Biology Capsule for SSC CGL by StudyIQ

May 11, 2017 | Author: studyiq | Category: N/A
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Download our special Biology capsule which has sound theoretical knowledge and the most important MCQs as well. you will...


Premier Coaching Institute For SSC,-CGL, Railways, RBI, Bank PO A-91, 2nd Floor, Near Style Shoes, Lajpat Nagar , New Delhi – 110024 Mo.



By Dr. Gaurav Garg (Faculty General Science)

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ANIMAL CELL Plant cell Cell wall is present Centrosome is absent

Animal cell Cell wall is absent Centrosome is present

Cell wall Found only in plant cells Freely permeable It is dead

Cell Membrane Found in both plant and animal cells Semi-permeable It is living

Protoplasm Cytoplasm Present inside the cell & bounded by Present in between plasma cell plasma membrane membrane & nuclear membrane. It contains nucleus It does not contain nucleus Nucleus It is present inside the cell. It controls all the cellular activities.

Nucleolus Present inside the nucleus. Takes part in formation of ribosomes.

Chromosomes Found inside the nucleus

Centrosomes Found in the cytoplasm near the external surface of nucleus. Initiates cell division in animal cells

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1. 2. 3. 4.

Mitochondria: power house of the cell, helps in cellular respiration. Ribosomes: protein synthesis. Golgi bodies: secretion of enzymes, formation of cell wall in plant cells. Lysosomes: suicidal bags of the cell which destroy the worn-out cells by producing enzymes. 5. Plastids: chloroplast + chromoplast (fruits, flowers) + leucoplast (colourless). 6. Vacuole: to maintain turgidity in plant cell. 7. Nucleus: controlling centre of the cell. On the basis of presence and absence of well-defined membrane bound structure, the cell is classified as: prokaryotes (e.g. bacteria, fungi) and eukaryotes (e.g. plant & animal cell). Cell Division- division of a parent cell to produce daughter cells.

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1. Meristematic tissue: Helps in growth of plants. 2. Permanent tissue: the newly formed cells of the meristematic tissue get matured & are differentiated into permanent tissue. 3. Parenchyma: Helps in storage of food. Parenchyma with chloroplasts are called chlorenchyma and helps in photosynthesis. 4. Collenchyma & Sclerenchyma: provides mechanical support. 5. Xylem: It conducts water & minerals from root to other parts of the plant. Phloem: Conducts prepared food from leaves to the other parts of plant.

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1. Epithelial tissue: covers the external surface as well as internal lining of the organs. They are classified according to the shape of cell. 2. Connective tissue: it joins and support various parts of the body. • Areolar: present under the skin, acts as packing material for the organs. Tendon Ligament It attaches muscles to bones Connects bone to bone. Formed of white fibrous tissue. Formed of yellow elastic fibre It is present in the white matter of It is present in the sympathetic brain & spinal cord nervous system. • Adipose: stores reserved food (fats), acts as an insulator. • Skeletal: forms endoskeleton of vertebrates. Bone

It is brittle Cells called osteocytes are arranged in a concentric manner Covered by periosteum


It is elastic. Cells called chondricytes are arranged in groups of 2 or 4. Covered by perichondrium.

 Fluid: help in transportation of oxygen, carbondioxide, nutrients & remove waste materials. a. Blood: RBC (Erthrocytes without nucleus & mitochondria) + WBC (defense) + platelets (thrombocytes: contain nucleus, helps in clotting of blood). b. Lymph: colourless fluid without RBC & haemoglobin, produced by spleen. All interexchanges of nutrients & waste products between blood & tissue takes place through lymph only. 3. Muscular tissue: Smooth Involuntary Contract slowly & never fatigued Found in alimentary canal, urinary bladder

Striped Voluntary Contract faster & get fatiqued soon Found in limbs

Cardiac Involuntary Contract quickly & never get fatiqued. Found in wall of heart,

Smallest muscle: stapedius located in middle ear (length 1.27mm). For more downloads, visit

Largest muscle: buttocks Strongest muscle: jaw. Your jaw bite can be as much as 2000 N per second. Longest muscle: Sartorius muscle is the muscle of anterior hip & thigh group that is connected to the ilium & the tibia. 4. Nervous tissue:  Neurons are cells that conduct nerve impulses, or action potentials, across their membrane to the next neuron.  They possess a large cell body (soma), with cell projections called dendrites and an axon.  Dendrites are thin, branching projections that receive electrochemical signalling (neurotransmitters) to create a change in voltage in the cell.  Axons are long projections that carry the action potential away from the cell body toward the next neuron.  The bulb-like end of the axon, called the axon terminal, is separated from the dendrite of the following neuron by a small gap called a synapse.  When the action potential travels to the axon terminal, neurotransmitters are released across the synapse and bind to the post-synaptic receptors, continuing the nerve impulse.[

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 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM  Human respiratory system has nostrils, nasal cavities, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and lungs.  Pleura: the protective covering of lungs.  The part of trachea concerned with sound- larynx.  The part of brain where respiratory centre is located- Medulla Oblongata. Respiration is a 2 step process. First step is breathing, leading to exchange of gases and second step is oxidation of food molecules in the cell accompanied with release of energy. The glucose is broken down into pyruvic acid by the process of glycolysis in the cytoplasm without utilising oxygen. Pyruvate enters into mitochondria to pass through Kreb’s cycle in aerobic respiration utilising oxgen & producing ATP molecules. C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 686 Kcal After glycolysis, pyruvate gets converted either into ethyl alcohol as in bacteria or yeast or into lactic acid as in muscles of man. This is Anaerobic respiration. C6H12O6 -> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 50 Kcal • Respiration in plants: stomata in leaves, root hairs in roots & lenticels in the bark of stem and roots helps in gaseous exchange through simple process of diffusion. • Aquatic animals like fishes take oxygen dissolved in water and respire through gills. • In earthworm, skin acts as respiratory organ. • Land animals have lungs as the main respiratory organ. • Insects show tracheal respiration which takes place through a network of air tubes called trachea. For more downloads, visit


Autotrophic nutrition: • Photosynthesis is the process which converts solar energy to chemical energy. • Light reaction produces oxygen, ATP and NAPDH. • During dark reaction, NADPH and ATP molecules produced during light reaction are utilised for synthesis of carbohydrate from CO2 & H2O. • Light, temperature, CO2 & H2O affect the rate of photosynthesis. Heterotrophic nutrition: • Parasitic- parasities live on or inside the host & obtain food synthesised by its living host. • Saprophytic nutrition- saprophytes obtain nutrients from dead & decaying matter. • Holozoic- feeding of complex organic matter by ingestion, which is subsequently digested, absorbed & assimilated. Amoeba obtains its food by the process of phagocytosis and shows holozoic mode.


The alimentary canal of man consists of buccal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum (small intestines), colon (large intestines) and rectum. For more downloads, visit

The digestive process begins in the mouth. Food is partly broken down by the process of chewing and by the chemical action of salivary enzymes that break down starches into smaller molecules. After being chewed and swallowed, the food enters the oesophagus. The oesophagus is a long tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach. It uses rhythmic, wave-like muscle movements (called peristalsis) to force food from the throat into the stomach. The stomach churns the food and bathes it in a very strong acid (gastric acid). Food in the stomach that is partly digested and mixed with stomach acids is called chyme. After being in the stomach, food enters the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. It then enters the jejunum and then the ileum (the final part of the small intestine). In the small intestine, bile (produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder), pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive enzymes produced by the inner wall of the small intestine help in the breakdown of food. In the large intestine, some of the water and electrolytes (chemicals like sodium) are removed from the food. Many microbes (bacteria like Bacteroides, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella) in the large intestine help in the digestion process. Solid waste is then stored in the rectum until it is excreted via the anus. Digestive glands Salivary gland Gastric glands Liver Pancreas Intestinal glands

Secretion Saliva Gastric juice


Ptyalin Pepsin Lipase Bile juice NO enzyme Pancreatic juice Amylase Trypsin Lipase Intestinal juice protein digestion or sugar digestion Succus Lipase entericus

Substrate Starch Proteins Lipids Fats Starch Proteins Fats Peptones Sugars Fat

Products Maltose Peptones Glycerides Emulsification Maltose Peptides Fatty acids Amino acids Glucose Fatty acids & glycerol

Assimilation is the process of utilisation of digested food as the components of protoplasm, needed for production of energy, growth & repair process. For more downloads, visit


 Each kidney is made up of 2 regions – an outer cortex and an inner medulla. Each kidney receives a renal artery from dorsal aorta and sends a renal vein to inferior vena cava.  Ureters are the tubes that connect kidneys with the urinary bladder.  Urethra is a tubular connection between urinary bladder & external opening of urinary tract. The muscle which guards the urethra: splincter muscle.  The urine is forms by 3 main steps: o Ultrafiltration o Rebsorption o Tubular secretion.  Urine is acidic in nature and its colour is due to presence of pigment- urochrome.

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The kidney's primary function is the elimination of waste from the bloodstream by production of urine. They perform several homeostatic functions such as:1. 2. 3. 4.

Maintain volume of extracellular fluid Maintain ionic balance in extracellular fluid Maintain pH and osmotic concentration of the extracellular fluid. Excrete toxic metabolic by-products such as urea, ammonia, and uric acid.

Nephron: the functional unit of kidneys

1. Bowman’s capsule along with glomerous from malpighian body. 2. In glomerular filtrate, water(99%), inorganic salts, amino acids, fatty acids, glucose, urea, uric acid, hippuric acid, hormones, vitamins are present. 3. PCT absorbs glucose, water & vitamins, Na, K, Ca & Mg, 75 % amino acids. 4. Ascending Loop of henle does not absorb any water. 5. The process by which kidneys regulate the water content of the bodyOsmoregulation. 6. DCT reabsorbs some Na & K. It leads to collecting tubes which leads to ureters. For more downloads, visit


The brain is made of: • Cerebrum: seat of memory, thought, reason, logic etc. It controls the coordination of muscular movements. • Cerebellum: concerned with body equilibrium. • Medulla oblongata controls the involuntary activities like heart beat, breathing. For more downloads, visit

Spinal cord is concerned with reflex action. Note that in brain, gray matter is outside, white matter inside. In spinal cord, gray matter inside, white matter outside.

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It is a double circulation system processed by heart: • Pulmonary where deoxygenated blood is pumped into the lungs. • Systematic when oxygenated blood is circulated into body parts. Human heart beats 72 times per minute. Sphygmomanometer measure the BP. There are 2 limits of BP. Higher limit is the systolic (contraction phase of heart) and lower is diastolic (relaxation phase of heart). Normal BP is 120/80mm of Hg. Blood clot: coagulation or solidification of fiuld blood in which fibrinogen is converted into fibrin. Blood groupings: antigens & antibodies  Antigens- they are proteins found on the surface RBCs. Antigens are A and B.

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RH factor- it is based on RH antigen. A person can be Rh+ or Rh-. In world population, Rh+ are 85% and Rh- are 15 % only. RH+ can receive blood from Rh- but no viceversa.  Antibodies- they are produced in lymph gland & are present in blood plasma.

Respiratory disorders: 1. Emphysema- a situation of ‘short breath’ due to break down of alveolar walls and reduction of respiratory area as it happens due to smoking. 2. Pneumonia- infection of lungs by Diplococcus pneumonia and leads to accumulation of mucous & lymph in alveoli, impairing gaseous exchange. 3. Asthma- difficult breathing due to spasm in bronchial muscles & narrowing of bronchi. 4. Hiccups- due to spasmodic contraction of diaphragm.

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Fertilisation is the fusion of gametes (sperm & egg) to produce a zygote (diploid cell). Organs to produce gametes are gonads (male gonad is testes, female gonad is ovaries).Puberty is the age when the reproductive organs become fully functional to produce offspring. Male reproductive system consists of a pair of testes, genital ducts, accessory glands & copulatory organ, penis. Testes contain semeniferous tubules and produce sex hormones e.g. testosterone. Female reproductive system consists of a pair of ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina & external genitalia. Ovaries produce ova & female sex hormones. Uterus is thick walled organ where the embryo develops. Cervix is the entrance of uterus. Menustrual phase is the shedding of the epithelial lining of the endometrium. After fertilisation, the young embryo would be implanted in uterus. Embryo later undergo development and forms the foetus. Gestation period is the time for which the young ones are carried within the uterus. Placenta serves as the nutritive organ and respiratory exchange between the foetus and mother. Umbilical cord attaches the foetus with placenta. Pregnancy lasts for 280 days. After the birth, placenta is removed. Chromosome: a unit of hereditary character. The number of chromosomes in human is 46 (out of which 44 are known as autosomes & 2 are sex hormones). Male has 44 + XY chromosomes. Female has 44 + XX chromosomes. The hormone that stimulates contraction of uterus during child birth is oxytocin.

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Endocrine glands do not possess ducts & their secretions are called hormones. Hormones are chemical regulators. Hormones are directly poured into the blood stream & act on the target organs. Exocrine glands have ducts, secrete enzymes. They increase the rate of a biochemical reaction. Gland Pineal gland Pituitary gland

Hormones secreted Melatonin Growth hormone Anti-diuretic hormone

Effect of hormones Affects daily physiologic cycles Controls growth of bones & muscles Increases re-absorption of water in kidneys Gonadotrophins Controls development of ovaries & testes Thyroid gland Thyroxine Controls rate of metabolism & rate that glucose is used up in respiration & promote growth Adrenal Adrenaline or emergency Prepares the body for emergencies, gland hormone increase heart rate, depth of breathing, raises blood sugar level so more glucose is available for respiration, diverts blood from gut to limbs Pancreas Insulin Converts excess glucose into glycogen in liver Glucagon Converts glycogen back to glucose in liver Ovaries Oestrogen Controls ovulation Progesterone Prepares the uterus lining for receiving an embryo Testes Testosterone Control sperm production Thymus Thymosin Promotes production & maturation of WBCs. Master gland: pituitary Largest gland: thyroid.

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Disease Tuberculosis

Cause Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Effects Infection in lungs, high fever (BCG vaccine can help)

Whooping cough

Bacillus pertussis

Mild fever, irritating cough (DPT vaccine)


Vibrio cholera

Vomiting & muscular cramps Dehydration & loss of minerals

Diarrhoea or escherchia coli, food shigella, poisoning campylobactera & salmonella.

Dehydration accompanied by fever, nausea or vomiting


Motile bacteria, clostridium tetani Enter through injured surfaces

Paralysis of thoracic muscles (neck & jaw)


Streptococcus pneumonia

Inflammation of lungs resulting in chest pain, shallow breathing


Salmonella typhi High fever, head ache, ulceration of found in intestine of intestine humans


Bacterium pasteurella/ yersinea pestis Transmitted by bed bug or head louse


Neisseria Infection in the mucous membrane of Gonorrhoea urinogential tract transmitted through May result in female sterility sexual contact

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Bubonic- blood disease, enlargement of lymph nodes. Pneumonic-haemorrhages of bronchi & lungs. Septicemic- Anaemia


Disease Mumps

Cause Paramyxovirus

Effects Painful swelling of salivary glands


Rubella virus

Loss of appetite, eruptions on skin, buccal & respiratory passage show signs of inflammation


Influenza Virus

Inflammation of upper respiratory tract, nose, throat & eyes

Common cold Rhinovirus

watery eyes, excessive nasal secretions


RNA virus

Hydrophobia, spasm of throat & chest leading to death


Hepatitis A virus Hepatitis B virus

Jaundice, loss of appetite Hepatitis B is fatal

Dengue fevere

RNA containing dengue virus, by bite of female mosquito aedes aegypti

Conjunctivitis, high fever, backache, retroorbital pain (between the eye balls). Can be haemorrgraphic: fatal with nausea, abdominal pain

Yellow fever


Vomiting, rupture of veins in kidneys, spleen, liver etc.

Disease Malaria

Cause Plasmodium protozoan anopheles mosquito

Effects Reoccuring fever, weakness


Entamoeba histolytica

Abdominal pain, alternating diarrhoea & constipation, stool with blood, mucous & mucous membrane pieces.


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Minerals are derived from the breakdown of rocks of earth’s crust which are then dissolved in water. Minerals are needed in only small quantities in the diet, though some of them accumulate to a specific degree e.g. there is around 1kg of calcium in the average human body. 1. Calcium, phosphorus & magnesium compounds are major components of bones & teeth. 2. Fluoride is important in protecting teeth from decay. 3. Sodium, potassium, calcium & chloride ions are important in a. maintaining correct composition of cells, of the tissue fluids around them (homoestatis). b. Communication between cells i.e. rapid transfer of signals along nerve cells & in brain. c. Muscle contraction. 4. The hormones produced by thyroid gland contains iodine. 5. Enzymes uses magnesium, selenium, zinc for functioning. 6. Sulphur is essential component of amino acids. 7. Iron is incorporated into haemoglobin & related proteins.

VITAMINS : Vitamins A,D,E and K are fat-soluble & the remaining are water-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins are easily lost during cooking & are destroyed by exposure to air & light, so care is needed in food preparation to preserve them. Deficiency diseases are occur when vitamins are absent or in short supply.

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Cheese, eggs, butter, milk

Night blindness,

B1- thiamin



B2 - riboflavin

Cereals, rice, mushrooms


B3 - niacin

Beef, prok, wheat, maize


B5 - pantothenic acid

Broccoli & whole grains


B6 - pyridoxine

Potatoes & peanuts

Anemia peripheral neuropathy

B7- biotin

Dried mixed fruit

Dermatitis, enteritis

B9 - folic acid

Broccoli, sprouts, spinach

Megaloblast. Deficiency during pregnancy causes Birth defects

B12 – cobalamin

Megaloblastic anemia

C- ascorbic acid

Salmon, cod, yeast extracts Citrus fruits, kiwi, tomato


Oily fish, margarine

Rickets & osteomalacia


Plant oils & green leafy vegetables

Mild haemolytic anemmia in new born (rare) But overdose may cause congestive heart failure.


Vegetable oils & diary foods

Bleeding diathesis

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QUESTIONAIRE 1. Down’s syndrome is caused by an extra (a) 11 th chromosome (b) 18 th chromosome (c) 21 st chromosome (d) 22 nd chromosome 2. Which one of the following vitamins helps in the formation of collagen? (a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin-B2 (c) Vitamin-C (d) Vitamin-E 3. Which of the following is not a mosquito borne disease? a) b) c) d)

Dengue fever Malaria Sleeping sickness Filariasis

4. Among the following elements, which one is essential for the transmission of impulses in the nerve fibre? a) Calcium b) Iron c) Sodium d) Zinc 5. The vitamin which is very liable and easily destroyed during cooking as well as storage is

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a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin b6 c) Vitamin C d) Vitamin K 6. The compound used in anti-malarial drug is a) Aspirin b) Neoprene c) Isoprene d) Chloroquin 7. Which of the following is a skin disease? a) Anaemia b) Pellagra c) Osteomalacia d) Rickets 8. The richest source of vitamin D is a) Cod liver oil b) Spinach c) Milk d) Cheese 9. Which of the following tests helps in diagnosis of cancer? a) X-ray b) Urine test c) Blood test d) Biopsy test

10. In Photosynthetic process, atmospheric carbondioxide is ____ to carbohydrates For more downloads, visit

a) oxidised b) Reduced c) Neutralised d) Burnt

11. On seeing good food our mouth waters. This fluid is actually a) Water b) Hormone c) Enzyme d) None of the above

12. The enzyme Pepsin is inactive in stomach without the presence of a) Nitric Acid b) Hydrochloric acid c) Acetic acid d) Butyric acid

13. Villi present on the inner lining of the intestinal wall a) Secretes enzymes for digestion b) Secretes hormones c) Decreases the surface area for absorption d) Increases the surface area for absorption

14. During cellular respiration one molecule of glucose is first broken down into two molecules of ________ a) Acetic acid b) Pyruvic acid For more downloads, visit

c) Lactic acid d) None of the above 15. Rajib was absent in the class because of muscle pain which he claims to be due to excess physical exercise he had done yesterday. This pain is due to a) Formation of lactic acid b) Formation of acetic acid c) Formation of Pyruvic acid d) Formation of Hydrochloric acid

16. Right part of the human heart contains a) Oxygenated blood b) Mixed blood c) Deoxygenated blood d) No blood

17. The transport of soluble products of photosynthesis is called translocation and it occurs in the part of the vascular tissue called a) Xylem b) Sclerenchyma c) Phloem d) Collenchyma

18. In human each kidney has large numbers of filtration units called ___ a) Neutrons b) Neurons c) Neptune d) Nephrons For more downloads, visit

19. Gustatory receptors will detect ______ a) light b) Taste c) Smell d) Touch

20. The gap between two neurons is called _____ a) Synapse b) Synthesise c) Dendron d) Axon

21. Involuntary actions including blood pressure, salivation and vomiting are controlled by the __________ in the hind-brain. a) Medals b) Cerebellum c) Medulla d) Cerebrum

22. A potted plant kept in a room tends to bend towards the direction of light. This movement is called a) Photographism b) Photonastism c) Photoperiodism d) Phototropism

23. The endocrine organ present in human female but not in human male is For more downloads, visit

a) Testis b) Ovary c) Pituitary gland d) Thymus

24. If there is a deficiency of growth hormone the child becomes _____ a) Blind b) Mentally retarded c) Giant d) Dwarf

25. People living in coastal areas suffer less from goitre. This is because a) They eat sea food b) They drink sea water c) They bathe in sea water d) All of the above

26. The direction of impulse in a typical neuron is a) Axon to dendron b) Dendron to axon c) Both a and b are correct d) Both a and b are wrong

27. Male reproductive organ in flowering plant is a) Carpel b) Stamen c) Corolla For more downloads, visit

d) Ovary

28. Female reproductive organ in flowering plant is a) Carpel b) Stamen c) Corolla d) Ovary

29. A fertilized ovule develops into a _____ in an angiosperm plant a) seed b) fruit c) flower d) cotyledon

30. Where are sperms formed in the human body? a) Vas deferens b) Prostate gland c) Ovary d) Testis

31. The place where fertilization take place in the human body is a) Uterus b) Oviduct / fallopian tubes c) Ovary d) vagina 32. Copper T and Loops are For more downloads, visit

a) Contraceptive devices b) Conventional devices c) Conducive devices d) Contaminating devices 33. _______ is a common tube for urine and sperm in human male. a) Urethra b) Uterus c) Ureter d) None of the above

34. If in human a sperm (22+Y) fertilizes an egg (22+X), the sex of the foetus shall be a) Male b) Female c) Either male or Female d) none of these

35. Forelimb of frog, lizard, bird & man has some evolutionary relationship. This are a) Hand relationship b) Missing links c) Analogous organs d) Homologous organs

36. The number of autosomes in a human body cell is a) 44 For more downloads, visit

b) 46 c) 22 d) 23

37. The theory of Natural Selection was proposed by a) Lamarck b) Darwin c) Mendel d) Haldane

38. Surgically removing tails of mice over several generations’ do not yield mice without tails. This proves that a) Cutting tail does not cause genetic change. So it not inherited. b) Acquired characters during one’s own life are not inherited. c) Neither a nor b is correct d) Both a and b are correct

39. Only ____ % of the energy can be transferred from one trophic level to the next trophic level. a) 1 b) 5 c) 10 d) 20

40. Accumulation of non- biodegradable pesticides in different trophic levels is called a) Biological degradation b) Biological magnification For more downloads, visit

c) Biological concentration d) Biological deposition

41. The kidneys in human beings are a part of the system for (a) nutrition. (b) respiration. (c) excretion. (d) transportation.

42. The xylem in plants are responsible for (a) transport of water. (b) transport of food. (c) transport of amino acids. (d) transport of oxygen.

43. The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires (a) carbon dioxide and water. (b) chlorophyll. (c) sunlight. (d) all of the above.

44. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and energy takes place in (a) cytoplasm. (b) mitochondria. (c) chloroplast. (d) nucleus.

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45. Movement of food through oesophagus is due to (a) Lubrication by saliva (b) Peristalsis (c) Gravitational Pull (d) All of the above

46. Where is bile produced? (a) Gall bladder (b) Blood (c) Liver (d) Spleen

47. In normal expiration, the diaphragm is (a) Arched (b) Flattened (c) Perforated (d) None of these

48. The correct pathway of blood in circulatory system is (a) atria → ventricles → arteries → veins (b) ventricles → atria → veins → arteries (c) ventricles → veins → arteries → atria (d) veins → ventricles → atria → arteries

49. Respiration is a process in which

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(a) Energy is stored in the form of ADP (b) Energy is released and stored in the form of ATP (c) Energy is used up (d) Energy is not released at all.

50. The UV radiation from the sun is likely to cause _____________ in human a) Skin cancer b) Lung cancer c) Liver Cancer d) Brain Cancer

51. The three Rs to save the environment are a) Remember, Reduce, Reuse b) Recall, Reduce, Refund c) Reduce, Recycle, Reuse d) Reduce, Refund, Reuse

52. Biodiversity hot spots are a) Areas where large number of different species are found b) Hot Areas where large number of different species are found c) Areas which became hot due to large number of different species. d) Areas where large spot has been created due to death of number of species

53. Chipko Andolan is associated with a) Protesting against pasting of posters on walls b) Saving money c) Using more postal stamps d) Saving forest For more downloads, visit

54. To which one of the following types of organisms do mushrooms belong? a) Algae b) Ferns c) Fungi d) Lichens 55. Food wrapped in newspaper is likely to get contaminated with A. B. C. D.

Lead Aluminium Iron Magnesium

56. Which one of the following plants is used for green manuring in India? A. B. C. D.

Wheat Sunhemp Cotton Rice

57. Which one of the following disease is Inheritable? A. B. C. D.

Leukaemia Colour blindness Malignancy Hepatitis

58. Which of the following vitamins is synthesised in the body by intestinal bacteria? A. B. C. D.

vitamin B1 vitamin B4 vitamin D vitamins K

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59. BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerine) is injected to get immunity from A. B. C. D.

Polio Cholera Small pox Tuberculosis

60. Which one of the following parts of the pitcher plant becomes modified into a pitcher? A. B. C. D.

Stem leaf stipule petiole

61. Which chamber of human heart pumps fully oxygenated blood to aorta and hence to the body? A. B. C. D.

Right Auricle Left Auricle Right Ventricle Left Ventricle

62. Which one of the following is a vitamin? A. B. C. D.

Citric acid Folic acid Glutamic acid Linoleic acid

63. Which one of the following is responsible for converting milk into curd? A. Fungi B. Bacteria

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C. Virus D. None of these 64. In which one of the following animals is skin a respiratory organ? A. Cockroach B. Frog C. shark D. Whale 65. What is the pH level of blood of a normal person? A. 4.0 – 4.5 B. 6.45 – 65.5 C. 7.35 – 7.45 D. 8.25 – 8.35 66. Which of the following disease is not a caused by viruses? A. B. C. D.

Cholera Chickenpox Hepatitis Measles

67. In which one of the following, antibody formations takes place? A. B. C. D.

RBC’s Blood platelets Blood Plasma Donnan’s membrane

68. How do most insects respire? A. through skin B. through gills For more downloads, visit

C. by lungs D. by trachea system 69. Which one of the following part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting? A. B. C. D.

Cerebellum cerebrum medulla oblongata pons

70. Production of which one of the following is a function of the liver? A. B. C. D.

Lipase Urea Mucus Hydrochloric acid

71. Oncogene is responsible for A. Aids B. typhoid C. malaria D. cancer 72. Which acid is produced when milk gets sour? A. B. C. D.

Acetic acid Tartaric acid Lactic acid Butyric acid

73. Two richest known sources of edible protein are

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A. B. C. D.

Meat and eggs Milk and vegetables Soyabean and groundnut Some algae and other micro-organisms

74. Which nutrients are most likely to be affected by food processing and storage? A. B. C. D.

Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Vitamins

75. The part of the body directly affected by Rickets is: (a) Bone tissue (b) Epidermal tissue (c) Nervous system (d) Respiratory system 76. The part of the body directly affected by Pneumonia is: (a) Bone tissue (b) Epidermal tissue (c) Nervous system (d) Respiratory system 77. The part of the body directly affected by Rabies is: (a) Bone tissue (b) Epidermal tissue (c) Nervous system (d) Respiratory system 78. The part of the body directly affected by Beri Beri disease is: For more downloads, visit

(a) Nervous system (b) Epidermal tissue (c) Respiratory system (d) Bone tissue 79. Amino acids are a product of the digestion of: (a) Carbohydrates (b) Fats (c) Proteins (d) Vitamins 80. Which one of the following pairs of food components in humans reaches the stomach totally undigested a) b) c) d)

Protein and starch Fat and starch Fat and cellulose Starch and cellulose

81. urea is the chief nitrogenous component of the excretory products of a) b) c) d)

Man Earthworm Cockroach Frog

82. Amino acids are used as food additives for which of the following reasons? a) As natural antibiotics b) As natural growth inhibitors c) For nutritive purposes d) As antioxidants

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83. Lycopene is an important antioxidant normally present in high level in a) Artichokes b) Bananas c) Tomatoes d) Soyabeans 84. The main effect of DDT on birds is a) fewer feathers b) reduced growth c) blindness d) thinner egg-shell 85. Which of the following is most hazardous? a) Crop waste b) Yard waste c) Paper waste d) Battery 86. The fertile part of soil is a) mineral water b) soil air c) humous d) soil water 87. The main source of air pollution is a) Factory exhaust b) Automobile exhaust c) Firewood d) Bad breath

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88. Majority of all living species on the Earth are found in a) Tundra region b) Antarctica c) Tropical rainforest d) Temperate region 89. Cell organelle found only in plants a) Mitochondria b) Plastids c) Golgi complex d) Ribosomes 90. Enzymes are polymers of a) Amino acids b) Fatty acids c) Sugar d) Ribosomes 91. Which trait can effectively be confered into a plant by a transgene? a) Resistance to insects b) Resistance to humans c) Tolerance to light d) Tolerance to snowfall 92. What is the general term used to describe the degradation of pollutants using a biological apporach? a) Biostimulation b) Bioremediation c) Biodegradation d) Bioprocessing

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93. Which genera of micro-organisms have the most diverse pathways for bioremediation? a) Pseudomonas b) Salmonella c) Legionella d) Colletotrichum 94. What is nanotechnology? a) The individual manipulation of molecules and atoms to create materials with novel or improved properties b) The creation of new terms to describe very small, almost unimaginable particle in physics c) The terms used to describe the size of cellular components d) The transition of molecular biology into the physical sciences 95. The colourless, odourless, tasteless radioactive gas present within homes and buildings is a) Argon b) Radon c) Xenon d) Krypton 96. Pedology is the study of a) Rock b) Coal c) Ecosystem d) Soil 97. The absorption of zinc in the human digestive tract may be inhibited by the presence of

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a) Plant fibre b) Animal fibre c) Water d) Oil 98. A species that is unique to a defined place or region and not found anywhere else is called a) Endangered b) Endemic c) Indigeneous d) Extinct 99. The main cause of global rising sea levels is a) Thermal expansion b) Melting of glaciers c) Melting of polar ice d) Melting of Antarctica 100. Anemometer is used to measure a) wind density b) wind velocity c) wind speed d) wind gravity 101. Ketone bodies are produced by a) brain b) liver c) kidney d) muscles

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102. Genetic mapping is based on the linkage between it on to a second substrate. a) loci b) muton c) recon d) cistron 103. Most of the plants obtain nitrogen from the soil in the form of a) nitrate b) nitrite c) nitric acid d) nitrogen gas 104. Soilless Culture is called • • • •

Hydrophobics Hydroponics Hydrophilic plant culture

105. Iron for the body is mainly obtained from • • • •

Fruits Germinating seeds Green vegetables Milk

106. Dialysis is used for a patient suffering from • • • •

heart trouble liver trouble brain trouble kidney trouble

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107. In which season do we need more fat • • • •

Summer Winter Rainy season None

108. Body build up food is • • • •

Fats Carbohydrates Proteins all the above

109. Human eye has • • • •

Concave Convex biconcave flattened lens

110. Diphtheria affects the • • • •

alimentary canal Throat Lungs Brain

111. Bleeding of the gums is caused by the deficiency of • • • •

A-Vitamin D-Vitamin Vitamin C and D K-Vitamin

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112. Gums disease is called • • • •

Diphtheria Anemic Pneumonia Pyorrhea

113. Thrombosis’ is a disease of the • • • •

blood skin Brain Lungs

114. ‘Cataract’ is the disease of • • • •

blood eyes Kidney Ears

115. The Chinese practice of curing a disease by needle is called • • • •

needle therapy acupuncture thrombosis none

116. The source from which quinine is extracted • • • •

Cinchona Fungi Roulfia Datura

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117. Which of the following is a sex linked disease • • • •

tuberculosis Bow leg gedness Colour blindness Anaemia

118. Milk sugar is called • • • •

Fructose galactose Sucrose Lactose

119. The vitamin found in chillies is • • • •

B-Vitamin C-Vitamin D-V itamin K-Vitamin

120. Casein is a • • • •

Milk sugar Milk fat Milk protein None

121. Rearing of silk worms is called • • • •

Arboriculture Sericulture Silviculture Apiculture

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122. Plants prepares the food in presence of sunlight by the phenomenon of • • • •

Osmosis transpiration photosynthesis none

123. Ascorbic acid is an a) Enzyme b) Carbohydrates c) Protein d) Vitamins

124. Culturing of honey bees is called • • • •

Arboriculture Sericulture Silviculture Apiculture

125. Insulin is a hormone which secretes from • • • •

liver gonads pancreas pituitary gland

126. The age of a tree can be determined by • • • •

the number of leaves on a tree measuring its diameter of stem Counting the number of annual ring the number of branches present on a tree

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127. Meningitis is a disease of the • • • •

liver Kidney heart brain

128. Antibiotics are drugs used for the cure of • • • •

Bacterial diseases Cancer Malaria Nervous disorders

129. Alexander Fleming discovered • • • •

Penicillin X-ray Streptomycin Telephone

130. Who discovered circulation of blood in human body? • • • •

Edward Jenner Joseph Lister William Harvey Jonon Esals

131. The credit of developing the polio vaccine goes to: • • • •

Jonas Salk Alb E. Sabin Selman Waksman none of these

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132. Anatomy is the branch of science which deals with: • • • •

Structure of animals and plants Functioning of body organs Animal behavior Cells and tissues

133. Ecology deals with: • • • •

Birds Cell formation Relation between Organisms and their environment Tissues

134. Oncology is the study of: • • • •

Birds Cancer Mammals Soil

135. How many bones are there in a newborn child approximately? • • • •

206 207 300 307

136. Who invented X-Ray? • • • •

Roland Hill Wilhelm K. Roentgen Marie Curie Graham Bell

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137. Who is the father of modern genetics? • • • •

Gregor Mendel Francis Crick Thomas Watson Charles Darwin

138. Largest muscle of human body is: • • • •

Pelvic Bicep Stapadius Cardiac

139. Name the longest bone of human body: • • • •

Radia Ulna Femur Tibia

140. Which gland in the human body is called Master Gland? • • • •

Pituitary Gland Bulbourethral gland Thyroid gland Lever

141. A branch of science dealing with the study of teeth is: • • • •

Odontology Ornithology Entomology Gerontology

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142. Which gland controls blood pressure? • • • •

Thyroid gland Pituitary Gland Bulbourethral gland Adrenal glands

143. How many chromosomes does the human cell contains? • • • •

46 38 29 52

144. Who is affected by ‘Foot and Mouth Disease? • • • •

Human being Goats Cattle Cats

145. Which disease is caused by the deficiency of vitamin B1? • • • •

Beriberi Measles Scratch Mumps

146. Malaria affects which part of the body? • • • •

Spleen Lungs Heart Kidneys

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147. With which part of the body is affected by Myopia? • • • •

Ears Heart Eyes Kidneys

148. Which part of the body is affected by Pyorrhea? • • • •

Elbow Gums Skin Lungs

149. What is the name of the instrument that is used to measure the pulse rate? • • • •

Hygrometer Thermometer Ammeter Sphygmometer

150. What are the antibodies that participate in the defence mechanism of our body made up of? • • • •

Proteins Vitamins Carbohydrates Minerals

151. Cow milk is a rich source of: • • • •

Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D

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152. Which of the following diseases is not caused by a virus? • • • •

Cancer Rabies AIDS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

153. Which of the following diseases is caused by the deficiency of iron in human body? • • • •

Anaemia Scurvy Dermatosis Beri-Beri

154. Which of the following is a disease of brain? • • • •

SARS AIDS Diabetes Alzheimer’s

155. India’s first transgenic crop was • • • •

Potato Brinjal Sugarcane Cotton

156. Total volume of blood in a normal adult human body: • • • •

5-6 liters 3-4 liters 8-10 liters 10-12 liters

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157. Name the hardest substance of the body: • • • •

the Enamel of teeth the skin the skull the thigh bone

158. How many sets of ribs usually are there with human being? • • • •

10 12 14 16

159. Tibia is a bone found in the: • • • •

Skull Arm Leg Face

160. What is the largest organ of human body? • • • •

Liver Intestine Skin Thigh

161. How many muscles are there in human body? • • • •

620 640 570 470

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162. Which part of the human body remains the same in size from birth to death? • • • •

Nose lips eyes ears

163. Human heart beats about how many times a day: • • • •

50 thousand times 74 thousand times 1 lakh times 78 thousand times

164. The main function of the kidney is: • • • •

To control blood pressure To control body temperature To remove waste product from the body To help in digestion of food

165. What is the speed that a human brain sends message? • • • •

140 mph 100 mph 240 mph 200 mph

166. Which of the following glands secrete tears? • • • •

Lachrymal Pituitary Thyroid Pancreas

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167. At the time of sneezing which part of human body stops functioning? • • • •

Lungs Heart Kidney Eyes

168. Bats can fly in the dark because • • • •

they have a better vision in the dark the light startles them they produce high pitched sounds called ultrasonic None of the above

169. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy refers to • • • •

Brain Fever Mad Cow Disease Enteric Fever Poultry Diarrhea

170. The heart of the human embryo starts beating in the ___ week of its development, • • • •

second third fourth first

171. The two minerals required to keep teeth and bones intact and in good condition are • • • •

lead and zinc calcium and phosphorus copper and sulphur iron and iodine

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172. Vitamins A and C are predominantly present in • • • •

brinjal lady’s finger potato tomato

173. Excess carbohydrates and insufficient proteins in daily diet will lead to • • • •

Kwashiorkor Night blindness Pernicious anaemia Loss of hair

174. Coagulation of blood in vessels is prevented during normal circulation by • • • •

heparin prothrombin plasmogen thromboplastin

175. If a father has blood group A and the mother has blood group 0, which one of the blood groups may be found in their progeny? • • • •

A AB O Both (a ) and (c )

176. The endocrine glands secrete • • • •

bile hormones sweat genes

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177. Which of these is most consistently observed in Vitamin B12 deficiency? • • • •

Pigmentation of skin Red, sore tongue with capillary atrophy Megaloblastic anaemia Absence of tendon reflexes

178. Which element in chillies causes burning sensations? • • • •

Capsaicin Cyanogen Ammonia Capsicum

179. Which one of the following is not an essential micronutrient for plants? • • • •

Boron Zinc Sodium Copper

180. The stones formed in human kidney consist mostly of • • • •

sodium acetate magnesium calcium oxalate calcium

181. A person with a blood group __ is considered to be an universal donor. • • • •

A Positive AB Positive AB Negative O negative

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182. It is possible to produce seedless tomato fruits by • • • •

applying trace elements in tomato fields spraying mineral solution on plants spraying hormones on flowers applying fertilizers containing radioactive elements

183. ‘Late Blight’ is a disease that affects the ____ crop. • • • •

coconut cashew potato pepper

184. Saffron is the dried _____ of the saffron plant. • • • •

fruit aril stigmas and tops of styles tender leaves and sprouts

185. Vitamin D is manufactured in a healthy human being by the action of ____ on the skin and absorbed in the blood stream. • • • •

ozone radium moonlight sunlight

186. Which of the following characteristics separates man from all other primates? • • • •

Exhibition of curiosity Degenerate sense of smell Opposability thumb Projecting chin

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187. Lactose and Rennin, the enzymes required to digest milk, disappear in the human body by the age of ____ years. • • • •

2 3 5 8

188. The term ‘Fauna’ means • • • •

plant kingdom animal kingdom neither Both

189. pH of blood remains constant due to • • • •

blood pressure perspiration buffer action respiration

190. Which one among the following statements regarding heart sounds is correct? • • • •

Heart sounds are caused by the internal blood flow inside the heart Heart sounds are caused by the external blood flow outside the heart Heart sounds are caused by opening and closing of heart valves Normal sounds are called ‘murmurs’

191. The seeds can most suitably preserved in : • • • •

cold and dry condition cold and wet condition hot and dry condition hot and wet condition

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192. Which among the following vitamins is considered to be a hormone? • • • •


193. Decomposition of organic matter is due to • • • •

Virus Fungi Bacteria None of these

194. Which of the following crops helps in nitrogen fixation? • • • •

Rice Wheat Maize Beans

195. The spider spins its web from a liquid secreting from its • • • •

posterior silk gland posterior abdomen glands mouth salivary glands

196. Which one of the following is caused by the expression of a recessive gene present on sex chromosome? • • • •

Rheumatism Nervous shock Muscular dystrophy Cerebral haemorrhage

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197. It Is not advisable to sleep under a tree at night because of release of • • • •

oxygen in a lesser quantity than the required levels oxygen in large amounts carbon monoxide carbon dioxide

198. The rate of growth of plants can be measured by a/an • • • •

manometer photometer auxanometer thermometer

199. Which of the following is not found in animal cell? • • • •

Cell wall of cellulose Nucleus Mitochondria None of these

200. Mammal capable of flying is : • • • •

Jaguar Ostrich Pallican Bat

201. The edible part of the potato is : • • • •

root bud fruit stem

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202. The small pox vaccine was discovered by • • • •

Edward Jenner Louis Pasteur John Harvey

203. In which of the following structure the human body vermiform appendix is included: • • • •

large intestine small intestine gall bladder stomach

204. Usually stem cutting is a culturing process which is used in: • • • •

banana sugarcane mango cotton

205. The fruits of coconut and mango are __. • • • •

pome drup beri hesperidium

206. Hydroponics is associated with a: • • • •

plant growth without soil plant growth without water relation of sound and air technique of water conservation

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207. Which of the following is not a mammal? • • • •

fish bat whale None of these

208. The hormone secreted when one is frightened or excited • • • •

pituitrin thyroxine parathormone adrenaline

209. Which of the following acid is present in the human abdomen? • • • •

sulphuric acid hydrochloric acid nitric acid picric acid

210. The enzyme that is necessary to bring about clotting of blood is • • • •

peptidase amylase lipase thrombokinase

211. Blood clotting requires vitamin • • • •


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212. Sex linked genes are carried by • • • •

X-chromosomes Y-chromosomes different part of X- and Y-chromosomes autosomes

213. Sickle-cellanemia is a disease caused due to the abnormality in • • • •

White blood cells Red blood cells Thrombocytes Blood plasma composition

214. The blood group AB is called universal recipient because: • • • •

antibody is found in the blood antibody is not found in the blood blood lacks antigen blood lacks both antibody and antigen

215. Carbohydrate are stored in plants and animals in the form of • • • •

cellulose and glucose respectively starch and glycogen respectively starch and glucose respectively cellulose and glycogen respectively

216. The science dealing with diseases of plants is called as __. • • • •

Plant anatomy Plant ecology Plant morphology Plant pathology

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217. Which one of the following techniques can be used to establish the paternity of a child? • • • •

Protein analysis Chromosome counting Quantitative analysis of DNA DNA finger printing

218. In human body, the pancreas secretes its enzymes into which one of the following? • • • •

Duodenum lleum Jejunum Stomach

219. Which among the following is the richest source of ascorbic acid? • • • •

Apple Bean Carrot Guava

220. The vitamin which is generally excreted by humans in urine is : • • • •

vitamin A vitamin D vitamin C None

221. The human body needs the following vitamins. Arrange them in the increasing order of their requirement: 1) Vitamin A 2) Vitamin D 3) Vitamin E 4) Vitamin K • •

1,2,3,4 3, 1,2,4

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• •

4,3,2, 1 1,4,3,2

222. Match the following A. Typhoid B. Measles C. Malaria D. Diabetes • • • •

1 . Metabolic disorder 2 . Bacteria 3 . Virus 4 . Protozoa

2341 1234 3241 4321

223. The virus of AIDS affects the growth of: • • • •

Haemoglobin RBCs in blood T cells in blood grey cells in brain

224. In the rabbit and horse, the appendix: • • • •

is very small helps in digestion of cellulose has no use stores food

225. Which of the following statements is true with respect to Leukaemia: • • • •

Number of RBCs increases in blood Number of WBCs increases in blood Number of both RBCs and WBCs decreases in blood Number of WBCs decreases in blood

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226. Which of the following is not an autoimmune disorder? a) Diabetes mellitus b) Haemolytic anemia c) Rheumatic fever d) Cholera 227. The natural anticoagulant of blood in the vessel is a) EDTA b) Oxalate c) Citrate d) Heparin 228. Western blotting technique is used to detect the a) proteins b) DNA c) mRNA d) rRNA 229. Which of the following is not a renewable energy resource? a) Wood b) Wave c) Biogas d) Natural gas 230. Streptomycin is used to cure the diseases caused by a) Bacteria b) Virus c) Yeast d) Fingi

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231. Antihaemorrhagic vitamin is also called as a) Vitamin E b) Vitamin K c) Vitamin D d) Vitamin B12 232. Erythropoietin, the hormone involved in synthesis of RBCs, is released to blood circulation by a) red blood cells b) bone marrow cells c) renal cells d) hepatic cells 233. Plasma bicarbonate is transported across red blood cells by a) Pectrin b) Ankyrin c) Carbonic anhydrase d) Band 3 protein 234. The discovery of human blood group was made by a) Emil Von Behring b) Ehrlich c) Landsteiner d) Milstein 235. “Penicillin” the wonder drug was discovered first by Alexander Fleming from the culture of a) Penicillium notatum b) Penicillium chrysogenum c) Penicillium funiculosum d) Penicillium stoloniferum

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236. Who developed the Rabies vaccine? a) Robert Koch b) Robert Gallo c) Walther Hesse d) Louis Pasture 237. Sugar in the nucleotide is a) Hexose b) Pentose c) Priose d) Heptose

238. The first viral pathogen discovered was a) HIV b) TMV c) HPV d) YMV 239. Plague is caused by a) Bacterium b) Fungus c) Alga d) Virus 240. Selman A. Waksman was awarded Nobel Prize for the discovery of a) Penicilin b) Streptomyces c) Streptomycin d) Penicillium

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241. Robert Koch has been awarded Nobel Prize in 1905 for the discovery of a) Anthrax b) Cholera c) Tuberculosis A) a and b B) a and c C) only a D) only c 242. Organisms, which utilize simple inorganic compounds, are termed as a) Phototrophs b) Autotrophs c) Heterotrophs d) Necrotrophs 243. Which of the following methods is employed for disposal of sludge that is contaminated with heavy metals heavily? a) Incineration b) Drying c) Landfilling d) Composting 244. Deterioration of fat in the presence of oxygen is due to the enzyme a) Lipase b) Protease c) Lipoxygenase d) Peptidase 245. In cheese manufacture, curd is formed by the addition of a) Renin b) Protease c) Peptidase d) Amylase For more downloads, visit

246. Excessive intake of polished rice causes deficiency of a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B1 c) Vitamin D d) Vitamin K 247. Tofu is a processed product of a) Kidney bean b) navy bean c) Broad bean d) Soyabean 248. Decomposition of carbohydrates by microorganisms or enzymes is called a) Putrefaction b) Fermentation c) Canning d) Dextrinisation 249. Consider the following statements: A. Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D. B. On heating milk combines with casein and is converted to calcium caseinate. Of these a) Statement A is correct and B is wrong b) Statements A and B are correct c) Statements A and B are wrong d) Statement A is wrong and B is correct 250. Pace maker of heart a) S. A. Node b) A.V. node c) A.V. septum d) I.A.septum For more downloads, visit

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