BI Per Final Paper1

September 7, 2017 | Author: Hema Shunmuganathan | Category: Foods
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NAME: …………………………………………………………………………… Section A Read the story below and answer the questions that follow. Pak Mat had a farm. He had a cow, a chicken, a goat and a duck on the farm. He took good care of the animals. The animals loved Pak Mat. They worked very hard for him. One day, Pak Mat was planting corn. While he was busy working, a snake bit him. Pak Mat cried out loudly. Comel, the cow heard him. She quickly called Guni, the goat, Chicky, the hen and Danny, the duck. They went looking for their master. They finally found him lying in the field. Chicky, the hen and Guni, the goat quickly ran to get Mak Som. She was cooking in the kitchen. When they found her, Chicky and Guni made a lot of noise. Mak Som chased them to the field. There they saw Pak Mat on the ground. She quickly called her neighbours to get help. A few days later, Pak Mat was getting better. He and his wife were grateful to their animals. They had saved his life. Circle the correct answer. (10 marks) 1. Pak Mat had a chicken and a (goose, duck) on his farm. 2. Pak Mat was planting (corn, paddy) in the field. 3. The snake (bit, scared) Pak Mat. 4. Chicky and Guni found Mak Som in the (bedroom, kitchen). 5. The animals saved (Pak Mat’s, Mak Som’s) life.

Answer the questions. (10 marks) 1. Where was Pak Mat when the snake bit him? A) At home

C) In the kitchen

B) In the field 2. Who heard Pak Mat’s cry for help?


A) Guni the goat

C) Chicky the chicken

B) Comel the cow

3. How many animals went to get Mak Som? A) Two

C) Four

B) Three

4. What was Mak Som doing in the kitchen? ______________________________________________________________________________

5. What did Mak Som do when she found Pak Mat? _______________________________________________________________________________ Section B Circle the correct answer. (10 marks) 1.The ______are on the table. A) glass B) glasses C) glasse 2. Sea creatures _______found in the oceans. A) is B) am C) are 3. The football belongs to _________. A) their B) they C) them


4. The hospital is _________the bank and the clinic. A) between B) under C) on 5. The goby is ________than an angelfish. A) small C) smaller D) smallest Section C Circle the correct word. (10 marks) 1. I (take, takes) the bus home. Leela (take, takes) the bus home, too. 2. I (walk, walks) home from school. Anita (walk, walks) home from school too. 3. We (has, have) twenty pins. 4. Sam and Mat (cycle, cycles) to work. 5. You (is, are) my best friend. 6. They (is, are) my uncles. 7. I (am, are) a pupil. 8. Ahmad (play, plays) the guitar. 9. Those children (has, have) red caps. 10. She (like, likes) spinach. Section D Circle the most meaningful sentence. (10 marks) 1.

A) A mend shoes. B) A cobbler shoes. C) A cobbler mends. D) A cobbler mends shoes.



A) Ali’s father is a postman. B) Postman Ali’s father is. C) Postman Ali’s father. D) Ali’s father postman.


A) Mat’s is reading. B) Hobby is reading. C) Mat’s hobby is reading. D) Mat’s hobby reading.


A) Susan does not like ice cream. B) Susan ice cream does not like. C) Susan not like ice cream. D) Susan not ice cream.


A) The hen lays an egg every day. B) The hen an egg every day. C) The hen every day. D) An egg every day.

Section E Circle the sentence with the correct punctuation. (10 marks) 1.

A) Ben: Merry christmas! B) Ben: merry Christmas! C) Ben: Merry Christmas! D) Ben: Merry Christmas.


A) Do you want to read this book. B) Do you want to read this book? C) Do you want to read this book! D) Do you want to read this book



A) Rosie and i have to clean the class. B) Rosie and I have to clean the class! C) Rosie and I have to clean the class. D) Rosie, and I have to clean the class.


A) There are oranges, apples, bananas, and mangoes. B) There are oranges, apples, bananas and mangoes. C) There are oranges apples bananas and mangoes. D) There are Oranges, Apples, Bananas and Mangoes.


A)The hospital is at Jalan rimba. B) The hospital is at Jalan Rimba. C) The Hospital is at Jalan Rimba. D) The hospital is at jalan rimba.

Section F Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the box. (10 marks) listened to some songs

took many photographs

type out my letter

wanted to bake a cake

ironed his clothes

talked to each other

boil some water

cooked tomato rice

keeps meat and vegetables

washes his clothes

1. I used the computer to ____________________________________________________. 2. Azhar _______________________________________________on his CD player. 3. We __________________________________________with my father’s camera. 4. Cheng Soon __________________________________________with the electric iron. 5. Could you _______________________________________with the electric kettle, please? 6. Radha and Kiranjit _________________________________________over the telephone. 7. My mother _______________________________________________but the oven was not working.


8. Sheila ______________________________________in the rice cooker for dinner. 9. Mrs. Appadurai _______________________________________in the refrigerator, so that they stay fresh. 10. Chong ___________________________________________using the washing machine every day. Section G Study the information given below. Then answer the questions that follow. Famous Person 1 Zang Toi • Malaysian fashion designer • Born in Kelantan in 1961 • Won many fashion awards

Famous Person 2 Nicole David • Malaysian professional squash player • Born in Penang in 1983 • First squash player to win the World Junior title twice

Famous Person 3 Nelson Mandela • Former President of South Africa • Born in Mvezo, Union of South Africa in 1918 • Fought for anti-apartheid cause in South Africa


Complete the table with correct answers (20 marks) Famous Person 1

Famous Person 2

Famous Person 3




Nelson Mandela





Year of birth


Place of birth


squash player

9)___________________ ___________________


5) ___________________ 6) __________________

Penang, Malaysia



4) ________________

8)___________________ ___________________

first squash player to have won the World Junior title twice


10)__________________ ___________________ ___________________

Section H A) Change the underlined words into simple past tense. Rewrite the sentences. (10 marks) 1. The frog changes into a handsome prince. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. She lets down her long hair. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. The mermaid goes to see the sea witch. ______________________________________________________________________________


4. The girl follows the white rabbit. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. She puts on the glass shoe. ______________________________________________________________________________ B) Change the underlined words into the simple present tense. Rewrite the sentences. (10 marks) 1. They slept under the tree. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. The queen was very angry. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. It sat under the bridge. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. The dog barked. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. He chopped down the giant beanstalk. ______________________________________________________________________________





………………………………………………… PN HEMA SHUMUGANATHAN


………………………………………………….. PN LOH KEE AI GKMP BAHASA



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