BIOLOGY Form 5 Chapter 2

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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

2.1 Support and locomotion in human and animals No (a)


Marking scheme What is the difference between locomotion and movement? Locomotion: Locomotion refers to the ability of a whole organism to move from one place to another Movement: Movement refers to a change in the position of any part of an organism’s body but it does not necessarily involve locomotion

Marks 1 1


Diagram shows three organism P,Q,and R

Describe the type of skeleton in P and Q 4 Organism P F1-Hydrostatic skeleton


E1-The support is derived from body fluid contained within the body cavity


Organism Q F2-endoskeleton


E2-the support is derived from hard skeleton of bones inside the body



Explain one similarity and two differences between the skeleton Q and R Similarity: P1-the skeleton support important body organ


P2-It protect the organ form damage


Differences: Exoskeleton


D1-Found in the bodies of invertebrate such as arthropods

D2-Found in the bodies of all vertebrate including fish amphibian ,bird, reptiles and mammals


D3-Are non living

D4Are living structure


D5-Made up of chitin, whereas in crap it contains lime

D6-Made up of calcium and phosphate 2

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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

Support and locomotion with an endoskeleton Label all the structures:







iscium Pubic symphysis

Suture Canial bone Facial bone

Femur Synovial fluid


Humerus Synovial membrane

Tibia fibula Metatarsals


Tarsals phalanges

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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

The Vertebral Column Aspect

Marking scheme


Diagram shows two vertebrae. Structure S is located between the vertebrae Name structure S and state the importance of structure S?2 Name: Cartilagenous disc Importance: Absorb shock/reduce friction Labelling

Label the part of the vertebra as shows

P: Spinous processes

S: Transverse process R: vertebral foramen T:Vertebral process U: Centrum Function

State the function of P and Q. P : muscle attachment


Q : the placing of spinal cord Name vertebra, State their special structural characteristic Type of vertebrae

Name & Characteristic Name: Cervical (vertebra) Characteristic: Have (a pair of )transverse forearm Name: Lumbar (vertebra) Characteristic: Processes short/thick//large centrum

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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Name vertebra, State their special structural characteristic Type of vertebrae

Name & Characteristic Name: Thoracic Vertebrae Charactersitic: Have spinous processes that are long and serve as points of attachment for muscles and ligaments State two main characteristic of P F1-Have long process F2-Have two facet/zygophophysis Name: Sacrum


Characteristic: - Formed through fusion of 5 bones - Coccyx – triangular in shape and formed through the fusion of 4 bones

Name the bones Q:Rib State one function of Q in respiration 1 Protect the lungs in the thoracic cavity//move upward and downward /to change the volume /pressure of thoracic cavity Differences

Diagram shows two types of vertebrae inhuman backbone

State two differences in structure between the vertebra P and vertebra Q P Q Smaller Centrum Larger Centrum Has vertebratrial canal Has no vertebratrial canal Has no zygapophysis at the transerverse Has zygapophysis at the transverse process and side of centrum process and side of centrum Has short transverse process and Has long transverse process Has large neutral canal Has small neutral canal

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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Diagram11.2.3 shows two vertebrae.

Compare and contrast between the two vertebrae. Similarities: Similarity


S1 – Both have centrum

E1 – Gives support and able to withstand compression force

S2 – Both have neural canal

E2 – to contain spinal nerve

S3 – Both have neural spine

E3 – For muscle attachment

S4 – Both have transverse process

E4 – For muscle attachment

S5 – Both have neural arch

E5 – Form neural canal which protect the spinal cord E6 – Both have zygapofisis E7 – To articulate with another vertebra

Differences: Vertebra cervical

Vertebra lumbar

D1: Flat (small) centrum

Large and thick centrum

E1: Give more support D2: Short neural spine

Long neural spine

E2: Attachment more muscles D3: Broad transverse

Well develop transverse process

prosess E3: For attachment more muscles

E4: Enable blood supply to head D5: Bigger neural canal

Small neural canal

E5: Contain bigger spinal cord/ brain trunk D4: Has to vertebrarterial

No vertebrarterial canal


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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

Appendicular Skeleton Label all of the appendicular parts. Head of humerus Pelvic girdle

Head of femur Humerus

Femur Patella







Metacarpa ls



Phalanges The Upper Limb The Lower Limb

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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

The structure of a joint Aspect

Marking scheme



Name the tissue that holds bones P and Q Ligament



State the characteristic of the tissue names in (b) Tough fibrous connective tissue //elastic



1 1 1


Diagram shows a joint in human pelvic girdle

Describe briefly the importance of L for movement P1-L/Ligament is elastic /tough P2-Connect between pelvic girdle and femur P3-Prevent dislocation (of joint during movement)\ A synovial joint

Name the structure that produces liquid W 1

Synovial membrane


Name and state the function Liquid W Liquid S: synovial fluid Function :Acts as a lubricant ( which reduces friction between the ends of bones )

1 1


1 1


The ends of the two bones are covered by X. What is the main function of X? F1-X is the cartilage which F2- cushions the joints// absorbs shock// reduces the friction between the end of

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Aspect A synovial joint

4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Marking scheme


What is the function of the structure labelled V? To hold the two bones together and facilitate movements



The hip joint between the femur and the pelvic girdle (or the shoulder joint between the humerus and the pectoral girdle)



Name the type of joint at X Hinge joint



State the characteristic of the type of joint named in (c) Allow movement in one direction /axis/at 180 o







Give one example of a pair of bones that has this type of joint.

Knee joint


Name the type of joint F-Shoulder joint State the characteristic of the type of joint named F-allow rotational movement in all direction Differences

What is the different between the knee joint and the joints on the shoulder/ P1-Joints in allow movement t in one plane P2-Joints on the shoulder allow rotational movement in all direction

1 1

Diagram shows a forearm of humans

Explain the similarity and difference between joint S and T Similarities: F1-Both Joint s and Joint T has a cavity filled with synovial fluid acts as lubricants to reduce friction between bones absorbs shock of the movement Module biology Trial Paper Collection






4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

E1--the end surface of humerus bone of Joints S and Joint T are covered with cartilage F2-the end surface of the humerus bone of Joint S and Joint T are covered with cartilage E2-To protect the bone /reduce friction between the bones F3-Both Joints and T are connected with ligaments E3-to absorb shock //strengthen the articulation of bines /joints Differences:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

D1-joint s is hinge joint E4-Joint s allow the movement of bones in one plane direction D2-Joints T is ball-and –socket joint

1 1

E5-Joint T allows rotation movement of bones in all direction Differences

Diagram 7 shows a forearm of humans

Compare joint S and joint T in diagram5 Criteria C1-Name of joint C2-Characteristic of the joints Similarities: F1-Both joints and joints T has a cavity filled with synovial fluid //lined with synovial membrane E1-Which acts lubricant to reduce friction between bones//which secretes synovial fluid into the synovial cavity F2-the end surface of humerus bone of Joint S and Joint T atr covered with cartilage //strengthened with ligaments E2-To absorbs shock//reinforce the articulation of bones Differences: F3-Joint S is hinge joint while Joint T is ball-and socket joint E3-Joints S allows the movement of bones in one plane while Joint T allow rotational movement of bones in all directions E4-Joints S is the point where the distal end of humerous articulates with the ulna and the ulna radius while Joint T is the point where proximal end of humerous articulates with the scapula Module biology Trial Paper Collection





4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

The action of antagonistic muscles Fill in the blanks with correct answers.

B) Biceps muscle, B: B- contracts, while Triceps muscle, C- relaxes

A: radius


C: ulna

D: scapula

C E: Humerus G)Biceps muscle, B – relaxes while Triceps muscle, C - contracts F: Ulna

B C H: radius


Marking scheme


Name the muscle involved in the movement in the F1-Biceps muscle F2-triceps muscle Describe the muscle actions that allow movement in the P1-The biceps muscle and triceps muscle act antagonistically P2-to pull the radius bone or ulna bone, and enable the arm to be bent or straightened Module biology Trial Paper Collection




No (a)

4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Marking scheme


Figure shows a human forearm which consist of muscle .bones .tendons and joints

Based on diagram, explain the meaning of antagonistic muscle2 F1-A pair of muscle that work together in opposite direction to allow movement E1-when triceps muscle contract, biceps muscle relaxes at same time, and the arm is straighten (b)


Describe the action of muscle, bones tendon and joint which enable the movement of the forearm to bend and to straighten efficiently 1 1 1 1 1

P1-When triceps muscle contract, biceps muscle relaxes P2-Ulna is pull down, the arm is straightened P3-When biceps muscle contract, triceps muscle relaxes P4-Ulna is pull up ,the arm is bent at the elbow joint P5-Tendons which are strong and inelastic fibers attached muscle to the bones


1 1

P6-Synovial fluid which fills the space in the joint lubricates the joint to prevent friction when bones move


P7-The cartilage at the articulating surfaces of the serves as a shock absorber to prevent the bones form damage


Diagram 7 shows a forearm of humans

Describe the straightening and bending of the forearm brought about by the antagonistic action of the muscle labelled as M and N C1-state the Name of muscle M and N correctly C2-the action of muscle and the resulting movement sample F1-M is the biseps and n is the triseps


E1-When the M/biseps contracts,the tendons transmit the pulling force produce by contraction to the radius


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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

E2-at the same time the N .triceps relaxes resulting in the bending of elbow joint//the forearm moves upwards

1 1

E3-When the triceps contracts the tendons transmit the pulling force to ulna 1

E4-At the same time the biceps relaxes, the forearm is straightened /extended (d)


Diagram 11.1.3 shows the movement of a human forearm.

Diagram 11.1.3(i)

Diagram 11.1.3(ii)

Based on Diagram 11.1.3(i) and Diagram 11.1.3(ii), explain the roles of the muscle, tendons, bones and ligaments in the movement of the forearm.10 P1 – Forearm has two sets of muscles; biceps and triceps P2 – acts antagonistically P3 – muscles connected to bone by tendons. P4 – Bones are held together by ligaments. P5 – When the biceps contracts, the triceps relaxes. P6 – Biceps becomes shorter (and thicker), triceps becomes longer (and thinner). P7 – This exerts a pulling force which transmitted to the radius through the tendons. P8 – The radius is pulled upward and the fore arm is bent. P9 – When the triceps contracts, the biceps relaxes. P10 – The triceps becomes shorter and thicker while the biceps becomes longer and thinner. P11 – This exerts a pulling force on ulna through tendons. P12 – The ulna and radius pulled downward, causing the forearm to straighten.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

Muscles Involved in Walking No (a)

Marking scheme


Figure shows movement activities in a human

Based on figure (i) and (ii) explain how the above movement takes place which involves muscle tendons, bones, ligament, and joint P1-Tendons ,ligament ,bones muscle and joints are important feature in a movement P2-Tendons connect muscle to bones P3-Tendons are strong and non elastic P4-Force is transfers to bones through tendons P5-Ligament connect two bones together P7-to give support and strength to the joint P8-Ligament is string and elastic P9-The quadriceps/extensor muscle contract while the biceps femoris muscle relax and the leg is bent

1 1 1

P11-Calf muscle contract to lift up the heels P12-feet push downward and backward P13-Repeated contraction and relaxation muscle results in the running movement


Max 10

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1



4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

Consequence of impaired musculoskeletal system on support and locomotion Type of impairment

Marking Scheme


A boy has broken his femur during a sport practice .the doctor suggest to take plenty of dairy product and vitamin .Explain why2 F1-Contains more calcium E1-for bone formation F2-Viatmin D E2-For the absorption of calcium and phosphorus State one type of mineral that is essential for the strength of this vertebra calcium/ phosphorus Explain how the lack of mineral stated in (c)(i) leads to osteoporosis. osteoporosis // Porous / brittle bone Suggest one way on how to reduce the risk of this disease. taking a diet rich in calcium/phosphorus and vitamin D // drink milk, regular exercise (any one)


When structure T (cartilage) wear and tear at certain joints. it may cause a person suffer form a painful and stiff knee which restrict daily activities like walking Name the disease describe in above statement1 Arthritis//osteoarthritis

Name the disease related to the condition in diagram 4.1 Osteoarthritis Explain the disease you named in (e) (i) 2 F-Caritilage wears off and tears off E1-Friciton takes place E2-Individual feels pain during movement State one factor that increase the chances an individual to get this disease Age/dief Suggest one method that can be used to treat the disease in (e) Medication /surgery to replace the damage joints with the artificial ones made of plastic or metal

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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Marking scheme



Diagram, 4.1 and 4.2 shows two conditions that may occur at joint

Differentiate the condition in Diagram 4.1 and 4.2 the cartilage in diagram 4.1 wear off whereas cartilage in diagram 4.2 is not wear off /synovial membrane in diagram4.2wear off//synovial membrane in diagram 4.2 swollen whereas synovial membrane in diagram 4.1 not swollen (b)

1 1

Joints and the contraction of muscle are very important to allow the movement of organism occurs. Explain why the contraction of muscle needs sufficient blood2 1 1

P1-Contraction of muscle need more energy form cell respiration P2-Need more oxygen and more glucose that transported through blood Aspect

Marking scheme



Muscle cramp, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis and arthritis are four health problems related to the musculoskeletal system Muscle cramp Muscular dystrophy


F1-caused by involuntary and painful contraction which develop when there is lack of stretching during an exercise


E1-Heat,massage ,rubbing and rest can reduce cramps


F2-Caused by mutation in a gene on the X chromosome

1 1

E2.1-the mutated gene makes the body unable to produce he protein needed to build and maintain healthy muscle E2.2Medicine and therapy are provided to show the course of the disease


F3-Caused by the reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus into the blood stream si more than the withdrawing of calcium during the formation of bones


E3.1-Prevention beginning form childhood ,with good nutrition and exercise

1 1 1

E3.2-A balance diet including and adequate calcium intake E3.3-Fall prevention in elderly people Arthritis

F4-Cause by the exhaustion if cartilage /depletion of synovial fluid and degeneration of synovial membrane at the joint


E4-Certain drug such as colchicines and non –steroidal anti flammatory drugs are used to reduce the pain.


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No (a)

4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Marking scheme


Diagram 6.3 9a) and 6.3 (b) show two disease that are related to musculoskeletal system

Describe both disease 4 in diagram 6.3 (a) diagram 6.3 (a) F1-Type of disease is osteoroposis


E2-Caused by gradual loss of bone density/bone m,ass is reduced E2-Bone become porous and lighter/easily break /brittle E3-Occur most often in old people /particulary women who have gone meno pause E4-This disease can prevented by taking a diet rich in calcium ,phoporous and vitamin D /doing weight bearing exercise

1 1 1

Diagram 6.3 (b) F1-The disease is arthritis /rheumatoid arthritis

1 1

E1-It caused by an inflammation or degeneration of the synovial membrane, bones and cartilage at the joints E2-cause joint pain /stuffiness and swelling of joints/loss of joint function (b)



Osteoporosis is a bone disorder. Arthritis cause painful joint Explain the condition of osteoporosis and arthritis respectively Osteoporosis 1 1

P1-the bone become thinner /more brittle /porous /fragile P2-Loss of bone mass P3-Lack of calcium /phosphorous/vitamin D


Arthritis P4-Cartilage between bones becomes thinner

1 1 1 1

P5-Ligaments become shorter/loss elasticity P6-Less production of synovial fluid P7-The joints become swollen stiff/painful any 4

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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

The mechanism of locomotion in an earthworm Aspect Knowledge

Marking scheme


Diagram 2.1 shows the movement of an earthworm

Name two types of muscle that are involved in the movement of an earthworm P1-Cicular muscle P2-Longtitudinal muscle

1 1


1 1


Explain the function of the liquid found in the worm’s body that allow it to move forward P1-The fluid in the body acts as a hydrostatic skeleton P2-to propel its body forward Adaptation

How these organisms support it? Explain. 4 P1 – Has hydrostatic skeleton P2 – Body wall consist of outer circular muscle P3 – (and) inner longitudinal muscle. P4 – Body cavity is filled with a fluid which is held in compartments. P5 – The muscles act antagonistically

1 1 1 1 1


1 1


Describe the muscle actions that allow movement in the Worm P1-Longitudinal muscles and circular muscles act antagonistically P2-to enable its body to shorten and lenghten (alternately) Mechanism

Explain the muscle action for the forward movement of an earthworm 3 P1-Cicular muscles and longtidinal muscle /both muscle act antagonistically// apair of antagonistic muscle


P2-The contraction of contraction of circular muscles//relaxation of longitudinal muscle


P3-Cause the segment (of the earthworm ) to extend /be longer relaxation of circular muscles


P4-the contraction of longitudinal muscle //the relaxation of circular muscles 1 1

P5-Cause the segment (of the earthworm )to shorten /shorter Any 3

3 Module biology Trial Paper Collection




4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

Aspect Mechanism (Essay)

Marking scheme


Diagram 11.1.2 shows the locomotion of earthworm in habitats.

Explain how locomotion in earthworm occurs.


P1 – (When earthworm is crawling over a surface), the chaetae in of the body pushed into the ground to anchor it. P2

posterior end


The muscle in the anterior end of the body contracts, while the longitudinal muscle relaxes.


P3 – (Hence) the anterior end of the body elongates P5 – The body fluid is pushed backward.

1 1 1

P6 – The chaetae in the posterior end of the body are withdrawn while the chaetae in the anterior end of the body are push into the ground.


– The longitudinal muscle in the anterior end of the body contract, while the circular muscle relax.


P4 – The hydrostatic pressure builds up in the body


P8 – causes the anterior end of the body become short and thick.

1 1 1 1

P9 – The body fluid flows into the anterior end of the body P10 – causing the posterior end of the body pulled forward. P11 – The earthworm moves on the ground by alternately lengthening and shortening its body, assisted by chaetae.


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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

C. The mechanism of locomotion in a bird No (a)

Marking scheme


Diagram 7.2 shows one of the adaptive characteristic found in birds which help in their in locomotion

Based on the diagram 7.2 and on your biological knowledge i how birds are adapted to fly C1-Name the adaptive characteristic C2-Explain its function Adaptive characteristic


F1-Bird have hollow bones /small head /no fat in the body

E1-To achieve light weight

F2-The body is streamlined

E2-To reduce air resistance/drag (while flying in the air)


F3-Having feather in their tails and wings

E3-To increase the surface area which enables the bird to fly over a long period of time


F4-Having aerofoil wings

E4-Which generate the lift for flying though air


F4-Having a pair of antagonistic muscle //pectoralis major and pectoralis

E5-Which enable the bird to flap their wings up and down




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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

The mechanism of locomotion in a fish Aspect Adaptation

Marking scheme


diagram shows a fish

State two adaptation of the fish on how to reduce the resistance in water 2 P1-Fish have stream line shapes //the anterior of fish is smooth and rounded/the body is long and tapers towards the end P2-the body of fish is covered with scales that have a slimy coating

1 1


Diagram 7.1 shows the structure of fish. Diagram 7.1 is a cross section of fish showing Myotomes

Based on both diagram ,Explain how these structures help the fish to move6 P1 Has flexible endoskeleton

1 1 1 1

P2 Has W shaped muscle block ie myotomes P3 Contract and relax antagonistically // one side contracts, another side relaxes P4 Make the tail/ caudal fin to move side by side alternatively P5 To push the fish forward // control the fish direction

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

P6 Has sleek and streamlined body shape P7 Overlapping scale facing backward P8 To reduce water resistance P9 Yawing is prevented by having dorsal and ventral fin P10 Pitching is prevented by having pelvic and pectoral fin P11 Rolling is prevented by having dorsal and ventral fin

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Aspect Adaptation

4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Marking scheme


Diagram shows the movement of a fish in water

Explain the adaptation of fish to enable them to move in water




F1-Fish have streamlined shapes(where the anterior of fish is smooth and rounded .and . the body is long and tapers towards the end)

E1-This will help the fish to reduce water resistance


F2-The skin is covered with scales that have a slimy coating

E2-This will help the fish to reduce friction


F3-Fish have fins

E3-helps fish to stabilize and help to move efficient in water



Describe the mechanism of locomotion of fish P1-The muscles of the fish called myotomes P2-Myotomes are arranged p\on both sides of the body /anchored to both side of the vertebral

1 1 1 1 1

P3-The muscle act antagonistically P4-When one side of myotomes cantract,the other side of myotomes relax P5-This causes the body to bend in the direction of the contraction


Explain the role of body muscle in the mechanism of locomotion 6 P1-Myotomes muscles are arranged on both side of the body P2-The vertebral column of fish is flexible and can bent form side to sode P3-Myotomes muscle act antagonistically in fish/carry out opposite action in a fish P4-when the muscle on right side contract, the muscle on the left side relax P5-the tail /body will be bent to the right P6-when the muscle on the left side contract, the muscle on the right side relax P7-the tail /body will be bent to the leaf P8-alternate contraction of the right and left myotome back block enables its tails to move left and right


P9-to produce a force that propel the fish forward Module biology Trial Paper Collection


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1




4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

Aspect Mechanism

Marking scheme


Diagram 11.4.1 shows a body structure of a fish.

Explain how coordination of a myotome and fins of a fish contributes to swimming activities in the aquatic habitat. P1: Myotomes are muscle block

1 1 1

P2: arranged in segments on both sides of the body / vertebral column. P3: The muscles acts antagonistically / contraction of myotomes on one side of vertebral column and relaxation of the myotomes on the other side. P4: the contraction of myotomes on the right side of the body will bend


the tail to the right // the contraction of myotomes on the left side of the body will bend the tail to the left. P5: Alternate contraction of the right and left myotome block causes


the body to bend side to side. 1

P6: This produces the forward thrust which propel the fish forward P7: The paired fins and unpaired fin used to maintain the balanced of

1 1

body during swimming. P8: The pectoral fins used to steering and brake. P9: The pelvic fin are used to prevent diving and rolling movements

1 1 1

P10: Dorsal and ventral fins used to stay on course without yawing. P11: Tail/caudal fin used to propel the fish.

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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

The mechanism of locomotion in a bird Aspect Knowledge

Marking scheme


Diagram shows flight muscle of a bird

Name X and Y Structure X – Pectoralis major muscle

1 1




E1-For contraction

1 1


State three body characteristics that enable a bird to fly in air. P1- Insects have wings without bones while birds have wings with bones P2- The muscles of insects are attached to the exoskeleton P3- The muscle of birds are attached to the endoskeleton

1 1 1








Structure Y – Tendon Name two other groups of animal that can fly. Bats, Insects Adaptation

Explain why structure X has an abundance of mitochondria


F1-Mitochondria generate / produce energy / ATP // Structure X needs a lot of energy

How does the arrangement of feathers on a bird help it fly in the air? The feathers are parallel and overlap one another to reduce wind resistance Describe the characteristics of bird’s bones that allow the bird to gain elevation in the air. The bones are hollow; the body is small; the body is shaped like an aerofoil State one more feature of the bird that helps it to fly in the air. very light body Function

Explain the function of X in locomotion of bird2 1 1 1

P1-X contracts P2- Create pulling force P3-To pull the wing downward/down stroke Predicting

Explain the effect to the locomotion of bird if structure Y is torn 2 P1-(Pulling) force (that created by contraction of muscle) cannot be transferred to the bone.


P2-Bone cannot be pulled downward


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Aspect Predicting

4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Marking scheme


Explain why the bones of a female bird that lays eggs are more brittle as its age increase F1-(bird’s) bones mass decrease E1-As the bones are more porous /lighter E2-(since it had) lay many eggs E3-Much calcium /phosphorus /phosphate used in forming the shells of the eggs E4-Leaving less /little calcium /phosphorus /phosphate used to form (strong )bones //more bone minerals to be lost than deposited //re-absorption of calcium. phosphorus /phosphate into blood stream is more than the withdrawing of calcium (during the formation of bones


1 1 1 1 1


Diagram 2.2 shows the arrangement of flight muscle in a bird A bird can fly with its wings. Describe the mechanism of locomotion of a bird flying in the air. P1 – Bird fly by flapping their wings / gliding P2 – The wings of bird is in the shape of aerofoil During flying: P3 – (To fly) the pectoralis major contract P4 – The pectoralis minor relax

1 1 1 1 1 1

P5 – The pectoralis muscles are antagonistic muscles P6 – The wings moving downward and backward P7 – The air resistance produced as a result of moving wing downward

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

P8 – provide an upthrust on the wings P9 – The thrust is transmitted from wings to the coracoids until sternum P10 – (As result) the whole body is lifted up P11 – (then) the pectoralis minor contract P12 – The wings are pulled up P13 – The air resistance is very low P14 – The wings are ready to move downward. During gliding: P15 – The wings spread (to act as aerofoil) P16 – The air move faster on the upper of the wings compared to the wings

lower of the

P17 – The air pressure is lower in the upper surface than below the wings

1 1

P18 – Upward thrust produced enable the birds to glide. Module biology Trial Paper Collection


1 1




4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

Appreciating A Healthy Muscoskeletal System No

Marking scheme



Impaired musculoskeletal system could cause diseases such as osteoporosis, muscular dystrophy and arthritis. Discuss how someone could have a healthy musculoskeletal system. Facts


F1: Having a wellbalanced diet

E1-contain sufficient calcium and phosphorus


E2-Contain sufficient vitamin D E3-To build strong bones / prevent osteoporosis

F2: Having a good posture

E4-While standing, our body should be erect straight, so that the weight of our body is supported by both our feet.


E5-While sitting, the thorax is vertical/the thigh is comfortable/ almost all muscle relaxed E6-While walking, our body should be upright and straight E7-While lying down, use a mattress that is firm so that the body is evenly supported E8-Bend both knees when lifting heavy object from the floor. F3: Using proper attire for daily activities

E9-Wearing tight could restrict the movement

F4-Taking appropriate precautions during vigorous activities

E15: Consistent and moderate exercise can increase the bone mass and prevent osteoporosis E16: Very vigorous activity could results in pain/strain/ dislocation/ Fractures.


F5: practicing correct and safe exercise techniques

E17: Warming up before exercise can raise the temperature of our muscle to enabling them to make more efficient use of energy/



E10: Wearing high-heeled shoes could injure the back bone.

Preventing injuries 10


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No (b)

4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Marking scheme


Table shows the lifestyle of two adults X and Y Individual X

Individual Y

Taking too much carbohydrate in his diet

Taking a diet rich in calcium ,phosphate,carbohydrate,protein and vitamin D

While sitting backbone and hip are not supported by the back of the chair

Sit upright with the backbone against the back of the chair

Always wear high heels

Always ware flat shoes

Wear tight clothes at all times

Wear loose and comfortable clothing at all times

Practising extreme sports for long period of time

Always warm up before doing vigorous activities

Based on table: Which individual practice good life style which leads to a healthy musculoskeletal system State the factors that affect the musculoskeletal system of the individual chosen and give your reasons 10 Facts


F1-Having a balance diet is important in maintaining a healthy musculoskeletal system

E1-Because taking a diet rich in calcium ,phosphate and vitamin D can build up strong bone


//can prevent osteoporosis F2-Having a good posture when sitting

F3-Wearing proper shoes

E2-Having a good posture will enhance good musculoskeletal system and blood circulatory system E3-Shoes that fits allow freedom of movement of feet //wearing high heeled shoes may inhibits proper walking posture as the //body weight is exerted on the front part of the feet

F4-Wearing proper clothes /attire F5-Taking the appropriate precautions during vigorous activities



E4-Clothes should not be too tight because tight clothes will restrict our body movement


E5-shoulds take warm-up exercised and to prevent injuring our muscles

2 10

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No (c)

4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Marking scheme


The musculoskeletal system is important to us to give us support and movement. Give two ways to maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system2 1 1

P1-Have a balanced diet//taking a diet rich in calcium P2-Have a good posture (when standing,sitting and walking)


(d) Unbalanced diet, an unhealthy lifestyle and the process of ageing may cause diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Justify the above statement and explain how such diseases can be avoided. P1: (unbalanced diet) such as diet less in calcium /

1 1 1 1 1 1

P2: less in phosphorus could lead P3: less in vitamin D P4: unhealthy lifestyle such as consume liquor P5: Process of ageing such as life after menopause P6: (could) cause osteoporosis / bone becomes porous/ soft and brittle P7: (could) cause arthritis / inflammation of the joints.


Way to overcome osteoporosis: P8: Optimize calcium intake to increase the bone mass

1 1 1 1

P9: Optimize vitamin D intake to enhance calcium absorption P10: Exercise regularly to help strengthened the muscle and bone P11: undergo hormone replacement therapy during menopause to prevent osteoporosis Way to overcome gouts: P12: Reduction of offal and protein in diet

1 1

P13: Taking medication to lessen the joint inflammation and to reduce the level of uric acid in the body.


P14: Less/stop consumption of liquor. P15: Massage on the surrounding muscles using heat therapy.



Module biology Trial Paper Collection




4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014


Marking scheme



Figure 3 shows Ramu (A) and Johari (B) adopting two different postures. Examine Figure 3 carefully and then answer the following questions

Define the term posture. 1

Posture is defined as a way a body is positioned (b)

What is meant by a correct posture? P1- body shape is in a correction position P2-the muscles are minimally strectched





1 1 1




1 1


1 1


How can you adopt the correct posture while standing? P1-When standing, the head must be aligned with the backbone and backside P2-the shoulder should be arched slightly to the back of the head P3-the body and the sole of the feet should form a straight line


1 1

Which student is adopting the correct posture, student A or B Student A



What is the effect of a bad posture on the human body? Answer this question in terms of: (i) Energy causes a lot of energy to be wasted when the muscles are working (ii) Breathing mechanism P1-prevents proper movement of the chest area and P2makes breathing difficult


How can physical exercise help you to adopt the correct posture? P1-helps to maintain muscle strength P2-produces good movement and support

Module biology Trial Paper Collection




4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

Supports in Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants Type of plant Floating plant

Marking scheme


Diagram shows a plants ,water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes ) on the surface of the pond

Figure 4.2(a) shows the cross section of a water hyacinth stem and figure 4.2 (b) shows the cross section of a woody plant. What is structure P?



P: air sac Explain how structure P helps the plant in support. P: to reduce the density of aquatic plant // to keep aquatic plant light



1 1 1


Describe how woody plant is supported by structure Q in figure 4.2 (b). P1-able to float P2-get enough sun light P3--carry out photosynthesis Explain the adaptation of the plants which enables to float water surface // Explain the adaptation of the plant which enable it to float on water surface. Adaptation


F1-Large air sacs in the roots /leaves

E1-Keep the plant floating on the water surface buoyancy/plant is light /low density

F2-Aerenchyma tissue in the stem /root/leaf

E2-Keep the plant is light /low intensity

F3-Broad leaves which firm and flexible

E3-Resist tearing by wave action


F4-Few vascular tissue found in the middle of the stem

E4-Enable the stem to bend without breaking //xylem tissue are not lignified


F5-stem are large and swollen

E5-Increase the air content to help plant to float


F6-Small and fibrous root

E6-To trap the air bubbles /gases (help plant to float)


any 2F with 2E

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4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014

Type of plant

Marking scheme


Woody plants

Name one tissue that provided support to plant in diagram 4.2 Schlerenchyma tissue/xylem tissue



Like humans and animal, plants also need support. Give one necessity for support in plant P2for photosynthesis//flower need to be lift for pollination

1 1


Terrestrial plants need support for one main purpose. State the main purpose. To absorb maximum sun light energy for photosynthesis



1 1 1


P1-to be in an upright position so their leaves can absorb maximum sunlight

Explain how turgidity provides support to in plant in diagram P1-Turgor pressure of liquid content in the vacuole P2-Pushes the cell membrane against the cell wall P3-Creating support for the stem .leaves and roots

Any 2P

Diagram 11.2.2 shows a cross-section of a woody plant stem.

Explain what modifications are found in the tissues of woody plants which giving support to the plants. Type of tissue


P1 – Xylem tissues

E2– Xylem vessels and tracheids are strengthened with lignin

P2 – Parenchyma tissues

E3 – Store starch and sugar and water. E4 – Turgid cells give support to the plant.

P2 – Collenchyma tissues

E5 – Walls thickened with cellulose and pectin

P3–Schlerenchyma tissues

E5 – Wall thickened with lignin to provide support

2 2

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2 2




Type of plant

4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Marking scheme


Woody plants

How plant Q obtain support? Q: it obtains support from the xylem vessels and tracheid (lignin)



Draw the cross section of area XY and label all parts that give support to Q’s stem.






Explain the differences between P and Q and R referring to the stem condition. P stem is soft because it has no lignin but the stems of Q and R is hard By giving one example woody plant and non woody ,explain how the support system in woody plant differ from that of non –woody plant Non-woody plants (herbaceous plants) Example: Balsam plants P1-(support in herbaceous plants is ) Provided by the turgidity of the parenchyma /collenchymas cells


P2-(when there is enough warm in the ground),the cell take in water by osmosis and become turgid


P3-the turgid pressure of the fluid in the vacuole pushes the cell contents/plasma membrane against the cell wall


P4-Creating support for it stem /root /leaves

1 1

P5-the thin thickening die cell walls with cellulose/collenchymas cells gives support to herbaceous plants Module biology Trial Paper Collection




4551/2 Chapter 2: Locomotion and support 2014 Woody plants: example :Rambutan tree/hibiscus/any suitable example


P6-woody plants have specialized tissues /scerenchyma tissues/xylem vessels /tracheid.ti gove tehn support


P7-These tissue have cellulose walls which jave deposits of ligin for added strength P8-Sclerenchyma cells have very thick walls 9which do not provide water to pass through) P9-(these cells are dead cells and )their function is provide support for the plant P10-xylem vesels from he woody tissues of the stem P12-This makes the plant stronger and also provides support for then plant

1 1 1 1 1 1

P13-Tracheid are also dead cells with thick walls and very small P1-they are found with the xylem vessel and together they support the plants Max10


TIPS: Word ‘Classify the plant ’ give answer in aquatic plant//Terrestrial plant

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