Black Crusade - The Tome of Decay

April 29, 2017 | Author: jjbooklord42 | Category: N/A
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Black Crusade Tome of Decay...




Ma.x Brooke and nm HtSCkcJbery

Eric Knight



Kendiill Butner, nm Cox.. Robert Dempsey. Manhew Eustace, Craig Gallanl, Jordan Goldfatb, Lee Gunby, Anthony Hicks, And y Hoare, Mike i\1yler, and JOC' Sleboda.

Corey K:onicak:a

ExOCl.Tn VE f'R.0 0\JCEll lvtic:hael Hutley



Mark L:uh::im and David Johnson

Christian T. Petersen

m l\NAGINQ R.f'O f'R.OD\nR.


Chris (;(-1ber

Playtest Coordin:u:or Z:Kb Tcw:Uthomns. ""fbunde:rbohs" Wootcr Dhondt wilh KarcJ Ch~ B~ Lcfevn-, Tom


V•nd"1l>Olghf, :md S "'-1th ilJdfisJtayai. la bis """"'"'· 1i}O'ris °"9' dfferion and """- Ltl usJ/JiUrbis munifi=~;Jb t1Jos< >ti/I i~I of our ciJa;,f)d Crdndfatho; lat liJom io the Garden, thcll' Pbaucbcat~ (onn iJ mott IMBIW. .stronger. and more- pov. erho """"' Ill< o( Dj«U for Nurg~ 's roosuan:tly mutahng aulocuc of discl.H&. It iJ 1hc duty :and privilege of the ~tcntns of the Long Wa to Stt to it that no oppocturuty to


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/:1ho answered his pr.l}'C"r, saving the Dc3th Guard and ensuring their e1ernal dan1n:ation. \\!hat evencually emerged from the \Va.rp ,.,ithin the: it filth CO\'Cttd plague ships ""t:re not the stoic and :austere Death Guard ofold, but the 6rst-a.od most deadly of the Pfague Jo.brines. Led by their Primarch, the U3nsfonned Legion burst forth upon the E.mperor"s Palace of TecrJ like a tide of putrid .corruption, their d~ase~ncrustcd bulks and rust-CO\'Ctcd weapons y,•reaking 3 de\'3Stating toll upon the Imperial defenders. rt be Ilion :igainsrthe Emperor, he was~bJc


Jn the-wake of Hofus's d efeat, the- Death Guard s:«reated to the Eye: of Tc-rror alongside the other Tr2itor Legions, their s 1e3df3St demeaoour allowing them to avoid che dis!lrray 3nd snarchy emit afilictcd many of their tntitor brethren. Upon entering the \V3rp, they laid claim to a blighted \\1orld ncar the borders of re.ality now known as the Plague Planet. The Death Guard arc said to dY"ell there still, and it is from this poisonous rock t hat the Legion continues to strike out at their Imperial enemies. their massi\'e plague s hips bursting with diseased fo llowers eager to bring despair and desolation to mankind. Those .insiine and corrupted individuals y,:ho claim to haves.ct foot upon it S3)' it i.s a toxic \\'orld of corruption and pestilence whose skeleul ruler dwells within his wrought· iron bastion upon the v.·orld's highest peiik. Since their fall, the Legion has utterly dcdicat.ed itself to ptoP3g.iting Nu.G'gle's corruption, its disc:ised Aeets spc\\'ing from the \Varp to spread his vile plagues across countless worlds. Jn OO~le, they are as utterly relendcu as evc-1.. inexorably advancing in the face of withering fuc while using their rost~covcred bohers and poisonou..s Pl:ague Knives to brutally dispJtch t heir foes. Their bloated and disc3sed bodies ate immune to fear :and pain. ofien aUowing diem to causally ignore \\'Ounds which \\'Ould kill lessc1 men. Throughout their centuries of r.liding, t he l.cgion h3s graduatly spBt i:nto smaller and sm:iJJer units., e:ach led by ~ patticularly d~adly C hiimpion of Nurgle in addition to the untold numbers of foetid, \Varp-spa"''ned servants thar accompany them. In keeping with thcit corrupt heritage, the Death Guard primariJy light on foot, retying heavily on infantiy ta.ctics and their own disc3sed physiologies to o~rpower thcit enemies. f\.tany of these ttpulsivc 'Wrriors are the same traltors who btirst forth from the \Vatp during the fabled Bllttle of Terra centuries ago, while others are mo~ recent converu .,,.,,.ho h:i~ S\\'om nllegiancc to both 1\1orctrion and his noxious patron. Scauerc:d warbands of Death Cunrd frequently operate w ithin and around the Screaming Yonex, e~r eager to reduce the m3ny wo1lds surrounding those unn:itur.ll currents to s tinking morasses of putrefaction. Though few in numbct,. they fToqti.cntly swell their r:i.nks with denizens of che Vortex vtho wish to spread Grandfather Nurgfe's bounty as \\'CU 3S the numerous Traitor Space Marines w ho hai.'C embraced the path ofdeC3)( Yet t hen: is :a change coming within ~he Vortex, with m:iny isolated w.irbands uniting bentath the pestilent banner of3 malC'"'-•olent ne\\' chiimpion who h:as emerged from the etemal wanoncs that surronnd the Calixis Sector. Known only .as Buorgdius, legend has it that he wias once a proud c.1prain of a Space 1\1arinc purgation force that ~s sent -to facilitate the erndication of Chaos forces \\'ithin the Acheros S31ient of the Jericho Reach. After months of brutal e;ampaigning. 3 rogue plague ship u.nexpcctcdly btirst forth from the \Varp-and rammed his Stiike Cruiser before vomiting its rotting warriors direcdy into the vessc:.l's interior. It is s:aid that the Capuh1 fought \\•ith terrible fury, cutting do\\'n all manner of plague-riddeo monstrosities \vhilc enduring the fQUI sw.ainns of fiies and noxious clouds of contagion that choked cvcryconido1 and assailed his superhuman frame.

By the time he reached tb~ bridg,e, the mig"hty warriar could barely stond, ,,·hjJe behind him his battle brotht'B by de-ad or dying and che servants of Nurgte mn rampant throughout the h3llowcd halls of tbe venerable Strike Cruiser. The bloated 03emon~thing dt:tt confronted him w ithin that necrotic bubo laughed at the Y.'Cakcned Ca~i n~s plight and r.1ised his massive V1Capon to strike the killing blow. lo that moment, the Captain despa:ircd, crying out In 3ngujsh •nd pleading for the strength to kill his foc..SuddenJy unhindered by the innume1'3ble infect ions: that festered within hiS body, the Capt2in strtaek- out with renewed vigour, smiting his. opponent :ind cl3iming his place at me plague s hip's helm. Now he is ii Champion of Nurgfe whose: plague fleet plies the outer fringes of the Sc1eaming Vortex, unle.uhing its f'C\•olting \\'arriors ag:ainst those unfortunate enough to fall afool of their disen.scd and leprous hulks. In combat,

Buorgdilll leads the rcanim3tcd corpses of his former SpJc_t Marine brc:th1en into battle vi.•hile wielding 11 massive moce crafted from the disc:ased bones of his unholy predecessor, and dripping with repellent \V:itp energies. Afterward, hi:s undcad "Warriors stuff t he inn:umerable dead and dying into the filthy, dank plague holds of his vessels in order that thc:y may moulder in the foetid d3rkncs:s. In t hjs way. the champion recruits many of his mightiest \\'arrion,, :tnd he is s3id to offer a place in his \\'arband to any who w ill bul s:upplic:i~ themselves·before the Lord of Dcc:iy.

THE BLACK LEGI ON Since the t.ime of Horus' bct~-ya~ much of the Arch-Ttaicor's history has been expunged from Imperial records. \\'hile v.·hat little has survi\•ed is rate :ind Jealously gua1ded. Yet before his fateful :actions m:ade his .name a by.v.'Ord for sedition and catastrophe, Horus Luperc:&I was wid~ly considered the greatest of 'he Primiirchs. A master tlletician and warrior. Horus was highly intelligent and ch.arism.3tic, able to inspire the best in his feJlov.• :Primarchs while utilising their respectiVC' Legions in opcr:itions th:at suited lheir unique t:il«1ts. Following his success ng.iinst the Orks during the Ullanor Crusade. Horus v.•:is e levated to t he newly cn.-ated rank of Warmiister, \\'hile the lunar Wolves~ great~ of the Space Marine Ugioos, "''ere renamed The Sons of Horus in his honour. As pan of his nev.• position, Horus " '3S given over.tll command of the Emperor's Great C rusade and the hitherto unprecedented expansion o f humanity's domain. However, as the Emperor "'ithdrew to Terra to continue his great Yo'Ork, Horus became disiUusioncd with his place within t he lmperium, asting his lot and th3t of his LcgiO,n agiinst 1he Emperor of mankf.nd in the service of tht Chaos Cods. Perhaps he resented a lord who seemed to prcftt others to \\'in his. bauJes fo r h im while- he reapc-G W glol')'J or maybe Horus resented the worship ..,,.hich h•d s~ up around t he Emperor as -a livfng god Many wilhili b& own legio n even cl.aim a 03tC'mon possessed Hon:.""rinJlt those lcgend3ty' rimes. Ultimately, the t rue motiva Horlls's betrayal died \\'ith him when the Emperor slew "\Varm:ister al the h ci~t of the 1nfamous Battle _. yet his tteachcry and the acti ons of those who • forever tl"3nsfocmed hum:anity's fa.Le.

DEAIH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR! The dc:tth o( their Prim.1reh w.i.s :t traum:ulc blow for thr Sons of Horu~ who had :&IW'*yS prided thc1nsc:lvc:s on being 1hc greatest of the Space M•tinc l..tgions. Upon hearing of lhrir Pri~·, fate, the Son.s of Horus immcdi.aldy fell b3ck r...... the s..., of the EmpttOls Palxoructswi1h ,..,. IOancr .,...._duri ng driifcd Horus's lomb and sook the Wannntcr'• corpsie in on:kr to done 1hc no1orious kadcr. Furious •1 svch \\':l.nron dcxo Mlon of thc!tr bc:&o,t the ~ ind inftomtt a.n: tn the- 'll:Sa"ndJ~t.



Had-a1or is ;1 Black Legion C aptain whose warriors havt" w rought terrible h:a\'OC upon the beleaguered lmperi2I Forces of the Jericho Reach since the early da}'S of thal disastrous camp;i.ign. Since then his forces havt- contjnucd to grow ns Ch:ios 1\1arines from many different Legions -and backgrounds unite beneath h is banner of hatred and nulice. He d ocs not seem to favour 3 particul ar C h3os Cod over another. p«"ferring inste.:id 10 offer devotions to rile numerous po"·ers to suit his needs. Despite such activity, bis goals !Ind purpose remain e lusive, and whis pers of his motivations arc a frequent topic of rumours and \\' idcsptcad speculation amid the trexherous po\\'ers of the Vortex. Such questions might never be answc~d, ho\\•ever, as his ambitions and objectives ate his own, aod he comnunds fierce and unquestioning loyslcy from chose- beneath his command. Dcspitt' his motiw tions, hjs intense h atted of his fo rmer Adeptus Astanes brethren fs undenk1ble, often leading him to abandon entire assaults and forfeit an_y gains at the slightest opportunity to engage Ade ptus Astnrtcs forces. O nly d uring such cngagcme nu docs the Ravager deign to set foot upon the field of battle, c:agcrly rend ing and t C'3ring his superhuman ad\•ersaries Limb from limb whik screaming his defiance at -the Corpsc-Cod...s fo llowers. Sudl actions have led many co speculate that bjs sole mociv:ttioo is lo tum the: entire front into a mcaf grinder in order to SJtjatc his manjfest hatred, 11" which only further S\\'nffia " - notkraNy fr.1C1Uml uL Yet ,.,g:m1ia. of thci• oriJ:i~

W den.iv:ns of the Vonn

ofien givr: these grotesque bru1e1 1 wide benh, ns each is alw.ays c:Jgtr to Jh2tc their bouni;y or diSCMC and dc:t!h.


PLAYING A PL'\GlTE Pl:igut Ml.lines atT amongst the molt tttrifying and ttltndcss of Nwglic's tcrv:ana.. uncbunct'd in the r... of dcuh and h«dlcss o( all ""' the ..... ~g """"""' Thcv ""'I' ....... J1nd \tfC!f : ns are cwacd in fild\ pus. Md other fou lness, ..tuk roctiog org:.ans bum from rmts in thtir disk:nded fornu, and tcc:ming hordes of insects burrow beneath their pallid. leprous Oe1>h. Such is the extent of the decny th:u wrnck.1 their d iseased frames chat cheis c rumbling t1rmoor has long sin« (used with the dtt'2'J'Cd Resh beneath, while chc vtty 2ir sutrounding chem is a cloying mWm:t o( dit.e:lSC. Yn. dapdt lhci< ghoul... dxsc watrion ~ far 6om dead.. lnscrad chc:y att living cmbodWmiso( the P""'.. ofcom.f>don and decay within sl living things.. s g.O o/ their fOul pxron


' " rrrum for tbcJr dN>lioo

IO the pt0P1E>tion of his numcfOUS contagions and ~ Mo~. though many Ch:aos M..rincs may dcdiC:tlC thcmsdYcs to the Pl:igue Father's service, only those ttuly ._,,'On hy C)f his f.'lvour receive the dread(ul blc:ssingJ required 10 trnnsform them into a Plngue M11rine. 1\13ny rt«iVt' their abhom:-nt r~urs in eu:hangc (cw deplorable acts of adu.l;JtJCM'I or through pxa w ith powuf'ul pbgue .son:acD and ocher fuut tnv.111cs of NurglCJc dT= o( the poxes and further refine they might gain the ancntion o f the pov.'C tful Hiomuncc:r lords in chc: hopes of cwnt\lnlly ruling I.heir hcrcticnl btc:thrc:n, or p«haps even •prc:adln& chc:ir noxious inftuc:nce 10 uncJlntcd, new wottds. A vicktius fev. C'Yt'n chooM 10 ptcy on each other for ch< pow« ch influence. Solllt' :ue devious and subtle in their approach, oftc-n tclying on 1nisdirtttion and other nefarious: t:ictics to gradually inoculate entire populations with dC'3dly maladies designc.d co being about deC!ldes of ~ffering and despair. A daring few ate mudi more reckless in their dt"'pt to

Thoe.cfl:1r.K1cr recorn~ infec1cd '-"·i•h the. Oei1h'1Gnsp01sea~ l'.sce p.12c 46). The ch:uacter beco1nes {ofected with lhe

Enfeeblt: 01sease (see pi~ 46)_ Roll ld{O-~in. On a result of7, 1hc character bocomes ~..,;ed by 3 Pla;::ueh..·-.u~c of..'4ul"l!k (see Possessed Hctetics on~ )6). On .111y a:her re.suit. permanendy incn:as.c !he dl.:rxt.:r s TOJj:?hOi'SS Chantctcf'b':tic by ldrl (mi!l;mum Oj The dlaracter becomes Infected v.i1h the 1'\irute's Brellb Dise:lse (r.ce ~ 47).

The cflJrxier OOcomes inf&lVd v.11h lhc Fe-.srenne- Shroud Disease. (k"t pJg-c 47). The ch:macr e:;tl_!U lhe Tax.IC (7) Tr.tJi fur 1 lnirs.

PLAGUEMEISTERS IN THE VORTEX Pl.:tguemeistc1s within the Sc.naming Vortex -arc

se.ldom idle, often spending their rime_incess:andy probing the specocubtly gruesome man.ifcstntions of pcsdlcnce which seem so 11bund3nt wi_thin this ch3otic sector. Such studies are a blight upon nearby Jmpcrial worlds, whose onsu.spccting poptil-aces often suffer and die i.n order to satisfy the mac3bre

fascination of these ghoolish fiends. The follov.•ing are examples of Pl-:iguemeisttrs \\those mocbid interest in disease: h:u m:1dc them obj~ o( revulsion and fear within t he lmpcrium.

PJague Mot.her Scpthrix: Sc-phari.a Tounindc w:is once a tigu1e of great renown within the various medit::al circles th:it cater to the lavish decadence of

the fmperiaJ Aristocr.M:)t Yet t i her influence grc\\\ so too did the numbers of em3ci:atcd sycophants who spread her gh:asdy trcatmcnts a.nd heretical

rcjuvcn-ant.techniqucs. The fnllout from her inevitable pccserution Y.'llS dt"Vastating. and OO\\' she roams the outer miches of the Scrcamjng Vortex, her corpulent OOik sprawling on a p:alanqoin of soi!.:d fine.ry set upon th e shouJders of her seven favourite ghouls. Rheu.malicae Surpctis.s: Rheom3licae is a p:u1icu.larly wicked chymist whose f:is::in.ation with the bonds of addiction h3.S allowed .him to reap a horrendous t21ly of oouls in .Nurgle•s narm. His diseases '3tt incredibly subde in nature, often taking decades to slowly dissolve their \•ictims from \vithin, y,·hile the \•arioos stimulants and narcotics v.1iich flow through the victims' bloodsttc30l inurc- them to the pnin of their chronic conditiont E\-cntuatly, ns the necrotic toxins take their toll, R heti.malicac begins their indoctrination in the v.•ays of his vile: pm-on with promises of eternal freedom from the tonncnts of their rotting frames._ The Forlorn Hopt: Medicae Cruisers :ire common within the Oe~rtmento Manitorum1 ofien soc-ing e:xtensh·e service during the m.any brutal offciuivc-s perpcu:ued in the Emperol's name. The For/om H~ v.-as o ne such vessel; hoy,·evcr, its massi\'C' surgery the.ams and pristine- ;ipothecarioms •.1o:en:: swiftly a.•eJO\•hclmcd with conbgion following 3 cataclysmic brush with C h:aos tt'llegades. The v.Jii:un ere\\' fought dcspcr3tely ag..inst thii night.m11rish patho~n that crammed the ship's holds with t~e dead and dying, but they could not stem lhe impl:icablc tide of corruption, and soNu:rgle's champions won a ttrrib&c victory for their dread patron.




-SThsll, Blipt Prince cf Nurgle

urgk w . .pons .,. tcmfyi•&



behold. Unlike the

shimmering "''Caponi o( Tteffltch, the cxctsSiYc

beauty of Slaanahi weapons or 1he simple brutality of Khornarc arms, Nutgle's bleuC'd \\'t.Jpons :arc blighted and 1nalfonntd implements or sheet horror. There is no their purpose the spread of dco.1h and rontagions in the name of the Plague Father. Their wielders •tt the reapers of a grim h.ltvest, :md put their f>"'ltOn JOd'• favoured instruments n Enemc's "face" is bloated Of tkclcul, Sc.tbtous "" ... ...,....., rhc 'f' 6-3: Perils cf the \\'a.rp (s.ce p.lgt' 211 of thtelec.fiJtelcc:

20m lOOm



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Harvcstert ~~clmaw

Hdramt Pit of Oi:sp:iir'f Ray of Oec.ompositjon Sloug~tc:rcr Limbt Star of Ch-:iost (Mclee)

Damage Pen Spu&:h ritUJl \Vhrther or not 1hc hoA • ...... • ri1ual ~on r~lts in a strongtr bood, CNulkl& M .subject's body is noc oblitcnccd by chc Watp ~


ch:ist in such



a putrd}•ing grace for centuries and longer. corpse-like but no t corpses. Skin might dry and pttl away, corpolcnt organs bk vile liquj&, OOboes grow with pus and erupt. bur ~s remain energetic in their devotion 10 Nurgk. They li\'C 001 to SC'f'Vt" their bclOVt"d Grandfather, and co share his love \\•ith others. Yet foe others,_ even this blessed sl!lte is not enough. To bavt" witnessed the glories of Nurgle -and h is D.icmons is to h.a\>c ~en kgc:nd ary beings who {. h:a\'c traru:cmdcd mortality Por many, it is a taste

that consumes all else, and their li\ns..

DAEMONIC S TATURE Almost without exccption1 Daemon Princes manifested in the .material universe ma.ssivt beings, as bcfil$ such pov.·erful entities. Daemon Princes also gain a number of trnits to reflect their nature as cttatures of the \Varp. A H« clic v.•ho becomes :1 Daemon P rince gains the _following benefits: fnansc: his Striength and Toughness Characteristics by+ 10. fncn-ase his \Vounds by + lO. He gains the following Tr-.Jits: Dac-monic {4), D:uk-sight, Fear (3), From Beyond, {)c3dly f'fatunal \Veapons. Size (7), The StutT ofNightmares. Unnatural Strength (l), and \\'arp lnstability. If the Heretic already possesses the- Unnatur.11 Strength. D.aemonic, or Traits, he adds the existing values to the values of the Trsits gi\•en 01Jbove instead. A human Heretic gains the Unnatural Toughness (3) Trait if he does not already poss~ che Unn:itural Toughness TraiL Although -a Chaos Sp:ice r>ti srinc who becomes a Daemon Prince might retain his l>o\\ cr Armour, such is his new stature that chc Bl:ttk Carapace lmpl:mt docs not prevent enemies from gaining :11 booos to hit him due to his Size Trail Due to his size :ind po\\c.ocunonly a m~lc- amorua ofrorurol ~ the muut.ite dfccts d cbc W.wp on char flc:sh. Daemon Princes arc elW.itica of~ Oum.. Whole _,,,1,.!'Picams of the Dm ~- h..-. boll< po-. ('Ntf how chci.r growing cocroption m:.nil'eso in muUbons and ocher blcssings of Ch:Jos, n ~emon Prtncc Cm1 channel the powt'r o( the Warp and the F\J\o'Our of hi.1 god as he 1ees fit. A !ntmon Prince may •spend" Htvour 1n order to obtain O;icn,onic Cifts. To do so, chc player .sclceu n Oac:monic Gift i1nd invs chc corresponding Favour cosc~ rcduC'ing hu current Fll'VO\ir by that amoanL For a list of Daemonic Ct~ thc-ir cog iR f1'YOUr, and a description of Lheit d'f'ccu, sec page 70. •• "'• "">' duong Ce.....Uy. pU)"" should spend Olow troops ID dcplaf •nd mlcploy > or so Territories.. as the gre11tt number Territories risks bogging down the game. fn larger Dl:ick Clu.Ades. the Territories roughc O\>'tr c:in be f:trther-Oung :ind represent only 1hc most key installltions throughout !he region. This stage of planning also involves .setting the Defender Somgth of the Territories: on the Cru.sadc Map. Exampks for do"'g .. an be foond on pogdMf'CSC'ntcd ai Warp Routrs on che Cn..DJc Mar- Warp Routes•~ key to deploying forcd durina thc Cl\l..'f.ldc TW'1l. E.ixh Territory should typica lly~ connected to .at lc:.ut two otherTcrritorin. ln someasrs,, \\'3rp Rou1esm1gh1 le~ otftbcCrusiadc Map, rather than att3ching to 01hcr·rcrritones. There




should typically be a minimum of two such W:irp Rou te~ plus. 11n additional one Kir e...ery fo1Jr Territories. Thac arc mostJy for 1.111t by Reinforcements froim outside the tatgettd tcgioo. Ho'*-'C'Va', one of them should be nomimltd by the \\'mnutcr as his M""criog l'oinl. All bU initial r...., .i-ld deploy from thil \\1.1rp Routr oo the fust Cnmdc T~

Dl'2wing 1he Crusade Map The 1\1.ap can easily br ft"pttsmttd as a drawing on a pie« of JCntch ~per. Each Te rritory o n bC' ttpracntrd as a bbtlled d0t or smaU circle. Thc:y should be 1ulTKlently s;paccd out on the paper to allow notes about 1hcir current sta.tus to be joucd down nearby as the Bhck CruSJ1dc pn:igrcsxs. Once the Tcmiorics arc in pl.:lcc, the \Varp ~ ta C':.n be noted by d"wing lines berwttn conntctcd Tcrr1torics. or from Tt:rri1oncs at the edge of lhe Crusade M1p t dw: b.K form liuf> of !heir "'in. hoping bcyood hope Iha Chb:llinc had bcm spmd.

'°" .....,

CHIBnLINE's REn1JKE The ~mC')o· bod 10 Chibcll1ne "'il not without pcriL limited supplies mc1nt 1h:u food ond medicine wcrc rationed through lhc: cntltt During 1hiJ c1mc, Lord ~teinlolu came 10 ~ty on his ~isors heavily, one being M:uchesa Ammarx,

hi1 pcl'IOnlJ a.ide and con6cbnt. She ptoYided the \IOIR ol" Mc"'lob "1lcn lhc Loni ..... om...... attupicd .nc1 helped enc chc F19m of a~ li\.in g condi1.ons {or dw: m.a,oriry popabtion. She"'"" •loo 1hc: s"'gk of !he desinb&c wom;an in the fleet. a nd nrcly ld'i Lord ~1cto.lolu's s-ide unless ocden:d. Fifteen months in u>ns1c brought the Cuelph3n fkc t into the Ghibelline system, finding thetr sister ...rotld lush, grccn, and l:argcly unscathed Lord ind Lady h~ilcd c11ch other for the first time in nhno.t a dcCJde 11Dd lhe: populiuiont or both worlds rejoiced as they were ~united. Upon lheir arriw l in orbit. Lord i\icinlokl took the- first sh1.ndc with his heir.s 10 1h e pl•nei,. kav1ng i\iarchcu in charge of the fleet. The r&ink>ka Oan gathered, with me Ch1br:Uine rcspleodcnt msilb and btaeade and tht:: Codplun side io lugganl cloin be• unified fJmily The) -al 10 begin discussing pl,,n1 to rcinu:gnte the two peoples at o"'e--but all 1:h~c ch11ngcd v.•hro Marchcs:1 arrived on 11\c pl.1net. Though no one has ever d iscovcttd why, no sooner had Marches.a Amm:arx joined the ka reversed her decision and onieted thi l the Cuc:lph lcllve Ghibelline immediately. Lord _Meinloka begged and pleaded, but she 1umcd her back on him and lc(t t.hc chn>oc room wi1h0\l1 1 further word. Stunllt'd .1nd f"rlous., the Cudph ~e hit encourage: follow 2nd •otmed bK\ ID hii

Mcinlob ad>iscd his people INI h• Udy had 1hda aD and dut they wett now OiSC OUt. He onk~d all ships IO pn:p:m for dcpanurc wilh one J:lop - a rd"uclli:ng sta1ioft orbihng the planet. The Ct:efph Rc of this volume) th.a! match its Alignment 1






7 11$'

As its cage- sutTers damage,. the bindings unrnvc~ and the Daemon is able to task: tht m:nerial wortd on its own again. Should the Daemon break e11tirely free, it \\•ill rage across the battlelicld, smiting -anything in its path. Whcnt"\"t'r 'fl [)aemon Engine suffers Critit:al Dam:tgt", consult Table l-9: Daemonic- Engine Critical Hit Chart be-low to see the extent of the damage to the internal systems and other effects.


Result Distracting Blow: The Daemon is momentarily enraged by actually being touched by tht v.-eapons of .an enemy that il must make a Challenging (+O) Willpowee Test to resist t:irgtting the source of t001 3J1ack wi1h its next a.track. If it w:t.s :tlrc:Kly focused on chis t.arget, then it moves with all h:iste to futly cng:igc that target with any and at! welpons ;u its disposal. Ablative Strike The anxk strips b~rs aemon Engine: cf N..,P. Md is •1'o7)" Aligo< pbnct'> >urf.act au mnin~t of a shimmering sand gtobc. "·hik Boatine gra«fully :eO'Vt' the pl:tM't lift' undubnt clouds of bbck, C'ddying in the upper :itmosphc:rc. An iridescent ring surround$ tM "-hole. playing hoa to fout vm:bnt mooru: that hang fik

gtow;,,g .....,.ldsu pooagol dmchoin .Butaa_. .,....dost t; rnlily Ofl< Wridmg \\'odd~ the molt intcrt:Uing m')"Sl«y within the: S)'Steln, in their sheer nomiJlcy; The flon :ind f-aun3 on e:w:h are primitive ln thc:it development and sop11isocation, but they ne'-'Cnhdess prcscsu • splendour v.Tiui set .against the p.11Jc, dun «>loortd worid. chcy orbU. Exh glittcn w~h v.t>rmcy; lhr spuk&ng j.l< r""Y .....m of.,.. buffets did< mfi: w!l:h d~ apricioos viokno: rL a mischi~ child. Any attempt to brtathe this ajr without 6hl';ation or :issisuncc is to cxpericnce the dt:eomposition o( an enti« pl:inct beneath ones feet The i.mprcuion is onJy reinforced as one looks out over II>< slowly undu!.bng hndvapc of lhs IOolly-p.riou> worid. n., "'"""cf the \\'rilhlnc World;, futm!Ult of !he planet nuinu1in tha the wotld consists of 00fh1ng bot layc:r after l:3ytt o( lksh; '3 snarled tnnglc of squirming icndrils; pxudopods. find ganglia. If this is the case. i1 is probable those tendrils doxst to the e~ att dying or d~. pushed boochtts. This ~ C>Sily •odor by II>< dlkction offaay tis1ue fipc • ·idi disease- md inftttions;. h• .ncmfibk psychic powers .unpli&d by lhe d;,!l""i•g nwkt>c .,_ ~pcd ooly Ii>< hU consumption_. Thr Vllluab&c bf.;iins of any corpses that &II in \llruJous a« gathtted 1oec1hcr in 1 massive vat cf peculiar liquids, providing the Kcisari wilh mental nourishment.


ViruJous is an cspeci:ally d:ingO\\'C:r. Most know that reaching it alive is all but unadiic...-able, and that reaching it \\'ith any shred of S3nity is impossible. Yet many h:i\'C tried, uch Yt'Oold-be chan1pion fuelled by the talcs ofendless riches, unlimited po\"'«, and the promise of the great unknowable dynamo--nn.atiom._ O.atmanic sorctten and coac.ul FLuncn bunch mcams of t"W"t~shifting energy xrcm the b kidor.ropic skies. Oespitt' tht cekbntion o( Tucnrch"s power, the Realm of Creation tmtains lethal lO d'>OK to the Creal Compir1tor, -and his multiphuC'Cd iumic:s rush 10 c.as1 aside the forces ofNurglc and claim new bar of ancic"t ash u.nd incredibly de3diy to the qihddy ca111bmugh anything it touches.








25 01

Movement: 2/4/5/[2 Wounds; J Total TB,; Annour: None Skills: Awareness (Per) +20. Talents; l=c3rlcss, 'Takedown. Traits: Burrowcr(4), Critical f\.1ass (Horde Onfy)t, 03emonic {l), Deadly Noturol WO\Vtt. Spoken of as ..some unknowable dyn3mo, many belie".'C it keeps the Vonex mO\!ing .ind thac without it the Vortex would burn itseJf out in moments. l ike- the Frcri:en Heart itsc:U: C'\o'Cn the most ofrrepeated 1.ales contradict one another with some cJaiming the dyn::amo is an ancient tl13chine of 3licn construction. while others d.c:scribc it as th< first O::acmon E:.nginc, infUSC"d with the. power of four warring Cttater Daemons. Otht~ insist the \V:up itself aC'.ltod the device. :and that it is a mighty Choos jey,' and progrcu on !he l>.ith "' Glcxy "' 1h< very hw the lcvt-1 o( chr lowctr rmkcd Hnm c .in the group.

The Hea..rt of th.c Vorta ts let on cN: pb:nec cfMin. a 'NOtld rntittly in the sw~y of the Ruinous Power Nurgfc:, the Flthet of Plagues. Evc.y l5p«t of th< wotid ls m·tpoW(q, othets tniJy _.i,y .. .....,.. . of ~ pmr pnm•e 1,. .such 3 path prcscn1 Only 1hc strongest :ind most dctennin('d .wc:cccd Jn this perilous cndc.,.-oo.r,. for Lhc Rujnom Powers arc as fiddc as they art" UUtOI KXilkd Y..1th dx an:a of ~tt mort1J1. Jc is impor unt for the: C:unc ~laster to k«p 1n mind that this lld\'Cnl UIC roroscs On the tri.aJs and chaJltn gts of the .scrv.ants of Nutg'le and so 1h05e dedla lrd &o other Ouo. Gods might tu....• stttpe t hal to dimh IO·chic Powe~ pte..,.enting a fofloy,•er of S!l:lne-sh from sutTering a Critial Effect, or sur.•iving longer than one of Nur_glc's blessed thanks to illusory tricks), he g:ains Id I 0-l additional Infamy at the end of thccncoonter :as a reward for havi;ng his schemes come to fruition.



roKHoRNE Those \\•ho dedicate themselves to the Blood Cod value tht mom.cnt of the kill above all eke, the dttd of strlking the opponent d-o\\'n and casting his steaming viscera upon the thirsty battleground the ultimate' aa of devotion. The of 1hc: Pl•gu< God kill in myri•d w:iy>; many of y,fiich tbc: foUowtrs of Khorne find frustratingly and unncce~arify indirect. One dC'diC31ed to the Blood Cod might find himself consumed by anger if he is un3ble to confront his foe: direct.I)~ and supremely disd:ainful towan:ls any alflp fQl&o....-cr, or foe who attempts to poisoa and infC'ct l'3thc1 chan striking the enc-my down with brute' strength. as lhe lord of Slaughter intended. PttsonaJ Goal: The fin-al judgemenr at the culmination of The Hean of the Vortex represents :i perfect op.portunity for Heretics dctlic:ucd to Khofine to pro"'c themselves masters of war 'ilnd bloodshed- in all its forms-. Additional Rewards: If a Heretic dedicated 'o Khomc-kills the mQISt foes of all of the Heretics during judgement (as cklC.'rmincd by the' Game 1\.1aster, ns not all foes arc cquaJ) he gains tds+3 addicion:iJ Jnfumya1 the end of the encounter ~ a reward for his service 'o the lord of Battles.

DEDICATED TO NURGLE \VhiJe Nurgle'.sblCSS('d riced no additionaJ reasons to undergo the trials beyond those prc:SC'nted in the ndvt•nture, adherents still h:n'C the opportunity to prove theit dedication tct the' Pl:agud'ather by persisting longer than any of their alDes. By enduring ili< longn be- impnwcd all lhc ~y to 1hc ln(J1uattd/F.m.ttical/G.&Hibk/TC11'if'C'd Lto.-r-l he willingly eomtt down from his hiUock and pro1trJ1is h.i.m.serr bcfotc 1he: Hc1te.ia,. .uying be is now chew 61ch.f~ inv.ant. Should they wish to. the Hctetics CllO t.W me NtiYC on as a A1lnJon (cw perhaps a '#i 1ecdxd m3SCOl of aome land) CK


The pcnultim:11c: encoontc:r need not be played straight after Encouat rr 4, but it ccruinly~r~ best if it ocoirs later on 21 some poinL Tni\!Clling~rds lhrough a parua,bd y ooisomt of swamp. tht Hattia a~ by a brgc number of Mi:l't"n rutrvcs. If the wrecch described in Encountc:r 4 is with thc1n, much of the mob•1 itc: isajm«J 1owards him. lftht v.·retch ls not with the Heretics,. the: mob •IC!ai(kJ regardless, fired to ht-icftts of rage 31 me: lnll\lsion by the outJiidcrs ~ j( .ws.gufting chc-m MnOUnG ro Lrdc men dun suicide.. If :and wt.en the G:i.JM i\1 .ca dccido: t0 h;ivc- t~ me>b attJc~ r~d aloud or plrnphr11~c the following:

11J< ""1'-p=o t ,.,,,.;, ioa d•rll
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