Biofilter for Odour Control
Short Description
Biofilter for Odour Control...
INTRODUCTION H2S is highly toxic, odorous and poisonous It is produced from
Petroleum refining
Waste water treatment
Paper and pupl manufacturing
Food processing
H2S removal is crucial in every odour abatement
Several chemical and physical process are used for removal !hey are less effective and more expensive
Why Bioflter ????? It uses microorganisms to remove undesirable components
"ow operation cost
"ow maintenance re#uirement
"ow energy re#uirement
$o secondary pollution
“Performance of Biofilter for the Removal of Hydrogen
Sulphide Odour”; %ehman, & ' , Faroo#i I H and (yub S In this paper laboratory scale experiments were performed to evaluate the feasibility of biofilters for the removal of H 2S from wastewater treatment plant waste air )ompost was used as media in biofilter )arried out in six different phases, by increasing H2S concentrations gradually It was concluded that the biofilter, used in the study, was more efficient for low contaminant concentrations
“Biofiltration: An Innovative Air Pollution ontrol
!echnology "or #O $mi%%ion%”; *ero "eson and (rthur
+ Winer Thi !"!er #ie$ the hitory "%& '(rre%t t"t( o) *iofltr"tio%+ o(tli%e it (%&erlyi%, 'ie%tif' "%& e%,i%eeri%,
"!!li'"*ility o) *ioflter )or " $i&e r"%,e o) !e'if' e-iio% o(r'e .
“&icro'ial 'iofiltration technology for odour a'atement”;
Sonil $anda, Praash -umar Sarangi and .ayanthi (braham
!his report describes the generation of odorants from different sources and their possible degradation by suitable microbial cultures In addition, comparisons among physiochemical and biological methods for odour abatement have been discussed $evertheless, the type of biofilter, its pacing material and other reaction conditions for an effective biofiltration have also been considered
!o design a biofilter and determine operational parameters necessary to optimi/e the performance
(lso to study the effect of operational parameters on 2 removal efficiency
Schematic representation of an open single0 bed biofilter system
A typical biofilter configuration
Water sprinler system to apply moisture directly to
the filter media surface
!he typical depth of biofilter media is 1 m
+any different media types include soil, compost,
sand, shredded bar, peat, heather, volcanic ash, and a mixture of these components
!he growth and activities of the microorganisms is
dependent on •
absence of toxic materials
ample inorganic nutrients
optimum moisture conditions,
appropriate temperatures
neutral pH range
ECANI (s odorous gas passes through biofilter 2 processes occur simultaneously
Sorption (dsorption 3 (bsorption4
5io conversion
Organic Pollutant + O2 ─> CO2 + H2O + Biomass
!he depending factors in the biofilter design are 6
7olumetric flow rate of air to be treated
Specific air contaminants and their concentration
+edia characteristics
5iofilter si/e
+oisture control
"iterature values for biofilter airflows range from 8889 to 88829m:s and are typically 8819 to 882 m:s
EDIA CARACTERITIC )ritical properties of media material include6
+oisture holding capacity
$utrient content
Slow decomposition
EDIA CARACTERITIC ;rganic mixture for odour removal biofilters ranges from approximately
!ime that the air is in contact with biofilter media
!aen as =02< seconds
5eyond 2< seconds there is no apparent effect
>5)!? 7olume of media:(irflow rate
!he actual contact time is usually less than >5%!
OITURE CONTENT Inade#uate moisture
(llow the media to dry out
@eactivate the microbes
)reate cracs and channelling of air
%esults in reduction of filter efficiency
OITURE CONTENT !oo much moisture cause
"imit oxygen flow
!hus create anaerobic /ones in the biofilm
OITURE CONTENT %ecommended moisture content for biofilters range from A80B9C wet basis
;ptimal moisture content is 980B9C
+oisture content C4 ? mass of water4: mass of water D mass of dry pacing4 x 188
+icroorganisms tolerate a temperature range of =80E8F
!he pH in compost filters is typically between= and In some cases the biodegradation of air pollutants can generate acidic by0products %educes filterGs removal efficiency Hence add buffers lie lime
AINTAINENCE @ifferent areas that re#uire maintenance are
+oisture content
(ssessment of pressure drop
)ost for installation of fans, media ductwor ,plenum and labour to construct
+aintenance cost
;peration cost
DEI6N TE: For given airflow rate and >5%!
+edia 7olume 7m 4 ? (ir flow rate 4 x >5%! J : B8
If area is not limited select a suitable depth @m
'nit (ir flow rate ? : (m
'nit Pressure @rop
'P@4 ? 2 x C of 7oids 4 x 'nit air flow rate
!otal Pressure @rop ? 'P@ x @ m
>xpected !otal pressure drop and (ir flow rate can be used to select exhaust fan
RE;ERENCE () “Performance of Biofilter for the Removal of Hydrogen Sulphide Odour”; %ehman, & ' , Faroo#i I H and (yub
S, Int . >n viron %es,
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