Birch in The Boudoir

June 26, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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A WORD TO THE READER You will readily believe that the letters you are about to read were never intended or   !ubli"ation# They were lately e$"han%ed between a handso&e' lusty youn% %entle&an o  so&ee thi so& thirty rty su&&er su&&erss and a &i &is"h s"hiev ievous ously ly !retty !retty beauty beauty who had (ust (ust "o& "o&!le !leted ted her  nineteenth year# As the letters the&selves will show' both these riends are !ersons o the inest breedin% and the &ost a&iable liveliness o &ind# I have )nown handso&e Charlie and !retty *i++ie or lon% enou%h to assure you that the events whi"h this "orres!onden"e relates are utterly worthy o belie# Ater several &onths o  &y ur%in% the&' they have at last !la"ed these !a!ers in &y hands with ull !er&ission to "o&&uni"ate the& to the world# They &a)e one sti!ulation' with whi"h any sensible &an or  wo&an &ust "on"ur, the ull na&es and titles o &y youn% riends are not revealed# Do you de!lore their reti"en"e- *et &e tell you then that both Charles and *i++ie are  !ersons o so&e "onse.uen"e# /o' alas' the &ost earul s"andal &i%ht result ro& a too i&!etuous revelation o their identities# *et &e say only that the ather o our hero is entered in Bur)e0s 1eera%e' while our heroine was !resented at "ourt in the se"ond su&&er o the new 2in%3s rei%n# I you have the "uriosity and dili%en"e' you &ay thus iner their na&es ro& the  !eera%e' the "ourt "ir"ular' "ir"ular' and the details o the letters the& the&selves# selves# I will not detain you a &o&ent lon%er than need be ro& the a&orous roli"s and in%enious or%ies whi"h these two riends witnessed# Yet I &ust say a word as to how these re&ar)able letters "a&e into bein%# 4y riend Charlie' a s"a!e%ra"e lad ro& youth' is una")nowled%ed by his noble ather and so lives by his wits# As the irst letter relates' he was redu"ed to see) e&!loy&ent at a "ountry &ansion where wayward %irls were tau%ht the arts o the sewin% roo& and the dis"i!line o  the stable# stable# By the e$a&! e$a&!le le o 4iss 4iss 4artin 4artinet' et' he irst irst obs observ erved ed the a&orous a&orous e ee"t e"tss o  "hastise&ent u!on a ris)y youn% lady# Whatt o our Wha our beauti beautiul ul *i++ie *i++ie-- /he had a""o& a""o&!an !anied ied her at ather her'' who was Britann Britannia3 ia3ss  !leni!otentiary in an Arabian territory# territory# A noble 1asha' o Euro!ean edu"ation' &ade her  "hivalrously wel"o&e# As the A&bassador3s dau%hter' she was sae ro& all har&' yet as a wo&an she was !er&itted to assist at the !leasures and !unish&ents o the hare&# I&a%ine her sur!rise and deli%ht on indin% that the sera%lio was well sto")ed with En%lish %irls as well as with those o war&er "olours5 Charlie and *i++ie en(oyed the "lose &utual atta"h&ent whi"h &i%ht e$ist between brother  and sister# As a !enniless adventurer' it was vain or hi& to ho!e that her a&ily would a""e!t hi& as her suitor# /o' when they !arted ro& one another' they a%reed to e$"han%e letters' detailin% all those a&usin% in"idents o a se$ual and dis"i!linary nature whi"h "a&e their  way# The "lose lin) o "hastise&ent and eroti" e$"ite&ent was a to!i" they had dis"ussed oten and with %reat as"ination# You Yo u &ay i&a%ine i &a%ine how interestin% their t heir "orres!onden"e !roved to be5 Yet Yet I have no wish to &islead the world# I stron%ly advise that these letters should not be read by the !rudish or the narrow6&inded# They will be sho")ed by the &ere si%ht o a %irl o!enin% her le%s or a su""ession o lovers7 what will they say when a !retty !u!il ta)es her &aster3s !assion in her  &outh- Could they endure the si%ht o a youn% wie ta)in% her lover3s tool surre!titiously in her botto&- They will wi ll a!!rove' !erha!s' o the whi!!in% o Tania and 8anessa# 8anessa# Yet Yet with what horror will they then see the two na)ed %irls &a)e love to%ether' lyin% head to tail' usin% in%ers and ton%ues5 With that word o warnin%' I will detain you no lon%er# Charlie and *i++ie shall s!ea) to you now' tellin% their stories with the lively li vely enthusias& o youth#


*ETTER 9 :REY/TONE/' ;< A1RI* 9=>? 4y dearest *i++ie' O "ourse you3ll say I3ve been ne%le"tin% you' &y sweet# Or will you thin) &e downri%ht la+y- @Where is the letter he !ro&ised-@ you wonder' and a rown wrin)les that beautiul  brow o yours5 But that is nothin% "o&!ared to the astonish&ent with whi"h you will read the address ro& whi"h I write# :reystones5 What "an your very own Charles be doin% as assistant in a reor&atory or wayward youn% wo&en- or' alas' I a& only the assistant here# It is @4iss 4artinet'@ as the %irls "all her' who rules the establish&ent# *et &e e$!lain' &y love# On that dreary day o our se!aration' when your a&ily es"orted you ro& our last rende+vous at the :rosvenor Hotel to the boat6train at 8i"toria' I was at &y wits3 end# Beret o you' and well6ni%h !enniless' I went ba") to &y roo&s in ennyn /treet'  !aid o the "abbie' and &ounted the stairs# I &i$ed a ho") and selt+er' lit a "heroot' and  !ondered on the beastliness o lie# /o lost in %loo& was I that I did not or a ti&e noti"e the envelo!e whi"h the !orter had laid u!on the table# It bore the I&!rint o the a&ily lawyers' Raven and Raven' o :ray3s Inn Wal)# 4y irst rea"tion' you &ay i&a%ine' was to thin) that it &ust be a "o&&uni"ation ro& the ather who' ar ro& a")nowled%in% &e' never had the "ourtesy to &arry &y &other# What the deu"e' I thou%ht' "an the old s)inlint want o &e now- Ain3t he "ut &e o without a sou already- And And ain3t that the worst a "ove "an do to his own lesh and bloodHad the day been "older and the ire lit' I should have tossed the envelo!e into its la&es# Yet' Yet' as it lay there' nothin% was to be lost by loo)in% over the "ontents# What do you thin)' *i++ie- It was ro& old /ilas Raven hi&sel' in his "rabbed lawyer3s s"ri!t5 He !resented his "o&!li&ents to &e6the irst ti&e the old devil had ever done so6and  be%%ed &y attendan"e at his "ha&bers at &y earliest "onvenien"e# There' he !ro&ised' I should learn soðin% to &y advanta%e#  Now' &y sweet' all that tosh is a lawyer3s way o tellin% a ellow that there3s a !o")etul o  soverei%ns waitin% i only he3ll have the %oodness to et"h 3e&# I was down the stairs .ui")er  than old :ladstone3s hand u! a whore3s s)irt' or I had s"ar"ely )nown where &y ne$t &eal was "o&in% ro&# I hailed a hanso& "ab' "la&bered aboard' and o we went to :ray3s Inn Wal)' Wa l)' with harness a6(in%le and hooves "lo!!in%# I you you never never &eet /ilas /ilas Rav Raven en you you won3t won3t &iss &iss &u"h6 &u"h6he3 he3ss a s!ite s!iteul ul old devil devil o the  !rose"utin% )ind# A %hastly %ri&a"in% !hi+' li)e a dose o ri%or &ortis# To &y a&a+e&ent' thou%h' he had set out a tray o %lasses and a bottle o ine old 4adeira on his des) beore &y arrival# Hallo' says I to &ysel' here3s a ru& %o and no &ista)e5 As the old loon went drivellin% on' it a!!eared he was tal)in% about &y Un"le Brandon' an e""entri" old bird' who was &y :uv3nor3s brother# I )new little enou%h o Un"le Brandon' whose lie was va%uely des"ribed as @ra")ety@ and who had s!ent &u"h o it in orei%n !arts# When /ilas Raven' our "adaverous old brie' inor&ed &e that &y revered un"le had %one to a better !la"e and let &e !ossessed o his entire estate' I "ould s"ar"ely believe &y ears# That Un"le Brandon3s drin)in% and whorin% had &ade hi& ri!e or !lu")in% I never doubted# Yet Yet I had no idea he had even heard &y na&e' let alone &a)e &e his sole heir# 4y irst i&!ulse was to &il) old /ilas Raven or a ew hundred soverei%ns on the s!ot# Yet it was not to be# The "lose6isted senior !artner o Raven and Raven read &y thou%hts# He avoured &e with a %rin that would have loo)ed unbe"o&in% even on a stoat# @There is6ahe&56there is a "ondition attendin% the le%a"y o your late un"le# /hould you ail to ulil it' the entire inheritan"e is to be oreited and the &oneys a!!lied to the /horedit"h Reu%e or 1enitent 4a%dalens#@ Did you ever read in story boo)s' *i++ie' how a ellow3s blood is said to run "old- I never  )new the &eanin% o it till that &o&ent# What need had 1enitent 4a%dalens o the &oney "o&!ared to &y own- The senile old "ur&ud%eon %rinned at &e li)e a s)ull# @You will be"o&e !ossessed o the unds held in trust when you have s!ent si$ &onths in %ainul e&!loy&ent' !re"isely a""ordin% to your late un"le3s instru"tions# /hould you ail####@ :ainul e&!loy&ent- I was not even sure' (ust then' .uite what the ter& &eant# A "ha! who bets a sov or two on the na%s' or lays a wa%er at ba""arat' &ay %ain# Then a%ain' he &ay lose# I need not have worried' however# 4y Un"le Brandon had let &e no "hoi"e# @:ainul e&!loy&ent5@ sneered old /ilas Raven# @On 4onday ne$t you will ta)e u! your   !ost as Assistant Dire"tor o :reystones e&ale Reor&atory on the /usse$ "oast# You will re&ain thus o""u!ied until urther instru"tions' "onided to &e by your un"le' are %iven you#@ @*oo) here5@ said I "rossly' @su!!ose they won3t have &e at this !la"e' wherever it isDa&&it' it ain3t (usti"e to bil) a ellow o his inheritan"e when he "an3t do what3s ordered#@ @Have @Ha ve no ear' ear'@@ answer answered ed the old swine swine sotly sotly'' @your @your un"le un"le was a benea benea"to "torr o the


:reystones "harity# Arran%e&ents Arran%e&ents are already &ade or you#@ @The devil they are5@ said I' .uite ta)en aba")# @8ery un"on%enial to a shitless youn% &an o your habits' no doubt5@ he &ur&ured' @yet &a)e no &ista)e' sir5 ail to ulil the "ondition and I will see you "ut ro& your un"le3s will5@ He would too' I never doubted that5 /o I let his "ha&bers' des"ended the stee! wooden stairs o the old buildin%' and turned away under the broad trees o :ray3s Inn Wal)' whi"h were (ust then "o&in% into early lea# All the way ba") to er&yn er&yn /treet in the "ab I tried to !u++le out why a randy old un"le I had never seen should leave &e all his s!ondooli")s' s!ondooli")s' and on su"h "onditions# "onditions# What "ould it  !ossibly &atter to hi& i I s!ent a ew &onths su!ervisin% the %irls o :reystones' or wor)in% at so&e other !roession' or doin% nothin% at all- Why not leave a "ha! the load o oo' as they say' and be done with it- Why bli%ht his lie by ta)in% hi& away ro& the *ondon season and sendin% hi& o to the seaside' where he &i%ht die o tediu&*i++ie5 *i++ie5 How I wron%ed the ris)y old ellow5 ell ow5 Had I )nown what was to beall &e at :rey6stones' I &i%ht al&ost have heard his lau%hter rin%in% out in the "elestial s!heres at &y ury# ity soverei%ns was orwarded by old /ilas Raven to see &e sae to 1inebourne6on6/ea#  Ne$t &ornin%' I re"eived a letter ro& the Dire"tress o :reystones' )nown to one and all as 4iss 4artinet# I was e$!e"ted on the ollowin% 4onday# The do%"art would be sent to the station to &eet the three o3"lo") train# 1inned to the letter was a list o useul "lothin%' in"ludin% ridin% a!!arel or su!ervisin% the e.uestrian dis"i!line o the %irls# A urther note' whi"h &ade &y brows rise sli%htly' reerred to @instru&ents o "orre"tion#@ /u"h i&!le&ents were !rovided by 4iss 4artinet or her  "ollea%ues# However' i I !ossessed a !arti"ular ty!e o "ane' bir"h' or whi!' and i I !reerred to use this' I &i%ht brin% it with &e# Naturally' the note added' it &ust be ins!e"ted and a!!roved beore I was authorised to use it on the bare botto& o any delin.uent youn% wo&an# I very nearly "ho)ed to death on &y brea)ast toast# With %reat "are' I re6read the senten"e# The words were still there6@bare botto&@6I had not allen vi"ti& to hallu"inations ater all# That was /aturday &ornin%# Already &y re%rets at bein% !arted ro& the *ondon season were di&inishin%' and it see&ed to &e that 4onday "ould not "o&e soon enou%h# Believe &e' *i++ie' it was not the thou%ht o tannin% the bare ba")side o a s"hool%irl o ourteen or a runaway youn% wie o twenty6ive whi"h thrilled &e# I was !ossessed by thou%hts o what else &i%ht ha!!en on"e I was !rivile%ed to see the& sli! their )ni")ers down and !ose or &e# By noon on 4onday &y ba%s were !a")ed and se"ured' all &y !ossessions "ra&&ed into the&' as I waited with i&!atien"e or the "ab that was to ta)e &e to 8i"toria# The hal6!ast6 twelve train was !ro&!t to the &inute# /eated in the dinin% "ar' I wat"hed the houses o  1i&li"o and Balharn s!eed !ast# /oon we were out in the "ountryside o Croydon and 1urley' trees and hed%es lashin% by# By brea)in% into old /ilas Raven3s ity sovs' I s!orted a bottle o Chateau Roths"hild and a irst6r irst6rate ate s!read# s!read# I snie snied d &y !ost6! !ost6!ran randia diall brandy brandy and s&o)e s&o)ed d a "i%ar "i%ar as we !ulled !ulled in towards *ewes under the %ra"eul "urve o the /usse$ downs# By three o3"lo") I stood on the  !lator& at 1inebourne' breathin% in the "lean shar! air o the sea' whi"h lay (ust beyond the town# I )new 4iss 4artinet at irst %lan"e# /he was .uite tall' and s&artly dressed with a loo)  whi"h one "alls @handso&e#@ Nearer thirty6ive than orty' she wore her brown hair in a so&ewhat old6ashioned "oiure# Her &anner was well edu"ated and !leasant# /he &i%ht e.ually well have been a youn% widow or' as !roved to be the "ase' a lively &inded s!inster  with a !redile"tion or bendin% wayward youn% wo&en to her will# We drove to%ether in the do%"art' e$"han%in% !leasantries# 1inebourne was an a%reeable  !la"e' I su!!osed' with its tree6lined sho!!in% streets and its ele%ant' broad6!aved 4arine 1arade# The reshly !ainted !ier' the bandstand' the orna&ental %ardens with their yellow  bloo&s in lower' lay beside a .uies"ent sea# Wou ould ld you i&a%ine :reystones :reystones as so&e %ri& ortress ortress o ven%ean"e' ven%ean"e' *i++ie- How wron% you would be5 Thou%h surrounded by a hi%h wall' whi"h the ni&blest da&sel would never  s"ale' the house and %rounds were deli%htul# The house itsel a""o&&odated thirty !enitent 4a%dalens' as old /ilas Raven &i%ht "all the&' thou%h their &isde&eanours were &ore varied than the ter& i&!lies# This e$tensive villa was li%ht and airy' rontin% onto orna&ental %rounds# Beyond the )it"hen %ardens at the rear stood the stable blo") with its little "lo")  tower# To one side o the %rounds rose the s&ooth tur o the downs' whose "lis ell sheer to the tide# On the other side there was a %entle slo!e' where the resinous s&ells o war& !ine led down to the ri!!lin% waters o the bay#


I too) tea with 4iss 4artinet' who' be"ause o &y un"le3s "haritable interest in :reystones' treated &e &ore as a %uest than as an e&!loyee# 1resently' however' she be%an u!on one sub(e"t whi"h had already "rossed &y own &ind# @You will ind'@ said she' @that in su"h a !la"e as this there are "ertain ro&anti" !assions whi"h develo! between so&e o the %irls# A ew o these are %enuine ae"tions' others are  basely "ri&inal# I "annot advise you whether to !er&it or !unish su"h inatuations# It &ust be at your dis"retion# Whatever your de"ision' you &ay de!end u!on &y su!!ort#@ @I shall be %rateul or that' &a3a&'@ I said' swallowin% &y tea hard# The "u! rattled nervously in the sau"er' as I sat on the ed%e o the little "hair in her drawin%6roo&# @/o&e %irls'@ she "ontinued' rather sel6"ons"iously' @are also liable to develo! "rushes or   !assions u!on any &an in the establish&ent# You' You' I a& sure' will best )now how to deal with that# They are also %iven to inventin% stories about his a"tivities# Have no ear' thou%h' your  word in su"h &atters will always !revail with &e#@ @I shall strive to t o be worthy o su"h trust'@ I %as!ed wea)ly# @As or the other &atter' &atter'@@ she &ur&u &ur&ured red'' @whate @whatever ver "ours "oursee o a"tion a"tion you eel eel to be ne"essary in &atters o "hastise&ent &ust be a de"ision or you alone#@ As she s!o)e' 4iss 4artinet loo)ed at &e a"ross the tea table with a new de!th o &eanin% in her "lear %rey eyes# @I shall not interere with your wishes in the &atter'@ she went on' @e$"e!t to assure you that the use o the rod is' !arado$i"ally' the )indest or& o "orre"tion in the end# A sin%le severe !unish&ent &ay save a wayward youn% wo&an ro& evil ways and re!eated !enalties later on#@ 3T& obli%ed' &a3a&'@ says I' aw)wardly aw)wardly'' @deu"ed obli%ed or that#@ 4iss 4artinet s&iled )indly at &e# @Then we understand one another'@ she said .uietly# @I )new that i your Un"le Brandon "hose you as his heir he was "ertain that you would it in with our way o doin% thin%s at :reystones#@  Now' *i++ie' it &ay be that 4iss 4artinet understood' as she s he !ut it# I3ll be da&ned ii I did5 /till I sensed' don3t you see' so&e %ood s!ort ahead6(ust ahead6(ust the )ind that you and I love to hear  o5 Beyond the la"e "urtains o her u!stairs drawin%6roo&' the sun shone u!on waves that were %reen as %lass# Distantly' ro& the bandstand on the 4arine 1arade' "a&e sounds o  re%i&ental brass# @To&orrow &ornin%'@ said 4iss 4artinet' @you shall &a)e your ins!e"tion# It was your  un un"l "le3 e3ss wi wish sh th that at we shou should ld &a)e &a)e you wel" wel"o& o&ee he here re## I an and d the the %irl %irlss we were re'' u! u!on on his his instru"tions' to oer you every a"ility# Every a"ility#@ /he loo)ed at &e' as she re!eated those words' with that sa&e de!th o &eanin% whi"h had &ade &y heart beat aster a ew &o&ents beore# Ah' *i++ie5 To&orrow &ornin%5 What tales shall I have to tell you when I ta)e u! &y !en to&orrow evenin%- or the !resent' as the la&! burns low' I bid you a lovin% %oodni%ht and re&ain' Your own adorin% Charles

*ETTER ; :REY/TONE/' ;? A1RI* 9=>? 4y dearest *i++ie' How dierently &ust we thin) o &y Un"le Brandon ater &y adventures today5 Yo You u &i%ht easily believe he had owned :rey6stones64iss 4artinet and the %irls in"luded6and that it was a !rivate sera%lio with 4iss 4# as a duenna5 Ater brea)ast &y hostess led &e a"ross the sunlit lawns to the bri") stable with its white "u!ola and "lo")# @We have two %rou!s o %irls at :reystones'@ she said !roudly' @irst' the &ore reined youn% ladies who are tau%ht sewin% or e&broidery' and se"ond' the youn% wo&en trained to be stable6%irls#@ @Oh' aye'@ says I to &ysel' @bu$o& youn% trollo!s well &ade or vi%orous ridin% and saddle wor)5@ @Beore you !ro"eed to deal with our youn% ladies'@ went on 4iss 4#' @you &ust irst  !rove yoursel with these sau"y A&a+ons# That was always your un"le3s rule#@ @Was it' by ove5@ I said# @Then I shall strive to be worthy o it5@ To s!ea) well o Un"le Brandon is to win 4iss 4#3s heart# Do you su!!ose' &y sweet' that she had su"h a le"h or the old ellow as to su!!ly hi& with youn% illies to ride at :reystones@I shall !ut two youn% wo&en in your "har%e at irst64a%%ie and Noreen'@ said she# @They need nothin% less than a &an3s absolute authority# or that reason' your dear de!arted un"le wished you to aid our %ood wor)s#@


I s&iled at the old ellow3s sin%ular notion o %ood wor)s# A &o&ent &ore and we entered the &ain stable door' viewin% a well6)e!t interior o red tilin%' white6!ainted rails' and neatly  !iled straw# s traw# 4iss 4artinet !ointed out 4a%%ie and Noreen to t o &e' &ar)in% the be%innin% o  &y re&ar)able a".uaintan"e with the&# I will not burden you with &ore than the brieest des"ri!tion o the two %irls# 4a%%ie was to !rove a "asual and "areless youn% slut "o&!ared with the starin% insolen"e o Noreen# What shall I say o 4a%%ie- Her %olden6blond hair hun% strai%ht and loose to her shoulders and was !arted on her orehead in a lon% rin%e# /he was twenty6three years old' I learnt' the  !ale oval o her a"e &ar)ed by eatures whi"h were ir& and !erha!s a little "rude# Yet you would ad&ire her blue6%reen eyes and the lashes whi"h she dar)ens so s)ilully# 4a%%ie is a  bewit"hin% "o&bination o the bra+en slut and the inno"ent "hild# /he is ir&ly built' thou%h not tall# Her la") o hei%ht %ives her a "oltish' al&ost sto")y a!!earan"e# Yet her thi%hs are taut and her hi!s ir&ly "overed without bein% at# Her breasts are sotly hun% and 4a%%ie3s  botto&6"hee)s have the tri& &aturity o wo&anhood# Thou%h she wears no weddin% rin%' I3ll wa%er that 4a%%ie3s "unt has been well ridden#  Noreen' by "ontrast' has an i&!udent stare and a resentul &anner# This This !leases &e' rather' or it will oer a&!le !rete$t or dis"i!line5 Noreen is a trollo! o nineteen with no "lai& to reine&ent# Would you !i"ture her to yoursel- You &ay do so easily# I&a%ine .uite a tall' ir&ly &ade %irl' her dar)6brown hair worn strai%ht and lan) to the level o her "ollar and "ut in a level rin%e on her orehead# Add to this a set o stron%' air6s)inned eatures and brown eyes o la+y &alevolen"e# 4en who li)e a well6&ade illy to stra! between the sshats hats o love3s "hariot would stien at the si%ht o Noreen in her ti%ht wor)in% !ants and sin%let# ir& youn%  breasts and strai%ht ba") are da&!ly outlined by "lin%in% blue "otton# Now observe her ro& the waist down, her belly is .uite lat' her !ubi" &ound a %entle swell# Her thi%hs are taut and li%htly &us"led' as i ro& wor) or e$er"ise# Noreen3s botto& is "ertainly .uite bi%6"hee)ed  but without any sur!lus at# @Deal ir&ly with the&' 4r# Charles5@ said 4iss 4artinet sotly# @Be worthy o your Un"le Brandon5 Re&e&ber' you are absolute &aster here# Not a word shall be heard a%ainst you ro& these %irls5@ There were two %roo&s and several stable6boys stable6boys to assist &e in &y tas)' whi"h see&ed to  be no &ore than doin% as I li)ed with the two %irls5 A roo& had been set a!art or &e at one end o the stable' and it was well a!!ointe a!!ointed d with a hu&idor hu&idor o "i%ars "i%ars and a de"anter o luid whi"h loo)ed' s&elt' and tasted li)e the inest old &alt5 ro& this !oint o vanta%e' I settled down to wat"h 4a%%ie throu%h the o!en door# The youn% blonde was layin% out the saddle harness or ins!e"tion by the %roo&s# In doin% this she was also in the !ubli" view# On that side the stable wall is the boundary o the :reystones estates' the windows loo)in% out onto the road' thou%h se"urely set in stone and not to be o!ened# 4en and wo&en who stroll !ast "an wat"h 4a%%ie at wor)# 1erha!s it was this whi"h &ade 4a%%ie su"h an e$hibitionist# irst she ound a bla") wi% in a "u!board and itted it over her own blond hair# It was not an i&!rove&ent' thou%h she  !araded in it' her (aw sla") and her ton%ue runnin% on her li!s# Ta)in% Ta)in% it o at len%th' she du")ed her head and shoo) it to and ro vi%orously' her blond hair lyin% then settlin% at last into !la"e# The stable lads be%an to !lay with her# @Want a %ood %allo!' 4a%-@ they "alled' as they sei+ed her# @Ta)e your !ants ri%ht down' then5@ /he re!lied to the& banterin%ly in a voi"e whi"h was sur!risin%ly sot and liltin%# /he tried to es"a!e by "li&bin% over the harness rail# Her le%s were too short arid the boys "au%ht her as she was astride it# One %ri!!ed her wrists and !ulled her down so that she was lyin% orward alon% it as she straddled# All this was done in !lay' *i++ie# Yet you &ay i&a%ine the a"es o the &en who were  !assin% by and who now !ressed "lose to the windows to observe these !ro"eedin%s# Be"ause 4a%%ie lay orward' astride the rail' the &en outside the window "ould stare at the wei%ht o  the sot youn% breasts han%in% li)e dele"table ruit in her ti%ht' blue sin%let# The wooden rail showed her !ou"hed love6li!s throu%h the strainin% ti%htness o her deni& trousers# Taut but &aturely &atu rely illed out' the ir& "hee)s "hee)s o 4a%%ie3s ba")side a"ed these s!e"tators# s!e"tators# There was su"h wrestlin% between her and the stable6lads5 One o the& stole a )iss ro& her li!s' another  s&a")ed her arse !layully several ti&es throu%h the ti%ht' thin deni&# In th thee en end d it was was 4a%% 4a%%ie ie who who ree reed d he herse rsel# l# Then Then'' "h "hew ewin in% % inso insole lent ntly ly u! u!on on so&e so&e sweet&eat in her &outh' she went to the stable6boy who was her avourite and too) hi& by the hand# Now' it see&ed' she was ready to !ay any !ri"e or true love# /he led the youth  behind a s"reen whi"h stood "onveniently at one end o the stable# I heard the undoin% o her  waist and the whis!er whis!er o 4a%%ie3s 4a%%ie3s )ni")ers bein% !ushed !ushed down to her )nees and then to her  an)les# @*ie down and let &e !lay with it irst' you wi")ed boy'@ she said teasin%ly in her sot


Celti" lilt# @None o the s"hool%irls "an do it as well as I' "an they-@ @Head to tail' 4a%5@ he %as!ed' @!lease5 *et us lie head to tail5@ @Ah5@ whis!ered 4a%%ie' @you ras"al5 I I do that you will &a)e &e ta)e it in &y &outh5@ 3 @Do it' 4a%5@ %as!ed the lad a%ain' @do it all the sa&e5@ s a&e5@ His lon% si%h o "ontent&ent su%%ested that the "oltish youn% blonde' with her "urtains o  li%ht %olden hair' had obeyed hi& in this &atter# @I &ust )iss you between the thi%hs' 4a%%ie5@ he &ur&ured' @while &y in%ers stien those strawberry ni!!les on your white breasts# Was that ni"e when I )issed you there' 4a%Ah' how that &a)es you shudder6the ti! o &y ton%ue runnin% in the love6slit between your  thi%hs# *ie still' 4a%%ie' and let &e do it a%ain# What a sot little "ry5 Anyone would thin) I had !ut you to the torture5@ I listene listened d in stu!e stu!ea"t a"tion ion'' &y deares dearestt *i++ie *i++ie## Was thi thiss the way in whi"h whi"h our En%li En%lish sh reor&atories were run' I as)ed &ysel- /&all wonder that su"h youn% whores as 4a%%ie too) their senten"e with e.uani&ity# @Now your ba")side' 4a%%ie5@ si%hed her adorer# @Did you see how the &en ad&ired you throu%h the window ea"h ti&e they had a view ro& the rear as you bent over in your ti%ht ridin% (eans- What would they li)e to do to you' 4a%' i they had you as a slave %irl- /u")  sotly'' 4a%%ie5 Run your ton%ue about the "herry to!5 Now let &e !ress your !ale seat6"hee)s sotly a!art and ad&ire what lies between# Ah' yes' 4a%%ie5 I you were &y slave %irl' I should be  !itiless in threadin% &y shat into that ti%ht' dar) hole as well# That ri%htens you a little- The thou%ht o it &a)es you stien- To tell you the truth' 4a%' the thou%ht o it &a)es &e stien too5@ /o the lover3s aria "ontinued behind the stable s"reen# As I listened' I loo)ed out a"ross the %reen' 3 slo!in% lawn towards the hed%e whi"h &ar)ed the stee! all o the "li to the waves# It was the only side on whi"h :reystones &i%ht see& un!rote"ted# Yet no youn% da&sel had ever been hardy enou%h to atte&!t a des"ent by that route# Nor' o "ourse' had any randy swain ever &ana%ed to "li&b u! by that way to woo his beloved in her reor&atory bed5 As I loo)ed a"ross the lawns and saw the !ier and bandstand o 1inebourne %litterin% in the sun  beyond' I "ould not hel! wonderin% what the res!e"table bur%hers o the town would eel i  they )new the truth o the reor&atory re%i&e o whi"h their law&a)ers were so !roud# ust then the %roo&s returned# 4a%%ie' who had not nearly "o&!leted her "hores' was senten"ed to be "hastised or her dilatoriness# When the irst %roo& "a&e to tell &e that 4a%%ie was &ade ready to be "aned or idleness' I "ould hardly ind an answer5 I&a%ine how ea%erly the &en who had wat"hed at the window while she wor)ed at the harness dis!lay would have ta)en this o!!ortunity5 I "ould s"ar"ely believe that it was &y own voi"e sayin%' @Ah### yes### indeed# To be sure# 1erha!s' thou%h' on this irst o""asion' you would be %ood enou%h to deal with her or &e#@ A broad s&ile "rossed "rossed the %roo&3 %roo&3ss a"e# a"e# All the !assion !assion whi"h whi"h he had !u&! !u&!ed ed int into o 4a%%ie3s &outh' the love with whi"h he had s!an%led her thi%hs and ba")side' did not restrain his +eal or "hastisin% her# We went into the &ain !art o the tiled stable' where a !added leather ben"h stood at the "entre o the loor# 4a%%ie was stri!!ed to her sin%let' &ade to )neel at one end o the ben"h and lie orward alon% it# Her dis"arded !ants and )ni")ers a  !air o stret"hed "otton bries lay dis"arded on the table# They had tied her blond hair in a short !ony6tail' and I was !leased at that# It enabled &e to wat"h &ore "learly her blue eyes and air6s)inned eatures# I nodded to the %roo&' who &ade the !re!arations re.uired by the :reystones re%ulations# 4a%%ie3s wrists were stra!!ed to the ar end o the ben"h' her waist  bu")led down' and her le%s belted belted ti%htly to%ether (ust above the )nees# All this will sound so severe' *i++ie' that you will s"ar"ely "redit how &u"h !leasure there was or 4a%%ie in her !unish&ent# Yet su"h was the truth' as I dis"overed when I &ade &y ins!e"tion o her beore she was ba&boo3d# I s.uatted down behind her and studied the area whi"h oered itsel as a tar%et to the %roo&# 4a%%ie3s butto")s' ir&ly and ully !resented by her !osture' were stret"hed hard a!art# Both the rear !out o her va%inal !urse and her anal "let were in ull view# I teased our   blond sho! %irl %ently# @You3ve @You3ve been &a)in% love' l ove' haven3t you' 4a%%ie-@ I stro)ed her down the len%th o her "leava%e' between the air6s)inned sturdiness o her butto")s' ti")lin% the rear o her va%inal !ou"h and indin% it &oist# /he was ar away by now' her &outh o!en a little' and her blue6%reen eyes blan)' as i she "ould not hear# Can you %uess the truth' *i++ie- Any o the other sho! %irls !unished in this &anner61at or  ennier or the rest6would have tre&bled at the ordeal# 4a%%ie' however' was a lover o that deli%ht )nown to us as @Bir"h in the Boudoir#@ Even a !rison "anin% was the o""asion or her   !leasure# It is true' is it not' that "ertain %irls' li)e the slave' anina or the :re"ian ny&!h' /arita' have ound !leasure under the rod o their Tur)ish &asters- 4a%%ie was a worthy novi"e5


Already I "ould see that her !ale' ir& thi%hs' in all their sto")y !ower' were s.uee+in% rhyth&i"ally to%ether# It was i&!ossible to !revent' e$"e!t by orderin% her le%s to be stra!!ed a!art# To tell tell you the truth' &y "uriosity was so s o %reat that I "ould not bear to do that# @No wonder the &en wat"hed you as you set out the harness dis!lay dis!lay'' 4a%%ie'@ said the irst %roo&' @i you were &isbehavin% li)e that5@ But the youn% sho! %irl had no sha&e' *i++ie5 I vow she "ontinued with the thi%h6 s.uee+in% and the butto")6"len"hin% as i she "ould not have sto!!ed it or dear lie# The %roo& "ut the air with a trial swish o his ba&boo# Our youn% blonde &asturbatri$ sto!!ed' ro+en in a &o&ent o a!!rehension' and then resu&ed her labours o sel6love# @Thirty stro)es a"ross your bare botto&' 4a%%ie'@ I said sotly' and I nodded to the %roo& to be%in the !unish&ent with the lon% su!!le ba&boo# How the irst stro)e o the "ane ran% out a"ross the ir&' !ale "hee)s o 4a%%ie3s botto&5 /he %as!ed' "ried out' but never "eased to s.uee+e her love6li!s hard between her thi%hs# A%ain the "ane lashed a"ross her seat' and a%ain# /he %ave a sot "ry but it was hard to say whether !ain or !leasure drew it ro& her# The %roo& was .uite !itiless with her# Believe &e' any true dis"i!linarian who had wat"hed 4a%%ie dis!layin% hersel at the window would have a!!roved that# /i$ ti&es the "ane raised a weal a"ross the "hee)s o 4a%%ie3s botto&6and twi"e a"ross the ba")s o her thi%hs# /he "ried out with the hurt and with the !leasure o her  own thi%h6s.uee+in% at the sa&e ti&e# In truth the vi"ious !rison ba&boo was a s&artin% a%ony a"ross the bare "hee)s o her ba")side# Only the swellin% balloon o !leasure in her  own lions enabled her to endure it with su"h insou"ian"e# Ater the irst iteen stro)es' the %roo& handed the "ane to his "ollea%ue or the rest# @Al&ost at the su&&it o your "li&b' 4a%%ie-@ as)ed the se"ond &an# @I shall let you %et there beore I "ane# Then iteen wi")ed stro)es a"ross your ba")side' with no distra"tions5@ 4a% "ried out a%ain' be%%in% hi& to ba&boo her in her !resent state# But he waited until her thi%hs see&ed to beat .ui")ly in their s.uee+in%' li)e sot white win%s# He stood' undid her le%s' and stra!!ed the& a%ain with )nees wide a!art# Then he "aned the i&!udent blonde sho! %irl without "o&!un"tion# I was "ons"ious that the lads she had ro&!ed with earlier had their eyes !ressed to every "hin) and )eyhole in the !la"e# Under the se"ond %roo&3s attentions' 4a%%ie s"rea&ed and her %reen eyes bri&&ed over# Unli)e his !rede"essor' he was a &oralist and no libertine# His ri%hteous an%er brou%ht thin ruby tri")les ro& the new weals a"ross her botto&6"hee)s# At last 4a%%ie lay li&! and %as!in%' her behind blushin% and &ar)ed by swollen stri!es# I stro)ed her blond hair' "al&in% her# @Co&e to &y roo& to&orrow &ornin%' 4a%%ie'@ I said %ently## @You3ll %ently @You3ll be tanned now until the %roo&s are satisied with you# To To&orrow &orrow'' I3ll treat you to so&e soter dis"i!line o &y own#@ Was it !leadin% or was it %ratitude she showed- 4a%%ie' the randy youn% bit"h' bra+enly li")ed &y in%ers in anti"i!ation5 Had she &u"h to be %rateul or- It de!ends whi"h %roo& was the harder to satisy# Was she %iven to the %entler o the two- He would surely allow her  to ride the rubber dildo while his rod &erely sti&ulated her !assion# But 4a%%ie the youn% sho! %irl with her %olden6blond hair tou"hin% her "ollar and rin%ed on her orehead' &i%ht well !rovo)e a %entle' ae"tionate le"hery# Yet the other %roo& see&ed &ore ier"ely !rovo)ed# Was it by the rather hard' "rude eatures in the !ale oval o her a"e' or the blue6%reen eyes with their &as"ara3d lashes- Did her sli%ht sto")iness' the ir& youn% thi%hs and butto")s' &ove hi& even &oreWith the irst lover' 4a%%ie &i%ht !lay out an a&orous "o&edy# I the se"ond was allowed to ta)e her into the ateul roo&' a dar)er dra&a would ensue# It re!resents a &ore so&bre s"ene' shadows allin% on a i$ed blo") where 4a%%ie )neels stra!!ed over it' se"urely %a%%ed# Only her short' bla") sin%let "lothes her# I ear the tale &ust be one o 4a%%ie3s wadded s"rea&s and loodin% tears' her botto& bruised and swollen by weals whi"h will not ade or a wee)# Even then' I sus!e"t' this wielder o the !ony6swit"h )nows no !ity# I wonder whi"h o &y su!!ositions is "orre"t- 1erha!s neither# 1erha!s' indeed' I &ali%n the se"ond ellow# Yet there was a "ertain loo) in his eye# Not that I thin) hi& alone in his in"linations towards su"h a youn% wo&an as 4a%5  Now' &y dearest *i++ie' I send this' &y se"ond letter' to you# As o this &o&ent' you will not have re"eived one# But' when you do' how sweet your re!lies will be to your own adorin%' Charles

*ETTER < :REY/TONE/' ; A1RI* 9=>? 4y own *i++ie'


What a ool5 What a ool he is' I hear you say# To To !ro"ure su"h !leasure or 4a%%ie and her  ad&irers' but never to taste it or hi&sel# Believe &e' &y dearest' you "ould not thin) worse o &e than I did &ysel in that res!e"t# I %roaned all ni%ht at &y olly in havin% let sli! the o!!ortunity to en(oy an evenin% with 4a%%ie# It shall not ha!!en a%ain' I said to &ysel# or  now it was "lear that I was lord and &aster o the youn% wo&en who& 4iss 4artinet6or  rather &y Un"le Brandon6had !rovided or &e# I "ould do anythin% I "hose' to whatever %irl I "hose#  Now the trouble about that state o aairs is that it rather s!oils a ellow or "hoi"e# I &i%ht have s!ent the ne$t si$ &onths &a)in% u! &y &ind and "han%in% it a%ain# I there was one youn% wo&an who unwittin%ly saved &e ro& this' she was Noreen# Yesterday' Yesterday' ater two days o re&orse and inde"ision' I went down to the t he stable6blo") a%ain# The harness had been !olished' and Noreen was rubbin% u! the tiles with a da&! "loth' toilin% away in her white sin%let and wor)in% trousers# 1i"tur 1i" turee her' her' *i++ie *i++ie55 A ir&ly ir&ly &ade' &ade' .uite .uite tal talll %ir %irll o ninete nineteen# en# Unl Unli)e i)e 4a% 4a%%ie %ie3s 3s easy sluttiness' there was a hard deian"e in Noreen3s "lear' !ale eatures and insolent brown eyes# The dar)6brown hair' "ut at the "ollar' ell about her a"e as she )nelt there !olishin%# ro& ti&e to tune' she li")ed her rin%e and shoo) the strai%ht' dar) hair into !la"e# You Yo u &ay be sure that the !assers6by on the !ath were detained by the si%ht o her# What What did they see- A ir&6i%ured youn% trollo! in "lothes so snu%6ittin% that you &i%ht i&a%ine her  na)ed5 The sin%let' as she )nelt on hands and )nees' sha!ed the taut' youn% breasts' whi"h nevertheless (i%%led ni"ely with the vi%our o rubbin% the tiles# The ti%ht' !ale6blue deni& o  her !ants &oulded those lon%' li%htly &us"led thi%hs' so tri& that' when she was on all ours' with )nees !ressed to%ether' to%ether' there was a little s!a"e and li%ht between those taut li&bs# Her  hi!s in this !ose were !erha!s her %reatest attra"tion or the voyeurs' Noreen3s behind bein% .uite bi%6"hee)ed without runnin% to at# The harness stra! round her waist' servin% to )ee! the !ants in !la"e' !ulled the& ti ti%ht %ht over   Noreen3s robust youn% butto")s# As she wor)ed' the "entral (eans sea& was strained li)e a hawser dee! between the "hee)s o Noreen3s botto& and under her le%s# The soter' uller  swell o her lower bu&6"hee)s al&ost "losed over it# Yet it re&ained visible' the ti%ht deni& showin% how the sea& even !arted the li!s o Noreen3s va%ina# Indi%nant at her unwanted ad&irers' she shoo) her hair ba") and loo)ed "oldly 3round at the&' sto!!in% her wor)' !osin% i&&obile on all ours# The sil)6hatted %entle&en s&iled ea%erly at her' ton%ues runnin% over their li!s# /he sat ba") on her heels' reusin% to obli%e the& any lon%er# The %roo& "a&e over to her# @Noreen' you youn% slattern5 To your your wor) at on"e5 Unless you would !reer the %entle&en to see you re!ri&anded5@ I "oness' *i++ie' &y tool be%an to stien both at the si%ht o Noreen and the thou%ht o  trainin% her or &y !leasure# In short' I %ave instru"tions that she and another youn% wo&an were to attend &e in &y roo&# Need I tell you- /he resisted every advan"e# Her a"e was turned away ro& &y )isses# I had intended irst to &a)e Noreen su") &y !enis' )neelin%  beore &e' !rior to swivin% s wivin% her "unt soundly# soundly# Her deian"e was su"h that I eared she &i%ht  bite "lean throu%h it5 /he "ould be won' but she &ust irst re!ent o her hostility# Without urther ado' the %roo&s laid her on the bed' with its leather wristlets se"ure to the ra&e at the head# I she had no taste or love' she should not interru!t others# 4y se"ond "o&!anion "ould only be 4a%%ie# This youn% blond slut with her "oltish sto")iness stood there waitin%' ton%ue !ressed between teeth# /he had hauled u! the ront o  her sin%let and was runnin% a hand over her belly as i to "he") that its sha!e had not been s!oilt# or the rest' she wore the sa&e blue wor)in% (eans as all the other %irls durin% their  labours in the stable' where there is no !la"e or s)irts and !etti"oats# Even Noreen "ould not hel! wat"hin% 4a%%ie undress# That was odd' *i++ie# I vow the two %irls &ust oten have wat"hed ea"h other disrobe# To !revent solitary vi"e in su"h !la"es as :reystones' bath hours and toilet visits are shared by at least two youn% wo&en' as a rule# Will you "oness the truth- To see a %irl undress as"inates wo&en as &u"h as &en5 I drew a "hair "lose to the bed' where Noreen lay and re&oved &y trousers' dis!layin% the ere"tion whi"h had been lon%in% or liberty# Both %irls turned their eyes u!on it as I sat down# 4a%%ie "a&e "lose' shited her ir&' white thi%hs a!art' and see&ed to )now what to do# @Astride &y le%s' 4a%%ie' a"in% &e5 I want to sheathe &ysel very dee!ly between your  le%s# We shall let Noreen drool over the "han"e she has &issed# And you3ll be well !ositioned or &e to en(oy your li!s and breasts' to !lay with your le%s and arse#@ 4a%% 4a %%ie ie lo loo) o)ed ed at &e' &e' ha hard rd an and d la las"i s"ivi viou ous' s' as she she &ove &oved d he herr thi% thi%hs hs wide widerr ye yett an and d "la&bered astride &e# *owerin% her hi!s she tou"hed the )nob with her hole as i by instin"t# I !ut a hand under her and s&iled at the a&ount o sel6lubri"ation# @You @Yo u youn% whore' 4a%%ie5 You3ve You3ve been &a)in% love to yoursel5@


@What i I have-@ /he shoo) her blond rin%e with a hardened i&!uden"e# @Would you li)e to be &ade to do it in ront o the &en who ad&ired you while you were settin% out the harness-@ @Don3t &ind#@ & sure she did &ind' but 4a% was too bra+en to ad&it it# I turned her 3round a &o&ent and was not the least sur!rised by the adin% tra"es o stri!es and one or two s&all bruises on 4a%%ie3s botto&6"hee)s# It was "lear that' when I let ater her !unish&ent the other ni%ht' one o the %roo&s had ta)en t a)en 4a%%ie into another roo& and "aned her vi"iously# @8ery @8e ry well' 4a%%ie'@ I said .uietly' @the ne$t ti&e you3re "au%ht at it' I3ll have you stra!!ed or the !ony6lash on your bare botto&# How do you li)e the !ros!e"t o that-@ or answer' 4a%%ie %ave a little hi! swa%%er and i&!aled hersel astride &e5 /he is &ore o a slut than her riends enny and 1at' but deli"iously lewd as well# /he thrust her ton%ue into &y &outh and be%an to ride the ere"tion# @You @Yo u randy youn% bit"h' 4a%5@ I %as!ed# @I believe you really were tryin% tr yin% to show yoursel  to all the &en who !assed by5@ Her "unt was ti%ht and s&ooth' e$.uisitely so# As I rode to burstin% !oint I also tasted the resh &int in her saliva# @I3& %oin% to "o&e'@ she whis!ered soon# @I3ve been on heat all day or this# I "an3t hel! it# *et &e do it harder5@ Herr (u He (ui" i"ee se see& e&ed ed to be st stre rea& a&in in% % do down wn ov over er &y "o "o") ") alre already ady'' bu butt that that wa wass &e &ere re lubri"ation# /he !ulled u! the sin%let so that I "ould s&ooth her belly with one hand and worry her ni!!les with &y teeth# I )issed her orehead' where the blond rin%e !arted# With &y ree hand I in%ered her arsehole# @You won3t be s!ared that way either' 4a%%ie5 I we have to stra! you bendin% or the lash' the stable6boys won3t be able to resist it5 Re&e&ber that when ne$t you !lay with yoursel5@ 4a% is one o those %irls who are e$"ited e$"ited by violent violent i&a%inin%s# i&a%inin%s# I &ur& &ur&ured ured !ro&ises in her ears o !la"es !la"es where she &i%ht &i%ht be ta)en and %iven to the uns!ea)abl uns!ea)ablee lusts o libertine libertines# s# /he "ried out in her triu&!h' her head han%in% li&!ly over &y shoulder' her hair loose down &y ba")# /hudderin%' she went into one eroti" s!as& ater another# Her s"rea&s' whi"h &i%ht have been !leasure or tor&ent' de"reased at last' and she lo!!ed al&ost senseless a%ainst &e# 2issin% her eyes I tasted tears o relie6 or even rustration# Then I "o&orted her or she was sobbin% .uietly in the rea"tion ro& su"h e$ultation# I )issed her %ently on the ni!!les' on the  belly'' on the war&' ir& "hee)s o her bu&' and then on the li!s a%ain# I led her %ently to the  belly soa and bade her lie there# @You will rest a little' 4a%%ie'@ I said' s&ilin% at her# @You &ust %ather all your stren%th a%ain or the ni%ht whi"h lies beore us# Ah' I see a tear or two in the desolation whi"h ollows su"h (oy5 Have no ear' you shall s"ale the su&&it o !leasure a%ain in a little while5@ I "rossed the roo& to the bed' where Noreen lay# /he was able to %a+e her ill on the sti' sinewy tool' whi"h had lost none o its sa! in the re"ent en%a%e&ent with 4a%%ie# Yet  Noreen3s ir&' !ale eatures were a study in vul%ar indieren"e# /he &erely shoo) into !la"e the level rin%e o the brown hair' whose tresses brushed her "ollar# Wal)in% 3round the bed' I sat down on the ar side# Be"ause Noreen3s wrists were held to%ether at the ar "orner o the head6rail' she bent orward ro& the waist as she lay there on her side# /he wat"hed &e over her shoulder' still with the sa&e dis&issive indieren"e# Be"ause she was "urved orward on her side' her seat was !resented to &e in the &ost su%%estive &anner# Even now she was still %arbed in her stable "ostu&e o white sin%let and ti%ht' !ale6blue ridin% (eans# The broad leather belt !ulled her !ants taut' the deni& stret"hed s&ooth s&o oth over over her ir&' ul ulll butto" butto")s# )s# I str stro)e o)ed d these these two !r !rovo ovo)in )in% % &ound &oundss li% li%htly htly and returned her %a+e# @I should very &u"h li)e to %ive you a %ood "anin% toni%ht' Noreen# Yo Your ur "ondu"t "ertainly &erits it# Unortunately' the rules re.uire &e to enter it in the boo) irst# I shall do so in the &ornin%# In a wee)3s ti&e you will learn the bitter lesson o ba&boo#@ I said this without intendin% to "arry out the threat (ust then' or I wished to see what ee"t the &ena"e would have# I &i%ht have saved &y breath' or she &aintained the sa&e stolid stare# /lowly I drew &y in%er down the stout "entral sea& o her (eans seat# The sea& was drawn dee! and taut between her botto&6"hee)s' their lower atness %ently "losin% over it' then it strained under her le%s' al&ost runnin% between the li!s o her "unt' whose sha!e a!!eared as a sot swell# or the irst ti&e' ti &e' the hard i&!udent stare altered# @You &ust &end your &anners a little'@ I said# @The ne$t ti&e that &en "hoose to ad&ire you' show yoursel than)ul or their lattery l attery## *ie will be hard or you otherwise#@ /he shoo) her rin%e a%ain# @What are you %oin% to do to &e-@ Her irst words were s!o)en %rud%in%ly# @*ittle as you deserve it' Noreen' you shall re"eive love3s eli$ir inside you#@


/he loo)ed uneasy at this' or she eared a swollen belly &ore than anythin% else# @Have no ear'@ I said' it will be in a !la"e where no babies are "on"eived#@ 4y o!en hand was now s&oothin% li%htly over her stra!!in% youn% seat# As the &eanin% o  this !enetrated' she &ade a show o !rotestin% vi%orously# @Don3t be oolish' Noreen# I3& sure soðin% .uite as lar%e has oten !assed that wa way# y#@@ By now I was undoin% her belt and easin% her !ants down to her )nees# A &o&ent &ore' and I was able to ad&ire in their !ere"t nudity the hard6e$er"ised youn% thi%hs and the well6 &ade "hee)s o Noreen3s botto&# @You have yoursel to bla&e'@ I said %ently# @By reusin% the oer at irst' you have earned se"ond6best# Be a sensible %irl and a""e!t what &ust be# 1erha!s you will then en(oy it &ore readily#@ I had no doubt that she was &ore than ready to a""e!t the sa&e tribute as her "o&!anion# "o&!anion# But I vowed to &ysel she &ust not e$!e"t to reuse and de&and so wilully# 4y hands ondled her ir&ly e&inine thi%hs or a &o&ent# Then &y in%ers !layed "a!ri"iously with her nineteen6year6old seat' runnin% over the "hee)s and between the&# /he o!ened her le%s a little# @Do it this way#@ way#@ @Certainly not'@ I said# @A!art ro& the ris) o what &i%ht ollow' you have already reused that oer# I shall not as) a%ain until your re!entan"e is .uite sure#@  Noreen3s ba")side' thou%h bi%6"hee)ed' was not labby' yet there was a atter sotness (ust above her thi%hs# 1ressin% her !ale butto")s a!art with &y hands' I !ondered the ti%ht inward di&!le' so !ere"tly &ade# I stro)ed her seat6"hee)s li%htly# @You3re very well &ade or it in that area' aren3t you' Noreen- I "an s"ar"ely believe this is the irst tune#@ O!enin% a (ar' I lubri"ated &y in%ers and vase6lined Noreen between her butto")s# Then' to her sur!rise I %ot u!# @Do it5@ she said breathlessly' in her uneasy anti"i!ation# @Do it now5@ @*ie there li)e that and wait' Noreen# You3ll be well rewarded when I3& ready# You &ust learn that su"h love6&a)in% as %oes on in this roo& will last all ni%ht# I !ity the &an who &arries you i he is only to %et a ew &o&ents o .ui") ranti" e$"ite&ent e $"ite&ent and then no &ore#@ /o I went a"ross to 4a%%ie' who lay a"in% us with her hands "las!ed between her le%s# /he was %ently and wistully !layin% with hersel# I hel!ed her to turn over so that I "ould then "o&!are the youn% blonde3s rear anato&y with that o her "o&!anion# *i)e Noreen' she shoo) ba") her rin%e and wat"hed &e# @Will you be ready or love3s ha&&erhead to )no") at so ti%ht a !ortal' 4a%%ie-@ I as)ed %ently## @I wonder how you will res!ond when the ti&e "o&es-@ %ently You Yo u &ay easily i&a%ine the res!onse ro& 4a%%ie' 4 a%%ie' with her rather "rude' hard eatures' her  sla") and sluttish &anner# /he shoo) her blond rin%e a%ain in order to turn her head arther  and )iss the )nob o &y tool# All this ti&e' Noreen lay in risin% a!!rehension at what was in store or her# @Do it now'@ she i&!lored' tryin% to twist her ru&! round in our dire"tion' @!lease5@ Here was a "han%e indeed5 *i)e a s"hool%irl who )nows she &ust have the bir"h' Noreen "ould endure the ordeal itsel &ore readily readil y than the a%ony o waitin%# /he wanted it to ha!!en so that it would be over# And yet she dreaded it ha!!enin% at all5 I%norin% her' I allowed 4a%%ie to "lose her &outh over the )nob and its shat' but I orbad her to do &ore or ear o !re"i!itatin% a delu%e# What a hardened youn% slut she is5 /&all wonder that the %entle&en who witnessed her settin% out the harness dis!lay had been so entran"ed5 @1lay with yoursel at the sa&e ti&e' 4a%%ie5@ I said' teasin%ly' and the blonde %irl obeyed at on"e# It was so&e while beore I went ba") to Noreen# /ittin% down on the ar side o the bed a%ain' I tou"hed her where she was so well !re!ared# @Is that the worst o it' NoreenWonderin% Wo nderin% what it will be li)e6Will you be hurt by it- Will you en(oy it- Will it dis%ust you or  e$"ite you- 1erha!s all those thin%s will ha!!en6and !erha!s not5@ I stret"hed &ysel out' "overin% her ro& the ba") so that I "ould ad(ust &y )nob to her  ti%ht rear di&!le# I !ressed a!art the !ale A&a+onian "hee)s o Noreen3s botto&# *ove3s ha&&erhead )no")ed or ad&ission in earnest' yet it was not easy at irst to &a)e headway# The )nob would lod%e in Noreen3s anus and then ind an invin"ible ti%htness# @O!en yoursel or it' Noreen'@ I said %ently' @or will nothin% short o a %ood s!an)in% !ut you in the &ood-@ /he hesitated then# Drawin% ba")' I "ir"led her waist with &y let ar&# 4y ri%ht hand ell in a series o e$!losive s&a")s on ea"h o Noreen3s bu&6"hee)s in turn# I %ave her a do+en well6&easured stin%ers on ea"h# Thou%h it was only with &y hand' she was tensin% and


shitin% her arse des!erately by the end' drawin% her breath in wild %as!s# @There are youn% ladies who "annot abandon the&selves to their lovers without a tannin% to drive the &odesty ro& the&' Noreen'@ I said# @Can that truly be the "ase with su"h a youn% trollo! as you- Are you se"retly ea%er or the !ri") while your heart de&ands the  !rete$t o bein% whi!!ed into sub&ission-@ sub&ission-@ I &ade her )ee! her head turned so that I "ould ad&ire her eatures and the dar) rin%e o  her hair# I now )issed her on the &outh and tou"hed the )nob to the di&!le a%ain# This ti&e I elt Noreen3s arse6hole swell as i tryin% to o!en or &e# 4y )iss u!on her &outh &uled her  shrillness as I went orward with all &y resolve# The ti%ht buttonhole yielded and I !assed throu%h the e$.uisitely narrow !ortals to &y %reat !leasure# @The ull len%th o it u! your behind now' Noreen'@ I said sotly' and %ave it her in one lon% steady !lun%e# With what alar& she "ried out' eelin% it so dee!ly' swearin% that she "ould lo"ate the sensation o the )nob in her bellybutton# @Turn over on your ront a little &ore' Noreen'@ I said' tryin% to reassure her# @*et &e slide a hand under your bare belly to su!!ort you there while I bu%%er you# :ood# /o res!onsive to the !enis inside you- I believe you ind so&e en(oy&ent in it already5@ Havin% turned her over a little' I ound that Noreen wanted to ar"h her ru&! out &ore ully to ease the burden o the !hallus# By %ood ortune' this enabled &e to !ush even arther into her# @Noreen' &y love'@ &y li!s tou"hed her ear# @2ee! your a"e turned to &e# That3s better#  Now (oin in the rhyth& o deli%ht#@ deli%ht#@ I !ulled her sin%let he& well u! so that I "ould loo) down and wat"h &y ere"tion !lun%in% in and out between the !ale "hee)s o her botto&' her rear &us"le stret"hed round its hard "ir"u&eren"e# I rode with a ir&' slow thrust while she lay there' still and tense# As the &i &inut nutes es !assed !assed'' howeve however' r' the sha!e sha!e o the !enis !enis natura naturally lly be%an be%an to sti&ula sti&ulate te "ertain "ertain e$"ite&ents in her' however unhealthy they &i%ht have been# There was a "ertain sli%ht &us"ular &ove&ent# I "au%ht her eye at this# @/till too ti&id' Noreen- Are you araid that you &i%ht da&a%e yoursel yoursel i you %ive your  eelin%s ree !lay- I "an !ro&ise you that you will en(oy it &u"h &ore i you (oin in the dan"e5@ And so she did' her seat risin% to &eet &y thrusts and then drawin% away sli%htly at the withdrawal# /he be%%ed &e or a libation to be !oured out .ui")ly# I elt her anus ti%hten in s&all e$"itin% &ove&ents on &y shat# @We &ust not hurry our !leasures' Noreen'@ I said# Did I dete"t alar& or e$"ite&ent in her   brown eyes at this- Ater ten &inutes I stilled her and &ade her lie .uietly with &y tool e&bedded while !assion "a&e o the boil# Then I allowed her to be%in a%ain# At last I "ould  be denied no lon%er# or saety3s sa)e I &ade her lie still and I steadied her with a hand ea"h side o her hi!s# @A vi%orous inish now' Noreen'@ I said' s&ilin% at her and brushin% her strai%ht' dar) hair   ba") to see her a"e# /he was lyin% with the ed%e o the !illow "len"hed between her tteeth5 eeth5 With lon% stro)es I be%an to !u&! and su") the narrow way o her behind with &y tool# I  !ressed the !ale &ounds o her ba")side hard a!art' so that I &i%ht !lun%e arther and &a)e her eel the e$!losion o lust as dee!ly within her botto& as was !ossible# /he "au%ht her   breath several ti&es as I tou"hed one area then another o !roound sen sensitivity# sitivity# @Do you want to eel the s!er& in your behind now' Noreen-@ /he nodded her head vi%orously' without releasin% the !illow between her teeth# @8ery well' you youn% slut5@ 4y own teeth were set now in &y !assion# @The irst s.uirt o  it dee! in your arse' Noreen5 Ah5 Does that &a)e you .uiver- A%ain5 Noreen' &y love5 How I shall lood your youn% ba")side5 There5 And there5 You youn% whore' Noreen5 Deli"ious youn% whore5 Ah5 Ti%hten on the shat a%ain5 Dele"table5 Noreen5 Ah' Noreen5 Noreen' darlin%5@ With !assion s!ent' I allowed her %ently to s.uee+e &y tool ro& her botto& with sli%ht &us"ular &ove&ents# Its wei%ht lolled sotly a"ross her broad' !ale seat6"hee)s' leavin% a inal trail o !assion# Then I lay there to re"u!erate# I was busy with 4a%%ie an hour later# This youn%' blond &in$' with her ir& sto")y build' had .uite enthralled &e# 4a%%ie was on her ba")' )nees !ulled u!' le%s wide' while I rode into her youn% "unt with renewed vi%our# Noreen had' not unnaturally' been !er&itted to visit the stable "loset# I was still toilin% at 4a%%ie when the other %irl returned# 4a%%ie 4a% %ie shoo) shoo) her blond blond rin%e rin%e6a 6a %estur %esturee li) li)ee Noreen Noreen3s6 3s6and and tur turned ned her a"e a"e ro& ro& &e' &e' wat"hin% the other bed# @4a%' you youn% bit"h5@ I said "rossly' @!ay attention to what I3& doin% to you5@ /he ran her ton%ue round her teeth in a su%%estion o hu&our and loo)ed away a%ain# @*oo) at her' then5@ 4a% whis!ered' in her li%ht' liltin% voi"e#


 Noreen was lyin% on her side' hal o her belly' in the a&iliar !ose# What had 4a%%ie seen- I disen% seendisen%a%e a%ed' d' went went a"ross a"ross'' and loo)ed# loo)ed# What What do you you thi thin)n)- The sturdy sturdy "hee) "hee)ss o   Noreen3s botto& blushed dee!ly# dee!ly# Here and there they bore the &uddy i&!rint o the hard rubber heel o a "anvas %y&nasti" sli!!er# I "ould s"ar"ely understand it# Could it be that' while she was in the toilet "loset' Noreen had !ersuaded so&eone6a %roo& or even a stable6 lad6to tan her hard with a %y&6shoe- Either the heel was da&! or had been s!at u!on or  %reater ee"t# 4a%%ie was standin% beside &e now# @Don3t you see-@ she &ur&ured' @that3s to say how sorry she is# Isn3t it' Nor-@ Believe &e' neither o those two %irls let that sa&e bed durin% the rest o the ni%ht# 4a% su")ed a%ain irst' then Noreen# Ne$t I s!read Noreen3s le%s and brou%ht her to du&b e"stasy# Ater that I would have been envied by so&e o those who ad&ired 4a%3s ni"ely rounded arse6"hee)s as she bent in the stable roo&# Turnin% her over' one hand under her belly to su!!ort her' I s!read 4a%%ie3s botto&6"hee)s and bu%%ered her in turn# The blond hair was  !resented to &e' but the &irror showed her a"e' the hard !ale eatures and !redatory blue eyes under her rin%e# I %uessed it was not her irst ti&e# You will believe &e' dearest *i++ie' when I tell you that the early su&&er dawn li%htened the %arden %ardenss outsid outsidee beore beore our !leasu !leasures res were were "on"lu "on"luded ded## Indeed Indeed'' &y let letter ter was be%un be%un i&&ediately I "a&e ba") to &y roo&s in the house itsel' and is now inished as the &aid  brin%s in &y brea)ast# Will you be too (ealous i I tell you that the &aid is 4a%%ie and that there is a note on the tray ro& 4iss 4artinet- On the brea)ast brea)ast tray there also lies a sli& ba&boo# ba&boo# 4y let hand' the one with whi"h I do not write' %uides 4a%%ie to bend over the des)# /he turns her head aside' the "ollar6len%th hair too# /u"h a hard and )nowin% youn% a"e with its !ale oval and its dar)ly &ade6u! blue eyes# The well6or&ed' ti%htly6rounded "hee)s o 4a%%ie3s arse are so "lose I "an s"ar"ely &ove the !en# 4y hand sha!es the&# @Ta)e @Ta )e down your !ants' 4a%%ie5 4 4iss iss 4artinet orders you tthe he "ane5@  Now &y hand ondles 4a%3s bare thi%hs and ba")side# ba")side# I really &ust brea) o o'' dearest#### #### And now' dearest' the sun is an hour hi%her in the s)y and I &ay resu&e# 4a%%ie3s  botto& is a si%ht indeed# /he )neels in re!entan"e beore &e' her blond rin%e ti")lin% &y  bare belly bell y' her ton%ue &oistenin% her li!s as she unbuttons ni&bly# Believe &e' *i++ie' only &y loss o you drives &e to these wild resorts o !assion5 /u"h are the woes o the lesh5 Your own adorin% Charles

*ETTER ? RA4A**AH' ? 4AY 9=>? 4y dearest Charlie' aithul to &y !ro&ise' as ever' I write by the irst !ost or En%land to tell you o the a&use&ents whi"h I have witnessed sin"e our arrival in this !la"e# Alas' &y sweet' we &ust  be se!arated or wee)s6!erha!s &onths6but I vow I shall entertain you with anythin% o a ris)y nature whi"h "o&es &y way# Thus you &ay )now that your adorin% *i++ie still "ares or you as ondly as ever' and lon%s only to )ee! your s!irits u! and your resolve sti until our ne$t dear e&bra"es# How shall I be%in5 A ew hours ater our shi! do")ed' we were borne away in a re%al "arria%e to the residen"e whi"h &y ather en(oys here as Britannia3s a&bassador# Cool' white6  !anelled roo&s awaited us behind a %arden o !al& trees and !ur!le bou%ainvillea# All is %ilt and e&bossed' it or the )in% hi&sel# And yet what tediu& would this have !ro&ised &e6so &u"h e&!ty "ere&onial and dull di!lo&a"y6had it not been or the )indness o the 1asha o  Ra&allah# The 1asha is a deli%htul "o&!anion' witty and "ourteous' always deerential to &y ran)  and sensibilities as the dau%hter o a British envoy# He is a dar)ly handso&e &an o about orty orty'' ed edu" u"ate ated d at th thee be best st s"ho s"hool olss in En%l En%lan and d an and d then then at the the /orb /orbon onne ne## His His ho hous use' e' overloo)in% the dee! blue o the bay' is %rand enou%h or a !ala"e# Yet it is nothin% to his "ountry "oun try estate' so&e twenty &iles away in a desert oasis' where he )ee!s his wealth and his hare&# Ah' you wi")ed boy5 Do I sense that your ears !ri") u! at the word @hare&@-3 Co&e' I will not s"old you5 To s!ea) the truth' I was so intri%ued by the notion' that &y lon%in% to see the  beautiul slave %irls in their sil)en and !eru&ed !rison o love l ove was .uite as stron% as is your  own# However' &y dearest' I' as a &ere wo&an' &i%ht ho!e to be ad&itted there# You' alas' never "ould# At irst' indeed' it see&ed to &e that even I should never &ana%e to !ro&!t an invitation


ro& the 1asha to visit that !rivate !la"e# We were' o "ourse' %iven a %eneral invitation to visit the ine "ountry house# Charlie' you never saw the li)e o it5 The oasis is a %reen island in an o"ean o brilliantly white desert sand# A hi%h wall surrounds the !la"e' and it is well %uarded by his soldiers to )ee! &arauders away# Inside are the &ost beautiul orna&ental %ardens with little hills' la)es' !aths' te&!les o deli%ht' and the bri%ht' !eru&ed lowers o  Arabia# What shall I say o the house itsel- It is a !la"e o &arble "ourtyards and ornate ountains' "olonnades o 4oorish ar"hes' li)e the Alha&bra itsel# The roo&s are so&eti&es o!en and sunny sun ny'' so&eti& so&eti&es es dee! dee! and &ysterio &ysteriously usly dar)' the s"ent s"ent o bur burnt nt s!i"e s!i"e risi risin% n% ro& ro& the  bra+iers# En%land )nows nothin% as ri"h as the se"ret world o bri%ht sil)s and dar) ta!estries' the stools and soas whi"h see& &ade to sha!e a wo&an3s body to her lover3s "o&&ands# However %reat &y "uriosity' I was "areul not to show undue interest in the hare& at irst# I tal)ed o it "asually to the 1asha# Charlie5 What do you thin)- He "onessed to a taste or  En%lish and Euro!ean %irls as well as Arabian' Indian' and even Caribbean# I "ould not ob(e"t to this' )nowin% that &y ather3s !ower rendered &e entirely sae# Yet Yet &y ea%erness to see the  beauties o his sera%lio s era%lio was now )eener than ever# To &y astonish&ent' he said "asually " asually'' @I  you are ree to "o&e on your own to&orrow' I shall order Nabyla to ta)e you to the %allery ro& whi"h you "an view &y treasures#@ Can you doubt that I sei+ed this o!!ortunity at on"e- I was !rote"ted ro& har& by the  !osition o &y a&ily and' even had this not been the "ase' &y ravenin% "uriosity would ssoon oon have "on.uered &y &is%ivin%s# It is rare enou%h or a %uest6&an or wo&an6to see the  beauties o the hare&# What was still &ore !rovo)in% in this "ase was the )nowled%e tthat hat the 1asha o Ra&allah had su"h a s!lendid "olle"tion o Euro!ean odalis.ues as well as those o  war&er "li&es#  Ne$t aternoon' I was !un"tual to the &inute# Ater the usual "o&!li&ents had been e$"han%ed' &y host su&&oned a youn% Arabian beauty' Nabyla' who was to be &y %uide# /he had a taut' swa%%erin% volu!tuousness o i%ure' s)in li)e dar)6%old satin' iery eyes' and a swee! o sil)y bla") hair# In her "o&!any I was led to a %allery o white6and6bla") &arble ar"hes' rather li)e a "loister' whi"h ran round one o the &ain roo&s# *atti"ewor) illed the s!a"es o the ar"hways so that we were able to s!y u!on the o""u!ants without bein% seen ourselves# /unli%ht iltered throu%h "oloured %lass hi%h overhead' illu&inatin% one o the 1asha3s avourites# 4y %uide e$!lained to &e in En%lish that tthis his was Tania' a %irl o twenty' ro& the 1asha3s Euro!ean "olle"tion# I was ta)en at on"e by the sot !rettiness o her a"e and i%ure' her rather short "ro! o brown "urls "lustered on her orehead# /u"h a !ert e&ale "herub' I thou%ht' the nose neat and strai%ht' the "hin ni"ely tu")ed in# Her sun6)issed a"e has' I i&a%ine' a deli%htul tenden"y to di&!le when she s&iles# As with &ost %irls ro& that eastern "li&e' her "hee)bones are hi%h and her blue eyes shadowed by the&# As we observed her' Tania was by no &eans ully dressed# /he boasted only a snu%6ittin%' white sin%let and a !air o li%ht6blue deni& drawers' whi"h were ti%ht as s)in ro& her waist to her )nees# We "a&e u!on her in this "har&in% "ostu&e (ust as she was stoo!in% over a table' restin% on her elbows' readin% a boo)# What a deli%htul !i"ture she &ade5 Her sot youn% breasts hun% tantalisin%ly in the ti%ht "otton o the sin%let# You would a%ree' I )now' that her youn% hi!s are .uite broad# Best o all' she has a "har&in% tenden"y when bendin% li)e this to hollow the ba") o her waist downward so that the broad youn% "hee)s o her botto& a!!ear well se!arated in their ti%ht deni&# /he has the easy' lewd !ose o ani&&oraliste' however !ro!er her u!brin%in%# With her hi!s sla")' one )nee bent at a ti&e' she oers ea"h "hee) o her ru&! alternately# I "ould not tell you' Charlie' what "har&in% volu&e o "urious literature she was readin%# Yet its ee"t u!on her was all too soon visible, her ba")side be%an to stir in a .uiet rhyth& as she bent over the table readin%' and her thi%hs s&oothed sotly to%ether in their ti%ht )ni")ers# @You see how it is-@ Nabyla said to &e .uietly# @There are so &any hare& slave %irls# There are su"h nu&erous %irls here that a ni%ht o e$"ite&ent in the 1asha3s bed is rare6unless they are one o his %reat avourites# Yet that o""asional e$.uisite ordeal o her &aster3s tool is enou%h to sti&ulate the it"h o lust in su"h %irls# Wo Worse rse still' they live in the lu$ury o idleness with nothin% else to thin) about# or the &aster3s deli%ht' boo)s o a&orous tales are !rovided as their their only only readin readin%# %# The &istress &istress a!!oin a!!ointed ted to su!erv su!ervise ise the& the& will will ins ins!e" !e"tt the the& & so inti&ately ea"h &ornin% with her in%ers that love3s de&ands will !la%ue the& the rest o the day# Tania would !reer another %irl to "onsole hersel with at the &o&ent# In deault o that' she will ta)e &atters into her own hands#@ Her words were true to the last syllable# As we wat"hed' Tania sli!!ed one hand down  between her ti%htly "lad thi%hs and be%an to to in%er her own love6!ou"h# @Tell &e'@ I as)ed# @Tania3s body is surely her &aster3s absolute !ro!erty by the law o the


hare&- Every un"tion o it' I i&a%ine' is his to "o&&and or orbid as he "hooses-@ @Indeed'@ said Nabyla' %ently %ently## @Then' i Tania Tania &asturbates without his "onsent' will that not be a ault to be re!ri&anded-@  Nabyla3s dar) eyes had a %lea& o a&use&ent in the& as she turned her !roud Arabian a"e to &e# @That will de!end' &ada&# There will be ti&es when the 1asha wishes to ta)e Tania3s )ni")ers down and %ive her a sound whi!!in%# What better !rete$t than su"h &isbehaviour as this- Yet at other ti&es he will be deli%hted by her &is"ondu"t' either be"ause it !re!ares her  or his own !leasure or be"ause he "an then i&&ediately obli%e her to "ontinue &a)in% love to hersel as an a&use&ent or his %uests#@ How intri%uin% this was' I thou%ht5 And what a new li%ht it "ast u!on the a&iable 1asha o  Ra&allah5 Tania loo)ed about her' strai%htened u!' and went a"ross to the leather divan# No doubt she  believed that she was .uite undete"ted in her &is"hie# &is"hie# I thin) she was still very ti&id over the &atter o bein% "au%ht in su"h &isbehaviour or' as yet' she did not even dare to ta)e down her )ni")ers# Instead' our youn% odalis.ue' with her "ro! o brown "urls' lay on the divan'  !ro!!ed on her elbow# /he turned sli%htly on her side away ro& us' "rossin% her le%s very ti%htly and turnin% her broad youn% ru&! to our side with "har&in% las"iviousness# Yet she had her shoulders turned so that we saw her a"e and the sot swell o breasts in her sin%let# I believe that Tania was loo)in% over her shoulder be"ause she eared that dis"overy &i%ht threaten on that side# At the sa&e ti&e' it was not !ossible or so&eone enterin% suddenly to see !re"isely what her hands were doin% in ront o her# or all that' there was never the least doubt in our &inds what the youn% &in$ was u! to5 Her thi%hs s.uee+ed rhyth&i"ally to%ether u!on her busy in%er# The broad youn% "hee)s o Ta Tania nia3s 3s arse arse !re !ressed ssed hard to%eth to%ether er and swelled swelled out alt altern ernate ately ly## The blue blue ey eyes es o the &asturbatri$ "losed' luttered o!en' then "losed in a drea& o bliss# Her lus"ious &outh o!ened sotly to draw the dee!er breaths whi"h her risin% e$"ite&ent de&anded# Her ton%ue ran re!eatedly alon% her li!s' &oistenin% the dryness o love3s ever#  Nabyla let l et &e or a &o&ent and I "ontinued to wat"h wat "h Tania &asturbate with the %reatest interest# inter est# I vow to you' Charlie' Charlie' that I had never been !rivile%ed !rivile%ed to see another %irl do this to hersel# Youn% ladies o &y a".uaintan"e were' o "ourse'@ )nown to !ra"tise su"h dar)  rituals6either alone or in "ou!les6but to see this done was an e$!erien"e I had never ho!ed or# In a tri"e' Nabyla was ba")# /he was a""o&!anied by a rather severe6loo)in% youn% wo&an whose na&e I learnt was udi# Unli)e the others' udi was the 1asha3s &istress6in the En%lish sense6rather than his slave# /he was also the &istress6in the hare& sense6o so&e o  his slave %irls# udi was no &ore than twenty6ive' her blond hair strained ba") into a short  !lait# Her ine6boned a"e with its shar! eatures &at"hed the des"ri!tion o her as Tania3s Tania3s &istress# /he was a!!ro!riately dressed in ridin% bree"hes and shirt' "arryin% a short leather  swit"h# Tania was allowed to &a)e love to hersel or a little while until udi at last o!ened a door  and wal)ed into the roo&# What do you thin) Tania did- What "ould she do- Drawin% her  hands "lear o her love nest' she lay down on the divan and !retended to be aslee!# As udi went a"ross to her' she a!!eared to stir ro& a li%ht aternoon do+e5 There was no doubt o udi3s authority' or o Tania3s state o arousal# Tania3s irst a"t was to ta)e udi3s ree hand between her own' )issin% its )nu")les and %old rin%s as i these were the ob(e"ts she loved &ost in the world# Then she held the blond wo&an3s hand a%ainst her own a"e and nu++led a%ainst a%ai nst it "ontentedly# @Now'@ @Now '@ udi said at last' @I ear we &ust satisy the 1asha that you have been %uilty o no a"t o wantonness' Tania5@ Tania5@ Te Tell ll &e' Charlie' how do you su!!ose that6was done- I wa%er you would never %uess# Tania lited her hi!s obediently so that udi "ould sli! her )ni")ers down and o# As I sus!e"ted' Tania is one o those twenty6year6olds whose hi!s are broad and ull without bein% labby# Her thi%hs and botto& were what I would "all air6s)inned' thou%h !erha!s a little &uddy in their "o&!le$ion# 1resently she turned' holdin% and )issin% udi3s hand a%ain' showin% the ni"e that"h o brown rin%lets whi"h adorns her !ubis# @*ie on your ba")' Tania5@ said udi shar!ly# @Bend your )nees u! to your breasts#@ What was to ha!!en now- udi sat on the divan and loo)ed down at Tania3s va%inal !ou"h so "onveniently !resented by her new !osture# Then' ro& a drawer' the blond &istress too) a little tin and a bad%er6hair shavin%6brush# Can you %uess' even now' what was about to ta)e  !la"eThe tin "ontained a dry' white !owder' a or& o soa!# In order to deter&ine Tania3s %uilt or  inno"en"e o the a"t o &asturbation' the dry !owder was to be brushed into the sus!e"ted  !la"e by the sot teasin% brush# I it lathered' then Tania Tania was %uilty# I' ater several &inutes' &inutes' it did not' she was inno"ent#


One "annot .uarrel with the in%enuity o su"h a !ro"edure# Yet udi had no intention o   !eror&in% the ritual hersel# /he went to another door and "alled one o those slave %irls who testiy to the 1asha3s universality o taste# How shall I des"ribe /hawn' ei%hteen years old- /he is .uite tall' a %ra"eul Caribbean  beauty with a hi%h6boned a"ial beauty and ti%ht6lidded slanted eyes# e yes# Her dar) hair is strained  ba") into a ti%ht little bun or to!6)not held in !la"e by a tortoise6shell "o&b# This "oiure not only enables one to en(oy the ineness o her eatures &ore easily but %ives an air o "har&in% di%nity to this tawny6s)inned 8enus# /hawn was also in dishabille' in a bri%ht6yellow "otton tuni"' belted at the waist' and endin% at &id6thi%h# /he was' I later heard' &u"h %iven to dressin% u! in various "ostu&es and ad&irin% her rele"tion in the lon% &irrors o the hare& bai%noire# Beore leavin% the two %irls to%ether' udi !ositioned Tania3s wrists above the youn% wo&an3s head' by the rin% at the end o the leather divan# Then the blond &istress (oined us so that she &i%ht wat"h the results o her !re!arations# /hawn was in no hurry' it see&ed# /he stood beore a &irror' ad(ustin% the yellow tuni" dress# The ir&' "oee6s)inned ele%an"e o her lon% le%s' bare to &id6thi%h' was ad&irable# The ti%ht s)irt o the short' yellow dress strained and "reased easily a"ross her lithe hi!s and the taut statues.ue "hee)s o her botto&# At last she was ready' turnin% to her willin% willi n% vi"ti&# You You will easily i&a%ine /hawn di!!in% the brush in the !owdered soa! and a!!lyin% it to Tania3s nether li!s# But will you %uess how she did it- /he )nelt astride Tania' al&ost sittin% on the %irl3s breasts' a"in% her eet# Then she went orward on elbows and )nees' her a"e above the o!en s!read o Tania3s "rot"h' as she ti")led the !owder6laden brush into Tania3s "unt# Tania &oaned and sobbed %ently with the deli"ious deli" ious tor&ent o it# Our tall' a%ile Caribbean beauty s&iled to hersel hersel at this' teasin% the ti! o the brush 3round and 3round Tania3s "litoris# At the sa&e ti&e' the tor&entress rea"hed  ba") and !ulled her own ti%ht' yellow dress u! above her waist# What a view was now  !resented to Tania3s Tania3s eyes and li!s5 Under so short a tuni"' /hawn3s )ni")ers were a !air o white ballet bries &ade o  stret"hed stret" hed "otton web# What a "ontrast "ontrast they &ade with the s&ooth s&ooth "oee "olour o her lon%' a%ile thi%hs# /he has that natural Caribbean %ra"e o the strai%ht ba") and lon% tri& le%s' the instin"tively u!ri%ht "arria%e# Her hi!s are ir&' thou%h oerin% a sli%htly uller a!!eal than the rest o her i%ure' her breasts bein% hi%h and sau"y# The ti%ht' white "otton o the bries  !ere"tly sha!ed the trian%le o her !ubis and showed the "har&in% little bul%e o her love6  !ou"h throu%h their %usset# /he had "hosen a !air whi"h were "ut las"iviously hi%h and ti%ht at the seat' layin% bare &u"h o the sot' dus)y6%old "hee)s o her ba")side# Ins!e"tin% Tania3s urry !ou"h at very "lose ran%e' /hawn ti")led it !itilessly with the  brush' tou"hin% and teasin%' tou"hin% and teasin%' until Tania3s Tania3s blue eyes widened and she "ried out' her brown "urls threshin% ro& side to side on the divan# /hawn &oved her )nees  ba") a little so that she s he was astride ast ride Tania3s a"e# All the ti&e she was &ani!ulatin% the little  brush with wi")ed s)ill' teasin% and tou"hin%' teasin% a%ain and a%ain# To be &asturbated in this ashion was al&ost &ore than Tania "ould bear without %oin% into a deliriu& o s"rea&s and !leadin%# /he )issed the in6sides o /hawn3s nude thi%hs with an a&orous' s&a")in% !assion# Then her ton%ue be%an to li") the sot' satiny inner sura"es o  the thi%hs with lon%' inatuated swathes o &oisture# /hawn was s&ilin% to hersel as the brush "ontinued its wor) on Tania3s va%ina# The result o the test was no lon%er in doubt or we "ould hear the irst aint whis!er o lather at Tania3s own love6(ui"e su!!lied the !owder with a&!le &oistenin%# @1ull your !ants down' /hawn'@ she whis!ered yearnin%ly' @oh' !lease do' &y dearest5 *et &e love you !ro!erly5@ I thin) the Caribbean beauty was !erha!s &ore a&used than lattered by the %rand !assion she had !rovo)ed# Yet Tania was now des!erately )issin% the ti%ht' war& "otton where it "uddled the sot little bul%e o /hawn3s va%inal !ou"h# At this rate' I thou%ht' she was soon %oin% to taste /hawn throu%h the !ants in any "ase# As it ha!!ened' the %enerous %irl obli%ed her# /hawn rea"hed ba")' too) the waistband o  her )ni")ers and !ulled the& down so that they were drawn ti%ht round the &iddle o her  s!read thi%hs# Now the two %irls lay on their sides' head to tail' a"in% one another or a  !rolon%ed session o love6&a)in%# love6&a)in%# /hawn be%an re&orselessly wor)in% her in%er in and out o Tania3s love6hole' "ausin% "ries o %ratitude and alar& ro& her sot6i%ured !artner# It was /hawn who was the leader' .uite sha&eless in her wanton use o the other %irl# Her ton%ue now re!la"ed her in%er in Ta Tania3s nia3s slit' instru"tions' trillin% li)e that o anand e$oti" bird ina""ordin% ull son%#toTania' Ta nia' or her !art' "ontent to obeylittle /hawn3s )issin% ton%uin% order# Be"ause herwas wrists had  been !la"ed out o har&3s way wa y by her &istress' she needed a little assistan"e ass istan"e ro& her !artner#


/hawn' rava%in% Tania with her ton%ue' had to rea"h ba") and !art her own butto")s so that Ta Tania nia &i%ht &ore dee!ly e$!lore her in that area# 1resently I saw that Tania3s hi!s were &ovin% in a hard' !u&!in% )ind o &otion# /he was about to have her @ha!!y ti&e'@ as they "all it in ren"h !arlan"e# How she "ried out' be%%in% /hawn to love her' beat her' "herish her' enslave her6anythin% her6anythin% so lon% as they &i%ht s!end the rest o their lives to%ether on this divan in su"h a &anner5 Tania3s or%as& was a""o&!lished with "o&!lete sel6abandon# /hawn' to &y sur!rise' was &ore "ontrolled# There "a&e a !oint when she thrust her hi!s out a little harder and when Tania had to use her ton%ue &ore ener%eti"ally# Then with "len"hed teeth and a tense' .ui")   !al!itation o her brown thi%hs' our Caribbean beauty also als o "a&e sae into the "al& waters o  love3s haven# ollowin% this' they !layed with one another in the sa&e !osture# But there was a sense o  "al& now' as i they were &erely a !air o s"hool%irls "uriously e$!lorin% one another3s se"ret anato&ies# This "ontinued or about hal an hour' until one sensed that e$"ite&ent o a &ore adult )ind was be%innin% to %ather on"e &ore# udi s!o)e not a word# But' at this !oint' she returned suddenly throu%h the door and "au%ht the two "ul!rits in the very a"t# The truth was that' thou%h they &ust have heard her a!!roa"h' this !air o lovers was now in a state where neither "ared or the world or its re!ri&ands# @Undress at on"e5@ said udi shar!ly' @both o you5 Tania has &ore than "onvi"ted hersel  o wan wanton ton behavio behaviour ur## In your your "ase' "ase' /hawn' /hawn' you you have have !roved !roved yours yoursel el a &ost &ost sha& sha&ele eless ss a""o&!li"e5@ udi stood there' a severe youn% wo&an with her short' blond !lait' her ridin% bree"hes and  blouse' the leather swit"h le$ed in the ir& %ri! %ri! o her hands# @/in"e you are so ea%er or illi"it !assion with One another' another'@@ she went on' @we will &a)e the !unish&ent it the "ri&e# On this o""asion' however' your e"stasies will be te&!ered by the shar! sau"e o "hastise&ent5@ I vow' Charlie' Charlie' I "ould s"ar"ely s"ar"ely believe &y ears5 In one aternoon I was to witness thin%s whi"h &ost &en and wo&en &i%ht wait a lieti&e to see6and would oten await in vain5 There was no doubt in &y &ind that the s"ene about to be !layed out in that roo& was to be one o a&orous !unish&ent or o dis"i!lined las"iviousness# It was that %reatest o love3s "uriosities whi"h you and I' in our a&iliar "onversation' have oten reerred to (o)in%ly as @Bir"h in the Boudoir#@ And yet' &y sweet' oten as we have tal)ed about su"h thin%s' it was not until this aternoon that I be%an to have so&e s o&e "lear "on"e!tion o the reality realit y# Alas' it %rows late# I &ust save the re&nant o &y e$!erien"es or to&orrow3s letter# You have no idea how the servants tal) in su"h a !la"e as this5 4erely or the li%ht to burn in the roo& o the envoy3s dau%hter until ; a#&# is sui"ient to start all sorts o ru&ours# You )now' &y dear' that there "an be no %round or the&# Others &i%ht be less "haritable# /o I bid you a %entle and lovin% %oodni%ht until to&orrow' when I will reveal the stran%e se"ret whi"h I now share with Nabyla' udi' Tania' and /hawn5 Your ever6lovin% *i++ie

*ETTER F RA4A**AH' F 4AY 9=>? 4y dearest Charles' Beore I "ontinue &y a""ount o yesterday3s e&ale debau"heries' I &ust tell you o the %reat (oy I have had in re"eivin% all your dear letters by this &ornin%3s !ost# They "a&e in a sin%le bat"h' or you )now the !ost is wee)ly here rather than daily# Oh' how ha!!y I a& at the i&!rove&ent in your !ros!e"ts by the le%a"y o your dear Un"le Brandon5 How sensibly this &ust ae"t dearest 4a&a and dearest 1a!a in their esti&ate o your worthiness as a husband5 How stran%e' &y dearest' that a&ilies "are so %reatly or a &an3s wealth and nothin% or his abilities in the bedroo&' where a wo&an3s true ha!!iness is &ade or &arred5 I a& deli%h deli%hted ted that that your your a!!ren a!!renti"e ti"eshi shi! ! is served served in so divert divertin% in% an establ establish ish&en &entt as :reystones# What stories we shall have to tell one another by the ti&e we &eet a%ain5 I a& true to &y bar%ain' Charlie# You &ay indul%e in whatever indis"retions you !lease now' or it will &a)e you a better and a steadier husband i that ha!!y day should ever dawn# What a de!raved youn% slut that 4a%%ie o yours is' however5 And how ri"hly you rewarded 4a%%ie and Noreen Noreen in their their res!e" res!e"tiv tivee ways# ways# I a& sur!ri sur!rised sed that that you you hav havee not already already whi!!e whi!!ed d  Noreen3s botto& or her' as she ri"hly deserves# 1erha!s' thou%h' by b y the t he ti&e I have written this*et letter' youyou &aynow haveore&edied o&ission5 &e tell &y own that adventure' or rather o what !assed when udi returned to Tania and /hawn yesterday aternoon# Blond and severe in her ridin% "ostu&e' she le$ed the


swit"h between her hands and wat"hed the two %irls undress# /he had' o "ourse' released Tania ro& the divan' but' on"e the undressin% was "o&!leted' she re.uired ea"h %irl to wear  a nu&ber o well6!olished bla") stra!s# These adorned the waist' the wrists' the ne")' the an)les' and the thi%hs (ust above the )nees# Yo You u &ay be ssure ure there was intense nervousness in Tania3s blue eyes at what lay ahead' thou%h /hawn3s e$!ression' dar)ly slantin% and ti%ht lidded' was eni%&ati"# At irst si%ht you &i%ht have thou%ht udi !ro!osed to roast the two %irls on a s!it5 I hasten to assure you that su"h was not the "ase# Yet she su&&oned two %uards who brou%ht in a stran%e a!!aratus' "onsistin% o two su!!orts with a lon% !ole between the&# The &a"hinery showed "learly that this !ole "ould be turned' i so desired' by the !erson o!eratin% it# Tania and /hawn were atta"hed ti%htly to the !ole' !ressed to%ether and a"in% one another  with the shat runnin% between the&# Their an)les were stra!!ed to%ether at one end o it and then6 wrists at ull stret"h above their heads to the ar end# The !ole' bein% &etal' was thin thou%h thou% h stron%' stron%' so that their two bellies bellies al&ost al&ost tou"hed tou"hed and their breasts )issed li%htly under  their own dele"table wei%ht# The two leather ne")6"ollars were atta"hed so that the %irls3 li!s and ton%ues were in "onstant "onta"t# /o these two deli"ious "hi")ens were hoisted on their s!it about three or our eet above the loor loor## Their Their li! li!ss and ton%ue ton%uess &in%le &in%led d with with !ro&i !ro&is"u s"uous ous little little &eani &eanin%s n%s o des desire ire## Th They ey s&oothed their breasts ir&ly a%ainst one another3s until our ni!!les stood hard as berries# At one end' the in%ers o their "ued hands entwined and ti%htened lovin%ly# Their le%s and thi%hs were !ressed ti%ht to t o one another by the stra!!in%# What a "har&in% !i"ture they &ade5 Tania' with her "ro!!ed brown "urls' her !retty little "herub a"e' ir&' broad hi!s and &uddy6white s)in5 /hawn with her Caribbean %ra"e' hi%h6boned ele%an"e' lon% le%s' and well6"urved breasts and butto")s5 The !ole turned' turned' (ust (ust as a roastin roastin% % s!it s!it would# would# It &i%ht &i%ht be tur turned ned by anothe anotherr !erson !erson o!eratin% its handle' but the "ontrollin% wheel "ould also be ur%ed orward by vi%orous writhin% o the %irls atta"hed to it# udi3s a"e see&ed shar!6eyed and e$!ressionless as she too) so&e hot6s!i"ed !aste on her  in%er' &oistened it with saliva' and s!read it on ea"h o the %irls3 ni!!les# The hot irritant drove the& into still &ore ener%eti" writhin% and &utual rubbin%# udi also s&oothed the sa&e eroti" heat into ea"h va%inal slit# Between ea"h %irl3s le%s' she atta"hed to the !ole a "onvenient dildo so ai&ed that it would &ove within their love6holes by the sur%in% o their  hi!s but "ould not be dislod%ed entirely# Writhin% !assionately a%ainst one another' ea"h "unt ridin% its rubber !enis' the two %irls a"ed ea"h other' side by side or one above the other as their stru%%lin% turned the !ole# Tania3s &outh swa& with /hawn3s saliva' and then as they turned it was /hawn who was looded with the tastes o Tania3s &outh# With torsos thrust out' they rubbed their ni!!les hard a%ainst ea"h other# The in%enious dildoes enabled ea"h %irl to  be si&ultaneously the lover and &istress &istress o the other# Was th this is indee indeed d th thee !u !uni nish sh&e &ent nt th they ey were were to su suer er-- It se see& e&ed ed litt little le en enou ou%h %h li)e li)e  !unish&ent to &e5 But udi had not .uite inished# /he too) two s&all rubber "ushions' ea"h very ir& and about the si+e o a s&all !late# Ea"h in turn' she or"ed one o these under the %irls3 lions so that then, two ba")sides were thrust out .uite hard# Tania was writhin% and s.uir&in% at the to! o the !ole' oerin% her rear view' while /hawn whi&!ered a&orously ro& the lower !osition# Tania3s !retty' sun6)issed a"e' with its "lusterin% brown "urls' was hidden as she a!!lied her &outh to /hawn3s# Her hi!s were wor)in% hard on the dildo' the "hee)s o her botto& alternately ar"hin% out and "ontra"tin%'  !artin% widely and tensin% to%ether# to%ether# udi raised the swit"h and brou%ht it down a"ross the broad wei%ht o Tania3s ba")side# I leave you to i&a%ine the i&!a"t o a leather ridin% swit"h a"ross Tania3s bare arse6"hee)s5 Her  "ry was &uled by the !ressure o /hawn3s li!s on her own and the busy wri%%lin% o the Caribbean beauty3s ton%ue in her &outh# Tania3s ba")side s.uir&ed des!erately under the lin%erin% s&art but even this &ove&ent in"reased the e$.uisite sensations o the dildo' whi"h was so snu%ly in her "unt# udi tou"hed the leather swit"h li%htly u!on Tania3s bu& and %ave two &ore !istol6"ra")in% stro)es a"ross the ull whitish "hee)s# Even at twenty years old' Tania had never tasted su"h an%uish6nor su"h !leasure# Had her  stra!s been undone' I wonder i she "ould have endured to !art with the dildo and /hawn3s lovin% even to save her behind ro& its !unish&entudi !rinted a !air o swollen stri!es a"ross Tania3s botto&6"hee)s' enou%h to drive the %irl into turnin% the !ole by her writhin%# As she swun% into the lower !osition' sobbin% with an%uish and desire' so /hawn was turned arse6u!wards or udi3s attention# the%old tar%et bysotly our Caribbean beauty withEven her lon%' %ra"eulobrown le%s andI&a%ine the dusty o !resented her tri& but lus"ious seat6"hee)s5 the to!6)not dar) hair' with its !retty "o&b' and the ti%ht6lidded al&ond eyes see&ed to &a)e her a &ore a!!ealin%


sub(e"t or udi3s ven%ean"e# /hawn was tryin% to wat"h udi ro& the "orner o her eye# To her dis&ay' she saw the ridin% &istress lo") the wheel into !osition so that the !ole would not turn# @Twelve e$tra stro)es beore the %a&e be%ins' /hawn'@ said udi .uietly' @your !unish&ent or a betrayal o trust# Ah' you "an3t sto! lovin% yoursel on the dildo' "an you- :ive Tania your ton%ue !ro!erly at the sa&e ti&e6ri%ht into her &outh# How hot and swollen your  ni!!les loo)5 /till stin%in% a little ro& the s!i"e- 2ee! rubbin% the& on Tania3s tits' you youn% bit"h#@ /o say sayin% in%'' udi udi &easu &easured red the rid ridin% in% swit"h swit"h a"ross a"ross the dus dusty ty6%ol 6%old d "he "hee)s e)s o /ha /hawn3 wn3ss  botto&# On"e' twi"e' and a%ain the stro)es ran% out# The Caribbean %irl3s seat o beauty was soon stri!ed by several swollen weals# Now the ne$t stro)es a"ross /hawn3s botto& &ust all u!on these# The anti"i!ation o doin% this was al&ost too &u"h or udi to endure# With an i&!etuosity belyin% her severity' she undid her ridin% bree"hes and laid the& down round her  )nees# A word o "o&&and was %iven so&ewhere beyond the latti"ewor) on the ar side# Into the roo& "a&e Connie' a beautiul Chinese %irl o udi3s own a%e' na)ed e$"e!t or the silver  "li!s holdin% ba") the sheen o bla") hair whi"h ell to her shoulder blades# Obediently' Connie )nelt behind her &istress and a!!lied li!s and in%ers to udi3s venereal anato&y# In this way' she was able to ensure the blond wo&an3s !leasure without intererin% in the "hastise&ent# 4uled in her turn by Tania3s &outh' /hawn re"eived ei%ht &ore stro)es a"ross her ba")side' two o the& "ausin% wet rubies to %li&&er on war&6toned seat6"hee)s# When the wheel was unlo")ed' the !ole turned a%ain under the ener%eti" ridin% and s.uir&in% o /hawn3s hi!s# Tania "ontrived briely to ree her &outh ro& /hawn3s and turn her a"e in a wild e$!ression o an%uish and e"stasy' !leasure and ren+y# udi &ana%ed to %ive several stro)es a"ross the broad' youn% "hee)s o Tania3s botto& beore the !ositions were reversed on"e &ore and it was /hawn whose rear6"hee)s were turned u!wards or  dis"i!line# I swear' Charlie' that' as the !eror&an"e went on' I do not believe either /hawn or Tania elt anythin% li)e the so6"alled a%ony o the whi!!in%# It a"ted &erely as a sti&ulus to desire' in the sa&e &anner as the hot irritant !aste' whi"h had been a!!lied re&orselessly to the &ost sensitive buds and "lets o their anato&y# Thou%h udi' with her severe6loo)in% !lait and her )een' blue eyes stood widely astride or  Connie3s attention' the stri"tness o her e$!ression never altered# 3Round and 3round went the s!it with the two writhin%' hi!6!u&!in% %irls u!on it# The leather swit"h san% out a"ross ea"h  bare botto& in turn, Tania3s' Tania3s' /hawn3s' then Tania3s a%ain# The dildo shats san) and rose a%ain ro& their urry nests# In the heat o the roo&' Tania was swelterin%# A %loss o !ers!iration a!!eared in the s&all o her ba")' under her ar&s' on the inner sura"es o her thi%hs' and  between the "hee)s o her botto&# /u"h ener%y she was !uttin% into her lovin% and writhin%5 or the irst ti&e udi3s severe eatures sotened in a s&ile# @Your !unish&ent has hardly be%un yet' Tania5@ 1unish&ent- It was not the word I would have "hosen5 Tania3s broad' youn% hi!s rode u! and down' u! and down' on the rubber shat as i her very lie de!ended on it# I believe that udi3s true e$"ite&ent "a&e ro& her sense o !ower over the two %irls# 1erha!s she thou%ht o Tania beore her abdu"tion into slavery# How &any &en and wo&en envied those "lusterin% "urls' the !retty di&!lin% o her a"e- How &any were haunted by a %li&!se o Tania bendin%' "hin in hands' as she read a boo)' oerin% su"h a !rovo)in%ly ull rear viewudi lo")ed the wheel into !la"e as Tania lay arse6u!wards# @Twelve @Tw elve stro)es or your wantonness' Tania5@ Tania5@ The blond &istress )e!t her waitin% or several &inutes# Even durin% this ti&e' ti &e' Ta Tania nia never  "eased to ride the dildo or to ill /hawn3s &outh with her ton%uin% and )issin%# At last it "a&e' an a&orous whi!!in% whose a%onisin% stro)es served only to drive the @vi"ti&@ into urther and &ore des!erate lovin%# However bruised or swollen Tania3s botto& &i%ht be' however a!!allin% the &ena"e o urther stro)es' it was only what udi "alled it, the shar! sau"e o a %reater !leasure# You &ay i&a%ine' Charlie' that I sat there i&&obile and wat"hed until udi san) to her  )nees' "on.uered by Connie3s busy ton%ue# The ulil&ent o the &istress brou%ht res!ite at last to the two &is"reants# It see&ed that the "urtain was about to be ran% down on this irst s"ene o a hare& @"o&edy#@ Yet Nabyla had been sent on an errand and I was "o&!elled to wait or her return  beore &y !la"e# That bein% so' I was !rivile%ed not only to see the dra&a itsel but also theleavin% e!ilo%ue# Tania and /hawn were released# They let with their ar&s about one another' "ooin% or 


sobbin% %ently to%ether li)e a !air o doves# Ea"h botto&' Tania3s broad and !ale' /hawn3s taut and brown' bore the !rints o the leather swit"h# udi ollowed the& to the bedroo&' where the three would !ass a ni%ht o !assion to%ether# What o !oor Connie' I wondered- /he dressed hersel in a !air o ti%ht' deni& )ni")ers ro& waist to )nee6su"h as Tania wore6and a short' blue tuni" o!enin% at her waist# Her tas)  was to !ut the roo& to ri%hts# /ittin% on her heels' she be%an to "olle"t the debris ro& the loor# What a "har&in% !i"ture she &ade5 Connie3s rather lat eatures and slantin% eyes are set in a a"e o heart6sha!ed deli"a"y# *i)e so &any %irls o her Asiati" beauty' she "an assu&e a beautiul i&!assivity or a devil &as) o lau%hter with e.ual ease# Her i%ure' li)e her a"e' has a sli&' ine6boned a!!earan"e# As Connie wor)ed' I saw a tall' air6whis)ered En%lish 4ilord o twenty6ive !ass the o!en door# I i&a%ined hi& to be one o the 1asha3s !rivile%ed %uests# He sto!!ed and surveyed Connie ro& her sli& thi%hs and tautly rounded bu&6"hee)s to her sli& shoulders' on whi"h the bla") hair with its silver "li!s ell in a ine "urtain# He wat"hed her ro& this way and that' as i !hoto%ra!hin% u!on his &ind the i&a%es o her )neelin%' stret"hin%' bendin%# It was so&e ti&e beore Connie realised that she was under observation# When she did so' there was nothin% or it but to "ontinue her wor) while shootin% a %lan"e o sudden a!!rehension at the &an ro& ti&e to ti&e# 1resently he went away# *ater he "a&e ba")# I "an s"ar"ely des"ribe the sudden sho") in Connie3s eyes when she saw hi& standin% there on"e &ore' wat"hin% her# But this ti&e he entered the s!a"ious' well6a!!ointed roo&' "losin% the door ater hi&' and lo")in% it# @Your &aster has %iven you to &e or a ni%ht o !leasure' Connie'@ he said' sittin% on the divan# @Co&e to &e na)ed and )neel down beore &e#@ I truly believe that Nabyla let &e there deliberately to witness what ollowed# Connie3s )ni")ers "a&e down and her tuni" o# This de&ure' sub&issive Asian beauty then )nelt  beore her En%lish lover# Without Without a word o "o&&and' she undid his trousers with her sli&' .ui") in%ers and drew out his !enis# /he tou"hed her li!s to it' ran her ton%ue 3round its )nob' and' as it stiened' too) it in her &outh# The "urtains o her bla") hair "overed his thi%hs as she su")ed# He &ade her su") or ive or ten &inutes' then restrained her briely' then &otioned her to start a%ain# *ater she "li&bed &ee)ly onto the divan' lay on her ba") with le%s a!art and eet raised' %uidin% hi& down and sheathin% his .uiverin% dart between her thi%hs# As he rode her' she sotly tau%ht hi& how to ni! her with his teeth' to li") her breast buds with his ton%ue' to ra)e her lan)s with his nails in the ury o desire# *ater still' she turned over on her belly' oerin% the rear view o her tri&' saron6yellow i%ure' with the bla")' sil)en hair s!read on the shoulder blades# Connie3s botto& had those !ale6yellow "hee)s whi"h are sot but neatly rounded# /he had obviously been well trained in a slave %irl3s sub&ission' or no word o  "o&&and was needed even now# /he rea"hed ba") and !ulled her butto")s a!art' hidin% her  a"e bashully in the !illow as she oered the ti%ht di&!le o her anus to the &an3s lust# He  bu%%ered Connie with su"h ener%y that she several ti&es drew a shar! breath# He s!ent in her  neat' youn% Chinese botto& and she than)ed hi& "har&in%ly# Then she loo)ed at hi& with %reat a!!rehension# /he slid ro& the divan' wal)ed a"ross to the "u!board with a deli"ious little swa%%er o her bare hi!s' and !rodu"ed a bir"h# Its three' yard6lon% swit"hes were to bound the handle the)neelin%' way thatand !rison With eyes lowered' she too) it ba") hi&' at !resented it to in hi& then rods bent are# hersel orward over the ba") o a "hair# I "ould not %uess what his res!onse would be' or his tool now hun% re&ar)ably sla")# irst' he se"ured her wrists to the wooden le%s# Then he too) his !la"e behind her and tou"hed t ou"hed the lon% bir"h swit"hes to the broad' well6se!arated "hee)s o Connie3s tri& ba")side# @I I were a (ud%e' "onde&nin% you as a thievin% sho! %irl' Connie'@ he said "oolly' @I should order you ei%hteen stro)es o the !rison bir"h# I &ust not be too ti&id to "arry out ssu"h u"h a"ts or &ysel#@ The bir"h &ade a sot' lashin% sound as it "ut a"ross the !ale6yellow "hee)s o Connie3s  botto&' its ine ti!s ti !s "urlin% 3round to "at"h her lan)s# Even now there was a sotness in her  "ries' as i she )new that a res!ite was i&!ossible and that to s"rea& or it would be a si%n o  deian"e# deia n"e# The a&iliar raised s"rat"hes o the bir"hin%' bir"hin%' lon% and "urlin%' "urlin%' soon traversed traversed her   butto")s# Two or three ti&es ti &es the bir"h (ust &issed its tar%et and "au%ht her hi%h on the le%s# When it was over' her lover set her ree' and led her ba") to the divan#  Now Connie had her reward# He !la"ed her %ently on her ba") and rode into her "unt with renewed lust so sear"hin%ly that Connie "ried out with a %reater intensity o (oy than when she s he "ried in  bride anddistress %roo&#durin% her tannin%# They ell aslee! to%ether ater the "li&a$ li)e a devoted At two in the &ornin%' her lover wo)e her %ently' stro)in% her a"e# He re.uired his Asian


 bride6o6a6ni%ht to turn onto her belly# He then &ade love to Connie3s botto&# *ittle &ore than an hour !assed beore he wo)e her on"e &ore' this ti&e s!readin% her le%s and ta)in% his way between the&# In the !ale' star6lit lush !re"edin% dawn' their slee! was bro)en on"e &ore# @Your botto& a%ain' Connie'@ he &ur&ured' as she stirred under his "aresses# @Hold the "hee)s well a!art and rest your belly on the !illow# Ar"h your ru&! out even arther####@ I "an s"ar"ely des"ribe the t he &any se.uels' as I a& e$hausted by &y vi%il# You You &ay !rotest at a youn% lady writin% o su"h thin%s' but it is the very truth' as witnessed wit nessed by Your Yo ur own adorin% *i++ie

*ETTER G :REY/TONE/' ; UNE 9=>? Darlin% *i++ie' WITH WHAT relie did I re"eive your letters at last and learn that all is well with you at Ra&allah5 You &ay be sure that I read with %reat a&use&ent the ris)y doin%s o Tania and /hawn' as well as the a&orous ordeal o Connie5 I ear' &y sweet' that you &ay ind the news o :reystones dull by "ontrast' or there is &u"h to be done in a hare& whi"h would be i&!rudent here5  Nonetheless' these !ast ew days have !rodu"ed one or two divertin% little in"idents a&on% the stable6%irls who are &y "hie "on"ern even now# It is al&ost as i 4iss 4artinet believes I &ay ind %reater !leasure in their randy "o&!any than a&on% the reined youn% ladies o  ourteen in her sewin% "lass# Who "an say but that she &ay be ri%ht/in"e I last wrote to you' two &ore youn% wo&en have "o&e under &y "are' thou%h they are ten years dierent in a%e# a".ueline' the elder' is truly a sel6re%ardin% slut o twenty6 ive# /he !retends to edu"ation and reine&ent but is' I eel sure' a youn% trollo! who "annot %et her !ants o ast enou%h i it suits her !ur!ose5 /he is not .uite in her irst youth' thou%h she !resents a "hallen%e to any &an# Her strai%ht' blond hair has been "ut in a short bell sha!e with a rin%e' the style o the reor&atory ro& whi"h she "a&e# /u"h dis&issive blue eyes' *i++ie' so !ert a nose and su"h heavy sul)iness in the &outh and (aw5 In sin%let and wor)in% trousers' her i%ure is not overblown' thou%h I wa%er she &ay run to at in a ew years &ore6 "ertainly "erta inly i her belly swells with a brat5 Her breasts are boun"y' boun"y' her le%s .uite lon% and still tri&# I you see her in ti%ht' wor)in% trousers ro& the ront there is an outward "urve o her   belly whi"h su%%ests she &ay already have dro!!ed dro!!ed a brat on the sly5 On the inner ed ed%e %e o her  thi%hs' either side o her "unt' a leshy bul%e swells out the "loth# Tell &e' *i++ie' is this not one o the irst si%ns o at- I you see her turn and bend in awn ridin% ti%hts' a")ie3s botto& is sedu"tively attish but not yet too &u"h so or &e# Under her disdainul &anner' however' she is e$tre&ely wanton and ea%er# 4y youn%er "har%e' A&anda Ti")le!uss' )nown as 4andy' is iteen years old# Yet she is .uite tall and stron%ly built' with lon%' ir& le%s and sturdy hi!s whi"h %ive her .uite a broad and A&a+onian arse# True to ty!e' 4andy has a stron%6eatured a"e' sotened by a !leasant' s&ilin% &anner and %entle waves o "hestnut hair' whi"h are "o&bed loose to her shoulders6 su"h a beautiul reddish Ater the randiness otint# &any o the youn% bit"hes at :reystones' I was .uite ta)en aba") by a")ie3s dis!lay o disdain and her !reten"e o in(ured virtue whenever one ti!!ed her breast' stro)ed her thi%hs' or !in"hed her arse6"hee)s li%htly# I was al&ost de"eived by this# Then' one &ornin%' I was invited to attend 4iss 4artinet in order to dis"uss so&e &anner o   business# /ilas Raven' the surly old brie' was "o&in% down to :reystones6at our e$!ense6to dis"uss so&e &atter "onne"ted with &y Un"le Brandon3s will# I inor&ed the %roo&s that I should not be visitin% the stables that day' or I envisa%ed a !ri&e lun"h and a %ood blow6out# As I waited with 4iss 4#' a tele%ra& arrived# There had been a &ost unortunate in"ident in the %entle&en3s lavatory at 8i"toria /tation# The door o one o the "ubi"les had be"o&e wed%ed and two unior&ed !oli"e "onstables had been su&&oned in the %eneral alar&# When the door was reed by these two stalwarts' s talwarts' out tu&bled /ilas Raven and two youn% %uards&en in dishabille# dishabille# The youn% soldiers were all or layin% layin% the "onstabulary "onstabulary senseless and &a)i &a)in% n% o# /ilas Raven !revented the ne"essity# A ew &o&ents later' the entire !arty went its se!arate ways' the !o")ets o the two !oli"e&en "hin)in% with soverei%ns' and the +ealous oi"ers o the law salutin% /# Raven' Es.uire' as i he &i%ht be the 1rin"e o Wales and *ord Rosebery all in one# ater distur bin%toan"onte&!late entree to the railway station' res!e" ted "ounsel ro& :ray InnYet was ar so toodisturbin% sha)en a (ourney that day#the In res!e"ted "onse.uen"e' 4iss 4# :rays and Is ound ourselves at what is "ollo.uially ter&ed @a loose end#@


It was a ine su&&er &ornin%' the "hestnut "andles still u!on the trees' and I thou%ht it no hardshi! to stroll ba") to the stables and !erha!s ro& there to the "li wal) and the sea# I &ade no %reat si%n o &y a!!roa"h' wal)in% slowly and in so&e de!th o thou%ht# Only as I a!!roa"hed did I realise that so&e )ind o revelry was ta)in% !la"e in the stable blo")# This %ave &e !ause# By %ood ortune' there was a side door whi"h led dire"tly into &y own little oi"e# The wall between the oi"e and the &ain stable boasted one o those &iniature internal windows whi"h save ol) the ne"essity o wal)in% all the way 3round to the door when so&e  !a!er or s&all ob(e"t is to be handed throu%h# Unobserved' I &i%ht yet dis"over the nature o  the stable "elebration# I sli!!ed in .uietly and went a"ross to the little window# /ure enou%h I had a ine view o  all that was !assin% in &y absen"e6or so everyone there believed# a")ie and 4andy were at the "entre o the e$"ite&ent' the two %roo&s were at one end o the roo&' and the stable boys at the other# Twenty6ive6year6old a")ie did not loo) as i she had been a volunteer or these (a!es# Under the bell sha!e o blond hair' her &outh was hard and sullen' her blue eyes rostily dis&issive# /he was twistin% in the ar&s o the two &en who held her' or they were tryin% to %et her !ants o# The sin%let !arted "o&!any ro& her !ants at the waist# wai st# /he wri%%led 3round# Now they had her bendin%' the ti%ht' awn ridin% trousers showin% &e her lon%' ir& le%s and the attish "hee)s o her arse as she stoo!ed# ortunately the %roo&s soon undid the belt and !ushed a")ie3s !ants down to her an)les# They threw her on the !ile o straw' where she lay on her belly loo)in% u! at the& over her  shoulder# There was still hostility in her blue eyes as she shoo) the hair into !la"e ater the stru%%le# Her lon% le%s were !ressed ti%htly to%ether as she lay there and the !ale' attish "hee)s o her botto& were si&ilarly tensed# The irst %roo& stood over her' &us"ular le%s astride and the "rot"h o his ti%ht bree"hes now swollen with the si+e o his ere"tion# He unbuttoned hi&sel and released the stout wea!on# The sluttish youn% blonde deied hi&' "ontinuin% to lie a"edown# /lowly' the %roo& drew the broad leather leather belt ro& his waist# Holdin% Holdin% the two ends' he !la"ed a oot %ently on the youn% wo&an3s ne") to hold her' and brou%ht down the stra! hal a do+en ti&es a"ross the white .uiverin% "hee)s o a")ie3s broad' youn% arse# With a "ry she obeyed hi& as soon as her ne") was released' turnin% on to her ba")' )nees hu%%ed u!' and thi%hs o!en# He )nelt at her' ad(ustin% his !enis to her love6hole# @You3ll en(oy it &ore or havin% had your arse stra!!ed' a")ie5@ he said hu&orously# Then he !ressed ho&e# How a")ie loved it5 /u"h si%hs and sot "ryin%' as her heels tou"hed the s&all o her  lover3s ba")5 When the !enis a""identally sli!!ed out o her "unt' she %ave su"h a doleul "ry at the loss o its "o&ort6and su"h a sob o "ontent&ent when it was re!la"ed# The %roo& !ulled u! the ront o the blond %irl3s sin%let and busied his &outh with her   breasts# He )issed and li")ed the ni!!les with his ton%ue# Then he %ently and lovin%ly bit her  shoulders and her ne")# a")ie3s own "risis "a&e beore his' in a series o short' risin% "ries# Yet Yet the e$"ite&ent o her ulil&ent soon !re"i!itated his own war& loodin% o her "unt# The se"ond %roo& ordered the youn% blonde to )neel on all ours' as he released his s!lendid tool ro& his a!ants# What si%ht was this5 Our i&!udent youn% blonde now )nelt li)e a bit"h waitin% to be &ounted6and &ounted she soon was5 The se"ond %roo& rode into her "unt with even &ore vi%our than the irst# Yet in his hand he also held a blob o saddle soa!' well &oistened by his saliva# 1resently he used this to !re!are the ti%ht bud o a")ie3s anus# Drawin% ro& her "unt' he thrust hard and i&!aled her twenty6ive6year6old botto& in the style o a "ha&!ion# The youn% wo&an %ave a "ry o sur!rise rather than dis"o&ort# Yet Yet he entered so easily that I eel sure a")ie had been u! to this sort o &is"hie with other &en# /he loves the !enis' "annot %et enou%h o it' and will ta)e it in any way rather than be without it# @You3ll be %ettin% a ni"e thi") !ressin% o (ui"e6u! your arse' a")ie5@ %as!ed the %roo&# @*ie still now and en(oy it5@ His words were !roved ri%ht al&ost al &ost at on"e# Yet' Yet' while he was busy with the youn% blonde' the irst %roo& had %one over to the stable6lads' who held 4andy between the&# 1erha!s she was not a %irl to stru%%le with' or at iteen years old she was tall' lon%6le%%ed' and stron%ly &ade# The ir&ness o her !ale eatures and "hin was sotened by the "hestnut6red o the hair  whi"h was "o&bed in %entle waves to her shoulders# The stable6lads were rather youn% or the anti"s o the %roo&s with a")ie and none o  the& "ould rival 4andy3s iteen years# Yettoo6were they had&ade# a natural "uriosity e$"ite&ent the way in whi"h little %irls6and %irls6 and bi% %irls 4andy3s 4andy 3s lon%and le%s and sturdyabout hi!s were ti%htly en"ased in ridin% (eans' whi"h the %roo& now ordered her to ta)e o# /he loo)ed


at hi& with un"ertain deian"e# @Want the stra! a"ross your botto&' 4andy-@ he as)ed' @li)e a")ie had it5 No- Ta)e the& o' then5@ I&a%ine' as she obeyed' how the lads "lustered 3round5 /o&e stro)ed her lon%' ir& thi%hs' others were bold enou%h to iddle with her love6!ou"h' a ew !reerred to sli! their in%ers  between the stron%' youn% "hee)s o o 4andy3s arse# @*ie over the !ile o straw' 4andy5@ said the %roo&# @1ull your sin%let ri%ht u! and show us those lus"ious youn% breasts5@ /o our lon%6le%%ed &aiden tu%%ed the sin%let u! under her ar&!its and lay ba") on the straw' loo)in% u! at the stable6lads with .uiet a&use&ent as they %o%%led at her# @Want @Wa nt to be a dirty %irl' 4andy-@ said s aid the %roo&' s&ilin% at her# 4andy %rinned ba")' as i  they shared so&e se"ret' her stron% "hin and steady eyes "hallen%in% hi&# @Do it lyin% over  the straw' 4andy5@ he "hu")led' handin% her soðin% "losed in his ist# It was 4andy3s !arty tri")' %reatly ad&ired by the lads# /he too) ro& the %roo& two "hina  !ullet e%%s' ea"h the si+e o a lar%e !lu&# /he !o!!ed the& into her &outh and &ade a swallowin% &ove&ent twi"e# @a")ie5@ "alled the %roo&' now that his "ollea%ue had inished with that lus"ious youn%  blonde' @over here5 1lay at dirty dirty %irls with 4andy on the straw5@ a")ie obeyed' and we en(oyed the si%ht o the stra!!in%' youn% A&a+on o iteen and the at6arsed blonde o twenty6ive writhin% na)ed in ea"h other3s ar&s# 1resently' 4andy sat u!' with a loo) o ei%ned dis&ay# /he !arted her bare thi%hs and loo)ed as the two !ullet e%%s  !o!!ed out o her "unt5 Her o!en &outh showed they truly had %one5 The %roo&s turned'  !resentin% the rear o her lon% le%s' stron% hi!s' her stra!!in% youn% arse' and the auburn hair  on her bare should shoulders ers## The two "hina "hina ovals ovals were were !o!!ed !o!!ed into 4andy 4andy3s 3s arse6h arse6hole ole## 4or 4oree writhin% in a")ie3s ar&s and then another loo) o dis&ay# O!enin% her li!s li)e a &a%i"ian' 4andy showed the little white e%%s in her &outh on"e &ore# It was easy' o there "ourse' butseveral ee"tive rathere%%s# "har&in%# stable6lads "heered %uawed# Clearly were !airsand o "hina 4andyThe transerred the two ro&and her  &outh into a")ie3s as they )issed' then !rodu"ed the two whi"h had been lod%ed in her "unt  beore the show had be%un# As they were thu&bed t hu&bed into 4andy3s arse' she too) the irst !air   ba") ro& a")ie3s &outh# Now a")ie3s botto& !rodu"ed another !air ro& between its attish "hee)s# I was &ost diverted by the anti"s o the stable6lads6the &anner in whi"h these a&iable youn% s"a&!s a&used the&selves with 4andy and a")ie5 Ye Yett !ruden"e di"tated that I should not reveal &y !resen"e (ust then# I sli!!ed out o the side door and "rossed the sunlit lawns towards the &ain house# 1erha!s I &i%ht entertain 4iss 4artinet at lun"heon with stories o  &y !ast adventures# ust then &y attention was "au%ht by the si%ht o one o 4iss 4#3s well6bred youn% !u!ils &a)in% her way to the &usi" roo&# 8anessa was (ust short o her iteenth birthday and in every way a "ontrast to a !lu&!6botto&ed slut li)e a")ie or even a stra!!in% youn% wen"h o  4andy3s ty!e# Be"ause she is rather short' 8anessa loo)s !erter than her years# /he was dressed (ust then in her white blouse and stri!ed tie' the dar)6blue s)irt' whi"h "a&e down to the &iddle o her "alves' and a !air o white an)le so")s# Is she sedu"tive- Who "an say- Her   brown hair8anessa is "ut strai%ht' in a "as.ue sha!e whi"h ends atheart6sha!ed her "ollar' her rin%e on her  orehead# has a li%htly sun6browned a"e' !rettily with hi%h!arted "hee)bones and li%ht6blue eyes that have a narrow' "rin)lin% &o")ery in the&# /he has the ir&' "lear6"ut nose and "hin o the well6bred hi%h6s"hool %irl# There is still a "hildish slovenliness about her whi"h' in a %rown wo&an' would be sluttish# The &ove&ents o her hi!s and thi%hs have a slow heaviness whi"h la")s &ature e&inine %ra"e# *et to hersel' she would no doubt have %rown u! as a very sel6"entred youn% lady# How ortunate that she "ould be brou%ht under dis"i!line at :reystones# I 8anessa is to be "hastised in any "ase' it &ay as well be by those who en(oy it5 I wat"hed her enter the &usi" roo& and I s!ied throu%h the lar%e !i"ture window to see what she would do# To &y sur!rise' 4iss 4artinet was already in there# I "ould not hear what  !assed between the&' but the du&b6show itsel was &ost &ost elo.uent# 4iss 4# unbuttoned 8anessa3s blouse and untied the s"hool tie' barin% the youn% !u!il above her waist e$"e!t or her breast halter# Her s)irt was ne$t re&oved# 8anessa3s 8anessa3s "alves and thi%hs la") a &ature wo&an3s sha!e as yet' bein% &idway between the lu&!ishness o an adoles"ent "hild and the %ra"e o a youn% ny&!h# /he now wore her white an)le so")s and a  !air o ti%ht' stret"hed s tret"hed bries &ade o white "otton web' the irst si%n that she was due or a dan"in% lesson# stood "lose' )issed 8anessa li%htly on the li!s' and be%an to wor) the bries 4iss 4artinet down over the youn%ster3s hi!s and thi%hs# I stared with as"ination' wonderin% i ourteen6


year6old 8anessa would be "o&!elled to have *esbian se$ with her &istress# 4iss 4# led her  to a "hair and sat down# /he !ut 8anessa over her )nee and stro)ed the bare ba") and hi!s or  a &o&en &o&ent# t# The taut' taut' adoles" adoles"ent ent !allor !allor o 8anessa3s nessa3s botto& botto&6"he 6"hee)s e)s was so !ro !ro&i &inen nently tly  !resented that I thou%ht she was due or a s!an)in% ro& 4iss 4artinet' but that was not what ha!!ened# The &istress slid a hand throu%h the rear o!enin% o the s"hool%irl3s thi%hs and be%an to ondle on dle 8anessa3s nessa3s va%ina va%inall !ou"h !ou"h and "litori "litoris# s# Th Thee !u!il !u!il %as! %as!ed ed and s.uir& s.uir&ed ed with the e$"ite&ent o this deli"ious &asturbation# /he did not "li&a$' but the lubri"ation be%an to low in her "unt and soon one "ould see its sli!!eriness sli!!eriness on her inner thi%hs thi%hs as well as on her  love6!urse itsel# What do you i&a%ine 4iss 4# did ne$t- /he too) so&e dis"s o red sti")y !a!er' ea"h the si+e o a s&all "o&# One by one she wetted the& with 8anessa3s "unt (ui"e and then stu")  the& here and there on the wo&an6"hild3s body# The breast halter was re&oved and they were  !asted to her blosso&in% tits# They were were stu") to her belly belly'' her thi%hs' and between her thi%hs# Yet &ore were %lued li%htly to 8anessa3s taut' !ale botto&6"hee)s and so&e on her arse6hole# Then she was &ade to stand u!# Can you %uess what was about to ha!!en' *i++ie5 I vow I "ould not# Never ear' &y sweet# The &ystery shall be revealed in to&orrow ni%ht3s letter ro& your own adorin%' Charles

*ETTER  :REY/TONE/' < UNE 9=>? 4y darlin% *i++ie' I now resu&e &y a""ount o the other day3s adventures# 1i"ture 8anessa' na)ed but or her  white an)le so")s' standin% at the "entre o the !olished boards whi"h or& the loor o the &usi" roo&# are stra!!ed rontabove o her#her' A leather "ollar 3round her ne") is atta"hed to a Her sla")wrists "ord whi"h han%s to%ether ro& theinbea& thus )ee!in% her in one area o  the loor# I "ould not hear whether there was the &usi" o a ta&bourine and lute' yet 8anessa now  be%an the sinuous writhin% o a hare& dan"e# /o "lu&sy she see&ed or ourteen' thou%h there was a )nowin%6ness in that li%ht' olive6s)inned a"e' with its &o")in% blue eyes and well6"ut eatures' under the rin%e o her "as.ue o brown hair# /he )nelt o!en6le%%ed beore her &istress3s "hair and be%an to sha)e her !ert youn% breasts ea%erly## I "ould see 4iss 4#3s li!s or&in% her words slowly# ea%erly @Have you been ondlin% and !layin% with your tits as I ordered' 8anessa' to ill the& out:ood# Co&e to &y roo& ea"h evenin% at nine and show &e how you do it#@ The ai& o the dan"e was to sha)e ree the tiny dis"s o !a!er stu") to the youn%ster3s body# At last they be%an to s!iral li)e autu&n leaves ro& 8anessa3s sweet little breasts# 4iss 4artinet leant orward' too) ea"h ni!!le in turn' and ere"ted it ir&ly with her s)ilul ton%ue# 8anessa rose and be%an ar"hin% and rollin% her taut belly at 4iss 4#' oerin% it to her )isses# By this &eans she "ontrived to &a)e the &istress3s li!s brush her lat and taut abdo&en' thus reein% &ore o the !a!er dis"s# Then' leanin% ar ba")' the !u!il oered her s!layed thi%hs' writhin wri thin% % 8anessa3s the& the & sedu"t sedlove6slit u"tive ively ly until to dislod dis lod%e %e the red "ir "ir"le "les s !asted !asted betwee bet.uite ween# n#a dierent 4iss 4#3s 4#3"ause# s in%er  in%er  "aressed 8a nessa3s the s"hool%irl thi%hs tre&bled ro& By s.uir&in% her thi%hs to%ether' 8anessa &ana%ed to dislod%e &ost o the dis"s on their  inner inn er sura" sura"es' es' but those those on her "unt its itsel el !rove !roved d so tena"i tena"ious ous## /&i /&ilin% lin%'' 4is 4isss 4ar 4artine tinett intruded her in%ers between 8anessa3s s.uir&in% adoles"ent thi%hs so that her dan"in% !u!il &i%ht s&ooth hersel u!on the& and so ree the little !a!er dis"s whi"h "lun% there# With how &any sot s"hool%irl si%hs and %as!s were they dislod%ed5 Her &istress &istress too) too) a towel towel and rubbed rubbed it li% li%htly htly between between the %irl3s %irl3s thi thi%hs %hs'' s.u s.uee+ ee+in% in% 8anessa3s love6!urse dry in su"h a &anner as to brin% her "lose to or%as&# Now the !etite hi%h6s"hoo hi%h 6s"hooll "har&er "har&er turned# turned# The "hee)s "hee)s o 8anessa3 8anessa3ss botto& had the !ale taut6ness and elasti"ity o "hildhood but also the irst tra"es o a wo&an3s &ore volu!tuous ullness# /he leant orward a little and writhed her seat6"hee)s at 4iss 4artinet' as i tryin% to sedu"e the older wo&an by this !eror&an"e# 4iss 4artinet was not s&ilin% now# /he "raned orward a little' li!s !ressed hard# 8a 8anessa3s nessa3s arse6"hee)s sur%ed and !arted so inno"ently# 4iss 4artinet "hose a tawse' a broad li%htwei%ht stra!' divided into three tails at its end# 8anessa3s ba")side did a des!erate (un%le dan"e' but the obstinate red dis"s o !a!er still "lun%# &istressonused stra! the bare writhin% "hee)s 8a 8anessa3s nessa3s botto&# "au%ht theThe youn%ster the the ba")s o a"ross the thi%hs as well# /i$ tunes theo leather e$!loded on /he the "hee)s o 8anessa3s 8anessa3s ourteen6year6old ba")side# Twi"e &ore on her thi%hs# /he tried to turn 3round' to


shield her butto")s' but the stra! )issed her lan) sava%ely# sava%ely# As the last !a!er dis" luttered down' 8anessa san) to the loor e$hausted# 4iss 4artinet "eased to be the tyrant and be"a&e the lover on"e &ore# /he )nelt beside 8anessa' %ently stro)in% the "as.ue o brown hair' "o&ortin% and "aressin% until her in%ers sli!!ed at last  between the rather un%ainly adoles"ent thi%hs# 8anessa3s sobs be"a&e sot' .uestionin% si%hs o wonder# 4iss 4artinet )issed the tears ro& the eyes o her hi%h6s"hool !u!il# With %entle s)ill' she brou%ht 8anessa 8anessa to a "res"endo or ten or iteen &inutes# Then I saw a "urious thin%, to one side o the roo& was a lon% "urtain' rea"hin% rea"hin% ro& the "eilin% to within an in"h or two o the loor# ro& under the "urtain !rotruded a oot in a  bla")' !atent6leather shoe# In ront o the "on"ealed i%ure' whose e$"ite&ent see&ed to "o&e ro& wat"hin% 8anessa' there )nelt a youn% wo&an whose na&e was s!o)en as ulie# I re"o%nised this as belon%in% to a nineteen6year6old %irl in 4iss 4artinet3s !ossession# ulie was one o those slender slender youn% wo&en who &a)e u! their hei%ht by hi%h heels' and whose thi%hs are no thi")er than a &an3s u!!er ar&# ulie is a slut as surely as any %irl in the establish&ent# Throu%h a "hin) in the "urtain I "ould &a)e out her sul)y' sour little a"e with its rather "rude eatures and dar)' ha+el eyes# Her blond hair had been braided into a !lait and was !inned u! in a to!)not' revealin% her  slender little ne")# I "an i&a%ine how the &en who were served by her in the sho! where she wor)ed &ust have "oveted her# What would they have said now to see ulie rhyth&i"ally and e$!ertly su")in% the !enisAs she )nelt at her tas)' her thi%hs were so slender' slender' and yet the sli%ht ba")ward (ut o her  hi!s %ave a "ertain rather "hildish atness to the sha!e o her botto&6"hee)s# There was a senile "rowin% ro& her lover and ulie was obli%ed to swallow down her re!u%nan"e# Two veined and %narled old hands held her head "lose while the old &an3s s!er&6s!as& loaded her  ton%ue and he &ade her %ul! it down# I wal)ed slowly to the ront entran"e o the house' wonderin% who the old le"her &i%ht be# There' outside thelaw# handso&e !orti"o' I saw the !rivate "arria%e o /ilas Raven' 2#C# ' in all the &a(esty o the They had not seen &e' o "ourse' and yet I "ould not brin% &ysel to %o in and a"e the !air  at lun"heon# Instead' I too) a stroll in the !leasant su&&er %ardens above the sea or an hour  and then resolved' sin"e the !ran)s in the stable &ust be over' to return to &y oi"e there# As I had sur&ised' the stable was silent and deserted# I wondered where the two %roo&s &i%ht be' and whether they had ta)en a")ie and 4a%%ie with the&# It see&ed a day o  &i &idsu& dsu&&er &er &ad &adness ness'' when when le"hery le"hery was enthro enthroned ned in &en3s &en3s &inds6a &inds6and nd wo&en3 wo&en3ss too5 too5 I re&e&bered that there was a hundred6yard len%th o "hain' stret"hin% down the "li to a buoy in the shallows' whi"h had to be wound onto the s!ool o the old &ill wheel# The %roo&s had  been told by 4iss 4# to see it done that aternoon# I went down al&ost as ar as the old &iller3s %rindin% wheel' unused or &any a day' and sto!!ed short# Nothin% I had seen so ar  on this &idsu&&er day e.ualled the !resent s!e"ta"le# The %roo&s had devised an in%enious s"he&e or drawin% the lon% "hain u! the "li and 3round the %rindin% wheel' to whi"h one end was already atta"hed# The wheel had a yo)e a"rosss it' !rotrudin% a"ros !rotrudin% at either side' to whi"h beasts o burden burden had on"e been atta"hed# atta"hed# /o&e &eans &ust be ound to turn it now' in a heavy two6hour labour# What in%enious ellows they were5 The blond bell sha!e o a")ie3s hair was "learly seen threshin% to and ro as she stru%%led in their %ri!# But they bent her orward' leather wrist "us and "ollar holdin% her down on the yo)e bar on one side o the wheel# On"e she was bent over so ti%htly and hel!lessly' they ondled the attened seat o her bron+e6toned ridin% (eans only briely beore ta)in% those  !ants ri%ht o her and barin% her below the waist# To ensure ensure her arousal' they ti%htened a stra! 3round ea"h o a")ie3s thi%hs and atta"hed to it an in%enious love eather !ointin% u!wards on the inside o her thi%h# With every ste! she too)' the tantalisin% eathers would ti")le her "unt' &asturbatin% blond' twenty6ive6year6old a")ie irresistibly i rresistibly## To ensure this' the %roo&s now &assa%ed a")ie3s va%inal slit with war& irritant s!i"e  !owder# Every teasin% ti")le o the eathers would be a !ier"in% thrill to her inla&ed and it"hin% "unt6!ou"h# I&a%ine a")ie' bendin% with wrists and ne") stra!!ed to the yo)e bar# Her !ale le%s are .uite lon% and tri&' her botto& rather atly "hee)ed in this !ose' the tin%lin% "unt6li!s "learly visible between her thi%hs# a")ie3s !lu&!' youn% tits were still .uite ir&'  but as they hun% down now they (i%%ed a little as she s.uir&ed# Ah' the youn% s"a&! with the s!i"e li")ed his in%ers' di!!ed the& in' and rubbed the virulent it"h !owder into a")ie3s ni!!les# a "han%e "a&e bell oversha!e that sullen youn% a"e' its blue eyes' hard (aw' and &outh under theWhat rin%e o her blond o hair5 a")ie' so o6hand and indierent in servin% &en' now "ried out to have her tits rubbed and su")ed' and the iery it"hin it"hin% % soothed by any


&eans her lovers "hose5 I was deli%hted to see that they were still not .uite satisied with her !redi"a&ent# The %roo& too) a alse !ony6tail o hair' whi"h &at"hed a")ie3s own blond "olour# Its base was a leather butt' two in"hes lon%' and thi") as a thu&b# :rinnin% at the youn% blonde' he showed her a (ar o 8aseline' too) a blob on his in%er' and s&eared it thi")ly on a")ie3s arse6hole5 Even so' she %ave a %as! as he or"ed the butt into her anus# The tail was drawn u! her   butto")6"ra")' under her belt' and then ar"hed in a "har&in% "urve' iits ts ends (ust swee!in% the to! o her butto")s# iteen6year6old 4andy was stra!!ed bendin% to the yo)e bar on the other side in the sa&e way## Whene way Whenever ver she bent bent over' over' the ti% ti%ht ht seat seat o 4andy 4andy3s 3s (ea (eans ns shows shows a stra stra!!i !!in% n% youn% youn%  ba")side' broad6"hee)ed and stron%ly &ade' without yet bein% s!oilt by labbiness# They too)  her !ants down' stra!!ed the &asturbation eathers to her lon% ir& thi%hs' and rubbed her  "unt and ni!!les with the stin%in% s!i"e# The artii"ial !ony6tail &at"hed those li%htly wavin% "hestnut tresses' whi"h sotened the ir& lines o 4andy3s youn% a"e and "au%ht the "olour  o her brown eyes# They vaselined the ti%ht inward di&!le o 4andy3s arse6hole and the leather butt was ir&ly inserted# 4andy' at iteen years old' &ay still have been a vir%in in that !la"e# Indeed' she "ried out# Yet she was so sturdy in that area that one "ould not e$!e"t two hi%h6s!irited %roo&s to abandon their s!ort or su"h s u"h a .uibble# The %roo&s "an be ras"als' o "ourse' but only in a sotly su%%estive way# The harnessin% a!!aratus in"luded a thin bridle stra! between ea"h %irl3s teeth' whi"h "ould not be deta"hed ro& the rest# To !revent "hain%' it was ne"essary to !ad the thin leather# Nothin% was available avail able or this but the two !airs o )ni")ers dis"arded dis"arded on the tur# They "ould not resist a lewd e$"han%e' !addin% a")ie3s &outh with 4andy3s )ni")ers' while 4andy3s &outh was  !rote"ted by the !anties still war& ro& a")ie3s botto& botto& and hi!s# All was ready or the two hours3 labour by this !air o intri%uin% !ony6%irls# Harnessed  bendin% I the they and &ust turn the heavy u! the lon% "hain#Yet a")ie shoo) hertobell o yo)e' blond hair loo)ed 3round withwheel sullenand (awdraw and insolent blue eyes# she is randy by nature' &u"h &ore so with the hot s!i"e and eathers whi"h &ade her "unt6!ou"h it"h and tin%le# Now she loo)ed ba") in a &anner o sluttish deian"e' deliberately reusin% to &ove# When you )now a")ie better' you will realise that the reusal was a !reten"e# /he was al&ost drun) with lewdness' i a youn% wo&an "an be# In this se$ual into$i"ation she wanted to !rovo)e the %roo& to treat her with a lover3s dis"i!line# You do not believe &e- I saw a")ie with her oot slyly ed%e a loose bri") so that it ell into the wheel &e"hanis&# Until it was noti"ed and re&oved' the wheel would not turn and she' o "ourse' "ould utter no words o e$!lanation# The %roo& brou%ht his hand down hard and stin%in%' s!an)in% the atly !ale "urve o her botto&6"hee)s# At last his "ollea%ue saw the  bri") and re&oved it#  Now a")ie3s lon% thi%hs shi&&ered' her hi!s laboured' and her attened sho! %irl botto&6 "hee)s ar"hed and "ontorted as she strained orward# With every arduous ste!' the .uiverin% eathers ti")led an it"hin% "unt# In no ti&e' a")ie3s love6slit was wee!in% !early dro!lets o  e$"ite&ent# /o&eti&es her need or love was so stron% that she sto!!ed' )nees bu")lin% and thi%hs s.uee s.uee+in%# +in%# 4andy3s 4andy3sthe own situation washad no better# All Alhis l disobedien" disobe dien"e was"leava%e now "urbed# Durin% a")ie3s deian"e se"ond %roo& tou"hed %as!er toethe o 4andy3s stra!!in%' iteen6year6old botto&# Now' as she laboured orward with lon%' li%htly &us"led le%s' 4andy &asturbated hersel !eror"e on the t he "unnin% eathers# In the war& aternoon' the two labourin% %irl6!onies be%an to !ers!ire a little# Their "unts %ave o a deli"ate &ineral s"ent o e&inine arousal# 8ery soon a aint' &usty %irl6s"ent also "a&e ro& between the "hee)s o a")ie3s botto&# 4andy3s !ers!iration between her arse6 halves soon "ontributed to this# Horse lies and &os.uitoes san% ea%erly around these savoury areas# The ha!!y inse"ts landed and ed' several at a ti&e' in su"h veritable "lusters# It was true that a")ie and 4andy had !ony6tails atta"hed to the&' but these &erely brushed to and ro a"ross the very to!s o  their arses' leavin% &u"h o their butto")s and thi%hs without su"h a ly whis)# To assist the %irls in their !li%ht' ea"h %roo& ar&ed hi&sel with a broad' thin stra!' divided into three tails at its end6the tawse whi"h 4iss 4# had used u!on 8anessa# The two &en set u! in "o&!etition to see whi"h "ould swat the %reater nu&ber o lies on the le%s and  botto& o the %irl he attended# The irst irst %roo& swun% his stra! with rin%in% s&a")s a"ross the  !ale' attened "hee)s o a")ie3s botto& and her thi%hs# The red s!an) &ar)s soon blosso&ed ro& herblows# waist to her )nees# a")ie3s arse was s!an%led with the re&ains re&ains o inse"t inse"tss lattened  by these 4andy was &ore a%ile and twisted &ore violently# The tawse so&eti&es "au%ht her lan)s


in "onse. "onse.uen uen"e# "e# Yet Yet 4andy 4andy3s 3s botto& botto& and thi thi%hs %hs re"eiv re"eived ed their their an an66 share share o a severe severe stra!!in%# *i)e a")ie' she was riven by the e$.uisite thrills between her le%s and the s&artin% ordeal o the stra!# The %roo&s &ade the two youn% wo&en sto! or a &o&ent# They now &oistened the two love6!urses with a thin "oat o honey# How intri%uin% this was# Ne$t the &en too) two s&all  bo$es' ea"h "ontainin% a "olony o sau"y ants' and a!!lied the& to these !arts o the %irls3 anato&ies5 Can you %uess %uess the se.uelse.uel- The ants be%an be%an to stin% stin% li% li%htly htly the "unt6l "unt6li!s i!s and botto& botto& "leava%es o a")ie and 4andy# It was no !unish&ent' &erely the in(e"tion o the irritant a"id intoneed thoseor &ost eroti"ally The virulen"e o the it"h and the swellin% heat' the ondlin% and sensitive handlin%'"revi"es# turned a")ie and 4andy al&ost de&ented# All labour  "eased# Ea"h o the& lay botto&6u!wards over her yo)e bar' s.uee+in% her thi%hs hard and rhyth&i"ally on her love6slit' whi&!erin% or the t he hand and !enis o her %roo&# You &ay be sure they would soon %et their hearts3 desire# Yet irst there was a %ood deal o   !lay about their disobedien"e# The irst %roo& too) his "ane# Twenty Twenty or thirty whi! stro)es a"ross the !ale' attish "hee)s o a")ie3s botto&' whi"h the youn% blonde did not &ind %reatly' or it was the s!ur to her 8enus6%allo!# The se"ond %roo& %rinned at 4andy as she  bent s.uir&in% !iteously with lon%in% over the bar# The ir& youn% a"e' with its auburn waves to her bare shoulders' was !leadin% with desire# He %a+ed at her stron%' broadened youn% hi!s' lon% sturdy le%s' and 4andy3s stra!!in%' iteen6year6old arse6"hee)s# 4andy had never had the "ane beore beore and she "ried out under the irst ew stro)es a"ross her ba")side# Then her !rotests also san) to sot .uestionin% whi&!ers o wantin% and needin%# The two hours3 labour be"a&e our hours### si$#### ei%ht#### Dar)ness ell over that re&ote  !art o the %rounds# uiet voi"es "arried "arried in the war& ni%ht air# @Your "unt is so velvet6s&ooth' a")ie5 Yet a swollen belly will &a)e you run to at' will it not- I shall withdraw# Turn over# *ie Ah'ba") you li)e o and the s!er& "o&in% in your botto&' a")ie' you randy youn% thin%5### withthe le%seel o!en &a)e love to yoursel' 4andy# *et &e shine the li%ht on you# Now thread yoursel on &y stiness# How %reatly you en(oy it' 4andy' even thou%h 4iss 4artinet will "ane your ba")side to&orrow or so lon% an absen"e# Does that add to your thrill' 4andy-###@ /u"h' *i++ie' are the sweet words whi"h the su&&er ni%ht "arries to Your own adorin% Charlie

*ETTER  RA4A**AH' 9; U*Y 9=>? 4y dearest Charlie' I ho!e you will not be ve$ed' &y !re"ious' at what I have done# Never beore' u!on &y &aiden honour' have I shown one o your sweet letters to another livin% soul# Nor would I have done so now had I not been so intri%ued by the &anner in whi"h a")ie and 4andy were set to wor) as @%irl6!onies@ at :reystones5 /u"h a "har&in% i&a%e was "on(ured u! in &y &ind by your that I&e "ould s"ar"ely rid I )now you a""ount will or%ive or showin% that&ysel !ortionooit#your letter to our %enerous 1asha o  Ra&allah# As you shall hear' &y a"tion !rovo)ed the &ost a&usin% results# To &y sur!rise' he )new all about su"h %a&es# Indeed' he said' the sultans and !ashas o  the East had lon% been a""usto&ed to e&!loy so&e o their avourite "on"ubines between the shats o their little %arden "arria%es# He "ited so &any instan"es in history' ro& /ultan Ibrahi& o the /ubli&e 1orte to 4ulay Ish&ael hi&sel' that I "ould s"ar"ely hold any urther  doubts in the &atter# @Not twenty &iles ro& here lives 1asha Ibrahi&'@ said he' @a wealthy !atriar"h o si$ty su&&ers# His hare& is e$tensive and' li)e &ysel' he is a %reat lover o En%lish and Euro!ean  beauty## The use o harness' as he "alls it' is indis!ensable to the &ana%e&ent o his %irls'  beauty es!e"ially i one o the& the & should !rove dii"ult#@ I listened a%o%' Charlie' or' thou%h I "ould i&a%ine that su"h thin%s &i%ht ha!!en behind hare& walls' it was astonishin% to be "ontorted so .ui")ly with the !roo o it# @Then' sir'@ I said' @I su!!ose a %reat deal o !riva"y &ust surround these o""asions# The %ood 1asha Ibrahi& would %uard su"h a se"ret "losely#@ The 1asha o Ra&allah lau%hed# @Dear youn% lady5 Why do you say so- All the world )nows o su"h the &eans he e&!loys# Inhe this "ountry wedesirable# thin) better a &an who is !re!ared to resort to &easures' !rovided thin)s the& 4yobrother Ibrahi& o!ens his %a %ard rden enss on su su"h "h an o" o""a "asio sion n to hi hiss in inti& ti&at atee rien riends ds'' (ust (ust as he do does es on othe otherr days days o 


hos!itality#@  Now' Charlie' you &ay be sure that I .uestioned our riend so lon% and so in%eniously about Ibrahi&3s !ony6%irls that he soon saw &y intention# @I believe' dear youn% lady' that you would be ever %rateul to &e i I "ould "ontrive your   !resen"e at one o these aternoon outin%s# A& I not ri%ht-@ He was so a&used at indin% &e out' as he thou%ht' that I "ould only "onir& his sus!i"ion as de&urely as I )new how# 1ray' %ive &e "redit' Charlie# You will re&e&ber well how I "an "ountereit the aint &aiden blush' the &odest lowerin% o the %a+e' the "loistered inno"en"e o virtue u!on these o""asions# @8ery well'@ @nothin% "ouldI be easiertothan orthat youhe to has a""o&!any &e in a aday or  two on &y visithe tosaid' the ha!!y ellow# ha!!en )now lately a".uired &ost rebellious youn% lass o iteen' who is &ore than due or a lesson in obedien"e#@ I need not say how I loo)ed orward with the %reatest "uriosity to the day o that visit# It see&ed best to say nothin% o it to &y dearest !a!a and &a&a' beyond tellin% the& that I was to ta)e tea with Ibrahi&3s ladies# It was still &ornin% when we arrived at Ibrahi&3s estate# *i)e our riend3s' it is set in a %reen (ewel o an oasis' re&ote ro& the "ity' its hi%h surroundin% walls well %uarded to e$"lude intruders and i&&ure the o""u!ants# ro& the "arria%e window' as we !assed alon% the drive' I was able to %li&!se the orna&ental !leasure %ardens with their windin% !aths# A ine la)e lay at the "entre' .uite hal a &ile lon%# U!on its shore stood re!li"as o s&all'  !illared te&!les here and there' su"h as &i%ht have been built or A!ollo or ove' in the an"ient world# Ban)s o &auve' sil)en6"oloured lowers rose on either side' others risin% la&e6red or ier"e blue in the brilliant sun# Elsewhere the trees !rovided dee!' shady retreats where &arble ountains !layed# O the house itsel I will say only that I was a !ere"t Alha&bra o 4oorish "ourtyards and "olonnades' with da++lin% sun on the &arble and water' restul dar)ness in the ta!estried roo&s# The tyrant Ibrahi&' as I had i&a%ined hi&' was a (ovial %entle&an with a twin)le in his eye# When the or&al "ourtesies were over' he es"orted us to a %rassy )noll overloo)in% his s!lendid %rounds# Here an e$"ellent lun"h was served, the &ost su""ulent ruits' the "ris!est roast' and the &ost savoury dishes were &oistened by ine vinta%es and "ha&!a%ne# Ibrahi&3s reli%ion orbid hi& the use o wine' yet he is too %enerous a &an ever to stint st int his %uests# It was here that I a%ain saw Connie' the youn% wo&an o so&e twenty6ive years' with her  Asian or Chinese a!!earan"e# The bla")' sil)en swee! o her hair was on"e a%ain held in  !la"e by a !air o silver slides so that it did not all too ar over her a"e# /he was not entirely na)ed' thou%h very nearly so, a !air o tiny "ones' &ade o ti%ht' bla") sil)' "overed her  ni!!les' and were held in !la"e by bla") sil) "ord over her two shoulders and 3round her ba")# Her other %ar&ent was a bla") sil) "a"he6se$' a tiny trian%le at her loins' held by bla") "ord 3round her waist' its su!!orts runnin% down her belly to the sil) adorn&ent' and at the rear  runnin% ba") u! to her waist between the "hee)s o her botto&# /everal dierent %irls a"ted as waitresses' Connie bein% %iven orders to &inister to hal a do+en o us# The rather snub eatures' slanted eyes' and !retty heart6sha!ed a"e she has are so very a!!ealin%5 And what o her i%ure- No !art o the world' I vow' "an rival the ar East in that neat the sli&' or&s' the rounds o butto")s' whi"h never  %row too e&inine at even in"har&7 a %irl whose hi!sni&ble are broadened byti%ht her !osture# As she wal)ed to and ro' the eyes o the &en ollowed the li%ht' %ra"eul &ove&ents o  her body# They "onte&!lated her !ale6yellow satiny s)in' her ti%ht little breasts' narrow thi%hs' and saron botto&6"hee)s# Even when she was on ull view as a sho! %irl' I "annot  believe she re"eived as &u"h ad&iration ad&iration in si$ &onths as she now %ot in hal an hour hour## The &eal ended# Now the &en lit their "heroots and be%an to "ha one another# There was &u"h darin% o ea"h ellow in turn to %ras! a nettle ro& the hed%erow and ind or hi&sel i  it had a stin%# Wa%ers were laid and de"ided by the vi"ti&3s silen"e or his sudden shar! inta)e o breath and &uled "urse# The En%lish 4ilord was !resent' with a "ertain uns&ilin% "oldness and he oered to !rove the wa%ers another way# He be")oned Connie# The youn% Asian wo&an a!!roa"hed# I heard later that he had on"e en"ountered her beore her lie as a "on"ubine be%an and that she had s!urned his ad&iration# 1erha!s that e$!lained his "ondu"t now# @1ut yoursel over &y )nee' a"e down' Connie'@ he said .uietly# There was a loo) o a!!rehension in Connie3s al&ond eyes as she obeyed hi&' the bla")  sil)en hair han%in% downward' her tri& saron6satin seat6"hee)s a"in% u!ward# Now it was Connie &ust &a)e the wa%er' %uessin% ee"t o ea"h inthe turn# I she won' herwho reward was to be ed ro& the whis)ythe las)# I she lost' !lu")ed she &ustnettle endure return o  the last nettle to "ause a %as!#


irst she %uessed it would not stin%# The youn% &an held the rond to her butto")s with no ee"t# One o his "o&!anions told the %irl to turn her !retty a"e u!wards' whereu!on he held the whis)y las) to her &outh# We saw her swallow on"e or twi"e' then &a)e as i to turn her  head away# He restrained this# @A little &ore yet' Connie# We &ust &ust ortiy you or your ordeal5@ The &an a"ross whose )nees she lay "ir"led her waist with his let ar& to hold her ir&ly# In his ri%ht hand he too) another nettle' whi"h Connie also !ronoun"ed har&less# This ti&e she was wron%# As son as he tou"hed the s!i)ed lea to the de&ure saron "hee) o her   botto&' the Asian Asian %irl "ried out her &ista)e' her tri& le%s twistin% to no avail# The y youn% oun% &an "ontinued to hold thea!!eared lea to the !la"elet until the allotted ti&eorwas u!#white A dee! !in)ness si+e o a lar%e "oin onsa&e Connie3s butto")' with two three stin% !ointsthe in it# Then "a&e the oreit# Was it !ure &ali"e whi"h &ade the youn% &an tou"h the virulent shar!ness to that sa&e tender !la"e' holdin% it there with li!s so ti%ht that the veins on his orehe or ehead ad stoo stood d outout- That That done' done' he loo)ed loo)ed down at the a!! a!!eal ealin% in% inno"e inno"en"e n"e o Connie Connie3s 3s "har&in% Chinese botto&# With no hint o a&use&ent' he "hose another rond' identi"al to that (ust dis"arded# Connie &ade a sub&issive' i&!lorin% sound' or rebellion is not in her  nature# ust then we were invited to witness Ibrahi&3s %arden outin%# The youn% &an who was en%a%ed with Connie re&ained dea to this invitation# We let hi& still holdin% the Asian %irl over his )nee' not %uess6bi% what his eventual !ur!ose &i%ht be# *oo)in% ba")' I "au%ht a %li&!se o her a"e turnin% u!ward to hi&' its de&ure Oriental "har& "ontorted into a devil &as) o tears# You will believe' Charlie' that all this was done &erely to aven%e hi&sel in one way u!on Connie# I assure you that you are wron%# The "unnin% se"ret' they tell &e' is that su"h a!!li"ations o nettles add &u"h to one3s enthusias& or love# Connie well )new that by endurin% su"h a !reli&inary she &i%ht ho!ewhere or a ri"h harvest5 We "a&e down to the la)eside !athway there stood the stran%est little e.ui!a%e# It was a li%ht %arden "arria%e with shats# A"ross these shats were two se"urely astened "rossbars' one at the very ront and another &id6way# ro& the dire"tion o the house' two o  Ibrahi&3s valets were es"ortin% a loud6&outhed' strident youn%ster who& I believe you &ay well re"o%nise# /he wal)ed with a "onte&!tuous toss o the lon%' air hair' whi"h ra&ed the broad oval o  her a"e' "o&bed ro& a "entral !artin% to lie loose on her shoulders# Certainly the narrow eyes and thin &outh "o&!leted a !i"ture o snub6nosed insolen"e# Can this be the youn% hoyden you on"e s!o)e o- While not !arti"ularly tall or !lu&!' Elaine a!!eared a sturdy enou%h adoles"ent in her white blouse and tie' the !leated %rey s)irt worn s"andalously short in a bra+en dis!lay o robust youn% thi%hs# There was no doubt o her rebellious nature' whi"h was visible in her strident &anner and the toss o her an6 hair' as well as audible in her vul%ar s!ee"h# When she was %iven her  orders at the "arria%e' she loo)ed with "onte&!t at the %uests' undid her s)irt and ste!!ed out o it# Be"ause Ibrahi& !reers su"h !u!ils to show their bare le%s in brie dan"in% s)irts' Elaine3s s"hool%irl were no &ore !air o bries in white "otton# Her stron% youn% hi!s)ni")ers and botto&6"hee)s werethan thusaad&irably sha!ed or ourstret"hed observation# /he stood between the shats' her ba") to the driver3s seat o the little "arria%e# The harnessin% be%an# Elaine had to bend orward over the irst bar' whi"h su!!orted her youn%  belly## A broad' stout stra! was riveted to the bar and the valets now drew this ti%htly 3round  belly Elaine3s waist# Not only did it hold her down# By !ressin% her belly even &ore ir&ly on the  bar' it "aused her waist to ar"h downward and so in"reased the swell o Elaine3s botto& in her  ti%ht )ni")ers# Her ar&s were at ull stret"h in ront o her' ea"h wrist se"urely held in a leather "u to the ront o the shat# or the irst ti&e the i&!uden"e in the broad oval o her a"e and eatures see&ed to alter# /he saw one o the valets ta)e a sli& "ane with a s!rin% li)e a ra!ier# He laid it "onveniently by the driver3s seat' addin% a bir"h and one or two other &eans o dis"i!line# Elaine tossed her air hair "lear' and "raned 3round with des!erate an$iety to wat"h these  !re!arations# /he was %nawin% "o&!ulsively at her lower li! in a!!rehension# Her hands were "len"hed into ti%ht ists and her bare le%s shited and tensed as the &en )e!t her waitin%# A still heat !ervaded the aternoon# In the dee! shade where we stood only the drone o  inse"ts disturbed the silen"e# The velvet !etals o the red lowers see&ed to wilt and the la)e lay bri%ht)ni")ers as a burnin% &irror#the With the she valets too)ste! the ree waistband o  Elaine3s and !ulled littlelovin% !ants slowness' down her one le%sountil "ould o the&# There was another stir o interest at this# While the youn%ster still wat"hed us over her 


shoulder' we &oved a little "loser to ta)e advanta%e o this bare rear view# Thou%h I "an only s!ea) ro& a e&inine !oint o view' Charlie' even I "ould see what it was that attra"ted the %entle&en o the !arty# ir&ly broadened and rounded by her !osture' the !ale' sturdy "hee)s o Elaine Co$3s to&boy botto& had that robust' vul%ar a!!eal whi"h is !erha!s at !ere"tion in a %irl o iteen# The li%ht6haired love6!ou"h !ee!ed ba")ward between her thi%hs7 li)e her  well6!arted butto")s' it was within ondlin% distan"e o the driver# One detail &arred this "har&in% "a&eo# The white tail o the s"hool blouse still trailed slantwise a"ross her bare seat# The valet now tu")ed it u!' well "lear o Elaine3s youn%  ba")side# /heo a!!eared .uiteor a bi%6botto&ed %irl initthis !osture' "ourse' and it was whetherand to thin) her as !u!il wo&an# I i&a%ine is the ate oosu"h a to&boy thathard her vi%our vul%arity lose her all "onsideration ro& the !rote"tive instin"ts o &an)ind# Certainly there was no su%%estion on this o""asion that she should be treated otherwise than a %rown wo&an6 nor any (ustii"ation or that# Elaine was su"h a !rovo)in% &i$ture, the broad6hi!!ed vul%arity o her ba")side in its !resent !osture' the insolen"e o her &anner' her s"hool%irl tie and bare  botto&' the i&!uden"e o a slut and the inno"ent aw)wardness o adoles"en"e# Ibrahi& a!!eared' a!!lauded by the onloo)ers' who lined the la)eside !ath# He bowed to either side with %ra"ious "ondes"ension# The %reetin% was returned# Then' turnin% in our  dire"tion' his eyes bri%htened at the si%ht o a bare6botto&ed to&boy li)e Elaine harnessed  bendin% between his "arria%e shats# He too) his !la"e in the driver3s seat# s eat# Elaine tossed her  air hair and "raned 3round a%ain' tryin% to wat"h hi&' with narrow6eyed an%er# Ibrahi& leant orward a little# In his hands he see&ed to wei%h the ull' !ale s"hool%irl  bu&6"hee)s# /lowly his in%ers &oved# @/u"h a war& little !ou"h'@ he &ur&ured' @su"h swelterin% li!s5 How &any lu")y youn%  boys have been !er&itted a %li&!se o it6and &ore# Ba") here' thou%h' I sense a vir%inity# vir%inity# How ti%ht5 Even to the in%er5@ Elainea"e twisted her3round' hi!s as violently as ury# the waist allow# @You brute5@ Hair  tossin%' "ranin% she vented her @You @You stra! dirty' dirty' would ilthy brute5@ Ibrahi& sat ba") with a %entle si%h# @/u"h rebelliousness' Elaine- We &ust over"o&e that# orward' i you !lease5@ As he s!o)e' Ibrahi& too) the sli& "ane in one hand and ta!!ed it into the !al& o the other# Elaine3s deian"e was tin%ed with !ani" now' )nowin% the "anin% would be%in as she &oved orward# @No5@ The dis&ay and the rebellion were !lainly heard in her "ry "ry## @I won3t5 No5 No6o6o6o5@ Ibrahi& s&iled at the outburst# His ar& went ba")# Down lashed the ba&boo with a whi!6 li)e re!ort a"ross the sturdy sturdy'' bare "hee)s o Elaine Co$3s iteen6year6old iteen6year6old botto&# botto&# What "onsternation in her eyes now5 /he bit her li! not to "ry out' thou%h her seat and thi%hs s.uir&ed with an%uish# /he "learly re%arded the hu&iliation o !ony6%irl dis"i!line with a &i$ture o dread and deian"e5 Ibrahi&3s s&ile broadened# He %ave a se"ond and third stro)e o the "ane a"ross her youn% arse# His s"hool%irl !ony yelled wildly at the atro"ious s&art and tried to )i") ba")wards# His &outh &out h ti%htened ti%htened in re!roval# re!roval# 2ari&' the valet' valet' at his &aster3s &aster3s si%nal' "ured this violen"e# violen"e# He wal)ed a"ross' too) the ba&boo' and %ave two thrashin% stro)es a"ross the ba")s o Elaine3s  bare' sturdy thi%hs'"a&e )een over enou%h raise %ooselesh What a "han%e thetoyoun% rebel now5u!on Thethe&# broad oval o Elaine3s a"e was a  !i"ture o re!entan"e# The narrow eyes bri&&ed with tears and the &outh wailed orlornly# orlornly# /he was al&ost &ore the whi!!ed "hild o iteen than the hardened youn% stru&!et# /&ilin%' Ibrahi& diddled her between her to&boy botto&6"hee)s and thi%hs# t hi%hs# @Now your obedien"e trainin% be%ins' Elaine Co$5 You3re sturdy enou%h to be &y !ony6 %irl6and i&!udent enou%h to need the whi! a"ross your bare botto&5 1ull orward' Elaine5@ /&a")5 went the ba&boo a"ross her broad' youn% ba")side# 3Round went the wheels' with Elaine strainin% with every &us"le o her robust youn% thi%hs and hi!s# The orna&ental %arden "arria%e trundled alon% the la)eside !ath' !ast ban)s o lowers risin% li)e walls u!on the dar)6leaved shrubs# Ibrahi Ibr ahi& & had no ey eyes es or the beauti beauties es o a %arden %arden## His %a+ %a+ee o ollow llowed ed the s.uir&in% s.uir&in% adoles"ent hi!s' the ar"hin% and roundin% o Elaine3s bu&6"hee)s' as she !ulled orward# Her  atly oered adoles"ent seat bore the lon%' swellin% weals o the ba&boo3s ta!estry# At ea"h ste! orward' with le% lited' her hi!s went arther over the "rossbar# With ea"h stride' she lay al&ost al&o st botto&6u!war botto&6u!wards ds over the bar' butto")s butto")s enti"in%ly !arted in a ull rear view# view# Elaine3s  ba")side te&!ted !unish&ent li)e any ith6or& to&boy over the des)' awaitin% the tea"her3s  ba&boo# si%ht"hee)s stiened Ibrahi&3s dis"i!linary His "ane out s.uir& s.u ir&in% in%''The robust robust "he e)s o Elaine Ela ine3s 3s botto& botto&' ' li) li)ee a +eal# rin%& rin%&aste aster3s r3s whi!# whiran% !# /evera /ev eralla"ross ti& ti&es es the he re.uired his &inions to detain her in this !ose while he added si$ or ei%ht wi")ed stro)es


a"ross the weals with whi"h he had already e&broidered Elaine3s seat# I will not weary you with an a""ount o every detail# /ui"e it to say that no a"t o a se$ual nature was !eror&ed on this re&ar)able outin%# The obedien"e lesson to whi"h Elaine was sub&itted was' in essentials' o a )ind thorou%hly a!!roved by En%land3s &oral edu"ators# As the sun waned over the !leasure %ardens' the e.ui!a%e "a&e to an in"line in the !ath' runnin% u! to the inest o the te&!les# Even a sturdy youn%ster o iteen was tested in all her  sinews sin ews to !ull !ull the "arria% "arria%ee orwar orward# d# Her &o&entu &o&entu& & la latte ttered red## Ibrahi Ibrahi& & "ho "hose se a woven' woven' sna)es)in !ony6lash# /&a")5 went the whi! a"ross the broadened "hee)s o Elaine3s ba")side# ranti"ally she writhed her robust youn% thi%hs' stru%%lin% wildly u!wards' arse over the harness bar#rose How andset lewdly adoles"ent ru&! s.uir&ed in this !osture# Ibrahi& insedu"tively his seat' teeth with Elaine3s dis"i!linary +eal# /&a")5 The !ony6lash sou%ht the lower atness o Elaine Co$3s to&boy to&boy botto&6"hee) botto&6"hee)s# s# /&a")5 /&a")5 Whi!6s&a") Whi!6s&a")55 Whi!6"ra") Whi!6"ra")66 s&a")5 /urely her s"rea&s were (ustiied by the ruby beads !un"tuatin% the lash &ar)s' tri")lin% down and s!endin% the&selves on her thi%hs# # I had so&e &is%ivin%s &is%ivin%s at the severity severity e&!loyed e&!loyed to ensure that she a""o& a""o&!lished !lished the last and &ost arduous !art o her lesson# Yet one &ust "onsider Ibrahi&3s view# The slo!e o the  !ath and the labour re.uired "aused the seat and hi!s o Elaine to ar"h out and s.uir& in the &ost lewd and tantalisin% &anner# It al&ost see&ed that Elaine was deliberately thrustin% her  iteen6year6old ba")side in his a"e' ar"hin% and roundin% its attened "hee)s at every ste!# As her sturdy youn% le%s strained orward' she alternately showed the love6!ou"h at her  thi%hs and then her widely o!ened arse6valley# No tea"her who had Elaine bendin% thus  beore the "lass "ould resist %ivin% e$e&!lary "hastise&ent or the &oral i&!rove&ent o the others# A %ate was "losed a"ross the !ath' its )ee!er standin% by# Ibrahi& diddled his in%er  i&!atiently between the butto")s o his sturdy ith6or& s"hool%irl# @/ound your little !ost6horn or the %ate to o!en' Elaine53 When she"o&&and# hesitated' a/he "ra") the sna)es)in lash a"ross With her bu&6"hee)s stren%thened the or"e o the wasobeyond &odesty' anyhow# a "ry o "o&!lian"e' Elaine Co$ arted as only a vul%ar to&boy o her a%e )new how# The witty %ate)ee!er "hose to be dea# A%ain the sna)es)in )issed Elaine3s stra!!in% youn% butto")s# /he e&itted two o the rudest "arria%e notes ever heard in the history o e.uitation# And so the %ate o!ened# /o the obedien"e lesson ended# What "ontroversies would attend it outside the hare& walls5 Yet it "ontained one advanta%e# Beore it be%an' Elaine see&ed a hard' i&!udent rebel# One elt !itiless in dealin% with her' as i she were an insolent and vul%ar %rown wo&an o iteen#  Now the snub6nosed i&!uden"e o the broad oval o her a"e was dissolved in tears' she wailed or !ity# Now one "ould soten towards her# /he was a "hild' a s"hool%irl o iteen'  !itilessly whi!!ed or her oen"e# O "ourse one s&iled and teased her %ently about the whi!!in%' to ensure that she did not or%et its !ur!ose# Yet now one "ould ondle Elaine %ently and ae"tionately' )nowin% that she would res!ond with the tearul %ratitude o a s"hool%irl whi!!ed and !ardoned# The two valets unastened her and led her away# Elaine wal)ed with her s)irt and )ni")ers in her hand' unable to wear the& in her !resent state# The orlorn youn% &outh rela$ed ro& its sobbin% de(e"tion and the wee!in% was less "o!ious# Her head was still bowed a little in sel6!ity' %entler wailin% by the tears with the o her  hand# /heher wal)ed slowly anda""o&!anied un"o&ortably# Onebrushin%6away "ould not be%in to "ount theed%e nu&ber o  swollen weals ro& the ba&boo that "rossed her to&boy butto")s# As she !assed the onloo)ers' Ibrahi& e$!lained that another su"h !unish&ent lesson would  be %iven her in a ew wee)s3 ti&e# ti&e# You &ay i&a%ine Elaine loo)in% 3round at us' the broad oval o her a"e a study in dis&ay' as she tossed ba") her lon% air hair# 4a)e no &ista)e' several o the s!e"tators "raned orward to "at"h her %a+e# It see&s they wanted Elaine to see their eyes wide and &ouths o!en in a&a+e&ent and deli%ht at what was %oin% to ha!!en to her# Do you de!lore this as the vindi"tive le"hery o the hare&- Believe &e' Charlie' it is no less "o&&on a&on% our edu"ators and &oralists at ho&e# As *ord Byron re&ar)s to the& when they e$e"ute ven%ean"e u!on a !air o sha!ely butto")s' @3Tis well your "asso")s hide your risin% lust#@ Had you but seen the si%ht in the reor&atory !unish&ent roo& on the ni%ht  beore Elaine was shi!!ed into hare& slavery' you would need no urther ar%u&ent# On that t hat last evenin%' she was stra!!ed over the blo") on all ours' as i or (udi"ial "anin%# The  (usti"es sat s&ilin% in their "hairs to wat"h# The &aster' %rave6a"ed in his shirtsleeves' "arried the ba&boo# You would &i%ht be have thou%ht it a lesson in &oral And so ittowas but orAll one thin%# Elaine %oin% to a !la"e ro& whi"h she dis"i!line# would never return tell tales5 restraint u!on the &oralists was re&oved# It was a year a%o when she had &u"h the a!!earan"e she has


now# The ei%ht &a%istrates were rotund i%ures o about ity# They went in two by two at irst# Elaine Ela ine3s 3s s)irt s)irt and !ants !ants were were lowere lowered# d# By tal) o whi!s whi!s and "i%ar ti!s' she was &ade "o&!liant# One &an )nelt beore her and she su")ed his %rey6haired "o")# The other )nelt at the rear' sedu"ed by the ull' !ale "hee)s o Elaine Elaine Co$3s ourteen6y ourteen6year6ol ear6old d botto&# botto&# our in su""ession sodo&ised the s"hool%irl to&boy' our &ore obli%in% her to swallow love3s !otion# Her vir%inity was )e!t or the &ar)et6!la"e# Three do+en with the "ane a"ross her sturdy' bare ba")side# Then' sin"e no one would ever  )now' the !ony6lash5 A sava%e hal6hour# Elaine Co$' s"rea&in% and twistin%' saw only sti' %rey6haired s&iles oris)ed deli%ht# the inluen"e o to &oral *adsbarred ro& the ad(oinin%!ri")s boys3and reor&atory lie/u"h and is li&b' shinnin% u! !eerdis"i!line5 in at the hi%h' windows# As the thirty6si$ allotted ba&boo stro)es were %iven a"ross the "hee)s o Elaine3s arse' the lads %rinned )nowin%ly at her# /he was the !er&itted s!y at their &asturbation rituals' the youn% slut who su")ed o the winner o the bare6)nu")le bo$in%# When' her   butto")s wealed by the ba&boo' the the whi! was "hosen in addition' not one o the& wo would uld have %one to her aid# They too were lon%in% to see Elaine ta)en all the way into that dar)er re%ion whi"h lies ar beyond the li&it o any !unish&ent# To her s"rea&s as her botto& was s)inned they re!lied with !ria!i" deliriu&' ea"h lad !u&!in% his or%an until his eyes rolled ba") and the %ruel (etted wildly out# Was Was this truly t ruly su!erior to the e$a&!le o the hare&At dinner we were waited u!on by two o Ibrahi&3s ourteen6year6old ny&!hs# 8alerie was a sli& %a&ine' with a short' auburn "ro! and a slender i%ure# *inda a!!eared so a sot' sensuous little blonde' with sly' blue eyes' a short &ane o air hair' and a sni%%erin% &anner# I "annot say whi"h o these two sli!!ed a note under &y !late inor&in% &e that they and other beauties had been abdu"ted and were now unwillin% bed slaves o the !asha# I was  besee"hed to "onvey this news to *ondon# A %unboat &i%ht then blast the !ala"e o Ib Ibrahi& rahi& to  !ie"es and "arry ho&e the little &in$es &in$es in triu&!h5 Be sure &e I )now duty5 I handed noteand to Ibrahi& at on"e# than)ed &e %ravely'  !ro&isin% that' &y in the "o&in% ni%ht'the *inda 8alerie 8alerie should beHe bir"hed or ive &inutes ea"h ti&e the "lo") stru")# I be%%ed only that he would &a)e it ten &inutes5 You a!!rove &y a"tion' Charlie- Thin) what a s"andal would result ro& the note written  by these t hese little l ittle sluts5 The !ashas are our loyalist allies5 I&a%ine the ate o !oor 1a!a6and he only (ust a""outred with an a&bassador3s "o")ed hat and !lu&es5 Britannia &ay have her  aults' but she )nows better than lesser nations the i&!ortan"e o avoidin% su"h i&!rudent dis"losures5 I was not &u"h disturbed that ni%ht by a%reeable i&a%es o the !lu&!' !early little &oons o *inda3s botto& under the ba&boo# It is no worse than dis"i!line in &any an En%lish ho&e# Thus I ta)e &y adorin% leave o you' dearest Charlie# Yo Your ur ne$t news is ea%erly awaited by Your ever6lovin% *i++ie

*ETTER = :REY/TONE/' ;> 4Y 9=>? 4y4y own dearest *i++ie' heart lea!t or (oy when an envelo!e "a&e bearin% u!on it your own un&ista)able hand# I read your bold a""ount o the %ood /ultan Ibrahi& and his novel ðod o "arria%e  !ro!ulsion5 It is true' &y sweet' there are youn% ter&a%ants li)e Elaine who' by every &oral ri%ht' should be !ut to dis"i!line o this )ind# Al&ost all the edu"ators and (usti"es o En%land would a%ree with &e in that# By the sa&e to)en' one res!e"ts a wie who is loyal to her husband and duties# On"e she trans%resses' however' is there any reason or tryin% to shield her ro& the ravishin% o the worldIn &y own s&all way' I too have had a vi"tory over a re"al"itrant %irl# I s!ea) o our youn% trollo! Noreen# But what insolen"e still dwells in those hard' !ale eatures and brown eyes# The other ni%ht' 4iss 4artinet' aided by her sta' was awardin% dis"i!line to "ertain stra!!in% youn% wen"hes li)e Noreen# The !ro"edure or this is' indeed' sin%ular# There is a lon% ben"h over whi"h the %irls )neel' !resentin% a row o ti%htly "lad ba")sides# Their wrists are stra!!ed stra!!ed to a rail on the ar side' so that they )neel over the ben"h on all ours# ours# *astly' *astly' a lon% s"reen is lowered ro& a rail to the ba")s o their waists' so that they "annot see who stands behind the&# That ni%htorit the wasbeneit 4iss 4artinet who wal)ed down the row#ti%htly /he indi"ated the ate o ea"h delin.uent' o the %roo&s' by "hal)in% on the "lad seat6"hee)s# Thus a nu&ber "hal)ed on the let "hee) indi"ated stro)es to be %iven by the !erson res!onsible# A


nu&ber on the other hal showed the !reli&inary to be %iven by a %roo& with a %y&6shoe heel# I vowed to "urb Noreen3s ill6&annered "ondu"t# /o' as 4iss 4# wal)ed down the line' I wat"hed "losely# /he strolled u! and down the row several ti&es# 1ausin% she a!!lied the "hal) to the robust youn% "hee)s o 4a%%ie3s seat and ins"ribed the nu&bers @;>@ and @9;#@ A &o&ent &ore and she drew @@ and @9;@ where a !an6 o ti%ht' %rey !ants was strained over  the ull' youn% "hee)s o /usan Underwood3s botto&# /ue' with her sot' blond beauty' was a %irl who& it would be a !leasure to %et into trouble# /o it went on until the tour o duty was "o&!lete# To &y dis&ay' however' Noreen was un6"hal)ed5 or"hal)in% that wasthe&# si&!le# Thealso "urtain had been arran%ed so thatwith the a"ul!rits notThe seere&edy who was It was intended to !revent a %roo& %rud%e"ould ro& addin% to the !unish&ent o a %irl with who& he had a .uarrel# In this "ase' however' Noreen was easily identiiable# The "ollar len%th o her dar) hair was "on"ealed as she lay over the  ben"h# Yet' Yet' in )neelin% over it' she s he oered an un&ista)able alternative !roile# The !ale (eans seat was taut a"ross her ir&' statues.ue butto")s' the "entral sea& drawn taut and dee! into her arse6"ra")# The lower sotness o her bu&6"hee)s al&ost "losin% over the sea& "ould  belon% to only one o the &is"reants# &is"reants# I stood there' as i I &i%ht 4iss 4#' or whoever had been de!uted to this tas)# Then I ran a hand over the thin' taut deni&' whi"h sheathed Noreen3s ba")side# As I did so' she "au%ht her   breath' )nowin% that she was about to be &ar)ed with the "hal) whi"h lay "onveniently to hand# Under &y stro)in% hand I "ould eel the tensin% o her butto")s and her taut' youn% thi%hs# 1erha!s it was be"ause she had believed hersel sae' havin% es"a!ed the wee)ly re")onin%' that she now rea"ted with su"h "onsternation# I ran a hand between the rear o!enin% o her  thi%hs and %ave her "unt6!ou"h a %ood eel throu%h the ti%ht "loth# I "ontinued so lon% that I  be%an to eel Noreen &oistenin% &oistenin% hersel in the "lin%in% !ants des!ite her !redi"a&ent# !redi"a&ent# I drew &y hand away andnow let her sus!ended ani&ation' so near and yet ar ro& her  ulil&ent# 4y hands were busyina%ain with the ir&' sturdy "hee)s o so Noreen3s arse' stro)in%' !artin%' and thu&bin%# /he !ushed ba") i&!atiently with her hi!s but' &u"h as she ur%ed it' she "ould not .uite brin% hersel to be% or the &asturbation to "ontinue# Then I too) the "hal)' and she was tense and still so s o that she would be able to eel the sha!e o the nu&bers written# On one "hee)' I wrote @9;@ or the %roo& with the hard6heeled rubber  %y&6sli!!er# Noreen "ried out' @No5@ in a !rotest at this !reli&inary dis"i!line# Then' on the other "hee)' I "hal)ed a @? 4y dearest *i++ie' As a !osts"ri!t to &y e!istle written on board shi!' I send this brieest o notes to tell you that I a& now saely arrived on the "ontinent whi"h holds within it your own sweet sel5 How lon% it will be beore I see you a%ain' I dare not say# It &ay be &any wee)s or' by a ha!!y "han"e' I &ay overta)e this very letter with the win%s o adoration5 It de!ends &u"h on the dis!osal o &y @"ar%o@ and the state o &y late Un"le Brandon3s aairs here# I will' however' re%ale you a &o&ent with the events o the last ni%ht o our voya%e# The in ins! s!e" e"to tor' r' who who ha hass no now w .u .uite ite de dese sert rted ed hi hiss !o !ost st in En%l En%lan and d or or so&e so&e &o &ore re lu"r lu"rat ativ ivee e&!loy e& !loy&en &entt here here a&on% a&on% the tra trader ders' s' "ontinu "ontinued ed in his role role o &as &aster ter o "er "ere&o e&onies nies## He devised what he !ro&ised would be a Rabelesian ban.uet or our inal dinner, the best ood' the inest vinta%es' and a bevy o nude da&sels to attend to our every desire5 You &ay well  believe that not one o his invitations was de"lined5 The result was both ine$!ressibly randy and yet "o&i" at the sa&e ti&e# We entered the &ain saloon with its sil)s and "ut %lass# I vow' *i++ie' I e$!erien"ed a "o&bination o sensations un)nown to &e beore, a stienin% !enis and a desire to roar with lau%hter# /e!arately' /e!arately' these are "o&&on enou%h# To%ether' To%ether' they &ust be rare indeed# Ahead o was wooden the ban.uet tableso&e at whi"h the lon% ins!e"tor' the eet Ca!tain' and I were to "ut sit# in It "onsisted o &e a li%ht' sura"e' si$ eet and two a"ross' and a hole the &iddle throu%h whi"h the li%htin% "olu&n rose# What is so "urious' then' you as)- The


table was su!!orted at either end' not by le%s but on the ba")s o two i%ures )neelin% on all ours# Well' Well' you say sa y' su"h "arvin%s are not unusual# Ah' but these were not "arved i%ures# The nude lesh o 4a%%ie and Noreen was &ore su""ulently &oulded5 The stools over whi"h they were stra!!ed su!!orted the& in turn and the tableto! was se"ured by a harness 3round their  waists and shoulders# A &an who sat on one side would have 4a%%ie3s blond head !rotrudin% on his let6hand side' ro& under the table end' and the !ale s!read o Noreen3s stra!!in% youn% hi!s on his ri%ht# Those who sat s at o!!osite would have Noreen3s a"e and 4a%%ie3s ru&! either side o their "hairs5 The li%htin% was &ore in%enious still# Our %ood ins!e"tor had had "ause to arrest three loud&outhed loud& outhed street %irls'be so&e ourteen ourour teen"ar%o yearsinold' orthat their "ondu" t# He sto") had "areully ensured that they should a&on% order henoisy &i%ht"ondu"t# have so&e to drive to &ar)et# 4andy' Tra"y' and /al as /ally !reerred to be )nown stood na)ed u!on the "entral  !lator& o the table and !rovided our "andelabra# Their wrists were (oined in the leather  "us above# It was /al who !rovided the li%ht or &e and to who& I %ave the &ost attention# What a !int6si+ed little stru&!et she was at thirteen or ourteen5 I&a%ine a broad' hi%h boned a"e with rou%e on the "hee)s# 1i"ture the snub little nose and the dar)' deiant eyes# Add to it a "ollar6len%th "ro! o air' tousled' wavy hair# In her i%ure' she was not tall' even or her a%e# Unli)e the ele%an"e o Tra"y3s s)irts' /al3s "ostu&e or roa&in% the streets in"luded the ti%ht deni& o her wor)in% trousers# 1i"ture the two as they &ust have been6al&ost li)e boy and %irl56the ir& to&boy thi%hs and the at little "hee)s o /al3s botto& rollin% as she wal)ed' illin% the ti%ht (eans "loth so heavily5  Now' li)e her two youn% riends' she !osed na)ed on the !edestal# *i)e the&' too' sshe he had an in%enious dildo threaded in her "unt' "urvin% out in the ront to be"o&e a tri!le "andle holder with its three tall la&es twelve in"hes or so ro& her belly# At the rear' an identi"al "andelabru& had been ir&ly inserted between the at little "hee)s o her arse5 8anessa other %irls as our "har&in% na)ed waitresses# As %irls# we awaited the irst "ourse'and the the ins!e"tor told attended us hu&orously o his arrest o the three street How they had %one throu%h the .uiet &iddle6"lass &iddle6"lass thorou%hare thorou%hares' s' /al bawlin% bawlin% her war son%, @I %o out on /aturday ni%ht' and I loo) or a u")in% i%ht5@ How she had insolently be%%ed or a "i%arette6@:ot any a%s-@6and how she had surrendered to the ri6ra &eltin% !ot o so"iety# Havin% a!!rehended the three youn% stru&!ets' he was stru") at on"e by the thou%ht o bein% a !artner in Un"le Brandon3s business rather than a &ere assistant# /i$ waitresses entered' al&ost sta%%erin% under the wei%ht o the hu%e salver' whose "over  still hid ro& us our ban.uet# The s!lendid !ie"e was loaded onto the table and the "over  re&oved# Can you %uess' &y sweetIt was twenty6ive6year6old a")ie' the !ro&is"uous youn% slut with her bell o blond hair' i&!udent blue eyes' sullen (aw' and attish hi!s# Have no ear' she was not the &eal itsel' &erely the dele"table !latter# U!on her breasts were arran%ed the hors d3oeuvres' so that her  ni!!les a!!eared as the "herries ato! the&' or she was entirely na)ed# a")ie3s sluttish youn%  body was to !rovide all the !late and %lass we re.uired# We too) wine by b y !ourin% it into her  &outh and she turned her blond head obediently to the i&biber and %ave hi& the drau%ht ro& her &outh into his' ni"ely &ulled# in%ers wor)ed ea%erly on the ni!!les salad oto thestien hors d3oeuvres' the in%er sli%htlybowls a"id tin%lin% o  theOur salad dressin% "ausin% a")ie3s re&ar)ably# were not needed, %lan"in% down at the ir&' !ale insolen"e o Noreen3s a"e' I had only to hold &y in%ers to her &outh and "o&&and her ton%ue to do the wor)# There were so&e very ir&  bananas in the ruit bowl and you will believe I "ould resist ta)in% one in &y other hand# 4a%%ie3s blond hair' as well as her "rude' !ale eatures' were rele"ted or &e in a &irror# A Ass I "oa$ed the banana into 4a%3s youn% "unt' she was as ea%er as I# Then her ton%ue washed the Ca!tain3s in%ers lovin%ly# lovin%ly# Was Noreen &ore or less ortunate- In her "ase' the ins!e"tor too) a dierent ai&# The  banana entered between the !ale' stra!!in% "hee)s o Noreen3s Noreen3s nineteen6year6old botto&# botto&# That let only one re"e!ta"le or the olive stones o the salad# In &y own "ase6or I en(oy a &eal o  olives6I (ud%ed it un"outh to litter loor and table# To re"o&!ense &y youn% blonde' with her  ir&ly broadened butto")s and thi%hs' I irst %ave her a ri%6(i% with the banana# Then' one by one' I !o!!ed the olive stones u! her arse6hole# We now went on to the sal&on &ayonnaise and as!ara%us# The &ain dish dish was served u!on the !ro !roud ud "urve "urve o a" a")ie )ie3s 3s youn% youn% belly' belly' tho thou%h u%h the as!ara%us stal)s were tu")ed dee!ly into her love6!ou"h' !rotrudin% between her thi%hs' whi"h %ave the&us# a &ost novel savour# ate heartily' did not or%etro& the hun%er o those who su!!orted In &y "ase' it wasWe !ossible only but to eed Noreen &y hand# /he hesitated at irst but the olly o reusin% su"h deli"ious &orsels was soon shown her# In the


end' she ate with relish so&e o the as!ara%us i&!re%nated with a")ie3s own %irl taste# I will not weary you with every "ourse and wine we en(oyed# The dessert was o !an"a)es' an and d or or th this is we re.u re.uir ired ed a "l "lea ean n !l !lat atte ter# r# It re.u re.uir ired ed on only ly a a") ")ie ie to turn turn ov over er on he her  r  &ayonnaised belly in order or the !an"a)es to be served u!on her seat6"hee)s# se at6"hee)s# They were hot enou%h to &a)e her stir a little but not e$"essively so# The advanta%e o the !ale' attish "hee)s o a")ie3s arse was that they !rovided a "onvenient "entral "leava%e or the dro!lets o le&on and su%ar# To dun) ea"h bit o !an"a)e between a")ie3s sluttish bu&6"hee)s was &ost lewdly en(oyable# Our ban.uet ended with ruit o the season, %ra!es a""o&!anied by !ea"hes and !lu&s# a")ie would ta)e into the %ra!es in her the& o!en' thehers# !i!s1lu&s with her then eed the ruit the &outh o &outh' the &an!o! whose o!en li!sre&ove "overed she ton%ue' treated si&ilarly but' turnin% her head' a")ie was o "ourse obli%ed to s!it the stone li%htly into the &an3s hand# 4a%%ie shoo) her blond rin%e indierently' but there was so&e a!!rehension in her blue6%reen eyes# A !lu& stone' ater all' is a si+e lar%er than that o an olive# Alas or 4a%%ie5 How easy it is to eat those sweet' syru!y !lu&s vora"iously# I thou%ht o those &en who had !ressed at the :reystones stable window to %o%%le at the youn% blond saddle6dresser as she wor)ed with her  non"halant sluttishness in ti%ht ridin% (eans# I&a%ine their deli%ht now' had they been able to see the int intrud rudin% in% banana' banana' the waste waste bowl bowl !resen !resented ted to 4a%%ie 4a%%ie3s 3s botto& botto&'' and the slow' slow' &easured "latter o allin% !lu& and olive stones# I thou%ht how ine$!ressibly randy and deli"ious it was to have one3s dinner i&!re%nated by the s)in lavours o a %irl3s &ost inti&ate body sura"es# We !ushed ba") our "hairs a little and lit our "heroots# This was "har&in%ly done, it was youn% /al who was &y hu&an "andelabru&# On"e I had the weed between &y teeth' she ba")ed a little towards &e and bent over so that the rear tri!le "andle was !resented# /he had to tu") her )nees orward a little' or  /al' o "ourse' stood above &e# You You &ay be sure I detained her a &o&ent in this !osture# When the %irls &ealtowas over'saloon' the ins!e"tor be%%ed ourbuyer indul%en"e# He would his three youn% street another or an Arab hare& was "o&in% out inta)e his bar%e this evenin%' with a view to !ur"hasin% all three or his "olle"tion# You &ay be sure that the Ca!tain and I too) u! !ositions outside the door' listenin% and endeavourin% to "at"h )eyhole %li&!ses# With an eye to a %ood !roit' the ins!e"tor on"e a%ain dressed /ally as a youn% slut o the str street eets' s' in her bla")' bla")' waist6l waist6len% en%th th (er (er)in )in and the ti% ti%ht' ht' !ale6b !ale6blue lue deni& deni& o her wor)in wor)in% % trouse trousers# rs# Th Thee hare& hare& owner owner &ur&u &ur&ured red a!!rov a!!rovin% in%ly ly## He said he li) li)ed ed youn% youn% hoyden hoydenss o  ourteen or so who "hallen%ed hi& by disobedien"e# /u"h ill6bred deian"e was !lain in /al3s  broad and hi%h6boned a"e' dar) eyes' and sho") o air hair# He s!o)e ea%erly o sturdy little hi!s and ir& thi%hs# Had she been trained by s!ort and e$er"ise1erha!s she stru%%led a little as the two valets held her by either ar& and his hand ran under the %usset o (eans "loth# Was /al a vir%in- The ins!e"tor "ould not "lai& that' but he ha hasti stily ly assu assure red d th thee ha hare re& & &aste &asterr th that at it ha had d on only ly be been en bo boy ys o /al3 /al3ss own own a% a%e# e# In the the  !assa%eways o the town' /al would also su") the !enis o older &en in e$"han%e or  "i%arettes# The hare& buyer did not see& unduly dis!leased to learn o her e$!erien"e in su"h a "rat# /edu"ed thethe swa%%er /al3s at He little botto& iasthe shevir%inity wal)ed' o he /al3s re.uired thearse valets to turn and by bend youn%o stru&!et# in.uired youn% hadne$t been ta)en# The ins!e"tor vou"hed it had not# The hare& buyer thus be"a&e &aster o all three %irls and was let alone with the&' assisted by the two valets# @Away with your s)irts and !ants' &y three houris5 E$"ellent5 4andy6on the bed and &a)e love to yoursel5 Tra"y6(oin her5 /ally' botto& u!wards over the !illows' i you !lease# Why' the to! o your head s"ar"ely rea"hes a &an3s shoulder' and yet how &any you have &ade to lust ater you' /al' as you wal)ed throu%h the streets' rollin% your at little botto&6"hee)s in wor)in% (eans5@ At his "o&&and the valets ti%htened the wrist stra!s on his youn% &istress# @How oten have you &ade res!e"table husbands ollow you' /ally- How oten have "a&eras "li")ed u!on your a"e and your rear view to add %e&s to their !rivate "olle"tions- Why' you even intrude into the &arria%e bed' I dare6say5 As they do their duty to their wives' their &inds are elsew elsewhe here re## They They dr drea ea& & o ta ta)i )in% n% you do down wn to the the "o "oun unty ty wine wine va vaul ults ts or the the &o &on) n)s3 s3 rende+vous in the old "hur"hyard# They drea& o su"h u")in%' even o bu%%erin% /al3s at little botto& at thirteen or ourteen years old5@ There was a !ause and then he "ontinued &ore breathlessly# @Absurd to reuse &e your rear  vir%inity vir%inity' /ally5boys Your Yourwho atte&!t &erely earns you a re!ri&and Were Were you so hau%hty with the 'yo)el )e!t your "o&!any in the &er"hant3saterwards5 !assa%e- Bite the !illow' /ally' to %ive you %reater enduran"e5 Ah' how "o!iously I shall s!end &y seed on this hot'


inertile soil5@ Ten &inutes later' his urious "ries "onir&ed that he had !u&!ed his lust into /al3s ba")side' where no unwanted !ro%eny is en%endered# @Now' /ally'@ he &ur&ured' @there is one other (oy whi"h the &en who ad&ired you in the streets would have relished# It re.uires this whi! with the lash o woven sna)es)in# 2ari&' &y ine ellow5 Tea"h the youn% slut a lesson5 *et &e see the "hee)s o /al3s botto& rese&ble a  !air o s)inned to&atoes5@ The sounds that rose ro& /ally' thou%h a vul%ar youn% stru&!et' "an well be i&a%ined# As it ha!!ened' I had a rende+vous with 4a%%ie in &y own "abin (ust then# It was the last beore she' too' was sold to the hi%hest bidder at the au"tion blo")# The Ca!tain and the ins!e"tor' however' !rivile%ed to s!y throu%h the "ra") o the door where /ally s!rawled on her   belly overwere the divan# There were &any' worthy "iti+ens o the ele%ant "ity who would have wished su"h a loud6 &outhed youn% slut !unished# 2ari& did not disa!!oint the&' I was assured# By the ti&e he had visited the at' s.uir&in% little "hee)s o /al3s botto& with his lash' she "ould not have endured sittin% on the li%htest eather "ushion without a "ry5 The Ca!tain and the ins!e"tor  wat"hed' &ouths o!en with a&a+e&ent and deli%ht at /ally3s shrill des"ant# There was &u"h satisa"tion that su"h a &aster should have !ur"hased her# Thus we "a&e sae ashore this &ornin%' &y dearest *i++ie# I was not sorry to !art with the Ca!tain and the ins!e"tor' or their vindi"tiveness towards the rebels a&on% the %irls suits ill &y own &ore sotly las"ivious tastes# However' who "an say that youn% /ally did not need so&e whi!!in% o the )ind- As or Noreen' I had no "o&!un"tion over the @s"oldin%@ whi"h the Ca!tain' with his leisurely Havana' had ad&inistered to her stra!!in% youn% seat5 In a day or two the last o our business will be done# Events &a)e it i&!ossible that I should return to En%land' even were I so in"lined# All &y thou%hts now turn towards you# Be sure' &y love' that the inal (ourney between us shall be a""o&!lished with the &ini&u& o  delay by your own adorin% Charlie

*ETTER 9; RA4A**AH' F AU:U/T 9=>? 4y very own Charles' I write at on"e to tell you o a &ost re&ar)able s!e"ta"le' whi"h is "ontinuin% even as I !en these words# It is an @e$!eri&ental le"ture'@ !eror&ed on the !erson o an attra"tive youn% En%lishwo&an' in ront o an invited audien"e# Dr# a"obus' a "rony o the 1asha' is to de&onstrate the se$ual anato&y and un"tions o this youn% wie# Two days a%o the 1asha &entioned it to &e# An e$a&ination table was to be set out under   bri%ht li%hts on a dais in the walled "ourtyard# Twenty Twenty o his riends' "onnoisseurs o the e&ale body and owners o !rivate hare&s' would dine with hi&# Ater dinner they would ad(ourn to the outdoor @le"ture theatre'@ where the learned Dr# a"obus would illustrate every or& o se$ual en(oy&ent whi"h the youn% wo&an "ould oer# It was e$!e"ted that the le"ture would "ontinue lon% ater &idni%ht# surely'@ ob(e"ted' @noawo&an "onsent unless she were a slave and %ivena no@But' "hoi"eYet'I i she were slave' would her &aster would s"ar"ely abandon her was to su"h  !ur!ose-@ @True'@ s&iled the 1asha' @however' in *esley3s "ase' she has (ust lost her reedo& but has not yet been sold by the trader# /he is thus the ideal sub(e"t or the %ood Dr# a"obus#@ 4y "uriosity was aire5 I was deter&ined' i !ossible' to be one o the learned audien"e at the e$!eri&ental le"ture5 It was' or obvious reasons' "onined to &en o %reat trust who would not re%ret anythin% that *esley *esle y &i%ht under%o# How well our "unnin% 1asha %uessed &y intention' Charlie5 I sli!!ed into the "ourtyard while they were at dinner and ins!e"ted the arran%e&ents# The lar%e &arble table was on the dais' a "u!board o a""essories standin% behind it# The seats rose sli%htly in three tiers' "urved to %ive ea"h o""u!ant a !ere"t view' no &ore than ten eet ro& the de&onstration table# To s!ea) the truth' &y dearest' they were &ore old6ashioned sedan "hairs than seats' ea"h havin% tall' "urtained sides so that no s!e"tator "ould see another# Durin% her ordeal' o  "ourse' *esley would be able to see the& all# Why su"h !riva"y- In ea"h booth was a %irl to &inister to the o""u!ant3s needs as the le"ture !rovo)ed the&# 4athe&ati"s 4athe& ati"s was never your stron% !oint' &y beloved# beloved# Yet Yet thin)# Tw Twenty enty s!e"tator s!e"tatorss and twenty6one seats5 had Were I seen atanthis de&onstration' a s"andal there &usttobe5 our  thou%htul 1asha !rovided e$tra !la"e or &ywhat "on"eal&ent# I &oved the/o' e&!ty  booth at the end o the irst row and too) &y !er"h#


Who was the slave %irl in the ne$t seat- I "ould not hel! urtively !ee)in% throu%h the "urtainin% enou%h to !ee!# Behold' it was 1atri+ia' the ei%hteen6year6old Italian bride# /he is short and sturdy as a to&boy o si$teen' dar)6brown hair worn strai%ht to her "ollar and !arted on her orehead' li)e a &edieval !a%e# /u"h olive6s)inned a!!eal' wide "hee)bones under  dar) eyes' and a ir& line to &outh and (aw5  Now the 1asha and his %uests "a&e out into the "ourtyard' he dire"tin% the& away ro& the  booth whi"h "on"ealed &e# &e# @That is set aside' %entle&en5 The rest are at yo your ur dis!osal5@ /&ilin% at his "unnin%' I !ee!ed into the ne$t booth# A air6s)inned &an o ity or so with silvered hair and &ousta"hes was the %uest# 1atri+ia stood beore hi& in a blue blouse and &at"hin% drawers' s)in6ti%ht%irl' ro& )nees' worn with a belt o when !ale6brown leather# su"h a !layul but inno"ent herwaist eyesto widened with astonish&ent he &ade her sit/till on his )nee and )iss hi&# Unbuttonin% her blouse' he &oulded her ull' Italian breasts with his hands# Then' standin% her u!' he ad&ired her ir&' thou%h so&ewhat sto")y' thi%hs# He turned her 3round# ro& the rear' her hi!s slo!ed downward and outward' %ivin% her a deli%htul' broad6botto&ed to&boy loo)# Thou%h not at in the seat' her rear6"hee)s have a volu!tuous wei%ht# The ti%ht !ants3 "rease behind her )nees and a"ross the ba") o her thi%hs# Dee!er olds "urve ro& between her le%s under the ull' olive6s)inned "hee)s o 1atri+ia *uisi3s botto&# The &ur&ur o voi"es ell silent as Dr# a"obus "a&e onto the dais' where the li%hts shone  bri%ht as noon# He was a very s&artly dressed &an o *atin a!!earan"e# About orty6ive years old' he see&ed the dar)6haired &edi"al s"holar' with )nowin% eyes# @This evenin%' %entle&en %entl e&en'' we are ortunate ortunate in our sub(e"t'@ said he' sharin% sharin% the a&use& a&use&ent ent o his listeners# @*esley is a youn%' &arried wo&an' twenty6ei%ht years old# Until re"ently' she led a lie o   !ro&is"uous se$ual e&an"i!ation# You You need have no "o&!un"tion' then' over what is done to to her here# /he is well used to the !enis' both in i n &arria%e and outside it' bein% wilul and selish in her lusts# 4oreover' "hild6rearin% has %iven her a ir&ly "ontrolled &aturity o i%ure' enablin% her to do"tor bear ar%lan"ed &ore than "ould beand inli"ted on a s"hool%irl or youn% iteen#@ The learned 3round at us "ontinued# @*esley isoanourteen edu"ated wie' e&an"i!ated and sel6!ossessed# Yet her arro%ant and disdainul &anner &a)es her a &ore e$"itin% "hallen%e# How re&orselessly we shall !ursue e$tre&e !ossibilities in dealin% with her li!s' her breasts' her va%ina' and her ba")side5@ He lowered his voi"e "onidentially# @/o&e o the ordeals whi"h *esley will !resently under%o would be ran)ly i&!ossible i she were still ree and able to tell tales# ortunately' she is already destined or a lie o se$ual slavery in a !la"e ro& whi"h no "o&!laints are ever heard# When *esley lived reely with husband and lovers' the &ere unwanted dis!lay o a stran%er3s !enis to her was an oen"e5 The use o it on her without her %rud%in% "onsent was a "ri&e5 The whi! a"ross her bare  botto& was dee&ed torture5 Ha!!ily' Ha!!ily' su"h words are &eanin%less here' where her &aster3s  !leasure is the law#@ law#@ Two o the 1asha3s soldiers brou%ht her on to the dais# How shall I des"ribe the youn% wo&an- *esley is .uite tall and' at twenty6ei%ht years old' her body is )e!t ni"ely tri&# Her  strai%ht' air hair is "ro!!ed al&ost boyishly short at the na!e' sha!ed "lose to her head ro& its hi%h "rown to her (aw line' and !arted in a lon% l on% rin%e on her orehead# Aloo blue eyes are &at"hed by ir&' air6s)inned eatures' with a sul)y downward turn o &outh and sullen "hin# /he is would a %irl o En%lish loo)s' well bred' sin%let but s!oilt her o &oody e$!ression# How her  i%ure thrill you5 %ood /he wore only a white andby a !air translu"ent sto")in%6ti%hts in honey6toned sil)# Dr# a"obus !ulled u! the sin%let ront to her throat' revealin% the &il)6 white hillo")s o *esley3s breasts' with their !in) "herry ti!s# His de&onstration "ane stro)ed the two lesh &ounds# @*et us be%in' %entle&en' with *esley3s breasts# Ah' see how she lowers her eyes until her  rin%e hides the&5 Are you shy about showin% your tits' *esley- Observe the ad&irable elasti" ela sti"ity ity'' %entle& %entle&en' en' des!ite des!ite havin% havin% %iven su") to a !air !air o in inant ants# s# As I lay the "an "anee underneath and lit the&' see how !roudly they )ee! their sha!e5@ The youn% wo&an bowed her ur"hin "ro! arther# @Don3t "lose your eyes' *esley5@ s&iled Dr# a"obus# @Wat"h how your tits &ove when the "ane raises the&# Now' %entle&en' be assured that *esley3s ni!!les are no dierent than those o the inest du"hess du"hess or the lowest whore# However However %reat her re!u%nan"e re!u%nan"e or bein% !ubli"ly !ubli"ly dis!layed li)e this' she "annot hel! her little "herries %rowin% hard when they are "aressed# We need not even use our in%ers5 Wat"h Wat"h the &etal ti! o the le"ture "ane5@ He "ir"led the "ool &etal li%htly on the youn% wie3s let ni!!le' whi"h see&ed to !o! u! at on"e# Then the ri%ht one "a&e ne$t# A soldier held *esley3s head u! to a"e the audien"e' while a"obus bent and the ton%ue6li")er ni!!le in turn#  Now his "ane tra"ed sli%ht !roudea"h outward "urve o her belly# belly# @A &odern &odern youn% wo&an5 Bi"y"le e$er"ise and healthy a"tivity5 A belly swell or two ro& her babies has not ruined her 


here#@ The "ane travelled down arther# @How su%%estively the trans!arent %loss o ti%hts &oulds her lower hal5 How tri& and al&ost boyish her lon% thi%hs are5 Hi%her u!' the air   !ubi" hair' !ressed by the ti%hts' shows throu%h li)e l i)e !retty ern# The ir& !ubi" &ound and the be%innin% o the "let between her va%inal li!s a!!ear ad&irably5@ He nodded to the two soldiers' who turned her so we now en(oyed her rear view# *esley stood with her head bowed a%ain' the short air hair !artin% under its own wei%ht on the ba")  o her ne")# @How ortunate'@ said our le"turer' @that *esley was &ade to have babies# Child6rearin% has &erely i&!arted a %entle &aturity o hi!s' a sli%ht ir&in%6out to the "hee)s o *esley3s  botto&# The il& o honey6"oloured ti%hts is li)e"leava%e her seventh veil'the&#@ showin% the  !ale swell o trans!arent *esley3s botto&6&oons and the dus)y orbidden orbidden between He tra"ed the "ane over the "ontours o her derriere# *esley3s hind6"hee)s ti%htened in alar& at the !layul &ena"e o ba&boo# @That ri%htens her a little'@ said a"obus# @*esley )nows that' when her ti%hts are ta)en down' she will be s!ared nothin%# The thou%ht that her   bare arse will be "aned as !itilessly !itilessl y as in any !rison &a)es her )nees and bowels tre&ble# Try to "al& yoursel' *esley# It will not be or so&e hours yet#@ There was no &ista)in% her tension# How her )nees !ressed hard to%ether and her seat6 "hee)s "ontra"ted as Dr# a"obus went on5 @I "hild6bearin% has &ade her va%ina a little sla")er' it has %iven her a behind li)e a youn% /!artan soldier6%irl# or those whose !enis shats !reer ti%htness' it oers the e$.uisite %ri! o *esley3s anus# /he &ust learn to as) her  lovers or that5@ *esley loo)ed 3round over her shoulder with a start# How wide were those blue eyes under  the 1arted rin%e o her ur"hin "ro!5 @There need be no "o&!un"tion'@ said Dr# a"obus' s&ilin% at her# @or too lon% *esley has indul%ed her own !leasures at the e$!ense o others# /he "an hardly "o&!lain now i she is &ade to sub&it to the de&ands &ade u!on her5@ He &ade her I&a%ine bend over' the ti%hts broadened swellbendin% o her bu&6"hee)s' tautly rounded# herand in so&e bla")sha!ed trouserthe suit' li)e a "oolie' ri%ht over to weed the %arden# No doubt the si%ht o *esley3s *esle y3s arse ully s!read would "ause &any a !enis to stien' &any a urtive "a&era to "li") or a set o !i"tures or a !rivate "olle"tion# But that was nothin% to the view she oered relu"tantly to the audien"e here# The le"ture be%an in earnest with *esley3s &outh# Dr# a"obus tra"ed its sul)y line with his in%er# He ordered her to )iss his in%erti!s and then the ba") o his hand' as he stro)ed her  li!s# When she hesitated' he whis!ered a warnin% in her ear# *esley orlornly !outed her li!s' )issin% his in%ers and )nu")les with alar&ed ea%erness# He slid three in%ers into her &outh and re.uired her to wash the& with her ton%ue#  Ne$t she was obli%ed to de&onstrate the art o )issin% with the irst o the 1asha3s soldiers# In the irst bout o !assion' as she !ressed her "losed li!s a%ainst his' the Arab soldier tried to  bruise her with his or"e# At last he bit her lower li! until she y yielded ielded a &uled "ry "ry## @You &ust o!en your li!s' *esley5@ said Dr# a"obus' lau%hin%# @Intrude your ton%ue into his &outh and let hi& taste your saliva# /how your enthusias& enthusias&'' unless you wish to see your  youn% ny&!h whi!!ed# The learned s"holars at this le"ture would be %reatly intri%ued by a s"hool%irl dau%hter' thirteen years old5@ Into the Arab3s *esley3s ton%uehis luttered wildlyinto li)eher a tra!!ed At ti&e last the soldier !ushed her&outh head ba") and thrust own ton%ue &outh# butterly# At the sa&e he &ade *esley !ut her hand u!on his hardenin% hardenin% ere"tion and unbutton hi&# The brow brown6tone n6toned d  !enis stood sti and sinewy# sinewy# He !ushed her to her )nees in ro ront nt o hi&# @*esley3s li!s are sha!ed by nature to su") the !enis'@ said Dr# a"obus# @It will be re.uired several ti&es a day by hare& %uards# To swallow is not essential' but it is always "o&&anded in su"h !la"es as a si%n o love and sub&ission to the &an#@ *esley3s air ur"hin "ro! twisted in the hands o the &an who stood beore her# Another  warnin% brou%ht her to her senses# /he bowed her head and too) the !enis in her hands'  !eelin% ba") the ores)in with her thu&bs' and runnin% her ton%ue in the sensitive %roove under it# The soldier "len"hed his teeth in a %ri&a"e o !leasure as *esley ton%ue6ti!!ed the vent o his )nob# @1ay no attention to the !reten"e o re!u%nan"e *esley showed at irst'@ a"obus told us# @/he ell so in love with the last &an whose &istress she was that she did the deed or hi& several ti&es# I she was !re!ared to win hi& by su"h &eans' there "an be no e$"use or her  now# /he ad&itted these e!isodes ater her abdu"tors !ressed her u!on the sub(e"t# True' she has never swallowed beore' but that is &erely a %esture o obedien"e#@ The soldier %uided *esley3s &outh u! and down the !enis shat' his hands !ressin% on her  short6"ut air hair# On"e or twi"e we heard the youn% wie ret"h aintly# @Ah'@ said a"obus' @the )nob drives "lose to the ba") o her throat6or else she tastes the


&an3s lubri"ation in her saliva5@ The soldier re.uired *esley to su") aster and aster' so that one %uessed the out"o&e# He %ave a "ry in his ury and shot the irst war& s!awn onto the youn% wie3s ton%ue# @/wallow !ro!erly'@ !ro!erly'@ said s aid Dr# a"obus %ently' @or else bear the "onse.uen"es' *esley# :ood#  Now' wash the )nob with your ton%ue#@ We saw the &ove&ents in her rounded &outh' her ton%ue wor)in% sotly 3round the !enis she had (ust ed ro&# In drawin% away' the &an bestowed a inal trail u!on her &outh3s u!!er  ri&# @*i") your li!s' *esley'@ said Dr# a"obus' and she obeyed# At this &o&ent I "ould not resistHer !ee!in% into &y nei%hbour3s sat on her  heels beore the worthy %entle&an# olive6s)inned a"e' with itsbooth# broad1atri+ia hi%h "hee)bones' was al&ost hidden in his la!' l a!' the dar)6brown hair a"ross her orehead tou"hin% his belly# Yet Yet I saw 1atri+ia3s &outh rounded as she su")ed his tool# @C @Clo lose se yo your ur ey eyes' es' 1atri 1atri+ia +ia5@ 5@ he br brea eath thed ed sot sotly ly## @I @I&a &a%i %ine ne it is a &o &ont nth h a% a%o6 o6yo your  ur  honey&oon# 1retend it is your youn% bride%roo& you su")5@ On the dais' *esley was still standin% beore the &arble6to!!ed table# @*ie on the de&onstration6table' *esley5@ said Dr# a"obus shar!ly shar!ly## Turnin% her ba")' she lod%ed one )nee on the run to "li&b u!# As she went orward on her  hands' the ti%hts !resented the seat o our tri& youn% A&a+on in a &ost !rovo"ative !osture# It was this whi"h earned ro& Dr# a"obus a well6ai&ed s&a") on *esley3s rear6"hee)s# /he %as!ed' s!readin% one hand ba") over her ru&! ru &! as she "o&!leted her as"ent# @*ie on your ba")'@ said he' @your eet towards us# Now hu% your )nees u! to your   breasts#@ /he did as she was told# The youn% wo&an was now !resented to us with her hi!s and arse in a ull s.uat' seen ro& underneath# Dr# a"obus !la"ed two rubber "ushions under her head so that her a"e was visible at the sa&e ti&e# I wondered why she was not yet undressed "o&!letely' thou%h the!osture# trans!arent il& o the ti%hts !ere"tly outlined every detail o her  love6slit in this !resent @*esley3s va%ina will be the "entre o interest or &any o her ad&irers'@ said Dr# a"obus' s&ilin%# @*et us study st udy its &ain eatures# Towards her belly' where the ti! o the de&onstration "ane is tou"hin% her' stands her "litoris' not .uite &as)ed by her  air !ubi" hair# I we were to re.uire *esley to &asturbate in ront o us that is where she would !robably be%in to rub hersel# /ee how sensitive she is even to the &etal ti! o the !ointer throu%h her ti%hts# O all her !laythin%s' *esley3s "litoris is the one she would die rather than !art with#@ He drew the ti! arther ba")# @Here you will see the &ain outline o her vulva' that !urse o  lesh whi"h re!resents re!resents its outer li!s# The entran entran"e "e to her va%ina now a!!ears as a &ere !in)  slit6(ust there# Re&e&ber' thou%h' that it "an be stret"hed to ta)e the lar%est !enis and &ust even !er&it the e&er%en"e o a baby3s body# body# Not ar away' we have a s&aller s &aller hole ro& whi"h a %olden ountain !lays several ti&es t i&es a day#@ He now sat on the table3s ed%e' laid down the le"ture "ane' and tra"ed her anato&y with his in%ers# @*esley no doubt believes in her ri%ht to &asturbate i she "hooses# /o&e hare&  !hiloso!hies deny that' in order to ensure that she does not s!oil hersel or her &aster# In that "ase' she &ust be "ir"u&"ised' as it is "alled' "all ed' se"ured in this !osture or that !ur!ose# An older  and wo&an will use will a )een littleher blade to !rune awaywith# *esley3s "litoris tri&e$!erien"ed her va%inalhare& li!s well ba")# They leave nothin% to !lay Ater that' and her   !leasure will be "on"entrated on the use o the &an3s !enis in her va%ina or' i !reerred' her   behind# The "hosen area will be !re!ared !re!ared by "onstant sti&ulus and e$"itation ro& the wo&en who have "har%e o her#@ As he s!o)e' he rubbed *esley3s "litoris li%htly in a teasin% "ir"ular &ove&ent with his in%erti!s# We "ould hear the youn% wie breathin% harder' the whis!er o sto")in%ed )nees and thi%hs !ressin% and s.uir&in% to%ether# With the inde$ in%er o his other hand' Dr# a"obus si&ultaneously !arted her va%inal li!s in a lon%' re!eated "aress# *esley3s &outh o!ened a little' her eyes "losed' luttered o!en' and then "losed a%ain# @4ore !robably'@ said Dr# a"obus' @she will be en"oura%ed to !lay with hersel' even  beore her &aster and his %uests' as well as to indul%e in a&ours with other hare& %irls#@ /he turned her air ur"hin "ro! aside' as i needin% to rest her head on her shoulder# Her  ton%ue !assed re!eatedly and auto&ati"ally over her !arted li!s# @You do li)e it' don3t you' *esley-@ He s&iled %ently' then addressed hi&sel to the rest o  us# @Now' %entle&en' what better way to %au%e her !assion than to see how her love (ui"e "olle"ts on the sil) o her ti%hts- /he "annot hel! hersel# It is i&&aterial whether the hand is that o her lover or o a &an she des!ises and loathes#@ He s!o)e truly# The honey6toned honey6toned sheen o the ti%hts now shone with the sli!!ery wetness o  her va%inal lubri"ation whi"h %athered on the &esh between her le%s# Dr# a"obus "u!!ed his


hand over her va%ina' s.uee+in% and &il)in% %ently# *esley %ave an i&!lorin% little "ry# Was she ranti" not to be brou%ht to or%as& in ront o us- Or was she be%%in% hi& to hel! her  s"ale the hei%hts o bliss- Alas' Dr# a"obus drew his hand away# He lo")ed a thin "hain round her waist and "li!!ed it to a &etal rin% at the table3s "entre' restri"tin% her to the tableto!# @Turn on your side' *esley'@ he said %ently' @and draw your )nees u!# I3& %oin% to !eel your  ti%hts down to &id6thi%h#@ When this was done' he turned to us# @Even a &an who& she disli)es "an "on.uer *esley i  he is !re!ared to &asturbate her to a !oint where she is beyond sel6"ontrol# Even an edu"ated and sel6!ossessed youn% wo&an will yearn or a body to res!ond to# There will "o&e a !oint where shewhile will want se$ with any &an who is available' or even with another "areully I "ontinue to &asturbate *esley between the rear o!enin% o herwo&an# le%s#@ Wat"h On to the dais "a&e a .uite tall and %ra"eul Caribbean beauty# I saw it was /hawn' in a yellow sin%let and bei%e shorts# /u"h a !roud' hi%h6boned a"ial beauty# Her dar) hair was on"e &ore !rettily drawn ba") in a bun# Her bare "oee6s)inned le%s were lon% and a%ile# As she stri!!ed o her !ants' the tawny "hee)s o her botto& were ele%antly rounded' her !ubi" &ound bearin% a tri& bush o dar) hair# As Dr# a"obus "ontinued to &asturbate *esley by rubbin% his in%er in her va%inal slit' /hawn stoo!ed and tauntin%ly !ut her ei%hteen6year6old li!s to those o the lust6tor&ented wie# *esley )issed yearnin%ly' %ivin% a little whi&!er o rustration when /hawn drew away# The tawny6s)inned %irl %ave a se"ret s&ile ro& her al&ond eyes and %athered saliva on her  ton%ue ton %ue## *esley *esley'' her hi!s hi!s &ovin &ovin% % in ti&e ti&e with with Dr Dr## a"obu a"obus3 s3 stro) stro)in% in%'' o!e o!ened ned her &outh &outh  !leadin%ly to ta)e the "oloured %irl3s well6watered ton%ue on her own# /hawn stoo!ed ri%ht over the youn% En%lishwo&an and' !ullin% u! her sin%let' oered her war&6toned youn%  breasts# *esley too) the ni!!le "rowns one ater the other in her &outh' &outh' eyes "losed in ra!ture' and ton%ue6washed the& lan%uorously# Dr# a"obus3 in%ers' enterin% throu%h the rear o!enin% o her thi%hs' now ondled her "litoris !itilessly# Olay "ourse /hawn a war&6blooded %irlher who wastowards hersel *esley3s %ettin% very bytawny now# /he on the table'was a"in% *esley but with head eet#e$"ited /hawn3s thi%hs now o!ened in ront o *esley3s a"e# With hardly a &o&ent o hesitation' the ur"hin6 "ro!!ed wie be%an to )iss the to!s o the lon%' %ra"eul Caribbean le%s# / /hawn hawn loo)ed down' ti%ht6lidded al&ond eyes ull o &o")ery' the dar) hair with its to!6)not and tortoise6shell "o&b %ivin% her a "o&&andin% ele%an"e# @Do it with your ton%ue between /hawn3s le%s'@ said Dr# a"obus .uietly# Then he turned to us# @An intri%uin% tableau' %entle&en5 *esley swears she has never &ade love with a youn% wo&an beore' not even her %irlriends at s"hool or "olle%e5 Yet nature has tau%ht her by instin"t what to do# Even her &arria%e and babies have not s!oilt that#@ We stared wide6eyed at the s"ene on the de&onstration table# *esley was still restri"ted to the len%th o her waist "hain# The hi%h "rown o her short "ro! bowed orward# /hawn bent one )nee and raised her le% a little# *esley li")ed and )issed the brown6s)inned %irl3s "litoris' then la!!ed at /hawn3s va%inal "let as i the eli$ir o lie ran ro& between her "unt6li!s# The ir&' !ale &oons o *esley3s botto& see&ed to ar"h out at the sa&e ti&e towards Dr# a"obus' as she lay on her side# ro& the rear o!enin% o her thi%hs' he "ontinued to &asturbate her  with re&orseless s)ill# /hawn3s were "losed in a drea&and o bliss' her "hee) restin% on *esley3s bare hi!' ar&s hu%%in% theeyes En%lishwo&an3s haun"hes' li!s "aressin%# @Turn over' /hawn'@ said Dr# a"obus !resently' @show your behind to *esley# Rea"h ba")  and !ull the "hee)s a!art a little#@ The hi%h' taut' "oee6s)inn "oee6s)inned ed "hee)s o /hawn3s /hawn3s botto& were dele" dele"table table enou%h# Yet Yet *esley twisted her a"e away' li!s !ressed and &ewin% with reusal# @Would you rather a "ertain little %irl did it instead-@ as)ed Dr# a"obus# @Instru"tions "an  be %iven at on"e or that#@ *esley' whose relu"tan"e was !erha!s hal6hearted' loo)ed at hi& in dis&ay' then turned her a"e to /hawn3s ru&!# Chee)6)issin% was ordered irst' then li!!in% the dar) "leava%e' and inally the li")erin% intrusion o *esley3s ton%ue into /hawn3s ti%ht anus6bud# Yet by this ti&e both %irls had liberally dewed the inner sura"es o their thi%hs with the lubri"ation o  e$"ite&ent# As Dr# a"obus had !ointed out' it was absurd or *esley in su"h a state to !retend that she "ould not attend to /hawn3s !osterior beore returnin% to the other %irl3s va%ina on"e &ore# At len%th' /hawn was led away into the shadows by one o the 1asha3s soldiers# It was (ust  !ossible to see how he stood her a%ainst a balustrade' and &ade her raise her le%s and %ri! his waist' while his !enis entered her vi%orously ro& below# @The "ul&ination o our eorts'@ said Dr# a"obus' @in the irst hour o the le"ture' &ust be the !rin"i!al use o *esley3s va%ina# That will now be de&onstrated to you#@


The "a!tain o the %uard a!!eared' his bree"hes unbuttoned' a ine' stout ere"tion standin% out# Without her waist "hain bein% unastened' *esley turned onto her ba")' bendin% her  )nees and o!enin% her thi%hs wide# @I ear it is %reed rather than obedien"e whi"h &a)es her so ea%er now'@ said Dr# a"obus# @Yet who would have thou%ht that *esley' so arro%ant and dis&issive in her dealin%s with others when she was at liberty' would be so ea%erly !ro&is"uous in bed-@ The "a!tain s&iled and )nelt on the table between her le%s# He ound her well !re!ared by the le"turer3s ondlin%# @ro& su"h re.uent use in the &arria%e bed and in the beds o her lovers' as well as ro& "hild6bearin%' *esley3s va%ina a trile o sla")er than Arab taste a%ility %enerally !reers# Yet that is a&!ly "o&!ensated here by theisairness her s)in and the ir& o her i%ure#@ He s!o)e truly# /ettin% his teeth' the "a!tain drove his shat into *esley3s "unt with a  !assion whi"h &ade her "at"h her breath# Yet Yet she lited her hi!s to hi& and "ried out sotly with desire# Ta)in% her bead between his hands' he )issed her li!s# His !al& s&oothed re!eatedly over her !roud' youn% belly# Then his hands went under the sin%let and ir&ed u! *esley3s breasts# *esley drew her )nees ri%ht u! and her white eet see&ed to lutter li)e two  !retty birds in her e"stasy# Her eyes "losed li%htly and' !erha!s' she tried to !retend it was her  husband or a lover who was doin% it o her# Dr# a"obus "ontinued his lesson# @How ill6advised was that so"iety whi"h !er&itted *esley to reuse her body to &en who ad&ired her but who& she re%arded with disdain5 /u"h "a!ri"e is not tolerated here in a slave %irl# Yet are we not )inder than the world where she was allowed to be so "ool and aloo'  bestowin% her avours %rud%in%ly %rud%in%ly on husband and lovers ali)e-@ *esley ar"hed her ba") and be%an to %ive little "ries o @Ah5 Ahhh5 Ahhhhh5@ Her toes "len"hed ti%ht with (oy# @In the !la"e she is %oin% to'@ said Dr# a"obus' @*esley will be "o&!elled to sub&it to the  !enis o whi"hever &aster "hooses her# No &atter i he is hateul or re!u%nant to her# Des!ite her and attitudes'with she lovewill en(oy !ri") her (ust ir&' as &u"h# You see her sel6!ossessed now- You hear here&an"i!ated si%h and whi&!er You his observe white thi%hs s.uee+in% adorin%ly on the !enis o her &an- Yet she "ould not detest anyone &ore5 He it was' ater *esley3s abdu"tion' who also !ro"ured her twelve6year6old dau%hter# I&a%ine the ha!!y !ur"haser o two su"h treasures6"onsider the !ossibilities !ossi bilities o love and desire' tenderness and "hastise&ent' whi"h su"h a !air oer hi&5@ The "a!tain was steadyin% steadyin% *esley3s hi!s now and ridin% into her with tre&endous tre&endous vi%our# vi%our# /he %ave a aint' de&ented s"rea& o !leasure' be%%in% or the war& lood whi"h would "al& her ury# @Now5@ she "ried# @Do it now5 Oh' !lease5@ But the "a!tain' as you &ay i&a%ine' was intent on !rolon%in% his en(oy&ent and so !aused' in order to be%in a%ain# @You noti"e that-@ said Dr# a"obus# @*esley it"hes or the s!er& now# But nature' the su!re&e arbiter' has arran%ed &atters so that it is her lover who &ust di"tate the ti&e# The  !re"ious un"tion is his' to bestow or withhold as he "hooses#@ But (ust then the da& burst' and with a series o short' buttin% thrusts' the "a!tain !u&!ed his s!er& into *esley3s "unt# @Harder you youn% slut5@ he shouted' &at"hin% her own risin% "ries o !leasure# @Your @Your thi%hs wider5 *et &e tou"h your very de!ths5 A%ain5 And a%ain5 Now your li!s' while I !u&! you ull# O!en5 Your Your ton%ue !layin% with &ine5@ I swear' Charlie' II&a%ine never i&a%ined su"hae"t a dis!lay "ould be !ossible# The ee"t the u!on indeed sti&ulatin%# how it &ust &y nei%hbour5 I !ee!ed throu%h %a!&e inwas the "urtainin%# 1atri+ia was bent ba") over the seat and the elderly %entle&an was thrustin% u! vi%orously between her thi%hs' his !enis %oin% li)e a well6oiled !iston5 Yet Yet the irst !art o tthe he le"ture was not .uite done# @:entle&en'@ said Dr# a"obus' when the "a!tain had buttoned u! his trousers and de!arted' @beore we ad(ourn or a little reresh&ent' there is one other un"tion o *esley3s va%ina whi"h a""ura"y re.uires &e to &ention# It is' o  "ourse' the &eans by whi"h she !rodu"es a "har&in% %olden strea& several ti&es a day# It is rare or s"holars o anato&y to t o see su"h a youn% wo&an !eror&in% that a"t# Ha!!ily' we &ay now re&edy the o&ission# De&ands &ay now be &ade u!on *esley whi"h' on"e &ore' &ay now be &ade u!on *esley whi"h' on"e &ore' would have been i&!ossible when she was an e&an"i!ated youn% wie# Bein% an edu"ated wo&an' she &ay even be less sho")ed by the& than an ordinary wor)in% %irl would be#@ /tret"hed taut' the waist6"hain let her lie at the table3s ed%e' on her ba")' her ti%hts !eeled down to &id6thi%h# @Hu% your )nees u! to your breasts a%ain' *esley *esle y'@ he said .uietly# @Now let us see the little ountain !lay a %olden ar" onto the %rass# *et &e eel your belly or a &o&ent# Ah' yes' I3& sure it &ust be lon%in% to obli%e us ater the .uart o water you were re.uired to drin) earlier  on#@ Did her blue eyes still loo) aloo- Was her &outh still set in its line o sul)y arro%an"e- I


"ould not say# or now he allowed *esley to turn her boyishly "ro!!ed and !arted rin%e away ro& us# His in%er ti")led a "ertain di&!le in her va%inal !ou"h' well !resented by her  hori+ontal s.uat# It too) her a &o&ent only' or I %uessed she was %lad o so&e !rete$t to en(oy this relie# I saw her bare belly ti%hten below the he& o her sin%let# With a sot' deli"ate sound' li)e the %entlest shower dro!s on a lawn' the %listenin% ar" rose ro& *esley3s e&inine slit in a brie dis!lay# /he re!eated it without urther instru"tion# Our learned Dr# a"obus sto!!ed her at that !oint# @Now !ull u! your ti%hts' *esley# You3ll lie arse u!wards over the table' ready or the ne$t  !art o the de&onstration le"ture#@ With theblue ed%eeyes# o her/he hand' *esley brushed thesil) !arted rin%e o her "ro! oThe her  disdainul drew the trans!arent o the ti%hts u! boyish taut over her"lear hi!s# waist6"hain (ust allowed her to sit in the shallow "hannellin% at the table ed%e# Now there o""urred an in"ident to sho") !olite so"iety' but a &atter o li%ht a&use&ent here with a youn% slave6wie# *esley3s little ountain !roved easier to turn on than to turn o5 Her sot entreaty to Dr# a"obus was too late5 *esley hid her a"e in her hands at the li.uid whis!erin% between her  thi%hs# /heathed only in il&y ti%hts' she sat in a war& !ool o her own &a)in%5 Dr# a"obus had let# The two soldiers' s&ilin%' detained *esley' sittin% in the "hannellin%' until the seat and even the lan)s o her ti%hts were well soa)ed# Then' shortenin% the waist6 "hain' they obli%ed her to lie over the table# Unwillin% to &eet our eyes' she turned away on her side# We ad&ired the rear o her hi%h6"rowned ur"hin "ro!' her ba")3s "urve in the short sin%let' sin%le t' a band o sot' white s)in above her hi!s' the "har&s o her le%s' and her arse in wet ti%hts# The wet seat o the ti%hts "lun% lawlessly to her rear "ontours' the li%ht "at"hin% a sheen o &oisture# Be"ause the soa)ed il& "lun% so ti%htly' it revealed her sha!e yet &ore "o&!letely# It thus %ave a uller and al&ost atter loo) to the "hee)s o *esley3s twenty6ei%ht6 year6old botto&5 A soldier with a bowl o rose water a s!on%e wi!ed over the "ontents' table' wrin%in% outover  the s!on%e into the bowl# Then' di!!in% theand s!on%e into the .uestionable he wi!ed the "hee)s o *esley3s ti%hts# A "urtain ell over the dais# *esley believed she was in total  !riva"y## Alas' des!ite a!!earan"es' the "urtain was translu"ent' or the li%ht was behind it# We  !riva"y saw her every &ove&ent#  Now' Charlie' what do you i&a%ine- *esley sobbin% at havin% thus dis%ra"ed herselWee!in% or the loss o love and &arria%e- Tre&blin% at whi!s and !unish&ents- Terriied at the !ro&ise o bein% sold to a &aster whose "ruelties would dew the !illow with her tears ea"h ni%ht- How little you )now her5 /he is still that wilul and sel6indul%ent youn% tart who lived or her own !leasures# Believe it or not' our tri& youn% A&a+on be%an to !lay with hersel5 /he did it urtively' or ear o bein% "au%ht' not darin% to !eel down her ti%hts# /he is an @advan"ed@ youn% wo&an' who !ro"lai&s her ri%ht to e$!lore and en(oy her own body as a way o sel6 dis"overy# /he will learn here that su"h a"ts are orbidden and !unished unless "arried out on her &aster3s orders# However' we soon saw the ir& &oons o *esley3s botto&6or she still lay with her ba") to us6 "len"hin% and swellin% rhyth&i"ally' wrin)lin% the wet seat o her ti%hts a little# There rose a sil)y whis!er o sto")in%ed le%s s.uee+in% and s&oothin% to%ether lovin%ly# /li!!in% a hand into the ront o the waistband and raisin% one )nee a little' she be%an to rub her "litoris and va%inal slit# All this was &istily visible throu%h the thin sil)# or so&e ten &inutes we were able to en(oy wat"hin% *esley &asturbate# Her other hand was "len"hed a%ainst her  &outh to stile any sudden "ry# A youn% youn% wie o twenty6ei%ht' well used to her husband3s !enis and those o her lovers' &ust !ine or the&# *esley had been ridden by the Arab "a!tain' but not to ulil&ent# 1ro&is"uous and selish as she is in her !leasures' our hau%hty youn% wie "ould not resist inishin% what had been so well be%un5 There was a divertin% "on"lusion to this# Ater ten &inutes or so' *esley was lubri"atin% hersel "o!iously' the balloon o desire in her loins inlated al&ost to burstin% !oint# /he was strun% harder than ever on the ra") o !assion3s tor&ent# A shadow &oved behind her as she iddled hurriedly with hersel# The youn% wie ro+e into i&&obility# A hand s&a")ed down hard on the seat o her wet ti%hts with the heavy resonan"e o sil) "lin%in% soa)ed to "ushiony  botto&6lesh# @/to! that at on"e' *esley5@ said a wo&an3s voi"e' @this &inute5@ How wide with dis&ay were the blue eyes whi"h now loo)ed ba") at us under the lon%'  !arted rin%e5 /he was alar&ed at bein% "au%ht but also at havin% brou%ht hersel to a worse  !it"h than ever# Without Without resistan"e' she let her wrists be en"losed in leather "us at the table ri&3s astenin%s# Can you %uess the se.uel' Charlie1atien"e5 You You shall hear all ro&


Your own adorin% *i++ie5

*ETTER 9< RA4A**AH' F AU:U/T 9=>? 4y dear Charlie' In %reat haste I s"ribble a ew &ore lines to tell you o Dr# a"obus3 e$!eri&ental le"ture# It has not "on"luded even as I write' thou%h we are "lose to &idni%ht5 or aWe ewwere &ore behind "urtain' underwent a s!on%in% thethere wo&an3s hands# no&inutes &ore than ten orthe twelve eet*esley ro& the de&onstration table' at and were  broad s&iles at the sound o her entreaties# *esley has an i&!ortunate voi"e' li)e a sul)y and wilul little %irl# /he be%%ed or another youn% wo&an to inish her# Ater an i&&ediate reusal' she whis!ered or another youn% wo&an to inish her# *ast' and in vain' she !leaded or a ew &inutes alone to !eror& the a"t whi"h was now so ne"essary to her !ea"e o &ind# The wo&an lau%hed sotly# s otly# @or%et about su"h thin%s or toni%ht' *esley# Tu Turn rn over and show &e your behind# Ah' yes5 I thin) our %uests will ind the ne$t hour or two o the le"ture &ost sti&ulatin%5@ I re!ort the very words' Charlie' s!o)en not an hour sin"e' or in &y inno"en"e I had no notion o what to e$!e"t# When the "urtain was drawn ba") and Dr# a"obus ste!!ed orward on the dais a%ain' the s"ene had "han%ed a little# *esley was re6attired in ti%hts and sin%let' but now she lay a"e down over a stout leather bolster# Her seat was well raised and broadened by this# Her hands were held at ull stret"h ahead o her by the wrist "us# *eather an)lets held her lon%' tri& le%s to the o!!osite ri& o the &arble de&onstration table# @:entle&en'@ said Dr# a"obus' @we have "onsidered our sub(e"t ro& one view' let us now "onsider !osterior !ossibilities#@ In herand !resent !ose' tantalisin% il& o the ti%hts seat6"hee)s swellin% ir&ly' &ar)ed thethe dus)y "let between the&# Dr#showed a"obus*esley3s drew his le"ture "ane over  these "ontours' whi"h "ontra"ted instin"tively at the tou"h# The learned do"tor showed how an a"tive youn% wo&an in her &iddle twenties' her &aturity ir&ly "ontrolled' was oten at her   best in this area o her "har&s# @In *esley3s "ase'@ he re&ar)ed' @re%ular !enis e$er"ise in the &arria%e bed and "areully "ontrolled !re%nan"y has %iven a taut' !roud &aturity to her botto&6"hee)s without &a)in% her in the least labby#@ labby#@ I "ould not see the other %uests' o "ourse' as *esley turned her &oody' air6s)inned a"e with a sha)e o her rin%e# Yet' ro& the sudden loo) o a!!rehension in her blue eyes' I  believe she &ust have seen the twenty &iddle6a%ed %entle&en loo)in% e$!e"tantly at her' ea"h dis!layin% his own interest at the ordeal she was about to under%o# @In nature'@ nature'@ said Dr Dr## a"obus a"obus'' @*esley @*esley3s 3s botto& botto& has thr three ee uses# uses# or a &an' &an' the &ost i&!ortant is !eror&ed by her anus' whi"h is &ade as a ti%ht and en(oyable entry or the  !enis# Those who !ri+e su"h ti%htness' and those who en(oy s!endin% in a %irl3s body without ear o en%enderin% a baby' will &a)e %ood use o her in that way#@ At this !oint one o the s"holars interru!ted with a .uestion# @Ris)s-@ said Dr# a"obus thou%htully# @When she "hose to bear a "hild' *esley thereby di&inished the ti%htness o her "unt# /o&e &en who value ti%htness will now' understandably' understandably' de&and the use o her anus# *esley surely has only hersel to bla&e5 /he was ea%er or her  husband3s !enis and so be"a&e !re%nant# Carryin% a baby in her belly &ade her !rone to "ertain trivial ali"tions o her rear di&!le# 1erha!s she re&ains vulnerable there# Yet that was the "ause o her own randiness# *esley &ust not e$!e"t to deny us our !leasures be"ause o the "onse.uen"es o hers5@ Dr# a"obus returned to his the&e# @The se"ond !ur!ose o *esley3s ba")side is to re"eive "hastise&ent# /"holars throu%h the a%es are o one &ind that no !art o the e&ale anato&y is  better suited to this than the butto")s# /in"e *esley will never be set at liberty libert y ro& her ate as a slave %irl' we need have no hy!o"risy here# /he will be "hastised by her &aster on her bare  butto")s and the duration o this this will be deter&ined solely by his en(oy& en(oy&ent#@ ent#@ *esley !ulled vainly at the leather an)lets and wrist "us with a wail o !rotest# @inally'@ said Dr# a"obus' @her behind was &ade or wo&an3s ease as well as &an3s  !leasure# That sub(e"t "on"erns us only in so ar as she &ay !lead her needs as a !rete$t# It is' o "ourse' a si&!le &atter to deny su"h a !eror&an"e or' indeed' to "o&!el it by &eans o a loaded s.uirt# Yet she will no doubt try to end a "anin% or !revent her &aster3s entry by  !rotestin% the ur%en"y o o her situation# Ha!!ily this &ay be easily "he")ed#@  Now he turned to *esley and too) hold o the waistband o her ti%hts# As he drew it down to her )nees' the !ale hi! lesh swelled ree a little# Now we loo)ed loo)ed down on the sli%ht' taut


&aturity o her !ale hi!s' the %entle ir&in%6out o her botto&6"hee)s' and her lon%' tri& thi%hs# Des!ite her twenty6ei%ht years and her !ro&is"uous ways' the youn% wie lowered her  a"e ro& our si%ht' or now Dr# a"obus !ressed her two rear &oons a!art and dis!layed *esley3s anus# The ti%ht' dar) bud shran) ro& his in%er3s tou"h# @*esley !leads that she has never had a &an that way'@ he e$!lained# @Alas' she does not realise how %reatly that will &a)e the buyers "ovet her in the slave %irl &ar)et5@ He stro)ed *esley3s air ur"hin "ro! as i to "al& her# Then he too) a %lass s.uirt about ei%ht in"hes lon% and sli& as a !en"il' with a rubber bulb at one end# He illed it ro& a bottle o li.uid soa!# Ne$t he sat on the table3s ed%e' ir&ly "ir"lin% *esley3s *esle y3s waist with one ar&' and loo)in% down at was the taut swell o her seat# The o theo"hee)s' where they "urved in to &eet at her anus' ivory6yellow' in "ontrast tos)in the !allor her butto")s# The neat inward di&!le o *esley3s arse ti%htened with alar& at the tou"h o the "old %lass s.uirt# Dr# a"obus laid the s.uirt down# With all his !ower' he delivered a series o rin%in% s&a")s u!on the ull' !ale &oons o *esley3s botto&# The !ro&is"uous youn% wie was soon %as!in%' tensin%' and shitin% her seat6"hee)s des!erately# Then she bowed her head' hidin% her a"e' and yielded her anus to the sli& !robe# @O!inions vary'@ vary'@ said Dr# a"obus' @as to whether vaseline or li.uid soa! will best !re!are a youn% wo&an li)e *esley or love# or her lover' the "onvenien"e o &erely vaselinin% her is "lear# In the !resent "ase' where we are dealin% with an adulterous youn% wie' there is an ele&ent o !unish&ent# The len%th o the %lass s.uirt and the (et it e$!els will sti&ulate needs and sensations dee! in *esley3s ba")side# Also the li%ht !eru&e will "ause a sli%ht eroti" irritation#@ The ull len%th o the s.uirt was now sheathed in *esley3s bu&' only the bla") rubber bulb nestlin% between her hind6"hee)s# @*ie .uite still' *esley'@ said Dr# a"obus "al&ly# @You &ust learn to a""e!t these &easures o hare& hy%iene#@ Those had suered o the wie had would have relished theeyes# a"e whi"h Dr#who a"obus obli%ed the her arro%an"e to turn to us# Theyoun% arro%an"e %one ro& the blue Where was the sul)y' sel6!ossession o her "lear' air6s)inned eatures and ir& &outh- He s.uee+ed the bla") bulb li%htly and her body tensed at the irst &uled s.uirt# There was a sudden wild6eyed and o!en6&outhed alar& in her a"e# Our hau%hty youn% wo&an see see&ed &ed to s"an the rows o "hairs i&!lorin%ly or so&eone who &i%ht inter"ede on her behal# /he saw only twenty ea%er a"es# Dr# a"obus ti%htened his ar& 3round her waist# He !ressed the bulb hard and re!eatedly# With a orlorn "ry' *esley (a&&ed her le%s harder to%ether and tensed her !ale bu&6"hee)s on his busy in%ers# When he had done' he withdrew the %lass !robe# *esley3s anus went des!erately ti%ht and s&all as the %lass ti! "a&e "lear# @irst' %entle&en' let us "onsider the a&orous use o *esley3s behind# By her !ro&is"uous "ondu"t' she has lost all ri%ht to ob(e"t to its use in this &anner# Havin% surrendered hersel to her ur%es' it is only ri%ht that she &ust surrender to those o others#@ There was a ready &ur&ur o assent to the (usti"e o these re&ar)s' or who "ould dis!ute so &oral an ar%u&ent- Dr# a"obus resu&ed# @We are ortunate in havin% as our de&onstrator  one who& I will "all the /"hool&aster# He has lon% been an ad&irer o *esley3s ba")side as she bent to so&e tas) in a !air o ti%ht ridin% (eans# Then' alas' she was not a slave %irl and his lust had to be "urbed# *et us "on"ede' however' that he is not a avourite with her# He lately ad&inistered severe "hastise&ent with his "ane to the bare butto")s o a avourite o hers' her  dau%hter6ny&!h' dau%hter6ny &!h' while our boyishly "ro!!ed 8 8enus enus was obli%ed to listen in the t he ne$t roo&5@ This at on"e &ade the situation &ore !rovo)in%5 The /"hool&aster a!!eared in a &as) and a waist6len%th leather (er)in# His !hallus' understandably sti with e$!e"tation' stood out and nodded as he wal)ed# He ad(usted a &irror so that he would be able to see *esley3s a"e while he ravished her arse# /ittin% on the side o the table' he "ir"led her waist with one ar& and loo)ed down on the ull' !ale swellin% o *esley3s wiely youn% seat6"hee)s# @Your a"e to the &irror' *esley'@ he &ur&ured# @Wat"h yoursel bein% !re!ared# Try to i&a%ine how &u"h a &an en(oys doin% it5@ He too) a lar%e blob o vaseline ro& a (ar and slowly s!read it on her ti%ht inward rear  di&!le# In her a%itation' *esley twisted her head' loo)in% ba") at hi& besee"hin%ly# Her blue eyes inter"eded orlornly# The sul)y &outh whis!ered !eevishly those reasons whi"h &ade her behind so vulnerable to ravishin%# He s&iled at her with a&use&ent# @That3s your !roble&' *esley5 4y !ri") is so sti that I "ould not desist &erely be"ause you you &ay be in"onve in"onvenie nien"e n"ed d or a day or two5 two5 /u"h /u"h shrewi shrewishn shness ess'' *es *esley ley55 Your ri% ri%ht ht to "hoose who beds you- Your body belon%s to you- /urely you or%et where you are5 /u"h &is"hievous nonsense is never tolerated ro& a hare& slave6wie5@@ His in%er diddled the ur"hin6"ro!!ed 8enus between her butto")s as she lay on her belly over the rubber "ushions# He ondled the s&ooth' eroti" &aturity o *esley3s botto&6&oons'


whi"h were swelled out and broadened by the "ushions under her loins# @Be sensible' *esley5@ he &ur&ured' @it won3t be the irst ti&e you3ve been sodo&ised' will it- You You still !retend your  husband never dared it in a it o honey&oon !assion- None o your lovers durin% &arria%eAh' but do not deny that the two Arab traders !eror&ed the a"t on you durin% your ni%ht in their "a!tivity# True' True' we heard you reuse their su%%estion indi%nantly# But 2ari& waited lon% enou%h to hear you %ettin% it anyway' *esley5 /u"h "ries at irst6and then sot si%hs# A urtive and %uilty thrill as they !robed your rear de!ths' *esley- A !ro&is"uous youn% wo&an soon learns to en(oy it5@ @They or"ed &e5@ Her resent&ent had a s!oilt "hild3s !etulan"e# @Your is irrelevant Y ouryou &aster3s over your ba")side ande$a&!le the rest o @Yo youuris"onsent absolute# Did thosehere' two *esley# ro%ues Your %et into ri%ht bad habitsI ollow their without "o&!un"tion5@ @But I "an3t5 I daren3t5### I won3t5@ He stoo!ed' )issin% ea"h o *esley3s !roud' !ale botto&6 "hee)s# @The days are !ast' *esley' or wal)in% out on &arria%e and duty to %ratiy your ur%es with a lover# The little &etal !rod heats in the bra+ier "oals# Every !oor rustrated hare& eunu"h lon%s or the order to draw it out and tantalise your bare botto& with it where &y li!s now  browse5 Ah5 Ah5 Your Your butto") butto")ss ti%hten with alar& at that5@ He !aused' then resu&ed' s&ilin% at her with wi")ed !ro&ise# @Your @Yo ur rear valley and its ti%ht little lit tle "rater' *esley5 4y li!s salute you there### and there# Ah' you have underesti&ated its sedu"tive a!!eal5 At hi%h s"hool and "olle%e' did you never  i&a%ine a &an or who& this would be your %reat "entre o interest-@ @No5@ A !eevish wail' !etulant yet i&!lorin%# @Ah5@ Tou"hin% *esley3s anus with his in%er' he see&ed to %uess the truth# @Why so tense and ti%ht' *esley- Too !roud to "oness the "ause- I believe that &y sha!ely youn% hen is shy o the "o") be"ause she wants to lay- *et us see5@ While downinto in aher woebe%one he wie too)%ave a sli&' twelve6in"h %lass rod *esley3s and slid it&outh %entlyturned but dee!ly ba")side# &anner' The youn% a little "ry as it rea"hed its ull de!th# The /"hool&aster withdrew wi thdrew it "areully# @Ah' yes# Not truly des!erate' but be%innin% to be so# Ta)e the rod "areully by this end' oot&an' and show it to the s!e"tators#@ @Oh' !lease### no5@ It was *esley3s ho!eless !rotest at seein% the state o her behind thus dis!layed to the a&use&ent o the onloo)ers# @Turn your rin%e' *esley5 I &ust )iss those arro%ant blue eyes5 *esley' &y love' I taste your irst tears u!on &y ton%ue5 Now' &y sweet' the !hi6head o the &ar)er is %lowin%# I shall en(oy "aressin% you with it between your butto")s' *esley' unless you "an divert &e by your sub&ission#@ I a& sure he would never have done so' Charlie6would he- But the ee"t o his words was enou%h# @That3s better' *esley5 Ar"h your seat out li)e that5 A little arther5 I believe you want it ater all5 Now' let &e )neel astride your thi%hs6&y )nob to your anus' *esle *esley5 y5 Ahhhhh5@ Ahhhhh5@ He !ressed the ti%ht rear di&!le inwards until the youn% wie yielded her arse to hi& with a short' hollow "ry# The /"hool&aster3s !enis shat slid dee!ly in6between the !roud' white "hee)s o *esley3s botto&# He drew ba") a little and !lun%ed a%ain in a vi%orous in6and6out# His loins sla!!ed rhyth&i"ally u!on *esley3s butto")s' his !enis drivin% with all its !ower  into the arse o this t his !ro&is"uous youn% wie' !unishin% her adulter adultery y# @/o tense' *esley- What- Whis!er it to &e5 Ah' the added bul) o the tool "o&!ounds your  ur%en"y' does it- 1ut su"h thin%s ro& your &ind# Ti%hten your rear &us"le rhyth&i"ally on &y shat# E$.uisite5@ He rode her triu&!hantly or about ten &inutes' at whi"h !oint *esley be%%ed hi& to end the ravishin% .ui")ly# .ui")ly# @Yo @You abando abandoned ned &arri &arria%e a%e o orr your your own !leasu !leasures res'' *esley *esley'@ '@ said he' @now you you &ust &ust abandon yoursel to &ine# *ie still a &o&ent5 4y lust shall not boil over or hal an hour  yet5@ /oon he be%an a%ain' and later !aused# Another be%innin%' a !ause' and so on# 1resently' while they lay still and his loins "overed *esley3s *esley3s ba")side' ba")side' an involuntary involuntary (et o his !assion es"a!ed dee! in her rear# /he &ade a aint sound o distaste in her throat# He )issed her bare  ba") and was severely lo%i"al# @/o !rudish' *esley- The thi") war& dis"har%e dis%usts you- /u"h hy!o"risy5 Why' it is the very substan"e you be%%ed ro& your lovers in i n the war& adulterous !assion o your loins5  Not .uite so snooty about it then' were you' you' *esley-@ @I was in love5@ /u"h a sul)y s"hool%irl wail a%ain# It was "urious' !erha!s' that the bal& whi"h "onsu&&ated her illi"it !assion should so


revolt revo lt *esley when s.uirted into her behind by a &an who& she detested# detested# Yet Yet he )issed the "rown o her head and his &ove&ents be%an on"e &ore# @You went whorin%' *esley'@ he &ur&ured' @you deserted the !enis o your husband' who had sole le%al ri%ht to you# Now you shall be !unished by &ine# usti"e re.uires it5@ it 5@ @I was in love5@ she wailed !eevishly' (ust as beore' and as i this e$"used her# @You shall be loved here' *esley'@ he !ro&ised# @The valets will always be waitin% in the tiled "loset when you needs &ust %o and ta)e your )ni")ers down in there# 2ari& and /aleh are both lovers o the e&ale ba")side# Be !re!ared to bend to their whi&s beore you are  !er&itted to attend to your your own#@ /o the &oral a%ent o retribution his triu&!h# @*ie still now' *esley' ar"h your   botto& out a little li ttle arther# I eel the rode lood l oodtobrea)in% the barrier5 *esley' darlin%5but I believe &y  !assion or you is hotter than husband or lover ever elt5 Do you eel the s.uirtin% in your  rear' *esley- The !ulse in your throat beats aster5 Ah' you3re %ettin% to li)e it' *esley' aren3t you-@ He lay u!on her' not yet drawin% his tool ro& her bu&' whis!erin% %ently in her ear# To  (ud%e ro& her dis&ay' he &ay have been assurin% her o his obsessive love or her in this way# Or did her wide eyes testiy to how he ri%htened her with the bo%ey tales o the hare&-6 the ulti&ate de&and whi"h lay in wait or her7 the under%round roo&' &usi"ians !layin% outside to !revent the es"a!e o a "han"e sound# The !ale &oons o *esley3s botto& were  !resented or this last rite as i on a !a%an sa"rii"ial altar' or even in e$tre&ities his obsession would "hoose this way# Whatever Whatever the sub(e"t' his last words were audible# @You shiver' *esley- Did you never wonder i su"h thin%s &ust not ha!!en behind hare& walls-@ When the youn% wie %ave a little "ry o alar&' it was be"ause she elt how his own words had hardened hi& a%ain in her behind# In vain' the boyishly "ro!!ed 8enus tried to e$!el the la""id ser!ent# But *esley3s arse &ove&ents' s.uee+in% u!on it' had only stiened it on"e &ore# @Ready or it a%ain' *esley- You You li)ed an en"ore ro& your lovers5@ The &ove&ents o sodo&y resu&ed# *esley shoo) her !arted rin%e ba") to twist her head 3round and !lead that she "ould s"ar"ely "ontain the volu&e o his irst tribute in addition to her own load and the heavy !enis &u++le# There was a aint show o resistan"e' a s&a") or  two on her le%s' his s&ile &eetin% her orlornness as she yielded with wit h a sot "ry# @or your own sa)e' *esley' you &ust be bro)en in to this !leasure thorou%hly in a ew wee)s' so that you &ay over"o&e ti&idity and en(oy it# 4y valets shall a""o&!any your  &ornin% visit to the tiled "loset# This e$er"ise shall be !art o your routine in there#@ /he %ave a !laintive and yearnin% little "ry at last' as a &orbid and he"ti" thrill was stirred  by the !enis in her bowels# /everal o the audien"e "hu")led and vowed the youn% bit"h was %ettin% a taste or it# 4eanwhile' a soldier had /hawn bendin% over with )ni")ers3 round her  an)les# He )issed the ull li!s and the ti%ht6lidded dar) eyes o this ei%hteen6year6old# He )issed his way u! the len%th o her lon%' ele%ant' "oee6s)inned le%s# He )issed the West Indian India n beauty between between her thi%hs' thi%hs' then on her tautly rounded bu&6"hee)s# bu&6"hee)s# He !resse !ressed d a!art the tawny6%old "hee)s o /hawn3s botto& and !resented his )nob to her anus# The way was too narrow without the aid o so&e un%uent# He a!!lied this' !ressed her waist down' and s!an)ed hard on /hawn3s butto")s# Ater that' she re"eived hi& with a wild willin%ness' randily su!!lyin% the &ove&ents or her own ravishin%# 1ee!in% throu%h the "urtains beside &e' I also %li&!sed &y silver6haired nei%hbour and his youn% "on"ubine# 1atri+ia was bendin% orward over the rail in ront o the seat# He &ade her  )ee! her a"e turned so that he &i%ht en(oy the a!!eal o her wide' brown eyes' broad' war&6 s)inne s)i nned d "hee)b "hee)bone ones' s' and dar) dar) !a%e6s !a%e6sty tyle le hair# hair# This This a!!eal a!!ealin% in% Ita Italia lian n to&boy to&boy no lon%er  lon%er   boasted the ti%ht !ants whose seat she had illed so broadly and roundly# roundly# Now one "ould ad&ire the bare olive6s)inned volu!tuousness' the sli%ht heaviness in the "hee)s o 1atri+ia *uisi3s botto&# Her eyes were i$ed u!on her elderly lover3s swellin% )nob# @No is !ossible5@ she %as!ed' in her "har&in% bro)en En%lish# His answer was to stro)e s"ented lubri"ation between her butto")s# He too) his lan"e in  both hands' ai&ed it' and thrust ho&e# I %uessed that her little riend Re%ina was under%oin% under%oin% a si&ilar ordeal in the ne$t seat# Beyond that' !erha!s' was blond ran"es"a' with her ele%ant "oiure# ran"es"a3s "ostu&e o short' belted tuni" in red sil) and ti%ht' !lu&6"oloured ridin% trousers o shiny leather would seal her ate# /o' while 1atri+ia was bu%%ered ne$t to &e' shar!6 sha r!6ea eatur tured ed litt little le Re%ina Re%ina &at"h &at"hed ed her ordeal ordeal## Beyond Beyond her' her' blo blond nd and so!his so!histi" ti"ate ated d ran"es"a bent over' her wiely youn% anus stret"hed round her ad&irer3s wea!on# Thus' &y dear Charlie' I ta)e &y leave o you as our learned Dr# a"obus !auses beore the inal !art o  his stu!endous e$!eri&ental le"ture# A bientot'


Your lovin% *i++ie

*ETTER 9? RA4A**AH' F AU:U/T 9=>? 4y dearest Charlie' I now ind leisure to write6even as the events still unold6to tell you o the "on"lusion o the le"ture by our learned &oral !hiloso!her' Dr# a"obus# Thou%h !ast &idni%ht' the "ourtyard was bri%htly lit# The se"ured attentionon o her the asse&bled never on"e wandered ro& thestill the&e# *esley re&ained belly overs"holars the leather bolster# Her behind was the "entre o attention# Thou%h dis"i!line now re!la"ed !assion' the !ale' yellow6%rey %obs o  vaseline were still visible' li)e honey in the "o&b' between the "hee)s o *esley3s botto&# A  broad s&ear o the un%uent "rossed one o her seat6"hee)s' &ar)in% the tra") o the /"hool&aster3s !enis as he withdrew it ro& her# @:entle&en'@ said Dr# a"obus sole&nly' @we now "o&e to a s"ene whi"h &ust be set in so&bre "olours' a the&e "ast in a &inor )ey# I s!ea) o "hastise&ent# You need' however' have no &is%ivin%s# You will see *esley !unished or adultery in a &anner whi"h law and &orality have u!held sin"e the dawn o "ivilisation# The whi!!in% o an adulterous youn% wie is an a"t in whi"h al&ost all &en o sense and honour would "on"ur# Her husband' even the lovers she deserted her &arria%e or' would want to see the !enalty inli"ted# In the Arab world our !unish&ent o the whi! is lenient by "o&!arison with the vindi"tive dis"i!line o   brandin% needle or i&!alin% "u"u&ber or *esley3s ba")side# By the law o &any !ashas' su"h retributions are ollowed by the ine$orable ti%htenin% o the leather 3Collar o usti"e3 about the throat# Here we deal &ore li%htly with her# her#@@ You &ay i&a%ine the ri%ht whi"h illed *esley3s arro%ant blue eyes under her little6boy rin%e at this# Yet she would not suer &ore than the ulti&ate dis"i!line o the !rison or  s"hool# *esley will use every subteru%e subteru%e to es"a!e (usti"e'@ (usti"e'@ "ontinued "ontinued Dr# a"obus# @E$a%%erated @E$a%%erated s"rea&s to win !ity are &ost "o&&on# Unne"essary de%rees o twistin% and writhin% are also intended to &islead# Ur%ent entreaties will be &ade to !eror& "ertain a"ts whose needs "an no lon%er be denied# Yet Yet we &ay deeat su"h ruses5@ What "ould he &ean- I had no idea# @We (ud%e by the state o *esley3s botto&'@ said he# @Thereore we "urb her writhin% a little# An e$tra !inion stra! above the )nees' another at the waist# A %a% o da&! wadded "otton' held by a thin stra! between the teeth and se"ured at the na!e' is doubly advanta%eous# It redu"es the te&!tation to unne"essary shrillness and !rote"ts her teeth a%ainst "hi!!in% as she "len"hes in !ain#@ There was a &o&ent o resistan"e6!ressed li!s' &ewin%' and head6twistin%6li)e a little %irl reusin% the &edi"ine s!oon# But soon the wadded "otton and stra! were in !la"e# @*astly'@ said the learned Dr# a"obus' @in her ranti" endeavour to end the thrashin%' she will lose all the sel6!ossessed arro%an"e o an edu"ated and e&an"i!ated youn% wo&an# /he will !eror& as sha&elessly as a des!erate little %irl o twelve or thirteen# O "ourse' the little ountain between her le%s has !layed to e$haustion# Yet *esley has also i&!lored or so&e hours a ew &o&ents o ur%ent !riva"y or another reason# You will' I a& sure a!!rove the reusal o su"h re.uests' or the ordeal o her !unish&ent is to be in"reased rather than li%htened#@ There was a &ur&ur o a!!roval# Dr# a"obus s&iled# @Indeed' %entle&en' in so distin%uished an audien"e as this' there &ay be s"holars who wish to see the !eror&an"e o su"h "urious a"ts# It is !rudent' then' to have *esley in a state where she "an dis!lay any an y un"tion o her rear anato&y "o&&anded by you#@ He then res!onded to a ri!!le o a&use&ent# @Des!ite this youn% wo&an3s a!!earan"e o arro%an"e' she &ay se"retly ho!e that su"h "o&&ands are %iven# You &ay be sure that *esley would res!ond to su"h an order with a show o re!u%nan"e and deian"e# Her sel6res!e"t re.uires that# /everal stro)es o the "ane would be needed# However %reatly she &ay wish to do it anyway' *esley will es"a!e the ulti&ate sel6hu&iliation' i she a!!ears to yield only under the "o&!ulsion o the whi!#@ *i)e a "on(urer' Dr# a"obus stood beore us with a "hina e%% between in%er and thu&b# It was not .uite lar%e enou%h to ti%htly it the ne"essary !la"e' but it would not be easily dislod%ed# *esley twisted her head 3round ur%ently to wat"h hi&' the li%ht "at"hin% the air' strai%ht "ut o her "ro! ro& its hi%h "rown to the severe "uttin% o it level with her (aw# Dr# a"obus slid a hand under her' su!!ortin% her bare belly# He !ressed the oval "hina e%%  between her butto")s' the narrower end ore&ost# There was a tensin% o seat6"hee)s' and a


)eenin% throu%h wadded "otton' while the s"holar3s &outh set ir& and the veins in his orehead stood out &ore !ro&inently# *esley3s ti%ht inward di&!le yielded and "losed a%ain over the "hina oval as it !assed u! into her behind# @Observe' %entle&en5@ Dr# a"obus stood ba") with a lourish# @/ee how hard and ra!id the  !ulse beat in her throat is# Can it be se$ual s e$ual arousal at the thou%ht o bein% "hastised6or is it no &ore &o re than than a youn% youn% wo&an3 wo&an3ss des!er des!erate ate ri%ht ri%ht-- It &atter &atterss not at all all## Eit Either her e&oti e&otion on will will %enerate a !it"h o e$"ite&ent# *esley eels butterlies in her tu&&y' as the sayin% %oes' and the lutter o !ani" in her bowels# The "hee)s o her arse are no doubt "rawlin% with su"h a!!rehension that they al&ost it"h with it5@ *esley %ave sha)e o her little6boy in order to to loo) at hi&she over"ould her shoulder# It see&ed as i athe on"e6disdainul blue rin%e eyes were tryin% as)ba") a .uestion not utter# Her "lear' !ale eatures were a study in the &ost earul anti"i!ation# @Ah5@ Dr# a"obus s&iled )nowin%ly at her# @*esley is tor&ented by a last doubt5 Wi Will ll there  be any restri"tion on the instru&ent o !unish&ent- Any li&it to the nu&ber o stro)es- I thin) she "an already %uess that the answer is in the ne%ative5@ How *esley tu%%ed at her stra!s6and stra!s6and all in vain5 How she turned turned her blue eyes and rin%e ur%ently to the audien"e5 Whatever disa!!roval one &ay eel or Dr# a"obus' he had a %ood deal o reason on his side# *esley *esle y is a &ature youn% wo&an# Her hi!s and seat have that sli%ht ir&in%6out whi"h enables her to under%o "hastise&ents that would be unthin)able or a s"hool%irl# /he has endured re%ular !enis e$er"ise in the &arria%e bed' the labour o "hild6  bearin%' the de&ands o her lovers# Havin% willin%ly in"urred su"h e$tre&es o !leasure and  !ain' she was s"ar"ely able to ob(e"t to a whi!!ed botto& as !unish&ent or her inidelities# Indeed' Inde ed' by "uttin% "uttin% her air hair in a rather boyish &anner' &anner' she was surely as)in% to be %iven the sort o thrashin% well )nown in so&e boys3 !risons# @1resently you will be "aned' *esley'@ said Dr# a"obus .uietly' @but irst I shall &ar) &y  !ersonal disa!!roval o your your &arital treason by twelve stro)es with a sna)es)in !ony !ony6lash#@ 6lash#@ *esley was truly ranti" at this# /he twisted her head and s"anned about her' with blue eyes wide and des!erate# In vain' she (er)ed at the restrainin% stra!s# The %a% redu"ed her !rotests to the sa&e shrill )eenin%' but her !ale seat6"hee)s were tensin% ur%ently# ur%ently# Dr# a"obus too) the whi!' whi"h "onsisted o a handle and sli&' woven6 lash about ei%hteen in"hes lon%# He ran his hand briely over the ull &oons o *esley3s botto&' s&ilin% at the !ale vaseline blobs between the& and the !ee!in% va%inal !ou"h between the rear o  her thi%hs# @You had your un with your lovers' *esley'@ he said %ently# @Was it ni"e- Was it- Did you wri%%le on the adulterer3s !enis until you al&ost swooned with the (oy o it- Now you shall  !ay a "ruel !ri"e or it' you you youn% whore5@ His ri%ht ar& went ba") and 4s li!s ti%htened# The "hee)s o *esley3s botto& shited and s.uir&ed s.uir &ed un"ontrolla un"ontrollably bly## With With an ear6stunn ear6stunnin% in% "ra")' "ra")' the sli&' sli&' bla") bla")6lash 6lash sna)ed down' "urlin% and "lin%in% to the bare "hee)s o *esley3s ba")side# A s!lit se"ond3s !ause was ollowed by wild &ewin% and butto")s "ontortin% ur%ently to "ontain the na)ed s&art o the leather whi!# A s"arlet stri!e a!!eared' an /6sha!ed "urve a"ross *esley3s bu&6"hee)s' dotted  by two ruby dro!lets# *esley had the ir&' youn% seat6swell o a /!artan soldier6%irl# 1erha!s it was this whi"h "aused su"h breathless e$"ite&ent a&on% the audien"e as she was whi!!ed# Or !erha!s it was &erely the satisa"tion s atisa"tion o seein% the boyishly "ro!!ed wie !unished or her   !ro&is"uity and or bein% an arro%ant arro%ant youn% bit"h# W Who ho "an sayDr# a"obus &ade the whi! rin% out re!eatedly with a sava%e a""ura"y a"ross *esley3s  botto&6"hee)s# /oon her !ale butto")s were e&broidered by !lu&6red loo!s and "urli"ues# Two5 Three5 our5 The stro)es san% out li)e !istol shots' ea"h stin%in% *esley3s arse with a s"or!ion vi"iousness# Even the iery )iss o the leather whi! was but a !relude to the swellin% tor&ent as the i&!a"t o the stro)e sear"hed her lin%erin%ly or several se"onds aterwards# 8ainly she tried to ta)e the stro)es on her lan)s to s!are her botto&# But her hi!s were too well !inned down or that# /he tried to turn ea"h butto") u!!er&ost in turn' but neither o  the& "ould elude the lash# /he ti%htened the& des!erately' until her arse6"ra") was a thin' "o&!ressed line# Dr# a"obus !ut a sto! to this by an u!ward stro)e o the woven lash' "at"hin% the atter  under "urve o *esley3s seat6"hee)s (ust above her thi%hs# ranti" to writhe away the an%uish' the !ro&is"uous youn% wie thrust her ru&! out in a "o&!lete dis!lay o her rear anato&y# It was at this !oint that the eyes o Dr# a"obus %lea&ed# He ai&ed the lash with vindi"tive  !re"ision between the "hee)s o *esley3s botto&# No reu%e was let to her as the whi! "ra")ed out a%ain# Ei%ht5 Nine5 Ten5 All the sel6!ossessed so!histi"ation tau%ht her at s"hool and "olle%e was stri!!ed ro& *esley now# Twi"e the whi!3s "o&&and was !rinted between the "hee)s o her arse# Neither this' nor the loodin% tears in the blue eyes' &oved the onloo)ers to inter"ede#


One &ust "on"ede' o "ourse' that *esley was bein% !unished or the %reat har& done to others by her "ondu"t# To desert &arital duty or illi"it !leasures is a "ri&e whi"h law and "usto& has always !unished in this &anner# Al&ost every &an6and !erha!s &ost wo&en6 would have been !itiless with *esley now# Under the lon%' air !artin% o her little6boy rin%e' *esley3s eyes6on"e so aloo and dis&issive6i&!lored her &aster vainly# /&a")5 /&a ")5 Whi!6 Whi!6s&a s&a")5 ")5 Cra")6 Cra")6s&a s&a")5 ")5 As the lash "au%ht "au%ht the inward inward "urve "urve o *es *esley ley3s 3s  botto&6&oons a%ain' every &us"le in her thi%hs went taut and her toes "urled with the intensity o the dis"i!line# On"e or twi"e Dr# a"obus &oved to blo") our view a little' and he  !aused# An Arab boy ran on and held soðin% to the youn% wie3s nose# The s"ent o  a&&onia su%%ested s&ellin% salts# Who "an say- Durin% this !ro"ess' *esley3s a"e was level with the boy3s loins# *i)e us' she &ust have seen the s"ra! o his loin"loth bul%in% with the stiness inside# No doubt there was &any a wi")ed s&ile and )nowin% whis!er ro& the ris)y boy' assurin% her o his enthusias& or seein% her !unished# Indeed' as I %lan"ed u! at the windows overloo)in% the s"ene' I "ould &a)e out the a"es o  the Arab boys !ressin% ea%erly at ea"h one# Here and there a lad stood alone' the &ove&ent o  his u!!er ar& su%%estin% that he was busily !olishin% so&e ob(e"t in his hand# @The (usti"e o "hastise&ent is absolute'@ said Dr# a"obus' as he inished# @*esley has &ade others suer in order that she &i%ht en(oy her le"heries# What she endures now is a &odest retribution#@ *esley twisted her head wild6eyed in dis&ay' or now the /"hool&aster a!!eared' "ane in hand# han d# Alrea Already dy *esley *esley3s 3s botto& botto&6"he 6"hee)s e)s blushe blushed d dee!ly dee!ly'' the whi! whi! !rints !rints rai raised sed in sli%ht sli%ht "ontours a"ross her ba")side and the rear o her u!!er thi%hs# The boyishly "ro!!ed 8enus6 wie s!rawled in her stra!s li)e an over%rown s"hool%irl or !a%e boy over the "ushions o the tea"her3s soa# The /"hool&aster re&oved the %a%' allowin% her to lie latter as well# @I shall not need su"h e$!edients'@ he said# @Besides whi"h' when I "ane a botto&' I li)e to see it writhe5 How &any "anin%s your !arents and tea"hers ne%le"ted' *esley5 How &any !unish&ent lessons to &a)e u! or beore we have trained you to loyalty and sub&ission5@ *esley e&itted a shrill !rotest' but the /"hool&aster dis&issed it# @Co&e now' *esley5 You have tasted the !ony6whi!5 What %reater ob(e"tion "an there be to a reor&atory "aneRe&e&ber' I have already severely ba&boo3d the bare butto")s o your thirteen6year6old illy# illy# /urely that entitles &e to thrash the ba")side o the youn% &are with &y "ane' as well-@ There was a %ood deal o %eneral a&use&ent at this# When the &ur&urs o lau%hter died away' the su!!le ba&boo ran% out a"ross *esley3s botto&' the weals risin% strai%ht a"ross the "urvin% !rints o the lash# You &ay i&a%ine the ren+y o *esley3s s"rea&s' dee!ly %ratiyin% to the &oralists who wat"hed her thrashed or adultery# He "aned her a"ross the ba")s o her  thi%hs hal a do+en ti&es and then returned to the "hee)s o her statues.ue youn% seat# The /"hool&aster /"hool&aster was worthy o the %reat tradition tradition o !eda%o%ues# !eda%o%ues# Ea"h lash o the "ane was %iven %iven with stern vindi" vindi"tive tivenes ness# s# I doubt doubt i the thi thirte rteen6 en6ye year6 ar6old old ny&!h ny&!h we!t we!t &ore &ore violently under the ba&boo than the boyishly "ro!!ed youn% 8enus o twenty6ei%ht was doin% doin% now# now# *esley *esley3s 3s ba")si ba")side de writhe writhed d over over the leathe leatherr bol bolster ster in a &an &anner ner whi whi"h "h was  !ositively lewd# You &i%ht have thou%ht' ro& its sinuous s.uir&in%s' that her behind was tryin% to sedu"e the "hastiser into other !leasures# In the war& ni%ht' the youn% wie3s !roud bare belly slithered on the leather bolster as she s.uir&ed# There was a aint dry s.uea) o the restrainin% stra!s as she !ulled vainly at her   bonds# Under the "anin%' the ir&' &ature "hee)s o *esley3s botto& &et and !arted in their  writhin% with a sli!!ery )issin% sound "aused by the thi")ly s&eared vaseline between the&# How would would it endend- How "ould "ould it endend- The /"hoo /"hool&a l&aster ster3s 3s dis dis"i! "i!lin linary ary +eal +eal see& see&ed ed unabated' and it was i&!ossible to i&a%ine what would satisy his !unitive s)ill# His resolve stood out stily as ever or all to see# Yet now *esley twisted her head round# /he see&ed to  be tryin% to loo) down the len%th o her s!ine at her own botto&# In truth' she was dire"tin% the /"hool&aster3s %a+e to that !la"e5 The re!ly was an e$!ertly ai&ed lash o ba&boo' drawin% blood in !in!ri")s a"ross several o her earlier weals# /u"h ren+y was !rovo)ed by it5 The atro"ious s&art o the ba&boo "aused the rounded end o the "hina e%% to !ee! out  between *esley3s botto&6"hee)s5 Was she about to use the only subteru%e re&ainin% by whi"h she "ould halt her !unish&ent' i only or a &o&entThe /"hool&aster' ad&irable &oralist that he is' was not to be dele"ted ro& his duty by the rea!!earan"e o the "hina e%%' whi"h Dr# a"obus had inserted in the youn% wie3s behind# A%ain and a%ain and su!!le ba&boo lashed a"ross a"ross *esley3s *esley3s butto")s# butto")s# The e%% %rew rounder  rounder  and lar%er as it e&er%ed' until it rolled ree ro& *esley3s anus' down her bare le%s' and a"ross the de&onstration table# An ear6s!littin% s&a") o the "ane a"ross her statues.ue ba")side  brou%ht a ranti" !leadin% to her a"e a%ain# As the /"hool&aster "aned her a%ain and a%ain it see&ed that this !ro&is"uous twenty6ei%ht6year6old wie dis%ra"ed hersel deliberately# The


 ble&ish swelled out between her butto")s and hun% in i n a lewd "urve down the let "hee) o  *esley3s botto&5 What o the /"hool&aster when he saw this outra%e to dis"i!line- His li!s !arted in a  !aro$ys& o &oral outra%e6or was it a %rin o deli%ht-6and he %ave two t wo &ore stro)es o the "ane a"ross *esley3s ba")side with all his s)ill# A se"ond swellin% ble&ish dislod%ed the irst# Had one not )nown how stri"t a &oralist the /"hool&aster was' it &i%ht see& that' havin% seen *esley3s thirteen6year6old illy lit her tail under "hastise&ent' he was deter&ined to drive the youn% &are to the sa&e e$tre&e# or all her edu"ated arro%an"e and e&an"i!ated sel6!ossession' *esley !erha!s %uessed at the stran%e vi"es whi"h bedevil &an)ind# Her "olle%e edu"ation' several years o &arria%e' and a ew lovers' had surely tau%ht her so&e bawdy truths# Did she ho!e to e$"ite the /"hool&aster to "o&!letion by !eror&in% the &ost lewd and utter sel6abase&ent o whi"h her botto& she was "a!ableTo be sure' it had an ee"t u!on hi&# The "ane dro!!ed ro& his hand' or he was now obli%ed to "lut"h his own stiness# *esley turned her bri&&in% eyes and woebe%one &outh6a vision in itsel enou%h to "ause his or%as&# /he was in ti&e to see the /"hool&aster3s wea!on e$!lode in &id6air' un"ontrollably' with the !ure e$hilaration o his triu&!h# Thi") lusty (ets s!at orward and liberally bes!an%led *esley3s ba")side with ar"s o s!awn# Who )nows1erha!s the sli!!ery bal& soothed her at last# The /"hool&aster sta%%ered with the e$ertion o his dis!lay# 4ur&urs o "on"ern or hi& rose a&on% the s!e"tators' as two soldiers ran orward and su!!orted the valiant !eda%o%ue ro& the dais# In a s!ontaneous tribute' the asse&bled s"holars bro)e into a!!lause# Ha!!ily' the /"hool&aster was able to return in a &o&ent# Wee!in% "ontritely or her &is"ondu"t' *esley i&!lored hi& not to "ane her a%ain# He )nelt to !i") u! the ba&boo# As he did so' *esley twisted her ur"hin6"ro! 3round violently and with ton%ue ully e$tended (ust &ana%ed to li") at the /"hool&aster3s )nob# Her arro%an"e was "on.uered now' or we heard her !lead li)e a little %irl# @1lease5 1lease' let &e5 Oh' !lease5@ He !er&itted it' teasin% her over her relu"tan"e to !eror& the sa&e li! servi"e to her  husband# At the sa&e tune' he let her in no doubt that she was earnin% a te&!orary res!ite at the "ost o hu&iliation !resently# As the "urtain ell u!on the dais' his voi"e was audible  behind it# @Your ton%ue under the ores)in as you su")' *esley5 What deli%hts await you when the shat %rows hard a%ain# /o randy even in your !resent state' *esley- A &o&ent &ore and I shall &a)e you do soðin% whi"h will sho") you !rooundly# Can you %uess it' *esleyYes5 es5 I believ believee you "an5 The !ro&ise o "hastise&en "hastise&entt alone shall ensure your obedien"e obedien"e this ti&e#@ Dr# a"obus in turn was the ob(e"t o !rolon%ed a!!lause# He was re"alled re!eatedly' s&ilin% s&ili n% and bowin% his than)s to the %uests# Our %enerous host' the 1asha o Ra&allah' has  !ut his own !rivate bedroo& at &y dis!osal# Its se"ret windows loo) into ad(oinin% suites' in"ludin% that o Dr# a"obus# Now I &a)e &y way thither to see what I shall see# Be sure' dearest Charlie' you shall have a ull re!ort o the !ro"eedin%s ro& your own adorin% *i++ie

*ETTER 9F RA4A**AH' G AU:U/T 9=>? Charlie5 Oh' dearest Charlie5 This shall be the last' the very last' letter you shall re"eive ro& your devoted *i++ie5 You will not thin) &e "ruel when you )now why# Those !a%es I wrote in su"h haste last ni%ht to des"ribe the e$!eri&ental le"ture lie u!on &y table# You shall read the& one day i you wish' thou%h I s"ar"ely thin) you will need to5 This' whi"h I write now' shall "o&e to you irst5 *et &e e$!lain' Charlie# I loo)ed throu%h the %lass ro& &y own boudoir into that allotted to Dr# a"obus# The learned do"tor was not there6or rather he was (ust %oin% out o the door  with Re%ina' the shar!6a"ed little Italian &in$ with her tu&ble o dar) "urls# The other two %ir %irls' ls' 1at 1atri+ ri+ia ia and ran"e ran"es"a s"a'' re&aine re&ained# d# They They were were a""o&! a""o&!anie anied d by our our o the 1asha3s 1asha3s %uards' who loo)ed u!on the& with %reedy eyes# Both %irls were dressed a%ain# Ei%hteen6 year6old 1atri+ia' with her sto")y !rettiness'3 a!!ealed to the &en' with her wide6brown eyes' dar)' !a%e6style hair' the broad and hi%h "hee)bones o her war&6s)inned a"e# Her sotly lus"ious Italian breasts wei%hed out the blue sil) o her blouse# The ti%ht' deni& trouser seat was on"e a%ain broadly illed by the volu!tuous heaviness o the olive6s)inned "hee)s o  1atri+ia3s botto&# What a so!histi"ated "ontrast was ran"es"a' the youn% wie o twenty6ive5 Her blond hair was swe!t ba") ro& her rather shar! !roile and blue eyes' and !inned in an


ele%ant "oiure at the ba") o her head# Her "ostu&e' too' was &ore ele%ant than the youn%er  %irl3s# A !in)' belted tuni" "a&e down to the to! o her hi!s# Below that she was dressed as i  or a transvestite role in ti%ht and shiny !lu&6"oloured trousers with a sheen li)e !olished leather# 1atri+ia is the wide6eyed !leasin% to&boy' ran"es"a the se$ually e$!erien"ed sedu"tress# One o the %uards' an Arab lad o ourteen or so' advises her o so&e ble&ish on the ti%ht' leather trouser seat# The youn% blond wo&an lits the ba") o her tuni"' %ivin% hi& a si%ht o  her ele%an ele%ant' t' oval oval botto& botto&6"he 6"hee)s e)s in the ti% ti%ht' ht' dee!6r dee!6red ed leathe leather# r# *oo)in% *oo)in% down down ove overr her  shoulder' she be%ins slowly and su%%estively rubbin% o the ble&ish ro& her leather trouser  seat with her in%erti!s# The &ere si%ht o this "auses his youn% wea!on to %o o' leavin% the "hee)s o ran"es"a3s trouser seat in a &ore !erilous state than beore5 Two &en entered at this !oint' both in "arnival &as)s to "on"eal their identity ro& the %irls# I had no doubt that the old one was 1atri+ia3s "o&!anion durin% the e$!eri&ental le"ture# A ben"h with a !added leather to! was at the "entre o the loor' and the two Italian %irls were a"in% it on either side# They were re.uired to )neel over it on all ours ro& o!!osite sides# Yet Yet they are &ade to !ress as "lose to%ether as !ossible# The older &an is thus !resented with the volu!tuous' broadened seat o 1atri+ia' and the a"ee and ele%an a" ele%antt "oi "oiure ure o ran"e ran"es"a s"a## His youn% youn%er er "o&!an "o&!anion ion'' as he )neels )neels'' ad& ad&ire iress 1atri+ 1at ri+ia3s ia3s to&boy to&boy a"e a"e and ran"e ran"es"a3 s"a3ss botto& botto&6"h 6"hee) ee)ss and hi!s hi!s ti% ti%htly htly "lad "lad in !lu&6r !lu&6red ed leather# Ea"h &an ta)es down the !ants o the %irl whose rear a"es hi&' so that both are bare ro& their waists to their )nees# He is thus oered the &outh o one and the nether body entran"es o the other# The side o ea"h %irl3s a"e tou"hes the bare lan) o tthe he other3s hi!# ran"es"a3s air6s)inned thi%hs tense with !leasure as the youn% &an3s tool !arts her le%s and enters her war& va%ina ro& the rear# The old &an re.uires her to su") at the sa&e ti&e' leavin% 1atri+ia entirely idle# 1resently the old roue withdraws ro& her &outh and !resents his stiened tool between the volu!tuous' olive6s)inned "hee)s o 1atri+ia3s botto&# There is so&e alar& in the wide eyes o her a"e' but' thou%h she "at"hes her breath at the outra%e' the older &an3s )nob widens 1atri+ia3s arsehole and his !iston is soon en%uled in her behind# The youn%er &an rides ran"es"a3s "unt or several &inutes' then he withdraws and !resents hi&sel to 1atri+ia# There is a &o&ent o shyin% away beore 1atri+ia su")s at last' leavin% ran"es"a idle as the two &en busy the&selves with the ei%hteen6year6old to&boy to&boy## The older &an draws ro& 1atri+ia3s rear and' in turn' it is ran"es"a who6or all her  so!his so! histi"a ti"ation tion and !ro&is !ro&is"ui "uity6 ty6shie shiess away# away# The older older &an )neels )neels !at !atien iently tly'' !re !resen sentin tin% % hi&sel' awaitin% her "o&!lian"e# A %uard' "ane in hand' "o&es orward# The ba&boo &ar)s the !ale' oval "hee)s o ran"es"a3s botto&# The blond "oiure twists' and her hi!s s.uir&# It is su%%ested that her &odesty is &erely a !reten"e# Her last vesti%es o !ro!riety re.uire it to see& as i she a"ted under "o&!ulsion# The "anin% "ontinues until' ater a do+en stro)es' ran"es"a o!ens her &outh widely and wildly or her &aster' su")in% as i her lie de!ended u!on it#  Now the youn% &an deserts 1atri+ia3s li!s and' ta)in% advanta%e o ran"es"a3s !ale'  ba&boo3d seat' stret"hes her rear di&!le di&!le 3round his shat# A Ater ter ten &inutes o arse e$er"ise or  ran"es"a' he draws away# Now you &ay i&a%ine how 1atri+ia3s brown eyes widen' how her   !rotests "o&e throu%h !ressed li!s# The %uard with the ba&boo "an s"ar"ely believe his %ood ortune# His "ane s&a")s down a"rosss the width o 1atri+ia3s a"ros 1atri+ia3s botto&' so volu!tuous# volu!tuous# Al&ost Al&ost twenty stro)es stro)es beore beore the "ries and tears lead to a tre&ulous !artin% o the li!s and the wei%ht o the youn% &an3s !enis'  !ressin% on 1atri+ia3s ton%ue# You will i&a%ine' Charlie' that even now I %loss over so&e o the %rosser details# You )now' I a& sure' that the two %irls were not entirely unwillin%' and that so&e o their deian"e was assu&ed in order to hei%hten the dra&a by b y the use o the ba&boo# 4y reason or thin)in% this was seen in the last a"t# The two &en lay down on their ba")s u!on a !air o !added  ben"hes# The two %irls lay a"e down' ran"es"a on the youn%er &an and 1atri+ia on the elder# Both Both their Italian "unts were i&!aled on the stout tools' and the %irls the&selves were to  !rovide all the &otion# Over ea"h ben"h stood a %uard with a "ane' who thrashed the ba")side o the %irl !resented to hi& by these !ostures# ran"es"a3s !ale' oval butto")s were soundly "aned and you &i%ht thin) that 1atri+ia3s dar)er' heavy6"hee)ed arse was ba&boo3d with e$"e!tional "ruelty# Both %irls "ried with the an%uish o the ba&boo' and yet with !leasure at the sa&e ti&e# 1atri+ia "a&e twi"e and ran"es"a our ti&es' beore the %uards at len%th laid down their swit"hes' as the two &asters  !u&!ed &oulted !assion into their slave %irls3 %irls3 va%inas# The two libertines resi%ned the Italian beauties to the %uards and turned away# It was then that I heard the youn%er &an s!ea) to the older throu%h his "arnival &as)# @Well' Un"le


Brandon' &ay the deu"e ta)e &e i that isn3t the best ni%ht3s wor) that a ellow ever did# I "an3t say that even *i++ie should ever )now .uite all o it ro& &e5 Have you !lou%hed enou%h now' old ellow- /hall we ta)e Nabyla and enny 2han to the ne$t roo& and ro%er  3e& the sa&e way- Or shall we bed the& se!arately-@ I swooned' Charlie' as !erha!s they have told you# Carried to bed I now write this last letter# But why did you not say that you were to be at the de&onstration le"ture# Did they not tell you- This &o&ent two letters arrive or &e in your dear hand' tellin% o the dra&a o   Noreen and your lie as a u%itive# Are you now still in bed with Nabyla' &y sweet- /tay there5 or I a& "o&in%' Charlie' and shall brin% this last letter in &y own !erson# *i++ie 1O/T/CRI1T With this last "har&in% note' the "orres!onden"e between our two youn% riends "o&es to a "on"lusion# Yet their roli"s were not .uite over' as I &ay testiy' be"ause I have been their  "o&!anion these !ast ew wee)s at Ra&allah' !re!arin% the letters or !ubli"ation# 4any &ysteries were revealed' not least the truth about that deli%htul old ro%ue' Un"le Brandon# The ris)y old ellow was alive and well when Charles heard o his death and was su&&oned to :ray3s Inn# In truth' it was the old &an3s ban) balan"e rather than his health whi"h was on the wane# He had withdrawn abroad to Arabian "li&es' where he "onsoled hi&sel with a sera%lio o bare beauties# In his des!eration' he saw how easily a !enny &i%ht  be turned by b y su!!lyin% his wealthy Arab nei%hbours with En%lish %irls who would "ost the& dear at au"tion# In :reystones' he dis"erned an unendin% sour"e o su!!ly# su!!ly# 4iss 4artinet was &ost a""o&&odatin% in the &atter' or old Un"le Brandon had %iven her  a u") or two whi"h still ti")led the ri& o her "unt a year later# 4a%%ie 4a%%ie and Noreen' Noreen' a")ie and 4andy' Tania and /hawn' were but a ew o the youn% ladies ro& :reystones who were  (ud%ed worthy o release on "ondition o ta)in% u! e&!loy&ent e&!loy&ent with ladies or %entle&en who were (ust en route or the 4iddle East# The enter!rise !ros!ered until there was that "ertain dii"ulty with Noreen# Thereater'  both Charles and 4iss 4artinet were obli%ed to ollow rather hastily in the ootste!s o Un"le Brandon# By the ha!!iest tou"h' it was the "adaverous old brie o :ray3s Inn' /ilas Raven' who was a!!rehended or i&!ro!riety# To his %reat %ood ortune' he had been at Eton with the Attorney :eneral and re"olle"ted vividly how the Attorney :eneral at thirteen was a devil or  su")in% the !ri") o every other boy in the s"hool' in"ludin% several &e&bers o the !resent "abinet# The !rose"ution was hushed u! or ear o what old /ilas &i%ht divul%e# I thus "a&e sae to the 1asha o Ra&allah and was )indly installed in a avoured suite with windows into the other roo&s# *et &e "oness that' li)e *i++ie' Charlie' and the 1asha' I a& a libertine# Our own !leasures and those o our "o&!anions or& our rule o lie# Yet Yet "o&!ared with the &oralists who inest this !la"e' we are inno"ents indeed# The youn% En%lish 4ilord is a builder o e&!ire' his !la"e in the House o 1eers awaitin% hi&# He deals severely with war&6s)inned beauties li)e ennier 2han or Nabyla usto' over  who& he will one day rule# Do you re"all his roli" with Connie' the Chinese &aiden' durin% 1asha Ibrahi&3s "arria%e e$er"ise- It will not sur!rise you to learn that I %li&!sed this youn% aristo"rat' throu%h one o &y se"ret windows' e$er"ise his s)ill u!on the dele"table 4iss Carol olly# At twenty6years6old' she has the tri& i%ure and shar! eatures o a lyn$6eyed te&!le dan"er# That war&' %old tan &i%ht be :re"ian or Arabian' with slo!in% brow and nose' a short "ro! o li%htly "urled dar) hair brushed u!ward# How slender the %old ne") and the neat whorls o ears bare or )issin%5 Her strai%ht' slender ba") and neat breasts rise ro& a narrow waist# ro& her )nees a !air  o sli& and outward6bran"hin% thi%hs rise to her tri& but a%ile hi!s# When she bends or  )neels )ne els orwar orward' d' the tautly tautly but but las"ivi las"ivious ously ly rounde rounded d "hee)s "hee)s o 4iss ol olly ly3s 3s bot botto& to& are wantonly and dee!ly se!arated by her tri& thi%hs3 outward slo!e# They tell &e she irst "au%ht 4ilord3s attention when he was a &ere !u!il who "han"ed to see her brushin% a "ar!et on all ours6or was it !olishin% a harness6roo& loor- He was then only 4aster Henry' not 4ilord# Now' as I wat"hed the&' he had her at his absolute dis!osal# He li)ed to see 4iss olly3s tri& i%ure in "lose6ittin% sin%let and even ti%hter ridin% (eans# /ittin% in his "hair' he &ade her to )neel beore hi&# The %olden6s)inned line o brow and nose' the &ee) &outh and "hin' the ti%ht6lidded al&ond eyes' were bowed to his trouser ront# Raisin% her hi!s ro& her heels' %oin% on all ours to %ive better su")' 4iss olly3s ton%ue ran over the !enis )nob and then too) it in her &outh# Her "hee)s hollowed inward a little as she su")ed ea%erly u!on his ere"tion# The ti%ht6 lidded al&ond eyes and the hi%h ar"h o her brows added their own a!!eal to the s&ooth *evantine %old o her "o&!le$ion# He &ade 4iss olly su") the !enis or so&e while' beore


leadin% her to a low' !added stool astened to the loor# Over this heavy su!!ort' he &ade her  )neel on all ours' stra!!in% her down u!on it se"urely by her waist and wrists# ro& the rear' one ad&ired the ti%ht (eans' as they &oulded the las"iviously rounded and dele"tably !arted "hee)s o 4iss olly3s botto&# :ently he !ulled these !ants down and her sin%let u!' ondlin% the neat' !ale6%old "herry6to!!ed breasts# He !inioned her an)les and stra!!ed her sli&' tawny thi%hs to%ether (ust above Jthe )nees# Then' bowin% down' he ad(usted his &outh to the rearward !out o the love6!urse at her  thi%hs# He )issed the war&' "o!!ery s&oothness o her u!!er le%s and then be%an to run his ton%ue !itilessly in her youn% va%inal slit# A randy youn% youn% !ie"e li)e 4iss olly "ould not ho!e to "o "on" n"ea eall he herr eel eelin in%s %s at th this# is# The The be beau auti tiul ul Tur) Tur)o& o&an an &as) &as) o he herr a"e a"e alt alter ered ed in e$!ress e$! ression ionss o swooni swoonin% n% e"stasy e"stasy## ro& ro& ti&e ti&e to ti&e' ti&e' his li! li!ss bro browse wsed d on the vel velvet veteen een yellow6brown o the s&all o her ba")' on the "o!!ery satin o her butto")s# 1resently he  !ressed a!art the s&ooth' "o!!er6toned ovals o her botto&6"hee)s# or ten &inutes &ore' he &oulded lon%' e$!loratory )isses to Carol olly3s anus# Her dar)' al&ond eyes widened and wandered in astonish&ent# Yet Yet our randy little lit tle wri%%ler ar"hed her waist down and o!ened her  arse6"ra") &ore ully or this unusual attention5 The se.uel was not in doubt' even beore he uns"rewed a (ar o vaseline and s!read a blob o it u!on her ti%ht' dar) bu&6button# Yet he was no barbarian who would !ut her to the sa"rii"e at on"e# /&ilin% at her )nowin%ly' he irst )issed her slanted' odalis.ue eyes' her  hi%h brow' her shar! youn% nose' her neat ears' and the na!e o her ne")' laid bare by her  u!ward6brushed "urls# But now he was resolute' deter&ined to broo) no reusal# Her &outh .uivered as the ha&&erhead o his !assion )no")ed or ad&ission at the ti%ht' inward di&!le  between her butto")s# /he %ave a %as!' then a short' hollow "ry# 4ilord3s &outh was set ti%ht as he !ressed' and the veins o his orehead swelled a little as he or"ed 4iss olly3s arse' obli%in% her to strain to a""o&&odate his bul)# 2issin% her ear and whis!erin% to her  en"oura%in%ly in his s&ilin% way' he now threaded dee!er# /he %ave a little lutterin% "all o  dis&ay at the dee!ness o his !enetration# Then he was e&bedded to the hilt between the !ale Arabian6%old "hee)s o Carol olly3s botto&5 One "ould understand the alar& in her eyes when one saw how hard her arse6hole was stret"hed 3round the base o his stout !hallus# He be%an to sodo&ise 4iss olly %ently at irst' s&ilin% in his triu&!h at her ti&orous  ba")ward al&ond6eyed %lan"es# There was &is%ivin% in the eline elli!se o her dar) eyes' in "onli"t with a "ertain &orbid e$"ite&ent at the sensations he was !rovo)in% inside her# 1resently' she bowed her "ro! o dar) rin%lets and hollowed her waist down to o!en her   behind &ore ully and ta)e hi& dee!er# Then the las"ivious youn% !ie"e be%an to "o!ulate with her arse' &ovin% her hi!s to &at"h her lover3s rhyth&# Wass it !ure randiness- I thin) it &ay have been5 Yet Wa Yet she !erha!s wished wi shed also to s!ur hi& on to "o&!letion beore soreness overtoo) whatever thrills she was now havin%# /o 4ilord' teeth set in !assion3s it' !u&!ed his lust dee! and true into 4iss olly3s tri&ly rounded ba")side# You thin) I have de"eived you- You thin) he is a &ere libertine li)e the rest o us- Not a &oralist at all- You are .uite &ista)en# In a &o&ent you will see 4ilord Henry worthy o  i&!erial %reatness#  Now' in a "ooler &ood' he sees how su"h s u"h a %olden6s)i&&ed te&!tress deserves retribution or sedu"in% a youn% !ro"onsul ro& his duty# He ta)es a two6oot "ord whi!' with wooden handle' and %oes to release a lon%6held low o dinner water# 4ilord and his )ind have stron% a!!etites# Returnin%' the whi!"ord well soa)ed' he teases 4iss Carol olly by drawin% it li%htly a"ross her !ale6%old butto")s' whi"h ti%hten with instin"tive ear at the wet &ena"in% "aress5 He "alls her a randy little !ie"e' a%ain' and a las"ivious little wri%%ler# Are these not hi%h "ri&es a%ainst i&!erial &orality- Do they not &erit a whi!!in%- Observe her' &oreover5 /ee how lewdly she )neels over the stool5 The taut and sau"y roundness o 4iss olly3s  botto&6"hee)s' well !arted by her bran"hin% thi%hs and hollowed waist' is "ause alone or the whi!# With a "ra")6s&a")5 the wet whi!"ord sna)es a"ross the "hee)s o her bare ba")side# The ti%ht6lidded al&ond eyes %row wide' and 4iss Carol olly s"rea&s at the t he na)ed an%uish o the  botto&6lo%%in%# How bitterly she &ust rue havin% o!ened her arse so ully or "o!ulation and now' bein% ti%htly stra!!ed' unable to tense its "hee)s to%ether5 Whi!5### Whi!5 Whi!6 s&a")5###Cra")6s&a")5### Whi!6"ra")6s&a")5 Her shrill "ries are &at"hed by the raised weals and ruby tri")les u!on her behind# A do+en stro)es and the overture is s"ar"ely "o&!lete# A do+en &ore and only the irst a"t o the dra&a has !assed# Then a variation, "an he resist a well6ai&ed "ra")6shot or two between 4iss olly3s butto")s' the whi!"ord see)in% out her  &ost inti&ate arse anato&y- It see&s he "annot5 There is' however' an entr3a"te in the dra&a6be sure the dra&a it will resu&e !resently6in order to &a)e the !unish&ent last lon%er# Our devotee li%hts his "heroot and ta)es his leisure# He )neels behind his !retty "ul!rit' "ul!rit' who turns her bri&&in% al&ond eyes u!on hi&# 4ilord


draws the Havana to "herry bri%htness# He shows her this and thereby "auses un!re"edented  !ani" in the eatures o the lyn$6eyed youn% beauty# or so absolute an i&!erialist' there is a su%%estive asso"iation between the "herry ti! o a %lowin% "heroot and the bare' "o!!ery "hee)s o Carol olly3s botto&5 To be sure' not all i&!erialists re%ard the &atter in this li%ht# To so&e' the sa"rii"e o Havana is unthin)able# Does not 4r# 2i!lin% tell us that a wo&an is only a wo&an but a %ood "i%ar is a s&o)e- Heedless o su"h advi"e' 4ilord3s ar& steadies her 3round the waist# He tou"hes the shi&&erin% %low to the !ale' Arabian6%old s&oothness o one o Carol olly3s botto&6"hee)s' tou"hin% and stro)in% li%htly# He answers her !rotests with !ro&ises !ro&ises to "olour "olour u! her seat6"hee)s seat6"hee)s and "ause her ba")side ba")side to blush so dee!ly that it will be a wee) beore the e&barrass&ent ades# You are sho")ed that he should e&!loy su"h ðods on his youn% slave %irl- You or%et that 4ilord is a ruler o nations# You truly bla&e his anti" with whi!"ord and "heroot- Yet when his ar&ies slau%hter ten thousand thousand i&!erial sub(e"ts sub(e"ts in battle' you will !rais !raisee hi& or a %reat vi"tory# 1erha! 1er ha!ss there there are other &oralist &oralistss who would !ersuade !ersuade you to leave leave the ways o the libertine# You &ay ta)e your "hoi"e here# What o the learned Dr# a"obus' that &aster o  &oral s"ien"e- You &i%ht wat"h his anti"s throu%h these !rivate windows here# /ee' this is one whi"h loo)s into the tiled toilet suite# This ti&e it is Noreen' on hands and )nees' who !lies the "loth and bu")et# No one denies that this nineteen6year6old stru&!et is a suitable ob(e"t o dis"i!linary +eal# /ee her strai%ht' stron% ba") and bold' youn% breasts in the "lin%in% sin%let# Observe the i&!uden"e in her  stron%' !ale eatures and brown eyes' in the li") o her dar) rin%e as the strai%ht hair brushes her "ollar# Observe the !ale6blue (eans "loth' dru& s)in6ti%ht' over ir&' &us"led thi%hs and the sturdy statues.ue "hee)s o Noreen3s botto&5 Dr# a"obus observes her too# He wat"hes her at her tas)# Noreen sha)es her level rin%e "lear and stares ba") at hi& with "onte&!t# "onte&!t# /he s.uir&s in the %ri! o the two valets as they  !la"e her on her belly over another i$ed stool on the tiled loor' se"urin% her so that Noreen too is "onveniently and ti%htly stra!!ed on all ours over the a!!aratus#  Now a"obus is no i&!erialist tyrant# He believes in the virtues o dis"i!line and !urity# !urity#  Noreen sha)es ba") her dar) hair and "ranes 3round at hi&# a"obus s.uats' ad&irin% how the ti%ht (eans seat &oulds the ir&' bi% "hee)s o Noreen3s arse# He undoes her belt and lowers th thee (e (ean ans# s# Now Now he "a "an n ti ti%h %hte ten n e$ e$tra tra st stra ra!s !s 3r 3rou ound nd he herr thi% thi%hs hs## His His lon% lon%'' lear learne ned d no nose se a!!roa"hes the dividin% "let o the !ale' sturdy &ounds o Noreen3s butto")s# @Ever had a !unish&ent ene&a beore' Noreen-@ the sa%e in.uires# @No- You3ll %et one every day ro& now on until your &anners i&!rove# Two .uarts# Three' i your insolen"e  !ersists#@ He ta)es a !enis6sha!ed no++le' soa!s it' and threads it dee! into Noreen3s behind# A tube runs u! ro& it to the stand above' the stand as yet e&!ty# Noreen3s i&!uden"e alters' or her  ordeal has the dread o the t he un)nown# Dr# a"obus leaves her or a &o&ent' durin% whi"h Noreen s.uir&s her head des!erately to see the a!!aratus o !unish&ent# He returns with a lar%e' two6.uart %lass (ar' &ade or this  !ur!ose# :rinnin% at her' he &a)es Noreen loo) into its "ontents# *eavin%s o the Arab boys3 toss!ots and the %uards3 s!ittoons' no doubt' with other "o!ious "ontributions ro& Tania' 4a%%ie' and ulie# 4a)in% Noreen wat"h' he adds the "ontents o the li.uid soa! bottle at the hand basin# @One .uart' Noreen' to be%in with# Then the bir"h or ten &inutes# Then the se"ond .uart# Then the bir"h a%ain# The no++le to re&ain in !la"e or .uite hal an hour#@ At nineteen years old' Noreen is a .uite tall and stron%ly &ade %irl# Yet the stra!s are stout enou%h to render this vain# a"obus !la"es the (ar on the stand' atta"hin% the rubber tube with a "la&! u!on it# He !auses' havin% leisure to )neel and ondle his "ul!rit# Under the !rete$t o  ad(ust&ent' he bu%%ers Noreen with the no++le while his other hand ti")les her love6!ou"h# @Now you shall be !unished' Noreen'@ he says at last' @with a bellya"he to drive the insolen"e ro& you5@ He releases the "la&! and the no$ious lood sur%es down the tube and u! Noreen3s botto&' into her tri!es# /he "ries out in dis&ay' and la&ents her a"hin% %uts# a"obus %rins with &oral %ratii"ati %rat ii"ation# on# /ei+in% the tri!le6swit" tri!le6swit"hed hed !rison bir"h' he thrash thrashes es the ba") o her )nees )nees and u! the rear o her stron%' youn% thi%hs# Des!ite the tube runnin% out ro& between the&' he "an bir"h the !ale sturdy "hee)s o Noreen3s botto& with %reat vi%our# He raises a weal with every swish' "ontinuin% until the two &ounds o Noreen3s arse are bir"hed raw# Then the "la&! is re&oved a se"ond ti&e and Noreen s"rea&s even beore the ee"t o the sur%in% lood &a)es itsel elt# :roanin% under the labour !ains o her double arse6load' she endures a se"ond !rison bir"hin%#  Noreen' a stra!!in% youn% wen"h o nineteen' is stron% enou%h to e(e"t the no++le by arse


"ontra"tions beore the ti&e is u!# With what results5 4addened by the bir"hin%' she e&its a ountain %ush ro& her rear' soa)in% her seat' her le%s' and the loor around her# As she lies orward on her belly over the stool' thrashed and e$hausted' the ruit o a"obus3 +eal !ee!s rudely out ro& Noreen3s behind5 In his triu&!h' he thrashes de&entedly with the bir"h until the !roos o his vi"tory lie in a lewd "urve down Noreen3s botto&6"hee)s# How the &oralist "lut"hes hi&sel at this5 The thi") and (ui"y salvos o his !assion add a urther adorn&ent to the state o Noreen3s ba")side# Do I de"eive you still- You would be a &oralist but hot o a )ind li)e Dr# a"obus- Then surely you &ust (oin the /"hool&aster' who re!resents virtue in all its severity# Nor will you ob(e"t to his sub(e"t, the "hastise&ent o a youn% wie or adultery and wilul !ro&is"uity# Be a &oralist and yet "ondone su"h "ri&es o hers as theset hese- I&!ossible# This ti&e' thereore' you shall see a &oralist to who& only we !oor libertines "ould ob(e"t# Observe the view throu%h the ne$t !rivate window# You see- The "ul!rit is *esley' an e&an"i!ated suburban wie' twenty6ei%ht years old# Nor is the /"hool&aster averse to a  !ubli" e$er"ise o virtuous ven%ean"e# An entire %atherin% o &oral dis"i!linarians is asse&bled to wat"h as %uests o the 1asha# 1as ha# But irst !ee! throu%h the s!y6hole beyond# Beore the !ubli" "hastise&ent' *esley is in a roo& with two o the /"hool&aster3s &inions' hun% li)e true Arab stallions# This ur"hin6 "ro!!ed 8enus 8enus deserted her husband3s !enis' as a"obus on"e re&ar)ed' and &ust thereore t hereore be  !unished by the tools o others# *esley is bare ro& the waist down' and her "unt is threaded by /aleh3s a%ile !ri")# He )isses her lon%' !arted rin%e o air hair and her aloo blue eyes' as he does so# He re&inds her o the hare& !enalty or any uture inidelity, Nabyla3s shar! little )nie !runin% away the love6li!s and "litoris until there is nothin% let or her to !lay with# /i&ultaneously' 2ari& ondles the ull' !ale &oons o *esley3s botto&' ir&ed out by her two babies# The sodo&y  be%ins# He &a)es *esley &il) hi& with rhyth&i" "ontra"tions o her anus as his tool !lun%es into her behind# He &ur&urs in her ear the while' des"ribin% the !enalty traditionally e$a"ted in this !art too or any betrayal o her duty to her &aster3s bed# They &ust hold her na)ed and  bendin% while a baby "u"u&ber is oiled then boldly inserted u! *esley3s ba")side until her  wi")edly distended anus "loses over it and it disa!!ears# Her ate is to be "au%ht between the dis"o&ort o it within her and the an%uish o its e$!ulsion# Yet e$!el it she &ust' held on her   belly over the divan' in a lon% and tor&entin% !arody o bir birth# th# /aleh "ontinued to harry her "unt while 2ari& sodo&ises her# When both are done' she is ta)en at on"e throu%h the door' beyond whi"h the %uests await her# Be sure she is na)ed ro& the sin%let he& at her waist to her bare eet# A tall stool is bolted to the loor# Over this they  bend her orward ti%htly# Her wrists' waist' and an)les are stra!!ed ir&ly down' with a inal stra! !inionin% her le%s to%ether (ust above the )nees# /oon the voi"es o the &oralists be%in# A !a !air ir o well6 well6dr dress essed ed ol olde derr wo&en wo&en !a !aus usee as they they !a !ass ss be behi hind nd the the be bend ndin in% % yo youn un% % adulteress# Their shrivelled li!s !urse "ensoriously at the si%ht o the love (ui"e still sli!!ery on her ir&' white thi%hs# Their eyes %lea& with outra%e and deli%ht as they observe the tell6 tale yellowed s&ear o %rease between the !ale "hee)s o *esley3s botto&# Their voi"es are raised or her to hear and their s&iles &eet her eyes vindi"tively# @The state o her thi%hs5 And see between her butto")s5 The wanton youn% slut has even sedu"ed the loyal %uards by oerin% hersel as a youn% &atron o /odo&5 These e&an"i!ated youn% wives with their edu"ated ways6they have no sha&e5 4arried seven or ei%ht years' you say' 1asha- A "hild6birth or two- Dis%ra"eul5 How one would li)e to see her truly lo%%ed or  su"h !ro&is"uity5@ *esley turns the hi%h "rown o her short6"ut' air hair' her startled eyes sear"hin% those o  the two venerable lady &oralists# Their s&iles are ull o wi")ed !ro&ise# The one who s!ea)s lays a ri"hly rin%ed hand on the ir&' youn% &aturity o one o *esley3s botto&6 "hee)s# @1er&it &e' 1asha# 4y "oa"h&an who waits outside has a ine' thin swit"h o su!!le whaleb wha lebone one "ased "ased in leathe leather# r# The &ost &ost re"al" re"al"itr itrant ant o &y "ar "arria ria%e6 %e6!on !onies ies is brou%h brou%htt to obedien"e by hal a do+en stro)es a"ross the ru&!# In the ordinary "ourse o events' its use on a youn% wie o twenty6ei%ht would hardly be !rudent# /u"h tales she &i%ht tell5 Ha!!ily' *esley3s "o&!laints will not be heard5 4oreover' its use is surely (ustiied on a youn% wo&an who abandons ho&e and duty or adulterous !assion- /ee how that &ature youn% botto& o  hers is so "onveniently !resented or !rolon%ed and e$!ert "hastise&ent# With those two seat6 "hee)s to wor) u!on' one would ta)e *esley ar beyond the rontier o what the world at lar%e "alls !unish&ent5@ The 1asha o Ra&allah in"lines his head in a %ra"ious %esture o assent# *esley3s bare seat and hi!s s.uir& vainly in her stra!s' her butto")s and u!!er thi%hs on doubt "rawlin% with a earul and unendurable anti"i!ation# The blue eyes under the air' little6boy rin%e %row


ran ranti ti"" wi with th a! a!!r !reh ehen ensi sion on## Her Her sul)y sul)y &out &outh h is o! o!en en in a little little %a %as! s! o alar alar&# &# To the the satisa"tion o the &oralists' her arro%ant eatures are now ani&ated by ri%ht# The elderly wo&an "ontinues to dis"ourse to her host on &atters o dis"i!line# @I I &ay be so bold' 1asha' a da&! wad o "otton' held in !la"e by a stra! as a %a%' &i%ht  be (ud%ed !rudent# 4y En%lish En%lish &aid' Nerissa :ray' shall !ly the s&ellin% salts#@ The /"hool&aster settles down to wat"h# He su&&ons a ny&!h o thirteen' with sole&n  blue eyes and air tresses' to sit on his na)ed &anhood as he wat"hes# As she sli!s o her  s"hool%irl s)irt and !ants' he re&ar)s that Ra"hel3s botto& already rese&bles that o a real youn% lady# To ensure her e$"ite&ent at the s"ene beore the&' his hand &oves between her  thi%hs# @Is that ni"e' &y !et-@ he &ur&urs' @is it- Ah' I thin) it is5 Wat"h the& whi! her or  adultery5 Ah' is that ni"e (ust there- 4ove your botto& a little so that the stiness lies  between its "hee)s# Is that better- YesYes- Wat"h Wat"h the !unish&ent' &y ssweet# weet# Ah' did that hot wet s!lash startle you- I ear I &ust delu%e you there in a &o&ent5 Bla&e the youn% adulteress or that5 The si%ht o those ir& botto&6&oons o hers' stri!ed and s.uir&in% under the leather !ony6swit"h5 No tears' now# Try to "o&e while you wat"h' &y !et####@ Do you be%in to doubt the !urity o our /"hool&aster3s &oral resolve- /till' you "annot deny that o the well6dressed older wo&an' as a !ause o""urs in *esley3s whi!!in%# @Reason su%%ests' 1asha' that *esley will be a &ore sub&issive slave6wie i she bears indelibly the !rint o her &aster3s ownershi!# These two little dis"s6without whi"h I never  travel6are no lar%er than "oins# Yet they have su"h in%eniously variable letterin%# /ee' now I &a)e the& assu&e your na&e and hers# They will heat to white without &eltin%# And noti"e how "onveniently *esley bends (ust now5 Tradition di"tates the inward ed%es o her butto")s as the rational !la"e or her slavery to be &ar)ed# Con"ealed when she stands u!ri%ht# 8isible or ins!e"tion when she bends# Her absolute sub&ission will be easier to her ater this# /he will even %row !roud to bear the si%n o your "on.uest# Even thou%h it be se"ret ro& others' a ba")ward %lan"e at her &irror will "ause her to sto! and ad&ire# You would "onsent' sir- It shall be &y !rivile%e to su!ervise the !ro"eedin%#@ You thi thin) n) su"h su"h &oral &orality ity6or 6or lib libert ertina ina%e6 %e66is 6is rar raree- I assure assure you you that that is not so# Conside Consider  r  *esley3s husband and lovers# To the world they &ay de!lore loudly and an%rily her abdu"tion and sale into slavery# Yet' i %iven the "han"e' would not ea"h o the& bribe the %uards handso&ely or a lon% arewell )eyhole !ee! at her in her !resent ordeal- /he bein% lost to the& anyway' would they not %a+e in stienin% ad&iration at the artul ta!estry o the leather  swit"h swi t"h a"ross a"ross the !ale &oons &oons o *esley *esley3s 3s botto& botto&-- Re&e&b Re&e&ber er'' too too'' wha whatt they &ay have have endured ro& her sel6!ossessed arro%an"e and wilul !ro&is"uity# Would they not' as a result' "hoose this inal )eyhole !ee! rather than a last tender interview and sot e&bra"eWhat the youn% wie now under%oes is' by tradition' the reven%e o a betrayed husband# I&a%ine hi&' the )eyhole s!y' wat"hin% the bellows blow the bra+ier "oals# The youn% wie3s lon% tri& thi%hs' stra!!ed ti%htly to%ether' and the !ale ir& "hee)s o her ba")side as she  bends' are !resented to his %a+e# The strai%ht air hair o her ur"hin6"ro! is turned# How "han%ed are the aloo blue eyes' the air6s)inned eatures' the sul)y &outh' as she stares in a as"ination o horror at the bra+ier "oals and the s&all' lettered dis"s5 Ten lon% &inutes !ass  beore the elderly %uardian o youn% wives3 &orals is satisied satis ied with the rose6red brillian"e o  the dis"s# Durin% this ti&e' the stra!!ed thi%hs tense and shit "o&!ulsively# The witnesses ad&ire the taut &aturity o this e&an"i!ated housewie3s ba")side' sha!ed by love' &arria%e and "hild6 "hild6rea rearin rin%# %# Yet its "hee)s "hee)s s.uir& s.uir& un"ont un"ontrol rollab lably ly'' as i sea seated ted bare bare on the &ost &ost tor&entin% !ri")le o horsehair# *esley !leads her "ase with all the woeul ur%en"y o a twelve6year6old s"hool%irl ordered by her tea"her to the whi!!in% roo&# Be assured that the wron%ed bride%roo& at the )eyhole would not intervene i he "ould# /u"h is "on(u%al &orality5 Indeed' he is obli%ed to unbutton hi&sel or "o&ort' "arin% not who sees# The elderly wo&an3s ur6"lad ar& %oes 3round *esley3s waist to steady the sub(e"t# Her &aid !lies the s&ellin% salts# Every &oral %entle&an in the roo& is driven to see)  "o&ort or his e$"ite&ent# With her other hand' the elderly wo&an "hooses the s&ooth' yellowed ivory s)in on the let6hand slo!e o *esley3s botto&6"ra")# /he !resses down the heated dis" and holds it steady durin% several se"onds o wadded ren+y# ilted husbands and lovers at their )eyholes are true &oralists now# Ea"h "lut"hes his stiness e"stati"ally# The dis"s return to the "oals or the tas) is only hal "o&!leted# Our  &oral voyeurs are beside the&selves with e$!e"tation# 4ouths o!en and eyes wide' they await the turnin% o the other "hee) or the rest o *esley3s arse &ar)in%s' si%nin% the seal o  slavery# To be sure there are libertines !resent# Yet how inno"ent they are by "ontrast# Arab boys' ourteen or iteen years old' "rou"h in every shadow and "orner o the roo&# As the whi! is et"hed' and *esley twists her ur"hin6"ro! ranti"ally' ea"h lad dire"ts her orlorn blue eyes to the stiness in his hand# Whis!erin% randily' ea"h one ur%es *esley to turn her behind a little


&ore in his dire"tion so that he &ay have a &ore e$"itin% view o it under the lash# It is the stron% sa! o youth' not &oral hu&bu%' whi"h stirs su"h e$"ite&ent in these Arab boys# You would rather be a libertine than (oin "ause with &oralists o this )ind- 4y eli"itations on your "hoi"e5 What awaits you thenBe sure there will ollow an au"tion o su"h beauties as you have seen# *inda and 8alerie' 8anessa anessa and Elaine' Elaine' Noreen and 4a%%ie' Nabyla and Connie' 1atri+ia and *esley# *esley# All shall a!!ear on the dais and %o under the t he ha&&er# *ord o the world o an"y' y you ou &ay !ur"hase as you "hoose# Yours' too' the "hoi"e o !leasures whi"h you &ay en(oy in the hare& o your  drea&ss with these "hosen beauties# 1erha!s drea& 1erha!s you will be &ore in%enious in%enious still# /hall you your  r   !ala"e o love "ontain several !leasure do&es' ea"h illed with youn% odalis.ues e$!ert in so&e s)ill or to be sub&itted to so&e "a!ri"e o yoursWill there be one where *inda and ran"es"a %reet you with !arted li!s and a%ile ton%uesIs there a se"ond' where *inda and 8alerie oer you the war& avenue o !leasure between their le%s- Can there be a third' in whi"h two sturdy youn% wo&en' li)e 4a%%ie and Noreen'  bend to oer their behinds or your entry- 4ust Elaine and *esley lan%uish in a ourth'  bendin% or dis"i!line- 1erha!s you will be "ontent to &in%le de&ands a&on% your %irls# 1erha!s you will de&and a sin%le avourite !leasure ro& the& all# As the au"tion be%ins' whi"h air da&sels shall be your "hoi"e- Beore you stand the two &ost youthul ea"h in her s"hool blouse and tie with short' !leated s)irt# /u"h a !leasin% "ontrast# *inda' the sotly sha!ed little blonde' with !ale a"e and sly %reen eyes# Observe her   !ress the short blond &ane to her &outh and sni%%er with the urtiveness only !ossible in a &in$ o ourteen# Her "lass&ate' 8alerie' is the sli&' re")led %a&ine with a bob o auburn hair and lively blue eyes# /he has the !retty %i%%lin% &anner o her a%e# What an a"ade&y o love you &i%ht set u! with su"h !u!ils5 Yet surely *inda and 8alerie' as a !air o !retty third or&ers' &ay en(oy tuition to%ether on your bed5 Thus your own hands re&ove their s)irts' their war& s"hool%irl )ni")ers and blouses# :ently you will ondle the youn% breasts' your )isses browsin% on ea"h !air o li!s in turn# When your hand sli!s  between their le%s and &asturbates ea"h sot urry little "reature' you will ind dierent rea"tions# *inda' the sly sensuous little blonde' will be %reedy or this# 8alerie' the sli& re")led %a&ine' with her auburn bob and re")les' is &ore nervous and tense# As you brin% e"stasy between 8alerie3s sli& thi%hs' there &ay be sobs and tears at sensations beyond her  "ontrol# But she will learn to subdue this# *inda' your sot sensuous little blonde' will sni%%er at the si%ht o your !enis' unli)e 8alerie' who loo)s so a!!rehensive# You &ay (ud%e ro& this that *inda' at ourteen' is ready to su") the !ri")' and this you will re.uire# 4ust 8alerie ollow the e$a&!le' hesitantly- The de"ision is yours# As *inda3s blond head bows' su")in% your sta o lie' will you re.uire her  to "o&!lete her sub&ission in this &anner- Or will you "hoose so&e other way- The world is evenly divided in its o!inion o the ri!eness o two su"h %irl6"herries or !l !lu")in%# u")in%# Yet Yet no two are ali)e# /o !erha!s' ater 8alerie su")s' *inda turns on her ba")# How sedu"tive she loo)s in her s"hool unior&' lyin% on her side on the bed' the blond &ane !ressed )nowin%ly to her li!s5 A%ain' as you lie behind her' you will undo the short'  !leated s)irt and lower it# Her !lu&! youn% seat6"hee)s are ti%htly sha!ed by b y the white web6 "otton o her s"hool%irl )ni")ers# You ease down these !ants and ad&ire your ourteen6year6 old 8enus# 8enus# The !lu&!' !early little &oons o *inda3s botto& are at your dis!osal to lod%e your  stiness between or to !ress dee!er# Or will you !lay the !eda%o%ue' dis!leased with a !air o sni%%erin% and %i%%lin% youn% &ada&s- You are the s"hool tyrant to who& the %a&ine with auburn bob and blue eyes a!!ears' "arryin% a note# It re.uests the bir"h6rod a"ross the sli&' bare "hee)s o 8alerie Bisho!3s botto&# Or the !ale !early "hee)s o *inda ennin%s3 botto&# You have the& side by side' two raised and bare seats !resented !resented over the soa ba")# I shall not be sur!rised sur!rised to learn that ei%hteen stro)es o the bir"h sui"ed you or 8alerie' but' in *inda3s "ase' three do+en with a ba&boo was s"ar"ely enou%h5  Nor will your "olle"tion be "o&!lete without a de&ure older houri# Beore you on the au"tion dais a!!ear war&6s)inned beauties o ei%hteen or twenty, 1atri+ia' ennier' Connie' and Nabyla# Connie' with her hi%h6boned Chinese beauty and her lon% sheen o bla") hair  with silver "li!s' is a study in sub&issive loveliness# Connie3s )ni")ers are ti%ht' bla") sil) on saron6s&ooth s)in' as she lies obediently u!on the bed# How those lovin% slanted eyes  besee"h you as she unbuttons and releases your se$' as)in% de&urely to be allowed to su") it5 You "annot "annot reuse# reuse# Connie Connie sli!s down down her !ants and !lays !lays with with her hersel sel as she does so' &oistenin% the way between her le%s or your ne$t !leasure# !leas ure# Then' as she turns' will you bir"h the deli"ate saron "hee)s o Connie3s Chinese botto& or allow her to !art those "hee)s with her own hands to oer you yet another or& o en(oy&ent6or will you do bothCa Can n yo you u resis resistt 4iss 4iss e enn nni ier er 2han 2han'' th thee Asian Asian be beau auty ty-- /u"h /u"h hi%h hi%h6b 6bon oned ed "h "hee ee)s )s''


s&oulderin% al&ond eyes' !retty tan%le o bla") hair lyin% between her shoulders- As you undress her on the bed' ennier3s )ni")ers are ti%ht6stret"hed bries o white "otton6web# How they the y "ontra "ontrast st with with the tawny tawny sto")6 sto")6&e &ess ss o her bare bare thi thi%hs %hs55 You ton ton%ue %ue6l 6li") i") the Asian  beauty3s ni!!les to ere"tion# Your Your tool threads into her "unt while she res!onds li)e a wild6"at# 1erha!s you would be !rudent to stra! her wrists to the bed6rail or her !assion )nows no li&its5 Then turn her over and ondle the !roud' olive6s)inned "hee)s o ennier 2han3s  botto&5 Thou%h her in%er bears a betrothal rin%' you &ay be sure she is vir%in in al&ost every res!e"t# You "annot endure to &iss a sin%le en(oy&ent- Then !ress a!art those tawny6 s)inned seat6&ounds and !ress until the very root o your !enis is %ri!!ed e$.uisitely by ennier 2han3s arse6hole5 Does her hi%h and iery te&!er boil over in disobedien"e at thisAt ninete nineteen' en' she should should )now better better## *ater *ater on' she is )neeli )neelin% n% with with hea head d tou"hi tou"hin% n% the  !illowin%# Do you "hoose to e&!loy the sna)es)in !ony6lash a"ross her botto& to an e$tent undrea&t o in reor&atory or s"hool- That is your !rivile%e' i you wish' and your !leasure' i you "hoose# Here we tou"h a%ain on that &ost !roound to!i" o @Bir"h in the Boudoir'@ or there is no other whi"h shows so "learly the dieren"e between' a &oralist and a libertine# Can you resist  !ur"hasin% a reor&atory to&boy o ourteen li)e Elaine' as she s he is led on to the t he dais- /he is deiant and i&!udent6is not that what you want- The air hair' "o&bed ro& its "entral !artin% to lie loose u!on her shoulders' ra&es the broad oval o her a"e# Narrow eyes and thin &outh "o&!lete the !i"ture o snub6nosed insolen"e# Consider her in s"hool blouse and tie'  !leated' %rey s)irt worn s"andalously short to bare bare her robust youn% thi%hs# A&on% your other attra"tions' would you not li)e Elaine u!on your bed' her wrists duly stra!!ed to the rail- A &oralist would be as ea%er as you' but would !retend he ound no  !leasure in it# You i%nore her "urses as you stoo! over and ondle those bare white thi%hs' sturdy and adoles"ent' below the he& o her s)irt# uietly you lay a ba&boo to soa) in &ustard oil' where she "an see it# Yo You u deta"h and lower the little s)irt# Elaine Co$3s s"hool%irl )ni")ers are the only ty!e !ossible under so short a s)irt, bries o white' stret"hed "otton# You Yo u ease the& down over her robust youn% hi!s# /u"h stron% youn% thi%hs' the air hair at tthe he loins' the !ou"h well lee"ed# Yet you &ay wonder how &any a lu")y lad o her own a%e has dis"overed su"h thin%s beore5 As you "han%e sides' lyin% l yin% down behind her' she tosses her air  hair and "ranes 3round with all the snub6nosed i&!uden"e o her )ind# Yo Your ur a"e level with her  hi!s' you !ull the blouse tail hi%h and ondle the ull' !ale "hee)s o your ourteen6year6old to&boy3s botto&# A vir%inity to be had here- Is it ta)en while Elaine !rotests with hollowed &outh and "onstri"ted "ries- Yet here we have no &oralisin%' only a "all to love3s ar&s# @You3ve @Yo u3ve a stron% youn% botto&' Elaine# Any !asha would start early with you5@ When the "ane is ta)en ro& the &ustard oil' i that is your "hoi"e' there is no "ant about dis"i!line# It will be done only be"ause you en(oy it# Indeed' it will be in the s&all hours o  the &ornin% or you will have been o""u!ied with her in other ways and your tool will s"ar"ely have let her behind beore &idni%ht# On"e &ore' you will "ane Elaine Co$3s to&boy botto& with a severity un)nown to any s"hool# Yet Yet her tea"hers would all be libertines enou%h to envy you# Elaine &ay be a stra!!in% youn%ster or ourteen years old# On"e a%ain' however' the "riterion is not her itness or su"h dis"i!line but your desire to %ive it# You &ay re!rieve her ater hal a do+en stro)es' or  "ontinue until Bla&e3s butto")s are a willow !attern o swellin% weals# /till you are not satisied- The "ane lashes down a"ross the attish sura"es o Elaine3s botto&6"hee)s as i  a"ross ri!e ruit# But let us have no "ant about &oral dis"i!line' or the !enis standin% sti  and bare at your loins will "ontradi"t you5 *et &e !ut no li&it on your "hoi"e as the beauties !arade beore you# 4a%%ie and Noreen' Tania and ulie' whi"hever you "hoose shall be added to your ideal hare&# Yet would you show the su!eriority o the libertine over the &oralist- Then ta)e *esley and show how she &ay be subdued throu%h !assion rather than vindi"tiveness# A &an who owns su"h a sera%lio will &a)e several o his avourites slave6wives# *esley is surely eli%ible# /ee her on your bed' na)ed but or the ti%ht' bla") stra!s at wrists' waist' an)les' "ollar' and 3round the &iddle o ea"h thi%h# The !enalties or reusal ensure her  "o&!lian"e in a"ts whi"h are to !rove as &u"h her !leasure6it is to be ho!ed56as yours# Can you resist in"ludin% in the "elebration the thirteen6year6old ny&!h with su"h sole&n blue eyes and air hair- Two su"h hau%htily sole&n a"es# One !air o thi%hs still so sli& and resilient' resili ent' the belly so lat7 the other &ature thi%hs' ir& but !roud' the belly a little rounded# Turn the& over# Co&!are Co&!are the ba")side o the boyishly "ro!!ed 8enus 8enus o twenty6ei%ht and her   blue6eyed dau%hter o thirteen# The %ra"eul sli&ness o the wo&an6"hild seat6"hee)s and the  !roud botto&6&oons botto&6&oons o the &ature youn% wie5 While ni&ble in%ers !lay between her le%s' *esley will soon learn to en(oy those sessions' when she bows her ur"hin6"ro! and su")s the sti !enis !resented to her li!s' The !u&!in% o 


your war& !assionate %ruel' whi"h "aused her to ret"h at irst' she will learn to swallow by re!eated lessons# You ear' however' that *esley' havin% been "ontent with a variety o !ri")s in her "unt beore' will never be ha!!y with yours alone- Have no ear5 Yours Yours is tthe he only one' and she will adore it all the &ore or that5 /o&eti&es you will stir in the ni%ht and ind that the youn% wie lies on her side with her   ba") to you# 4ove %ently down the bed till your eyes are level with her seat and the rear  o!enin% o her thi%hs# Observe the rear o her va%inal !urse as it !outs ba") and you will ind it e$udin% !early dro!lets# *esley is &asturbatin% urtively' des!ite your own use o her "unt' des!ite the yellowed %rease s&ears between her botto&6"hee)s' where you sodo&ised this youn% wie as well# Under the aloo e$terior6the "lear blue eyes' dis&issive snootiness' and  boyish rin%e6 *esley yearns or love# love# You will sodo&ise *esley' o "ourse# 1erha!s it will be &ore re.uent than the &ore orthodo$ !leasure' or it ris)s no swollen belly# Havin% "arried two inants already' a third would be a disaster# 1leasure a!art' *esley "annot have a baby in her botto&5 1ress the !ale &oons a!art and study *esley3s anus# Unli)e her "a!tors' you will use it with "are# There will be e$"ite&ent or her' a urtive and &orbid thrill !erha!s# Yet' as s"ien"e will tell you' you need only be !ersistent and sedu"tive or *esley to be"o&e an addi"t o this  !leasure# You will )now the &o&ent o your "on.uest# The blue eyes under the little6boy rin%e will loo) ba") i&!lorin%ly at you over her shoulder as she ar"hes her !roud' youn% wiely seat towards you# /he will be% you to be %entle# 4a)e no &ista)e' *esley is now as)in% or it5 4eanti 4ea nti&e &e'' you you &ay "onsi%n "onsi%n her ea"h &ornin &ornin% % to Ka ew Arab Arab boys boys e$!ert e$!ert in dil dildo do &ani!ulation# Ea%erly' these lads "onront *esley' botto&6u!wards over the !illow# At your  "o&&and' "o&& and' they ease the vaselined vaselined )nob into *esley3s behind# E$!ert and %entle' %entle' they &ove the !hallus in and out or hal an hour' "o&!ellin% her e$!erien"e o it# Her short "ries o  dis"o&ort and alar& will %row ewer as the days !ass' and her si%hs &ore %entle# I she suers at all' it is a &u"h &ilder way# Ater ea"h session' hu&an nature bein% in"orri%ible' the tribute o three youn% tools has s!an%led the !ale &oons o *esley3s botto& with "o!ious (ets o s!er&# What Wh at o @B @Bir ir"h "h in th thee Boud Boudoi oir@ r@-- I "a "ann nnot ot !r !ro& o&ise ise you that that it will will be to he herr %r %rea eatt en(oy&ent# The ways o the hare& are so dierent# I&a%ine' or e$a&!le' the s"ene ater  *esley3s honey&oon ni%ht as your slave6wie# /he lies na)ed' slee!in% in e$haustion' a"e down over the divan# Tra"es o love (ui"e shine between her tri& thi%hs# 8aseline s&ears %lea& between her ir&' !ale butto")s' eviden"e that you have bu%%ered *esley vi%orously# One ba&boo lies s!lintered on the loor# Another is dis"arded on the bed# The "ane !rints a"ross *esley3s botto&6"hee)s show that you have tanned her with these swit"hes#  Nabyla enters and loo)s u!on the s"ene# Is she dis&ayed- Is she outra%ed- No' the ine Arabian beauty loo)s only with envy u!on the boyishly6"ro!!ed En%lish wie# What !assion her &aster &ust have or her to %o to su"h len%ths5 Ah' this was truly a ni%ht o love in whi"h he s!ared her nothin%5 /o be it# Now you shall asse&ble your hare&, *esley' Noreen' 4a%%ie' Nabyla' Elaine' Connie6 whi"hever you will# You &ust de"ide in ea"h "ase whi"h or& o !leasure6or all  !leasures6you will e&!loy ea"h odalis.ue in# Where you be%in and where you end &ust be your de"ision# or &y !art' I will intrude no lon%er u!on the deli%hts whi"h await you# Charlie and *i++ie ta)e their leave o Ra&allah' and I %o with the&# THE END

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