Birth Rectification

February 10, 2017 | Author: 48mnmani | Category: N/A
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L.Y.Rao: K.P.Astrologer, 202,”La-Vista”, Plot 132, Shivaji Park, Rd.#2,MUMBAI-400028 Tele: +92 22 24467314 ; CELL: 9820600875

RECTIFICATION/CORRECTION OF BIRTH TIME It is the experience of almost all of us that no Birth is recorded correctly with regard to the exact hour,minute and second…for a variety of reasons…mainly because in different parts of India different parameters are followed…for example the correct TOB could be at the Time: 1) 2) 3) 4)

When the head is seen…or When the delivered infant touches the ground or delivery table...or When the umbilical chord is severed…or At the first breath of the infant usually at the time of the first cry…(the obstetrician is Is whentothe infant to by ‘live hisand own’… known hold the begins newborn hison feet give a sharp slap to elicit the cry…) as that

As per K.P. this is the correct TOB when the infant has to breath in order to cry… ! This is very difficult, as both the Nurse and the Doctor are busy cleaning the infant…naturally the best alternative is to use the Rectify the Time of Birth later,using the K.P. System.... Rectification of Birth Time,or the determination of the Exact Time of Birth,has assumed great importance in the present days,because a consultant expects the Astrologer to give his predictions very accurately,and if possible give the exact date and time of an event ,either yet to take place or already taken place… Several methods came to be devised/prescribed by the different systems of Astrology,the old Traditional Astrological Method,the Tajik System,the K.P System,the Cuspal Interlink System of (CIL),Mr.K.Bhaskaran of Madurai,and Khullar’s KCIL ,a slight modification of Bhaskaran’s…. Let us now examine the various methods as per Krishnamurthi Padhdhati…I will restrict our discussion to the easily practicable methods,now made possible by the advent of Computers and improved and very accurate,specially designed Software,which removes the cumbersome calculations of the old systems/methods…like using Ghatis Vighatis and the like … Guruji KSK’s system was inspired on reading and studying in depth Brihat Jataka, by the great Varahamihira…Chapter 26,stanza 17,where a method to arrive at the correct Lagna from the Time of the Query is described…KSK drew inspiration from this…but this Remained ignored and no worthwhile research was made for the past so many years… ! After a great deal of experimentation KSK,discovered that the Time Of Birth and the Time when the urge to work out and erect the Birth Chart,and the moment of the query,have a direct relationship, and there can be no two opinions on this score…in other words,thus was born theTHEORY OF RULING PLANETS …and the axiom that at the Ruling Planets at Time of Judgement,or beginning to work, will always govern the Lagna crowning KSK with unprecedented Fame and Glory ! !

The importance of correctness of the Date,Time and Place of BIRTH… The importance and usefuness of the Correct Date and Time of Birth,has increased a great deal,these days…for : 1) Admission to school,

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Appearing at competetive Examinations, Entry into the service in Govt., or Public Sector,and Private sector too… For Insurance purposes… For marriage purposes…horoscope matching etc… For forecasting future events accurately… For helping choose the most suitable Education Qualification/ Profession…

Rectification of Birth Time : A. When the given Time of Birth is suspected to be + or – 20 to 25 minutes from the exact Time of Birth,then the one may resort to a very simple method…Simply adjust the TOB such that the sublord and subsub-lord of the Ascendant appear as the Moon’s star-lord and sub-lord, that TOB thus computed…will be the Exact Time of Birth. B. In all other cases The Ruling Planets at the time of judgement/query,will surely rule the Ascendant …fully...(with due substitution of the nodes)… Note: If one wants to find out the correct position of the Moon,with that query in one’s mind,note the RPs at the TOJ…and write down the position of the Moon,accordingly…

If the correct Birth time is expected/suspected to be more than plus or minus 25-30 minutes,away from the given Time Of Birth(TOB)., then the method is as folows: a) First take the Ruling Planets at the time,when a strong urge arises... b) Then arrange write down the Sign lord,Star-lord, Sublord and subsub-lord of the MOON position at that Time... c) Now re-arrange these as : Sign-Lord,Star- lord,Sub- lord and sub-sublord as the degree in which the Ascendant is posited... d) Now work out the time for this position of the Ascendant,and work out the exact Time... this will be the EXACT per K.P. Principles.. . C. If the expected/suspected TOB is within 25 to 30 minutes,then the method is as follows adjust the TOB such that the Star-lord and the Sub-lord appear as the sublord and sub-sub lord of the Asendant... Such a TOB arrived at,will be the EXACT Time Of Birth...! D. Yet another method is that, whenever one meets with a minor accident or gets a minor cut with a knife or blade...note the EXACT time at that moment,and work out the Lagna at that time,immediately. .. Mysteriously, ,the sublords of the Houses IV,VIII & XII will be appearing as Lagna-lord,Lagna Starlord and Lagna Sublord... ALL MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO TEST THE ABOVE,AND INFORM.

Comments are invited,but should be made only after having tested this out

thoroughly…naturally it is expected only K.P.New Ayanamsa will be employed... ( Most modern SWs have this incorporated. ) Similarly,a large majority of the consulting public is interested in knowing about their prospects in their Profession,Worldly success,or Labha, Financial success/status,and Nidhi or Luck in general…or the Houses I,X,II,XI,VI and IX…respectively… Also, as per the need,the Houses V,VII etc., queries about which are commonly met with,can be analysed with more accuracy and less possible “ inadvertent overestimation”. If a K.P. Astrologer and his client have the time,then a very useful tabulated predictive aid can be made and stored in your computer,as per your personal needs and SW or System used, for future reference and quick assessment in case of any future queries by the client…

THE HORA AND IT’S USAGE … & A NEW, QUICK & EASY METHOD OF RECTIFICATION OF BIRTH TIME. Our ancient Hindu Astrologers had subdivided each Sign of the Zodiac into two halves,and called each division as a Hora . Thus,roughly 1 hour is needed for each Hora to pass the meredian or rise in the East. But Hindu Astrologers did not measure time in hours and minutes.They used Ghatis and Vighatis…One day thus had 60 Ghatis,and each sign,thus takes approximately 5 Ghatis,and half a sign,or a Hora will be about 2 and a half ghatis … The Chaldeans in the remote ancient times had acquired considerable knowledge of the stars and the framing of the Zodiac was done by them…and gathered considerable knowledge about the influence of planets over the people.They also found that certain hours were favourable for certain matters and certain,unfavourable for some matters…This method of prediction is called ‘Hora’…and had laid down certain axioms even before the era of Moses or even “The Book of Genesis”… The Hindus were also aware that certain matters ‘thrive/prosper’ during certain Ghatis,and some ‘fall through’…in certain Ghatis…Without getting into the somewhat tedious calculations involved in working out the the Hora operating during particular hours of the day…a readymade table is available for our convenient select the “good time” for the various activities we would like to undertake,well in advance,and plan for it properly,and accompilsh it with confidence that the outcome will be favourable to one… The different Hora,and the various matters which will prove beneficial if accomplished during that Hora are given below for easy reference…in a table form…this table is to be followed is NOT connected to the time of Sunrise in the place one resides in…and no other elaborate calculations are necessary…You are ALL requested to try it out and experience for yourself… Sun’s Hora : This Hora will be strong on Sundays and Sun-star-days and whenever the Sun is strong,like for example,it is exalted or in it’s own Sign and posited in it’s own Stars Uttarashada,Krittika and Uttara Phalguni…The Sun governs vitality,immunity and speedy recovery…hence this Hora is favourable to take medecine,undergo surgery,sign contracts with the Govt., submit application to Medical Colleges…appeal or make a request for promotion,file a Police complaint,enter into politics,initiate Mantras etc… Moon’s Hora : Moon owns Cancer,is strong on Mondays,and Rohini,Hasta and Sravana star-days…and also when Moon occupies it’s esaltation/own Sign and occupies the kendras from the Lagna. Approach people during the Moon’s Hora,even the strong-willed will yield especially a Lady Officer superior to you… for a favourable outcome of your problem/s.Make purchases of pearls,jewels,corals etc.. Good time to start a business in milk and dairy products,especially on Fridays…Saturdays for Ice-cream etc.Sarting a petrol pump or kerosene business should be started on a Monday and Rohini star-day…ideally in Godhuli Lagna…Musicians should select the Moon’s Hora on Mondays or Fridays and so on…Good for taking up service in the Defence Services…Make Plans Or Schemes during Moon’s Hora only for grand success due to dawning of brilliant ideas…

Mars’ Hora : Mars is strong on Tuesdays,governs the Signs Aries and Scorpio,and Mrigarshirsha,Chitra and Dhanishta star-days…Mars posited in Capricorn,is exalted,if posited in it’s own star and own sub,it is in the most potent position…and especially if it is the Xth House …during the Hora of Mars… It is auspicious for the C-in-C of an Army to prepare for war,favourable time to file a suit in a court of Law…and if arguments are made during Mars Hora,it facilitates a win.Mars Hora is favourable to reasch a compromise/settlement,purchase land,buildings especially on Saturdays… Use of manure,purchase surgical instruments,on the day ruled by the lord of the XIIth House. Join duty as a Judge,or take the oath of office Thursday is beneficial..Fridays are beneficial for executive officers of temples,churches,mosques,colleges,schools and also to take sanyas or “take the vows. Those who sign and/or purchase property between 08-00 AM and 10-00 AM having their SUN posited in the XIIth bhava,will not enjoy the appreciation of land value,as the Govt.,will Acquire the land…whereas,those who purchase property on Sundays and Tuesdays,between 08-00 & 10-00 AM(and having Sun in the Xith),will get the full advantage of the rise in price … Mercury’s Hora : Mercury owns Gemini & Virgo,is strong on Wednesdays,and when the rising Sign is Gemini and/or Virgo and any of it’s stars,Aslesha,Jyeshta and particularly Revati is rising… Merc Hora is the ideal Hora for admitting a child to school/college…a very important tip to follow…Take up appointments as a teacher,professor,accountant,auditor mathematician on Thursdays in Merc Hora…Purchase a lottery ticket/bonds/securities/shares/prize bond(s),on a Wednesday during Mercury hora,OR on the day of the Xith lord during Merc Hora… Float a Company or undrwrite during Mercury Hora for best results…Important Documents should preferably br drafted during Mercury Hora… Neurasthenic patients and those who suffer from Vit. B deficiency should begin treatment during Merc Hora for best results…It has been found that genrally,those who commit forgery or fraud,do it on Saturdays in Mercury Hora or on Wednesdays in Saturn Hora…Important documents drafted during Mercurh Hora will prove advantageous…and so on… Jupiter’s Hora : Jupiter is strong on Thursdays,or when Moon transit’s the stars, Poorvabhadrapada 1st to rd 3 padas,and Jupiter owned Signs Sagittarius and Pisces,and whentransitting Punarvasu or Vishakha stars...or, when Moon transits Cancer…the exaltation Sign of Jupiter… Approach people for favours ,and if one wants a loan or over-draft facilities from a Bank, approach the proper authorities during Jupiter Hora,chances of success are maximised… If Jupiter is a benefic for you(as per K.P.),and you are running Jupiter’s Dasa,remember to meet Ministers or high Govt. Officers during Jupiter Hora for best results… Dealers in Gold & Silver,should open a new Branch on Thursdays during Jupiter Hora when Jupiter is in direct motion…good nusiness will be assured… Similarly,prefer Jupiter Hora to take treatment,purchase a new vrhicle especially on Friday…Refrigerators on Saturdays during Jup Hora,invest in Shipping or Petrol Co.,shares on Mondays,during Jup Hora. Open a Bank account/take a junior auditor’s post,during Jup Hora.Take an Insurance Policy on Saturdays during Jupiter’s Hora…your endowment policy will mature and you will enjoy the benefits…BUT,if the Insurance Agent obtains the signature of the person on a Life Policy,during the conjoined period of Saturn and Mars,the Insurance Company will lose heavily,whereas it will prove to be a Fortune for the beneficiaries/family members of the native…who has signed his policy during Mars Hora on a Saturday or Saturn Hora on a Tuesday…! For laying Foundation stone for Hospitals Jup Hora on Sundays… buildings for Police ,Military, Courts, Shipping offices,Mondays . For

Industry,Educational Institutions,All India Radio station,Textiles,Engng.,etc., Wednesdays. Legal Dept.,Temples,Churches,Mosques and Charitable Institutions,Thursdays… For Animal husbandry,Food Dept.,Agriculture Dept.,Tea Board,prohibition dept.,Gold decontrol on Jupiter Hora on Fridays…Insurance Corporations,Labour Dept.,Mines & Minerals Dept.,, Retrenchment,Intelligence Dept.,Quarters for :Refugees due to Famine,Flood and other Natural Disasters,for servants…slaughter House etc.. on Saturdays… Venus Hora : Very strong for Venusian matters,on Fridays,or,days when Moon transits Bharani,Purvashada and Purvaphalguni stars…or when Moon transits Taurus,Libra or Pisces(the exaltation sign of Venus)…When Moon transits in Venus’s star,one commences to do matters signified by Venus knowingly or unknowingly…and success is sure…Peace and Prosperity,as also Harmony and Happiness are promised. Select Venus Hora to meet an Officer who is impatientor a hard task-master,and moody…you will find him calm and co-operating…Even a militant,arrogant,foolhardy and rash person will give a patient hearing and will be helpful…Tempers are cooled during this Hora… Write love-letters during Venus Hora,you will succeed beyond your expectations…If you receive a reply/ letter ,do not make haste,wait till Venus Hora operates,you will be surprised…Now you will ask,”she has already written the letter and posted it,how can the Hora change its contents ? The Answer is simple…knowingly or un-knowinglyyou can open the letter at ant Hora… If it is Saturn Hora,she will express her inability to meet you and she will fix a date,some other time/date…If it is Mars Hora,thetone of the letter will upset you…you could think of ‘forgetting’ the whole affair…but if it be Venus Hora,she will fix a date for dinner,movie,party Or meeting at an unfrequented place…etc…It follows that one should select Venus Hora if you desire to cultivate a true and lasting relationship..or love… Also, select Venus Hora to purchase jewels,silk sarees,costly dress,scents and other beauty aids. Also,this hour will be helpful if you want to sever relations with anyone… READY-TO-USE TABLE OF HORAS FOR EASY REFERENCE :

EASY METHOD OF RECTIFICATION/VERIFICATION OF CORRECT TIME OF BIRTH This is a method,based on K.P. System blended with Numerology… The method is simple and accurate and has been tested in a large number of charts…This formula is based on one’s hierarchy in one’s Family…Forst issue,second issue,thied issue and so on…

HIERARCHY First Issue Second Issue Third Issue Fourth Issue Fifth Issue Sixth Issue Seventh Issue Eighth Issue Nineth Issue


SUB-LORD OF LAGNA Kethu,Mars or Sun Venus,Moon,Merc Jupiter Rahu Mercury Venus Kethu Saturn Mars

The above info can be effectively used to check for correctness or correct a given Birth Chart… Suppose if the Lagna sub-lord is in retrograde motion reject it,and take the star-lord of the Ascendant,which if also is in retrogression, take the Sign-lord… The Ascendant’s sub-lord and it’s star-lord is also taken into consideration…Rapt conjunction of the sub-lord of the Ascendant with some other planet may also be the sublord…for example,if the sublord of the Ist cusp is Mars,who is in rapt conjunction with Jupiter,the native could be the third

issue…(and Jupiter in numerology indicates 3.)Mars giving power to Jupiter… Also the dispositor of Rahu or Kethu should not be overlooked.For example, if the Ascendant cusp is Rahu posited in Sign Leo, he may be the First issue,if the dispostor of Rahu is Sun… After we fix the sub-lord of the Ascendant,we can arrive at the TOB…Similarly we can also fix the correct TOB of the spouse taking the 7th cusp for consideration next… LONG LIVE KRISHNAMURTHI PADHDHATI

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