Biblical Femininity Studies 101 Sample

November 23, 2016 | Author: Germainetereseashleymimi Bellamy | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Course Description BF 101 is a biblical worldview study in which you examine God's word in the light of how he inte...


Biblical Femininity Studies 101

Table of Contents Biblical Femininity Studies 101

Course Description ......................................................... 3 Assignments ................................................................... 4 Appendix I .................................................................... 25

©2013 The Ezer Institute


Course Description Course Description BF 101 is a biblical worldview study in which you examine God's word in the light of how he intended for daughters to think and live. We will utilize several resources to renew our minds on how the world has distorted and removed God's design for women.

Course Objectives The older woman/young woman will at the end of this course:  be able to understand the biblical model of father and daughter relationships  be able to cast down every philosophy pertaining to women that set itself against the knowledge of God  be able to think biblically and to teach other women who have been taken captive by this world's philosophy

Required Materials To complete this course, you will need:  Bible  So Much More By Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin  Feminine By Design by Scott T. Brown  "What is Biblical Femininity" Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin  This syllabus pack  Note book with dividers (label a divider BFS 101)  Blank lined Journal

Completing Assignments I pray that at the end of this study you will be renewed, revived and free to be the woman that God created you to be. Two ways to complete the assignments: Accountable to your mother or an older godly woman or accountable to your mother or older godly woman and Ezer Institute accountability through enrollment. For questions about how to enroll contact [email protected].  each days assignment can last between 1 -1:30 ( depending on the student) which makes it easy to schedule your day accordingly.  For those Enrolled: All completed assignments are due on Friday before 12:00am PST  For those Enrolled: email your completed assignments to [email protected]. See sample below for emailing assignments: Sample Email In the subject box: BSF 101 Your Name: Betty Crocker Verifiers Name: Mr.or Mrs. Crocker (or father, mother, an older sister in Christ)


Assignment Week 1 Daughters of the Eternal Father Day 1 Before we began... read Genesis 2:15-26 God gives us a picture of the father and daughter relationship. First: the creating and character of Eve Second: the protection and purpose of Eve Third: the guarding and giving of Eve. Beginning with the creating and character of Eve: In Genesis 2:21-22b "So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man. We observe that God created Eve from the rib of man, not from the dust of the ground. She was created to help, to serve, and to be the one to solve the problem of loneliness in her man. Her character at that time was just like her Father's so in turn Adam had the perfect wife." The protection and purpose of Eve: God (her father) protected her by first "checking out Adam" making sure he was ready to receive Eve. Eve's purpose was to solve a God identified problem, which was man's loneliness and to help replenish and subdue the earth. The guarding and giving of Eve: How did God guard Eve? By grooming Adam to be ready to receive Eve. God didn't let Adam give his heart away to several women before he found the right one, God instead gave Eve to Adam. That is a perfect picture of a Father /Daughter relationship. Do you want to experience this in your life? In this study we will learn the biblical model of the father/daughter relationship. We will explore and restore the relationship by applying God's word and seeing it manifested in your relationship with your father. So your first assignment is... Read So Much More: Chapter One and Appendix A; then come back and answer the following question. Who should read the Book?


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