Bitten Love

April 20, 2017 | Author: fazriyahputri | Category: N/A
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Bitten Love

"I will love you for eternity.. For as long as you live."

Does vampire exist in the world? No one really knows the exact answers. Are vampires really those cold beings that we see on the televisions? Are they really those ruthless killers that does nothing but suck the blood out of human beings? Some are, but some aren't.

Likewise, this was what happened to Tiffany and Jessica. Out of an unexpected event, they met those creatures and spent time with them. In time, they found out that vampires aren't really that ruthless.

And most importantly, what will really happen when a human falls in love with a vampire?

Vampires: Taeyeon, Seohyun, Sooyoung and more Humans: Jessica and Tiffany


Chapter 01: Helpless The two American friends drove their car down the streets, passing by the houses by the

sides. The street lamps from the pathway illuminated the road for them as they looked at

the jam upfront. The driver frowned a little at what she saw as the both of them were in a

rush to a party hosted by their classmates, but by looking at the jam in front, she knew that they won’t be able to reach there in time.

Jessica looked around the surrounding for solutions as she spotted a small alley by the side. She looked further and could see the end of the route which will lead them to their

destination faster instead of taking this path they are taking which would need them to drive one whole round. “Tiff, drive through that road over there,” Jessica said as she pointed at the deserted and dark lane.

Tiffany who was impatiently tapping on the steering wheel then turned to look at where

her best friend is pointing. “Why?” She looked at the lane suspiciously before turning back to Jessica.

“Just drive through it, it’s a short cut.” “And... how would you know?” The driver raised her eyebrow. Jessica shrugged her shoulders, “I could see that the other end is where Jonathan’s house is at.”

“Hmm?” Tiffany used her arms to support her as she got up a little to look at her side and indeed she could see her classmate’s house just across from here. “But then... it looks... scary.” Tiffany hesitated as she felt a shiver run down her back.

The passenger rolled her eyes at her best friend’s comment. She knew that Tiffany is afraid of scary stuffs and maybe the dark but she can’t afford to be late since she is the Jessica

Jung. “I’ll force you to have a horror movie marathon with me if you don’t get going like right now.”

Tiffany looked at Jessica in shock and was hoping that it was a joke, but by the look of the brunette’s serious face it seems otherwise so she have no choice but to comply. “Alright, fine. You win.”

Jessica smirked in victory and patted herself for knowing her best friend’s weaknesses. Well, they are best friends right?

As Tiffany turned the steering wheel and turned into the alley, the car behind honked at her for being a reckless driver as she accidentally scratched their car. She cursed under her

breath because now, her own car also had a scar. “Damn...” She quickly drove away so that the driver would not be able to ask her for compensation.

Jessica whistled at her before commenting, “didn’t know you’re so badass, leaving just like that.” She let out a laugh while a glare was sent towards her.

“I wouldn’t have if you didn’t tell me to drive into this hell of a place.” Tiffany said before

she looked around the area. She spotted nothing but bushes and an abandoned house just

near them. “I doubt anyone would live here, it gives me the creepy vibes…” The hairs at the back of her neck stood up, so she turned down the air-conditioner.

A tap on her shoulder made her turn her head around as she saw Jessica looking at

something. “You’re wrong though, there is someone living here. Look.” She nodded her

head towards a direction where the abandoned house is at while Tiffany followed her gaze. Tiffany’s eyes were locked onto the scene that is playing right in front of her eyes. There

was a girl right there being held by two well-built men. She looked like she’s in danger as

the two saw her struggle against the two arms that are holding her against the wall, leaving her no ability to escape. “She looks like she’s in danger, should we help her out?” Tiffany asked while looking intently.

Jessica immediately shook her head with her eyes still on the strangers. “We’ll be late for the party if we do so and who knows what those two guys will do to us?” She placed her arms over her chest like she is trying to protect herself from some rapist.

Tiffany rolled her eyes as she pulled the car to a stop, “that’s the reason why we should help her. Who knows what will they do to her?”

The two had a staring battle with one another before Jessica broke the eye contact and let out a sigh, “okay, fine...”

Tiffany smiled at her before the both of them opened the car door quietly and slowly so as to not attract the unwanted attention from the two men. They then sprinted to where the

three people were at. “What are you doing?” Tiffany was the one who spoke as the two guys

turned around; one of them had blue hair while the other had white – which clearly showed that it was dyed.

When the men turned around, they revealed a girl that looks like a teenager as she was in her school attire. Tiffany gasped at the sight while Jessica continued staring at the pale

looking girl who had tears running down her face non-stop. “It seems like we are gonna

have two more dinners for the night.” The white haired commented with a smirk evident on his face.

Dinner? Tiffany thought to herself as she looked at Jessica who had the same blank expression as her.

“R–run... now...” Tiffany looked at the girl who had a pain expression on while coughing. Jessica bit her bottom lips in guilt for thinking of leaving her alone a moment ago. She

tore her eyes away from the helpless girl before glaring at the two men, “let go of her now before we call the police!”

The two men looked at one another before letting out an amused laughter. “You think calling the police will do anything to us?” The blue haired snorted.

The other man suddenly let go of one of the girl’s arm as he took a step closer to Tiffany.

With every step he took, Tiffany took another back. Seeing that this wouldn’t end, he then

suddenly came up to Tiffany’s front as she gasped in shock. He held onto Tiffany’s chin but the hand was quickly slapped away by the brunette. “Keep your filthy hands off me!”

The man snorted before patting both of his hands together. “You’re pretty but… too bad

this face of yours is going to be drained of colours soon.” Again, he cupped Tiffany’s chin and was smacked away.

He had a smirk on his face while his gaze pierced through Tiffany, “you’re a feisty one,

aren’t you?” He asked rhetorically and by that time, both Tiffany and Jessica finally caught something. Fangs.

They could see those sharp teeth in the man’s mouth before they once again frowned in confusion again. Who the hell are these people? They both thought at the same time. “What are you guys?” Jessica asked in horror and got closer to Tiffany. The two men laughed again before the white haired spoke, “what are we? Until now, you

still don’t get it, huh? Well, it’s okay, I’ll show you now… who are we. Keep your eyes wide open.” He walked towards the girl who could barely stand up now. His hands reached out to the back of her head and pulled her hair down, making her head tilt upwards.

The poor girl had her lips quivering in fear as she kept on pleading, “please… D–don’t hurt me…”

“You’re begging me now?” He let out a low chuckle before it stopped. “Sorry, but I don’t do sympathetic acts.” He licked his lips once before he launched forward towards the girl’s

exposed neck. The girl screamed in pain as her face slowly turned whiter every second it passed.

“Let go of her!” Jessica could not take it anymore but to run forward wanting to help out the girl but then she was caught hold by the other man. She struggled against those arms and tried hitting it but it did nothing as the man just laughed at her useless hits.

The white haired finally pulled away after a few minutes as the girl fell onto the ground lifelessly. He turned around and red liquid was all over his lips.

Tiffany who was watching the entire time froze on her spot. She couldn’t believe what she just saw right in front of her own eyes. This scene, she was sure that it would stay fresh in her mind for her whole lifetime.

He walked towards Tiffany calmly, “now you know what am I?” Tiffany could do nothing but stayed there looking at the thing in front of her. “You

monster!” Jessica shouted from behind them. “What have you done to her?!” She pulled against those strong arms that were holding her.

The white haired laughed sarcastically, “I drank her blood, isn’t that obvious?” Jessica stopped struggling as she glared at the two men. “You… You’re a monster. How

could you do this to an innocent and helpless girl?” She then turned to look at the girl that’s on the ground. She’s… not breathing, anymore… She thought to herself, much in a horror.

“Now, now. Be patient, my dear. It will be your turn soon after your beautiful friend over here.” Tiffany felt her blood drained from her face as she stared at the ground in fear. “Don’t you dare touch her!” Jessica spat angrily.

“You think you could do anything with just those words? Think twice, my dear.” He gave a

smirk before his face inched closer and closer towards Tiffany’s neck. He stared hungrily at the vein that is protruding as he swallowed the bile of saliva in his mouth.

He bared his fangs with a growl and there Tiffany still remained defenceless with a helpless Jessica who kept on struggling and shouting.


Chapter 02: Palace Tiffany had both of her eyes shut closed as the vampire got closer towards her. Her whole body shook but she still could not do anything. She was scared. She was helpless. She

regretted taking this shortcut right at that moment. She initially thought that a pain will

rush to her neck, but as time goes by, nothing happened and instead she heard a sound of something snapping apart.

“You–” She heard the vampire groan in pain as she opened both of her eyes. The man that was trying to attack her was now on the ground, with his head dislocated. He was dead.

Unknown to her, there were two more person beside her and when one of them coughed,

she then jumped a little in shock and noticed them. She turned and looked at the two girls; one of them had a grin on her face while the other kept a cold look with her arms crossed. “Are you okay?” The kinder looking and taller looking one asked out of concern as Tiffany found herself nodding her head. Right at that moment, her best friend then shot to her

mind as she turned abruptly to look for her. But what she saw instead was the other girl

that saved her was now grabbing onto that vampire who held onto Jessica earlier on. With one ease move, she then managed to snap the vampire’s neck as Tiffany and Jessica unknowingly let out a gasp.

Why is she so strong? Is she a… vampire too? Tiffany asked herself. She snapped out of her thoughts once Jessica pulled her into a hug suddenly.

“Tiff, are you alright?” Jessica asked softly while caressing her back. “I was so worried about you…”

Tiffany nodded against Jessica's shoulder, “yeah, I'm fine.” Jessica pulled away from the hug to only look at her best friend guiltily, “I’m sorry that I couldn't do anything…”

Tiffany quickly shook her head and grasped onto the brunette’s arms, “it’s not your fault, Jess. There’s nothing to apologise for and besides… he was holding you at that time.” She was referring to the vampire.

Jessica smiled at her best friend with the reassurance before she then turned to the two

awkward strangers beside them. “Who are you guys?” She asked with her cold stare which made the two raise their eyebrow up.

“Shouldn’t you be thanking us first? I thought that’s what happens when someone saved

you?” The taller one chuckled but immediately stopped when she saw that everyone was being serious. “Sorry…” She mumbled out softly.

“Who are you?” This time, it was Tiffany who asked as she found herself cowering at the gaze that the shorter girl was giving her. She relaxed once that girl looked away.

“I’ll be straightforward since you’ve already seen what had happened.” Again, she looked at Tiffany before looking away. “The both of us are also vampires.” She said out with an emotionless face.

Tiffany looked at them in shock before she mumbled, “va-vampires…” Her hand found Jessica's arm as she clutched onto it tightly while taking a few steps back.

Jessica saw what she did so being the overprotective friend she is, she let herself stand in

front of Tiffany and glared at the two vampires, “what do you want now? Two isn’t enough and now there’s more?” She sneered.

“We want nothing. We saw you two in danger, so we decided to help you out. It’s just that simple.” The shorter one explained with her arms still crossed.

While having many thoughts running through her mind like how the hell are there

vampires in this world and the more ridiculous thing is why the two of them are the ones who met– not one, but four vampires, Tiffany then suddenly thought of the poor girl that was lying consciously on the floor. “I–is she going to be alright?”

The taller girl shook her head with a sign of sorrow on her face, “unfortunately, there's no way she could survive with the vampires drinking that much of her blood.”

“How can they be so heartless?” Jessica whispered out to herself but was still heard by the others.

“You could say that the girl is unlucky I guess. The two vampires that she ran into are from the Furer clan. They are the most feared clan in the vampire world because the members

are all ruthless, also they enjoy killing not only humans but vampires as well. The thing is… she was lucky enough that those two vampires are of the lowest rank of the clan.” The shorter girl said everything out like an expert she is.

Tiffany shook her head in disbelief before stepping out. Jessica tried to stop her, but

couldn’t as the brunette pushed her hands away and continued walking forward until she

was right in front of the blonde. “How could you say that she’s lucky when she’s dead now?” Right now, all fears of hers were cast aside as she could only think how unfair this world was for killing an innocent person, not just a person but an ordinary student.

The blonde seems to be unaffected by the loudness from Tiffany as she flexed her jaw and

controlled herself so she wouldn’t lose her temper. “If she did run into a vampire of higher

rank, she wouldn’t be dead, but rather, she could be easily turned into one of them. Do you

want that to happen, huh? Would you rather want her soul to be sold to them and never be free again?” She too, took a step closer towards Tiffany as the two began a glaring contest.

The friend of the blonde then quickly went forward and pulled her away to avoid any fight from happening, “alright, that's enough.” She patted onto the blonde's back so as to sooth her anger that is building up within her.

Jessica noticed the intensity in the air and even she herself also could not take it so she

spoke, “then what clan are the both are you from?” All eyes were then casted onto her as she shrugged her shoulders, “I'm just curious that's all.”

“We're from the Menesis clan. It's the strongest and most religious vampire clan. Hmm, and if you’re wondering, we are from the good side.” The tall one explained with a proud smile on her face but it was soon wiped off as the blonde hit the back of her head.

She glared at the blonde but it did no effect as all it takes was a stare from her before the tall one looked away, “why did you even tell them so much, you giant?”

“I was just being polite! When someone asked something, it is one’s nature to answer that

person’s question back or it will be rude if you don’t.” She continued to rub her head as she reasoned out.

A giggle left Jessica’s mouth as she looked at the amusing yet funny scene in front of her, “so what rank are the both of you?” “We're from–” Before the taller girl could continue speaking, the blonde had already cut in, “we can't say anything for that matter.”

“This could only mean that you both are quite high in rank then…” Tiffany commented. The taller girl scratched her neck sheepishly before answering, “you could say so.” As Tiffany looked around the area she then spotted the two other bodies on the ground, “what are you going to do with them and the girl as well?” “We have our own ways.” The shorter one replied. Jessica stared at her suspiciously. “You're not going to eat her right?”

The taller girl let out an amused laughter of how Jessica even come out with the idea of

them eating that human girl, or perhaps she could since she knows little or maybe nothing

about vampires. “We won’t do that. Like I've said previously, we are from the good side, so we try our best not to kill anyone.”

“O–kay.” Jessica nodded her head. She then took a look at her phone from her pocket and saw the timing that the both of them were already late for the party, and not just late but

actually late by an hour or so. She let out a gasp and quickly placed her phone back before grabbing Tiffany’s hand. “Look, it was nice meeting the two of you and getting to know

more about vampires. But right now, we have a party to rush to so we have to get going now. See you next time. Goodbye.” Before she could even move an inch, a cold hand

grabbed onto her wrist making her stop in her tracks and pull her hand away due to the coldness.

She looked up and saw the taller girl staring at her apologetically, “sorry, I didn’t mean to. And by the way, I hate to say this but… the two of you can’t leave just yet.”

The two American girls stared at one another before Tiffany looked away and asked, “why not?”

“Ah, about that. It's because the both of you unexpectedly found out that vampires exist

when you shouldn’t. So… you’ll have to go back with us for now.” The taller girl ended her sentence while mouthing a ‘sorry’ to them.

“What?!” The two friends said in chorus as they stared at the two vampires in disbelief while the blonde vampire winced a little at the loudness due to her sensitive hearing.

“We have to get you there to have your memories erased.” She said while rubbing her own ears. But what she did was kind of useless because rubbing her ears doesn’t really do any help.

“You mean… we’re going to lose our memories?” Jessica gasped. “Only the part where you came into this alley while the others will still be kept fresh in your mind.” She explained again.

“Where are we going then?” Tiffany asked in her timid voice again. She has always been

scared of horror stuffs like vampires or ghosts. And even when she watched it on screen, sometimes she would find herself crying because she was too petrified.

The blonde vampire seems to know how Tiffany feels as she continued to look at her again. “No worries, we're just bringing you back to my palace. After everything is done, you will then be able to get home with our help.” She reassured her.

“Oh… okay…” The vampire smiled a little when she heard Tiffany let out a sigh of relief. “Let’s not waste any more time and get into the car now then.” The blonde led the way and brought all of them to her car.

It was a Maybach 62s Landaulet. Tiffany and Jessica had their jaw dropped as they looked at the beautiful and elegant car right in front of their eyes, “wow…” They mumbled out as this was going to be their first time riding in a posh car,

“You two can sit at the backseat.” The blonde said before she got into the driver’s seat. As they were still standing there gawking at the car, the door was opened for them as they looked at their side to see the taller girl standing there with a smile, “here.”

“Thank you.” Tiffany said softly and got into the car followed by Jessica who totally ignored the vampire. The vampire frowned but then shrugged her shoulders later on and went to her own seat.

As the car hit the road, it was filled with nothing but silence. Awkward silence that is. And

being the bubbly girl she was, the taller vampire couldn’t help it but to break the silence. “I

think we haven’t introduced ourselves yet, so what’s your name?” She had her body turned to the side as she looked at the two American friends.

Tiffany took a glimpse at Jessica and knew that her friend probably won't answer so she did her job. “I’m Tiffany Hwang and she’s Jessica Jung.”

“I see. Nice to meet you, Tiffany and Jessica.” She smiled politely towards them with a brief nod. “I’m Choi Sooyoung and this is my cousin, Kim Taeyeon.”

“Are you serious?” Jessica suddenly spoke as she and Tiffany both could not believe that

these two vampires are actually cousins with their so much different personalities and… maybe height, also. They are just almost like the opposite of one another. “Yes,” Sooyoung chirped. “Okay… Wow.” Jessica said out so softly that no one was able to catch that except for Taeyeon.

“Why are you so surprised?” She asked so suddenly that it startled Jessica. “N–Nothing!” Jessica answered before turning towards the window to look at the outside. “How old are the two of you?” Taeyeon asked while looking at them through the rear mirror.

“Twenty-two,” Jessica answered shortly and suddenly the car became quiet again due to

her monotone answer so she opened her mouth again. “What about you guys?” She asked

without even thinking that vampires do not age. So soon after she realised what she asked, she immediately palmed her own forehead.

Sooyoung saw what she did and chuckled at her, “we have the body of a twenty-two year old but our real age is actually–”

“Err, we don't have to know that!" Jessica answered immediately and too quick that is that everyone in the car stared at her. She once again looked away to the outside. Such interesting surroundings, really.

Sooyoung smiled while still looking at the brunette, “it’s better if you don’t know.” The car soon came to a stop after a few minutes. “We’ve arrived,” Taeyeon announced as

she got out of the car. The others followed as well. Once Tiffany and Jessica stepped out of the car, their eyes grew big at what they are looking at.

Tiffany stared at the huge palace in amaze. She quickly closed her mouth when she realised

she had her mouth opened just because of this mansion, “is this your house?” She found the question coming out of her mouth by itself.

“Oh no. I brought you here for afternoon tea,” Taeyeon answered back sarcastically while snorting.

Tiffany stared at her unkindly as she glared at her, “you don't have to be that mean. I was just asking.”

“Was I being mean? I don’t think so.” Taeyeon answered her own question before she

walked away leaving the others behind and Tiffany there glaring at her while mumbling inaudible curses.

Sooyoung came forward to Tiffany and gave her a smile, she pointed at Taeyeon who was now at the door waiting for them, “don't mind her, she's always been like this.”

“It's fine.” Tiffany replied before she went to hug Jessica’s arm and the both of them then followed Sooyoung towards the door. The grand door opened by itself once all of them

were there. As they went in, the human girls were again astonished by what they saw – the interior of the house was more of a design of a modernised house rather than those gothic houses that they saw in the movies.

The maids that were cleaning up the house looked up for a moment and stopped what they are doing. They bowed, “good evening, Prince Taeyeon and Miss Sooyoung.” They then stood straight up again once the four of them were out of sight. “Hold on… Did they just say Prince?” Jessica asked. “Mmhmm,” Sooyoung nodded her head. “Well… since you’ll be having your memories

erased later on, I guess I could tell you this then.” She placed her hand onto Taeyeon’s

shoulder and patted it. “Let me introduce you to the Prince of the vampire world!” She grinned proudly.

Tiffany tilted her head as she still couldn’t understand something. “Why Prince, though?” Sooyoung placed a finger onto her chin like she is thinking before answering, “We kind of have a rule here, you see. It only applies for the daughters in the royal family though, and that is, those who are second born and are females will automatically be Princes.” “Oh,” Jessica answered shortly. The four of them soon came to a stop in front of a very big door, “where are we going now?” Tiffany asked as she stared at the door curiously of what is inside.

“We’re meeting the king now.” Taeyeon answered her before tidying her own clothing. “The what?!” Tiffany shouted as the poor blonde winced again because of the loudness.

Bad Things Do Happen Chapter 3: Bad Things Do Happen “The king, my father. Now be quiet.” TaeYeon said without even turning her head. “Wha– Why didn't you tell me?!” Tiffany whispered in a harsh tone. TaeYeon ignored her and proceeded to knock on the door before opening it.

We're actually meeting the king– the king of vampires! What if he kills us or something?! Tiffany thought to herself and began to panic. Her fingers were tangled together and she felt that her heart was beating frantically at that moment. “Fany, you alright?” Jessica whispered. “N–no...” Tiffany replied back as the door opened completely, revealing a room with very

high ceiling. The smell of books hit her nose and she looked in to see tall shelves filled with books, besides that, the furniture in the room were also considered to be modern design. Right at the middle of the room, there was a huge table and a chair. The chair was slowly

turned around, revealing a man who looks around his forties. She immediately looked down.

TaeYeon was the first who went in and she bowed. “Good evening, Appa.” Sooyoung then went along and bowed while gesturing for the two girls to do the same. They then followed and bowed slightly at the man in front.

“What do we have here?” The King spoke and Tiffany was still having her head down. She did not dare to look at the King. “Are they humans?” “Yes, Appa. We have to erase their memories.” “I see.” The King rubbed his chin with his index finger and thumb. “What exactly happened?” He asked, concern was clear in his tone.

“We were going to do our duties today, and halfway through, we came across them who

were having some troubles with vampires from the Furer clan, so we helped out.” TaeYeon explained.

“Oh? How did they come across them?” The King glanced at Jessica who gasped when she

made eye contact with the King and immediately looked away. “You don't have to be afraid of me, you know? We won't hurt you. You're completely safe here.”

How is it safe when we are practically in a house filled with vampires? Jessica thought to herself and scoffed in her head.

“They were kind of helping a girl at that time.” Sooyoung said. “So I presume that the girl was the one who was having trouble first and these two kind girls went to help her?”

“Yes, Sir.” “That was very brave of both of you, I must say.” The King smiled at Jessica and then to Tiffany who still had her head down. He turned to look at Sooyoung. “So, the girl... she didn't survive?”

“No, Sir. She lost too much blood at that time.” “Okay. Did the two of you clean up after? We can't leave any trace behind and you know it.” “We’ve already called upon some of our members to take care of everything.” TaeYeon commented.

The King nodded his head. “That's good then.” He then turned again to look at the two human girls. “What's your name?” He asked with a smile on his face.

“Jessica Jung.” Jessica didn't know why but she felt that this man in front of her was harmless and in fact, she felt that she could even trust him.

The King nodded his head and then turned to Tiffany who was still not responding. Jessica

realised so she quickly nudged her friend and Tiffany gasped before lifting her head up. She gasped for the second time when she saw the King's face. Surprisingly, it wasn't old and wrinkled like how she imagined a vampire King would be. And... is he smiling at me?

She felt another nudge and realised that she had been staring at the King's face. “T–Tiffany Hwang.”

The King gave her a warm smile. “Well, hello to you then, Tiffany and Jessica. If you want to, you may call me Mr Kim.”

Shouldn't vampires be fierce and scary? Why is the King being so kind to us? Jessica thought to herself.

“Yes, Mr Kim.” Jessica answered and Tiffany gave a small nod. “May I ask how old are the two of you?” The King walked closer towards Tiffany who immediately tensed up.

Stop walking. Just stop... “I'm 22, Mr Kim.” Jessica answered first. “I– I'm... I'm–” Even before she could finish her sentence, Tiffany had already fallen onto the ground.

“Oh God, Tiff!” Jessica quickly squatted down and patted the cheeks of her unconscious friend. “Stop scaring me!”

“Guards! Bring her to a room. Now.” The King ordered to the men who just went into the room.

TaeYeon lifted up a hand towards them and stopped them. “Let me.” They then obeyed and walked away. She carried Tiffany up carefully before walking off. --“Is she going to be alright?” Jessica asked and paced around the room that they had put Tiffany in.

“Yes, she will be fine. She's just too frightened which was why she fainted. But don't worry, she will be awake soon enough.” The girl stood up from the bed.

“Thank you, erm–” “Seohyun.” “Right. Thank you, Seohyun.” She lifted up a hand. “I'm Jessica. Jessica Jung.” Seohyun looked at the hand before smiling. “Well then, I think I should properly introduce myself too.” She took the hand and shook it. “I'm Kim Juhyun. But most people call me Seohyun so I go by that name most of the time.”

“I see.” Jessica paused. Kim? Could she be related to TaeYeon? “I hope you don't mind me asking?” “Yeah?” “Are you perhaps related to TaeYeon?” A laugh came out of her mouth. “I see that you're quite straightforward.” “I'm sor–” “No, no!” Seohyun quickly stopped Jessica. “No need to be sorry. I'm just saying that because I like people who get straight to the point – like me.” She added. Jessica nodded. “Anyways, you're right. I am related to TaeYeon Unnie. I'm her younger sister.” She smiled again.

“Oh... So you're a Princess?”

Seohyun chuckled at that comment. “You could say so but I don't really like being called ‘Princess’, I get uncomfortable sometimes.” She grimaced.

Jessica had to laugh at the scrunched up but cute face. “I can see that.” “So... how did you two end up here anyway?” Seohyun asked when the two got quiet after the introductions.

“Oh, right, forgot to introduce her to you.” Jessica slapped her own forehead.

Seohyun gave an amused expression before cracking a smile. “Well, you could introduce her to me now.”

“Right. She's Tiffany. Tiffany Hwang Miyoung. And please don't tell her that I told you her

Korean name?” Jessica pleaded with both hands together. “She'd kill me if she knows that I let it out.”

“No worries, your secret's safe with me.” She did a little act of zipping up her lips. “Good to know.” “Urgh...” The two turned to look at the now fidgeting girl that's on the bed. Tiffany huffed and moved her stiff body before opening her eyes slowly. She closed it immediately when the brightness blinded her eyes.

Seohyun took notice of it so she went to close the curtains before returning next to Jessica. After she felt that the lights in the room were dimmed, she then opened up her eyes again.

She blinked a few times, looked up at the ceiling and then to the unfamiliar room before her

eyes landed upon Jessica. She tried to sit up on her own but was too weak to do so, so Jessica helped her to lay her back against the headboard of the bed.

“You alright?” Jessica asked, her hands were combing Tiffany's messed up fringe. Tiffany nodded. “Where are we?” She had hoped that everything that had happened was

just a stupid dream and nothing more until Jessica decided to pop her little bubble of hope. “TaeYeon's house.”

“I–I see.” So it wasn't just a dream, huh? We've actually seen vampires and even got to be in their house. She laughed in her head at what she just thought of. Her eyes wondered off around the room until it came upon Seohyun, the stranger that she hasn't met yet.

Knowing that Tiffany was now looking at her, Seohyun then smiled politely at her. “Good afternoon, Tiffany. Are you feeling better now?”

Tiffany raised her eyebrow before looking at Jessica who shook her head with a smile. “It's alright, she's harmless.” Jessica said to reassure her.

Sensing Tiffany's hesitation, Seohyun then took the first step and extended her hand. “I'm Kim Juhyun, but you may call me Seohyun like how others and Jessica do.” She kept her smile on even though Tiffany made no move.

Seohyun then retreated her hand back and Tiffany noticed the little hurt that she caught in her eyes. “S–sorry...”

“It's alright. I guess it's predictable since you must still be shocked about everything.” She was still smiling and Tiffany can't help but to feel guilty of what she just did. “Thank you.” Tiffany said it in a sincere and grateful manner.

“You're welcome. And if you need anything, you could just call me, just make yourself feel at ho–”

A knock on the door interrupted Seohyun as all three of them turned towards the now opening door. The King, TaeYeon and Sooyoung walked into the room.

“I see that you're awake now.” The King smiled at Tiffany. “Are you feeling better? Any discomfort or whatsoever?”

Tiffany shook her head. “N-no.” “Good then. Well, I think we can begin erasing your memories. TaeYeon.” The king called out.

TaeYeon nodded her head and went to sit next to Tiffany who immediately held her breath. “Relax.” She whispered out softly and placed both of her hands onto Tiffany's shoulder. Tiffany immediately shivered when the cold palms touched her.

“Look into my eyes and don't think about anything else.” TaeYeon said as she stared into Tiffany's eyes intensely.

Once Tiffany looked at TaeYeon's eyes, she felt herself being absorbed by it and her whole body relaxed automatically.

“Now then...” Tiffany saw how TaeYeon's eyes started to flash shades of green. She gasped loudly in shock and was about to back away until TaeYeon held her arms.

“Shhh...” Taeyeon's eyes then turned back to onyx. “You have to relax in order for this to work.”

Tiffany nodded. “Now, don't be afraid. Nothing scary is going to happen.” “O–okay...” “Look into my eyes again.” Tiffany did what she was told. She saw TaeYeon's eyes changing to green again and although she was still shocked about it, she calmed herself down.

She didn't know how long she had been staring into TaeYeon's eyes, but Tiffany felt as though there was a spell that is sucking her into those gaze. Her tensed muscles then

started to loosen when TaeYeon's eyes turned back to their original colour. She blinked her eyes a few times when TaeYeon backed away. “Did it work?” Sooyoung asked impatiently. TaeYeon ignored her and continued to look at Tiffany. She was waiting for her to lose conscious – since that's what would happen when she tried to erase the memories of humans – but it didn't happen as Tiffany continued to look at her with a blank look. TaeYeon sighed and combed her hair with her fingers. “It didn't...” “Wh–what?” Sooyoung asked in shock. “B-But that's impossible! You've never failed before!”

TaeYeon kept quiet. “TaeYeon-ah, try it on Jessica.” The King spoke and TaeYeon nodded.

She went to stand in front of Jessica and did almost the same thing to her. When Jessica saw how TaeYeon's eyes changed colour, she was surprised but much more interested in it thus she didn't have too big of a reaction.

After repeating everything, TaeYeon was still unable to erase the girl's memories. She turned to her father and shook her head. The King frowned. “This isn't good...” “Let me try it, Appa.” Seohyun suggested. After getting a nod from the King, Seohyun then proceeded to erase Tiffany and Jessica's memories. In the end, she too failed to do so. She backed away with a defeated sigh.

“What's going on?” Tiffany couldn't help but ask after noticing the worried looks on the other's face.

Seohyun gave her a sad smile. “Unfortunately, it seems like we can't erase your memories.” “Wha–... Then what now?” Jessica asked while holding the hands of the worried Tiffany. “I–I don't know...” Sooyoung said. “WHAT?! You don't know?!” Tiffany yelled. “Hey, lower your volume.” Taeyeon said. Tiffany turned to look at TaeYeon immediately. She glared at her but TaeYeon still kept a expressionless face on. “You're the one who said that we'll be alright once our memories are erased! And now you're telling me that you can't do that?! You lied to me!” The others flinched at the loudness.

“You think I wanted this to happen?” TaeYeon argued back with clenched teeth. “Don't, TaeYeon Unnie.” Seohyun's voice made her look away. “This is bad... We can't have people from the mundane world to find out about us.” The King breathed out.

“What can we do now, Sir?” Sooyoung asked. The King rubbed his temple. “There's only one solution that I can think of.” “And what's that?” The King kept quiet for a second before heaving a sigh. “It's for you girls to stay here – in our house – for the time-being.”

“WHAT?!” Everyone in the room shouted.

I Promise Chapter 4: I Promise “Appa, what did you just say?” TaeYeon asked. She hoped that she had heard wrongly. “I'm sorry. That's the only solution I could think of. We can't let them leave just like that, so... they'll have to stay, unfortunately.” The King explained.

“B–but...” Tiffany stuttered. “I know it's a shock for both of you, but we practically have no choice now.” The King smiled, sadly.

“Wh–what if you feed on us?” Jessica asked, with worry in her tone. “We won't, we only feed at the start of the month. Besides, we have our own blood supply

taken from hospitals and most of time, we would try to feed on animals. We try not to hurt anyone.” Sooyoung explained.

“Then what about our friends? Our family?” “From what we know, your families are in California at the moment.” TaeYeon explained.

“As for your school, we will come up with an excuse so you won't be going there for quite some time.”

“Hold on. You checked on us?” Tiffany said sharply. “We have to.”

Jessica heaved a sigh. “We don't really have much of a choice, do we?” “I'm sorry...” The King apologised again. “Well then, I'll be going already. Taengoo, take care of everything, alright?”

“Appa!” TaeYeon scolded. “Stop calling me that! I'm not a kid anymore.” “Why not? You're always a kid in my eyes, Taengoo~” The King continued to tease TaeYeon whose face is already red from embarrassment.

“Stop it, Appa!” TaeYeon tried to swat the hand that kept on approaching her cheek. The King continued to laugh as TaeYeon kept on complaining.

Tiffany looked at the pair in amusement. The King doesn't seem bad at all. In fact, all of them seem nice. She frowned at her own thoughts. Vampires? Nice?

The King noticed the frown on Tiffany's face. “Is there anything wrong, Tiffany dear?” Tiffany looked at the King. “N–nothing.” “Okay then. Don't be afraid to speak up if you're uncomfortable or something.” “I–I will.” The king smiled at her and then at Jessica. “If there's anything you need, feel free to tell anyone in this house.”

“Yes, Mr Kim.” Jessica replied. “Alright, I'll get going then.” The King walked towards the door. Once his hand landed onto the door knob, he turned around. “Take care of them, understand?” He said to his children and Sooyoung. “Yes, Appa.” “Yes, Sir.” “Sooyoung-ah, I've told you not to call me that when there's no outsiders here.” “H–huh?” Sooyoung asked.

“Tiffany and Jessica are going to stay under the same roof with us so they aren't outsiders anymore.”

“Okay, Si– Uncle.” She grinned at the King who had winked at her. “Alright, goodbye.” After everyone had said their greetings, the king then left the room, leaving the others in a silent atmosphere.

They exchanged glances with one another while the awkwardness in the air suffocated them.

TaeYeon couldn't take it anymore so she cleared her throat. “This will be your room then.” She said and looked at Tiffany.

“Me?” Tiffany pointed at herself. “Erm... duh? Or who do you think I'm talking to?” TaeYeon rolled her eyes. Tiffany narrowed her eyes at TaeYeon. She wanted to burst out at TaeYeon at that time. She couldn't understand what was wrong with the girl's attitude when all she did was ask an innocent question. No, no. Calm down, Tiffany.

“Hey, did you even hear what I said?” TaeYeon asked, impatiently.

Oh, that's it. “Are you always like that?” Tiffany asked, with anger in her tone. “Always what?” “Always giving this attitude to others.” Tiffany stated like a matter of fact.

The others in the room looked at the pair before looking at one another. They know that sooner or later, a fight would probably break out between them. “No.” “No?” Tiffany snorted. “Maybe only to some loud and nosy people.” “WHAT?!” TaeYeon winced at the loudness. “See? Loud.” “You're so asking for it!” Tiffany yelled and launched forward, wanting to grab onto the cocky girl's neck when Jessica grabbed her arms and dragged her away, a safe distance from TaeYeon.

“Jess! Let go of me!” Tiffany threw her arms in different directions so that she could get away from Jessica's grip.

TaeYeon merely yawned at what was playing in front of her. “I'm heading to bed now.

Jessica, your room's next to this room on the right side.” She said and walked out even before Jessica could reply her.

After making sure that TaeYeon had left, Jessica then finally let go of Tiffany. Tiffany shrugged and huffed in anger. “She's so irritating!” She threw her hands up in the air before slumping down onto the bed.

“Don't mind her. She's just... She's not like that in the past until...” Sooyoung paused when

she realised that she had said too much. She took a look at Seohyun who was looking at her sadly.

“Until?” Tiffany asked. Sooyoung straightened up. “Nothing. I'll tell you next time, if I have the chance to.” “O–kay...” Tiffany nodded head slowly. “It's getting late, we shall leave the two of you to rest.” “What about school tomorrow?” Jessica asked. “Like TaeYeon had said, we will think of an excuse or something like that, so you wouldn't be going to school.”

“Okay...” Jessica paused. “Our clothing?” She pointed at her shirt that was stained with dirt. “There'll be someone who will bring it here later. The clothes will probably be in the closet by the time you wake up.”

“Wait.” Tiffany spoke. “You mean someone would come into our room?” She asked, with

panic all over her face. She wouldn't want anyone to come into their room, especially when they are living in a house full of vampires. She remembered the vampire movies that she

was forced to watch, where there was a full moon and the vampires would lose control and feed on anyone they see.

“Yes, but please don't worry, we do have some maids from the mundane world.” “Huh? You have humans here?” Jessica was shocked to hear the news.

“Yes, and before you could think of anything bad, no, we didn't force them to work for us. Some of them are actually... relatives from some parts of our families, so...” “You have humans as your relatives?!” “Yes.” Sooyoung nodded. “We do have some couples whom one is human while the other is vampire. So the relatives from the human would then be here.”

“Why would they be here when they could be with their family?” Jessica asked again and both Sooyoung and Seohyun laughed at her curiosity.

“Jess, don't you think you're asking too much?” Tiffany scolded. “It's okay, Tiffany.” Sooyoung smiled. “Well, like in your world, humans have to work to

earn a living. The same goes to our world too, they work to get paid to support their family because some of them aren't that... well-off.”

“I... see...” Jessica said, even though she still didn't quite get what Sooyoung was saying. Sooyoung chuckle when she saw the confused look on Jessica. “I'll explain to you much clearer next time.”

Jessica nodded. “Sure thing.” She wouldn't mind knowing more about the things she hasn't known since born.

“Alright, we'll get going then. Have a good night rest and call us if you need anything.” They nodded and bid their goodbyes before Sooyoung and Seohyun left the room.

Tiffany sighed and lay on the bed. “I can't believe that we're actually going to be living with vampires. Could this day get any worse?”

Jessica went to lie beside Tiffany. “I know right? It's just so weird today...” “What if this is only a dream?” Tiffany asked while looking up at the ceiling. Jessica yawned. “H–huh?” She didn't hear what Tiffany had just said because she was too tired.

“What if, we wake up the next morning and nothing of this is real?” “What are you talking about?” Tiffany turned to look at Jessica. “Do you think this is just a bad dream, Jess?” Jessica blinked her eyes a few times at Tiffany before slapping her friend's cheek. “Owh!” Tiffany shot up. She turned to Jessica and glared at the smug looking girl. “What's that for?!” She rubbed her burning cheek and winced at the pain.

“You asked me if all this is a dream... And to answer your question, does it hurt when I slapped you?”

“What do you think?” She glared at Jessica. “Wanna try?” She raised up her hand. Jessica grinned and pushed Tiffany's hand down. “No, thank you.” She gave a air smooch to appease Tiffany.

Tiffany narrowed her eyes at Jessica before breaking out a smile. She couldn't stay mad at Jessica for long because the girl always has some tricks up her sleeves to make her smile again. As long as Jessica's here... I'll be fine. She went back to lying on the bed. “Tomorrow's going to be a long day.” Jessica sighed. “I just wished that tomorrow would be better.” “Me too...” Jessica yawned again. “Go to sleep, Jess.” “You too...” “Night, Jess.” “Night.” “Jess?” “Hmm?” “Promise that you won't leave me?” “I won't. I promise.” The two best friends then went to sleep while holding onto one another tightly. They were scared that they would actually lose the other.

Little Bickers Everywhere Chapter 5: Little Bickers Everywhere She groaned when she felt the bright sunlight hitting her face. She turned around and

placed her face into the pillow before falling asleep again. The next time she woke up, the sun wasn't as bright as earlier on.

She had her eyes closed for a little longer before opening them slowly. She rubbed her eyes and then looked at the unfamiliar room.

Oh right. I'm at a vampires’ house. She then snorted to herself. Can't believe I just said that. She stretched her body, trying to activate her lazy muscles until a hand landed on her thigh. She was about to scream when she saw the face of the person who was covered under the blanket. “Wha–” “Tiff, stop moving...” She said in annoyance that someone had just disrupted her beauty sleep.

“Aren't you getting up?” Tiffany got off the bed and squatted down to look at the clock on the nightstand. “It's already eleven.”

“Five minutes more...” Jessica showed a five before her hand fell down onto the bed. “You'd better get your pretty bottom off the bed when I get out of the bathroom.” “Mmhmm.” Was all that Jessica replied.

Tiffany went to the closer first to find her clothes and indeed like what Sooyoung had said,

her clothes were already placed nicely for her. Her face then heated up when she thought of a stranger helping her to arrange her undergarments. Hope that it's a female... I mean...

Sooyoung would call a female right? She shook her head. Of course it's a female, you dumbo. She said a ‘maid’ last night. But wait... what if there are male maids?

She shook her head again but this time used her knuckle to knock herself before wincing in pain. Stop thinking about it, Tiffany Hwang, and get to the showers!

She took the things that she needed before heading towards the bathroom. After she took a good fifteen minutes to have a nice warm bath, she then came out of the

bathroom with a towel on her head. She frowned when she saw the huge lump on the bed. “Yah!” She used her towel to whip Jessica's bottom. “You're still not getting up?” There was no response from the latter. Not even a single movement. “Are you ignoring me on purpose or are you really still asleep?” She eyed Jessica suspiciously. “...” “Jessica Jung Sooyeon!” “...” Tiffany placed her hands on her hips before an idea sprung up on her brain with an

imaginary lightbulb beside it. She grinned sheepishly before climbing onto the bed. She climbed on top of Jessica and started to jump up and down on her tummy.

“Wake up~” Tiffany sang while still jumping. Jessica screamed. “Tiff! Get off me!” “Not gonna do that unless you get out of the bed now.” Click.

The two paused and turned to see Seohyun standing by the door. Seohyun looked at them with widened eyes. “I–I'm sorry for interrupting.” She bowed

slightly. “Please... erm... continue.” Before the two could even speak, she had already closed the door.

Jessica immediately pushed Tiffany off her and got out of bed. “Look at what you've did, Tiff! Now that poor girl will surely misunderstand us...” She complained.

“If that's the case...” Tiffany followed after Jessica who was walking to the closet. She used

her finger and trailed it up and down Jessica's arm teasingly. “Then they'll know about us.” She joked.

Jessica was about to say something back until she noticed a shadow beside them. She turned to the door again and Seohyun was standing there.

The intruder widened her eyes at the two before bowing her head in embarrassment. “I–I apologise again. I just wanted t–to inform Jessica that your clothes are in y–your room.”

Seohyun said and closed the door with a loud ‘bang’. It seems like she wanted to get out of the awkward situation sooner.

“Look, she'll misunderstand even more now.” Jessica rolled her eyes and swatted Tiffany's hand away. She then walked to the door, wanting to go to her room to get her clothes. “You mean... you don't love me anymore?” Tiffany said in English and faked a sob. Jessica turned around with a hand on her hip. “Seriously, Tiffany?” She too, spoke in English.

“I'm hurt.” Tiffany placed her hand onto her chest and used her other hand to wipe away her fake tears.

“Right, right. Be hurt for all that I care.” “Yah! You're mean!” “And you're lame!” The laughter from the two filled the room. --The two friends went down the stairs after Jessica had finished her thirty minutes bath

that she claims she needs for her skin.

They reached the first level where the living room was at before pausing. “Hold on. Where are we going?” Jessica asked.

“The kitchen?” Tiffany replied. “Right.” Jessica said and started to walk again. It wasn't until very soon that she came to a stop again. “Where's the kitchen?”

“How would I know?” “I say... we open every door in this house until we find the kitchen. How's that?” Jessica suggested and grinned like she have just said something that she's proud of.

“That's a bad idea. Wait, I mean an utterly bad idea.” She saw how Jessica pouted. “Have you even seen how big this house is? It would take us hours to go about every door.” She rolled her eyes.

“Dang... Do you have to?” Jessica narrowed her eye at Tiffany. “Unfortunately so.” “You suck.” Jessica pouted again. “Thanks.” “So, what now?” “I have no idea.” Jessica sighed. “Why isn't there anyone here? Any maids? And humans one, may I add.” “That's because they have duties to fulfil.” They turned their heads to see Sooyoung walking towards them with a smile. “Good morning, ladies.” “Good morning, Sooyoung.”

“Morning.” “So... care to enlighten me on why are the two of you standing here and having a little what seems like a debate battle to me?” Sooyoung laughed. “Huh?” “It kinda looks like you were quarrelling when I look from above.” “Oh...” Tiffany responded. “We wanted to head to the kitchen, but...” “But you don't know the way?” Sooyoung continued for her. “Yeah...” She scratched her head sheepishly. “Well then, it's my fault for not showing you the way.” She chuckled. “Come on, then.” She

led the way and motioned for the two girls to follow. “Maybe I should show you two around after lunch.”

“Sure, that's a good idea.” “No, not a good idea.” Sooyoung and Tiffany stopped walking and turned to look at Jessica who was shaking her head.

“Why not?” Sooyoung raised her eyebrow. “Because that would mean walking around for hours.”

“And to think that you even suggested for us to go around every door in this house just to find the kitchen...” Tiffany rolled her eyes.

“Hey, that's different, alright?” Jessica defended. “Right, right. Keep thinking of excuses, Jess. Just admit that you're lazy.” Jessica waved her hands around. “Whatever. Now, can we go to the kitchen? I'm hungry.” She complained.

“Of course. Come on.” Sooyoung said. --They walked into the kitchen and the smell of delicious food immediately hit their nose. Tiffany looked around the kitchen and her eyes went to the table that is full of different

dishes. She watched in amazement before turning to Sooyoung. “You eat human food too?” “What? Do you think that the blood we drink at the start of the month is enough for us?” Tiffany heard the familiar voice and the snort that came after.

She turned and noticed that TaeYeon was standing by the stove, looking at her. She rolled her eyes. “Do you have to annoy me this early?” She grumbled under her breath.

“It's not early anymore, in fact, it's late already.” TaeYeon replied and Tiffany was shock that she was able to hear her. “Y–you can hear me?” TaeYeon shrugged her shoulders.

Sooyoung shook her head at TaeYeon. “She has sensitive hearings.” She explained to Tiffany. “Oh...” “Anything more that you want to know about our kind? Since all you know is that vampires suck blood and nothing more.” TaeYeon smirked at Tiffany while putting another dish onto the table.

“Oh. My. God.” Tiffany balled up her fist. “You're so annoying!” She pointed at TaeYeon. “And you're loud.” TaeYeon commented and took off the apron before throwing it aside. “EXCUSE ME?!” Tiffany shouted with her eyes flaring in anger. TaeYeon winced at the loudness again. “See? You're loud.” “You– Argh!” “What? Cat got your tongue?” TaeYeon smirked in victory. “You... You... You shorty!” “What?!” TaeYeon yelled. “Shorty!” “You loud woman!” “Excuse me?!”

“Loud woman!” “Midget!” “Loud–” “SHUT UP!” They all stopped and turned to Jessica who flipped her hair once and fanned herself with

her hand. “Seriously, are you two kindergarten kids? Can't you stop bickering for just one minute?” She huffed and shook her head.

“She started it.” Tiffany pointed at the shorter girl. “No, you started it.” “You–” “How old are the two of you already? One is twenty-two and the other... well... over hundred, I guess?”

“Good guess.” TaeYeon commented. “Really? Over hundred?” Jessica gasped. “Not really. But you could say so.” TaeYeon shrugged. “Huh? What do you mean?” “I'm two hundred and twenty-four years old. Human years, may I add.” Sooyoung said.

“And I'm two hundred and sixty-four.” TaeYeon added.

“Wow. You're old. Like, real old.” Tiffany grimaced at TaeYeon. “Well, at least I won't age anymore, unlike someone who just spoke.” TaeYeon rolled her eyes.

“You old midget!” “What can I do for you, loud woman who has to use anti-ageing products in years to come?” TaeYeon faked a sweet smile.

“Don't you two have any idea that you're also insulting us?!” Sooyoung and Jessica shouted at the same time.

Sooyoung turned to Jessica and smiled at her but the girl simply ignored her.

She's so cold... It's fortunate that she's not a vampire, or else, she would have been a cold hearted one. Oh wait... What am I saying? Vampires are cold blooded. As in, their bloods are cold... and... yeah. Sooyoung thought to herself. “Can we dig in, already? I'm hungry just by hearing the two of you argue.” Jessica complained.

Tiffany narrowed her eyes at TaeYeon who smiled sweetly at her. It was mostly faked, that was what Tiffany thought. ---

“Come on. Let's get going.” Sooyoung said and started to lead the way so that the two girls could have a tour around the house.

Jessica looked at TaeYeon and Tiffany who were looking around, trying not to have any eye

contact with the other. “You two better not fight again, you hear me? Or else...” She glared at them.

TaeYeon felt a shiver run down her back. Wow... Scary. “Don't worry, I'm not as childish as someone else.” Tiffany said and looked ahead. She sensed eyes on her back, probably glaring at her.

They then continued to walk around with TaeYeon and Tiffany having some occasional useless bickers that were stopped by none other, Jessica. --After having to walk for more than two hours, they then went back to the living room.

Jessica was the first one who slumped down onto the couch as soon as she caught sight of it.

“Move.” Tiffany said when Jessica was occupying most of the space. Jessica groaned and scooted over so that there is enough space for Tiffany who sat down almost immediately.

“Okay, so... I think that's enough for today.” Sooyoung said. Jessica straightened up and frowned. “What do you mean?” “Well... We haven't really finished going through all of the rooms.”

“WHAT?!” Jessica shouted.

TaeYeon flinched and complained in her mind. First, a loud one. And now, a high pitched one? How do I survive this if they continue to yell everyday… TaeYeon shook her head. “Volume, please.”

“Right, sorry.” Jessica apologised. “So, are you serious? We still have more?” Jessica grumbled.

“Yup. But you can choose not to, since those rooms are kind of... unnecessarily for you to know and rarely anyone uses it now.”

“I see. Then I'll choose not to since we don't really have to know.” Tiffany scoffed. “Just admit that you're lazy, Jess.” “I am not.”

“Yes, you are, lazy Jung. Need I remind you what had happened this morning?” “Shut up.” The two best friends had their little bicker while beside them were two amused vampires that were listening to what they were saying.

Having a Heart Chapter 6: Having a Heart “Just to inform you guys, we’ll be going to the forest tomorrow.” TaeYeon said while typing on her laptop.

Tiffany stared at her, slightly mused by the fact that vampires do have technologies in their world. But of course, like what TaeYeon had said and as much as she hates to admit it, she still has a lot more to learn about vampires.

“Hey, did you hear what I said?” TaeYeon looked at Tiffany. “H–huh?” “Guess not.” She then resumed back to typing. “I'm not gonna repeat what I've said so ask the others.”

Tiffany narrowed her eyes at TaeYeon but chose not to retort back. Such a mean person. “We’ll be going to the forest tomorrow.” Sooyoung said. “So do prepare yourselves.” Tiffany smiled sincerely at Sooyoung. Having to live a few days in the house, Tiffany

realised that the people here were really nice. In fact, they treated Jessica and her like their own family. Maybe, with the exception of TaeYeon for Tiffany as the girl would be cold towards her although she would talk to Jessica.

“Maybe she's just not used to strangers living in her house,” was what Jessica said to her. But she didn't believe that was the case since TaeYeon still treated Jessica pretty well.

“Why are we going to the forest?” Jessica asked and broke Tiffany’s train of thoughts. “To hunt, of course.” Sooyoung replied. “What? Why do we have to hunt?” Sooyoung chuckled at Jessica. “Not you, silly. I meant us.” “Us?” Jessica frowned. “Oh. You meant you guys... I see.” “Jess, you sure are slow.” Tiffany poked Jessica's forehead. She then turned to Sooyoung. “But wait... didn't you say that you don't hurt human-beings?” “We’re gonna hunt for animals, not humans.” “I see.” “Wait, I have a question.” Jessica raised her hand like how an elementary kid would do when she wants to ask her question to the teacher. Sooyoung smiled at the sight. “Yeah?” “Update me on why the two of us have to go as well?” “We can't leave you two alone.” “Why? You don't trust us? You think that we’d escape while you're gone?” She raised her eyebrow.

“It's not that. It's just safer to be with us since... there could be some unexpected events that could happen.” Sooyoung joked.

“Wh–what events?” “I don't know.” She shrugged. “Maybe some other vampires would break into the house?” Jessica and Tiffany gasped together. “Stop scaring them, Sooyoung.” TaeYeon voiced out and closed the laptop. “The reason why you two have to follow along is because my father had instructed us to stay with you two at all times. And very unfortunately, going hunting means having a pretty long distance away from the house, so, we have to bring you along.”

“Oh.” Jessica responded. “That was a better explanation than Sooyoung’s.” The said woman gasped and turned to Jessica. “How could you say such things?!” She pretended to be hurt. “You're taking sides’ too early, young lady.”

Tiffany laughed at Sooyoung while Jessica remained a cool and calm face. Sooyoung then sulked when she realised that Jessica wasn't going to react to her joke. “To make it better, Seohyun will be tagging along.” TaeYeon added. “That's good.” Tiffany nodded. “You don't mind?” Sooyoung asked. “I mean... you're not afraid of us anymore?” Tiffany shrugged. “All of you seem nice.” Except for Kim TaeYeon.

“Not all vampires are like us, just for your information.” TaeYeon spoke. “Not all clans are the same.”

Tiffany nearly scoffed at what TaeYeon said but held it in. No trouble, Tiffany. Just hold it. Yeah, that's right. Hold it in.

“Rest early. We'll have to head out in the morning.” TaeYeon informed them. “What? In the morning?” Jessica groaned. “What about my sleep? I'll be sleep-deprived.” “You're always sleep deprived.” Tiffany said. “Even if you sleep for one whole day, you'll

still be tired and will be able to sleep anywhere. Remember that time when you slept in the bat– Mmphh!” Jessica had her hand clasped over Tiffany’s mouth to prevent her for saying anything more.

“Huh?” Sooyoung raised her eyebrow. Even TaeYeon got curious of what Tiffany was about to say because of the big reaction from Jessica.

“Nothing! Nothing.” Jessica laughed and waved her hand around. Tiffany took the chance to quickly pull away Jessica's hand. “You slept in the bathtub with a toothbrush in your mouth!”

There was silence for a while. Before laughter erupted from the two vampires. Tiffany cocked an eyebrow up when she saw how TaeYeon was laughing so hard until she had to hold onto her stomach.

Interesting. Maybe I do have more to know... Especially you, Kim TaeYeon.

--The next morning, all of them got up early and as expected, Jessica was the last who got out of bed and Tiffany had to drag her off the bed. She ended up being on the floor with a

nagging Tiffany, but surprisingly, she was still able to sleep for fifteen minutes more before Tiffany got out of the bathroom.

They went to the forest by car and reached in just twenty minutes. “You can put your stuffs into the tent now.” TaeYeon patted her hands after she was done pitching the tent.

The others went inside to place their stuffs before gathering up again. “So... Who do you want to, sort of, partner up with?” Sooyoung asked. “We have to go too?” Jessica complained. “Which meant that we'll have to watch you suck the animals' blood?” She grumbled under her breath.

“We can't leave you two alone. There's some other ‘creatures’ here.” Seohyun explained. “Then, I'll go with you, Seohyun.” Tiffany said. “Sorry... That's not possible because I have to stay here for lookout.” “Then why can't we stay with you?” “That's because if in any events, something or someone does come, I wouldn't be able to

protect the two of you as... I'm not good at fighting, you see.” Seohyun grinned sheepishly. “It's better to be safe than to be sorry.”

“I guess there's no choice then...” Tiffany said. “I'll tag with Sooyoung.” Jessica announced oh so suddenly. Tiffany's eyes widened and she turned to look at her friend abruptly. “There's no way I'm going with... her! I'm tagging with Sooyoung!”

TaeYeon didn't seem affected by Tiffany's words as she kept her calm posture. “Hey, that's not a very nice thing to say.” Jessica scolded. Tiffany bit her lips and looked at TaeYeon who was still looking all cold, that was when she felt a little guilty of what came out of her mouth.

“Okay, that's decided then.” Tiffany heard Sooyoung said and so she quickly looked at the tall girl.

“What? Decide what?” She asked. “That I'm going with Sooyoung and you're going with TaeYeon.” Jessica smirked. “Wh–what? When?!” “A while ago. I think you've been day dreaming a lot these days, Tiff. Better get your mind working quickly.” “B–but...” “Alright, have fun!” Jessica waved and walked away with Sooyoung beside her. It wasn't until very soon that she turned around. “And no fighting!” She warned the two who was staring at them with widened eyes.

--After Sooyoung and Jessica had left, the two were left in awkward silence. TaeYeon was the one who spoke first and said, “follow me,” to Tiffany before she started to walk.

Tiffany followed behind Taeyeon like a lost puppy since she had no idea where she was

because every tree looked the same to her. While walking, she would then occasionally kick the pebbles that were on the ground while mumbling to herself, something like, “why am I here”.

She was so lost in her little world of complains that she didn't realise TaeYeon had stopped walking. Thus, she ended up bumping into TaeYeon’s back.

“Owh!” Tiffany rubbed her forehead. “Your body is so hard!” “Shhh!” TaeYeon grabbed Tiffany by her hand, startling the girl, before she pulled Tiffany towards a nearby bush.

When TaeYeon was looking around the place cautiously, Tiffany kept her eyes locked at the pair of hands. It's cold...

Her fingers felt tingly for a reason and most importantly, she was having butterflies in her stomach. She gulped. What is this?

TaeYeon turned to look at Tiffany for a moment and saw the latter staring at their hands.

That was when she realised she was still holding onto Tiffany’s hand. She quickly let go and mumbled a “sorry” to Tiffany before turning away. “I–it's okay.”

Tiffany still kept her eyes on TaeYeon the whole time. She noticed how the latter would

frown in concentration and then would unknowingly pout, which Tiffany found that it was very cute.

“Come on,” TaeYeon got up from her position and started to walk towards the direction of a deer, carefully, with Tiffany following from behind.

TaeYeon tried to not make a single sound so that she wouldn't alert the animal. She took slow and careful steps before grabbing the deer when she was near it.

The deer resisted and moved around but TaeYeon still kept her hold onto it. She caressed

the body of the deer gently and cooed, “it's alright...” The deer then relaxed and didn't move that much.

Tiffany who was watching was astonished at the change in TaeYeon. From the cold person she was, TaeYeon was now being extra careful with the deer she was handling and Tiffany was shocked at how tender TaeYeon actually was.

“Are you gonna kill it?” Tiffany asked, in curiosity and also she really wants to know what TaeYeon would do.

TaeYeon shook her head. “No.” She then soothed the deer’s skin. “Now, this would hurt a little.”

TaeYeon bared her fangs and let it sink into the deer’s skin. The deer snorted loudly and moved, with its legs kicking around.

TaeYeon pulled away after a while. “Go,” She patted the deer’s head and watched it run off. TaeYeon got up from her squatting position and turned to see Tiffany staring at her. “What? Shocked?” She asked, in concern.

“N–no...” Tiffany turned away to hide the blush that was slowly creeping up her cheeks. “Are you done?”

“Yeah.” TaeYeon answered. “Let’s get going.” After hearing the reply from TaeYeon, Tiffany quickly walked away. Her mind was so full of thoughts that she didn't realise there was a tree branch in front of her and she ended up tripping over it.

She shut her eyes, placed her arms to protect her face and was ready for the pain to rush up her arms but she found herself landing onto something soft and cold.

Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was TaeYeon’s face and she gasped loudly. Her arms were against TaeYeon’s chest and the strange thing for her was that she could feel TaeYeon’s heartbeat. It was beating very slowly, but she could still feel it.

She has a heart? Tiffany asked herself. It beats... very slowly though. Slower than how normal heart beats.

Tiffany then looked up to see TaeYeon staring at her. The familiar feeling of her face heating up was happening again. Oh no, not again...

TaeYeon looked into Tiffany’s eyes. Pretty eyes... No, Kim TaeYeon, what are you thinking? Stop it.

Tiffany thought she saw TaeYeon’s eyes changing into pink for a split second but then it soon disappeared when she heard Sooyoung shouting. “Guys! Where are you?”

Tiffany then quickly pushed herself off TaeYeon and patted herself as she watched TaeYeon got up, still with that same calm look on her face.

As they were walking back, Tiffany couldn't help but ask. “Vampires have hearts too?” “Huh?” TaeYeon turned to look at her. “I–I kinda felt it earlier.” “Oh.” She then looked ahead again. “We do have, because we aren't actually ‘dead’ yet.” “But why does it beats so...” “Slowly?” TaeYeon continued and Tiffany nodded. “We don't need as much oxygen as

humans, so our blood doesn't flow that fast too, because of that, our heart doesn't really pump that much blood around our body, so our hearts naturally beats this slow.” Blood... They have blood too. “You have bl–”

“What took you two so long?” Jessica shouted, successfully cutting off Tiffany's sentence. TaeYeon shrugged her shoulders and walked away. “Hey.” Tiffany felt a touch on her arm. She turned to see Jessica. “What?” She asked, a little grouchy. “Woah. Who offended you?” Jessica asked, clearly not aware of the situation. “No one.”

“You sure? Because by your tone, I'm sure someone did something to make you this irritated.”

“I'm not irritated.” “Is it TaeYeon?” Jessica narrowed her eyes. “Did you two fight again?” She then pointed at Tiffany accusingly.

“Wh–what?” Tiffany raised her eyebrow. “Of course not! We don't always fight, you know?” She rolled her eyes.

“Oh yeah?” Jessica was still suspicious. “Then what did you two do? Talk?” Before Tiffany could reply, Jessica then gasped. “Oh my god.” “What's wro–” “DID YOU TWO KISS?” All eyes went to Jessica. Tiffany had her eyes widened as she saw everyone now looking at them. She quickly shook her head and clasped a hand over Jessica’s mouth. “Mmphh!”

“We did not!” Tiffany then released her hand. “We just... talked. More than we usually do.” “Are you serious?” Jessica asked sceptically. “Yeah, why?” “Woah. I think the world’s gonna end soon. You two?” She pointed at Tiffany and then to TaeYeon who was packing up her stuffs already. “Talk? That's some impossible there.”

“Hey!” Tiffany couldn't help but feel a little offended. “Aren't you always hoping that we wouldn't bicker anymore?” She frowned.

“I do, but this is just weird.” “No, you're the one who's weird.” “You are.” “What the heck?” Tiffany slapped Jessica’s arm. “Oh, don't ‘what the heck’ me, young lady.” There was a smirk on Jessica’s face and Tiffany felt a little scared of what's coming up next. “If only you could see how your face turned beet red when you were on top of TaeYeon.”

Tiffany had her mouth opened but no words came out. She didn't expect anyone to see that and most importantly, she wouldn't have expected Jessica to be the one who saw it. Her best friend would probably scrutinise her.

“I was actually looking around the place until I came upon you two. I must have been too

lucky. You've been caught red handed, Tiff.” Jessica laughed at the shocked look on Tiffany. “Now, don't do too much kinky stuffs, alright?” She winked. “What the– Where the heck are you thinking?!” Jessica rubbed her arm and pouted. “Geez. I was just playing around. No need to get so violent.”

“And whose fault is it?” “My fault. Totally, hundred percent, my fault. Happy?”

“Totally. It feels good to have you admit to your wrongs like finally.”

Jessica rolled her eyes.

Bad Feeling Chapter 7: Bad Feeling “Why do you think Appa wants to see us, Juhyun-ah?” TaeYeon tidied her clothes and looked at the mirror one last time before turning towards her sister.

“I don't know, Unnie, but I think something important is coming up.” Seohyun stood up from the bed.

TaeYeon shrugged and walked out of the room with Seohyun behind her. Once she was

outside, she could see maids and servants running about the house in haste. She looked at her sister who had the same exact confused look. “Hey.” TaeYeon turned to see Sooyoung closing her bedroom door before walking towards them. “What happened?” Sooyoung asked. “No idea, but Appa wants us to meet him.” TaeYeon replied. “I've heard from the maids too.” “Let’s just get the girls first.”

They nodded. --All five of them walked towards the King’s room in silence. The familiar big wooden appeared right in front of their eyes.

Tiffany remembered the day when she first got here. She came with heavy steps when she

realised that it was the King’s room she was about to enter. Everything for her that day was almost like a blur – a dream. She wouldn't have expected that she would even get to know that vampires existed on that day.

But right now, she was almost used to this. She wasn't as uptight as before after knowing that they were going to meet the King. After all, the King did treat her and Jessica well

enough for her to know that he was a man– or vampire of great heart. He wouldn't hurt her, she knew that.

TaeYeon knocked on the door. A “come in” was heard from inside the room so she proceeded to open up the door.

She was about to step into the room when she saw her father talking to the general from their army.

The King looked at her and gestured for her to enter. “It's okay, we’re done talking.” He

nodded his head at the man before adding, “Put more security if necessary, I wouldn't want anything to happen.”

The man bowed. “Yes, Sir.” “Good. Now, get going.”

The man stood straight and saluted. “Have a good day, Sir.” The King nodded and he walked to the door. He bowed at the sight of TaeYeon before exiting the room.

TaeYeon looked at the back of the man before shrugging. She entered the room with the

others behind her and all of them bowed at the King who was standing up from the chair. The King went to the couch and asked all of them to sit, which they obliged. “How have you been, Jessica and Tiffany?” The King smiled at the two girls. “Fine, Mr Kim.” Jessica said. “We’re good.” Tiffany smiled. “Good to see that you're opening up to us, Tiffany.” The said girl blushed at the comment. “Sorry if I did anything to offend you.” “No, no. No need to apologise, Tiffany. It's understandable. I mean, no humans would have expected that vampires existed in the world.” The King laughed before clearing his throat

when the others were deadpanned. “At least now I know that Taetae isn't mistreating you.” TaeYeon groaned at the nickname while the others snickered. The King smiled a little. “As for Sooyoung... I wouldn't have to worry because she always does a good job in doing what I told her to. So I assume that you’re adjusting pretty well with Sooyoung, Jessica?” The snickering girl stopped when she heard her name. “Of course, Mr Kim.” “So, Taetae–”

“Appa! Stop with the nickname! I'm over two hundred years old, for goodness sake.” The King wanted to laugh but stopped himself. “So? You’d always be a child in Appa’s eyes so... suck it up!” The King chortled while TaeYeon had her mouth opened because of what her father had just said.

TaeYeon quickly closed her mouth and shook her head. “I don't even think anyone would believe that you're actually the King, Appa.”

The King pretended to be shock. “How could you say such inhumane thing?” He pointed at his chest. “Appa’s heart hurts, Taetae.”

“Appa!” TaeYeon whined and unconsciously pouted.

Tiffany watched the two interesting pair. Now, did she just pout? Wow, so she does have a cute side. Wait... Geez, what are you thinking again, Tiffany Hwang?

“Okay, okay. I'll stop.” The King wiped the tear that had fallen when he laughed too much. “We should get to the main topic now.”

“We should have, long ago.” TaeYeon rolled her eyes.

The King smiled. That was a good laugh. He cleared his throat. “Okay, so, the purpose for calling all of here is because I have an announcement to make.” Everyone noticed the sudden seriousness. “We’re having the clans leader’s meeting tonight. So, like always, all of those high rankings leaders would then be present for the night.”

“Tonight? But it's not very convenient for them to be here, Uncle.” Sooyoung commented. The King nodded. “I know, so we can't let anyone find out that Tiffany and Jessica are here, with us.”

The two humans were confused. The King saw the look on their faces. “The leaders don’t like people from outside of our world to find out about us. In the past, should anyone have known, they will have to be killed.” The gulped at the mention of them being killed. “Moreover, the two of you are human-beings, and that could put you in more danger.” The two nodded. “So, all we have to do for the night is to keep a low profile?” Tiffany asked. “Bingo.” The King said. “And I want all of you to be extra careful.” “But the question is how? They'd be walking around the place, Appa.” TaeYeon said. “Are we going to make them stay in the room the whole time?”

The King nodded and the others were shocked. “That's the only thing that we can do.” “What about their scent? They will be able to smell that there are humans in this house, Uncle.” Sooyoung remarked.

“There are the maids.” TaeYeon said. The King shook his head. “The human maids would not be here. That's what always happens whenever there are visitors, TaeYeon-ah. Have you forgotten?”

“Oh, right.” She cursed under her breath. “Just spray lots of perfume on them to cover up the scent.” The King ordered. “Okay, Uncle.” “Juhyun?” “Yes, Appa?” “Stay with them in their room and make sure to contact us should anything happen.” “Don't worry, Appa. I will.” Tiffany and Jessica looked at one another and gulped. They didn't know why but they have a feeling that something is going to happen tonight. --Time passed in a flash and soon, the sky was dark. Like what the King had ordered,

Seohyun was with Tiffany and Jessica in her bedroom and TaeYeon and Sooyoung weren’t able to be there because they have the meeting to attend to.

The room that they were in was filled with the smell of perfume. They had to make sure

that no human scent was left so they had even sprayed the perfume at the girls’ bedroom. As much as TaeYeon and Sooyoung wanted to be there with the girls too, but they knew that they couldn't.

Vampires were seen sauntering into the house every now and then. The meeting room was then slowly filled with people in it.

The door to the meeting room opened again and this time, it was the King, TaeYeon and Sooyoung who walked in.

The King sat down at the end of the long table first before the two girls sat beside him. “Good evening to every one of you in this room.” The King said and the others nodded. “It's been quite some time since we've had a meeting so I really want to know what your clans have been doing.”

Slowly, one by one, the clans’ leaders each reported to the King on what they are planning to do and what they are doing at this moment. Everyone in the room was listening attentively except for a few, which included TaeYeon.

Even though her body was sitting right there, but her mind was obviously somewhere else. She couldn't seem to concentrate on what the leaders are saying but to keep her

professional image, she still kept a serious face on with not even a single evident of boredness in it.

She was actually very worried for the two girls... or maybe only, Tiffany. She doesn't know why, but she's just worried that something bad would happen to Tiffany.

She just had a feeling that something bad was going to happen to the girl.

Only Can Hope Chapter 08: Only Can Hope The three girls were in Seohyun’s room chatting away since they had nothing else to do. “So... Seohyun,” Tiffany started. “How many relationships have you been in?” She then paused. “Wait, how old are you, anyway?” “Two hundred and four.” “Oh, I just realised something.” Tiffany grinned. “All of you, your ages all ends with a four.

Like TaeYeon’s two hundred and sixty-four, Sooyoung’s two hundred and twenty-four and well, you’re two hundred and four.”

Seohyun shrugged. “Maybe our parents like the number, four?” “But Sooyoung’s your cousin.” Jessica commented before returning to type on her phone. “Oh, right!” Seohyun grinned sheepishly. Tiffany got up and knocked Seohyun’s head lightly. “Aigoo. You know, if you were a human, you would be a very cute dongsaeng to me.”

Seohyun pouted. “So you're saying that I'm not cute because I'm old?” “Of course not! You're still cute.” Tiffany said and Seohyun smiled happily. “So, back to the question now.” Tiffany have not forgotten what she wanted to ask in the first place. “What question?” Seohyun feigned ignorance and asked innocently.

“Now, don't go around pretending that you forgot, young lady.” Tiffany said sternly. All Seohyun could do was sigh. “Okay, fine. I had some.” Even Jessica who was bored was now interested. She got up and scooted closer to the two. “How many?”

“Hmm...” Seohyun placed a finger onto her chin. “Nine?” “Nine?!” Jessica shouted while Tiffany choked on her saliva. “Shhh!” Seohyun scolded and blushed. “Seriously, nine?” Tiffany asked to double confirm. Seohyun nodded. The two humans sighed. “Nine... You've lived for two hundred years and you've only been in nine relationships...” Tiffany shook her head. “You're too innocent, Seohyun-ah.” “Huh?” The said girl tilted her head. “Never mind her.” Jessica remarked. “So, all vampires?” “Yes.” “All... boys?” Tiffany asked since she was born in the states and was quite open about it. Anyways, she was seriously curious of vampires’ preferences too. Seohyun blushed again.

“What the heck is with that question, Tiff.” “Just curious.” She shrugged. “Erm, well... I've had three boyfriends.” Seohyun said, shyly. “I've tried to make things work out with them but I guess I just couldn't because of my... mind-set?” She tilted her head. “What do you mean?” “Well... they were very rough towards me and... I don't know, their stares are just...” “Just?” “Just so perverted. Almost like an old perverted old man’s stare.” Tiffany and Jessica looked at one another before bursting into fits of laughter. Seohyun blushed again and waved her hands around frantically. “Don't laugh!” “Okay, okay. I won't tease anymore.” Tiffany said while holding in her laughter. “So... Have you had your first?” Jessica asked with a smirk. “Jess!” Tiffany scolded. Jessica ignored her and continued to stare at Seohyun intensely. “First?” Seohyun raised her eyebrow. “You mean first kiss? Of course I've had.” Jessica shook her head. “No, not that. Do I really have to say it?”

“Go ahead.” Seohyun answered nonchalantly. “Jess.” Tiffany hissed. “Have you lost your virginity?” Seohyun had her eyes widened at the question. “Come to think of it, is there any difference between a human and a vampire?” Jessica probed further, still unaware of the glare that Tiffany was sending her.

“Alright, that's enough!” Tiffany said and successfully shut Jessica up. She narrowed her

eyes at Jessica who raised her eyebrow at her before turning to smile at the still shocked Seohyun. She chuckled and waved her hands in front of the girl’s face.

Seohyun snapped out of her daze and turned very slowly to Tiffany. “Y–yes?” Tiffany chuckled again. “Don't mind her, Seohyun.” She patted on her back. “Sometimes when she's bored, her mind tends to go haywire.” “Hey!“ Jessica protested. Seohyun giggled and nodded her head. “I'll be sure to keep that in mind.” Tiffany smiled. “That's good.” She then paused, contemplating whether she should pop out her next question. “How many relationships have your sister been in?” She asked, acting nonchalant as she checked her nails.

Jessica smirked when she heard the question, knowing what her best friend was thinking.

Tiffany turned when she felt the stare. “What?” She asked. Jessica pursed her lips and shook her head. “Weirdo...” Tiffany muttered under her breath. Jessica heard it and grinned to herself. “TaeYeon Unnie had been in...” Seohyun looked up at the ceiling while thinking. “Three...” “Three?!” “Three hundred and fourteen relationships.” “WHAT?!” Tiffany shouted. “Yah!” Both Seohyun and Jessica protested when they jumped at Tiffany’s loudness. Tiffany ignored them and shook her head. “Three hundred and fourteen... Really?” She couldn't believe what she had just heard. So is she a player?

“Yup.” Seohyun nodded her head. “And before you think that she's a player...” I've already thought of it. “She’s not.” “Huh? What do you mean?” Jessica asked. “She has her own reasons... She just doesn't find any of them worth sticking with. She wants to find someone special, but I guess it's just difficult for her. She tried with both men and

women, you know. But it just wouldn't work out.” Seohyun explained. “Although I'm kind of

glad that she stopped this overflowing relationships thing like a few years back, I couldn't help but to think of how lonely she must have been.” She smiled sadly.

Tiffany’s heart clenched unknowingly when she heard it. She couldn't help but to feel sad for TaeYeon. She must have been very lonely...

No one spoke after that little solemn talk about TaeYeon. Tiffany felt bored. She looked around and saw Jessica typing on her phone, again – she rolled her eyes – and then Seohyun was looking at something on her laptop.

She sighed and searched her pocket for her phone, but to her dismay, she couldn't find it

and realised that she had left it in her own room. She stood up. “I'm going to my room for a short while.”

Seohyun looked up from the screen. “Huh, why?” “I left my phone there.” Tiffany pouted. “But it's dangerous, Tiffany.” “I'll be fine, it's only a short walk.” “It's better to be safe than to be sorry.” Seohyun said sternly. Tiffany pouted again. “I know, Hyunnie.” She purposely used the nickname trick on

Seohyun. She saw how the girl’s eyes had softened and knew that she had succeeded. “It's

really just a short walk. I'll be fine so there's nothing to worry about. Please? I'm bored and I have nothing to do and my phone isn't with me...” She tried to sound as sad as possible. “But...”

“Please?” Tiffany pleaded with her hands in front of her. Seohyun heaved a sigh. “Alright... Be quick though!” “I will!” Tiffany left the room with a wide grin on her face. She was about to enter her own room when she heard some muffles followed by a giggle

from below. Her curiosity got the best of her as she closed her room door and went to the stairs. She looked down and saw a couple. “Donghae,” the girl said, flirtatiously. “Hmm?” Tiffany heard the mumble from the guy who had his face snuggled against the girl’s neck.

Who are they? Tiffany thought and grimaced when she heard the hushed moan from the girl.

She shuddered once more before deciding to mind her own business and walk away. “Who's there?” She froze when she heard the guy, Donghae’s voice. There was a breeze that went past her in a flash before the guy was in front of her. She

nearly yelped until the guy covered her mouth and dragged her to a more secluded area. He leant in towards Tiffany’s neck and took a deep breath. “You're a human, aren't you?” Tiffany stared at him with wide eyes.

Donghae let out a low laugh. “No matter how much you cover up, I could still smell your

human scent.” He then stared deadly into Tiffany’s eyes. “Shout and you’ll instantly regret it.” He dragged his finger across Tiffany’s cheek, making her shudder, before pulling away his hand that was over her mouth.

“L–let go of me.” Tiffany whimpered. “Let go of you?” He chuckled. “Not that easy.” He leant in so close to Tiffany’s face that she could actually feel his cold breath hitting her

face. Her heart was beating frantically when she saw how those cold eyes pierced through her. She didn't know what this monster would do to her and she wouldn't want to know either.

His lips hovered above her jaw before tracing it. Tiffany turned her head left and right to avoid his lips but he held onto her face before pressing his lips onto hers roughly.

Tiffany’s eyes widened and she hit his chest. It was futile though, because Donghae pinned

her hands onto the wall. She wanted to shout and scream for help, but she was afraid what the vampire in front of her would do to her. She regretted not listening to Seohyun, if not, he wouldn't have seen her.

Her eyes glistened with tears. She heard him growl. “You smell good.” Nothing was in her mind at that point of time. She just wished that someone could pass by and hopefully help her out in this situation.

You Wouldn’t Want To Chapter 9: You Wouldn’t Want To TaeYeon sat through the meeting with her mind elsewhere. She kept on fiddling her fingers when the other clan leaders were talking. She didn't really care what the meeting was

about since she finds that it's meaningless to her. Plus, she also didn't like the idea of how the other leaders deal with things like: killing or hurting innocent people.

She held the belief that even though vampires do have a need to feed on blood, but it

doesn't have to be human blood and there's also no need for them to kill the humans. There was also an unforgettable incident that led to her hatred towards the Furer clan. They had made her lose that one thing that she loved a lot.

Although the King himself also loathed the Furer clan, but he couldn't show it since he was the leader of them all. He had to keep every clan in peace and harmony.

TaeYeon was worried about the two girls that were in her sister’s room. She couldn't

pinpoint what was wrong but she just felt something within her that made her uneasy. “Excuse me, Sir.” TaeYeon lifted her head when she heard the voice. “Anything, Leader Lee?” TaeYeon nearly scoffed at how her father addressed that man. “Pardon me, but I have to use the restroom.” Donghae said with a small smile. What a hypocrite. TaeYeon rolled her eyes to herself.

“Go ahead,” said the King as he smiled along. He then gestured for the guards to open the door.

Donghae stood up and bowed. “Thank you, Sir. And please don't mind me, just continue on.” He then walked away.

TaeYeon had her eyes targeted on Donghae the whole time. She wasn't going to be less wary about the man.

The meeting went on for around fifteen minutes until TaeYeon noticed that Donghae wasn't back yet. She started to get worried and she knew that he was surely up to something no good.

TaeYeon cleared her throat loudly, earning the attention from the people in the room and

successfully shutting up the boring man that was talking. “Sorry to interrupt.” She stood up from her seat. “Do you mind if I look for Leader Lee, Appa? It seems like he might have gotten lost.” She clenched her jaw as she spoke.

Lee Donghae, he's the leader of the very own Furer clan, the clan that most vampire feared for. He's also one of the youngest leaders in the vampire world.

He wasn't appointed the leader right away because of him being capable or whatsoever.

The reason was simply because his father, Mr Lee, the previous leader of the Furer clan had passed away a few years ago. The death of Mr Lee was so sudden that people couldn't help but suspect that something was wrong.

Donghae had stepped up and said that his father had committed suicide because he

couldn't handle the stress and weight of being a leader. Many didn't believe, of course. They

suspected that Mr Lee was murdered instead and of course by none other than his own son, Lee Donghae. But no one dared to say anything about it because they were afraid that they would be dealt with if the news gets to Donghae.

When Mr Lee was still the leader, the clan had been so much different from the current one that is led by Donghae. Mr Lee was someone whom everyone respected because he was a very responsible man and he treats everyone like his own family. He was even a good

friend of the King. But ever since Donghae had taken over, the clan had a three hundred and sixty degrees change.

The clan’s members were all afraid of their newly appointed leader. They didn't approve of his ideas of wanting to dominate, but they couldn't do anything but to succumb to him and obey his orders since he had them by their necks. Thus, the clan then ended up to be filled with cold blooded and heartless members whom everyone despised.

“Of course. Go on and look for him.” The King understood why TaeYeon wanted to go. She nodded before taking her leave. Once she was outside, she looked at the surrounding first. Nothing seemed weird except

that it was a little too quiet for her liking. There was a guard standing by the door but other than that, no one else was there.

Where could he be? She pondered and paced around. Hold on. Why am I looking for him? I

should be checking up on Ti– the girls. She bit her lips at her own thought before shaking her head vigorously.

She walked further down the hallway until the stairs that leads to the bedrooms came to

sight. She had her foot up, ready to walk up when she heard some muffles. She stopped to listen carefully but it was total silence.

Guess it's just my imaginations. She shrugged and continued to walk up. Her foot had landed onto the last step when a scream echoed down the passageway. Her eyes widened. She recognised that voice, she could recognise it anywhere by now.

No words need to be said as she ran off to the direction of the scream.

Please be alright... Her knees nearly gave way at the thought of Tiffany being hurt. She paused at a dark corner where two figures could be seen. She walked slowly so that she wouldn't have to gain the unnecessary attention.

There was some fidgeting with the two people before she could get a clear look of the

culprit’s face. She hissed loudly and the guy turned around with shock on his face, but he quickly masked it with a smile.

“Prince TaeYeon!” He said cheerfully. “What brings you here?” It seems like he was trying to block whoever was behind him by using his body.

TaeYeon noticed it. She didn't need to see and she already knows who it was. “Lee Donghae.” She said in a warning tone. “Let her go.”

The smile on the guy’s face slowly faded to be replaced by a smirk. “Let her go?” He

repeated TaeYeon’s words. “Why didn't you tell me that you had a human here, Prince

TaeYeon? I could have some fun from the boring meeting.” He turned to look at Tiffany who was staring at him with fear. He then brushed his fingers on Tiffany’s cheek, making the girl shiver because of the coldness. “So beautiful.”

TaeYeon diverted her attention to Tiffany. She saw how the girl’s face had turned ghostly

white, how her tears kept on falling endlessly and how her beautiful brown eyes were now red from all the crying.

TaeYeon clenched her fist, feeling the anger built up within her. “What did you do?!” She yelled.

Tiffany looked at the girl who was fuming right now. She saw how the girl’s eyes changed from onyx to red, and then back to black. It was like TaeYeon’s eyes kept on changing

colours, they were flashing red before turning black and vice versa before it stopped at black.

“What did I do?” He snorted. “Depends on what you're thinking.” It was so sudden that nobody could react when Taeyeon grabbed Donghae by his collar.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” She held onto his collar tightly and shouted close to his face. The

look on her face was so scary that even Donghae had cowered a little but he didn't show it and chose to hide it with a smug smile.

“I don't know. What are you referring to?” The smirk returned and TaeYeon couldn't hold back anymore.

She swung her fist back before aiming on Donghae’s abdomen. The guy immediately fell

onto his knees because of the hit. It still wasn't enough to appease TaeYeon’s anger though. She grabbed him by his collar again before throwing him against the wall harshly. A little crack sound was heard before Donghae fell onto the ground.

“Fu–” He grabbed his back and gritted his teeth at the pain. His back might be broken by now.

TaeYeon looked at him once before turning to Tiffany who was still looking scared. She grabbed her hands softly and pulled her close.

“You'd better leave this house before I call the guards. And really, you wouldn't want to go to the meeting after this.” She spat at him once before walking away with Tiffany safely beside her. ---

“Oh God! Tiff!” Jessica ran to the pair who had just walked into the room. “Where the heck were you? Did you know how worried Seohyun and I was when you didn't come back? Seohyun even went around looking for you.”

Tiffany didn't even spare a look at her best friend and instead, she went straight for the bathroom and locked the door.

“What the...” Jessica mumbled to herself when the door was practically slammed at her face

while she was following behind Tiffany. She then turned around when she remembered the other person that walked in with her friend. “You.” She walked to TaeYeon who was raising her brow at her. “Did you do anything to her? Because I swear that if you did I'll–” “Of course not!” TaeYeon quickly defended herself. Jessica frowned. “Then what happened?” TaeYeon heaved a sigh before telling everything to Jessica. As soon as she finished, all sorts of curses came out from Jessica’s mouth. Some were in English but TaeYeon understood all of it. She had her eyes widened at how vulgar Jessica could be. “How could he?! I mean like seriously. SHE'S MY BEST FRI–” “Shhh!” TaeYeon scolded when Jessica’s volume kept on getting louder. “Are you trying to be loud enough for your best friend to hear us?”

Jessica breathed out. “Fine, but I'm never ever going to forgive that son of a bitch.” TaeYeon didn't reply to that. She knew that she was going to hate him forever anyway. “By the way, she's been there for quite some time now.”

“I've noticed.” “Is she alright?” “Check up on her?” Jessica nodded. She went to the door and knocked on it. She made sure that her tone was gentle. “Tiff? You alright?” There was no response so she knocked again. “Tiffany?” She tried opening up the door, but realised that Tiffany locked it earlier on.

She started to panic when there was still no response. She stuck her ear against the door

and there wasn't a single sound in there. “Tiff!” She knocked on the door harshly. “Open up the door!”

She kicked the door impatiently. “Open up the freaking door, Tiffany Hwang!” But still, there was no movement, no sound. The anxiety was getting onto her and she was scared now.

“Move away.” Said TaeYeon. “I'll kick the door open.” Jessica did as she was told. With one smooth kick, TaeYeon managed to get the door open. They went in hastily and found Tiffany lying in the empty bathtub, unconscious.

I Won’t Let Anything Happen To You Chapter 10: I Won’t Let Anything Happen To You Jessica gasped as soon as she saw the pale looking Tiffany. “Fany-ah!” She ran to her best friend and pulled her up with TaeYeon’s help.

“Let me,” said TaeYeon as she carried Tiffany in her arms and brought her to the bed. She laid the girl down gently onto the bed.

Jessica sat beside the unconscious girl and patted on her cheek gently. “Fany?” Hearing no response from the girl, she felt helpless at that time that she couldn't do anything for her best friend. She turned to TaeYeon.

TaeYeon saw the look on Jessica’s face. “I'll go get a wet towel. Could you help me change her out of her wet clothes to something loose and comfortable?”

“Of course, of course!” Jessica immediately stood up and went to the closet. “I'll be outside.” “Alright!” TaeYeon went out of the room, not without glancing at Tiffany before closing the door. She

went to her room and got a towel and moistened it before going back to Tiffany’s room. She noticed that the door was still locked so she lay her back against the wall, feeling herself being drained of energy. Again and again, Lee Donghae... She closed her eyes. “Unnie.”

She opened her eyes and saw Seohyun walking towards her. “Have you found Tiffany?” She nodded. “She's in her room.” “What happened?” Seohyun noticed the fatigue look on her sister’s face. TaeYeon kept quiet. “Is it... him?” Seohyun chose her words carefully. When TaeYeon still didn't reply, Seohyun knew that she was right when she saw the gaze in TaeYeon’s eyes change. “Did he... I mean... Tiffany–” TaeYeon nodded. Seohyun breathed out, feeling angry that the guy had to hurt her sister and her family again. She patted on TaeYeon’s back, silently comforting her.

The door beside them opened and Jessica popped her head out. “We’re done.” They nodded and went into the room together. They saw the girl lying on the bed and felt sad for her.

TaeYeon held the towel and walked towards the bed. She folded the towel neatly before placing it on Tiffany’s forehead.

“Poor thing...” Seohyun commented. “She's breaking out cold sweat right now. I can't even imagine how petrified she must have been earlier on.”

“I swear that if I ever see him, I'll make him pay for all this.” Jessica gritted her teeth. “I won't let him hurt Ti– the both of you. Don't worry.” TaeYeon wiped away the sweat that was forming on Tiffany’s forehead. “If he dares to touch any of you, I'll make sure that his arms would be broken. I won't let him hurt anyone near me, again.”

Seohyun understood what her sister was saying. She went to her sister and placed a hand on TaeYeon’s shoulder. “Unnie...”

“Don't worry, I won't do anything to make you all worry about me.” TaeYeon patted on Seohyun’s hand.

Jessica who was beside Tiffany at the other side of the bed heard what the sisters said. She had no idea what they were talking about but she didn't want to be rude so she didn't

interrupt. Still, there was a little part of her that was curious about what they were talking

about. Did something happen to TaeYeon in the past? She looked at said girl but to only look away when TaeYeon turned to her.

The girl that was lying on the bed suddenly fidgeted making everyone look at her. “N–no... Don't hurt me, p–please.” Tiffany’s body shook under the covers.

The worried Jessica immediately grabbed her best friend’s hand protectively. “Fany-ah...” “N–no...” The still sleeping Tiffany pushed Jessica’s hand away. Jessica almost cried when she saw how her friend was acting. She ignored the pushes from Tiffany and went to wrap her arms around the girl’s shoulders. “It's okay...” She stroked

Tiffany’s hair, feeling a little relieved when Tiffany stopped moving and relaxed. “No one’s going to hurt you now.” She whispered into Tiffany’s hair.

Only was Jessica completely assured that Tiffany was alright when her breathing slowed

down. She reluctantly peeled her arms from Tiffany, knowing that there were still others in the room. She pulled up the comforter to cover up Tiffany better.

“I think Tiffany’s going to be alright for now. You should get some rest, Jessica.” Said Seohyun.

Jessica shook her head. “It's okay. I'll stay here.” “But you'll be tired–” “I can't rest when my best friend is in this state.” Jessica spoke softly and caressed Tiffany’s hair. A hand suddenly landed onto her back, making her jump a little. But what surprised her more was when she turned to see TaeYeon looking down at her with a small smile.

“We won't let anything happen to her, so just take a rest. You wouldn't want her to worry about you falling sick, too, right?”

“O–of course.” Jessica unconsciously nodded her head. She felt that TaeYeon’s words were trust-worthy enough and that TaeYeon would protect Tiffany. “Then, go on. Sleep.” TaeYeon ushered Jessica away. Seohyun went forward to pull Jessica up. “I'll walk you to your room.” “Alright.” After the two left the room, TaeYeon spent a few minutes just standing there, staring at the sleeping Tiffany. She went forward so that she could have a closer look of the girl. TaeYeon

hasn't been able to have a good look of Tiffany’s face these past few weeks since all they did

was bicker whenever they come face to face. But this time, she took her time to look at the girl’s face.

You're really pretty when I look at you closely... Her hands automatically went up and she hesitated before placing it onto Tiffany’s cheek. She nearly shivered at the warmth that she felt. It wasn't any other warmth, it was different, something that she hasn't felt for a long time.

Tiffany’s hand went up to scratch her cheek. TaeYeon chuckled silently when the girl frowned so she reluctantly pulled away her hand.

She took a chair from nearby and placed it beside the bed before taking a seat. She looked

at the girl again and heaved a sigh, feeling how unfair it was that Tiffany had to go through all these. But it's okay, because she won't let it happen again.

When those thoughts ran through her mind, her eyes grew heavier before she succumbed to sleep. --TaeYeon thought that she was hearing things when she heard some soft whining. She

ignored it and went back to the book that she was reading. It was only a few seconds later when the whining grew louder that TaeYeon finally looked up and saw Tiffany turning around on the bed.

She quickly placed the book away and got onto the bed. “L–leave me alone...” Tiffany muttered with tears on her face.

TaeYeon pulled Tiffany up and hugged her to prevent Tiffany from throwing her hands around. “Shhh,” she cooed. “No one’s going to hurt you. You're safe here.” She stroked Tiffany’s back.

Tiffany’s body seemed to relax in TaeYeon’s arms, and the prince was more than relieved. But the thing that TaeYeon didn't know was that, Tiffany was awake when she suddenly placed her hand onto Tiffany’s cheek.

Although Tiffany was shocked that TaeYeon was hugging her, but she was still conscious of the dream that she just had. She closed her eyes – that were swollen – and instead of pushing TaeYeon away, she gripped the girl’s shirt and pulled her closer.

TaeYeon held in a gasp when she felt the movement from Tiffany. She thought the girl was

still asleep, but nonetheless, she still didn't pull away. She continued to hug Tiffany because she knows that the girl is having a hard time now and also, she didn't want this weird, but good feeling within her to fade away right away. “T–TaeYeon.” “Yes?” “I–I'm okay now.” “O–oh.” TaeYeon pulled her arms away embarrassedly. Tiffany felt the lost of warmth – although Taeyeon’s body was cold – and she immediately regretted saying that she was fine. She wouldn't mind having TaeYeon hold her for a few seconds more, as weird as that sounds. The two sat in awkward silence.

“I think I should go now.” TaeYeon said as she stood up from the bed. She was about to walk away when a hand pulled her wrist. She looked down and it was none other than Tiffany who did it.

“Thanks,” said Tiffany. “For last night.” TaeYeon smiled and Tiffany was kind of surprised since this was the first time TaeYeon had smiled genuinely at her. “It's no big deal.” She paused. “I won't let him hurt you anymore.” Tiffany saw TaeYeon’s expression darken before her eyes flashed the colour black a few times. Feeling a little scared at the sudden change, she quickly retreat her hands back.

When TaeYeon realised what she just did, she quickly apologised to Tiffany. “I'm sorry. I

should really get going now. And you should just... rest.” TaeYeon quickly walked towards the door.

“TaeYeon.” Tiffany called out, successfully stopping the girl who already had her hand on the door knob. “Stay with me.” TaeYeon tensed up. “I... err...” “Please?” Her walls then crumbled at the plead from the girl. “A–alright.” Tiffany smiled a little before Taeyeon turned around. She walked to the bed and gestured

for the girl to lie down which Tiffany listened obediently. She then pulled the covers up for Tiffany.

“Thank you,” Tiffany said, softly. “No problem. Now rest, please. I know you're tired.” Tiffany simply nodded and within seconds, she has already fallen asleep.

Look how tired you must have been... TaeYeon shook her head. Stubborn. She smiled. After making sure that Tiffany was sound asleep, she then walked back to the chair that she sat on earlier. Her book was still there but she didn't really look at it since all her attention was now casted on Tiffany.

All this time, she didn't know that she was watching Tiffany with a smile on.

Almost Chapter 11: Almost Tiffany didn't know how long more she had slept for, but the next time that she woke up

was by a sound somewhere in the room. She pulled the covers up higher to block out the sound and groaned when it did nothing to help.

She was annoyed that someone had to disturb her sleep. Her body still felt tired. “Urgh...” After a few more minutes, the noise stopped and she was starting to fall asleep again.

"Aren't you gonna get up?” A voice was heard and the covers on Tiffany were pulled away from her.

“Can’t you just let me have my sleep?!” She yelled and sat up, not forgetting to glare at the person who was by her bed. But soon, her eyes widened when she saw who it was.

TaeYeon looked at her, clearly amused at how Tiffany was in the morning. She pointed at the clock. “It's eleven, nearing to twelve noon, Miss Hwang.”

Tiffany heaved a sigh. “I'm sorry, I didn't know that it was you.” She was really tired. She looked down and saw that she wasn't wearing the same clothes from yesterday. She

touched it. What the... I didn't change my clothes yesterday, so how did it... She looked up and saw Taeyeon smiling at her. Her eyes widened. Don't tell me... “When did I change my clothes?” She asked. “You just realised that?” “What?” “That your clothes are changed? You woke up earlier on though.” “I was still half asleep just now. So, when did I have a change of clothes?” “Why does it matter?” Tiffany held in a groan. “Just answer me!” “Well... You fainted last night, so I–”

“You changed my clothes?!” Tiffany exclaimed even before TaeYeon could finish her

sentence. Her arms went up and covered her chest. She was embarrassed at the thought of having TaeYeon seen her half-naked. She blushed at her thought. “N–no!” TaeYeon quickly said. “I haven't finished my sentence!” The arms on Tiffany’s chest slowly came down. “Like I said, you fainted last night. So, I have to tell Jessica to change the wet clothes on

you.” She explained. “And, I was outside of the room the whole time. It was only Jessica who was in the room with you.”

“O–oh...” That's all that Tiffany could say since she felt embarrassed that she had misunderstood TaeYeon.

“O–oh...” TaeYeon mimicked Tiffany before chuckling at the pink cheeks of Tiffany’s.

“Maybe you should try to let people finish what they have to say before jumping into conclusions.” She laughed again.

Tiffany froze when she heard the laughter. If she wasn't wrong, this was the first time that she had heard TaeYeon laugh because of her. And somehow, Taeyeon’s laughter is kind of contagious and it made her smile just by hearing it.

TaeYeon saw the smile on Tiffany’s face and her laugh receded. She had loosened herself now.

A brief silence. “Erm...” Tiffany fidgeted. “Sorry.” “Huh?” TaeYeon tilted her head a little.

Cute. “For misunderstanding you. I tend to always do that.” “I can totally see that.” TaeYeon smirked. “Erm well... I'll go wash up first.” Tiffany got out of the bed. “Hmm.” By the time when Tiffany was done, she walked out of the bathroom to see TaeYeon holding up her totoro doll.

TaeYeon turned around when she heard the door opening. She looked at Tiffany and then looked back at the doll. “I didn't know that you like dolls.” She squished the fat doll and laughed when the face became funny.

“Yah!” Tiffany whined and quickly went forward to grab her doll. She hugged it protectively. “I don't really like dolls. Just some of it, I guess.” “Just admit that you're childish.” “I'm not!” “You are. Look at that... what's that thing? A cat? A squirrel?” “It's totoro!” “Ah. Couldn't care much.” She shrugged her shoulders and received a slap on her arm. “Owh! Why did you hit me?”

“Because you deserved it.” Tiffany stuck out her tongue and put down the doll. “Wow. Must I remind you how old you are now, Miss Hwang?” “You should remind yourself.” Tiffany stuck her tongue out again before walking to the bed. She was about to sit down when a pair of hands attacked her side and tickled her. She fell

onto the bed on her back and tossed and turned. “Y–yah!” She looked up and saw TaeYeon

grinning at her. “S–stop it!” She laughed. She pushed hard and successfully pushed TaeYeon off. She quickly stood and ran around the room. “Don’t...” Tiffany pleaded with a pout.

TaeYeon chuckled. “Not gonna let you off.” She then launched forward and wrapped her arms around Tiffany’s waist to prevent the girl from escaping. She stumbled a little and ended up losing her balance, making the two of them fall onto the ground. TaeYeon

carefully placed her hand onto Tiffany’s head and back so that she wouldn't be hurt when they fall.

Tiffany had her eyes closed the whole time when she knew that she was going to fall. But

she was surprised that she wasn't hurt and came to realise the hand on her head and back. She slowly opened her eyes and gasped when she saw how near TaeYeon’s face were. The girl was staring back at her.

They stayed like that for a while, both of them not moving. It was weird for Tiffany, because she was sure that TaeYeon’s body was cold but then, she felt warm engulfing her. Somehow, she felt safe by having TaeYeon close to her.

Tiffany swallowed nervously when TaeYeon’s eyes travelled down to her lips and how the Prince licked her lips.

Slowly and unconsciously, Taeyeon leant her face closer to Tiffany’s. The distance between their face were slowly decreasing and Tiffany had to close her eyes when their noses touched. She shivered.

TaeYeon tilted her head. They could feel one another’s breath hitting their face. Their

hearts were beating hard and they were getting nervous, but they couldn't hide the fact that they anticipate what's next. TaeYeon leant even further in. Bam!

The two jumped when they heard the sound of door slamming. “Oh my...” They turned and saw Jessica staring at them with wide eyes. They blushed and TaeYeon quickly got off Tiffany, not forgetting to pull the girl up as well.

Tiffany looked at Jessica. “It's not what it looks like.” She said in English. Her cheeks were still pink.

Jessica merely smirked. “Why are you smirking?” Tiffany nearly stuttered. She was afraid of what Jessica was going to do since her best friend have lots of tricks up her sleeves. “Nothing much. Just...” “Just?”

“Just found out that maybe my best friend’s preference had changed. Or should I say her taste in... partners?”

“What?” Tiffany didn't quite get what Jessica was saying. “What are you talking about?” “Eh, stop acting already, Tiff. You clearly know what I'm talking bout.” “I seriously have no–” “So, TaeYeon.” Jessica cut Tiffany’s sentence off. She turned to TaeYeon. “How was it?” “How was what?” “Do you really need me to elaborate?” TaeYeon raised her eyebrow. Jessica sighed and shook her head. “How dense can you two be...” She muttered. “Hey! I heard that!” Tiffany protested. Jessica ignored her. “How was the kiss? With my best friend? You know... lips touch lips?” She made some smooching sounds to tease the blushing couple. “We didn't kiss!” They exclaimed at the same time. Jessica observed the two and scoffed. “Yeah right. Then tell me why are the two of you blushing?” She then saw TaeYeon’s eyes. “Erm... TaeYeon?” “Huh?”

“Why are your eyes pink?” After hearing the word ‘pink’, Tiffany also turned to TaeYeon and indeed like what Jessica said, her eyes were pink.

At the mention of her eyes changing colour, Taeyeon snapped out of her thoughts before her eyes turned back to onyx.

“Oh, and it's back to onyx now...” “It's... kinda normal for me.” “You mean having your eyes change colours?” “Yeah, sort of.” “It's cool though.” Tiffany commented. TaeYeon looked at her. “I mean, having your eyes change colours occasionally.”

“That's because it's pink, Fany.” Jessica rolled her eyes. “It's not!” “Yeah, yeah, say whatever you want but can we go get our breakfast first?” Jessica said. “I

came here to inform you guys that breakfast is ready but I totally didn't expect to actually catch you two kissing.”

“We won't kissing!” Complained Tiffany as she and TaeYeon blushed again. “Alright, alright. I know it's your privacy so I won't ask how is it already, alright.”

“But, we really didn't kiss!” Jessica grinned as she turned to the door. “Chill, Tiff. I've told you that I won't pry so do

what you want.” She walked away, leaving Tiffany to complain behind her back. She stifled her laughter.

Questions Questions “Sooyoung-ah,” Tiffany called out to the girl who was in front of her laptop. “Hmm?” “Can I ask you a– some questions?” Sooyoung shut her laptop before turning around to face the girl on the bed. She moved to her while still on the chair. “Shoot.” She leant back against the chair. “So... Why do TaeYeon’s eyes changes colour?” Tiffany asked. Sooyoung’s eyes widened. “You've seen it before? In front of your own eyes?” Tiffany frowned in confusion of why Sooyoung is making such a big deal about it. “Err, yes? Why? What's wrong with it?”

“No, no.” Sooyoung shook her head and leant closer towards Tiffany. “What colour did you exactly see?”

“Well... There's pink.” Tiffany had a little smile on her face when the images of TaeYeon’s eyes changing to pink pop up in her mind.

Sooyoung heaved a sigh of relief. She immediately relaxed. “Phew... That's good to kn–” “And there's red and black, as well.” She added. “Oh... Wait. WHAT?!” Sooyoung yelled. Tiffany automatically covered her ears when Sooyoung shouted. The next thing she knew, her arms were grabbed by Sooyoung and she was shook around left and right. “Did she do anything to you?! Are you hurt anywhere?!” “STOP!” When Tiffany shouted, Sooyoung then stopped her movements and let go of Tiffany’s arms when the girl glared at her while fixing her hair.

After making sure that Tiffany was done, Sooyoung then opened her mouth again. “When did you see it? I mean, her eyes changing colours.” “It was when she saw the... Lee Donghae.” Sooyoung saw how Tiffany’s voice softened at the mention of the name. She immediately apologised to which Tiffany dismissed with a wave of hand and saying that it was okay. “So... Basically, the reason for her eyes changing colour wasn't because of you?” “Yeah, I suppose so.”

“Well, that's good to know then.” Tiffany noticed the relieved look on Sooyoung’s face. “Why? Is it something bad when her eyes changes colour?” “In some cases, yes.” “Huh?” Tiffany was confused. “Well... Just keep in mind to stay away from her whenever her eyes changes to red or black.”

“And... Why’s that?” “Because, whenever her eyes changes to red, it means that she's having bloodlust, pure lust or anger. There was even one time when she lost all control and went berserk. She even

tried to bite one of our human maid’s neck but luckily we stopped her in time.” Sooyoung

saw how Tiffany tensed up. “But don't worry, it's just that one time and it's dozens of years ago.”

Tiffany nodded. She was relieved to hear that from Sooyoung but she still was a little afraid. “And as I was saying, black stands for hatred. Her eyes changes to black whenever she sees someone that she hates.”

It means that she must have hated that Lee Donghae a lot... “And just for your information, pink means that she's embarrassed or shy.” Sooyoung smiled a little.

Shy? So she was shy the other day? Tiffany smiled at her thought. How cute. But still... why does she hate Donghae that much? Did something happen in the past between them?

“Ask anything you want, Fany.” Sooyoung said when she saw the puzzled look on Tiffany. “Erm... I don't mean to pry but... why does TaeYeon hate that guy so much?” “I'm sorry, I don't think I'm in the position to answer that.” Tiffany smiled. “It's okay. I was just being curious.” A brief silence. “So... does Seohyun’s eyes or your eyes changes colour too?”

Sooyoung chuckled. “My eyes don’t, but Seohyun’s eyes do, although it's kinda rare.” “What do you mean?” “As far as I can remember, I've only seen her eyes changed colour for less than ten times.” Tiffany nodded as it was indeed very rare for Seohyun as compared to TaeYeon since she had seen it for quite a few times from TaeYeon. “So it's only for the royal family, huh?” “Not really.” “Eh?” “It's only for TaeYeon and Seohyun.” “What? I don't quite get it... So it's like they have some superpower or something?” Tiffany joked.

“Something like that.”

Tiffany’s opened her mouth but no sound came out. Sooyoung laughed at her. She then heaved a sigh. “You're not letting this up until you get all your answers, huh?” She pretended to wipe away the sweat on her forehead. Tiffany grinned and nodded. “Right,” said Sooyoung. “So... The very main point of all these was because their mother is a human.”

“W–what?!” Tiffany’s eyes widened. She didn't expect this to be the answer. “Chill, Fany.” Sooyoung patted on her shoulder. “So yeah, TaeYeon and Seohyun are halfvampire, half-human.”

“B–but... Is it even possible for a vampire and a human to have children?” Sooyoung nodded. “It is, but there may be some changes to the child’s body and there are risks for the mother as well. Like in this case, TaeYeon and Seohyun have the ability to change their eyes colour.” “But... how?” “You see, their parents’ genes – which contains both human and vampire genes – were

passed on to them. Because of the somewhat abnormal genes that were fused together, it

then causes the child to possess some powers that other vampires or humans doesn't have. For TaeYeon, she's able to recover faster than any other vampires and as for Seohyun, you could say that she's our genius in this family.” Sooyoung smiled. “So... do you get it now?”

“Ah... Yeah, kind of. It's a little too much to take in all of a sudden, but I'll digest it in time.” Tiffany grinned. “Thanks by the way, for taking the effort to answer and explain to me.”

“You're welcome. Just feel free to ask any questions and I'll answer them if I'm in the league to.”

“Okay, then can I ask you something again?” Sooyoung laughed. “Of course.” “Is it only TaeYeon and Seohyun that has a heart?” “Huh? You knew about it?” “That da–” Tiffany stopped when she realised she was about to tell Sooyoung how she heard TaeYeon’s heartbeat. “I kind of heard it by accident.”

Sooyoung raised her eyebrow but she didn't pry. “Erm...” She coughed. “Yes, they do have a heart, but not only them, actually. All vampires have a heart, although it beats real slow.” “So, does this means that vampires have blood too? If they do, then why do they have to feed on other’s blood? Oh wait. If they have blood in their body... then won't the other vampires feed on them as well?!”

“They do...” Sooyoung paused to look at Tiffany’s shocked face. “In the past.” She continued and was rewarded with a slap on her arm. “Gosh, you scared me for a second!” “But they really do! Although it's like thousands and thousands of years ago.” She grinned sheepishly.

Tiffany pouted and crossed her arms. “Okay, okay. Not gonna tease anymore.” Sooyoung put both of her hands up. “So, yes,

vampires do have blood, but it's totally different from human blood. We have blue blood cells in our body, and it’s totally not tumour.”

“Okay... Then do TaeYeon and Seohyun have human blood? Since they are half-human.” “They do have human blood in the past. I'll just tell you how can a human become a vampire so that it will be easier for you to understand, alright?” A nod. “Okay, so, in order to be a vampire, you just have to have a single drip of vampire blood in your body.”

“What? It's not–” Sooyoung shook her head. “No, it's not from biting your neck or sucking your blood. Yes, we do have venom in our teeth but it's not to turn a person into a vampire, it's only able to

make the person weaker so that he or she wouldn't resist while we’re feeding on them. And also, in time, the person will also lose consciousness due to the venom and maybe because of the loss of blood.”

“I see...” Tiffany nodded her head, feeling that everything is new to her when she compares in to the movies that she had been forced to watch.

“Now, back to the topic. In the past, when TaeYeon and Seohyun are born, they had human blood in them. But in time, the human blood will soon be gone and to be replaced by full

vampire blood. This is because vampire blood are stronger than human blood, so, the blue

blood cell will easily destroy the red blood cells and thus, the body will end up to have pure vampire blood in only a few months’ time.”

“So then, there won't be any more human blood in their body?” “Bingo.” “I see. Wow, can't believe that there's so much more to vampires that I didn't know.”

Tiffany shook her head. So, TaeYeon was right. I really don't know a lot about vampires... “There's a lot more, you know. Not just these.” “Please don't tell it to me now. I really can't get any more things into my head.” Sooyoung chuckled. “Of course I won't. But there's a small little fun fact that you should know.”

“Oh? What's that?” Sooyoung grinned. “Guess what the colour of vampire blood is?” “Blue?” Tiffany answered without any hesitation. Sooyoung frowned. “How did you know?” “You told me about blue blood cells earlier on so I figured that vampire blood should be blue as well?”

“Ah... Okay, never mind that. It's actually azure blue, to be exact.” “It's still blue, though.”

“Yeah, true. We usually say that it's blue as well since there's not much difference.” “Oh well.” Tiffany shrugged. “Thanks again, by the way.” “Hmm?”

“For telling me all those facts and answering my questions, again. I couldn't have known so much if it isn't for you.”

Sooyoung smiled. “My pleasure. Just don't hesitate if you have any more question.” “Oh. Then–” “Just no more questions today.” Sooyoung interjected. “Eyy... You're no fun.” “So I've been told.” Sooyoung stuck her tongue out.

Amusement Park Chapter 13: Amusement Park “Just a heads up to the two of you, we’re heading out today.” Taeyeon said as she focused on the game she was playing on her phone.

“Eh? Out?” Jessica asked. She thought she had heard wrongly. She looked at Tiffany who shrugged her shoulders. “Yup.” “Where to?” Tiffany asked and she can't help but to roll her eyes when TaeYeon didn't answer her question and continued on playing her game. But soon, she found herself

smiling to herself when she saw how focused Taeyeon was that she has to bit her lips while tapping on her phone.

“Cute...” She muttered out. Jessica who was beside her heard it and smirked. She looked at Tiffany and it seems like the girl didn't notice that she just said that TaeYeon was cute. She leant forward and whispered, “like what you see?”

“Yes...” Tiffany said out unconsciously. She broke out of her daze when Jessica burst out in fits of laughter. Her eyes then widened in shock when she realised what she had blurted out a moment ago. “Darn it!”

Jessica heard it and laughed even louder. Taeyeon got startled when Jessica laughed all of a sudden. She ended up breaking her

combo and she sulked when she couldn't beat her high score, again. She huffed once before exiting the game and turned to look at Jessica who was practically lying on the floor. “What did I miss?”

Jessica calmed herself down and sat back up. She was about to open her mouth and speak when a hand immediately covered her mouth. “Mmph!” She looked at Tiffany and tried taking the hand of her mouth but Tiffany kept still and didn't allow her to.

“Mmphhh!” “It was just Jessica’s slow reaction, right, Jessi?” Tiffany said through gritted teeth. Because of the need to get the hand of her mouth, Jessica then nodded eagerly. Tiffany released her and she immediately gasped for air. “Damn, I thought I was gonna suffocate and die just like that.”

“Your fault for trying to–” Tiffany paused when she again realised that she was going to let it slip out of her mouth, again.

“For trying to tell your Taetae what you did?” Jessica quickly continued on and she grinned in victory when Tiffany had her eyes widened and her mouth slightly opened. “Tae... tae?” Jessica nodded. “Tiffany thought it was cute when she heard it from your father so she

decided to call you that too. Right, Tiff?” Jessica smiled her sweetest smile ever to her best friend who was still blanked out. She stifled a laugh.

TaeYeon blinked a few times. “Ah... O–kay...” She nodded slowly and looked at Tiffany who was blushing. She held back a smile. “So... why were you laughing again?” “Huh? What laugh?” “You were laughing like a mad woman earlier on while rolling on the floor like a fish out of water.”

“What the...” Jessica narrowed her eyes at TaeYeon who was looking oh so calm. “I wasn't laughing like a mad woman earlier and moreover, I'm not a fish.”

“But your action earlier says otherwise.” TaeYeon shrugged. “Oh my. You're so going down!” Jessica exclaimed and dashed forward. Tiffany shook her head when she saw Jessica hopelessly running after TaeYeon who had already ran out of the room.

--“Are we really going to the amusement park?” Tiffany asked excitedly. After hearing where they were going earlier on, she couldn't help but to ask again and again until the others were slightly annoyed.

“For the hundredth time, yes, Fany.” Sooyoung said as she leant her head against the headrest.

Tiffany grinned. “Sorry, I'm just too excited. Haven't been there for ages!” The driver took a glance at her through the rear mirror and smiled a little. “Why the amusement park, though?” Jessica had to ask. “Why not the mall where air-

conditioning greets you once you enter and you'll be kept cool for as long as you're inside.” She had a dreamy look on her face while the others were looking at her weirdly. “But

seriously, the amusement park is so hot there that I could immediately melt to become a puddle. I need my air-con or I'll b–” “Jess!” Tiffany scolded. “Stop it.” “But I–”

“It'll be fun!” “Fany’s right, Jessica. It will be lot more fun at the amusement park.” Sooyoung turned

around to face the two with a smile. “Besides, it's not every day that we could have a chance to bring you two out.”

“Hmm... You're probably right.” Sooyoung smiled when she heard that before she turned

back. Jessica was left smiling to herself once Sooyoung wasn't looking at her. But of course, right beside her was her best friend who was observing her from the start.

Tiffany smirked when a thought came up to her mind. You think I wouldn't know, huh, Jessica Jung?

While Tiffany was busy having a little celebration in her head, Jessica saw the smirk on her face. “Why are you smirking like an old pervert?” She commented and received a slap on her arm.

“Owh!” Jessica whispered harshly. “What the heck was that for?” She looked at her arm that has a red print and pouted.

Tiffany leant closer towards Jessica’s ear so that she could whisper better. “I found out something.”

“What?” Jessica’s voice also became softer. “You. Like. Sooyoung.” Tiffany then pulled back and leant against her seat with a victory

grin on. She looked at Jessica who was being strangely quiet. She stifled her laughter when she saw Jessica staring blankly at the window beside her. The girl’s face was flushed and Tiffany knew that she had her guesses right.

“Did you just kiss her on the lips?” TaeYeon suddenly said out of the blue.

“What?!” Tiffany looked at TaeYeon in shock. “Well... For a moment there, you were leaning so close to her that it looked like you were

kissing.” Taeyeon said. “Besides, she's blushing now.” She commented without taking her eyes off the road.

“You two kissed?!” Sooyoung exclaimed. “What?! No!” Tiffany quickly denied. “Why would I kiss my best friend? I mean it's okay if I kissed her on the cheek, but lips? No! Anyway, I did not kiss her!” Shouted Tiffany. “Jess, explain to them!” “I DON’T!” There was an awkward moment that passed by before Tiffany smirked when she realised what Jessica was replying to. “You... don't?” “Uh... What were you guys talking about?” “Did Fany kiss you on the lips.” Sooyoung said. “What?!” Jessica exclaimed in disbelief. “Why would we kiss? We are best friends and yes, we do kiss on the cheek but not on the lips! Oh my god, how did you even have thoughts like that?!”

“Exactly what I said.” Tiffany nodded her head.

“Why did you even ask me that?” Jessica grimaced as she shuddered at the thought of her kissing her best friend.

“Because TaeYeon thought I was kissing you earlier on.” The look on Jessica’s face changed as her eyes twinkled. She grinned at TaeYeon through

the rear mirror mischievously. “Aww, TaeYeon. Is it because you want to kiss Fany so you have those thoughts?”

Tiffany blushed unknowingly and TaeYeon coughed as her face slowly turned pink. “N–no.” “Then explain why are you stuttering, TaeYeon-ssi.” Jessica teased. “Uh... We've reached.” TaeYeon quickly parked the car. Jessica giggled silently and she was about to open the door when it was already opened for her. Looking outside, she could see Sooyoung standing there with a smile.

“My lady,” Sooyoung bowed and held out a hand for Jessica, she was acting like a butler towards the girl.

Jessica’s face turned pink but she still placed her hand onto Sooyoung’s and stepped out of the car.

Tiffany saw the entire thing and smiled to herself. She quickly got out of the car and went to her best friend’s side. “Jess.” “What?” “So... about the thing earlier?” Tiffany asked, but it was obvious that she was teasing Jessica.

“We’ll talk about it later!” Jessica replied before walking away. Tiffany chuckled at her friend’s behaviour. She was about to walk when she realised that

there was still another person in the car. She walked to the driver’s seat and knocked onto the window. TaeYeon jumped a little in surprise and she giggled. The door opened so she had to step to the side. “Are you alright?” Tiffany asked worriedly since TaeYeon wasn't getting out of the car.

“Yeah, it's just... my eyes.” Tiffany looked and finally noticed that Taeyeon’s eyes had turned pink. “Oh...” After a few more minutes, TaeYeon’s eyes turned back to their original colour and the two of them went to the entrance where their two friends are waiting for them.

“What took you so long?” Jessica complained while her hand was busy fanning herself. “Did you guys make out or something?”

Taeyeon choked on her saliva as she tried her very best to not blush since her eyes would change colour as well. She did not want any of the passer by to notice it and freak out. On the other hand, Tiffany was busy glaring at her best friend. “Taeng, I think you should wear your contact lenses before your eyes change colour again.” Sooyoung suggested.

Taeyeon nodded. “Yeah, I should. I’ll go to the washroom then, you guys can go in first, and I’ll just look for you later on.” She took one ticket from Sooyoung before walking to the ladies.


After putting on her contacts, TaeYeon went out of the washroom and was surprised to see Tiffany there.

The poor girl was standing under the blazing hot sun with no shelter above her. TaeYeon walked to her. “Why are you here? Were you waiting for me?” Tiffany didn't reply. She was busy staring at TaeYeon’s eyes that were slightly blue tint. Pretty...

“Um, Tiffany?” TaeYeon called out to the girl who was in a daze. “Fany?” Tiffany blinked her eyes when she heard what TaeYeon called her. She smiled a little. “Are you alright?” “You called me Fany.” “Oh... Uhm...” Taeyeon coughed once. “It's easier that way and since Sooyoung calls you that too...”

“Go ahead and call me that. I don't mind.” Tiffany smiled. “Ah, sure.” Taeyeon replied. “So, were you waiting for me?” Tiffany nodded slowly. “Babo.”

Oh no. She's gonna scold me, right? “Why did you stand under the sun when there's shelter?” TaeYeon took out a tissue paper and gently wiped Tiffany’s sweaty forehead. Tiffany froze at what TaeYeon was doing. It seems like TaeYeon didn't realise her actions until she noticed how Tiffany was staring at her with wide eyes. She quickly retreated her hand.

“Uhm... Let's go already. They must be waiting for us.” “Oh, of course.” --“There you guys are,” said Sooyoung when she saw TaeYeon and Tiffany approaching her and Jessica.

“So, what are we gonna do?” Tiffany asked a little too excitedly. “We’re gonna play a game in pairs.” Sooyoung said. She passed a map and a piece of paper

to Tiffany. “This paper states the number of points for each ride. So, basically, you will have

to take a photo of yourself on the ride as evidence. And then, after that, we will calculate the total points and the pair with the higher score will win.” Sooyoung smiled. “And the winner will get to watch the firework show for tonight!” “Oh. That's coo–” “It's boring,” interjected TaeYeon before Tiffany could finish her sentence.

“It's not boring, it's going to be fun!” Tiffany reasoned out. TaeYeon rolled her eyes. “So what's the pairing?” “Uhm... Jessica and I are together then that makes the two of you.” Sooyoung smiled a little too innocently for TaeYeon’s liking.

“What? When did I say that I wanna pair up with you?” “Who says that you could make the decision?” “Stop making decisions by yourself, you shikshin!” The three said at the same time. “Shush! I don't wanna hear any complains!” Sooyoung exclaimed and successfully shut

them up. “The time is...” She checked her watch. “Four. So, we’ll meet at the fountain over there at 7:30, alright? Alright.” She answered her own question. “Why are you making all the decisions?” Taeyeon asked. “Oh, shut up!” Sooyoung rolled her eyes before grinning. “Now let the game begin.”

Let the Operation Begin Chapter 14: Let the Operation Begin “Come on, TaeYeon-ah!” Tiffany grabbed TaeYeon’s hand and pulled her.

“H–hey, slow down.” Taeyeon nearly fell when she tripped over her own foot. All of a sudden, Tiffany stopped without any warning and TaeYeon who was following behind did not realise it and she ended up bumping into Tiffany’s back. “Owh...” Both of them said at the same time. “Watch where you're going, please.” TaeYeon couldn't help but to roll her eyes when she heard what Tiffany said. “I wouldn't have bumped into you if you didn't stop all of a sudden.” “Oh, so now you're blaming me?” “Yes,” TaeYeon joked and received a slap on her arm. Tiffany looked in front of her and grinned. “Our first ride!” She pointed at the Viking ship and jumped around like a little kid.

TaeYeon chuckled. “Okay, okay. Calm down.” “Let's go!” Tiffany said and ran off to the queue. Taeyeon followed with a smile on her face. After the ride, the two of them took a photo of them on the Viking ships while making a peace sign.

“Next!” Tiffany exclaimed once they came out.

“What about that?” Taeyeon pointed at the roller coaster ride. Tiffany turned to look at what TaeYeon was referring to. She immediately gulped when she saw the slope that's nearly ninety degrees. “T–that?” Tiffany wasn't scared of ordinary roller coasters but this one was really extreme. “Yeah. Why? Are you scared?” TaeYeon teased. “N–no! Pssh. Why would I be scared of a roller coaster ride?” She laughed it off. “Let's go, then!” TaeYeon ran off to the ride while Tiffany walked slowly and reluctantly behind her.

“Y–yah, what's with the hurry?” “Aish, come on.” Taeyeon pulled Tiffany's by her hand to the queue. “Slow down!” They reached the queue very soon and since there were only a few people queuing, they got to have their turns in just a few minutes.

As soon as Tiffany sat down on her seat beside TaeYeon, she couldn’t settle down and kept on fidgeting. Her hands went up to hold the bar so tightly that her knuckles had turned white.

TaeYeon looked at the girl beside her worriedly. Have I gone too far? The ride soon started and the carriage started to get higher and higher.

From her side, TaeYeon could hear Tiffany mumbling some inaudible words. “Hold onto me.”

“H–huh?” Tiffany asked without turning. Her eyes were growing bigger and bigger every time the carriage travelled higher. “Hold onto me if you're scared.” Tiffany turned to her side when she heard what TaeYeon said. The two were staring at one another so intently that none of them realise that they were at the top until screams erupted.

Tiffany frantically held onto TaeYeon’s arm as if her life depended on it and TaeYeon was wincing when she heard the loud screams ringing in her ear.

The ride soon slowed down and finally came to a stop. The passengers were slowly getting off the carriage but there were still two people on it.

Taeyeon looked to the pale looking Tiffany who was still shaking. “You alright?” She patted onto the hands that were still on her arm and realised that they were cold.

“Y–yeah.” Tiffany released her hold and slowly got out of the ride followed by TaeYeon. Her

legs gave way and she nearly fell if not for TaeYeon who was quick enough to hold onto her. “Are you really okay?” TaeYeon asked and slowly led Tiffany out. “Y–yes, I'm fine.” She sat down on the bench that TaeYeon had brought her to. She closed

her eyes, breathed out before opening them again to face a worried looking Taeyeon. “I'm really alright,” she gave her an assuring smile. Taeyeon swallowed. “I... I...”

“Hmm?” “I'm sorry...” She mumbled. “Sorry, but I didn't catch that.” TaeYeon heaved a sigh, “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have force you if you didn't want to.” “Oh. It's alright. It's not your fault.” “It is.” “It's not,” said Tiffany. “If I didn't want to, I could have just persisted, right? So it's also partly my fault for acting strong and agreeing.” “So... we’re good?” Tiffany laughed when TaeYeon put out a hand like a kid. She took the hand and shook it with a smile. “Yeah, we are.”

--“Hmm, let's see. Three points. Four points. Another four points.” Sooyoung muttered out as she counted the points that TaeYeon and Tiffany had while TaeYeon was counting for her team.

“Yes!” The sudden outburst from TaeYeon caused all other three to look at her.

“What?” Tiffany asked. TaeYeon turned to her with a grin. “We won!” “What?! Really?” Tiffany’s smile grew bigger when TaeYeon nodded. “They have seventeen points while we have eighteen.” “Woo!” While the two were happy celebrating, they were totally oblivious of the other pair that was sulking.

“It's just that one point,” Jessica stated. “But that one point makes a lot of difference.” Taeyeon said. “Hmm... Who's the one earlier that said it's going to be boring?” Sooyoung teased and everyone laughed when TaeYeon suddenly stopped all her actions.

“At least I win you!” TaeYeon pointed at Sooyoung’s face. “I'm happy as long I win.” “Oh, whatever. I'm hungry! Let's go get dinner!” Sooyoung complained before walking away.

“Yah, you shikshin! Wait for us!” “Do you have any idea what time it is? It's 7:30 for goodness sake!” Sooyoung threw her hands in the air. “And my tummy’s been calling for me since an hour ago.” “But you ate two hotdogs earlier,” Jessica said and Sooyoung shut up.

“Let’s just have dinner now, I'm hungry too.” Tiffany suggested. “See, that's why I say that Fany’s the best.” Sooyoung smiled and ran off to the diner. --Sooyoung and Jessica were left at their seats with their meals in front of them while Tiffany and TaeYeon went to buy their own food. The two sat in silence, and they were also staring at the other pair that was talking while pointing at the menu occasionally. Sooyoung squinted her eyes and said, “They look...” “Good together.” Sooyoung nodded. “And they look like a...” “Matching couple.” “Uh-huh. And they...” “Like each other.” Sooyoung turned to look at Jessica in surprise before she laughed. “Can't believe that we’re being so synchronised now.”

Jessica raised her eyebrow. “Why can't you?” “Because– Usually we– It's just– Actually, I don't know what to say.” Jessica snorted.

“Anyway, look at them, don't they look compatible?” Jessica her head and agreed to what Sooyoung said. “Totally. But then, they are just too oblivious of their own feelings.”

“Um-hmm. That's why I paired them up for the game.” Jessica sat straight, she was shocked by the news. “You did that on purpose for them?” “Yes,” replied Sooyoung.

“It's nothing...” Just that I thought it was because of me... “So... I guess this will be our mission then.” “Huh? What do you mean?” Sooyoung pointed to the pair. “Our targets. And the main objective is to... let them know their feelings.” “O–kay.” “Let's call it TaeNy operation.” “What? That sounds so lame.”

Sooyoung raised up a finger. “Do not question my naming ability. I have the final say.” “What say?” TaeYeon asked as she placed her tray onto the table along with Tiffany.

“Nothing!” Both Sooyoung and Jessica said at the same time. “Nothing?” TaeYeon asked a little sceptically. Sooyoung put on her best innocent face. “Yes, nothing. We were just chatting about the food here.”

When TaeYeon didn't pay any more attention to them, they turned to one another and smiled slyly.

I Know Chapter 15: I Know It was very soon the time for the firework show. To ensure that they wouldn't disturb the pair, Sooyoung and Jessica had gone off by their own, leaving TaeYeon and Tiffany to be alone.

They quickly found seats for themselves and sat in awkward silence since none of them knew what to say in this situation.

Tiffany was feeling bored at that time since the show hasn't began yet. She looked around and her eyes ended up on TaeYeon who had her mouth slightly opened as she looked upfront. She unknowingly let out a laugh which caught TaeYeon’s attention. “What?” She asked with slightly raised eyebrow.

Tiffany covered her mouth and wiped the smile off her face. “Nothing.” She cleared her throat and looked elsewhere so that TaeYeon wouldn't find her to be weird.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls!” The place was suddenly filled with the voice of the emcee of the show. “Welcome to the show tonight! I hope that all of you would enjoy the show, so just sit back and relax while it would begin in less than ten seconds!”

Very soon, loud booming sounds were heard as the fireworks started to fly up the sky. A giggle made TaeYeon turn her head as she stared at Tiffany who was smiling while

admiring the show. Her heart clenched when she thought about how sad it is for Tiffany that she wasn't able to have her previous freedom anymore.

All of a sudden, Tiffany turned her head when she felt someone staring. “What's wrong?” She asked TaeYeon who was looking at her.

When TaeYeon was about to reply her ‘nothing’, a couple sat beside her and she had to

move closer to Tiffany. When she looked up again, she nearly gasped at the close proximity between Tiffany and herself. Very slowly, she spotted shades of pink creeping up to the other girl’s cheek.

Although it was kind of embarrassing, but none of them backed away and instead, they stayed at that position for a couple of minutes while staring at each other.

TaeYeon stared into Tiffany’s eyes as if she was searching for some answers. She wanted to know what Tiffany was thinking about now. She wanted to know what the girl was feeling. She wanted answers, but she's also afraid of the answer.

So beautiful... TaeYeon unknowingly raised her hand and placed it on Tiffany’s cheek gingerly. She felt the girl shudder from her touch and her mouth twitched upwards.

She gulped once before letting her thumb caress Tiffany’s lips. Slowly. Very slowly. It was so tempting for her, especially when Tiffany didn't back away at once. She carefully leant in and watched as the girl flutter her eyes close.

TaeYeon stared at the pair of lips as she drew her face closer. Her eyes soon darted down to Tiffany’s neck and then to the vein that was visible at the girl's neck.

TaeYeon unconsciously swallowed. The vein was protruding out and TaeYeon could

practically see the red liquid flowing inside. If only she could pierce her fangs in and suck the blood out.

TaeYeon’s eyes widened at her own thoughts. That was when she realised she hasn't fed for this month. She quickly backed away, causing Tiffany to open her eyes at the loss of warmth.

“What's–” Even without waiting for her reply, Taeyeon had already gotten up and ran away from there. From her. She couldn't do that to Tiffany. She most definitely can't hurt her. What was I thinking?! She shouted in her mind and ran without any destination.

She finally came to a stop when she noticed that she was quite far away from the platform where the show is held at.

I left her there by herself, she must be having thoughts of why I did that... Taeyeon shook her head at her thoughts and that's when her eyes caught some movements. She looked from the corner of her eyes and realised that there's someone hiding behind the bushes. She didn't want to alert the person so she continued walking like normal and then

spotted more people around her. Her mind started to panic when she thought about Tiffany who was all alone now.

She kept her cool, took out her phone and sent a message to Sooyoung. “Tiffany’s alone and I noticed people watching me. Go to her. Now.” A reply soon came. “Got it. Where are you?”

I looked up. “There's a haunted house nearby. It's somewhere where the shop houses are all closed.”

“Alright, be careful.” Taeyeon breathed in before turning around. She was about to walk away when she felt

something behind her. She turned around quickly and managed to grab the hand that was directed at her.

Effortlessly, she grabbed the person’s arm and hit hard at his elbow before releasing it

when a crack sound was heard. The person fell onto the ground soon after while groaning in pain.

Taeyeon quickly looked up and slowly turned as she counted the number of men there. Four vampires, huh? It wasn't that hard for her to tell since she could smell it.

“Four against one. That's not very fair, you know?” She smirked while they surrounded her. One of the guys started to rush towards her. With quick reflex, Taeyeon locked his arms

behind his back and was about to hit the lethal point at his nape when someone spoke, “I wouldn't do that if I were you.”

TaeYeon slowly turned while still holding onto the man. “Taeyeon!” Taeyeon widened her eyes at the sight of Tiffany being held by someone. She clenched her jaw before releasing the man she was holding and received a punch in her abdomen.

“Now that's a great choice you've made.” The man – whom TaeYeon supposed is the leader – spoke again. He did some hand movements before people came rushing up to TaeYeon again.

She looked around and counted that there were three people now. The only difference is that they are now holding onto weapons. Baseball bat, metal pipe and a wooden stick.

Taeyeon looked at them who were half smirking. They knew that she wouldn’t do anything since they could hurt Tiffany.

A wooden stick suddenly swung forward and hit her in the stomach. The force was so hard that the stick had broken into half.

Taeyeon clutched onto her stomach and gritted her teeth. Next thing she knew, the man behind her had raised his baseball bat and hit the back of her knee, making her legs lose balance as she screamed in pain. “TaeYeon!” She lifted up her head when she heard Tiffany call and gave her a weak smile while she kneeled there and received beatings endlessly from the two men.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed that the third man had finally moved from his

position. She could see his shadows as he went behind her. She knew that time that she was going to get hit either at her nape or her head. Closing her eyes, she then waited for the hit to come.

But a few seconds later, there was still nothing but instead she heard someone shout, “TaeYeon!”

She lifted her head and saw Sooyoung fighting off the leader and Tiffany was with Jessica. The two of them looked at TaeYeon before Tiffany was about to run towards TaeYeon. TaeYeon saw it and quickly shook her head at Jessica who understood by holding back Tiffany.

She tried to stand up afterwards since she wanted to help Sooyoung who was still fighting. But as soon as she put force onto her knees, her legs then gave way and she fell onto the

ground. She grumbled in annoyance before looking around her. One guy was unconscious behind her, she recognised him as the one who tried to hit her with the metal pipe. As for the others, they were all probably gone since their leader is fighting someone now.

“Darn it!” TaeYeon lifted her head at Sooyoung’s complain. She then noticed that the leader was already gone. Once again, she tried to stand up but it was too painful for her.

A hand suddenly came out and she looked at the smiling Sooyoung before grabbing her hand to stand. After that, she then draped her arm over the taller girl’s shoulder. “Sooyoung, help me over there. There’s someone.”

Sooyoung nodded and began to support Taeyeon to the man who was still unconscious. “Wake him up, we have to dig up some information from him.” Taeyeon said.

“I’ll help,” Jessica suddenly voiced out and everyone looked at her. She rolled her eyes at them. “Just trust me.”

She walked towards the man with a smug smile on before kicking his stomach. The man didn’t wake up, he only fidgeted a little and scrunched up his face and Jessica was annoyed. She swung her leg back before kicking him at the part where it hurts the most.

The man immediately opened his eyes and let out a scream so loud that everyone had to cover their ears.

“Fu–... You bitch!” Jessica smirked at him. “Ah, you’re finally awake.” Sooyoung went forward and grabbed him by his collar before pulling him up. His hands quickly went to cover his crotch since he was afraid that Sooyoung might hurt him the same way Jessica did.

“Who sent you?” Sooyoung asked, her voice was calm. The man laughed before answering, “you think I’d tell you?” And that's when something caught TaeYeon’s eyes. There was a tattoo on the man’s arm. A tattoo that looks so awfully familiar.

Sooyoung was beyond angry now. She brought her fist up and was ready to hit him before TaeYeon spoke, “let him go.”

Sooyoung turned around, shocked. “What?” “Let him go,” said TaeYeon before she turned to the man. “And tell your boss that he’ll

never get what he wants. Tell him that Kim TaeYeon said that.” She then went forward to pull Sooyoung’s hands away.

The man fell onto the ground after and quickly stood up, stared at TaeYeon before he finally ran away.

“Why did you let him go? He’s our only lead!” Sooyoung exclaimed and threw her hands into the air in disbelief.

“Because... I know who’s behind this.” There’s only one clan that have that tattoo. The tattoo that has an alphabet ‘F’. The Furer Clan...

I’ll Protect You Chapter 16: I’ll Protect You “Where is she?” The man seated on the huge chair asked. “We f–failed to get her, Sir.” The poor subordinate stuttered. With a slam on the table, he stood up furiously. “What do you mean by you failed? Why can’t you all do such a simple task of capturing a mere human?!”

“T–there were others with her, Sir. And Kim TaeYeon has s–something to tell you.” “What is it?” He went to his desk and pulled out the drawer where a revolver was placed nicely. He took it out and spun it around his hand.

The man saw it and he gulped nervously. “She said that y–you’ll never get w–what you want.”

He clenched his fist before holding onto the gun properly. A click was heard when he

pressed down the hammer of the gun. “You know what happens when you fail a mission?” “Y–yes...” The man’s voice cracked. In one swift movement, he had already gone to the back of his subordinate. He brought up the revolver and shot the back of his neck without any word.

The man fell onto the ground after and blue blood was gushing out his wound. “Bring him out and set his body on fire,” he took out a cigar from his pocket, lit it and placed it in between his lips. “Yes, Sir.” He exhaled and smoke could be seen coming out from his nose and mouth. “Kim TaeYeon... You’ll fall under me one day.”

He took out the cigar from his mouth harshly and threw it carelessly onto the blue trail on the ground. Flame immediately appeared and the room was heated up. ---

They immediately left the place after the whole fight and decided to just go back to the

palace. As much as they loved the fun they were having, they couldn’t afford the dangers to be attacked again.

While everyone was having thoughts on who attacked them earlier, a certain person had her mind elsewhere.

Why did she run away earlier on? Did she know that someone was there? Tiffany asked herself as she continued walking towards the main door of the palace.

But that can’t be. If she knew, then she would have stayed with me instead of running away. So, what is– While asking herself those questions, Tiffany did not notice that the person in front of her had stopped walking, causing her to bump into the person’s back.

“Oh, sorry!” The person turned around and Tiffany blushed when she realised who she had bumped into. “Are you okay?” “I should be asking you that.” “W–what?” Tiffany stared back at TaeYeon who was looking into her eyes. She felt

uncomfortable – because Taeyeon’s stare was as though she was searching something inside her eyes – so she looked away. “What are you saying?”

“You were distracted the whole ride back. And till now, you still are. What’s wrong?” TaeYeon’s tone softened. “Are you traumatised by the incident?”

Tiffany was surprised at how worried TaeYeon sounded, but she did nothing to show how she felt. Instead, she tried to look back and forced a smile onto her face, “I'm fine. Really.” She then walked on, without looking back.

--Tiffany went into her room and immediately locked herself in. She leant her back against

the door while questions were still running through her mind. As much as she would like

her answers, she was also afraid of them at the same time. She was afraid that the answers would hurt her – although she doesn’t exactly know the reason why. What if... she ran away because she was afraid?

But she was the one who took the initiative and then ran off the next moment... She lightly banged her head against the wooden surface and closed her eyes. Kim TaeYeon, you’re killing my mind!

She stood still for a minute before opening her eyes. I should thank her for helping me earlier, right? Come to think of it, I really didn’t thank her yet... But that would be awkward. A sigh escaped from her lips.

Still... she got hurt because of me. Tiffany bit her lips as the memories of how TaeYeon got hurt started to flash through her mind. I should... just go. Yes, just go.

She finally nodded her head to herself before opening the door. She poked her head outside first and once she checked that the coast was clear, she then stepped out of her room and tiptoed to the room that was next to hers.

She noticed that the door to Taeyeon’s room wasn’t fully close and there was a gap big enough for her to look in.

She slowly leant forward and looked inside. She then saw TaeYeon sitting on her bed with Seohyun beside her.

It looked like Seohyun was applying something on TaeYeon from her angle and the latter was squirming around as if trying to get away from Seohyun.

It was almost hard for Tiffany to hold in her laughter when she saw the expressions on TaeYeon’s face but she knew that she had to.

While she was busy trying to have a better look inside, her leg accidentally kicked the door, causing a soft, but audible creek to be produced. “Who’s there?”

Tiffany gulped. Oh crap... --Taeyeon flinched a little when her sister applied the medicine on her jaw. “Can you please stop moving around? I can’t apply properly if you keep doing so.” Seohyun aaid.

“Fine, just... do it softly.” TaeYeon gritted her teeth and tried to hold the pain. “Alright, done. Now take your shirt off.” Seohyun said and threw the used cotton wool away before taking a new one. She looked at the still not moving TaeYeon.

“W–what?” “Take your top off. I have to apply on your abdomen, as well. You got hurt there, right?” Taeyeon nodded and slowly took off her top before placing it beside her awkwardly. “There’s a cut and it’s bleeding...” She went into the bathroom before coming out with a wet towel. “There’s some splinters stuck there so I will have to pluck it out later.” Pluck. It. Out. TaeYeon’s mind had everything summed up to become... hurts. “Alright, you’d better not move now.” “It won’t hurt, right?” Seohyun tried her best not to roll her eyes at her sister. “No, it’ll just sting.” “You promise?” “I promise.” Taeyeon watched closely as her sister brought the towel closer to her injury. As soon as the towel touched her skin, TaeYeon flinched and jumped away. “Ouch! You said that it doesn’t hurt!” She swatted away the hand.

“It doesn't!” Seohyun exclaimed and finally rolled her eyes. “Stop acting like a kid now, will you? You’re a vampire, how can you be scared of cleaning your wounds?” “It hurts! I’d rather be beaten up then to have you clean my wounds.”

“So, you’re saying that it’s because of me?” Seohyun deadpanned. “Ye– I mean, no.” “You mean yes.” “No, I meant no. Anyways, why do I have to clean my wounds? It will heal in time.” “Unnie... Cleaning the wounds makes it heal faster. You wouldn’t know when the enemy would attack, so if by then you still have an injury, it would be to your disadvantage.” TaeYeon’s jaw dropped at her sister’s explanation. “But I–” a sudden creak made her stopped talking. “Who’s there?” She quickly put on her shirt and got off the bed. “Your wound isn’t bandaged yet!” Seohyun complained. The door slowly opened and Tiffany stepped in. “H–hi,” she smiled awkwardly. “What are you doing out there? Come on in, Tiffany.” Seohyun got off the bed and went to pull Tiffany in.

“Why are you here?” Taeyeon asked as soon as Tiffany was brought near her. “I... Uhm... Are you okay?” “Huh?” “Are you alright? Your injuries, I mean.” “Oh. Yeah, I’m fine.”

“O–oh, that’s good then.” Seohyun looked between the two girls who suddenly got quiet. “I’ll be outside for a moment, alright?” She sent a wink to TaeYeon who rolled her eyes at her sister.

As soon as Seohyun had left, Tiffany took in a deep breath and looked at TaeYeon. “I’m sorry that I caused trouble again.” She bit her lips.

“You have a tendency of biting your lips when you’re nervous, huh?” Before she could even

speak, TaeYeon had brought up her hand and used her thumb to press down on her bottom lip so that it would be pulled out.

Tiffany was surprised at the sudden gesture and all she could do was stare at TaeYeon with wide eyes.

It was then that TaeYeon had realised what she have just done. She quickly retreated her

hand and placed it by her side. “Y–you could hurt yourself if you keep doing that. And, it’s not really good to have a cut on your lips in a house full of vampires, right?” She tried to joke. “But anyways, it’s not your fault.” “It’s because of me–” Taeyeon shook her head. “No, it’s really not your fault. Don’t ever think that it’s your fault.” Tiffany looked into those warmth eyes and gulped once before nodding her head. “Okay...” All of a sudden, the sky started to rumble and lightning could be seen from the outside.

Since the room was slightly dimmed, the lightning then could be seen flashing around the room. The sounds of thunder could then be heard very loudly.

TaeYeon had her eyes on the window as she watched the rain that fell soon after. The least expected thing for her was when a body came crashing onto hers and latching on her. She gasped and looked down to see Tiffany, “F–Fany, what are you doing?”

Her hands that were clutching onto the back of Taeyeon’s shirt tightened. “I–I’m scared...” She's scared of thunder?

TaeYeon’s hand went to her back and started to caress her gently. “Don’t be. I’m right here.” Another roar of thunder started to rumble and Tiffany jumped in surprise. TaeYeon thought she had heard wrongly when a sniff came from Tiffany. She looked down

and could see that the girl’s face was slightly wet. She became worried but she didn’t know what to do except letting Tiffany hold onto her.

After a while, TaeYeon could feel her own legs getting sore from all the standing since her

knee was also injured. She started to pull back so that she could guide both of them to sit on the bed but Tiffany held onto her. “D–don’t leave me.” Taeyeon felt something crack within her. “I’m not leaving you. Let’s just go to the bed, alright? I promise that I won’t leave you.”

She nodded meekly before following TaeYeon. “Here.” Taeyeon led her to sit on the bed with her back against the headboard before she joined her.

As soon as TaeYeon was next to her, Tiffany had her hand holding onto TaeYeon’s arm.

Taeyeon turned to look at the girl who looked tired now. She asked, “why are you afraid of thunder?”

Tiffany sniffed once, “m–my mom... she d–died on the night where it was r–raining heavily...”

TaeYeon’s eyes went big. Her other hand went to hold onto Tiffany’s hand that was on her arm.

“I’ve h–had a trauma s–since then.” TaeYeon didn’t know why, but she found herself saying, “I’ll help you.” “W–what?”

“I’ll help you overcome your fear.” I’ll help you overcome all of your fears. I’ll protect you. “H–how?” “We’ll try to stand through stormy nights.” “I c–can’t.” “You can,” TaeYeon squeezed her hand. “I’ll be with you.” “You p–promise?” “Yes, I promise.”

I promise, Fany-ah. I promise that I’ll protect you. I’ll be your protector. I’ll... love you.

Be Brave and Bold Chapter 17: Be Brave and Bold “Hello, I’m Kim TaeYeon!” Tiffany woke up to a start. She opened her eyes wide at the sudden voice and turned to the side abruptly. She was about to kick the figure there when she saw who it was. She giggled silently when she saw TaeYeon with her mouth open.

Tiffany turned to her side as careful as possible so that she wouldn’t wake TaeYeon up. After she had successfully turned so that she was facing Taeyeon, she looked at her

porcelain face and smiled to herself when she remembered what TaeYeon had told her last night.

Her hand went up and she began to trace TaeYeon’s face with her finger, gingerly. Starting from her eyebrow to her nose, TaeYeon frowned and wrinkled her nose a little. Tiffany then brought her finger to trace her cheek in circle, and then down to her lips. She caressed it and for a moment thought of how it would feel like to kiss a vampire. It would be similar to kissing a human, right? I mean... they look the same. She watched Taeyeon frown before her hand was swatted away. Tiffany giggled but stopped when a hand suddenly touched her chest. Her eyes went wide and she immediately kicked Taeyeon off the bed.

“Owh!” Taeyeon sat up and looked at Tiffany, still half awake. “Did you just kick me down the bed?”

“You prevert...” She glared at her. “What?” TaeYeon frowned. “Byuntae!” She felt her cheeks heating up. “W–what are you talking about?” TaeYeon stood up and looked at Tiffany who kept on avoiding her eyes.

“Y–you...” She got off the bed and slowly inched towards the door. “You touched my c– chest!” And then ran out with a slam of the door. W–w–what... I–I... TaeYeon’s jaw dropped. “Prince TaeYeon?” She blinked her eyes a few times before finally realising one of the maids standing by the door. “Good morning. I knocked your door a few times but you didn’t answer.” “Ah...” She cleared her throat. “What is it?” “The King wants to meet you in his room.” “Of course, I’ll be right there.” “I’ll take my leave,” the maid bowed before leaving.

What could Appa want? --“So, what do you think the two did last night? Tiffany didn’t even go back to her room...” Sooyoung asked Jessica who was still lying on her bed.

“I have no idea. And, why did you even come here so early?” Jessica glared at the tall girl before taking a pillow beside her and throwing it at Sooyoung’s direction.

“Early?” Sooyoung snorted. “Would you care to look at the time, Miss Jung? It’s eleven. Time to get up now.”

“No,” she pulled the blanket up to cover her face but in an instant, it was pulled down by Sooyoung. “Why are you so annoying!”

“If you could wake up by yourself, I will be more than willing to leave the sleeping beauty alone.”

Jessica rolled her eyes but couldn't stop her heart from skipping a beat when she heard Sooyoung inadvertently calling her a beauty.

“Okay, get up now.” She extended both of her hands, wanting Jessica to use them for support. “Come on.” “No.” “Up. Now.” “Go away,” she whined.

“Do not force me to do this.” “You wouldn’t dare do anything to me.” Sooyoung couldn’t help but to curse inwardly. “Then, get up now!” “No!” “Fine.” Just when Jessica thought that Sooyoung had given up and she could finally have her peaceful sleep, two hands suddenly grabbed her arms and pulled her up.

“Get off me!” Jessica tried to push the hands away but Sooyoung didn’t even budge a little. Sooyoung continued to pull and since she was going to pull Jessica off the bed, she extorted more force but it ended up to be too much and she stumbled backwards with Jessica following her.

Her eyes went wide when she knew that they were going to fall, on her back. But that wasn’t the concern, because the next thing she knew, a pair of lips had landed upon hers.

--“Appa,” TaeYeon walked into the room once she had greeted her father. She watched as her father stood up to walk to the couch and she followed along. “How’s your injury?” The King asked.

“It’s recovering fast.” “That’s good to hear.” He smiled. “Is anything the matter, Appa?” TaeYeon asked and she saw how her father’s smile slowly faded away before he turned serious.

The King walked to his desk to pick up a file before walking back. “There are two matters that I want to talk about,” he passed the file to TaeYeon who

opened it. “Last night, the officials found thirteen dead human bodies in the town area.

They came to a conclusion that the cause of death was from massive loss of blood. And after examining, they found fang marks on the bodies.” “Vampires?” The King nodded. “Which clan?” “We are still investigating. But right now, our suspicion is on the Furer Clan. The limbs of the bodies were torn off and... I could only think of one clan that would do this.” The Furer clan, again...

“Appa, I have something to tell you. It’s about last night.” “What is it?” “We interrogated one guy there and I saw a tattoo on his arm. It was from the Furer Clan.”

“Are you sure about this, Taeyeon?” “Affirmative. I can recognise that tattoo anywhere.” The King exhaled loudly and massaged his temple. “They are getting out of hand and are crossing the line now. Attacking the Prince? What were they even thinking?” “Their target isn’t me, Appa. It’s Tiffany...” “Tiffany?” “Yes. Lee Donghae found out that she’s human...” “Wh–... What about Jessica?” TaeYeon shook her head. “They don’t know anything about her.” “Okay, make sure you keep them safe and unharmed, then.” “Of course, Appa. I will.” She waited for a few seconds when her father sat back again before opening her mouth. “What’s the other thing about?” “Ah, yes. I nearly forgot about that. It’s about you.” Me? She raised her eyebrow. “And Tiffany.” What?

“I heard that she spent the night at your room just last night.” His face turned serious again and TaeYeon felt herself went rigid before she gulped nervously. “Is that true, TaeYeon?”

“Y–yes... But it was nothing, Appa! I was just accompanying her since she was scared and... I swear nothing happened! I–” she stopped talking when her father started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” She asked with a frown.

“You are!” The King laughed while pointing at TaeYeon. He waited for his laughter to die

down before speaking, “why are you even in a rush to explain everything to me? I didn’t say that I didn’t believe you.” He smiled. “W–what?” “You like Tiffany, don’t you?” Taeyeon could only stare at her father with wide eyes before she started to choke on her saliva in shock.

The King grinned and shook his head. “Why are you having such a big reaction?” TaeYeon patted on her chest. “What are you saying, Appa?” “Don’t have to deny,” he patted on Taeyeon’s back. “You’re my daughter, TaeYeon-ah. I

know you too well to know when you’re lying and when you’re not. And of course, I would know very well when you love someone.”

TaeYeon couldn’t stop the gasp from escaping her lips. “Don’t hesitate, alright? Pursue on if you really like her.” “B–but...”

“She’s human?” Taeyeon sighed and nodded. “If you love her, you don’t have to care about anything, TaeYeon-ah. Just be brave and love her boldly. Don’t be afraid of anything.” “It’s not that easy...” She looked down. The King smiled and patted on her back again. “Nothing’s impossible. Especially when you have a King as your father.” He chuckled and TaeYeon joined him soon after.

“I don’t want her to get hurt, Appa. I don’t want her to suffer like... like how Umma did...”

She saw how her father turned mellow and started to feel guilty for bringing up the past. “I’m sorry, Appa...”

“No, no. It’s okay. I’m okay.” He smiled and Taeyeon knew that it was most probably forced out. But just to make him feel better, Taeyeon then smiled back.

“Although your mother had already left, but at least she left many beautiful memories

behind for us. And that’s already enough for us to place in our hearts. Up till today, I still

know that I love your mother very deeply.” He looked at the photo frame on the desk. “So, do it, TaeYeon. Love her and don’t let anything stop you.” “I... I will, Appa. I will.”

I’ll try... I’ll try, no matter what the outcome might be. ---

Sooyoung had her eyes opened as she looked at Jessica who slowly opened her eyes before

blinking rapidly. Her eyes then darted down to their attached lips before her eyes widened. She knew that Jessica was going to get off her soon so she decided that it was now or never. She’s not going to be a coward anymore.

Throwing caution to the wind, Sooyoung went to do what she had least expected herself to do – she placed her hands at the back of Jessica’s head and pushed her down before attaching their lips again.

Jessica squirmed around and tried to struggle to get out of Sooyoung’s hold. She was more

than surprised of what Sooyoung had done, but felt her own restraint vanishing as she gave in to the kiss and stopped struggling.

Sooyoung didn’t know what was going to happen next as she pulled away from the kiss

breathlessly. But one thing that she knew was that she wasn’t going to regret what she did.

Lesson Learnt Chapter 18: Lesson Learnt Jessica opened her eyes in a painfully slow manner when Sooyoung had stopped the kiss. It was then that her mind had started working. She just kissed Sooyoung.

With wide eyes, she quickly got off and backed away from Sooyoung who was also standing up.

“Jessica,” she called out softly and took a step forward.

“D–don’t.” Jessica said out shakily as she took another step back. Sooyoung grew worried but she stopped nonetheless. “Why?” She tried taking another step but Jessica had a hand placed forward, telling her not to go any further. “Look, if it’s about

the kiss, then I’m sorry, alright?” She ruffled her hair in frustration. She expected at least a slap if Jessica had rejected her, but not this. Not her avoiding her. “Do you have to avoid me? Can I not get close to you anymore?” Sooyoung asked, she was hurting inside. “S–stop.” “Let me speak first? Please?” She was panicking by now. Jessica shook her head, “this is wrong.” She said out softly but Sooyoung still caught what she said.

She quickly went forward to Jessica before she could even react. She placed both of her hands beside Jessica’s head so that she couldn’t escape. “This isn’t wrong. Love isn’t wrong.” She whispered.

Jessica didn’t want to look at Sooyoung so she turned her head away. “You’re a vampire...” “So? What’s wrong with that?” She raised her voice. Jessica closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “You’re a vampire.” “Are you... afraid of me? Are you afraid that I might hurt you because I’m a vampire?” Sooyoung felt her arms starting to get heavy. It dropped down and she looked at the ground. “I will never hurt you. I love you too much to ever hurt you.”

Jessica gasped softly at what Sooyoung said, but she still couldn’t bear to look into those hurtful eyes.

“Jessica, I may have loved others before. But, you’re the first that made me smile without any reason.” She smiled albeit a little sadly.

At those words, Jessica then couldn’t help but to look at Sooyoung. Those eyes. So warming and so... hurtful. It looked so hurtful too her right now and she felt like beating herself up because she’s the cause of it.

“I... I love you, Sica, and I...” She gathered her courage and grasped both of Jessica’s hand in hers. She looked her deeply in her eyes. “I want you... to be my girlfriend. Will you?”

She waited for an answer but all the waiting was making her anxious. Nothing, no answer came from Jessica and her hopes were vanishing slowly but firmly. So, in the end, she

reluctantly let go of her hands. Those hands that she thought she wouldn’t have another chance to hold onto.

She forced out a smile and tears were threatening to spill out of her eyes so she turned

around so that Jessica wouldn’t see it. “It’s okay. I understand. We can still he friends, right? I’ll see you around.” She said everything out in a rush and was in a hurry to get out of the room.

As soon as her hand had touched the doorknob, a pair of arms came around her waist and

embraced her as she stayed frozen on the spot. “I haven’t answered you yet, why are you in a hurry to go?”

Jessica said out shyly. She breathed in before saying, “y–yes...” Thinking that she might have heard wrongly, her hand slowly left the doorknob. “P– pardon?”

“I said yes, silly.” Jessica let go of Sooyoung and used both of her hands to cover her face in embarrassment and mostly to hide her red face.

“You’re answering my question from earlier, right?” Sooyoung asked. Jessica deadpanned behind her hands before she brought down her hands to show a dark face. “Why are you so dense?”

“You haven’t answered me yet!” Sooyoung started to whine and stomp her feet around like a kid.

“You’re not supposed to be the whiny one in this relationship.” She stopped and looked at Jessica with a grin that kept on becoming bigger. “Relationship?” Jessica blushed. “Y–yeah, you asked me, didn’t you?” “So you’re agreeing with me?” “I’m not gonna repeat what I said because I’ve already answe–” Sooyoung suddenly leant down and plant a kiss onto Jessica’s lips. “Thank you.” She smiled before enveloping her in a hug. “Girlfriend.”

Jessica smiled as she snuggled into Sooyoung.

“Meet me in the kitchen after you’re done.”


Those were the words that TaeYeon had said to Tiffany when she went to her bedroom

door still half awake. She walked out the room and was out to climb down the stairs when

she heard some chattering behind her. She turned her head and saw Jessica and Sooyoung laughing while talking.

“Hey,” she called out and watched as the two got surprised. At first, she had thought that she saw the both of them holding hands but decided to shake away those thoughts by thinking that she might have seen wrongly.

“H–hey, Fany.” Sooyoung smiled awkwardly before she pointed at the kitchen. “I’ll be there first,” and then she went away in a hurry.

Tiffany raised her eyebrow, “what’s wrong with her?” “Nothing. It’s just that she disturbed my sleep so she’s probably trying to escape from me.” “Escape?” Tiffany repeated sceptically. “But you guys were laughing...” She couldn’t have

heard wrongly. Even though there was a possibility of her seeing things wrongly, but there wasn’t any possibility of her hearing wrongly. She swore that she had heard that familiar high pitched laughter from Jessica.

A smirk started to grow on her face as she looked at Jessica. “You’re hiding something from me, Jess.”

“Pshh, h–hiding?” Jessica laughed it off. “You’re overthinking.” It’s not that she didn’t want to tell the truth to her best friend but it’s just that she finds the timing to be not right and besides that, they had only started their relationship not very long ago. “I’m not. I swear that I heard your laughter.”

“You must have heard wrongly. Maybe you didn’t sleep well last night, or you didn’t have enough sleep, or...” Jessica trailed off. “Speaking of sleep... How was it last night at TaeYeon’s room?” This time, it was Jessica’s turn to smirk at Tiffany.

Tiffany narrowed her eyes at her, “I was just showing concern towards her injuries. She did got hurt because of me.”

“Oh yeah? And you ended up sleeping at her room because you wanna kiss her boo-boos away?” Jessica looked at Tiffany with the most innocent look ever and blinked her eyes subtly at her.

Before Tiffany could even open her mouth to retaliate, Jessica had already had her hand face Tiffany. “It’s okay, I don’t need explanations. Besides, I wouldn’t want to know too much for my own sake.”

And now, before Tiffany could even flare at her, Jessica had already started walking towards the kitchen.

“I’m hungry,” she stated and took lazy steps. Tiffany heaved a sigh and breathed in to calm down and stop herself from running forward to wrap her hands around her best friend’s neck and then choke her. She then followed behind Jessica.

A very very soft melody suddenly was heard by her as she stopped in her track. She tried hard to listen but there was nothing so she decided to ask her friend, “Jess. Did you hear anything?”

“Hear what?” Jessica stopped as well and strained her ear to hear for anything but the

sounds she could hear was from the kitchen where the utensils could be heard clinking.

“It’s... Uhm...” And there, the sound started again. “Piano! Right, it’s piano. Someone’s playing the piano.”

“Oh... Why do you even care, anyway?” Tiffany rolled her eyes. “Fine, you go right ahead first, alright? I’ll find you later.” “What? Where are you going?” “Uhm... somewhere. Just go.” “Alright, alright, geez, I’ll go.” Tiffany smiled when she saw Jessica becoming grumpy again. Once, her friend had left her alone, she started to look around, trying to source where the sound came from.

Since she wasn’t quite familiar with the palace yet, all she could do was to count on her luck and hearing and hopefully she would end up where she wants to be.

As she walked down, she realised that she had not come to this part of the palace before. The walls around here were colourful, it was almost like a children’s area.

As she walked past rooms and rooms, she could hear that the sound of the piano was getting louder and she knew she had went the right way.

She finally stopped when she heard the sound of piano playing right next to her ear. She turned and slowly opened the door before looking in.

There was someone sitting by the piano, dancing her fingers on the keys elegantly and Tiffany knew that it was TaeYeon because of the blonde hair.

Tiffany watched in awe. She didn’t know that TaeYeon knew how to play the piano, and

what more, her voice was beautiful. She didn’t even know that TaeYeon could sing so well. The song TaeYeon was singing and playing was sad, very sad, and Taeyeon was pouring all

her emotions to the song that Tiffany felt that what she was singing was real. The lyrics was real, her feelings was real, everything.

The song soon came to an end – much to Tiffany’s dismay since she wanted to hear more – and she watched as TaeYeon slowly got up from her seat. Before she could even turn

around to hide herself, TaeYeon had already faced her and the two made eye contact.

Knowing that there was no way for her to run anymore, she then smiled awkwardly at the approaching person.

“What are you doing here?” TaeYeon asked as she closed the door behind her. “Umm... I don’t really know?” Taeyeon frowned. “How did you even end up here?” “I heard the sound of piano, got curious and then ended up here.” Tiffany looked at

TaeYeon who was still frowning. She thought that the girl must be angry with her so she looked down. “Please don’t be angry with me...”

TaeYeon raised her eyebrow at what Tiffany said before she chuckled, and that got

Tiffany’s attention as she lifted up her head. “Angry? Why would I be angry at something so small?”

“I... You’re really not angry with me?” “I really am not,” TaeYeon smiled. “Have you eaten?”

“Umm, no.” “Ah, come on then. Let’s get you something to eat!” TaeYeon walked away with Tiffany following her from behind with a small smile on. --After having their breakfast, Taeyeon immediately brought Tiffany down to the field behind the palace.

She pulled Tiffany towards the middle of the field. “You still haven't told me what we are here for!” Tiffany protested and pulled her hand away from TaeYeon’s grip.

TaeYeon grinned and then turned to her. “We’re here for training.” “What training?” “I’m going to teach you some defence moves.” “Eh?!” Tiffany was shocked and she backed away from TaeYeon. She didn't like anything

that is related to sports since she wasn’t one that was gifted in that particular area. “I’m not doing it.” She shook her head.

“You have to,” said TaeYeon. “And I didn’t say you have a choice.” She shrugged and went forward to Tiffany before grabbing her and throwing her onto her shoulders. “Y–yah! Put me down!” She squealed and kept on moving around. “Keep on moving and we’ll see how you will fall.”

Tiffany did as told and glared at TaeYeon. “By the way, I’m not going to let you go unless you agree to learning those defence moves.” Tiffany was about to retort back that TaeYeon would eventually put her down when her arms are sore but TaeYeon was quicker, “you don’t have to worry about me being tired because I won’t. You’re light.”

Tiffany had her jaw dropped. For a moment there, she had forgotten that Taeyeon wasn’t exactly human like her to get tired easily.

“Close your mouth and agree to the lesson.” Tiffany shook her head and closed her mouth. “No!” “Yes,” TaeYeon said and walked to a nearby pond. Tiffany looked behind and saw it before she frowned at what TaeYeon was going to do next. “What are you up to?”

“I’m going to throw you in if you still resist.” “You wouldn’t,” she glared.

“Try me,” TaeYeon shrugged and pretended that she was going to throw the girl into the water by loosening her hold.

“Y–yah!” Tiffany locked her arms around TaeYeon’s neck. “Now be a good girl and stop resisting. Learn those moves and then we’ll be done. It will be quick.”

“You sure that it’ll be quick? It won’t be strenuous?” “I’m sure.” Tiffany hesitated before finally nodding, “alright then.” Taeyeon smiled to herself and placed Tiffany back onto the ground gently. She laughed when Tiffany quickly ran to somewhere that isn’t near the pond. “So what are we gonna do? What am I learning?” “What you can do when a vampire catches you.” “Pardon?” She raised her eyebrow. “You have to learn it, just in case something happens to you again.” TaeYeon said out softly.

She cleared her throat and went nearer to Tiffany, “there’s basically only one thing that you need to know.” “And that is?” TaeYeon grabbed her hair at the back and pulled it upwards, showing Tiffany the back of her neck. “This,” she pointing at the spot at the middle of her nape. “Is the vital, weak– or

whatever you call it– point of a vampire. Just hit it hard and the vampire will be weakened.” She put down her hair and looked at Tiffany. “That’s... it?” “Yeah,” she nodded. “Now, try it on me.”

“W–what? Won’t you be hurt, then?” “I’ll be fine. The effect would only be a few seconds, anyway. Come on, try it.” Taeyeon

urged her. “Remember that the most effective way is to hit it hard. And when I say hard, just don’t hold back.”

Tiffany hesitated before she did what she was told, albeit a little too gently. “Didn’t you eat earlier? Why don’t you have any strength?” Tiffany rolled her eyes at the complaint before she hit using more strength which actually made TaeYeon’s nape sting a little, but it still wasn’t enough. “Harder, Fany. Use more strength.” Tiffany huffed before she hit down hard. It was so strong that TaeYeon immediately fell onto her knees with her hand holding onto her neck.

“Oh gosh!” Tiffany quickly bent down to help TaeYeon up. “Are you alright? I’m sorry.” TaeYeon nodded and moved her head left and right. “I’m fine.” A crack sound was heard

from her neck. “So, this is all you have to do when you encounter a vampire. But remember that it will also last for a few seconds, so you will have to run as fast as you can.” Tiffany nodded. “There. Lesson’s over. It went pretty okay, right?” Taeyeon chuckled. “Then what about killing a vampire?”

“Oh, that. Just stab down the spot where you hit earlier or use a gun. The heart would also do.”

“Okay, that sounds simple.” “Why? You wanna try killing me?” She joked. “Hmm... if you keep forcing me to do stuff, threaten me or annoy me.” “Oh yeah? I don’t think you would bear to kill me.” “Try. Me.” Tiffany gave her coldest look to Taeyeon. “Ohh, scary.” Tiffany smirked. “You should be.”

Three Words Chapter 19: Three Words Tiffany was sitting at the garden while reading a book on her hand. The gentle breeze that

kept blowing against her face made her squint her eyes a little as her hair danced elegantly along with the wind.

As her eyes were scanning across the words on the page, there was suddenly something – or someone that was blocking the sunlight. She let out a grunt before lifting her head.

Jessica was standing in front of her with crossed eyes. “What?” She asked in annoyance and watched as her friend rolled her eyes before taking a seat beside her.

She heard a sigh next and had to bookmark the page she was on reluctantly before placing the book beside her. “Now, what’s wrong?”

Jessica heaved another sigh before shaking her head. “Nothing...” Her tone made Tiffany much more suspicious as she went closer and stick her face up close to Jessica’s face.

“Yah! What are you doing?” She pushed Tiffany away. Tiffany chuckled, “you’re lovesick. Gosh, I thought I’ll never have the chance to say this.” Hearing that from her friend had made Jessica panicked for a second. She was shocked of

course, but immediately masked it with an uninterested expression. “What are you talking about?”

Tiffany shook her head. “You know what I’m talking about. Something is going on here, and you’re not letting your best friend know.”

“I seriously have no idea on what you’re trying to say.” Jessica kept on denying but Tiffany wouldn’t believe her. She knows when her best friend is lying and when she’s not. “You’re happier these few days. You’re smiling more and... you have some love aura around you.”

“So? Shouldn’t you be glad that I’m happy no matter what reason there is?” “There is a reason. And I think I know it,” she smirked.

Jessica gulped nervously. “You’re in love, Jess.” Tiffany grinned in victory when she saw Jessica’s eyes widening. “No need to deny. You’re like that when you’re in love. And come to think of it, the only person that comes up to my mind is... Sooyoung.” “...” Silence. From the both of them. The chirping from the birds could even be heard very clearly now.

It was then that Jessica had finally waked from her daze. Her eyes went wide and she

immediately choked on her saliva. “What?” She wanted to question confidentially but ended up cracking her voice.

Tiffany giggled when she saw her friend’s reaction. She knew that she was right. “Sooyoung. Choi Sooyoung. The Sooyoung that’s inside.” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “Something’s up with the both of you.” She saw Jessica blinking her eyes rapidly for a few times. “I’m right, aren’t I?” “What? That’s nonsense!” “Deny all you want, Jess. But I know that I’m right. You like Sooyoung, don’t you?” Jessica turned her head away when she felt her face heating up. “I guess you are. You are... in love with her? Or, maybe the two of you are already in a

relationship.” Tiffany watched as Jessica turned her head away even more. She gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh. My. God. You are!” “W–what?” Jessica looked at her. “Spill! Everything!” “Huh?” “Stop hiding it. I know when you’re lying. And you lied to me about this because you are dating Sooyoung.”

Jessica opened her mouth and was ready to retort back. But after thinking, she felt that there was no need to hide anymore. So, with a sigh, she then finally said, “fine. You are right.”

Tiffany squealed in excitement and Jessica had to hit her arm to calm her down. “Hey! Behave!” “Talk!” “About?” “When did you two start?” A grin was plastered on her face as she looked at Jessica with twinkling eyes.

“Umm... On...” She paused. “Wait, can I ask you something?” “Shoot.” “How did you even know? I thought we hid it so carefully that no one knows.”

“Well...” Tiffany placed a finger onto her chin. “Remember that time when we were heading to the kitchen and I asked if you heard something?”

Jessica frowned before she snapped her finger. “Oh yeah! I remember. But what’s that got to do–”

“Now, learn to be patient young lady. Let me finish.” When she saw a nod, she then

continued. “That was the day that I kinda became suspicious because I thought I saw the two of you holding hands.” “Ah, that...” “Now, talk. When?” “Just on that day that you became suspicious.” “Really?” Tiffany had her eyes widened a little. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” She glared. “Because you’d be overly excited and super loud.” Tiffany sulked. “Kidding,” Jessica chuckled. “The real reason was just because we started not long ago. So, we decided to tell you– all of you some time later.”

“And when would that be? A month? A year? If I didn’t force this out of you, you probably wouldn’t tell.”

“If I wouldn’t, then Sooyoung would.”

Tiffany gave a mere shrug. “Now, I almost forgot the whole purpose of finding you.” “Huh?” “Umm... can you keep yourself free for the night?” Tiffany snorted, “it’s not like I have anything to do here, right?” Jessica chuckled and nodded, “sounds right. Oh, and by the way, wear something nice tonight. Preferably a dress?”

“Hold on. Why do I have to wear a dress and where are you gonna take me to?” “You don’t have to know. Just do as I say.” “Why are you asking me out anyway? Your girlfriend’s not free for you?” Tiffany teased with a raised eyebrow.

Jessica rolled her eyes, “just prepare as I’ve said!” --“Hmm... What to wear?” She asked herself with a tilted head while scanning through her

closet where a variety of dresses were at. Her hands glided through and danced along the different clothing.

She looked with a pout, “this... or this.” Two dresses were picked out as she place them onto her bed with folded arms.

Her eyes were staring at the dresses blankly like as if she was solving a very difficult

question. Well, it could be used in this situation since she really does not know which dress to choose.

A sudden knock then broke her thoughts as she turned to see Jessica walking in without her saying anything.

“You’re not dressed up yet?!” Jessica raised her voice in shock. Her eyes then went to the two dresses on the bed before returning to Tiffany.

She laughed awkwardly and shook her head, “I can’t choose. Why don’t you help?” She pointed the dresses.

“Ah, seriously. If I didn’t come earlier, I doubt that you could be ready by seven.” Jessica muttered under her breath and walked closer to the bed. She looked at the two dresses

with a finger on her chin before she finally made her choice and pointed with a big grin. “This one. It’ll look great on you.”

Tiffany heeded her friend’s suggestion and went to pick the dress up. She went to the full

length mirror nearby and looked at it with the dress in front of her. A hum of approval was soon heard and she nodded her head. It does look good on her.

The dress was actually just a simple sleeveless short white dress that is able to show off those honey thighs of Tiffany.

I hope she doesn’t faint, Jessica snickered to herself before she cleared her throat and went to commando mode. “Now change!”

And Tiffany let out a whimper before complying. ---

The two of them stepped out of the room with Jessica wearing a big proud smile on her

face. She looked at Tiffany and then nodded in approval again at how she dressed Tiffany

up. Her friend was pretty– or very pretty, to be exact, so light make up for her was already

good enough. To make it better, she had also curled the ends of Tiffany’s hair a little before letting it fall over her left shoulder. And on top of that, she had also made her wear silver heels that made her legs look even more perfect.

And just by looking at how great Tiffany looked, Jessica couldn’t help but to feel proud since this was all her work.

After having enough of admiring her own work, Jessica finally peeled her eyes away and grabbed onto Tiffany’s hand to pull her to the elevator.

Tiffany looked in front with a frown. “There’s an elevator here?” She did not know of this until now. Before she could even get an answer from Jessica, she found herself being pushed inside the elevator when the door had opened.

Her eyes went big at the sudden action and she blinked rapidly at Jessica who went in a little only to push the lift button before getting out. Jessica smiled sweetly, “enjoy your dinner, Tiff.” She opened her mouth to speak but the door was soon closed. What... just happened?

She looked around the small space.

Did my best friend just backed out on me?

The door soon opened and she looked up front. A gasp escaped her lips before she could even comprehend what she was looking at.

She was at the rooftop now and a red carpet was placed nicely there with candles by its side.

The door was about to close so she pressed the open button before finally stepping out and felt her own breath hitching.

There were rose petals that were spread out around the area. She almost felt like a princess as she started walking down whilst admiring her surroundings in awe.

As she continued on, questions started to fill her mind like: who could be in front or what could be up front.

She tried looking, but the lightings there were too bright for her to actually make out what was there because everything was blinded by the light. But still, there was someone there. She knew since she could see a silhouette there. She couldn’t make out who it is. But as she could closer and closer before coming to a stop. She gasped again at who it was. “T–TaeYeon?”

TaeYeon smiled at her and she felt her knees buckle. She looked up and down and saw

what she was wearing – a brown uniform top that looked like military clothing, a black skirt and black heels.

“H–hi.” Taeyeon greeted her and she looked kind of nervous. “Wha...”

TaeYeon shook her head and the smile on her face did not falter. Very soon, soft music started playing and she saw TaeYeon extending her hand towards her. “Can I have this dance, please?” “I... Ah, sure.” She placed her hand on top of TaeYeon’s and found herself in the latter’s hold.

They took things slow and let themselves flow with the music naturally but Tiffany was still confused with what was happening, so she slowly pulled away and pushed TaeYeon’s shoulders lightly.

“Wait. So... you’re the one that wanted to have dinner with me?” Taeyeon pulled her hands away awkwardly. “Yeah... Is this too much?” She was afraid since she didn’t expect Tiffany to push her away so fast. “No, it’s just... I’m surprised, that’s all.” “O–oh...” She said out and patted her hands onto her legs. “So... what is this about?” Tiffany spoke since TaeYeon didn’t seem like she was going to say anything next. Who told you to push her away...

“I... I just,” she paused, “can I let you out on a secret first?” “S–sure. I guess...”

TaeYeon nodded and placed her hands at her back. “I met someone a few weeks ago, and it’s almost going to be a month now. Umm... this person, I don’t know what she has done

but every time I see her, my heart just starts beating like crazy and it’s just... that feeling...” Tiffany looked at the lovesick smile on TaeYeon’s face and felt her heart clenched a little. Now, who could that lucky girl be...

“We were actually always fighting with one another from the start, you know?” Tiffany wanted so much to reply back ‘I don’t know’ but she held it in. “And it’s just amazing how we became closer now. I’ve never had these feelings before, so... can you tell me, Tiffany? Can you tell me what this is about?”

Now how am I supposed to answer this? This is love and it’s exactly how I feel every time I see you too?

“This... This is love, TaeYeon.” Tiffany breathed out heavily. She admitted that she was actually jealous of whoever TaeYeon was talking about. “You mean I love her?” Tiffany nodded her head and looked away. “Then what do you think I should do?” “Confess, maybe...” “Really?” TaeYeon looked at Tiffany, trying to guess what the girl was feeling right now. And by what she was seeing, a smile slowly grew on her face.

“Mmhmm,” Tiffany nodded again. “I... see...” “Huh?” “So, the best way is to confess right away right?” “I... I guess so.” “And all I have to do is to say those three words?” “Yeah...” Tiffany was slowly growing tired of this and TaeYeon could see it very well. TaeYeon grinned before she grabbed both of Tiffany’s hand, surprising the girl so much

that her eyes went big. Her expression was almost comical and TaeYeon had to do her best to focus on what she was doing. “Tiffany.” “Y–yes?” “I need to tell you something. A secret that is even more important.” “T–tell me, then.” “I...” She stared deeply into her eyes. “love you.” Tiffany’s eyes went even bigger, “y–you... you...” TaeYeon chuckled, “I said it. You told me to do so, after all. So... what’s your reply?”

Tiffany blinked her eyes several times. She was definitely caught off guard at the sudden

confession from TaeYeon. She had almost believed that TaeYeon was talking about some girl other than her until her hands were grabbed. But still, she couldn’t hide the fact that

she was damn happy right now. Shocked, but happy. And as she looked at TaeYeon whose

smile was slowly fading, she quickly went forward and planted a kiss onto her cheek before pulling away with a red face. “T–that’s my reply.”

Taeyeon stayed frozen before a grin started appearing, “so it’s a yes, me too?” Tiffany blushed even harder at the intense stare. “Y–yes.” “Say it, Fany. I want to hear.” “I–I... love you t–too.” And TaeYeon started doing her own celebration dance that made Tiffany giggle at how goofy she looked.

She gasped when she felt arms around her waist and she found herself held in TaeYeon’s hold before a pair of soft lips landed on hers. “I love you, Fany... I love you.” She was sure by then that she wouldn’t get tired of hearing those three words and those lips that were on her own.

All She Could Do Was To Hope Chapter 20: All She Could Do Was To Hope She walked into her father’s study room and saw him sitting on his chair solemnly. The atmosphere around her was kind of serious so she was curious as to what her father wanted to talk to her about.

“Have a seat, TaeYeon.” He spoke and TaeYeon obliged. Being in front of her father in this situation, she was actually a little tense since it is kind of rare to see her father being this serious and there was even a frown evident on his face.

“The board called for a meeting tonight,” the King said. “It is a very sudden announcement that I just received and since they didn’t mention what this meeting is about... I’m actually afraid that they found out something that they shouldn’t.” “You’re saying...” TaeYeon didn’t even need to finish her sentence before her father had nodded. “Yes, about Tiffany, I’m not quite sure about Jessica though. But still, we shouldn’t jump to any

conclusion this soon and make ourselves paranoid. Let’s just get this over and done with and do not let anything happen to any of them again, TaeYeon.”

Taeyeon nodded, of course she wouldn’t let anything happen again. Those memories just kept sticking in her mind and she clenched her fists when it replayed again like a broken record player that couldn’t be stopped.

“Taeyeon-ah, Appa trusts that you will do anything to keep them safe, but make sure that

you keep yourself safe as well. Don’t get hurt or impulsive. You understand what I’m saying, right?" The King asked with a gentle tone. “Yes, Appa. I get it.” “Good,” the King had a small smile on his face before he spoke again. “Ah, right. Before I forget, I’ve already settled Tiffany and Jessica's school problem. I asked one of the

subordinates to inform the school that the both of them will be back to their hometown for a few months."

“So they won’t be going to school for these few months? That's quite a long time, Appa.” Taeyeon remarked with her eyebrow lifted up.

“Yes, I do know that it is long. But we'll just see how it goes first.” “Okay. Appa, if you will excuse me, I would like to inform the others about tonight.” “Sure, go ahead.” With the answer, Taeyeon stood up from her seat and walked towards the door but not

forgetting to bow to her father beforehand. And just as she turned the doorknob, the King spoke.

“Taetae, remember not to show too much of yours and Tiffany's PDA to us!" A manly chuckle left the King's lips as he watched his daughter's jaw drop. ---

“Hey, I want some too!” Tiffany whined with a pout when TaeYeon refused to feed her the ice cream that she was eating.

“Nope,” she said with the ‘p’ popping at the end. “Get it yourself.” She then pulled the bowl away when she saw Tiffany trying to snatch it away. “Stop moving this fast!” TaeYeon chuckled and watched Tiffany cross her arms with a pout. “Is my baby angry?” She said out and then cringed. “Oh god, can’t believe I just said that.” She placed the almost

empty bowl onto the table before turning to pull Tiffany closer to her. And then, she placed a kiss onto her cheek. “Still angry?”

The pout was no longer on Tiffany’s face but her arms were still crossed. So, TaeYeon

pulled her arms away slowly before interlacing both of Tiffany’s hands with hers. She then slowly leant forward, watched as Tiffany’s eyes slowly shut before she kissed her own the lips.

She shuddered at the feeling and heard Tiffany gasp. This feeling was definitely much more than what she had imagined. And yes, she had imagined kissing Tiffany before, as much as it sounds perverted

She slowly deepened the kiss and pulled Tiffany even closer. Her hands were now on her girlfriend’s waist while the latter’s were on her neck.

Feeling those hands around her neck tightening their hold, she smiled against Tiffany’s lips. And before they could even do anything more, there was a sudden knock that surprised

both of them so much that they quickly pulled away from one another and sat with their hands on their legs.

“Hey! What–” Sooyoung paused her sentence as she stopped with Jessica beside her. Her eyes went to her two friends that were sitting so formally that it looked like they were

taking some family photographs. “–the heck...?” She blinked a few times before sitting with Jessica. “What were you two doing?” “Nothing!” “Eating!” Sooyoung looked between the two that had answered at the same time. “So... is it nothing or eating?”

“Well... I was eating and Fany was doing... nothing.” Taeyeon answered. Sooyoung looked at Tiffany like she was expecting an explanation as well. So, Tiffany just nodded and pointed at TaeYeon. “What she said.”

“O–kay...” She shrugged her shoulders and didn’t see a need to pursue the matter. They sat in silence, not knowing what to say anymore until TaeYeon remembered about

this morning. “Oh right, Appa said that there will be a board meeting tonight. So, the two of you will have to stay in the room with Seohyun.” She looked at Tiffany and Jessica.

“Oh? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Tiffany was a little upset so her voice went up a tone higher.

“It’s easier for me to tell the both of you at the same time. And besides, I didn’t want you to worry that much.”

“And by telling me now, do you think that it’s going to help?”

TaeYeon inhaled and closed her eyes with her fingers pressing onto her temple. “Let’s just... just stop, alright? I don’t want to quarrel with you over this. Especially right now.” Tiffany kept quiet and looked away. I just want you to be safe... --The royal family entered the large meeting room with eyes following them. They sat down at their respective seats before the King spoke, “good evening to all of you here. This is a sudden meeting called by the boards so I would like to know what this is about.”

A man stood up from his seat. He smoothened his fresh suit before smiling. “I’m the one who called upon this meeting, Sir.”

“May I question the purpose, Leader Park?” The King placed his elbows onto the table with his hands clutched together in front of his face.

Leader Park stepped away from his seat and went nearer to the King which alarmed the

guards that were standing by. The King quickly raised a hand telling them not to make any move and they obeyed.

“Just a few days ago, I got some very interesting information about this palace, Sir.” “What is it?” The King asked. He could sense trouble coming their way. “I found out that there’s a human living here, right at this place,” he smirked when the other people in the room started to chatter loudly.

“Why, of course, our helpers are mostly humans here.” The King remained unstirred by the information.

Leader Park shook his head with a chuckle, “no need to hide anymore, Sir. I think you know what I’m talking about. What’s her name again? Ti... Ti...”

TaeYeon clenched her fists under the table. She was staring at the man intensely and all she wanted to do then was to stand up, get to him, and give him one nice punch before telling

him to shut his filthy mouth up. She could feel herself shaking in anger when a warm hand was placed on top of hers. She immediately relaxed and looked at her father who smiled warmly at her. Knowing what her father meant, she then nodded her head.

“Ah, I got it. Tiffany. Yes. Her name’s Tiffany, am I right, Sir?” His tone was almost mocking TaeYeon’s face immediately went pale. The King heaved a sigh when she saw the look on his daughter’s face. He quickly gave a squeeze on her hand before standing up, “and what proof do you have to make this allegation, Leader Park?”

“Now, ‘allegation’ is a very strong word to use, Sir. But, yes, I do have proof.” He smirked before turning around. “Leader Lee?”

Everyone in the room then turned to see Lee Donghae standing up. TaeYeon exhaled loudly. She felt like running forward to tell him to back off from this

matter. She really had the urge to, and her legs were already ready to move when she felt Sooyoung holding onto her arm. She turned and saw Sooyoung mouthing ‘no’, she was about to retort back when the girl shook her head sternly. “Leader Lee, could you please tell them what you saw?”

“Of course,” replied Donghae. “I have actually... once encountered this human before. Right here in this palace.” The whisperings around the room grew louder.

The King clenched his jaw but appeared to be unaffected. “And what proof do you have, Leader Lee? You can say anything you want, but we would like evidence, please.”

Donghae smiled slyly and turned to TaeYeon. “I believe that Prince TaeYeon should also be speaking by now because she was also a witness that can prove that I saw this Tiffany girl. Aren’t I right, Prince?”

TaeYeon narrowed her eyes at him. “Is that true, TaeYeon?” The King asked. She hesitated before finally nodding meekly with the stares from everyone, “y–yes, Appa...” She looked down when gasps were heard.

“So, now we have the truth. There really is a human living in the palace. Would you care to explain to us the reason why, Sir?” Leader Park asked with crossed arms. He was looking too arrogant for the King’s taste.

The King looked around the room where the other leaders were all also hoping for an

answer. He looked down and clenched his hands before looking up front. “Since it has

already turned to this state, I guess there is a need to explain. We tried. We tried to erase her memories but failed to do so. The reason was unknown to us because it was the first and because we couldn’t just let her out, the only way was to keep her here so that no words could be spread around.”

“Her memories couldn’t be erased? Now that’s a very interesting human. I would really love to... meet her.”

TaeYeon looked up in shock. She was already at the brink of going insane when she had to admit and now that he wants to meet Tiffany, her mind was going berserk. She knew that her father had no choice in this matter but to obliged, and all she could think of now was Tiffany.

Tiffany. How would she react, how would she feel. Definitely scared. She would be definitely scared. And not just her, TaeYeon was also being very scared right now. She was afraid that something might happen when Tiffany’s here. She felt emptiness in her mind and she couldn’t think no more. All she could do was to hope.

No One Will chapter 21: No One Will “That...” The King turned to look at his daughter. Although TaeYeon looked like she was being very calm, but he knew that she was probably panicking to a height now.

“Sir,” interjected Leader Park. “I’m sure all the leaders here wouldn’t mind spending a few minutes just to meet this human. Am I right?”

There were nods from most of the people and some remained neutral but so far, none of them disagreed to the idea. And this just made TaeYeon even sicker in the pit.

“See? Almost everyone wants to meet her, my King.” The King heaved a sigh silently and looked between the two leaders who seemed like they wouldn’t back out from this any moment soon. His eyes automatically went to TaeYeon

again, “Sooyoung,” he called without looking at the said girl. “Please get Tiffany here.” He

watched as his daughter stared at him helplessly. Couldn’t take it anymore, he then looked away.

“But, Sir–” “Now, Sooyoung. It’s an order.” “Y–yes.” --After a few minutes of silence, the door finally opened after a knock was heard and it

immediately got everyone’s attention – especially TaeYeon’s. She straightened up in her seat and looked intensely at the two that walked in.

Sooyoung entered the room first before a lost and confused Tiffany followed behind her,

helplessly holding onto her arm. TaeYeon looked at her girlfriend worriedly before nodding her head at Sooyoung who did the same back. She knew what her friend was trying to tell her, and she would do her best to protect Tiffany.

Tiffany looked around the room and gulped at the number of vampires there while she was the only human inside. “So you’re Tiffany,” the voice startled her and made her jump in surprise and shock.

She froze when he took a step closer.

“I suggest that you stop moving closer, Leader Park.” Sooyoung said and protectively shielded Tiffany with her body.

Leader Park laughed, “and why would I listen to you? The King himself isn’t even saying anything. Back off, Kid.”

Sooyoung stood her stand and refused to move. “I said. Back. Off.” “I will n–” “Sooyoung, just... just move away for a second.” The King said and TaeYeon stared at him with wide eyes. She couldn’t believe that her father would succumb to him that easily.

Sooyoung stared at the King who shook his head, and since she have to take orders from the King – especially in front of all these leaders – she had no choice but to comply. She found Tiffany tugging onto her shirt so she had to gently pry those hands away while whispering a ‘sorry’ under her breath.

Leader Park smiled when he got his wish. He went closer, so close that he was occupying

Tiffany’s breathing space. He breathed in deeply and his eyes behind his closed lids rolled upwards at the scent. “Mmm... Human always smells this nice.”

TaeYeon clenched her fists so hard that they were shaking. She could do nothing but to sit there and watch everything fall in front of her eyes.

“You sprayed quite a huge amount of perfume on your body... but it’s still not able to cover up your human scent.” He continued to breathe in before stopping at her pulse point for a moment.

“Now, I think that’s en–” before the King could even finish speaking, his eyes widened at what was happening.

Leader Park had his mouth opened and his fangs were starting to appear. He was about to

dive into Tiffany’s neck when someone pushed him away. He snarled and turned to look at the person.

TaeYeon hissed at him. She had also pushed Tiffany back and the girl ended up in Sooyoung’s arms thanks to the latter’s quick reflex or she could have fallen over.

The guards were then about to move when TaeYeon shook her head. She would like to take care of this by herself.

She stared at him while her eyes flickered red. When she saw the man trying to move closer to her, she quickly went forward, grabbed him and threw him against the wall – earning gasps from around the room.

He still did not give up. But, he just kept on failing to get pass TaeYeon because she was stronger than him.

Unknown to any of them, there was one person standing by watching everything with a smirk on his face.

TaeYeon did not want to play this little game anymore so she locked his arms behind his

back and kicked the back of his knees so that he would be kneeling down. “Sooyoung, get her out of here now.”

“You do not have any power to do so,” Leader Park spat and struggled against the hands that were holding him.

“As the Royal Prince, I do have the power to do so,” she tightened her hold. “Get her out now.”

Sooyoung did as she was told without another word. When Tiffany was being pulled out by

Sooyoung, she quickly turned back just to have one look at TaeYeon before the door closed. “You do know that I can kill you right at the spot, right? Because if you have forgotten, assaulting any of the royal family is punishable by death. So, I really hope that you do remember.”

The man stopped struggling soon enough. “Do you understand what I’m saying?” Leader Park nodded meekly, so TaeYeon let go of his arms while he stood up slowly.

“I really hope that this kind of scenario would not happen again, and that no one is to hurt Tiffany or do anything to her for as long as I’m here.” TaeYeon said to the people in the room. “If by any chance, any of you gets near her, I won’t hold back.” There were murmurs before they nodded in response. “Alright, now, get back to your seats, everyone.” The King said. “I have something else to say, and that is, a week ago, I received news that a huge number of dead human bodies

were found. Their blood was all sucked until not even a drip was left, and I know that it was one of us who did it. So, care to explain why this happened? Leader Lee?” Donghae pointed at himself, “me, Sir?” “Yes. I have intel that it was your clan that did it.”

Donghae slowly placed his hand down before looking solemn. “Yes, Sir. I was the one who ordered them to do so...” He sighed. “But I have my reasons.” “And what is it?” “The group of humans saw us feeding, Sir. We wanted to bring them here so that Princess Seohyun and Prince Taeyeon could help erase their memories, but they... they resisted.

They even tried stabbing us with a knife so we had no choice but to do so. I feel very bad by doing so, but there was really no way out, Sir.” TaeYeon rolled her eyes at his explanation. “Okay, I’ll investigate further on this matter. But, Leader Lee, I really hope that the number of deaths of humans would lessen.” “Yes, Sir. I’ll keep that in mind.” “Good. So, is there anything more to add? If there isn’t, then you are all dismissed.” --After the leaders had left, TaeYeon double checked that not a single one of them remained

in her house by asking the guards to look closely at the people who were leaving and to do

a head count. When she made sure that they were really gone, she then finally rushed up to Tiffany’s room.

She opened the door and went to Tiffany who was sitting on the edge of the bed before looking at the others in the room.

They got the message so they slowly left the room before closing the door to give the two of them privacy.

TaeYeon knelt down in front of Tiffany who had her face buried in her hands. “Fany... Are you alright?” She pulled away her hands and uncovered Tiffany’s face. The lack

of response from the girl plus the fatigue look made her frown. “Are you alright?” She asked again. She needed assurance now, more than anything.

This time, Tiffany nodded a little but did not say anything more. TaeYeon was frustrated already. It’s been one of a heck meeting today and her body is just so tired right now. Her hand went up and ruffled her fringe before she sat beside Tiffany. She took Tiffany’s hands in hers and grasped them tightly, “tell me, Fany. You can tell me

anything you want. You don’t have to hide anything from me. Complains, scolding, nagging, anything, I’ll take it as long as you talk to me.”

But then, Tiffany still kept quiet. Her eyes were looking so empty that got TaeYeon worried.

She let out a cry in her mind and rubbed Tiffany’s back. “Did I hurt you earlier on? I’m sorry if I did but I didn’t mean t–” “TaeYeon.” She immediately stopped her sentence. “Yeah?” She asked, softly. “I’m worried...” “About?” Tiffany laid her head onto TaeYeon’s shoulder when the latter moved closer to her. She closed her eyes, “of what would happen afterwards.”

Taeyeon knitted her eyebrows together. “There’s nothing to worry about. I’m here and everything will just be the same as before. Nothing will change.”

Tiffany sat straight and turned to TaeYeon. “You know that those are just lies. It won’t be the same again.”

“Wha...” Taeyeon stared at her in disbelief. “What won’t be the same? Your life? My life? Our life? Or everyone’s, huh?” TaeYeon raised her voice.

“I... I...” Tiffany stammered. “I don’t know, alright! I don’t know anything! I just know that it won’t be the same anymore, god damn it!”

Hearing those constant sobs from Tiffany, TaeYeon couldn’t help but to feel bad for raising

her voice. She quickly wrapped her arms around Tiffany and allowed her to nuzzle her face against the side of her neck. “Alright, alright...” She rubbed her back.

“All of them k–knows that I’m h–here, TaeYeon. They k–know.” Tiffany’s voice shook as she held onto TaeYeon’s shirt. “T–they will find ways t–to find me. I’m scared...”

TaeYeon’s heart immediately melted, “you don’t have to be.” She whispered. “I’m here for you. No one’s going to neither hurt you nor get near you without my permission.” She kissed her head.

“What makes you so sure?” Tiffany looked up. “I warned them not to get near you and if they do... I won’t hold back and just punish them. No one’s stupid enough to defy the Prince’s order, Fany-ah, so don’t worry about them hurting you because they can’t get near you.” “You–”

“Oh wait. But I think there’s one person who is going to defy that order.” TaeYeon frowned and it made Tiffany a little worried. “W–who?” TaeYeon kept silent for a while before saying, “Kim TaeYeon.” One. Two. Three seconds. It took Tiffany three seconds before she finally registered everything and proceeded to hit TaeYeon.

TaeYeon winced in pain but still couldn’t help but to laugh. She quickly grabbed Tiffany’s

hands so that she couldn’t hit her anymore before placing a kiss onto each hand. “You know it’s true. I’ll defy every orders, I'll do anything just to get you. Just to be with you.” She added on the last sentence.

Tiffany let out a sigh. A sigh of happiness before a smile crept up her face. “See? You should smile more, you look beautiful when you're smiling.” Taeyeon chuckled when she saw her girlfriend’s face turning red. “Shush!” “Aww, I love you too.” The room was then filled with laughter from Taeyeon, and whines and protests from Tiffany. ---

Laughter from the leader echoed down the dark hallway, making some of the servants turn

back. But they quickly turned around and walk again when they saw the guards by the door glaring hard at them.

“You should have seen the show earlier on,” Donghae laughed while banging the table with his fist. “Who would have known that Old Park would be so stupid as to fight Kim Taeyeon?”

“He thinks he is superior just because he has a large vampire clan, Sir." The latter shook his head and smirked.

“That’s right, he does have a large clan. But... what’s the use when they are all weaklings!” The two continued laughing.

After calming down from a few minutes, Donghae then said, “right, the main topic. I’m sure you’ve heard of what happened?”

“Yes, Sir. The Tiffany girl is now under protection from the Royal Family.” “Yes, that’s right. And it will be harder for us to get her, but I know that you’ll have your own ways. I trust that you will succeed and not fail, right?” “Yes, Sir.” “Good. Do keep in mind that Kim Taeyeon and Choi Sooyoung will be with her almost at all times. So, just get her when the time is right.” “I understand.” “Go, and do not fail me... Taecyeon.”

Unwelcomed Chapter 22: Unwelcomed “Taetae?” Tiffany looked at TaeYeon who was sitting by the desk, busy with her own stuff. She had grown bored from playing with her phone when TaeYeon told her that she was

busy and now she was craving for some attention but it seemed like TaeYeon was ignoring her – on purpose or not, she didn’t know. “TaeYeon...” She continued to call and pouted when there was still no response.

Having enough of being ignored, she then got off the bed to walk towards the focused TaeYeon who didn’t even notice someone coming closer to her.

Tiffany went behind TaeYeon, leant down and kissed her cheek. She smiled triumphantly when TaeYeon looked up at her with wondering eyes.

“Yes?” TaeYeon asked with her hand touching her own cheek. A pout immediately formed on Tiffany’s face as she turned away and walked back to the bed before sitting with crossed arms. “You ignored me,” she complained childishly.

TaeYeon grinned when she finally got it. She put down her pen and went to Tiffany. “Hey, sorry. I was busy with my work. You know how much documents I have to go through,

right? And if I don’t finish, I don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight.” She held Tiffany’s hands.

“Still... you shouldn’t have ignored me.” TaeYeon’s smile grew bigger and her dimples appeared. “What are you smiling at, dork?” Tiffany asked but she couldn’t stop herself from smiling as well when she saw TaeYeon’s face.

“You,” TaeYeon touched Tiffany’s nose lightly with her index finger. “You’re too cute.” Tiffany blushed and looked away, making TaeYeon chuckle at the cute act. “Ah right, I have something to say. But you can’t be mad at me.” Tiffany turned to look at TaeYeon when she heard it. A frown started to appear, “what’s the matter?”

“I need to head out later on. So... please stay close with Sooyoung, Sica and Seohyun.” “Why?” “It’s nothing, really. I just have to buy some stuff from the mart, that’s all.” “And why can’t you bring me along?” Tiffany started her whining act again. “You’ve been ignoring me for the whole time and now you’re going out?”

“I’m sorry about ignoring you but I really can’t. I have to make you stay here so that you’ll be safe.” TaeYeon kissed the back of Tiffany’s hands.

“Then why don’t you stay? Just ask one of the maids to help you run the errand.” Tiffany

pulled her hands away from TaeYeon and narrowed her eyes at the latter. She thought she

could get to spend some time with her girlfriend, and now her plan got backfired and she couldn’t help but to be upset.

“We can’t, Fany. Although some of the helpers here are our far relatives, but we still can’t risk it. What if they told the others about us? That would be bad.” Her eyes went to the

clock. “I have to go, Fany. Sorry...” She stood up and was about to walk to the door so that

Tiffany wouldn’t stop her, but the next thing she knew, she was getting pulled by her wrist and she fell onto the bed.

Tiffany climbed on top of TaeYeon and straddled her. She bent down to kiss TaeYeon on the lips before dragging down to her jaw and then to her ear. She smiled when she heard

TaeYeon breathing heavily before she pulled her lips away to whisper, “then, bring me along, TaeYeon-ah. Please?” TaeYeon gulped. --TaeYeon sat on the driver’s seat with her hands tightly gripping the steering wheel. She

looked at her right and sighed at how Tiffany ended up tagging along with her in the end. Tiffany heard it and turned to Tiffany. “What’s wrong? Is it that bad for me to come along?” Taeyeon shook her head before sighing again, “of course not.” She grabbed Tiffany’s hand with her free hand. “Just make sure to keep a low profile there. We can’t afford to be seen by anyone that knows you and–”

“I know, TaeYeon. I know.” She squeezed TaeYeon’s hand to assure her. ---

The two of them soon arrived in front of the mart. And once they got out of the car, Tiffany

then linked their arms together. She actually wanted to hold TaeYeon’s hand but since that could actually get other people’s attention, she then decided to link their arms together. Even though if it was that case, Tiffany was still smiling widely.

“Why are you smiling?” TaeYeon asked when she noticed that Tiffany seemed happy. Even her steps seemed to be lighter than other times.

“It’s actually our first time going outside as an official couple.” Tiffany tightened her hold. “I’m happy.”

The smile on TaeYeon’s face slowly faded. “I’m sorry that I can’t bring you out... It must be

hard being in a relationship with me because you can’t do this, you can’t do that and there will always be restriction. You’re stuck in the palace and you can’t go anyw– mmphh?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrow when her mouth was covered.

Tiffany giggled at how cute TaeYeon was being right now before she uncovered her mouth. “It’s okay, TaeYeon-ah. Those don’t mean anything to me. So what if we have restrictions? At least we live under the same roof and gets to see one another twenty-four seven every

day. And the most important thing is...” Tiffany looked around to make sure that no one is looking before pecking TaeYeon’s lips. “I love you. That’s all that matters, isn’t it?” “I... I guess so.” “Good,” Tiffany smiled. “Now let’s get going!” --After much running around the huge mart and also the so called ‘to keep a low profile’,

TaeYeon was now pushing the cart with Tiffany inside it. With those pleading eyes from

Tiffany earlier on, she just have to succumb to her wishes and did as she was told. It was

lucky that there weren’t many people for the day, or else TaeYeon would never agree to do this.

“What shall we get?” TaeYeon asked as they passed by different columns of different things. “Ice cream!” She looked at Tiffany with an amused look. “The ice cream isn’t here. I’m asking about cereals.”

“But I want ice cream!” “No, Fany. There’s like four pints of ice cream at home. Be a good girl and tell me what cereal you would like.”

“But I want strawberry ice cream! The ones at home are all vanilla!” “Finish those at home first before buying new ones. Now, which cereal?” Tiffany deflated when she couldn’t persuade TaeYeon. Since she was not interested, she then randomly pointed at some place without looking.

TaeYeon’s eyes followed the direction that Tiffany was pointing at and she immediately

coughed embarressly. “Fany... put down your hand... That’s not food that you’re pointing at.”

“What are you talking about–” She turned to look and her face soon became red before she put down her hand. She was actually pointing at the last row where a different variety of lubricants were at.

Her eyes quickly scanned through the place just to see if anyone had seen. And when there isn’t, relief washed over her before she looked at TaeYeon who was staring at her. “L–let’s go,” she looked down.

TaeYeon smiled and pushed the cart with her hand taking a random cereal box. Without letting Tiffany know, she had pushed the cart to the frozen products area and went to where the ice creams were at.

When she felt the sudden drop of temperature and the constant cold air blowing against her, Tiffany finally lifted up her head to see the large variety of ice creams.

“Take your pick, Fany.” She turned to see TaeYeon smiling at her. She slowly stood up from the cart and found herself being held on the waist by TaeYeon. “What are you doing? It’s dangerous.” “I want to get out of this, TaeYeon.” “Oh,” TaeYeon placed out both of her hands before she carried Tiffany out of the cart almost effortlessly.

“Thank you,” she kissed TaeYeon’s cheek. TaeYeon watched as her girlfriend’s eyes sparkled at the different ice creams and chuckled to herself when Tiffany frowned. “Taetae... Help me choose?” TaeYeon smiled before going forward. ---

After their little shopping, the sky had already turned dark when they went out to the

parking lot. TaeYeon took all of the shopping bags and placed them at the car boot before

holding Tiffany’s hand. When they turned around, both got startled at the sudden presence – someone that made TaeYeon snarl right away.

“Get in the car, Fany.” TaeYeon kept her eyes warily at the guy in front who was raising an eyebrow. She only relaxed a little when Tiffany got into the car like she told her to.

“Why did you tell your girlfriend to get in the car, Prince TaeYeon? It would be much more fun if she’s around.”

“What do you want, Ok Taecyeon?” He smiled slyly and crossed his arms. “I was just curious of how your girlfriend, Tiffany

looks like. She caused quite a stir among the clans, you know.” He paused for a short while. “And I must say that she’s one beautiful thing.”

She glared at him but it did no effect except that he only smirked wider. It seemed like he was happy that TaeYeon was being mad now. “What the hell do you really want!?” She raised her voice.

“Woah there. Relax, Prince TaeYeon.” Taecyeon placed his hands up in mock surrender

before clicking his tongue. “Like I’ve said, I just wanted to have a good look at our Prince’s girlfriend.” His eyes darted to the window pane where Tiffany could be seen.

When she made eye contact with the man that she had no idea who it was, she gasped and quickly turned away from him.

TaeYeon moved so that she was blocking his view.

“I mean no harm... for today.” “Do not play any tricks with me. I know who sent you here.” “Ah, nothing can hide from you, huh?” “You’re just wasting your time here because there’s no way that I’m going to give in! Now, leave!”

“Feisty, aren’t we? But no worries, I will be going...” He turned away to walk, “but we will be back soon.” And he sprinted off.

TaeYeon exhaled when he finally was out of sight. She tiredly let her back lie against her car and heard the door open before Tiffany came in front of her. “What’s going on?” Tiffany asked. Taeyeon looked at Tiffany. She blinked once before forcing a smile. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” She caressed Tiffany’s cheek gently. “Then, who was that?” “Just a nobody.” TaeYeon let her hand fall to her side. “Please, TaeYeon, tell me. I know that this has something to do with me.” TaeYeon breathed in deeply, “he... he’s Lee Donghae’s assistant, Ok Taecyeon.” She saw how Tiffany froze so she quickly hugged her and kissed the side of her head. “It’s alright, Fany. It’s alright.”

Is it? Tiffany wanted so much to ask but she didn’t. She knew how stressed TaeYeon was

now and she didn’t want to make her worry more. So she nodded her head and pulled away with a smile. “Let’s go home, Taetae.” “Okay... Okay.”

Dream or a Nightmare Chapter 23: Dream or a Nightmare It was yet another lazy afternoon for Tiffany where she had nothing to do. She picked up her coffee and took a sip, enjoying that bitter aftertaste that left in her mouth. She placed the cup back down and returned to her book once again. She got so captivated in reading that she didn’t even realise someone was behind her. Tiffany jumped in surprise when a pair of hands covered her eyes before giggling when she knew who it was. “Hi, Taetae.” The hands slowly uncovered her eyes and said person came to sit beside her. “How did you know it was me?” “Cause you’re the only childish person in this house.” TaeYeon shrugged and leant back against the chair. “I would prefer romantic, thank you very much.”

“You’re hopeless,” Tiffany shook her head before turning to the book. Taeyeon heard it but she chose to ignore. When she turned and saw what Tiffany was doing, she couldn’t help but to ask, “you’re reading? Again?” “What’s wrong? I have to finish the book or else what’s the purpose of me reading it.” “You’ve been spending so much time reading that book here that you even forgot about me.” TaeYeon complained under her breath but it didn’t go unheard by Tiffany as the latter chuckled. “Are you seriously jealous now?” She tried to hold TaeYeon’s hand but she pulled away before she could even give a slight brush. “I’m not allowing you to hold my hand unless you throw that thick sheet of papers away and leave this place.” TaeYeon crossed her arms as she eyed Tiffany challengingly. She stood up and started to walk away. Looking at TaeYeon who was being such a baby now made Tiffany laugh in amusement. She suddenly had the want to tease her girlfriend so she yelled, “fine! Leave then! I’ll prefer to read in peace, anyway.” Tiffany tried her best to have a poker face on when TaeYeon turned with a mouth slacked. She looked back at her book and continued where she had left off. But even before she could even finish one sentence, she found the book being taken away from her and she watched with huge eyes as the book flew a few feet away from her and onto the ground with a plop.

She looked up and all she could see was her girlfriend patting both of her hands with a wide smile on. “Now, who wins?” Her eyes went to the book on the ground before going to TaeYeon and then back to the book and to TaeYeon again. She stood up abruptly and pointed, “how can you throw my book away just like that!” “Correction, that’s my book you’re talking about so I can throw it whenever I want.” “But I was reading it!” “So?” “That’s rude of you.” Tiffany frowned. “It’s taking away all of your attention so I just had to.” “But–” TaeYeon placed her hand out and showed her palm to Tiffany, directly showing her that she had no interest to whatever Tiffany was going to say. “Whatever, I’m going to my room.” She walked away and entered the house without turning back. “You–...” Tiffany stared at the door before turning away. “Urgh! Kim TaeYeon!” She stomped her way to the book and picked it up, totally unaware of the eyes that were staring at her with a playful smile.

--Tiffany opened the door slowly and left a gap there big enough for her to look into the room. After making sure that the coast was clear, she then quickly went inside and closed the door. She scanned around the room, trying to find a certain blonde but it seemed like she wasn’t there. Where is she? As though someone could hear her thoughts, her question was then answered when she heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom. Oh... She felt bored after sitting around, waiting for TaeYeon, so she stood up and walked around the room. First, she went to the dresser and opened it cautiously. Once she saw the contents inside, she couldn’t help but to gasp at the number of clothing TaeYeon have. She has more clothes than Jessica! Tiffany laughed silently in amusement at her thoughts. She then closed the dresser before walking to the shelf where different books were placed nearly at. After seeing that there wasn’t anything interesting with the books, her eyes then went to the desk where there was a computer, a notepad, a small shelf with music sheets, and a lot more stuff. She was about to walk away again when something caught her attention.

It was a box, with a sunflower in it. She went closer to have a better look and discovered that there was actually a silver chain inside as well. Wait. No, it’s a necklace. Her hand went in and was going to take that necklace out when she touched something else. She took both the necklace and that thing before realising that it was a piece of paper. The paper had turned yellowish so she suspected that it had been kept for a very long time. She looked at the necklace first – it was a locket. She opened it up and inside was a photo, with a child and a woman. Could this be... She didn’t continue to think anymore as she looked at the other thing on her hand. She stared at it for a while, debating if she should open it or not. But again, curiosity got the best of her and her hands acted on their own to open it up. She read in her mind. Dear Taeyeon, you must be wondering why I wrote this letter to you. To tell you the truth, I've already known what would happen to me before I left the house. It was all– “What are you doing?” The sudden voice made her drop the letter onto the

desk. Shit. Tiffany froze on her spot as TaeYeon made her way beside her. She saw the letter and necklace on the table so she picked them up and placed them into the box without a word said. “T–TaeYeon...” “Why did you touch them?” Her voice was so cold that even Tiffany felt scared. “I... I was curious.” “Do not touch them again. Understand?” The demanding voice of TaeYeon made Tiffany wince as she nodded her head. “TaeYeon,” Tiffany called out and touched her arm. “What?” The cold tone from TaeYeon immediately made Tiffany retreat her hand. TaeYeon turned to look at Tiffany when there was no reply and she immediately felt guilty when she saw the hurt look on the latter’s face. “S– sorry.”

“N–no. I should be the one apologising.” Taeyeon shook her head. “I shouldn’t be a jerk to you just because of... this.” “You’re not, TaeYeon-ah. I’m the one who’s at fault for touching your things without your permission.” “Let’s just... just... not talk about this anymore, alright?” Tiffany nodded, but still, her mind was full of questions. Who were that two person on the locket? Why did Taeyeon keep those things? What was the letter about? And what's the meaning of everything? Tiffany needed an answer. --Tiffany slept in Taeyeon’s room for that night, but she just couldn’t fall asleep no matter what she did - which included doing exercises in the middle of the night. So, she finally gave up and just lay on the bed sideways as she faced Taeyeon.

TaeYeon was facing upwards towards the ceiling, so Tiffany placed her chin onto the latter’s chest, very gently. She let out an inaudible sigh while her finger wondered around TaeYeon’s jaw. She got reminded of how TaeYeon’s jaw got hurt because of wanting to keep her safe from the vampires in the amusement park. She remembered every event that included TaeYeon. But in the end, she still had to say that she knew only little about TaeYeon. Who exactly is Kim Taeyeon? She found herself asking that question. TaeYeon. TaeYeon. TaeYeon. Everything was a blur to her. Tiffany wanted her answer, but she knew that she can’t cross the line anymore after this afternoon. Still, at least she got some clues about Taeyeon earlier. So, that is good then, at least for now. “Will you open up to me, TaeYeon?” She whispered softly while looking at the latter’s peaceful sleeping face. --“Taeyeon-ah, I’ll be back later, alright? Just wait for me. I’ll be back.” “Taeng! Y-your mom!” “S–she... died.”

“I’m sorry for not being able to protect her. I’m sorry...” “She said that she would be back. She told me so!” “Lee Donghae is the cause of all this!” “Do not go after him, TaeYeon.” “I will have my revenge on him!” TaeYeon woke up with a start with her eyes wide opened. She was breathing heavily and the dream that she had was still affecting her. Because of the sudden movement, it had caused Tiffany to wake up as well as she looked at the girl whose entire forehead was filled with sweat. It got her worried when she heard how hard TaeYeon was breathing. “What’s wrong?” She was about to sit up when TaeYeon pushed her back down. “N–nothing. Get back to sleep.” TaeYeon closed her eyes when she felt Tiffany wiping her forehead. *** “TaeYeon-ah, I’ll be back later, alright? Just wait for me.” She patted on TaeYeon’s head as the girl ignored her and continued to pay her full attention to the television. “I’ll be back...” She heard her mother whisper for one last time before the door finally closed.

“Taeng!” She heard her cousin yell before she finally appeared with a pale face. “Y–your mom.” “What’s with my mom?” TaeYeon asked nonchalantly while her eyes went to the clock on the wall. Now that Sooyoung had mention about her mom, she then realised that it was already late and her mother had been out for four hours now. “She...” The constant pausing and hesitancy was making TaeYeon annoyed. She rolled her eyes, “can you just–” “She went to the Lees earlier.” TaeYeon raised her eyebrow. “And your point is?” “T–TaeYeon. She’s not c–coming back, anymore.” TaeYeon’s mind went blank at that time and she had to take a while before she finally realised what Sooyoung was talking about. She looked at the taller girl in shock. “N–no...” She shook her head. “Y–you’re kidding, right? You’re just playing around, right, Sooyoung?” TaeYeon’s heart clenched when she saw how Sooyoung avoided her eyes by looking away.

“What... happened?” TaeYeon asked, she tried to hide it, but her voice still cracked in the end. “She went to look for him, hoping that she could stop him from hurting... you. She knew everything. She knew how he had been treating you, how much you were hurting, how much you hated him. So, she went to him, but...” “But what?” TaeYeon knew where this was going, but she still had to ask. “S–she... died.” “T–this can’t be... No...” TaeYeon kept on shaking her head. “I’m sorry for not being able to protect her... I’m sorry...” Sooyoung bit her lips. “She said that she would be back. She told me so!” Her hands went up and grabbed onto Sooyoung’s collar. “She was still fine this afternoon. She was still talking to me at that time. This... this is all just a lie,” TaeYeon broke down as she fell onto her knees. “She can’t be dead... S–she told me that she will be back...” Sooyoung couldn’t do much except hugging her friend. After some time of crying, TaeYeon then remembered who was the cause of all this. Her eyes turned red as she stood up abruptly, making Sooyoung fall onto the ground.

“Taeng? TaeYeon!” Sooyoung got up and quickly shut the door that TaeYeon had opened. “Do not stop me, Sooyoung.” She glared at the taller woman. “Where are you intending to go?” “Him.” She opened the door and was about to walk out when a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “I said–” TaeYeon stopped talking when she saw who it was. “Don’t, TaeYeon.” The King said. TaeYeon shook her head and glared at her father. “Umma’s gone. She’s killed. Lee Donghae is the cause of this! I have to go to him.” The King grabbed onto both of TaeYeon’s arms. “Do not go after him.” TaeYeon exhaled heavily before shoving her father’s hands away. “He killed her! He killed my mother! How can I just let him live like that? I will have my revenge on him!” TaeYeon turned around. “Please, TaeYeon.” She stopped when she heard her father’s cries. “Don’t go to him... I just lost your mother and I... I don’t want to lose you too.”

TaeYeon was caught between having her revenge and staying with her father. But when she saw how her father started to well up, she already knew what her choice was. So she looked up at the ceiling and forced herself to say, “okay. Okay...” *** Taeyeon felt like a tornado just occurred inside her head when those unpleasant memories started to flash through her mind like a broken record. Her head hurt. It felt like there was someone constantly hitting the back of her head with something hard. It hurt to even think back. Her eyes opened and she saw how Tiffany was looking at her with worried eyes. “Why aren’t you going back to sleep?” She placed her palm onto Tiffany’s cheek and watched in amusement as the woman leant towards her. She found it ironic because normally, people would want warm hands holding them but the thing here was that her hands were cold and yet Tiffany didn’t mind. “I can’t sleep if you’re still awake. I’m worried about you.” “Don’t be. Sleep, alright?” “Not until you do.” “Alright, alright. I’ll sleep.” TaeYeon just couldn’t win over Tiffany. Tiffany smiled and before TaeYeon could close her eyes, she spoke, “wait.”

“What is it?” Tiffany pointed at her lips. “Kiss me goodnight first.” TaeYeon chuckled with a shook of head but she still relented and leant towards Tiffany to place a chaste kiss on her lips. It was really meant to be a brief kiss, a peck, but then Tiffany pressed harder onto TaeYeon and before they both knew it, Tiffany was on top of TaeYeon. TaeYeon’s hands were on Tiffany’s waist and she was using all of her strength to stop herself from gliding her hands into Tiffany’s shirt to have skin to skin contact with her. It was as if Tiffany knew what she was thinking so, to urge her on, she started to deepen the kiss. But to TaeYeon, it was actually torturing her because she really wanted to control herself so much. The next thing she knew, Tiffany’s wet muscle had invaded TaeYeon’s mouth and both shivered at the feeling. Tiffany felt TaeYeon’s hands squeezing her waist and she smiled into the kiss because she knew that it wouldn’t take long before TaeYeon would stop resisting herself. And it really didn’t take long because soon, she felt TaeYeon’s lips going down her neck and she closed her eyes. She felt hands unbuttoning her shirt and she didn’t stop TaeYeon from doing so as she enjoyed what TaeYeon’s lips were doing to her.

A short and soft moan escaped from her lips and she whimpered when those lips left her skin abruptly. She opened her eyes to stare at TaeYeon who was breathing heavily like her. “Why did you stop?” She asked, while her cheeks burned red. “I... I’m sorry.” “What–” She yelped when she was lifted off from TaeYeon. “What’s wrong?” She asked and faced TaeYeon. She was worried when TaeYeon stopped all of a sudden. Was she not satisfied of her body? It made her become sceptical of her own body “It’s nothing,” she then noticed the look on Tiffany’s face and sighed before placing her hand against the latter’s cheek. “It’s not that I don’t want to or anything but... I just...” “I get it.” “H–huh?” “You need more time, huh?” “Something like that...” Tiffany smiled, but TaeYeon knew that it was mostly fake. “Alright, I understand.” She then turned her body around to have her back facing TaeYeon.

“What,” TaeYeon touched Tiffany’s arm but the woman didn’t seem to have any intention to turn to face her anymore. So, she took the initiative and went forward to wrap her arms around her waist and brought Tiffany closer towards her. “Fany.” A low hum was heard. “I... I want you to meet my mother tomorrow.” TaeYeon said into her hair. She heard no reply from Tiffany but she knew that the woman was surprised at the moment since she had never mentioned about her mother to her before. “She’d love to meet you.”

Last Word -Chapter 24: Last Word-

"Did you bring the flowers?"

"You mean the sunflowers?" Taeyeon nodded her head. "Yeah, I did. It's at the back seat." She nodded again.

"Take a rest, we won't be reaching there so soon. I'll call you up when we're there." The driver said as she cast her gaze on the road.

"Okay," Tiffany replied before she fidgeted around to find a comfortable position. After a few minutes, steady breathing could be heard from her as Taeyeon chuckled silently.

You must have been tired..

As the traffic light turned red, Taeyeon took off her own grey jacket and placed it over the sleeping figure gently; leaving her own self with a plain white v-neck shirt. Her hands went back to the steering wheel when the traffic light turned green and throughout the whole ride, it was completely silent except for the breathing sounds from Tiffany.

Taeyeon had her mind wondering off to think how would Tiffany react later when she realise where her mother is now, as all she did was telling Tiffany that they would be meeting her mother today.

Will you be shock?


"Fany-ah, can you get the sunflowers from the desk?" Taeyeon pointed at the flowers before resuming to pack her bag.

Tiffany looks at the desk before she walks towards it. She picked up the bouquet of sunflowers as she breathes in the scent of the flowers. "Why are you bringing these along?" She turned her head to the left to look at the blonde.

"That's my mother's favourite flower, so I'm just bringing it."

"Taetae." Taeyeon looks at her girlfriend when she heard her name being called. "You said that your mother doesn't live here. So where is she staying at?" Tiffany tilts her head to the side while Taeyeon smiles at her girlfriend being so cute. She walks towards the brunette and ruffles her hair, earning a complain from the now messed-up-hair Tiffany.

She could only chuckle again when a glare was shot towards her. But she wasn't threatened by it so she just took her bag and walk towards the door. "You will know later on," with that, she opened the door and walked out of the room, leaving her girlfriend behind pondering to herself.


"Fany-ah," the normally cold prince called out sweetly to the sleeping brunette. She shook her lightly, which made the latter groan because of having someone disturb her beauty sleep. "Baby, wake up, we're here already." Taeyeon stood by at the side, with the car door opened as she squats down to look at her girlfriend.

Tiffany suddenly shot up her palm which surprised Taeyeon as she steps back a little, if not, she might actually get palmed in the face by the sleeper. "Five more minutes..."

Taeyeon shook her head with a smile on her face. An idea rushed up to her mind at that very moment as she went near to the brunette. "Tiffany, don't move." She said it in a serious tone which caused Tiffany to open her eyes, but she closed it again at the very next moment.

"...Why?" She continued to lie on the chair with the same exact position as before.

"There's... Something on your shirt."




It was just merely one second before the brunette started to shrieked as she jumped onto Taeyeon. The blonde winced at the loud scream as she caught hold of her girlfriend before she could fall off.

Tiffany was practically hugging Taeyeon like a baby; with her arms tightly against Taeyeon's neck and being held up bridal style. "Tiff... You can let go now."

"No!" Tiffany shook her head against Taeyeon's shoulders.

"The bug's probably gone with you jumping around like that."

Tiffany's head shot up and looked at Taeyeon, "really?"

The blonde let out a sigh before she nods her head, "yes, dear."

After some more reassurance from Taeyeon, Tiffany then finally let go of her before placing her feet onto the ground. When she do so, that is when she finally got to look at the surrounding that she is at.

A graveyard?

"Tae..." She turns to look at Taeyeon who was having a small smile now. "Y-your mom..." Taeyeon then nodded even when Tiffany did not continue her sentence.

Taeyeon puts out her hand for Tiffany to hold as she smiled warmly at her. "Come on. Let's go, alright?" The brunette nodded and held onto the hand offered to her.

As the both of them walk down the pathway, Tiffany kept on stealing glances at the person beside her. At first, she thought that maybe Taeyeon's mother is sick and was at a hospital so she didn't live with them; or she was living by her own. And this, wasn't what she thought it would be like.

"Is there something on my face or is it that I'm too good-looking that you kept on looking at me?" Embarrassed that she was caught, Tiffany quickly spin her head around to look at the front as Taeyeon could only chuckle at her. "You didn't expect this, did you?"

Tiffany timidly looked at Taeyeon as she shook her head. "No, I didn't.."

"Well, are you surprised? Shocked? Or what?" Taeyeon continued to laugh while the both of them walk past the graves of the deceased.

Taeyeon-ah, I'm sorry that I don't know you well.

Tiffany kept quiet and the walk towards the grave of Taeyeon's mother seems to be taking quite a long time.

Is there still any important things that I don't know about you?

"Fany?" Taeyeon looks at her girlfriend who seems to be deep in thought that she did not realise that they have already stopped walking. "Tiff," Taeyeon snapped her fingers in front of the dazed girl which made the latter blink her eyes numerous time before looking at Taeyeon. "We're here already."

With questioning eyes, Tiffany looks at what is in front of her before she mentally face palmed herself for being so slow. Her hand that was in Taeyeon's got squeezed once as she looks at the blonde while Taeyeon returns her a smile before she looks at her mother's grave. "Umma, I brought someone to see you today. Meet Tiffany Hwang, my girlfriend." Taeyeon said with a smile tugged on her lips throughout.

Tiffany bows in response before her eye smile appears, "annyeonghasaeyo mrs Kim."

"Umma, she's very pretty right?" Tiffany blushed at the sudden remark. "Well, this proves that your daughter here has good taste!"

"Anyways, I brought sunflowers for you again." Taeyeon walks closer; with Tiffany following behind as they were still holding hands. Under Tiffany's gaze, Taeyeon then placed the sunflowers down neatly. She saw Taeyeon grab the withered flowers and place it onto the grass patch before she stands up again. "Umma, I had a dream yesterday. It wasn't something bad; but it isn't something good either. I remembered the things that happened in the past suddenly. You were in the dream too, can you believe it? It's been so long since I've dreamed about you. And well, the dream is still vivid in my mind, but I'm not going to say what it is about though."

Tiffany watches closely as Taeyeon's expression started to change from the smiling one to a now gloomy one. "I realised something umma." She paused. "No matter what, I still can't get use to you not being with me. I... I miss you... A lot..."

Tiffany immediately hugs Taeyeon from the side; both of her arms holding onto the latter's neck, her head on the latter's shoulder. "Tae..." She whispers softly and gently.

Tiffany heard a sniff from Taeyeon so she tightened her hold against the blonde; giving her reassurance that she is here, and that she will always be.

"But I'm also glad now.. Glad that you've sent Tiffany here. She changed my life, umma. My life changed 180 degrees when she appeared in my life. So, should I be thanking you or her mother for giving her a life in this world?" Taeyeon chuckled while Tiffany heaved a relief that she is back to her cheerful self; she pretended to frown and slapped the blonde's arm.

"What's that for?" Taeyeon complained while rubbing her arm.

"For misbehaving in front of your mom." Tiffany scolded before turning to look at mrs Kim's photo that is on the stone. "Umma," a grin immediately appeared on Taeyeon's face as she heard her girlfriend already calling her mother, 'umma'. "Now where do I start? ...Oh right! Umma, did

you know that Taeyeon have been bullying me for these few days?" A pout was evident on the brunette's face while as for the other, she had a shock expression.

"I did not!"

"Yes, you did." Tiffany said it in a calm manner.


"See, umma? She's shouting at me now.." Tiffany's lips were tugged downwards while Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "And now she's rolling her eyes at me!"

"Alright, alright.." Taeyeon sighed as she went near Tiffany. "Baby, care to enlighten me on the time that I bullied you?" She used a gentle tone in case Tiffany would complain to her mother again.



"Yes, you were jealous of your book that I was reading so you threw it onto the ground while I was still trying to read it! And...and there's still more incidence that you-- mmphh!" Tiffany struggled against the hand that was over her mouth, preventing her from speaking while for Taeyeon, she was just smiling and faking a laugh.

"Umma, she loves to joke, like a lot."

Taeyeon's face scrunched up as soon as Tiffany stomped on her foot. After just a few seconds, she was seen jumping around while holding onto her poor little foot and mumbling out some inaudible words that Tiffany suspected it to be vulgarities. "You'd better not be saying out some colourful words now because in case you forgot, your mother's here."

"I'm not!" Taeyeon shouts back while hopping on one leg. "And how could you stomp my foot just like that?! It could be broken by now!"

Tiffany shook her head, "it won't, because you're a vampire and I'm just a mere weak human. Besides, I'm sure umma would take side with me on this one because you bullied me."

"I told you I did not!"

"Yeah yeah," Tiffany waved her hands around showing that she have no interest on what Taeyeon has to say.


After spending some time of accompanying Taeyeon's mother and also most of the times having Tiffany complain about Taeyeon to her mother, the both finally decided to return home as the sun was seen setting down.

They walked down the path that they took earlier and laughed to themselves as they look at their shadows. With their hands still entangled, Taeyeon purposely stand a little further back from Tiffany thus making her shadow seem taller than Tiffany's. "Look Fany! I'm taller than you!" Tiffany immediately looked at the two shadows and indeed like what Taeyeon said, she appears to be shorter than the prince. She laughs out while hitting her own thighs with her unoccupied thighs. "What's so funny?" A pout was formed on Taeyeon's face as de went back to Tiffany's side.

"You are, silly!"

"Me?" Taeyeon pointed at herself with her head tilted.

"Yeap, dork."

"Dork?!" Taeyeon pretended to be hurt by the comment as she placed her hand over her chest.

"Why? Aren't you already used to that term, 'dork'?"


While they continue to walk on, a weird stench went into Taeyeon's nose.


"Fany-ah, let's hurry--"

"Prince Taeyeon," the two stopped in their tracks. "What's with the hurry here?" A deep laughter was heard before Taeyeon turns around with Tiffany following her.

She hissed as soon as she seen the face of the voice's owner. "What are you doing here, Lee?" She wrapped her arms around Tiffany's waist protectively while eyeing Donghae and Taecyeon who was beside him. It seems as though it's only the both of them here, but Taeyeon could still smell that there are more vampires around the area.

"Can't I pay my respect to my beloved queen?"

Taeyeon spat as she stares coldly at the other leader, "you have no rights to."

"And what rights are you talking about, prince?" Donghae mocked with a smirk on his face.

"You killed her. You killed my mother!" Taeyeon shouted as Tiffany grabbed hold of her arm, trying to make her calm down and control herself.

"But. You have no evidence, no proof, so you can't really do anything about it, you know?"

"You bastard!" Taeyeon was ready to launch herself forward, but Tiffany managed to hugged her tightly, not letting her go.

Donghae shook his head while having an evil smile on, "call me whatever you want, I won't care. Anyways, I came here today, to let you meet someone. Someone that you know." He turns around, "come here, Minho."

Minho? Taeyeon thought to herself as she looks at the person that is walking towards them now. It can't be. This can't happen.

"I'm sure the both of you know each other right?" Donghae smirked as he hung his arm around Minho's shoulder.

"Noona," Minho calls out, snapping Taeyeon from her little moment of spacing out.

"M-Minho.. What are you doing with him?" Taeyeon asked lifelessly, with Tiffany still hugging her with a confused expression.

"Well, well. Isn't this fun to watch? Cousin and cousin are now against one another."

Cousins? Taeyeon and this Minho are cousins? Tiffany thought to herself as she resumes to watch on the calm but intense scene.

"Let me tell you something, prince. From today onwards, Minho will be joining our clan and will be one of our members. He will have nothing more to do with you clan. Do you get that?"

Taeyeon ignored what Donghae is saying as she was still staring at Minho who was having a nonchalant expression on. "How could you, Minho? He was the one that killed our queen; your aunt! How can you do this to us? To your sister?!"

"Sooyoung-noona will understand what I'm doing."

"What...? Do you even have any idea what is coming out from your mouth now?!" Taeyeon raised her volume. Tiffany looks at her girlfriend and realised that Taeyeon's eyes have changed colour again.


That's the colour that Sooyoung told her to avoid Taeyeon every time she sees that. can she leave her at this moment? How can she bear to do that?

"Noona, I have to do this. Donghae-hyung promised me that he will give me a position if I show him that i'm capable in Furer clan. And all these years that I've spent in Menesis clan, I still haven't got a opportunity to show that I'm worthy enough to have a higher rank."

"That's because you're still young! All you have to do is wait--"

"How long, noona? Ten years? Fifty years? Or another hundred years to go?" Minho shook his head with a pitiful smile, "I can't wait anymore. I'm sorry, noona."

"Listen Minho, you can still turn back, alright? Listen to noona.."

"No, I can't!" Minho bursted out with his fists clenched. "This is my choice and I've already decided that it's final!"

Taeyeon stares at him as she slowly takes Tiffany's arm away from her. "Minho--"

"Enough, noona, I've already made a choice, and my choice is to stay in Furer clan."

Taeyeon stopped for a moment before she nods her head, "okay.. Since you've said so, then fine. I just hope that one day, we won't come into each other and one has to die in the end."

"Thank you, noona. And please, do pass a message to Sooyoung-noona for me. Tell her that her little brother will be fine and will finally get to show her his capability rather then depending on her."

Taeyeon nods her head before she turns around and starts to walk away; not forgetting to take Tiffany along with her.

"Where are you going, prince Taeyeon? We aren't finished with our business yet." Donghae spoke up as Taeyeon takes in a deep breath.

"What do you want, Lee?"

"You aren't leaving here until you leave something behind first."

Taeyeon tightened her hold on Tiffany as she knows what Donghae wants. What could it be? Well that's simple, it's Tiffany that he wants.

"Dream on," that was all that Taeyeon said before she starts to walk again. But before she could get any further, three well built man stood in front of her, preventing her from passing through them.

"I would really like it to be a dream, but I'm afraid it's not, prince."

Minho looks at her cousin before he looks back to his leader again. He was sure that Donghae did not tell him that he was going to capture someone. He thought that all this today was just to let Taeyeon know that he is with the Furer clan now.

While Taeyeon was busy looking at the three men, Taecyeon grabbed hold of Tiffany in an instant and dragged her to Donghae's side. "Taeyeon!" Tiffany screams and struggled agaisnt Taecyeon's strong arms.

Taeyeon's legs moved for a moment before she stops when she saw Donghae holding a dagger against Tiffany's neck. "Don't move, or she will not get to see broad daylight again." Like an obedient person, Taeyeon could do nothing but just stare at her girlfriend who was having crystal clear teardrops flowing down her porcelain cheeks.

Think, Taeyeon! Think of something to help your girlfriend!

No matter how much Taeyeon reprimanded her mind, there was still no good enough ideas that could come up on her mind. "What do you want?" Taeyeon asked calmly while preparing to launch an attack any moment soon.

Six men against me isn't a very good scenario.

"You know what I want. And no worries, I won't hurt your little girlfriend here," Donghae says as he drags his finger along Tiffany's chin while Taeyeon flexes her jaw. "Or maybe not. It depends on my mood actually; if I wanna keep her, or I wanna quench my thirst maybe?"


"Nah eh, don't move like I've said. And now, all you have to do is to pay a little price."

Before Taeyeon could even wonder what it is, she felt something sharp pierced through the skin of her back. Her face scrunched up, her eyes widen before she fell onto the ground.

"Taeyeon!!" Tiffany could not do anything other than shouting her lover's name.

"I won't kill you yet, but I will surely let you suffer in my hands, prince."

Another pierce, she felt her skin tearing off by the sharp blade that entered. It hurts, it really does. But nothing hurts more than to seeing that she could not do anything when her girlfriend is in someone else's hand, someone who's capable of doing anything ruthless.

Tiffany screams again, "TAEYEON!" Her tears flowing non stop.

Minho turns his head around to avoid looking at the scene in front of him. He can't go softhearted, or else he won't be able to achieve anything big in Furer clan. So he have to be heartless, to ignore the agony of his cousin and the cries from Tiffany.

Something hard was hit against the back of Taeyeon's neck, making her eyesight go blurry and her head begun to get heavy. She musters all of her strength that is left to look at her girlfriend for one final time, "Ti... Tiffa... Ny..."


And that was the last word that came out from the two lover's mouth before Taeyeon lost conscience and Tiffany was hit at the back of her head, making her faint on the spot as well.

Alone -Chapter 25: Alone-

Rustling of sounds around her.

People whispering.

Shuffling of foots.

A hand landed upon hers, making her twitch a little from the touch. A gasp was soon heard from the other as she could feel people coming near her.

She tried to open her eyes, but her eyelids were not obeying her as they sticked shut. After a few good minutes, she could hear clearly of what the people around her are saying.

"Taeyeon, open your eyes."

"Taeng, wake up."

"Taeyeon unnie, it's past bed time already."

That's what they had been telling her for the past few minutes.

She finally got to open her eyes but soon felt tears welling up as the sun glares strongly at her. She squints her eyes before the curtain was drawn closed by someone. Finally, she got to open her eyes without any barriers as she looked around the room blankly.

My room..

She saw Sooyoung who was standing by the window; whom she think was the one who drawn the curtains. Her father beside her with his concerned face and her younger sister holding onto her hand.

"Unnie, you feeling alright?" Seohyun asked as she patted her sister's hand.

Taeyeon stared at her before she tried to get up. She hissed in pain as soon as she exert force against her back. "Taeng!" Sooyoung quickly went towards the bed and held onto her best friend, helping her to lean her back against the headboard with the help of Seohyun.

As her back came into contact with the hard and cold surface, she groaned. Her back stings with the contact. She felt like her neck was hit a thousand times when she turns her head. She looked down at her own body and could see bandages wrapping around her under the thin singlet that she's wearing. "Wh.." Her voice cracks with the dryness of her throat.

A cup of water was offered to her by her caring sister as she received it while mouthing a 'thanks'.

After the liquid washed away the dryness, she then opened her mouth again. "What happened?"

The three stared at her skeptically. "You don't remember?" Sooyoung asked.

She closed her eyes and tries to think back to what happened.

She was at the graveyard.

She was there to see her mother.

Halfway through, Donghae was there too.

And then... Minho appeared also.

She got stabbed in the back and was knocked out when something hit her neck.

Her eyes shot open as the other three had their eyes twinkling in anticipation. "I was at the graveyard, visiting umma."

Her father nodded with a weak smile on, "that's right.. We found you there when we realised that you have gone missing for hours without any news from you."

Taeyeon nodded her head, "and then I saw Lee Donghae.." She gritted her teeth together. "Apparently, Minho was there too."

This caught Sooyoung's attention, "Minho? My little brother, Minho?! Why the hell is he there for? He haven't been home for a few days already and my parents and I are worried sick!"

Taeyeon tries to crack her brain apart while still trying to think back to the important parts. "He... He told me to tell you something."

Sooyoung calms down and stares at Taeyeon, signalling her to go on. "He told me to tell you not to worry about him, he will be fine. And that he will finally get to show his capability to you instead of depending on you, his older sister."

Sooyoung had a bemused expression on her face as her hands fell lifelessly by her sides. "Is he in his right mind, trying to join the Furer clan?" She paused for a while. "I'm gonna look for him." Before Sooyoung could even take a step further, she was stopped by none other than the king himself.

"Stop, Sooyoung. You can't be so impulsive and go to the Furer territory so easily. Do you even think you could pass by the large number of guards?"

The king was right, she can't be so impulsive. Who knows what would happen as soon as she touched ground at the Furer territory? She could probably get killed right at the spot as soon as she reached there.

She heaved out a sigh before nodding her head, implying that she won't go. The king patted on her shoulder before turning to Taeyeon. "My child, is that all that you can remember?"

Taeyeon blinks her eyes several time while finding clues of what happened.

But nothing.

She could not remember anything other than the ones that she stated.

She replied a yes to her father, "is there anything that I can't remember?"

The three exchanged looks with one another before Sooyoung spoke up. "By any chance... Did you forget about... Tiffany?"



Drip. Drip. Drip.

The water from the ceiling falls, landing onto her cheek.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The droplets follows a rhythm and fell onto her cheek one following another.

Her face scrunched up as she finally awakes from her unconsciousness. Her eyes fluttered for a while, before it was fully shot open as she looks around the poorly lit room with only the moon providing the light through the small window at the top.

She sat up abruptly, making her stumble a little with her heavy head. She looks around the room and found nothing but... Emptiness.

There was nothing here except for the door that is shut so tightly closed that not even a glimpse of light could be seen through the gaps and the small window by the side.

She went towards the door and knocked onto it hard, "anyone out there?! Anybody?!" She shouted and shouted continuously for who knows how long. Her knuckles kept on knocking against the surface of the door until it actually hurts.

Her tears fell down her eyes unstoppably like a waterfall. It just keeps flowing like a river that does not stop.

"Any... One..." She said out weakly, hiccups could be heard from her, but the tears just won't stop.

She hates this. She don't want to be weak. But what can she do other than cry for help?

Her lifeless body slid down the door as she leant her back against the door with her sitting on the dirty ground.

She sobbed.


She calls out, "Taeyeon.. Where are you...?"

The name just kept on coming out from her mouth. She just wished that her girlfriend would just appear right in front of her and get her out of this hell of a place like how she always save her from all dangers. She wants those strong arms around her, telling her that no matter what happens, she will be there to protect her.

She miss her girlfriend.

She miss her scent, her existence, her hugs and her kisses.

She just wants Taeyeon with her right now.

Crik. Crik.

Her head shot around as she looked around the source of the sound.

Crik. Crik. Crik.

More of the sound was produced from around her as she hugs her legs closer to her chest. More tears poured out as she think about whatever creatures that are also in this room with her.

She's scared. Like really scared of bugs.

She then thought back to the days where Taeyeon will always be there to keep the bugs away from her whenever there is one.

But right now... She's all alone by herself in this place that can't be even called a room.

And it's like the heaven is playing tricks with her as she saw a streak of lightning flash through the window, followed by the claps of the thunders.

She covered her mouth with both of her hands as she screams out.

She's tired.

So very tired..

It didn't take long, before she actually faints from fatigue.

In this filthy place, all she had was herself.

Alone. Was all that can be used to describe her state now.

Her lifeless body lay on the ground with the sound of thunder and the rain accompanying her.


Tiffany? She questions herself again while worried eyes were casted on her.

"What's wrong with Tiffany? Shouldn't she be in her room--" it was at that moment when suddenly everything came into place like a puzzle in Taeyeon's mind. It came like a bullet train, non stop, with the memories flashing through so quickly through her head.

The others in the room heaved out a sigh of relief; relieved that at least Taeyeon did not lose her memories about Tiffany.

The injured person quickly got out of bed, ignoring the pain in her back. She placed both feet onto the ground, but once her hands that are supporting her left the bed, she immediately fell down.

Everyone came helping her at the same time, but she pushed those hands away and tried to get up by herself.

If I can't even stand up on my own, how can I save Tiffany?

She tried and tried and tried for the nth time before she finally gives up. "URGHHH!" She groans in anger at her own inability to stand before hitting her legs.

Her best friend caught hold of her hands, stopping her from hurting herself. "Stop it, Taeng. You wouldn't want to hurt yourself more at this point of time."

Sooyoung's words do make sense as the prince stopped what she was doing and let the others do what they want by helping her up the bed.

"Don't worry, Taeyeon-ah. I've already sent our members out to look for her. If there's any news, they will report in right away." The king said.

Taeyeon shook her head, "it's obvious that she's being kept at the Lee's mansion. There's no reason why we still have to look for her when we know where she's at! It's all just a waste a time!"

Time.. Speaking of time...

"How long have I been unconscious for?"

"A day and a half." Seohyun replied while Taeyeon's eyes grew big.

"A day and a half?! Which means that we don't have any idea how Tiffany is doing right now?!"

"Calm down, Unnie.."

"How to, Seo? Teach me how! Tell me how can I keep myself calm when the fact is that my girlfriend is now being held captive by a bunch of beasts and I've been sleeping for like... a day?!"

"I've told you, Taeyeon. Appa already deployed--"

"What's the use? The important thing now is to get her out as soon as possible! The longer we drag, she'll be in more danger!"

"Listen, Taeyeon. Listen." The king managed to calm his daughter down first before he get into the details. "We've already had people stationed at the Lee's mansion. But their gate is too heavily guarded, which gives us difficulty in getting through. We can't risk it."

"If you can't risk it, then I will." Again, Taeyeon being stubborn, she tried to get off the bed again. She took a few wobbly steps with her hands holding onto the bed.

When Sooyoung wanted to help her, the king shook his head telling her not to. So all she could do was watch her best friend struggling on her own.

One step at a time.

It was like baby steps for Taeyeon. As she slowly let go of the bed, she managed to take a few steps forward but soon, her knees gave way and she collapse onto the ground again. Her father came forward and helped her up personally.

Taeyeon had her head hung low. "Taeyeon-ah, right now, what you need most is rest. Rest more so that you could recover faster and save Tiffany sooner. Alright?" Reluctantly, she nodded her head as she knows that she could not do anything with her weak body now.

"Good." The king patted onto his daughter's head as he led her to the bed, making her lie down. "Now rest, my child. Don't let anything worry you, appa will take care of it."

Sooyoung and Seohyun both came forward to the bed as well, "we will be here when you need us."

Taeyeon closed her eyes and she tries to drown herself in sleep. But she's been sleeping for a day and a half now, so it could be real hard to actually fall asleep.

"Sooyoung-ah, go check up on Jessica." Taeyeon eyes shot open by her father's comment.

That's right, Sica's not here.


Sooyoung turns her head to look at her. "Hmm?"

"Where's Sica?"

"She's in her room now.. She's been in there ever since the day we brought you back and did not have any news about Tiffany."

"I--I see."

"Right, rest well, Taeng."

"Yeah, I will, thanks."



The door that has been shut finally opened. The beam of light travels into the room that a certain brunette is in.

She woke up with just the slight sound made by the door. She tried to open her eyes but was too weak to do so or even move an inch.

The images were blurry, but she could still see a figure in front of her. The person moved towards her and squatted down. A cold hand landed on her forehead, she wanted to scream and pushed the person away, but she had no energy left. Soon, the hand was replaced by a cold wet towel. The person in front of her placed it carefully onto her forehead.

She was having a fever at that time which makes sense on why she's feeling so dead.

The person stood up and walk to the door. The door was opened as the figure stood there, "I'm sorry." Tiffany heard it from the stranger that left the room soon after.

She gathers all her energy making her eyes opened for a few good seconds before it closes again.

She saw a plate of food, a cup of water and what seems like medicine by her side.

She didn't know who that person was.

But she knows that he or she is someone that is able to help her get out of this god damn place.

Plan -Chapter 26: Plan-

-One and a half day after the incident happened-

The brunette stared out at the window blankly; looking at the clear blue sky that looks near to her, but with this wall in between, it could be really hard for her to reach out for the sky. She didn't know how long she have been sitting there staring at the sky, but well, that's practically the only thing that is there for her to look at.

Just this morning, she woke up with a splitting headache; a towel on her forehead, and found food, water and what seems like medicines beside her. She could still remember the fuzzy images of someone coming here last night but did not get to have a good look of who it is. Nonetheless, she is still thankful that at least in this devilish place, there is still someone who truly cares. The water helped to quench her thirst, the food helped to fill her tummy and most importantly, the medicines that helped to make her feel better.

She literally felt like shit this morning. Even with the sleep that she had, it was still not enough for her to feel energetic enough. Her eyes were swollen when she woke up due to the hours of crying that she had yesterday. No more tears fell out from her eyes now; not because she did not feel the need to cry, but because she did not have anymore tears to do so. Everything was already let out yesterday.

A pair of birds landed onto the railings of the square shaped hole that allowed her to peer a little at the outside world. They chirped and stood by close to one another. Tiffany watched them intently, this was actually the first time that she finally had a companion, at least a living thing.

At that point of time, Tiffany actually felt that the two birds were mocking her. They were snuggling close to one another while letting out their chirps. They acted so sweet in front of her and that just brought bitterness to her. If she weren't here, if Tiffany weren't locked up in this place, if she weren't caught by Lee Donghae, she might actually smile sweetly while looking at the pair of lovely birds. But right now, everything to her just feels so bitter and difficult to bear with. This all only led her to think about Taeyeon more. They were...just like this pair of birds here; always being sweet to one another and always love each other.

The pair of cute little things jump around on the railing, one of it actually nearly fell off if not for the other helping to support it by placing its wings in front. Tiffany laughed a little at the scene playing in front of her.

She laughed.

She actually laughed.

She did not even have a small smile on her face these few days but with the help of the cute fluffy thing, it actually made her laughed.

The weak laugh didn't really last long because soon after, the two birds flapped their wings and flew away, leaving Tiffany there alone...again. Oh how she wished the pair of birds would actually stay for a longer period of time, at least they could keep her company...for the time being.

Once again, she brought her legs close to her chest and hugged it tightly.

Once again, she closed her eyes and wished that time would passed by slowly.

Once again, she fell asleep just like that.

And once again...she was all alone.


"So how was it?" The king asked impatiently as one of the member came back.

"It's been confirmed that Ms Hwang is currently being held in that room over there, sir." The man reported with his finger pointing at some place of the mansion where the pair of birds just flew back from.

The king finally had a smile on his face after all the hard work, "do you have any idea how many guards are there?"

"No, sir. We aren't able to see that as the room is too high for our range to see."

"I see... Well, try every means you can to find out. I want Ms Hwang out safely as soon as possible. Do you all hear me?"

"Yes, sir!" The group of vampires answered as they scattered off quietly to their designated areas.

"Uncle, do you really think that she's there?" Sooyoung asked worriedly. She was afraid that the news could actually be fake and all their efforts will just go down the drain.

"I'm affirmative. This can't be wrong with the proves of these two smart fella here." The kind said proudly with a smile while patting the cage where the two love birds are being held at.

The same bird that Tiffany saw previously.

"Taeyeon-ah, appa finally have some great news for you now." The king said with his head tilt upwards, his eyes staring at the blue sky. All his hopes are now placed on this.

Now all he need to do is to find the right time to save Tiffany.

"Sooyoung-ah, do not tell Taeyeon about this.

"Why not, uncle?"

"I just want to double confirm before breaking it to her. I don't want to give her hope before shattering it the next moment."

"I understand.."


-2 days after the incident happened-

Tick tock. Tick tock.

Taeyeon watched the clock's hand ticking away monotonously. She wondered how long more she have to spend in the bed while her girlfriend is somewhere alone, by herself.

Everyone in the palace was gone, except for Jessica and maybe some of the servants here. They were all gone to keep a lookout at Donghae's movements.

It had been two days already. Two complete days of not having any news. Taeyeon was already at the brink of being berserk. Her injuries were now healing pretty fast as she believed that in less than a day, she could finally have her strong body back again. She can't wait for that time to come.

That moment...where she could save her girlfriend; hug her and never let her go.


"Wait, can you repeat what you just said?" Taeyeon had her body leant forward, her eyes wide opened while twinkling with hope.

"I said, we found out where Tiffany is being held at." Sooyoung repeated again for the forth time that she actually got irritated of saying it over and over again. It seems like as if her cousin still could not understand and believe what she is saying after all.

"Can you--"

"Oh god! Unnie! Just stop it will you!" Everyone had their attention diverted to the maknae. It was a rare sight to see her bursting. No wait, scratch that, it was actually their first time seeing Seohyun being so moody. "Aren't you supposed to be worried or something instead of wasting time asking Sooyoung unnie to repeat what she said over and over again?" Seohyun rolled her eyes at her now blanked out sister.

Taeyeon blinked her eyes several time before she finally digested what Seohyun was saying. She nodded her head and felt like what Seohyun said was completely right so she stopped asking. And the next moment you know, she suddenly started flipping. "Where's Tiffany?! You said you

found her! Where's she?! Bring me to her! I wanna see her!" She started to get out off the bed but was stopped when a ear piercing scream sounded from right next to her ear.

She winced and fell back to the bed because of shock. She looked around and no...there's no Jessica around. So who could it be? Well actually, it was none other than her beloved sister who looked like someone just offended her and made her boiling mad.

"Would you just chill, woman?" She said out, startling the people in the room once again.

"Wo-woman?" Taeyeon stammered as she placed a hand over her chest while looking at Seohyun like she's a stranger.

This is definitely not my sister. Oh wait...what am I saying? She's always been like that since young. Being bi-polar, sudden change of mood and being a bitc-

"Stop it. I know you're talking bad about me in your mind like always." Taeyeon had a shocked expression on her face while Seohyun faked a laugh. "Now..unnie.." She heaved out a sigh. "Listen, unnie." A nod, no wait, three nods were returned back to her as she stared at her cousin and father weirdly. But she chose to ignore it and get to the important point right away.

"Yes, we did found Fany unnie. But the thing is, we can't take action--"

"What do you mean by that?! Why can't you all save her right away?! All of you already have her location, why can't--" Taeyeon stopped halfway as a death glare was sent her way by her sister.

She sure can be scary at times..

"We can't take action because although we do know where she is, but we have no idea how many guards are in the palace. Appa already tried his best to get the most information," Seohyun

looked at the king for a moment while he nodded his head. "From it, we can't really get the exact number of guards there. But as of now, the number of guards we got are...nearly hundred."

"Hundred? That's just a piece of cake."

"Taeyeon, you do know that the Furer clan members are lesser than ours, but their members are all strong." The king reminded.

"But I could still be able to take all of them."

The king shook his head, "no, just no."

"Why?!" Taeyeon exclaimed.

"Calm down. There's nothing for you to worry about. Appa already have plans on how to save her."

"And what's the plan?"

"It is to..."


The sky was dark again, which shows that the day is almost gone soon. Tiffany could not fall asleep anymore due to the nap that she had this afternoon. She just lay down on the ground where she lied on for the two days. Yes, it was filthy, but there was no where she could sleep on except for the ground.

She was thinking how Taeyeon is doing now. How her injuries are doing. And how her days are going on right now.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted when the door suddenly opened. She closed her eyes immediately and lay still at her position. She panicked because she did not know what sort of monsters might actually be here to kill her or maybe eat her, tear her skin until only her bones are left.

The sound of metal landing onto the ground was all before she heard the door open and close again.

She opened one of her eye slowly to peeped around and after knowing that the coast is clear, she opened both eyes and sat up. What greeted her in front was once again a plate of food, a drink, with the exemption of the medicines and also what seems like a piece of paper stuck in between the bun. She eyed the piece of paper carefully before deciding to pick it up.

She opened the paper, before her eyes scan through the contents.

She gasped as she read on.

It was actually a letter from someone.

Tomorrow in the evening of 5pm, Donghae will be out for a meeting with the leaders under him. It will be the perfect time for you to escape. I will help you out throughout and don't worry, I'm not a bad person. Just trust me. Keep out for the sound of the car honking, that's the sign that he is leaving.

Tiffany let the letter fell onto her lap as she contemplate whether she should trust this person that gave this letter to her.

Afraid that she might get caught with this letter, she quickly folded it up and placed it into her jeans' pocket.

I just hope could really help me out of here.


"It is to wait for Donghae to leave his palace tomorrow at five in the evening for the meeting with his leaders and then we will find a way to break into the palace and save Tiffany."


"Yes, tomorrow. So get more rest today and be ready the next morning."

"Yes, appa. I will do anything to save her."


-Chapter 28: Gunshot-

She looked out through the window.

It's raining...

The pitter-patter of the raindrops made her body relax as she heard the continuous rhythm. She was so dead nervous of what is going to happen later on. It's like a bet on her life whether this said person that is helping her is trustworthy, but she have no choice now. It is either to believe in that person or to live in this pathetic place.

And of course, she would choose the former.

She laid her back against the wall as she closed her eyes. She tried to clear her mind so that she will be calm.

Being nervous now wouldn't do her any good. And of course, she was not going to have cold feet now.

This is the only chance, it's now or never.

Her eyes opened as they flared in determination.

I will get out of here.


With drenched hair, all of them stood there guarding one another with their eyes shifting here and there. It was peaceful and quietness here, nothing strange is happening.

Taeyeon kept her eyes locked onto the window where she knew Tiffany is in that room. She held onto the gun that is in her hand tightly while her left hand pressed onto the side of her thigh where a knife is kept at.

A hand landed onto her shoulder, "Taeyeon-ah. Relax, this is all you need right now." The king said gently to his daughter.

Taeyeon squinted her eyes as the droplets of water fell onto her eyelashes. "Yes, appa, I know that but I can't seem to relax.." She flexed her jaw as she felt her muscles tightening, giving her the urge to just charge forward and rescue Tiffany without giving a damn if Donghae is still in the palace. Of course, she still had her mind of her own and that is to stay calm and not be reckless because one mistake is all it takes to bring one down.

"You have got to believe in yourself, that is all you need to do."

Taeyeon nodded as she kept her gun safe at the side of her thigh. "I do believe in myself. I will save Tiffany and nobody is to stop me."

"Now that's my girl," the king said proudly as he patted on Taeyeon's shoulder.

"Appa, how long is it more to five?"

"Hmm," the king brought out his pocket watch. "It's just another one hour more to go."

"Okay," Taeyeon looked at the other members of the clan. "Please do not fail this. I really need to get her out of that place."

The members stared at Taeyeon sympathetically before they nodded one by one. "Yes, Prince Taeyeon! We will not fail you!"

Taeyeon smiled at them before looking at that particular room again.

Tiffany, please be alright...


Tiffany rocked her body back and forth as she played with the piece of letter that the mysterious person had given her. She did not have a watch so she could not keep a lookout for the time so all she have to do is to make sure she hears properly for the sound of a honk.

Please... Just please...

She hugged her legs with her head between her knees.

Please... I need to get out of here...

Beep beep.

Her head quickly shot up with that sound. Her heart was beating frantically while she stood up with wobbly legs.

Now what am I supposed to do..?

Her question was soon answered when the door was opened. She waited there for a while but there was no movement so she went towards it and opened it ever slowly. Her head peeked out first as she looked at the hallway that was empty.

Her legs stepped out as brightness from the light blinded her eyes. After a while, she was able to see clearly as she saw little petals of flower on the ground that was forming a trail. She followed that path of route with her eyes scanning here and there, keeping a lookout for the guards.

If I met one, I won't have any power to defend myself from them.

And there, it was like heaven is playing a trick with her when a well built man appeared right in front of him. She looked around the place for somewhere to hide, but none.

There was no where except this path.

It was too late for her to run back because the man had his head turned to look at Tiffany.

Oh shit.


"It's five. Stay put, everyone. Do not make any moves until I give the orders." The king whispered out while the others nodded.

They looked at the entrance of the palace and soon after, Donghae came out with several guards with him. They walked towards the limo and got into the car.

As soon as they were inside, Taeyeon quickly sprinted away towards the palace's back door. "Taeyeon!" The king hissed out as he looked at the car and luckily they didn't spot Taeyeon. "Sooyoung, go ahead and follow her."

"Yes, uncle."

"And..." Sooyoung stopped and turn to look at the king. "Be safe." Sooyoung nodded her head before she took off behind Taeyeon.

"Again, no one is allowed to take any actions until I say so."

The king waited patiently for Donghae to leave this place but after what seems like five minutes, no movement was made from them.

"Something's not right."


"Where do you think you're going, little human?" The man had a smirk on his face while approaching Tiffany. With every step that he took, Tiffany did the same by back-stepping.

In almost like a flash, the man appeared right in front of her eyes as she screamed in terror with those sharp teeth looking at her.


Taeyeon arrived at the back door where she sees two guards there. Just when she was about to charge forward, someone pulled her back. She was going to attack that person but soon realised that it was just Sooyoung. "Aren't you gonna wait for your buddy before you take action?"

Taeyeon smirked as she understood what Sooyoung meant. Yes, she herself is strong enough to defeat that two guards but with the help of her best friend, they could even be stronger as they are partners who work well with one another.

"You ready?"

"You don't even have to say it," Sooyoung said before she went forward first with quick steps. Even before the guards could turn around, they were already knocked out by Sooyoung. "Now that was an easy job," she said while patting both of hands.

"This is just the beginning, Soo." Taeyeon commented as her hand landed upon the knob of the door. Sooyoung nodded at her as she quickly flung open the door with one move.

A gun was in both of their hands as they looked at the inside of the palace. They quickly looked at one another before looking back at the hallway. "This is weird.. There's not even a single guard here." Sooyoung said.

"Maybe it's their day off or whatsoever. Anyways, who cares. This just makes our job much easier." Taeyeon said before she took off by herself once again.

"Yah! Stop being so reckless!" She followed behind Taeyeon while not forgetting to be extra careful with this strange feeling in her.

They passed by rooms and rooms before finally reaching the stairs that they have to take to get up to the top floor where Tiffany is at. "Are we seriously going up all these flights of stairs?" Sooyoung complained while looking at the top floor that seems like the 40th storey.

"I think there's an alternative road, but we don't have much time so this is the only way. And by the way, aren't you like the fastest runner? You should be better at this than me." The prince said before she started to sprint up the stairs with a complaining cousin behind her.

As the two were going up, a scream was heard from the top as it echoed down. They stopped in their steps and looked at one another with widened eyes before going up at full speed with no complains this time.

Tiffany, you have to be alright..


Her mouth was soon covered by the man who looked annoyed now. "Shut up! Or I will destroy this pretty face of yours!" She obeyed and kept quiet while the man had a smug smile on. "Good girl." He had his finger dragging along the cheeks of Tiffany's while the poor girl was shivering in fear. It was like the same exact that happened to her last time with Donghae but that time, she was at the Kim's palace with people there that she knows and will help her. This time, she's at a place where demons are at and probably no one would help her.

Maybe...I shouldn't have believe in that person...

The man held onto her neck and she struggled for air. She kept on hitting the arm of the vampire that had a smile on his face like he is enjoying her being in agony. Her eye sight was getting blurry as tears welled up at her eyes. Just when she was about to give up on hope, the hand was loosened as she gasped for air.

She held onto her neck as she breathed hard. She looked in front and the man was already unconscious on the ground.

...What happened..?

"Let's go," Tiffany jumped in shock at the new voice as she slowly turned around to face her saver.

Is this..

The young vampire turned his body around and faced Tiffany when he realised she was not moving. "Are you hurt, Tiffany-ssi?"

Tiffany shook her head.

So he was the one that was helping me.. Minho..

"I'm sorry that I didn't come earlier."

"No--" Tiffany's voice cracked. She gulped and tried to speak with her dry throat again. "Don't apologise."

"Araso," Minho nodded his head with a weak smile on. "We need to go now, Tiffany-ssi, or we won't be able to do so."

"Okay.." Tiffany answered as she followed Minho who was starting to walk.

"Where do you think you're going?" The two stopped in their tracks with another voice that they recognised who it was.


"Hurry up, Taeyeon!" Sooyoung said as she is now the one who was in front leading the two. Taeyeon nodded her head without speaking as she tried her best to sprint up as fast as could. She was tired, like real tired but she knows she can't stop because her girlfriend is probably in danger right now.

Just a few more, you can do it!

Taeyeon looked up and indeed it was just a few more flights of stairs before they are at the top. With all her might, she used all of her strength and finally they reached the top. She panted with her hands on top of her bent knees as she stared with amazement at the still full of energy Sooyoung. "Come on, we have to go now. No resting!" Sooyoung commanded before dragging Taeyeon along.

I am strong, but I do have some problems with stamina.. Gotta train soon, Taeyeon-ah.

Sooyoung suddenly halted which made Taeyeon bang into her back. She winced a little and was about to scold her best friend when she looked at the scene in front of her. "Tiffany.." She whispered out the name oh so softly but still it gained the brunette's attention as they both made eye contact.


The two looked at one another while gulping as they slowly turned around. "Where do you think you're going?" The person opposite them said through gritted teeth.

Tiffany found herself having trouble standing as her knees buckled and gave way. This is just too much for her to take. She's just a mere human, she can't do much. But why... She thought. Why is this happening to her out of all the people on earth.

"Would you like to explain what is going on here? Huh, Minho?" Donghae said so calmly that it scared the two.

"I... I was just... just..."

"Just what?"

"...I just wanted to--"

"To save her? To get her out of here? To betray me? To betray the clan?!" Donghae shouted as he took out a gun and pointed it at Tiffany.

Tiffany's eyes went wide as her eyes were locked onto the pistol. Her body shook. She was in so much fear. Was she going to die just like that?

Minho quickly got in front of Tiffany to protect her from any bullets. At least, if he was shot, all he will suffer is the injury but if it was Tiffany, there could be a possibility that she might die because of a shot.

"Tiffany.." The brunette's ear twitch a little at the so familiar voice. She thought she heard wrongly but really is the person that she wanted to see right now. She turned her head and looked at the blonde who was panting. They held eye contact with one another.


"Well, well. What do we have here now?" They broke their eye contact as they looked at the now smirking man. "The prince is also here to join the fun, huh?" Donghae laughed lowly.

"Minho!" Sooyoung shouted when she saw her little brother protecting Tiffany from the gun that Donghae is holding.

Minho's head automatically spun around when he heard his dear sister's voice. He missed her so much. He missed his family so much. "Noona.." He smiled weakly at her.

And just at that point of time when he spun his head around, Donghae took this chance to point the gun properly at Minho and his finger was already on the trigger. Taeyeon saw everything and so she quickly ran forward and kicked the gun off Donghae's hand.

The gun was off his grip as it slid and went to the wall. Donghae hissed at the blonde as he quickly went to the side and picked up the gun again. This time, he pointed it at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon knew that he was going for the gun, so she too, held onto the gun, ready to pull the trigger.

Both sides with a pistol on their hands as they glared at one another. "You... Why do you have to go against me every single time?!"


"Just why?!"


"Stop keeping quiet and answer me!!" Donghae shouted angrily as he lost his patience. He pulled the trigger this time and the gun did fire but it shot no one because Minho managed to grab onto his hand and point it up the ceiling. The two were fighting with one another over the gun as Taeyeon quickly went forward to help out Minho.

So much struggling as the three struggled for one gun.

At the side of them were two person who were so worried. Sooyoung was there holding onto Tiffany as she did not have any strength to stand up anymore.

Don't let anything happen to Taeyeon and Minho, please, Tiffany thought to herself.

"I knew this would happen and luckily I came up again!" Donghae said as he held onto the gun and pointed it at Taeyeon.

"You bastard!" Taeyeon pushed the gun and it pointed at Donghae.

"And you, you betrayed me!"

"I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do!"



A gunshot was heard as all of them stopped struggling for the gun. They looked at one another before one fell onto the ground.

My Hero


-Chapter 29: My Hero-

Everything seems to be playing in slow-motion as the person who got shot fell limped on the ground.

"Minho!" From the side, shouted Sooyoung who quickly ran over to the now lifeless vampire. Even Tiffany who did not have the ability to stand found herself going over to her saver.

The other two who were standing looked at one another and then to the gun that was on Donghae's hand. No shot was fired from that gun. Both of them were sure of that fact, but who was the one who did it then?

Taeyeon did not cared about anything and went forward to land a punch onto Donghae's face. His face turned to the right because of the impact. Taeyeon then took the gun out of his grasp at that point of time when he was paying attention to his injury. She held the gun properly and was about to shoot him when another shot was heard before she could do so.

The gun that was in Taeyeon's hand fell off as she lost her grip. The people present in the room looked around once again for any intruder. As they were looking around, Tiffany caught Taeyeon wincing in pain as she held onto her arm. There on her upper arm was a fresh injury made by the shot earlier. It shot Taeyeon.

Tiffany got up, wanting to go to Taeyeon when another shot was heard, making her crouch down with Sooyoung pressing her head downwards preventing her from getting up.

By the time when all of them looked up, someone was already missing from the scene. Taeyeon quickly scanned the area and spotted two figures running down the hallway towards a room. She wanted to chase after them, but knowing that she had an injury now, it won't be beneficial to her. So, she took the gun that was on the floor and fired non-stop at the figures.

The two vampires were agile enough as they got into a room so none of the shots hit them. Taeyeon's legs moved only an inch when her name was called out. "Taeyeon.. Don't go." The voice pleaded her as she looked to her side to see Tiffany squatting down beside Minho while looking at her.

She looked at her girlfriend before looking back at the room and then back to her girlfriend again. I'll get you for this the next time, Donghae and Taecyeon.

She walked to the three while grabbing onto her injured arm that was having blue liquid flowing out of the bullet shot. She squatted down beside Tiffany. Her uninjured arm found Tiffany's hand as she grabbed and interlaced them together.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon when she felt the warm around her hand. It's been so long... She thought to herself before turning back to Minho.

Sooyoung had both of her hands around Minho's as she let her tears flow out freely. "Minho, you're gonna be alright. You're gonna be alright." She kept on repeating to herself, trying to assure Minho and more to assure herself. The shot that was fired at Minho... It wouldn't have been this lethal if only it didn't hit the vampire's nape.

The young vampire managed to form a small smile on his face even when he was in pain. He couldn't bear to see his sister being like this. He just couldn't. "Noona... Your little brother... mmanaged to prove him...self today." He spoke with much energy needed. He gulped as he felt his throat getting dryer and dryer every time he speaks or even breath. "He... He's not--"

Sooyoung shook her head at seeing Minho in so much pain just trying to form his words, "don't speak, Minho..."

"No... I have... t-to." Minho took out of one his hand from Sooyoung's face and placed it onto his sister's face. "Noona... Can you see this... now?" Sooyoung stared at him confusedly as her tears still did not stop. Minho wiped those tears away with his thumb before continuing. "Your little brother... He's all g-grown up now... You... don't have t-to worry about him... anymore..."

"Yes, yes, Minho. I've already stopped worrying about you a long time ago..."

Minho's lips formed a smile as his eyelids began to feel heavy. He blinked hard and kept his eyes open. "I've saved s-someone today... I've finally made... An a-accomplishment... I'm not uuseless..."

"You're never useless, Minho. You never were..."

"Noo-noona... Promise me one thing..." Sooyoung nodded her head to show that she is listening. "Promise me that... you'll be strong... Even without me..."

"No... Minho... No... You'll be fine!"

Minho shook his head as this time, he really really felt very tired. "P-promise me." He coughed out.

Sooyoung bit her lips, "I promise.."

"G-good..." Minho's hand left his sister's cheek and placed it against his own chest while the other is still held on by Sooyoung. "I'm so... tired now..."

"Minho, you can't sleep now! Don't fall asleep, do you hear me?!" Sooyoung shouted right away when she sees her brother's eyes closed slowly.

"I'm sorry... Noona..." Those words left Minho's lips before the hand that she is holding on became limped. She stared at the hand in horror before looking back at her brother.

"N-no... Minho, stop playing with me." She went closer towards his face and placed her unoccupied hand onto his face. "Wake up now."

"Sooyoung-ah..." Taeyeon tried to pull Sooyoung away but was pushed away by the latter.

"Stop! He's still here, I know he's still here. I can feel it..." Taeyeon bit her lips as she felt tears forming, but she can't cry now. She can't be weak at this moment when the people around her is already dead in their spirits. Her chest was now occupied by Tiffany who could not control but cry when she looked at the scene in front of her.

It's because of me... She blamed herself for all this. She thought if it wasn't for her, Minho wouldn't have needed to save her and wouldn't have ended up losing his life in the end. She held onto Taeyeon's shirt tightly while still blaming herself. The prince could do nothing at this moment except rubbing Tiffany's back up and down to calm her down.

"Minho... Noona wants you to stop playing already..." Sooyoung continued to sob out. "JUST WAKE UP!" She shouted while hitting Minho's chest. "Wake...up..."

At this point of time, heavy footsteps could be heard before the king and the guards appeared in sight. He looked at what was in front of him.

Minho's lifeless body. Sooyoung beside him. Tiffany crying with Taeyeon comforting her while evident of pain could be seen from her face. He pieced everything together and could only end up in one result. He took one look at the young vampire's body before she fell onto the ground on his knees.

The guards behind him wanted to help him up but didn't as he lifted up a hand. The king stared at his nephew, and again, another person blamed himself for Minho's death. If only I had arrived earlier...

The hallway was now filled with darkness and sorrow as the cries from Sooyoung echoed down even to the first storey of the palace.


If only... Everyone thought this way. Like for Taeyeon, she thought if only it was not because Minho wanted to prevent Donghae from shooting her, he wouldn't be involved in the fight for the gun.

She too, blamed herself.

Her sight was darkened now due to the sunglasses that she is having on as she stood with her head slightly bowed. Beside her was Tiffany who had her eyes swollen behind those dark shades with Jessica by her side with the same situation. And there, right in front of them was the person that was the most affected because of this incident.

Almost everyone had their shades on right now. Perhaps, it's just to hide their true feelings or sorrows that are behind those glasses. That was the time that Sooyoung actually felt grateful to the person that created sunglasses. Yes, it might sound silly but it's not to her. She thought that this might actually be her last chance she gets to see her little brother so she doesn't wants Minho to be worried over her swollen and reddened eyes.

Although Minho is not there with her now, but she could still feel his presence there. She could feel her little brother beside her, protecting her from everything perhaps except her sadness. That was one thing that no one is able to take away because no one can change the fact that Minho is now gone and not coming back ever again.

She stepped forward with the white rose in her hand and placed it down gently. She looked at the photo where Minho is smiling happily and she too, found herself having a smile right now. She stood up and walked away to the side as her friends and relatives too went to place their own roses there.

She looked at the memorial of Minho's. 'In remembrance of Choi Minho for his brave acts.' Indeed, her brother is now known to be the hero to everyone. But there's one thing that nobody knows including Minho...and that is, my little brother have been a hero in my heart since forever.

A tear fell out of her eye as she wiped it immediately. This time, it wasn't the tears of sadness, but tears of proudness. You did it, Minho. You've proved to everyone about your capabilities.

A hanky appeared right in front of her as she looked at her side.

Jessica smiled warmly at her before wiping away the tears on Sooyoung's face that have fallen unknowingly. Sooyoung grabbed onto her hand and placed it on her chest just above her heart, "thank you..."

Jessica shook her head before she nodded towards Taeyeon and Tiffany that is behind her. The two beamed a small smile towards Sooyoung before walking to stand in front of her. "We'll all be with you, always will." Taeyeon stated out before she was engulfed in a hug with the others as well.

"Thank you... Thank you..." Sooyoung kept on saying out, earning giggles from the two American girls and a grumble from the shortest girl who was suffocating in the middle of everyone.

Don't worry, Minho. Noona will be alright as long as my friends are still with me... Rest in peace now, my heroic brother.


"Argh!" The shorter man let out a frustrated groan as he sent the papers on his desk flying to the other side of the room. "How can this be?! How can she still be able to get out?! What have our guards been doing all this time?!"

"Sir, most of the guards were all off to prepare for the meeting."

"Stupid meeting that is! If it wasn't for that, this wouldn't have happened! I wouldn't have ended up here!" The leader shouted as he pointed out at the dark and shabby place he is in now. He couldn't go back to his palace for now as the Kim family had their members there to make sure that they can capture Donghae when he goes back... and he sure isn't stupid enough to go back at this point of time. "What can of place is this anyway?! How am I supposed to stay here?!"

"Sir, please be patient. I will do whatever I can to make sure that you will get your palace back."

Donghae let out a sigh before walking to his assistance's side. He land his hand onto Taecyeon's broad shoulder. "You're the best assistance that I could ask for. If it weren't for you, I would have not been in this world already."

Taecyeon quickly shook his head, "no sir, it is my duty to do so."

"I trust you Taecyeon."

"Yes. Thank you, sir."

Donghae walked towards the window and looked at the outside. "Kim Taeyeon, I will get you for this."

So In Love -Chapter 30: So In Love-

The two held their hands tightly together as they strolled around the forest. Occasionally, giggles would come out from their mouth as they took glances at one another. They walked and walked until a lake appeared in sight.

The brunette looked at the beautiful lake in awe before she was pulled down onto her lover's lap. A pair of strong yet gentle arms encircled her waist and brought her close with the latter's body. She lay her head onto her lover's shoulder with closed eyes as she enjoyed the peace that they were having.

"Fany-ah," Taeyeon whispered out oh so softly into the brunette's ear. A short 'hmm' was answered to her before it was replaced with giggles as Taeyeon used her nose to rub against Tiffany's neck while sniffing in her scene. So intoxicating it is to her.

"It tickles," Tiffany continued to giggle out with a pout on her face. After a few minutes, Taeyeon then pulled away with her smile as she placed her chin onto Tiffany's shoulder.


"Yes, Taetae?"

"Have you ever...regretted meeting us?" A gasp was heard from Tiffany as she turned around abruptly to face Taeyeon. "I mean like--"

A finger was placed onto her lips, making her shut her mouth as she stared at her lover. "Don't ever say such thing, Taeyeon-ah." Tiffany answered with a frown.

She did not like the frown on her girlfriend's face so she used her thumb and soothed her forehead, and surely it did the trick to stop her from frowning. "But you can't go out as freely as you do in the past and will always have to stay in that boring palace."

Tiffany let out a sigh as she placed both of her hands onto Taeyeon's cheek. They held eye contact while Tiffany used her thumb to gently rub onto the blonde's cheeks. "Being able to stay with you is already more than enough. Who cares about going out anyways?"


Tiffany leant forward and placed her lips onto Taeyeon's. She pulled away to lean her forehead against the blonde's. "No more buts. I love you and that's final, there's nothing more that I need except for you, Taeyeon-ah. I can't live without you anymore."

The blonde could only nod her head with the intense and loving stare from Tiffany, "I would say the same thing too."

Tiffany smiled at her words. She stood up but before she could do so, she was again pulled back down onto Taeyeon's lap. "Where're you going?" Taeyeon whispered out softly.

Tiffany smiled as a short chuckle left her mouth, "we can't waste this beautiful day, can we?" She then looked at her back where the lake is, "so why don't we go for a swim?"


Laughter filled the air as they splashed water at one another. Taeyeon ran forward and captured Tiffany in her arms. The brunette screamed in shock before she giggled and tried getting out of those arms.

Taeyeon smiled at her and refused to let go as she spun her around before throwing her into the water. She watched with bent knees while laughing as the brunette slowly emerged from the water, drenched from head to toe. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon coldly and walked towards her slowly.

Taeyeon gulped while looking at her girlfriend's angered face. I know it's not right to say this but damn...she's hot when she's angry.

"You," another step. "Are," and another one. "So," she was in front of Taeyeon now. "Dead!" With one strong push, she sent Taeyeon falling onto the back with a surprised look as she splashed into the water.

Now seeing Taeyeon sitting there looking dumbfounded, Tiffany could only laugh out while clutching her own stomach. And with the loud laughter from her lover, it snapped Taeyeon out of her thoughts as she looked at Tiffany.

A smile slowly crawled up to her face when she saw how happy Tiffany is now. She stood up from the water and was starting to plan a scheme against Tiffany while the latter was cautious as soon as Taeyeon regained her posture.

Just...I want you to smile more, Taeyeon thought to herself before she went closer, ready to act out her plan of making Tiffany laugh freely again.


"Huff.." The two blew out air from their mouth as they collapsed onto the ground. They had been playing in the water for three hours so naturally, they would be dead beat by now.

Taeyeon lied her back onto the ground while looking at the now darkened sky. A weight was added onto her chest as looked down to see Tiffany's head there. Instinctively, her hand went up and wrapped it against Tiffany's waist protectively while her other hand interlaced their fingers together and placed it against her abs.

Tiffany's other free hand went up and played with Taeyeon's collar. She let out a sigh. A sigh of happiness that is. She didn't know how long this peace would last because Donghae is still out there somewhere, but she wished she could stay like this forever. Forever is surely a very long time, and Tiffany didn't want to be greedy but she can't help it, she just wants to spend more time with Taeyeon, just both of them alone in their own world.

That's just my wishful thinking of course. She thought to herself of how is it even possible for them to have their time to themselves for years to come when they could not even have it for just a few days.

Sometimes, when she goes to bed, she would think what if...what if Taeyeon wasn't a vampire, but just a normal human being? Would they be a normal loving couple then? Instead of having to face dangers all the time, they could have dates almost everyday maybe?

She placed her ear onto the blonde's chest and listened to the slow and calming heartbeat. She's no different from a normal human being. Maybe just...she drinks blood and moves in a lightning speed and is super strong and also lives for more years, but at least she still has a heart that beats.

Again, another sigh left her lips. She found herself being stupid for having to reassure herself just because of this matter.

Taeyeon heard that sigh. She caressed Tiffany's hair gently and placed a kiss onto her forehead, "what's wrong?" She asked so gently.

Tiffany smiled against her chest and shook her head. She loved how Taeyeon could be so strong for her and in the other hand, she could also have this gentle and loving side to her. She was just the perfect lover for Tiffany. Just Tiffany Hwang. "I just..." She then shook her head again. "Nothing.."

Taeyeon kept on caressing her head that she felt so comfortable she might actually fall asleep on top of her, "tell me." Another peck on her forehead, she closed her eyes.

"I love the way you are..." Tiffany whispered out and unknowingly, she fell asleep just like that in Taeyeon's arms and in the middle of the forest.

Taeyeon had a lovesick smile on her face as she heard that so softly said words. She continued soothing her lover's hair while humming a soft lullaby. Her eyes did not leave Tiffany for even one second. It looked so amazing to her how someone can be so beautiful even when sleeping. Maybe no one could, but Tiffany Hwang is the only exception. She just loved her so much that words could not explain it. "And I love the way you are." She let her lips linger on top of the brunette's head before pulling away after a few good seconds, "sleep tight, Fany-ah. I love you."


Morning soon came as the sun rose up, greeting the now grumbling Tiffany. She fluttered her eyes open while yawning and looked around the place. She thought Taeyeon was with her, but it seems like she was wrong as there was nothing but emptiness around her.

She felt scared for a moment because she was again alone. She was sick of being alone after those nights at Donghae's palace. Just a few days and it already did such a great impact to her.

She looked around again, this time with her standing up. Her hair was flying around in every direction that she turned, but appearance was her last concern on her list. She had those thoughts of going around looking for Taeyeon but was scared that she might actually get lost in this unfamiliar place. Every tree here just looked the same to her.

Screw this. Just as she was about to leave, a hand grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her back. She was ready to scream at that person and hit whatever is there but soon realised that it was just Taeyeon.

She heaved a sigh of relief and gave a hit onto Taeyeon's chest. "What's wrong?" Taeyeon asked as she placed the stuff she was holding on onto the ground. She grabbed both of Tiffany's arm and held her close while scanning her face. "Are you hurt somewhere?" She looked around the brunette's body for injury but found none.

The brunette shook her head, "no, you just scared me for a second." She then let her eyes wonder off to the stuff on the ground that Taeyeon brought along with her. "What's that?"

"Oh," Taeyeon bent down and picked up the stuffs again before holding one of Tiffany's hand and bringing her underneath a tree's shade. She patted the grass before sitting down with Tiffany beside her. "I just went around to pick these fruits. Thought you'll be hungry in the morning." She took out an apple from the basket and hand it over to Tiffany who accepted it gladly.

"Thank you," she said before taking a bite from the apple.

Taeyeon smiled when she saw how Tiffany ate that fruit so cutely. "Sorry," Tiffany looked at her curiously with the sudden apology. "I left you here alone."

Tiffany swallowed the content in her mouth before speaking, "there's nothing to apologise for, silly."

"I... I just don't want to leave you alone here by yourself, but then I had to because I'm scared that you'll be hungry when you wake up."

Tiffany smiled at her before patting her head like a small kid, "araso."

Taeyeon tried to avoid the pat and the both of them then started that little wrestle which made her ended up falling on her back with Tiffany on top of her.

They looked at one another before Taeyeon spoke, "Opps. Wasted." She then turned to her left where the apple has fallen off from Tiffany's hand.

Tiffany followed her gaze and finally understood what she meant. The two of them then chuckled while their bodies were sticking close to one another.

They wanted to stay like this for a longer time.

Just. For a longer time.


"So how is it?" Taeyeon sat down onto Sooyoung's bed like as if it was her own while the latter spun her chair around to face her.

"No sight of Donghae yet. It seems like he's not going to go back any sooner with our members there."

"But almost all of his assets are there. He's bound to go back there knowing his greed for wealth."

"Who knows? Maybe he will. But in any ways, we are still going to capture him." Sooyoung shrugged her shoulders as she spun her chair again facing the desk while she busied herself on the computer. Her chair was again spun again as she found herself staring at a certain blonde. She narrowed her eyes at her, "what? I know that look of yours, alright. You always shows me that face when you have a favour. Just shoot."

Taeyeon grinned at her cousin, "that's so right."

Sooyoung rolled her eyes at Taeyeon's remark before she gave a snort, "what's new here?"

Taeyeon had her eyebrows furrowed together before she shook her head. "I want to bring Tiffany out for a date."

Sooyoung had a blank look on her face before she snapped out of it and stared at Taeyeon with a 'are you kidding' look. "I'm serious here." Taeyeon said.

"Are you mad or what? You know we aren't allowed to go out too much right now. Your father probably won't allow you."

"But...but-- What's wrong actually? We went out before! To the amusement park and also to my mother's grave."

Sooyoung let out a sigh as she palmed her forehead. "Okay, first." She pointed out her index finger. "I was also there with you all at the amusement park and in the end we still ended up having a fight. And secondly--" she gave a peace sign in front of her body. "--you went with Tiffany to aunty's grave alone and in the know what happened." A slight tone of sadness could be heard from Sooyoung, and Taeyeon immediately regretted talking about it.

"I just wanted to bring Tiffany out for a date for just a day that's all. I don't ask anything much. She's just... She's stuck here for the whole day and I bet she must be feeling bored already although she said the otherwise."

A pang of guilt hit Sooyoung as she thought of her own girlfriend too. Is Sica feeling bored too..? She then stood up and placed both of her hands onto Taeyeon's shoulders. "Alright, I'll help you to cover up from uncle. But!" The happiness from Taeyeon quickly died down when she was preparing to jump in excitement. "You must remember to contact me when there's anything wrong. Remember that, alright! Don't try to play a hero! And, remember to keep a lookout wherever you go! And keep Tiffany by your side, don't leave her alone by herself! And-"

"Okay okay, i get it!" Taeyeon quickly cut in because she knows that Sooyoung probably had a long list of 'and' for her and she don't know when will it end. "If there's anything wrong or whatsoever, you'll be the first I'll contact. I'll even put you on first dial, alright? And I will also protect Tiffany with my life."

Sooyoung nodded her head, "okay." A smile then appeared on her face. "Have fun, buddy." As she was about to get back to her own business, Taeyeon suddenly launched herself forward and captured her into a tight hug. She struggle for air and stared at her cousin with bewilderment before pushing her away harshly. "What's with you?! You've changed so much from before. You won't even allow anyone to touch you last time." She then gasped and covered her mouth. She pointed straight at the still grinning Taeyeon. "You are not my cousin! Tell me where's the real Taeyeon! Where did you keep that midget at!"

The smile from Taeyeon was wept off with the mention of 'midget'. Yeah, she didn't like people making fun of her height because it just hits her ego big time. "Shut up, you beanpole. I'm going already." She opened the door but stopped halfway as she looked at Sooyoung with a sincere smile, "thanks, buddy."

When the door closed, Sooyoung leant back onto her chair while looking at the ceiling. "I guess it feels nice to be good to someone once in a while." She then looked at the door. "And that midget really have fallen head over heels for Tiffany. She's so whipped!" A hearty laughter came from her before she really get back to her own business now.

Date -Chapter 31: Date-

Tiffany had to squint her eyes because of the glaring sun and this in turn made Taeyeon use her hand as a shade above the brunette's eyes. Because of the sudden shade, Tiffany then looked to her side to see Taeyeon staring at the front with squinting eyes like what she did a moment ago.

The two were now in their causal wear where Tiffany was just in a white tank top with a pink button down over, a pair of white jeans and a pair of pink sneakers. On the other hand, Taeyeon was in a white tee with a light blue baseball jacket, a pair of denim jeans and a pair of white sneakers.

All of a sudden, Tiffany took Taeyeon's hand away which made the blonde stare at her surprising, but she only let out a sigh of relief when the brunette took out an umbrella from her bag and opened it. Noticing that Taeyeon kept on staring at her, Tiffany then looked at her, "what?"

Taeyeon shook her head. "Nothing."

They continued on walking until they reached the car. "Wait, where are we going?" Tiffany asked while Taeyeon opened the door for her with the umbrella on her hand.



Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders making Tiffany hit her shoulder. "Just... You'll know when we've reached." She then nodded her head towards the car. "So can you please get inside the car now, my princess?"

Tiffany blushed a little by the comment but she hid it with an annoyed face and went in the car. After Tiffany settled down on her seat, Taeyeon then went to her own seat.

Taeyeon ignited the car engine, earning a nice purring sound from the Lamborghini Aventador. She drove the car out of the palace's garage and drove down the path that goes to the forest and leads to the city area.

"Are you gonna tell me where we are going?" Tiffany asked with crossed arms while looking at her girlfriend.

Taeyeon pursed her lips. "Nope."

Tiffany narrowed her eyes at her before turning her head away. "Fine."

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Tiffany's childishness but of course, she have already gotten used to it, it's just that she knows Tiffany is stubborn and will keep on pestering her for the answer that she wants. "You will know in due time, alright?" She grabbed Tiffany's hand using her right hand and placed it onto her thigh. "I just want to give you a surprise." Taeyeon said it softly.

Tiffany melted a little inside when she heard what Taeyeon said. "Alright then, I'll be waiting for this surprise." She smiled, making her eyesmile appear.

Taeyeon smiled as well when she saw her favourite smile from her girlfriend. "Good girl."

"But Taetae, are we even allowed to go out of the palace?"

"Hmm... We aren't actually." Sensing that Tiffany is about to open her mouth to reprimand her, she then quickly spoke up. "But it's just for a day, and I've already told Sooyoung about it. Besides, even if no one allows, I'll still bring you out for a date because I want you to at least have a real date with me to keep in your memory."

"You know that I--"

"Yes, I know that you don't mind not going out or anything. But the thing is that I mind. I can't bear to let you be in the palace for the whole day. I know that you get bored but it's just that you don't want to say it out. The most important thing is actually... I just wanted to be a good lover and bring my girlfriend for at least one date, that's all that I want."

Tiffany stared at Taeyeon lovingly as she leaned in closer to her, being careful to not make any accidents happen. She pecked her cheek and spoke into her ear. "Thank you... You're the best lover that anyone can have. And I'm the lucky one." She then went back to her seat.

Taeyeon had a satisfied smile on her face while looking upfront. "I'm lucky to have found you. I love you."

"Love you too." Tiffany said it shyly with a smile making Taeyeon chuckle.


"Fany-ah, wake up."

"Hmm?" Tiffany groaned before opening her eyes. She looked at Taeyeon who was standing beside her and stretched her lazy muscles. I fell asleep, huh.

Taeyeon held out a hand which Tiffany gladly accepted and stepped out of the car. Taeyeon then locked the car and held onto Tiffany's hand while the brunette was busy looking around the place. "Where are we?"

"The mall. I thought that maybe you would like to shop around." Taeyeon watched as Tiffany's eyes twinkled at the mention of shopping.

"Let's go in!" Tiffany exclaimed without any hesitation and ran to the mall while pulling Taeyeon along.

Taeyeon laughed at Tiffany's sudden enthusiasm and was glad that she made the right choice to come to the mall. Well, thanks to Jessica that is.


They shopped around for around two hours and both of Taeyeon's hands are already filled up with bags.

At first, Taeyeon was the one that told Tiffany to shop without any hesitation with her credit card and she surely did not expect that Tiffany could actually walk around the mall and try on so many clothes despite her hate of exercising.

She shook her head and dragged the bags along with her when Tiffany again went into another different shoe shop.


"Yes?" She went into the shop and saw Tiffany already had a pair of heels on. Wow. That'

"How does this look?" She posed in front of Taeyeon with her hand on her hip before walking towards Taeyeon.

Taeyeon placed both of her thumbs up. "You look great but--" one of the thumbs up then turned down. "--heels means that you'll be so much taller than me." That is correct though because right now Taeyeon had to tilt her head up just to look into Tiffany's eyes and speak to her.

Tiffany giggled at her girlfriend's cute comment. "Alright, I won't buy it then." She took off the heels and wore her sneakers before wanting to place the heels back to its original place when her wrist was caught by Taeyeon.

"But you like it, so I won't mind."


"Can you pack this up for me, please?" Taeyeon took the pair of heels out of Tiffany's hands and gave it to the sales assistant.

"Yes." The heels then was transferred to the sales assistant's hand.

Taeyeon turned towards Tiffany who was staring at her. "What?"

"You don't have to buy it, you know?"

"But you liked it and besides, you look gorgeous in it. I'll buy anything that looks pretty on you and it means that I will probably have to buy everything on the earth because you practically look good in anything." Taeyeon ended it with a smile before proceeding to the counter to pay for the heels, leaving a stunned Tiffany behind.

"Come on, let's go." Tiffany jumped a little in shock at the sudden voice before she linked her arm with Taeyeon who was carrying the bags that left no space for them to hold hands. "Taeyeon-ah, let me help you."

Taeyeon pulled the bags away when Tiffany wanted to hold it. "No, I'm the man in this relationship so I have to show my manliness to you." Taeyeon put out her chest and carried the

bags with no difficulty. "Anyways, I was thinking of putting these bags in the car first before we continue."

"Alright, good idea."

Taeyeon pushed Tiffany back until she sat down onto the bench. "But you'll be staying here while I go."

"What? No, I'm going with you. There's too much bags." The stubborn Tiffany then stood up but was again pushed down by Taeyeon.

"Don't worry about it, I can carry these. It's hot outside, I don't want you to sweat too much so just stay here and enjoy the air-conditioning." Taeyeon smiled. "I'll be going now. See you later, love." She pecked the top of Tiffany's head and left without letting Tiffany speak a word.


After a few minutes, Taeyeon was already back and she interlaced their fingers together since now her hands are free. "So, shopping again?"

Tiffany shook her head. "No, I've already bought a lot of stuffs and I don't want to burn a hole in your pocket." She teased.

"Uh uh." Taeyeon shook her head. "You can buy whatever you want without burning a hole in my pocket since I'm filthy rich." Taeyeon smirked at her.

"Cocky much?" Tiffany snorted as they went up the escalator.

"Nope, just stating the truth." Taeyeon laughed.

"What are we gonna do now?" Tiffany asked.

"Do you have anything in mind? If not, I'll be bringing you to the movies."

"Movies it is then! It's been so long ever since I've been to a cinema theatre. But I have something to say beforehand."

Taeyeon looked at her as they continued walking towards the cinema. "What's that?"

"No horror movies. Horror movies are a big no no to me." Tiffany kept on shaking her head, making Taeyeon laugh at her silly act.

They stopped once they've reached the cinema. "Baby, why are you still afraid of horror movies when you already have a vampire as your girlfriend?" Taeyeon was careful as she whispered into Tiffany's ear.

"Because what the movies portray are so much different. I mean they show all sorts of gory stuffs and they love to scare the audience which I hate the most."

"The scaring is what makes those horror films popular."

"Stop." Tiffany placed her index finger onto Taeyeon's lips. "No argument is allowed as I have the final say." She then proceeded to continue looking at the choice of movies on the television screen.

"What? Who says so?" Taeyeon stared at her unbelievably.

"I say so."

"And why should I listen to you?"

"Because you're Tiffany Hwang's girlfriend and if you don't listen to her, I don't know what she might do to you." The brunette retorted back oh so calmly that made Taeyeon shut her mouth like an obedient dog. "Let's watch that romance film."

"Okay. Anything you say, babe." Taeyeon wrapped her arms possessively around Tiffany's waist before joining the queue for the tickets.

"Why are you so complying now?"

"Because today's your day and I want you to have as much fun as you can." Taeyeon grinned at her.

Tiffany pitched Taeyeon's nose lightly making the blonde scrunch up her face. "You're so cute sometimes that I can't handle it."

"Well, you're so pretty and hot sometimes that I can't handle it." She laughed when Tiffany began to hit her non-stop.


The couple walked into the theatre while having their hands connected again. Taeyeon led the way as the place was already pitch black and she was afraid that Tiffany might fall.

They went to their seats which the two selected at the ticketing counter for the back couple seats.

There weren't many people in the theatre considering that it's weekday today and also that the movie have been on screen for quite some time.

Romance and cheesy films aren't really Taeyeon's thing but she just wanted to comply with Tiffany's wishes so she chose to watch this instead. She didn't mind anything because today, she wants Tiffany to be able to enjoy everything that she prepared for her.

On the other hand, for Tiffany, she felt happy that Taeyeon actually gave way to her. And right now, with the popcorn in between them both and their interlaced hands on the armrest, she felt that she was a teenager again. Falling in love again. But this time it's different because she have never loved someone so much before.

She really really felt very happy that she can't keep that smile off her face whenever she looked at Taeyeon.

She's just a lovesick fool that have fallen in love head over heels with a certain vampire called Kim Taeyeon.


They walked out of the theatre with Tiffany holding a piece of tissue paper on her hand while sniffing.

She have always been the emotional type which led her to crying when there was some touching or sad scenes on screen.

The thing was, while she was crying, Taeyeon who was beside her was actually starting to doze off. She was bored by the movie and although she can be romantic at times, she just doesn't like too cheesy stuffs.

"Fany-ah, is it really that touching?" Taeyeon asked while wiping the latter's tears away.

"Yes.." She sniffed. "I still can't believe that you actually fell asleep and missed out this movie."

Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders. "Well... I can't really help it." Because it's just too boring.


"I'm just tired, I guess?"

"Have more rest then. You wouldn't want yourself to fall sick because of tiredness." Tiffany combed Taeyeon's fringe with her fingers and tucked it behind her ear neatly.

"Yes, darling." Taeyeon answered back, a smile was on her face.

"So. Where to now?" Tiffany asked. They were now at the first level of the mall. Tiffany cocked an eyebrow up when she noticed that there ere walking towards the exit.


"But...why are we going out of the mall?"

Taeyeon knocked her forehead softly with her knuckle. "You silly. Of course we're going somewhere else."

Tiffany glared at the blonde and pushed the hand away. "What do you have up your sleeves, Kim Taeyeon?"

Taeyeon stared at her before pulling her sleeve up and looked at her arm. "Nothing? There's nothing here." She joked.

Tiffany ignored the comment as they walked towards the car. "Where are we going now?"

"You love to ask this question, don't you?" Taeyeon laughed and opened the car door for Tiffany to get in.

"I'm just curious that's all."

"You'll know later on~"


Taeyeon pulled the car to a stop once they have arrived at a restaurant that's by the beach. The two got out of the car as Tiffany looked at the wide pool of clear water with awe. With the reflection of the sun, it makes the sea look even much more beautiful than it already is.

Taeyeon squeezed the hand that she is holding on once to divert Tiffany's attention. She smiled at her when Tiffany looked at her. Taeyeon then began to walk towards the restaurant with a Tiffany that is busy looking around the place. It's so beautiful.

"Good evening, miss. Table for two?" The host asked politely.

"Nope, I have a reservation made under Miss Kim." Taeyeon answered back.

"I see. Would you please hold on a minute while I check on it." The host went to cast his attention on the file in front of him. After searching for a few seconds, he then found it. "Ah yes. Reservation for Miss Kim at 7pm."

Taeyeon nodded and smiled at him. "That's right."

"Alright, you may go inside and one of our waiter or waitress will bring you to your table."

"Thank you," Taeyeon smiled again and went into the restaurant.

As they went in, indeed a waitress came towards them and led them towards their table.

Soft melody surrounded them as they walked down the dimly lit place. Most of the customers in the restaurant were also couples.

They reached their seat and sat down. A candle was placed between the two as they exchanged smiles with one another.

"How did you even get to find this place?" Tiffany asked when Taeyeon grabbed onto her hand.

Taeyeon kissed her palm once. "Beautiful, isn't it?" She asked and received a nod from the latter. "Well...I've came here before. In the past actually."


"Would you like--"

"You came with your ex, didn't you?!" Tiffany gasped. "I knew it! Or else how would you have known about this place?"


"How could you bring me to a place where you brought your ex to?"


"You do know that you should never bring your girlfriend to a special place that you brought your ex to!"

Taeyeon's laughter made Tiffany stopped talking. She stared at the laughing blonde who is clutching onto her stomach with her free hand. "What's so funny?"

"You are!"

Tiffany snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh great. Now I'm a joke to you."

"No, that's not what I mean." Taeyeon quickly grabbed onto Tiffany's retreating hand. "Yes, I've came here before, but it's not with any of my exes."

"Then who?"


"Oh my god! You and Sooyoung--"

"NO NO NO! Oh dear lord, no! How could you even think of that?! I mean like it's just... EWWW!" Taeyeon made a pantomime of hand actions and ended with a disgusted look.

Tiffany giggled at her and patted onto Taeyeon's cheek with her other hand. "I know. I'm just playing around, silly."

"Well, don't do that again because I'm afraid that I won't be able to digest the food later on." Taeyeon puffed her cheeks and pouted.

Tiffany chuckled. "I'm not promising anything~" she said in a sing-song manner.


The sky was soon dark. The glimmering stars filled up the dark sky, making it look like an art piece. A beautiful art piece.

And right below that beautiful sea of stars was a very deeply in love couple sitting on the sand, facing the sea.

Any one of them would actually smile to themselves unknowingly with the breeze blowing against their face and sending their hair to be flowing in the air.

Their hands were again connected together. It was like magnets that are always attracted to one another no matter where they are. And like magnet, they will stick close to one another.

Tiffany had her head on Taeyeon's shoulder while the blonde's hand was wrapped around her waist protectively but also gently. She smiled to herself, this is...perfect. Tiffany wanted this moment to last for a longer time because she knew that the day is going to end soon. And in turn, it could actually mean that there's going to be difficulty for them to go for a date again. This could actually be our first and also last date.

"Tiffany?" The sweet voice from her love made her brush away those thoughts as she cast all attention on Taeyeon.


"Do you like all of this?" Taeyeon asked. "I know that it's simple, but I just wanted you to experience a normal date with me."

"Hmm, I not only like it, but I love it." Her answer immediately brought a smile up to Taeyeon's face, making the blonde's worry disappear in just a second. "Thank you, Taetae. For all of this, for today." She pecked onto Taeyeon's cheek.

Yes, this date was simple. But Tiffany loved it nonetheless. And also, she feels that it was because the date was simple that made it special to her. She didn't need to go to any fancy places or do anything special, just spending time with her lover is more than enough for her.

"There's no need to thank me. It's just what I'm supposed to do." Taeyeon kissed her back. "It's actually my first time bringing a girl out for an official date though."

Tiffany gasped and sat straight. "Really?!"

Because of the loss of warm, Taeyeon frowned before she pulled Tiffany into her arms again, but this time the brunette was sitting on her lap, facing her. "Yes."

Tiffany gasped again. "Oh wait." She had her eyes looking up like she was thinking of something. "...I forgot that you're a player so you probably don't bring girls out for dates." She answered so calmly.

Taeyeon choked on her own saliva and looked at Tiffany with widened eyes. "Wh-what?!"

"You don't have to hide it. Your dear little sister already told Jessi and I about your part girlfriends. Like how many girlfriends you had. And... I think you probably fucked all of them before. But still, I-- Mmphh!"

Taeyeon crashed her lips upon the other girl to stop her from babbling so much. She kissed her gently with her hands caressing Tiffany's waist.

This action made Tiffany shiver and she went closer to Taeyeon while wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck.

As minutes passed by, Tiffany felt that her lungs were burning for oxygen while Taeyeon was still so into the kiss. She reluctantly parted and gasped for air. Tiffany wasn't able to regain her normal breathing before Taeyeon pulled her back into the kiss again.

This time, the kiss was full of passion and was much more rougher than before.

Tiffany rolled her eyes back when she felt Taeyeon's tongue probe into her mouth and massaged the roof of her mouth. She shuddered again.

Taeyeon bit onto Tiffany's bottom lip making the brunette wince because of the pain but to groan in pleasure when it was soon licked by a wet muscle.

She felt something in her tummy fluttering when Taeyeon's hand went under her shirt and pressed it flat against her stomach.

Taeyeon traced her kisses down her neck and sucked onto a certain spot. She bit onto it. She licked. She nibbled. She wanted everyone to know that Tiffany Hwang was hers. Taeyeon wanted to mark her territory on Tiffany's body.

The brunette threw her head back with her mouth opened agape. Short breaths and moans came out from her mouth every now and then. She wanted to push away Taeyeon's head knowing that they were still in a public place but she didn't had any strength. Her hands could only act on their own and pushed Taeyeon's head closer to her neck.

She tugged and pulled onto Taeyeon'a hair whenever the blonde bit onto her sweet spot. She felt that her body was on fire. She actually wanted more. She wanted more of Taeyeon. "T-Tae..."

Taeyeon answer her with a short hum before her lips danced up to Tiffany's jaw and then to her ear. She gave a kiss onto her earlobe. "Who cares how many girlfriends I had when I already have the one and only Tiffany Hwang?" She then smiled before pulling away.

She smirked when Tiffany let out a groan of protest and tried to pull her back into a kiss again. She stopped her and tried to get up but couldn't because of the person sitting on her lap. With a snort, she then carried Tiffany up with ease before putting her onto the sand. Taeyeon patted her hands before she stood up and started to walk.

"Are you seriously going to leave me here?!" Tiffany shouted. Annoyance was clear in her voice.

Taeyeon smirked to herself before turning around. "Coming or not?"

Tiffany paused for a moment before stomping her feet. "FINE!" With that, she stood up and marched forward. She went in front of Taeyeon and walked fast towards the car while grumbling some inaudible words.

Taeyeon who was behind the whole time grinned when she watched Tiffany who was tapping her foot impatiently while waiting for her by the car. I love you.

Too Soon For Peace to End

-Chapter 32: Too Soon For Peace to End-

6 months later

Time flew past so quickly that 6 months have already gone within a flash. At the last few months, nothing much really happened. There was no trouble for them, no enemies and most importantly no sight of Donghae or his assistant, Taecyeon.

The royal family have already loosened up a bit but still had some of their guards at Donghae's palace just in case he comes back all of a sudden.

It was just peace and quietness for all of them.

After all that happened, this was what they needed - just some time without any trouble, and indeed that's what they've gotten.

Everything still remains the same, with Tiffany and Jessica there with them. Their relationships between the four have also become so much closer after all that have happened.

Yeah, pretty much that...

Gagging sounds came from Sooyoung when she saw how Tiffany fed Taeyeon just right across her. "Don't you have hands, you midget?" She rolled her eyes and continued with her own lunch.

"Whatever, shikshin. You're just jealous of us." Taeyeon retorted back before she welcomed the spoon that was facing her. She swallowed down the content and smiled at Tiffany.

Sooyoung saw all that happened and immediately regretted having to have lunch at the same time with the other couple. But of course, how could she have resisted that delicious aroma of lunch that is luring her into the kitchen earlier? She sighed and turned her head to look at Jessica who was minding her own business while eating, and there she sighed again.

Jessica heard it and she looked at Sooyoung with an eyebrow cocked up. "What?"

Sooyoung looked at her, hoping that her girlfriend could actually get the clue that she is jealous of the couple opposite and wants to be treated that way too, but with the blank look on Jessica's face, she knew that it's useless. "Nothing. Nothing..."

Jessica shrugged her shoulders and went back to typing on her phone.

Opposite of them was two snickering couple who saw the whole process. Taeyeon wondered how Jessica could actually be that dense and well, Tiffany knew that Jessica could be so dumb at times.

Jessi, sometimes you have to be more observant about one's expression. Tiffany thought to herself and shook her head.

Taeyeon continued to watch on with an amused expression when she saw how Sooyoung's face dropped more and more until she totally lost her appetite and started poking her own food. The shikshin is actually not eating but playing with food? She laughed at her own thoughts.

Hearing the sudden laughter from Taeyeon, Jessica then lifted up her head. "What's wrong?" She asked.

Taeyeon shook her head and cleared her throat. "Nothing. It's just that someone here is being sulky now." She nodded her head towards Sooyoung who still had her head down.

"Hmm?" Jessica turned to look at Sooyoung. "What's the matter with you?"

Sooyoung lifted up her head slowly with a pout evident on her face. She blinked her eyes at Jessica and the latter frowned before she did the same. The two continued this little blinking game with Taeyeon and Tiffany watching them with curiosity until Sooyoung stopped and looked at the other side of the room. "Like I've said, it's nothing." She got up from her seat. "I'm going to my room. I've no appetite."

With that, she left the dining room with three pairs of curious eyes staring at her back.

Wow... I didn't expect this. Taeyeon thought to herself.

All of a sudden, Tiffany hit the table with both of her hands, making the utensils hit the table with a clang and also the other two to jump out of shock.

"Oh god, you scared the--"

"Go after her, you idiot!" Tiffany cut Jessica's words and waved her hands in the air randomly.


"Don't eh me, you dumbo. Can't you see that your girlfriend is upset right now?"

"Is she?" Jessica asked with her head tilted.

Taeyeon immediately palmed her own forehead at how oblivious Jessica was for not paying attention to her lover.

"I-I mean she is! And I should go after her! Like right now!" Jessica said in a fast pace manner before she sprinted out of the room, following Sooyoung's steps.

"Oh my goodness. I can't believe how stupid my best friend is." Tiffany sat down and slouched against the seat.

Taeyeon chuckled. "Well, at least you lent a helping hand and told her about it."

"Right." She sat up and pecked Taeyeon's cheeks. "I hope we're not like them." She giggled.

"We are so not like them."

The laughter from the couple soon filled up the emptiness of the room.


When she got near to the door of someone's room, Jessica began to take lighter steps. She timidly knocked onto the door but there was no answer. She concluded that Sooyoung could actually not be inside but she could also be very upset now which answered why there was no answer.

To be honest, she still didn't know what was going on and why was she going into Sooyoung's room to pacify her. But with the tone from Tiffany earlier, she knew that she indeed did something wrong. But what was it?

She shook her head and threw away all the thoughts before knocking the door again and opened it.

Immediately, her eyes went to Sooyoung who was sitting on the floor, with her back against the bed. Their eyes held contact with one another before it broke when Jessica turned to shut the door.

She took small steps towards the other girl and sat down beside her.

The two didn't talk. The room was so quiet that they could hear one another's breathing sound.

Oh great. Now what should I do? Jessica thought to herself. She didn't have the courage to speak up because she hasn’t seen this side of Sooyoung's before.

Because none of them were willing to speak, Sooyoung then stood up and was about to walk away until she felt a pair of arms around her waist, and then a warm body enveloped her. She stood on her ground.

Just with the touch of Jessica and she was frozen.

"Sooyoung-ah..." Jessica mumbled against her back and she immediately felt the hair at the back of her neck standing. "What's wrong?"

Sooyoung closed her eyes and sighed. "Nothing. Nothing is wrong." She felt Jessica's arms left her body before she was turned around to face the latter. She couldn't look into Jessica's eyes; she didn't have the courage to do so.

Jessica tried to tilt Sooyoung's head down so that they could look at one another but the other girl kept her eyes on the floor. "Syoung-ah, please. Just talk to me?"

"What do you want, Jessica?" The shorter girl flinched at the sudden coldness in the tone. She was taken aback by Sooyoung that her hands that was on the taller girl's arm dropped to her sides. Sooyoung heaved a sigh. "I'm going off."

"Wa-wait!" Jessica immediately held onto Sooyoung's arm to prevent her from walking any further.

Sooyoung stopped, but she didn't turn to look at Jessica. "What did I do wrong, Soo?" She asked softly. "Just tell me, please... Tell me what's wrong." Her hold on Sooyoung tightened so much that her knuckles turned white.

"You want to know what's wrong? Okay, I'll tell you what's wrong." She turned around abruptly making Jessica's hand lose her grip. "You're keeping a lot of things from me, Sica. I'm not mad at you for the thing earlier but I'm angry that you're actually keeping things from me and you're still acting like nothing is going on!"


Sooyoung came out from the bathroom with a towel hung over her shoulders. "Sica, I'm done." She called out to her girlfriend who was sitting on the bed, busy with her phone.

"Alright." Jessica replied shortly but she didn't make any move except continue typing on her phone.

Short giggles came from Jessica which earned the attention of Sooyoung who was on the computer. She looked behind and saw Jessica having a smile on while looking at her screen. And this really caught her attention. "What's so funny?" She asked and saw how Jessica's smile immediately dropped.

"Nothing." Jessica then finally locked her phone and placed it onto the nightstand before standing up. "I'm going to bathe now." A short hum was answered to her from Sooyoung before she went into the bathroom with fresh clothes on her hand.

The only source of sound was from the bathroom until a message tone was sounded. Sooyoung's head perked up and she looked at her own phone. No, not mine. Her head then turned towards Jessica's phone.

Like that small device was attracting her, her legs moved by their own and she ended up sitting on the bed with her eyes glued onto the mobile phone.

A little peek won't hurt, right?

But it's invading her privacy...

But then, she is my girlfriend so I have the right to do so.

Then...she will be mad if she finds out.

Sooyoung let out a groan before she stood up. It only took her three steps before she came to a stop and then went back to the phone again.

Why was she smiling while looking at her phone?

Geez, the curiously is killing me!

She grabbed her fringe in frustration before her finger landed on the home button of the phone.

Let's just say I thought it was some important message so I looked at it. Yeah! You're so smart, Sooyoung!

She mentally self-patted herself on the back for thinking of such a brilliant plan. With one light touch, the screen lighted up and indeed there was a message there.

She squint her eyes before reading the text. "I miss you too." Her eyes widened.

Wait, what the fuck?!

Krys? Who the hell is krys?!

Hearing the water sound from the bathroom is gone, she quickly went back to her seat with lots of things running through her mind.

"So tell me now, who the heck is krys?" She crossed her arms with her tapping on the ground impatiently.

You looked at my phone?! Jessica wanted to scream out but of course she didn't because she knows that if she did, it would only make matters worse. "Are you being serious now?"

"Oh. So now you're even thinking that I'm joking!" Sooyoung let out a sarcastic laugh.

"That's not what I meant."

"Okay. Then who were you texting with that you kept on smiling to your screen?!"

"She's my sister, you idiot."

"Oh, so she's your-- Hold on. What did you just say?" Sooyoung's voice immediately softened and she hoped that she heard wrongly.

"My. Sister." Now it was Jessica's turn to cross her arms.

Sooyoung felt that the tables were turned now. Her mind was blank as she tried her very best to digest everything in. Her sister... Jessica's sister... Oh gosh! Her sister! Her eyes widened before looking at the now smirking Jessica. "I... I..."

"You what? You're sorry? Well, you better be since you looked at my phone without my permission." She shrugged her shoulders and went to sit on the bed with Sooyoung beside her.

"Are you...mad?" Sooyoung glanced at her.

"Mad? No. But upset? Yes. How could you have thought that I was cheating behind your back?"

"I-I didn't say that you were cheating on me!" Sooyoung put both of her hands up and kept on shaking her head.

Jessica looked at her before hitting Sooyoung on the forehead. "You'd better not."

Sooyoung rubbed on her forehead. "So you're really not angry with me?"

"I told you I'm not." Jessica stretched her arms and lay on the bed.

Sooyoung immediately went beside her lover and hugged her around the waist. "I love you."

Jessica smiled before giving a quick kiss on Sooyoung's lips. "I love you too."

"So..." Sooyoung shift her body to be in a more comfortable position where she's lying on her back with Jessica's head on her chest. "Tell me more about your sister, Krys?"

"Her name's Krystal. Krystal Jung." Jessica drew imaginary circles on Sooyoung's arm.

"Alright. So tell me more about Krystal."


"You think they'll be alright?" Tiffany asked. She snuggled closer to Taeyeon and smelled the familiar smell from the blonde's shirt.

"Mmhmm. Since there's no sound of glass shattering, I think they should be pretty okay." She laughed when Tiffany hit her chest.




"Yes, darling?" She kissed the top of Tiffany's head before her arms tightened around Tiffany more. The hug wasn't very tight, it was just right for the both of them to feel one another's touch.

"Nothing. I just love calling your name." She smiled while playing with the hem of Taeyeon's shirt.

Taeyeon chuckled. "And I love it whenever you call me."

It was silent for a while until Tiffany broke it. "How long do you think this could go on?"

"What do you mean?"

"This. All this peace and quiet."

"For as long as you want. For as long as you live. I would make sure that you'll be kept safe."

"Taeyeon..." Tiffany moved her body a little while Taeyeon loosened her hold to allow Tiffany to place her chin onto her chest. She looked at her with a solemn expression that even Taeyeon also got scared of it.

"Please don't tell me that you're breaking up with me." She joked but kept quiet when she saw Tiffany having a serious look now.

"Taeyeon-ah, you said that you'll love me forever right?"

Taeyeon immediately nodded her head. "Yes. Yes, I will."

" still do remember that I'm a human-being, right? I can't live forever like how you do."

Taeyeon stared at her for a while before sighing. She knew about this long ago. She kept this question in her mind every now and then but didn't say it out. She really did wonder. She wanted Tiffany to be with her forever, but she knew that she can't. There is, still one solution though. But she doubted that Tiffany would agree on it, so she just kept quiet all along.

As for Tiffany, she had these thoughts just recently. She wondered what will happen in the future. Because it's a fact that she will age as years goes by while Taeyeon will still be having that youthful face of hers. And then she thought that it will be very weird because when she would be a granny, Taeyeon would still be an adult in her twenties. She knows that she herself will still undoubtedly love Taeyeon, but she wasn't that sure on Taeyeon's part. I mean like why would she want to be with an old woman?

"We... We'll think about that next time." She placed her arms over her eyes, trying to pretend to fall asleep so as to escape this problem right now.

Tiffany pulled away those arms and looked into her eyes. "There's no more next time, Taeyeon. If we keep on avoiding this, years and years would have already gone by without knowing."

"But I--" Taeyeon stopped when she saw the pout on Tiffany's face. "Okay, fine." She sat up and leaned her back against the headboard. "So what do you want to say?"

Tiffany sat in front of Taeyeon with her legs crossed. "Let's say in ten years’ time alright. By that time, I would already be in my thirties and you'll still be the same age as you are now."

"And so? It still doesn't affect the love I have for you."

Tiffany shook her head at how simple Taeyeon was analysing her words. "Okay. What about...forty years later? I would be in my sixties that time... And could you even imagine yourself having a granny as your girlfriend?"

"Who said girlfriend? You could have been my wife by then."

"Taeyeon." Tiffany scolded which made Taeyeon purse her lips.

"I would still love you."

Tiffany shook her head again. "You would grow tired of me. You would grow tired of staring at that old and wrinkled face of mine. There's nothing that we could do, Taeyeon-ah..."

Taeyeon grabbed onto both of Tiffany hand. "There is. There will be a way."

"No, there isn't."

"There Only if you're willing to do so."

"What's...that..?" Tiffany asked timidly. Right now, she sort of had some ideas of where this is going.

Taeyeon swallowed. "For you to be one of us."

Tiffany instantly became quiet. She hasn’t thought of this. Really. Until now, that Taeyeon mentioned it.

Taeyeon sighed before she smiled at Tiffany. "It's okay. I'm not telling you to do so, I'm just letting you know that there is a way."


"Nothing to be sorry about."

"I...I'm just shocked about hearing it. I didn't really think about it.. And I'm pretty much not ready.."

"It's really okay, Fany-ah." She placed a hand onto Tiffany's shoulder. She leant forward and was about to kiss Tiffany when the door suddenly swung open.

A panting Sooyoung appeared. "The... The king's room is on fire!"


He's Back -Chapter 32: He's Back-

“How did this happen?” Taeyeon asked.

She had made sure that the king was alright before she proceeded to the scene where the fire took place. Luckily at that time, the king was in the living room area but also because of this, the fire could take place without anyone knowing until one of the helpers there discovered thick black smoke coming from the king's room.

“We found arrowheads in the room so I presume that someone shot fire arrows from the outside. Now the question is where did that person shoot from? And who is he or she?” Sooyoung said, much to herself. She walked around looking at the almost burnt up room.

“That someone is already confirmed to be him.” Taeyeon said with gritted teeth. She picked a random burnt file and looked at it for a while before throwing it aside.

Sooyoung looked at her. “Don't jump into conclusions, Taeng.”

"You know it too, Soo!" She turned her body around and growled. “He's back already! He's back to take revenge on us and this is just the start of his plan!”

“You need to calm down now, Taeyeon. So what if it is him? We will be able to catch him in the end. We will.” Sooyoung clenched her fists as the memories of how Minho died in front of her flash through her eyes. She was determined to capture Donghae one day so as to take revenge for her brother. And she would make sure that nothing will stop her.

The two kept quiet until a guard came rushing into the room. He bowed at the two before speaking. “Prince Taeyeon, we found these in the forest.” He showed the arrows and bows that were on his hands to Taeyeon.

The two looked at one another before Sooyoung took one of the arrows from the guard's hands. After getting a clearer view of where exactly did he find the arrows, he was then ushered away by Taeyeon.

Taeyeon took one arrow from Sooyoung. “So this was the arrow that was used?” She examined the arrow carefully; from its tip to its end.

“Don't have to look. It's just a normal arrow and bow that can be made easily.”

“So there's basically nothing that we can find out?” Taeyeon said and threw the arrow away in anger. The piece of wood flew across the room and ended up hitting the wall with a thud sound.

“I... think there's something though.” Commented Sooyoung which made Taeyeon cast all of her attention on her.

She stared with curious eyes at how Sooyoung looked at one of the broken arrow.

Sooyoung lifted up the arrow and cocked an eyebrow up when she realise that this particular arrow is only made with a thin piece of wood and is hollow. She looked into the inside and discovered that there is something inside the arrow. She quickly broke the weapon into half and found a piece of paper rolled up in the arrow. She took it out carefully and unrolled that piece of paper before reading it aloud.

“It's been long, hasn't it, Kim Taeyeon? LDH.”

“LDH, it's Lee Donghae!” The loud outburst from Taeyeon made Sooyoung jumped in shock as she cursed under her breath.

“You cannot deny that it isn't him anymore, Sooyoung.” She growled before walking away.

“Where are you going?”



“What do you mean by he's back?” The King asked while leaning back on the couch.

“This, uncle.” Sooyoung handed him the piece of letter.

He took a few seconds to scan through it before putting it down with a sigh. “After all these months, he finally came back, huh?” He asked rhetorically.

“What should we do now, appa? Get the guards out to search for him? Or should we search for him by ourselves? I swear that this time, I will not—”

“We are not going to do anything.” The king said it as a matter of fact.

“What?” Taeyeon said in disbelief. “So we're doing nothing? Are you kidding with me now?” She stood up from the couch.

“Taeng. Don't be rude to your father.” Sooyoung scolded and tried to push Taeyeon back to her seat but to no avail.

“You will never know what he will do next. If we don't capture him soon, he might do something else to hurt anyone of you! You nearly got hurt too because of him. So, I say that the best solution now is to find him and bring him in as soon as possible rather than sitting here doing nothing, Dear Sir!” Taeyeon expressed out all of her emotions. She was worried, no, more like afraid that something could happen to her dear ones. She loved them a lot and could not bear to have anything happen to them after that incident where Tiffany got kidnapped by Donghae; her little heart could not take any other more hits.

The King remained at his seat with an nonchalant expression. Although the look on Taeyeon's face had even made Sooyoung quietened down, but he was not even slightly affected by it. “We are not doing nothing right now." The King commented.

“What...?” Taeyeon said out like a hush whisper. Her clenched fists slowly relaxed.

“We aren't doing nothing right now. In fact, what we are going to do now is to wait and see what would happen next.” The King said slowly to let Taeyeon comprehend what he was trying to say. He sensed that Taeyeon was about to speak so he quickly continued on. “Right now, we can't afford to be reckless. We don't even have any informations about Donghae other then this piece of paper that just signs off with a ‘LDH’. So, the only thing for us to do is to sit back and wait for the show to start.” The King snapped his fingers.

Taeyeon had a confused look on her face as she kept on blinking her eyes and frowning. She didn't quite get what her father had just said. Her father told her to wait, but she have no more patience left right now. All she wants to do is to be able to catch Donghae with her own hands and to be able to kill him as well. He hurt a lot of her dear ones and she had to make sure that he pays for it.

“I... What do you mean wait?” She asked.

The King merely let out a small smile. “My dear daughter, Appa loves you a lot and do know that he will never ever do anything that could hurt you. In fact, he would do what he can to help you.” He patted on her shoulders.

“H-huh?” She continued to have that blur look on her face which made Sooyoung and her father laugh.

“Basically, what Uncle is trying to say here is that; we don't know where Donghae is at right now. He's in the dark, while we're in the light. We aren't able to see what he has up his sleeves so all we can do is to wait for him to appear.” Sooyoung explained.

Taeyeon nodded her head while slowly processing the new informations from Sooyoung. When she finally got what her father was trying to do, she quickly turned to look at him apologetically. “Sorry, Appa... I misunderstood you. I thought–”

The King smiled warmly before placing his hand onto Taeyeon's shoulder. “It's okay, Appa understands.”

Taeyeon turned to look at the hand, that very hand that have raised her up and helped her in every way. That very hand that has helped her get back up on her feet when she fell. And that very hand that have protected her ever since the day she was born.

She was just so blessed to have a father like him.







She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt something cold pressing onto her cheek. She looked to her side and saw Tiffany looking at her with a pair of worried eyes while holding onto a bottle of cold drink.

“What's wrong?” Taeyeon asked.

Tiffany placed the bottle onto the table before grabbing Taeyeon's hand. Her other hand went up to the blonde's face and gingerly touched her cheek. “I called you a few times but you didn't respond.”

“Oh? I guess I was lost in my thoughts then.”



“What's the matter? Is something wrong?” Tiffany watched as Taeyeon had her eyes fixated onto the television and didn't answer her. “Has it got anything to do with the fire?”

Again, no answer.

She let out a sigh before her hand fell onto the couch. “You know that you could talk to me, right? Anything?”

Taeyeon still remained silent. She didn't felt the need to tell Tiffany was because she didn't want her to be too worried but she knows that sooner or later, Tiffany would be able to find out.

“Is this about Donghae? He's back, isn't he? The fire was also caused by him too, right?” Tiffany continued to shoot out questions towards TaeYeon.

Taeyeon's head immediately turned to Tiffany. “How did you know? Who told you?”

“No one.” She saw how Taeyeon kept on staring at her with an eyebrow raised. “Really. I just merely guessed it. I mean like who would have nothing better to do than to set the King's room on fire? Of course it could only be him.”

“Oh.” Her eyes went back to the television.

“Oh? That's the only thing that you could say?”

“Well, what do you expect me to say?” She didn't even turn to look at Tiffany.

“Fine. Be that way.” Tiffany looked away and crossed her arms. This was surely not what she wanted because all she wants is to have Taeyeon to talk to her, to let out what's on her mind instead of keeping everything to herself.

Knowing that her girlfriend is mad at her now, she quickly turned to look at her. “I'm not going to let him hurt you or anyone anymore. So, don't worry, okay?” She said gently, almost like a coo.

“I'm not worried. I'm just...” A sigh. “I'm just disappointed that you keep everything to yourself instead of letting it out. I know it stresses you out, Taeyeon-ah. So just please. Just talk to me?”

“I...” Taeyeon stared at her with widened eyes. “I don't know...”

“What do you mean?”

“I feel like it's my problems so I intend to keep it to myself. I would prefer myself facing the problem rather than having others to face it with me.”

“Well...just open up to me next time. We would face the problem together no matter what, alright? At least this could lessen your worry when you share it with someone else.”

“But won't that make you worry as well?”

Tiffany stopped and looked at Taeyeon who was still having an innocent look on. She sighed out loudly before face-palming her forehead. “Oh god! Just stop worrying about others! It's time for you to think for yourself rather than others, Taeyeon-ah.”

“But–” A finger came up and immediately silenced her.

“No buts.”

TaeYeon carefully took Tiffany’s finger away.“But really, why would you want your love ones to be worried as well? I mean... if you love and care for them, wouldn't you want them to be free from any problems?”

“Aish, really, Kim Taeyeon?”

“What?” Taeyeon tilted her head to the side which made Tiffany more annoyed as she watched the show that was playing on the screen and ignored Taeyeon's question.

“You haven't answered me, Fany-ah!” TaeYeon flung her hands up when her girlfriend paid no attention to her.

“Well, I don't feel like there is a need to.” She pressed onto the remote while scrolling through different channels. She yawned when she felt like there was no good shows so in the end, she settled with a Korean drama.

“No, no! Listen to me! If you share your problems with others, it won't really make your problems lessen, right? And also, it could also burden others as well. And not to say, if that certain person is someone that you care about, you would then be worried about them being worried and in the end–” She gasped. “It would only add to your problems!”

Tiffany yawned again as she continued to pay no attention to the Prince who was acting like a kid beside her.

Taeyeon sulked. “Fany-ah... Stop ignoring me.” She shook the brunette's shoulder. “Fany-ah...” She shook with more strength. “Ti– ffa– ny.”

“WHAT?” She finally turned to look at Taeyeon with an annoyed face.

Taeyeon immediately grinned when she finally had Tiffany's attention. “You haven't answered my question yet.”

“That's nonsense. Why would I answer it?”

“Fany-yah...” Taeyeon kept on whining like a little child which made Tiffany feel the need to pull her hair out.

With a huff, she turned off the television before standing up and finally walked away.

"Yah! Where are you going?” Taeyeon scrambled back onto her feet.

“Away from a certain childish dork who was supposed to be the Prince named Kim Taeyeon.”

Taeyeon had a grin on her gave while following after Tiffany. She understood what Tiffany was saying from the very beginning, but felt the need to tease her a little.

She saw Tiffany entering her room so she quickly went up the stairs.

Well, at least she's okay with it.

When she finally got near Tiffany's room, the door was then shut in her face.

She gulped.

I hope...?

For a Lifetime Long

Chapter 33: For a Lifetime Long

Panting sounds.


Helpless calls.

So many noises at the same time.

She lifted up her head and saw Tiffany running towards her. Tiffany had her hand extended out with a helpless look. She wanted to move her hand to hold onto Tiffany, but found herself not able to do so. She tried to move, but still failed.

She heard the cries, the calls but she wasn’t able to do anything.

There, she saw Tiffany being dragged away. Slowly...away from her.

She heard her calls, but can’t help her.

“Taeyeon!” The last scream from Tiffany before she finally disappeared from her sight.

Taeyeon jolted up awake with sweat dripping down the side of her face. She immediately looked to her right and heaved a sigh of relief when the sight of Tiffany sleeping with a peaceful look welcomed her.

She didn’t know what happened. She didn’t know why did she even dream of such things, but she hoped it wouldn’t come true.

Her hands from underneath the cover went to find Tiffany’s and held onto it tightly. She wouldn't want to lose her, not anymore.

Stay with me forever, Fany-ah. I promise I’ll protect you, I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.

She closed her eyes, but opened it the next moment as she found herself staring at Tiffany's sleeping face.

Then again, she spent another sleepless night after knowing that someone is back to get them.


“Didn’t you get any sleep? You have some eyebags forming here.” Tiffany traced the layer of bags underneath Taeyeon’s eyes gently.

She smiled. “Vampires do not have to sleep much.”

“Nonsense.” Sooyoung walked out of the kitchen while holding onto a bowl of popcorn. She threw one popcorn into her mouth before sitting down beside Taeyeon who was at the living room area. “We are pretty much the same as humans so we do need sleep. We aren’t like those bats that transforms into vampire and need not sleep, you know? This isn't Twilight, little girl.”

“You know Twilight?” Jessica asked before sitting beside Sooyoung.

“Why yes, of course. Edward and Jacob are just so hot!”

“Are you being real now?” Jessica commented with a dull look.

“Why, yes. Yes, I am.” Sooyoung turned to look at Jessica with a challenging look. “Perhaps is there any problem with me watching Twilight?”

“Of course not.” Jessica replied. “It's just that it's hard to imagine vampires watching other... vampires movie, you know?”

“We do have a life too, ya know?” Sooyoung copied her tone before laughing at herself.

Tiffany gave them a look before ignoring them. She casted her attention onto her Taetae and continued to trace those dark layers of bags under her eyes.

TaeYeon looked at her tenderly before heaving a sigh. “What's wrong, Fany-ah?”

Tiffany withdrew her hands to place it onto her lap. “I... Are you worried? That's why you aren't able to sleep last night?”

“W–what?” TaeYeon let out a nervous laugh.

“I heard you mumbling some words this morning. You were saying something like... not to hurt the people that I love.”

TaeYeon’s face immediately dropped and Tiffany knew that she was right at the moment. She quickly grabbed onto TaeYeon’s hand and placed a soft kiss onto the back of her hand. “Is okay, TaeYeon-ah. It's okay.” She continued saying out while her thumb was rubbing on TaeYeon's hand, hoping that it could help her relax and get things off her mind.

“It's... It's not like that. I just– I can't– I can't lose you anymore. I've lost you once and I can't... not anymore.”

“Shhh.” A finger was placed softly onto her lips. “Let's go for a walk, shall we?” She nodded.

Tiffany stood up first before putting her hand out for TaeYeon to hold. “Come on.”

TaeYeon grabbed her hand and stood up as the both of them walked away, leaving behind a still arguing couple on the couch.


They held onto each other’s hand tightly, like as if one of them was going to leave.

They walked side by side, so close to one other that their arm kept on brushing against the other’s.

They smiled to themselves, happy to have one another by their side.

“Why are you so quiet?” TaeYeon asked when she noticed that Tiffany began to quieten down after they left the living area to the garden.

They went to a nearby bench and took a seat. TaeYeon was swinging her legs above the ground until Tiffany opened her mouth.

“Why are you so quiet?”

TaeYeon blinked her eyes a few times, trying to get what Tiffany was trying to say.

“You're keeping things from me again, Taetae, and I don't like it. You made me so worried about you that I couldn't help but think about what's in your mind every minute. I want to know what you're thinking of, but you just wouldn't tell me.”

“We aren't going to go back to that again, are we?” Taeyeon rubbed her face.

“Right. If you don't want to, then maybe I should leave.” Tiffany was about to stand up when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and a weight was added to her shoulder.

“No. Don't leave me. Please.” TaeYeon whispered out, almost like she's hurting right now. She nuzzled her nose against the side of Tiffany's neck.

Tiffany breathed out, her hands finding those around her waist as she held onto it securely. “I'm not leaving you.” She said it softly too, like a whisper. “I'm never leaving you.”

“Promise?” TaeYeon mumbled against her neck.

“Yes. I promise.” A pause. “So, can you tell me what's wrong now?”

She heard a sigh near her ear before TaeYeon's arms lossened and she sat straight. “It's nothing, really. I just had a dream of you being pulled away from me by Donghae and I just stood there like a frozen statue, watching you scream for me helplessly but I still couldn't move my feets.”

“I promised that I'll never leave you, didn't I?” Tiffany kissed her forehead.

“Yeah. That I know.”

“How long have this dream been going on for?”

TaeYeon paused for a while, hesitating if she should tell Tiffany the truth.

“And do not lie to me. You know I hate it when people lie to me.” Tiffany warned.

She gulped and bit onto her tongue. “Since... the day of the fire?”

“WHAT?!” Tiffany's loudness caused TaeYeon to wince as she swore that there was a ringing sound in her ear earlier on. “For five days already? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!”

“I– I didn't want to worry you.”

“This isn't the problem anymore, Taetae. So you've not been sleeping well for five days in a row now?”


A soft hand cupped her cheek as she leaned against it with closed eyes. “You poor baby... If it ain't for me, this–”

“Stop blaming yourself for this. This ain't your fault, not anyone else in this house but Donghae’s, you get that?” TaeYeon said it in a demanding voice that made Tiffany shrink and nod her head.

“Good. Never blame yourself again.”


Tiffany was in her own room with the music from her phone playing loudly. She hummed along with the song and tapped her feet to the beats.

“Wow. I see that someone's in a good mood?”

She turned her head towards the door and smiled when she saw Jessica closing the door. She turned off the music before tapping the bed for Jessica to sit on.

After Jessica had sat down, Tiffany then asked. “What are you doing here?”

Jessica faked a hurt expression, making Tiffany chuckle. “What? You don't want me here?”

“Of course not.” Tiffany slung her arm over the other girl's shoulder. “I missed you.”

“Well, I say the same to you too. And as much as I want to spend some quality time with my best friend, but I'm afraid that you will have to change first.”

“Change?” Tiffany rose her brow.

“Yes. As in your clothes.”

Tiffany looked down at her top before looking at Jessica. “What for?”

“Oh my God. Just listen to me and apply some make up on and change your ugly top, will you?” She stood up and pushed Tiffany off the bed.

“Hey! This isn't ugly!” Tiffany protested while she was being pulled towards the dressing room by Jessica.

Jessica laughed. “I was just playing with you. Anyways, you have about... close to two hours to prepare.” She went towards the closet and opened it.

“Hello?” Tiffany waved her hands around. “You still haven't told me why the heck am I changing?”

Jessica ignored her and continued to look through the dresses. In the end, she took out a white coloured long tail sleeveless dress. She held it in front of Tiffany before nodding her head a few times. “Perfect.”

“Hey, stop ignoring me!”

“You'll know later on anyways, so just find out later.” She took a pair of silver heels and placed it down in front of Tiffany. “Okay done.”


“Now, time to style your hair and apply your make up.”

Tiffany then gave up bothering Jessica with questions as she knows that no matter what, the other girl would not give her a single clue.

“Curl your hair a little at the end and with some simple make up... perfect!” She clapped her hands excitedly before proceeding to what she was going to do.


Tiffany walked out of her room with questions running through her mind. “So what now?”

“Now's for you to go to the garden.”


“No worries, I'll support you there since you'll probably fall with this pair of high heels.” Jessica giggled when Tiffany hit her arm.

When they arrived at the back door of the house, Jessica then let go of Tiffany and smiled at her.

“You do know that you look so creepy when you're smiling, right?”

Her smile immediately faded. “Oh shut up.”

Tiffany chuckled. “Right, I was just kidding.”

“Now, get your butt out there while I'll be going off.”

“Huh? Aren't you coming along?” Tiffany asked while Jessica opened the door.

“Of course not, silly.” She went forward and kissed Tiffany's forehead. “Have fun.” She hit her bottom before walking off.

Tiffany shrugged her shoulders after Jessica was gone. She turned towards the door and walked out. Immediately, the first thing that caught her eye was the lone table up front but what was weird is that there isn't a single soul out there.

She looked around for a while as she contemplate whether she should go forward. But before she could even come down to a decision, a paper aeroplane landed in front of her feet.

She picked it up and opened it.

Please walk forward.

She rose her brows at the words before she walked forward. She went towards the table and saw empty plates and utensils there. She sat down.

At that moment, Tiffany then saw another piece of paper. She again, unfolded it.

Turn around, please, princess.

Immediately, she turned her whole body around and then what she saw made her smile.

There, was TaeYeon standing behind a few metres away from her, wearing a sleeveless blue dress that reaches down to the ground. In her hands was a bouquet of pink roses.

Tiffany watched on as TaeYeon walked towards her slowly with soft music playing at the background.

When she reached the table, she grinned at Tiffany. “Hi.”

“Hi, you sneaky fella.”

TaeYeon continued to have that grin on her face while she handed the flowers to Tiffany. “For you.”

“Thank you.”

“And happy first anniversary to you.”

Tiffany was shocked by what came out of TaeYeon's mouth because apparently, she had forgotten that today was their special day – the day that they got together just last year.

“Oh no. I–I'm sorry, TaeYeon-ah. I–”

“It's okay.” She still kept on smiling. She wasn't disappointed, she really wasn't. She already kind of knew that Tiffany had forgotten about it when she was preparing for this earlier in the day. Why, who could blame her since they all have had a tiring and tough one week.

“I really am sorry.”

“It's really alright. So Miss Hwang, would you care to hear what I have prepared for you now?”

Tiffany nodded her head almost too fast. “Of course!” And her answer almost too loud.

Taeyeon chuckled at her before she revealed a piece of– what seems like a letter that was in her hand. She opened it up and breathed in.

“Tiffany, or Miyoung which I prefer to call you. We have been together for one year now and I know that it wasn't an easy one year for us with all those obstacles down our journey together, but we still are holding tight onto one another's hand. Someone asked me this question some time ago, 'if you hadn't met Tiffany, then wouldn't all this have had not happened?'. Yes, that is correct. But... if I haven't met you that day at the abandoned house, then, we wouldn't have had the chance to be together and I wouldn't have had the chance to be able to love someone so deeply.” She looked up a little and smiled at Tiffany who was listening attentively.

“You're the reason that I smile everyday. You're the reason that I look forward to waking up the next day. And you're the reason that I live. If I could choose, I would want us to be together for a lifetime long. If a hundred years isn't enough, then let me have a thousand years to show you how much I love you, Fany-ah.” She placed down the paper and squatted down, by this time, tears were already glistening in Tiffany's eyes.

“You made me who I am, and... I've never had this feeling of loving someone so much that I'm willing to die for them.” She whispered out. “Let the both of us spend our future anniversaries together, alright?” Tiffany nodded her head as her first tear rolled down. “I love you... so so much, Miyoung. Happy anniversary again.”

Tiffany smiled. “Happy anniversary and I love you too.”

TaeYeon used her thumb and wiped away those tears on Tiffany's face. “Don't cry anymore, you're ruining your make up.”

“You made me cry.” She sniffed.

TaeYeon laughed at her before she stood up. She clapped her hands once which got Tiffany's attention. And all of a sudden, someone walked out of the back door and went towards them with a tray with her. “For you, madam.”

Tiffany laughed when she recognised the voice and she was right when that person lifted up her head with a wink.

TaeYeon took the box from the tray. “Alright, you may go now, waitress Sooyoung.”

Sooyoung smiled and gave a thumbs up to Tiffany before she went back into the house.

TaeYeon took the box and held it in front of Tiffany.

“What's this?”

“Your present.”

“But, I didn't get you anything–”

“You don't have to. You alone is enough, so just open it.”

Tiffany listened to her and proceeded to unwrap the gift. After unwrapping, she then realise that it was a jewelry box so she opened it and her eyes immediately widened at the diamond necklace.

“Do you like it?” TaeYeon asked with a grin on her face. She had gone through a lot just to get this gift by lying to Tiffany that she had to be out because of her father's words and also having to spend a lot of time in choosing the right gift for Tiffany. In the end, she chose this necklace because she felt that Tiffany needs something that is as beautiful as she is.

“I– are this real?” She was referring to the diamonds on the necklace.

“Yes, they are.”

“I can't accept this, TaeYeon-ah.” She pushed the box towards the other girl who was shocked.

“Why not?”

“It's too expensive.”

“And so?”

“I don't want you to spend so much money on me.”

“Why not? If I want to, I can even buy a house for you right away.”

“No, Taetae.”

“Just– Just accept it, please? I spent a lot of time in choosing this just for you.”

Tiffany melted at the sight of TaeYeon pouting as she nodded her head slightly. “Alright, but no more expensive gifts, alright?”

TaeYeon grinned. “Right!”

“You're just saying it for the sake of saying, aren't you?”

“Hehe. Let me put it on for you.” She went behind Tiffany and helped to hook the necklace around her neck. She turned back to the front and smiled. “Perfect.”

The time went past with them eating their dinner that was served by none other than Sooyoung herself who was the 'waitress' for the day and them having their little chit chats every now and then.

“Thank you, Taetae.”


“For all this. For loving me. I'm lucky to have found you.” She blushed a little when she said that out.

TaeYeon smiled. “I'm the lucky one here.”

“I love you a lot too, you know right?”

“Of course I do.”

“And I'm willing to do anything for you.”

“I know that, and I'm willing to do so for you too.” Taeyeon replied without hesitation.

But, little did she know that, there was actually a big message behind what Tiffany was saying.

Just a Reason Chapter 34: Just a Reason

“Gather up everyone. I'm going to start my plan soon.”

“This soon?”

“Yes. The sooner the better. I wouldn't want to drag it on any longer, it's wasting a lot of my time.”


“Are you trying to defy me now?”

“No, Sir.”

“Then, go! I'm sure we're able to succeed this time although we have lesser men now. So much lesser.”

“Yes, Sir. I understand.”


TaeYeon quickly went to look for her father once she got the news that the king was looking for her. She didn't have any ideas why her father was looking for her, but she knows that it isn't going to be any good news.

There was a tap on her shoulder when she was at the door, her hand was about to knock onto the wood. She turned to her side and saw Sooyoung there who nodded at her with a serious expression.

She knows what happened...

TaeYeon wanted to question Sooyoung, but she knew that it was useless because her father was just a door away from her. So, she decided to kick that thought away and opened the door.

The king was sitting on the couch, his head was down with his hand rubbing onto his temples. It seems like he didn't know that there was someone else in the room.

“Appa.” TaeYeon called out and the king immediately lifted up his head.

“You're here.” He said before patting the side next to him. “Come and sit.”

The two obliged and went to sit side by side, with TaeYeon beside her father.

“Did anything happen?” She popped out the question. She realised that her father was being unusually quiet, she heaved a sigh. “Just tell me, I'm able to take anything.”

The King looked at his daughter cautiously. Honestly, he didn't know how to break it to his daughter that her Appa nearly got into a car accident this morning because apparently, someone had hijacked the vehicle. Therefore, he decided to keep it to himself, or at least from TaeYeon.

“I– There's been some cases around.”

“What cases?”

“A family of five was found dead in their house. There were... teeth mark on their neck which I presume that it was our types who did it.”

“And... you're trying to say that it was... Donghae who did it?” TaeYeon rose her brow because she knows that her father isn't someone who would accuse another person unless there were solid evidence.

“Well, at first, I didn't think much about it. But, I kind of got a letter earlier on.”

“What... letter?”

The king handed a piece of paper to TaeYeon as she scanned through.

Be more careful, dear Sir. You wouldn't want your precious daughter's love to end up like this, right? But don't worry, she's next on my list.

“I got this letter together with a photo of the family.” The king added.

TaeYeon clenched her jaw together before crashing the paper and throwing it away. “What the heck does he want?! I swear that I'll kill him with my bare hands!”

Sooyoung placed her hands onto TaeYeon's shoulder. “Calm down, Taeng. Breathe.” And just like that, TaeYeon's body did relax.

“He's starting to feed now, which means that something big is going to happen soon. I wouldn't confirm what I just said though, but still, be more careful of everything.” The king ordered. Because he's already able to come into our mansion to hi-jack my car.

“I know, Appa.” TaeYeon ruffled her hair. “I'm already being extra careful. I wouldn't even let Tiffany go to the garden by herself.”

“TaeYeon-ah, I know that it's hard, but Appa promise you that after all this, you'll be able to live happily ever after like the fairy tale that you want.”

“Am I really able to do so?” She whispered.

“Yes. Yes, you can. Believe in me.”

I really want to believe in you, Appa. But right now, I can't even believe in myself that I'm able to keep Tiffany safe when the time comes. I'm afraid... of losing her.


TaeYeon, Tiffany, Jessica and Sooyoung were all gathered in the living room together with Seohyun. They've been trying their best to stick close to one another as much as they can in case something does happen.

“So what are we going to do now? Just sit here and do nothing?” Jessica asked.

“That's exactly what we're doing.” Sooyoung replied her.


“We can't do anything much because we don't have his or their exact location, so yeah.”

“But ain't that kind of useless? We are just like wasting time?”

“No, this is the best plan that we could think of.”

Jessica scoffed and shook her head. “I say we go hunt for Lee Donghae and capture that monster. After that, I could then use all sorts of stuffs to knock him in his head until he begs for me to stop! Muahahaha!”

There was suddenly an awkward silence after Jessica's laughter stopped. Everyone was staring at her with an expressionless face which made her 'tsk' at them with a comment of 'you guys are no fun'.

“It's boring. I'm bored. Is there any games that we can play?” Sooyoung whined. “Any?” She looked around and everyone was quiet. “Forget that I asked...”

“What about a game of truth and dare?” Seohyun suggested. “Although we pretty much couldn't do the dare part.”

“Then we'll go with the truth then!” Sooyoung exclaimed. She took out a bottle from out of nowhere which caused several pairs of eyebrows to rise up.

“Where did you even get that?” TaeYeon asked.

“I've been drinking that a while ago, you idiot.”

“Don't call me an idiot!”

“What? Wanna fight?”

“Oh, you're so asking for it!”

TaeYeon was about to launch forward when Tiffany pulled her back down. “Behave!” She scolded.


“No, TaeYeon.”

And so, she ended up sitting back down with a smug Sooyoung opposite of her.

“Okay, forget it. No truth and dare game either.” Seohyun said with a sigh.

“What do we do now?” Jessica who was checking out her nails said out of boredom.

“Talk? There's pretty much nothing to do.”

Seohyun raised up her hand. “I have a question to ask though, to Tiffany and Jessica.”

That caught the human girls' attention as they looked at Seohyun.

“If... And I say if you had a choice, will you turn yourself into a vampire?” Everyone in the room stopped their action with their eyes on Seohyun. “It is a harmless question, right?” She said innocently.

“I'll go first then.” Jessica announced. “Well... I think it's pretty okay to become one of you all. I mean, at least I've seen the good sides of vampires through all of you here. So, I guess I'm pretty okay with myself becoming a vampire.” She nodded her head affirmatively.

Sooyoung was staring at her with widened eyes because although she had those thoughts of asking Jessica, but she hasn't been able to pop up the question yet.

“Alright... So, Tiffany now then.”

Everyone turned their attention to Tiffany. Since she feared the unnatural species the most and even hated them at some point of the time, the others were then very curious about her answer – especially TaeYeon – whom already got the answer but wanted to be reassured.

Tiffany gulped as she felt the stares at her. She looked at everyone, from Seohyun – who asked her the question, to Sooyoung – who helped out in saving her, to Jessica – her best friend since young, and finally, TaeYeon – her love. Her stare lingered at TaeYeon as she found the courage to speak. She held the eye contact between them while speaking, “I've been thinking about it...”

A moment of pause, and it was already nerve wrecking for TaeYeon.

“To be honest, I didn't have the thoughts of becoming one of you at first, I even grimaced at the thought of myself being a vampire.” She laughed. “I didn't know how– or what would I become after. Would I always be desperate to feed? Would I be desperate enough to kill? And would I be brave enough to actually... drink blood of... humans or animals?”

She felt a hand on hers, giving her the warmth that she need. She closed her eyes and smiled. I'll be brave enough for you. I'll be alright when you're here with me. Don't ever leave me, TaeYeon.

She opened her eyes, and stared at the blonde lovingly. “But I think, at this moment, I'm actually perfectly fine with myself being a vampire.”

Gasps were heard from the others except for TaeYeon. Surprisingly, she was staring at Tiffany with a very calm expression – she didn't seem to be shocked by what the girl said, not even a little. She doesn't care what Tiffany's answer is at the end, no matter if it was a yes or a no, she knows that she would still love her unconditionally. She was drowned in the love between the two of them. She love her – too much.

“I guess all I can say is that I have a reason to why I want to live forever, huh?” She chuckled until it receded. “I love you a lot, TaeYeon-ah, you know that right? I'm willing to do anything for you.” She said out, without minding the others that are also around them.

TaeYeon nodded her head and squeezed the hand in hers. “I know that. I know that, Fany.” She scooted closer and hugged the girl tightly.

Next to them, Jessica laid her head onto Sooyoung's shoulder as she watched with a small smile on her face. I'm glad that you've found happiness, Tiff. TaeYeon's a good person, she will love you like how much you love her.

And then, Seohyun who was also there looked away with a smile on her face. Thank you Tiffany, for letting TaeYeon Unnie love and to be loved at the same time. Thank you.

The two pulled away from one another finally with shy smiles on their faces. They leaned their forehead onto one another.

“Thank you, Fany. Thank you for loving me.” TaeYeon whispered out softly.

Tiffany shook her head lightly. “No, thank you for giving me the chance to love.” She smiled and the latter did the same.

“Ahem.” Someone coughed out of nowhere, causing them both to pull away reluctantly. “Sorry to interrupt you two but... I can't stand this cheesiness!” Sooyoung exclaimed in an exaggerated manner as Jessica smacked the back of her head. “Ow!”

“I told you not to interrupt them!” Jessica scolded.


“Argue with me and you'll die.” Jessica said out in a calm but scary tone which shut Sooyoung up successfully.

TaeYeon laughed at her and mouthed 'whipped' to Sooyoung as the taller girl glared at her.


“What?” TaeYeon smirked.

“You're whipped too, alright?”

“Hmm, I totally agree to that.” TaeYeon laughed. “Why? You envy? Maybe you should eat some cheese so that you could be as cheesy as me!”

“Oh, you're so asking for it.” Sooyoung launched forward and grabbed hold of TaeYeon's collar before she got smacked at the back of her head again. “Ow! Seriously! Stop hitting me!” She went back to her seat obediently when Jessica glared at her. “I swear I'm going to be dumb soon if this hitting continues.” She mumbled under her own breath.

“What did you say?” Jessica asked.

She immediately smiled sweetly towards her. “Nothing, dear. Nothing.”

TaeYeon laughed at how Sooyoung even went behind Jessica to massage her shoulders while whispering sweet words to her. So whipped. Her laughter then stopped when she felt her ear getting pull. “Ow! Ow!” She followed along the pull until she saw Tiffany's face in front of her.

Tiffany let go of her ear and scolded. “Stop it, Taetae.”

“Stop? Stop what?” She asked with a pout as her hands rubbed her burning ear.

Tiffany rolled her eyes and chose not to answer. She then turned to Seohyun who was being quiet. “Juhyun?”

“Hmm?” The said girl turned to look at Tiffany. “What's with that creepy smile on your face?”

Tiffany's face fell and she immediately protested. “My smile is not creepy!”

Seohyun laughed. “I was just kidding. So, what?”

“Hmm.” Tiffany placed a finger on her chin. “I believe I've asked you this before, but I'm going to ask again since it's been a year?”

“What do you want to ask then?”

“Do you have someone that you like now?” Tiffany smiled teasingly.

Seohyun's eyes widened followed by TaeYeon who spat out the water that she was drinking. “What?! You have someone that you like now?” TaeYeon exclaimed. “Oh young lady, you are trying to rebel against me now, aren't you?” She scolded. “So tell me who that guy is! Do you know how dangerous it is for you to date someone at your age now? You'd better bring him home to meet us so that we could evaluate him! He better not be some bad news or else I would nev–”

“Taetae!” Tiffany interjected before the blonde could ramble on.

“Huh? Yes?” She looked at Tiffany who having an amused expression. “What's wrong?”

Seohyun rolled her eyes at her sister's slow reaction to realise what she was doing. “Unnie, when did I ever said that I have a boyfriend?”

It took a moment for TaeYeon to process everything before she spoke again. “Oh. So you don't have a boyfriend but have a girlfriend?”

“Unnie!” Now it was Seohyun's turn to scold.

“What? Why the heck are all of you rolling your eyes at me?”

“Taeng... I think, you should see a doctor and see what is wrong with your brain.” Sooyoung patted her best friend shoulder with a shake of her head.

“Hey! You're insulting me, aren't you?!”

Sooyoung laughed. “Wow, you're fast to react when it comes to insults!” She clapped her hands in amazement.

TaeYeon narrowed her eyes before turning away. “So tell Unnie now, is it a girl or a boy?”

Everyone's mouth fell open.

“I'm not going to talk to you anymore.” Seohyun said before she stood up, ready to leave the room.

“Hey! Is that how you talk to your elderly?”

“I just... I can't communicate with you, Unnie. Maybe you should talk to Tiffany who knows what you're saying.”

Tiffany shook her head with both of her hands placed in front of her. “Oh, no. Sometimes, I just don't get her too.” The two then laughed with a protesting TaeYeon there who kept whining at Tiffany.

“Shush, Taetae.” Tiffany scolded.

“How many times must I get insulted and scolded today?” She mumbled.

“What?” Tiffany looked at her.

She sighed. “Nothing.” She stood up and pulled Tiffany up as well. “It's late already, I guess we're going to bed now then.”

The other couple also stood up as well but Sooyoung had to support Jessica who was falling asleep already while standing.

“Good luck with that, Soo.” Tiffany chuckled.

Sooyoung huffed and repositioned Jessica so that she would not have a hard time carrying her. “Thanks, I would need that. Oh well, goodnight to all of you here.”

“Yeah, goodnight.”


“Goodnight, Unnies.”

As all of them approached the stairs, the lights suddenly went off.

“Aghhhh!” Screams erupted from the two human girls as the vampires tensed and became wary of their surrounding.

TaeYeon was the one who was the most apprehensive. She clenched her jaw tight and held onto the hand that was next to her as far as she could remember.

But the thing was... a certain warmth on her hand was missing and all she could grab was air.

There's Always a Solution Chapter 35: There's Always a Solution

It was hopeless, but she wouldn't want to believe it. Through the darkness, she still tried hard to look around, but couldn't. Her hands were frantically flying around everywhere, her body turning 360 degrees around, but she still couldn't find that person that she is looking for. She dreaded for the worst, she didn't know it will come so soon.

Her mind was in a mess, it was tangled up, much like her hands now. She wants to scream, but found herself not able to do so – she had no voice anymore. She was panicking, it was like her mind just ran through a marathon, she couldn't think of what to do.

She was scared.

For once, she feared for what was going on.

“Help! Soo– Mmmph!” A scream from Jessica startled her, she turned her body again. Her hands flew around before hitting something – or someone, to be exact.

A pair of hands grabbed hold of her arms and shook her. She heard some voices, some muffles, before another pair of hands cupped her cheeks. That hand wasn't warm, she realised. It wasn't the warm hands that she wanted to hold onto now.

“Unnie! Are you alright?” She heard the voice, much clearer now.

The lights came on soon enough and she quickly scanned through the room. There was only the three of them in the huge living room now.

Heavy footsteps echoed through the hallway before she saw her father appearing with a worried look. “Is anyone hurt?”

I am. She wanted to reply. My head hurts.

“Sica and Fany, Sir!” Sooyoung shouted at the top of her voice that it rang in her ear.


Where is she?

Her mind was at a lost.

“Where are they?” The king asked, in a much calmer tone as compared to Sooyoung.

“I– they–” Sooyoung stuttered and stopped talking when Seohyun touched her arm.

“The lights went out for a moment earlier on and that's when the two were captured, Appa.” Seohyun answered on behalf of her cousin.

“I see.” The king paused. “Guards! Search around the whole place thoroughly! I want the two girls to be safe from any harm! Understand?!”

“Yes, Sir!” The men behind the king shouted as they ran off.

“Now, TaeYeon.” The king went forward to the person whom he was the most worried about. He knew that this was going to happen soon, and by the time it does, his daughter would be the one who will be lost in the middle of nowhere. “Listen to Appa, alright? I will make sure that they will be safe and nothing will happen to them. So, stay here with Seoh– TaeYeon!”

She had already ran off before her father could finish his sentence. She was not going to listen to his father and stay and do nothing, not anymore. Tiffany's life much depends on her now, and she knows it.

She can imagine Tiffany now with her tears stained face, crying for her to help her. She doesn't want her nightmare to really come true. She was not going to stand still and not chase after her. She was going to save her.

I'll be there, Fany. Be strong and don't let anything happen to you before I reach you. Please.

She banged open the door to the back of the house and what welcomed her was almost like a battlefield. There were growling everywhere as she saw bodies that are lying lifelessly on the ground. She recognised those that are wearing her clan's suit, but the others, are most probably going to be the people that she wished to kill most now.

Her feet had only stepped out when she felt a gush of wind and a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and there were three people smiling back at her.

“You wouldn't want to leave without this, Unnie.” Seohyun handed over a blade and a pistol to TaeYeon who kept it safely at the sheath on her thigh.

“And you wouldn't want to leave without your best buddy too, Taeng.” Sooyoung smiled. “If you're going, then I'll also be by your side. We have someone to save now, don't we?” Her smile seemed a little sad at that moment. Sica...

“Thanks. Thank you, all of you.” She went forward and gave all of them a brief hug before pulling away. She was not going to waste anymore time.

“Well, run along then, TaeYeon. Appa and Seohyun will be here waiting for the two of you to bring them both back.” The king said and she nodded.

She turned around, looked at the messy scene and then to her friend beside her. The two nodded to one another before running forward.

“They are going to be alright, right, Appa?” Seohyun asked.

“Yes, they will.” The kind wrapped his arm around his daughter's shoulder. Let's just hope for the best.


She ran, dodged, blocked and attacked. There were so many of them here, it's almost like a endless battle.

Another of them came forward, rushing towards her with a pocket knife on his hand. She dodged and he ended up missing her. He skied on the floor before turning around with a growl.

This is taking too much time.

He charged forward and she waited there, not moving. Until he came just an inch away from her, she then moved away by only a footstep to the side and grabbed hold of his neck. With a crack, he then fell onto the ground with what seemed like a crooked neck.

She looked around, trying to look for a certain friend when she saw an enemy creeping behind said person with a knife high above. “Behind you!” She shouted and watched as Sooyoung elbowed the person behind her while handling the other person in front of her.

She sprint forward and twisted the guy's arm when he tried to attack Sooyoung again. The knife then dropped onto the ground and she quickly grabbed hold of it and pierced it down into the guy's neck.

She turned around just in time to see that man that Sooyoung was dealing with a moment ago was now on the ground. She went closer to the taller girl while being wary of her surroundings. “This is taking too much time, we won't be able to get out of this scene if we continue to fight on.” TaeYeon said.

“I know. Then let's not fight and just get out.”

“Huh? How?”

“Just ignore all of them and go forward.”

“They will still attack us, you know? Especially me. I bet Lee Donghae wants me dead.” TaeYeon clenched her jaw.

“I know that, but I bet that he would want to kill you with his bare hands so you don't have to worry about being killed here.”

“Oh, wow.” She snorted. “Thanks a lot.” She said, full of sarcasm.

“Now, let's just stop talking and start going.”

She took in a deep breath. “Let's.”


From what she could remember, a moment ago she was just holding TaeYeon's hand, and then the next moment, she felt someone pulling her away. The lights from the house then went out and she had no idea where she was heading to until she went out of the house.

She squinted her eyes at the sudden brightness and recognised the surrounding as the back of the house. She looked down and then realised that a hand was still holding onto her wrist tightly. She tried to shake it off but the person who was holding her merely tightened his hold.

She was scared for that moment. It was like history was repeating itself, just that this time she was pretty much awake. She knew who was behind this, and she didn't want to meet him, not at all.

From behind her, she could hear some shuffling of feet and some muffled voices before the new intruder appeared. She looked and immediately gasped. “Jess!”

The called girl looked up in surprise. “Tiff!” She tried to run towards her friend and break free from the guy that was behind her but it wasn't that easy for her to do so judging by the man's size. “What's going on?” Jessica asked in panic.

Tiffany merely gave a sad smile. You don't want to know.

“Tiff?” She turned to look at Jessica and the girl nodded towards a direction. She turned again and gritted her teeth when she saw who it was. “Fany, what's going on?” She continued asking her friend who was keeping quiet.

It's best if you don't know, Jess. Forgive me.

“Well, well. What do we have here?” Donghae smirked and walked forward with Taecyeon following closely behind him. “I only expected one human in this palace, but...” He whistled. “There's actually two.” He turned to Jessica and held her chin.

“Who are you?” Jessica shook her head, trying to get his grip off her.

“I'll answer that later since we don't have much time now. But I guess you could ask your best friend, since she pretty much knows a lot. Right, Tiffany?”

She wished she could slap that smirk off his face, she really wished she could.

“Is he...”

She nodded and Jessica got the answer to her question. So, you're Lee Donghae – the jerk that caused so much trouble and the one who hurt my best friend.

“Follow closely and make sure that the two doesn't escape.” Taecyeon ordered after Donghae took his leave first.

The two of them were pulled harshly by the men that were holding onto them. Tiffany saw Donghae walking into the forest before what seems like a army of vampires appearing from the bushes and going towards the house.

She turned back and saw the back door opening before another army appeared. Please be alright, TaeYeon. As long as you're safe, everything will be fine.


“Now then, I guess you've got the answer that you wanted?” He looked at Jessica, who was tied to a tree with Tiffany beside her, also in the same helpless situation.

“What do you want? Why this? What do you actually benefit from capturing us? Why Tiffany?” Jessica shoot out the questions.

He laughed and shook his head. “Relax, little human. Well first, I get to benefit because I could feed on the two of you.”

Jessica flinched at the mention of them being fed on. “But why Tiffany? Why do you always pick on her?” She was angry at that time. Nobody hurts her best friend. Anyone who does, would have to deal with her.

“That, you don't have to know.” He turned around and was walking around until he came to a stop when Tiffany opened her mouth for the first time to him.

“Give it up, Donghae. TaeYeon will be here like how she came the last few times.”

He clenched his jaw and went closer towards Tiffany with a blade dangerously close her cheek. “My, my. Mind what you say, Tiffany dear. One slash and every vampire would come running after you.” He laughed.

She didn't back down although she felt threatened by the sharp object. “TaeYeon will be here. You will then be defeated by her once again. Surrender before it's–”

“You think so? You think she'll be here?” He placed the knife onto her cheek and she shuddered when she felt the coldness from the metal. He laughed again with a shake of his head. “Don't be naive, little girl. Did you even see that army earlier on? Do you think she will be able to get out of that scene? Alive?”

She gasped and then glared at him while moving around – hoping that it would loosen the ropes around her.

He backed away and cleaned the blade on his sleeve. “I guess we can't waste anymore time and wait for you beloved Prince to come save you and your friend now, can we?” He looked at the two before walking towards Taecyeon. “Well, I guess today's your lucky day then, Taec, because her friend is all yours.” He said lowly and placed his sheathed his blade.

She turned to look at Jessica in reflex. She saw how Jessica gulped and then turned to her with a helpless look. She felt guilty at that time. “Leave her alone! She's innocent! It's me you want, isn't it?!”

“Oh, Tiffany, I guess you really are too naive.” A low laughter reached her ear. “That's right, it is you that I want, but having you dead isn't the main purpose so with or without your friend here, it doesn't make much a difference. Let's just make life easier and end her suffering and nervousness, shall we?”

Taecyeon went forward and she immediately panicked. “Stop! Leave her alone! Just–” She felt a gush of wind before Donghae's face appeared in front of her.

“You're kind of getting on my nerves now, you know?” He growled. “Let's just make things easier and let the two of you suffer together then.”

It was just a moment of second difference. She heard Jessica's scream ringing in her ear, and then the next, she felt pain at her neck and tears were brimming in her eyes. She screamed in pain and horror.

Her skin tore and it hurts so much – it was like a knife was driving deeper into her neck every single second.

She tried to move around, but then her movements became limited when she felt weaker and weaker. Her knees were even giving way and she found it hard to even stand up. If not for the ropes, she would have most probably fallen onto the ground by now.

She didn't know how much time had passed by but by the time she felt Donghae pulling away, her whole body had no strength left – no even a little.

Her eyes began to grew heavy before it closed completely.

Right at the moment when she was about to lose her consciousness, she heard one final sentence. “Let’s see how the Prince would react to this now.” A laugh and everything went black for her.


Loud clangs and clunks filled the air as the endless battle still continued. Sooyoung finally got to get out of that mess with a stumble forward when she was accidentally pushed back by one of their troops. She looked around and found TaeYeon staggering a few metres in front of her with a enemy.

She ran forward but did not miss the scene where the man slashed his axe across TaeYeon, merely missing her head by a few centimetres but still got hurt on her arm. She quickly went and helped out by jumping towards the man and easily cracked his neck.

“Thanks...” TaeYeon mumbled.

“Not a problem.” She pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket and wrapped it around the fresh wound of TaeYeon. “I think we should get going now before anyone comes again.”



It took them quite a while to actually walk through the forest because there were still some of Donghae's men that were stationed around there. But nonetheless, they still managed to defeat them although having some cuts around.

“Where the heck are they?!” TaeYeon exclaimed, feeling frustrated that up till now, they still weren't able to spot them. She had those thoughts that maybe Donghae have already brought them elsewhere but she had a feeling that they were still here.

“Patience, Taeng.” Sooyoung told TaeYeon, but honestly, she was trying to tell that to herself. Like TaeYeon, she also wants to save her girlfriend as soon as possible because who knows what would happen when it continues to drag on.

“How can I relax when they are somewhere here and I still can't fi–” She stopped talking and the both of them froze when they heard a familiar scream followed by another scream.

They looked at one another and no words were needed when the two started to sprint away, with TaeYeon leading the way towards the direction of the scream.

They stopped in their tracks at what they saw.

TaeYeon could feel tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Sooyoung nearly fell on her knees.

The two quickly rushed forward to two girlfriends and untied them from the tree before placing them onto the ground gently.

“Sica...” Sooyoung whispered out. She was holding Jessica in her arms and all this felt so familiar. It was like a replaying record player with different victims this time. “You'll survive,

alright? You will. You can't leave me, you hear me? You told me that you'll be here for me.” She sniffed and nuzzled her face into Jessica's hair.

“F–Fany...” TaeYeon tightened her hold around the brunette, trying to bring her closer. She held her and her tears fell when she saw the bite mark at the side of Tiffany's neck. “You'll be alright...” She placed one of her hand onto Tiffany's cheek and flinched when she felt the coldness. Her tears fell again when she could not get any response from Tiffany.

“What happened?” They heard Seohyun's voice but none lifted their heads up. Seohyun went to Jessica first and the first thing she did was check the pulse of hers. “Sh–” She nearly cursed out before walking to Tiffany and did the same.

This then earned the attention from the two girls who were crying. “What's wrong?” TaeYeon asked.

“This is not good...” She kept shaking her head.

“W–what do you mean?” Sooyoung held onto Jessica's hand. She didn't want to let go and she was afraid that once she let go, Jessica would actually be gone.

“T–thier heart rate is beginning to slow down. They've lost too much blood, Unnies. I'm afraid...”

“What? Afraid of what?!” TaeYeon shouted out of anger. She was totally out of patience now and her heart hurts a lot to see Tiffany this pale and weak.

Seohyun knew her sister didn't mean to shout at her. She swallowed, “I'm afraid they won't be able to survive.”

They felt like their world had crushed.

“Is there any way to help them? Cure or heal them?” Sooyoung asked with a trembling voice. “I can't lose her, Juhyun. I've lost my brother and I'm not going to lose her now!”

Seohyun understood both of their pain. It took her a few seconds before something clicked in her mind. “There is a way! Turn them into vampires!” She noticed how the two froze, she then continued. “That's the only way, Unnies. I don't even know if it would succeed because of their massive loss of blood but... at least, we have to try.”

TaeYeon was the first one to react to what Seohyun had said. She took out the blade that she hasn't used from her sheath and with one slash across her wrist, the blue coloured blood then started to drop onto the ground. She looked at the bitemark at Tiffany's neck and saw how dark and purplish it had become, so while apologizing to Tiffany in her mind, she then took the blade and slashed Tiffany's wrist as well. She knows that Tiffany could not lose anymore blood at the moment but she had no choice.

She held onto Tiffany's hand with her unhurt hand and lifted up her wounded hand. She pressed both of their wrist together and winced a little at the pain caused. I get it now, Fany-ah. I get what you mean by you're willing to do anything for me. Please survive this. I promise I'll be a better lover for you.

When Sooyoung saw what TaeYeon did, she quickly took out her blade and made sure that it's clean before doing the same.

They pulled away their wrist almost the same time after a few more minutes.

“Did it succeed?” Sooyoung asked.

“We need more time, Unnie. It won't happen in a instant.” Seohyun explained. “I guess we have to wait for Appa to bring the army here so that we can bring them back and also– Unnie.” She called after TaeYeon who had once again walk off without any words. “Where are you going?”

“Revenge.” Seohyun heard her say before she saw TaeYeon running off. She turned around and Sooyoung was also not there anymore.

She looked at the two lifeless body and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw a group of army running towards her direction. Let's just hope for the best – that all of them will be safe.

Shattering Chapter 36: Shattering

She broke into a run and went past numerous trees of different sizes and heights. She had nothing in her mind except one, revenge. She was not going to forgive that person who had hurt everyone around her. She wanted all this to end and hopefully, it will end without any more casualties.

TaeYeon was about to turn around the corner when she heard someone shouting for her. She thought she was hallucinating so she continued running without turning back.

Soon enough, she felt someone touching her shoulder and was startled by the sudden touch. She turned and saw the familiar face yet again.

“Told you, you can't leave without me.” Sooyoung said. “And besides, you can't outrun me so there's no use for you to ignore me.”

“I wasn't ignoring you.” TaeYeon said in a flat tone and Sooyoung understood why.

“Believe in her, TaeYeon. She will make it.” Like how Jessica will.

“I do believe in her. It's me that I don't.” She turned her head to look around. They went past the lake and she knew that they were nearing the end of the forest soon.

“Then believe in yourself.”

“I can't.”

“Why not?”

She stopped replying and Sooyoung didn't want to pry as well so she stopped asking.

“What if things don’t turn out the way you wanted?” TaeYeon asked out of a sudden.


“What if they don't... survive?” She gulped at the mention of it. She can't imagine her life without Tiffany. Without the bright and bubbly girl, TaeYeon knows that her life wouldn't be the same anymore. Heck, even her smiles won't be the same anymore.

“They will survive.”

“I mean what if...?” They stopped when they realise that they were already at the end of the forest.

TaeYeon saw a car situated there and there were four men standing by there – like they were waiting for someone. She looked carefully and saw that in the four, Donghae and Taecyeon were also among them. She clenched her jaw and felt her body muscles tighten.

Sooyoung saw it too. “I guess, everything will still have to go on. Life still goes on.” She saw them turning their heads and are now looking back at them. “But, we don't even know if we will survive this.” She turned and smiled at TaeYeon. “But then, I know that I will still love them a lot.”

“Yeah...” TaeYeon smiled as images flashed through her mind. She smiled even wider when Tiffany's images flashed.

“Are you ready, buddy?”

“Always ready.”

They gripped their blades and prepared themselves when they saw two of the vampires charging towards them and Donghae and Taceyeon were still standing by the car.

“Cowards...” TaeYeon had to comment and Sooyoung simply laughed at what she said.

Taeyeon and Sooyoung went to fight one enemy each by themselves, but still not forgetting to watch out for the other as well.

They had their backs to one another as they looked at the person in front of them cautiously. Both of the guys charged towards them at the same time and they had to break off to fend them off.

TaeYeon used her blade to hit the knife that was heading towards her. The man lost his grip for a moment but caught hold of the knife and turned to TaeYeon immediately.

TaeYeon huffed and straightened up before hitting the knife again. This time, when the man turned to the side due to the force that TaeYeon hit him with, she took the chance and pierced her blade into his abdomen, causing him to growl out in pain.

She smirked when the man fell onto his knees but the next thing she knew, the man had gotten up like nothing had happened to his injury and turned to glare at her.

“What the–” She looked at his blood stained shirt and could see through the tear that the injury is slowly healing back on its own. ...What is this thing?

Because she was distracted for a while, the man then quickly went forward and swung his knife around. She caught his movements and took a step backwards but the knife still managed to slash through her waist. She hissed and grabbed hold of her new gained injury.

She breathed hard, trying to find a new strategy since she knows that the only way she can kill that “thing” is by pressing her blade down his nape or breaking his neck.

TaeYeon looked to her side and saw that Sooyoung was having some difficulty with her opponent as well. She took tiny little steps backwards so that the man in front of her wouldn't be too suspicious. She stopped when she's right behind Sooyoung. She turned her head and looked at Sooyoung whom looked back and nodded her head.

They then turned around 180 degrees at the same time and faced the other enemy which made the two men confused for a second. They took the opportunity to quickly pierce their blades into the men's abdomen so that they would fall onto the ground.

Once they were down, the two girls then raised up their blades and force it down into the two men's nape. They backed away and re-joined as the two men groaned in pain and agony before falling onto the ground lifelessly. They took their blades out of the body and sheathed it.

Now that one of their matters was done, they then had one bigger case that they had to attend to. They turned their heads just in time to see Donghae and Taecyeon walking towards them in a leisurely manner. TaeYeon scoffed at that.

“Impressive, aren't they?” Donghae spoke, in a very proud tone. “I injected some kind of serum into them that made them this strong. Unfortunately, there wasn't any that could keep them alive no matter how many times you hit their vulnerable spot.” He shook his head. “A pity, I must say.”

“You used your member as a guinea pig? A test for an experiment?” Sooyoung raised her voice.

“I wouldn't say that it's a test. They should be proud that they are joining us in this final battle.” Donghae said in a too nonchalant manner that fumed TaeYeon and Sooyoung.

TaeYeon spat. “You're a hypocrite.”

“Now, that isn't a nice name to call me, Prince TaeYeon.” He paused. “I guess you must be used to being called Prince already, huh?”

“What are you talking about?” TaeYeon said.

“Stop all the acts already, Kim TaeYeon. So what if you're being called the Prince of the vampire world? You're not worthy of that title because you have never ever done anything helpful. You're just a spoilt brat that needs her father to clean up her mess.”

She clenched her jaw and said nothing.

“Talking about your father, he ain't suitable to be the King as well.” He walked around TaeYeon. “We need someone brave, you know? Someone that dares to do anything! Someone that is courageous! Someone like me to help the clans.”

She shook her head at his naivety. “If your father–”

“Stop talking about my father!” He yelled. “He's just a poor little coward that does not dare to do anything big. He's just born to be someone who hides in his shell the whole time, unlike his son that dreams of big things, like, being the... King.”

Sooyoung sneered. “You're crazy.”

“If dreaming of big things means being crazy, then I don't mind holding that title.” He went closer towards TaeYeon. “I should have been King! I should have ruled the whole vampire world! I should have had control!” He quieted down. “But... your family just have to ruin it. No matter how much I try, I just can't seem to kill you.” He gritted his teeth.

“You've already failed so many times, so just give it up. Give up those hopeless thoughts and think about how your father ruled the clan. You should have followed his footsteps.”

He laughed, sarcastically. “Are you kidding me, right now? That old man's method of ruling is outdated. Who would listen well if their leader is someone who is weak and easily persuaded?” He paused. “No one. No one wants a weak and useless leader to lead them! So, I did something good.”

The smile on his face became bigger and TaeYeon can't help but to think how sick he is right now. She felt disgusted.

“I did something very good.” He grinned. “I killed my own father, and no one knows about it. Everyone thought that he had committed suicide but actually, it was just the work of mine. I helped everyone by killing that useless leader!” He laughed.

TaeYeon's face expression still hasn't changed but Sooyoung had her eyes widened a little. The two had already heard about these rumours long ago and they knew that it's most probably true but Sooyoung can't help but to be surprised by how Donghae is sharing about it like something he is proud of.

“You sick bastard...” TaeYeon muttered under her breath and Donghae still could hear it.

“Even if I didn't do that, I'm sure that others will soon kill him anyway.” He said it like a matter of fact.

TaeYeon shook her head. “You're so wrong about that.”

He scoffed. “Stop acting like you know everything, Kim.”

“You're the one that knows nothing. Your father was like the role model for every leader, for everyone. He was the leader that everyone appreciated and looked up to. He was the rightful leader, not you.”

“Shut your little mouth up now because everything you say is wrong!”

TaeYeon ignored him and continued talking. “Your father thought he had a chance to change you. He talked to my father about giving you another chance every time you made a mistake. He was the one that gave you a second chance no matter how wrong you were!” She noticed how his expression had changed from pure hatred to confusion now. “He kept his beliefs in you. He believed that one day, you'd change for the better – you'd turn over a new leaf. But I guess he was wrong.”

Donghae kept quiet for a while. He looked down at the ground. What is this? What is she talking about? Could everything she said have been true? No, no, it can't be. She must be trying to manipulate me now. That's right, she's manipulating me.

“You have the right to not believe what I'm saying right now, but, you must have remembered what your father’s last words were when he died in your hands, his own son's hands.”

“My child, I will never blame you for what you did because it's my fault that I didn't teach you well. But please, turn back before it's too late...”

Those words rang in his head. No matter how long this had passed, those words just kept on replaying every night. He grabbed his head as it started to hurt. So confused... What is going on?

“Sir, are you alright?” Taecyeon's voice brought him back to the situation he is facing now.

He looked at TaeYeon and pointed a finger at her. “You're lying, aren't you? You're just trying to take revenge because I killed your mother and tried to hurt your girlfriend.”

“It's up to you whether you want to believe it, but do know that it doesn't do me any good to lie to you.” She shrugged.

He paused and contemplated. This can't be true. “So what if everything you said is true? It still doesn't change the fact that I will kill you!” With that said and done, he charged towards TaeYeon in a spilt second and caught the girl off guard, making her fall onto the ground.

When Taecyeon saw that Donghae had taken action, he then looked at Sooyoung and started to walk towards her as the two stared at one another before they started to attack.

TaeYeon scrambled on the ground for a moment and tried to stand up quickly when a kick met her chin, sending her flying until her back hit a tree. She arched her back in pain and used the tree for support to stand up.

Once she has gotten over the pain, she saw that Donghae was heading towards her again. She calmed herself down and didn't move until Donghae came an arm’s length away from her. She grabbed his shirt and threw him against the tree. He groaned in pain, Taeyeon hurriedly ran to him, took her blade and pushed it down his back.

Donghae stopped her in time before the blade could even come into contact with his skin. “You arrogant little...” He twisted her wrist so that the blade would drop out of Taeyeon's hand. Once he done that, he grabbed her blade and used it to jab into her abdomen.

She bit her lips when her skin tore under the sharpness of the blade.

“TaeYeon!” Sooyoung who had some cuts on her face and was doing a job in attacking Taecyeon shouted when she saw what happened.

TaeYeon used her strength and pushed Donghae away before waving her hand showing that she's alright. She looked down and saw that the blade was still in her abdomen, she held it and with a growl, she took it out of her body. Blood flowed out of her injury but she didn't worry because she knows that it will be fine although she may be weaker now.

“So pathetic.” Donghae commented. “Hurts, doesn't it?” He laughed.

TaeYeon ignored him and walked forward with light steps.

Donghae felt annoyed when he saw how calm Taeyeon was. It was almost like an insult to him as what he did was nothing to her. He clenched his jaw and took out the small pocketknife from his waist. He gripped it tightly and ran forward.

TaeYeon continued going forward until Donghae had his hands out, ready to reach her, she then quickly dodged away from the hands.

Donghae grunted. He turned around in haste and quickly grabbed onto TaeYeon.

TaeYeon struggled against those hands that were on her arms. She succeeded in prying them away but a second later; her wrist was caught as she felt herself being turned around, with her arms locked on her back. She fidgeted and cursed when she heard the laughs from Donghae.

“Pathetic. Try to get away now, Kim TaeYeon.”

She sneered at him and continued to struggle, until a cold metal got into contact with her nape. She stopped moving immediately. Her body tensed up and she heard a shout from Sooyoung. “Taeng! Taeng– Argh!” She wanted to turn back and see what had happened but she couldn't.

The laugh from the man continued and she wished she could slit his throat now. The knife was dragging along her nape, slowly, in a painful manner. Then, she felt the knife being sliced across her shoulder. She bit on her lips, hard.

“Are you in pain, Prince TaeYeon? Why don't you beg me and maybe I'll considering letting you go.”

She kept quiet.

“Why aren't you talking now? Weren't you yapping away earlier on about my father?” He spoke through gritted teeth.

“What I said was true.”

“Yeah, yeah. Say whatever you want because... the time for you to die has come.” He laughed. “And when you do so, make sure that you tell my father about how successful I am now.”

“Your father wouldn't want to see you like this.”

“Just shut up, already!” He used the back of the knife to hit TaeYeon's neck.

Her knees weakened at the hit and her vision blurred a little.

“So... any last words, Kim?”


“TaeYeon!” Sooyoung shouted again, helplessly. She kept on fending away Taecyeon's attack and was trying to get to TaeYeon but the guy just wouldn't let her. He had even slashed her arm when she tried to run off earlier on. “You bastard! You dare to do anything to her and I'll–” She hit off the knife that was coming towards her. “I'll kill you!” With the last shout, she went on full towards the guy in front of her.

“That friend of yours... she's so noisy. Don't worry, I'll kill her next to accompany you.”

She hated that laugh that keeps ringing in her ear. She clenched her fists and closed her eyes tightly. She felt the wind of him bringing his hand up. I'm sorry, Fany. I love you. I can't keep the promise of being with you for–


A loud gunshot echoed through the whole forest. Everyone froze at the sound, including Sooyoung and Taecyeon who were on the floor.

TaeYeon breathed out through her nose when she felt her wrists being loosened. She quickly turned around and saw Donghae staring at her with wide eyes before he collapsed.


Another shot was released. The next thing they knew, Taecyeon was the next who had fallen down.

Sooyoung huffed in relief. She covered her face. It's over.

Then, medics came running towards her and helped to tend her wounds.

TaeYeon stared at the body that was lying on the floor. Donghae was still breathing in and out, with a surprised look on his face. She saw guards running towards them, she waved them off so that she could talk to Donghae, for one last time.

TaeYeon squatted down next to Donghae.

“This... can't be. I–it's not the end yet.”

TaeYeon shook her head. “Stop. Just stop, already, would you? Don't you get it? This is all karma, Donghae.”

“No... I don't b-believe in karma.”

TaeYeon ignored him and continued. “This is payback for all your wrongdoings. You have only yourself to blame for all this. But I still have to say this, your father... Everything I said was true. It was all his thoughts from the beginning. He had never given up on you. He was the only one that believed in you.”

He closed his eyes.

“He loved you.” With that, TaeYeon then stood up and went to where her father and Sooyoung were standing at.

“It's all over, TaeYeon-ah.” Her father said and hugged her.

“I know, Appa... I know.” She returned the hug.

“But then, there's still another important thing that we have to get back to.”

She pulled away and closed her eyes, feeling her head being heavy again. “I know.” She said.

Please survive? Persevere on for me? For us? You have to, Fany-ah. Just please don't leave me.

She ran towards the direction of the house with a mind full of thoughts.

Sooyoung glanced at her quiet friend and inwardly sighed. Even though we had survived this round, but there's another one to go... Sica...

TaeYeon turned back for one last time and the thing she saw were the guards setting the two bodies on fire.


After hearing from the King where their girlfriends were, they then barged into the room, startling the people there.

“How are they?” TaeYeon asked. She looked around the room and no one answered her question, everyone was avoiding her gaze. “I asked how are they!” She yelled in anger.

The people in the room flinched at the loudness. Sooyoung who was beside her gulped when she saw the gloomy atmosphere that is surrounding them. It suffocates her to the point that she knows something is wrong. “Juhyun-ah, how are they?” She asked softly.

The girl looked at her sadly. “It'd be better to ask the doctor himself.”

She then turned to the doctor – whom was human – that they all were very close to because of the fact that he knows about their kind and even knows stuffs about the transformation. “Doctor Baek...”

The doctor pushed his glasses up with a sigh. “I'm so sorry, TaeYeon and Sooyoung.” He bowed towards them. “I've tried my best...”

“Wh–what...” TaeYeon stuttered and balled her fist.

The doctor lifted up his head with an apologetic look. “It was already considered late by the time you transferred your blood to them. So...”

The two breathed in deeply.

“Only one of them survived.” And there, their world shattered at the thought of even one of them not surviving.

Epilogue Epilogue

She held the white rose that was on her hand dearly, close to her. Her footsteps began to slow down once she came close to the stone that has the picture of the love of her life on it. She pushed her slightly dropping sunglasses up and placed the flower down, gently.

She smiled at the photo before comfortably taking a seat next to the stone.

Although a year had passed now, she wasn't still very used to being alone yet again. There were times that she missed her so much that she could feel her presence next to her.

It was hard for her when she first heard the news a year ago – that her love had left.

“I'm sorry...” Doctor Baek apologised and bowed again. “It was too late for... Miss Jessica...”

Their eyes widened at what the doctor had said. TaeYeon turned to look at her best friend. She saw how Sooyoung had her eyes looking at the ground.

Sooyoung was slowly backing away before finally falling onto the ground. She lost all strength on her legs. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. “N–no...”

TaeYeon rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Sooyoung’s shoulders. “Syoung...”

“This can't be... I–I just lose my younger brother... I can't...” Her tears were overflowing in her eyes before it finally fell. Her whole body was numb except for the pain from her heart that she keeps feeling. She clenched her fist and placed it above her heart, feeling herself being choked.

TaeYeon bit her lips, her own eyes glistening with tears. She wouldn't want anyone of them to die, they were both people with good hearts. She don't understand why the people that are close to her just keeps on leaving her one by one.

“She said she will b–be with me for–forever...”

“Unnie...” Seohyun who was watching also couldn't help it but to let her tears fall easily. The times that she had shared with Jessica wouldn't be forgotten easily. They were so close to one another now, almost like sisters, but why now... she didn't understand.

The King stared at Sooyoung sadly before motioning for the others in the room to leave the room, leaving TaeYeon with Sooyoung there.

Once the door was closed, Sooyoung then stood up abruptly, causing TaeYeon who was holding onto her to stumble back. “Where are you going?” TaeYeon asked.

Sooyoung didn't answer her, but went to the other room that was connected to this current room. She opened the door hastily and her heart crashed again at the sight of Jessica lying peacefully on the bed. She went closer with weak steps before kneeling beside the girl's bed.

TaeYeon followed Sooyoung and found Tiffany lying on the bed beside Jessica. She took a look at Jessica before looking at her girlfriend. She walked towards Tiffany, tiredly.

The sound of the beeping machine filled the silence of the room.

TaeYeon saw the numbers of tubes that were connected to Tiffany's body. She sighed and caressed the girl's face lovingly, feeling herself being drained out. She leant down and pressed her lips against Tiffany's forehead. “Thank you... for keeping your promise...” She whispered out and held the hand of Tiffany.

TaeYeon saw the red marks on Tiffany's wrist and she clenched her jaw. Her eyes then went to the neck where a bandage was on. She touched it. “Hopefully, it doesn't leave a scar there...” She was worried that Tiffany might fright out when there's an ugly bite mark on her neck when she wakes up, but then, there was still another thing that worries her.

She already saw how heartbroken Sooyoung is now, heck, even she herself is saddened by the fact that Jessica had really left now. And she couldn't even imagine what would happen when Tiffany wakes up one day to find that her best friend had passed on. She would be hurt very badly, and that was a fact.

She brought the hand to her face and kissed it before placing it onto her cheek. “I love you.”

Sooyoung took the limped hands beside the body and held it with her shaky ones. Her lips quivered when she looked at Jessica's face. Like a record player, her mind began to flash the images of Jessica's smiles, the face Jessica makes whenever she was mad, the pout that she attempts whenever she did something wrong, the hugs that they shared and the kisses they had. She knew that it wasn't going to happen anymore.

She cried, in pain, in agony and in sorrow. She leant closer towards the girl's face and placed her quivering lips onto Jessica's. She choked when all she could feel was the coldness on Jessica's lips and nothing else. Reality then hit her that Jessica was never coming back, she was gone, forever.

“I'm sorry... for not being there earlier...” Her lips were still on Jessica's.

“I'm sorry...” She whispered again.

She used her sleeves to clean the photo before planting a kiss on it. “How have you been, Sica? I'm sorry that I haven't been here for five days, I was busy with Seohyun's marriage thing.” She then laughed and lay her back against the stone.

“That girl sure is growing up fast. It was just like yesterday when she was still a baby.” She shook her head with a amused smile. “Too fast.”

She placed her palm onto the stone. “I miss you, Sica-yah. It's been a year but it felt like hundreds of years for me. I can still feel your warmth around me every night, I know you're still there for me, and I'm glad for that. I love you, darling.” She cringed after that and laughed. “I can't believe I just said that.” She curled her fingers with a grin. “But yeah, I love you, Jessica Jung.”

She breathed out. “If only I had arrived earlier a year ago... then what would we be doing right now?” She asked herself. “If only I had asked for your hand earlier.” She grinned. “Then I could have called you my wife.”

She dug her pocket and drew out a small box. She opened it, a diamond ring was standing out inside, shining so brightly with the sunlight. “Happy anniversary, Sica. I hope you wouldn't mind but this is sought of a... a promise ring, perhaps?” She lifted up her hand. “Look. I'm even wearing it now.”

She then placed the box right below the photo. “And this is for you. If only I could ask you to marry me now then this would have been your ring, your marriage ring.” She touched the photo gingerly.

“You sure you're going to place that diamond ring there?” She turned her head to see two of her best friends walking towards her.

Sooyoung stood up with a smile. “Hey.” She hugged them both.

“How have you been, Syoung?” Tiffany asked.

“I've been better. Anyways, I should be the one who should be asking how you have both been. You two practically ran away for half a year.”

They laughed. “It's been great. It was good to finally relax and have nothing on your mind.” TaeYeon said and tightened her hold on Tiffany's hand.

“I should do that too, you know? Just run off without anyone knowing. It could be fun.” Sooyoung grinned.

“If you do that without telling me, I'll hunt you down for my whole life.” TaeYeon narrowed her eyes at Sooyoung.

The taller girl chuckled. “I know, I know. I was just kidding. I couldn't possibly leave this place, can I?” She was referring to the place she was currently at.

“Oh, right.” Tiffany placed the white rose onto the stone gently. “Hey, Jessi. Long time no see.” She felt arms around her waist and turned to see TaeYeon smiling at her. She smiled back.

TaeYeon turned towards the stone and waved. “Hi, Sica. How have you been? I guess you must have been great without your loud best friend with you, huh?” TaeYeon joked and got a pinch on her waist. “Oh, and may I add violent as well.”

Tiffany merely rolled her eyes.

“Anyways, I have– I mean we have some news for you.” She grinned proudly while Tiffany smiled shyly.

“We're getting married!” She announced.

“WHAT?!” Sooyoung who was behind them yelled when she heard the news. “When?! What?! Who?!”

TaeYeon turned to look at her. “Err... Us? Marriage? We haven't decided when though, but sooner would be preferred for me.” She chortled.

“Why didn't you tell me?!” Sooyoung complained.

“Aren’t I doing it right now?”

“I mean– why– you–” She pointed at the two. “Why didn't you tell me sooner?” She frowned.

“Because we want to share this with Jessica first.” TaeYeon gave her a toothy grin.

Sooyoung sulked. “Sica–yah, you're now their priority, no one cares about me now.” She faked crying.

“Oh, geez, stop being a drama queen.”

“And now they are calling me names... Sicaaaaa–” There was a short pause. “Wait. You're getting married, Seohyun's getting married, then...” She gasped. “I'm the only one who's not getting married!”

The couple laughed at their friend.

“Nooooo! Sica, I'll propose to you now, alright? Will you marry me, baby gi–” She stopped when TaeYeon pushed her back. “Yah! I was proposing to my girlfriend!”

“Girlfriend? I thought she's your wife already?”

“Huh?” Sooyoung asked in confusion.

“That ring?” TaeYeon pointed at the box.

“Ah... That's actually a promise ring.”

“Promise ring? For?”

“For promising her that I'll love her forever and be committed to her.”

“Then ain't that similar to being married and tied to life?”

“Oh...” Sooyoung paused. “I haven't thought of that...” She felt a knock on her forehead. “Yah!”

“I couldn't understand you sometimes...” TaeYeon heaved a sigh.

“When will you two stop behaving like kids?” Tiffany who was watching everything with an amused look spoke.

“We are not kids!” The two said at the same time.


“I'll leave you to talk to Sica alone then.” TaeYeon told Tiffany.

The girl nodded and showed an okay sign.

“Come on, buddy. We have some catching up to do.” She tried to hang her arm over Sooyoung's shoulder but couldn't because the girl was taller than her.

Sooyoung laughed and the two bickered again while walking away.

Tiffany shook her head with a smile before turning towards Jessica's stone. “Hi, best friend. Finally some peace and quiet for us. Those two haven't changed at all, right? Still bickering all day long.” She chuckled.

She then sighed. “It's been a year, already... A year, Jessi. I miss you.” She said it softly. Her eyes began to glisten at the memories of when she was told that she was the only one who managed to survive.

“Wh–what do you mean?” She asked. She was shocked when the first thing she woke up was faced by the fact that her best friend was gone. Apparently, because of her low amount of blood, she took longer to be able to recover. Thus, needing around a week to wake up.

“She's gone, Fany–ah...” TaeYeon said and looked away when she saw the hurt on Tiffany's face.

“No, you're lying.” She kicked the blanket off her and tried to get off the bed.

“What are you doing?”

She ignored TaeYeon and placed both her feet onto the ground. Once she placed her weight onto her feet, her knees then gave way and she fell onto the floor helplessly. She cried and hit her own legs until her hands were caught by TaeYeon.

“Stop, Fany-ah... Don't hurt yourself, please...” TaeYeon hugged her and whispered into her ear.

“Let go of me!” She tried to push TaeYeon away but the girl just hugged her even tighter. She wouldn't want to let go of her. “I want to find Jessi! She's still here, I know it!” Her tears fell.

“Fany, please...” TaeYeon bit her lips when the feeling of wanting to cry started to rush through her body.

“You're lying to me. Jess couldn't be gone. She wouldn't leave me. We're best friends, we promised to be best friends till we become old!” She shouted and threw her arms around TaeYeon's neck and hugged her. She sobbed against TaeYeon's shoulder.

“Shhh... It's okay...” She patted Tiffany's back. “It's gonna be fine.”

“She couldn't have been gone...”

She opened her eyes at the memories. It had hurt so badly that day that she thought her heart was torn out.

She breathed out. “I love you, best friend. You'll be in my heart and mind forever.” She then thought of Jessica's smiling face and she too smiled as a tear fell from her eye. “Thank you for all those wonderful years, Jess...”


“How are you?” TaeYeon hugged Tiffany from the side and placed a kiss onto her cheek. They were now in the bedroom of their own house that they had bought in the city.


“But?” TaeYeon knew that there was still something in Tiffany's mind.

“But I still am not used to Jessi not being here with me. After all... we've been together ever since young.”

TaeYeon said nothing but planted a kiss on Tiffany's forehead.

“Thanks.” Tiffany said.

“Hmm? What for?”

“For being with me when I was at the lowest point of my life.”

“It was my pleasure. I love you, so I'm willing to do so.”

“I love you too. I wouldn't even imagine myself without you.” She snuggled closer to TaeYeon.

“Yeah... I wouldn't want to go through that again... It was like torture for me.”

“It's never happening again.” She kissed TaeYeon's neck.

“Hopefully so.”

They were in comfortable silence, enjoying one another's warmth until TaeYeon's unladylike laughter filled the room.

Tiffany lifted up her head and raised her eyebrow. “What's so funny?”

“I suddenly remembered the time when you had to drink blood for the first time.” She continued to laugh.

Tiffany pouted. “Hey! It's not that funny!”

“It is! I practically had to treat you like a kid who was afraid of drinking medicines.”

“Those aren't even medicines!”

“Yeah, I know. I'm just making an example.” TaeYeon grinned.

TaeYeon held the pack of red liquid in front of Tiffany. She shook it and placed it in front of Tiffany's face but the girl just looked away and covered her mouth with her hands. “Hey, come on. You said you were hungry, right?”

Tiffany lifted her hands from her mouth so that she could speak. “Yeah, but I'm talking ’bout food!”

“It's not food that you're hungry for! You just ate two bowls of rice, Fany–ah. Just trust me?” She tried to pull Tiffany's hands away but she just wouldn't give in.


TaeYeon heaved a sigh. “You have to, Fany. Every vampire that just completed the transformation has to feed.”

“No! I wouldn't want to drink human blood!”

“So you're saying you're willing to drink animal blood?” Tiffany shook her head. “It's human blood that we have to drink at the first time. And don't worry, we didn't kill anyone or whatever. These are taken from hospitals, thanks to Doctor Baek. So please?”

Tiffany shook her head.

“You'd be hungry if you don't feed now and then you'd lose control if you're overly hungry.” TaeYeon explained.

“Then tie me up when I do so!”

“You do know that you're stronger now, right?”

“Then make me unconscious.” Tiffany said stubbornly.

TaeYeon slumped on her seat dejectedly. “Alright, fine, fine. Do what you want.” She then stood up. “I'm putting this in the fridge so that it wouldn't go bad. Just take it from there when you feel like you want to.”

A hum was all the reply she got from Tiffany who resumed watching her show.

TaeYeon walked into the kitchen with a sly smile. She took out a pack of grape juice from the fridge and poured the contents away. She then took out a funnel and placed it on the hole before opening the pack of blood. She poured it into the juice's pack and threw the empty plastic pack of the blood away.

She placed the straw into the packet of ‘juice’ and was glad that the straw was of a dark colour so Tiffany wouldn't notice.

Just so that it wouldn't be suspicious, she took out another packet of grape juice and opened it for herself. She drank it while walking out of the kitchen with the packet of drink for Tiffany on her other free hand.

She sat down comfortably beside Tiffany and handed her the drink without saying anything.

“Thanks.” Tiffany said.

TaeYeon act nonchalant and tried to focus on the television while stealing occasional glance on Tiffany. She held back her smile when Tiffany emptied the contents in less than a minute. “And you said you won't hungry...” She mumbled under her breath.

“Huh? What?” Tiffany looked at TaeYeon.

TaeYeon turned her head. “What?”

“You said something.”

“Oh. Nothing much.” She then turned to the television again. “The juice tastes nice, right?”

“Yeah. It tastes better today.”

TaeYeon grinned and Tiffany caught her doing so.

“What did you do?”

“Huh? What?” TaeYeon tried to act blur but Tiffany knew something was up with her.

“You did something...”

“I have no idea what you're talking about.”

She then looked at the packet of juice on TaeYeon's hand and wondered why she drank hers in such a short time when she wasn't even thirsty. Feeling something suspicious, she then took away TaeYeon's drink.

“Yah! I was drinking that!”

Tiffany ignored her and took a sip from the packet. And that was when something hit her. It was different from the one that she had just drank.

She looked at TaeYeon angrily. “What did you give me?”

“Nothing much, just...”



It took a second for Tiffany before she felt her stomach flipping. She held onto it and had an urge to puke out the contents that she had just consumed.

“Hey, you alright?” TaeYeon asked worriedly. She then handed the real juice to Tiffany. “Here, drink it.”

Tiffany took it and gulped the contents down. She grimaced when she tasted the sourness.

“See? The blood tasted better, right?” TaeYeon asked with a grin.

Tiffany punched TaeYeon's arm. “Surprisingly... it does taste... normal.”

“I've told you so!”

“Shut up, you set me up, TaeYeon.” She glared at her.

“I was just helping out!”

“Right.” She said before pouncing onto TaeYeon.

“I had to trick you with a packet of juice.” TaeYeon snickered.

“I still can't believe that I managed to believe you.” Tiffany shook her head.

“Whatever, at least I got to make you feed.”



“I guess we really can be together for thousands of years and forever now.” She lay back into TaeYeon's arms.

“Yes, we can.”

“How would our future be? Have you ever imagined it?”

“Hmm...” TaeYeon stroked Tiffany's hair. “I would still be with you and no one else.”

“You'd better.” Tiffany narrowed her eyes at TaeYeon who laughed.

“Don't worry, I will. I promised, didn't I? So I'll keep that promise.” She cupped Tiffany's face and kissed her lips before turning them around so that Tiffany would be lying down.

She kissed her forehead. “We would be in one another's arms.” She kissed her nose. “We would be saying ‘I love you’ every day.” And then TaeYeon kissed her cheek. “Our hands will be intertwined like this.” She then locked their hands together and kissed it.

Tiffany smiled with watery eyes. She pulled TaeYeon by the collar with her free hand. “Kiss me, TaeYeon–ah.”

“With pleasure.” Was all that TaeYeon before she crashed her lips on Tiffany’s.

Their intertwined hands remained next to them. “I love you.” Tiffany mumbled against their moving lips.

“I love you, too. Forever.”

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