Bibibonbon Snow The Husky Dog

August 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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SNOW THE HUSKY DOG - design by bibibonbo bibibonbon n- Feb Februa ruary ry 2021 2021 -



hank you you for purchasing purchasing my patte pattern. rn. This is a crochet crochet patte pattern rn design design by bibibonbon. This p bibibonbon. pattern attern is only only for pe personal rsonal use. The patte pattern rn can n not ot be sold and distri distributed buted in a any ny form. Yo You u can sell sell the finished finished doll doll made from from his pattern pattern but please please must mask (patte (pattern rn design by by bibibonbon). bibibonbon). Have un crochet time! time! Thank you!

MATERIALS Yarn Yarn.. De Depe pend ndss on yo your ur ch choi oice ce.. I us use e Yarn Yarnart art Jean Jeanss ya yarn rn (160 (160m/ m/50 50gr gr)) wi with th colors: - Wh White(62) ite(62) - Gra Gray y (46) - Black (53) Hook: size Hook: size 2.2 2.2mm. mm. One pair of oval eye eyess size 8x10m 8x10mm. m. One bla black ck nos nose e siz size e 8mm. 8mm. One piec piece e of white felt fabric fabric.. Fiberfill Fiberf ill for stuffing. Yarn needle. Pink blush. Hot glu glue. e.

MR Ch Sc Inc Dec BLO slst St/sts ( … )* …

ABBREVIATIONS Magic ring Chain Single crochet Single cro rocchet increase Single cro rocchet decrease Back loop only Slip stitch Stitch/stitches Repeat instructions ons in brackets … times

- The fin finish ished ed doll doll siz size e is 17cm 17cm -



Let’s sta Let’s start rt!! LEGS (2 LEGS (2)) – (g (gra ray y an and d wh white ite yarn yarn)) - us use e the wh whit ite e ya yarn rn to make make MA MAGI GIC C RI RING NG,, work in a cont continuou inuouss spiral spiral (photo 1) Round Details Sts 1 8sc into magic ring 8 2 8inc 16 3 BLO: 16sc 16 4 16sc 16 5-6 Change to the gray 16sc 16 Fasten Faste n off a and nd weave weavess in the yyarn arn end. This is the ffirst irst foot. Continue Conti nue w working orking the second second leg the sa same me way as the first leg, from from rround ound 11-6. -6. Now we w will ill join tthe he le legs gs to togethe getherr to make the body.



BODY DY - (gr (gray ay an and d wh whit ite e ya yarn rn)) - us use e th the e gray gray ya yarn rn,, wo work rk in a co cont ntin inuo uous us sp spira irall BO (pho (p hoto to 2, 3) From Fro m the second second le leg g make make a chain chain of 3ch. 3ch. Continue Conti nue w working orking on the first stitch stitch in the round 6 of the first lleg. eg. This iiss the first first sti stitch tch of the rou round nd 7. (photo (photo 2) Red wor word d: white yar yarn n Bl Black ack word: word: gray yarn yarn Round Details Sts   7sc, inc, 8sc, 3sc on the chain, 8sc, inc, 7sc, 3sc on the 7   40 other side of the chain 8 (4sc, inc)*8 9 48sc 10 (5sc, inc)*8 11 56sc 12 (13sc, inc)*4 13 21sc, 11sc,  11sc, 28sc 14-21 20sc, 13sc  13sc,, 27sc 3sc,, 10 1 0sc, dec, 13sc, dec 22 13sc, sc, dec, 5sc, sc, 8sc,  8sc, dec, 3sc  12sc,, 25sc 23-24 19sc, 12sc 25 12sc, dec, 5sc, 7sc,  7sc, dec dec,, 3sc  3sc,, 9s 9sc, dec, 12sc, dec 26 18sc, 11sc,  11sc, 23sc 27 11sc, sc, dec, 5sc, sc, 6sc  6sc,, dec dec,, 3sc  3sc,, 8s 8sc, dec, 11sc, dec Fasten Faste n off, leavi leaving ng a llong ong tail for sewin sewing. g. Stuffi Stu ffing ng the bod body. y.


48 48 56 56 60 60 60 56 56 52 52 48



HEAD AD – (gr (gray ay an and d wh whit ite e ya yarn rn)) - us use e the the gray gray ya yarn rn to mak make e MA MAGI GIC C RI RING NG - wo work rk in HE a con contin tinuou uouss spi spiral ral (photo (photo 4) Red wor word d: whi white te yarn yarn Black Bla ck wor word d: gr gray ay ya yarn rn Round Details Sts 1 8sc into magic ring 8 2 8inc 16 3 (sc, inc)*8 24 4 (2sc, inc)*8 32 5 6 7 8 9 10-16 17 18 19-21 22

(3sc, inc)*8 40 2sc, inc, (4sc, inc)*7, 2sc 48 (5sc, inc)*8 56 56sc 56 3sc, inc, (6sc, inc)*7, 3sc 64 64sc 64 9sc, (sc, inc)*8, 14sc, (sc, inc)*8, 9sc 80  18sc,, 31sc 80 31sc, 18sc  20sc,, 30sc 80 30sc, 20sc 31sc, 18sc  18sc,, 31sc 80   4sc, dec, (8sc, dec) dec)*2, *2, 6sc, 6sc,   2sc, dec, 8sc, dec, 2sc,   72 23 6sc, dec, (8sc, dec)*2, 4sc 24 (7sc (7sc,, dec) dec)* *3, 3s 3scc, 4sc 4sc,, dec,  dec, 6sc 6sc,, sc, dec, (7sc, dec)*3 64  dec,, 6sc  6sc,, dec  dec,, sc, 5sc,  sc,  5sc, dec,   3sc, dec, (6sc, dec)*2, 6sc, 6sc, dec   56 25 (6sc, dec)*2, 3sc 26 (5 (5sc sc,, dec ec)* )*33, 3sc, sc, 2sc  2sc,, dec,  dec, 5sc, 5sc, dec, (5sc, dec)*3 48 Fasten off, lleavin eaving g a long tail for se sewing. wing. Stuff the the head. Glue one pair of 8x1 8x10mm 0mm oval ey eyes es between between roun round d 17 and 18 with 8sts apart. Glue Glu e on one e bla black ck n nose ose siz size e 8mm to the hea head. d.

SPOTS (photo 4) Use one piece of wh white ite felt fabric fabric.. Cut it in into to 2 oval piece pieces. s. Glue the spots to the he head. ad.




ARMS (2) - (gray and white yarn) - use the white yarn to make MAGIC RING, work wor k in a con contin tinuou uouss spiral spiral (ph (photo oto 5) Round Details sts 1 6sc into magic ring 6 2 6inc 12 3-4 12sc 12 5-12 Change to the gray yarn 12sc 12 Stuff the arms, flatte flatten n an and d fold the top of the arm, sew 2 opposit opposite e stitc stitches. hes. Leavin Lea ving g a lon long g tail for sew sewing ing..



EARS (2) - (gray and white yarn) - use the gray yarn to make MAGIC RING, work in a con contin tinuou uouss spi spiral ral (ph (photo oto 6) Red wor word d: wh whit ite e ya yarn rn Balck word word:: gr gray ay ya yarn rn Round Details 1 4sc into magic ring 2 4inc 3 (sc, inc)*4 4 (5sc, inc)*2 5 6sc, inc, 33ssc, sc, 2sc, inc 6 10sc, 3sc 3sc,, 3sc Stuff the e ears. ars. Fasten off, le leaving aving a long tail tail for se sewing. wing.

sts 4 8 12 14 16 16



SEWING: - Sew Sew hea head d to the bod body. y. - Sew Sew ear earss to the hea head. d. - Use Use blac black k ya yarn rn tosew mout mouth. h. - Se Sew w arms arms to to th the e bo body dy.. - Use pink ccrayon rayon ffor or the ch cheek. eek.


I hope you have fun croche crochett time. time. If you like like th this is pattern, pattern, do not forget forget tto o give it a revie review. w. If you have any quest questions, ions, wh whenev enever er contact contact me: - Facebo Facebook ok - Instag Instagram ram - Emai Emaill [email protected] - Etsy shop shop - Ravelr Ravelry y From bibibonbon with love.


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