Binding Spell

December 10, 2016 | Author: James Bell | Category: N/A
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Excuse any typos List of needed Materials: Small Black Candle A Cord (Preferably Black, but white works too) A Glass Jar w/Lid (Big enough to hold your candle and cord inside with a closed lid) Preparation: IMPORTANT: This spell must be performed during the DARK MOON. The dark moon is always the THREE DAYS before the NEW MOON! You may perform it any of those three days. Thuroughly clean out the jar and bless it with salt and water Prepare your alter with candle and cord and jar with lid on the alter On it you will need your god and goddess candles, the god candle will remain unlit for he will not be invoked in this rite. You will need representatives of the four corners (North, East, South, West or Earth Air Fire and Water). There will be multiple goddess's invoked in this rite, one for each person attending this rite. Each attendee will pick a goddess special to them, Make sure the goddess is appropriate for the need. You would not invoke Aphrodite or Astarte in this rite because Aphrodite is the goddess of love and vanity and Astarte is the goddess of higher knowledge and wisdom. The goddess you would mostly invoke could include, though not limited to, The Morrighan, who is the goddess of war and protection. Isa, a goddess of ice and binding, Ganesha, a goddess of balance and karma. Each person will choose and write a short invokation. The Rite: Will all gathered ingrediants on the alter and your goddess invokations in hand, build your circle in a traditional fashion, how ever your choose to build your circle. Once the circle is built invite the Four Corners, Watchtowers, or Elements to join and protect your in your rite. You may do this in any fashion you wish. Once this is done you may Invoke your goddesses in turn. Start with a person who is not leading the rite or ritual. And going clockwise, take turns invoking your goddesses. Once the goddesses are invoke you may get down to the spell. The Spell: First thing you must always do in a spell is state your purpose. This is important because it tells the energy in the circle where it is going and what it is doing. It always gives you and your goddesses focus during the spell. You may do this poetically or not. You may name the person you are binding or just keep them in mind when doing so. At this time, if you wish, you may carve any symbols, affirmations, or phrases on your black candle, you may use a working knife, a wand, or athame, even your finger will suffice. Now we perform the spell, below is a short incantation that is to be repeated nine times, while you are chanting this you need to walk widdershins (counter-clock wise). Your harm and hate, We now deflate. Walking around the is very important. It raises a cone of power which, when you close the circle, will be sent out to do its purpose. After you finsihe the chant, take the unlit black candle and the cord, starting with the circle leader, wrap the cord around the candle and tie a knot, pass it back and forth tying another knot each time, until there are a total of nine knots.

Once there are nine knots put the candle and cord in the jar. Set it aside until after the rite is complete. With the spell almost done, you may now release the corners, watchtower, or elements. Then release your goddesses and thank them for their help and protection. Always release your gods last. With the elements and gods departed you may close the circle. To do this walk around the circle nine times and after the ninth time through your arms in the air. You will immediately feel a difference. The air will be cooler, and you will feel it move once more. With the circle and rite done, you must "dispose" of teh jar and its contents. To do this you must fill the jar with water, but do not put the lid on it yet. With the lid off, put the jar in teh freezer and allow the water to freeze. Once that is done then you may put the lid on teh jar. Keep the jar in your freezer always. For as long as the jar is in your freezer and the water is frozen, your person will always be binded. If, at some point, you wish to unbind, take the jar out, unfreeze its contents, and bury everything.

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