Big Bazzar
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Performance Appraisal...
A Project Study Report On A Study Study on Performance Appraisal in Retail Industry of Big Bazaar
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration Administration
B'B'A Semester I
Dr' )apasya )apasya *ul+a ,alhotra
A Study tudy on Perf Perfor orm mance ance Appra pprais isal al in reta retaiil Indu Indust stry ry of Big Baza Bazaar ar is record of project .or+ done independently by ,r' Ashish /a /ada0 my guidance and super0ision and that it has not pre0iously formed the basis for the a.ard of any degree 1 fello.ship or associate ship to his '
Dr')apasya Dr')apasya *ul+a ,alhotra S.S.Jain Subdh P.G C!!"#" Jai$u%
DECLARATION I hereby declare that this project report entitled A Study tudy on Perf Perfor orm mance ance Appra pprais isal al in Ret Retail ail Indu Indust stry ry of Big Bazaa azaar r is a bonafide record of .or+ done by me and that it has not pre0iously formed the the Basi Basiss for for the the a.ard d to me for for any any degr degree ee 2dip 2diplo loma ma 1ass 1assoc ocia iate te ship ship 1fello.ship or other similar title of any other institute 2society'
Ashish /ada0 S'S'*ain Subodh -ollege *aipur
It is not often in life that you get a chance of appreciating and e3pressing your feelings feelings in blac+ and .hite to than+ the people .ho ha0e been a crucial crucial part of your successes1 your accomplishments and your being .hat you are today 'I ta+e this opportunity to first of all than+ the 4aculty at S'S'*ain Subodh P'5 -ollege 1especially Dr'6'B'Sharma Dr'6'B'Sharma 1Principal1 and Dr'Rita Dr'Rita *ain for in calculating and and inst instil illi ling ng in me the the +no. +no.le ledg dgee 1lea 1learn rnin ing g 1.illl $po. $ er 10al 10alue uess and and the the competiti0eness and professionalism re7uired by me as a management student ' I .ould li+e to gi0e special than+s to Dr ')apasya *ul+a ,alhotra for educating me sil0er lining in e0ery dar+ cloud '8er enduring efforts1 guidance1 patience and enthusiasm ha0e gi0en a sense of direction and purposefulness to this project and ultimately made made it success' I e3press my sincere and heartiest than+s to e0eryone .ho has contributed to.a to.ard rdss the the succ succes essf sful ul com complet pletio ion n of the the proj projec ect1 t1 unde undert rta+ a+en en by me at 9999999999999999999999999999999 4oremost .ith great respect and esteem 'I .ish to for.ard my deep sense of gratitude to ,s2,r 4or pro0iding me the opportunity .ith'''''''''''''''''''''' .ith''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''
:ast but not the least; I .ould li+e to than+ my family< my parents1 for supporting me spiritually throughout my life' )he errors and inconsistencies remain my o.n'
Na(" ) *h" s*ud"n*
Ashish /ada0
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL "'" "' "' P?R4 P?R4OR OR,A ,A==-? ? ,A=A ,A=A5? 5?,? ,?=) =)
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P"%)%(an," A$$%aisa!Performance Appraisal (PA& is a systematic and periodic process that assesses an indi0idual employeeEs job performance and producti0ity in relation to certain per$established criteria and organization objecti0es' Performance appraisal of ?mployees are necessary to understand each employeeEs abilities1 competencies and relati0e merit and .orth for the organization' Perform Performanc ancee apprais appraisal al rates rates the employ employees ees in term of their their perfor performan mance' ce' Perform Performance ance appraisals are .idely used in the society' Performance appraisal is necessary to measure the performance of the employees and the organization to chec+ the progress to.ards the designed goals and aims' )he purpose of the report is to study and analyze the moti0ation of employees and to study the impact of the performance appraisal of the employees considering it as a long term process' Performance appraisal helps to rate the performance of the employees and e0aluate their contribution to.ards the organization goals' If the process of performance appraisal is formed and and prop properl erly y struc structu tured red11 it help helpss the the empl employ oyees ees to clear clearly ly unde underst rstan and d thei theirr role roless and and responsibilities and gi0es direction to the indi0idualEs performance' It helps to align the indi0idual performance .ith the organization goals and also re0ie. their performance' Performance appraisal should focus on three objecti0es< performance1 not personalities1 0alid1 concrete1 rele0ant issues1 rather than subjecti0e emotions and feelings; reaching agreement on .hat the employee is going to impro0e in his performance and .hat you are going to do' ?mployee ?mployee moti0ation moti0ation is a reflection reflection of the le0el of energy energy1 commitment1 commitment1 and creati0ity creati0ity that companyEs .or+er bring to their jobs' Performance is considered to be a function of ability and moti0ation thus< Jb $"%)%(an," ) /abi!i*01/(*iva*in1
P"%)%(an," Mana#"("n* 2 D")ini*in
Perf Perform orman ance ce ,ana ,anage geme ment nt is the the integ integra rated ted proc proces esss by .hic .hich h an agen agency cy in0o in0ol0 l0es es its its employees in impro0ing organization effecti0eness in the accomplishment of agency mission and strategic goals' Performance ,anagement consists of< performance planning1 monitoring employ employee ee perfor performan mance1 ce1 employ employee ee de0elop de0elopmen ment1 t1 e0aluat e0aluating ing employ employee ee perform performanc ance1 e1 and recognition'
Md"%n A$$%aisa!
Performance appraisal is structured formal interaction bet.een a subordinate and super0isor1 that usually ta+es the form of a periodic inter0ie. (annual or semi$annual&1 in .hich the .or+ performance of the subordinate is e3amined and discussed1 .ith a 0ie. to identifying .ea+nesses and strengths as .ell as opportunities for impro0ement and s+ills de0elopment' In many organizations F but not all F appraisal results are used1 either directly or indirectly1 to help determine re.ard outcomes' )hat is1 the appraisal results are used to identify the better performing employees .ho should get the majority of a0ailable merit pay increases1 bonuses1 and and prom promot otio ions ns'' By the the same same to+e to+en1 n1 appr apprai aisal sal resul results ts are used used to iden identi tify fy the the poor poorer er performers .ho may re7uire some form of counseling1 or in e3treme cases1 demotion1 dismissal or decreases in pay' Organization need to be a.are of la.s in their country that might restrict their capacity to dismiss employees or decrease pay'
Ob3",*iv" ) P"%)%(an," A$$%aisa!
)o gi0e feedbac+ to employees e mployees to impro0e subse7uent performance' )o identify employee$training needs' )o document criteria used to allocate organization re.ards' ds' )o form a basic for personnel decisions$salary increases1 disciplinary actions1 etc' )o pro0ide pro0ide the opportunity for organization diagnosis and a nd de0elopment' )o facilitate communication bet.een employee and administrator'
Si#ni)i,an," ) P"%)%(an," A$$%aisa!
Performance appraisal helps super0isors to assess the .or+ performance of their subordinates' Perf Pe rform orman ance ce ap appr prais aisal al hel helps ps to ass asses esss th thee tra train inin ing g an and d de de0e 0elo lopm pmen entt ne need edss of employees' Performance appraisal pro0ides re.ard for better performance' Perf Pe rfor orm man ance ce ap appr prai aisa sall hel elps ps to im imp pro ro0e 0e th thee commun communicat ication ion
system system of
organization' Performance appraisal helps to re0ie. the potentiality of employees so that their
future capability is anticipated'' Performance appraisal pro0ides
for employeeGs de0elopment. Performance appraisal helps to prepare pay structure for each employee .or+ing in the organization'
)he appraisal process helps in human resource planning (8RP&' Accurate and current appraisal data regarding certain employees helps the management in tal+ing decisions
for future employment' Performance appraisal also enables managers to coach and counsel employees in their career de0elopment'
E))",*iv" P"%)%(an," A$$%aisa!s
)he appraisal process pro0ide the platform for de0elopment and moti0ation1 so organization should foster a feeling that performance appraisals are positi0e opportunities1 in order to get the best out of the people and the process' An effecti0e performance management process sets the foundation for re.arding e3cellence'
By lin+ing indi0idual employee .or+ efforts .ith the organizationEs mission and
objecti0es1 the employee and the organization understand ho. that job contributes to the organization' By focusing attention attention on setting clear performance performance e3pectations e3pectations (results (results H actions actions
beha0iors&1 it helps the employee +no. .hat needs to be done to be successful succ essful on the job' )hroug )hrough h the use of objecti objecti0es 0es11 standa standards rds11 perfor performan mance1 ce1 dimensi dimensions ons11 and other other
measures it focuses efforts' )his helps the department get done .hat needs to be done and pro0ide a solid rational for eliminating .or+ that is no longer useful' By defining job$mastery and career de0elopment goals as part of the process1 it ma+es
it 0ery clear ho. the current position support employee and the additional opportunities the employee needs to e3plore' )hrough regular chec+$in discussions1 .hich include status update1 coaching1 and feedbac+1 it promotes fle3ibility1 you and the employee to identify problems early and change the course of a project or .or+ assignment'
)he .ord JretailE is deri0ed deri0ed from the 4rench .ord JretailerE1 JretailerE1 meaning Jto cut a piece offE or Jto brea+ bul+E' In simple terms1 it implies a first$hand transaction .ith the customer' Retailing Retailing in0ol0ers in0ol0ers a direct interface interface .ith the customer customer and the coordinatio coordination n of business acti0ities right from the concept or design stage of a product or offering to its deli0e deli0ery ry and post$de post$deli0 li0ery ery ser0ice ser0ice to the custom customer er'' )he indust industry ry has contrib contribute uted d to the economic of many countries and is undoubtedly one of the fastest changing and dynamic industries in the .orld today'
Indian R"*ai! Indus*%0 < )he Indian retail industry is the fifth largest in the .orld' -omprising of organized and unorganized sectors1 India retail industry is one of the fastest industries in India1 especially o0er the last fe. years' )hough initially1 the retail industry in India .as mostly unorga unorganiz nized1 ed1 ho.e0e ho.e0err .ith .ith the change change of tastes tastes and prefere preference ncess of the consum consumers1 ers1 the industry is getting more popular these days and getting organized as .ell' Kith mar+et demand1 the industry is e3pected to gro. at a pace of #$@!L annually' )he India retail industry is e3pected to gro. >S Dollar " trillion by !! from >S Dollar %!! %!! billion in !"#1 dri0en by income gro.th1 urbanization and attitudinal shifts' )he retail scenario in India is uni7ue' ,uch of it is in the unorganized sector1 .ith o0er " million retail outlets of 0arious sizes and formats' Almost M%L of these retail outlets are less than #!! s7uare feet in size1 the per capital retail space India being s7ure feet compared to the >S figure figure of "% s7uare feet IndiaEs per capital retailing retailing space is thus the lo.est in the .orld'
Kith more than M outlets per "!!! people1 India has the largest number in the .orld' ,ost of them are independent and contribute as much as M%L to total retail sales' Because of the increas increasing ing number number of the nuclear nuclear familie families1 s1 .or+in .or+ing g .omen1 .omen1 greater greater .or+ .or+ pressur pressuree and increased commuting time1 con0enience has become a priority for Indian consumers' )hey .ant e0erything under one roof for easy access and multiplicity of choice' )his offers an e3cellent opportunity for organized retailers in the country .hich account for just L and modern stores !'#L of the estimated >S Dollar "C! billion .orth of goods that are retailed in India e0ery chain1 cha in1 Kal$,art' Kal$,art'
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