Bilingual Klausula Par

July 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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N@@ LYJGQ N@@ YJGQ CLBY CLBYGB GBYS YS C@NW C@NWSG SG (S (SWA WA @O @OFO FOY Y WSI WSI >; >;.; .;;; ;; GZCG GZCG[Y [Y OD S[ S[GC GCOD ODOG OGI I IODDGQGBY@_) Ot os bltgi nbi nmrggi tjnt tjos [l`ocy gxtgbis tl obc`uig5 n. Flbgy nbi nbi stnfps stnfps blt ltjgr ltjgrwosg wosg spgcod spgcodocn` ocn``y `y obsurgi obsurgi dlr nb nflubt nflubt blt gxcgg gxcggiobm iobm ob tjg tjg nmmrgmnt nmmrgmntgg WSI



i. g.



>;.;;; Ilcufgbts, fnbuscropts nbi ausobgss ausobgss allhs aut lb`y dlr tjg vn`ug ld tjg fntgron`s ns stntolbgry, tlmgtjgr  wotj tjg clst ld c`grocn` `nalr gxpgbigi ob wrotobm up, nbi blt dlr tjg vn`ug tl tjg obsurgi ld tjg obdlrfntolb clbtnobgi tjgrgob nbi dlr nb nflubt blt gxcggiobm ob tjg nmmrgmntg WSI >;.;;; Clfput Clfputgr gr systgf systgf rgclri rgclriss aut lb`y dlr tjg vn`ug vn`ug ld tjg fntgron fntgron`s `s tlmgtjg tlmgtjgrr wotj tjg clst clst ld c`grocn` c`grocn` `nalr  `nalr  nbi clfputgr tofg gxpgbigi ob rgprliucobm sucj rgclris (gxc`uiobm nby gxpgbsgs ob clbbgctolb wotj tjg  prliuctolb ld obdlrfntolb tl ag rgclrigi tjgrgob) nbi blt dlr tjg vn`ug tl tjg Obsurgi ld tjg obdlrfntolb clbtnobgi tjgrgob dlr nb nflubt blt gxcggiobm ob tjg nmmrgmntg WSI >;.;;; [nttgrbs [nttgrbs,, flu`is, flu`is, flig`s, flig`s, p`nbs p`nbs nbi nbi igsombs igsombs dlr dlr nb nflubt nflubt blt gxcggiobm gxcggiobm ob tjg tjg nmmrgmnt nmmrgmntgg WSI >;.;;; >;.;;; Gfp`l Gfp`lygg yggss pgin` cyc`gs cyc`gs,, c`ltjobm c`ltjobm,, tll`s tll`s nbi ltjgr pgrslb pgrslbn` n` gddgct gddgctss dlr nb nflubt nflubt blt gxcgg gxcggiob iobm m WSI >;.;;; ob rgspgct ld nby lbg gfp`lygg

H@NWSW@N OSO @NOBB_N IN@NF ANBMWBNB Igbmnb obo iocntnt inb iosgtueuo anjwn [l`os obo iopgr`uns fgbcnhup 5 n. Wnbm, Wnbm, pgrnbmhl pgrnbmhl inb fgtgr fgtgrno no ynbm ynbm toinh toinh sgcnr sgcnrnn hjusus hjusus iosgaut iosgauthnb, hnb, ubtuh suntu euf`nj euf`nj hgsg`urujn hgsg`urujnb b toinh  toinh  fg`gaoj WSI >;.;;;  a. Ilhufgb-ilhufgb, bnshnj-bnshnj inb auhu-auhu usnjn tgtnpo jnbyn ubtuh bo`no anjnb-anjnb sganmno  pgrn`ntnb tu`os fgbu`os, fgbu`os, tgrfnsuh aonyn pgmnwno pgmnwno ubtuh fgbu`osbyn hgfan`o hgfan`o inb auhnb bo`no obdlr obdlrfnso fnso ynbm iohnbiubm ioin`nfbyn fgburut pgbo`nonb Ygrtnbmmubm, ubtuh suntu euf`nj hgsg`urujnb toinh fg`gaojo WSI >;.;;; c. Cntntnb Cntntnb Sostgf Sostgf Hlfputgr, Hlfputgr, tgtnpo tgtnpo jnbyn bo`no bo`no inro pnin anjnb-anj anjnb-anjnbbyn nbbyn tgrfnsuh tgrfnsuh aonyn-ao aonyn-aonyn nyn pghgrennb pghgrennb inb wnhtu ynbm iopgr`uhnb ubtuh fgbmgrenhnbbyn hgfan`o igbmnb hlfputgr (toinh tgrfnsuh aonyn-aonyn ynbm agrjuaubmnb igbmnb pghgrennb fgbmjnso`hnb obdlrfnso ubtuh iocntnt ioin`nfbyn) inb auhnb bo`no obdlrfnso obdlr fnso ynbm iohnbiubm iohnbiubm ioin`nfby ioin`nfbynn fgburut fgburut pgbo`nonb pgbo`nonb Ygrtnbmmubm, Ygrtnbmmubm, ubtuh suntu euf`nj euf`nj sgcnrn sgcnrn hgsg`urujnb toinh fg`gaoj WSI >;.;;; i. [l`n-pl`n [l`n-pl`n,, Cgtnhnb, Cgtnhnb, flig`, flig`, rgbcnbn rgbcnbn inb fnhgt fnhgt ubtuh suntu suntu euf`nj euf`nj sgcnrn sgcnrn hgsg`urujn hgsg`urujnb b toinh fg`gaoj fg`gaoj WSI >;.;;; g. Sgpgin Sgpgin rlin rlin iun, pnhnonb pnhnonb,, pgrn`ntn pgrn`ntnb b ntn ntnu u anrnbm-a anrnbm-anrn nrnbm bm fo`oh fo`oh pgrlrnbm pgrlrnbmnb nb pnrn pgmnwn pgmnwnoo ubtuh suntu suntu  euf`nj toinh fg`gaojo fg`gaojo WSI >;.;;; ubtuh sgtonp pgmnwno

N@YGQNYOLBS N@YGQNYO LBS C@NWSG (4; inys bltodocntolbs)  Bltwotjstnbiobm nbytjobm clbtnobgi ob tjg probtgi clbiotolbs ld tjg [l`ocy tl tjg clbtrnry, ot os bltgi nbi

nmrggi tjnt tjos Obsurnbcg sjn`` blt ag prgeuiocgi ob tjg gvgbt ld nby n`tgrntolbs agobm fnig tl tjg prlpgrty obsurgi wjgrgay tjg rosh ld infnmg os obcrgnsgi, prlvoigi tjnt bltocg ld sucj n`tgrntolbs ag movgb tl tjg Obsurgr  wotjob soxty (4;) inys ld tjg clffgbcgfgbt ld sucj n`tgrntolbs nbi niiotolbn` prgfouf pnoi, od rgquorgi drlf tjg intg ld sucj n`tgrntolbs.



H@NWSW@N [GQWANJNB [GQWANJNB ( 4; jnro bltodohnso ) Ynbpn fgbmnanohnb pgrsynrntnb-pgrsynrntnb ynbm agrtgbtnbmnb ynbm tgrcgtnh in`nf [l`os, igbmnb obo iocntnt inb iosgtu iosgtueuo euo,, anjwn anjwn pgrtnb pgrtnbmmu mmubmn bmnb b obo obo toi toinh nh nhnb nhnb antn` antn` ao`n ao`n tgr tgreni enioo pgruan pgruanjnb jnb ntn ntnss jnrtn jnrtn agbin agbin ynbm ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb ynbm inpnt fgbnohnb rosohl hgrusnhnb, nsn`hnb pgruanjnb tgrsgaut ioagrotnjuhnb hgpnin [gbnbmmubm in`nf wnhtu 4; (gbnfpu`uj) jnro sgenh iofu`nobyn pgruanjnb tgrsgaut inb fgfanynr prgfo tnfanjnb, eohn iofobtn, iojotubm inro sgenh tnbmmn` pgruanjnb tgrsgaut.

N[[QNOSGFGBY C@NWSG C@NWSG (1;% DLQ BLB G^TGY NBI 7% DLQ G^TGY) Od tjg nmmrgmntg nmmrgmntg c`nof c`nof ld dlr nbylbg `lss `lss ilgs blt gxcggi gxcggi 1;% dlr blb G^TGY nbi 7% dlr G^TGY G^TGY ld tjg suf obsurgi wjocjgvgr os tjg `gssgr nflubt ay tjg otgf lr otgfs nddgctgi bl spgcon` obvgbtlry lr npprnosgfgbt

ld tjg ubinfnmgi prlpgrty sjn`` ag rgquorgi. Od twl lr flrg auo`iobms ag obc`uigi ob n sobm`g ootgf, tgf, tjos vgrsolb sjn`` npp`y tl tjg rnbmg ld auo`i auo`iobms obms Obsurgi  ay tjos otgf. Dlr tjg purplsg ld tjos c`nusg, tjg tgrf "Otgf" sjn`` ag jg`i tl tjg tltn` suf obsurgi lb auo`iobms nbi/lr 

[nmg > ld 3>


clbtgbts ay tjg otgfs nddgctgi.



H@NWSW@N [GBO@NONB (1;% WBYWH BLB G^TGY INB 7% WBYWH G^TGY) Igbmnb obo iosgtueuo anjwn eohn sg`uruj h`nof ubtuh sgtonp hgrumonb toinh fg`gaojo 1;% ubtuh Sg`nob G^TGY inb 7% (`ofn pgrsgb) ubtuh G^TGY inro jnrmn pgrtnbmmubmnb ubtuh sgtonp autor ntnu autor-autor ynbm tgrhgbn infpnh, toinh iopgr`uhnb suntu pgfgrohsnnb ntnu pgbo`nonb hjusus ubtuh jnrtn agbin ynbm toinh rusnh.Eohn iun ntnu `gaoj anbmubnb iofnsuhhnb in`nf suntu autor, hgtgbtunb obo nhnb agr`nhu pnin anbmubnb-anbmubnb ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb in`nf autor tgrsgaut.Wbtuh hgpgr`unb h`nusu` obo, osto`nj ‐autor‖ nhnb ioagr`nhuhnb tgrjninp tltn` jnrmn pgrtnbmmubmnb ntnsanbmubnb ntnu oso pnin autor ynbm tgrhgbn infpnh.

NQCJOYGCYS, NQCJOYGC YS, SWQTG_LQ SWQTG_LQS S NBI CLBSW@Y CLBSW@YOBM OBM GBMOBGGQ GBMOBGGQS S GZ[GBSGS GZ[GBSGS C@NWSG C@NWSG (7% LD YLYN@ SWF OBSWQGI) Ot os jgrgay bltgi nbi nmrggi ns dl``lws (n) Yjg obsurn obsurnbcg bcg ld gncj otgf lb Auo`iobm Auo`iobmss lr Clbtgbt Clbtgbtss obc`uigs obc`uigs nb nflubt nflubt ob rgspgc rgspgctt ld Nrcjotg Nrcjotgcts cts‟‟ Survgylrs‟ @gmn`, nbi Clbsu`tobm Gbmobggrs‟ Dggs blt gxcggiobm tjlsg prlvoigi ubigr tjg scn`gs ld tjg vnrolus obstotutolbs nbi/lr aliogs rgmu`ntobm sucj dggs prgvno`obm nt tjg tofg ld tjg igstructolb lr infnmg nbi blt gxcggiobm 7% ld tjg obiovoiun` sufs obsurgi. (a) Yjg obsurnbcg obsurnbcg lb Dggs npp`ogs npp`ogs lb`y tl tjlsg bgcgssnr bgcgssnro`y o`y nbi rgnslbna`y rgnslbna`y obcurrg obcurrgi i ob tjg rgobstnt rgobstntgfgbt gfgbt lr  rgpnor ld [rlpgrty Obsurgi clbsgqugbt uplb ots igstructolb lr infnmg aut blt dlr prgpnrobm nby c`nof, ot os  agobm ubigrstlli tjnt tjg tjg nflubt pnyna`g ubigr tjg tjg otgf sjn`` blt blt gxcggi ob tltn` ots ots suf obsurgi.



  H@N H@NWSW@ WSW@ AON_N-AON_N AON_N-AON_N NQSOYGH, NQSOYGH, SWQTG_LQ SWQTG_LQ INB HLBSW@YN HLBSW@YNB B ( 7% inro Yltn` Bo` Bo`no no [grtnbmmubmnb ) Igbmnb obo iocntnt inb iosgtueuo sganmno agrohut 5 (n) [grtnbmmubmnb ntns ntns fnsobm-fnsobm fnsobm-fnsobm anmonb inro Anbmubnb inb osobyn nin`nj tgrfnsuh tgrfnsuh aonyn-aonyn Nrsotgh, Survgylr, Hlbsu`tnb Juhuf inb Hlbsu`tnb [gfanbmubnb ynbm euf`njbyn toinh fg`gaojo Shn`n Aonyn ynbm iohg`unrhnb l`gj agranmno @gfanmn inb/ntnu Aninb ynbm fgbmnturbyn, ynbm agr`nhu pnin snnt tgreniobyn hgjnbcurnb ntnu hgrusnhnb inb euf`njbyn toinh fg`gaojo 7% inro euf`nj pgrtnbmmubmnb ubtuh  tonp anmonb fnsobm-fnsobm. (a) [grtnbmmu [grtnbmmubmnb bmnb ntns aonyn-aonyn aonyn-aonyn tgrsgaut tgrsgaut jnbyn agr`nhu ubtuh aonyn ynbm iopgr`uhnb iopgr`uhnb inb wnenr ubtuh   pgfu`ojnb hgfan`o ntnu pgranohnb jnrtn agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb nhoant hgrusnhnb ntnu hgrumonb ynbm ion`nfobyn, tgtnpo auhnb aonyn-aonyn ubtuh fgfpgrsonphnb h`nof, inb iosgtueuo, anjwn euf`nj aonyn ynbm inpnt ioanynr ioanwnj anmonb tgrsgaut toinh fg`gaojo euf`nj jnrmn pgrtnbmmubmnbbyn

NWYLFNYOC NWYLFNYO C QGOBSYNY QGOBSYNYGFGB GFGBY Y LD CLTGQ CLTGQ DL@@L]OB DL@@L]OBM M @LSS (SWAEGCY (SWAEGCY YL [QL-QNYN [QL-QNYN NIIOYOLBN@ [QGFOWF) Ob clbsoigrntolb ld tjos obsurgi ubigrtnhobm tl pny nb niiotolbn` prgfouf nt tjg nmrggi rntg lb tjg nflubt ld  `lss cn`cu`ntgi cn`cu`ntgi lb n prlrntn ansos drlf tjg intg ld ld sucj `lss tl tjg tjg gxpory ld tjg currgbt pgroli pgroli ld obsurnbcg, ot os nmrggi tjnt ob tjg gvgbt ld `lss tjg obsurnbcg jgrgubigr sjn`` sjn`` ag fnobtnobgi ob ob dlrcg dor tjg du`` du`` suf obsurgi.



H@NWSW@N [GFW@OJNB LYLFNYOS INQO HGQWMONB (FGBMNCW HG[NIN [GBNFANJNB [QGFO SGCNQN [QLQNYN) In`nf fgfpgrtofanbmhnb usnjn tgrtnbmmubm ubtuh fgfanynr prgfo tnfanjnb pnin bo`no ynbm iosgpnhnto  pnin euf`nj hgrumonb iojotubm sgcnrn prlrntn inro tnbmmn` hgrumonb tgrsgaut igbmnb agrnhjorbyn pgrolig  agren`nb nsurnbso, iosgpnhnto anjwn in`nf jn` tgrenio hgrumonb ioanwnj obo nsurnbso wneoa fgfg`ojnrn ynbm  agr`nhu anmo euf`nj pgbuj pgbuj ionsurnbsohnb

NTGQNMG QG@OGD C@NWSG (:7%) Gncj otgf obsurgi ubigr tjos fgflrnbiuf os igc`nrgi tl tjg sgpnrntg`y suaegct tl tjg dl``lwobm clbiotolb ld  nvgrnmg5Od nt tjg tofg ld rgobstntgfgbt tjg suf rgprgsgbtobm :7% (gomjty dovg pgrcgbt) ld tjg clst wjocj wlu`i jnvg aggb obcurrgi ob rgobstntgfgbt od tjg wjl`g ld tjg prlpgrty clvgrgi ay sucj otgf jni aggb igstrlygi gxcggis gxcg gis tjg suf obsurgi obsurgi jgrglb jgrglb nt tjg argnhobm argnhobm lut ld dorg lr nt tjg clffgbcgfgbt clffgbcgfgbt ld nby igstructol igstructolb b ld lr  infnmg tl sucj prlpgrty ay nby ltjgr pgro` jgrgay obsurgi nmnobst tjgb tjg obsurgi sjn`` ag clbsoigrgi ns agobm jos lwb obsurgr dlr tjg ioddgrgbcg agtwggb tjg suf obsurgi rgprgsgbtobm tjg clst ld rgobstntgfgbt ld tjg wjl`g

ld tjg prlpgrty nbi sjn`` agnr n rntna`g prlplrtolb ld tjg `lss ncclriobm`y.



[nmg 1 ld 3>


Igbmnb obo iosgtueuo anjwn sgtonp autor ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb pnin [l`os obo iobyntnhnb fnsobm-fnsobm nhnb tubiuh pnin hgtgbtunb rntn-rntn sganmnoagrohut5 Eohn pnin snnt pgfu`ojnb fgbubeuhhnb euf`nj :7% (ig`npnb pu`uj `ofn pgrsgb) inro aonyn tg`nj tgrenio pnin  pgfu`ojnb ntns sg`uruj inro jnrtn agbin ynbm tgrenfob tgrenfob l`gj pgrtnbmmubmnb ynbm tg`nj jnbcur tgrsgaut fg`gaojo jnrmn pgrtnbmmubmnb pgrtnbmmubmnb pnin snnt tgreniobyn tgreniobyn rosohl rosohl ynbmiopgrtn ynbmiopgrtnbmmubm bmmubmhnb hnb ntnu pnin snnt fu`nobyn sgtonp hg hgjn jnbc bcur urnb nb ntnu ntnu hg hgru rusn snhn hnb b pn pnin in jn jnrt rtnn ag agbi binn tg tgrs rsga gaut utl` l`gj gj an anjn jnyn yn `n `nob ob yn ynbm bm io iopg pgrt rtnb nbmm mmub ubmh mhnb nb fnhnYg fnh nYgrtn rtnbmm bmmubm ubm nhnb nhnb ionbmm ionbmmnp np sganmn sganmnoo pgbnbm pgbnbmmub mubmby mbynn sgbior sgbioroo ubtuh ubtuh pgragi pgraginnb nnbbyn byn nbtnrn nbtnrn jnrmn jnrmn  pgrtnbmmubmnb inb jnrmn ynbm fgbubeuhhnb aonyn pgfu`ojnb ntns sg`uruj jnrtn agbin inb nhnb fgbnbmmubm sgcnrn prlplrsolbn` ntns hgrumonb sgsuno igbmnb otu


N]BOBMS, A@OBIS, SOMBS, LQ LWYILLQ DOZYWQGS LQ DOYYOBM LD NB_ IGSCQO[YOLB C@NWSG (SWA @OFOY WSI >;;.;;; Nby Lbg Lccurrgbcg Nt Nby Lbg @lcntolb) Nwbobms, a`obis, sombs lr ltjgr lutillr doxturgs lr dottobms ld nby igscroptolb nrg clvgrgi ay tjos [l`ocy  prlvoigi tjnt tjg Obsurgrks `onao`oty ubigr tjos gxtgbsolb sjn`` ag lb dorst `lss ansos, blt ob tjg nmmrgmntg tl gxcggi WSI >;;.;;;



H@NWSW@ [GQ@GBMHN[NB IO @WNQ ANBMWBNB ( Antns WSI >;;.;;; pnin sgtonp hgenionb io sgtonp `lhnso ) Ynfanjnb ntnp `unr, hgrgo, pnpnb bnfn ntnu pgr`gbmhnpnb `nobbyn ynbm nin io `unr anbmubnb npnpub fncnf inb rnmnfbyn ioenfob l`gj [l`os obo igbmnb synrnt tnbmmubm enwna [gbnbmmubm ioanwnj pgr`unsnb enfobnb obo ioinsnrhnb ioins nrhnb pnin Hgrumonb Hgrumonb [grtnfn [grtnfn (Dorst @lss Ansos), ynbm sgcnrn sgcnrn hgsg`urujn hgsg`urujnbbyn bbyn toinh fg`gaojo WSI. >;;.;;;

NIIOYOLBS NBI IG@GYOLBS ]NOTG NITOCG [QLTOSL Ot os bltgi nbi nmrggi tjnt tjg pl`ocy nutlfntocn``y gxtgbis tl prlvoig clvgrnmg nbi nmrgg tl wnovg nivocg nbi  prgfouf ld n`` nfgbifgbts, niiotolbs nbi ig`gtolbs ob tltn` vn`ugs blt gxcggiobm Qp. >;,;;;,;;;,;;; nby lbg `lcntolb aut Qp. =7,;;;,;;;,;;; ob rgspgct ld ]osfn Nson OO, S`opo, Enhnrtn, nbi Fgbnrn ACN nt Mrnbi Obilbgson, Enhnrtn, obc`uiobm nutlfntoc ncquosotolbs / iosplsn`s.


HGYGBYWNB HGYGBYWN B _NBM FGBMGSNF[OBMHNB FGBMGSNF[OBMHNB [GBNFANJNB INB [GBMJN[WSNB Iocntnt inb sgtueuo anjwn [l`os [l`os sgcnrn ltlfntos ltlfntos fgfagrohnb pgr`unsnb pgr`unsnb bo`no pgrtnbmmubmnb pgrtnbmmubmnb inb sgtueu ubtuh  fgbmgsnfp fgbmg snfpobmhn obmhnb b pgfagrotn pgfagrotnjunb junb inb prgfouf prgfouf inro sgfun pgruanjnb, pgruanjnb, pgbnfanjnb pgbnfanjnb inb pgbmjnpusn pgbmjnpusnb b tltn` tltn` bo`no nsn` toinh fg`gaojo Qp. >;.;;;.;;;.;;;, ubtuh sntu `lhnso, tgtnpo ubtuh wosfn N Nson son OO S`opo, Enhnrtn inb Fgbnrnn ACN io Mrnbi Fgbnr Mrnbi Obilbgson, Obilbgson, Enhnrtn sgagsnr sgagsnr Qp. =7.;;;.;;;. =7.;;;.;;;.;;;, ;;;, tgrfnsuh tgrfnsuh eumn in`nf nhuososo nhuososo /  pg`gpnsnb ltlfntos. Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


CNBCG@@NYOLB CNBCG@@N YOLB C@NWSG (?; IN_S BLYOCG, GZCG[Y DLQ QOLY, QOLY, SYQOHG, SYQOHG, FN@OCOLW FN@OCOLWS S INFNMG, COTO@ CLFFLYOLB wjocj os 3 inys NBI DLQ GNQY^WNHG, GNQY^WNHG, TL@CNBOC GQW[YOLB nbi YSWBNFO wjocj os 7 inys ) Altj tjg Obsurgi ni tjg Clfpnby nrg gbtot`gi tl tgrfobntgi tjos obsurnbcg uplb ?; (bobgty) inys bltocg ob wrotobm agobm movgb ay rgmostgrgi `gttgr. ]jgb tjg Obsurgr tgrfobntgs tjg obsurnbcg, jg os la`omntgi tl rgturb  prl-rntn prgfouf dlr ubgxporgi pgroli ld obsurnbcg, prgfouf wo`` ag cn`cu`ntgi lb tjg sjlrt tgrf rntg `noi ilwb ob tjg dorg obsurnbcg tnrodd ld Obilbgsonb clfp`gtgi pgroli ld Obsurnbcg.


H@NWSW@N [GFANYN@NB [GFANYN@NB ( ?; jnro pgfagrotnjunb , pgbmgcun`onb ubtuh QSFICC ynotu 3 jnro inb 7 jnro ubtuh G^TGY ) Anoh tgrtnbmmubm inb pgrusnjnnb agrjnh ubtuh fgbmnhjoro nsurnbso obo sgtg`nj ?; (sgfao`nb pu`uj) jnro sgcnrn tgrtu`os ynbm ioagrohnb fg`n`uo surnt tgrtu`os. Hgtohn [gbnbmmubm fgbmnhjor nsurnbso, on wneoa fgbmgfan`ohnb  prgfo prl-rntn ubtuh pgrolig ynbm nsurnbso ynbm fnsoj agren`nb, prgfo nhnb iojotubm tgrjninp pgrolig enbmhn wnhtu ynbm iotgtnphnb in`nf tnrod pgbyg`gsnonb nsurnbso hganhnrnb Obilbgson. Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb

[nmg 3 ld 3>



CN[OYN@ NIIOYOLBS C@NWSG (W[ YL OIQ 17.;;;.;;;.;;; Dlr Nby Lbg Niiotolb OB GZCGSS LD YJG NIIOYOLBN@/IG@GYOLB ]NOTG NITOCG C@NWSG) Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt tjos obsurnbcg os gxtgbigi tl clvgr n`tgrntolbs, niiotolbs nbi ofprlvgfgbts (aut blt npprgcontolb ob vn`ug) ob gxcgss ld tjg sufs obsurgi dlr auo`iobms nbi fncjobgry spgcodogi ob tjg [l`ocy dlr nb nflubt blt gxcggiobm OIQ 17.;;;.;;;.;;;  ld tjg suf obsurgi tjgrgay. Ot os ubigrstlli tjnt tjg Obsurgi ubigrtnhgs tl nivosg tjg Obsurgr gncj qunrtgr ld sucj n`tgrntolbs, niiotolbs nbi ofprlvgfgbts nbi tl pny tjg npprlprontg niiotolbn` prgfouf tjgrglb.



H@NWSW@ H@NW SW@ YNFANJNB YNFANJNB FLIN@ (Snfpno (Snfpno Igbmnb Igbmnb OIQ 17.;;;.;;;.;;; 17.;;;.;;;.;;; ubtuh sgtonp sgtonp pgbnfanjnb pgbnfanjnb io`unr H`nusu`n ynbm Fgbmgsnfpobmhnb [gbnfanjnb [gbnfanjnb inb [gbmjnpusnb) [grtnbmmu [grt nbmmubmnb bmnb obo iopgr`uns iopgr`uns ubtuh fgbenfob fgbenfob pgruanjnbpgruanjnb-pgrua pgruanjnb, njnb, tnfanjnb-t tnfanjnb-tnfanj nfanjnb nb inb pgranohnbpgranohnb pgranohnb (tgtnpo auhnb nprgsonso bo`no) ynbm fg`gaojo euf`nj pgrtnbmmubmnb inro pnin anbmubnb-anbmubnb inb fgsob-fgsob ynbm iosgauthnb in`nf [l`os snfpno suntu euf`nj ynbm toinh fg`gaojo >;% inro fnsobmfnsobm fnso bm euf`nj euf`nj pgrtnbmmubm pgrtnbmmubmnb nb tgrsgaut tgrsgaut ntnu Qp.17.;;;. Qp.17.;;;.;;;.; ;;;.;;;*) ;;*) fnbn ynbm `gaoj hgco`, hgco`, inb igbmnb igbmnb obo iofgbmgrt iofg bmgrto, o, anjwn Ygrtnbmmub Ygrtnbmmubm m wneoa wneoa fgfagrot fgfagrotnjuhn njuhnb b hgpnin hgpnin [gbnbmmubm [gbnbmmubm sgtonp sgtonp trowu`nb trowu`nb fgbmgbno fgbmgbno  pgruanjnb-pgruanjnb, tnfanjnb-tnfanjnb inb pgranohnb-pgranohnb tgrsgaut sgrtn fgfanynr prgfo tnfanjnb ynbm iopgr`uhnb ubtuh otu.

COTO@ NWYJLQOYOGS C@NWSG Yjg obsurnb obsurnbcg cg os gxtgbigi gxtgbigi tl clvgr clvgr ior iorgct gct `lss lr infnmg infnmg tl tjg igscroag igscroagi i prlpgr prlpgrty ty cnusgi cnusgi ay nct nctss ld  igstructolb gxgcutgi ay lrigr ld nby [ua`oc Nutjlroty nt tjg tofg ld nbi lb`y iurobm n clbd`nmrntolb tl rgtnri tjg sprgni tjgrgld, nbi suaegct tl n`` ltjgr tgrfs nbi clbiotolbs ld tjos [l`ocy. Yjos Obsurgr sjn`` blt ag `ona`g, jlwgvgr, dlr flrg tjnb tjg nflubt dlr wjocj ot wlu`i jnvg aggb `ona`g jni tjg `lss aggb cnusgi ay n pgro` obsurgi nmnobst ubigr tjos [l`ocy.



H@NWSW@ LYLQOYNS SO[O@ [grtnbmmubmnb obo iopgr`uns ubtuh fgbenfob hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb ntns jnrtn agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb sgcnrn `nbmsubm iosganahnb l`gj tobinhnb pgbmjnbcurnb ntns pgrobtnj inro Ltlrotns [ua`oh pnin snnt inb jnbyn sg`nfn sg`n fn tgrenioby tgreniobynn hganhnrnb hganhnrnb agsnr agsnr mubn fgbmjnfant fgbmjnfant pgben`nrn pgben`nrnb b npo inb tubiuh tubiuh pnin synrnt-synrnt synrnt-synrnt inb hgtgbtunb [l`os. Nhnb tgtnpo tnbmmubm enwna [gbnbmmubm toinh nhnb fg`gaojo inro euf`nj hgrumonb ynbm sgjnrusbyn ioanynr ntns hgrumonb ynbm iosganahnb l`gj suntu rosohl ynbm ioenfob ioanwnj [l`os obo.

C@NOF [QG[NQNYOLB C@NWSG C@NWSG (7% Ld Suf Obsurgi) Yjos obsurnbcg os gxtgbigi tl clvgr clsts nbi gxpgbsgs rgnslbna`g obcurrgi ay tjg Obsurgi dl``lwobm `lsg lr  infnmg tl tjg [rlpgrty obsurgi tl gxtrnct nbi clfpo`g obdlrfntolb rgquorgi ay tjg clfpnby drlf tjg Obsurgi‟s lwb rgclris dlr tjg purplsg ld prgpnrobm n c`nof ubigr tjg [l`ocy aut gxc`uiobm `gmn`, obvgstomntolb nbi rgsgnrcj dggs/gxpgbsgs obcurrgi dlr tjg purplsg ld clbtgstobm nby ossug lvgr tjg Clfpnby‟s `onao`oty ubigr tjg

[l`ocy. [rlvoigi n`wnys tjnt bl nflubt sjn`` ag rgclvgrna`g ubigr tjos gbilrsgfgbt od suasgqugbt tl tjg obcurrobm ld  nby gxpgbsgs, tjg clfpnby sjn`` igby `onao`oty dlr nby c`nof ob rgspgct ld wjocj tjg gxpgbsgs jnvg aggb obcurrgi (wotj lr wotjlut tjg clbsgbt ld tjg Clfpnby).



H@NWSW@N [GQSON[NB H@NOF ( 7% Inro Bo`no [grtnbmmubmnb ) Nsurnbso obo iopgr`uns ubtuh fgbcnhup aonyn inb aonyn ynbm wnenr ynbm iohg`unrhnb l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm agrohut hgjo`nbmnb ntnu hgrusnhnb pnin prlpgrto ionsurnbsohnb ubtuh fgbmnfao` inb fgbmufpu`hnb obdlrfnso ynbm ioautujhnb l`gj pgrusnjnnb inro cntntnb fo`oh Ygrtnbmmubm ubtuh tueunb fgfpgrsonphnb h`nof agrinsnrhnb [l`os tgtnpo toinh tgrfnsuh aonyn juhuf, obvgstomnso inb pgbg`otonb / aonyn ynbm iohg`unrhnb ubtuh tueunb fgbmmumnt fnsn`nj npnpub sg`nfn tnbmmubm enwna [grusnjnnb agrinsnrhnb [l`os obo. Nsn`hnb sgbnbtonsn inb toinh nin euf`nj inpnt iopgrl`gj hgfan`o io anwnj obo npnao`n pgbmgsnjnb sgtg`nj io`nhuhnbbyn suntu fgbofau`hnb aonyn npnpub, pgrusnjnnb jnrus fgbynbmhn` tnbmmubm enwna ubtuh sgtonp h`nof sgjuaubmnb igbmnb aonyn ynbm tg`nj iohg`unrhnb (igbmnb ntnu tnbpn pgrsgtueunb inro [grusnjnnb).

CLSY LD QG-GQGCYOLB QG-GQGCYOLB C@NWSG Yjg obsurnbcg ay tjos [l`ocy gxtgbis tl clvgr tjg clst ld rg-grgctobm, dottobm nbi doxobm fncjobgry lr p`nbt igstrlygi lr infnmgi ay dorg lr ay nby ltjgr pgro` jgrgay obsurgi nmnobst prlvoiobm n`wnys tjnt tjg `onao`oty ld  tjg Obsurgr sjn`` blt gxcggi tjg suf obsurgi ld sucj fncjobgry lr p`nbt ubigr tjos [l`ocy.

[nmg 9 ld 3>




H@NWSW@ AON_N [GFNSNBMNB HGFAN@O Enfobnb nsurnbso ioanwnj [l`os obo iopgr`uns ubtuh fgbenfob aonyn-aonyn pgfnsnbmnb hgfan`o, fgrnpohnb inb fgbygtg` fgsob-fgsob sgrtn pnaroh ynbm jnbcur ntnu rusnh hnrgbn hganhnrnb ntnu hnrgbn anjnyn `nob ynbm ioenfob ioen fob l`gj [l`os, [l`os, igbmnb synrnt synrnt tnbmmubm tnbmmubm enwna enwna [gbnbmmubm [gbnbmmubm ioanwnj [l`os obo toinh fg`gaoj fg`gaoj euf`nj euf`nj  pgrtnbmmubmnb ntns fgsob fgsob ntnu pnaroh tgrsgaut. tgrsgaut.

CWQQGBC_ C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay ubigrstlli nbi nmrggi tjnt prgfouf nbi/lr c`nof pnyfgbt ubigr tjos pl`ocy, wo`` ag ilbg ns ag`lw , >. Obilbgson Obilbgsonb b Quponj Quponj (Qp lr lr OIQ) jns tl ag ag usgi wjgb wjgb tjg prgfouf prgfouf nbi/lr nbi/lr C`nof C`nof Sgtt`g Sgtt`gfgbt fgbt ilbg ilbg ob cnsj cnsj  ansos. 1. Dlrgomb Dlrgomb Currgb Currgbcy cy fny ag usgi usgi ob prgfouf prgfouf nbi/lr nbi/lr c`nof c`nof sgtt`gfgb sgtt`gfgbtt ob tjg tjg gvgbt gvgbt ld,  Blb Cnsj [rgfouf [rgfouf nbi/lr C`nof Sgtt`gfgbt. C`nof Sgtt`gfgbt Sgtt`gfgbt ob Dlrgomb Currgbcy ansgi lb nmrggfgbt wjocj jns aggb fnig ob wrotobm ay altj ld   pnrtogs prolr tjg intg ld `lss. 3. ]jgb igblfob igblfobntgi ntgi ld ld Nflubt Nflubt ld `lss `lss ob currgb currgbcy cy ltjgr ltjgr tjnb tjg tjg currgbc currgbcy y stntgi stntgi ob tjg [l`ocy [l`ocy Scjgiu`g Scjgiu`g,, tjgb clbvgrsolb rntg sjn`` ag tjg foii`g rntg dlr anbh bltgs pua`osjgi ay tjg Anbh Obilbgson lb tjg intg ld nmrggfgbt agtwggb tjg Obsurgr nbi Obsurgi ns tl tjg nflubt ld `lss. -



H@NWSW@ FNYN WNBM Jn` obo iopnjnfo iopnjnfo inb iosgtueuo iosgtueuo anjwn prgfo inb / ntnu pgfanynrnb pgfanynrnb h`nof h`nof agrinsnrhnb agrinsnrhnb [l`os io`nhuhnb sgpgrto io anwnj obo,

>. 1.


obo, nhnb

Fntn unbm unbm Quponj Quponj Obilbgson Obilbgson (Qp/OI (Qp/OIQ) Q) inpnt inpnt iomubnhnb iomubnhnb ubtuh ubtuh pgfanynrnb pgfanynrnb prgfo prgfo inb pgbyg`gsno pgbyg`gsnonb nb h`nof h`nof ynbm io`nhuhnb sgcnrn tubno. Fntn Wnbm Wnbm Nsobm inpnt inpnt iomubnhnb iomubnhnb in`nf in`nf pgfanynrn pgfanynrnb b prgfouf prgfouf inb pgbyg`gsnon pgbyg`gsnonb b h`nof in`nf in`nf jn`, Blb Cnsj nsj [rg [rgfo fou uf in inb / ntn tnu u H`n H`nof of Sgtt` gtt`ggfg fgbt bt.. - Hurs pgbyg`gs pgbyg`gsnonb nonb h`nof h`nof agrinsnrhnb agrinsnrhnb hgsgpnhn hgsgpnhntnb tnb ynbm tg`nj tg`nj ioaunt sgcnrn sgcnrn tgrtu`os tgrtu`os l`gj hgiun hgiun ag`nj  pojnh sgag`uf tnbmmn` hgrumonb. Hgtohn Hgtohn Euf`nj Euf`nj hgrumonb hgrumonb in`nf fntn fntn unbm nsobm nsobm sg`nob fntn fntn unbm ynbm tgrcnbtu tgrcnbtuf f in`nf Ohjtosnr Ohjtosnr [l`os [l`os,, fnhn tobmhnt hlbvgrso ynbm iomubnhnb agrinsnrhnb hurs tgbmnj ynbm iotgraothnb l`gj Anbh Obilbgson pnin tnbmmn` pgrenbeonb nbtnrn [gbnbmmubm inb Ygrtnbmmubm fgbmgbno euf`nj hgrumonb.


IGAQOS QGFLTN@ C@NWSG (>;% ld Suf Obsurgi) Ob clbsoigrntolb ld tjg pnyfgbt ld nb niiotolbn` prgfouf tjos pl`ocy gxtgbis tl obigfbody tjg Obsurgi ob rgspgct ld 5 Yjg clst ld rgflvn` ld igaros, igfl`otolb nbi nby tgfplrnry rgpnors bgcgssnry (obc`uiobm tjg Obsurgi's `gmn` `onao`oty dlr tjg clst ld rgflvn` ld igaros, igfl`otolb, nbi tgfplrnry rgpnors ob rgmnri tl nielobobm prgfosgs, rlniwnys lr wntgrwnys, ns wg`` ns lb tjg sotg) clbsgqugbt uplb tjg igstructolb ld lr infnmg tl nby prlpgrty, obsurgi ay tjg Obsurgi's Dorg [l`ocy (lr [l`ocogs) lccnsolbgi ay dorg lr nby ltjgr pgro` tjgrgay obsurgi nmnobst. [rlvoigi n`wnys 5 - Yjnt sucj clst os blt rgclvgrna`g ubigr nby ltjgr [l`ocy ld obsurnbcg8 - Yjnt tjg obigfboty nddlrigi ay tjos obsurnbcg sjn`` blt npp`y tl lr obc`uigi `onao`oty nssufgi ay tjg Obsurgi Obsur gi ubigr nby nmrggfgbt nmrggfgbt gbtgrgi gbtgrgi obtl ndtgr ndtgr tjg clffgbcobm clffgbcobm intg ld tjos obsurnbcg obsurnbcg ub`gss sucj `onao`oty wlu`i jnvg nttncjgi tl tjg Obsurgi ob tjg nasgbcg ld sucj nmrggfgbt. Yjg `onao`oty ld tjg clfpnby ubigr tjos c`nusg ob rgspgct ld nby tofg sjn`` ob bl cnsg gxcggi >;% ld Suf Obsurgi.


  H@NWSW@N [GFAGQSOJNB [WOBM (>;% inro Bo`no [grtnbmmubmnb) In`nf pgrtofanbmnb pgfanynrnb tnfanjnb prgfo pl`os obo fgenfob ubtuh fgbmmnbto hgrumonb Ygrtnbmmubm in`nf jn` 5 Ao Aonyn nyn pgfobi pgfobinjn njnb b rgrubt rgrubtujn ujnb/p b/puob uobm, m, pgfalb pgfalbmhn mhnrnb rnb inb sgtonp sgtonp pgrano pgranohnb hnb sgfgbt sgfgbtnrn nrn ynbm ynbm iopgr` iopgr`uhn uhnb b ( tgrfnsuh tnbmmubm enwna juhuf Ygrtnbmmubm ubtuh aonyn pgfobinjnb rgrubtujnb, pgfalbmhnrnb, inb  pgranohnb sgfgbtnrn in`nf jn` tgfpnt sgag`nj , en`nb rnyn ntnu sn`urnb nor , sgrtn io sotus ) hlbsghugb pnin hgjnbcurn hgjnb curnb b ntnu hgrusnhnb hgrusnhnb jnrtn agbin, ionsurnbs ionsurnbsohnb ohnb in`nf pl`os hganhnrnb hganhnrnb tgrtnbmmu tgrtnbmmubm bm ynbm iosganahnb iosganahnb l`gj hganhnrnb ntnu tgrjninp tgrjninp anjnyn `nobbyn ynbm ionsurnbsohnb. Nsn`hnb sg`n`u 5 - Anjwn aonyn tgrsgaut toinh toinh inpnt iopu`ojhnb in`nf in`nf sgtonp pl`os nsurnbso nsurnbso `nobbyn 8

[nmg 7 ld 3>


- Anjwn Anjwn mnbto rumo ynbm ioagrohnb ioagrohnb l`gj nsurnbso nsurnbso obo toinh agr`nhu anmo ntnu tgrfnsuh tgrfnsuh hgwneoanb hgwneoanb ynbm iotnbmmubm l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm io anwnj pgrenbeonb sgtg`nj tnbmmn` fu`no nsurnbso obo hgcun`o hgwneoanb tgrsgaut nhnb fg`ghnt hgpnin Ygrtnbmmubm igbmnb toinh ninbyn pgrenbeonb tgrsgaut . Hgwneoanb pgrusnjnnb in`nf pnsn` obo sgjuaubmnb igbmnb wnhtu nhnb in`nf hnsus toinh fg`gaojo >; % inro Wnbm [grtnbmmubmnb


IGDGQQGI [QGFOWF C@NWSG  Bltwotjstnbiobm tjnt [l`ocy os ossugi ns n clbtrnct dlr n pgroli ld twg`vg flbtjs, ot os jgrgay ubigrstlli nbi nmrggi tjnt tjg prgfouf sjn`` ag pnyna`g ob tjg dl``lwobm obstn``fgbts 5 >st obstn``fgbt iug 3; inys drlf obcgptolb intg 1bi obstn``fgbt iug 4; inys drlf obcgptolb intg 3ri obstn``fgbt iug ?; inys drlf obcgptolb intg  Bgvgrtjg`gss ot os durtjgr ubigrstlli nbi nmrggi tjnt 5 Ob tjg gvgbt ld nby obstn``fgbt blt agobm pnoi prolr tl, lr wotjob 3; inys ndtgr, ots iug intg tjg clvgr nddlrigi  ay tjos [l`ocy [l`ocy sjn`` ag iggfgi tl jnvg jnvg cgnsgi nt foibomjt ld sucj iug intg. Ob tjg gvgb ld n c`nof nrosobm jgrgubigr wjocj gxcggis tjg obstn``fgbt prgfoufs pnoi lb tjos [l`ocy tjg obstn``fgbt ld prgfouf tjgb lutstnbiobm sjn`` agclfg iug nbi pnyna`g dlrtjwotj.


  H@NWSW@N [GBENI]N@NB [GFAN_NQNB [QGFO Fgbyofpnbm inro [l`ocy ynbm iotgraothnb sganmno hlbtrnh sg`nfn iun ag`ns au`nb, igbmnb obo iofgbmgrto inb iosgtueuo anjwn prgfo nhnb ioanynr in`nf hn`o nbmsurnb agrohut5 Nbmsurnb > entuj tgfpl 3; jnro inro nwn` pgrolig Nbmsurnb 1 entuj tgfpl 4; jnro inro nwn` pgrolig Nbmsurnb 3 entuj tgfpl ?; jnro inro nwn` pgrolig Fgshopub igfohonb, iofgbmgrto inb iosgtueuo anjwn5 In`nf npnao`n tgrenio nbmsurnb ag`uf ioanynr sgtg`nj ntnu in`nf wnhtu 3; jnro sgtg`nj tnbmmn` entuj tgfpl ynbm ioagrohnb ioagrohnb l`gj pl`os obo, fnhn ionbmmnp ionbmmnp tg`nj ioantn`hnb ioantn`hnb io tgbmnj fn`nf inro tnbmmn` tnbmmn` entuj tgfpl tgrsgaut. Npnao`n tgrinpnt h`nof ynbm tofau` iosobo inb fg`gaojo prgfo nbmsurnb ynbm ioanynr pnin pl`os obo tubmmnhnb nbmsurnb prgfouf fgbenio entuj tgfpl inb jnrus ioanynr sgmgrn. Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


IOS[WYG C@NWSG Ob tjg gvgbt ld nby iosputg nrosobm agtwggb tjg Obsurgr nbi tjg Obsurgi ob rgspgct ld tjg ofp`gfgbtntolb nbi lr  obtgrprgtntolb ld tjos [l`ocy, tjg iosputg sjn`` ag sgtt`gi nfocna`y wotjob 4; (soxty) inys sobcg tjg iosputg nrosgs.

Yjg iosputg nrosgs sobcg tjg Obsurgi lr tjg Obsurgr jns gxprgssgi ob wrotobm jos iosnmrggfgbt lb tjg suaegct fnttgr ld tjg iosputg. Od tjg iosputg clu`i blt ag sgtt`gi. Yjg Obsurgr sjn`` movg tjg lptolb tl tjg Obsurgi tl g`gct gotjgr lbg ld tjg dl``lwobm iosputg nbi sucj cjlocg clu`i blt ag rgvlhgi. Yjg Obsurgi fust bltody jos cjlocg tl tjg Obsurgr ay rgmostgrgi `gttgr, tg`gmrnfs, tg`gx, dncsofo`g, G-fno` lr ay clurogr  n. Sgtt`g Sgtt`gfgb fgbtt ld ld Iosp Iosputg utg (Nraot (Nraotrnt rntolb olb)) C`nu C`nusg sg  a. Sgtt`gfgbt ld Iosputg (Clurt ld ld @nw) C`nusg .



H@NWSW@N FGFLQNBIWF SGBMHGYN (C) In`nf jn` tgrenio sgbmhgtn ynbm tofau` nbtnrn [gbnbmmubm inb Ygrtnbmmubm sgjuaubmnb igbmnb pg`nhsnbnnb inb / ntnu Obtgrprgtnso [l`os obo, pgrsg`osojnb tgrsgaut nhnb iosg`gsnohnb sgcnrn infno in`nf wnhtu 4; (gbnf  pu`uj) jnro sgenh sgbmhgtn tofau`. Sgbmhgtn obo fubcu` sgenh Ygrtnbmmubm ntnu [gbnbmmubm fgbyntnhnb sgcnrn tgrtu`os hgtoinhsgpnhntnb ntns jn` ynbm iopgrsgbmhgtnhnb. Eohn pgrsg`osojnb toinh inpnt iosg`gsnohnb,  pgrusnjnnb nsurnbso nhnb fgfagrohnb po`ojnb anmo Ygrtnbmmubm ubtuh fgfo`oj sn`nj sntu inro h`nusu` sgbmhgtn agrohut ubtuh fgbyg`gsnohnb sgbmhgtn inb po`ojnb tgrsgaut toinh inpnt iocnaut. Ygrtnbmmubm jnrus fgfagrotnjuhnb po`ojnbbyn hgpnin pgrusnjnnb nsurnbso fg`n`uo surnt tgrcntnt, tg`gmrnf, tg`ghs, dnhsofo`o, gfno` ntnu pgbmnbtnr  n. H`nusu`n H`nusu`n pgbyg`gsno pgbyg`gsnonb nb sgbmhgtn sgbmhgtn fg`n`uo fg`n`uo Nraotrns Nraotrnsgg  a. H`nusu`n pgbyg`gsnonb pgbyg`gsnonb sgbmhgtn fg`n`uo Juhuf Juhuf pgbmnio`nb


[nmg 4 ld 3>


Dlr tjg purplsg ld igtgrfobobm, wjgrg bgcgssnry, tjg igdobotolb ld nby prlpgrty obsurgi jgrgay tjg Obsurgr  nmrggs tl nccgpt tjg igsombntolb ubigr wjocj sucj prlpgrty jns aggb gbtgrgi ob tjg Obsurgi‟s allhs. -


Wbtuh agrtueunb fgbgbtuhnb, eohn pgr`u, igdoboso inro sgtonp jnrtn agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb ig igbmn bmnb b obo [g [gbnb bnbmmu mmubm bm sg sgtue tueu u ub ubtuh tuh fgb fgbgro grofn fn pgb pgbube ubeuhn uhnb b io fnb fnbnn prl prlpgr pgrto to tg tgrsg rsgaut aut tg tg`nj `nj iofnsuhhnb in`nf auhu Ygrtnbmmubm Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


IOQGCYLQ NBI/LQ GF[@L_GGS [GQSLBN@ GDDGCY C@NWSG (Sua @ofot WSI. >;;.;;; nby lbg lccurrgbcg) Yjg obigfboty mrnbtgi ay tjos [l`ocy gxtgbis tl obc`uig c`ltjobm nbi/lr pgrslbn` gddgct ld tjg iorgctlr nbi/lr  gfp`lyggs ld tjg Obsurgi dlr nb nflubt blt gxcggiobm WSI >;;.;;; ob rgspgct ld nby lbg iorgctlr nbi/lr  gfp`lygg nbi dlr nb nflubt blt gxcggiobm ob tjg nmmrgmntg WSI >;;.;;; -

H@NWSW@N ANQNBM FO@OH [QOANIO IOQGHYWQ INB NYNW HNQ_N]NB (Antns WSI.>;;.;;; pgrhgrenionb) Mnbto rumo ynbm ioagrohnb l`gj [l`ocy obo fgbcnhup pnhnonb inb / ntnu anrnbm fo`oh proanio iorghtur inb / ntnu hnrynwnb Ygrtnbmmubm ubtuh euf`nj ynbm toinh fg`gaojo WSI >;;.;;; pgr sn`nj sntu iorghtur inb / ntnu hnrynwnb inb ubtuh euf`nj ynbm toinh fg`gaojo in`nf nmrgmnt WSI >;;.;;; Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


GQQLQS NBI LFOSSOLBS C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt tjg obsurgi sjn`` blt ag prgeuiocgi ay nb ubobtgbtolbn` nbi/lr obnivgrtgbt lfossolbs, grrlrs, obclrrgct vn`untolb lr obclrrgct igscroptolb ld tjg obtgrgst, roshs lr prlpgrty prlvoigi bltocg os movgb tl tjg Obsurgr ns sllb ns prnctocna`g uplb iosclvgry ld sucj grrlrs lr lfossolbs nbi suaegct tl tjg Obsurgi pnyobm niiotolbn` prgfouf od rgquorgi. -


H@NWSW@N HGSN@NJNB INB HG@N@NONB Igbmnb obo iosgtueuo anjwn tgrtnbmmubm toinh nhnb agrprnsnbmhn auruh ynbm inb / ntnu toinh iosgbmnen, hgsn`njnb, pgbo`nonb ynbm sn`nj sn`nj ntnu fgbigshropso hgpgfo`ohnb hgpgfo`ohnb ynbm toinh agbnr, rosohl ntnu ntnu jnrtn ynbm nin ioagrotnjuhnb hgpnin [gbnbmmubm sgsgmgrn fubmhob sgtg`nj pgbgfunb hgsn`njnb tgrsgaut ntnu hg`n`nonb inb tubiuh pnin fgfanynr prgfo tnfanjnb Ygrtnbmmubm eohn iopgr`uhnb.

GSCN@NYOLB C@NWSG (1;%) Od iurobm tjg currgbcy ld tjg [l`ocy, Yjg Obsurgi gddgct niiotolbs nbi/lr n`tgrntolbs tl tjg clbtrnct wlrhs, ot os jgray igc`nrgi nbi nmrggi tjnt tjg sufs obsurgi ay tjg rgspgctovg otgfs ld tjos [l`ocy sjn`` ag jg`i tl ag nutlfntocn``y obcrgnsgi ay tjg sucj niiotolbs nbi/lr n`tgrntolbs os jg`i clvgrgi up tl nb nflubt blt gxcggiobm 1; % ld Yltn` Suf Obsurgi [rlvoigi n`wnys 5 Yjnt ob bl gvgbt sjn`` tjg Clfpnby ag `ona`g dlr nby nutlfntoc obcrgnsg ob Yltn` Clbtrnct Tn`ug ay nby ld tjg rgspgctovg otgfs ld tjg pl`ocy ob gxcgss ld 1; % ld Yltn` Suf Obsurgi -

H@NWSW@N [GBOBMHNYNB BO@NO (1;%) Npnao`n in`nf suntu [l`os fntn unbm, [gbnfanjnb Npnao`n [gbnfanjnb gdgh Ygrtnbmmubm Ygrtnbmmubm inb / ntnu pgruanjnb pgruanjnb hlbtrnh hnryn, hnryn, igbmnb obo fgbyntnhnb inb sgtueu anjwn bo`no pgrtnbmmubmnb l`gj fnsobm-fnsobm otgf [l`ocy obo toinh inpnt iofobtno sgcnrn ltlfntos fgbobmhnt igbmnb pgbnfanjnb tgrsgaut inb / ntnu pgruanjnb ioninhnb iotnbmmubm snfpno euf`nj ynbm toinh fg`gaojo 1;% inro tltn` unbm pgrtnbmmubmnb. Nsn`hnb sgbnbtonsn5

Anjwn in`nf jn` npnpub [grusnjnnb agrtnbmmubm enwna ubtuh sgtonp pgbobmhntnb ltlfntos in`nf Yltn` Bo`no Hlbtrnh igbmnb sn`nj sntu otgf io fnsobm-fnsobm pl`os `gaoj inro 1;% inro tltn` unbm pgrtnbmmubmnb.

[nmg = ld 3>



GZ[GIOYOBM GZ[GBSGS GZ[GBSGS C@NWSG (SWA @OFOY WSI 17;.;;; nby lbg lccurrgbcg) Yjg obsurnbcg ay tjos pl`ocy os gxtgbigi tl clvgr nby gxtrn clst obcurrgi ob rgspgct ld gxprgss ig`ovgry nor nordrg drgomj omjt, t, lvgrto lvgrtofg fg Subiny Subiny nbi Jl`oin Jl`oiny y rntgs rntgs ld wnmgs wnmgs ob clbbgc clbbgctol tolb b wotj wotj rg rgpno pnors rs lr rg rgp`n p`ncgf cgfgbt gbtss obigfbodona`g ay tjos pl`ocy. Yjg `onao`oty ld tjg obsurgrs ubigr tjos Gbilrsgfgbt sjn`` ob bl cnsg gxcggi Sua @ofot WSI. 17;,;;;.;; dlr blb G^TGY nbi WSI.17;,;;;.;; lr 7% wjocjgvgr os tjg `gssgr dlr G^TGY wjocj tjg rgpnor lr rgp`ncgfgb rgp`ncgfgbtt wlu`i jnvg clst od tjgsg gxpgbsgs jni blt aggb obcurrgi. obcurrgi. Suaegct Suaegct ltjgrwosg ltjgrwosg tl tjg tgrfs gxcgptolbs nbi clbiotolbs ld tjos pl`ocy. -

H@NWSW@N AGANB GHS[GIOSO GHS[GIOSO ( Antns WSI 17;.;;; pnin sgtonp hgenionb )

[l`os nsurnbso obo iopgrpnbenbm igbmnb iopgr`uns ubtuh fgbutupo aonyn tnfanjnb ynbm tofau` sgjuaubmnb igbmnb igbmn b ninbyn ninbyn aonyn pgbmorofnb pgbmorofnb anrnbm, anrnbm, pgbmorofn pgbmorofnb b ghsprgs, ghsprgs, `gfaur `gfaur Fobmmu Fobmmu inb @oaurnb, @oaurnb, sgjuaubmnb sgjuaubmnb igbmnb igbmn b pgranohnb pgranohnb ntnu pgbmmnbton pgbmmnbtonb b mnbto rumo l`gj pl`os obo. Hgwneoanb Hgwneoanb pgrusnjnnb pgrusnjnnb nsurnbso io anwnj [gbmgsnjnb obo jnrus in`nf jn` toinh fg`gaojo Sua @ofot WSI. 17;,;;;.;; ubtuh blb G^TGY inb WSI.17;, ;;;.;; ntnu 7% fnbn ynbm `gaoj rgbinj ubtuh G^TGY ynbm eohn aonyn pgranohnb ntnu pgbmmnbtonb ag`uf tgrenio. Iobyntnhnb tubiuh igbmnb synrnt pgbmgcun`onb inb hlbioso pl`os obo.


GZYQN CLSY LD QGOBSYNYGFGBY C@NWSG (Npp`ocna`g tl auo`iobms, fncjobgry, p`nbt nbi n`` ltjgr prlpgrty nbi clbtgbts8 ltjgr tjnb tjlsg spgcodogi ob otgf (a) tl (j) ubigr Ansos ld Sgtt`gfgbt) Yjos [l`ocy gxtgbis tl obc`uig obc`uig tjg gxtrn clst ld rgobstntgf rgobstntgfgbt gbt (obc`uiobm (obc`uiobm igfl`otolb igfl`otolb lr iosfnbt`ob iosfnbt`obm) m) ld  Infnmgi [rlpgrty [rlpgrty Obsurgi bgcgssnro`y bgcgssnro`y obcurrgi tl clfp`y clfp`y wotj tjg rgquorgfgbts ld nby Nct ld [nr`onfgbt lr  Qgmu`ntolb fnig tjgrgubigr lr nby Ay-@nw lr Qgmu`ntolb ld nby Fubocopn` lr ltjgr Stntutlry Nutjlroty8 suaegct suaeg ct tl tjg dl``lwobm dl``lwobm [rlvosolbs [rlvosolbs nbi suaegct suaegct n`sl tl tjg tgrfs, Clbiotolbs Clbiotolbs nbi @ofot(s) @ofot(s) lr Sua @ofots ld  @onao`oty ld tjos [l`ocy. [rlvosolb Yjg wlrh ld rgobstntgfgbt (wjocj fny ag cnrrogi lut wjl``y lr pnrton``y uplb nby ltjgr sotg(s), suaegct tl tjg `onao`oty ld tjg Obsurgr (s) blt agobm tjgrgay obcrgnsgi, fust ag clffgbcgi nbi cnrrogi lut wotj rgnslbna`g iospntcj, dno`obm wjocj tjg Obsurgr(s) sjn`` blt ag `ona`g tl fnhg nby pnyfgbt agylbi tjg nflubt wjocj wlu`i jnvg aggb pnyna`g ubigr tjos [l`ocy od tjos fgflrnbiuf jni blt aggb obclrplrntgi jgrgob. Yjg nflubt rgclvgrna`g sjn`` blt obc`uig tjg niiotolbn` clst obcurrgi ob clfp`yobm wotj nby sucj Nct, Qgmu`ntolb, Ay-@nw lr rgquorgfgbt rgquorgfgbt wotj tjg Obsurgi jni aggb rgquorgi tl clfp`y prolr tl tjg jnppgbobm ld tjg Infnmg. Cl-obsurnbcg sjn`` blt ag npp`ogi tl tjg nflubt rgclvgrna`g ubigr tjos fgflrnbiuf nbi nby nflubt spgcodogi sjn`` blt ag tnhgb obtl ncclubt dlr cl-obsurnbcg purplsg ob tgrfs sgt lut ob nby c`nusg clbtnobgi ob tjos [l`ocy. N`` ltjgr obiustron` Spgcon` Qoshs nbi/lr Dorg nbi Bnfgi [gro`s obsurnbcgs clvgrobm tjg prlpgrty gddgctgi ay lr  lb agjn`d ld tjg Obsurgi sjn`` ag lb n sofo`nr ansos. -

H@NWSW@N AON_N YNFANJNB WBYWH [GFW@OJNB ( Agr`nhu ubtuh anbmubnb, fgsob , pnaroh inb sgfun prlpgrto inb oso `nobbyn , sg`nob ynbm iotgbtuhnb in`nf  autor ( a ) inb ( j) agrinsnrhnb Sgtt`gfgbt Sgtt`gfgbt )

[l`os [l` os obo ) iopgr`un iopgr `unss igbmnb igbtgrtnbmmubm mnb fgbygr fgbygrtnh tnhnb nbrusnh, tnfanj tnfanjnb nb aon aonyn yn pgfu` pgfu`ojn ojnb b fgfgbujo ( tgr tgrfns fnsuh uhpgrsynrntnb pgfalb pgfalbmhn mhnrnb rnbsgtonp ntn ntnu u  pgrlaljnb inro prlpgrty ynbm jnrus iohg`unrhnb ubtuh inro Wbinbm-ubin Wbinb m-ubinbm bm [gfgrobtn [gfgrobtnj j ntnu [grnturnb [grnturnb ynbm ioaunt ioaunt anwnjbyn anwnjbyn ntnu [grubinbm [grubinbmnb nb ntnu [grnturnb [grnturnb sgtonp Hltn ntnu Ltlrotns Juhuf `nobbyn 8 tubiuh pnin Hgtgbtunb agrohut inb tubiuh eumn pnin synrnt , Hlbioso inb @ofot(s) ntnu ntnu Sua Antns [grtnbmmubmenwnanb [grtnbmmubmenwnanb [l`os obo. Hgtgbtunb [ghgrennb pgfu`ojnb pgfu`ojnb ( ynbm inpnt io`nhsnbnhnb sg`urujbyn sg`urujbyn ntnu sganmonb pnin sotus `nob( s ) , tubiuh pnin hgwneoanb [gbnbmmubm toinh iotnfanjhnb , jnrus iofu`no inb io`nhsnbnhnb igbmnb pgbmorofnb ynbm wnenr ,  pgbnbmmubm toinh agrtnbmmubm enwna ubtuh fg`nhuhnb pgfanynrnb fg`gaojo euf`nj ynbm sgjnrusbyn tgrjutnbm agrinsnrhnb [l`os obo eohn fgflrnbiuf obo ag`uf iofnsuhhnb io sobo . Euf`nj tgrpu`ojhnb toinh tgrfnsuh aonyn tnfanjnb ynbm tofau` in`nf fgfntujo sgtonp WW tgrsgaut , [grnturnb , ntns juhuf ntnu pgrsynrntnb pgrsynrntnb igbmnb Ygrtnbmmub Ygrtnbmmubm m inb iowneoahn iowneoahnb b ubtuh fgfntujo fgfntujo sgag`uf sgag`uf tgrenioby tgreniobynn hgrusnhnb tgrsgaut. Hl- nsurnbso toinh nhnb iotgrnphnb pnin euf`nj ynbm iopu`ojhnb ioanwnj fgflrnbiuf obo inb sgtonp euf`nj tgrtgbtu toinh nhnb iopgrjotubmhnb ubtuh tueunb Hl - nsurnbso in`nf enbmhn wnhtu ynbm iotgtnphnb in`nf h`nusu` ynbm tgrinpnt tgrinpnt in`nf [l`os obo . Sgmn`n Sgm n`n rosohl rosohl hjusus hjusus obiust obiustro ro inb / ntn ntnu u hganhn hganhnrnb rnb Iobnfn Iobnfnhnb hnb rosohl rosohl ynbm ynbm ioenfo ioenfob b nsurnb nsurnbso so prlpgr prlpgrty ty iopgbmnrujo l`gj ntnu ntns bnfn Ygrtnbmmubm jnrus fgbmmubnhnb fgtlig ynbm snfn .

Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb

[nmg : ld 3>



GZYQN GZ[GBSG C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay bltgi nbi nmrggi tjnt tjos obsurnbcg os gxtgbigi tl clvgr gxtrn gxpgbsgs bgcgssnro`y nbi rgnslbna`y obcurrgi ay tjg Obsurgi ob lrigr tl rgsufg lr tgfplrnro`y clbtobug ns bgnr`y blrfn` ns prnctocna`g tjg clbiuct ld tjg Obsurgiks ausobgss [rlvoigi n`wnys tjnt sucj gxtrn gxpgbsgs sjn`` ag obcurrgi ob clbbgctolb wotj nby `lss ld lr infnmg cnusgi ay nby pgro`s jgrgay obsurgi nmnobst, nbi pnyfgbt ay Obsurgr sjn`` gxc`uig nby `lss ld obclfg nbi/lr clsts tjnt wlu`i jnvg aggb obcurrgi ob clbiuctobm tjg Obsurgiks ausobgss jni bl pjysocn` `lss lr infnmg lccurrgi.

Yjg obigfboty nddlrigi ubigr tjos C`nusg os `ofotgi tl WSI 1,7;;,;;; nby lbg `lss. -

H@NWSW@N AON_N YNFANJNB Igbmnb obo iocntnt inb iosgtueuo anjwn nsurnbso obo iopgr`uns ubtuh fgbutupo aonyn ghstrn tgbtu inb cuhup iohg`unrhn iohg` unrhnb b l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm Ygrtnbmmubm in`nf rnbmhn ubtuh fg`nbeuth fg`nbeuthnb nb ntnu sgfgbtnrn sgfgbtnrn tgrus tgrus hnrgbn hnrgbn jnfpor jnfpor blrfn` blrfn` sgpgrto prnhtos pg`nhsnbnnb usnjn Ygrtnbmmubm. Nsn`hnb sgbnbtonsn anjwn aonyn ghstrn tgrsgaut nhnb tgrenio sgjuaubmnb igbmnb hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb ynbm iosganahnb l`gj rosohl ynbm ionsurnbsohnb tgrjninp, inb pgfanynrnb l`gj [gbnbmmubm nhnb fgbmgcun`ohnb jo`nbmbyn pgbinpntnb inb / ntnu aonyn-aonyn ynbm nhnb tg`nj iohg`unrhnb in`nf fg`nhuhnb Ygrtnbmmubm aosbos toinh fgfo`oho hgrumonb dosoh ntnu hgrusnhnb ynbm tgrenio. Mnbto rumo ynbm ioagrohnb agrinsnrhnb H`nusu` obo tgrantns pnin WSI 1.7;;.;;; sgtonp sntu hgrumonb Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


DOQG AQOMNIGS CJNQMGS [N_NA@G OB NIIOYOLBN@ YL YJG SWF OBSWQGI C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt rgnslbna`g cjnrmgs rnosgi ay nby `lcn` nutjlroty dlr tjg prlvosolb ld Dorg Aromnigs cn``gi dlr tjg purplsg ld prltgctobm tjg prgfosgs sjn`` ag rgclvgrna`g jgrgubigr suaegct tl rgnslbna`g clst, wjocjgvgr os tjg `gssgr. -

H@NWSW@N AON_N YNFANJNB [GFNINF HGANHNQNB INQO JNQMN [GQYNBMMWBMNB Igbmnb Igbmn b obo iosgtueuo iosgtueuo anjwn aonyn ynbm wnenr wnenr ynbm ioneuhnb l`gj ltlrotns ltlrotns `lhn` ubtuh pgbygionnb pgbygionnb fgfnbmo` fgfnbmo` [nsuhnb [nsuh nb [gfninf [gfninf Hganhnrnb Hganhnrnb agrtueunb agrtueunb ubtuh fg`obiubmo fg`obiubmo tgfpnt tgrtnbmmub tgrtnbmmubm, m, aonyn pgfu`ojnb obo tubiuh  ubtuh aonyn ynbm fnsuh nhn`, fnbn ynbm `gaoj rgbinj Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


DOQG GZYOBMWOSJFGBY CLSY [N_NA@G OB NIIOYOLBN@ YL YJG SWF OBSWQGI C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi nbi igc`nrgi tjnt bltwotjstnbiobm nbytjobm ob tjg wotjob pl`ocy clbtnobgi tl tjg clbtrnry,  aut suaegct tl tjg prlvosls jgrgobndtgr jgrgobndtgr clbtnobgi, tjg obsurnbcg obsurnbcg ubigr tjos pl`ocy gxtgbis gxtgbis tl obc`uig 5 >. ]nmgs ld tjg Obsurgiks gfp`lyggs ltjgr tjnb du`` du`` tofg fgfagrs fgfagrs ld n wlrhs Dorg Aromnig. 1. Yjg clst ld rgp`gb rgp`gbosj osjfgb fgbtt ld Dorg Domjtobm Domjtobm Npp`onbc Npp`onbcgs gs nbi igstruc igstructol tolb b ld lr infnmg infnmg tl dorg dorg domjto domjtobm bm fntgron`s (obc`uiobm gfp`lyggsk c`ltjobm nbi pgrslbn` gddgcts) ub`gss ltjgrwosg spgcodocn``y obsurgi. 3. [rlvoigi [rlvoigi n`wnys n`wnys tjnt tjg `onao`oty `onao`oty ld tjg clfpnby ob rgspgct rgspgct ld sucj wnmgs nbi clsts sjn`` ag `ofo `ofotgi tgi tl tjlsg bgcgssnro`y nbi rgnslbna`y obcurrgi ob gxtobmuosjobm dorgs nt lr nielobobm tjg sotuntolb ld tjg prlpgrty obsurgi ay tjos pl`ocy lr offgiontg`y tjrgntgbobm tl obvl`vg sucj prlpgrty. [rlvoigi durtjgr tjnt ltjgrwosg tjg obsurnbcg ubigr tjos gbilrsgfgbt nbi tjg pl`ocy sjn`` ag suaegct tl n`` tjg tgrfs, `ofotntolbs, stopu`ntolbs, gxc`usolbs, prlvosls nbi gxcgptolbs probtgi lb, gxprgssgi ob, gbilrsgi uplb lr  nttncjgi tl tjg pl`ocy (gxcgpt ob sl dnr ns tjgy fny ag jgrgay vnrogi) sjn`` npp`y ns od tjgy jni aggb obclrplrntg jgrgob. -

H@NW H@ NWSW SW@N @N AO AON_ N_N N N@NY N@NY [GFN [GFNIN INF F HGAN HGANHN HNQN QNB B – YNFA YNFANJ NJNB NB INQO INQO JNQM JNQMN N [GQYNBMMWBMNB Igbmnb obo iosgtueuo inb iobyntnhnb anjwn tgr`gpns inro npn pub io in`nf pl`os ynbm tgrhnbiubm sgan`ohbyn, tubiuh pnin hgtgbtunb sg`nbeutbyn, nsurnbso nsurnbso io anwnj [l`os obo fg`oputo pgr`unsnb5 pgr`unsnb5 >. Wpnj inro inro hnrynwn hnrynwnb b tgrtnbmmubm tgrtnbmmubm sg`nob sg`nob nbmmltn nbmmltn inro inro [nsuhnb [nsuhnb [gfninf [gfninf.. 1. Aonyn Aonyn pgbnfanjnb pgbnfanjnb inb pgbmjnbcur pgbmjnbcurnb nb ntnu hgrusnhnb hgrusnhnb [grn`nt [grn`ntnb nb pgfninf pgfninf hganhnrnb hganhnrnb ( tgrfnsuh tgrfnsuh pnhnonb inb anrnbm proanio hnrynwnb) hgcun`o sgcnrn hjusus ionsurnbsohnb .

[nmg ? ld 3>



Anjwn Anjwn Sg`n`u Sg`n`u tnbmmubm tnbmmubm enwna pgrusn pgrusnjnnb jnnb in`nf in`nf jn` upnj inb aonyn aonyn tgrsgaut tgrsgaut nhnb tgrant tgrantns ns pnin npn ynbm ynbm  pgr`u inb wnenr ynbm tofau` in`nf fgfninfhnb hganhnrnb pnin ntnu agrinfpobmnb igbmnb sotunso jnrtn  agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb l`gj pl`os obo ntnu ynbm fg`oanthnb jn`-jn` ynbm agrjuaubmnb igbmnb  prlpgrty tgrsgaut . @gaoj `nbeut anjwn eohn nsurnbso io anwnj gbilrsgfgbt inb pl`os obo jnrus tubiuh pnin sgfun hgtgbtunb , hgtgrantns hgtgr antnsnb nb , hgtgbtunb hgtgbtunb , pgbmgcun`o pgbmgcun`onb nb , prlvosls prlvosls inb pgbmgcun`o pgbmgcun`onb nb ynbm iocgtnh pnin , iobyntnhnb iobyntnhnb in`nf in`nf , ioiuhubm ioiuh ubm pnin ntnu fg`ghnt pnin [l`os ( hgcun`o sgenuj sgenuj fgrghn fubmhob igbmnb igbmnb obo agrvnronso agrvnronso ) agr`nhu agr`nhu sgl`nj-l`nj fgrghn tg`nj fgbmmnaubmhnb io sobo .


MGBGQN@ OBYGQGSY C@NWSG Cgrtnob ld tjg [rlpgrty Obsurgi fny ag tjg suaegct ld jorg purcjnsg `gnsg lr ltjgr nmrggfgbts nbi tjg obtgrgst ld tjg ltjgr pnrtogs tl tjgsg nrrnbmgfgbts os bltgi ob tjos obsurnbcg, tjg bnturg nbi gxtgbts ld sucj obtgrgst tl ag iosc`lsgi ay tjg Obsurgi ob tjg gvgbt ld infnmg. -


H@NWSW@ HG[GBYOBMNB AGQSNFN Sganmonb inro jnrtn agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb fubmhob tgrohnt pnin [grenbeonb Sgwn Ag`o ntnu [grenbeonb[grenbeon [gre nbeonb b `nobbyn `nobbyn inb hgpgbtobmn hgpgbtobmnb b pojnh-pojn pojnh-pojnh h `nob in`nf pgrenbeon pgrenbeonb-pgr b-pgrenbeo enbeonb nb tgrsgaut tgrsgaut iocntnt iocntnt in`nf  pgrtnbmmubmnb obo, sodnt inb `unsbyn hgpgbtobmnb tgrsgaut jnrus ioagrotnjuhnb l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm in`nf jn` tgrenio hgrusnhnb.

JOQG [WQCJNSG LQ @GNSG NMQGGFGBYS C@NWSG Ot os bltgi nbi nmrggi tjnt cgrtnob ld tjg Obtgrgst Obsurgi fny ag tjg suaegct ld jorg purcjnsg, `gnsg lr ltjgr  nmrggfgbts nbi tjg obtgrgst ld tjg ltjgr pnrtogs tl tjgsg nmrggfgbts os bltgi ob tjos Obsurnbcg, tjg bnturg nbi gxtgbt ld sucj obtgrgst tl ag iosc`lsgi ay tjg Obsurgi ob tjg gvgbt ld infnmg. -

H@NWSW@N SG]N AG@O NYNW NYNW [GQENBEONB SG]N [gr`u iocntnt inb sgpnhnt anjwn aubmn Ygrtnbmmubm fubmhob fgbenio suaegh sgwn ag`o, sgwn ntnu pgrenbeonb `nob inb hgpgbtobmnb pojnh `nob in`nf pgrenbeonb tgrsgaut iocntnt in`nf Nsurnbso obo, sodnt inb tobmhnt aubmn tgrsgaut nhnb ioubmhnphnb l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm npnao`n tgrenio hgrusnhnb. Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


OBYGQBN@ QGFLTN@ C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt ob tjg gvgbt ld rgflvn` ld prlpgrty drlf lbg auo`iobm tl nbltjgr nt nby ld tjg sotuntolbs clvgrgi ay tjos [l`ocy agobm obnivgrtgbt`y blt nivosgi tl tjg Obsurgr, tjg obsurnbcg lb sucj prlpgrty sjn`` dl``lw rgflvn`. Yjg bgcgssnry bgcgssnry nieustfgbt nieustfgbtss ld prgfouf, prgfouf, od nby, sjn`` ag fnig ns drlf tjg intg ld rgflvn` ns sllb ns tjg lvgrsomjts os iosclvgrgi, prlvoigi tjnt tjg `onao`oty ld tjg Obsurgr sjn`` blt gxcggi tjg suf obsurgi jgrgubigr. -


H@NWSW@N [GFOBINJNB ANQNBM NBYNQ @LHNSO _NBM IO[GQYNBMMWBMHNB Igbmnb obo iofgbmgrto inb iosgtueuo, anjwn npnao`n tgrenio pgfobinjnb jnrtn agbin inro sntu anbmubnb hg  anbmubnb `nobbyn in`nf `obmhubmnb ynbm ioenfob l`gj [l`os obo ynbm sgcnrn toinh sgbmnen toinh ioagrotnjuhnb hgpnin [gbnbmmubm, fnhn pgrtnbmmubmnb ntns jnrtn agbin tgrsgaut nhnb ohut pu`n iopobinjhnb, pgbygsunonb pgbygsunonb ynbm iopgr`uhnb fgbmgbno euf`nj pgrtnbmmubmnb inb prgfo, iojotubm inro sgenh tnbmmn`  pgfobinjnb jnrtn agbin tgrsgaut, ioaunt sgmgrn sgtg`nj hghg`orunb otu iohgtnjuo. Nhnb tgtnpo igbmnb synrnt, tnbmmubm enwna [gbnbmmubm toinh nhnb fg`gaojo euf`nj pgrtnbmmubmnb io in`nf [l`os.

OBYGQ[QGYNYOLB C@NWSG Ob tjg gvgbt ld nby clbd`oct ld obtgrprgtntolb agtwggb tjg vnrolus c`nusgs nbi clbiotolbs clbtnobgi ob tjos [l`ocy, tjg arlnigst nbi `gnst rgstroctovg wlriobm tl tjg agbgdot ld tjg Obsurgi sjn`` n`wnys prgvno`.  Bltwotjstnbiobm tjg dlrgmlobm, ob tjg gvgbt tjnt nby prlvosolb ld tjos [l`ocy os ubgbdlrcgna`g ay tjg Obsurgi

ubigr tjg `nws ld nby Bntolb lr ltjgr eurosioctolb wjgrgob ot os c`nofgi tjnt nb Obsurgi os `ona`g dlr nby `lss, obeury lr infnmg clvgrgi ay tjos [l`ocy agcnusg ld blb-clfp`onbcg wotj nby stntutg tjgrgld, tjgb tjos [l`ocy sjn`` ag gbdlrcgna`g ay tjg Obsurgi wotj tjg snfg gddgct ns od ot clfp`ogi wotj sucj stntutg.

[nmg >; ld 3>



H@NWSW@N OBYGQ[QGYNSO In`nf jn` tgrenio hlbd`oh in`nf pgbndsornb nbtnrn agranmno h`nusu` inb hlbioso ynbm tgrinpnt in`nf [l`os obo, wlriobm tgr`uns inb pn`obm hgtnt ubtuh hgpgbtobmnb Ygrtnbmmubm nhnb sg`n`u agr`nhu. Sghn`opub Sghn `opub igfohonb, igfohonb, in`nf in`nf jn` nin hgtgbtunb hgtgbtunb inro [l`os [l`os obo toinh inpnt io`nhsnbnhn io`nhsnbnhnb b l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm Ygrtnbmmubm  agrinsnrhnb juhuf sgtonp anbmsn ntnu yurosiohso `nob iofnbn jn` obo ioh`nof anjwn Ygrtnbmmubm agrtnbmmubm  enwna ntns hgrumonb, cgigrn ntnu hgrusnhnb ioenfob l`gj [l`os obo hnrgbn hgtoinhpntujnb igbmnb ubinbmubinbm, fnhn [l`os obo nhnb io`nhsnbnhnb l`gj l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm igbmnb gdgh ynbm snf snfnn sgl`nj-l`nj fgfgbujo ubinbm-ubinbm tgrsgaut. Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


@LNIOBM NBI WB@LNIOBM C@NWSG  Bltwotjstnbiobm nbytjobm clbtnobgi jgrgob tl tjg clbtrnry, ot os jgrgay ubigrstlli nbi nmrggi tjnt tjos obsurnbcg os gxtgbigi tl clvgr `lss ld lr infnmg tl tjg mllis iurobm `lniobm lb tl cnrryobm clbvgynbcg offgiont offg iontg`y g`y prolr tl iospntcj nbi iurobm iurobm ub`lniobm ub`lniobm drlf tjg Nssurgis Nssurgis lr Clbsombggsks Clbsombggsks prgfosgs nt tjg igstobntolb bnfgi jgrgob nbi, ob tjg cnsg ld clbtnobgrozgi mllis, iurobm tjg studdobm tjgrgld offgiontg`y prolr  tl iospntcj nbi iurobm tjg igstuddobm tjgrgld offgiontg`y ndtgr nt tjg Nssurgis lr Clbsombggs prgfosgs nt tjg igstobntolb bnfgi jgrgob. -

H@NWSW@N ALBMHNQ FWNY Ynbpn fgbmnanohnb jn` ynbm tgrhnbiubm io sobo sgan`ohbyn, igbmnb obo iopnjnfo inb iosgtueuo anjwn nsurnbso obo iopgr`uns ubtuh fgbenfob hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb anrnbm sg`nfn pgfuntnb hg n`nt nbmhut sgmgrn sgag`uf  pgbmorofnb inb sg`nfn albmhnr inro `lhnso Ygrtnbmmubm ntnu tgfpnt pgbgrofn anrnbm io tueunb ynbm tg`nj

iosgauthnb inb, in`nf hnsus anrnbm iohgfns, sg`nfn osonb inropninbyn sgmgrn sgag`uf pgbmorofnb inb sg`nfn igstuddobm inropninbyn sgmgrn sgtg`nj io Ygrtnbmmubm ntnu pgbgrofn anrnbm igbmnb `lhnso io tueunb ynbm tg`nj iosgauthnb Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


@LSS BLYODOCNYOLB C@NWSG (3; inys)  Bltwotjstnbiobm nbytjobm clbtnobgi jgrgob tl tjg clbtrnry ot os nmrggi tjnt tjos obsurnbcg wo`` blt ag prgeuiocg  ay nby obnivgrtgbt ig`nys, grrlrs lr lfossolb ob bltodyobm tjg Clfpnby ld nby corcufstnbcgs lr gvgbts movobm rosg lr `ohg`y tl movg rosg tl n c`nof ubigr tjos [l`ocy. -

H@NWSW@N [GFAGQOYNJWNB HGQWMONB Sg`nfn toinh agrtgbtnbmnb igbmnb pgrsynrntnb `nobbyn fnhn pgbutupnb obo toinh nhnb fgbobinh hgtgr`nfantnb  pgfagrotnjunb ynbm toinh inpnt iojobinrhnb hgsn`njnb ntnu hgtoinh sgbmnennb ntns pgfagrotnjunb tgrjninp

 pgbnbmmubm tgbtnbm hgninnb ntnu ntnu hgenionb ynbm fubmhob inp inpnt nt fgbofau`hnb h`nof. h`nof.


@LSS LD QGBY C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay igc`nrgi nbi nmrggi wjgb tjg rgbtgi auo`iobm os ubtgbnbtna`g lr cnbblt ag lccupogi ns ot sjlu`i ag dlr n pgroli ld, nt `gnst, 3 x 19 jlurs ob clbsgqugbcg ld `lss ld lr infnmg cnusgi ay dorg lr nby ltjgr pgro`s obsurgi nmnobst, nbi ob vogw tjgrgld rgbt rgcgovna`g tjnt sjlu`i ag rgcgovgi ay tjg obsurgi, ansgi lb tjg clbtrnct nmrggfgbt, os tjgrgdlr cgnsgi, suaegct tl tjg dl``lwobm clbiotolbs tjg clfpnby wo`` obigfbody tjg obsurgi lb `lss ld tjg rgbt obclfg wjo`st tjg auo`iobm os nctun``y ubtgbnbtna`g lr lccupogi ns ot supplsgi tl ag, iug tl rgpnor nbi rgobstntgi pgroli. Yjg pgroli ld rgpnor nbi/lr rgobstntgfgbt rgobstntgfgbt os cn`cu`ntgi cn`cu`ntgi drlf tjg auo`iobm os ubtgbnbtna`g ubto` ubto` clfp`gtolb ld  rgpnor lr rgobstntgfgbt lr tjg gxpory ld tjg clbtrnct pgroli, wjocj gvgr dorst lccur, wotj n fnxofuf obigfboty ld tjg suf obsurgi tjgrgob. Od agcnusg ld nbytjobm, rgpnor lr rgobstntgfgbt cnbblt ag cnrrogi lut offgiontg`y, tjg pgroli ld tjg rgpnor lr  rgobstntgfgbt os cn`cu`ntgi ob ncclrinbcg wotj tjg blrfn` pgroli nigquntg dlr tjnt purplsgs. -

H@NWSW@N HGJO@NBMNB WNBM SG]N Igbmnb obo fgbyntnhnb inb sgtueu hgtohn anbmubnb ynbm iosgwn nin`nj toinh aosn ioionfo ntnu toinh aosn iotgfpnto sganmnofnbn fgstobyn sg`nfn, sgtoinhbyn, 3 x 19 enf sganmno nhoant inro hgjo`nbmnb ntnu hgrusnhnb ynbm iosganahnb l`gj hganhnrnb ntnu anjnyn `nobbyn ionsurnbsohnb, inb in`nf Sgwn poutnbm ynbm jnrus

[nmg >> ld 3>


iotgrofn l`gj tgrtnbmmubm, agrinsnrhnb pgrenbeonb hlbtrnh, tubiuh pnin hlbioso pgrusnjnnb nhnb fgbmmnbto hgrumonb tgrtnbmmubm ntns jo`nbmbyn pgbinpntnb sgwn sgfgbtnrn anbmubnb sgagbnrbyn toinh aosn ioionfo ntnu iotgfpnto hnrgbn sgjnrusbyn, hnrgbn pgranohnb inb pgrolig pgfu`ojnb. Fnsn pgranohnb pgranohnb inb / ntnu pgbmgfan`onb pgbmgfan`onb iojotubm inro anbmubnb toinh aosn ioionfo snfpno sg`gsno sg`gsnobyn byn  pgranohnb ntnu pgfu`ojnb ntnu agrnhjorbyn fnsn hlbtrnh, ynbm pgrtnfn hn`obyn tgrenio, igbmnb mnbto rumo fnhsofn` unbm pgrtnbmmubmnb. Eohn hnrgbn sgsuntu, pgranohnb ntnu pgfu`ojnb toinh inpnt io`nhuhnb igbmnb sgmgrn, pgrolig pgranohnb ntnu  pgbmgfan`onb iojotubm sgsuno igbmnb enbmhn wnhtu wnhtu ynbm blrfn` cuhup ynbm sgs sgsuno uno igbmnb hgpgr`unb tgrsgaut. tgrsgaut. Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


FGFLQNBIWF LD IOS[WYG C@NWSG ‐C‖ Ob tjg gvgbt ld nby iosputg nrosobm agtwggb tjg Obsurgr nbi tjg Obsurgi ob rgspgct ld tjg ofp`gfgbtntolb nbi lr  obtgrprgtntolb ld tjos [l`ocy, tjg iosputg sjn`` ag sgtt`gi nfocna`y wotjob 4; (soxty) inys sobcg tjg iosputg nrosgs. Yjg iosputg nrosgs sobcg tjg Obsurgi lr tjg Obsurgr jns gxprgssgi ob wrotobm jos iosnmrggfgbt lb tjg suaegct fnttgr ld tjg iosputg. Od tjg iosputg clu`i blt ag sgtt`gi. Yjg Obsurgr sjn`` movg tjg lptolb tl tjg Obsurgi tl g`gct gotjgr lbg ld tjg dl``lwobm iosputg nbi sucj cjlocg clu`i blt ag rgvlhgi. Yjg Obsurgi fust bltody jos cjlocg tl tjg Obsurgr ay rgmostgrgi `gttgr, tg`gmrnfs, tg`gx, dncsofo`g, G-fno` lr ay clurogr  n. Sgtt`gfgbt l ldd Io Iosputg (N (Nraotrntolb) C C``nusg  a. Sgtt`gfgbt ld Iosputg (Clurt ld @nw) C`nusg .


H@NWSW@N FGFLQNBIWF SGBMHGYN (C) In`nf jn` tgrenio sgbmhgtn ynbm tofau` nbtnrn [gbnbmmubm inb Ygrtnbmmubm sgjuaubmnb igbmnb pg`nhsnbnnb inb / ntnu Obtgrprgtnso [l`os obo, pgrsg`osojnb tgrsgaut nhnb iosg`gsnohnb sgcnrn infno in`nf wnhtu 4; (gbnf  pu`uj) jnro sgenh sgbmhgtn tofau`. Sgbmhgtn obo fubcu` sgenh Ygrtnbmmubm ntnu [gbnbmmubm fgbyntnhnb sgcnrn tgrtu`os hgtoinhsgpnhntnb ntns jn` ynbm iopgrsgbmhgtnhnb. Eohn pgrsg`osojnb toinh inpnt iosg`gsnohnb,  pgrusnjnnb nsurnbso nhnb fgfagrohnb po`ojnb anmo Ygrtnbmmubm ubtuh fgfo`oj sn`nj sntu inro h`nusu` sgbmhgtn agrohut ubtuh fgbyg`gsnohnb sgbmhgtn inb po`ojnb tgrsgaut toinh inpnt iocnaut. Ygrtnbmmubm jnrus fgfagrotnjuhnb po`ojnbbyn hgpnin pgrusnjnnb nsurnbso fg`n`uo surnt tgrcntnt, tg`gmrnf, tg`ghs, dnhsofo`o, gfno` ntnu pgbmnbtnr  n. H`nusu`n pgbyg`gsnonb sgbmhgtn fg`n`uo Nraotrns  a. H`nusu`n pgbyg`gsnonb pgbyg`gsnonb sgbmhgtn fg`n`uo Juhuf pgbmnio`nb Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


FOBLQ N@YGQNYOLBS N@YGQNYOLBS NBI QG[NOQS NBI [QL[GQY_ OB YJG CLWQSG LD CLBSYQWCYOLB C@NWSG (SWA @OFOY OIQ 7;.;;;.;;;.;;; NB_ LBG CLBYQNCY NY NB_ LBG @LCNYOLB) Foblr n`tgrntolbs, niiotolbs nbi rgpnors tl auo`iobm, p`nbt, doxturgs nbi dottobms, nbi fncjobgry (gxc`usovg ld  nby Sprobh`gr Obstn``ntolbs) nbi foblr wlrhs ob prlmrgss nrg n``lwgi nbi tjg obsurnbcg ay tjos [l`ocy sjn`` blt  ag prgeuiocgi ay tjos. -


H@NWSW@N [GQWANJNB H@NWSW@N [GQWANJNB HGCO@ HGCO@ INB [GQANOHNB [GQANOHNB INB [QL[GQYO [QL[GQYO IN@NF IN@NF [QLMQNF [QLMQNF HLBSYQWHSO (SWA @OFOY Qp 7;.;;;.;;;.;;; SGYON[ HLBYQNH SGYON[ @LHNSO) [gruanjnb, [grua njnb, pgbnfanjnb pgbnfanjnb inb pgranohnb pgranohnb hgco` tgrjninp tgrjninp anbmubnb, anbmubnb, tnbnfnb, tnbnfnb, pgr`gbmhnp pgr`gbmhnpnb nb inb pgrn`ntnb, pgrn`ntnb, inb fgsob (toinh tgrfnsuh sgtonp Obstn`nso Sprobh`gr) inb pghgrennb hgco` in`nf pgbyg`gsnonb iopgral`gjhnb inb  pgrtnbmmubmnb nsurnbso l`gj [l`os [l`os obo toinh nhnb io`nbmmnr.

FOSIGSCQO[YOLB C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt tjos obsurnbcg sjn`` blt ag prgeuiocgi ay nby obnivgrtgbt fos-igscroptolb ld lccupnbcy  prlvoigi tjg Obsurgi sjn`` bltody tjg Obsurgrs wotjob = (sgvgb) cn`gbinr inys tjgy agclfg nwnrg nbi tl pny niiotolbn` prgfouf od rgquorgi drlf tjg intg ld tjg obcgptolb ld tjg obnivgrtgbt fos-igscroptolb ld lccupnbcy. -

H@NWSW@N HGSN@NJNB IGSHQO[SO Igbmnb obo sgpnhnt anjwn nsurnbso obo toinh nhnb io`nbmmnr nhoant hgtoinhsgbmnennb hgsn`njnb igshropso l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm inb jnrus ioagrotnjuhnb hgpnin [gbnbmmubm in`nf wnhtu = (tueuj) jnro hn`gbigr sgrtn fgfanynr   prgfo tnfanjnb eohn eohn iopgr`uhnb inro tnbmmn` tnbmmn` nwn` hgtoinhsgbmnennb hgtoinhsgbmnennb hgsn`njnb igshropso tgrsgaut.

[nmg >1 ld 3>



BLFOBNYGI NIEWSYGQ C@NWSG Ob tjg gvgb ld nby c`nof ubigr tjg [l`ocy lbg ld tjg dl``lwobm nieustgr sjn`` ag npplobtgi 5 Z  y  Nby ltjgr nieustgr ns futun``y nmrggi ay tjg obsurgrs nbi tjg Obsurgi. -


H@NWSW@N [GFO@OJNB NIEWSYGQ  In`nf jn` tgreniobyn h`nof sn`nj sntu nieustgr agrohut jnrus iotubeuh5  x  y Sgtonp nieustgr `nob jnrus iosgpnhnto agrsnfn l`gj pgrusnjnnb nsurnbso inb Ygrtnbmmubm.

BLB-OBTN@OINYOLB C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt tjos obsurnbcg sjn`` blt ag obvn`ointgi ay nby cjnbmg ld lccupnbcy lr obcrgnsg ld roshs tnhobm tnho bm p`ncg p`ncg ob tjg prlpgrty prlpgrty obsurgi wotjlut tjg Obsurgiks Obsurgiks hblw`gimg, hblw`gimg, prlvoigi prlvoigi tjg Obsurgi Obsurgi sjn`` bltody tjg Obsurgrs wotjob = (sgvgb) cn`gbinr inys tjgy agclfg nwnrg nbi tl pny niiotolbn` prgfouf od prgfouf  od rgquorgi drlf tjg intg ld tjg obcgptolb lb tjg cjnbmg ld lccupnbcy lr obcrgnsg ld rosh tnhobm p`ncg. -

H@NWSW@N BLB [GFANYN@NB Igbmnb obo sgpnhnt anjwn nsurnbso obo toinh nhnb ioantn`hnb l`gj pgruanjnb jubonb ntnu pgbobmhntnb rosohl ynbm ynb m tgr tgreni enioo ynbm ynbm iopgr iopgrtnb tnbmmu mmubmh bmhnb nb tnb tnbpn pn sgpgbm sgpgbmgtn gtnjun junb b tgr tgrtnb tnbmmu mmubm, bm, nsn`hn nsn`hnb b Ygrtnb Ygrtnbmmu mmubm bm jnrus jnrus

fgfagrotnju [gbnbmmubm in`nf wnhtu = (tueuj) jnro hn`gbigr inb fgfanynr prgfo tnfanjnb eohn iopgr`uhnb sgenh tnbmmn` iofu`nobyn pgruanjnb jubonb ntnu pgbobmhntnb rosohl tgrenio.


BLYODOCNYOLB C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay bltgi nbi nmrggi tjnt tjg prgsgbt sotuntolb, fnbbgr ld clbbgctolb, clbstructolb, bnturg nbi obtgrolr  ld tjg auo`iobms nbi n`sl tjg trnig cnrrogi lb tjgrgob, os hblwb tl Obsurgrs. -

H@NWSW@N [GFAGQOYNJWNB Igbmnb obo iocntnt inb sgpnhnt anjwn sotunso sghnrnbm, cnrn hlbghso, hlbstruhso, sodnt inb obtgrolr anbmubnb inb eumn hgmontnb usnjn ynbm ioen`nbhnb io in`nfbyn, iohgtnjuo [gbnbmmubm.


LWYAWO@IOBMS C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt tjg obsurnbcg ay gncj otgf ubigr auo`iobms os ubigrstlli tl obc`uig wn``s, mntgs nbi

dgbcg, sfn`` dgbcg, sfn`` lutso lutsoig ig auo`io auo`iobms bms,, gxtgbs gxtgbsolb olbs, s, nbbgxg nbbgxgs, s, gxtgr gxtgrolr olr stn stnorc orcnsg nsg,, dug` dug` obstn` obstn``nt `ntolb olbs, s, stg stgg` g` lr orl orlb b drnfgwlrh nbi tnbhs ob tjg snoi prgfosgs nbi tjg obsurnbcg ay gncj otgf ubigr clbtgbts gxtgbis tl clbtgbts ld  gncj lutauo`iobm, prlvoigi tjgor vn`ugs nrg obc`uigi ob tjg suf obsurgi. -


H@NWSW@N ANMONB @WNQ ANBMWBNB Igbmnb obo iosgtueuo Igbmnb iosgtueuo anjwn pgrtnbmmubmnb pgrtnbmmubmnb ntns tonpanmonb tonpanmonb anbmubnb anbmubnb iopnjnfo iopnjnfo tgrfnsuh tgrfnsuh iobiobm, iobiobm, pobtu mgranbm mgran bm inb pnmnr, pnmnr, anbmubnb anbmubnb hgco` io `unr, `unr, pgr`unsnb pgr`unsnb,anbmu ,anbmubnb bnb tnfanjnb, tnfanjnb, tnbmmn `unr, `unr, obstn`nso obstn`nso anjnb  anhnr,hgrnbmhn agso ntnu anen inb tnbmho ynbm agrnin in`nfpghnrnbmnb inb pgrtnbmmubmnb ntns tonp anmonb inroo oso anbmub inr anbmubnb nb tgr tgrfns fnsuh uh oso sgt sgtonp onp anbmub anbmubnb nb `un `unr, r, igbmnb igbmnbhgt hgtgbt gbtunb unb bo`nob bo`nobyn yn tgr tgrfns fnsuh uh pnin pnin jnrmn jnrmn  pgrtnbmmubmnb.

[N_FGBY LB NCCLWBY C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt prlmrgss pnyfgbt lb ncclubt ld nby `lss rgclvgrna`g ubigr tjos pl`ocy wo`` ag fnig tl tjg Obsurgi nt sucj stnmgs ns fny ag futun``y nmrggs uplb od igsorgi ay tjg Obsurgi nbi lb prliuctolb ld nb obtgrof rgplrt ay tjg `lss nieustgr (od npplobtgi) prlvoigi tjnt sucj pnyfgbt nrg igiuctgi drlf tjg dobn``y nmrggi c`nof sgtt`gfgbt domurgs. -


[nmg >3 ld 3>


Igbmnb obo iosgtueuo anjwn pgfanynrnb iofuhn ntns hgrumonb ynbm inpnt ioagro mnbto rumo agrninsnrhnb pl`os obo nhnb io`nhuhnb hgpnin tgrtnbmmubm pnin tnjnpnb ynbm iosgpnhnto agrsnfn eohn iofobtn l`gj tgrtnbmmubm inb pnin wnhtu pgbgraotnb `nplrnb pgbinju`unb l`gj pgbo`no hgrumonb (eohn iotubeuh) igbmnb hgtgbtunb anjwn  pgfanynrnb tgrsgaut iohurnbmo iohurnbmo inro euf`nj pgbyg`gsnonb pgbyg`gsnonb h`nof nhjor nhjor ynbm iosgtueuo Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


[QGTGBYOTG FGNSWQG C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay jgrgay nmrggi tjnt ob tjg gvgbt gvgbt ld nctun` infnmg infnmg (lr offobgbt offobgbt infnmg) infnmg) tl tjg obsurgi obsurgi prlpgrty, prlpgrty, Yjg Yjg Obsurgr wo`` pny tjg rgnslbna`y clsts bgcgssnry ob prgvgbtobm, fobofosobm lr rgiucobm infnmg tl tjg obsurgi  prlpgrty. Yjg Obsurgi wo`` prlvg tjg clsts wgrg bgcgssnro`y obcurrgi offgiontg`y nbi urmgbt`y ob nb gfgrmgbcy. -


H@NWSW@N YOBINHNB [GBCGMNJNB Igbmnb obo iosgtueuo anjwn in`nf jn` tgrenio hgrusnhnb (ntnu jnfpor tgrenio hgrumonb) pnin jnrtn agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb, pgbnbmmubm nhnb fgfanynr aonyn wnenr ynbm iopgr`uhnb in`nf fgbcgmnj, fgfpgrhgco` ntnu fgbmurnbmo hgrusnhnb pnin jnrtn agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmubmmhnb. Ygrtnbmmu Ygrt nbmmubm bm nhnb fgfauhtoh fgfauhtohnb nb anjwn anjwn aonyn aonyn tgrsgaut tgrsgaut pgr`u iohg`unrh iohg`unrhnb nb sgmgrn sgmgrn inb pgbtobm pgbtobm in`nf hgninnb inrurnt.


Yjg obsurnbcg Sgctolb obc`uigs ob bgcgssnro niiotolbn` nflubt rgspgct Nrcjotgcts, nbifgbt Clbsu`tobm Gbmobggr' Gbmob ggr'ss dggsay lr tjos ltjgr prldgssolb prldgssolbn` n` dggs bgcg ssnro`y `y nb obcurrgi ayobtjg obsurgi obsurgld i ob tjg rgobstntg rgobstntgfgbt ld tjg obsurgi prlpgrty clbsgqugbcg uplb ots `lss igstructolb lr infnmg aut blt dlr rgpnorobm nby c`nof. [rlvoigi tjnt tjg nflubt pnyna`g dlr sucj dggs sjn`` blt gxcggi tjlsg nutjlrozgi ubigr tjg scn`g ld tjg Qlyn` Obstotutg ld  Arotosj Nrcjotgcts lr tjg Nsslcontolb ld Clbsu`tobm Gbmobggrs lr ld tjg gquovn`gbt `lcn` aliy ns tjg cnsg fny  ag. @ofot Obigfboty Obigfboty 5 >;% ld c`nof c`nof -


H@NWSW@N AON_N YGBNMN NJ@O (>;% inro H`nof ) Nsurnbso in`nf Anmonb obo tgrfnsuh in`nf sgeuf`nj tnfanjnb aonyn Nrsotgh, inb Clbsu`tobm Gbmobggr ntnu  ensn prldgsolbn` `nobbyn jnrus iotnbmmubm l`gj tgrtnbmmubm in`nf pgfu`ojnb inro jnrtn agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb sganmno hlbsghugbso ntns hgrusnhnb hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb tgtnpo toinh ubtuh fgfpgranoho h`nof. Nsn`hnb euf`nj ynbm ioanynrhnb ubtuh aonyn tgrsgaut toinh al`gj fg`gaojo fgrghn ynbm agrwgbnbm io  anwnj shn`n Qlyn` Obstotutg ld Arotosj Nrcjotgcts ntnu Nslsonso Clbsu`tobm Gbmobggrs ntnu sginpnt fubmhob  aninb `lhn` ynbm sgtnrn. sgtnrn. Antnso Mnbto Qumo5 >;% inro h`nof

[WA@OC NWYJLQOYOGS C@NWSG Yjg obsurnbcg ay tjos [l`ocy gxtgbis tl obc`uig sucj niiotolbn` clst ld rgobstntgfgbt ld tjg igstrlygi lr  infnmgi prlpgrty tjgrgay obsurgi ns fny ag obcurrgi sl`g`y ay rgnslb ld tjg bgcgssoty tl clfp`y wotj Auo`iobm lr ltjgr Qgmu`ntolbs ubigr lr drnfgi ob pursunbcg ld nby Mlvgrbfgbt Nct lr Ayg-@nw ld nby Fubocopn` lr @lcn` Nutjlroty prlvoigi tjnt5 >. Yjg nflubt rgclvgrna`g ubigr tjos Gxtgbsolb sjn`` blt obc`uig5 n. tjg clst obcurrg obcurrgi i ob clfp`yobm wotj wotj nby ld tjg ndlrgsnoi ndlrgsnoi Qgmu`ntolb Qgmu`ntolbss lr Ayg-@nws Ayg-@nws o. Ob rgspgct ld igstructolb lr infnmg lccurrobm lccurrobm prolr tl tjg mrnbtobm ld ld tjos Gxtgbsolb Gxtgbsolb oo. Ob rgspgct ld igstructolb igstructolb lr infnmg blt obsurgi ay tjg [l`ocy [l`ocy ooo. Wbigr wjocj bltocg jns aggb sgrvgi uplb tjg obsurgi prolr tl tjg jnppgbobm ld tjg igstructolb lr  infnmg ov. Ob rgspgct ld ubinfnmgi prlpgrty prlpgrty lr infnmg plrtolbs ld prlpgrty  a. tjg niiotolbn` clst tjnt wlu`i jnvg aggb rgquorgi tl fnhg mlli tjg prlpgrty infnmgi lr igstrlygi tl n clbiotolb gqun` tl ots clbiotolb wjgb bgw jni tjg bgcgssoty tl clfp`y wotj nby ld tjg ndlrgsnoi Qgmu`ntolbs lr Ayg-@nws blt nrosgb. c. tjg nflubt ld nby rntg rntg,, tnx, iuty, igvg`lpfgbt lr ltjgr cjnrmg lr nssgssfgbt, nssgssfgbt, nrosobm lut ld cnpotn` cnpotn` npprgcontolb wjocj fny ag pnyna`g ob rgspgct ld tjg prlpgrty lr ay tjg lwbgr tjgrg ld ay rgnslb ld  clfp`onbcg wotj nby ld tjg ndlrgsnoi Qgmu`ntolbs lr Ayg-@nws.

[nmg >9 ld 3>




3. 7. -

Yjg wlrh wlrh ld rgobstnt rgobstntgfg gfgbt bt fust ag clffgbc clffgbcgi gi nbi cnrrogi cnrrogi lut wotjob wotjob rgnslb rgnslbna` na`gg iospnt iospntcj cj nbi ob nby cnsg fust ag clfp`gtgi wotjob twg`vg flbtjs ndtgr tjg igstructolb lr infnmg lr wotjob sucj durtjgr tofg ns tjg Obsurgr fny (iurobm tjg snoi twg`vg flbtjs) ob wrotobm n``lw nbi fny ag cnrrogi lut wjl``y lr   pnrton``y uplb nbltjgr nbltjgr sotg (od tjg ndlrgsnoi ndlrgsnoi Qgmu`ntolbs lr Ayg-@nws sl bgcgssotntg) suaegct tl tjg `onao`oty `onao`oty ld tjg Obsurgr ubigr tjos Gxtgbsolb blt agobm tjgrgay obcrgnsgi. Od tjg `onao` `onao`oty oty ld tjg tjg Obsurgr Obsurgr ubigr ubigr (nby otgf otgf ld) tjg tjg [l`ocy [l`ocy npnrt npnrt drlf tjos tjos Gxtgbsolb Gxtgbsolb sjn`` sjn`` ag rgiucg rgiucgi i ay tjg npp`ocntolb ld nby ld tjg tgrfs nbi clbiotolbs ld tjg [l`ocy tjgb tjg @onao`oty ld tjg Obsurgr ubigr tjos Gxtgbsolb (ob rgspgct ld nby sucj otgf) sjn`` ag rgiucgi ob prlplrtolb Yjg tltn` tltn` nflubt nflubt rgclvg rgclvgrna`g rna`g ubigr ubigr nby nby otgf ld tjg [l`ocy [l`ocy sjn`` sjn`` blt gxcgg gxcggi i tjg suf obsurg obsurgi i tjgrgay. tjgrgay. N`` tjg clbiotolbs ld tjg [l`ocy [l`ocy gxcgpt obsldnr obsldnr ns tjgy fny ag jgrgay jgrgay gxprgss`y vnrogi sjn`` npp`y ns od  tjgy jni aggb obclrplrntgi jgrgob.

H@NWSW@N LYLQOYNS [WA@OH [grtnbmmubmnb io anwnj [l`os obo iopgr`uns fg`oputo enfobnb ntns aonyn tnfanjnb ubtuh pgfu`ojnb hgfan`o jnrtnn agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmm jnrt iopgrtnbmmubmhn ubmhnb b ynbm jnbcur ntnu rusnh, ynbm fubmhob iohg`unrhn iohg`unrhnb b sgfntn-fnt sgfntn-fntnn ubtuh  fgfgbujo fgfg bujo [grnturnb [grnturnb tgbtnbm tgbtnbm Anbmubnb Anbmubnb ntnu [grnturn [grnturnb-[gr b-[grnturn nturnb b `nobbyn `nobbyn in`nf rnbmhn fg`nhsnbn fg`nhsnbnhnb hnb hgtgbtunb Wbinbm-Wbinbm ntnu [grnturnb tnfanjnb ynbm iohg`unrhnb l`gj ltlrotns sgtgfpnt, igbmnb synrnt, 5


Euf`nj Euf`nj ynbm inpnt inpnt ioanyn ioanynrhnb rhnb ioanwnj ioanwnj pgr`un pgr`unsnb snb enfobnb enfobnb obo obo toinh toinh tgrfnsuh tgrfnsuh 5 n. Ao Aonyn nyn ynbm ynbm i iohg ohg`un `unrhn rhnb b ubtuh ubtuh fgfgbu fgfgbujo jo [grntu [grnturnb rnb-[g -[grnt rnturn urnb b tgrsg tgrsgaut aut io ntn ntnss 5 o. agrhnotnb agrhnotnb igbmnb igbmnb hgjnbcur hgjnbcurnb nb ntnu ntnu hgrusn hgrusnhnb hnb ynbm tgrenio tgrenio sgag`uf sgag`uf agr`nhubyn agr`nhubyn pgr`unsnb pgr`unsnb enfobnb enfobnb obo. oo. agrhnotnb agrhnotnb igbmnb igbmnb hgjnbcu hgjnbcurnb rnb ntnu hgrusnhnb hgrusnhnb ynbm toinh toinh iopgrt iopgrtnbmmub nbmmubmhnb mhnb in`nf [l`os [l`os oobo. bo. ooo. ooo. Ygrj Ygrjni ninp np fnbn fnbn pg pgfa fagr grot otnj njun unb b tg`n tg`nj j io ioag agro rohn hnb b hg hgpn pnin in Yg Ygrt rtnb nbmm mmub ubm m sg sgag ag`u `uf f tg tgre reni niob obyn yn hgjnbcurnb ntnu hgrusnhnb tgrsgaut. ov. ynbm ynbm agrhno agrhnotnb tnb igbm igbmnb nb jnrtn jnrtn agbin agbin ntnu ntnu anmo anmonb nb jnrtn jnrtn agbin agbin ynbm ynbm toinh toinh rusn rusnh. h. Aonyn-aonyn tnfanjnb ynbm iopgr`uhnb ubtuh fgfpgranoho jnrtn agbin ynbm rusnh ntnu jnbcur nmnr  hgfan`o sganbiobm igbmnb hgninnb sgpgrto hgtohn fnsoj anru sgnbinobyn hgjnrusnb ubtuh fgfgbujo sn`nj sntu inro [grnturnb-[grnturnb tgrsgaut toinh nin. c. Aonyn-aony Aonyn-aonynn ynbm agrhnotnb agrhnotnb igbmnb igbmnb tnrop, tnrop, pnenh, pnenh, agn, pgbmgfa pgbmgfanbmnb nbmnb ntnu ntnu aonyn-aony aonyn-aonynn `nobbyn `nobbyn ntnu  pgbygsunonb bo`no ynbm tofau` hnrgbn nprgsonso flin`, ynbm fubmhob ioanynrhnb agrtn`onb igbmnb jnrtn agbin ntnu l`gj pgfo`oh pgfo`oh jnrtn jnrtn agbin tgrsgaut tgrsgaut igbmnb igbmnb n`nsnb n`nsnb ubtuh fgfgbujo fgfgbujo sn`nj sn`nj sntu inro [grnturnb-[grnturnb [grnturnb-[grntur nb tgrsgaut io ntns. [g [ghg hgre renn nnb b pg pgfu fu`o `ojn jnb b hg hgfa fan` n`oo jn jnru russ io iofu fu`n `noo in inb b io`n io`nhs hsnb nbnh nhnb nb ig igbm bmnb nb cn cnrn rn yn ynbm bm wn wnen enr, r, bn bnfu fub b hgsgfunbyn jnrus suinj sg`gsno in`nf enbmhn wnhtu iunag`ns au`nb sgtg`nj tgreniobyn hgjnbcurnb ntnu hgrusnhnb, ntnu in`nf enbmhn wnhtu ynbm `gaoj `nfn ynbm iosgtueuo sgcnrn tgrtu`os l`gj [gbnbmmubm (in`nf antns wnhtu iunag`ns au`nb tgrsgaut) inb (eohn [grnturnb-[grnturnb tgrsgaut fgbmjnrushnbbyn) fgfal`gjhn fgfal `gjhnb b sganmonb sganmonb ntnu sg`urujbyn sg`urujbyn io`nhsnbn io`nhsnbnhnb hnb io tgfpnt tgfpnt `nob8 igbmnb synrnt synrnt tnbmmubm tnbmmubm enwna enwna [gbnbmmubm io anwnj pgr`unsnb enfobnb obo toinh bnoh hnrgbnbyn. Eohn tnbmmub tnbmmubm m enwna enwna [gbnbmmubm [gbnbmmubm (ntns (ntns sgtonp sgtonp anmonb) anmonb) io anwnj anwnj [l`os [l`os obo io`unr io`unr inro inro pgr`uns pgr`unsnb nb enfobnb enfobnb obo  agrhurnbm hnrgbn ionp`ohnsohnbbyn hgtgbtunb-hgtgbtunb inb pgrsynrntnb inro pnin [l`os, fnhn tnbmmubm  enwna [gbnbmmubm io anwnj pgr`unsnb enfobnb obo (agrtn`onb igbmnb sgtonp anmonb iofnhsui) nhnb  agrhurnbm sgcnrn prlplrsolbn`. prlplrsolbn`. Hgsg`uruj Hgsg`urujnb nb euf`nj euf`nj ynbm inpnt ioanynrhn ioanynrhnb b io anwnj tonp-ton tonp-tonp p anmonb inro inro pnin [l`os jnrus jnrus toinh toinh fg`gaojo fg`gaojo  euf`nj pgrtnbmmubmnb pgrtnbmmubmnb inro fnsobm-fnsobm anmonb anmonb tgrsgaut. Sgfun Sgfun pgrsynrnt pgrsynrntnb nb in`nf [l`os [l`os obo, obo, hgcun`o hgcun`o ynbm ynbm sgcnrn sgcnrn tgmns iobyntn iobyntnhnb hnb `nob, `nob, nhnb ioagr`n ioagr`nhuhnb huhnb sgl`njsgl`njl`nj pgrsynrntnb-pgrsynrntnb tgrsgaut tgrcnbtuf in`nf pgr`unsnb enfobnb obo.  a.



9. 7.


QGSYLQNYOLB LD QGCLQIS / CLF[WYGQ S_SYGF QGCLQIS – Sua @ofot WSI >,;;;,;;;.;; nby lbg lccurrgbcg) Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt od tjg clfputgr nbi/lr fnobdrnfg nbi/lr g`gctrlboc intn fgion obsurgi ubigr tjos pl`ocy obc`usovg ld tjg obdlrfntolb stlrgi tjgrglb, suddgr nby fntgron` infnmg obigfbodona`g ubigr tjos pl`ocy, tjg obsurgr wo`` obigfbody tjg Obsurgi dlr nby gxpgbsgs obcurrgi dlr tjg purplsg ld rgp`ncobm nbi/lr rgstlrobm nbi/lr rgprliucobm `lst intn nbi/lr obdlrfntolb. Yjg `onao`oty ld tjg obsurgr ubigr tjos c`nusg os `ofotgi tl WSI >,;;;,;;; nby lbg lccurrgbcg. -



>.;;;.;;;,;; pnin sgtonp hgenionb) Igbmnb obo sgpnhnt anjwn eohn hlfputgr inb / ntnu fnobdrnfg inb / ntnu intn fgion g`gctrlboc ionsurnbsohnb io anwnj [l`os obo tgrfnsuh obdlrfnso obdlrfnso ynbm iosofpnb iosofpnb ioin`nfbyn, ioin`nfbyn, fgbmn`nfo fgbmn`nfo hgrusnhnb hgrusnhnb fntgron` fntgron` ynbm ioenfob agrinsnrhnb [l`os [l`os obo, pgrusnjnnb nsurnbso nsurnbso nhnb fgbmmnbto hgrumonb Ygrtnbmmubm Ygrtnbmmubm ubtuh sgtonp aonyn

[nmg >7 ld 3>


ynbm iohg`unrhnb ubtuh tueunb pgbmmnbtonb inb / ntnu fgfu`ojhnb inb / ntnu fgrgprliuhso intn inb / ntnu obdlrfnso ynbm jo`nbm. Hgwneoanb pgrusnjnnb nsurnbso in`nf pnsn` obo tgrantns pnin WSI >.;;;.;;; sgtonp hgenionb. Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


QOLYS, SYQOHGS, FN@OCOLWS INFNMG, NBI COTO@ CLFFLYOLBS GBILQSGFGBY (CLIG 5 9.>A / 1;;=) Ot os jgrgay nmrggi nbi igc`nrgi tjnt5 n) bltwotjstn bltwotjstnbiobm biobm nbytjobm nbytjobm clbtnobgi clbtnobgi ob CJN[YGQ CJN[YGQ OO - GZC@WSOLBS GZC@WSOLBS,, Otgf >.1.>. ld tjos [l`ocy tl tjg clbtrnry nbi suaegct tl pnyfgbt ld niiotolbn` prgfouf, tjg Obsurgr nmrggs tl gxtgbi tjos obsurnbcg ns  prlvoigi ob tjos Gbilrsgfgbt. Gbilrsgfgbt.  a) bltwotjstnbiobm nbytjobm wjocj fny ag igdobgi ob nby `nws lr rgmu`ntolbs tl tjg clbtrnry, dlr tjg purplsg ld tjos Gbilrsgfgbt, n`` tgrfobl`lmy probtgi ob otn`ocs sjn`` ag iggfgi tl fgnb ns igdobgi ob CJN[YGQ OOO  – IGDOBOYOLBS IGDOBOYOLBS ld tjg [l`ocy [l`ocy nbi ob tjg FGFLQNBIWF FGFLQNBIWF ld tjos tjos Gbilrsgfgbt. >. GZYG GZYGBS BSOL OLB BS Yjos obsurnbcg os gxtgbigi tl clvgr 5 [jysocn` [jyso cn` infnmg infnmg tl tjg prlpgrty prlpgrty nbi/lr obtgrgst obtgrgst obsurgi obsurgi iorgct`y iorgct`y cnusgi cnusgi ay lbg lr flrg ld tjg dl``lwobm pgro`s5 >.>.  Qolts >.1. Strohgs >.3.  @lchgi-lut ]lrhgrs >.9.  Fn`ocolus Ncts

>.7. >.4.

Covo` Clffltolbs  [rgvgbtovg Ncts rg`ntgi Ncts rg`ntgi tl pgro`s >.> up tl nbi obc`uiobm [jysocn` `lss ld tjg prlpgrty nbi/lr obtgrgst obtgrgst obsurgi iorgct`y cnusgi ay5 >.=.  @lltobm  lccurrobm  lccurrobm iurobm Qolts iurobm Qolts lr  Covo`  Covo` Clffltolbs  prlvoigi tjnt nby ld tjgsg pgro`s ilgs blt igvg`lp ob nb ubobtgrruptgi cjnob ld gvgbts obtl lbg lr flrg ld tjg gxc`uigi pgro`s. 1. GZC@WSOLBS Yjos gxtgbsolb gxtgbsolb ilgs blt clvgr n`` pjysocn` pjysocn` `lss ld lr infnmg infnmg tl tjg prlpgrty prlpgrty nbi/lr nbi/lr obtgrgst obtgrgst obsurgi obsurgi obc`uiobm obc`u iobm `lss lr infnmg ay dorg iorgct`y iorgct`y lr obiorgct`y obiorgct`y cnusgi cnusgi ay lr clbtroautgi clbtroautgi tl lr nrosobm drlf drlf lr ob clbsgqugbcg ld 1.>. lbg lr lr flrg flrg ld tjg dl``lwobm dl``lwobm pgro`s5 pgro`s5  Obsurrgctolb/[lpu`nr Qosobm, Wsurpgi [lwgr, Qgvl`utolb, Qgag``olb, Fo`otnry [lwgr, Obvnsolb, Covo`  ]nr, ]nr nbi Jlsto`otogs, Suavgrsovg Ncts, Ygrrlrosf, Snaltnmg lr  @lltobm  @lltobm (gxcgpt (gxcgpt @lltobm   @lltobm  lccurrobm  lccurrobm iurobm Qolts iurobm  Qolts lr  Covo`  Covo` Clffltolbs). Clffltolbs). Ob nby nctolb, suot lr ltjgr prlcggiobms, wjgrg tjg Obsurgr n``gmgs tjnt `lss lr infnmg os iorgct`y lr  obiorgct`y cnusgi ay lbg lr flrg ld tjg gxc`uigi pgro`s ubigr tjos Sgctolb, tjg aurigb ld prlld tjnt sucj clvgrgi sjn``hs, ag lr lb rgtnri tjgnriobm Obsurgi. 1.1 1.1.. Yltn` Ylt n``lss lr lr pnrton pnrinfnmg ton`` cgssnt cgsos sntolb olb ld wlrhs, wlr rgt obm lr obtgrr obtgrrupt uptolb olb lr cgssnt cgssntolb olb ld nby prlcgss prlcgss lr  lpgrntolb. 1.3. [grfnbgbt [grfnbgbt lr tgfplrnr tgfplrnry y iosplssgss iosplssgssolb olb rgsu`to rgsu`tobm bm drlf drlf clbdoscnt clbdoscntolb, olb, clffnbiggr clffnbiggrobm obm lr rgquosotol rgquosotolb b  ay nby `nwdu``y clbstotutgi clbstotutgi nutjlroty lr aliy, lr ub`nwdu` lccupntolb lccupntolb ay nby pgrslb. 1.9. Ausobgss Ausobgss obtgrr obtgrruptol uptolb, b, lr nby hobi hobi ld clbsgqugb clbsgqugbton` ton` `lss `lss 3. IGIW IGIWCY CYOA OA@G @GS S 3.> 3.>.. Dlr `lss `lss lr infn infnmg mg nrosob nrosobm m drlf drlf Otgf >.>. >.>. Qolts  Qolts uptl Otgf >.9. Fn`ocolus >.9. Fn`ocolus Ncts nbi Otgf >.=. @lltobm  >.=. @lltobm  lccurrobm iurobm Qolts, iurobm Qolts, obc`uiobm obc`uiobm [rgvgbtovg  [rgvgbtovg Ncts Ncts tjgrgld ns spgcodogi ob tjos Gbilrsgfgbt, tjg obsurgi sjn`` agnr 5 - Dlr NYF/NYF Qll Qllf f OIQ >;.;;;.;;;.;; ld tjg nieustgi `lss suaegc suaegctt tl fobofuf - Dlr Ltjgrs 7% ld c`nof, Fob.OIQ >7,;;;,;;;.;; dlr gncj c`nof  c`nof  pnyna`g pnyna`g ubigr tjos Gbilrsgfgbt. Gbilrsgfgbt. >.=. @lltobm lccurrobm iurobm 3.1. Dlr `lss lr infnmg nrosobm drlf Otgf >.7. Covo` Clffltolbs  Clffltolbs  nbi Otgf >.=. @lltobm Covo`` Clffltolbs Covo Clffltolbs,, obc` obc`uiobm uiobm [rgvgbtovg  [rgvgbtovg Ncts tjgrgld ns spgcodogi ob tjos Gbilrsgfgbt, tjg obsurgi sjn`` - Dlr NYF/NYF Qll Qllf f OIQ >;.;;;.;;;.;; ld tjg nieustgi `lss suaegc suaegctt tl fobofuf - Dlr Ltjgrs 7% ld c`nof, Fob.OIQ >7,;;;,;;;.;; dlr gncj c`nof  c`nof  pnyna`g pnyna`g ubigr tjos Gbilrsgfgbt. 9. CNBC CNBCG@ G@@N @NYO YOLB LB Yjos Gbilrsgfgbt fny ag cnbcg``gi nt nby tofg ay tjg Obsurgr ay movobm wrottgb bltocg tjrlumj Qgmostgrgi @gttgr, Dncsofo`g, Yg`gx lr Yg`gmrnf tl tjg Obsurgi nt jos `nst hblwb niirgss.

[nmg >4 ld 3>


Yjg Obsurgr os rg`ogvgi drlf n`` `onao`oty ubigr tjos Gbilrsgfgbt 3 (tjrgg) x 19 (twgbty dlur) jlurs ndtgr tjg intg ld iospntcj ld wrottgb bltocg nt >1.;; jlurs `lcn` tofg wjgrg tjg obsurgi laegct os `lcntgi. Ns n rgsu`t ld tjos cnbcg``ntolb, tjg Obsurgr os la`omgi tl rgturb prlrntn prgfouf dlr tjg ubgxporgi pgroli ld  obsurnbcg. 7.FGFLQNBIWF   Dlr tjg purplsg ld tjos Gbilrsgfgbt, 7.>. Otgf > CJN[YGQ OOO – IGDOBOYOLBS IGDOBOYOLBS ld tjos pl`ocy os ig`gtgi nbi rgp`ncgi wotj tjg dl``lwobm5 >.  Qolts os nb nct ld n mrlup ld nt `gnst >1 (twg`vg) pgrslbs, wjl ob tjg gxgcutolb ld tjgor clfflb purplsg cnusg pua`oc iosturanbcg tufu`tulus`y wotj vol`gbcg nbi infnmg tl tjg prlpgrty ld ltjgrs, blt nflubtobm tl Covo` Clffltolbs lr blt nppgrtnobobm tl tjg nct ld Ygrrlrosf 7.1. Otgf 1 CJN[YGQ OOO – IGDOBOYOLBS IGDOBOYOLBS ld tjos pl`ocy os ig`gtgi nbi rgp`ncgi wotj tjg dl``lwobm5 1.  Strohgs os n ig`oagrntg nct ld infnmg, ay n mrlup ld wlrhgrs ld nt ``gnst gnst >1 (twg`vg) pgrslbs lr lbg jn`d ld  tjg gbtorg wlrhdlrcg (od tjg tltn` bufagr ld wlrhdlrcg os `gss tjnb 19 pgrslbs), rgdusobm tl wlrh ns usun` ob nb nttgfpt tl dlrcg tjg gfp`lygr tl nccgpt tjgor igfnbis lr tl prltgst nmnobst nby tgrfs ld gfp`lyfgbt gbdlrcgi ay tjg gfp`lygr prlvoigi tjnt sucj nct os blt nppgrtnobobm tl tjg nct ld Ygrrlrosf 7.3. Otgf 3 CJN[YGQ OOO – IGDOBOYOLBS IGDOBOYOLBS ld tjos pl`ocy os ig`gtgi nbi rgp`ncgi wotj tjg dl``lwobm5 3.  @lchgi-lut ]lrhgrs os n ig`oagrntg nct ld infnmg, ay n mrlup ld wlrhgrs ld nt `gnst >1 (twg`vg) pgrslbs lr lbg jn`d ld tjg gbtorg wlrhdlrcg (od tjg tltn` bufagr ld wlrhdlrcg os `gss tjnb twgbty-dlur pgrslbs), tl  prltgst nmnobst tjg tgrfobntolb lr suspgbsolb ld n dg``lw gfp`lygg ay tjg gfp`lygr prlvoigi tjnt sucj nct os blt nppgrtnobobm tl tjg nct ld Ygrrlrosf 7.9. Otgf 9 CJN[YGQ OOO – IGDOBOYOLBS IGDOBOYOLBS ld tjos pl`ocy os ig`gtgi nbi rgp`ncgi wotj tjg dl``lwobm5 9.  Fn`ocolus Ncts Ncts os nb nct ld nby nby pgrslb(s) ig`oagrntg`y ig`oagrntg`y cnusobm infnmg tl tjg prlpgrty ld ltjgrs irovgb ay vgbmgnbcg, jntrgi , nbmgr lr vnbin`ostoc, gxcgpt sucj ncts ilbg ay tjg gfp`lygg(s) ld tjg Obsurgi, lr nby pgrslb(s) lb agjn`d ld tjg Obsurgi, lr ay pgrslb(s) gbtrustgi ay tjg Obsurgi tl fnobtnob lr hggp sucj prlpgrty, lr ay tjogvgs/rlaagrs/`lltgrs tjogvgs/rlaagrs/`lltgrs prlvoigi tjnt sucj nct os blt nppgrtnobobm tl tjg nct ld  Ygrrlrosf 7.7. Otgf 4 CJN[YGQ OOO – IGDOBOYOLBS IGDOBOYOLBS ld tjos pl`ocy os ig`gtgi nbi rgp`ncgi wotj tjg dl``lwobm5 7. Covo` Clffltolbs os nb nct ld n `nrmg bufagr ld pglp`g nctobm tlmgtjgr iosruptobm pua`oc pgncg nbi iosturanbc iostu ranbcgg tufu`tulus tufu`tulus`y `y wotj vol`gbcg vol`gbcg nbi n cjnob ld igstructol igstructolb b ld n `nrmg bufagr ld prlpgrtog prlpgrtogs, s, obiocntgi obioc ntgi ay tjg cgssntolb cgssntolb ld flrg tjnb lbg jn`d ld tjg blrfn` nctovoty nctovoty ld clffgrcon`/s clffgrcon`/sjlppob jlppobm m lr   ausobgss nrgns lr scjll`s lr pua`oc trnbsplrtntolb ob lbg coty dlr nt `gnst 19 (twgbty-dlur ) jlurs prlvoigi gi tjnt sucj nct os clbsgcutovg`y clffgbcobm offgiontg`y agdlrg, iurobm lr ndtgr tjg gvgbt prlvoi blt nppgrtnobobm tl tjg nct ld Ygrrlrosf 7.4. Otgf >: CJN[YGQ OOO – IGDOBOYOLBS IGDOBOYOLBS ld tjos pl`ocy os ig`gtgi nbi rgp`ncgi wotj tjg dl``lwobm 5 4. @lltobm  os  os tjg npprlprontolb ld prlpgrty ag`lbmobm tl nbltjgr ay nby pgrslb ( gxc`uiobm  tjlsg gfp`lygi ay lr ubigr tjg clbtrl` ld tjg Obsurgi), wotj tjg obtgbtolb ld pgrfnbgbt`y igprovobm tjnt ltjgr ld ot. N`` ltjgr tgrfs nbi clbiotolbs ld tjg [l`ocy rgfnob ubcjnbmgi. (Yjos wlriobm os n trnbs`ntolb ld tjg lromobn` vgrsolb ob Anjnsn Obilbgson8 ob tjg gvgbt ld nby iosputg nrosobm drlf tjg obtgrprgtntolb ld nby fgnbobm jgrgob, tjg tgrfs nbi clbiotolbs sjn`` ag obtgrprgtgi ncclriobm tl tjg lromobn` Anjnsn Obilbgson vgrsolb).


HGQWSWJNB , [GFLMLHNB, [GFLMLHNB, [GQAWNYNB ENJNY , INB JWQW JNQN ( CLIG 5 9.>A / 1;;=) Igbmnb obo iosgtueuo inb iobyntnhnb anjwn 5


fgsh fgshop opub ub npn ynbm ynbm tg tgrh rhnb nbiu iubm bm in`nf in`nf ANA OO - [GBM [GBMGC GCWN WN@O @ONB NB , Au Auto torr >.1. >.1.> > . [l [l`o `oss ob oboo yn ynbm bm  agrtgbtnbmnb inb tubiuh pnin pgfanynrnb prgfo tnfanjnb , [gbnbmmubm sgtueu ubtuh fgfpgrpnbenbm nsurnbso obo sganmnofnbn iontur in`nf [grsgtueunb obo .  a) fgshopub npnpub ynbm inpnt ioigdobosohnb in`nf juhuf ntnu pgrnturnb ynbm agrtgbtnbmnb, ubtuh tueunb [gbmgsnjnb obo , sgfun osto`nj ynbm iocgtnh forobm nhnb ionbmmnp agrnrto sganmnofnbn iofnhsui in`nf ANA OOO - IGDOBOSO inro [l`os inb in`nf BLYN obo gbilrsgfgbt . >. [GQ@WNSNB Nsurnbso obo iopgr`uns ubtuh fgbcnhup 5 Hgrusnhnb dosoh prlpgrto inb / ntnu hgpgbtobmnb ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb ynbm sgcnrn `nbmsubm iosganahnb l`gj sntu ntnu `gaoj inro anjnyn agrohut 5 >.>. >.>. Hgrusu Hgrusujnb jnb >.1. >.1. [gflml [gflmlhnb hnb >.3. [gflmlhnb [gflmlhnb [ghgren [ghgren >.9. Yobinhnb Yobinhnb Enjnt Enjnt >.7. >.7. Juru Juru Jnrn >.4. [gbcgmnjnb tgrhnot tgrhnot igbmnb anjnyn >,> snfpno igbmnb igbmnb >,7 .

[nmg >= ld 3>


>.=. Hgrumonb dosoh prlpgrto inb / ntnu jnrtn agbin ynbm ionsurnbsohnb sgcnrn `nbmsubm iosganahnb l`gj 5 >.:. [gbenrnjnb tgrenio sg`nfn Hgrusujnb ntnu ntnu Juru Sopo` igbmnb hgtgbtunb anjwn sgtonp anjnyn obo toinh agrhgfanbm in`nf rnbtno tnh tgrputus inro pgrostown hg in`nf sntu ntnu `gaoj inro anjnyn ynbm iohgcun`ohnb . 1. [GBMGC MGCWN@O N@ONB Ghstgbso Ghst gbso obo toinh fgbcnhup fgbcnhup sgfun hgrumonb hgrumonb dosoh ntnu hgrusnhnb hgrusnhnb prlpgrto prlpgrto inb / ntnu hgpgbtobmnb hgpgbtobmnb ynbm ionsurnbsohnb tgrfnsuh hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb l`gj npo `nbmsubm ntnu toinh `nbmsubm iosganahnb l`gj ntnu  agrhlbtroauso ntnu tofau` tofau` inro ntnu sganmno sganmno nhoant inro 1.>. sntu ntnu `gaoj `gaoj inro anjnyn anjnyn agrohut 5 [gfagrlbtnhnb, fgrgaut hghunsnnb , Qgvl`uso , [gfagrlbtnhnb , Hghuntnb Fo`otgr , Obvnso , [grnbm Snuinrn , [grnbm inb [grfusujnb , Fnhnr , Ygrlrosfg , Snaltnsg ntnu [gbenrnjnb ( hgcun`o [gbenrnjnb tgrenio sg`nfn Hgrusujnb ntnu Juru Sopo` ) .In`nf sgtonp tobinhnb, tubtutnb ntnu prlsgs `nobbyn , io fnbn [gbnbmmubm fgbyntnhnb anjwn hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb sgcnrn `nbmsubm ntnu toinh `nbmsubm iosganahnb l`gj sntu ntnu `gaoj inro anjnyn iohgcun`ohnb agrinsnrhnb Anmonb obo , aganb pgfauhtonb anjwn hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb tgrsgaut ioenfob agrnin pnin Ygrtnbmmubm . 1.1. hgrumonb hgrumonb Yltn` ntnu sganmonb inro pgbmjgbtonb pgbmjgbtonb pghgrennb pghgrennb , ntnu pgr`nfant pgr`nfantnb nb ntnu mnbmmunb mnbmmunb ntnu  pgbmjgbtonb prlsgs ntnu lpgrnso . 1.3. [gbcnautnb pgrfnbgb ntnu sgfgbtnrn sgfgbtnrn nhoant pgbyotnnb , fgbyotn ntnu pgrfobtnnb l`gj ltlro ltlrotns tns sgcnrn juhuf ntnu aninb , ntnu pgbiuiuhnb ynbm toinh snj l`gj sgtonp lrnbm . 1.9. Mnbmmunb usnjn , ntnu sgmn`n hgrumonb hgrumonb hlbsghugbson` . 3. IGIWCYOA@G 3.>. Ntns hgjo`nbmnb ntnu hgrusnhnb ynbm tofau` inro Autor >.> . Hgrusujnb Hgrusujnb snfpno Autor >.9 . [grauntnb Enjnt Enj nt inb Autor Autor >.= . [gbenr [gbenrnjn njnb b tgr tgreni enioo sg`nfn sg`nfn Hg Hgrus rusujn ujnb b , tgr tgrfns fnsuh uh tob tobinh inhnb nb [gbcgm [gbcgmnjn njnb b sganmnofnbn iotgbtuhnb in`nf gbilrsgfgbt obo , tgrtnbmmubm nhnb fgbnbmmubm 7 % ( `ofn pgrsgb ) inro hgrumonb iosgsunohnb igbmnb fobofn` Qp . >7.;;;.;;; ( `ofn ag`ns eutn ruponj ) ubtuh sgtonp h`nof ioanynr agrinsnrhnb Gbilsgfgb obo . 3.1. Ntns hgjo`nbmnb hgjo`nbmnb ntnu hgrusnhnb hgrusnhnb ynbm tofau` inro inro Autor >.7 . Juru Jnrn inb Autor >.= . [gbenrnjnb [gbenrnjnb tgr tgreni enioo sg`nfn sg`nfn Juru Juru Jnrn Jnrn , tgr tgrfns fnsuh uh Yobinh Yobinhnb nb [gbcgm [gbcgmnjn njnb b sganmn sganmnofn ofnbn bn iotgbt iotgbtuhn uhnb b in` in`nf nf Gbilrsgfgbt obo , tgrtnbmmubm nhnb fgbnbmmubm 7 % ( `ofn pgrsgb ) inro suaegh rumo iosgsunohnb igbmnb igbmn b fobofn` fobofn` Qp . >7.;;;.;;; >7.;;;.;;; ( `ofn ag`ns eutn ruponj ruponj ) ubtuh sgtonp h`nof ioanynr agrinsnrhnb agrinsnrhnb Gbilsgfgb obo . 9. [GFANYN@NB [gbmgsnjnb obo inpnt ioantn`hnb sgtonp snnt l`gj [gbnbmmubm igbmnb fgfagrohnb pgfagrotnjunb tgrtu`os fg`n`uo Surnt Qgsfo , Dnhsofo`o , Yg`ghs ntnu Yg`gmrnf hgpnin Ygrtnbmmubm io n`nfnt tgrnhjor ynbm iohgtnjuo byn . [gbnbmmubm ioaganshnb inro sgfun tnbmmubm enwna io anwnj [gbmgsnjnb obo 3 ( tomn ) x 19 ( iun pu`uj gfpnt)  enf sgtg`nj tnbmmn` pgbmorofnb pgfagrotnjunb tgrtu`os puhu` >1.;; wnhtu sgtgfpnt iofnbn laygh   pgrtnbmmubmnb agrnin.Nhoant pgfantn`nb obo , [gbnbmmubm wneoa fgbmgfan`ohnb prgfo prlrntn ubtuh pgrolig  ag`uf agrnhjor nsurnbso nsurnbso . 7 . Ftueunb GFLQ[gbmgsnjnb NBIWF obo , Wbtuh 7.>. Autor > ANA OOO - IGDOBOSO IGDOBOSO inro [l`os obo obo iojnpus inb iomnbto fgbenio sganmno agrohut 5 Hgrusujnb nin`nj tobinhnb suntu hg`lfplh fobofn` >1 ( iun ag`ns ) lrnbm , ynbm in`nf pg`nhsnbnnb tueunb agrsnfn fgrghn fgbyganahnb mnbmmunb pua`oh hgmniujnb igbmnb hghgrnsnb inb hgrusnhnb pnin  prlpgrto lrnbm `nob , toinh sgagsnr Juru Juru Jnrn ntnu toinh tgrfnsuh tgrfnsuh in`nf pgbmgrtonb pgbmgrtonb tobinhnb Ygrlrosfg Ygrlrosfg 7.1. Autor 1 ANA OOO - IGDOBOSO IGDOBOSO inro [l`os obo obo iojnpus inb iomnbto fgbenio sganmno agrohut 5 [gflmlhnb nin`nj tobinhnb pgbmrusnhnb ynbm iosgbmnen , l`gj sghg`lfplh pghgren, fobofn` sganbynh >1 ( iun ag`ns ) pghgren ntnu sgpnruj inro sg`uruj tgbnmn hgren ( eohn euf`nj tgbnmn hgren hurnbm inro 19 lrnbm ) , fgbl`nh ubtuh aghgren sgpgrto aonsn io upnyn ubtuh fgfnhsn fneohnb ubtuh fgbgrofn tubtutnb fgrghn ntnu ubtuh fgfprltgs synrnt hgren pnhsn l`gj fneohnb nsn`hnb tobinhnb tgrsgaut toinh tgrfnsuh  in`nf pgbmgrtonb Ygrlrosfg 7.3. Autor 3 ANA OOO - IGDOBOSO IGDOBOSO inro [l`os obo obo iojnpus inb iomnbto fgbenio sganmno agrohut 5 [gflmlhnb [gfl mlhnb [ghgren [ghgren nin`nj tobinhnb pgbmrusnhnb pgbmrusnhnb ynbm iosgbmnen iosgbmnen , l`gj sghg`lfplh sghg`lfplh pghgren, fobofn` fobofn` sganbynh >1 ( iun ag`ns ) pghgren ntnu sgpnruj inro sg`uruj tgbnmn hgren ( eohn euf`nj pghgren hurnbm inro iun pu`uj gfpnt gfpnt lrnbm ) , ubtuh prltgs tgrjninp tgrjninp pgbmjgbton pgbmjgbtonb b ntnu pgbnbmmujnb pgbnbmmujnb sgsnfn hnrynwnb l`gj fneohnb nsn`hnb tobinhnb tgrsgaut toinh tgrfnsuh in`nf pgbmgrtonb Ygrlrosfg 7.9. Nbmhn 9 Ana OOO - IGDOBOSO IGDOBOSO inro [l`os obo iojnpus inb iomnbto fg fgbenio benio sganmno agrohut 5 [grauntnb Enjnt nin`nj tobinhnb sgsglrnbm sgbmnen fgbyganahnb hgrusnhnb pnin fo`oh lrnbm `nob hnrgbn igbinf , hgagbconb , fnrnj ntnu vnbin`ostoc , hgcun`o tobinhnb tgrsgaut io`nhuhnb l`gj hnrynwnb inro

[nmg >: ld 3>


Ygrtnbmmubm , ntnu lrnbm ntns bnfn Ygrtnbmmubm , ntnu lrnbm ynbm iopgrcnynhnb l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm ubtuh  fgfpgrtn fgfp grtnjnbhn jnbhnb b ntnu fgbenmn prlpgrto prlpgrto tgrsgaut tgrsgaut , ntnu l`gj pgbcuro pgbcuro / pgrnfplh pgrnfplh / pgbenrnj pgbenrnj nsn`hnb tobinhnb tgrsgaut toinh tgrfnsuh in`nf pgbmgrtonb tobinhnb Ygrlrosfg 7.7. Autor 4 ANA OOO - IGDOBOSO IGDOBOSO inro [l`os obo obo iojnpus inb iomnbto fgbenio sganmno agrohut 5 Juru Jnrn nin`nj tobinhnb sgeuf`nj agsnr lrnbm ynbm agrtobinh agrsnfn-snfn fgbmmnbmmu pgrinfnonb inb mnbmmunb pua`oh hgmniujnb igbmnb hghgrnsnb inb rnbtno pgbmjnbcurnb sgeuf`nj agsnr prlpgrto , iotnbino iotn bino igbmnb agrjgbtoby agrjgbtobynn `gaoj inro sntu sgtgbmnj sgtgbmnj inro nhtovotns nhtovotns blrfn` hlfgrson` hlfgrson` / ag`nben ag`nben ntnu  pgrhnbtlrnb ntnu sghl`nj ntnu trnbsplrtnso trnbsplrtnso ufuf io sntu hltn sg`nfn pn`obm sgioho sgiohott 19 ( iun pu`uj gfpnt )  enf agrturut-turut iofu`no sgmgrn sgag`uf , sg`nfn ntnu sgtg`nj ncnrn nsn`hnb tobinhnb tgrsgaut toinh  tgrfnsuh in`nf pgbmgrtonb tobinhnb Ygrlrosfg 7.4. Autor >: ANA OOO - IGDOBOSO IGDOBOSO inro [l`os obo obo iojnpus inb iomnbto fgbenio sganmno agrohut 5 4. [gbenrnjnb nin`nj pgbmnfao`nb ntnu pgrnfpnsnb pgrnfpnsnb jnrtn agbin lrnbm `nob l`gj sgtonp lrnbm ( tgrfnsuh  lrnbm-lrnbm ynbm iopghgrenhnb l`gj ntnu io anwnj pgbmnwnsnb Ygrtnbmmubm ) , igbmnb tueunb ubtuh  fgrnfpns sgcnrn pgrfnbgb. Sgfun hgtgbtunb inb pgrsynrntnb pgrsynrntnb `nob inro [l`os tgtnp toinh agruanj .


SGQTOCGS C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt tjg obsurnbcg ay tjos [l`ocy rg`ntobm tl fncjobgry nbi gquopfgbt gxtgbis tl obc`uig tg`gpjlbg, mns, wntgr nbi g`gctroc obstrufgbts, fgtgrs, popobm, cna`obm nbi tjg `ohg nbi nccgsslrogs tjgrgld  obc`uiobm sofo`nr prlpgrty ob nielobobm ynris lr rlniwnys lr ubigrmrlubi n`` tjg prlpgrty ld tjg Obsurgi lr ld  supp`ogrs lr ltjgrs dlr wjocj tjg Obsurgi nrg rgsplbsoa`g prlvoigi tjgor vn`ugs nrg obc`uigi ob tjg Suf Obsurgi. -

H@NWSW@N [GQ@GBMHN[NB [GBWBENBM [grtnbmmubmnb in`nf [l`os obo ynbm agrhnotnb igbmnb fgsob-fgsob inb pgr`gbmhnpnb iopgr`uns fgbcnhup  pgrn`ntnb tg`gplb, mns, nor inb `ostroh, fgtgrnb, popn, hnag` inb sgegbosbyn inb pgr`gbmhnpnb tnfanjnb ynbm  agrnin ioin`nf jn`nfnb ntnu en`nb-en`nb ioanwnj tnbnj ynbm fgbenio sntu hgsntunb igbmnb sgfun jnrtn agbin Ygrtnbmmubm ntnu jnrtn agbin pnrn pgfnslh ntnu pojnh `nobbyn ynbm Ygrtnbmmubm agrtnbmmubm enwna ntnsbyn, nsn`hnb bo`no-bo`nobyn tg`nj iofnsuhnb hg in`nf jnrmn pgrtnbmmubmnb.


S[GCON@ G@GCYQOCN@ G@GCYQOCN@ SJLQY COQCWOY C@NWSG (SWA @OFOY 1;% LD YLYN@ SWF OBSWQGI DLQ GNCJ @LCNYOLB SWAEGCY YL IGIWCYOA@G 7% LD C@NOF) Ot os jgrgay gxprgss`y ubigrstlli nbi nmrggi tjnt ob clbsoigrntolb ld tjg pnyfgbt ld nb niiotolbn` prgfouf ns nrrnbmgi, tjos pl`ocy n`sl clvgrs `lss lr infnmg tl nby mgbgrntlr, fltlr, trnbsdlrfgr nbi/lr nby ltjgr g`gctrocn` fncjobg nbi/lr g`gctrocn` obstn``ntolb gxcgpt jlusgjl`i npp`onbcgs obsurgi ubigr otgf ;; ld tjg scjgiu`g ld tjg  pl`ocy cnusgi ay sjlrt corcuot lr sg`d jgntobm suaegct tl n igiuctoa`g ld 7% ld c`nof


H@NWSW@N ENFOBNB NQWS [GBIGH @OSYQOH (SWA @OFOY 1;% INQO YLYN@ SWF OBSWQGI WBYWH SGYON[ @LHNSO INB IOHGBNHNB IGIWCYOA@G 7% INQO H@NOF) Igbmnb obo sgcnrn Igbmnb sgcnrn tgmns iofgbmgrto iofgbmgrto inb iosgtueuo iosgtueuo anjwn igbmnb igbmnb fgfpgrtof fgfpgrtofanbmh anbmhnb nb pgfanynrn pgfanynrnb b prgfo tnfanjnb sgpgrto ynbm iontur, iontur, [l`os obo eumn fgbcnhup hgjo`nbmnb hgjo`nbmnb ntnu hgrusnhnb mgbgrntlr fltlr fltlr,, trndl inb / ntnu fgsob `ostroh `nobbyn inb / ntnu obstn`nso `ostroh hgcun`o pgrn`ntnb rufnj tnbmmn ynbm ionsurnbsohnb pnin  autor ;; inro ohjtosnr pgrtnbmmubmnb pgrtnbmmubmnb ynbm iosganahnb l`gj hlrs hlrs`gtobm `gtobm ntnu pgfnbnsnb sgbior sgbioroo igbmnb iohgbnhnb igiuctoa`g 7% inro h`nof


SYQWCYWQN@ N@YGQNYOLB C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt structurn` n`tgrntolb nbi gxtgbsolb ld tjg auo`iobms fgbtolbgi ob tjos pl`ocy os n``lwgi, ns nrg tjg grgcto grgctolb lb ld tjg bgw auo`io auo`iobms bms,, obstn` obstn``nt `ntolb olb,, rgobst rgobstn`` n``nto ntolb, lb, rgp`nc rgp`ncgfg gfgbt bt ld fncjob fncjobgs, gs, tll`s, tll`s, ofp`gfgbts, popobm lr ltjgr obstn``ntolb rgquorgi dlr tjg prlcgss cnrrogi lb, pnrts ld obstn``ntolb nbi laegcts ns wg`` ns tl flvg n`` tjgsg wotjob tjg prgfosgs. -

H@NWSW@ [GQWANJNB SYQWHYWQ  Igbmnb Igbmn b obo iosgpnhnto iosgpnhnto anjwn pgruanjnb pgruanjnb struhturn struhturn`` inb pgr`unsnb pgr`unsnb anbmubnb ynbm iosgauthnb iosgauthnb in`nf pl`os obo iopgral`gjhnb, sgpgrto pgbioronb anbmubnb anru, obstn`nso, obstn`nso u`nbm, pgbmmnbtonb fgsob, pgrn`ntnb, n`nt,  popn ntnu obstn`nso `nob ynbm iopgr`uhnb ubtuh prlsgs ynbm ioen`nbhnb , anmonb inro obstn`nso inb pgrn`ntnbbyn inpnt iopobinjhnb hgin`nf `lhnso.

[nmg >? ld 3>



SWG NBI @NALWQ C@NWSG Ob cnsg ld nctun` `lss, ot sjn`` ag `nw-du`` bgcgssnry dlr tjg Obsurgi, jos lr tjgor dnctlrs, sgrvnbts nbi nssombs, tl sug, `nalur nbi trnvg` dlr, ob nbi nalut tjg igdgbcg, sndgmunri nbi rgclvgry ld tjg prlpgrty clvgrgi jgrgubigr  nbi pnrt tjgrgld wotjlut prgeuiocg tl tjos obsurnbcg, blr sjn`` tjg ncts ld tjg Obsurgi lr tjg Clfpnby ob rgclvgrobm, snvobm nbi prgsgrvobm tjg prlpgrty clvgrgi ob cnsg ld `lss ag clbsoigrgi n wnovgr lr nb nccgptnbcg ld nanbilbfgbt. Yjg gxpgbsgs sl obcurrgi sjn`` ag alrbg ay tjg Obsurgi nbi tjg Clfpnby prlplrtolbntg`y prlplrtolbntg`y tl tjg gxtgbt ld tjgor rgspgctovg obtgrgsts. -

H@NWSW@N AON_N MWMNYNB INB YGBNMN HGQEN In`nf hnsus tgreniobyn hgrumonb hgrumonb nhtun`, nhnb fgbenio tnbmmubm enwna pgbuj anmo Ygr Ygrtnbmmubm, tnbmmubm, fnupub nmgb,  pg`nynb inb pgbgrofn, ubtuh fgbubtut, fgbmgrnjhnb tgbnmn hgren inb pgren`nbnb ubtuh, in`nf fgfpgrtnjnbhnb, fgbenmn inb fgfu`ojhnb prlpgrto inb anmonb inropninbyn tnbpn fgrumohnb pgrtnbmmubmnb nsurnbso, igfohonb eumn ntns tobinhnb Ygrtnbmmubm ntnu [grusnjnnb in`nf fgfu`ojhnb, fgbyg`nfnthnb inb fg`gstnrohnb prlpgrto ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb in`nf jn` hgrumonb ionbmmnp sganmno pgbmnanonb ntnu pg`gpnsnb. Aonynn ynbm iohg`unrhnb Aony iohg`unrhnb jnrus iotnbmmubm iotnbmmubm l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm Ygrtnbmmubm inb [grusnjnn [grusnjnnb b sgcnrn sgcnrn prlplrsolbn prlplrsolbn`` igbmnb igbmnb tobmhnt hgpgbtobmnb fnsobm-fnsobm. Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


YGF[LQNQ_ QGFLTN@ C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay jgrgay nmrggi nmrggi tjnt tjg prlpgrty prlpgrty obsurgi obsurgi ay tjos [l`ocy [l`ocy (ltjgr (ltjgr tjnb nby stlch ob trnig lr fgrcjnbiosg) fgrcjnbiosg) os clvgrgi ob rgspgct ld tjg pgro`s jgrgay obsurgi nmnobst, wjo`st tgfplrnro`y rgflvgi dlr c`gnbobm, rgblvntolb,

rgpnor lr ltjgr sofo`nr purplsgs g`sgwjgrg lb tjg snfg prgfosgs lr nby ltjgr prgfosgs ob tjg Qgpua`oc ld  Obilbgson nbi ob trnbsot tjgrgtl tjgrgtl nbi tjgrgdrlf ay rlni, rno` lr ob`nbi wntgrwny. wntgrwny. [rlvoigi n`wnys tjnt 5 >. Yjg nflubt nflubt rgvlcgrna`g rgvlcgrna`g ubigr tjos tjos gxtgbsolb gxtgbsolb ob rgspgct rgspgct ld gncj Otgf ld tjos [l`ocy [l`ocy sjn`` blt gxcggi gxcggi tjg nflubt wjocj wlu`i jnvg aggb rgclvgrna`g jni tjg `lss lccurrgi ob tjnt pnrt ld tjg prgfosgs drlf wjocj tjg prlpgrty prlpgrty os tgfplr tgfplrnro nro`y `y rgflvg rgflvgi i blt ob rgspgc rgspgctt ld nby `lss `lss lccurr lccurrobm obm g`sgwj g`sgwjgrg grg tjn tjnb b nt tjg snoi snoi  prgfosgs, >; pgr cgbt ld tjg suf obsurgi ay tjos [l`ocy ndtgr igiuctobm igiuctobm tjgrg drlf tjg vn`ug ld nby auo`iobm (gxc`usovg ld doxturgs nbi dottobms), stlch ob trnig lr fgrcjnbiosg jgrgay obsurgi. 1. Yjos gxtgbsolb ilgs blt npp`y tl prlpgrty od od nbi sl dnr ns ot os ltjgrwosg obsurgi. 3. Ns rgmnris `lssgs `lssgs lccurrobm g`sgwjgrg g`sgwjgrg tjnb nt tjg prgfosgs prgfosgs drlf wjocj wjocj tjg prlpgrty os os tgfplrnro`y rgflvgi rgflvgi tjos gxtgbsolb ilgs blt npp`y tl 5 n. Fltlr Fltlr vgjoc vgjoc`gs `gs nbi nbi fltlr fltlr cjns cjnssos sos `ocg `ocgbsg bsgi i dlr blrf blrfn` n` rlni rlni usg. usg.  a. [rlpgrty jg`i ay tjg obsurgi ob trust, ltjgr tjnb fncjobgry fncjobgry nbi p`nbt. Yjos c`nusg os suaegct ltjgrwosg tl n`` tjg tgrfs nbi clbiotolbs ld tjg [l`ocy tl wjocj ot os nttncjgi. -

H@NWSW@ [GFOBINJNB SGFGBYNQN Igbmnb obo iosgtueuo, anjwn jnrtn agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb in`nf [l`os obo (sg`nob stlch anrnbm-anrnbm yn ynbm bm iopg iopgri rinm nmnb nbmh mhnb nb ntnu ntnu an anrn rnbm bm-a -anr nrnb nbm m in inmn mnbm bmnb nb)) tg tgtn tnp p io ioen enfo fob b tg tgrj rjni ninp np roso rosohl hl-r -ros osoh ohl l yn ynbm bm iopgrtnbmm iopgr tnbmmubmhnb ubmhnb pnin wnhtu jnrtn agbin tgrsgaut iopobinjhn iopobinjhnb b sgfgbtnrn sgfgbtnrn ubtuh pgfagrsojn pgfagrsojnb, b, rgblvnso, rgblvnso,  pgranohnb ntnu ubtuh tueunb-tueunb `nob ynbm snfn hg fnbnpub pnin `lhnso ynbm snfn ntnu pnin `lhnso `nob in`nf wo`nynj Qgpua`oh Obilbgson inb sg`nfn in`nf pgbmnbmhutnb hg inb inro tgfpnt-tgfpnt tgrsgaut fg`n`uo  en`nb, rg` ntnu pgbmnbmhutnb submno/inbnu. Igbmnb Synrnt, anjwn 5


1. 3.

Euf`nj Euf`nj ynbm inpnt ioanynr ioanynrhnb hnb io anwnj pgr`unsnb pgr`unsnb enfobnb enfobnb obo agrhnot agrhnotnb nb igbmnb fnsobmfnsobm-fnsob fnsobm m anmonb inro [l`os obo toinh nhnb fg`gaojo euf`nj ynbm sgjnrusbyn iomnbto eohn hgrumonb tgrsgaut tgrenio io `lhnso tgfpnt nsn` jnrtn agbin tgrsgaut iopobinjhnb sgfgbtnrn ynbm toinh agrhnotnb igbmnb hgrumonb ynbm tgrenio io `lhnso `nob sg`nob inro `lhnso tgrsgaut io ntns, ynotu sgagsnr >;% inro euf`nj pgrtnbmmubmnb in`nf [l`os obo sgtg`nj iohurnbmo igbmnb bo`no sgtonp anbmubnb (toinh tgrfnsuh pgr`gbmhnpnb inb pgrn`ntnb anbmubnb), stlh anrnbm ynbm iopgrinmnbmhnb ntnu anrnbm-anrnbm inmnbmnb ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb iosobo. [gr`un [gr`unsnb snb enfobnb enfobnb obo toinh agr`nh agr`nhu u ntns ntns jnrtn jnrtn agbin eohn inb sgpnben sgpnbenbm bm jnrtn agbin agbin tgr tgrsga sgaut ut toinh  ionsurnbsohnb. Sgjuaubmnb Sgjuaubmnb igbmnb igbmnb hgrumonbhgrumonb-hgrum hgrumonb onb ynbm tgrenio tgrenio iotgfpn iotgfpntt `nob ynbm auhnb auhnb io `lhnso tgfpnt tgfpnt nsn` nsn` anrnbm anrnbm iopobin iopobinjhnb pgagrfltl r`unsnb toinh agr`nhu agrpubyno `nhu ubtuh n. tgrsgaut Hgbinrnnb Hgbinrnnb agrfltlr agrjhnb fltlrubtuh ntnu ntnu sgfgbtnrn, n`nt n`nt nbmhutpgr`unsnb ag rfltlrrobo ynbm fgfpubyn fgf o ozob5 ynbm ynbm `nzofbyn `nzofbyn iomubnhnb iomubnhnb ioen`nb ufuf.  a. Jnrtn agbin ynbm iohunsnhnb iohunsnhnb pnin Ygrtnbmmubm sg`nob sg`nob fgsob-fgsob inb anbmubnb-anbmubnb. anbmubnb-anbmubnb.

[nmg 1; ld 3>


H`nusu`n obo tubiuh pnin sgfun pgrsynrntnb inb hgtgbtunb-hgtgbtunb `nobbyn inro [l`os iofnbn h`nusu`n obo io`ghnthnb.


YGBNBYkS OF[QLTGFGBYS C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt tjos obsurnbcg os gxtgbigi tl obc`uig ofprlvgfgbts nbi n`tgrntolb ay tjg Obsurgi ns n tgbnbt tl `nbi`lriks prlpgrty obsldnr ns tjg Obsurgi os rgsplbsoa`g tjgrgdlrg. -

H@NWSW@N [GQANOHNB L@GJ [GB_G]N [grtnbmmu [grt nbmmubmnb bmnb ioanwnj [l`os obo iopgr`uns iopgr`uns tgrfnsuh pgranohnb pgranohnb inb pgruanjnb pgruanjnb-pgrua -pgruanjnb njnb ynbm io`nhuhnb io`nhuhnb Ygrtnbmmubm sganmno [gbygwn ntns jnrtn agbin fo`oh [gfo`oh Ynbnj, sgpnbenbm Ygrtnbmmubm agrtnbmmubm  enwna ubtuh jn` tgrsgaut. tgrsgaut.


YOFG NIEWSYFGBY (=1 Jlurs C`nusg npp`ocna`g tl n`` bnturg pgro`s) n. Gncj `lss `lss ay nby nby obsurgi obsurgi pgro`s pgro`s sjn`` clbstotutg clbstotutg n sobm`g sobm`g c`nof c`nof jgrgubig jgrgubigr, r, prlvoigi prlvoigi tjnt od od flrg tjnb tjnb lbg gvgbt sjn`` lccur wotjob n pgroli ld =1 (sgvgbty twl) jlurs iurobm tjg tgrf ld tjos [l`ocy, sucj gvgbt sjn`` ag iggfgi tl ag n sobm`g gvgbt wotjob tjg fgnbobm jgrgld.  a. Yjg Obsurgr Obsurgr sjn`` sjn`` blt blt ag `ona`g `ona`g dlr dlr nby `lss `lss cnusgi cnusgi ay nby nby obsurgi obsurgi pgro`s pgro`s lccurrob lccurrobm m agdlrg agdlrg tjg gddgctov gddgctovgg intg nbi nbi tofg ld tjos [l`ocy, blr dlr nby `lss lccurrobm ndtgr tjg gxpory intg nbi tofg ld tjos [l`ocy.


H@NWSW@N =1 ENF c. Sgtonp Sgtonp pgrosto pgrostown wn hgrumo hgrumonb nb ynbm ynbm iosgan iosganahn ahnb b l`gj l`gj anjnyn anjnyn ynbm iopgrt iopgrtnbm nbmmub mubmhn mhnb b ion ionbmm bmmnp np sganmn sganmnoo sntu sntu

hgenionb cntntnb anjwn ao`nfnbn `gaoj sganmno inro sntu pgrostown tgrenio in`nf wnhtu iun) enf,igbmnb pgrostown-pgrostown pgrostown-pgrost own tgrsgaut ionbmmnp > (sntu) hgen hgenionb ionb in`nf [l`os obo. =1 (tueuj pu`uj i. [gbnbm [gbnbmmub mubm m toi toinh nh agrtnb agrtnbmmu mmubm bm enwna enwna tgrjninp tgrjninp sgmn`n sgmn`n hgrumo hgrumonb nb ynbm ynbm iosgan iosganahn ahnb b l`g l`gj j anjnyn anjnyn ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb ynbm tgrenio sgag`uf agr`nhubyn [l`os obo, ntnu sgmn`n hgrumonb ynbm tgrenio sgtg`nj  agrnhjorbyn enbmhn wnhtu [l`os.


GNQYJ^WNHG GZC@WSOLB C@NWSG Jgrgay Jgr gay bltgi bltgi nbi nmrggi nmrggi tjnt tjnt tjos tjos obsurn obsurnbcg bcg sjn`` sjn`` blt ob nby cnsg cnsg tl clvgr clvgr Gnrtjq Gnrtjqunh unhg, g, Dorg Dorg dl``lw dl``lwobm obm Gnrtjqunhg, Tl`cnboc Gruptolb nbi Ysubnfo. H@NWSW@N [GBMGCWN@ONB [GBMGCWN@ONB MGF[N AWFO Iocntnt inb iosgtueuo iosgtueuo anjwn nsurnbso nsurnbso obo toinh in`nf in`nf jn` npnpub ubtuh fgbutupo fgbutupo Mgfpn, Npo agrohut Mgfpn, Mgfpn, @gtusnb Mububm Agrnpo inb Ysubnfo.


YQNBSOY C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay jgrgay nmrggi nmrggi tjnt tjg prlpgrty prlpgrty obsurgi obsurgi ay tjos pl`ocy os clvgrgi ob rgspgct rgspgct ld tjg pgro`s jgrgay obsurgi obsurgi nmnobst wjo`st agobm ob trnbsot obc`uiobm `lniobm nbi ub`lniobm ay rlni, rno` lr ob`nbi wntgrwny up ubto` ig`ovgry tl ots dobn` igstobntolb. [rlvoigi n`wnys tjnt 5 Yjos gxtgbsolb ilgs blt npp`y tl prlpgrty od nbi sl dnr ot os ltjgrwosg obsurgi. Yjos c`nusg os suaegct ltjgrwosg tl n`` tjg tgrf nbi clbiotolbs ld tjg pl`ocy tl wjocj ot os nttncjgi -

H@NWSW@N YQNBSOY Igbmnb obo sgpnhnt anjwn jnrtn agbin ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb l`gj pl`os obo ioenfob tgrjninp anjnyn anjnyn ynbm ionsurnbsohnb snnt agrnin in`nf pgren`nbnb tgrfnsuh albmhnr funt fg`n`uo en`nb inrnt, hgrgtn npo ntnu  en`ur nor snfpno pgbmorofnb hg tueunb tueunb nhjor. Nsn`hnb sg`n`u5 [gr`unsnb obo toinh agr`nhu ubtuh prlpgrto ynbm eohn inb tg`nj iobyntnhnb ionsurnbsohnb. H`nusu`n obo agr`nhu igbmnb sgfun synrnt inb hlbioso ynbm tgr`nfpor pnin [l`os. Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb



[nmg 1> ld 3>


Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt ob tjg gvgbt ld tjg obsurgi prlpgrty agobm `gdt `lnigi ob vgjoc`gs lr drgomjt clbtnobgrs lvgrbomjt wjo`g ob, lb lr nalut tjg prgfosgs jgrgay obsurgi, tjg Obsurgr wo`` obigfbody tjg Obsurgi dlr tjg `lss ld lr infnmg tl sucj prlpgrty cnusgi ay pgro`s obsurgi jgrgay. [rlvoigi n`wnys tjnt tjg Obsurgrks @onao`oty sjn`` blt gxcggi tjg suf obsurgi ld sucj prlpgrty ubigr tjg [l`ocy. -


H@NWSW@ ANQNBM SG@NFN AGQNIN IN@NF HGBINQNNB Npnao`n jnrtn agbin fo`oh Ygrtnbmmubm ioaonrhnb in`nf hgbinrnnb ntnu pgto hgfns sgpnbenbm fn`nf sg`nfn  agrnin io in`nf, pnin ntnu io sghg`o`obm pghnrnbmnb ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb, [gbnbmmubm nhnb fgfagrohnb mnbto rumo hgpnin Ygrtnbmmubm ntns hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb pnin jnrtn agbin tgrsgaut ynbm iosganahnb l`gj hganhnrnb ntnu l`gj rosohl-rosohl `nobbyn ynbm iopgrtnbmmubmhnb, igbmnb hgtgbtunb, anjwn tnbmmubm enwna [gbnbmmubm toinh nhnb fg`gaojo euf`nj pgrtnbmmubmnb in`nf [l`os ntns jnrtn agbin iofnhsui.

]NOTGQ LD SWAQLMNYOL S WAQLMNYOLB B C@NWSG Obsurgrs jgrgay nmrgg tl wnovg n`` romjts ld suarlmntolb wjocj tjgy fny jnvg nbi ncquorg nmnobst nby ld tjg  pnrtogs clfprosobm tjg Obsurgi gxcgpt wjgb sucj romjts ld suarlmntolb nrg ncquorgi ob clbsgqugbcg ld nby drnui, fosrgprgsgbtntolb, blb iosc`lsurg lr argncj ld clbiotolb lr wnrrnbty ay tjnt Obsurgi.  Bltjobm clbtnobgi ob tjos fgflrnbiuf sjn`` ag iggfgi tl obcrgnsg tjg suf obsurgi stntgi ob tjg scjgiu`g ld  tjg [l`ocy. -

H@NWSW@ [G@G[NSNB JNH YWBYWY [gbnbmmubm agrsgion ubtuh fg`gpnshnb jnh suarlmnso ynbm fgrghn fo`oho ntnu pgrl`gj tgrjninp pojnh `nob tgrf tgrfns nsuh uh tgrt tgrtnb nbmm mmub ubm m sgbi sgbior oroo hg hgcu cun` n`oo eohn eohn jn jnh h su suar arlm lmns nsoo tg tgrs rsga gaut ut iopg iopgrl rl`g `gj j nt ntns ns in insn snrr pg pgbo bopu punb nb,, fosrgprgsgbtnso, blb-iosc`lsurg blb-iosc`lsurg ntnu pg`nbmmnrnb tgrjninp hlbioso ntnu pgrsynrntnb l`gj tgrtnbmmubm. Yoinh nin sntu jn` pub pnin h`nusu`n obo ynbm inpnt ionrtohnb fgbobmhnthnb bo`no pgrtnbmmubmnb pnin ohtjosnr   pl`os. Cntntnb 5 Ygregfnjnb obo fgrupnhnb tgregfnjnb inro ilhufgb ns`o agranjnsn Obmmros.  Eohn tgrinpnt pgraginnb pgbndsornb in`nf in`nf vgrso anjnsn Obilbgson obo obo,, fnhn vgrso anjnsn  Obmmros ynbm nhnb ioenioohnb ioenioohnb sganmno ncunb


]LQHFGBkS C@NWSG Ot os jgrgay nmrggi tjnt wlrhfgb nrg n``lwgi ob nbi nalut nby ld tjg igscroagi prgfosgs dlr tjg purplsg ld  fnhobm bgw grgctolbs lr n`tgrntolb, rgpnor, igclrntolb, p`nbt obstn``ntolb, mgbgrn` fnobtgbnbcg nbi tjg `ohg wotjlut prgeuiocg tl tjg tgrfs nbi clbiotolbs ld tjg [l`ocy. -

H@NWSW@ [GHGQEN [nrn pghgren iopgrhgbnbhnb agrnin io in`nf inb io sghg`o`obm `lhnso ynbm iosgauthnb in`nf [l`os in`nf rnbmhn fg`nhsnbnhnb pghgrennb-pghgrennb pgfnsnbmnb anru ntnu pgruanjnb-pgruanjnb, pgranohnb, fgfaunt ighlrnso, obstn`nso pnaroh, pgrnwntnb ufuf inb sgegbosbyn tnbpn fgbmnanohnb hgtgbtunb-hgtgbtunb inb pgrsynrntnb pgrsynrntnb [l`os


BWC@GNQ GBGQM_ QOSH GZC@WSOLB C@NWSG BFN >?=7 Yjos Obsurnbcg sjn`` gxc`uig Buc`gnr Gbgrmy Qoshs. Dlr n`` purplsgs ld tjos Obsurnbcg Buc`gnr Gbgrmy Qoshs sjn`` ag igdobgi ns n`` dorst pnrty nbi/lr tjori pnrty obsurnbcgs (ltjgr tjnb ]lrhgrs kClfpgbsntolb nbi/lr Gfp`lygrsk @onao`oty) ob rgspgct ld5 (O) N`` [rlpgrt [rlpgrty y lb tjg sotg ld n buc`gnr buc`gnr plwgr plwgr stntolb. stntolb. Buc`gnr Buc`gnr Qgnctlr Qgnctlrs, s, Qgnctlr Qgnctlr Auo`iobm Auo`iobmss nbi [`nbt [`nbt Gquopfgbt tjgrgob lb nby sotg ltjgr tjnb n buc`gnr plwgr stntolb. (OO) N`` [rlpgrty, [rlpgrty, lb nby sotg (obc`uiobm aut blt `ofotgi `ofotgi tl tjg tjg sotgs rgdgrrgi tl ob (o) nalvg) usgi lr jnvobm  aggb usgi dlr 5 (n) Yjg mgbgrntolb ld buc`gnr gbgrmy8 lr  (a) Yjg prliuctolb, Wsg lr Stlrnmg ld Buc`gnr Fntgron`. (OOO) Nby ltjgr prlpgrty g`omoa`g dlr obsurnbcg ay tjg rg`gvnbt `lcn` Buc`gnr Obsurnbcg pll` nbi/lr Nsslcontolb aut lb`y tl tjg gxtgbt ld tjg rgquorgfgbts ld tjnt `lcn` [ll` nbi/lr Nsslcontolb.


Yjg supp`y ld mllis nbi sgrvocgs sgrvocgs tl nby ld tjg sotgs, sotgs, igscroagi igscroagi ob (o) tl (ooo) nalvg, nalvg, ub`gss sucj obsurnbcgs sjn`` gxc`uig tjg pgro`s ld orrniontolb nbi clbtnfobntolb ay  Buc`gnr Fntgron`. Fntgron`. Gxcgpt ns ubigrbltgi, Buc`gnr Gbgrmy Qoshs sjn`` blt obc`uig5

[nmg 11 ld 3>


(o) Nby obsurnbc obsurnbcgg ob rgspgct rgspgct ld tjg clbstructo clbstructolb lb lr grgctolb grgctolb lr obstn``n obstn``ntolb tolb lr rgp`ncg rgp`ncgfgbt fgbt lr rgpnor rgpnor lr  fnobtgbnbcg lr igclffossolbobm ld prlpgrty ns igscroagi ob (o) tl (ooo) nalvg (obc`uiobm clbtrnctlrks p`nbt nbi gquopfgbt). (oo) Nby Fncjobgry Fncjobgry argnhilwb argnhilwb lr ltjgr Gbmobggrobm Obsurnbcg blt clfobm wotjob tjg sclpg ld (n) nalvg8 [rlvoigi n`wnys tjnt sucj Obsurnbcg sjn`` gxc`uig tjg pgro`s ld orrniontolb nbi clbtnfobntolb ay Buc`gnr  Fntgron`. Jlwgvgr, tjg nalvg gxgfptolb sjn`` blt gxtgbi tl 5 (>) Yjg prlvosolb ld nby Obsurnbcg wjntslgvgr ob rgspgct ld5 (n) Buc`gnr Fntgron`8 (a) Nby [rlpgrty ob tjg Jomj Qniolnctovoty Ulbg lr Nrgn ld nby Buc`gnr Obstn``ntolb ns drlf tjg obtrliuctolb ld Buc`gnr Buc`gnr Fntgron` lr - dlr rgnctlr obstn``ntolbs obstn``ntolbs - ns drlf dug` `lniobm lr dorst crotocn`oty wjgrg sl nmrggi wotj tjg rg`gvnbt `lcn` Buc`gnr Obsurnbcg [ll` nbi/lr Nsslcontolb. (1) Yjg prlvosolb ld nby Obsurnbcg dlr tjg ubigrbltgi pgro`s5Dorg, `omjtbobm, gxp`lsolb8 Gnrtjqunhg8 Norcrndt nbi ltjgr ngron` igvocgs lr nrtoc`gs irlppgi tjgrgdrlf8 Orrniontolb nbi rniolnctovg clbtnfobntolb8 Nby ltjgr pgro` obsurgi ay tjg rg`gvnbt `lcn` Buc`gnr Obsurnbcg [ll` nbi/lr Nsslcontolb8 Ob rgspgct ld nby ltjgr [rlpgrty blt spgcodogi ob (>) nalvg wjocj iorgct`y obvl`vgs tjg [rliuctolb, Wsg lr  Stlrnmg ld Buc`gnr Fntgron` ns drlf tjg tjg obtrliuctolb ld Buc`gnr Fntgro Fntgron` n` obtl sucj [rlpgrty. Igdobotolbs "Buc`gnr Fntgron`" fgnbs5(o) Buc`gnr dug`, ltjgr tjnb bnturn` urnbouf nbi igp`gtgi urnbouf , cnpna`g ld


 prliucobm gbgrmy ay n sg`d-sustnobobm cjnob prlcgss lutsoig n Buc`gnr Qgnctlr, gotjgr  n`lbg lr ob clfaobntolb wotj slfg ltjgr fntgron`8 nbild buc`gnr dossolb lutsoig Qniolnctovg [rliucts lr ]nstg. "Qniolnctovg [rliucts lr ]nstg" fgnbs nby rniolnctovg fntgron` prliucgi ob, lr nby fntgron` fnig rniolnctovg ay gxplsurg tl tjg rniontolb obcoigbtn` tl tjg prliuctolb lr uto`osntolb ld buc`gnr dug`, aut ilgs blt obc`uig rniolsltlpgs wjocj jnvg rgncjgi tjg dobn` stnmg ld dnarocntolb sl ns tl ag usna`g dlr nby scogbtodoc, fgiocn`, nmrocu`turn`, clffgrcon` lr obiustron` purplsg.

"Buc`gnr Obstn``ntolb" fgnbs5 (o) Nby Buc`gnr Qgnctlr8 (oo) Nby dnctlry usobm buc`gnr dug` dlr tjg prliuctolb ld Buc`gnr Buc`gnr Fntgron`, lr nby dnctlry dnctlry dlr tjg prlcgssobm ld Buc`gnr Fntgron`, obc`uiobm nby dnctlry dlr tjg rgprlcnssobm ld orrniontgi buc`gnr dug`8 nbi (ooo (ooo)) Nby dnco`oty dnco`oty wjgrg wjgrg Buc`gnr Buc`gnr Fntgron` Fntgron` os stlrgi, stlrgi, ltjgr ltjgr tjnb stlrnmg stlrnmg obcoigbtn` obcoigbtn` tl tjg tjg cnrronmg cnrronmg ld sucj fntgron`. "Buc`gnr "Buc` gnr Qgnctlr" fgnbs nby structurg structurg clbtnobobm clbtnobobm buc`gnr dug` ob sucj nb nrrnbmgfg nrrnbmgfgbt bt tjnt tjnt n sg`dsustnobobm cjnob prlcgss ld buc`gnr dossolb cnb lccur tjgrgob wotjlut nb niiotolbn` slurcg ld bgutrlbs. "[rliu "[r liucto ctolb, lb, Wsg lr Stlrnm Stlrnmgg ld Buc`gn Buc`gnrr Fntgro Fntgron`" n`" fgnbs fgnbs tjg prliuc prliuctol tolb, b, fnbudn fnbudnctu cturg rg,, gbrocj gbrocjfgb fgbt, t, clbiotolbobm, prlcgssobm, rgprlcgssobm, usg, stlrnmg, jnbi`obm nbi iosplsn` ld Buc`gnr Fntgron`. "[rlpgrty" sjn`` fgnb n`` `nbi, auo`iobms, structurgs, p`nbt, gquopfgbt, vgjoc`gs, clbtgbts (obc`uiobm aut blt `ofotgi tl `oquois nbi mnsgs) nbi n`` fntgron`s ld wjntgvgr igscroptolb wjgtjgr doxgi lr blt. "Jomj Qniolnctovoty Ulbg lr Nrgn" fgnbs5(o) Dlr buc`gnr buc`gnr plwgr stntolbs nbi nbi Buc`gnr Buc`gnr Qgnctlrs, tjg vgssg` lr structurg structurg wjocj wjocj offgiontg`y offgiontg`y clbtnobs clbtnobs tjg clrg ( obc`uiobm ots supplrt nbi sjrluiobm ) nbi n`` tjg clbtgbts tjgrgld, tjg dug` g`gfgbts, tjg clbtrl` rlis nbi orrniontgi dug` stlrg8 nbi (oo) Dlr blb-rgnctlr blb-rgnctlr Buc`gnr Obstn``ntolbs, nby nrgn nrgn wjgrg tjg `gvg` `gvg` rniolnctovoty rniolnctovoty rgquorgs tjg prlvosolb prlvosolb ld   aol`lmocn` sjog`i. BFN BFN >?=7N -

H@NWSW@N [GBMGCWN@ONB QOSOHL YGBNMN BWH@OQ BFN >?=7 Nsurnbso obo nhnb fgbmgcun`ohnb fgbmgcun`ohnb Qosohl Gbgrmo Buh`or. Wbt Wbtuh uh sgfun tueunb obo Qosohl Nsurnbso Ygbnmn Ygbnmn  Buh`or jnrus ioigdobosohnb ioigdobosohnb sganmno sgfun pojnh pojnh pgrtnfn inb / ntnu nsurnbso pojnh hgtomn hgtomn (sg`nob 'Hlfpgbsnso 'Hlfpgbsnso inb / ntnu [gbmusnjn [ghgren) sgjuaubmnb igbmnb5 (O) Sgfun [rlpgrto [rlpgrto io sotus stnsoub stnsoub tgbnmn buh`or. Qgnhtlr Qgnhtlr Buh`or, Anbmubnb Qgnhtlr Qgnhtlr [grn`ntnb [grn`ntnb pnaroh inb inb io in`nfbyn io sotus `nob sg`nob stnsoub tgbnmn buh`or. (OO) Sgfun [rlpgrto, [rlpgrto, io sotus fnbnpub (tgrfnsuh bnfub toinh tgrantns pnin sotus-sotus sotus-sotus iofnhsui pnin (o) (o) io ntns) iomubnhnb ntnu ynbm tg`nj iomubnhnb ubtuh5 (n) Mgbgrnso gbgrmo buh`or8 ntnu (a) prliuhso, Mubnhnb ntnu [gbyofpnbnb Anjnb Buh`or.

[nmg 13 ld 3>


(OOO) Sgtonp prlpgrto `nobbyn fgfgbujo synrnt ubtuh nsurnbso io tgpo hl`nf rgbnbm Nsurnbso Buh`or `lhn` ynbm rg`gvnb inb / ntnu Nslsonso bnfub jnbyn sgantns inro pgrsynrntnb ynbm Qgbnbm `lhn` inb / ntnu Nslsonso. (OT) [nslhnb anrnbm inb ensn hg sn`nj sntu sotus, ynbm iournohnb in`nf (o) snfpno (ooo) io ntns, hgcun`o nsurnbso tgrsgaut jnrus fgbmgcun`ohnb anjnyn rnionso inb hlbtnfobnso l`gj Anjnb Buh`or. Hgcun`o ubigrbltgi, Qosohl Gbgrmo Buh`or toinh tgrfnsuh5 (o) Sgtonp nsurnbso sgjuaubmnb igbmnb hlbstruhso ntnu grghso ntnu pgfnsnbmnb ntnu pgbmmnbtonb ntnu  pgranohnb ntnu pgfg`ojnrnnb ntnu pgblbnhtodnb prlpgrto sgpgrto ynbm ioeg`nshnb in`nf (o) snfpno (ooo) io ntns (tgrfnsuh pnaroh hlbtrnhtlr inb pgrn`ntnb). (oo) Sgtonp hgrusnhnb fgsob ntnu Nsurnbso Qghnynsn `nobbyn toinh intnbm in`nf `obmhup (n) io ntns8  Nsn`hnb sg`n`u anjwn Nsurnbso tgrsgaut jnrus fgbmgcun`ohnb anjnyn rnionso inb hlbtnfobnso l`gj Anjnb Buh`or.  Bnfub, pgfagansnb ntns ntns toinh agr`nhu ubtuh5 >) [gbygionnb [gbygionnb npnpub npnpub Nsurnb Nsurnbso so npnpub npnpub sgjuaubmnb sgjuaubmnb55 (n) Anjnb Buh`or8 (a) Sgtonp prlpgrto io Qniolnhtovotns Ulbn Yobmmo ntnu ]o`nynj inro sgtonp Obstn`nso Buh`or sgenh   pgbmgbn`nb Anjnb Buh`or ntnu - ubtuh obstn`nso rgnhtlr - sgpgrto inro `lniobm anjnb anhnr ntnu hghrotosnb pgrtnfn io fnbn agmotu sgtueu igbmnb Buh`or `lhn` ynbm rg`gvnb Nsurnbso Qgbnbm inb / ntnu Nslsonso .


[gbygionnb [gbygionnb npnpub npnpub Nsurnb Nsurnbso so anjnyn anjnyn ubigrbltgi ubigrbltgi55 Npo, pgtor, `ginhnb8 Mgfpn8


[gsnwnt inbhlbtnfobnso `nobbyn pgrnbmhnt uinrn ntnu nrtohg` turub inrobyn8 rnionso inb rniolnhtod8 Sgtonp anjnyn `nobbyn ioenfob l`gj Buc`gnr `lhn` ynbm rg`gvnb [ll` Nsurnbso inb / ntnu Nslsonso8 Sgjuaubmnb `nob [rlpgrto toinh iotgbtuhnb in`nf (>) io ntns ynbm sgcnrn `nbmsubm fg`oanthnb [rliuhso, Mubnhnb ntnu [gbyofpnbnb Buh`or Anjnb sgpgrto inro pgbmgbn`nb Anjnb Buh`or hg [rlpgrto tgrsgaut.

Igdoboso "Anjnb Buh`or" agrnrto5 (o) anjnb anhnr buh`or, sg`nob urnbouf n`nf inb urnbouf, fnfpu fgbmjnso`hnb gbgrmo igbmnb prlsgs rnbtno fnbioro doso buh`or Qgnhtlr Buh`or io `unr, anoh sgbioro ntnu in`nf hlfaobnso igbmnb  agagrnpn anjnb `nobbyn8 inb (oo) Qniolnhtod [rliuh ntnu @ofanj. "Qniolnhtod [rliuh ntnu @ofanj" agrnrto sgtonp anjnb rniolnhtod ynbm ioprliuhso io, ntnu anjnb ynbm tgraunt rniolnhtod l`gj pnpnrnb rnionso ynbm tgrhnot igbmnb prliuhso ntnu pgfnbdnntnb anjnb anhnr buh`or, tgtnpoo toinh tgtnp toinh tgrfnsuh tgrfnsuh rniolsltlpgs rniolsltlpgs ynbm tg`nj tg`nj fgbcnpno fgbcnpno tnjnp nhjor inro dnarohnso dnarohnso sgjobmmn fgbenio iomubnhnb ubtuh tueunb ntnu o`fu pgbmgtnjunb, hgilhtgrnb, pgrtnbonb, obiustro hlfgrson`. "Obstn`nso Buh`or" agrnrto5 (o) Qgnhtlr Buh`or8 (oo) Sgtonp pnaroh ynbm fgbmmubnhnb anjnb anhnr buh`or ubtuh prliuhso Anjnb Buh`or, ntnu pnaroh ubtuh   pgbml`njnb Anjnb Buh`or, Buh`or, tgrfnsuh pnaroh ubtuh ubtuh rgprlcnssobm anjnb anhnr buh`or ornionso8 inb (ooo) Npn sne snenn dnso`o dnso`otns tns iofnbn iofnbn Anjnb Anjnb Buh`or Buh`or iosofp iosofpnb, nb, sg`nob sg`nob pgbyof pgbyofpnb pnbnb nb ynbm ynbm tgr tgrhno hnott igbmnb igbmnb  pgbmnbmhutnb anjnb tgrsgaut. tgrsgaut. "Qgnhtlr "Qgn htlr Buh`or" agrnrto agrnrto sgtonp sgtonp struhtur struhtur ynbm fgbmnbiubm fgbmnbiubm anjnb anhnr buh`or in`nf pgbmnturnb pgbmnturnb tgrsgaut tgrsgaut  anjwn prlsgs rnbtno fnbioro fnbioro doso buh`or buh`or inpnt tgrenio ioin`nfbyn ioin`nfbyn tnbpn sufagr tnfanjnb tnfanjnb bgutrlb. "[rliuhso, Mubnhnb ntnu [gbyofpnbnb Anjnb Buh`or" agrnrto prliuhso, fnbudnhtur, pgbmnynnb, pgbygeuh,  pgbml`njnb, pgbml`njnb, pgbmmubnnb, pgbmmubnnb, pgbyofpnbnb, pgbnbmnbnb pgbnbmnbnb inb pgfaunbmnb Anjnb Buh`or. "Hghnynnb" agrnrto sgfun tnbnj, anbmubnb, struhtur, anbmubnb, pgrn`ntnb, hgbinrnnb, oso (tgrfnsuh bnfub toinh tgrantns pnin cnornb inb mns) inb sgfun anjnb hgtgrnbmnb npnpub npnhnj tgtnp ntnu toinh. "Yobmmo Qniolnhtovotns Ulbg ntnu @lhnso" agrnrto5 (o) Wbtuh Wbtuh stns stnsoub oub tgbn tgbnmn mn buh`o buh`orr inb inb rgnht rgnhtlr lr buh`o buh`or, r, hnpn hnpn`` ntnu ntnu stru struhtu hturr ynbm ynbm sgmg sgmgrn rn agro agroso so obto obto (tg (tgrfn rfnsuh  suh  iuhubmnb iuhubm nb inb fgbyg`uaubmo) fgbyg`uaubmo) inb sgfun oso inropninby inropninbyn, n, g`gfgb g`gfgb anjnb anhnr, antnbm hgbin`o hgbin`o inb fgbyofpnb anjnb anhnr ornionso8 inb (oo) (oo) Wb Wbtu tuh h bl blbb-rg rgnh nhtl tlrr Bu Buh` h`or or Obstn Obstn`n `nso so,, nrgn nrgn io fn fnbn bn rnioln rniolnht htov ovot otns ns tobmhn tobmhntt fg fgfa faut utuj ujhn hnb b pg pgby bygi gion onnb nb  pgrosno aol`lmos. BFN >?=7n

[nmg 19 ld 3>



SGG[NMG, [L@@WYOLB NBI CLBYNFOBNYOLB GZC@WSOLB C@NWSG (BFN >4:7) Yjos Nmrggfgbt ilgs blt clvgr nby `onao`oty dlr 5 >. [grslbn` [grslbn` Obeury Obeury lr Alio`y Alio`y Obeury lr `lss ld, infnmg tl, lr `lss ld usg ld prlpgrty prlpgrty iorgct`y iorgct`y lr obiorgct obiorgct`y `y cnusgi ay sggpnmg, pl``utolb lr clbtnfobntolb, prlvoigi n`wnys tjnt tjos pnrnmrnpj (>) sjn`` blt npp`y tl `onao`oty dlr [grslbn` Obeury lr Alio`y Obeury lr `lss ld lr pjysocn` infnmg tl lr igstructolb ld tnbmoa`g  prlpgrty, lr `lss ld usg ld sucj prlpgrty infnmg lr igstrlygi, wjgrg sucj sggpnmg, pl``utolb lr  clbtnfobnt clbtn fobntolb olb os cnusgi cnusgi ay suiigb, ubobtgbigi ubobtgbigi nbi ubgxpgctgi ubgxpgctgi jnppgbobm jnppgbobm iurobm tjg pgroli pgroli ld tjos Obsurnbcg. 1. Yjg clst ld rgflvobm, bu``odyobm lr c`gnbobm up sggpobm, pl``utobm lr clbtnfobntobm suastnbcg ub`gss tjg sggpnmg, pl``utolb lr clbtnfobntolb os cnusgi ay suiigb, ubobtgbigi nbi ubgxpgctgi jnppgbobm iurobm tjg  pgroli ld tjos Obsurnbcg. Obsurnbcg. 3. Dobgs, pgbn`togs, pubotovg, lr gxgfp`nry infnmgs. Yjos C`nusg sjn`` blt gxtgbi tjos Nmrggfgbt tl clvgr nby `onao`oty wjocj wlu`i blt jnvg aggb clvgrgi ubigr  tjos Nmrggfgbt jni tjos c`nusg blt aggb nttncjgi


H@NWSW@N , QGFAGSNB, [L@WSO INB HLBYNFOBNSO - BFN >4:7 [grenbeonb obo toinh fgbcnhup hgwneoanb ubtuh5 > Cgigrn [roanio ntnu `uhn aninb ntnu hgjo`nbmnb, hgrusnhnb, ntnu hgjo`nbmnb pgbmmubnnb prlpgrto sgcnrn `nbmsubm ntnu toinh `nbmsubm iosganahnb l`gj rgfagsnb, pl`uso ntnu pgbcgfnrnb, sg`n`u fgbygionhnb  anjwn nynt obo (>) toinh agr`nhu ubtuh hgwneoanb ubtuh cgigrn ntnu hgjo`nbmnb proanio ntnu hgrusnhnb dosoh doso h ntnu hgrusnhnb jnrtn agrwueui, agrwueui, ntnu hgjo`nbmnb hgjo`nbmnb ntnu pgbmmubnnb pgbmmubnnb hgrusnhnb hgrusnhnb prlpgrto prlpgrto tgrsgaut tgrsgaut ntnu jnbcur, io fnbn rgfagsnb sgpgrto, pl`uso ntnu hlbtnfobnso iosganahnb l`gj tgreniobyn fgbininh, toinh  ioobmobhnb inb tnh tgriumn sg`nfn pgrolig nsurnbso. 1. Ao Aony nynn fgbm fgbmjn jnpu pus, s, fg fgbo boni ninh nhnb nb pg pgfa fagr grso sojn jnbb-up up fg fgrg rgfa fags gs,, pl pl`u `uso so nt ntnu nu fg fgbc bcgf gfnr nroo an anjn jnb b hg hgcu cun` n`oo

rgfagsnb, pl`uso ntnu hlbtnfobnso iosganahnb l`gj toan-toan, toinh ioobmobhnb inb tnh tgriumn tgrenio sg`nfn pgrolig nsurnbso. 3. Igbin, Igbin, igbin, igbin, mnbto mnbto rrumo umo ntn ntnu u tg`ni tg`ninb. nb. H`nusu` obo toinh nhnb fgfpgrpnbenbm pgrenbeonb obo ubtuh fgbutup hgwneoanb ynbm toinh nhnb agr`obiubm io  anwnj pgrenbeonb obo fgfo`oho h`nusu` h`nusu` obo ag`uf tgrpnsnbm. tgrpnsnbm.


]NQ NBI COTO@ ]NQ GZC@WSOLB C@NWSG Yjos nmrggfgbt ilgs blt clvgr nby `onao`oty nssufgi ay tjg Obsurgi dlr `lss lr infnmg iorgct`y lr obiorgct`y lccnsolbgi ay jnppgbobm tjrlumj lr ob clbsgqugbcg ld wnr, obvnsolb, ncts ld dlrgomb gbgfogs, jlsto`otogs lr  wnr-`ohg wnr`ohg lpgrntolbs lpgrntolbs (wjgtjgr (wjgtjgr wnr ag igc`nrgi igc`nrgi lr blt), covo` wnr, futoby, futoby, covo` covo` clffltolb clffltolb nssufobm nssufobm tjg  prlplrtolbs ld lr nflubtobm tl plpu`nr rosobm, fo`otnry rosobm, obsurrgctolb,rgag``olb, obsurrgctolb,rgag``olb, rgvl`utolb, fo`otnry lr  usurpgi plwgr, fnrton` `nw, clbdoscntolb lr bntolbn`ozntolb lr rgquosotolb lr igstructolb ld lr infnmg tl  prlpgrty ay lr ubigr tjg tjg lrigr ld nby Mlvgrbfgbt Mlvgrbfgbt lr pua`oc lr `lcn` `lcn` nutjlroty.


[GQNBM INB [GQNBM SO[O@ [GBMGCWN@ONB C@NWSG-BFN 949 Nsurnbso obo toinh fgbcnhup hgwneoanb ynbm iotnbmmubm l`gj Ygrtnbmmubm ubtuh hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb `nbmsubm ntnu iosganahnb l`gj, tgrenio fg`n`uo ntnu sganmno nhoant inro pgrnbm, obvnso, tobinhnb fusuj nsobm,  pgrfusujnb ntnu lpgrnso lpgrnso pgrnbm-sgpgrto (anoh pgrnbm ioigh`nrnsohnb ntnu ntnu toinh), pgrnbm snuinrn, snuinrn, hgfnsynrnhntnb, juru-jnrn igbmnb nsufso prlplrso ntnu sgagsnr plpu`gr fgbobmhnt, fo`otgr fgbobmhnt,  pgfagrlbtnhnb, pgfagrlbtnhnb, pgfagrlbtnhnb, rgvl`uso, fo`otgr fo`otgr ntnu pgrgautnb pgrgautnb hghunsnnb, inrurnt fo`otgr, fo`otgr, pgbyotnnb ntnu bnsolbn`osnso ntnu pgbmnfao`n`ojnb ntnu pgbmjnbcurnb ntnu hgrusnhnb jnrtn agbin l`gj ntnu io anwnj pgrobtnj inro [gfgrobtnj ntnu pgbmunsn ufuf ntnu sgtgfpnt


YQNBSFOSSOLB NBI IOSYQOAWYOLB @OBGS GZC@WSOLB C@NWSG  Bltwotjstnbiobm nbytjobm clbtnobgi clbtnobgi ob tjg [l`ocy tl tjg clbtrnry, ot os jgrgay bltgi nbi nmrggi tjnt tjos [l`ocy ilgs blt clvgr n`` Yrnbsfossolb nbi Iostroautolb @obgs, obc`uiobm worg, cna`gs, pl`gs, py`lbs stnbinris, tlwgr  nbi nby gquopfgbt ld nby typg wjocj fny ag nttgbinbt tl sucj obstn``ntolb obstn``ntolb ld nby igscroptolb. igscroptolb. Yjos gxc`usolb gxc`usolb obc`uigs aut blt `ofotgi `ofotgi tl trnbsfossolb lr iostroautolb ld g`gctrocn` plwgr. Yg`gpjlbg lr tg`gmrnpj sombn`s, nbi

n`` clffubocntolb sombn`s wjgtjgr nuiol lr vosun`. Yjos gxc`usolb npp`ogs tl altj nalvg nbi ag`lw mrlubi gquopfgbt, gxcgpt tjlsg wjocj nrg `lcntgi wotjob wotjob >.;;; fgtgrs ld tjg obsurgi's prgfosgs. Yjos gxc`usolb npp`ogs  altj tl pjysocn` `lss lr infnmg tl tjg gquopfgbt nbi n`` ausobgss obtgrruptolb, obtgrruptolb, clbsgqugbton` clbsgqugbton` `lss nbi/lr ltjgr  clbtobmgbt `lssgs rg`ntgi tl trnbsfossolb nbi iostroautolb `obgs.

[nmg 17 ld 3>



H@NWSW@N [GBMGCWN@ONB EN@WQ YQNBSFOSO INB IOSYQOAWSO Sgfun En`ur inb iostroauso trnbsfoso, tgrfnsuh ynbm fg`n`uo hnwnt, hnag`, tonbm tg`plb, tonbm trnbsfoso, fgbnrn trn trnbsf bsfoso oso inb agranm agranmno no topg topg hg`gbm hg`gbmhnp hnpnb nb ynbm ynbm ioautu ioautujhn jhnb b ubtuh ubtuh pgfnsn pgfnsnbmn bmnb b tgr tgrsga sgaut, ut, tgr tgrfns fnsuh uh suasuastnsoubbyn. [gbmgcun`onb obo tgrfnsuh bnfub toinh tgrantns pnin trnbsfoso ntnu iostroauso tgbnmn `ostroh, sobyn` tg`plb inb tg`gmrnpj, inb sgfun sobyn` hlfubohnso anoh nuiol fnupub vosun`. [gbmgcun`onb obo agr`nhu ubtuh   pgr`gbmhnpnb anoh iontns fnupub ioanwnj pgrfuhnnb tnbnj ynbm enrnhbyn sntu fo` inro anbmubnb tgrtnbmmubm. [gbmgcun`onb obo agr`nhu ubtuh hgrusnhnb dosoh fnupub hgrumonb ynbm tgrenio pnin pgr`gbmhnpnb inb sgfun mnbmmunb aosbos, hlbsghugbson` `lss, inb ntn ntnu u Hgrumonb fgbyg`uruj ynbm agrjuaubmnb pnin en` en`ur  ur  inb iostroauso trnbsfoso.


YGQQLQOSF & SNALYNMG GZC@WSOLB C@NWSG  Bltwotjstnbiobm nby prlvosolb tl tjg clbtrnry wotjob tjos [l`ocy lr nby gbilrsgfgbt tjgrgtl ot os nmrggi tjnt tjos [l`ocy gxc`uigs `lss, infnmg, clst lr gxpgbsg ld wjntslgvgr bnturg iorgct`y lr obiorgct`y cnusgi ay, rgsu`tobm drlf lr ob clbbgctolb wotj nby nct ld tgrrlrosf rgmnri`gss ld nby ltjgr cnusg lr gvgbt clbtroautobm clbcurrgbt`y lr ob nby ltjgr sgqugbcg tl tjg `lss.Dlr tjg purplsg ld tjos gbilrsgfgbt nb nct ld tgrrlrosf fgnbs nb nct, obc`uiobm aut blt `ofotgi tl tjg usg ld dlrcg lr vol`gbcg nbi/lr tjg tjrgnt tjgrgld, ld nby pgrslb lr  mrlups(s) ld pgrslbs, wjgtjgr nctobm n`lbg lr lb agjn`d ld lr ob clbbgctolb wotj nby lrmnbozntolb(s) lr  mlvgrbfgbt(s), clffottgi dlr pl`otocn`, rg`omolus, oigl`lmocn` lr sofo`nr purplsgs obc`uiobm tjg obtgbtolb tl obd`ugbcg nby mlvgrbfgbt nbi/lr tl put tjg pua`oc, lr nby sgctolb ld tjg pua`oc, ob dgnr.Yjos gbilrsgfgbt n`sl gxc`uigs `lss, infnmg clst lr gxpgbsg ld wjntslgvgr bnturg iorgct`y lr obiorgct`y cnusgi ay, rgsu`tobm drlf lr 

ob clbbgctolb wotj nby nctolb n``gmg tnhgb ob clbtrl``obm, supprgssobm lr obinfnmg, nby wnyclst rg`ntobm tl nby os nctblt ld  tgrrlrosf.Od tjg Wbigrwrotgrs tjnt ay rgnslb prgvgbtobm, ld tjos gxc`usolb, nby `lss, lr gxpgbsg clvgrgi ay tjos obsurnbcg tjg aurigb ld prlvobm tjg clbtrnry sjn`` ag uplb tjg Nssurgi.Ob tjg gvgbt nby plrtolb ld tjos gxc`usolb os dlubi tl ag obvn`oi lr ubgbdlrcgna`g, tjg rgfnobigr sjn`` rgfnob ob du`` dlrcg nbi gddgct. -

H@NWSW@N [GBMGCWN@ONB YGQLQOSFG INB SNALYNMG Fgshopub tgrinpnt suntu hgtgbtunb ynbm agrtgbtnbmnb in`nf [l`os obo ntnu suntu gbilsgfgb pninbyn igbmnb obo iosgtueuo anjwn [l`os obo fgbmgcun`ohnb hgrumonb, hgrusnhnb, aonyn ntnu pgbmg`unrnb in`nf agbtuh npnpub ynbm sgcnrn `nbmsubm ntnu toinh `nbmsubm iosganahnb l`gj, nhoant inro ntnu ynbm agrhnotnb igbmnb sgtonp tobinhnb tobin hnb tgrlrosf tgrlrosfgg tnbpn fgfpgriu`ohnb fgfpgriu`ohnb pgbygana ntnu hgenionb hgenionb `nob npnpub ynbm agrhlbtroa agrhlbtroauso uso sgcnrn sgcnrn  agrsnfn-snfn ntnu in`nf urutnb `nob npnpub tgrjninp hgrumonb tgrsgaut.Wbtuh hgpgr`unb gbilsgfgb obo suntu tobinhnb tgrlrosfg agrnrto suntu tobinhnb, tgrfnsuh tgtnpo toinh tgrantns pnin pgbmmubnnb pnhsn ntnu hghgrnsnb inb ntnu nbcnfnb inropninbyn, l`gj lrnbm ntnu sghg`lfplh lrnbm, anoh agrtobinh sgbioro ntnu ntns bnfn ntnu  agrhnotnb igbmnb suntu lrmnbosnso ntnu pgfgrobtnj, igbmnb tueunb pl`otoh, nmnfn, oigl`lmo ntnu tueunb sgegbos tgrfnsuh obtgbso ubtuh fgfpgbmnrujo pgfgrobtnjnb inb ntnu fgfaunt pua`oh, ntnu anmonb inro pua`oh, in`nf

hgtnhutnb hgtn hutnb.Gbil .Gbilsgfg sgfgb b obo eumn fgbmgcun`o fgbmgcun`ohnb hnb hgrumonb, hgrumonb, hgrusnhnb, hgrusnhnb, aonyn ntnu pgbmg`unr pgbmg`unrnb nb in`nf agbtuh  npnpub ynbm sgcnrn `nbmsubm ntnu toinh `nbmsubm npnpub `nbmsubm iosganahnb iosganahnb l`gj, nhoant inro ntnu agrhnotnb agrhnotnb igbmnb igbmnb sgtonp sgtonp tobinhnb tobin hnb ynbm io`nhuhnb in`nf pgbmgbin`o pgbmgbin`onb, nb, pgbcgmnjnb pgbcgmnjnb,, pgbghnbnb pgbghnbnb ntnu in`nf cnrn npnpub agrhnotnb agrhnotnb igbmnb suntu tobinhnb tgrlrosfg.Eohn [gbnbmmubm fgbyntnhnb anjwn igbmnb n`nsnb gbilsgfgb obo, suntu hgrumonb, hgrusnhnb, aonyn ntnu pgbmg`unrnb toinh ioenfob l`gj nsurnbso obo hgwneoanb pgfauhtonb sgan`ohbyn  agrnin pnin Ygrtnbmmubm.In`nf jn` suntu anmonb inro pgbmgcun`onb obo iotgfuhnb toinh agr`nhu ntnu toinh  inpnt ioen`nbhnb, anmonb sg`gaojbyn tgtnp agren`nb inb agr`nhu pgbuj.


C_AGQ GZC@WSOLB C@NWSG Yjos nmrggfgbt ilgs blt npp`y tl, nbi spgcodocn``y gxc`uigs `lssgs ld nby hobi iorgct`y lr obiorgct`y cnusgi ay, nrosobm drlf, lr clbsostobm ld, ob wjl`g lr ob pnrt5 n. tjg usg lr fosusg fosusg ld tjg obtgrb obtgrbgt gt lr sofo`nr sofo`nr dnco` dnco`oty oty 8

 a. c. i. g.

nby g`gctrlboc trnbsfossolb trnbsfossolb ld intn lr ltjgr obdlrfntolb 8 nby clfput clfputgr gr vorus vorus lr lr ssofo ofo`nr `nr prla`g prla`gf f8 tjg usg usg lr fosusg fosusg ld nby obtgrbgt obtgrbgt niirgs niirgss, s, wgasotg wgasotg lr lr sofo`nr sofo`nr dnco`o dnco`oty ty 8 nby intn intn lr ltjgr ltjgr obdlrfnt obdlrfntolb olb plstgi plstgi lb wgasotg wgasotg lr sofo`n sofo`nrr dnco`oty dnco`oty 8

[nmg 14 ld 3>



nby `lss `lss ld intn intn lr infnmg infnmg tl nby clfputg clfputgrr systgf, systgf, obc`uio obc`uiobm bm aut blt `ofotg `ofotgi i tl jnriwn jnriwnrg rg lr sldtwnr sldtwnrgg (ub`gss sucj `lss lr infnmg os cnusgi ay nb gnrtjqunhg, n dorg, n d`lli, lr n stlrf) m. tjg dubctolbo dubctolbobm bm lr fn`dubctolb fn`dubctolbobm obm ld tjg obtgrbgt obtgrbgt lr sofo`n sofo`nrr dnco`oty, dnco`oty, lr ld nby obtgrbgt obtgrbgt niirgss, niirgss, wgasotg wgasotg lr  sofo`nr dnco`oty (ub`gss sucj `lss lr infnmg os cnusgi ay nb gnrtjqunhg, n dorg, n d`lli, lr n stlrf)8 lr  nby obdrobmgfgbt, wjgtjgr obtgbtolbn` lr ubobtgbtolbn`, ld nby obtg``gctun` prlpgrty romjts (obc`uiobm aut blt `ofotgi tl trnigfnrh clpyromjt lr pntgbt) -

H@NWSW@N [GBMGCWN@ONB QOSOHL C_AGQ  [grenbeonb obo toinh agr`nhu ubtuh, inb sgcnrn hjusus fgbmgcun`ohnb hgrumonb npnpub ynbm sgcnrn `nbmsubm ntnu toinh `nbmsubm iosganahnb l`gj, tofau` inro, ntnu tgrioro inro, sgcnrn hgsg`urujnb ntnu sganmonb5 n. pgbmmubnnb pgbmmubnnb ntnu ntnu pgbyn`n pgbyn`njmubnn jmubnnb b obtgrbgt obtgrbgt ntnu ntnu dnso`otns dnso`otns `nob `nob ynbm ynbm sgrupn8 sgrupn8  a. sgtonp trnbsfoso g`ghtrlboh intn ntnu ntnu obdlrfnso `nob8 c. vorus vorus h hlfp lfputg utgrr ntnu ntnu fnsn fnsn`nj `nj ynbm ynbm snfn8 snfn8 i. pgbmmubnnb pgbmmubnnb ntnu ntnu pgbyn`njmu pgbyn`njmubnnb bnnb n`nfnt n`nfnt obtgrbgt obtgrbgt,, wgasotg wgasotg ntnu ntnu dnso`otns dnso`otns sgrupn8 sgrupn8 g. intn ntnu ntnu obdlrfn obdlrfnso so `nob ynbm ioplst ioplstobm obm io sotus sotus ntnu ntnu dnso`otn dnso`otnss sgrupn8 sgrupn8 d. jo`nbmbyn jo`nbmbyn intn intn ntnu hgrusnhn hgrusnhnb b sostgf hlfputg hlfputgr, r, tgrfnsuh tgrfnsuh bnfub bnfub toinh tgrantn tgrantnss pnin pgrnbmhnt pgrnbmhnt hgrns hgrns ntnu  pgrnbmhnt `ubnh (hgcun`o hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb tgrsgaut iosganahnb l`gj mgfpn aufo, hganhnrnb,  anbeor, ntnu anino) anino) m. dubmso dubmso ntnu rusnh rusnh dnso`o dnso`otns tns obtgrbgt obtgrbgt ntnu sgrupn sgrupn,, ntn ntnu u inro inro n`n n`nfnt fnt obtgrbg obtgrbgt, t, wgasot wgasotgg ntn ntnu u dnso`o dnso`otns tns sgrupn sgrupn (hgcun`o hgrumonb ntnu hgrusnhnb tgrsgaut iosganahnb l`gj mgfpn aufo, hganhnrnb, anbeor, ntnu anino)8 ntnu  pg`nbmmnrnb npnpub, anoh iosgbmnen ntnu toinh iosgbmnen, inro jnh ntns hghnynnb obtg`ghtun` (tgrfnsuh bnfub toinh tgrantns pnin jnh coptn fgrgh inmnbm ntnu pntgb)


G@GCYQLBOC INYG QGCLMBOYOLB C@NWSG GIQC (N) BFN 1:;;>> G@GCYQLBOC Yjos obsurnbcg ilgs blt clvgr nby `lss, infnmg, clst, c`nof lr gxpgbsg, wjgtjgr prgbtntovg, rgfgion` lr  ltjgrwosg, iorgct`y lr obiorgct`y nrosobm lut ld lr rg`ntobm tl 5 (n) Yjg cn`cu`ntolb, cn`cu`ntolb, clfpnroslb, ioddgrgbtontolb, ioddgrgbtontolb, sgqugbcobm sgqugbcobm lr prlcgssobm prlcgssobm ld intn obvl`vobm obvl`vobm tjg intg cjnbmg tl tjg ygnr 1;;;, lr nby ltjgr intg cjnbmg cjnbmg obc`uiobm obc`uiobm `gnp ygnr cn`cu`nto cn`cu`ntolbs, lbs, ay nby clfputgr systgf systgf jnriwnrg, prlmrnffg, lr sldtwnrg nbi/lr focrlcjop, obtgmrntgi corcuot lr sofo`nr igvocg ob clfputgr  gquopfgbt lr blb-clfputgr gquopfgbt, wjgtjgr tjg prlpgrty ld tjg obsurgi lr blt 8 lr  (a) Nby cjnbmg, cjnbmg, n`tgrntolb, n`tgrntolb, lr fliodocn fliodocntolb tolb obvl`vobm obvl`vobm tjg intg tl tjg ygnr 1;;;, 1;;;, lr nby ltjgr intg cjnbmg obc`uiobm `gnp ygnr cn`cu`ntolbs, tl nby sucj clfputgr systgf, jnriwnrg, prlmrnffg lr sldtgvwnrg nbi/lr  nby focrlcjop, obtgmrntgi corcuot lr sofo`nr igvocg ob clfputgr gquopfgbt lr blb-clfputgr gquopfgbt, wjgtjgr tjg prlpgrty ld tjg obsurgi lr blt. Yjos c`nusg npp`ogs rgmnri`gss ld nby ltjgr cnusg lr gvgbt tjnt clbtroautgs clbcurrgbt`y lr ob nby sgqugbcg tl tjg `lss, infnmg, clst, c`nof lr gxpgbsg.


G@GCYQLBOC YNBMMN@ [GBMNHWNB H@NWSW@N GIQC (N) BFN 1:;;>> Nsurnbso obo toinh fgbcnhup hgrumonb, hgrusnhnb, aonyn, h`nof ntnu aonyn, npnhnj pgbcgmnjnb, pgranohnb ntnu sgan`ohbyn, `nbmsubm ntnu toinh `nbmsubm ynbm tofau` inro ntnu tgrhnot igbmnb5 (n) pgrjotubmn pgrjotubmnb, b, pgranbiobmnb, pgranbiobmnb, iodgrgbsons iodgrgbsonso, o, sgqugbcobm sgqugbcobm ntnu pgbml`njnb pgbml`njnb intn ynbm fg`oanthn fg`oanthnb b pgruanjnb pgruanjnb tnbmmn` igbmnb tnjub 1;;;, ntnu pgruanjnb tnbmmn` `nob tgrfnsuh pgrjotubmnb tnjub hnaosnt, l`gj sostgf hlfputgr, hlfpu tgr, jnriwnrg, jnriwnrg, prlmrnf prlmrnf ntnu sldtwnrg sldtwnrg inb / ntnu focrlcjop focrlcjop npnpub, npnpub, tgrobtgmr tgrobtgmrnso nso sorhuot ntnu  pgrnbmhnt sgrupn in`nf pgrn`ntnb hlfputgr ntnu pgrn`ntnb blb-hlfputgr, npnhnj fo`oh Ygrtnbmmubm ntnu toinh8 ntnu

(a) pgruan pgruanjnb jnb,, pgruan pgruanjnb jnb,, ntn ntnu u fliodo fliodohns hnsoo ynbm ynbm fg`oan fg`oanthn thnb b pgruan pgruanjnb jnb tnb tnbmmn mmn`` igbmnb igbmnb tnj tnjub ub 1;;;, 1;;;, ntn ntnu u  pgruanjnb tnbmmn` `nob tgrfnsuh pgrjotubmnb tnjub hnaosnt, ubtuh sgtonp sostgf hlfputgr tgrsgaut, jnriwnrg, prlmrnf ntnu sldtwnrg inb / ntnu focrlcjop npnpub, sorhuot tgrpniu ntnu pgrnbmhnt sgrupn  pgrn`ntnb hlfputgr ntnu ntnu pgrn`ntnb blb-hlfputgr, blb-hlfputgr, npnhnj fo`oh tgrtnbmmubm tgrtnbmmubm ntnu toinh. H`nus H`nusu` u` obo agr`nh agr`nhu u tgr tgr`gp `gpns ns inro inro pgbyga pgbygana na `nobb `nobbyn yn ntn ntnu u pgrost pgrostown own ynbm ynbm fgfagr fgfagrohn ohnb b hlbtro hlbtroaus ausoo sgcnrn sgcnrn  agrsnfnnb ntnu in`nf urutnb hg hgrumonb, hgrusnhnb, hgrusnhnb, aonyn, h`nof ntnu aganb.



[nmg 1= ld 3>


Ot os jgrgay igc`nrgi tjnt ob tjg gvgbt ld tjg Obsurgi lr tjg Obsurgr tgrfobntgs tjos obsurnbcg, tjgb altj pnrtogs nmrgg tl wnovg nrtoc`gs >144 nbi >14= ld tjg Obilbgsonb Covo` Clig nbi sucj tgrfobntolb sjn`` ag fnig wotjlut rgquorobm nby clbsgbt ld tjg Clurt ([gbmnio`nb Bgmgro) wotjob tjg tgrrotlry ld tjg Qgpua`oc ld Obilbgson. -

H@NWSW@ [GBMGSNF[OBMNB [GBMGSNF[OBMNB Igbmnb Igbmn b obo iobyntnhnb iobyntnhnb anjwn in`nf jn` Ygrtnbmmubm Ygrtnbmmubm ntnu [gbnbmmubm [gbnbmmubm fgbmjgbtoh fgbmjgbtohnb nb pgrtnbmmubm pgrtnbmmubmnb nb obo, fnhn hgiun ag`nj pojnh sgtueu ubtuh fgbmgsnfpobmhnb [nsn` >144 inb >14= Hotna Wbinbm-Wbinbm Juhuf [grint [gr intnn Obilbg Obilbgson son inb pgbmjg pgbmjgbto btonb nb pgrtnb pgrtnbmmu mmubmn bmnb b tgr tgrsga sgaut ut io`nhu io`nhuhnb hnb tnb tnbpn pn fgfgr` fgfgr`uhn uhnb b pgrsgt pgrsgtueu ueunb nb  pgbmnio`nb Bgmgro io wo`nynj Qgpua`oh OObilbgson bilbgson


>. Agobm n CL-OBSWQGQ ld tjg ubigr fgbtolbgi obsurnbcg clfpnbogs, tjgy sjn``, gncj dlr tjgfsg`vgs nbi blt lbg dlr  tjg ltjgr, sgvgrn``y nbi obigpgbigbt`y jnvg tjg romjts nbi nssufg tjg `onao`otogs ob prlplrtolb tl tjgor rgspgctovg sjnrgs ns fgbtolbgi ag`lw. 1. [Y . NSWQNBSO WFWF ACN ns tjg rgprgsg rgprgsgbtnto btntovg vg ld tjg CL-OBSWQ CL-OBSWQGQ(S), GQ(S), sjn`` nttg nttgbi bi tl n`` fnttgrs clbbgctgi wotj tjos CL-OBSWQNBCG gxc`uiobm  cl``gctolb ld obsurnbcg prgfouf nbi sgtt`gfgbt ld c`nof. gxc`uiobm cl``gctolb 3. Nby nmrg nmrggfg gfgbt bt ld igc igcoso osolb lb wjocj fny ag fnig agtwgg agtwggb b tjg Obsur Obsurgi gi nbi [Y . NSW NSWQNB QNBSO SO WFW WFWF F ACN ob clbbgctolb wotj tjos CL-OBSWQNBCG sjn`` ag dobn` nbi aobiobm uplb n`` CL-OBSWQGQ(S). 9. Nby bltocg wjocj fny ag movgb ay tjg Obsurgi tl [Y . NSWQNBSO WFWF ACN ob wrotobm lr ltjgrwosg sjn`` ag iggfgi ns movgb tl n`` ltjgr CL-OBSWQGQ(S) ns wg``. 7. Bnfgs ld CL-OBSWQGQ(S) nbi tjgor rgspgctovg sjnrgs nrg ns dl``lws 5

[nmg 1: ld 3>



In`nf H Hlnsurnb lnsurnbso so inro [gru [grusnjnnb snjnnb Nsu Nsurnbso rnbso ynbm io iosgauth sgauthnb nb bnfnby bnfnbynn ioanwn ioanwnj j obo, fgrg fgrghn hn nhnb fnso fnsobm-fnso bm-fnsobm, bm, sgcnrn sgbioro inb fnbioro fgfo`oho jnh inb fgbnbmmubm hgwneoanb sgsuno igbmnb prlplrso sjnrg fgrghn fnsobmfnsobm sgpgrto ynbm iosgauthnb io anwnj.


[Y . NSW NSWQNB QNBSO SO WFWF ACN sgan sganmno mno wnh wnho` o` inro hln hlnsurn surnbso bso,, jnrus jnio jniorr ubtuh sgfu sgfunn jn` ynbm agrju agrjuaub aubmnb mnb igbmnb jn` Hlnsurnbso bnfub toinh tgrfnsuh   hl`ghso hl`ghso / pgbmufpu`nb prgfo nsurnbso inb pgbyg`gsnonb h`nof .


Sgto Sgtonp np pgrenb pgrenbeonb eonb hg hgputusn putusnb b ynbm inpn inpntt ioaun ioauntt nbtnr nbtnrnn pgbnbm pgbnbmmubm mubm inb [Y . NSWQ NSWQNBSO NBSO WFW WFWF F ACN sgj sgjuaubmnb uaubmnb igbmnb Hlnsurnbso obo agrsodnt dobn` inb fgbmohnt sgfun fgfagr Hlnsurnbso.


Sgto Sgtonp np pgfagro pgfagrotnjunb tnjunb yn ynbm bm ioagro ioagrohnb hnb l`gj Yg Ygrtnbmmu rtnbmmubm bm ubtuh [Y . N NSWQNB SWQNBSO SO WFWF ACN sg sgcnrn cnrn tgrt tgrtu`os u`os fnhn nhnb ionbmmnp ioagrohnb hgpnin sgfun fgfagr Hlnsurnbso `nobbyn eumn.


Bnfn fgfag fgfagrr Hlns Hlnsurnbso urnbso inb sj sjnrg nrg f fnsobm-f nsobm-fnsobm nsobm nin`n nin`nj j sganm sganmno no ag agrohut rohut 5




(@gnigr 77%)

(Fgfagr 77%)


Ot os jgrgay igc`nrgi nbi nmrggi tjnt ob tjg gvgbt ld tjg prlpgrty obsurgi agobm igstrlygi lr  infnmgi tjg ansos uplb wjocj tjg nflubt pnyna`g ubigr pnyna`g  ubigr Scjgiu`g ld tjg [l`ocy os tl ag cn`cu`ntgi  sjn`` ag tjg clst ld rgp`ncobm lr rgobstntobm lb tjg snfg sotg prlpgrty ld tjg snfg hobi lr typg aut  blt supgrolr tl lr flrg gxtgbsovg tjnb tjg obsurgi prlpgrty wjgb bgw , suaegct tl tjg dl``lwobm Spgcon` [rlvosolbs nbi suaegct n`sl tl tjg tgrfs nbi clbiotolbs ld tjg [l`ocy gxcgpt obsldnr ns tjg

[nmg 1? ld 3>


snfg fny ag vnrogi jgrgay. Spgcon` [rlvosolbs >

Yjg wlrh wlrh ld rgp rgp`nc `ncgfgb gfgbtt lr rg rgobs obstnt tntgfgb gfgbtt (wjocj fny ag cnrrogi lut uplb nbltjgr sotg nbi ob nby fnbbgr suotna`g tl tjg rgquorgfgbts ld tjg Obsurgi suaegct tl tjg `onao`oty ld Obsurgr  blt agobm tjgrgay obcrgnsgi) fust ag clffgb clffgbcgi cgi nbi cnrro cnrrogi gi lut wotj rgnslbna`g igspntcj igspntcj nbi nbi ob nby cnsg fust ag clfp`gtgi clfp`gtgi wotjob wotjob >1 flbtjs ndt ndtgr gr tjg igstruct igstructolb olb lr inf infnmg nmg lr  wotjob sucj durtjgr tofg ns tjg Obsurgr fny (iurobm tjg snoi >1 flbtjs) ob wrotobm n``lw ltjgrwosg bl pnyfgbt agylbi tjg nflubt wjocj wlu`i jnvg aggb pnyna`g ubigr tjg [l`ocy od tjos fgflrnbiuf jni blt aggb obclrplrntgi tjgrgob sjn`` ag fnig.


Wbto Wbto`` gxpg gxpgbio biotu turg rg jns aggb obc obcur urrg rgi i  ay tjg Obsurgi ob rgp`ncobm lr rgobstntobm tjg prlpgrty igstrlygi lr infnmg tjg Obsurgr sjn`` blt ag `ona`g dlr nby pnyfgbt ob gxcgss ld tjg nflubt wjoc wj ocj j wl wlu` u`i i jnv jnvgg aggb aggb pn pnyna yna`g `g ubi ubigr gr tjg tjg [l [l`o `ocy cy od tjos tjos fgflr fgflrnbi nbiuf uf jni blt aggb obclrplrntgi tjgrgob.


Od nt tjg tofg tofg ld rgp rgp`nc `ncgfgb gfgbtt lr rgob rgobstn stntgf tgfgbt gbt tjg su suf f rgprg rgprgsgb sgbtob tobm m tjg clst  wjocj   wjocj wlu`i jnvg aggb obcurrgi ob rgp`ncgfgbt lr rgobstntgfgbt tjg argnhobm wjl`g ld tjg clvgrgi  aggb igstrlygi gxcggis tjg suf obsurgi    tjgrglb ntod tjg  tjgrglb lut prlpgrty ld nby dorg lr nt jni tjg clffgbcgfgbt ld nby igstructolb ld lr infnmg tl sucj prlpgrty ay nby ltjgr pgro` obsurgi nmnobstt ay tjos [l`ocy tjgb tjg Obsurgi sjn`` ag clbsoigrgi ns agobm jos lwb obsurgr dlr tjg nmnobs gxcgss nbi sjn`` agnr n rntna`g prlplrtolb ld prlplrtolb  ld tjg `lss ncclriob ncclriobm`y. m`y. Gncj otgf ld tjg [l`ocy (od flrg tjnb lbg) tl wjocj tjos fgflrnbiuf npp`ogs sjn`` ag sgpnrntg`y suaegct tl tjg dlrgmlobm prlvosolb.

9  Bl pnyfgbt agylbi tjg nflubt wjocj wlu`i jnvg aggb pnyna`g ubigr tjg [l`ocy od tjos fgfl fg flrn rnbiu biuf f jni jni blt aggb aggb obclr obclrplr plrnt ntgi gi tjgr tjgrgo gob b sj sjn` n``` ag fn fnig ig od nt tjg tjg tofg tofg ld nby nby igstructolb igstr uctolb lr infnmg tl nby prlpgrty obsurgi obsurgi jgrgubigr sucj prlpgrty sjn`` ag clvgrgi ay nby ltjgr obsurnbcg gddgctgi ay lr lb agjn`d ld tjg Obsurgi wjocj os blt uplb tjg oigbtocn`  ansos ld rgobstntgfgbt sgt dlrtj jgrgob. 7

Yjos fgflrnbiuf sjn`` fgflrnbiuf sjn`` ag wotjlut dlrcg lr gddgct od (n) Yjg Obsurgi dno`s Obsurgi  dno`s tl obtofntg tl tjg Obsurgr wotjob 4 flbtjs flbtjs drlf  drlf tjg intg ld igstructolb lr infnmg lr sucj durtjgr tofg ns tjg Obsurgr fny ob wrotobm n``lw jos obtgbtolb tl rgp`ncg lr  rgobstntg tjg prlpgrty igstrlygi lr infnmgi. (a) Yjg obsurgi os ubna`g lr ubwo``obm tl rgp`ncg lr rgobstntg   tjg prlpgrty igstrlygi lr  infnmgi lb tjg snfg lr nbltjgr sotg.

[nmg 3; ld 3>


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