
November 1, 2018 | Author: Scribd | Category: Constitution, Clothing, Government, Religion And Belief
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What in the World Sample...


Levels 1 (grades 5 and up)


Bill �� Article

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2017/2018: Issue 4

A monthly current events resource for for Canadian Canadia n classrooms Routing Slip: (please circulate)

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 Mission Statement  LesPlan Educational Services Ltd. aims to help teachers develop students’ understanding o and ability to critically assess current issues and events by providing quality up-to-date, affordable, ready-to-use resources.

Level �, ����/����: Issue �

PUBLISHER Eric Wieczorek 

 Suggested Approach

EDIOR-IN-CHIEF Janet Radschun Wieczorek 

 What in the World? is a complete current events program that can be used on its own or to supplement an existing classroom routine. Tis classroom-ready resource offers ‘something or everyone’ and ca n be taught as a whole or in parts, in-class or as a homework assignment.

EDIORS Rosa Harris Ada McKim


 What in the World?:


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Vivien Bowers

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What in the world? • Lev el 1 • article

issue 4


Quebec’s Bill 62 in the spotlight 

On October ��, Quebec’s Liberal government passed Bill �� by a  vote o �� to ��. Te new law bans Quebecers who give or receive government services rom wearing ace coverings. Tat includes anyone who works in – or makes use o – public schools, universities, hospitals, clinics, subsidized daycare centres, municipalities, and public transit. Reasons for the bill

Bill �� mainly affects Muslim women who wear niqabs or burkas.

Quebec lawmakers said they introduced the bill because many people in the province believe that the state should not promote religion o any kind. As well, they argued that Bill �� encourages equality between men and women. Since Islam doesn’t require men to cover their aces, women shouldn’t have to, either. Not strict enough…

Quebec’s two main opposition parties are the Parti Québécois and the Coalition Avenir Québec. Tey weren’t happy with the bill. Tey said it doesn’t go ar enough. Tey wanted it

to be more like the Charter o Values. Te Charter o Values was a law that the previous Parti Québécois government tried – but ailed – to pass in ����. It would have banned all public employees rom wearing “conspicuous ” religious symbols at work. Or too strict?

Others were critical o the bill because it seemed to target just one religious group. I the state wants to be neutral on religion, why are Quebec citizens allowed to wear other religious symbols, such as cruci�xes, turbans, kippas, and kirpans, they asked?

 De fi ni ti ons �����: a long, loose garment covering the whole body rom head to eet, worn in public by many Muslim women as a sign o modesty and a symbol o religious aith �����������: very noticeable or easy to see, especially because o being unusual or different �����: a skullcap worn by orthodox male Jews at all times and by others or prayer Page 3

������: a sword or knie carried by Sikhs to ul�ll a religious commandment ������� : not supporting any side or position in a controversy  �����: a veil worn by some Muslim women in public, covering all o the ace apart rom the eyes, as a sign o modesty and a symbol o religious aith ����������: partially paid or using government unds

What in the world? • Lev el 1 • article

issue 4


Quebec’s Bill 62 in the spotlight  Muslim women also said they should get to decide whether or not to cover their aces. “People are trying to liberate us, but they’re doing the opposite when they’re telling us what to do,” said Montrealer Asma Ahmad, who moved to Quebec 10 years ago rom the United Arab Emirates. “Nobody is orcing us to cover ourselves, but this law is orcing us to uncover ourselves.” Some details still need  to be worked out

Afer the bill was passed, Quebec Justice Minister Stéphanie Vallée offered more details about the law. She explained that under certain conditions, people will be permitted to keep their eatures covered or religious reasons. However, the government is still working out how to treat requests rom people who want to do so. It’s also still determining who will enorce the bill, and how.

Court challenge

For and against

In the meantime, a coalition o Muslim and civil liberty groups is challenging the new law in Quebec Superior Court.

Federal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould says she’s been ollowing the progress o Bill ��. She does not believe that the government should be telling people what they can and cannot wear. However, most Quebecers seem to support the legislation.

Te coalition’s lawyer is Catherine McKenzie. She said Bill �� violates the right to equality and reedom o religion. She pointed out that those rights are guaranteed by Canada’s Charter o Rights and Freedoms. Tey’re also guaranteed by Quebec’s Charter o Human Rights and Freedoms. Causing harm

On November ��, Ms. McKenzie asked the judge to suspend the bill as soon as possible. Why the rush? Because the law is already having a negative effect on Muslim women who wear the  veil. Fatima Ahmad is a good example. She is one o the women challenging the bill. Ms. Ahmad says she has experienced “an increase in Islamophobic and aggressive remarks” on the street since the new law passed.

A recent poll ound that �� percent o people in the province believe women wearing niqabs should be banned rom visiting government offices. Only eight percent said women wearing niqabs should be welcome. Moving forward

For its part, the Quebec government said it had no plans to back down. It will deend the law in court. “We are in a ree and democratic society,” said Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard. “You speak to me, I should see your ace, and you should see mine. It’s as simple as that.” J

 De fi ni ti ons ������� �� ������ ��� ��������: a bill o rights entrenched in the Constitution o Canada. Te Charter guarantees certain political rights to Canadian citizens and civil rights o everyone in Canada rom the policies and actions o all areas and levels o the government. ����� ������� �����: people who work together to ensure that everyone has the reedom to exercise their rights that are guaranteed under the law  Page 4

���������: a temporary union o different groups who agree to work together to achieve a shared goa l ������������: o or to do with the dislike o or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political orce �������� : to give reedom or equal rights to a person or group ������ �������� �����: the highest trial court in the province o Quebec

What in the world? • Lev el 1 • article

issue 4


Quebec’s Bill 62 in the spotlight  ON THE LINES

Answer the ollowing in complete sentences:

�. Which controversial law did the Quebec government pass in mid-October?

�. Explain how this law will affect certain people in Quebec.

�. What reasons did the Liberal government give or passing this law?

�. How did Quebec’s two main opposition parties react to this religious neutrality law?

�. List two other reasons why some people are opposed to the new law.

�. What did some opponents o the new law do in mid-November?

�. What reasons did the lawyer or this coalition give or opposing Bill ��? Explain.

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What in the world? • Lev el 1 • article

issue 4


Quebec’s Bill 62 in the spotlight  BETWEEN THE LINES

An inference is a conclusion drawn rom evidence. A plausible inference is supported by evidence in the article and is consistent with known facts outside of the article. What inerence(s) can you draw rom the act that Quebec’s previous government was unable to pass a stricter religious neutrality law, the Charter o Values, in ����?


�. a) What is your understanding o Bill �� and its purpose? b) For what reasons might you be in avour o Bill ��? For what reasons might you be opposed? Overall, are you more in avour o or more opposed to the bill? �. Consider this quote rom Warda Naili, one o the women who is chal lenging Bill �� in the courts: “I was already bullied before the law. Te law sends a message to all intolerant people that they are right to think like this, to insult us and harass us.” a) What words are you unsure o the meaning o? Look up the meanings o these words in a dictionary. b) Respond to this quote. What emotions and thoughts does it evoke? What connections can you make to the speaker’s experience, and what questions do you have or her? c) Do you agree or disagree with the speaker’s perspective? Why? ONLINE

Note: Te links below are listed at or easy access. �. Watch a our-minute Bill �� explainer rom CBC’s Te National at��mvs �. Listen to a short editorial about Bill �� rom an associate editor o Chatelaine at�XgPX�WDA �. Read “Quebec’s ace covering law heads or constitutional challenge” at��-legal-challenge-acecovering-�.���0��� J

Page 6

What in the world? • Lev el 1 • article

issue 4


Crossword 1


A 3









B 10



D 12









�. veil worn by some Muslim women �. small ceremonial knie carried by Sikhs �. Quebec’s Bill �� bans some people rom wearing _____ coverings

�. Parti _____ was the previous government in Quebec �. cap worn by orthodox male Jews �. Quebec premier

��. when the government helps pay or something

�. party in power in Quebec

��. the Charter o _____ and Freedoms is part o Canada’s Constitution

�. opponents challenged Bill �� in Quebec Superior _____

��. Quebec justice minister

�. person who believes in Islam ��. long, loose garment that covers the whole body 

Page 7

What in the world? • Lev el 1 • article

issue 4

 Map Assignment  Complete this map assignment to better understand the ar ticle Quebec’s Bill �� in the Spotlight . INSTRUCTIONS

�. Obtain the required resources and read all the instructions beore starting. �. Colour your map afer all labelling is completed. �. Print in pencil only �rst, then go over the printing in black ink. �. Work careully and neatly. Resources Required: pencil, black pen, pencil crayons, ruler, eraser and an atlas. Part A Locate and label the ollowing provinces in CAPIAL letters and shade each as indicated:

Quebec (green) Prince Edward Island (yellow) Ontario (orange)

New Brunswick (purple) Nova Scotia (brown) Newoundland and Labrador (red)

Part B Locate and label the capital city o each province and underline each city name. Part C Locate and label Nunavut in CAPIAL letters and shade it pink. Part D Locate and label the United States in CAPIAL letters and shade it grey. Part E Locate and label the capital o Canada and underline this city’s name. Part F Locate and label the ollowing cities in Quebec:

Montreal Sherbrooke


Part G Locate and label the ollowing and shade all ocean water dark blue:

James Bay Hudson Strait Strait o Belle Isle Atlantic Ocean

Hudson Bay Labrador Sea Gul o St. Lawrence

Part H Locate and label the ollowing bodies o resh water and shade them light blue:

Lake Huron Lake Ontario

Lake Erie Smallwood Reservoir

Part I Locate and label the ollowing rivers and shade them light blue.

St. Lawrence River

Churchill River

Part J Complete your map with a rame, title and compass bearing. J

Quebec Page 8

What in the world? • Lev el 1 • article

issue 4





400 Kilometres


Write the letter that corresponds to the best answer on the line beside each question: ______ �. Which party is in power in Quebec? a) Liberal c) Republican

b) Parti Québécois d) Coalition Avenir Québec

______ �. Bill �� bans Quebec residents who give or receive government services rom: a) praying in public b) entering public buildings c) wearing ace coverings d) wearing kippas or kirpans ______ �. Opponents to Bill �� reacted to the new law by: a) organizing public protests b) asking the ederal government to intervene c) starting a Canada-wide petition d) �ling a legal challenge ______ �. rue or False? Quebec politicians unanimously passed Bill ��. ______ �. rue or False? Bill �� bans all ace coverings and conspicuous religious symbols. �. Bill �� should not be enacted. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons to support your response.

Page 10

What in the world? • Lev el 1 • article

issue 4

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