BIOLOGY Form 5 Chapter 3
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
3.1 Coordination and response Diagram 4.1 shows the transmission pathway of information from receptors in the ear to effectors U.
No (a)
Marking scheme
Name structures R and S in Diagram 4.1 2 R: sensory / afferent neurone S: motor /efferent neurone
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State the function of R 1 P Sensory / R neuron conducts the impulse from the receptor to (its axonal end in) the central nervous system.
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Based on Diagram 4.1 describes briefly the pathway of transmission of information from the moment you hear the sound of the ringing telephone until you pick up the phone. F1 receptor detects stimulus P1 (is stimulated to) trigger nerve impulses in afferent neuron P2 (nerve impulses) are carried to the central nervous system P3 (the central nervous system) integrates and interprets the information P4 then send new impulses P5 are carried by motor/efferent neuron to effectors//effectors produces responds
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
3.2 The role of human Nervous system No (a)
Marking scheme
Organisation of nervous system
Explain what would happen if structure P:afferent neurone is broken down 3 F-impulse cannot transmit form receptor to CNS /Brain &Spinal cord E1-Brain cannot interpreted/integrates the impulse/information E2-Stimulus cannot detects
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The neurons Diagram shows the pathway of transmission of information from receptor to the effectors Name the part labelled P,Q,R and S P:afferent neurone Q:effector R:receptor S:efferent nuerone
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Based on diagram, Describe the transmission of information 3 F-Coordination starts with the stimulus and end with the response E1-Receptor detect stimulus and trigger nerve impulse E2-afferent neurone transmit nerve impulse to central nervous brain E3-Central nervous /brain &nervous interprete/integrate the impulse /information E4-Impuls transmit to effectors along efferent neurone to produce response
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Explain why transmission of nerve impulse travels in one direction 2 F-Impulse travel form dendrite to axon terminal in a neurone//impulse travel form terminal axon to dendrite in a synapse E1-to make sure /to cause impulse travel in one direction
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Marking scheme
Essay enhancement corner Diagram shows three types of neurons in human being .During types of neuron must be coordinated to react on stimulus
Ahmad is a Johor state goal keeper .Explain how Ahmad able to push the ball away from the goal post area in the penalty kick 10 P1-(moving ball is an external stimulus P2-receptor in the eye pick up /detect the ball /stimulus P3-the receptor trigger/generate nerve impulses P4-The nerve impulse transmit from the afferent neuron to interneuron in the brain P5-The brain interprets the nerve impulse (from interleukins that the ball is moving to goal keeper/Ahamad) P6-The brain decides what to do stimulus (to catch or push away the coming ball)//coordinate response P7-Nervw impulse are transmitted from interneuron to efferent neuron across the synapse P8-Nerves impulse then transmit to muscle (effectors P9-The muscle (in arm /leg) carry out the response P10-Ahmad able to push away the ball form goal post P11-impukse is transmitted across the synapse P12-Between afferent neuron and interneuron//interneuron//interneuron and efferent neuron
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Marking scheme
The Spinal cord and its function The line X and Y cuts across part of central nervous system connecting to the sensory receptors of the fingers In space provided, draw cross –section of a labeled diagram through X and Y of central nervous system 3
D: Able to draw traverse section though spinal cord1 L Able to label grey mater and white matter correctly 1+1 (b)
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The nuerones Diagram 4.2 shows gap P between the axon terminal and dendrite terminal of two neurones.
State two differences between X and Z. X – Afferent neurone P1 - Transmit impulses from the receptor to central nervous system P2- The cell body is located in the middle of the neurone P3- Has long dendrite P4-Has short axon Y- Efferent neurone P5-Transmit impulses from the central nervous system to the effector P6- The cell body is located at the end of the neurone P7- Has short dendrite P8-Has long axon
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Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
The transmission of information across synapse No
Marking scheme
(b) (c)
Name gap P Synapse
Name one example of chemical substances which is released across P Neurotransmitter / acetylcholine/noradrenaline/dopamine/serotonin
Diagram 4.2 shows the transmission of information across structure T.
Explain the role of P in transmission of nerve impulses. 1
F -P is synaptic vesicle
E1 contains neurotransmitters
E2 which transmit the nerve impulses//convert an electrical signal to chemical signal
E3 diffuse across W / synaptic cleft /synapse
E4 requires / using energy provided by mitochondria //active transport (d)
If the chemical substances release from P across W is reduced due to a neurodegerative disease, explain its effect to a person‟s health. F due to lack of acytalcholine in the brain
E1 the person may suffer from Alzheimer‟s disease
E2 causes loss of reasoning/ability to care for oneself/intellectual ability/ memory/ speak/ write// confusion
E3 can be inherited
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (a)
Marking scheme
Diagram shows a structure of a synapse Nerve impulse
Axon of neurone P Synaptic knob Dendrite of neurone R
Explain how the nerve impulse is transmitted across the synapse/ Explain the transmission of a nerve impulse from neurone P to neurone R across Q.8 P1 – Q is a synapse/ synaptic cleft. P2 – The transmission of information across a synapse involves the conversion of electrical
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signal into chemical signal in the form of neurotransmitter. P3 – Neurotransmitter is produced in vesicles in the axon terminal called synaptic knob.
P4 – Synaptic knob contains abundant mitochondrion to generate energy for the nerve
transmission. P5 – When an impulse arrived at the synaptic knob, the vesicles release the
neurotransmitters into the synapse. 1
P6 – The neurotransmitters molecules diffuse across the synapse P7
– to the dendrite of another neurons.
– Reaching R, impulse is converted back into electrical signal.
– The transmission of impulse in one way direction
P10 – since the vesicle containing neurotransmitter is only found in pre-synaptic membrane.
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Marking scheme
Explain the effect of a pain killer drug on the transmission of nerve impulses. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
P1- Nerve impulses reach axon terminal / synaptic knob P2- Energy from mitochondria P3- Vesicles containing neurotransmitter P4- Merged / fused with (pre-synaptic) membrane P5- Releases neurotransmitters P6- Into synapse P7- Drugs Neutralised / blocked / disintegrate the neurotransmitters P8- No / less neurotransmitters reach dendrite / next neurone P9Explain the transmission of impulse from one neurone to another neurone. 4 Pt..1 When an impulses arrives in the axon terminal Pt. 2 it stimulates (synaptic) vesicles to move towards and bind with the presynaptic membrane Pt. 3 The vesicles fuse / release the neurotransmitter into the synapse Pt. 4 The neurotransmitter molecules across the synapse to the dendrite of another neurone Pt. 5 Stimulated to trigger a new impulses which travels along the neurone There are molecule that will not be reabsorbed, for example, drugs. Alcohol is an example of a strong depressant drug that interferes with coordination and judgment .Explain why alcohol abuse is dangerous to a driver P1-block the release of neurotransmitters P2-it will slow down the transmitter of impulses through synapse P3-slow down the coordination between nerve ,eyes and muscle
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Voluntary action and involuntary action Disease of nervous system Aspect
Marking scheme
Involuntar y action &reflex arc Labeling
Name then part label P,Q and R in the spaces provided in diagram 3 P-Brain Q-spinal cord R: Peripheral nervous system/Spinal nerve
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Diagram shows the nerve pathway of a reflex arc when the hand touches a ho iron
On the diagram Label S ,T ad U in the space provided S: Interneurone T: Motor neurone//efferent neurone U:Sensory neurone State the stimulated receptor in this event. Pain receptors
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Aspect Arrange
Marking scheme
Based on the diagram ,complete the reflex arc for the impulse pathway in diagram 5.3
Note: 2-synapse 1-interneurone Drawing Skill
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Figure 5 shows the reflex arc that occurs when the finger is accidentally Pricked with a needle. Complete the above figure by drawing the appropriate neurons involved in the reflex action. 2
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3 Neurone -2m 2 nuerone-1m
A boy steps on a thorn when running in a field,he retracts his leg immediately. Draw and label
Criteria Functional diagram (d) -3neurones,receptor and effector Labelling 5-6 3-4 Arrow (direction of impulse) (a) Total
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Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Aspect Drawing Skill
Marking scheme
Diagram 4.1 shows the cross section of the spinal cord and the reflex arc.
On diagram 4.1 draw the arrow on X, Y and Z to show the direction of the nerves impulses on the reflex arc. Importance Difference
State the importance of reflex action to us. To protect the body against injuries Differentiate between the above reflex action with the voluntary action. 1 The reflex action is governed by the spinal chord whereas the voluntary action is governed by the cerebrum.
Explain the difference transmission of impulse in voluntary action and involuntary action 2
Explanatio n
Voluntary action
Involuntary action
F-Impulse transmit form the brain to skeletal muscle
Impulse transmit form the medulla ablongata to smooth muscle /cardiac muscle/gland
E-Example kicking ball
Example heartbeat /peristalsis
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Explain how the arm will react in that situation. P1. The receptor receives nerve impluse P2. The nerve travels along the afferent P3. And is transferred to the efferent neurone P4. At the axon terminal of the efferent neurone, the nerve impulse is transferred to muscle cell causing them to contract.
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P5-the arm bend and move away form the hot object
Explain why the brain is not involved in controlling this reflex action. 1 1
F1 : The reflex arc is short F2 : Which allows effectors to respond fast to dangerous situations
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Aspect Essay
Marking scheme
Diagram shows a reflex that involves neurone X and Y
Describe the reflex action 4 P1-the receptor at the terminal of x stimulated by the heat
P2-the receptor generates a nerve impulse
P3-The nerve impulse travels along X /afferent neurone to the spinal cord
P4-In the spinal cord, the nerve impulse is transmitted to an interneurone
P5-From the interneuron, the nerve impulse is transmitted to an efferent neurone/neurone Y
P6-Nerve impulse travels along efferent neurone/Y and reach the effectors/muscle tussue/fingers
P7-Muscle contract to withdraw the hand/finger Any 4
Diagram show coordinating system in the human body Diagram 8.1 shows a reflex are and diagram 8.2 shows the regulation of the blood glucose level
Describe the reflex action in Diagram 8.1 P1-Automatic response to a stimulus
P2-Control by spinal cord
P3-Short pathway impulse does not enter the brain
P4-When the tip of finger touches sharp object pain receptor will be stimulated and produced nerve impulse
P5-The impulse travels in the sensory neurone into the grey matter of spinal cord
P6-Impulse from interneuron travel into motor neurone to effectors
P7-Effector will produce the respond (hand withdrawn from the shard object)
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Aspect Essay (knee-jerkreflex)
Marking scheme In an accident, a motorist was seriously injured and was sent to a nearby hospital. A doctor is going to do a knee jerk test to examine the patient‟s nerve system.
D-1 L-1 P1 -The knee jerk action involves two types of neurons named afferent and efferent
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neurons. P2 -As the hammer strike, the force stretches the quadriceps muscle and stimulates the
stretch receptors in the muscles triggering a nerve impulses P3- Afferent neurons transmit the information to the efferent neuron in the spinal cord P4 - The efferent neurons transmit the information to the quadriceps muscle as an effector and the muscle contracts thus swing the leg forward
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P5 - If the patient is able to swing the leg forward, it indicates that the patient‟s nerve 1
system is still functioning P6 -If there is no response, it shows that the patient‟s nervous system fails to function properly
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Aspect Predict
Disease of nervous system
Marking scheme
If efferent neurone is injured and damaged, predict what will happen to the person. 1 1. The nerve impulse will be sent from afferent neurone to the effectors 2. The effector / muscles will not contract 3. The hand will not be removed immediately from the needle. (Any one )
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Explain the possible effects if the parts of X (afferent neurone) in the spinal cord is damaged. Loss of some touch sensations
A disease related to the nervous system which usually affect the elderly people is caused by lack of the chemical substances in (c) ( ii) Explain the disease . F – Alzhemeir`s disease P1- lack of acetylcholine P2- brain shrinkage P3- show loss of intelligence/loss of memory/ mild confusion/poor concentration Any 2 OR F2 – Parkinson disease P4 – Lack of neurotransmitter / dopamine // hardening of cerebral arteries P5 – tremors / weakness of the muscle / muscle cannot function Any 2
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Alzheimer‟s and Parkinson‟s diseases are related to nervous system. Explain the causes and the effects of the diseases on victims Alzheimer‟s Caused by - the shrinkage of brain tissues and lack of neurotransmitter. - usually affects the elderly
Effect: - Loss of intelligent - Loss of memory - Poor concentration
Parkinson‟s Caused by - the reduced level of neurotransmitter in the brain caused tremors and weakness of the muscles - the hardening of the cerebral arteries Effect: - The muscle cannot function smoothly and become stiff and jerky in their action
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Aspect Disease of nervous system
Marking scheme
Both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease afflict around 500,000 individuals annually with their eroding and life-sapping effects Source, Jontly79, editorials Compare Alzheimer‟s and Parkinson‟s disease Alzheimer‟s Parkinson‟s Similarities A neurological disease Usually affects the elderly Differences Leading to deterioration/damage of the Causing tremors weakness of the nervous system functions muscles Leading by deterioration /damage of the Causing tremors/weakness of the nervous system functions muscles Caused by the shrinkage of brain Caused by reduced level of tissues/and lack of neurotransmitter in the brain neurotransmitters/acetylcholine Symptoms are loss of intelligence/loss Symptoms are the muscle cannot of memory/mild confusion /poor functions smoothly/muscle become concentration stiff and jerky in their actions Can be inherited Not inherited
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3.3 The role of hormones in human The need of endocrine system No Marking scheme Difference Compare and contrast this two coordinating systems (Nervous& Endocrine system Nervous system Endocrine ) Message transported in the form of Message transported in the form of impulse electrochemical charges Hormone travel in blood stream Impulse travel in the neurone /without duct Slow response Immediate response Long term effects Short effects All endocrine gland are not directly Two neurone consecutive neurone interrelated are connected though synapse
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No Difference (Nervous& Endocrine )
Marking scheme
The endocrine system and the nervous system play importance roles in maintaining homeostasis. Both systems often work together. For example ,certain part of nervous system stimulate or inhibit the release of hormone promote and inhibit the generation or nerve impulse .Hence despite having the nervous system the body needs the endocrine system
Based on the statement, explain the difference between the endocrine system and the nervous system 10 Nervous system Aspect Endocrine system Stimulus Internal stimulus External stimulus
Sensory organs
Sensory cells
Electrical and chemical
Impulse//nature of impulse
Chemical// hormones
Neuroine and synapse
Medium of transport
Rapid/fast Specific locations, organs
Speed of transmission of Slow impulse Target organ Various organs
Quick and short
Long lasting
Marking scheme The role of coordination and response are carried out by two different system as shown in diagram, 7.2(a) and 7.2(b)
Describe both system based on the structure and function F1 Nervous system P1 Consists of brain, spinal cord and neurons P2 Stimulates by external stimuli P3 Send information in the form of electrical impulses P4 Impulse is transmitted via neurons to effectors F2 Endocrine system P5 Consists of endocrine glands // glands without ducts P6 Stimulates by internal stimuli P7 Send information in the form of chemical impulses/ hormones P8 Hormones is transported by blood to target organ
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
The human endocrine system No (a)
Marking scheme
Diagram 4.1 shows the endocrine system in the body of a human.
Name the hormones secreted by gland P and Q P : Thyroxine Q : ADH // FSH // LH
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Some people have their gland P grows two or three times its size. (i) Name the condition mentioned above Goiter
(ii) Suggest how to overcome the above problem. Taking enough iodine in our diet label adrenal gland with letter S correctly.
Based on the diagram, explain how hormone R is responsible for the difference of physical appearance if individual X and Y3 E1-Hormoane R stimulate growth E2-Lack of hormone R cause stunted growth in Y E3-Over secretion of hormone cause gigantism
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Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Marking scheme
Name hormone P and R P:Thyroxin hormone R:Growth hormone
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Hormones Q stimulate the development of follicle in the ovary and spend in the testis. Identify hormone Q Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
The presences of hormone Q causes the secretion or hormone Y which affect the development of uterus Estrogen hormone The pituitary gland is known as \master gland .Explains why F-Its secreted hormones which control the activities of other endocrine glands to secrete their hormones E-FSH control the secretion of estrogens in ovary (or any other suitable examples)
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The pituitary gland is regarded as the “master “ endocrine gland.
P1 - because it secretes several hormones that control other endocrine glands P2 - for example, TSH is secreted to stimulate thyroid gland to release thyroxine //accept any correct hormones and their function
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
The involvement of both the nervous system and the system in a ‘flight or fight’ situation No (a)
Marking scheme
Diagram shows an emergency situation faced by Abu
Explain the condition between the system shown in diagram, 7.2(a) and 7.2(b) to respond toward the situation P1 Stimuli is detected by hypothalamus P2 Hypothalamus sends impulse through sympathetic nervous system to the effector / heart / respiratory muscle / blood vessel P3 Hypothalamus send nerve impulse to adrenal medulla P4 Adrenal medulla secretes adrenaline and noradrenaline P5 Both hormones are sent to target organ / heart / respiratory muscle /blood vessel through blood P6 These two system cooperate each other P7 Causes increase in blood glucose level P8 Causes blood vessel constrict to increase the blood pressure P9 Causes respiratory muscle to contract and relax faster// increase breathing rate P10 Causes heart to pump faster // increase heart rate P11 To transport more oxygen and glucose to the skeletal muscle & brain P12 Brain more alert to mobilise body into immediate action /run away from the dog
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (b)
Marking scheme Diagram 7.2 shows the sequence of organs and tissue that responded when a man was attacked by a robber
Explain the involvement of nervous system and endocrine system in this situation P1The receptors / eyes detect stimulus P2Sent nerve impulse to brain P3Integration and interpretation of information P4Sent nerve impulse to adrenal gland P5Secretes adrenaline P6Transported by blood (to liver, lungs and heart) P7(In the liver,) glycogen converted into glucose P8Increase breathing rate P9Increase ventilation rate // gaseous exchange in the lungs P10- Increase heartbeats P11- More blood / glucose / oxygen (in skeletal muscles) P12- More cellular respiration P13- More energy released P14- For muscles contraction // To respond / fight back / run away (c)
When a man is chased by a fierce dog ,he is experiencing „flight or fight‟ situation Explain how the nervous system nd the endocrine system of the man coordinate to respond to this situation P1-the receptor in the eye detect the dog P2-Nerve impulses are generated and transmitted to the brain via an afferent neurone P3-The hypothalamus in the brain is stimulated P4-It actives the sympathetic nervous system to generate nerve impulses P5-Nerve impulses are transmitted to the adrenal medulla to stimulate secretion of adrenaline P6-Adrenaline carried /transported by circulatory system to targeted organs P7-Adnernaline promotes the breakdown of glycogen to glucose P8-(Adrenaline) increases the breathing rate P9-More oxygen will be taken into the body P10-(Adrenaline) increases the rate of heartbeat/blood pressure P11-Rate of the blood flow increase P12-More glucose and oxygen will be supplied to the muscle P13-More energy produced by the muscles/metabolic rate increase P14-Body has enough energy to face the flight or flight situation Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (d)
Marking scheme
A boy saw fierce dog barking and running toward him .The boy ran away and finally climbed up the big tree Explain how the endocrine system and nervous system both work together to bring about immediate response of the boy in the above situation P1- Light enters the retina and the image of the fierce dog is formed P2- Nerve impulse s generated by the sensory nerves at the retina P3- The nerve impulse are transmitted the brain /central nervous system to be analysed/interpreted P4- Sound waves enter the cochlea in the ears P5- The nerve impulse are generated and transmitted to the brain /central nervous system to be analysed /interpreted P6- The hypothalamus is activated to send the nerve impulse to the adrenal medulla P7- Adrenal medulla secretes adrenaline into the blood stream P8- Adrenaline will increase the metabolic rate P9- It stimulated the heart beat beat faster P10- And also breathing rate P11- and increase the conversion of glycogen to glucose P12- Finally send more oxygen and glucose to the brain and skeletal muscles P13- The brain is highly alert to mobilise the various parts of the body for immediate action P14- The skeletal muscle become energised to flee immediately form danger to run away from danger /to climb a big tree P15- This reaction is celled fight-or-fight action P16- These changes will prepares the boy to respond to the dangerous situation /threatening situation Any 10
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A mother and her young child were involved in an accident. The child was pinned under their car. Upon seeing her child under the car to free her child Using your biology knowledge, explain how the endocrine and nervous systems coordinate the mother‟s response in such situation When the mother sees her child under the car P1-the receptor in the eyes/retina detect the stimulus P2-and trigger a nerve/stimulus impulse P3-a nerve impulse is sent /transmitted to the central nervous system (CNS)Spinal cord /brain /interneurone P4-Through afferent neurone P5-Across a synapse P6-The CNS/Spinal cord /brain /internuerone sends a nerve /response impulse to the adrenal glands P7-Through efferent neurone(across synapse) P8-Adernal glands are stimulated to produce /Secrete adrenaline P9-Adrenaline cause the heart to beat faster/ventilation breathing rate increase//blood pressure increase//glycogen converts to glucose P10-and cellular respiration rate to be higher Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
P11-More energy is produced P12-for muscle contraction (hence, the mother is able to lift the car to free her child)
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After watching a horror movie at a cinema, Salim went back to his home. On the way home, he saw a monster exactly the same as he watched in the movie. He was very shocked and frightened. So he ran away as fast as he could. Explain the involvement of both the nervous system and the endocrine system in that critical situation. P1 - The situation is called “fight or flight” situation P2 - Nerve impulses from the eyes (receptors) travel to the brain P3 - The information is interpreted and the brain sends nerve impulses to the adrenal glands P4 - The adrenal glands are stimulated to release adrenaline P5 - The hormone increases the heartbeat rate, blood pressure and blood flow to the muscle P6 - The breathe become faster and deeper P7 - metabolic activity and glucose level in blood increase P8 - The skeletal muscles become more energized and enable a person to fight off an attacker or flee immediately
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3.4 Homeostasis in human Aspect
Marking scheme
What is meant by (i) Internal environment P1-(physical and Chemical) condition within our body P2-Extracellular fluid that surround our body cells P3-Example are body temperature, blood glucose level, pH, blood osmotic potential and blood pressure P1&any other P MAX 2 (ii)Homeostasis P4-A process of maintaining internal environment/physical and chemical condition in our body at a constant value P5-through corrective mechanism based on negative or positive feedback P6-which revert the internal environment back to normal condition of there is a change P4& any other P MAX 2
Explain the important of kidney in maintaining human health P1-to eliminate waste product/urea/toxic waste/ excess salt water form the blood P2-to maintain the normal osmotic pressure in blood /constant internal environment P3-To maintain the optimal physical /chemical condition in the internal environment
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Marking scheme
The nephron
Marks : Bowman’s capsule
Distal convoluted tubule
Loop of Henle: N Name the organ in the human body where the structure in Diagram 4 could befound?1 Kidney Name the structure on right side Nephron
Name the processes that occur in parts inJ, K and M at the nephron3 J:Ultrafiltration K: Reabsorption M: Secretion
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Name the Blood vessel P and Q P: Renal artery Q: Renal Vein
1 1
State one difference in the content of P and Q in excretion P has more nitrogenous waste product /urea/uric acid/salt than Q
Name two blood components found in renal artery but not in the part labeled J. Red blood cell Plasma proteins
1 1
Label P and Q P-Glomerulus Q-Bowman Capsule
1 1
State the characteristic of Q P1-Have very large surface area P2-Have many podocyte (that enable the ultrafiltration occur tremendously)
1 1
Suggest a reason for the component difference in above Both components are large (to move through small pores in the capillaries wall and inner wall of bowman‟s capsule
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Marking scheme
Name the process take place in J Ultrafiltration Describe the process mentioned above P1-Blood under high hydrostatic pressure P2-Because the diameter of afferent arteriole is larger than efferent arteriole P3-force the fluid filtrate into capsule bowman‟s P4-Form the glomerular filtrate Explain the formation fluid J P1-(by) ultrafiltration P2-( due to ) hydrostatic force P3-Some blood component except red blood cell platelet and plasma protein enter J Explain what happen to the filtrate that flows from J to L? From J to K where F1 : Glomerular filtrate become more concentrated El : Reabsorption of water into the blood capillaries by osmosis F2 : Glomerular filtrate does not contain glucose and amino acids E2 : Reabsorption of all glucose and amino acids by active transport into the blood capillaries From K to L where F3 : Glomerular filtrate has a higher concentration of urea E3 : Urea not reabsorbed from filtrate but water reabsorbed from filtrate F4 : Glomerular filtrate low in salt E4 : Reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions into blood capillaries by active transport Explain why the glucose and amino acid can found in glomerular filtrate but absent in urine P1-Because all the glucose and amino acid will reabsorb in the (proximal convoluted tubule) P2-Through active transport
Explain one different between the content in fluid J an L P1-In J /Bowman‟s capsule has higher glucose/amino acid/ vitamin/ minerals/ water// In F has lower glucose/amino acid/vitamin/minerals/water P2-Because reabsorption occur in proximal convoluted fluid Give the different between the content A(renal artery) and B (renal vein) P1-Urea in A ismore compare in B P2-Oxygen in A is more in A compare in B P3-water in a is less compare in B Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Describe the urine formation. Aspect
Marking scheme P1 – The formation of urine involves three main processes : ultrafiltration, reabsorption and secretion
Marks 1
P1-(Blood enters the glomerulus),ultrafiltration takes place whereby the high pressure forces fluid through the filtration membrane /glomerulus into capsular
space/bowman‟s capsule 1
P2-The fluid is called glomerular filtrate P3-Glomerular filtrate contains water/glucose/amino acids/irea/mineralslts/other
small molecule but does not contain red blodd cells and plasma protein P4-useful substance are reabsorbed (form the filtrate into the blood _while toxic
compounds water /any solutes in excess are removed (as urine ) Reabsorption
P5-in proximal convoluted tubule,sodium ions and chloride ions are pumped into 1 1
capillary network P6-reabsorbed of glucose and amino acids by active transport P7-in the loop of Henle ,water sodium ,chloride ions are reabsorbed P8-at distal convoluted tubule and more water, sodium and chloride ions are
1 1
reabsorbed P9-at collecting duct ,99% of water has been reabsorbed (into blood stream )and 1%
of water leaves the body as urine Secretion
P10-occurs at distal convoluted tubule P11-waste/exces substances/hydrogen ions /potassium ions /ammonia/urea/creatine
1 1
/toxin /drug are eliminated P12-by adjusting the amount of ions the kidney regulate the chemical composition ./water content any10-\
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Essay enhancement corner No (a)
Marking scheme Diagram 12.3 shows a part of a nephron structure.
Bowman’s capsule Proximal convoluted tubule
Collecting duct
Loop of Henle Distal convoluted tubule
Label and complete Diagram 12.3 above. State the role of a nephron. 2 1 1
D-1 L-1 P1 - A nephron is a basic structural and the functional unit of the kidney P2 - It is responsible for the actual purification of blood in producing urine (b)
Base on the Table 6.2, explain why the concentration of solutes in the plasma, glomerular filtration and urine of the adult are differ.10
Describe the formation of the glomerular filtrate E1 : When blood enters the glomerulus, ultrafiltration takes place E2 : because blood from the aorta reaches the nephron/glomerulus at high pressure E3 : and due to the different between the diameter of the afferent arteriole and efferent arteriole E4 : The high pressure forces fluid through the filtration membrane into capsular space forming
glomerular filtrate
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Marking scheme
Base on Diagram 6.1 , describe briefly the formation of the glomerular filtrate 4
Process Y = ultrafiltration A process whereby F1 – water and solutes from glomerulus being forced to filter through the membrane of Bowman‟s capsule
F2 - by the high hydrostatic pressure
1 1
F3 - forming glomerular filtrate that contains water, glucose, amino and other small molecules (d)
acids, urea, mineral salts
Diagram shows the structure of nephron in the human Kidney
Explain the process that occurs at P 4 F1-Ultrafiltration (process take place) E1-Diameter of efferent arteriole is smaller than afferent arteriole E2-Higher hydrostatic pressure occurs in glomerulus E3-The fiuld and solute in the glomerulus is filtered out through the capillary wall into the lumen of Bowman‟s capsule E4-The glomerular filtrate has the same composition as the plasma component except it does not contain (of larger component such as ) red blood cell and plasma proteins
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4 Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (e)
Marking scheme Table 6 .2 shows the concentration of solutes in the blood plasma, glomorular filtration and urine of an adult. Concentration of solutes (g/dm3)
Solute Blood plasma
Glomerular filtrate
Amino acid
Urea Sodium ion, Na
Diagram 7.1 shows part of the circulatory system and a nephron in human kidney. F1 – Glucose reabsorb by facilitated diffusion into blood capillary E1 – Glucose needed by our body F2 – Acid amino reabsorb by facilitated diffusion E2 – Acid amino is needed for body growth / tissue repair F3 – Protein is a big molecule and cannot move via membrane plasma. E3 – Protein is still circulate in blood capillary. F4 – Urea is secreted substances and cannot move back to blood capillary E4 – Water is reabsorb by osmosis and the concentrate of urea increase. F5 – Sodium ion is move back to blood capillary via active transport E5 – Sodium is importance for maintain the blood pressure. (f)
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Table 7.1 shows the concentration of solutes in the blood plasma, glomerular filtrate and urine of an adult.
Based on Table 1, explain why the concentration of solutes in the blood plasma, glomerular filtrate and urine of the adult are differ. F1 : Concentration of glucose / amino acid / urea / sodium ions in the blood plasma and glomerular filtrate are the same.
E1 : All glucose / amino acid / urea / sodium ions enter the Bowman‟s capsule / nephron / are in
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
the glomerular filtrate E2 : through ultrafiltration. F2: No glucose / amino acid in the urine.
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E4 : All glucose / and amino acid are reabsorbed from the proximal convoluted tubule / nephron
E3 : Able to pass through the wall of blood capillaries / Bowman‟s capsule.
E5 : by facilitated diffusion / active transport into the (peritubular) capillaries // blood capillaries
1 1
F3 : Less sodium ions in the urine than in the blood plasma / glomerular filtrate. E6 : Some sodium ion have been reabsorbed from the Nephron (by active transport into the peritubular capillaries // blood capillaries) F4 : No protein in the glomerular filtrate / urine.
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E7 : They are large molecules. E8 : Unable to pass through the wall of blood capillaries / Bowman‟s capsule.
1 1
F5 : Very high content of urea in the urine. E9 : Secretion of urea into the nephron at the distal convoluted tubules
Any ten points (g)
Table 3 shows the concentration of some substances in the blood plasma. glomerular filtrate and urine of an adult. Substances in fluid Concentration of substance in fluid Blood plasma Glomerulus filtrate Urine produced entering the kidney glomerulus Glucose 1.0 1.0 0.0 Amino Acid 1.5 1.5 0.0 Protein 80.0 0.0 0.0 Urea 0.3 0.3 20.0 Sodium ion 3.2 3.2 3.3 Based on 'l'ablc 3, explain the difference in the concentration of urea in the blood plasma, glomerular filtrate and urine.4 F1 Concentration of urea in blood plasma is 0.3 g/dm3 which is same as in glomerular filtrate El : Ultrafiltration in Bowman's capsule E2: High pressure of blood forces out fluid from blood plasma Contain urea and other solutes into Bowman's capsule F-2: Concentration of urea in urine is 20 g/dm3 which is much higher than in the glomerular filtrate E3: Active secretion urea from blood into glomerular filtrate at distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct E4: Reabsorption of water from glomerular filtrates at distal Convoluted tubule and collecting duct
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Marking scheme
Table shows the cmposition of human blood and urine Chemical substances Percentage in blood % Percentage in urine% Water 97 95 Plasma membrane 8 0 Glucose 0.10 0 Urea 0.03 2.0 Explain the differences between the percentage od chemical substances in blood and urine 10 F1-Percntge of water in blood is higher than in urine P1-In the proximal convuluted tubule P2-The Na + are pumped into the capillary//some salts are reabsorbed by a active trasnport P3-The movement os solutes into the capillary network decrease the solute concentration in the capillary Network P4-As a result, water diffuse into blopod capillaries by osmosis from the proximal convuluted tubule/loop of Henle /diatal convuluted tubule /collecitng duct F2-Percentage of plasma protien is higher in blood compared to urine //percantage of plasma protien is nil in urine P5-Size of plasma protiens are larger /too large which cannot be filtered out diffused out during ultrafiltration F3-Percentage of gluscose is high in blood but nil in urine P6-All glucose are reabsorbed by active transport at proximal conculuted tubue F4-Percentage of Urea is higher in urine than in blood P7-Urea is actively transported from the blood capillary to the distal onvulted tubule P8-By active secretion process F5-Urea is filtered but not reabsorbed into then blood P9-selctive reabsorbption Any 10
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (b)
Marking scheme
Table shows the content of component in R and S in Diagram
Based on the table Explain why the content of R and S are different 10 F1-Glucose /oxygen present in the R and s E1-There is high hydrostatic pressure at the arterial and of the capillaries E2-Glucose .oxygen force out form the R to S E3-able to pass through the wall of blood capillaries F2-No albumen /platlets/erthrocyres in the S E4-Large molecule .components E5-Unable to pass through the capillary wall F3-Leucocytes present in the R and S E6-because leucocytes ooze through the opening in the capillary wall F4-Urea present in the R and S E7-Diffuse form the body cells through the into R any 10 (c)
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In a study carried out, an individual X drinks a glass of glucose solution. Table 4.2 shows the changes in the concentration of blood glucose in individual X
Based on table 4.2 , explain the role of gland R in regulating the person blood glucose concentration from 0 minute to 90 minutes. P1 : From 0 to 60 minutes, the blood glucose level increases more than the normal level P2 : Islet cells in gland R is stimulated to secrete insulin P3 : Insulin stimulates the conversion of excess glucose to glycogen (in the liver) P4 : This cause the glucose level to return to the normal level at the 90th minute Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
The role of kidney in homeostasis No
Marking scheme
What is the function of osmoregulation ? E1-Kidney regulate salts /solutes and water level in the blood E2-To maintian a constant water potential in the body/regulates the osmotic pressure of the blood (b)
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Explain the consequence of kidney failure P1-The blood osmotic pressure and blood volume cannot be maintianed P2-Leads to the accumulatioon of toxic waste and excess minerals in the body
1 1
Indivudul Y drinking excess water State the blood osmotic pressure after drinking excess water Osmotic pressure in plasma prouten decraese//water potential increase
Epxlain Hypothalamus and gland M response to the condition after drinking excess water Hypotalamus E1-Osmoreceptor (in hypotalamus ) detect the chnge /less stimulated Gland M: E2-Pituitary gland /galnd M is less/not stmulated /trigger E3-Hence less hormone P/ADH secreted E4-Less water reabsorbed
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Marking scheme
If individul Y consume food which high in salt, adrenal gland will secreted hormone Q State the hormone Q Hormone Q: Aldosterone hormone Kidney function may e impaired by excessive blood loss,vcertain piosons or infection disease which can lead to kidney failure
1 1
Explain the effects if more antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is secreted to the targeted organ as shown in the diagram 3 E1-More ADH will increase the permeability of distal; convoluted tubule and collecting duct E2-More water is reabsorb into the blood capillary E3-Urine become less and more concentrated
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Explain how the machanism of hormone Q to restore the osmotic prssure back to normal level E1-(adrenal gland less stimulated ),Less aldosterone nproduced E2-Less salt is reabsorbed /most of it will be secreted though urine
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Explain the effects of drinking a large amount of water on the quality and quantity of the urine of a healthy person.4 F : More urine is produced and more dilute/ less concentrated El: Blood osmotic pressure drops below normal range osmoreceptors in hypothalamus less stimulated E2: less antidiuretic hormone secreted from pituitary gland E3: Distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct less permeable to water E4: Less water is absorbed into the blood E5: Aldosterone from adrenal gland cause reabsorption of , sodium ions in blood Explain how antidiuretic hormone control water absorption in the convoluted tubule and collecting duct P1-If blood osmotic pressure lower than normal level, It can be detected by osmoreceptor cell in hypothalamus P2-Hypothalamus will produce less ADH (and send to kidney) P3-Convuluted tubule and collecting duct become less permeable to water
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
P4-Less water will be absorb by the tubule thus P5-Osmotic pressure of blood increase back to normal pressure OR P1-If blood osmotic pressure higher than normal level, It can be detected by osmoreceptor cell in hypothalamus P2-Hypothalamus will produce less ADH (and send to kidney) P3-Cnvulted tubule and collecting duct become more permeable to water P4-more water will be absorb by the tubule thus P5-Osmotic pressure of blood become normal again (j)
Discuss the effects of drinking a large amount of water on urine.2 P1-Osmoreceptor in the hypothalamus is less stimulated, less ADH hormone is secreted P2-The distal tubule and the collecting duct are not permeable to water P3-Less water is absorbed in the blood P4-A large amount of urine is produced, making it dilute
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Essay enhancement corner Aspect Osmo -regulation Process
Marking scheme
Diagram shows human kidney
Describe the role of hormone in regulation of blood osmotic pressure by kidney 10 When someone takes more salt in his meal: P1-Increase in blood osmotic pressure is detected by the receptor P2-Rceptor triggers impulse P3-and the impulse are sent to pituitary gland P4-Pituitrary gland secretes ADH into the blood stream P5-ADH stimulates the wall of distal convoluted and collecting duct to become more permeable to water P6-Water will be reabsorbed into the blood stream P7-Blood osmotic pressure decrease back to normal When Blood osmotic pressure of a person decrease P8-when his drink too much P9-Adrenal gland at kidney wil be stimulate to serrate aldosterone tubule and collecting duct to become preamble to slat P11-Salt will be absorbed into the blood stream P12-Blood osmotic pressure increases back to normal Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Marking scheme
Osmo -regulation Process
Describe the process at Q in osmoregulation of blood osmotic pressure E1-when the osmotic pressures of blood decrease, the osmoreceptor cells in the hypothalamus are detect the change E2-The pituitary gland is not secreted ADH /Adrenal gland stimulated to released aldosterone E3-Less water reabsorbed .more salt reabsorbed E5-When the osmotic pressure of blood increases. The osmoreeceptors cell in the hypothalamus are detect the change E2-The pituitary gland is secreted ADH /Adrenal gland not stimulated to released aldosterone E3-Causes the structure Q /collecting duct to become permeable to water/not permeable to salts E4-more water reabsorbed/no salts reabsorbed Describe how the structure of the kidneys is adapted to enable them to play a role inhomeostasis F1-(each kidney) contains hundreds of thousand/a large number of nephrones /nearly oen million nephrones P1-To filter substance form the blood efficiently F2-(each kidney) has ureter P2-to carry away the urine /solution of waste dissolved in water /creatinine/toxin and drugs F3-(each kidney)has rich capillary network P3-Ultrafiltration /reabsorption can take place efficiently F4-Has Bowman‟s capsule.Proximal convoluted tubule /loop of Henle/distal convoluted tubule /collecting duct P4-Ultrafiltration /reabsorption /secretion
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Diagram 7.1 shows the negative feedback mechanism in regulating the water balance in human blood.
Explain the corrective mechanism when the osmotic pressure of blood increase 6 Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
P1- Water content in the blood is low // Blood is hypertonic P2- Detected by osmoreceptor P3- In hypothalamus P4- Send nerve impulse to pituitary gland P5- Secretes ADH P6- Transported by blood to kidney P7- Distal convoluted tubule / collecting duct of nephron P8- More permeable towards water P9- More water reabsorbed by blood (and less urine produced)
Kidney failure
A man takes too much salty food during lunch .His urine becomes less and concentrated.Epxlain why4 F-Blood osmotic pressure increase P1-Detected by osmoreceptor in hypothalamus P2-impulse is sent to adrenal gland and pituitary gland P3-Adrenal gland secrete les aldosterone and pituitary gland secretemore ADH P4-Cell lining of distal convulted tubule and cd less premeable to salt and more premeable to water P5-Less reabsorption of salt and more reabsoorption of water into blood vessel En. Kamal was informed by his doctor that his left kidney fail to function.By using your biology knowledge, explain the effect of his kidney failure on his health and give a suggestion to overcome this problem6 F1 - less efficient in filtration of waste products and excess water in blood plasma P1- as a result, urea uric acid/ creatinine / salt concentration will be increase P2 - increase the blood pressure F1 - use haemodialysis machine / kidney transplant F2 - to replace the function of kidney; filtrate all the waste product and excess water En Hamah was informed by his doctor that his left kidney fail to function .By using our biology knowledge, explain the effect of his failure on his health d give a suggestion to overcome this problem F1-less efficient in filtration of waste product and excess water in blood plasma P1-As a result urea, uric acid/creatinine/salt concentration will be increase P2-Increase the blood pressure Suggestion: F1-Use haemodialysis machine /kidney transplant F2-to replace the function of kidney; to filter all the waste product and excess water Explain the condition of the patient before undergoing this treatment (Haemodialysis) F1-the kidneys are malfunction /stop function /kidney failure P1-Blood contains of high amount of waste materials/Urea/toxic waste/salts P2-Blood constituents/osmotic pressure higher than normal If the kidney is severe enough and the patient does not want want to use dialysis machine ,give suggestion of treatment and explain briefly about the treatment F1-Kidney transplant P1-Failed kidneys replaced with working form donor P2-Donor‟s kidney has to match recipient body
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Aspect Dialysis
Marking scheme
Diagram shows a simplified version of a kidney dialysis machine
State the definition of Haemodialysis F1-Filtering blood using artificial kidney/kidney machine means that replace a failed kidney Describe how the, machine is used to remove waste product such as urea form a person with kidney failure P1-Blood form the patient vein is passed though a machine P2-Which contains a dialyser /dialysis solution P3-Dialysis tubing has a semi –premaeble membrane P4-concentration of waste molecule /urea in blood is higher than in the dialysis s0olution //there is concentration gradient between the blood and dialysis solution P5-waste molecule /urea/excess salts diffuses through membrane form blood to dialysis solution P6-Dialysis solution is continuously being replaced //essential substances remain in the blood P7-Plasma protein /red blood cells are not able to diffuse through membrane of dialysis tubing P8-Because the size is bigger /too big P9-The direction of the flow of blood is opposite to the direction of dialysis solution P10-To ensure the waste molecule /urea is continuously being removed form the blood to dialysis solution Explain briefly how the machine functions E1-A patient blood‟s passed/converted through (several) narrow/series of tubes E2-Made of a partially-permeable dialysing membrane E3-The pores in the dialysing membrane allow small particles such as glucose/ions/urea to pass through E4-but not big particle such as blood cells /plasma proteins E5-The narrows)tubes are immersed in a dialysis fluid E6-Dialysis fluid ,which has a same composition as tissue fluid E7-the dialysis fluid contains glucose and ions but not waste products such as urea E8-As useful substances are present in equal concentration s occurs E9-However any excess are tissue fluid constituents, such as potassium ions and phosphate ions, will be lost form the blood E10-There is a net l0oss from the blood of waste product, such as urea, as these are not found in the dialysis fluid E11-The cleansed blood is return to the patient Analysis skill: able to list explanation by sequence and systematic Give one consequence if both kidney to malfunction P1-toxin waste product/urea accumulate in blood P2-Ionic level in blood will become increasing Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
The regulation of blood sugar level No
Marking scheme
The regulation of blood sugar level
Name organ Z Pancrease
State Hormone X and Hormone Y secreted by organ z Hormone X: glucagon Hormone Y: insulin
1 1
A man found that his urine shown positive result when tested with Benedict solution State the health problem faced by the man mentioned above Diabetes mellitus
Khairi suffers form diabetes insipidus produces a large amount of urine .Explain how this problem is related to the imbalance of hormone in his body2 P1-Lacking in ADH /antidiriuretic hormone P2-Less absorption of water in the distal convoluted tubule/collecting duct//distal convoluted tubule/collecting duct less permeable to water
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Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (a)
Marking scheme The adult later suffers from diabetes but does not take his regular injection of insulin. Explain the changes that might occur to the content of his urine and suggest a laboratory experiment to confirm the content of the urine Able to explain changes that might occur to the content of the adult’s urine. E1 : excess glucose is found in his urine E2 : glucose cannot be converted into glycogen E3 : Excess glucose will not be reabsorbed from the nephron // proximal convoluted tubules E4 : into ( peritubular) capillaries // blood capillaries Any three points Able to suggest a laboratory experiment to confirm the content of the urine F1 : (The laboratory experiment to be conducted) is the Benedict‟s test. P1 : (In a test tube) , add about 1 ml of urine sample with 1 ml of Benedict‟s solution P2 : The mixture is heated (in a water bath) for 5 minutes P3 : Observe the presence of brick red precipitate to confirm the presence of glucose in the urine Any three points
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Diagram 6.1 shows the negative feedback mechanism that regulated the blood glucose level in human being (i) Explain briefly the meaning of negative feedback‟ mechanism P1-It is corrective mechanisms (which reverses the original change and bring the system back to the normal P2-When the blood glucose level decreases, It will increase and finally back to normal /vice versa (ii) Describe how the hormones X and Y regulate the blood glucose level in humans P1-Hormone X and Y produced by pancreas P2-Hormone X /glucagons is secreted by alpha cells whereas hormone Y /insulin is secreted by Beta Cells P3-If the blood sugar level is lower than normal,more hormone X /glucogon is secreted into the blood stream P4-The hormone X /glucagon is transported by the blood to the liver P5-Hormone X/Glucagon causes/stimulates the liver to breakdown glycogen to glucose P6-This causes the level of glucose to rise and back to the normal P7-If the blood sugar level is higher than normal,more hormone Y/Insulin is secreted into the blood stream P4-Hormone Y/Insulin causes/stimulates the liver to breakdown glycogen to glucose P6-This causes the level of glucose to rise and back to the normal
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (c)
Marking scheme
Homeostasis is the maintenance of constant internal environment.The blood normal sugar concentration in human is 75-110mg/100ml 10 P1-(The islet cells in the )pancreas secretes insulin P2-and glucogon P3-directly into blood stream P4-if the blood levl increase/more than 110 mg /100 ml ,insulin convert excess glucose to glycogen P5-in the liver P6-insulin stimulate uptake of glucose by liver/muscle /adipose cell for respiration P7-for cell respiration //to obtain energy P8-Blood sugar level decrease to normal range P9-if blood sugar level degrease/less than mg/100ml, glucagon convert glycogen to glucose P10-Glucagon promotes lipid breakdown P11-torlease fatty acid /energy P12-blood sugar level increase to normal range any 10
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Explain how the body of a healthy person restores the blood sugar level to normal if the level drops too low. P1 - The islet cells in the pancreas are stimulated to release glucagon P2 - Glucagon stimulates the liver to break down glycogen to glucose P3 - This restores the blood sugar level to normal P4 - Glucagon also promotes lipid breakdown P5 - This releases fatty acids that can be metabolized to generate energy P6 - This restores the blood sugar level to the normal range
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
The regulation of body temperature No (a)
Marking scheme
A worker enters a cold room that stores frozen meat. Explain how the regulation of the worker body temperature occurs 6 P1-When the environment is too cold, the stimuli is detected by receptors I the skin P2-Impulse is sent to brain /hypothalamus P3-Hypothalamus sent impulse to the effectors P4-Vasoconstraction of arterioles in the skin, Less blood flows to the skin P6-So less heat is lost (to surrounding) P7-Erector muscle contract. Hairs raise up so trap more heat P8-Adnernal gland secrete adrenaline whereas thyroid gland secretes thyroxin to increase metabolic rate P9-shivering takes place, this results in increased the production of heat
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Diagram 4.3 shows a person who is sweating under a hot sun
State what will happen to his blood osmotic pressure in the person‟s body. The blood osmotic pressure increases
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Explain how gland Q involves in returning the osmotic pressure of the blood to normal levels.3 P1 : The osmoreceptor detects the increase in the osmotic blood pressure P2 : Gland P is stimulated to release more ADH P3: ADH is transported by blood to the kidneys P4 : ADH increases the permeability of the wall of distal convoluted tubule and collecting ducts P5 : More water is reabsorbed from the filtrate into the blood
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (c)
Marking scheme
Diagram 7.1, 7.2,7.3 and 7.4 shows four different environmental conditions.
Describe the regulatory mechanism carried out to maintain the body temperature at 36.7 in both condition above. 6 Hot Condition F1-erector muscle relax so that hair is lowered P1-A Thin air is trapped by the hair P2-Heat can be lost easily F2-Blood capillaries in the dermis of the skin dilate//Vasodilation P3-More blood flows near surface of skin F3-Sweat glands secrete sweat actively P4-When sweat evaporates,It absorb heat from the skin F4-Less thyroxine and adrenaline are produce P5-Body„s metabolic rate decrease//Less heat is generated within the body 4 F & Corresponding P Cold condition F1-Erecvtor muscle contract so that hair is raised P1-A thick layer of air is trapped by the hair P2-THhe layer of air acts as an insulator to prevent loss of heat form the body F2-Blood capillaries in the dermis of skin constrict//vasoconstriction P2-Less blood flows near the surface of the skin F3-Skeletal muscle contract involuntary //shivering P3-Genertaes heat to raise the body temperature F4-More throxine and adrenaline are secreted P4-Body‟s metabolic rate increase//more heat is generated 4F&corresponding P
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (d)
Marking scheme
Diagram shows the organ involvees in homeostasis
Does the organ shows in diagram 9.2 can regulate the human body temperature? Give your reason Evaluate: yes Reason:When the body temperature falls F1-(cold) receptors/thermoreceptor detects the change of the body temperature falls E1-Afferent neurone transmitted the nerve impulse to the hypothalamus E2-Hypothalamus acts as the temperature regulatory centre E3-Nerve impulse is transmitted form the hypothalamus to the skin (by efferent neurone to produce response by negative feedback mechanism) F2-Hairs erector muscle are stimulated to contract E4-Hiars become erect E5-A thick layer of air is trapped E6-Less hest loss (to the environment by radiation /conduction n) F3-Sweat glands inactive E7-Less sweat produced E8-Rate of evaporation (very ) low E9-Heat is conserved F4-Vasoconstriction occurs //blood vessel constrict E10-Less blood flows close to the body surface E11-Heat loss (by radiation/conduction )is reduced E12-Body temperature increase back to normal any 9OR When the body temperature high F1-(warm) receptors/thermoreceptor detects the change of the body temperature high E1-Afferent neurone transmitted the nerve impulse to the hypothalamus E2-Hypothalamus acts as the temperature regulatory centre E3-Nerve impulse is transmitted form the hypothalamus to the skin (by efferent neurone to produce response by negative feedback mechanism) F2-Hairs erector muscle are stimulated to relax E4-Hairs lie flat E5-very little layer of air is trapped E6-More haea hest loss (to the environment by radiation /conduction) F3-Sweat glands active E7-more sweat produced E8-Rate of evaporation (very ) high Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
E9-Heat is lost form the skin .colling the skin F4-Vasoconstriction occurs //blood vessel dilate E10-More blood flows close to the body surface E11-Heat loss (by radiation/conduction )is incraesed E12-Body temperature decrease back to normal any 9 (e)
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Diagram shows the mechanism of thermoregulation in human
Based on diagram, explain how the mechanism of thermoregulation acts10 M1-Changes in the environmental temperature are detected by thermoreceptors in the skin //changes in the blood temperature are detected by thermoreceptor in the hypothalamus M2-These thermoreceptors transmit nerve impulse to the thermoregulation centre in the hypothalamus M3-The hypothalamus/thermoregulation centre sends nerve impulse /electrical signals to the effectors F1-smooth muscle in the arterioles in the skin rlax ,causing vasodilation E1-More blood is carried to the surface of body, where heat is loss by convection and radiation F2-The sweat glands secrete sweat onto the surface of the skin where it evaporates Water has a high latent heat of evapoeration ,so this process takes heat from the body and the body cools F3-the hairs erector muscles relax, lowering the skin hairs E3-only a thin layer of air is trapped between the hairs. Heat lost through conduction and radiation is increased F4-The skeletal muscle do not contract and relax involuntarily E4-there is no shivering and no unnecessary generation of heat F5-The adrenal gland /thyroid glands secrete less adrenaline /thyroxine E5-The body‟s metabolic rate is reduced .this reduced the generation of respiratory heat Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (f)
Marking scheme
Diagram shows a cross section of human ski n in two condition X and Y
Based on the diagram, (i) State the condition Z an Y Condition X: Cold condition //low temperature//any suitable example condition low temperature Condition Y: Warm condition //high temperature//any suitable condition of high temperature
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(ii) Explain how the arteriole responds to both condition 8 Condition X E1-The smooth muscle around the arteriole contract/vasoconstriction occurs E2-the decrease the amount of blood flowing through the skin E3-The arteriole is located further away form skin surface E4-Reducing the heat lost (by radiation /conduction) via surface
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Condition Y E1-The smooth muscle around the arteriole relax /vasodilation occur E2-this increase the amount the mount of blood flowing through the skin E3-the arteriole is located near the skin surface E4-Increasing the heat lost ( by radiation /conduction via blood)
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Explain how the above effectors involved in the regulation of temperature Sweat gland P1-Sweating does not occur body heat is covered
Erector muscle P2-contracts
Hairs P3-hiars is raised to trap an insulating layer/heat
Blood vessel no marks P5-Vasoconstracution /contraction of arterioles occurs P6-amount of blood flowing though skin decreases P7-reduce the amount heat to be lost Any 6
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (h)
Marking scheme
Figure shows a thirsty athlete who has just completed a 5 Km run
Explain how osmoregulation takes place in her body 10 E1-Running cause an increased in body temperature E2-sweating occurs to reduce body temperature E3-Lost of water form the body increase the blood osmotic pressure E4-increase osmotic pressure detected by osomoreceptors E5-in hypothalamus of brain E6-Pituitary gland s stimulated to secrete Antiduiretic hormone (ADH) E7-ADH is transported by blood to the kidney E8-ADH increased the permeability of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting tubule to water E9-Reabsorbtion of water increased in both tubules E10-Increase in water reduced the blood OP E11-Medulla oblongata is also stimulated to produce a feeling of thirst
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3.5 Practicing a healthy lifestyle No
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Drug can later brain function and the rate at which neuron release neurotransmitters .These are different types of drug which are stimulus depressants. There are different types of drug which are stimulants,depressants,hallucinogens and narcotic Based on the statement, state and explain briefly the effect of any two drugs Drug -1 Effect-1 Type of drug Mark scheme D1-cacine Stimulants E1-Block the removal of pleasure-inducing neurotransmitters D2-Transquiliser Depressants E2-slow down the transmission of impulses Hallucinogens D3-LcD E3-cause user to see, hear and perceive things that do not exist D4-Herion //morphine Narcotic E4-Induce felling of euphoria/block pain signals/slow down Any 2D+2E Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (b)
Marking scheme
Drugs and alcohol are being widely used on everyday life Write evaluation report concerning the above statement Able to state advantages of drugs in medical: F1-Produce medicine /pill F2-steriod drug used by sport athlete
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Reject: 1. used in producing cheese/yogurt 2. 3. produce vinegar Advantages Drug in human physiology F3-Depressant-psychiatry F4-Depressant to relief pain
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Advantages Alcohol used in life F5-production of perfume F6-Used in medical as antiseptic
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Disadvantages used of drugs in human life F7-Intrfere nervous system leads to lengthen reflex time F8-Liver failure/cirrhosis
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Disadvantage of alcohol on human physiology F9-alter brain function F10-Impair vision, coordination
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Analyse skill: able to state at least two point of advantages and disadvantages Evaluate skill: able to rationalize/justify whether drugs and alcohol give good impact or not to human
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
3.6 Plant Hormones No (a)
(b) (c)
Marking scheme
Diagram shows an experiment to study the effect of chemical substances T in coleoptiles towards the plumule growth of a plant
Name the chemical substance T in coleoptiles of the plant‟s seed Auxin
State another one part in plant where chemical T can be found Root tips/young leave/embryo in seed
In Another experiment, a group of student have removed the coleoptiles of a seed and placed it on agar block before placing it back on the cut plumule as shown in diagram
Draw a possible observation for the growth of plumule in the box in diagram 4.2 1 (d)
Explain how chemical substances T named in (A) causing observation as drawn in above E1-Chemical substance t /auxins produced in the coleoptiles tip dissolve into agar-agae block E2-Then dissolve in the removed bud tip tissue E3-Stimulate elongation of Plumule
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
In another experiment, the shoot tips of young pea seedling with chemical substance T while another shoot tips acts as control. All shoot tips are incubated over a period of 48 hours .The results are shown in diagram
Based on the graph explain the difference between the treatment of chemical substance T and the control on the shoot tips 2 E1-The mean length of the treatment shoot tips at the end of 48 hours is longer than the control shoot tips E2-Becuase the rate of elongation is higher with the present of chemical substance T /auxin
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Essay enhancement corner No
Marking scheme
Tropism involves the growth movement of certain parts of the plant towards or away from the stimulus Explain the mechanism involved in 10 Positive Phototropism of shoots P1-When a shoot is exposed to light form one direction ,auxins whch are produced in the shoot tip P2-Move into the zone of elongation P3-At the zone of elongation .mnore auxin move to the shaded side away from the light P4-Resulting in a higher concentration of auxins in the shaded region than in the region exposed to light P5-The cells on the shaded region of shoot elongate more than the cells on the other region P6-As a result, the shot grows and bend towards the direction of the light any 5P Positive geotropism of roots P7-auxins are produced at the root and move to the lower side of root P8-due to the pull of gravity P9-More auxins accumulate on the lower side of root, resulting in a higher concentration of auxin on the lower side
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SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
P10-Ahigh concentration of auxin in the root inhibits elongation of cells P11-Hence the cell on the lower side of the root gro slower than the cell on upper side P12-As a result, the grows and bends downwards, toward the pull of gravity Any 5 (i) Explain the terms phototropism and geotropism. Phototropism P1 – growth movement/ growth of plants towards light P2 – growth towards a source of light is called positive phototropism P3 – growth away from the source is termed negative phototropism
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Geotropism P1 – The response of plants towards gravity P2 – The root shows positive geotropism. P3 – The shoot shows negative geotropism (c)
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Beside stimulating the shoot elongation ,chemical substance T also has other function .Explain how chemical substances t being used in : (i)Propagation of plant through stem cutting method E1-Chemical substance T /auxin stimulate growth of adventitious roots form the stem E2-This will promotes the growth of nw plants form the stem cutting (ii)Parthenocarpy E1-Treat flowers that hav not been pollinated with substance T auxin E2:This will induc the development of fruit without fertilization (Parthenocarpy)
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A mango farmer picked ten basket of immature mangoes for sale .Give one suggestion to make all the mangoes ripen on the same time1 Keep the upripe mangoes together with ripe fruit /bananas//spray the unripe mangoes with ethylene Diagram 4.1 shows the effect of light on the growth of the pant shoot
Name the type of response of the plant shoot toward light Describe the response Type of response: Tropism/phototropism Description: P1-The plant shoot grows/bends P2-Toward light
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Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (a)
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Diagram 4.shows the direction of growth of the plumule and the radical of a seedling which is placed in a horizontal position during germination Explain why (i) The plumule grows toward direction X E1-Auxin stimulates/promotes cell elongation at the shoot (tips) E2-More auxin is distributing at the darker /lower side of the shoot (tip compring to the bright/upper side) E3-(so at the darker /lower side ) the rate of cell elongation is higher (than the bright /upper side) E4-The shoot (tips)grows/bends toward light /away form gravity (ii) the radical grows toward direction Y E5-(High concentration of) auxin inhibits cell elongation at radical/root( tip) E7-More auxin is distributed at the lower /darker side of the root (tip comparing to the upper /brighter side) E8-So the root grows/bends downward toward gravity/away form light
State one difference in the role of auxin in shoot tips compared to root tips1 P1-At shoot (tips, high concentration of ) auxin stimulates cell elongation ) but at root tip)auxin inhibits cell elongation Explain one importance of the response to the plant F1-Positive phototropism //negative Geotropism E1-Enables the plants to receive maximum amount of sunlight for photosynthesis//any suitable explanation OR F1-Negative Phototropism//Positive Geotropism E1-Enables the root (Hairs) to absorb nutrients/mineral salts from the soil//any suitable explanation
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Diagram shows the direction of growth of plumule and the radical of a seedling which is placed in a horizontal position during germination
State the type of response of the plumule and the radicle .Explain the importance of the response to the plant 4 Plumule :Positive phototropism //negative geotropism, Importance : Enable plant to get maximum sunlight for photosynthesis Radicle :Positive geotropism //negative phototropism Importance :enable roots to get absorb water photosynthesis
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
Base on diagram, Explains why the plumule grow toward direction x and the radical grows toward direction X and radical grows toward direction Y Plumule P1-Auxin stimulate, promo cell elongation at the shoot tip
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P2-More auxin is \distributes at the darker lower side of the shoot compare to the bright /upper side P3-So st the darker/lower side the rate of cell elongation is higher than the bright /upper side
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P4-The shoot grows/bend towards light /away form the gravity Radicle P5-High concentration od auxin inhibits cell elongation at radical /root tip P6-More auxin is distributed at the lower /darker of the root compare to the upper /bright side P7-So at the lower/darker side of the root tip the rate of cell elongation is slower than the brighter /upper side P8-So the root grows/bends downward toward gravity/away form light (e)
Explain the role of auxins in tropism. P1 – Phototropism is controlled by auxins
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P2 – When a plant is given light from all directions/uniform light, the distribution of auxins in the shoot meristem is uniform P3 – hence, elongation of cells takes place evenly in all direction,
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P4 – resulting in the plant/ coleoptile grow upwards. P5 – when the plant is given unilateral light, auxins will be accumulated to the shaded side
P6 – As a result, cells on the shaded side of the stem elongate more than those on the exposed side.
P7 – Thus, the shoot bends in the direction of light P8 – this explains why the shoot is positively phototropic.
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P9 – As for the root, a high concentration of auxins inhibits growth
P10 – Cells on the exposed side elongates more than those on the shaded side. P12 – hence, the root grows away from light.
P13 – this explains why the root is negatively phototropic
10 Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
SULIT Chapter 3:Coordinaiton and Response 2014
No (a)
Marking scheme
Type of plant Hormone Plants, Like animals must respond to conditions and charges in the environment inured to survive. In plants, response is controlled by chemical called plants hormones or plant growth regulators. A Plant hormone is a chemical substance which is produced by a plant influence the growth and development of the plant
Based on the statement above, state and explain the use of hormones in agricultural 4 1
P1-Promotes the growth of adventitious root P2-Induce the development of fruit without fertilization /parthenocapy/fruit without seed P3-Kill the dicot weeds
P4-Prevent young developing fruit from falling off prematurely
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P5-Gardeners use auxins to stimulate growth of fruits/to delay the ripening
P6-Promoting the ripening of fruit//the unripe imported fruit will be exposed to ethylene gas for sale
State three types of hormones and its uses in agriculture P1 – Auxins E1 – is used to promote the growth of crop plants, induce parthenocarpy and as herbicides. P2 – Gibberellins E2 – are used to promote growth and parthenocarpy. P3 – Cytokinins E3 – are used together with Auxins to promote growth. P4 – Ethylene E4 – (a gaseous plant hormone) is used to promote the ripening of fruits.
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