April 22, 2017 | Author: koochimetal | Category: N/A
International LightWorkerS
Bible Initiations LightWorker™ Series
Channelling by Dr. Joshua David Stone Manual written by Alasdair Bothwell Gordon Layout by Jens Søeborg
Bible Initiations (LightWorker™ Series) These initiations are from the many, channelled by Dr. Joshua David Stone, shown on the picture to the right. They are from a numbered list of 303 initiations. I have sorted them differently, but I have kept the number as well, but skipped the "The" in front of all names. Dr. Stone gave them free as true gifts from our eternal and infinite Spirit, coming directly from the Absolute Source of Divine Light and Divine Love. I will do simple manuals to them when I have time, mainly with material from Wikipedia. And remember they are all free of any charge and obligation. You are free to copy and pass on. If you translate, then please pass a copy to both of us:
[email protected] and
[email protected]. LightWorker™ Miscellaneous Initiations (Dr. Joshua David Stone) Achilles Heel Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 157) (LightWorker™ Series) Angel Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 17) (LightWorker™ Series) Archangel Michael Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 96) (LightWorker™ Series) Atlantean Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 103) (LightWorker™ Series) Bible Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 139) (LightWorker™ Series) Blind Faith Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 169) (LightWorker™ Series) Body Lamp Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 173) (LightWorker™ Series) Book of Life Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 218) (LightWorker™ Series) Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 184) (LightWorker™ Series) Brahmacharya Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 123) (LightWorker™ Series) Christopher Reeves or Superman Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 42) (LightWorker™ Series) Course in Miracles Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 136) (LightWorker™ Series) Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 220) (LW™ Series) Dream Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 231) (LightWorker™ Series) Efficient Perception of Reality Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 171) (LightWorker™ Series) Elohim Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 125) (LightWorker™ Series) Essenes Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 15) (LightWorker™ Series) Existentialism Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 137) (LightWorker™ Series) Firemen of 911 Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 190) (LightWorker™ Series) Forty Day Lent Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 214) (LightWorker™ Series) God Initiations 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 93+243) (LightWorker™ Series) God/Goddess Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 163) (LightWorker™ Series) Hanuman Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 182) (LightWorker™ Series) Hercules Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 106) (LightWorker™ Series) Higher Self Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 159) (LightWorker™ Series) Holy Instant Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 73) (LightWorker™ Series) Holy Spirit Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 124) (LightWorker™ Series) Lady Diana Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 120) (LightWorker™ Series) Lamp Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 172) (LightWorker™ Series) Little Lamb Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 7) (LightWorker™ Series) Mahatma Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 130) (LightWorker™ Series) Man of La Mancha Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 121) (LightWorker™ Series) Master Teacher Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 203) (LightWorker™ Series) Metatron Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 129) (LightWorker™ Series) Metatron Light and Light Bulb Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 197) (LightWorker™ Series) Mother Earth Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 195) (LightWorker™ Series) Mount Everest Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 193) (LightWorker™ Series) Napoleon Hill Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 150) (LightWorker™ Series) Orpheus Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 201) (LightWorker™ Series) Peace Pilgrim Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 81) (LightWorker™ Series)
Persephone Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 221) (LightWorker™ Series) Rama Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 222) (LightWorker™ Series) Sensitivity to the Spirit Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 164) (LightWorker™ Series) Seven Chakras Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 160) (LightWorker™ Series) Seven Deadly Sins Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 36) (LightWorker™ Series) Seven Heavenly Virtues (Dr. Joshua David Stone 37) (LightWorker™ Series) Seven Levels of Spiritual Marriage Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 158) (LW™ Series) Seven Rays Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 162) (LightWorker™ Series) Shepherd Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 6) (LightWorker™ Series) Soul Travel Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 229) (LightWorker™ Series) Sri Sankara Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 200) (LightWorker™ Series) Thanksgiving Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 202) (LightWorker™ Series) Three Musketeers Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 187) (LightWorker™ Series) Transfiguration Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 63) (LightWorker™ Series) Tree and Its Fruits Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 170) (LightWorker™ Series) Twelve Archetypes Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 165) (LightWorker™ Series) Twelve Schools & Challenges of Life Initiation (Dr. Joshua D. Stone 161) (LW™ Series) Twelve Sephiroth of the Cosmic Tree of Life Initiation (Dr. Joshua D. Stone 166) (LW™ Series) Yoda Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 209) (LightWorker™ Series) Yogananda/Holy Spirit Public Speaking Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 194) (LW™ Series) Zarathustra Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 189) (LightWorker™ Series) LightWorker™ New Testament Initiations (Dr. Joshua David Stone) Ascension and Holy Spirit Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 215) (LightWorker™ Series) Crucifixion Initiations 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 33+266) (LightWorker™ Series) Garden of Gethsemane Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 212) (LightWorker™ Series) Good Samaritan Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 27) (LightWorker™ Series) Immaculate Conception Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 16) (LightWorker™ Series) Jairus' Daughter Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 61) (LightWorker™ Series) John the Baptist Initiations 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 13+291) (LightWorker™ Series) John the Baptist & Prophets/Channels of God Initiation (Dr. Joshua D. Stone 34) (LW™ Series) John the Beloved Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 105) (LightWorker™ Series) Joseph Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 112) (LightWorker™ Series) Judas Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 117) (LightWorker™ Series) Last Supper Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 30) (LightWorker™ Series) Lazarus Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 118) (LightWorker™ Series) Luke Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 168) (LightWorker™ Series) Mary Magdalene Initiation 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 10+21) (LightWorker™ Series) Matthew Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 153) (LightWorker™ Series) New Testament Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 141) (LightWorker™ Series) Peter Initiations 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 18+131) (LightWorker™ Series) Peter and Cornelius Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 216) (LightWorker™ Series) Peter and the Angel Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 217) (LightWorker™ Series) Physical Ascension and Resurrection Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 213) (LW™ Series) Resurrection Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 20) (LightWorker™ Series) Rich Man Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 66) (LightWorker™ Series) Rich Man and Lazarus Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 177) (LightWorker™ Series) Sadducees, Pharisees, and Sanhedrin Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 38) (LW™ Series) Salome Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 11) (LightWorker™ Series) Sermon on the Mount Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 32) (LightWorker™ Series) Tempter Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 0) (LightWorker™ Series) The 144,000 Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 274) (LightWorker™ Series) Three Wise Men Bearing Gifts Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 155) (LightWorker™ Series) Twelve Apostles Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 290) (LightWorker™ Series)
Twenty-Four Elders Surrounding the Throne of Grace (Dr. Joshua D. Stone 273) (LW™ Series) Virgin Mary Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 107) (LightWorker™ Series)
Receiving the Initiations Start with Gassho (prayer posture). Meditate on the light and love energies around you, above you and inside of you. Ask the help of your higher self and others of your helpers such as the mighty I AM Presence, the angels and archangels, masters and mahatma guides of meditation, ascension and initiation. Accept receiving the initiation from your teacher. Sense the energies! Enjoy! Expand! Relax... If you receive more than one initiation, then please remember to take deep breaths in-between initiations.
Passing on the Initiations To pass the Initiations to others do the same process as above. Just intend to pass them and read them out loud waiting for a few moments in-between initiations sensing the energies running and the spiritual shifts. Trust in the Higher Wisdom and Power. Enjoy! Expand! Relax..
Bible Initiations Bible Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 139) (LightWorker™ Series) New Testament Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 141) (LightWorker™ Series) Book of Life Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 218) (LightWorker™ Series)
The Bible is the collection of religious writings of Judaism and of Christianity. According to the United Bible Society, as of December 31, 2007, the Bible is available in 2,454 languages, with various portions of the Bible in 848 languages, one of the two Testaments in 1,168 languages, and the full Bible in 438 languages. The Christian Bible consists of the Hebrew Scriptures, which have been called the Old Testament, and some later writings known as the New Testament.
Old Testament The Old Testament is the collection of books written prior to the life of Jesus but accepted by Christians as scripture. Broadly speaking, the Old Testament is the same as the Hebrew Bible. However the two traditions divide order and interpret the books differently. Some Christian traditions incorporate additional apocryphal books into their canons of the Old Testament. The Western Protestant tradition uses the following classification: Torah, Pentateuch or Five books of Moses Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
Historical Books Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 1 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther Wisdom Books Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon Major Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel Minor Prophets Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi
Apocryphal or Deuterocanonical Books The Septuagint (Greek translation, from Alexandria in Egypt, often abbreviated to “LXX”) has been generally abandoned as the basis for translations of the Old Testament into Western languages. In Eastern Christianity, translations based on the Septuagint still prevail. Some modern Western translations have made use of the LXX to clarify passages, where it may preserve a variant reading of the Hebrew text. Translators also sometimes adopt variants that appear in other texts e.g. those discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. A number of books which are part of the LXX but are not found in the Hebrew (Rabbinic) Bible are often referred to as deuterocanonical books by Roman Catholics, referring to a later secondary (i.e. deutero) canon. Most Protestants call these books Apocrypha (meaning “hidden”). Evangelicals and those of the modern Protestant traditions do not accept the Apocrypha as canonical. However, the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Churches include these books as part of their Old Testament. The Roman Catholic Church recognizes the following apocryphal books: Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, additions (from the LXX) to Esther and Daniel. In addition to those, the Eastern Orthodox Church recognizes the following: 3 Maccabees, 1 Esdras, Prayer of Manasseh and Psalm 151. To complicate matters further, some Orthodox Churches include a few others, typically: 2 Esdras, Odes and Psalms of Solomon The Anglican Church officially uses the Apocryphal books liturgically, but not as a basis for doctrine. Editions of the Bible intended for use in the Anglican Church include the apocryphal books accepted by the Catholic Church, plus 1 Esdras, 2 Esdras and the Prayer of Manasseh. In practice, many Anglicans, especially in the evangelical tradition, use Bibles without any apocryphal additions,
There is also 4 Maccabees which is not accepted as canonical by any church, but was included by St. Jerome in an appendix to the Vulgate (the Latin version of the Bible), and it therefore sometimes included in collections of the Apocrypha.
New Testament The Bible as used by the majority of Christians includes the Rabbinic Hebrew Scripture and the New Testament, which relates the life and teachings of Jesus, the letters of the Apostle Paul and other apostles to the early church plus the Book of Revelation. The New Testament is a collection of 27 books, comprising four different genres of Christian literature (Gospels, one account of the Acts of the Apostles, Epistles and an Apocalypse). Jesus is its central figure throughout. Nearly all Christians recognize the New Testament (as stated below) as canonical scripture. These books can be grouped into: The Gospels Synoptics (Matthew, Mark and Luke), John Acts of the Apostles Apostles (continues Luke) Pauline Epistles (Letters) Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians Pastoral Epistles 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews General Epistles (or Jewish Epistles) 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2 and 3 John, Jude Revelation (or Apocalypse) The order of these books varies according to Church tradition. The New Testament books are ordered differently in the Catholic/Protestant tradition, the Lutheran tradition, the Slavonic tradition, the Syrian tradition and the Ethiopian tradition. It seems likely that the books of the New Testament were written in Common Greek (“Koine”), the language of the earliest surviving manuscripts. Certainly the Pauline Epistles were written in Greek for Greek-speaking audiences. Some scholars believe that certain books of the Greek New
Testament (in particular, the Gospel of Matthew) are actually translations of a Hebrew or Aramaic original. When ancient scribes copied earlier books, they wrote notes on the margins of the page (marginal glosses) to correct their text, especially if a scribe accidentally omitted a word or line, and to comment about the text. When later scribes were copying the copy, they were sometimes uncertain if a note was intended to be included as part of the text. Over time, different regions evolved different versions, each with its own assemblage of omissions and additions. The autographs, the Greek manuscripts written by the original authors, have not survived. Scholars have pieced together the Greek text from the versions that do survive. The three main textual traditions of the Greek New Testament are sometimes called the Alexandrian text-type (generally minimalist), the Byzantine text-type (generally maximalist), and the Western text-type (occasionally wild). Together these categories comprise most of the ancient manuscripts. The earliest Latin translation was the Old Latin text which seems to have been the work of several authors over a period of time. It was based on the Septuagint, and thus included books that are not in the Hebrew Bible. Pope Damasus I assembled the first list of books of the Bible at the Council of Rome in 382 AD. He commissioned Saint Jerome to produce a reliable and consistent text by translating the original Greek and Hebrew texts into Latin. This translation became known as the Latin Vulgate Bible and in 1546 at the Council of Trent was declared by the Church to be the only authentic and official Bible in the Latin rite. The earliest surviving complete manuscript of the entire Bible is the Codex Amiatinus, a Latin Vulgate edition produced in eighth century England at the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow. The earliest printed edition of the Greek New Testament appeared in 1516, edited by Erasmus, who reconstructed its Greek text from manuscripts of the Byzantine text-type. He occasionally added his own Greek translation of the Latin Vulgate for parts that did not exist in the Greek manuscripts. Erasmus’ preference for the Byzantine Greek manuscripts rather than the Latin Vulgate led some church authorities to view him with suspicion. The first printed edition incorporating a critical apparatus (noting variant readings among the manuscripts) was produced by the printer Robert Estienne of Paris in 1550. The Greek text of this edition and of that of Erasmus became known as the Textus Receptus (Latin for "received text”). The churches of the European Protestant Reformation translated the Greek of the Textus Receptus to produce vernacular Bibles, such as the German Luther Bible, the Geneva Bible and the English King James Bible (the “Authorized Version”)
The 19th century discovery of older manuscripts, which belong to the Alexandrian text-type, including the 4th century Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus, led scholars to revise their view about the original Greek text and that work is still ongoing are further discoveries are made. Most variants among the manuscripts are minor, such as alternate spelling, alternate word order, the presence or absence of an optional definite article ("the"), and so on. Occasionally, a major variant happens when a portion of a text was accidentally omitted (or perhaps even censored), or was added from a marginal gloss. Fortunately, major variants tend to be easier to correct. Examples of major variants are the endings of Mark. The strongest textual tradition shows Mark’s Gospel ending at chapter 16, verse 8. Was it intended to stop there? Or was there a lost ending? Or was it unfinished? This is one of the great unsolved mysteries of the New Testament. Clearly, some scribes in the early church also felt that something was missing. There are two versions of an additional text added at this point. Both are ancient but clearly by a different hand from the writer of the Gospel. Christian theology While individual books within the Christian Bible present narratives set in certain historical periods, most Christian denominations teach that the Bible itself has an overarching message. There are wide differences of opinion as to how particular incidents as described in the Bible are to be interpreted and as to what meaning should be attached to various prophecies. However, Christians in general are in agreement as to the Bible's basic message. Chapters and Verses The old texts have no chapter of verse numbering. Nevertheless, the chapter divisions and verse numbers have become indispensable as technical references for Bible study. Stephen Langton is reputed to have been the first to put the chapter divisions into a Vulgate edition of the Bible, in 1205. They were then inserted into Greek manuscripts of the New Testament in the 1400s. Robert Estienne (Robert Stephanus) was the first to number the verses within each chapter, his verse numbers entering printed editions in 1551 (New Testament) and 1571 (Hebrew Bible). These numbers are still in use. The punctuation was added later by other editors, according to their own understanding of the text.
Book of Life The Book of Life is referred to six times in the Book of Revelation, the last of the books of the New Testament, attributed to John of Patmos. As described, only those whose names are written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, and have not been blotted out by the Lamb, are saved at the Last Judgment; all others are doomed. Some people would choose to interpret the Book of Life as being equivalent to the Akashic Records. There is a modern work entitled the “Book of Life” which can be accessed at http://www.ogmium.com
Translations into English The Tyndale Bible generally refers to the body of biblical translations by William Tyndale. Tyndale’s Bible is credited with being the first English translation to come directly from Hebrew and Greek texts. Furthermore it was the first English biblical translation that was mass-produced as a result of new advances in the art of printing. The term Tyndale's Bible is not strictly correct, because Tyndale never published a complete Bible. Prior to his death Tyndale had only finished translating the entire New Testament and roughly half of the Old Testament. Of the latter, the Pentateuch, Jonah and a revised version of the book of Genesis were published during his lifetime. However, the legacy of Tyndale’s Bible cannot be understated. His translations laid the foundations for many of the English Bibles which followed. The Tyndale Bible also played a key role in spreading reformation ideas to England which had been reluctant to embrace the movement. Scholars tell us that around 90% of the King James Version is from Tyndale’s works with as much as one third of the text being word for word Tyndale. The Geneva Bible was a Protestant translation of the Bible into English. This was the Bible read by William Shakespeare, John Knox, John Donne and John Bunyan, author of Pilgrim's Progress. It was one of the Bibles taken to America on the “Mayflower.” It was used by many English Dissenters and by Oliver Cromwell's soldiers at the time of the English Civil War. Because the language of the Geneva Bible was more forceful and vigorous, some readers preferred this version to the translations in the Tyndale tradition. During the time when England was ruled by Queen Mary I, who persecuted Protestants, a number of Protestant scholars fled to Geneva in Switzerland, then ruled as a republic in which John Calvin and Theodore de Beza provided spiritual and theological leadership. Among these scholars was William Whittingham, who supervised the translation in collaboration with Myles Coverdale (whose translation of the Psalms is contained in the English Book of Common Prayer).
The first full edition of the Geneva Bible, with a further revised New Testament, appeared in 1560 but it was not printed in England until 1575 (New Testament) and 1576 (whole Bible). Over 150 editions were issued, the last probably in 1644. The first Bible printed in Scotland was a Geneva Bible in 1579. In fact, the involvement of Knox and Calvin with the Geneva Bible made it especially appealing in Scotland, where a law was passed requiring every household of sufficient means to buy a copy. Like most English translations of the time, the Geneva Bible was translated from scholarly editions of the Greek New Testament and Hebrew scriptures. The English rendering was substantially based on the earlier translations by William Tyndale. (80-90% of the language in the Geneva New Testament is from Tyndale.) However, the Geneva Bible was the first English version in which all of the Old Testament was translated directly from the Hebrew. The annotations, which are an important part of the Geneva Bible, are Calvinistic and Puritan in character, and as such they were disliked by the Protestants of the Church of England, as well as King James I, who commissioned the "Authorized Version" or King James Bible to replace it. The Geneva Bible remained popular among Puritans and remained in widespread use until after the English Civil War. It has been stated by some that the Geneva Bible was the Bible present at the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, due to the fact that it was the Bible that the Puritans brought with them to America. This, however, has not been proved.
Final Comments The Bible is still the world’s best selling book. It has been used as a source of inspiration for millions of ordinary people as well as for saints and scholars. Reading it has changed the lives of many. Equally, people died martyrs’ deaths to ensure that it was open and available to everyone. The following are only two of thousands of examples. The Bounty Bible In 1790, a group from the ship “Bounty” arrived on Pitcairn Island. The group consisted of Fletcher Christian and eight other mutineers from the Bounty. Also with them were six Tahitian men and twelve Tahitian women, as well as a Tahitian baby girl named Sally, daughter of one of the women, who would become a respected person in the community. The settlers took everything off the Bounty and then burnt the ship to hide all trace of their existence. Though the new islanders learned to survive quite comfortably by farming and fishing, violence and illness caused many problems. There was fighting, drunkenness and murder. Nearly fifty years later, two of the Island’s leaders re-discovered the Bounty’s bible and became interested in Christianity. Those who could read began to teach others, using this bible. This eventually led to a transformation of the way in which people lived on Pitcairn Island as it virtually became a Christian community.
Oxford Martyrs The Oxford Martyrs were tried for heresy in 1555 and subsequently burnt at the stake in Oxford, England, for their Protestant religious beliefs and teachings, particularly their insistence that the bible should be available to everyone. T he three martyrs were the bishops Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley, and (slightly later) the Archbishop Thomas Cranmer. They were tried at University Church of St Mary the Virgin, the official church of Oxford University. The martyrs were burnt at the stake just outside the city walls of Oxford. Latimer and Ridley were burnt in October, 1555. Cranmer was burnt five months later. Latimer was executed beside Ridley. He is quoted as having said to Ridley:
“Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.” These events are also claimed to be the inspiration for the nursery rhyme "Three Blind Mice". Alasdair Bothwell Gordon, EdD Reiki Master and Teacher Life Coach and Change Agent Certified NLP Practitioner Aberdeen, Scotland (UK)
Appendix - Dr. Joshua David Stone & the I AM University
The well known author of many books of spiritual nature Dr Joshua David Stone had a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology and was a Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in California. In November 2004 Dr Stone officially launched the "I AM University", which is an actual university that Dr Stone runs on the inner plane and has been guided by Spirit and the Ascended Masters to anchor and externalize on Earth. The "I AM University" is the fast path to becoming a fully realized "Integrated Ascended Master" on Earth in this lifetime! In 2005 Dr Stone passed on to the Spirit world where he continues to run the inner plane I AM University and Spiritually supports the continued expansion of his work through the platform and vehicle of the earthly/outer plane I AM University! He is now in training with Lord Maitreya and the Spiritual Hierarchy in preparation of serving as the future head of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Planet Earth when his training to do so is complete. Dr Stone will still be the leader of the I AM University on the spiritual plane, and on the earthly plane his job is taken over by his helper Rev. Gloria Excelsias. Gloria Excelsias is a Minister, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author, who served as long-term personal assistant to Dr Joshua David Stone. When Dr Stone passed on to the Spirit world, he made Gloria Excelsias the new President and Director of the Earthly plane I AM University which she now runs in co-creation with and being overlighted by Spirit, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim and Dr Stone! As part of this whole transition and process, Gloria has been guided by Spirit, the Masters and Joshua to relocate the I AM University to Salzburg - the Heart of Europe! Having been born in Austria, this location has crystallized itself as the perfect place on Planet Earth to serve as new home for the I AM University Headquarters that allows Gloria best to run and expand the I AM University according to Spirit and the Masters’ Plan. Do you want to know more about Joshua David Stone, Gloria Excelsias and the I AM University, then you can look at Web Site: www.iamuniversity.org Adress: I AM University , Dr Joshua David Stone & Gloria Excelsias Postfach 13, 4866 Unterach am Attersee, Austria - Europe