We need to use language that recogn!es our d"erst# and does notpeople o$end%on de&ean or o) e'clude e' clude the (ass gender% age% ethnct#% dsa(lt#% and se'ua se'ual l orentaton*
GENDER Su(sttute gender-neutral +ords and phrases )or gender-(ased +ords* Do ths )or ttles and descrptons as +ell*
&an% &an/nd
people% hu&ant#%
&an the operaton char&an
hu&an/nd sta$ the operaton char% charperson% drector
Include (oth &ale and )e&ale re)erence ponts* Do not assu&e &artal or )a&lal )a&lal relatonshps*
GENDER ,ROBLEMAI. )acult# and wives
,REFERRED )acult# and guests or )acult# and spouses
0ou 0 ou and #our spouse are n"ted1
0ou and #our guest 0ou are n"ted1
A"od gende genderr-(ased pronouns* Replace gendered pronouns +th one or y yo ou or drop the& and restructure the sentence*
Each student should hand n his ter& pap paper er (#*** (#***
Each student should
hand n a ter& paper pap er (# (#*** ***
You should hand n
#ourr ter& pap #ou paper er (# (#*** ***
.hangng to plural constructon*
GENDER ,ROBLEMAI. Each student should hand n his ter& paper (#1 A nurse cares )or patents1 her patents1
,REFERRED Students should hand
n ther ter& papers (#1 Nurses care )or their patents1
A"od a+/+ard constructon such as he2she3% s4he% 2s3he% or h&4her*
As a pr pro) o)es esso sorr e& e&er ert tus us%% - A pr pro) o)es esso sorr e& e&er ert tus us s s/he s enttled to enttled to reduc reduced ed reduced par/ng )ees*
par/ng )ees*
Use parallels& to sho+ gender e5ualt# and consstent re)erences* A"od se'ual stereot#png (#
el&natng rrele"ant descrptons* ,ROBLEMAI. Dann# 6ones% a strong athlete% and Su!# Fa"or% an attractive runner1 She shoots like a man*
,REFERRED 6ones% a strong (as/et(all pla#er% and Fa"or% a powerful runner1
She shoots well*
I) a drect 5uote s o$ens"e or napproprate% ether replace or delete t* For photographs% &a/e sure (oth &en and +o&en are llustrated e5uall#*
ARe)er GEto
a person7s age onl# +hen
,ROBLEMAI. he researchers% researchers% ages 89 and :;% +on a grant )ro& the un"erst#*
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