? The chairman sensed her concentration on him waning. “Are you not pleased with my touch, my queen?” “Yes, oh yes,” she whispered. Putting the name from her mind she undulated her hips against his hand. His fingers that were not still inside her began to move once more in her wetness when her body began its slow sexual movements. “Kiss me, sire. Let me feel your lips on mine.” The demon council leader was tall, and he leaned over easily to take her lips. But instead of it giving her the carnal rise she thought it would, she recalled lips from before that kissed her into senselessness. That must 78

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have been lovers past, she thought as she opened her mouth under the chairman’s onslaught. He was the one she wanted now, and she returned his kiss with wanton fervor. His lips traveled down her body to her pussy, and there he used his tongue to bring her to the brink of her orgasm before climbing over her body and penetrating her with his hard cock. He held onto her hips thrusting into her while she raised her legs higher to take him. His harsh breathing in her ear was disconcerting, and for all her lust Tricia did not feel the intense gratification she thought she would when she finally had him. It will get better, she thought. After all I am his queen. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the morsel of pleasure she could find. He released one of her hands, and she reached down to rub her own clit as he fucked her to bring herself to completion. She orgasmed with a small cry and opened her eyes to see the chairman above her sucking in the essence of her sexual energy. He was disappointed. She could see that, and he rolled off without finding his own release. “I’m sorry, sire. It was because it was the first time. Next time it will be better.” She began to speak hastily. His growl of frustration filled the room, and she shrank back in fear. “This was nothing like what was fed to me by Remy. You bitch, I built you up for days, and this is what I get?” “I am so sorry, sire. Maybe if you release my hands I can have the chance to touch and please you.” He moved so quickly that he was a blur, but she felt the sting of his hand across her face. “You don’t tell me what to do. I’m the chairman leader of the council, and I don’t take orders from some human witch.” He bound her hands again before he walked away to put his clothes on. The dogs outside began to howl in earnest. “Same as with your mother but I will not be denied this time. When I get back, you better be ready for me or fear my wrath.” He disappeared from the room like he walked through the stone wall. My mother? Tricia’s brow furrowed, and she tried hard to remember. There was something missing, something she could not bring to light. She tried to put it out of her mind and feel the sexual desire that infused her 79

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body before the chairman arrived and before he took her for the first time. She did not want to be punished. She did not know how long he was gone, but she felt his lips at her nipples waking her. Tricia moaned when it made her wet. His hands were between her legs again, and she lifted her hips to his touch. He lifted her legs and sat high in the bed to bring her body down and impaled her with his hard cock. She gasped and pumped her hips against him until he gave a harsh cry. He grabbed her shoulder and pistoned her body against him. “Say you like it; say you like my cock in you,” he demanded harshly. He got on his knees and held her hips up while her legs hung over his forearms. He pumped into her moist flesh. The force of his thrust made her cry out, and she felt it building inside her. Her first orgasm gave him what he needed, and he sucked her essence in greedily. “Yes!” he cried out and, “More of this, you witch, give me more!” I pleased him, she thought happily. He leaned over and captured her nipple into his mouth and with guttural moans sucked on the beaded tip in earnest. His hands were against her ass, and he used her own juices running down between her cheeks to help ease his thumb into her anus and fucked her there with his finger. She cried out at the new sensation. “Yes, sire, yes!” “This is everything I imagined and more,” he panted. “You will make me unstoppable!” She was at the pint of release, and when he said those words she opened her eyes. Another face flashed in place of his. This man had deep green eyes and a trimmed goatee on a face that held both cynicism and humor. It was not the chairman, but it stopped her orgasm from building, and she gave a weak cry when the second time she came was paltry compared to the first. The chairman sucked greedily at the energy. She could see him trying to pull the last vestiges of it from her, but nothing more would come. He threw her body down against the bed in fury and began to break things in the room he was so enraged. Tricia shrank back in fear knowing not to say a word, but when he turned to her and she saw the malevolence on his face, she knew the worst was coming. 80

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“Enough of this. I will make you lust. You’ll want me to the point that it eats you alive.” He snatched up the goblet from the table and strode toward her. The chairman grabbed her face and forced her mouth open, making her drink down the bittersweet liquid until she gagged trying swallow it all. Some spilled down her naked skin. The consumption of so much of the liquid made her woozy, and her mind could comprehend nothing but the hunger of wanting him. Her body flamed with the heat of lust. She moaned and spread her legs wide exposing the thick flesh of her pussy and lifted her hips with need. He threw the goblet aside and got on the bed ready to take her again, but the howling of the dogs outside made him frown and move away. The howling kept up with earnest, and the unholy sounds echoed in her head. “I think we have a guest, my queen. I will return to finish this.” He left again, and she lay against the bed naked, tied, wanting, and scared—hoping the face she could not put a name to would come and save her. As she closed her eyes and sleep overtook her, she knew that that was the person she could trust. One of the looks he gave her was one with love. It was something she gave up seeking and never thought she could find. She fell into a dreamless sleep with the effects of the goblet’s contents coursing through her veins. She wondered if the unknown man would be there when she woke up.


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Chapter Ten Jaidon used the tunnels to reach the thirteenth level, and it took him days instead of just phasing into the midst of a pack of hell dogs. It doesn’t didn’t mean they didn’t smell him, and they attacked because even though he was invisible, they could still see his demon form. They howled as he fought them back, trying not to kill them but send them on their way to lick their wounds. He certainly did not need Lucifer on his heels as well. The ruler of hell usually stayed out of the demons’ bickering in the many levels of hell, but mess with his pets and you would feel his wrath. Demon opponents he could deal with, but if he wanted to make a clean break and live topside, he would leave the king’s pets alone. Jaidon wondered if Lucifer knew of the chairman’s little hideout in the middle of his hell hounds. Then it dawned on Jaidon. A grin spread across his face. It was why the chairman held the council seat. It was a gift. Only Lorna ever had the truth in her clawlike grasp, and with her death the truth died with her. No one knew of his secret chambers in the midst of the thirteenth level. He could come and go as he pleased, and the dogs never attacked. Because they knew him, he was essentially their keeper, making sure they were fed and taken care of. He held everyone under the guise that he had so much power. Remy fed him because he thought the chairman could do so much for him, when in actuality the man who sat at the head of the council seat for thousands of years was Lucifer’s pet caretaker. Jaidon roared with laughter while the last few dogs he injured ran away yelping. The rest of them seemed to think better of him and stayed in the background watching him with red angry eyes. His mirth soon left when the chairman walked out from nowhere and stood a few feet away from him. “You seem amused, Jaidon,” the chairman said casually while he buttoned the coat of his suit. “I am actually quite pleased at the moment.” Jaidon rocked back on his heels and gave a slow clap. “You hid it well, chairman. Under the 82

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pompous grandeur of being the head of the council you are just a dog walker.” He strolled back and forth chuckling while the chairman’s eyes flamed red with anger. “I mean the others bow and scrape to your every will because the only one who knew your secret slept in your bed. All the while you are cleaning up the hell hound scraps and shoveling their crap. This is just too unreal.” “Lucifer put me in a position of authority over you and the other members of the council.” The Chairman snarled. “No, he put you in charge of his dogs,” he replied. “He let you play dress up because he neither cares nor worries about what we do as long as it corrupts men. Lucifer has no second, and it certainly isn’t you. You were like a girl playing tea party.” “I will show you exactly what power I have, and then I will go back and fuck your witch over and over again.” The Chairman laughed. “Yes, she serves me now.” “Because of a binding spell. You could never get her unless you did so.” Jaidon’s rage grew knowing he had touched Tricia. “She gave herself willingly to me, even to Remy. I can feel her essence pulsing through me while you barely have a flicker. How does it feel, chairman, to be undesired by both demon and human women alike?” With a roar of pure feral rage the chairman lunged at Jaidon catching him around the waist and sending him into the rock wall behind him. The force split the surface, and molten rock leaked from the crack. It burned Jaidon’s skin, but he barely paid attention to the pain. When the chairman’s fist came at him with such force it, could have crushed his face if he did not move. But Jaidon was just as quick, and the chairman’s fist connected with the wall. Jaidon moved away. “You had a taste of her essence. You are way stronger than the man who sat at the council head a few weeks ago.” The demon leader grinned and flexed his shoulders. “I have had more than just a morsel, Jaidon. Remy fed me well, and just now she gave me all I needed to take care of you.”


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“I doubt it,” Jaidon replied. “Lorna spoke of how inadequate you were in that department.” His barb flung the chairman into motion again. He came at Jaidon in his true form and slashed with talons. Jaidon jumped back but not before the nails ripped through his clothes and gorged his flesh. Jaidon threw off his human garb and also took on his true demon form. They battled, and the walls shook while the hellhounds bawled their dislike of the ruckus in their home. There were times when the council leader seemed to have won and Jaidon lay on the floor bleeding from the kick to his ribs. “You’re done, Jaidon. You thought you could defeat me?” The chairman laughed. “Better than you have tried and died. Now the dogs will have your body for their next meal.” He reached down to pick the up the demon he thought he defeated. Jaidon swept the chairman’s feet from under him, and as he fell, he sank his claws into his back. Jaidon stood and lifted him high while the demon screamed in agony. “You get to die, chairman. We are under your rule no longer.” With those words Jaidon pulled back his left hand and sunk his claws through the chairman’s back and destroyed his heart. As with Remy he took the demon apart ensuring he would not be coming back seeking revenge. He threw the pieces to the hellhounds skulking around. “Eat up,” he said and went to find Tricia. He felt the rock walls, saw the door, and turned the knob. Instead of a room on the other side he saw more rock and slammed his hand against it in frustration. Tricia was behind that impenetrable wall, and he would tear the entire level apart to get to her if need be. He remembered the small vial of blood in his pocket and wondered if it would help. He poured it into his hands and rubbed them together before laying both his hands on the wall. To his complete amazement, the lines of an entrance showed up under his palms, and the once solid wall was no more. Jaidon walked through, and he saw Tricia bound to the bed, her arms stretching up and her body naked and splayed out. “Tricia.” He called her name, but she didn’t lift her head. His anger flooded him in one big wave, 84

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and he wanted to go take the remnants of the chairman from the dogs and grind him into the ground. Jaidon moved over to the bed and sat on the edge. He cupped her cheeks, and she moaned and tried to lift her head. “Little witch, what did he do to you?” he murmured sympathetically. Her eyes opened slowly. “Sire, is that you? I’m sorry about before.” “No, Tricia it’s me Jaidon.” He pushed her dark hair away from her face. Her eyes widened, and she scrambled away. “Leave me. I don’t know you. The chairman will be back, and he will kill you! Get away, get away!” He fended off her kicks easily. “Tricia, please stop. Try to remember. It’s me, Jaidon.” Then he recalled he was in his true demon form. Jaidon changed quickly and grabbed her cheeks turning her gaze in his direction. “Look at me. You know my face. Try to remember.” “I—I don’t know. I saw you, but then the chairman—please just leave me be before he returns.” She began to cry quietly. Jaidon’s heart broke seeing his once defiant Tricia broken down in tears, scared and compliant. He could smell the dark brew on her skin that she had been fed. Too much, he assumed because it had stained red around her lips and down the valley of her breasts. He would get nowhere while it was in her system. She was still human after all, and the chairman’s brew would affect her in ways he could only imagine. He looked at her arms that were once covered in spell symbols, and it was completely clear. Nothing marred her ebony skin. The binding spell was gone, but now he had to get rid of the poison in her body. “I won’t hurt you,” he whispered while he unbound her hands. She whimpered, and it was a pathetic sound to his ears. “Sleep, little witch. I will protect you.” He wrapped her in the red silk sheet and lifted her from the bed. He phased from the underworld and headed topside to her aunts. They dealt with this before, and they could bring her back to the woman she was. He showed up outside their gate expecting to have to call them for them 85

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again. Instead he found they had not replaced their spell work of protection, and he was clear to walk up to their door and knock. Cora opened the door and without a word ushered him inside with his precious cargo. “CeCe,” she called out to her sister as she climbed the stairs and led Jaidon into another bedroom. He placed Tricia on the bed and stood back without a word while the women worked. “It’s the same thing he gave her mother.” Cora wrinkled her nose in distaste. “It enhances the will of his rune magic. From the time she said yes to the offer she was his, and you never knew.” “I did what I was told to do by the council.” Jaidon swallowed thickly. “I never knew I would feel like this. I still don’t understand it, but she holds my heart. I killed the chairman for her, would have battled anything in hell for her. Now it’s up to you to bring her back to me the right way.” “We can do what we can to purge her system, but her mind is what we worry about. Her mother was not the same after,” CeCe said. “Her mother was weak and blamed her for things that were not hers to bear,” Cora snapped. “Tricia is strong. She will overcome this.” She sent a look toward Jaidon. “I never expected a demon to show her more love than her family did, than any of us ever did. She will be Tricia again. You sit with her while we mix the herbs.” The women left the room, and Jaidon decided to clean her up. There was a bathroom that adjoined the bedroom, and he went inside to start the water before taking her nude form inside and standing under the shower with her. He washed the smell of sulfur and the brew from her skin, and even though he hated to admit it, Jaidon felt as if the soap took the remnants of the chairman’s touch off her body. By the time the sisters came back he had her in bed under the blankets and her damp hair spread out on the pillow. In all that time she did not stir until the sisters began to spoon their mixture into her mouth. Then she began to struggle and scream and fight in earnest. “Hold her down!” Cora commanded Jaidon.


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He pinned her shoulders easily while CeCe held her mouth open to the mixture in Cora’s hand. Her eyes opened wide and were tinted with red. Tricia laughed. “You never loved me. My mother called me a whore of hell. Now you try to save my body? I’ll die, and it’s your fault!” “It’s the remnants of the chairman’s hold, nothing more,” Cora explained. “When her body is purged, she will be free of this.” Jaidon watched her twist her face away from Cece’s grasp and stare at him. “You think it’s just the brew, but maybe it’s me. Maybe I want the chairman instead of you.” “The anger and all the negative emotions and secrets she has dealt with is making this more difficult.” CeCe shook her head. “It could take days for this to leave her body.” Days. Jaidon looked at the smirk on her face and wondered if there was a kernel of truth to what she just said. Did she want what was given to her? Did he make a mistake in letting this human witch into his life? “Don’t you dare begin to doubt her now,” Cora ordered angrily. “You brought this to her, and she needs you more than any of us right now. So suck it up, demon. This is life and emotion, and the doubt you are feeling comes with love. Learning to work through it is the real test.” “I don’t like feeling like this,” Jaidon admitted. “Welcome to the real world. We deal with it every day. Now hold her down to we can get enough of this in her so it can begin to work!” Cora yelled. Together they got her to drink the herbal liquid that her aunts prepared and listened to her rage until she quieted down. Then she slept, and Jaidon sat for hours keeping vigil by her beside until she woke up and began her rage again. They funneled more of the herbal remedy into her and let her fume on and on until she fell asleep again. Then the fever began. She tossed, mumbled, and cried. When she was lucid she cussed them out. They learned how the chairman got her in his clutches. She went to see her mother. She spoke of how the woman who gave birth to her called her a curse. Jaidon watched her aunts as they heard this news, and CeCe could not hold back the tears. Cora simply said, “My sister is dead.” This went 87

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on for seven days, and more than once Jaidon left because he could not take seeing her like this. Tricia’s fever finally broke, and she opened her eyes. “Where am I?’ she whispered. Jaidon couldn’t help the grin of happiness that came across his face. “Hello, little witch, it’s good to see your eyes again without the demon red.” “Where am I?” she repeated. “You are in your aunt’s home.” He took her hand that was now cool. “Do you know who I am?” She gave an offended snort. “My brain is not addled. You’re Jaidon. You’re a demon, and you’re my lover. How long have I been here anyway?” “A little over a week,” Jaidon replied. So this is what relief feels like, he thought. It was a thrill hearing her say his name in the same manner as before. She was the same Tricia that opened the door to him when they first met, not marred by the binding spell or the ordeal she went through. “You’re staring at me,” she said. “Can you remember anything that went on after the chairman took you?” he asked quietly. She wrinkled her brow in concentration then lowered her gaze from his. “I remember I was bound to him. Jaidon I know I slept with him, and I’m sorry. It was never the same, never like it was with you, but it happened. I understand if you would rather not be with me.” “Silly little witch.” Jaidon cupped her cheek. “I’m a demon, remember? I know what goes on in hell. There is no remorse, and there is no guilt. You are no more responsible than if you were a demon like me, and for awhile you almost were one. There is no more to say about it and no more worry.” “You are definitely not a human male,” Tricia murmured. “Where are my aunts?” “They are downstairs….”


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“No, we are right here.” Cora’s voice came from the doorway. “I’m happy to see you haven’t lost your marbles in all this mess.” “I’m not my mother,” Tricia pointed out. “She let me know exactly what she felt about me.” “No, you are not,” CeCe said firmly. “About that, honey, we never would have let you go there or stay there if we knew she had that kind of malice against you.” “It’s over, Aunts. I’m not going to crumble like she did, nor am I going to live in the shadow of her words,” Tricia replied. “I’m back, and I survived.” “Good girl,” Jaidon whispered and kissed her hand he held. “So what are you going to do now?” Cora asked. “You can’t go back to hell. It’s in chaos, and you are probably going to take the blame.” “It was never my intention to go back. Tricia asked me to stay, and I fully intend to,” Jaidon replied. “Tricia, you can’t practice the craft like you used to,” Aunt CeCe warned. “You barely made it out alive from this ruckus.” Tricia nodded. “I know, Aunts, but I’m never going to practice like you guys do. I just don’t see the world like you do.” “Just make sure you tow the line, honey, and don’t jump over. This was enough for my poor old soul,” Cora grumbled. “I want to go home to my own bed and my own place,” Tricia said looking up at Jaidon. “Luckily for you while you were here we went over there and cleansed the chairman’s dark magic from your house,” CeCe replied. “You’ll be safe, and we added in some extra spell work to keep Jaidon safe as well.” “I thank you ladies for all you did,” Jaidon said. “I am amazed you thought of me when you went to her home.” “It’s your home too,” Tricia said. “I think they figured out we are a package deal.” “Never would I have thought I would have a demon in our house let alone in my niece’s life,” Cora said. Tricia smiled. “You know me, Aunties. I never do what’s expected.” 89

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She swung her feet off the bed, and Jaidon caught her when she stood shakily on her feet. “Let’s go home, demon.” “As you wish, little witch.” Jaidon lifted her into his arms and phased from her aunts’ home. He held her tight with the knowledge that he would never let her go.


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Chapter Eleven Tricia looked around the scene she created in her bedroom. It had been weeks since the rescue from hell, and Jaidon had set up permanent residence in her home. It was his home now, and he slept beside her every night. Yet that was all they did—sleep. The most she had been given were affection kisses that she could tell were restrained. And anytime passion began to break free he would pull away and leave for hours. Tonight she planned a seduction where she wore a lace black teddy that showed off her every curve. She lit candles, and the scent of Egyptian incense was in the air. Taking one last look in the mirror she straightened the strap on her outfit and laid on the bed. Demon seduction, take one, she thought with a teasing smile. “Jaidon,” she called. He always heard her call no matter where he was, and just as expected he appeared in the bedroom. “What’s wrong?” he asked. His body was tense. “Nothing is wrong. Look around, Jaidon. I did this all for you.” His gaze traveled across the room. “Exactly what is it??” “This is called seduction, darling, and romance,” Tricia teased. “I think even demons need a little romance.” “I don’t know if this is a good idea, Tricia.” Jaidon took a wavering step toward her before stopping himself. Tricia knelt on the bed and put her hand on her hips in frustration. “Ok, what’s going on with you? It’s been weeks since I was in hell and zippo from you. A kiss here and a peck there is not cutting it, Jaidon. I’m all healed if you think that’s what it is. All remnants of the chairman’s spell is gone. Or do you feel like I’m tainted since he touched me? In that case you don’t need to be here if you don’t want me.” “Trust me, Tricia, I want you very much,” Jaidon said darkly. She held out her hands to him imploring him to come closer. “Then what is it, Jaidon? You said you want to be with me. You say you’re mine forever. You know I love you, and I have never said that to another soul in my life.” 91

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“You never said it to me either. This is the first time you ever uttered those words,” Jaidon said. “Well I thought you knew that, demon. If I didn’t feel that you would not be here,” Tricia said softly. “I’m a woman who knows my mind, darling, and my mind wants you.” “I love my witchy woman.” Jaidon stepped close enough so she could wrap her arms around his waist. “Then what’s wrong?” she asked looking up into his green eyes. “My nature, I’m a demon, and I know how I feel when we make love,” he explained. “Your essence is so intoxicating, and I don’t if it was because of the rituals or because it’s just you. I don’t want you to think this is the only reason I am here. I don’t want to feed on the woman I love.” “Jaidon, I have not practiced or done rituals since we came home from my aunts’ home. I’m still trying to figure out where I stand in this whole thing. I know I can be useful with my magic, but I also know I can’t sit by and just let things happen either.” She sighed and sat back on her heels. “I have a temper, I am kind of grouchy, and if a woman comes to me and asks me to curse her cheating husband I might. Until I know how to react to some situation so I don’t go back down a path where I become conceited with the power, I’m grounding myself.” “I understand all that, but I don’t know what will happen if you touch me or visa versa,” Jaidon said. “Hopefully, we’ll end up lying next to each other completely spent with stupid smiles on our faces.” Tricia grinned. “Trust in us, Jaidon, cause I trust you.” He nodded, and she sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck before she asked, “Kiss me like you did before.” His lips met hers, and she opened under him willingly, inviting his tongue in to taste. Jaidon’s deft tongue tantalized her mouth, and she felt that familiar ache for him between her legs. She missed his touch and the strength he exuded while he held her. Demon or not this was the man she loved, and nothing could change that. In a sudden move he pulled her 92

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against him devouring her mouth with intensity that left her breathless. When they pulled apart she was panting and ready for what was to come. “Let me touch you. I miss the feel of you,” Jaidon whispered. She moved her legs slowly apart. She felt only trust and love when she stared into his face. He never took his gaze away from hers. His hands moved slowly down her neck. Her body was still, and she could feel the anticipation of his touch. He cupped her breasts and flicked his thumb over the nipples until they beaded hard. Tricia bit her lips against the moan that rose to her throat. Down her stomach he moved his wide fingers and massaged her supple flesh. He found the slit of her pussy, and his finger slipped between the thick folds and rubbed the bud of her clit. Tricia whimpered in pleasure as her body gave up its bounty, becoming slick and wet while he touched her. Watching his eyes she saw them become smoky with desire. Her eyelids closed to a sultry half lid, and Tricia’s hips undulated against his hand seeking the pleasure he was offering. She was already hot before he touched her, and she was ready to have his cock inside her. Not yet, she instructed herself. I want this to last. His finger penetrated her pussy, and when she cried out, he chuckled softly. “Oh, how I missed your responses to me,” he murmured. Jaidon pushed his digit deep inside her warmth, and her muscles clenched around the invading digit. With his thumb he rubbed her clit until she cried out, and her juice flowed over his hand. He covered her lips, and she kissed him in return. She felt his arms wrap around her, and he took the kiss even deeper. His tongue slipped deep into her mouth to taste her. She could drown in his kisses. She loved how he sipped and teased her mouth before devouring it like a man possessed. Tricia pressed herself more intimately against him craving his hands on her once more. She could feel the bulge of his cock pressed against her body. She begged him not to stop. Jaidon created desire so deep it made her wanton and desperate to have his cock buried in her pussy. His hand worked the thin straps of her lingerie, and he growled in frustration when he couldn’t find the way to get it loose. “Break it. I don’t 93

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care,” she whispered against his lips. She felt the lace of her teddy rip under his strong hands, and Tricia’s smile turned to a moan as he stripped it from her body. His fingers deftly searched out and found her core. Jaidon groaned and kissed her again, devouring her mouth while his hand caressed her pussy making her wet and writhe beneath him. He buried his face in the luscious full globes of her breasts. He filled his hands with the soft mounds massaging them with a strong firm motion letting her nipples bead to hardness against his fingers. “Oh, Jaidon, just like that. I love how your hands feel on me,” Tricia whispered. She pulled the shirt off his body in one smooth tug and flung it aside. He sunk his hands in her hair and pulled her head back, exposing her breasts so he could bury his face into her chest and took her nipple into his mouth. Jaidon’s hot mouth around her sensitive tip almost made her come. He sucked and played with one before moving to the other to give it the same attention. Tricia tried to hold his head in place, but Jaidon was ravenous in his concentration on her body. “I want more of you than I thought possible. I wish I could immerse myself in you all at once,” Jaidon muttered, his breath hot against her skin. He took her lips again in a hot hard kiss melting Tricia and making her restless. She could feel her body react to him by the puddle of wetness that pooled between her thighs. Her hands cupped around the bulge in his pants. Jaidon pulled away and took the rest of his clothes off quickly before returning to his place by her side. Tricia’s hand wrapped around his cock, and she stroked the velvet hard shaft. “You feel so hard. I want you inside me so very badly,” she whispered. His groan of pleasure told her how much he approved of what she was doing. She bent low to lick the tip, and he growled before pulling her back up to devour her swollen lips. Tricia took the lead from Jaidon and caressed his muscled chest. She pressed her body against him. Her nipples stroked against the sculpted marble of his chest. She was like a sleek cat asking to be petted, enjoying the sensations of flesh touching flesh. Tricia


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moved like liquid sliver from under him taking control of the lust filled situation. She placed a soft kiss on his chest before trailing kisses and tiny licks down his body until she reached the tip of his hard cock. Jaidon’s hand fisted at his side, and his head fell back against the soft cushions. He closed his eyes in anticipation of what she was doing. “Can I taste you please?” Tricia asked in a sexy purr. “I’ve always fantasized about having your come on my tongue.” He swallowed and only nodded. On her knees between his legs Tricia leaned over and let her tongue flick out slowly, and she licked the tip of his cock. A slow tortured moan came from Jaidon. His hand went to her hair and tightened on the long tresses. She licked and kissed her way down and then back up his manhood. She took his balls in her mouth and laved them with her tongue before taking his entire rod deep between her lips. A mask of pure pleasure was on his face, and he lifted his hips to match the rhythm of her sucking motion. “Oh, fuck, yes…” His words came from between gritted teeth. Tricia took her time pleasing him, sucking and teasing until she felt his cock jump and throb between her lips. She knew how to make him come with her mouth. She increased the pressure of her lips. “You must stop. I’m going to come,” he moaned. She refused by taking his balls in her hand and squeezing the tightened sacks while the motion of her mouth increased. Jaidon gave a guttural cry and spilled his seed between her lips, and his musky salty flavor was on her tongue. The call of having him buried in the warm confines of her pussy was too great. He was still rock hard when he pulled her up roughly and lifted her over his thighs. Tricia’s hands gripped his shoulders as he slipped his fingers inside her again. He penetrated her deeply over and over, bringing her to orgasm. Before she could catch her breath, his cock took the place of his digit, and he was pumping into her wet pussy while his hands gripped her hips. “You feel so hot around me. I could die buried right now and be complete,” Jaidon said harshly as he moved until he was deeper still. 95

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“Make me come, Jaidon, hard!” Tricia barely had any control over the thread of sanity left before the throes of passion began. This is what she missed, her demon lover taking her body in ways that made her want to scream in pleasure. She began to move, matching his rhythm, and watched his eyes darken in pleasure. His fingers tightened on her hips and dug into the soft flesh. She lifted his hands to her breasts, silently pleading with him to play. He obliged by sucking the nipple deep into his mouth and moved from one to the other ravenously while he fucked her. Her head fell back in pleasure of both sensations assaulting her senses at once. Her hips bucked, and she rode him, taking him deeper inside herself. “Oh, fuck, yes, Jaidon, I want more. Let me take more.” “Take it all. It’s yours. Take what you want from me,” he said between clenched teeth. He grabbed her hips pulling her against him hard, and Tricia cried out in response. She felt her body tighten like a vise around his thick cock. “Oh, yes, baby, I’m going to come. Tell me I can come for you!” “Come all over my cock!” His voice growled close to her ear. His words drove Tricia to her orgasm on a shaky cry of pleasure. With her release Jaidon let himself go, pounding inside her until he groaned against her breast, and she felt his hot seed spill into the confines of her body. They fell to the side their bodies still intimately connected while they tried to catch their breath. Her body occasionally shook as mini tremors flowed through her. This is what I was waiting for, Tricia thought with a satisfied smile. Jaidon completed her. He was her perfect package in more ways than one. **** Jaidon came into the room towel drying his hair. If he could ever think of a perfect moment in his entire existence, this would be it. He looked down at Tricia and was instantly aroused. Her dark nipples were already beaded hard from the cool air since the blankets had fallen away. Her skin 96

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was delectable, smooth, and shiny like polished mahogany. He planned to taste all of her for the rest of his existence. He sat on the side of the bed and trailed his finger from her lips, down to her neck, between the valley of her breasts, and down to her tight stomach. He heard her inhale as his fingers moved lower to the very core of her that was waiting beneath the blue fleece blanket. He spread her legs apart and found her pussy already moist and slick. He moved his finger slowly over her clit. She gasped out his name and spread her legs farther apart in silent plea. “Do you want me to finger you?” he asked softly, his digit continuing its manipulation of her clit. She nodded, but Jaidon wanted to her say it. He slid his finger lower between the fold of her pussy circling the entrance of her pussy but not fulfilling the unspoken promise of pleasure. Tricia lifted her hips to bring his digit inside of her, but he retreated going to back to circling the sensitive bud as he had before until she came and arched off the bed. “Say it, Tricia. Tell me what you want,” Jaidon encouraged. He loved when she gave up all control to him. She made a sound of frustration in her throat when he dipped slightly inside and continued to tease her. “Fuck me with your fingers please.” “Your wish is my command,” he whispered. He buried his fingers to the hilt inside her body. It caused him to groan when he felt her pussy contract around the digit, and her hips pumped against his hand. He pushed deeper, and Tricia cried out in pleasure. Her hands twisted and clawed the comforter that was on the bed. “Yes, baby, come for me. You like how that feels don’t you?” he asked softly. He watched her body tremble, and her legs moved restlessly as she crested the summit of her orgasm and teetered there. He found the spot buried inside her pussy, and he fucked her with his fingers hard until she cried out in release. Her tiny moans of fulfillment sent him into a frenzied state to feel her wrapped around his cock. Jaidon lay next to her and pulled her into his arms. Their kiss was fierce and hot, tongues dueled and parried for domination yet neither gave in. He slid her body over his, and 97

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in one smooth thrust, he filled her with his cock. He was thick, and her pussy sheathed him like velvet glove. His hands cupped the smooth cheeks of her ass and spread them wide while he moved her on top of his body. He controlled her body holding her against him while he thrust into her over and over again. “Oh, hell, yes.” He said the words harshly as her slick wetness took him deeper. He arched his neck as she sucked on the sensitive skin before biting hard. He slowed his pace making sure she took his turgid length inch by torturous inch and then pounded in and out of her pussy. Her breasts hung over his face while her head was thrown back in pleasure. He raised his head to take one of her nipples into his mouth while she moved about him. He was rewarded by her low cry of pleasure. Their voracious lovemaking soon drove all thought from his mind. Jaidon’s hands pulled her to him, impaling her onto his steel hard shaft until they both went over the edge into their orgasm that left them panting and unable to move. Tricia’s body was pliant on top of his. “Hey, I was comfortable.” She protested sleepily at being moved. Jaidon chuckled as he went to the bathroom and came back with a warm washcloth to clean the damp droplets of their loving off her inner thighs. He climbed back into the bed, and she instantly snuggled her body against him, kissing his shoulder sleepily. He felt something burning in his chest as he tugged her closer into his arms and pulled the blanket over their bodies. Her sigh of contentment made him smile. “I love you, Jaidon. You love me for what I am both inside and out,” she murmured. “Thank you for that.” “You have my love as well.” Jaidon kissed her forehead and held her protectively against his chest. She counted herself as a black sheep in a world where people looked down on her for who she really was. He saw her as a marvelous beauty, a diamond in the rough who could embrace her true self without the guise of righteousness. Little did she know that to him she was perfection, and together they would face the world. Jaidon closed his eyes, and her breath was the focal point in his mind, a rhythm that he followed with each 98

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inhalation in and out. For the first time in thousands of years, he truly slept.

The End



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