Biological and Cultural Evolution
October 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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rgdgrs Ibo`ocbka` gvo`utbol to thg khalcgs, moebdbkatbol, varbatbol ale varbatbols s bl thg cglgtbks ale blhgrbtge trabts od ibo`ocbka` popu`atbols drom olg cglgratbol to alothgr
Ku`tura` gvo`utbol ‛ rgdgrs
to thg khalcgs or egvg`opmglt bl ku`turgs drom sbmp`g to morg komp`gx dorm oddorm humal ku`turg
Khar`gs Earwbl (18>21889) ‛ Damous Glc`bsh latura`bst ale cgo`ocbst that bltroeukge thg thgory od gvo`utbol
- rgdgr to thg humal, p`alt, Dossb`sale albma` rgmabls that havgtbmg iggl prgsgrvge `bjg humal or throuch tggth, sju``, iolg ale albma` dracmglts.
Artbdakts- rgdgr to thg oifgkts wgrg(stolg maeg too`s, ale usge iythat humals kgrambks, mgta` too`s, ale iurba` fars)
Homblbe- thg cglgra` skbgltbststgrm to usge iy katgcorbzge thg croup od gar`y humals ale othgr humal`bjg krgaturgs that kal wa`j grgkt eurblc thg
prghbstorbk tbmgs
5 Katgcorbgs od Homblbe iasge ol thg acg od thg artbdakts ale dossb`s 1. [ahg`althropus 9. Arebpbthgkus ;. Austra`opbthgkus 5. Homo
[ahg`althropus ioth humal`bjg hae ale apg`bjga`most kharaktgrbstbks, hgbcht sbmb`ar to khbmpalzgg, irabl sbzg ;9>-;8> kuibk kgltbmgtgrs: grs: hae thg kgltbmgt aib`bty to wa`j uprbcht
Arebpbthgkus mgals apg ol thg croule. Uhg do``owblc kharaktgrbstbk: hgbcht aiout 5 dggt, wgbcht aiout 19> poules, sju`` sbmb`ar to al apg, sma`` irabl, ibpg(wa`j ol 9 `gcs or dggt)
Austra`opbthgkus or ‐southgrl `bvge thg Adrbkalapg,” Fulc`g drob
7 mb``bol to 1 mb``bol sbzg 7>> yrs aco. Irabl kuibk kgltbmgtgr, uprbcht, ibpge, too`s usgrs lot majgrs, atg blsgkt,
drubts, p`alts ale somgtbmgs mgat.
@uky was kolsbegr kolsbegrge ge as olg od moegrl humal‒s gar`bgst alkgstors ale rgmabls as thg most damous homblbe ebskovgr
arg Homo k`assbdbge as humals ale lot `bjg humal`bjg krgaturgs krgatur gs igkausg thgy thgy hae
ibccgr irabls ale ibpgea`
omo spgk gs
blk`ueg 1. Homo haib`bs 9. Homo grgktus ;. Homo sapbgls
Homo haib`bs (haley mal) ‛ hae thg aib`bty to proeukg too`s. Hgbcht od aiout ;-5 dggt, irabl sbzg 3>> kuibk kgltbmgtgr kgltbmgtgr,, maeg too`s ka``ge o`eowal, usge too`s dor
hultblc ale cathgrblc
Homo grgktus (uprbcht mal) kamg drom homo grcastgr ‛ gstbmatge to havg `bvge drom 1.8 mb``bol to ;>>,>>> yrs aco. Irabl sbzg 1>>> kk, hgbcht aiout
dbvg dggt ale wa`js uprbcht
Homo sapbgls (thbljblc mal) kolsbegrge as moegrls humals. Uhgbr physbka` alatomy bs sbmb`ar to moegrls humal igblcs. @arcg irabl sbzg 15>> kk, `bvge shg`tgrs, dooe cathgrgrs, atg p`alts ale drubts, hultge albma`s, `garl to
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