Validation and Integration of the NCBTS-BASED TOS for LET Legenda International Hotel, Subic, Olongapo City February 9-11, 2009 SPECIALIZATION: SPECIALIZATION: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES NCBTS Domain Nm!er 4 (4.14.1-4 4.7)
1. Bio Biolog logical ical Scie cience 1 Plan lant and Animal Biology (5)
#. Eath and En%ionmental Science (4)2 4 (4. (4.11-4 4.7)
&. Bio Biollogic ogical al Scie cience # (5)
& 'eigh t
1.1 Explain the basic pinciples o! classi"cation in biology 1.# Analy$e the elationships among le%els o! classi"cation 1.& 'ite the contibtions o! mao taxonomists taxonomists 1.4 'lassi!y the mao taxonomic taxonomic gops (moneans* potists* !ngi* plants and animals 1.5 Analy$e a dichotomos +ey based on stcte and !nction 1., denti!y the basic needs o! plants and animals !o goth and de%elopment 1.7 /etemin /etemine e bene"c bene"cial0h ial0ham! am!l l plants plants and animals #.1 c0o 3eneal Edcation 3op
&.1 /esci scib be the the basic asic poce ocesses ses to main aintain tain homeostasis (i. e.* atotophic ntition* heteotophic heteotophic ntition* tanspot o! mateials* espiation* excetion* eglation and
4 (4. (4.11-4. 4.7) 7)
4. n no oga gani nic c 'he 'hem4 m4 (4.1 (4.1-4.7)isty (5)
4 (4.1-4.7)
5. 'ell Biology (&)
locomotion) &.# Explain the basic steps in the acisition and elease o! enegy in li%ing oganisms &.& 'ompae the pocesses o! asexal and sexal epodction in tems o! methods and eslts &.4 'ite physical0beha%ioal adaptations o! selected oganisms &.5 Explain the pinciple There is unity in diversity . &., Explain the pinciple There is complimentarity complimentarity between structure and function. 4.1 /escibe the stcte and !nction o! the !olloing atoms* ions* and elements6 molecles molecles and componds6 and chemical bonds 4.# ntepet chemical notation 4.& ntepet the peiodic table 4.4 Explain chemical bonding and molecla stcte 4.5 /escibe the chaacteistics o! solids* liids* and gases 4., 4., 'ite 'ite exam exampl ples es o! mixt mixt es es 5.1 /escibe e%idences in the de%elopment o! 'ell heoy 5.# /i8eentiate po+ayotic !om e+ayotic cell 5.& 'ompae the stcte and !nction o! a plant and an animal cell
4 (4.1-4.7)
,. Ecology (5)
4 (4.14.1-4 4.7)
7. ;g ;ganic anic 'he 'hemist misty y (5) (5)
4 (4 (4.1-4.7)
:. . Biochemisty (5)
:.& 'ite the bene"cial0ham!l bene"cial0ham!l e8ects o! micooganisms micooganisms to hmans* othe oganisms* oganisms* and the en%ionment .1 Ex Explain th the ma mao po points o! o! #>-4#&,,10>1,-45:>#4>
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