Big English Starter Teachers Book 170 002 PDF

August 31, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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    r rrr  Chrhr  Crz

THR' B



I h

1  ...

Help yu family. I help y (grada).

ae at, apple, at elf, egg, elk

 . tak about about fa faiy iy.. .. hep y faily.

Be plite Sorr! s O Thak you. You're weome

I, t, i leaf  ook lake taxi toy te iloo insect i

  ask and answer ab abou ou oys  talk aou birthday parties an locations around own  .  speak poliely poliely

Mnd yu manne Close you outh. Use a apki. Sy, please.

n   ie, ure, ut o, o, oive read, abbit, ug

.  tak about food I ike ad do like. ... tak about healthy ad uheathy foods. . . . idetify good tab tabe e aer aers. s.

Kep clean Wash our hands Brus your air/teet air/teet

m u, k mouse mp moon uce uder umbrella king key kite

. alk about my body . describe how to wash my hads   . brush my eeth and hair

Dn't th uh. Put rubbish i the bi ot thow rubbish. Pik up rubbish

y yd d yogut, yak, yo-yo sok, ofa eal dd, dish, dek

. ask ad awer about atios. . .  tak about vehiles ad paes aoud tow. ... help keep the eviroet lea

Follow park rue Don pick the fowers Don walk on he rss Don drop liter Don feed the irds

bg,z oy, b ed irl guiar ate ebra oo zip

.   ask and aswe about paing a he p payround ayround  descrie a tree in different seasons . help keep he prk clea

Recycle clthe. Give away od lothe Reuse od lothe Reye od othe

c cp p h or, t, r prk path, pod ht, hoe, head

.. . ak ad awe about lothes. . . deribe the weathe  . . tak about job ad uifor

Stay safe s safe/danerous

v, f j an, vase ves  fox, face fur ar am ump

. tak aou differet rooms and ask where people are . describe the material this are mde of  sta safe a home

 W 

. tak about aial ad their abilities  . . ay where aia aiass ive    ay zoo ue.

Repect anmal ot feed the aials. ot cib the fee Dot thow ubbish ot touh the aial

quee, quilt, quik quee,  wor, water, wig o, fi, box



Scope and sequence .................................................................................... ....................................................................................iiii Contents                                                                                                          iv Components Compon ents ...................................................................................................v A Pupil's Book Unit ......................................................................................vii Course Features      .  .                      .          .          .             .     .                  .        x

Welcome Unit                    .    .      .         .    ..                      .        .       My Family                                .   .                .                                     .  8 Happy Birthday!                         .      .    .     .   .                       .       I like Cake!       .                  .           .           .        .       .       .                  My Body                                                 .              .           .              .    Around Twn  .     .  .                        .   .   ..                      ..                 8 She's swinging on the swings!                                           7 7 It's sunny     .      .      .       .                       .                   .                     8 y House                                                                           .     .   .     9 9 A fsh can swim!  .                                  .                                      8 Cutouts for heckpoints        .                                    .  .    .                     T8 Stickers            ..                                         .                              .         .         T9 Activity Book Audio Scripts                                                   ..       .       7 Activty Book Answer Key  .                        .                           .              .. T78 Big English ertificate                                         .              .                    T8  T8 Competencies  T8 Game Bank  T88 Word List



Bi  g En g lish lish is a new, seven-level seven-level primary course that engages pupils with fun, exciting material

and prepares them to succeed both in the classroom and in the outsie world. world. In addition to a balanced integratedskils aproach to instruction, three of the central principes of the Bi  g En g lish lish course philosophy philosophy are Assessment for Learning (AFL) techniques, a focus on 21st Century Skills and an approach supported by Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).

Pupil's Book 

Activities resent language in context with songs, stories and phonics lessons

Think Big activities help pupils deveop 21st Century Skils

Content Connection pages and Projects integrate use of learning strategies into contentbased earning

Values essons hep buid confidence through creative and colaborative activities

Three two-page focus on Assessment for Learning and provide opportunities forCheckpoints pupis to assess their own progress

Activity Book

The Activity Book provides engaging additional  practice for each lesson in the Pupi's Book.

The Activity Book can be used for reinforcement i the classroom as we as for independent study at home


Teacher's Book 

This includes step-bystep Lesson Pans, a Games Bank, Pupil's Book and Activity Book Audio Scripts and Activity Book Answer Keys

Assessment for Learning techniques and ideas for developing 21' Century Sks are incorporated into each Lesson Plan

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Teachers' eText for IWB Ths dgtal tool ncldes helpfl resorces sch as: 

Interactve versons of the Pup's k actvtes for se on a  whteoad o a compter Incldes a fll range of nteactve tools

Theme Them eased ased LIL L IL related related de wth qestons

eae esues  whch nclde nclde spplementay materals sch as games actvtes and worksheets

An ssesse Pak wth a comprehensve ange of tests whch nclde a placement test nt tests and revew tests (after every three nts)

Class Audio CD


Perfect fo g classes A cards llstrate taget vocalary

ards are avalale n pnt or dgtal fomat on the Teacher's eText fo IWB

Ppl's Book lstenng actvtes Songs ncldng ncldng karaoke vesons

Unt stores and LIL readngs

Actvty Book lstenng actvtes

Posters A set of 12 fll colo teachng postes for dsplay n the classoom


oveng classroom langage LIL topcs and phoncs

Incldes a resale lamnated My lass Today' poste fo pps to ecod days of the week seasons weather and thdays

Also avalale n dgtal format on the Teache's eText fo IWB


 isten and and sing. What's mls5ng? � Each unit opens with the

T  IN K

I G Think Big

 presentatio  presentation of key key un unit it n  vocabulary  vocabu lary followed by a igh-energy song to introduce the unit theme in a fun context

questions prompt  pupils to use critical  pupils thinking skills, to  personalise language, to collaborate and to use key vocabulary in context

   d foow Whs dya?

Ustn an


Fun, highly  visual stories engage learners imaginations.


·�  •

@ stn Help Udya and an d On the Language in Action  pages, learners listen to new language and build meaningful sentences.

Look and or� Sy



Comprehension and discussion questions develop comprehension trategie and ritical

t h in k ·n g     _ _ _





Draw and ay




 U5n, ook 1

and and

 ook and mac ay 1


In ontent onnection, pupils learn additional language and engage with topics from curriculum areas such as social science, science and geography geogra phy

On the Values  page, pupils reect on a core  value reated to the theme of the unit and act out a mini-situation  which they can transfer to the  world outside the classroom

an d s y and  L;n1 ook  �



 ,   I  . �  ,

 U5n and numb Can

 U5n and  X P  oy. -

On the Review  pages, pupils show show  what they have learned in the unit through a game-style group activity and anguage exercises


 Usn and mac  


I an' check boxes help  pupils assess their their own

 X v

In the Phonics section,  pupis learn about letters and their corresponding sounds in a systematic way The Sounds and and Letters ards (Teachers' eTet for IWB) and the Phonics Posters can be used for fun teacherled teacherled activities

· t 

learning and reect on their progress


Checkpoint lessons lessons consolidate consolidate ateial fom the thee pevious units and a nd help tain leanes in Assessment fo Leaning techniques (see page x). Pupils eview key language fom the  pevious units and copae it with thei cuent knowledge of that language

The I Can Do It!' tasks allow leanes to consolidate and use the new language in pai and goup activities acti vities featuing cutout cut out mateials.

U -q

 Play Listen and place

 Lk and circle Practise 




  3




4 5 6


Q ra and say

The Do I Know It?' task helps identi any gaps in leanes' knowledge of key language points so that teaches can focus eview as needed

In the Do I Know It Now?' section, pupils have fun with a inipotfolio section and then eassess thei undestanding of the key language points fom the  pevious  pevi ous goup of units



Learner-Centered Approach The Bi  g En g lish lish course ensures that all earners become acve partcipants in every lesson by actvatng pror knowledge of topics and conceps and by encouragng them to share and express ther personal eperences, deas and opnons n Engish lish aso ncorporates acivtes that appeal to pups wth a varety of earnng styes Bi  g En g lish

Attenton has been pad to vsua, audtory and tactie/knaeshetc earners through the incluson of iustratons, photos and graphc organsers (vsua earners), opportuntes to hear and repeat key earnng targets (audtory earners), stcker actvtes, routnes and games usng touch and movement (tactle/knaesthetc earners) Furthermore, care has been taken to provde actvtes that captaise on Howard Gardner's Theory of Multpe Integences: logica-mathematca, nguistc, spatia, body-knaesthetic, musica, naturastc, exsenta, interpersona and ntrapersona Bi  g En g lish lish aso caters for casses wth wt h pups of different abtes by providing dfferentated

nstructon suggestons throughout the Teacher's Book

Assessment for Learnng n

 Eh

Whe a assessment s used to measure pupis' progress and to motivate pupls to earn, the Bi  g En g llish ish Teacher's Book offers opportunites for teachers to train pups n a more dynamc

type of assessment As opposed to tradtiona, summative assessment toos that measure what is known or what has been earned (assessment of earning) , Assessment for Learnng s based on the foowng hree man prncipes: havng pups partcipate in settng goas, n performng ongong assessment and hepng pupls earn how to set goas and sef-assess

 f  f  Set Goa

Peorm Ongoing Aement

Help tudent Learn How to Set Goa and Se

Make sure each pupi has a cear understanding from the

With the individual pupi's participation, informally and

Help pupils understand where  the gaps are between between what

beginning of each unit what exactly the earning target is and what the expected outcomes are.

 frequently assess where he or she is on the path to achieving  those outcomes, usualy during  the course o off a lesson

 they have learned and the expected outcome, so they can address whatever areas are stil lacking to achieve their goas.

Assessment for Learnng n

 Eh

The Teacher's Book has integrated and sgnposted the Assessment for Learnng process into eac each h lesson



Make sure pupls know what the esson objectves are so they fee ownershp of ther own earnng


Bud n opportunties to assess how well the pupis are learnng the matera and try t ry to  work out where the gaps are Whenever possbe, hep pupis learn how to assess ther own learnng at ths sage, oo



Once youve determined determined where the gap are, ar e, preent the material again in another context or modality o pupil have another opportunity to learn the materia.


Go beyond the page and get g et pupil to internalie the material by peronaliing it, applying it to new context, analying it critically, etc.

ish Thee Aement for Learning technique, ued in combination with the Bi  g En g ish Aement Pack, provide teacher and pupil with a unique et of tool to achieve both  peronal and coure goa.

21st Century Skills in

 Eh

The term 21t Century Skill refer to the knowledge and kil that learner need to be uccefu in the increaingly complex ife and work environment of today rapidly changing, digital world. Thee kil are divided into three key area: learning and innovation, digita literacy and career/life kill. The Bi  g En g ish ish erie enure ample coverage and opportunitie for development of thee important kill. 21t Century Skill are reected throughout the programme.

21 C S  B g gh

Learning an d Innovation 'The 4 C

Critica thinking and probem soving Creativit Crea tivity y and innovation Communication Coaboration

Digita Literacy

Information literacy Media iteracy CT iteracy

Career and Ue

Fexibiity and adaptabiity Initiative and sef-direction Socia and cross-cutura interaction Productivity and accountabiity Leadership and responsibiity


Think Big tasks Personaisation tasks Communicative tasks Colaborative tasks Activity extension ideas


Print/Digita reading genres Content-based research tasks Activity eension ideas

Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in

Think Big tasks Content-based research tasks Vaues instruction Individua and group projects Content-based discussion tasks

 Eh

ish  provide countle benet to young The contentbaed material in Bi  g En g ish young learner of ish impement CLIL by uing the target language, Englih, a the medium for Englih. Bi  g En g ish teaching chool ubject area, for exampe, cience, geography and ocial tudie, a wel a to raie learner learner awarene awarene of cutural imiaritie imiarit ie and difference.

In Bi  g En g ish, ish, the content that earner are tudying in their rt r t language provide caffolding for their learning of of contentarea Englih. CLIL CLI L alo promote learner application of learning trategie. A thee learning trategie become part of a pupi repertoire of behaviour behaviour for learning, they tranfer to other content area and encourage ggreater reater pupil autonomy autonomy



Objectves Gmm

Vocabulary 

coours; numbers  ; classroom objects; object s; cl assroom a ctons; ho; goo

�� �


 to ask as k a n d a n swer sw er What's our nam? M nam nam''s ; ; to ask and a nswer How o ar ou? I'm . . ; to ask and a nswer What's our favourit coour? M favourit coour is ; ; to ask ab out classroom objects using What's this? It's a

� �

� �

   black blue brown green o ra ng e pink red white yellow

NvmberS one two three four five six seven eight nine en

ClaSSroom objectS bg b oo k crayon pencil pencil sharpener rubber

Heo Goodye Stand up Sit down Listen Look. Open your book Close your book



Unit Opener Activte

pil's ook, Welcome  class!

 a 4-7 0 il '  i  a 1:02-1:14

D  i  a 0 ii 

Adlv ook, a 2-3 Welcome to class! 1:08-116

Assessment Package

 a 

Aitiona Materals

0 aa l  i l i i    a 0  a  i   a 

Famly Conneon With the hel p of a family mem ber, ber, pupil find iferent coloure objects at hm They an fous on thei r own toy toy r school things (crayons, boks pncils, etc.) or find other objet objetss aro und the house. deally hey sho sho uld find at l east one or tw hins for each of the nine colours feaure feaure in th is u nit. They then ra raw w a pictur of thei r objects and clur them in the correct colours hey bring their pictures to lass to share with their classmates Enourage them to say the colours and objects, objects, if possible, i n Eng lish

  ia

al  i 0D a       a a  j j  0  a    i  a j

eext Avty nteractive Pupils Book Activities for Welcome t cla ss Class Auio an d Auio Script Scriptss Welome t lass Flashcards Psters Teahers Reoures Pl aceme nt est est Placment Tes Testt Audio and Audio Scripts for Unit 1 Pl aemen Test Test eac hers N otes and Answer Key

Wecome 


Warm up  Play some lively lively music and call out and mi me some actions Wave your arms! Move you yourr head! Clap Clap!! Stamp your yourfeet! feet! Do the actions to the rhythm o the music making it as un and lively lively as pssible. The pupils stand up and j oin in with the actions. Usng Page 

G  Listen and find.

Explain the lesson objective - pupils will practise saying Hello and Goodbye and

sing a song. They will also learn the names o the main ch aracters or the the cou rse and how to ask What your name ? Audio rac rackk  :02 . P upils liste listenn and nd the character who is speaking Play  Play Audio the recording again pausing aer each sentence to give pupils time to repeat repe at • Pupils then walk around the classroom  introducing themselves and asking their classmates' names. They say sayHello! Hello! My name (Zeyne (Zeynep) p)  Wha What t your na me? Hello! My nam name e (Arda)  correctly ONoR I Check that pupils are introducing themselves and asking the question correctly Replay the audio pausing it as necessary ne cessary and help pupils with intonation and AssisT pronunciation. NvoLv


  Listen and find Sing. 



I 

Play Audio Track Track  :0 3. Sho Show w the chara characters cters on the page as they come up Pupils listen and poin t to te characters as they are mentioned in the s ong. Play the song several times and ecourage pupils to joi n in. Walk Wa lk ar around ound the classroom and ch eck that pupils are pointing to the correct characters as they are are mentioned. mentioned . In p airs pupils take turns to say a char character's acter's name and nd him/her o n the page.

 Century Skill: Communication   Listen and say Ac

Point to the th e picture at the botto bottom m o te page o Joy Liam and Lidya at the end of the school da day. y. Ask pupils in L   what they think is happening . ( The children are going home. They're saying goodbye to their teacher.) Track  :04. :04 . Pupil Pupilss listen and look at the picture. Rep Replay lay th thee  Play Audio Track recording pausing it aer aer each sentence. Pupils repeat. ake turns to be the  Pupils then act out the scene in groups o three They ttake




I Check that all pupils are in a group and that everyone has a role

Encourage pupils to use teir own names in their dialogues rather than the character's names. Pupils c an use your name as the teacher or the name o the teacher in the book.

Applcaton an Practce Advty  Play the song again (Audio Tra Track ck  :0 3) . Pupils wav wavee or Hello! and jump up and down with their arms in the air when they hear Hurray! Encourage pupils to sing along with the song as well as joining in with the actions actio ns

OBJECTIVES To practise sayi ng o an ooe To sing a song To e arn the names o the main characters To ask someones name an respon

Key voabulary Greeting s: Heo Goobye Goobye 21st Centu Skill Communication Materials Pupis Book page 4 Auio Tracks Tracks 1 :02-1 04 Auio Trak 1:02 1 Miss Gey: Heo my names Miss Grey Whats your name? Joy: Heo! My names Joy.  Miss Gey: Heo whats your name? Liam: Heo! My names Liam 3 Miss Gey: Heo whats your name? Lidya: Heo! My names Liya Auio Trak 1:03 Chiden: Hurray hu rray hurray! Lets earn Engish toay! Joy: Heo heo! My names Joy! Teache: Heo heo! Heo Joy! Chiden: Hurray hurray huray! Lets earn Engish toay! Lidya: Heo heo! My names Liya Teache: Heo heo! He o Liya Chiden: Hurray hurray hurray! Lets earn Engish toay! Liam: Heo heo! My names Liam Teache: Heo heo! Heo Liam! Chiden: Hu rray hurray hurray! Let Letss earn Engish toay! Teache: Heo heo! My names Miss Grey hilden: Heo heo! He o Miss rey rey!! hilden: Hurray hu rray rray hurray! Lets earn Engish toay! Auio Trak 1:04 Miss Gey: Goobye Liam Goobye Lidya and Liam: Lya Goobye Miss Grey See you tomorow! Miss Gey: ee you tomorrow!

Wlom T


OBJECTIVES To say an  count the num b ers ers 1 -1 0 To ask someone's age an respon Key voabulary Num bers: one, two two,, three, our, ive, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Merials Pupi's Book, page 5 Auio Tracks Tracks 1 :05-1 07 Number cars cars (n umeras 1-10) Han or inger puppets A ba or or throwing Paper or each p upi to raw a sepotrait Aivity Book Page 2 Auio script on on page 270 Answers on page 278 Auio Trak 1:05 one two three ive six seven nine ten

our eight

Auio Trak 1:06 Boy: One, two, three One, two, thre e, our, ive Chous: One, two, three One, two , three, our, ive seven, eight Boy: Six, seven, Six, seven, seven, eight, nine , ten Chous: Six, seven, seven, eigh t Six, seven, seven, eight, nin e, ten Boy: One, two, th ree, our, ive, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Chous: One, two, three, our,, ive, six, seven, eig ht, our nine, ten Aui o Trak Trak 1:07 1 Lidya Heo, I'm Liya What's your na me? Sam Heo, I'm Sam I'm ive Ho w o o  are you? Im sixI'm Liam 2 Lidya iam Heo, Whats your name? Say Heo, I'm Say I'm seven How o o are you? Liam I'm six

Warm up • Count to te n holding up the appropriat appropriatee number number of ngers ngers as you do so. Pupils repeat. D o this several times until pupils are comf co mfortable ortable with the numbers. Then arrange pupils into groups of various numbers. Ask How many? Pupils say the number of children in each group. Using age 5

  Lis Listen, ten, look an d say. NVOLVE

Explain the lesson objective - pupils will learn to say and count the numbers numbers   0 . They will will also learn to ask someon es age and how how to respond. respond. • Stick your number number cards on the board in i n order. Point to each one in turn and pupils say the number. • Play Audio Audio Track : 05 . Pupils Pupil s listen and po int to the numbers on the page page saying saying each number as they do so. Pause the recording after after some of the numbers and ask pupils pupil s to hold up the correct number o f ngers as they repe at the number. Leave the number cards on the bo ard so you c an easily refer to to the when necessary.




  Lis Listen ten and chant. •

� Listen and find. Ak and answer. hand or nger puppets to practise a dialogue. One puppet says Hello Im (Mr hand • Use The other o ther puppet answers Hello Im (Servan). Smith). What your your name? The The rst puppet then asks How old are are y you ou ? The other puppet answers Im six. Use your puppets to ask pupils What your name? and How old are you? you ? • Play Audio Audio Track Track  :07 . Show the characters on the page as they come up. Pupils listen and point to the character who who is speaking sp eaking each time. I Play the recording again pausing after each sentence to give pupils time to repeat. Pupils stand in a large large circle. Throw a ball to a pupil and say Hello Im (Mrs White). Whit e). What your name? The pupil answers then throws the ball to another pupil and asks How old are are you? you ? They should alternate between the two questions What your name? and How old are are y you ou ?



Aivity Book age 2 Listen Lis ten a nd match. G•  Play Audio Audio Track  :0 8 Pupils listen and match match the number to the character


 Count and wite. Say. •

T E A CH CH I N G T I P Music i s a great motivational tool in teaching Play soft music whil e pupils are completing activities in th eir boo ks and fas fast t paced mu sic fo forr games or warm-u p activities Play music as as pupis ente r the classroom and agai n as they leave to end the class on a positive note

TS Wom

Play Audio Audio Track Track  :06 . Pupils Pup ils listen to th e number chant. Play the the recording recording severall times and encourage pupils to join i n. severa

Pupils count the number number of pencils a nd write the number in the box. They They then say ( Three) Three) pencils.

 Draw and write how old you are. Say. •

Pupils draw a picture of themselves themselves in th e box on t he left, left, then the n write write or draw the number representing their age in the box or draw a cake with the correct number of candles. They introduce themselves to a partner using Hello Im (Melis). Im seven.

Application an ractice Aivity •

Pupils draw a self sel fp portrait. ortrait. They draw the number representing their age on their Tshirt Tshi rt or draw a cake with the correct number of candles. They share their drawings with with a partner and describe them using Im (Rhat). Im seven.


Warm up with up to ten be ats Pupils Pupi ls repe at the rhythm rhythm and • Clap out a simple rhthm with say how how many many times you clapped Continue or a ew rounds then pupils do the same in pairs or groups groups Using age 6

f  Lis Listen, ten, look and say. NvoLvE


Explain the lesson objective  pupils will learn to identi and sa sayy the the key colours They They will also learn classroom objects obje cts and say what what colour they are • Show the Colours ashcards in turn and say the word or each one several times P upils repeat • Play Audio Track 1: 09. Pupils listen to the colour words and point to them in the Pupils Pupils Book Book  poi nting to to the correct colours in their books bo oks I Check that pupils are pointing Display the Colours ashcards  ashcards and point to the colou rs as they are are mentioned in the recording

  Listen and chant. •

Play Audi Audioo Track Track 1 : 0 . Pupils listen listen to the chant and point to the colours as they hea r them Play the recording several several times then ask pupils to jo in in

  Listen, look and say. Ak and answer.

Point to something that you are wearing and say My favour avo urite ite colo co lour ur is ( red). red) . Fin d some other things that are the same colour and say the phrase several times Pupils listen and repeat • Play Audio Trac Trackk 1 : 1 1 . Pupils listen and nd the child wearin wearingg the colour mentioned Ask pupils What your favourite avou rite colou co lour? r? Pupils say My favourite colour is (blue) and show you you something (blue) in the classroom


   Listen, look and say.

Put the items rom the recording on your your desk Hol d up a (pencil) and say It a with the other items pencil). Pupils repeat C ontinue with • Pla Playy Audio Audio Track Track 1 : 12 . Pupils listen and po int to each classroom object as it's mentioned Asss I Play the recording again pausing aer each word to give pupils time to repeat •

  Lis Listen ten an d find find . Play. •


Pla Playy Audio Aud10 io Track Tra ck 1  13 . Pupils listen and point to th e objects objects mentioned rom Activity above • In pairs pupils take take turns to point to an object in the boo k and ask What this? The other pupil replies It a (pencil sharpener) . It a (yellow (yellow pencil penc il sharpener sharpener)) . Pupils choo se several classroom objects and put them them on their desks Pupil A choos es an object and says It a (crayon). It a (green crayon). Pupil B poin ts to the (green crayon) They then then swap roles


Application an ractice Adivity • Pupils draw our squares on a piece o paper and number them rom 1 to 4  S ay ourr classroom ou classroo m objects in dierent colours or pupils to draw in their squar squares es Say Number one, a pink book, etc r

TEACHING TI Take the time in you r firs firstt ffew ew lessons to explain , in L 1 , or sh ow your pupi ls your cassroom procedures.

OBJECTIVES To ien tify an say the key coours To ientify cassroom ob ects  ects an say what co our they are \.


Ke voabulary Ke Coours back, b ue, brown, green, orange, pink, re, white, yeow Cassroom objects: bag, book, crayon, penci, penci sharpener rubber Materials Pupis Book Page 6 Auio Trac Tracks ks 1 091  1 3 Fashcars (Coours) The key cassroom objects Pa   r for each pu pi for co   o u r ictation Auio Trak 1:09 1 re 2 bue 3 pink 4 white 5 green 6 orange 7 yeow  brown 9 back Auio Tr Trak ak 1:10 Re, green, orange an yeow, too! Pink, white, back, brown an Re,, bue Re green, ora nge an yeow, too! Pink, white, back, brown an bue Auio Trak 1:11 1 Woman: Whats your favourite coour? Gir 1: My favourite coour is pink 2 Woman: Whats your favourite coour? Boy: My favourite coour is green 3 Woman Whats your favourite coour? favourite coour Gir 2: My favourite is brown Auio Trak 1:1 rubber 31 penci sharpener 42 bag 5 crayon 6 book Auio Trak 1:13 Boy: Whats this? Gir: Its a book Its a back book Boy: Whats this? Gir: Its a bag Its a bue bag Boy Whats this? Gir: Its a penci Its a re penci Boy: Whats this? Gir: Its a rubber Its a white rubber Boy: Whats this? crayon Its an Gir: Its a crayon orange crayon Boy: Whats this? Gir Its a penci  sharpe ner Its a yeow penci sharpener

Wlom T


OBJECTIVES To say an  o some cassoom actions

Materials Pupis Boo Page 7 Auio T Tac ac   4 Various c assoom objects A box o bag to hie the objects Aivi Book Page 3 Auio script on on page 2 70 Answes on page 278 Auio Trak 1:14 1 St Stan an up. 2 Sit own 3 Listen. 4 Loo. 5 Open your boo 6 Cose you boo.

Warm up • Put a classroo m object in a bag or box  Pupils reach into it i t and feel feel it without without looking Ask What this? They answer It' a pencil). Try putting different different numbers of items and asking How many? Pupils say Four (rubbers). Pupils continue in pairs, p airs, taking turns turns to hide classroom obj ects in a pencil case and asking their p artner to guess what they are by by feel feel alone al one Using age 7

4  Lis Listen, ten, loo k and say. Do. NvoLvE

• ONoR ass



Ex Ex�� lain the lesson objective  pupils will learn learn to say and do some classroom actns Mime the classroom actions from the recording, saying saying each as you do so Continue for for a few rounds, then just call out the phrases for pupils to do the actions Play Audio Trac Trackk   4  Pupils listen and point to the perso doing the action mentioned in the recording Check that that pupils are pointing to the correct photos in their book bookss Play the recording recording again, pausing aer each phrase so pup pupils ils can repeat Play a game of Simon Says. Call out the actions fr from om this lesson one by one Pupils only do the action when you begin with Simon says says  or Teacher    Continue Co ntinue for fo r a few f ew rounds, then pupils pupi ls play the game in groups groups says says

 Pay. •

Pupils a miming game using the previous activ activit ity yplay Pupil A mimes mi mes one in ofpthe thairs e actions actio ns the andactions Pupil Blearned says theinaction (Stand swap roles up Open your your book etc)  They then swap Ac Acivi ivity ty Boo k ag e 3

  Lis Listen ten an d col ou our. r. •

Play Audio Track Track    5. Pupils P upils listen and colour the Tshirts in the the childres favourite colours

  Listen and  o r X. •

Play Audio Audio Track Track   6 . Pupils Pupil s listen to the recording and tick the object if iitt matches the recording ad put a cros s if it doest

 Complete and say say.. •

Pupils complete the illustrations i llustrations of the children Th ey then say the classroom action for for each one  (Stand up!) up!)

Application an ractice Adiviy Choose se one of o f the classroom ac tions from Activity 2. 2 . Cover the picture picture • Choo of that that action in your book with a small piece of paper P upils guess which action you have covered, covered, by calling out the action  (Sit down!) When pupils guess correctly, say Yes that th at ' right! right! and pupils say and do the action together

TEA ACC H I N G T I  Chi dren earn most ef efec ectively tively when they feel they are in a safe an d welcoming environment  Try Try to make the c assroom as visu ay attrac attractive tive as possible  Have a speci a co rner whe re you dis play posters or objects that relate to the topic you are teachin g (e. g a poster w with ith al the ke keyy coou rs and/or objec objects ts in those ccolo olo urs) Aso display your p upis' work and vary the disp ay, ref refreshing reshing i t with new items on a regu ar basis  If possible, createwith a reas ffor or dif diferent erent focusaact activitie ivitiess corner a messy area for project work, a story corner cushions and books, dress-up with costumes, etc

T Wlom





Vocabulary 


Grmm 

To introduce famiy members using Who's this? This is m m

Contnt Connins: Cltu  To identif identifyy and describe b ig and

sma sma famiies using M fami is ig/sma

To iden tif tifyy and say words begin ni ng with the sounds /r/ and /e/

Values 

To earn t he vaue of hep in g othe rs

Proj Proj  To make a famiy poster .

Ky Vbuy Fm brother dad family friend grandad grandma me mum sister

Co  Wod Co odSS big small

Exsso"s I

he  ()



Materia Pupi's Book Unit   Pages 8-19  Pupils Book Audio CD, Tracks 1:1-1:9

Advty Book 4-1nit   Pages Activity ivity Book Audio CD,  Act 

Tracks 1 :1 9-1 :40 St Sticker icker Pictu re Diction ary, Page 100

Assssmnt Packag  Practice Test unit 1 Assessment prompts  Speakin g Assessment Aitiona Matrias  Flashcards (Family)  Video Unit 1 (eText for teacher) Poster  Phon ics Poster Pupils family photos/family  pictures from magazines  Paper and card  Finger puppet template from    0    

Photocopiable worksheet  Fin ger p uppet photocopy for each pupil Your own fami ly photos Photocopies of the Fami ly flashcards Blindfold Pupi ls pictures pictures of people helpin g ot other her people Red and blue pencil s ffor or each pupil Pupil s pictures or items items beginn ing with the sounds // a n d /e/ Counters or small pieces of paper for Bingo gam e

Unit Opener Activitie Famly onneon Ask pupils to choose some family photos and bring them to class. Be sure p upil s ask their parents permission before before bringi ng a photo to class. Encourage pupils to choose photos with with their family mem bers together. together. Give pupil s time to share their photos with their classmates Talk, in L 1 , about who the mem bers of the fam fam ily are an d teach tea ch them so me of the words words in English . If you have roo room m i n your classroom, d isplay the photos with with the pupils names below them. Show sen sitivity towards towards those children who may have have un usual or difficult diff icult family situations. Encourage them to include grandparents or extended extended famil y me mbers if they dont have parents.

eText Avty Interactive Pupils Book Activities for unit 1 Class Audio an d Audio Scripts Unit 1 Flashcards CLIL Video Video an d in tegrated tegrated questions for unit 1 Posters Teachers Resources Practice Test unit 1 Practice Test Test Audi o an d Audi o Scri pts for Unit 1 Unit 1 Speaki ng Asses Assessment sment Prompts Unit 1 Practice Test Teachers Notes and Answer Key

  B


Warm up • Bring som e ffamily amily photos to clas s. The These se coul d be your own ffami amily ly or pictures fr from om magaz magazines. ines. Ask pupils to bring in photos of their fa families milies as well. PPass ass the photos around the classroom and ask pupils to identi the fa family mily members (in English and/or Ll). Emph Emphasise asise that ea ch fa family mily is diff different erent.. Using Page 

  Lis Listen, ten, look an d say.  Explain the lesson objectie  pupils will learn the key ffami amily ly words.




Point to the photos and say This Thi s is a fam ily ily Explain in Ll, that one of the children is not ppart art of the fami family. ly. Point to him and say He' af frie riend. nd. • Sho Show w pupils a photo of you yourr own fam family ily or draw yyour our famil familyy on the bo ard Point to yourself in the pho photo to and say This is me! • Show the Famil Familyy ashcards one by one and elicit the n ame o f each fa fami mily ly ember. • Play Audio Track Track  :  7 Pupils listen and look aatt each photo as it is mentioned. Walk Wa lk round the classroom and po point int to indiidua indiiduall photos . Pup Pupils ils say the correct family membe member.r. Replayy the recording and help with the pronunciation of dicult wor Repla words. ds. PPause ause the reco rding aft after er each word to gie pupils more ti time me to rep eat if necessary.

 

 � Listen and find. •

MONToR AsssT

Play Audi Audioo Tra Track ck  : 8  Pupils listen and nd tthe he photo of the person mentioned.

I Check that pupils are pointing to the correct photos .

Replay the the audio ppausing ausing as nec essary essary and help pupils a ssoci ssociate ate the fa famil milyy wordss with the correct photos . word

Q Play a game.

In pairs p airs pupils play a game. Pupil A says a ffaily aily ember and Pupil B po ints to or says the number of the correct photo. I Check that pupils are pointing to the correct photos . Explain the instructions again in Ll, and model the actiity with a stronger pupil. Use the Family ashcards. Say a family member (grandma) Flip through the ashcards one by one. P upils clap when they see the (grandma) ashcard. Repeat with the other family words.



OBJECTIVES To identify and na me the key family me mbers To play a game in pairs

Key vocabulary Nouns: brother, brother, dad, family, friend, friend, gran dad, grandma , me, mum, sister Merials Pupils Book(Fami Pagely)8 Flashcards Audio Trac Tracks ks 1 171 1 8 Fami ly pictures from from home or from magazines Advy Book Pa g gee 4 Audio script on page 270 Answers on page 278 Auio Trak 1:17 1 me 2 grandma 3 grandad mum dad brother sister 8 friend

6 7

Auio Track 1:18 brother grandad me friend grandma mum sister dad

Activity Book Page  Listen Lis ten an d circle. • Play Audio Track Track  : 9  Pupils listen and circle the correct photo in each pair.


 Match an d say. •

Pupils match the indiidual pictures of the fam family ily members members to their silhouette. They then point to each person p erson in i n turn and say who it is.

Application an Practice Adivity • Hand out the Family ashcards ashcards to seeral pupils and ask them to stand in a line li ne at the front front of the cla ss. They show their cards ery quic quickly kly then hide th em. Say one of the family word wordss (sister). Pupils try to remember which pupil is holdin g that card and and call out his/her n ame.

Unit  T

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