BFG Campaign Necrons

April 1, 2018 | Author: Christopher Conway | Category: Armed Conflict, Leisure, Nature
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BattleFleet Gothic Necron revised Campaign rules with refits and appeals. Please feel free to email me with comments abo...


Harvest Fleet Necron Campaign Rules for Battle Fleet Gothic Harvest Fleets: Necrons are not typical of a raider type fleet, they may choose to show themselves only in small numbers in order to scout or gather information at first but when the Necron fleet chooses to attack a planet they do so in order to harvest and destroy that planet or fleet. Defending against a Harvest fleet is truly terrifying when losing means the Harvest of your systems. Necron Attack Rating & Initiative: 4 // Starting Campaign Fleet Size: 1,250 pts. Harvesting Enemy Ships – Campaign points (or Tech Points for Necrons) are awarded to harvest fleets by destroying enemy ships as well as Harvesting Enemy planets. Consult the table below for how points are earned in a Campaign. Conquering Planets: Necrons will not control systems but instead harvest planets and enemy ships. For each raid that the Necron player wins, he may harvest resources from the defending system for one campaign turn. Necrons do not have enough vessels in a raid scenario to Harvest an entire planet so instead will “steal” as many resources as possible before phasing out into space. When the Necrons win a battle type scenario (750+ points), the Necron player may take the defending players system that was fought over (or a neutral planet that was fought over) and Harvest that planet until its destruction. The planet is harvested for 3 campaign turns, after which the planet is considered as an uninhabited planet for the remainder of the campaign. Necron players cannot Harvest resources from uninhabited planets. Note: Forge Worlds / Hive Worlds can only be harvested using the Planetary Assault scenario with a fleet of 1500 points or more with the Necrons needing a complete Victory.

Harvest Fleet Campaign Points Source Escort Capital Capital Planet Planet

Event Destroyed Destroyed Hulk Captured Raid Victory Battle Victory

Points Harvested (round up) 1pt per two escorts 25% pts. Hull Value 100%pts. Hull Value 200% Planets Value for one turn Turn 1- 300% / Turn 2- 150% / Turn 3- 50%

Necron Promotion Table Necron fleets are lead by Necron Lords in the same way that their ground forces are lead. The Necron promotion table also directly controls what refits the Necron fleet will have access to. This is done with a Tech level system and as the Necron Lord climbs in rank so does his ability to use refits for his fleet. Only refits equal to or lower than the Tech level of the Necron Lord are allowed to be taken on any ship. If rolling randomly, re-roll all results of a higher Tech level than the Necron Lord. If the

Renown 1-5 6-10 11-20 21-30 31-50 51+

Necron Promotion Table Title Ld Tech Lvl Re-rolls Bronze Lord 10 1 1 Silver Lord 10 1 2 Gold Lord 10 2 2 Titanium Lord 10 2 3 Platinum Lord 10 3 3 Ctan Harbinger 10 4 4

Necron Lord is demoted to a lower level, than he loses the ability to use any refits of a higher tech level until he is promoted again.

Spending Tech Points / Using Appeals Campaign Tech Points Repair Ships 2pts. per Hull pt. New Ships Cost = Hull Value Refits Cost = pts. Listed

Appeal Granted Reinforcements 4+ Refits 5+ Appeal Chart 6+

Designer’s Note: Necrons receive free appeals much less often than any other race. Reasons for this could include the fact that Necrons are more spread out and don’t necessarily communicate with one another, making it difficult to request for aid. Receiving free gifts from the C’tan is also extremely rare and only the most loyal and worthy Lords receive such gifts. Refits come equally as rare, as Necron technology is costly to improve and the required Necrontyr that are capable of modifying Necron tech are difficult to find. Due to the rare number of Appeals that will be granted to Necrons, Harvesting planets to create new ships and modifying existing ones is extremely important. Should the Necron player be defeated, the defeat will be hard to recover from.

Necron Refits Necron Engine Refits (Random Roll - 1 or 2) Engine Refit

Tech Lvl Type

Effect Points Random Necron Vessels are easily the fastest ships with their ability to travel large distances without entering the warp. Any The Necron vessel can now travel faster before using the inertialess drive and recieves a +5cm to Movement 4/6 1-2 Speed. Any ship may take this upgrade a second time at Tech level 3.

Inertialess Drive Power Relays


Augmented Power Matrix


This upgrade allows better control of the Inertialess Drive at short distances so that Necron forces do not jump Any different distances. Roll 2 Dice instead of one and pick the highest result when rolling the distance for All Full Ahead orders.

Inertialess Brakes




Inertialess Manoeuvering Matrix



Drives without the burden of Inertia can stop at any time. Necron Ships with this upgrade are no longer required to move the full distance while under All Ahead Full and may stop at any time during their movement.



This upgrade allows the Necron ship to capitalize on its ability to turn at any time without regard to its speed.Capitol Ships requires 5cm less of movement to turn for both Normal Movement and All Full Ahead Any Orders. Ships with this upgrade may also make up to one additional turn under Normal Movement, Burn Retros, and Come to New Heading special orders (Must meet minimum movement requirements). May not use if the ship has a current Drive Damaged critical that needs repaired or while the ship is Crippled!!!



Necron Ship Refits (Random 3-4) Ship Refit

Tech Lvl

Improved Stealth Hull


Reconstruction Scarabs


Reinforced Living Metal


Relayed Logic Computer



Effect The ship has been outfitted with the Shrouds improved stealth systems. The ship will never activate orbital Any ≠ Shroud mines or grant enemy ships +1 Ld to Command Checks while this ship is on special orders (Necron Ships lose this ability while Crippled) The Necron Ship has been refitted with builder Scarabs that remain on the hull to aid with repairs. During Capital Only the Necron player's end phase, roll a D6 for each ship that has taken damage with this refit. On a 5 or 6 the ship regains one of its hull points. This ability cannot be used if the Necron ship was on BFI during its turn. The reactive hull has been fitted with reinforced repair metal allowing the Necron Ship to repair itself much quicker before it must brace.The Necron Ship's Reactive Hull has been increased by +1 while not on BFI orders. Raiders (5+) Shroud & Scythe(4+) Tombship (3+) Necron ships rarely faulter with their highly encrypted communication network. The relayed logic computer adds a secondary network to ensure that every order is carried out. The Necron Ship may roll 3d6 for any Capital Only Leadership check and discard the highest roll. This refit cannot be used while the Necron Ship is crippled. If the ship suffers a Command Core Damaged critical result then the ship may not use its Relayed Logic Computer until repaired. Any











Necron Refits cont. Necron Weapon Refits (Random 5-6) Weapon Refit

Tech Lvl





Advanced Teleporters


Scythe & Tombship

The Necron ship has longer range teleporters to allow it to portal Necrons into enemy ships over greater distances. Portal range increased to 15cm (This does not affect normal Hit and Run Attacks)



Auto-Lockon Matrix




Necron ships with this refit may use Solar Pulse and the Sepulchre while on Lock-on Special Orders (Lock-On still only allows re-rolls to Lance and Weapon Batteries) The Necron Ship Has been outfitted with additional Portals and Necron Warriors that confers a +1 to the Portals of any ship and an additional +1 against boarding actions.


Harvester Class



Intensified Pulse Generator


Scythe & Tombship Scythe & Tombship Scythe & Tombship







Lightning Storm Generator



Random Special



The Necron Ship has the range of its Star Pulse Generator increased to 30cm Necron ships create immense lightning storms while within a planet's atmosphere destroying everything that dares to come near. Now the Necron ship can generate such storms in space as well. Lightning Arc and Particle Whip is only reduced by 25% while on All Ahead Full, Come to New Heading, & Burn Retro special orders. Lighting Arcs are now immune to column right shifts from blast markers. Roll on Special Refit Table (Used for random refits only)

Designer’s Note: The Necrontyr were a race obsessed with technology more than any other race in Warhammer. It should come as no shock that the Necrons would continue that obsession long after they left their mortal bodies. It’s only normal that the Necrons would upgrade and alter their ships after they awoke to counter each new threat. The next page includes Special refits that I designed as an additional challenge to those facing against the Necrons for both in and out of campaigns. Some of these refits originate from the original codex and thought too powerful to make it into the final version. Reffrences to the Reaper Scythe is a Necron Scythe with the Sepulchre upgrade for 325 points.

Necron Special Weapon Refits Special Refit

Tech Lvl


Shroud Sensory Network


Shroud Only

Gauss Annihilator


Effect (Necron Shroud Only) Necron Shrouds have been upgraded to communicate with other Shrouds within proximity to provide the Necron fleet with a near perfect projection of the enemy fleet. This upgrades the Necron Shroud Class Cruiser to give a bonus +2 to Ld Checks while the enemy is on special orders. This upgrade is further increased to a +3 Ld when two or more Shroud Cruisers are in play with this upgrade.

Scythe & Tombship & Scythe ONLY. Gauss Particle Whip by-passes Shields and Holofields on a 5 or 6 instead of a 6. Tombship





8 Scythe 12 Tomb


Capitol Ships may be outfitted with ordnance type Scarabs launched from Scarab Hives which latch on to enemy ships and cause critical damage by shutting down the ships' most vital systems. Scarab Hives act as ordnance and move in a straight line directly between the ships and must contact any fighters that may block their path. Enemy Ships may use turrets & any other defences against ordnance. Due to the nature of Scarabs being so small turrets can only destroy them on a roll of 5+ instead of the normal 4+. Ships may use BFI to save vs. Scarabs but not to destroy them once they are attached to the ship. Scarab Hives


Capital Only

3Shroud 6Scythe If any Scarabs survive they will latch onto the target vessel and remain there until destroyed. Mark the target 12Tombvessel with a die to represent how many scarabs are attached to the vessel.For each Scarab roll a D6, on a 5 or Ship 6 the ship takes an automatic critical hit (Brace saves as normal). Every ordnance phase afterwards, ships with scarabs attached to them may fire their turrets to kill the remaining scarabs attached to the ship. Continue to roll a D6 for each Scarab still attached for critical damage. Ships may mass turrets together or use fighters to remove Scarabs but may not use weapons batteries or lances.


Note: Scarab Hives never need to be reloaded and are not represented on the table top by ordnance markers. Nightmare Field


Energy Drain


Reaper The Sepulchre has been upgraded to project terryfying images to the crew of each and every enemy ship within Scythe & range. Tombship & Reaper Scythe ONLY. Sepulchre now affects all ships within 20cm instead of only one. Tombship Range 10cm (Front)- Used against one enemy ship within range to make a Leadership check as the crew try to reroute power to stop the drain. If successful (enemy fails Ld) the Tombship recoves 1 point of hull damage and the enemy ship is treated as crippled until the end phase of the following turn. If crippled then treat the ship as a drifting hulk. (Shields, Holofields, and BFI will not save against this effect) The Tombship may not used Tombship this if Braced, Crippled, or has its Sepulchre damaged. Note: Ships treated as a Drifting Hulk take damage as normal until their Hull reaches 0. Do not roll on the catastrophic damage table until the ship is actually destroyed. Ships treated as Drifting hulks count as having 0 shields and 0 turrets. SHIP ARMAMENT RANGE FIREPOWER/STR

Tombship Scarab Hive




Scarab Hive




Scarab Hive







2D6 2




6 7

Necron Appeals RESULT Favoured Servants of the Star Gods - The fleet has become the choice servants of one of the C'Tan, and only takes part in most daring raids and most vicious battles. Every game that the fleet is victorious the C'tan offer the fleet a random refit for free. If the Fleet loses a game roll a D6 and on a 1 or 2 the Fleet has dropped out of Favor and loses this appeal. Nightbringer's Wrath - The Nightbringer has joined the fleet's flagship (Tombship only) for the next campaign turn. The Tombship gains an additional 8 Firepower to its Lightning Arcs and +3 to its boarding actions. In addition, if an enemy ship loses in a boarding action against the Tombship, the Nightbringer causes an automatic critical hit in addition to all other results. Dreaded Reaper - One of your capitol ships has become infamous for its lethal efficiency in the harvest, and its now familiar energy emissons sow terror in the souls of mortal crews. Select any Scythe/Tombship that has a Sepulchre equipped (if none or multiple have one then select randomly); it becomes the Dreaded Reaper and must now be equipped with a Sepulchre. At the beginning of a battle that the Dreaded Reaper takes part in, all enemy ships must take a leadership test. If they fail, they suffer a -1Ld modifier until the end of the game. The Dreaded Reaper may be the object of the Vendetta's sub-plot every game it participates in (opponents choice). Stalkers in the Dark - For a long time you have watched a group of insolent mortals who believe they are mighty enough to stand against the Necrontyr. Time has come for them to know the terror of death… The next game you are automatically the attacker and D3 of your Ships/Squadrons may deploy anywhere on the table that is not within 30cm of an enemy vessel (after all other deployment has been completed). Bronze Necron Lord - A Bronze Necron Lord has been sent to your fleet and may be added to any ship that does not have your Fleet Commander on it. The Bronze Necron Lord confers an additional re-roll to that ship only for the remainder of the campaign. Rich Harvest -The next time you win a battle or a major raid, you gain an additional +1 renown for each capital ship hulk that is captured, as great numbers of souls are brought as offerings to the C'Tan in consequence of your mighty victory.


They Shall Know Fear - Flayed ones have replaced many of the Necron Warriors on a ship of your choice. The ship gains a +1 modifier for all Hit and Run attacks made against enemy vessels. Ships (or squadrons) must pass a leadership check whenever they attempt to board this ship for the rest of the campaign.


Pariah Genus - The C'tan have sent a host of Pariahs to be put on a ship of your choice. All Enemy ships within 15cm suffer -2 to their leadership. This effect does not stack. Pariahs stay on the ship for the remainder of the campaign.

10 11


Death Strikes at the Deciever's Choosing - During the next campaign turn you automatically win the initiative roll. You may choose the battlezone in which to fight and the opponent must place his entire fleet before you do. Schemes of the Jackel God - The machinations of the Deceiver have led to the enemy bickering and quarreling among themselves. This presents you a perfect opportunity for a swift strike that will bring fear to the hearts of mortals. The next battle/raid, your opponents fleet may not go onto special orders for the first D3 turns. When Ancients Awake - Another Tomb Complex has recently become active again, and hosts of Necrons take battle on the planet's surface and activate their starships. This causes a great strain on the mortal armies, as they are forced do divert forces to protect previously safe areas. The next campaign turn, your opponent reduces his points value by 2D6x10 and you may include a Scythe Class Capital ship in your fleet for free.

Designer’s Note: Please enjoy the revised Necron Campaign rules. These have been play tested at my GW and lots of hard work went into making them. Please share with me your experiences with these rules if you decide to use them. Errors within the document or rules that may be to underpowered or over-powered can always be revised. Thanks!! --Conway

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