1 (a) 29,34,40 (b) (i) State two different observations made from Table 1. 1 The temperature of water after burning white bread is 34˚ C. 2 The temperature of water after burning peanut is 50˚C (ii) State two inferences from the observations in (b)(i). 1 White bread burnt and releases low heat energy. 2 eanut burnt and releases high heat energy (c) Comlete Table 2 based on the e!eriment that was carried o"t. #ariables $artic"lars to be imlemented %ani"lated variable !ood sample"white bread and peanut 'esondin variable Temperature $hanges"energy %alue of food sample
Controlled variable &ass of food sample. 'ir mo%ement and temperature surrounding the e(periment
&ow to alter the mani"lated variable #se different food sample i.e white bread and peanut &ow to determine the resondin variable &easure and re$ord the in$rease in temperature of water by using a thermometer. Cal$ulate the energy %alue using the gi%en formula &ow to maintain the controlled variable #se the same mass of ea$h sample food )nsure air mo%ement and temperature surrounding the e(periment is the same.
(d) State the hothesis for this e!eriment. The rise in temperature for peanut is higher than whitebread." The energy %alue for the peanut is higher than the whitebread. (e) (i) !ood sample *n$rease in water temperature +˚C, )nergy %alue +-g 1 , White bread 5 /4.0 eanut 11 1/4./ (ii) *ased on the table in (e)(i), state the relationshi between the food class and the ener val"e of each food samle. White bread $ontains $arbohydrate. eanut $ontains a lot of fat. en$e peanut has higher energy %alue than whitebr (f) *ased on the res"lt of the e!eriment, what can o" ded"ce abo"t the ener val"e+ The energy %alue is the total uantity of heat energy produ$ed when 5g of whitebread is $ompletely burnt in order to in$rease the temperature of 20ml of water up to 5˚C." The energy %alue is the total uantity of heat energy produ$ed when 5g of peanut is $ompletely burnt in order to in$rease the temperature of 20ml of water up to 11˚C. () This e!eriment was reeated "sin a cashew n"t. $redict the observation and the ener val"e that will be obtained. The in$rement of temperature and energy %alue of $ashew nut is eual to the in$rement of the peanut. +for the eual amount of mass, (h) The ict"re shows vario"s tes of food samles -ood samles with e"ivalent ener val"e as white bread ean"t i$e &argarine oiled potato alm oil Corn Cashew nut
2 roblem statement What is the $on$entration of su$rose solution that $an maintain the mass of plant tissue i.e potato6 7b8e$ti%e
To determine the $on$entration of su$rose solution that $an maintain the mass of plant tissue i.e potato 6
9ariables + a , &anipulated Con$entration of su$rose soluton + b , esponding Change in mass of potato $ylinder + $ , !i(ed 9olume of su$rose solution same immersing time and surrounding temperature type of potato ypothesis The higher the $on$entration of su$rose solution the lesser the mass of potato $ylinder 'pparatus Cor: borer 50ml bea:er measuring $ylinder filter paper weighing ele$troni$ s$ales ruler :nife stop wat$h. &aterial otato 0.5; 5.0;10.0;15.0; 20; and 25.0; of su$rose solution Te$hniue
To weigh the $hanges in mass of ea$h potato $ylinder by using weighing ele$troni$ s$ale before and after immersing in different su$rose solution.
ðod"pro$edure 1 ' pie$e of medium i( bea:ers are prepared and labelled ' C ? ) and ! . )%ery bea:er is filled with 20$m3 of 0.5; 5.0;10.0; 15.0; 20.0; and 25.0; of su$rose solution respe$ti%ely. 4 Two potato $ylinders are pla$ed into ea$h bea:er 5 'fter being immersed for one hour e%ery potato $ylinder is remo%ed dried with filter paper then weighed and measured to obtain the final reading. @ The results are re$orded in a table A lot the graph of $on$entration of su$rose solution against the mass of the $ylinder. resentation of data Con$entration of su$rose solution";
mass of potato +g, *nitial
0.5 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
' C ? ) !
?ifferen$e mass of $ylinder +g,
Con$lusion ased on the plotted graph the line whi$h interse$ts the hori=ontala(is +massa(is, indi$ates that there is no $hange in the mass of the potato $ylinders This pro%es that the $ell sap of potato $ylinder is isotoni$ to the $on$entration of the su$rose solution at that parti$ular point. lanning )(periment AB ti$:s 3 m 4 @ ti$:s 2 m 13 ti$:s 1 m
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