Bhavat Bhavam From House to..

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Bhavat Bhavam from house to house - Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vedic Astrology

Constant Atmakaraka Arudha Visheshika Lagna BPHS Jaiminikarako bhava bhavat Karakamsha PranapadaBPHS Yogakaraka Karakatwa Jamini Main Lagna lagna Karakamsha karaka bhavo pati bhavam (kinship) Sutram nashto Page

Bhavat Bhavam "from house to house" = 'born again"

Amsha - Amshaka

"Bhavat bhavam" is the principle that:

matters of a given house are also read-able in the house which is the same number of bhava distant from the lagna. 1 of 10

second iteration of karaka effects = double strength

Bhava = "birth (place)" = "house". The phrase "bhavat bhavam" can be translated into English as "from house to house". For example children and great works of performance art including winning at games =

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Bhavat Bhavam from house to house - Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vedic Astrology

bhava distant from the lagna. "Bhavat bhavam" is a key predictive principle in chart interpretation it will give good results if diligently applied.

children and great works of performance art including winning at games = produced in Vimshottari dasha periods of lord of the fifth OR in the periods of the lord of the 5th-from-5th, L-9 (or periods of the karaka Guru); schooling = completed in periods of lord of the fourth OR in the periods of the lord of the 4th-from-4th, L-7 (or karaka Budha); career advance or public dignity increased in periods of periods of lord of the tenth OR in the periods of the lord of the 10th-from-10th, L-7 (or the multiple karaka Surya, Guru, or Shani) etc.


P ortfolio of the House



Bhavam" House 1

Flesh-body appearance and its status markers, social personality, vital energies, life-force animation, competitive abilities, birth, muscular and blood systems.

House 2

Eyesight, hearing, voice, money, tradition, family, values, death, accumulation of skandha, knowledge of history and languages, recordings and records, lineage values, acquisitions and collections, accumulation and gathering, banks and containers "Capital", the head (caput), teeth, hair, face, jaw, tongue

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2nd-from-2nd = House 3

Wealth from Wealth Self-made wealth is the result of taking one's existing capital (2, usually from family lineage 2) and parlaying that capital into a business development (3). Naturally 2 must be capitalized in order for 3 to draw upon the resources of 2. Business success depends on the resources of speech, hearing, writing in 2 Peak development of major personal wealth occurs in periods of L-2+ L-3, + karaka Budha/Shukra.

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Bhavat Bhavam from house to house - Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vedic Astrology

House 3

discourse, mental process

3rd-from-3rd = House 5

mechanics of writing and painting, business communication including advertising sales marketing,

Announced (3) Communications (3) = Publicity Vimshottari dasha periods of L-5 = timing of fame from publicity "going public" (publishing) works of creative literature and theatrical performance,

hands, hand-craft, gestures, verbal exchange, publications, reports and announcements,

making announcements, gestural and imagistic communication through courtly (5) fashion and style,

media productions, meetings and conferences,

also periods of the "center of attention" karaka-graha Budha also the natural regulator of 3 and of course Surya should be hot and bright for celebrity events

siblings, teamwork, ensemble, group collaboration, hand-craft, manual skills, training, playing (touching, tocar) musical instruments massage

House 4

Schooling, licenses and examinations, home, homeland, patriotism, landed property, parents and schoolteachers, mother, mother's culture,

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4th-from-4th = House 7

Completion (4) of the Schooling (4) Bandhu bhava = Moksha. 4 = bondage to one's land, ethnic cultural roots, schooling, teachers and parents, retirement, and "the end of things". Vimshottari dasha periods of L-4 typically

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Bhavat Bhavam from house to house - Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vedic Astrology

Vimshottari dasha periods of L-4 typically indicate graduation from school, obtainment of a house or vehicle, burials, and other types of completion including death. Periods education-karaka-Budha and periods of L-7 also give diploma and license, house and car, and

social and emotional security, foundations

Parents of the Parents grandparents, particularly the mother's parents who are often important culture teachers and provider of deep acceptance and emotional security (if conditions in 7 are good of course!) = 4th-from-4th The first spouse (7) should have matching traits to the maternal grandparents.

House 5

Creativity, children, individual genius, intelligence, speculation, siddhis, fortune, charisma, poetry, romance, lovers, games, amusements, literary and theatrical performance

5th-from-5th =House 9

Blessing (5) of All Blessings (5) Grandchildren True Religion Children-of-the-Children = grandchildren bhava-9 = esp the first child of one's own first child. Overall, dharma bhava represents all of one's grandchildren. periods child-karaka Guru and periods of Lord of bhava-9 in the Vimshottari dasha show Timing of birth of children and grandchildren Self-expression (5) of Divine Intelligence (5)

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Bhavat Bhavam from house to house - Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vedic Astrology

periods religion-karaka Guru and periods of Lord of bhava-9 also show the ceremonies (theatre, 5) which involve taking religious vows (9) including marriage vows (9th = 3rd announcement from 7th union)

House 6

Animosity, imbalance, conflict, disease, debt, usury, poverty, financing (esp. business loans), arguments, police, military, drugs, addictions, domestic violence, war

6th-from-6th = House 11

Dissolution-of-Debt= Gain 6 = dissolution of agreements and promises 6 = debts and servitude 6th-from-6th = dissolution of the debt bond = gains Borrow money (6) to make money (11). Labor in servitude (6) provides eventual economic gain (11). What doesn't kill you (6) will make you stronger (11). Loans-from-Loans Labor-from-Labor = economic profit loaned (6) capital and service labor (6) generates a product in the workplace. Disenfranchised (6) laborers (servants, employees) create a product but they are not directly involved in creating business profits. The owner of the means of production must labor again (6th from 6th) to shape, transport, or otherwise convert the original labor so that it can become a commodity in the market (11) Achievement of goals based on indebtedness,

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Bhavat Bhavam from house to house - Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vedic Astrology

Achievement of goals based on indebtedness, long labor in servitude or exploitation, and in conditions of social conflict (6) -- in other words, goals for which one has paid in suffering -- are marked by periods of L-11. 11 is neither a trine nor a kendra. Positive results in 11 = hard-won The karaka for 6 which are Kuja, Budha, and Shani also show the amount of 'blood, sweat, and tears' (respectively) involved in achieving many of life's most important material goals. Enemies-of-Enemies 11 = friends the strong is bhava-11, the more one's friends will go to combat (6) against one's enemies

House 7

contracts, agreements, marriage, partnership, balance, success in negotiations, unions, alliances, diplomacy, balanced designs, arrangements, exchanges, balance

7th-from-7th = House 1

Union of Unions Naturally, the agreement of all agreements is the unification of one's flesh body with the spirit and soul of the true personality All external partnership is the expression of internal balance (or lack thereof); marriage is a mirror of the self Timing of marriage is seen equally in periods of (navamsha) L-1+ L-7, or karaka-Shukra. (Or, unfortunately, Rahu.)

House 8

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secrets, hidden agendas, taboo, healing, tantra, psychic powers, circumstances of death, divorce,

8th-from-8th = House 3

Revelation (8) of Discoveries (8) bhava-3 = "The News"

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Bhavat Bhavam from house to house - Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vedic Astrology

bhava-3 = "The News" sudden changes which occur in 8 then produce new information announcements such as birth announcements, death announcements, product announcements etc bhava-3 ruled by Budha is non-discriminating = 3 reports everything (unless constrained by Shani or other repressive agents) bhava-3 = the news about all cycles at all points in their destruction-and-rebirth process

circumstances of death, divorce, death of first spouse, surgery, disasters, emergencies, accidents, shocks, secret powers, destructionand-rebirth

Shock-of-Shock = Shocking News 8 = a shift in perception, a deep healing, a terrible shock 8th-from-8th = 3 = announcement of the disaster or the rebirth! periods of L-3 coordinated with periods of L-8 can indicate receipt of shocking news Naturally the news is only interesting if it's unusual or shocking!

House 9

wisdom-teaching, religion, rituals, priesthood, father, guru, fortune, grandchildren, preaching, world travel, philosophy, universities, temples, sacred shrines

9th-from-9th = House 5

Blessing (5) of All Blessings (5) Grandchildren True Religion Timing of birth of children and grandchildren is seen in all three: L-5+ L-9, and karaka-Guru

House 10 7 of 10

career, public dignity, social


Directors of the Directors

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Bhavat Bhavam from house to house - Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vedic Astrology

career, public dignity, social respectability, ability to impose the law, responsibilities, leadership, rank, profession, reputation

10th-from-10th = House 7

Directors of the Directors Leaders (10) rarely act without consulting their advisors (7) therefore those who give direction to the directors (10 from 10th) = advisors (7) Timing and signification of career events = periods of L-10+ L-7, and the karakas: Surya, Shani, Guru, and Budha (as well as karakamsha)

House 11

income, gains, fortune, networks of association, the marketplace of material commodities and ideas, achievements

11th-from-11th = House 9

Network-of-all-Networks bhava-9 = "who you know" (social network) includes deities, conversations of priests bhava-9 "what you know" (conceptual network) includes high philosophy, conversations of scholars beneficiary networks such as sangham or religious brotherhood are reflected in house-9; similarly, periods of exceptionally profitable gain can be predicted during periods of simultaneous strength of the lords of both 11 and 9 (and the two karakas, Guru and Shani)

House 12

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sanctuary, retreat, prayerfulness, privacy, distant lands, imagination, psychic communication with ancestors and spirit guides, knowledge of astral plane

12th-from-12th = House 11

Retreat-from-Retreat = Accomplishment of Goals On the simplest level, the abandonment (12) of abandonment (12) = engagement and re-vitalization of any project On a slightly more sophisticated level, the most powerful energy is this material world is

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Bhavat Bhavam from house to house - Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vedic Astrology

powerful energy is this material world is actually not-of-this-world. That is: anything goal that one can imagine (12) one can indeed achieve on the material plane (11). Imagination is the FOUNDATION of material reality It is essential to imagine the goal-achievement process in exquisite detail An elaborate mediation upon the hopes, wishes, dreams, expectations (including blockage from negative expectations) will show the most direct path toward realization of material goals Engagement of spirit guides particularly lineage ancestors (12) in any goal-realization project

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Bhavat Bhavam from house to house - Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha Vedic Astrology

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