Bioenergy for Dummies

December 1, 2016 | Author: IrwanEffendi | Category: N/A
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Scientific explanation on bioenergy (chi), writter for dummies (those who haven't got a clue, or have been taught fa...


BIOENERGY FOR DUMMIES PREFACE This material is created by the Research and Development depatartment of Asosiasi Reiki Seluruh Indonesia (All Indonesia Reiki Association /ARSI) in order to rectify the common misunderstandings about bioenergy, and also to bridge the knowledge gap between bioenergy practitioners who are merely hobbyist, with those who are professional therapist. The fact on the field, at least until the time this material is created, is that the common folks view bioenergy in the same way that the common folks from 1000 years ago viewed lightning as weapon of a god, and the way that the common folks from 3000 years ago viewed heavenly bodies as gods; everything is always connected to superstition and mystics It is hoped that this material can provide rational basic understanding to bioenergy, thus reducing or even ending debates or even adversaries as the result of different point of view of the stakeholders. Jakarta, October 2013

Head of Department of Research and Development, ARSI Irwan Effendi

LIST OF CONTENT I. Bio- (Life) II. Energy III. Bioenergy IV. Nadi V. Chakra VI. Kundalini

Research and Development -Asosiasi Reiki Seluruh Indonesia - - [email protected]

Bio- (life) For a commonfolk, if asked “to list life forms”, will answer “human, animal and plants”. Even though this answer adhere to primary school lessons, however it is this sort of understanding which later becomes the basis of misunderstanding about life. Formally, “life” is defined as “the ability to grow, change and reproduce”. Based on this definition then human, animal and plants are not single life forms but instead a collection of numerous life forms, because the majority of cells in our body each has the ability to “grow, change and reproduce”. The truth of this kind of understanding can be easily seen from illness cases such as tumour, cancer, autoimmune and such, where what happens is a group of cell grow, change and reproduce independently and in defiance of the main system. Should “consciousness” of human is considered as the evidence that human is a singular life form, then such condition can be compared to insects that live under colony system, such as bees. A bee does not possess individual consciousness, instead one colony of bee has a single consciousness, while individual bee act based on “instructions” from the colony consciousness; therefore if evaluated by consciousness level, one individual bee is not more conscious than a single cell in the human body; even worse, individual bee cannot reproduce, only the queen of the colony is capable of reproduction. Thus what constitutes life forms is not as narrow as “human, animal and plants”, instead it is very diverse; it just that they are indeed very different in nature and therefore requires an open and objective mind in order to be able to recognize it. Energy When a common folk reads the word “energy” then what comes to mind is usually light and electricity, while a bioenergy hobbyist will think about Qi Gong, Metaphysics and such; usually only an expert in physics or chemistry will think about energy in a wide and diverse way. As the matter of fact, “everything in this universe is energy”. Movement is energy; heat is energy; wind is energy; thought is energy; atoms that forms physical objects are energy bounded on a stable system; even space, which used to be thought as emptiness, now has been understood as consisting of “dark matter” and “dark energy”. Thus everything is energy; what makes them different is the form and the features. Magnetic wave and light are both energy, yet light cannot pull iron; likewise gravity and sound are both energy, yet gravity can only be felt while sound can be heard. Another common misconception among the bioenergy hobbyist is to say that they “draw energy from stars” or even “draw energy from the galactic core”. As the matter of fact, the closest start from the earth is our sun known by the name Sol, whereas the core of the Milkyway galaxy is concentration of “dark matter” and “dark energy” or in common language “space”, thus drawing energy from star can be equates to bathing under the sunlight, whilst drwing energy from the galactic core can be equates to being in a room; in other words, those two things are normal daily activities which are given “bombastic” terms as the result of misconception. Bioenergy As explained above, Bio (life) has a wide meaning, while Energy is everything; however the use Research and Development -Asosiasi Reiki Seluruh Indonesia - - [email protected]

of the term Bioenergy in therapeutic context is limited to the scope of energy needed or used by life forms similar to human, in more precise manner is carbon based life forms. By understanding that the majority of cells in our body are also life forms, it can also be understood that each group of cell having different functions will most likely utilize slightly different type of Bioenergy; for example the blood cells and the brain cells, are two group of cells with different form and functions, and utilizes slightly different type of Bioenergy. Based on the western medicine knowledge, the functions within human body is grouped into several systems such as nervous system, reproduction system and others. Because all cells involved in the same system must be able to communicate in order to cooperate well, each physical system in the body has its own energy system. Therefore it can be said that the types of Bioenergy used by a life form depends on how many systems does the life form has. Types of Bioenergy known to be utilized by human are:       

Energy of endocrine system, which is the same type with energy of muscular system Energy of reproduction system Energy of digestive system Energy of blood circulatory system (this includes the immune and lymphatic system) Energy of respiratory system Energy of nervous system Energy of mental control system Nadi

A system must have communication line, thus each Bioenergy system also must have communication line. The common term used to describe Bioenergy communication channel is Nadi, which in formal English can simply be said as “Energy channel”. Nadi correlates with “Meridian” in accupuncture, which is also a term for Bioenergy communication channel; however Meridian is physical location passed by Energy channel while Nadi is the Energy channel itself; correlation of the two can be analogized as correlation between electric current and electric cable, where Nadi is electric current while Meridian is electric cable. It is important to understand that even though normally electricity flows through electric cable but it does not always have to be that way; it is possible to have electricity flow without cable, the natural example of it, is lightning. The main Nadi in the human body stretches from the meeting of the tailbone and the backbone, upwards to several cm above the head. This main Nadi is usually called Sushumna, and even though often thought as only exists around the backbone, this Sushumna actually shaped like a very sharply oval bracelet and it pass through both the backbone and the front side of the body. To stabilize Sushumna, there are two other Nadis that run side by side spiralling around Sushumna; a Nadi that hold cold energy called Ida and a Nadi that hold hot energy called Pingala. The ratio of activity between Ida and Pingala determines whether someone is more resistant towards cold or more resistant towards heat, or neutral.

Research and Development -Asosiasi Reiki Seluruh Indonesia - - [email protected]

Chakra All existing Nadis must interconnect with each other in order to create a complete and fully functional communication system; the location where two Nadi meet will form a vortex of energy called Chakra. In human energy system, there are hundreds of minor Chakras and 7 major Chakras; the major Chakras are the location of meeting point between one Bioenergy type with the Sushumna. The 7 Major Chakra are: Base chakra: the meeting with Nadi of endocrine system, normally located near the joint between tail bone and back bone Sex chakra: the meeting with Nadi of reproduction system, normally located between the prostates (for man) and between the ovariums (for women) Solar plexus chakra: the meeting with Nadi of digestive system, normally located within the stomach Heart chakra: the meeting with Nadi of blood circulatory system, normally located near the corona of the heart. Throat chakra: the meeting with Nadi of respiratory system, normally located near the base of the neck. Ajna chakra: the meeting with Nadi of nervous system, normally located between the pituitary glands, around the area of the optical chiasm (the meeting point between the optic nerves of the right and left eyes). Crown chakra: the meeting with Nadi of mental control system, normally located around 10-12 cm above the center of the top of the head. The pattern and the activity of each major Chakras Pola are major influence to human life, both in the matter of health and the matter of characters and abilities. The following are correlation between Chakras, character and abilities, that has been identified: Base chakra The smaller is the base chakra, the higher is the anxiety level of a person regarding survival; this anxiety automatically triggers the desire to have more than needed (ambition). On the other hand, the larger is the base chakra, the calmer is someone in facing the difficulties of life, but this calmness will diminish ambition. Abilities in the area of martial arts mostly depends on the pattern and size of the Base and Sex chakras. Sex chakra The smaller is the sex chakra, the lower is someone's passion, thus such person will tend to be “timid”, on the other hand the larger is the sex chakra, the passion will increase and someone will become “aggressive”, but this increased passion will also interfere with concentration. Abilities in the field of athletic sports mostly depends on the pattern of Sex and Solar plexus chakras. Solar plexus chakra The smaller is the solar plexus chakra, the lower is someone's self confidence, in this manner that person will tend to be careful and avoid confrontation; on the other hands the larger is the solar plexus chakra, self confidence will rise but also the tendency to face confrontation head on, thus becoming Research and Development -Asosiasi Reiki Seluruh Indonesia - - [email protected]

rather reckless, to the point of intentionally looking for confrontation to satisfy the need of the confidence. The ability to play music depends on the pattern and size of the Solar plexus and Heart chakras. The ability to give public speech depends on the pattern and size of Solar plexus and Throat chakras. Heart chakra The smaller is the heart chakra, the more difficult it will be for the person to feel the flow of energy, thus intense emotional moments will be rather rare and also difficult to understand the feelings of others. On the other hands, the larger is the heart chakra, it becomes easier to feel the flow of energy, thus intense emotional moments will be frequent and also easy to understand what others feel. The ability to sing (aside of the voice) depends on the pattern and size of the Heart and Throat chakras. The ability to paint depends on the pattern and size of Sex, Heart and Ajna chakras. Throat chakra The smaller is the throat chakra, that person will become less communicative. On the other hands, the larger is someone's throat chakra that person will become more communicatiove. The ability to seduce and flatter depends on the pattern and size of Sex, Heart and Throat chakras. The ability to cook depends on the pattern and size of the Heart, Throat and Ajna chakras. Ajna chakra The smaller the ajna chakra, the less frequent will a person has ideas beyond the routine habits. On the other hand, the larger the ajna chakra, a person will more frequently has ideas to try something new. Frequency of ajna chakra is also known to have direct correlation with the ability of processing information, thus very influential towards IQ. The ability to compose music depends on the pattern and size of Sex, Heart and Ajna chakras. Ability in science depends on the pattern and size of Ajna and Crown chakras. Crown chakra The smaller the crown chakra, the harder for someone to have an open mind. On the other hands, The larger someone's crown chakra, that person will become easier to have an open mind. Whether someon becomes a fanatic or not depends on the pattern and size of the Crown chakra. Kundalini All Nadi exists because of energy flow; each Nadi related to a bodily system obviously exists because of the flow of the energy of that system. However so, both Ida and Pingala is not directly caused by any specific bodily system, thus where does both of the Nadis come from ? The answer is “Kundalini”. Kundalini is one of the most misunderstood thing among the Bioenergy hobbyiset, as the result of the habit of book authors to quote other books or writings without assessing the truth. General understanding about Kundalini is some sort of miraculous energy which always existed for as long as a human is still alive, can increase by itself and can “liberate” human from all kinds of illnesses. In fact, free flowing energy unprotected by bound energy (physical matter) will be vulnerable to interference Research and Development -Asosiasi Reiki Seluruh Indonesia - - [email protected]

from other energy and disperse quickly; free energy also does not increase by itself, instead it requires addition from external sources by involving physical matter. Thus based on the natural law, no energy will lasts in the same location for the duration of human average lifespan of 70 years, unless there is a physical object that contains it or maybe even the source of it. Kundalini is actually one cell which comes from the first phase of the division of the egg after fertilization. The main function of Kundalini is to safekeep the whole genetic information of a lifeform. Its normal location is not far from the meeting of the tail bone with the backbone, in one of the capilarries that absorbs the cerebrospinal fluid flowing down through the back bone. It is Kundalini that produces the energy that forms the Ida and Pingala Nadis, thus the activity of both Nadis are entirely depend on Kundalini. Kundalini can leave its normal location if it undergoes substantial increase in its energy capacity, and enters the center of the backbone and then move upwards until it reach the brain, which becomes its final position. At this final position, Kundalini energy capacity can be continuously increased so that it can improve the efficiency of all other Nadis. Kundalini is not particular to human and it has been known that all vertebraes also has Kundalini even though the energy differs from species to species.

Research and Development -Asosiasi Reiki Seluruh Indonesia - - [email protected]

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