Biagio Fasano - Virtual Oil and Water

August 26, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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B. Magic


B. Magic



B. Magic  

by B. Magic (Biagio Fasano)  It nally becomes reality reality,, the dream of an incredible card card magic eect  which happens in the hands of the spectator. spectator.  Reproducible even from from a distance!

Title of the eBook: “Virtual Oil & Water!” (A classic Card Magic eect, completely in the hands of your spectator) Copyright © March 2021 by Biagio Fasano


Graphics, Cover Artwork & Editing by Natalino Contini


Concept by B. Magic



B. Magic

 I dedicate this work to my Magic Teachers, Teachers, Illusionists and Mentalists friends that made it possible to create this eect  and were the rst to experience its potential:  Roberto Bombassei, Bombassei, Felipe Suau, Suau, Natalino Contini, Pino Rolle, Rolle, Marco Aimone, Gianluigi Sordellini, Diego Allegri, Andrea Clemente Pancotti, Michael Daniels,  Massimiliano Scibilia, Alberto Colli, Mauro Mauro Morabito, Beppe Beppe Brondino, Giuseppe Verderone, Mariano Tomatis, Laura Lilyth Luchino, Renzo Grosso,  Davide Rubat Remond, Remond, Viviana Viviana Garis…

Thanks to all of you, for your friendship, your teachings and the great MAGIC passion that feeds us and we share almost daily!



B. Magic   Brief introducon about the author: My name is Biagio is Biagio Fasano, Fasano, I was born in the mid-60s in Chieri, a province of magical Turin, and I started to take a serious interest in magic in 1984 when, in rst high school, I happened to read an excing arcle in a well-known science magazine, dedicated to the great and late magician, mathemacian, philosopher and popularizer scienc: Marn Gardner. Gardner. It thrilled me totally and captured all my aenon, so much that It soon induced me to voraciously read all the numerous publicaons available in those years, rst in Italian and then also in English. Since then, Mathemacal Magic has never le its place in my heart and lile by lile I have begun to be interested interested in all the other disciplines of Magical Art, in parcular Card Magic and Mentalism. In 1990 a friend introduced me to the Circolo Amici della Magia (CADM) in Turin, at the me chaired by the legendary Viorio Balli (aka Victor) and Gianni Pasqua (aka Pasqua (aka environment that has allowed me to meet so many incredible Roxy); since then, I began to frequent that wonderful environment arsts: quick change performers, mentalists, cardicians, illusionists, both professionals and amateurs as I was. In this environmentt I have made friends which, for the most part, connue to this day. environmen Therefore, I have not abandoned this passion pas sion for Magic for over 30 years, but rather it i t has grown to the point of nally nall y allowing me to teach Magic in workshops created specically for elementary school children, and Mathemacal Magic in parcular in Middle Schools. Also, at CADM I have the great honor and pleasure of being a teacher of Card Magic (in parcular for Semi-Automac and Mathemacal Eects, which always remain among my main interests) and Mentalism (my other greatest magical passion). I have published my other works, both in Italian and in English, in the form of e-Books, on,, and of Video Tutorials, on, signing both my real rst name and the stage name B. Magic, Magic, chosen in 2020 when, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, I nally decided to open up to social media and create a YouTube Channel, bapzed for the occasion “Magic “ Magic in Quaranne”, Quaranne”, which you can sll nd today at this address: hps:// hps://www .com/channel/UCnm12dlUmt53YHUZesiLnFw 53YHUZesiLnFw Here are, among other things, the videos of over 15 unpublished card magic eects created by me, which are completely self-working  (on a basis, oen hidden, of a mathemacal nature) and accompanied by the relave tutorials, in case it is necessary to understand, because each eect can take place directly in the hands of anyone who can carefully follow the instrucons given in the video... During this cursed Covid-19 pandemic I had the pleasure of aending the UMI (Internaonal Magical University) group online, following its numerous Magical Conferences and meeng its founder Gianluigi Sordellini , through whom I saw the birth and was able to enter the Magic Study Group ironically called “Italian Italian  Escorial ”. ”. Later Gianluigi granted me the honor of keeping my column, “ An-Covid Magic” Magic”, in the presgious digital magic magazine UMI, to which I sll connue to collaborate. And thanks to Mariano Tomas we have created the group of “ Pill Wizards” Wizards” which is inspired by his videos of “Mesmer “ Mesmer in Pillole” to deepen their aspects, principles and methods and to be able to create new eects inspired by them. This group, of which I am honored to be part, currently has six dierent members: Mathemacians and lovers of Mathemacal Magic, Writers, Authors and Illusionists, Professionals and

Amateurs, each able to give their own incredible contribuon in our discussions, insights and ideas of magical eects! In addion to wring for the presgious CICAP  magazine “Magia”, I am currently working on other projects, including a forthcoming book on Mentalism with business and playing cards, which will be tled “Bending “ Bending Minds”, co-wrien with friends “Wizards of Pills” Davide Davide and  and Renzo, and of which my “R.E.A.C.T.” eects and “The Unusual ... SUSPECTS” are to be considered forerunners ... I am also culvang an ambious project (in a small part already published in English by Penguin Magic) which I called “Contactless ACAAN Project ” and which, at the me of wring, includes 12 of my original card magic eects  dened in “Hands-O Any Card At Any Number ” genre, that take place enrely in the hands of the spectator : the illusionist will simply provide him with the tools (usually a simple deck of cards prepared for the performance, or at most two decks, some dice or numbered cards ...) and will not touch any of these again, unl the end of the experiment. If interested, you will nd these and other eects, published in English or in Italian language, on For now, I just have to thank you for the trust and aenon you have given me ...  And now, let’s start the Magic! 



B. Magic

What is “VIRTUAL “ VIRTUAL Oil & Water”? Water”? It is a card magic roune on the classic “Oil “ Oil and Water “ theme, specially designed to be performed even at a distance (but which does not exclude the performance in presence, for example at a close-up table): the magic can happen directly in the spectator’s hands, whether he is next to the magician or miles away, engaged in a video chat with applicaons such as Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, etc. etc. What unl now you could have considered only a dream becomes reality within the reach of anyone who becomes aware of the secret: granng a spectator the “power” to perform, comfortably seated in his house, a famous cad magic eect “Oil “ Oil &Water ” in his hands, certainly arousing his amazemen amazement. t. A roune structured in three steps will then be presented below: the illusionist performs a rst “ Oil and Water ” eect for the viewer with four black and four red cards which, when mixed together, magically separate; then he “transmits” his magic to the spectator who, following the same indicaons provided by the magician, will inexplicably observe the separaon of the colors just before mixed happen in his hands; nally, both will perform the game one last me, repeang the same movements, at rst “devoid of powers”, powers”, so nothing unexpected will happen, but at the end with the help of magic the miracle will be repeated one last me! However, it is possible to present each step of the roune separately, or omit the rst or the last step, without the eect failing to impress the spectators!

Key Points: 1. Apart from the rst semi-automac demonstraon step, both the following eects are “hands-o  “ hands-o ” (the spectator just follows the instrucons provided); 2. Simple and ideal roune to perform in any situaon, including remote video chat, e.g., with Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, Google Meet etc. etc.; 3. For the most part they will be self-working eects, but they will remain inexplicable to anyone who does not know the secret (illusionists included!); 4. Only a dozen normal playing cards are used: six Black and six Red-suited cards cards (no gimmick!) 5. Easy to learn: apart from a simple semi-unknown false count (oponal), once you have read the instrucons you will know how to perform the eect immediately, although it will be the rst to deceive yourself!



B. Magic

Eect and Presentaon Ask your spectator to prepare, by extracng them from the deck, any six black-suited cards (clubs or spades, indierently face or points) and six other red-suited cards (hearts or diamonds), whatever. whatever. On the other hand, you will have already prepared on top of the deck, placed face down, the following twelve cards that you will take, placing them face up on two piles in the following order, order, from the boom to the top of each pile:


9 ♥, 8 ♦, 9 ♦, 8 ♥,10 ♦, 10 ♥ 

9 ♠, 8 ♣, 9 ♣, 8 ♠, 6 ♠, 6 ♣

Tell him to relax and oer to start by showing him how illusionists perform the “ Oil and Water ” eect with cards.

STEP 1) (Felipe Suau) So, set aside, for the moment, the rst two cards from both the red and the black-suited piles (thus eliminang the two 10s and the two 6s). Turn the two piles face down, keeping the red-suited cards to the le, and place them at a certain distance in front of you, leaving a space on the table that allows you to form two more piles below the previous two. Ask the spectator to pay the utmost aenon to you: simultaneously take the single cards on top of the two piles with both hands and bring them towards you, deposing them to form two new piles placed in columns under the previous ones; then go back to take with both hands the new single cards on top of each pile, but this me, before placing them on the underlying piles, cross your arms so that the card on the le is placed on the underlying right pile and vice versa. As soon as you deposit both, uncross your arms and go back to take the cards at the top and arrange them individually under the two piles below; and nally take the last two cards and, crossing your arms again, bring them on the respecve opposite bunches: the right on the le and vice versa.

Now ask the spectator if he has understood what you have just done: if he has been suciently aenve, he will reply that you have just shued the single red and black black-suited -suited cards in each pile; if if,, on the other hand, he is not able to describe it well, explain it to him yourself and, for both cases, accompany the explanaon by showing your hands palm down and arranged where the two piles were inially; then intertwine your ngers and place your hands where the two new piles now stand; nally show him what you have just said by turning the le hand pile face up and, opening the cards, show him how the red and black-suited cards are alternated. Open the pile on the right in the same way and point out that here too the cards are obviously mixed between red and black. When turning both bunches face down, turn the relave pile towards the other with the le hand and, while turning the right one with the other hand, overturn the cards overlapping the previous one, forming a single stack again. Then tell the spectator to be careful again and start distribung the cards one at a me, face down, reforming reformin g two piles: one card to the le and one to the right, then again, to the le and one right, unl you have run out of cards and reformed two piles of 4 cards each, face down. At that point, ask the spectator himself to explain what just happened: normally you will be told that you have divided the cards again by color, separang them into two dierent piles! Again, make the concept explicit by using your hands: at rst you will intertwine your ngers with the palms arranged vercally towards you, and then you will separate them by placing each hand on one of the piles on the table. Compliment the spectator for his wit and, squaring the two bunches of cards, li them at the same me holding them with your ngerps and, turning your palms up, show the last card of both, the one facing up, as if to conrm his correct intuion. Place the le pile on the table, always turned face down, pass the other pile in your le hand and with your right hand slowly ribbon spread the le bunch, sliding the cards from le to right (without ever opening the cards too much to avoid that they detach from the one below and fall in direct contact with the table).



B. Magic Now, if you want to reinforce the viewer’s idea that there are four cards of the same color (black-suited) in the pile on the right, you will perform a false count that will show the same two cards twice, giving the impression of really having four black cards in the stack and instead completely hiding the two red-suited cards present.

However, keep in mind, in case it is too dicult for you in relaon to your technical skills, that this false count, in card magic known as “ MIRAGE COUNT ”, can be omied and the eect carried carri ed forward successfully. successfu lly. Let’s see a brief descripon below:

Mirage Count by Larry Larr y West 

This false count is praccally a fusion of Alex Elmsley’s “Elmsley “ Elmsley Count ” and Ed Marlo’s “Olram Subtlety ”: ”: Keep the four cards stacked face down and well squared (at the boom you will have the two black suited cards while on top of the stack the two red suited ones that you will never show). Hold the center of the edge of the le long side of the cards between the thumb (above) and the other four ngers (below) of the le hand, and with the right hand go to grab the center of the edge of the right long side, always thumb up and the four ngers below. Take the lower card with the ngers of your right hand, holding the three upper cards well squared together with your thumb, which you will leave in your le hand. Move the two hands from each other, the le will have 3 cards and the right the lower one: simultaneously rotate the two hands palm down, showing two black suited cards. Rotate them palm down again bringing your hands together but while the right hand slips its card under the others, the le will have pushed, with a thumb  push-o , its two upper cards towards the other hand, pushing them together over the one sll held in the right hand. Now, as for the Elmsley Count , while the four ngers of the le hand pull the card in the right towards you, the thumb pushes the two upper cards to the right which will hold them for a moment and immediately place them on the table, passing them o as the two just shown. Meanwhile the le hand will have held the lower card with the four ngers and will push the upper one with the thumb towards the right hand which, as before, grabs grabs it with the thumb on the center of the long right edge and the other ngers below. With the same movement as before, the two hands turn together palm down and show “the last two cards”, also black suited (but they will be exchanged hands), deposing them on the previous ones. Note: this false count, lile known but absolutely elusive as long as it is shown with the right ming, has been very well described by  Aldo Colombini   in this video that collects other false counts and various subtlees, so it is well worth the paltry cost it represents and is highly recommended: hps://www.lybrary.c hps://www om/sleights-and-subtlees -and-subtlees-2-p-238201.html  -2-p-238201.html  The execuon of this false count is also visible at this YouTube address: hps://  and meculously described by Jon Racherbaumer  in his book “Counthesaurus” (2004), on pp. 101-103.

So, if you have just shown that you have four black-suited cards, cards, you will now go and insert them among the “red-suited” cards that you had just before spread out in a ribbon on the table. Having to slightly fold the cards upwards to be able to insert them beer among the others already lying on the table, to prevent the camera or the aenve eye of the viewer from seeing details of the color of the faces, we scking will arrange them one a meas among the from right to the le,cards but leaving these 4 cards out UNDER theat others, illustrated illustra tedothers, in Fig. 1, 1proceeding , where L1-L4 represent of the le pile that you have spread out like a ribbon, while R1 (the top card) R2 , R3 and R4 are the ones you hold in your right hand and have just shown as BLACK.



B. Magic

 Fig. 1 Aenon: if you have decided to omit the Count Mirage, you will have to insert the cards in the opposite direcon between those spread out on the tape, i.e., proceeding FROM LEFT TO RIGHT (it is also advisable, for a purely aesthec reason, to insert the rst between L1 and L2, the following between L2 and L3... up to the last one, R4, which will cover the lower half of L4), as in Fig. 2:

 Fig. 2

Once all the cards have been arranged on the table, the two rows are leveled slowly and without wit hout suspicious suspici ous movements of cards together and nally close the ribbon by squaring all eight cards into a single pile.

Ask the viewer one last me to conrm what you have just done, again mimicking the gesture of intertwining your ngers and leng them, palm down, raised about ten cenmeter cenmeterss above the stack of cards. Obtained the response of the spectator who will conrm the mixture between Reds and Blacks suits, une your ngers, move your hands away from each other and, placing them on the table on both sides of the bunch, explain that the colors of the cards, such as water and oil, thanks to your magic they are separang again under your eyes. Turn the rst four cards face up, one by one, and stack them to the right of the pile: they will all be blacksuited; nally turn the last four together and spread the two piles outwards at the same me: the redsuited cards will be perfectly separated from the black ones!



B. Magic

STEP 2) (Biagio Fasano) Now propose to the viewer to transmit your magic to him, depriving yourself of it for a few minutes: the me necessary to allow him to experience the pleasure of performing the “Oil “Oil and Water ” eect by himself. If you are in the presence of the spectator, point your right index nger at the spectator and invite him to touch it with his nger (simulang a scene similar to “The Last Judgment ” by Michelangelo) to allow him to receive your powers otherwise, put your index nger near the lens of your webcam and invite him to touch your nger with his on the screen (Fig. 3). Fig. 3 Then retrieve the two red and two black-suited cards and place them on top of your two piles. Meanwhile, ask the spectator to take his twelve cards dividing them into the two piles, according to the color of the suits. Both now place the two piles on the table, on your le the six black-suited cards and on the right ri ght the six red-suited cards.

Explain that, as before, the red-suited cards represent represent oil, while the black-suited cards represent water: two liquids that th at in nature are reluctant to mix with wi th each other. other. Therefore, propose to try again, both of you, to perform the eect: he will only have to repeat the exact same operaons that you will illustrate il lustrate step by step. At the same me with both hands take the cards that are on top of each of the piles and bring them towards you, always face down, in front of the respecve two piles to which they belong, to start forming new ones in which you will mix mi x the two “liquids”. Then proceed proceed by taking the two new cards on top of each pile and, crossing your hands, you will have to lay them on o n the cards already placed in front of the opposite pile (the le on the right pile and vice versa, then a red-suited card on a black-suited one and vice versa). So, you will connue by moving the other two upper cards into the two respecve piles in front of you, then crossing your hands and placing the next ones on the opposite piles; again, the two cards at the top on the respecve piles in front and nally the last two cards, crossing the hands, will end up on top of the opposite piles.

If the spectator has paid aenon to the various operaons carried out so far, he will have noced that, as in step 1), you have both “shued” the cards in the two piles, alternang both red suit cards with black ones ... In any case, propose to him to be able to check the result, liing l iing one of the two t wo piles and turning it face up, opening it to check the alternaon of the colors of the suits of the cards that compose it on. Meanwhile, you are the rst to control it, turning the le pile face to face and spreading the cards between your hands, revealing the alternaon of the colors of the suits of the six cards that compose it. The viewer will do the same with his rst pile, while you will already begin to turn the right pile face up. Apparently, you will also limit yourself here to seeing the alternaon of red and black-suited cards but, while the spectator will be distracted to check his second pack, you will perform a small secret movement that will surely go unnoced since the spectator will also be taken in observing his cards: as before, open the six cards between the le and right hand but, with the help of your le thumb, open the card on the far le, the lower one, slightly more; now, instead of closing the six cards and turning them together face down, pivong on the four ngers of the right hand that will be posioned under the cards, start turning face down only the card on the far le and bending the ngers of the le hand push its back towards the le palm, while the right hand will slightly raise the other six cards so as to slightly rub the backs of the two t wo lower cards; seamlessly, seamlessly, square the ve cards in your right hand against the back of the card just turned over and at the same me turn them all over together on the back of the rst card (Fig. 4)



B. Magic

Fig. 4

This secret move of yours will ensure that you have passed, without showing it, the last card from the top to the boom of the stack of cards, now face down. At the same me the spectator will be observing how even his suits of the cards are perfectly alternated in color; colo r; however, however, point out that this will be the last me he will be allowed to look at the card faces unl the eect ends, as the Magic must nd its secret ways!

Both of you then lay face down that last bunch just examined on the other, other, le on the table, then collect all twelve cards in your hands. At this point, ask him to separate once again the two elements, oil and water, distribung the cards alternately alternat ely one to the le and one to the right on the table, forming two disnct piles again. As you perform your turn, carefully observe with which hand he deals his cards on the table, to ascertain whether your spectator is right-handed or le-handed.

- If the spectator is right-handed, ask him to beer space the two bunches by moving the pile on the right to the extreme right of the table, and explain how, with his right hand, he will have to slowly ribbon spread the cards of the pile on his le, opening them towards right. - If, on the other hand, he is le-handed, he will move the pile on the le to the le end of the table, and with his le hand he will ribbon spread the bunch on his right, opening it from right to le. Note: while the ribbon spread of a deck of cards is customary for any magician, it could be slightly dicult for a spectator who is not used to handling the cards: in this case, let him slowly open the various cards, paying the utmost aenon that none of the cards will be clearly separated from the one below below,, as this would aect the subsequent closure of the ribbon (or fan) causing the consequent failure of the eect having altered the order of the cards! In the rst case, have him perform the same operaons you will perform yourself, that is to place every single card of the right pile (R1-R6), starng from the top of the pile, in the middle of each pair of cards just spread out on the table (L1-L6) and leng them  protrude in “outjog” “outjog”,, upwards, starng from the le le and proceeding proceeding to the right of the ribbon; in this way the card at the boom (R6) will end up being inserted above and to the far right of all those already laid out on the table, as in Fig. 5:  



B. Magic

Fig. 5 If, on the other hand, he is le-handed, while you are performing the procedure for right-handers described If, above, ask him to interpose each card of the pile on the le (L1-L6), starng from the top of the pile, in the middle of each pair of cards lying on the table (R1- R6) and always leng it protrude in “outjog”, upwards, upwards, starng from the RIGHT and proceeding towards the LEFT of the ribbon: in this way the card at the boom (L6) will end up above and to the extreme le of all those lying on the table, as in Fig. 6. 6. The interesng detail is that, in your case, having to li the upper corners of the L1-L6 cards to be able

Fig. 6 to insert them among the others, it will ensure that the aenve viewer will be able to parally see the faces of the cards that you will gradually insert and, despite being, only in your case, all of the same color as the suit, will reinforce the idea that he too is mixing “water” and “oil”: the red-suited cards cards among the black-suited ones. It will now be enough for both to close the ribbon of twelve cards and square the pile; ask him to look at your cards rst and, since you have transmied the “Magic” to the spectator, start turning them face up, one by one, and they will simply turn out to alternate between red and black suits, as would normally be expected.

Instead, explain that, over me, in nature the oil tends to separate from the water, rising to the surface. Make him perform a magical gesture: interlace the ngers of his hands and separate them by passing the palms of both hands over his own stack of cards. Then ask him to turn face up the rst six cards, one by one: to his great surprise they will all be of the same color of the suit, as well as, immediately aer, aer, he will obviously see the last six be of the opposite color of the suit! OIL AND WATER HAVE MAGICALLY SEPARATED IN HIS OWN HANDS! 



B. Magic

STEP 3) (Roberto Bombassei)

Explain to the viewer that the power of the transmied “Magic” runs out quickly, to inevitably return to you, and that, already from this moment, it is running out in him to return to “recharge” you quickly. However, once it has stabilized, you can also choose to temporarily share the Magic. To demonstrate this, now propose to take both of the twelve cards back, keeping them separate in the two bunches of disnct color of the suits.  While you are performing in turn, ask the spectator to take the rst pile, slowly fan those cards (with the help of the other hand) and insert the six cards of the second stack one by one between the others... Here too it will be beer to see separately rst the case of the right-handed spectator and then that of the le-handed one: - If the spectator is right-handed (as, from the beginning, we assume you are), he will pick up the bunch on the le, fan it between the ngers of his le hand, opening o pening the cards to the right, and with the right hand will take the cards of the other pile one by one, inserng the rst (R1) between L1 and L2 and leng it protrude outwards (i.e., in “outjog”), the following R2 between L2 and L3, then R3 between L3 and L4... unl ending with the last card (R6) inserted above L6 and consequently on top of all twelve cards (Fig. 7). 7).

Fig. 7

- If, on the other hand, the spectator is le-handed, you will proceed as above but ask him to collect his right pile, fan it between the ngers of his right hand, opening the cards towards le, and with his le hand he will take the cards of the other pile one by one, inserng the rst one (L1) between R1 and R2 and leng it protrude outwards (i.e., in “outjog”), the following L2 between R2 and R3 , then L3 between R3 and R4… unl ending with the last card (L6) inserted above R6 and consequently on top of all twelve cards (Fig. 8). 8).



B. Magic

Fig. 8

Close the fan and both of you lay down the rst six cards, counng them one by one (and thus secretly reversing reversi ng their arrangement) in a rst pile on the table. Deposit all the other cards together in another pile, next to the rst one. Since both of them have no Magic for the moment, you will nd that the cards in both piles have been mixed by alternang the colors of the red and black-suited cards. Now, however, declare yourself “charged” with your power again and, as in STEP 2, invite Now, invi te him to “touch” your index nger with his and say that you will try to share for a few minutes and for the last me your Magic: pick up and let him pick up one pile on top of the other and both distribute the cards again in two separate piles, one on the le, one on the right, again on the le, on the right, unl ending the cards. Mimic again with the gesture of your hands, intertwining the ngers and then detaching them, having both separated the red-suited cards from the black-suited ones in two disnct piles.

Now repeat, both you and the spectator, everything exactly as at the beginning of STEP 3, that is, fan the cards of a pile and insert, one at a me, the cards of the second pile in outjog; both close the new fan of twelve cards and square the cards. As before, you both count the rst six cards in a pile and lay the rest together on the table to form the second pile. Remember that, despite having followed exactly the same inial procedure, you are now both equipped with Magic and in fact, by turning face up the two piles, you will both nd yourself having incredibly separated the RED-SUITED CARDS from the BLACK-SUITED ONES:




B. Magic

Explanaon of STEPS 2) and 3): Before reading the following, you are strongly advised to take your playing cards in hand and try yourself to perform the effect as your spectator will have to perform it, being instructed by the illusionist: at the end you will not fail to amaze you, I can guarantee it! To understand how the trick works, just repeat every single step of the effect with all cards FACE UP! You will thus realize that the first key to the secret consists in the fact that you initially have the cards really alternated but the two piles will not be identical while they will have the order of colors specularly reversed: if in the first pile the first card is red-suited and the last black-suited, in the second it will be exactly the opposite: the first black-suited and the last red-suited. This will ensure that, by overlapping the two piles, two cards of the same color of the suits will come into direct contact and the two halves of the deck will always have the colors arranged in mirror order. So that when we deal the cards, alternating them in two new piles, these will not turn out, as we would expect, one entirely composed of black-suited cards and the other of red-suited cards, but both consist of three black-suited cards and three red-suited ones; not only that, but between the two piles, once again, the colors of the suits will be arranged in mirror order: if the first has three redsuited cards followed by three black-suited cards, the other will be, conversely, consisting of three black-suited cards followed by three red-suited cards. Ribbon spreading out one of the two piles on the table corresponds in practice to reversing the order of the cards, since the last two will be the first among which we will insert the top card of the other pile ... If you have tried to perform the effect while reading re ading this explanation cards in hand, han d, you will now have perfectly understood the principle by which it works, but I am sure it will have amazed and amused you too, as much as it amazed and still amuses me! Similarly, in step 3), having closed the fan of cards for the first time, by counting the first six cards you will have reversed their order and consequently the two piles, although looking similar (both alternating red and black-suited cards) will instead be perfectly specular: if one has a black-suited card at the bottom, the other will have a red-suited one, as well as for the first card and every other ... . .. So, by now you will have understood that by joining the two piles and then alternately distributing distribu ting the cards in two new ones, they will not be one composed of red-suited cards and the other of black, but each will have three suited cards of one color and the other three of the color opposites too. This means that by inserting the cards of one in the fan of the other, in the end the cards will really be separated on the second attempt! It is incredible how such a simple principle can be so difficult to guess, so much so that I have also misled many magicians and mentalist friends to whom I had the pleasure of showing it. The fact that the viewer sees the trick happen only when the illusionist wishes it will completely eliminate the possibility for him to think that he has simply performed a self-working effect (which instead corresponds to the truth!) And, in any case, the three different phases of the routine will make it impossible for any audience to remember the execution, even of a single step. For the same reasons, it is absolutely not recommended to allow anyone to record the entire routine video.



B. Magic

Credits and Acknowledgmen Acknowledgments ts This eect would not have seen the light without having been able to read and perform with extreme sasfacon “E-Oil “E-Oil and Water ” by Roberto Bombassei, contained in his Italian eBook entled “In “ In Your Hand Vol. 1”, 1”, which I strongly recommend to read. An eect very similar to that of Roberto, but not executable in the hands of the spectator, is described for the rst me in “Oil “Oil and Water ” by Karl Fulves, Fulves, contained in his book “More “ More Self -Working Card Tricks”. I am innitely grateful to my illusionist friend and writer Roberto Bombassei, not only for giving me his kind permission to publish this eBook, but also for giving me the idea of the nal eect in two parts, which I in turn inspired him and which has become step 3) of this fantasc roune you now have in your hands! “Virtual Oil and Water ” also owes its nal form of roune structured structured in three phases to the genius of my other great friend Magician and Master: Felipe Suau. His was the idea of starng with a performance of “Oil and Water” by the magician, who could also illustrate the methods and reasons for each procedure then required of the viewer for the success of the eect. Also by Felipe is the beauful idea of transming “the power of Magic” from the magician to the spectator and thus demonstrang that the eect will only be successful for the holder of “power”, completely eliminang the possibility that the spectator will later reconstruct the self-working eect by himself. I also thank my friend and Magician Natalino Conni, Conni, for the wonderful work he has once again been

able to do, creang the cover image and taking care of the layout and the numerous illustraons accompanying this eBook… And last but most mo st importantly, I thank you, dear reader read er,, magician or mentalist who you are, for trusng

once again to this new job of mine and for taking the trouble to arrive paently unl the reading is nished.

God bless you all! B. Magic



B. Magic



B. Magic

What they said about “Virtual Oil & Water” “This me Biagio has surpassed himself, because when you go to touch a classic, and this is true in all elds, the result is not obvious... He managed to conceive a roune in which the dicules

“Great and beauful roune. So subtle! The rst phase as I followed instrucons really fooled me bad… Love these moments… I think I will use it… “

are essenally nil, keeping all the charm that characterizes the eects of this type... The pdf is very elegant, well wrien and illustrated enough to beer understand some salient points of the roune. In the eighteen pages of the pdf, the descripon and presentaon of the eect are wrien in a clear and understandable way to everyone, and it is not a foregone conclusion. One of the strengths of this roune is certainly the simplicity, easy to perform, immediately and by anyone. The eects that involve the spectator are hands-o: he only has to follow the direcons of the magician and everything happens automacally.

 John Carey , Professional Magician and Author

The interesng thing is that the automac eects will remain incomprehensible to those who are not  provided with the detailed detailed explanaon explanaon of the eBook. eBook. It doesn’t need any kind of gimmick, just normal  playing cards. Another extraordinary thing about this eect is that it manages to amaze the performer himself... the magic of the simplicity of Magic.“ 

“This Virtual Oil &Water   is excellent! Who would have thought one can create a decepve oil and water roune that happens enrely in the hands of a spectator who could be sing at home  parcipang remotely via a zoom call? Biagio has done that! that! If you you are a fan of sleight-less eects, as I am, or if you are limited to remote performances due to ongoing lockdowns and limitaons on live performances, this should interest you very much. I can highly recommend it ...”  Chris Wasshuber  Founder of www.Lybrary .com .com

Davide Ruba Remond  Review on www.Pres 

“ This is an amazing handling and is truly a hands-o hands-o,, impressive oil and water that the spectators can do in their own hands. The convincers that are present heighten the surprise ending for the spectator who has become the magician. This can be done virtually or with the spectator across the table from you. Superb thinking pung together classical phases of oil and water to make it a real presentaon piece leng the spectator be the star.”  Jim Croop, from Indianapolis, on “The Magic Cafe Forum”

“... A solid roune, well structured!” Werner Miller  Magician and Mathemacian


“... As usual you did a high-quality job, excellent work also from the point of view of graphics and text uency... Very interesng... a job well done, this once again demonstrates your great passion...  A roune like this generally, if you don’t work a lot, it is impossible not only to conceive it, but above all to translate it into wring, because this is even more dicult work and you know it well!“ well!“ Pino Rolle Professional Magician and Vice-President of the Magic Circle CADM in Turin.

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