Beyond Duality_ the Art of Transcendence

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BEYOND DUALITY: The Art of Transcendence


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BEYOND DUALITY The Art of Transcendence By

Laurence Galian



Copyright © 1995 Laurence Galian

All rights resevered. No part of this book, in part or in whole, may be reproduced, transmitted, or utilized, in any form or by means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, exceot for brief quotations in critical articals, books and reviews.

International Standard Book Number: 1-56184-076-9

First Falcon Edition 1995 Second Printing 2012

Cover art by Bobby Campbell & Arshia Etemadi

The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1984

Address all inquires to: New Falcon Publications 9550 South Eastern Avenue • Suite 253


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Dedicated to the loving memory of my beloved mother Lillian Coffey Gagliano, January 16,1922 - October 12,1994


For when all is equilibrated, when all is beheld without all, there is joy, joy, joy that is but one facet of a diamond, every other facet whereof is more joyful than joy itself. —Aleister Crowley

The key to the manifestation of all things through the differentiation into pairs of Opposites and their union in a Third. — Dion Fortune

Any technology that does not account for both elements of its component dualities will ultimately fail. — Stephen Mace

Your desires shall become flesh, your dreams reality and no fear shall alter it one whit. —A. O. Spare

Experience physically the tidal-tug of the amplitudes. — Philip K. Dick


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thank you to the following friends and colleagues for their support, both of this book and of my work in general: Charles Rizzo who has been my closest friend and comrade, Mary Holly, Linda Crenwelge, and M. Crimson. My eternal love and gratitude to Josephine Ufert who gave me the most precious gift, and to her husband Frank and son Karl. I wish to express my appreciation to Denise Cuttitta, the Cover Artist and Illustrator, for her extraordinary artistic vision. The creative ideas of Denney Colt have been invaluable. I especially want to thank Teresa Nolan for her invaluable and expert proofreading and editing of the book.



Part I Ups and Downs Vibrating Universe Power Centers The Sacred Body Interdependency The Two-Way Flow of the Universe The Natural Kingdom The Flip Side Balance Equilibrium The Inherent Contradiction Practical Application A Visual Metaphor The Triangle of Manifestation Examples of Ideas and the Contradictions Contained Therein Step By Step The Secret Formula Why Do We Need to Equilibrate?

Part II 12

The Hegelian Dialectic The Force That Moves Mountain Symbionts Polarity Transcended The Nature of Reality IT The Roswell Declaration Liberation From Belief Do Affirmations Really Work? The Deepest Stratum Atavisms and UFO's The Aspects of a Human Being Anger Learn How to Clear the Mind Answer Your Own Prayer Archetypes Blueprints Make Room For What You Want I'm So Excited! The Unmistakable Stamp Binding the Opposing Force The Equilateral Cross Fix Your Heart to a Star Magnetize Yourself For Success The Flow of Time You Already Have What You Want Respecting Our Inner Selves Wisdom From the Qabalah The Secret Heart of AUM An Analogy Taken From University Life Hindu Philosophy The Triangle of Manifestation as Encountered in the Tarot Reverberations of the First Essence The Way of Power Contentment You Got To Be In It To Win It Something to Think About


How to Super-Charge The Triangle of Manifestation Save Your Marriage

Part III Using the Way of Power A friendly Admonition Bodily Fields Creating Thought-Forms The Complete Way of Power Sigils Talismania The Ground Is Where It’s At Lightning Rods The Caduceus of Hermes as Portrayal of The Triangle of Manifestation Serpent Magick The Serpent Lightning Rod. The Magickal Buddy Conclusion Afterword About the Author


PREFACE This is a book of magick. There is a magickal power that arises through the reconciliation of duality. You can use this power to help you manifest your personal goals. Herein are contained the arts and techniques of utilizing this state of magickal equilibrium for spiritual growth, personal power, and success. Within this book "buried treasure" is brought to light. I have unearthed for the reader magickal concepts that have long lain hidden, unused, and unappreciated in the metaphysical literature. The theories and methods of ancient sages and occultists are introduced in a straightforward manner that is clear and useful to the modem magickian. In this comprehensive guide not only do I bring these concepts into the light, but I design magickal methods to help you to have the full and abundant life you deserve. This book is specifically directed towards practitioners of the Western Mystery Traditions, Qabalah, Chaos Magick, Ceremonial Magick, Wicca, and Shamanism who have had an introduction to the principles of magick and who want to expand upon their knowledge of this field. When I first set out to write this book I intended to write a book on the subject of imagistic magick (otherwise known as "Creative Visualization"). However as the work evolved it became clear to me that what I had to say embraced a much wider, but interconnected, range of subject matter. While setting my thoughts down on paper I realized that I was


exploring the very mysteries of the process of creation itself. Over time this work became an investigation into the very nature of reality and the precise techniques that will enable you, the reader, to manifest what you want in that reality. Herein you will be introduced to a complete system of magick that I call The Way of Power. The Way of Power is a series of magickal techniques and practices. This system is a clear and objective method for achieving your goals in life. Here you will discover the True Keys to Unlocking the Storehouses of the Universe! The Way of Power is a system of magick intended to help you restructure your beliefs about your reality. The Way of Power will restructure you if you let it. A different person will finish reading this book than the one who started reading it. I wish to acknowledge some of the people (living and deceased) whose lives have greatly influenced my own: Douglas Adams Ahkenaton Aisha, Upon Her Be Peace Amergin Apollonius of Tyana Clive Barker Sheikh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-Halveti Ingmar Bergman Botticelli Albert Camus Jean Cocteau Robert Steven Connett Tom Cowan Aleister Crowley Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati Charles DeLint James Gerard DeMartini Philip K. Dick Linda Folorio Sigmund Freud


Dion Fortune Robert Goddard Kenneth Grant Paul Gustav Dore Hermann Hesse Jesus of Nazareth Joan of Arc Omar Kayyam Alexie Kondratiev Lao-tzu Gunnel Lindblom Morgan Llewellyn Stephen Mace Leo Martello John Matthews Terence McKenna Gustav Moreau Kaledon Naddair Nietzsche Nijinsky Anais Nin Anthony Norvel Sheikh Nur al-Jerrahi al- Halveti Hazreti Pir Nureddin Jerrahi, The Axis of the Sufis Hazreti Muzaffer Ozak al- Jerrahi al-Halveti Wilhelm Reich Jalal al-Din Rumi Austin Osman Spare Jean Paul Sartre Rachel Pollack The Prophet Mohammed, The Pride of the Universe Ayn Rand Israel Regardie Rudolph Steiner R.J. Stewart J.R.R. Tolkein Liv Ullmarm Richard Wagner


Barbara Walker Ophiel Wallace D. Wattles Racquel Welch Robert Anton Wilson Yung-chia Finally, there is one being, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, who must be recognized, I am referring to Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice Great Hermes) the first framer of this philosophy. Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence is the result of a long evolutionary process in my soul. I discovered creative imagination in 1977 but for quite a while I experienced only sporadic results when I employed its methods. Perhaps you have had the same experience when you tried visualization...some goals materializing within hours, while other goals continuing to remain elusive. There was definitely something to this system of magick— creative imagination worked, it just didn't work consistently or reliably. Sometimes it produced change in my environment, sometimes it didn't. I knew I didn't yet have all the answers. I was getting only unpredictable and partial results; I wanted to produce a more precise effect. Yet I blamed myself. I put the book down and thought "It must be my fault. I must not be visualizing long enough, or vividly enough." Over time it occurred to me that the books gave good, but incomplete, information. Years of metaphysical research and practice have revealed to me that there is a missing factor in almost all books of magick on the market! This glaring omission renders all these books practically useless. Creative imagination books, even the best, have left out an extremely important spiritual concept which is absolutely necessary to make visualization work on a steady basis. I learned about creative imagination "the hard way"—by doing what doesn't work. In the process of manifesting my life goals, I have discovered what does work. This new work reveals this overlooked element and gives precise directions on its utilization. Some of this knowledge was known prior to the Egyptian age.


For centuries observers of human nature have sought the hidden patterns and webs of forces that lie behind our behavior. These men and women, who dared peer into these hidden realms, were called "Initiates" for they have been initiated into the mysteries of existence. Initiates often wrote down their wisdom in a coded or 'veiled' style. Others encoded their wisdom in pictorial form as in the Tarot Cards, the Hindu Yantras, or as in the Hebrew Tree of Life. Additional wisdom was interwoven into myth and fairy tales. But these "maps of consciousness" have been deciphered by only a select few mystics and practicing occultists who have had the ability to "read between the lines." As you may know, if you look up the definition of the term "occult" you will discover that it simply means: concealed or hidden. In Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence I have lifted the concealing veil. I have removed all the mumbo-jumbo, the obfuscation, and the endless rambling contained in the works of occult authors. This book exposes the very essence of their teachings. Several concepts will be introduced, including the magickal heart of the book "The Triangle of Manifestation." Furthermore, we will explore Sigils, Talismans, and many other Meta-Programming, Cyber-Shamanic, and Chaos Magickal techniques. This information has never before been revealed to the public in this form! This book will teach you how to communicate and impress your will upon the Spirit Realms thereby causing certain subtle shifts in the operative paradigms, which in turn will modify your environment. To create miracles, one must become a miracle! Accordingly, this work helps you to explore issues involved in becoming a whole person, and in realizing that you are a star. Effective magick is not so much based on what you know, but on what you are. Throughout this book you will see the word "MAGIC" spelled as "MAGICK" with a "K." The "K" distinguishes Magick as a path of soul-development as distinct from slight of hand or illusion as practiced on the stage. May Isis part her Veil for you through the words of this book.


Come, let us travel to the point of infinite possibility. Laurence Galian December 28,1994 10:14 AM Hempstead, New York




UPS AND DOWNS The teacher brought the student to a flight of stairs and bade him ascend the staircase. The student did as he was told and when he was at the top, his teacher beckoned him down. When the student had descended the steps the teacher sent the student back up and then down the stairs several more times. Several times the student wondered to himself while doing this exercise if there was any point in it at all, or if maybe his teacher harbored some secret desire to see the student exhaust himself by climbing steps. Finally the teacher asked the student: "So now what do you know about the staircase?" The student thought for a moment and began tentatively: "It has ten steps." The Teacher remarked: "Well said. What else can you tell me about this staircase?" The Student answered: "The staircase moves me from one place to another." "So, it's an 'up' staircase?" "Well, that depends on which direction you're heading." "So are you saying that it is both an 'up' and a 'down' staircase depending on your point of view?" "Yes, it was 'up' while I was traveling up and 'down' when I was traveling down.' "Well then, tell me which is the superior step." The Student thought long and hard at this question because he was sure it was a trick question.


"I think all of them are important, sir." "Are you certain it's not that last step all the way up top?" For a moment the student thought that he should agree with his teacher, but then decided to be true to his own perceptions. "I perceive that no one step is any more important than any other. The first step is just as necessary as the last step." "Good, very good. They are all interdependent upon one another." The Teacher continued: "One step can not be superior to any other step, for all are absolutely necessary, absolutely essential if one wishes to have a complete staircase." The analogy of a staircase can be useful in understanding many situations in life. We perceive levels of learning, vibration, and experience in the people and events around us. But note, each and every level is as necessary as another to the complete and effective functioning of the whole. The idea of "staircase" involves an interconnected and interdependent whole. The staircase simply IS.


VIBRATING UNIVERSE Hermetics teaches us that all the universe is in vibration, from the lowest planes to the highest planes. Just like a piano, being played by a concert pianist, vibrates from its lowest notes, to its highest. For too long spiritual writers and thinkers have portrayed a universe that is hierarchical, the bottom being bad/evil/materialistic, and the top being exalted/good/ spiritual. For many of us, our religious upbringing consisted of learning the physical body was "sinful" and that the only thing of value in a human being was the soul or spirit. Unfortunately, the echoes of that body/soul dichotomy are still found in the writings of some modern metaphysical thinkers. They are fond of talking about "raising one's vibrations," as if being on the twelfth floor of a building was superior to being on the first floor! If that were the case, elevators would be holy objects and we'd all have achieved illumination by now. Let's again consider the concert pianist. As we listen to him or her play, we are aware that a musical composition is a vehicle by which composers express their experience. Our bodies, too, are vehicles of expression. They are the expression of the spirit-world. Now the piece of music isn't the composer, it has a life of its own. Yet when you hear the music you say "that's Beethoven," or "that's Bach," or "that's Wagner." You recognize the composer in the piece! The composer's essence is mystically intertwined with his or her composition. As a master-piece of music wears the stamp of genius,


we wear a "stamp of spirit-force." And what is Spirit? It is US! We wear the imprint of our own FUTURE! Our future selves are calling out to us, echoing within us. Let's get back to the concert pianist... Looking at the piano, can we say that a musical note 3 octaves below middle C is inferior to a note 3 octaves above? The lower tones of the bass are just as necessary as the higher tones of the treble. Music exists simultaneously in a state of creation and dissolution. At the very moment it is created it also gives up its life. It is a beautiful expression of the nature of the universe, like the candle flame which always exists at that perfect balance point, the flame is always being born out of the Unmanifest. As the Great Hindu God, Krishna, says "I make and unmake this universe."


POWER CENTERS The universe is wholly interconnected. Recent scientific research has confirmed this ancient magickal way of viewing the world. Its interconnectedness can be likened to a giant Persian or Oriental carpet. Reflect on how this beautiful middle-eastern carpet is full of vibrant color and design; then, consider the way that the threads are woven together to create this work of ART... every thread interdependent upon the other. The same principle of interconnectedness holds true for a good pot of stew. All the flavors blend together to create something which is greater than the sum of its parts. Our lives are a continuous interplay of energies between us and this web of life with which we are interconnected. Our every thought affects the web. The Way of Power uses this knowledge to work with the web to empower our magick! Within the web there are energy centers to which we can attune ourselves. Our goal is to harmonize with these localities. Different spiritual teachers have given various names to these power centers —vortexes, power-spots, nature devas, animal totems, WatchTowers, Gods and Goddesses, archetypes, and consciousness resonance matrices. By whatever name they may be called, these energy centers within the web are great untapped wells of highly organized power. From these centers you can channel energy to manifest your goals using The Way of Power outlined in this book.


THE SACRED BODY The body is and isn't the person. What is meant by this? Simply that as human beings we have a dual nature that must be honored and integrated. The seed of the Spirit is contained within the Body, just as the seed of the Body is contained within the Spirit. G. K. Chesterton wrote: "Lo, blessed are our ears for they have heard; Yea, blessed are our eyes for they have seen." We must thank, acknowledge, and honor our sense organs for the joy of experience they bring to us. The body is the MANIFEST; the UNMANIFEST is the spirit. The manifest and the unmanifest both are equally valid, important, and necessary. It's so simple. You don't have to go any further than your own nose or your weekly bowling night to find God. To paraphrase the Koran "Allah is closer than your jugular vein." Let us once and for all get rid of the archaic and patriarchal notion that the universe operates like some kind of medieval castle in which there is a hierarchical chain of command extending from the King all the way down to the Serf. We don't so much have LEVELS as ASPECTS. It might be a lot more healthy to think of ourselves as having various aspects rather than hierarchies of levels. "Levels" imply that parts of our being are "better-than" others. "Aspects" implies an interconnected whole. We have biologic aspects of our natures that must be understood and embraced. For they can be the direct means to influence the spiritual aspects and thereby produce CHANGE on the physical plane!


Is walking slowly somehow inferior to walking quickly?


INTERDEPENDENCY Like steps of a staircase, and notes on a piano, each part MUST be present for the whole to function properly. Just because one plane vibrates at a lower frequency than another plane, the former is not inferior to the latter. Bass tones vibrate at a lower frequency than treble tones, yet both tones are essential to the total effect of the music. The physical universe is sacred and just as "spiritual" as any "soul" that priests and theologians might think up. Consider an ordinary flashlight battery. Look at or visualize one. Can you imagine if the battery only had a positive end, but not a negative end? What good would it be if it had only a positive pole, but not a negative pole? It wouldn't be functional. It wouldn't work. It wouldn't even be a battery. Most importantly of all, from a magickal point of view, it wouldn't be charged! Every substance in this universe is just as significant as any other substance. We miss the quality of a substance because of our sense limitations, not the substances. Take the case of the mineral Cesium. To the naked eye Cesium appears to be a soft, silverywhite metallic substance that is liquid at room temperature. Our eyes cannot perceive that the atoms of a Cesium molecule vibrate at over five billion cycles a second! There is so much in this wide universe that is unseen, unheard, unperceived by our senses, yet nonetheless exists. It is a medieval notion that nothing exists which we cannot perceive. We human beings have room in ourselves to admit to experiences which do not


fit into the scientist's test-tube. Whole realms of existence interpenetrate the reality which is accessible to us through our bodily senses. There exists a kind of arrogance among scholars and scientists. If a theorist's ideas do not fit neatly into the scientific paradigm, then those theories are regarded laughable and pathetic by the scientific community. Why? It is only through questioning authority that humanity makes advances in its collective wisdom. Rather than being laughed at, renegades of science should be praised for blazing new trails in human consciousness. It takes courage to look for that which human beings are unaware. These cosmic scouts are the brave ones! At present, some astronomers are exploring the possibility of an unknown force in the universe. These same astronomers think that, besides gravity, there is a force of which humankind is unaware and which is responsible for the distribution of matter throughout the cosmos. Some astronomers and physicists are now speculating that the great expanding fire-ball of the universe is actually a huge, growing fractal! Never let anyone insinuate that because your thoughts are those of the poet or dreamer, that they are in any way inferior to the downto-earth concerns of the business of science. Our world is getting more spiritual and magickal moment by moment!


THE TWO-WAY FLOW OF THE UNIVERSE The universe flows in two directions simultaneously. This flow is comparable to Alternating Current. Electronics teaches us that the flow of electricity in the wires in our walls, in our appliances, and so forth, actually changes direction and polarity at a rapid rate. This rapid changing of direction or polarity is what 'alternates' in Alternating Current. The rate of this alternation is sixty cycles per second, which is to say that the current changes its charge back and forth from positive to negative sixty times each second. From the rapid oscillation of Positive to Negative and back again, comes the powerful flow of Alternating Current. If only one polarity were used the strength of the current would be vastly reduced. Think of how this balancing of energies can make your magickal work even more powerful! In the cosmos we meet two chief forces: spirit and matter. How does the Two-Way Flow of the Universe manifest in the cosmos at large? Spirit continuously manifests matter, and matter continuously manifests spirit. From out of the spirit worlds matter is continuously being spewed forth. This mystery is like a great ejaculation; the divine convulses in a state of ecstasy and produces matter...and then matter answers as humankind has sex and in the moment of sexual orgasm calls out to God. At the same time, without matter there would be no spirit. There is a saying in the occult community that goes: The Gods need us as much as we need the Gods! We, by our very human and


physical natures, permit the Spirit World to Exist! We emanate from our bodies this Spirit World. This reciprocal operation of the cosmos is very important to remember in your magickal workings. The Divine would be unknown if it wasn't for us. It would still be a Great Unknown Mystery. We make it come alive as we enter into relationship with it. Our bodies are the expression of the Divine. This fact might cause us to pause and ask ourselves 'So who is there really to pray to?' Those individuals who say "God is Dead" are wrong, they just don't realize that their mundane bodies give rise to the Divine; they only need to look at their physical forms and they will see God. At this point I want to pause a moment and describe what I mean by the word spiritual. The spiritual realm is not some insubstantial, airy, ethereal place. The Spiritual Realms are in a way more real and concrete than the physical world. The Spirit World is filled with power, substantiality, and presence. I recommend you work on changing your consciousness with regard to Spirit and begin to see Spirit as the Power Matrix from which the physical world manifests. As a person's spirit eyes start to open he or she will begin to realize that he/she has had it backwards all along... The Physical World is thin and gossamer compared to the Spirit Realm. This Universe needs all its aspects to Be a Universe. Take one aspect away, and the wall comes tumbling down. Puff, no more Universe!


THE NATURAL KINGDOM Nature is not always "fair" as some people would define the term. Some of the laws of nature call for destruction. Part of the natural ecology of animal life is that animals are killed and eaten by other animals every day. Even in your own back-yard, feline sadism is displayed in a goodnatured old tom "playing" with a mouse. There is not so much justice as there is balance in nature. There are earth-quakes and there are rainbows. There are tornadoes and there are sunsets. There are thorns and there are roses. Frankly, I've never seen a moral lion. Lions must kill their prey. The animals which are killed obviously do suffer as they die. We must not fall into a comfortable illusion of a pastoral and untroubled natural world. One of the first rules of the Magickian is to OBSERVE carefully and dispassionately his or her environment. Notice the details around you, not just the pleasant parts, but include ALL that is dark and terrible in nature. Since we humans are part of the natural world, it should not be a shock that a combination of pleasing and displeasing events would occur in our personal lives. It may not be realistic to expect smooth sailing all the time. Perhaps a more healthy view would be to take into account. THE TWO-WAY FLOW OF THE UNIVERSE and develop the skill of walking between opposites.


THE FLIP SIDE Am I saying then, that we must invite into our lives pain, sorrow, and suffering...all the negatives? No! But we must acknowledge that just as a shield has two sides (as do coins, bed-sheets, and pages) so too does the Universe have two sides. Ultimately there is really no way to say one side is better than the other, since both sides emanate from the Ultimate Reality. Even in the language of the Christian religion, "evil" is necessary to show God's love. For example, the Father's Son is tortured and crucified on a Cross for our "sins." If there were no "sins" there would be no need for an atonement and a crucifixion. Consider this: the Christ's message was to preach love. If Satan is Christ's enemy then it is only through a profound love of that foe that enmity is reconciled. To love someone means to accept them in their entirety. In the Jewish religion there is no devil per se, rather Satan is the "adversary." He is there to test the Chosen People. He enjoys audiences with Yahweh. Satan gets to frequently converse with and challenge the Almighty. Thus, through the effects of the Dark Side (in this case Satan) the individual is proven a faithful believer. In Islam and especially Sufism, the devil "Iblis" enjoys some special attention and honor. Mohammed, May Peace Be Upon Him, said: "The throne of Iblis is upon the ocean and he sends detachments in order to put people to trial..." It is in the very nature of physical plane existence that the Ultimate Reality must manifest in a simultaneously positive and


negative polarity. First, we admit to ourselves that the dark side, the "shadow" side of life, is a reality and then, we embrace the Dark and integrate it within ourselves. The Dark is only dangerous when it is ignored and repressed! It is through the encounter with the opposite that real achievement can arise. So, our goal is not to remove "evil," but to equilibrate unbalanced thoughts. Thoughts that remain lopsided, in other words, not confronted with their opposites, are distorted thoughts. Distorted thoughts give a false view of reality and thereby confuse any magickal working we may attempt. When we equilibrate unbalanced thoughts we achieve an integration within ourselves and we create a coherent self! I would submit that what we term "evil" is not a lower vibration but a state of turmoil produced from damned-up energy fields inside us. When we block the free flow of sexual energy through repression, guilt and fear, the sex energy must find some outlet. Neurosis is the result of damned-up sexual energy. The consequence is that the sex energy expresses itself inappropriately and in twisted ways. Or else if it is so damned up that it cannot get out in any way, sex energy will begin to fester and cause all sorts of diseases and mental illnesses. Sexual energy deprived of its normal target is forced to seek fulfillment elsewhere. It is the Magickian's task to transform his or her mind. You can transform your mind in many ways. When the teacher utters: "Wake Up!" the teacher is attempting to rouse up your Self from its lethargy. One time-tested way of doing this is to transform your being by energizing it. You can energize your being through the method of synthesizing opposites. By synthesizing contradictions you begin to achieve a unity of being and purpose. Unity arises through the equilibration of all opposites into the point of transcendence. You then become a lightening bolt of power, transcending all contradictions. Your total power becomes greater than the sum of your parts. This is the Great Alchemical Marriage that is spoken of in the ancient texts: the annihilation of two ingredients at the birth of a third.



BALANCE Everything must be balanced in this Universe. You can't go very long in one direction before the pendulum starts to swing back in the opposite direction. This isn't just a spiritual principle, it manifests every day on the physical, emotional and mental planes of existence. A plane flying east from New York, provided it has enough fuel, will eventually end up back in New York. At a certain point on the globe it ceases going away from New York and starts heading back towards New York. That's the nature of living on a globe. It could not be otherwise. The Globe, Our Mother Earth, completely balances the forces of East-West, and North-South. We would be wise to look to nature to learn the deepest secrets of esoteric wisdom. Night and Day, Summer and Winter, Life and Death, Male and Female, all opposites manifest and are balanced in the world. No doubt, many of you have seen the Yin-Yang symbol ( ). This symbol perfectly expresses the divine interplay of forces of negative and positive polarity. When meditating upon this symbol one first sees that it is a circle. All is contained within that circle. The circle represents the Ultimate Reality. Think of a wheel. The center of the wheel is always at rest. The center balances all opposites. In fact, all the opposites in equilibrium make possible the idea of the wheel. As you gaze at the Yin/Yang symbol, you perceive interweaved light and dark areas. These areas express the coupled nature of the


universe—the day and the night, the light and the dark, the summer and the winter—each aspect of the cosmos coupled with its opposite.

AN EXPLOSION OF ENERGY "She loves me; she loves me not; she loves me; she loves me not." Remember this game from childhood? How many of us have actually tried this? Believe it or not, this children's amusement has a basis in reality. It is the remnant of an occult mystery. When we chant "She loves me, she loves me not..." we are balancing one thought with its exact, polar opposite. We are deliberately setting-up a contradiction in the mind. We put the mind on overload. The result is that the mind cannot satisfy both these two contradictory concepts, and hence reconciles them. In the process of reconciliation, a kind of energy discharge occurs. At the moment the two statements are fused there is released an outburst of energy. This is exactly what happens when matter and anti-matter are brought together. The duality is nullified and power is released. This undifferentiated power can in turn be used magickally.

HORUS AND SET The two ancient Egyptian Gods Ra-Hoor-Khuit and Hoorpaar-kraat, otherwise known as Horus and Set, are identical. Horus was the child of Isis and Osiris, he is called Heru "The Hawk of Heaven" or Hero. He represents the conquest of the sun over the darkness. Set is the brother of Osiris, who slew his brother and is called the "Bringer of Confusion," "Agent of Chaos," "and "Champion of Darkness." Horus sought to avenge his father's death by fighting with Set and overcoming him. Yet, in the sense that any idea can exist only by virtue of the contradiction contained within it, the two Gods Horus and Set are really two poles of one Ultimate Reality. I recommend that you meditate for a while on the occult maxim: "I am because I am not." Explore the discrepancy and the insanity of this statement. Delight in the contradiction. Then enter into the Silence of Transcendence. The silence is the key to the understanding of the relationship of Horus and Set.


EQUILIBRIUM There is a state of awareness in the Universe that the awakened ones possess. In this state of awareness, all opposites unite: dark and light, day and night, pleasure and pain, hot and cold, and so forth. There are myriad ancient sayings which express this view, such as: "There is a reverse side to every shield." "Everything is and isn't at the same time." "All truths are but half truths. "There are two sides to everything." "I am because I am not." "Form is nothing but void, void is nothing but form." Opposites are in fact only two extremes of the same thing! A coin might have two sides, but they are the two sides of ONE coin. It is by arriving at this mountain top level of realization that enables you to manifest your goals through The Way of Power. An ancient and wise saying of Hermetic Science says: "As above so below, and so below as above." The "above" has been called the Macrocosm, or the Larger View of the Universe, the "below" has been called the Microcosm, or the Personal View of the Universe. We human beings are the entire cosmos in miniature. When we magickally work on ourselves, we are simultaneously magickally affecting our environment. The expression "Man was made in the image and likeness of God," illuminates this concept of Macrocosm and Microcosm.


Human beings need the Gods as much as the Gods need human beings.


THE INHERENT CONTRADICTION The secret to The Way of Power lies in the concept of The Equilibrium. The entire universe exists in a state of balance. To maintain this state of equilibrium every idea in the universe must hold within itself its own contradiction. Consider the matter of love. There is a contradictory force contained within love. We are not referring here to hate, which would be love's opposite, but we are referring to the opposite contained within love. What would this contradictory force be? How would it manifest? A perfect example can be seen in the concept of "tough love." What is "tough love?" This is a special modern technique taught by therapists, counselors, and those experts in family dynamics. The practice of "tough love" can best be explained through illustration. Take the case of a woman who has a son in his twenties that refuses to work. He just sits around all day and watches television. Now one day the mother comes home after a session with the family counselor and announces to her son that he must get a job or else she will be forced to ask him to leave the house. Weeks pass and the boy doesn't get work; he's still watching "talk-shows" when the mother arrives home in the evening. At this point the woman has another session with her family counselor and, when she arrives home she tells the young man to leave the house and not to come back until he has obtained work. Now to an outside observer, this action of the mother may seem


cruel and heartless, in other words, casting her son out into the world without so much as a job or money in his pocket. Yet, to the discerning witness of this drama, the mother's actions are nothing other than altruistic love. For she is forcing her son to "wake up and smell the coffee!" She is, in reality, helping her son to assume responsibility for his life. Although seemingly cruel, she is actually deeply loving him. Thus we see that when an individual practices "tough love" he or she sometimes has to cause pain to the loved one. The individual sometimes must force the loved one to go without food, housing, affection, and so on, to teach him or her a greater lesson in love. In fact, in order to truly love them, the only choice in such situations is "tough love." What in other contexts might be construed as hate, when viewed in the context of "tough love," is seen as nothing other than love. The secret of The Triangle of Manifestation is that we equilibrate our desired thought by thinking of its inherent contradiction.


PRACTICAL APPLICATION Let us now create "The Triangle of Manifestation." First, we picture in our mind an Equilateral Triangle. We begin by concentrating on what we do want. If our goal is to manifest love in our life, we would begin by thinking of ourselves being in love. This thought of being in love creates the first point or bottom left angle of the Triangle. Then our next step would be to think of the apparent contradiction of being in love. For example, we would think of ourselves practicing "tough-love." This now creates the second point or bottom right angle at the base of the triangle. When the two thoughts are thus balanced, both thoughts accelerate together (like opposite poles of two magnets attracting one another) and are immediately annihilated and destroyed, creating a magickal THIRD POINT OF TRANSCENDENCE (or Point of Infinite Possibility) at the top point of the triangle.


A VISUAL METAPHOR Something similar to The Triangle of Manifestation occurs in the process of eyesight. Think how we use two eyes in the operation of seeing. The first eyeball delivers its information to the brain, while simultaneously the second eyeball delivers its information, but from a slightly different perspective to the brain. At which point and time, the two divergent "views" are magickally synthesized in the brain to create a "Third" view. The resultant "3-D" experience of eyesight is the Third Point of Transcendence. Two pictures (from the right eye and from the left eye) combine in the brain and are synthesized into a Third picture in 3-D! The stereoscopic visual experience is greater than the sum of its parts. With two eyes we experience depth and perspective; yet, if we only saw out of one eyeball we would see only a flat and twodimensional world.







Movement Intelligence

******************* A parent teaching a child to ride a bike—the parent needs to risk letting the child fall in order for the child to learn to ride the bike ******************* Self-discipline A flower unfolding slower than the eye can see ******************* A stage magician doing a card trick faster than the eye can see (sleight of hand tricks) Common sense Tears of joy



******************* Bittersweetness Discretion is the better part of valor ******************* Walking away from a no win situation ******************* Turning the other cheek


******************* Walking softly but carrying a big stick A healing crisis ******************* Chemotherapy

******************* Health



******************* Radiation ******************* Amputation to save a life S&M ******************* Enjoying tart foods, pungent cheeses, hot peppers, and so forth Any choice


******************* To get married ******************* Have a family

******************* Take a particular job Tact Truthfulness ******************* Prudence Intelligibility A document written in code A secret marriage ******************* An elopement Marriage ******************* An arranged marriage Astral travel Travel ******************* Watching a travelogue Wisdom When you are privy to special information Bittersweet ******************* Joy


Youth Hardness Getting Attention, Being Noticed Being Respected


Light Life

Nostalgia A mature child Bend like a reed in the wind When a teacher speaks very quietly to get the class's attention. When someone admires you from afar Rich in spirit ******************* Someone who's won the lottery but doesn't know it yet ******************* Someone who's inherited a fortune who isn't aware of it Blinding light Sleep


STEP BY STEP You can use the examples given above to create your "Triangle" or you can think up instances of contradictory forces yourself. Remember: do not think of the opposite...think of the contradiction inherent in the force that you want to draw into your life. This will take some thinking, but the energy you expend in figuring out the inherent contradiction, actually is part of the process of creating a paradigm shift in your life. A helpful formula to discover the contradictory force inherent in any idea is as follows: First think of your desired goal. Ask yourself: "What concept or idea would be expressed through the materialization of my goal?" For instance, if you were sick and wanted to get well your goal— getting well—would give expression to the concept of health. "Health" would be your first point of the triangle. You would then ask yourself: "What is the contradictory idea contained in the concept of health?" You might reflect on how a physician, in order to help an individual heal themselves, will sometimes cut into the individual's body and perform procedures which in any other context would be considered life-threatening. Or you might think of how cancer patients choose to take toxic poisons in the form of chemotherapy into their bloodstreams in order to restore their bodies to health. Cancer patients thereby save their lives by putting themselves in jeopardy through the injection of deadly chemicals into the bloodstream. They are doing something which in any other context would be construed as self-destructive, yet in this


context is highly beneficial.


THE SECRET FORMULA A helpful technique to assist you in discovering the contradiction contained in your desired goal is to use the following formula: When does (positive) appear to be (negative)! In the "positive" blank we would fill-in our desired outcome, and in the "negative" blank we would fill-in the opposite of what we want to achieve. In the instance of health, we would come out with something like the following sentence: When does health appear to be sickness?


WHY DO WE NEED TO EQUILIBRATE? In balancing each desired goal with the contradiction contained therein, we cause our thought to be re-born at the very point from which all creation manifests. When we balance each thought with the opposite contained within it, we cause our wish to be implanted within the fertile divine matrix. This divine matrix exists at the junction of the twofold movements. At this junction there are no opposites. Our wish manifests as a reverberation of the apex of the movement. This insures that the pendulum of polarity will not swing away from us and thereby take away our manifestation, for the idea behind the manifestation will be anchored in non-duality and balanced on both points of the triangle.





THE HEGELIAN DIALECTIC The resulting materialization of balanced visualization is often neither the initial desire nor the contradiction contained within, but instead a surpassing of the two. In philosophical terms this is known as the Hegelian dialectic: Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis. In magickal terms, Aleister Crowley illuminates this principle through the formula of I.A.O. "I" represents the Egyptian Goddess Isis. Isis represents the energy that flows at the beginning of any endeavor. She is connected symbolically to the Nile. She represents the virgin state of "the matter." Next we come to the letter "A" which stands for Apophis, otherwise known as Set. Set is the deceiver. This is the time when enthusiasm and ardor at the beginning of the venture is replaced by the dull routine. The energetic forward thrust of the Isis Force meets up with the inertia of the Apophis Force. Apophis represents the opposing force of that which we are invoking. Lastly, we come to the letter "O" which represents the Egyptian God, and brother-husband of Isis, "Osiris." Osiris was a mortal King, slain by Set who then rose from the dead. When Osiris rose from the dead, he became an Immortal God. Through his encounter with the Contradiction or Opposing Force (Set), Osiris becomes even greater than when he was a King. As Obi Wan says to Darth Vader in "Star Wars": "Cut me down and I will have more power than you can possibly imagine." Therefore to sum up, when we only visualize the positive, we neglect the occult fact that eventually the universe will pull the


pendulum in the opposite direction, thereby taking away our goal, unless we do something to counteract the opposing force! The solution is not to wage war upon the Opposing Force, not to exorcise it, banish it, or resist it, but to encounter it, and to find a way to integrate it into ourselves.



THE FORCE THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS How can we use this awareness of balance to create desired change in our lives? First, we begin by looking at the subconscious, or the dark part of our minds. I call the subconscious the dark part because it is not consciously accessible; it is always watchful and present, yet it is hidden (occult) from our waking minds. In order to contact it we have to access an altered state of reality. In other words, to contact the subconscious we must go into a hypnotic trance, a shamanic trance, day-dream, or practice lucid dreaming. Our beliefs about ourselves and our world are powerfully entrenched within the subconscious. It might be helpful when comparing the subconscious with the conscious mind to envision an iceberg. As you are no doubt familiar, only a tiny portion of the entire iceberg shows above the water line, and the rest of the body of the iceberg is under water I The tip of the iceberg can be compared to the conscious mind, and the huge mass under water can be likened to the subconscious mind. Often we go through minutes, hours, and even days operating totally from our subconscious. We think we are in control, but the subconscious has established its own agenda and is really running the show. We are ASLEEP! Walking Zombies'. Many try affirmations as a way to change the subconscious


programming. Yet, the subconscious will often "dig its feet in" harder when attempts are made to program it through verbal suggestions. To cause change to happen a person needs a greater or bigger force than their own conscious mind to cause that pendulum to start swinging in the other direction. The person needs to embrace a bigger principle. That bigger principle is a Force existing all around you and within you, at your beck and call whenever you're ready to use it. It is THE ALL. The Eastern masters have called it the "Tao." It is the YANG and YIN of Creation. The AC and the DC. The LIGHT and the DARK. Both aspects of polarity present and in balance. The techniques presented here utilize this force to empower and energize our efforts to change ourselves and our environment.


SYMBIONTS We are symbionts, like 'Jadzia Dax' in STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE. Our flesh depends as much on our spirit as our spirit depends on our flesh. Like it our not, one aspect can't exist without the other. Spirit and Flesh are merely two sides of the same reality; they can be somewhat independently analyzed, but only by acknowledging our being as a TOTALITY can the full REALITY of our existence be known. Many psychological studies have confirmed the interdependence of mind and body. We are not standing outside nature and observing it through a window. We ourselves are part of the nature we seek to describe. Our thoughts and perceptions can be greatly altered and distorted through bodily sickness and injury. These studies have not gone far enough, for not only is mind effected by the body, but the entire Spirit is changed in response to changes in the body. It is said that "You are what you eat." I'll go further and say: "You eat what you are." Our spiritual natures will give rise to how we manifest physically on the Earth plane, and hence will influence our choice of foods, our decision whether or not to consume animal flesh, and the way we take care of our bodies' health. If you wonder about people with handicaps of the body or spirit, and those who suffer, I would reply that in a global sense we are not individual bodies or spirits, we animate ALL bodies and our bodies generate ALL spiritual reality. I am every wo/man. Every wo/man is me. So each of us partakes of the reality of everyone else.


POLARITY TRANSCENDED Life is one aspect of death and death is one aspect of life. Death and Life are merely two sides of the same coin. We who are living look in the direction of death and imagine it to be a state of bodilessness, in which we are pure spirit. Yet, the dead stare back and imagine life to be a state of enslavement in matter. Actually no one is completely dead or alive, the living are constantly carrying around the seed of death within themselves, while the dead ensoul a seed of life. Yung-chia, the Ch'an Buddhist teacher, declares: "What is real is void; what is void is real." Transcend the opposites of death and life; find the Point of Singularity in which the two become One. Know that birth and death are the crest and trough of One Wave. We might begin to understand how this can be so if we cease thinking in a linear way. If our life and death can be seen as a simultaneity, then it is perfectly understandable how spirit and flesh can be so interdependent. In fact, when you pray or in any way attempt to contact spirit, you may very well be praying to your future self in its death manifestation.


THE NATURE OF REALITY Visualize a piece of cotton cloth. What is the cloth made out of? Cotton fibers of course. Take the piece of cloth and unravel it and what happens to the cloth? Has it disappeared? What do you have left? Cotton fibers. But the cloth wasn't an illusion was it? Of course not. It was real. But where is it now? We are left with a lot of thread. Just cotton. Now we can weave those threads together again and voila, the cloth reappears! Perhaps we can say the cloth reincarnated. The cloth has its being in the cotton . It manifests out of the cotton and returns back to cotton when it is unwound. Many cloths but just one cotton. Many beings, ONE Ultimate Reality. If you are wearing a gold necklace do I say "Please remove the necklace so I may see the gold"? I can't see the gold without seeing the necklace, and I can't see the necklace without seeing the gold. There are multitudes of gold jewelry in the world, but there is only one substance "Gold." All the gold jewelry comes from this one substance, the jewelry takes many forms and shapes, but they all arise out of this one substance—gold. The physical world isn't illusion or bad or fallen or mm/a—it is woven on the loom of the Gods out of Spirit Itself! So the universe is ONE. The physical world is not separate from the spirit world. The physical world is like a exquisite Persian Carpet, and Spirit is like the threads that make up the carpet. Spirit then is the ground of our being. Existence is not derived as such in the limited sense of being the


creation of some "god", it is the entity itself. The observer is one and the mirrors are many. The multiplicity of the mirrors does not affect the oneness of reflection in the numerous mirrors. So we see then what a tenuous thing this physical world is. From this understanding we can draw certain conclusions about how best to cause changes in our physical other words—how to make MAGICK! As the Neo-Pagan chant goes: "We are the weavers, we are the web."


IT "It" doesn't care whether you go to church or not. "It" doesn't care whether you join a religion or not. "It" is a mystery that comes and goes as "It" wishes, and when "it" wishes. That is all there is to "It". There is great danger in saying that "It" has to do with religion. There is great hazard in assuming one knows what "It" is. The more you try to identify "It" the more one confuses the issue. Beware of those who say they've bottled "It" and sell 'so-called' "It". "It" is not for sale. "It" doesn't require that you change your behavior, although "It" may change you."


THE ROSWELL DECLARATION Many people are greatly perturbed that the government of the United States hasn't released all the information it has in its files concerning UFO's. These individuals are seeking to introduce a law they call "The Roswell Declaration" which will declassify any information regarding UFO's or extraterrestrial intelligence. I agree that this information, if it does exist, is not something to which a privileged few in the United States government should have exclusive rights. It would be knowledge of profound importance to which all people throughout the world have an inalienable right. In an Action/Adventure movie, the hero often finds him/herself being chased by some "bad guy" through a ware-house or some such labyrinthine place. The hero plays a game of cat and mouse, choosing various hiding places. In order to distract the "bad guy's" attention, the hero throws a pebble so that it hits in a different location than where the hero is situated. The 'bad' guy immediately starts firing his gun at where the pebble landed, and the hero skirts away quickly while the "bad guy" is thus distracted. The mystery concerning UFO's is indeed worthy of investigation, yet it might be valuable to consider if the UFO controversy is a 'redherring' that the government has created to distract our attention from other unidentified and unexplainable phenomena that are taking place. All our attention is being distracted onto UFO's; of what doesn't the government want us to become aware? What if there was really much more to this phenomena than saucers and ET's? Some believe that the transformation of culture which dawned


during the 1960's was watered down by a sudden introduction of a myriad of 'causes'—Ecology, Save-the-Whales, Anti-Nukes, NeoPaganism, and so forth. I am not saying that we should ignore the extraterrestrial alien question. We should not discount that the government is diverting our energies and attention so we don't notice the something else which may be so monumental it currently escapes our notice. If individuals wish more information on "The Roswell Declaration" they should write: Center for UFO Studies, 2457 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659 and ask for a copy of the declaration. We are so intent on having information released about what went on in the 1940's and 1950's regarding unidentified flying objects, that we are distracted from asking ourselves what classified top-secret governmental 'studies' and 'research' is going on NOW! After signing the declaration ask yourself if you have heard of anything (besides UFO's) that is unusual and mysterious that would benefit from being examined. Are there energies out there that we are ignoring because our attention has been distracted by the UFO controversy? Powers, Non-Human Earth Intelligences, Forces, Time Travel, and Parallel Universes exist and we need to become aware of them. Soon as we limit our universe, and yes, concentrating on extraterrestrials and alien craft can divert us from other realities going on around us, we block from perception any possibilities existing outside our model of the universe. In our quest to find Extraterrestrials, perhaps we are being deluded into not looking for Earthlings. Might a new organism be evolving on the Earth? A new way of looking at real occurrences is being cultivated by certain artists, writers, and thinkers. The dead weight of materialism has long since proven ineffective in explaining BEING. Perhaps there lurks on Earth new beings, and they are us! The powers that be might not want us to look at the most obvious of places: ourselves. The new enigmas we find may be terrifying. Who says that the laws of the universe (in the way that we understand them) can not mysteriously evolve? The world was very different 5,000 years ago. Maybe the world will once again take another shift and people of the future will find us just as strange as we find the people of ancient Egypt. Maybe we will have Gods and Goddesses who walk the


Earth with us. Maybe Angels will be common place and no one will be called crazy if they talk to dead relatives. The world was once mythological. Then it became commonsensical as the magick evaporated into the books of science and academics. The rationalists then laughed at the minstrels who sang of a different world. Yet recently, academia has found that its delineations and borders are being deluged with new wonders. Are we at the end of an historical era? Science long ago discovered that the Earth had shifted on its axis and sort of flopped over on its side in the ancient past. Many people know that the Sahara desert once flowed with water and the Arctic once bloomed with tropical plants. And once upon a time the Sun was a God and the Moon a Goddess. Rivers were great serpentbeings. Fairy folk and mortals regularly had contact, sometimes they even intermarried. So how can anyone be sure that what we call "reality" is in fact a fait accompli? Mythology was reality to the people living it. Mythology is not a view of the world made up by primitive, young humanity and plastered over reality, but in fact was the way the world manifested to them! We may tend to forget that it wasn't too long ago, a mere couple of hundred of years, when our ancestors had daily experiences with the fairy world. Fairies helped with the farming, helped with the milking, helped protect the home. What I am suggesting is that we try not to get too wrapped up in comfortable patterns. Every time we say "I am a _____________", we chip away a little of our freedom. Baptists, Plumbers, Taoists, Democrats, Runners, Teachers, Notary Publics and Philosophers, are all labels which instantly numb our senses. These senses could perceive a larger view of who we are!



LIBERATION FROM BELIEF When we give up our 'security blankets,' we free up an enormous amount of psychic energy. Oftentimes, when this energy is released it spontaneously creates magick in one's life. For instance, many people are so afraid of facing the UNKNOWN that they cling to a various paradigms: a given religion, philosophy, psychology, or political party. When these people decide to take a naked look at their beliefs, suddenly the enormous amount of energy expended in shoring up the paradigm is liberated to manifest one's desires. Folks feel the need for continuity in their lives. Hence, the desire to follow a news story, a television series, soap operas, sports teams and so forth. Without continuity we feel surrounded by chaos. Yet, as magickians we know that chaos is the raw stuff of magick! I recommend that magickians stay aware of any patterns, habits, and routines into which they may be settling. Take a different route to work, listen to a different style of music, try out a fresh style of dress, comb your hair in a different style.


DO AFFIRMATIONS REALLY WORK? When people try to use "faith" and "belief" as a method of creating change, they often end up only affirming their incapacity. Take for example someone who wants to be empathic. Merely having faith and believing that one is empathic, does not make one empathic, even if the person keeps up the pretense to the end of his or her life. When you say "I wish", you are affirming that you lack something. When you say "I can", you are telling yourself that you're incapable. Wishing lacks courage. It's a passive thing. It's based on a belief that you can't give it to yourself. We need to make a paradigm shift from wishing to giving to ourselves. Inherent in "belief" exists a dishonesty of sorts. The Self knows this dishonesty, this hypocrisy. This kind of affirmation is, in truth, the Affirmation of Inadequacy. Robert Bly calls affirmations "optimistic lies." By bombarding the Self endlessly with affirmations, one is merely reminding oneself over and over that one is deficient in some way. The true belief that hides behind the affirmation "I am empathic" is that one is incapable of empathy. This True Belief Abides Organically In The Subconscious. The belief is alive! It has an organic existence. To believe (in a superficial way through affirmation) is but a show of pretense, and only serves to reinforce the qualities you are seeking to change. It does nothing to change the biotic pattern.


We are dealing only with the surface of our multi-leveled beings when we try to change our lives in this way. No wonder we can't cure cancer. If we are trying to affirm at a level that isn't even organic! When we do affirm in the old way we cause the subconscious to react violently. For it is angered, irritated, and upset by the constant barrage of lies being told by, the conscious mind. It, in a word, reacts. And this reaction may take the form of an even greater outer materialization of just the opposite of what one wants to manifest—in this instance one could become so un-empathic that one in fact appears to others as cold and supercilious. The organic belief is that one is incapable. When acted on by affirmations that state one is capable, the subconscious rebels by reinforcing and preserving the organic state. It digs its feet in even more, and becomes entrenched. Therefore, to change your life, I recommend that you make your belief organic and sub-conscious. In The Way of Power we not only work on the subconscious level, but we go further and actually work on the organic or physical level of our beings. One way to make your affirmations efficacious is to sing them! By turning your affirmations into song you are directly energizing them and simultaneously enlivening them on the subtle planes of existence. The process is something like incense smoke rising from the fiery coals up to the Gods. When you sing, chant, or intone, you Inflame yourself in Spirit. You light yourself on fire! In the act of singing the singer instantly goes into a state of trance and transcends the conscious. Through this transcendence the magickian directly changes the state of life conditions. Many self-help tapes have affirmations on side A and subliminals on side B. The subliminal sides of your self-help tapes are so much more valuable than the affirmation side of those tapes. There is almost a Zen-like beauty to listening to messages that aren't heard. I am not implying that subliminal tapes do not function as their makers say they do, I think the jury is still out in that respect. These "subliminal" messages may or may not be heard by the subconscious mind. But it really doesn't matter. I find that they effectively demonstrate The Way of Power. In listening to a subliminal tape, a person listens to "nothing" to


achieve "something." When a person plays a subliminal tape there exists in that person's being an Intention. That intention is then projected into the Great Silence of the unheard subliminals. The subliminals are in a sense words from the Realm of No-Thought, in that they aren't heard by the conscious mind. From this realm of Voidness springs all manifestation. One doesn't consciously hear any commands. There is no pressure brought to bear on the conscious mind. If the tapes don't work as the manufacturers say they do (delivering messages to the subconscious), this is even better, because then there is no pressure put on the subconscious. The act of listening to a subliminal tape is like dropping a coin into a fountain. Your wish is your coin and the Realm of No-Thought, the fountain. When businesses use subliminals to broadcast "I am honest. I do not steal. I pay for my purchases." masked by "Musak" over the public address system, then we are witnessing pure magick. I believe that it is not the "subliminal" effect that is so useful, but rather the intention of the manager of the store who is broadcasting these messages. This "intention" creates a magickal field within the store.


THE DEEPEST STRATUM Beliefs have a life of their own. They exist physically in the neural pathways of the sub-conscious mind; they simultaneously exist metaphysically in the spirit realms. If we follow the pathway down into the subconscious, we will eventually enter into the supersensible spirit realm. Authorities in Jungian psychology state that the subconscious is the doorway to the "collective unconscious." The "collective unconscious" can be defined as the inborn, unconscious, psychic material common to humankind, accumulated by the experience of all preceding generations. The collective unconscious is the Akashic Record written about and spoken of by sages and psychics for millennia. Paradoxically, by journeying deeply into yourself, you are actually traveling further outside the mundane, day-today self! The further you travel into the stratum of experiences contained in your subconscious, the closer you get to truly powerful archetypal forces of the universe, until you eventually arrive at the Ultimate Reality itself!


ATAVISMS AND UFO'S If we continue to journey further within ourselves, we uncover the past lives we lived as earlier evolutionary forms: animal, reptile, fish, protoplasm, and the rest! And if we continue our journey back into our unconscious we will discover our alien and inter-stellar origins. Everything that has ever existed or will exist is contained here in these subconscious and organic realms. Within our very cells we carry genetic memories of ancestral incarnations. If we awaken these atavisms to conscious life, we can take on their attributes and qualities. These atavistic powers have been known for millennia as: animal totems, helping spirits, maybe even the Gods and Goddesses themselves! How would you like the force of a Tyrannosaurs Rex when you must ask your boss for a raise? This is the kind of power we manifest in The Way of Power when we contact the deepest recesses of our beings. We do not simply skim the surface of our minds by repeating affirmation sentences all day long. With The Way of Power we actually awaken long dormant energies within the self that embody and personify the qualities and/or experiences that we wish to bring forth in our lives. We awake the Sleeping Giant! I tend to believe that the amount of attention being focused on the subject of UFO's and aliens signifies humanity's growing awareness that God is ALIEN I He is no longer the Kindly Father who answers our prayers and forgives our sins. After World War II many people began saying that God was


Dead, that no Loving God could have permitted the extermination of 6 Million Jewish People. But now with the advent of the counterculture and the New-Age Consciousness, people's spirituality is reawakening, but to a very different kind of God! We are realizing the true WEIRDNESS and STRANGENESS of EXISTENCE. And if all this springs form some central source or point, that POINT must be very foreign, outlandish, exotic, in other words: ALIEN to us.


THE ASPECTS OF A HUMAN BEING (Working from the level of immediate waking consciousness inward, the following states and experiences will be found inside the human being). 1. Conscious Mind (The Sentient or Aware Mind, which contains all that one is immediately cognizant of, and all memory which is accessible) 2. Subconscious Mind (The Storehouse of Memories) Past Experiences (including the information that has come in through our senses which we didn't allow to become fully conscious —consider for example how people can remember license plate numbers when hypnotized.) Past Human Lives (it may be helpful to remember that humanity is exceedingly old. Most people will go back in the past-life regressions only a few hundred or thousand years, not pausing to consider that humanity has existed for millions of years on this earth. Therefore, in all that time each of us has mastered innumerable skills, faculties, and talents, and these abilities are all alive and present in the subconscious waiting to be tapped. We have recorded and stored thousands of years of experiential information). Pre-Human Past Lives: Animal, Bird, Fish, Plant, Mineral Incarnations (we have all experienced pre-human lifetimes as we


made the journey from the Primeval Oceans to our Ape-like ancestors).

Future Lives (we can access interdimensionally our far-future lives. We are the Ancestors of our Future Selves! Our future selves are at this very moment looking back into their past and trying to make contact with us. They can "time-warp" into the present). Post- and Pre-Human Selves and Extra-Terrestrial Alien Incarnations (we are connected both through our distant past AND through our distant future with SELVES that are inter-galactic. Our origin and ultimate destiny lies in the stars).


Antecedents of the Human Race (The Deep Ones. Severe and forbidding guardians of the Gate through which the Outer Forces ever seek to enter human space and time). Outside Human Space and Time (The Great Ones of the Outer Void. "People who come for the other side of the sea" of interstellar space). The Void (The Unmanifest, The Noumenon, Chaos, through which all continually flows into existence. Everything which exists (all manifestation, all phenomena) streams out of the Void into existence).


ANGER Anger is just one pole of the magnet. It is not superior or inferior to any other emotion. We need to embrace our anger. By that I mean, we want to recognize the sacredness of anger. Many deities from all around the world depict "anger" in a sacred way. Kali, The Morrigan, Hades, Set, Mars, Minerva, Lugh, Thor, Vulcan, Odin, and Fion Mac Cumhail are all deities that express a divine kind of anger. They are the avengers, hunters, protectors, and warriors; Gods and Goddesses of death and slaughter. Even the Christian God Jesus took a whip and beat the moneychangers in the temple in Jerusalem and cursed a fig-tree for not bearing fruit! Anger is a part of the divine interplay of the universe. It is part of the Cosmic Dance. Instead of condemning yourself for feeling anger, recognize that your anger is a sacred, integral aspect of ALL THAT IS. There is nothing wrong with emotion; it is when we act on our emotions that we must then be prepared to accept the consequences of our actions. This is not to put a value-judgment on actions or on consequences...but it is a wake-up call to be careful to analyze ALL the consequences of one's they legal, karmic, emotional, mental, or physical consequences.


LEARN HOW TO CLEAR THE MIND Often it is through a process of emptying the mind that transformation can occur. Ironically, the most powerful changes in our life can be triggered by a moment of emptiness. What is this "moment of emptiness"? It is the time when the mind has been quieted for one reason or another. Often it is the moment when a person has completely exhausted all his or her options and completely gives up all the mind's schemes, plans, and stratagems. The 12-Step Program concept of "Let Go and Let God" is applicable here; this is one reason why "The Program" has been so helpful to so many people. For it is often only when one has "hit bottom" that one can truly empty oneself, dump the garbage, clean the slate, erase the disk, and begin anew! There are other ways to create this "moment of emptiness" besides having to "hit bottom." One method would be to perform physical exercise till a state of exhaustion is achieved. Another technique is through sexual stimulation to the point of orgasm, when the mind suddenly goes blank, and we experience what the French call the petit mart, or little death.


ANSWER YOUR OWN PRAYER From time immemorial people have prayed to their Creator. Many of you reading this book have probably resorted to prayer on occasion to petition certain favors from the Divine Source. But I invite you to now look at prayer from a unique perspective. One of the missions of the "New Age" was to help us all to become more aware of our inherent divinity. The "New Age" taught the general public that each person is an embodiment of the Divine. However, individuals on the path of Magick and the Western Mystery Tradition often think that prayer is beneath them, a kind of inferior way of working. Permit me to suggest another way of looking at prayer. Let us apply the "New Age" revelation of inherent divinity to our new way of looking at prayer. You may begin by saying your prayer in whatever form or manner you choose. After saying your prayer to whatever deity you are praying to, I suggest you then visualize yourself AS that very God/dess looking down on you! This is called assuming a "God-form." In ancient cultures, such as the Celtic and the Sumerian, individuals experienced the Gods moving through them. An architect would say: "The gods build the great cities." Let's take it step-by-step: you begin by saying a prayer in your own words, to whatever Higher Power to which you pray. Then visualize yourself as that particular God, Goddess, Archangel, Super-Hero, Fairy, Mythological Being, Tree, or Deva to whom you just prayed. Feel that YOU are your Higher Power! Actually take on


the form (in your mind) of your Ultimate Source. As that Divine Being say some words to this effect: "Yes, (insert your name), I hear your prayer, and will grant you your wish as you desire. I love you and hear and answer you." Then shower forth love onto yourself and see yourself having what you asked for, but from the perspective of God/dess looking upon you. Now you have completed the cycle full circle! You acknowledge that you are both the one praying and the one being prayed to. Your prayer can't help but be answered under these circumstances.


ARCHETYPES Everything in the universe has a support or energy by which it is upheld. This support or energy is known as an archetype. How do you recognize a chair? There are millions of different chairs in the world, yet you recognize a chair as being a chair in a fraction of a second! How is that? There must be some concept in your mind of what a chair looks like, a kind of perfect chair. From this concept of "chair" you deduce that the object in front of you is in fact a chair and you can sit down on it. This concept of "chair" is one kind of archetype that exists on the mental plane. An archetype then is a pattern, model, or paradigm of a given thing. We contain in our minds archetypes for thousands of things. But as we know, whatever exists on the mental plane also exists on the spiritual plane. In the spirit realms, there dwell archetypes of objects and possessions such as: chair, bridge, road, house, car, etc., as well as archetypes for qualities and powers such as: courage, beauty, grace, passion, love, strength, and so on.



BLUEPRINTS Whenever one wishes to build anything on the physical plane a blueprint is required. We can see this principle demonstrated every day in the world around us. Every bridge, building, highway, boat, car, and so forth, first existed as a plan in someone's mind. Only then, after the conception was well thought out, was the plan drawn-up as a blueprint on the designer's or architect's drafting table. After these first two stages, the actual physical materialization of the plan goes into effect. So we perceive three distinct stages: 1. conception. 2. plan. 3. physical action. To sum up: an archetype is the subtle cause for the physical manifestation of anything in this universe.


MAKE ROOM FOR WHAT YOU WANT You do not need to wrestle what you want away from someone else. There's no need to be jealous and competitive in this life. All you have to do is to tune-in to the archetype of your desired goal. Once you're tuned-in, then I recommend you provide a pathway for this archetype to manifest on the physical plane. For instance, if you want a car, but don't have a garage or parking space, you are blocking the flow of the car to you. Or if you want a wife but live in a rooming house with ten other guys, then there is no space for her to fit into your life. Please read between the lines here. You've got to make room in your life for what you want. You need to create channels for your desired goal to flow to you, and to do that you need to make space in your regular routine, in your home, in your car (clean out that clutter on the front seat), and in the way you think. If you keep thinking your usual thoughts and doing your usual habitual actions, then the NEW and DIFFERENT cannot enter into your LIFE! Smell new scents (try a different cologne...maybe stop wearing cologne for a while and just smell the natural "you"...try switching to "oils" instead of colognes), see new sights, take new and different roads to work, try out new foods and restaurants (eat a piece of fruit you've never eaten before, order a dish at the Chinese take-out that you've never tried), start to interrupt the meta-psychic programming of your mind. You need to shake yourself up—unsettle


the mind! Break the old patterns. Open a window in your life and let in some Fresh Air I Wake up those tired old mind-paths and blaze some new neural pathways in your brain. This will disrupt the old energy-fields that you have in your brain and will in turn change the energy-field in the environment around you.


I'M SO EXCITED! Raise your excitement level! Start vibrating at the frequency of that which you want!!! To do this you must get so close to your goal that you can practically taste it! If you want to manifest a car, go to show-rooms and test drive new cars. Get brochures. Read car magazines. Cut out pictures of the cars you'd like to have and stick them up on your walls . Maybe buy some fuzzy-dice, a can of fresh car scent. The sense of smell is very ancient and certain odors can awaken deep impulses and memories inside ourselves. Fill your senses, in a real way, with your goal and this will trigger your subconscious into action! I suggest that you go beyond just picturing your goals. To the extent that it is possible, I want you to actually experience your goals physically. Engage ALL your senses. Now of course not everything can be experienced for various reasons, and I don't recommend breaking the law. However, just about any goal can be experienced at least partially in some physical sense. If you want to go on a dream vacation, rent some travelogues from your local video store, go to travel agents and pick up brochures, hang posters of the place you want to visit on your walls.


THE UNMISTAKABLE STAMP Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you what thousands of other visualization practitioners have taught, that you must be clear about your intentions. You know that already. But you can't stop there. To make your magick effective, I recommend that you taste and smell your goal in a very precise and specific way. Then your whole being becomes magnetized and naturally reaches out, embraces, and accepts that goal into your life. The trick is to think of something UNIQUE about what you want. This somehow bypasses the brains usual defenses against being harassed by "visualizations." So if you want a car, think of your ideal car, but picture the exact kind of tachometer, upholstery, or engine that you want. If you want a lover, picture his/her body EXACTLY the way you would like it to be, and then concentrate on one part of it as you visualize. You have to teach your mind to FOCUS. Unless the mind is focused it will tend to dissipate the built-up magickal tension. You don't want ALL cars, lovers, apartments, and so on, you want one, so BE SPECIFIC! You may not get exactly what you visualized for, but what you receive will have the unmistakable stamp of your visualization, and you will recognize it when it appears.


BINDING THE OPPOSING FORCE In the past, magickians have sought to bind the opposing force of the force they invoke. With The Way of Power, however, this is not necessary, for when you utilize The Triangle of Manifestation you firmly secure the archetype of your desire at the point from which everything visible and invisible arises. Because the wish has been equilibrated and burned in the purifying fires of the "Triangle of Manifestation", the materialization is inherently balanced against the swing of the pendulum.


THE EQUILATERAL CROSS An added symbol of the secret workings of manifestation is the equilateral cross. The Center Point of the cross is exactly equidistant from each of the arms. All sides are equal. Meditate upon this image, focusing your mind upon the Center Point. Try to imagine the point at which all four directions meet. This is the secret 'heart of hearts' of the Equilateral Cross. Allow all other distractions to fade into the distance as you allow yourself to follow the center deeper and deeper into the Point of Equilibrium.


FIX YOUR HEART TO A STAR Inflame your mind with your heart's desire; then start taking pragmatic action on the material plane to trigger the manifestation of your desire. Don't worry about failure. Individual instances of failure don't matter! The secret to bringing your goals forward into sight is to detach your mind and emotions from results. Pretend that you are a scientist doing a series of experiments. A scientist expects to fail quite a number of times before s/he gets it right. You are focused on your desire! The divine archetype is emanating an irresistible force that will see to it that your dream comes true, just keep the image of your goal ahead of you, and like a sea-captain looking at the PoleStar, continue moving towards it. Before a sailor sets sail in the morning, s/h e checks the wind direction. The sailor may have a preference as to the direction of the wind, but nevertheless, he or she will trim the sails accordingly. Sailors do not say: "Because the wind blows from the west today, we won't sail." Use unpleasant experiences as valuable feed-back which will enable you to more exactly chart your course. Just because the wind is not blowing in the direction you want is not a reason to give up! Trim your sails according to the direction of the wind, and you still can keep moving in the heading that you want. Quantum Physics teaches us that subatomic particles (the vanguards of matter) don't exist until someone pays attention to them. Before attention, they are waves in the field of infinite possibilities. Your focused attention will draw the possibility you want


out of the Sphere of Infinite Possibilities. The more clearly you define what you want, the more you will obtain what you want. To the degree that you concentrate your attention onto "how bad it is out there", or "there really are no openings for me in my field", or "see how [mean/cruel/dangerous/crazy/heartless/ rejecting] they are," to that degree you will elicit out of the field of infinite possibilities a reality that matches exactly what you concentrate upon.


MAGNETIZE YOURSELF FOR SUCCESS Have you ever known people who walk around with a cloud over their head? Their car might break down one day, the next day their hamster dies, followed quickly by their television set being repossessed and their boss firing them. These people seem to be subject to an unrelenting series of outrageous acts of fate. We all have met these people and sometimes it seems that they are us! Why is this so? Are the people who walk into psychiatrist's offices and say, "It seems that the universe is out to get me": crazy? No, they're not. What happens is that the person has become magnetized for unhappiness. There are two worlds, two whirlwinds of energy if you will, that co-exist simultaneously. You can call them Parallel Universes or Energy Vortices of Circumstance. When we are sad and upset and believe that things are against us, we are attuning our minds to a certain frequency. That frequency then tends to invite in similar circumstances to support and reinforce the main frequency. These circumstances are real, as far as "real" goes, to the person involved! The universe is really out to get the paranoid person!!! We all know the saying "When it rains it pours." This expresses the same idea stated above that similar frequencies tend to support and reinforce each other. Another famous adage expressing the theory of mental attunement is: "Things always happen in three's." When you develop a certain mind-set, you are actually entering into


that world! You are stepping into a particular reality-tunnel. The best way to exit such a negative tunnel is not through some grand scheme or Ten-Year Ritual, but to repeatedly do one small task! Think of little Bilbo Baggins or Frodo from "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien. Both were "Hobbits", the smallest, most insignificant creature in Middle-Earth. But because they were so "unimportant" in the eyes of certain great and powerful beings around at that time, they were able to sneak into the enemy's realm and confound him!!! I recommend that you devise one small task, that you can repeat ad infinitum all day. For instance, if you want to have more friends, you may not need a complete course in "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. Try the small task of saying hello and smiling at as many strangers as you can. This one small effort can undermine an entire energy vortex of Negativity! Or you could hum or sing a tune. The frequency of your song will undermine the frequency of your sorry set of circumstances and completely break the unwanted reality-tunnel into pieces.


THE FLOW OF TIME Here is a big occult secret: Time flows in both directions at once! In other words, we are not only being carried along into the future on an ocean wave of time, but the future is at this very moment flowing towards us! The point where we meet head-on is called the present. The wise ones know that we have some degree of control as to what future flows to us. We can select an ideal future out of an array of possible futures. One technique of The Way of Power is to imagine our future as we want it to be and then visualize it slowly flowing to us from out of the future. To help you in doing this you can choose to think of time as a flowing river. Notice how the current carries the water down river. In your mind's eye, see your desired future upriver. See it being carried along on the current. Feel it reaching out to you and flowing towards you like the river flows towards you. Say to yourself: "My heart's desire is coming in my direction!" Next step is to visualize going out and meeting our future. Actually see yourself in your present day-to-day surroundings and then find a way to connect up with the future you are visualizing flowing to you from the future. For example, visualize your soul-mate. Now put your soul-mate on the same side-walk you stroll every day to work. See her/him walking towards you. See yourselves meeting. This is what I mean by connecting the present up to the future you desire. We behold our present and future meeting! It is very important while doing this


visualization to note how your future goals arrive. Information can be pre-cognitively revealed to you while doing this exercise so observe any unusual or unexpected details you encounter in the visualization. If you are visualizing for the perfect mate and you suddenly see the two of you meeting on the might be in your best interest to see if you can identify the particular beach, and then, in real life, go and frequent it!


YOU ALREADY HAVE WHAT YOU WANT You already have what you want! The fulfillment of what you desire is hidden in tike fact of your not having it at this present time. Everything contains hidden within it, its exact polar opposite. Within a lonely heart lies the seed of love's fulfillment. What you are doing through The Way of Power is the great Work of all esoteric masters, that is, to make the unconscious conscious. You are peering behind the veil and acknowledging the hidden side of reality. You recognize that for every night there is a day, or for every winter, a summer. Let the rhythms of nature be your encouragement and help you to know that the future can be different. With The Way of Power on your side you do not need to stand there helplessly and watch the pendulum swing back and forth. Through use of The Triangle of Manifestation and the other techniques outlined here, you can equilibrate your wishes and thereby stabilize them on the material plane.


RESPECTING OUR INNER SELVES This kind of magical work accomplishes something else. It shows respect for yourself. It is superior to "affirmations" in that you are not ramming down your throat cliched, trite, stale concepts that you feel phony about stating. I believe rather than trying to wear a cheerful mask until it fuses to your face, you should rather magickally endeavor to remove all masks (at least to yourself) and discover what lies behind the mask. The goal is to remove the facade and acknowledge the various emotions that make up the real you. It has been said that emotions are the thoughts of God. Honor and respect them—even the scary, angry, hateful feelings. Each time you balance a thought with its inherent contradiction, you are recognizing the many layers of your personality. You thereby give respect to those parts of yourself (in your subconscious) that for whatever reason do not want you to have what you consciously want. You are allowing that subconscious part of you to speak up, be understood, and be acknowledged. When we don't give voice to that part of ourselves, we are inviting all sorts of trouble into our lives. For that part of us speaks whether we invite it to or not. But it speaks in its own way. Maybe we develop an ulcer, a facial tick, perhaps we get depressed, or can't concentrate on the work at hand. Those trapped thought-forms need to see the light of day...they need to express themselves! The Way of Power respects all the aspects of our being.


I put so much emphasis on the integration of the individual magickian and his or her neural programming for the reason that effective magick is not so much based on what you know, but on what you are!


WISDOM FROM THE QABALAH Let's take a look at some of the theory behind The Way of Power. To do so, we will draw from concepts taught in the Hebrew Qabalah. The Qabalah forms the basis of the Western Mystery Tradition. It is a system of mystical knowledge and spiritual development in the same way that Yoga is the mystical system of the East. Central to Qabalistic teachings is the concept of the "Tree of Life." This "tree" is a diagram of the entire cosmos, and the soul of man as related thereto; this diagram includes the aspects of: Cause, Force, Receptivity, Preservation, Destruction, Equilibrium, Nature, Mind, Emotion, and Physicality. It is a cosmic diagram; the blueprint of the universe and the human being, containing within itself a description of all possible relationships and all phenomena. What's important to grasp from an initial exposure to the "Tree of Life" is that as one ascends the tree, going from the earth plane into the various spiritual planes, duality disappears! From the perspective of someone at the top of the tree, destruction and creation are both manifestations of the One. We can say that at the top of the tree there exists the Ultimate Reality that transcends all other realities. In human physiology we can find a clear illustration of this concept of Ultimate Reality. Metabolism consists of anabolism, or the ingesting and assimilating of food, and catabolism, or the breaking down of tissue in order to create energy. In order for us to be alive (to be one living being) we need to have both forces at work in our bodies.


Our physical "ultimate reality" lies in the perfect balance of both forces.



THE SECRET HEART OF AUM We see the master-plan of the universe in operation in the Hindu mantra "AUM." The spelling of the word is a clue to the art of magickal operation and perfectly portrays The Triangle of Manifestation. It is taught by the yogis that by the letter "A" is meant the protector of the world. The letter "U" denotes the Being which dissolves it; "M" stands for its creator. So in The Way of Power terminology, the letter "A" is the upbuilding force, the letter "U" the down-breaking force, and the letter "M" the apex of transcendence which reconciles the two.


AN ANALOGY TAKEN FROM UNIVERSITY LIFE Realism must balance idealism. Consider a university campus, for example. On the one hand, we have idealistic students who are willing to challenge any idea, take on the authorities, conceive of and try out new approaches, and remove whatever has outlived its usefulness. The students can be relentless in their drive to eliminate unfair grading practices, sexism, harassment, incompetent professors, and administrators that are hopelessly behind the times. They tear down (catabolism) the old and outdated aspects of the institution to make way for a new and more enlightened system. Change is responsible for all of evolution. On the other hand, we have the administration which represents the opposing force. The administration wants to keep things as they have always been. Their energy seeks to preserve and protect the traditional order of the university. The administration stands for that which is secure, stable, and steady. They are the establishment. The administration builds up (anabolism) the university by: the construction of new buildings and fund raising activities which assure that the university will continue on into the future. Hence, realism must balance idealism. Each force checks the other, if not the ensconced administration would lead the school into stagnation and the student force if unchecked, would lead the school into chaos.


(Of course this analogy is only for the purposes of illustration; in actuality, there are many professors who are on the cutting edge of innovation and many students who have completely bought into the system). Therefore, any idea that contains within itself both the positive and the negative, the active and the latent, and the male and the female, partakes of the very nature of the Ultimate Reality. When you participate in the very nature of the Ultimate Reality you become imbued with the power to bring forth your goals into existence. This concept of the integrating of opposites is the very heart of The Way of Power.


HINDU PHILOSOPHY Let us consider the Hindu trinity of: Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu in light of The Way of Power. In Hindu philosophy we see echoes of the same principal at work. Brahma is the embodiment of the quality of passion, or desire, by which the world was called into being. Siva, is the embodiment of the destructive fire by which the world is consumed; Vishnu is the embodiment of the property of mercy and goodness by which the world is preserved. In the Hindu pantheon of Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu, we have an illustration of the three points of The Triangle of Manifestation. Vishnu is the sustaining force which brings us what we want; Siva, the breakdown force, which is the destruction inherent in the desire; and Brahma the Third Point of Transcendence, The Point of Infinite Possibility, The Point of Creation, which balances both forces.


THE TRIANGLE OF MANIFESTATION AS ENCOUNTERED IN THE TAROT The Tarot is filled with images of the balance and harmony of opposing forces. The High Priestess sits between two pillars named Jachin and Boaz. These two pillars stood before the Temple of Solomon. They represent the Light and the Dark. The Black Pillar of Boaz represents the negative life force (the down-breaking force) and the White Pillar of Jachin, the positive life force (the up-building force). Her mysterious presence IS the mystery of the Union of Opposites. She is the Middle Pillar. The Chariot card depicts a chariot being drawn by two sphinxes. The two sphinxes represent the two hemispheres of the human brain: the right and left brains. In the two hemispheres of the brain we see the bottom two points of The Triangle Of Manifestation . But as human beings we are not split down the middle in regards to our minds for we unite the two minds into one consciousness. This holistic integration of the two hemispheres of the brain is the Third Point of Transcendence, and is represented by the Charioteer in The Chariot tarot card. In Strength we see a woman opening or closing the mouth of a lion. We don't know exactly which action she is executing. The lion represents the physical world and our physical bodies. The Woman is in a state of BALANCE in regard to the lion: poised at the very


point of "neither - neither" in which all things are possible.


REVERBERATIONS OF THE FIRST ESSENCE Life and spirit are created when two opposing forces combine synergistically; this is the essence of The Way of Power. In other words, it is only when we balance a force with its inherent contradiction do we enable that force to become alive and incarnate on this planet! The force that we invoke in The Way of Power IS the energy behind all manifestation. Another name for this energy is the Ontos or the Essence of essences. The Ontos is the essential nature of anything. Plotinus, a Roman philosopher born in Egypt in 205 C.E., called this energy the First Hypostasis (literally, to cause to stand). What stands? The erection (the Point). What causes the erection? The Triangle (The Source of Mystery—Woman—that which causes to stand. )


THE WAY OF POWER We begin by attuning ourselves to the mind-set of the ALL. To accomplish this we need to go beyond the dualistic way of viewing the world and travel to the center of bliss. First, resist the tendency towards dichotomized thinking. When you walk around saying to yourself: "I'm good; he's bad," or: "I'm cool; she's a jerk," or: "I'm normal; he's weird," your thinking is dichotomized or SPLIT. When you view the world like this you are creating duality in your life. In this state, you are divided against yourself. There is a hidden "occult" side to dichotomized thinking of which most people are ignorant. When we label someone a "jerk" the person we have labeled is actually making us feel uncomfortable about some part of ourselves that we feel is jerky; rather than admit this fact to ourselves, we pretend that he or she has the problem and not us. This is a sure sign that subconsciously we are aware (or worried) that we have similar traits—perhaps certain traits that we secretly would like to give expression to, but are afraid to enact for various reasons. So we have to return and embrace all our "Prodigal Sons and Daughters" inside ourselves. One advanced technique that can be used to achieve this integration of opposites is as follows: every now and then do the precise thing that bothers you so much in the behavior of other people. If you think people drive inconsiderately; if you think people are


dishonest, be dishonest; if you think people are phony, be phony. Now many people rebel at the thought of this. But when practiced occasionally this technique helps you to connect with the behavior you outwardly abhor and denounce...the behavior which actually secretly fascinates you. The technique will help you to integrate rejected aspects of yourself and consolidate your Will. Or perhaps we are expressing these traits already but are unaware of our words and actions. We may be in a state of denial. In order to go beyond thinking in terms of our goals, it is essential that we destroy any concept of having or not having. It is crucial to rise above any thoughts about whether we are wealthy or poor, failures or successes, talented or untalented, lonely or loved, happy or sad. We want to transcend these concepts, finding a contentment within ourselves, not a contentment of being lazy, but a contentment which helps us to live in the now and to accept the moment without judging it. If the word "contentment" bothers you, instead think of this process in terms of "acknowledgment." We want to acknowledge our existence by simply observing our life without passing judgment on it. It is not so much depression which causes people to commit suicide, but the individual's reaction to his or her depression. Interestingly enough, suicidal impulses are often disguised inclinations of rage and anger towards others. This graphically represents how the inherent contradiction in every idea lies buried only waiting for us to uncover it. In the case of suicide, it's often when the individual faces the rage inside himself or herself that integration and healing can begin. If we can learn to just BE with ourselves no matter what state we're in, without trying to change ourselves, we generate true self love. For through this beingness we are finally listening to ourselves rather than trying to change ourselves. Sometimes our heart doesn't need so much of a "self-help project" as it simply needs us to pay attention to what it is feeling at the moment. This is true power...the power of being one with yourself! The instant we start to judge, we kill the moment, the magick fades, and possibilities start to narrow. When we are judgmental we


enter the realm of duality, the realm of dichotomy. But when we simply acknowledge our situation, we raise ourselves to the point that exists beyond these catalogs of opposites. That is the point of MAGICK! Again, I am not saying to do nothing about changing a bad situation. We must take action. We must put wheels on our prayers. But to live life in a constant state of dissatisfaction, not only gives you a painful life, but it keeps you from grasping the real power behind this universe.


CONTENTMENT Some people fear that if they allow themselves to be content, they won't do anything. They think they will just sit on their duff and allow life to pass them by. This is an error. Often these very same people are trying to find an excuse not to be happy. They are forever postponing happiness until a certain set of criteria are fulfilled; for example, they think they will be happy when they get a new car, get married, or win a million dollars. Yet these things never bring happiness. Happiness is a choice you make. Don't punish yourself and condemn yourself to a life of sadness. When a person ceases to be judgmental and allows him or herself to be content, the person then becomes aligned and in harmony with the universe and acts effectively and powerfully in accord with the purpose of the universe.


YOU GOT TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT Yes, I'm suggesting a completely new way for you to view the world. We need to accept more (in the sense of nonjudgmental acknowledgment) and complain less. Paradoxically, one way to create change is to be with the problem rather than trying to get around it or rid of it. Another technique is to do exactly the opposite of what you perceive to be the wrong the world is doing to you. If you think people aren't friendly to you, go out of your way to be warm and friendly to them! Again, work with the concept of "BALANCE"; redress people's apparent coldness by your warmth. I'm not saying to do this with any phony emotionality, but practice this exercise in a detached "experimental" frame of mind. You are practicing magick; do not try to be optimistic. Simply be friendly while continuing to be true to your emotions. To really live your life, you need to be in it. To be in your life means to allow it to happen around you. It seems like a contradiction on the surface. But by ceasing trying to control people and events, we actually allow the real meaning of one's life to become apparent. We stop trying to force our template of reality over reality and instead let reality speak for itself. And how do we do this? By breathing. By centering. By letting the world speak to you, instead of constantly listening to the chatter that goes on inside your head. The world does speak. And we must listen. We're so busy speaking to ourselves that we have forgotten that simply by quieting


ourselves and letting the experience of the universe flow into our souls, we will gain such wisdom that it will astound us!


SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Often people experience frustration in their attempts to render manifest their wishes through magick. This is because the bottom line is usually the issue of wanting or not wanting the stated goal. Sometimes before work can begin on manifesting our goal, we must first work on whether or not we really want this goal to manifest.


HOW TO SUPERCHARGE THE TRIANGLE OF MANIFESTATION To Super-Charge The Triangle of Manifestation we begin by sitting down with our hands open on our lap, or by our sides. Let's use the example of wanting to find a suitable love partner. We start by visualizing in the left hand various pictures of our having the love partner of our dreams, doing all we want with our love partner, traveling, getting married, raising a family, making love, and the rest. Accompanying these pictures should also be the corresponding emotions of great joy, contentment, sexual thrills, fulfillment, peace, and the overwhelming feeling that yes, indeed, "I am loved." Then we sense our right hand and place into it as many instances that we can think of in which the correlative of love is in action. For instance, we might place into the palm of that hand images of a person exercising tough-love or a parent allowing a child to experience pain in order to learn a lesson. We could also imagine ourselves in a "secret" marriage or an "arranged" marriage—any example of the correlative of love in action can be used. We also place into this palm of the right hand all the feeling that accompanies these scenes—our sense of sadness, yet at the same time an awareness that all this is necessary for real love to be expressed. Bounce back and forth a few times from hand to hand until both hands are fully "charged" with these feeling-pictures. Begin phasing mentally with this continuum and then when you feel you have


reached a peak of sensation, rapidly bring both hands together in a loud CLAP! Suspend all thought! Go into the Silence. Be aware of the feeling that this union generates. Slowly bring your hands to your chest to your heart chakra, and let the experience sink deeply into your being.


SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE Frequently marriages are 'on the rocks' because the concept of equilibration is unknown to the marital partners. Frankly, many people would be upset to hear my advice as it applies to marriage, and so would not even try out my suggestions. For that advice is this: no matter how much you love someone, over time a reservoir of animosity will automatically be built up within you. Not through any fault of your own, but because any time a person builds up a positive charge, simultaneously a negative charge will emerge. Now many people don't want to face this fact. They want to pretend that they have no hostile feelings towards their beloved. This is the weakness of people who deny that they have a shadow. At times you may even feel hatred towards your beloved. Do not be afraid. The pendulum can swing back to center. In fact, by accepting and realizing that there is animosity present in the marriage, you have taken the first step to healing that animosity! The primary factor to be considered is that, as much as love is important in a marriage, so too must that love be balanced by the contradictory force inherent in love in order for that marriage to work! A couple should, as much as possible, participate in physical games and sports in which they have the opportunity to hit things (such as golf and tennis). The object being to allow aggression, hostility, and violence, out in a safe atmosphere. To try to solve relationship difficulties by re-affirming love over and over again, completely leaves out the sea of hostile emotion


which must be addressed and allowed to diffuse. Pillow fights, Squirt-Gun battles, Croquette, and Badminton all give expression to the opposing force of that which we want to invoke, namely love. You can wield those spongy plastic bats that are used to slam your spouse. When you need to vent or take out your anger, you boff your husband as hard as you can. What these toys do is give you a chance to take a reflective look at yourself, which usually causes a laugh. There are foam rubber hammers that do the same trick. These sports act as the équilibrant in the relationship, restoring the relationship to balance.





BODY-BUILDING MAGICK Let's now apply the principles of The Way of Power to BodyBuilding. First you want to clearly picture yourself looking the way you desire, with your muscles developed to the extent you wish... BUT, make it clear to yourself that this is you in the future, not just anytime in the future but at a specific date. You can do this by simply saying to yourself: "This is me in six months" (or whatever time frame you want). Or you could write down on paper something like this: "In six months I will have the body I want." This will alert your subconscious to the fact that it has a specific time frame to work within. It will begin to take the necessary steps to bring your body to the degree of development that you have stipulated. Or you can picture yourself looking precisely the way you want to look and reading a newspaper with the desired target date on it.

CONSTRUCTION SITE MAGICK A powerful tool of The Way of Power is to time your weight-training with the erection of a new building. Pick out some large office building under construction near where you live or work. Go to the location and study it. There's usually a poster which depicts the


finished product at the comer of the construction site. Study that picture too. And then when you go home you can picture yourself standing in front of the completed building with exactly the kind, cut, and definition of muscles that you want. If you go to the building every day, the actual energy of the workers and the process of the building being erected will work inside you to build up your thought-forms. As you stand by the building say to yourself: "As the building rises up guided by the invisible force of the blueprint, so too is my goal being brought forth into light by invisible spirit forces. Behold a symbol of an idea made manifest." You are connecting yourself in a deep sub-conscious manner with the erection of the building. As the building grows, so do your muscles. Your mind will be filled with the concept of growth and enlargement. This process can of course be used with any goal that is in harmony with the concept of growth, for example: financial prosperity, building an extension on your house, increasing your clientele, working on a doctoral thesis, cultivating your garden, rising up through the ranks in your business or organization, and developing your magickal vitality.

PLANT MAGICK An additional Way of Power technique can be accomplished with a plant. Plant a seed in a pot and watch it grow. Know that as the etheric nature forces guide the seed to grow and manifest as a beautiful plant, so too do spirit forces nurture the seed of your desire into reality.

MASTURBATION MAGICK Do you want a lover? Do you need to be held and to make love? I recommend Masturbation Magick. Through the act of masturbation you can bring forth a sexual/love partner. This is some of the most powerful magick on earth and can sometimes produce astonishing results within a matter of hours! The way to truly energize masturbation magick is to mimic, as far as possible, the actual motions of sex and/or intercourse along with the full body spasms of orgasm.


You must get your spine and pelvis in motion! This triggers the primitive (unconscious) areas of your brain that are in direct contact with the ancient archetypal forces. The orgasm reflex directly stimulates the magickal centers of the brain. Notice I did not say "orgasm"; the entire body must discharge its built up sexual energy in clonic convulsions. So move around, thrust, thrash about, and make noise like you were actually having sex with another human being! Get your spine and your hips moving. Remember, it is there in the cradle of the hips that the Kundalini and Sexual Chakras reside. So get your body into motion to awaken them into motion! Take some dance classes! As your pelvis and spine move in the waves of orgasmic reflex, your body tells the mind that you are serious about having sex with a real sex partner—and not justfantasizing I An orgasm involves the entire body. If only your genitals move or get aroused, if you only feel pleasure from your crotch during orgasm, then you are not experiencing a full orgasm!And the secret to Magick is Complete Involvement!

MARRIAGE MINDED? Likewise, if you want to get married here are some techniques which you can use: Buy wedding magazines. Go to weddings. Go to catering halls and watch brides and grooms entering for their receptions. Plan your honeymoon. Price bridal gowns or tuxedos. Try some on. Go with a platonic friend of the opposite sex and look at wedding and engagement rings and try them on. Rent as many romantic movies as you can. Fill your consciousness to overflowing with romance, love, and marriage. And here is one thing to remember: if your love-life has been going rather badly of late, remember what was said in the chapter on BALANCE. If your pendulum of love has been swinging towards the direction of will only be a matter of time before it swings back to the direction of companionship and love! Once it is there, remember to EQUILIBRATE Ihe forces by using The Triangle of Manifestation so that you do not experience another swing in the opposite direction.


CREATING WITH THE LIGHT There is an infinite light that permeates and penetrates the entire universe. This light is the pure source of all energy and materialization. It is the primal substance which underlies all manifest existence. The Way of Power uses this light to enable us to work as co-creators along with the Divine. We begin by visualizing a spiraling, zig-zagging ball of brilliant white light speeding towards us from the sky. As it approaches, we catch it in our hand. (I suggest you do all this with your eyes wide open). Toss the ball a little in front of you and see it gradually take the shape of your desire—a new car, house, vacation, television, lover, coat, and the rest. Become like a sculptor of light. Construct in your mind's eye your desire out of the light. Then, while the form is still pliable, draw out from it strings of light leading from the form to yourself. Attach these cords of light to your body.

MAGICK ON FOOT When you are in the process of searching for what you desire—be it a job hunt, a search for a mate, car shopping, whatever your goal may be—go with an awareness of the Tao. Don't go out as an individual trying to wrestle some bounty from an unyielding world. That is the way of the hard mind—a mind that is inflexible. Instead, go out and sense the subtle movements of the Tao. To the degree that your desire harmonizes with the will of the Tao, to that degree you will be successful. There are subtle paths and patterns in the Tao. Some call these patterns the "Way of the Wyrd." Learn to see these paths in your environment. Go with the flow of the Tao. One way to do this is to move in a gentle, but direct way. Adopt an attitude of detached exploration. Let your intuitions and subtle feelings guide you rather than your fears. The best way to shift your focus off your fear is to give up all expectation of result; be in the moment, and detach yourself emotionally from any anticipated results. Think of yourself as an explorer or adventurer of human relations. Ride the wave of the Will of the Tao to your desired goal. When


you are in synch with the Tao, it is not just you who wants the goal, but all of creation wants to match you up with this goal. Try not so much to force your desire as to discover your role in the Whole. Be an expression of the Tao rather than a tiny ego trying to forcibly change the world.


A FRIENDLY ADMONITION It is important to stop for a moment here and note that it is never appropriate to desire something that belongs to someone else, or to visualize a person doing something against their will. For instance, if we want to find a mate, it is improper to visualize the light taking the shape of someone you know. Love should be freely given and freely received. To make someone love you against their will can incur great karmic debt. And then there's the fact that you will need to constantly pour huge amounts of energy into keeping that person with you, if they of their own nature and accord do not wish to be with you. Magickians who seek to dominate, abuse, and exploit the free will of others often end up depleted, bumed-out shells of their former selves, because when this kind of magick is practiced an enormous amount of energy must be constantly exerted in order to control the other person. Love is magick and you can't magick magick! So visualize your ideal mate, but create him/her from scratch; and don't try to coerce anyone you know. Besides, you may be entirely wrong in your supposition that the person you want is the right person for you...why don't you let the universe find the right person for you?


BODILY FIELDS When you focus your attention on any part of the universe you immediately affect that part of the universe. Let's take a closer look at the many intertwined domains in the universe. This physical world in which we dwell is but one of many interpenetrating "levels" that we humans exist upon. These so-called "levels" are in actuality interconnected energy fields. Our very beings are made up of interwoven bodies of various types of energy, e.g., etheric, astral, ideational. These interwoven bodies are drawn from the fabric of these various energy fields. Each of these bodies is necessary to express the qualities of a particular field. For instance, we have a desire body to interact with the world of emotion. We have a mental body to interact with the world of ideas. These "bodies of energy" in total make up what is called the aura. The aura is a radiance or halo of colored lights observed by some sensitive or psychic individuals around the body. We human beings are made up of seven bodies of energy. In addition, there are also seven fields of energy in the universe within which our human bodies of energy manifest. Each of the human being's seven bodies of energy exist and interact on its corresponding plane of universal energy. The seven bodies of energy that go to make up the human being are as follows: 1. PHYSICAL. This is our actual "skin and bones." To function in the world we must fist possess a vehicle made of its material. (The physical body is also known as the dense body).


2. ETHERIC. The etheric body supports the health of the physical body; it is the template or blueprint of our physical heritage; it controls basic life-sustaining functions. The physical body uses the etheric body as its matrix and is an exact copy, molecule for molecule, of the etheric body. All through our lives the etheric body is the builder and restorer of the physical organism. This body constantly fights against the death of the physical body. (The etheric body is also known as the subtle body). 3. ASTRAL. In this realm is found all our emotions, our likes and dislikes, impulses, fears, passions, fantasies. When we dream we are viewing images coming to us from out of the astral realm; and when we drift off into reverie or fantasize we are also entering into the astral realm. Intense visualization and imagination take place in this field. (The astral body is also known as the desire body, or the Sentient Soul). 4. MENTAL. This is the realm of pure thought; here we engage in all sorts of analysis, study, opinions, viewpoints, investigation, and so forth. (The mental Body is also known as the ego). 5. PSYCHIC. The Psychic Body has the ability to perceive phenomena beyond the grasp of the physical five senses. This form of perception is known as supersensible or extrasensory perception. 6. KARMIC. This body is connected to the infinite rebounding and echoing through-out the cosmos of the results of our thoughts and actions. 7. COSMIC. Through this aspect of ourselves we have a direct connection to the Ultimate Source of our Beings. We can contact this aspect of ourselves when we go into the SILENCE. The first four bodies correspond to the four elements: Earth: physical body; Water: etheric body; Fire: astral body; and Air: mental body. Advanced psychics have the ability to 'see' these planes of existence with supersensible vision. Each of these planes interpenetrate one another, and interact with one another. For instance the MIND body may want to send a message to the nerves in the legs of die PHYSICAL body, but if the ETHERIC body is weak or damaged that message will not arrive. One of the esoteric explanations of the cause of aging is that as one gets older the body loses ETHERIC energy. At approximately


thirty-five years of age the ETHERIC body begins to weaken and consequently the PHYSICAL body is adversely effected. There are many ways to strengthen the etheric forces. The ETHERIC body is directly affected by habit. For example, by teaching oneself to shave with the secondary hand rather than with the dominant one, the ETHERIC body is strengthened. Any other ambidextrous training is useful here: from brushing the teeth to learning to throw a ball with your secondary hand. The ultimate application of this technique is when individuals teach themselves to write with the non-dominant hand (geniuses and anal retentives may try writing backwards and upside down in Latin). None of the above mentioned domains are to be taken literally as demarcations with obvious boundaries. The universe is much too graceful, fluid, and intricately woven together to fit into neat little categories. I recommend that the reader consider the occult view of the aspects of existence in a poetic way, letting the awareness of these energy fields grow as a soul-feeling in one's heart rather than cold facts cluttering up the old brain.


CREATING THOUGHT-FORMS Everything physical has a "spiritual" counterpart that exists on several of these planes simultaneously. There is a saying attributed to Hermes Trismegistus: "As above so below, and as below so above." In The Way of Power we utilize this wisdom by creating a "thought-form" (some people call it an "astral counterpart") on these various spiritual planes. This "thought-form" will act as a seed that will manifest finally on the Physical Plane. What is a thought-form? A thought-form is a mental creation which gains its form on one or more of the seven planes of existence, and operates there as a beacon or magnet which draws to itself similar forces. There it tends to call into activity its likeness on the physical plane! For instance if we create a love-beacon, then it will work on the Physical Plane to draw situations and people to ourselves which will result in a love experience. "Thought-forms" are built up by a combination of raised energy (from the physical body) and concentration/visualization. Hermes' maxim: "As above so below, and as below so above," holds much meaning for us, for it reminds us that everything here on the earth is but a small replica of that which exists on the other spiritual planes of existence.


THE COMPLETE WAY OF POWER RESONANCE Resonance is a term that has to do with vibration. To resonate means to vibrate at the same frequency as another vibrating body. If you have two tuning forks that are both tuned to "middle C" and then you strike the first tuning fork, the second will begin to vibrate in sympathetic response to the first tuning fork! This display of a scientific principle has great significance for our magickal work. It is an esoteric and a scientific principle that in order to cause large changes in a structure, one only needs to raise a small amount of energy, but the energy raised must vibrate at the same rate as the structure one is seeking to influence. So you don't need to raise enormous amounts of energy, but what you do have to do is carefully match the frequency of the energy you raise to the frequency of the object you wish to effect. We will now explore specific means to raise energy that resonates at the vibrational frequency of your goals.

NON-LOCAL RESONANCE Non-local resonance is a state of being. It happens when we focus our awareness outside of ourselves in a universal way, as opposed to focusing inside on our internal thoughts. When we think about what we want for dinner, we resonate locally because we are thinking specifically about our needs; when we take a walk in the


park thinking of nothing in particular, but enjoying the grandeur of nature, we resonate non-locally. When we resonate non-locally we attune our minds and entire being to vibrate at the frequency of something greater than ourselves, an entire field of possibility. We encompass a greater scope within our beings when we attune ourselves to such energies. The majesty of a sunset, or a star-lit night sky, raises our consciousness out of our day-to-day mundane thoughts, to embrace the grand sweep and larger purpose of nature. This operation actually changes your life-wave-patterns and aligns your vibrations with the vibrations of nature. It cleanses you of the discordant and disharmonious fixated thinking of mundane day-to-day life. Synchronize your being with the vibration of nature. The best place to do this is at a park, beach, forest, and so on, where one's mind can resonate non-locally with the forces of nature. Remember, our goal in The Way of Power is to use the power of nature to help us energize our visualizations. We are not fighting the current, but instead plugging into the current of natural forces. When we become aware of our environment, we begin to become One with the energies that are present in the environment.

Step 1: Begin by Unfocusing the Mind There are several basic steps to The Way of Power. Begin by generating a state of mind in which you lose focus on yourself, a state of mind in which you lose your subjectivity. This can be done in a quiet way through meditation on a mantra, gazing at a candle flame, looking at a yantra, focusing on one's breathing, and so on. Again, the goal is to shift the focus off of ourselves thereby losing subjectivity. This aim can also be achieved in a more vigorous way through ecstatic dancing, drumming, sexual intercourse, vigorous exercise, chanting, ecstasy breathing, marathon running, masturbation, and so forth, for an extended length of least twenty minutes and probably about two hours ideally. This un-focused state of undifferentiated awareness is the magickal state of mind. The magickian is not focused on any specific


thing, his or her ordinary thought processes are stopped. The magickian becomes part of the great flow of existence. For in this state a person becomes attuned with the world around them. The manipulative, overly focused mind, is hard and brittle and does violence to the matrix. It can cause some results but they are temporary and require much energy to sustain. Our goal is to forget and abandon what we fix our attention to on a daily basis. The theory behind this is that through meditation, sex, exercise, and so forth, we reach a state of "no-mind" (sometimes referred to as The Silence) in which all possibilities exist simultaneously. Further techniques that are useful to distract the mind and to disassociate are: burning incense, wearing costumes and masks, and ritualistic body painting.





Emptying the mind is a pre-requisite for successful magickal realization. A "non-local" event is defined as: one event happening in response to another event with no material or energy contact between the two. It sounds as if we were talking about magick here, but this is one of the latest 'discoveries' of quantum physics. Physicists have formulated the theory and proven in experiment that the two events are connected by a kind of underground-reality system. So we can affect people and events miles distant from us. There is solid scientific evidence to back up this assertion. Emptying the mind prepares the mind to work in a 'non-local' way.

MUSIC Music is another method which can free us of the mental fetters which hinder our magickal operations. Music shuts down mental chatter by immersing us in the world of sound. It triggers fresh ways of knowing, turning on long dormant processes of understanding the world. As you let go and let the music take over, your mind begins to resonate with the frequency of the music. When the mind is attuned and plugged into the musical


archetypes, resonating in a non-local way, you can safely begin the next step in our The Way of Power process.

Step 2: Concentrate on the Force You Want to Bring Into Your Life Only after you have attuned your mind to the energies around you do you begin to think more specifically. You still haven't reached the point where you focus directly on your goal. Your task at this point is to focus on the general category into which your goal falls. You begin resonating with the specific type of energy that you want to attract into your life. You now have three options, choose whichever one is most attuned to your spiritual orientation: 1. Center your awareness on Platonic concepts such as: beauty, strength, wisdom, love, awareness, understanding, and so on, choosing the one that pertains to your wish. For instance, if you are going to run a marathon, you might choose at this point to meditate on the concept of strength, speed, or determination. This will attune you to that specific energy. 2. Those more Shamanistically oriented can dwell on specific animal totems that personify the forces that you wish to bring into your life like: lion, wolf, bear, deer, moose, and so on. Perhaps, still using our marathon example, you would picture to yourself a running deer or cheetah, and actually become one with the animal as it runs through the forest. 3. Or you may choose to concentrate on a God or Goddess, from any of the world's religious pantheons that personify your goals. Begin by procuring books of Gods and Goddesses from the various religious pantheons of the world, for instance: Greece, India, Ireland, Africa, and so forth. Look through these books and see if you can find a particular deity that corresponds with just the force you are seeking to invoke into your life. Try to find one that is particularly attractive to you and fires your imagination. Now I am going to reveal an extremely forceful magickal technique used by Ceremonial Magickians and Ancient Shamans that


you can use to empower your visualization. It is called: assuming the "god-form" of the God or Goddess. To assume a "God-form" you first study all the characteristics of the God/dess you picked out as your favorite. Go back to your book and note the way they dress, stand, what they carry, their gestures, in short how the deity is conventionally portrayed. Then reread the legends written in your book about that particular God /dess. Really familiarize yourself with their story. It may be helpful to actually tell the story to some friends (do not reveal to them that you are doing magick, just tell them that you enjoyed this story and want to share it with them). This powerfully attunes the practitioner to just those forces exemplified by the deity. If you can, find a painting, poster, drawing, trading card of your hero/ine. Hang this on your wall. Do not be afraid to embrace any being that appeals to you. Try Comic Book characters, Super-Heros, Demons, and Fantastic Creatures for your "God-Form." For example, a person whose goal is to win a marathon, might do well to vividly picture the Winged Goddess of Victory Nike in his or her mind, and then, as if one were putting on a mask or costume, actually draw the "God-form" over oneself, in effect becoming the Deity of Victory—Nike. The person could then imagine him or herself as Nike running the race. If you want to find love you might assume the "God-form" of Venus or Aries. If you want to become more wise, a better speaker, and quick-witted you could invoke Mercury. In practicing any of the three options you are attuning yourself to the energy centers within the web. Through this method you are connecting your mind and being directly to these power centers.

Step 3: Focus And Envision Continue to become even more specific and fix your concentration on your specific goal. Powerfully picture your target in vivid and accurate detail. This creates a blueprint of your goal in the spirit worlds and this blueprint will function as the unconscious realization of your wants and desires.


Step 4: Raise Energy It's now time to vitalize and energize the picture in your mind! Begin to raise energy by intoxicating the senses. Imagine drawing back a bow and aiming an "energy" arrow at your goal. You can raise energy through trance dancing, ecstatic drumming, sexual intercourse, vigorous exercise, running, masturbation, chanting, and so forth. Whatever method you choose, do it while focusing very clearly on your target. After you have built up a large charge of energy inside yourself, you need to liberate that energy. At the apex of arousal release the arrow of your intent into the bull's-eye of your visualization! See all the energy you have raised flow with one sharp flight into the goal. See yourself firing "photon-torpedoes" into the image of your desire. This can be done by a loud shout at the peak of ecstasy, slapping your hands together, rapping on the walls, stamping your feet, hitting something with a stick, or with one last burst of speed or power. This sends energy to the spiritual schematic. You are actually feeding your blueprint energy and making it come alive in the spirit realms.

Step 5: Disconnect Pay very close attention to the following point: after sending out the energy, let go of it completely. Remove your mind entirely from your target! I strongly suggest that you not interfere with the vibrations you have set up. For in the spirit world you can cause your arrow to fly off target if you think about its flight after you have released it from the bow! Thank the various Platonic Ideas, Totem Animals, God/ desses for their help. This will enable you to formally disconnect from the power centers. After thanking the Powers do not think about, or talk about The Way of Power for twenty-four hours. One of the most powerful


inducements to magick is to change the mood as quickly as possible. Tell a joke, turn on the lights, eat a candy-bar, sprinkle on some perfume, change your clothes, and so forth. If you believe you are a Magickian, then act like one. Have faith in your workings and do not dwell on them and second guess yourself.

IMPORTANCE OF FORGETTING The practitioner of The Way of Power should not allow him or herself to dwell on his or her wishes. The only times that contemplation on one's goals is permitted would be those times specifically devoted to The Way of Power work. At all other times consciousness of the desire should be repressed and one should strive to deliberately forget it. In this way the desire becomes alive on the subconscious plane and eventually becomes organic. It is akin to planting a seed. A person doesn't plant a seed in a pot and the next day dig it up to see if it's growing. The seed needs to be forgotten in the warmth and darkness of the soil. It must be allowed to germinate on its own. Digging the seed up and exhorting it to grow will only succeed in killing the seed and throwing away any hope for a plant. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

SUMMARY OF THE WAY OF POWER METHOD Non-Local Resonance Concentrate on the Force you want to bring into your life Focus and Envision Raise Energy Disconnect


SIGILS WHAT IS A SIGIL? A sigil is a symbol. It is a pattern that can represent to the subconscious mind your desired goal. What is its practical magickal potential? A sigil can release the long dormant energies contained within the self. Through working with the sigil you can bring to waking manifestation anything contained in the various levels of the subconscious. It can animate any archetypal force lying latent within you. It is a powerful tool in the hands of the serious practitioner of The Way of Power. There are a variety of ways that a sigil may be created. I will suggest a few of them here in this book, but the most important fact to be remembered in working with sigils is that a person should bring his or her own creativity and inventiveness to the process of creating and working with them.

TWO CHOICES One can either use sigils to access a force or principle such as: strength, beauty, grace, speed, aggressiveness, wisdom, sexuality, and the rest, or sigils can be used to acquire specific goals such as: a lover, money, stereo, clothes, house, success on an exam or test, a new contract, a raise, and so on.

ALPHABETICAL SIGIL We being our study of sigils with an analysis of the Alphabetical Sigil.


First, write out a one sentence statement of your desired goal, all in capital letters. Make it as succinct as possible. If we want to access a force or power we may write something like this: I DESIRE THE GRACE OF A GAZELLE. Or if we want a specific goal we might write: I WANT A NEW CAR.

Second, we look at the sentence and then remove all repeated letters as follows: "I WANT A NEW CAR." We are then left with the letters: I, W, A, N, T, E, C, R.

Third, our task now involves some creativity, for we must combine these letters into a geometrical pattern of some sort. We connect all the letters into a glyph, intertwining the letters so that they are each attached to another in some way.

Fourth, we condense the entire sigil into one recognizable form. The condensed version must by simple enough for you to memorize and be able to visualize easily. With practice, the whole process becomes quite easy and fun.

ORGANIC SIGIL Another type of sigil I call the Organic Sigil. In this case, we first draw a very simple picture of our desired goal. If you want a house, draw a house, if you want a car, draw a car, and so forth. Let's use


the example of a house.

After we have completed our drawing, we then look for one or two of the most important features of our drawing. We then use those one or two elements from our sketch to create the sigil; the subconscious can fill in the rest. So look for anything that stands out in the picture, a curve, a wavy line, shading, an intersection of two lines, and so on. In other words, reduce the picture to its simplest constituent parts and then select the most important element. Remember there is no right or wrong here. Whatever stands out to you, whatever strikes you as the essence of the picture is what I want you now to notice. Then condense the picture, ridding it of any superfluous lines, down to its most basic essence.

UTILIZING THE SIGIL Now that we have created our sigil, we can incorporate it in our Way of Power. Whenever during the course of a day we are tempted to begin "wishing" for our goal, we will instead call up to mind the image of the sigil. Concentration on a sigil serves the function of distracting the mind so that it does not analyze the goal or debate its value. This will have the effect of quieting the mind down with all its "wishing" and will instead allow the image of the sigil to sink down deep into the subconscious. The sigil is the guiding star by which you can help steer the great ship of life to your goal. After a while, the conscious mind will have entirely forgotten what the sigil represents and then it will be a pure subconscious key to


unlocking super-powers! Your sigil becomes a powerful machine that stimulates physical plane reorganization by gathering up and concentrating psychic forces around and within you.

CANDLE MAGICK A powerful means to utilize sigils is to inscribe the sigil on a candle. The more deeply you cut the sigil into the wax the better. As the candle burns, the sigil is transmuted by the flame, disappearing to our conscious awareness, but reappearing and becoming animated in the spirit realm.

FOOD MAGICK Inscribe on a piece of food your sigil. You can carve it on a piece of fruit, draw it on a loaf of baking bread, or outline it on a baking cookie. Through the act of inscribing your magickal symbol on the food you are impregnating the food with your magickal intention. Then ingest the food! This technique is a direct way for a person to become one with their intent!!! When you eat your sigil, you are actually causing it to become part of your body. The Word becomes flesh!


TALISMANIA The most effective and powerful technique I could possibly share with you involves a use of sigils utilizing some extraordinarily potent principles of manifestation. Every culture has had unique objects to be worn or held for the purpose of healing and protection. These "power objects" are known as talismans. Because of powers attributed to the materials and symbols that go into their making, talismans are a materialization of healing and life - enhancing energies. As I have noted already, when we visualize our desires we make an impression on the astral plane. This impression is an "energy matrix" which then works invisibly to draw to us what we want. In the Tarot card The Wheel of Fortune, we see a wheel with three concentric circles. The inner circle is the creative idea, the middle is the developmental astral substance, and the outer is the physical world. Our ideas make an impression on the developmental astral substance and are then manifest in the physical world. The point at which people's magick breaks down is that they are successful in making the impression in the astral substance, but they fail to ground the energy. There exists a way to powerfully anchor this "energy matrix" in the physical world, a way to give the force a physical reality. An ancient definition of the word matrix is wom b. A matrix is a place or enveloping element within which something originates, takes form, and develops. When I refer to an "energy-matrix" on the astral, I am pointing out


that the astral world acts as a kind of womb - like environment. This environment nurtures and cultivates the desire which we have embedded in this astral substance through The Way of Power. The worlds of visible things are bom as from a yoni. The Great Unmanifest is like a womb. However, the word matrix has an additional meaning. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (G. & C. Merriam & Co., 1958) defines it thus: that which gives form, origin, or foundation to something enclosed or embedded in it, as a mold for casting; the natural material in which any metal, fossil, crystal, or gem is embedded.

HOW TO CREATE A TALISMAN First create a sigil as explained earlier. Then obtain some modeling clay. Look for the kind that dries in the open air or in the oven. With the clay in your hands proceed through the various steps outlined above: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Non-local resonance. Concentrate on the force you want to bring into your life. Focus and envision. Raise energy. Disconnect.

However, as you perform step four, I want you to gather up and send the psychic energy into the clay. As you reach the peak of excitement, let loose your accumulation of power into the talisman. Another way to do this is to inscribe into the clay your' sigil at the exact moment of climax! You have now taken the image of your desire (the sigil) and have driven it deeply into the clay matrix. This impregnation of the matrix has created a talisman on the physical plane. TALISMANIA is the Art of Fixating the Volatile. What you have created is a living being of sorts, a kind of beacon in the physical world, that will magnetically attract to you the goals and experiences you want. Clay is representative of the element of Earth and so is very appropriate for this technique of "anchoring" the Sigil on the Physical Plane. Those of you who are familiar with etching, carving, and metal


work, can also create powerful "Talismans" using the same procedure as outlined above, but instead of clay you would utilize wood, metal, or any other natural substance. Now carry this Spirit-Seed around with you in a pouch or put it in some sacred space. At certain regular intervals send more energy to the talisman. Periodically re-energize it, just as you would keep a plant watered regularly.


THE GROUND IS WHERE IT'S AT Since grounding concerns itself with anchoring something onto the physical plane or sending energy into the earth, it would not be inappropriate to mention here an example from the world of natural science. Specifically I am referring to electrical grounding. Consider a lightning bolt. As you look at the sky and see storm clouds approaching, they are bouncing against one another and building up a large negative charge. This charge wants to go somewhere and until it does, it just continues to build up. At some point it has enough energy to make a jump! It "seeks" a place with a large positive charge and then picks the easiest path to travel to this place. This jump is what you see as lightning when the energy leaps from the negative cloud to the positive ground. Lightning is essentially giant static electricity. Now, when the energy in the cloud has built up to a point of eruption, it seeks the nearest point that will conduct the electricity to the ground. That's why you don't want to be in an open field during a thunderstorm. You would be the nearest point to the cloud. Electricity will always flow towards the closest ground. That's what happens when you short circuit an appliance. The electricity finds a quicker way to ground itself rather than flow through the appliance. Consider how this physical science may be applied to The Way of Power. First, we understand that in the physical world a bolt of lightning will flow if it has a place to flow towards! And it will always pick the quickest path to the earth.


Therefore, to practice The Way of Power at an optimum level, we must provide a physical ground to which our spiritual energies can flow. We need to secure these forces onto the earth plane. Our ship of dreams must be anchored, or else it will float away!


LIGHTNING RODS A lightning rod is used so that lightning will strike the rod rather than the building. It works because it is the highest point in the vicinity. Recall that lightning always seeks the quickest and easiest path to the ground; if you have a tall piece of metal (i.e., a conductor) going from the building to high in the air, then this is a path where the lightning would be most likely to go. In other words, lightning will strike the rod and the energy will travel down the wire connected to the rod and end up in the earth. We can draw wisdom from this illustration from the natural world to help us in our Way of Power operations. Have you ever felt that when you were really needy, everyone around you seemed to have exactly what you didn't have and seemed to be so happy and content? When you desire a goal intensely you set up an opposing charge in your environment. When a person is desperate for love, affection, or some possession, s/he induces a charge of opposite polarity in the people and environment around him or her. This causes the people not to want to give love, or the desired property. The environment becomes more unyielding the more you want something! When we consciously walk around feeling needy we cause others to withdraw their favors from us. This is why we should make our desires unconscious through sigils and by deliberately forgetting The Way of Power working after we do it. If we walk around feeling intense desire for something, our


environment will tend to close up and withhold our desires from us. If you desperately want people to give you love, affection and the things you want, you will create the reverse feeling in the people around you. They will want to withhold their love, affection, and possessions. Wanting people to give to you will cause people to hold on to what they've got. How do we prevent the opposing force of the force we are invoking from building up in our environment? Well, we must take a little closer look at the lightning bolt. Just at the instant that the energy is about to be transmitted, a small electrical herald is sent forth that goes from air to ground and a similar bit is sent from ground to the air. If they meet in the middle, then when they touch there is the main whoosh of lighting going from the cloud to the ground which we see. So the lesson here is that before a large amount of energy is transmitted, there is always a small tentative "hello" signal that is sent forth. One signals the other. It's like flirting—each time a person signals the other, say with a smile or a wink, they are reaffirming their choice. Therefore, be close to the action. Lightning seeks the most simple and uncomplicated path to discharge itself. So if you wish that someone give something to you, and you sense they are ready to give it, then be near as possible to them! Be where the action is. Be where the person, money, or energy that you want is! Now, some people call this signal, a "hand-shake" signal. If someone needs a helping hand across the street, you are of no use if you're in another part of town. Likewise, just standing on the street-corner next to the person in need of help will not connect up the two of you. One of you must send out a signal, a small precursor, that you want to connect. For instance, the person in need of assistance might smile at you and you signal back by asking "May I help you across the street?" Other precursors are: floral arrangements, a letter of introduction, a business card, business attire and special jewelry. If it is love you seek the solution lies in accepting love. In other words, instead of looking this way and that for someone who you can meet, you would simply walk down the street taking in whatever


signs or evidence of people's caring for you. If someone holds a door for you, lets you merge into traffic, smiles at you, or says hello, accept these things as love coming towards you\ Allow yourself to be loved. When you take what people give you, you set up a flow in your direction. This establishes a flow of love current in your direction. When you walk around accepting love you set up the opposite polarity in the people around you causing them to want to give love! Behold! I give unto you a new commandment: As you receive so shall it be given unto you. I strongly recommend that you pause when something good happens to you and WAIT at least 5-10 seconds and really FEEL the pleasant sensations. Let the FEELING SINK IN! Magnetize yourself with the feeling of pleasure! The next step is to develop a feeling of warmth and affection for small things. This will cause your love vibrations to radiate out from you. Be a friend and you will have friends. Genuinely care about people. If you don't feel any warmth towards your fellow human beings, then I doubt very much if you really have all that much love to give. But let the tides of give and take, serve and served, care-giver and care-receiver, aggressive and passive, to wash over you and breathe in and out of your soul.


THE CADUCEUS OF HERMES AS PORTRAYAL OF THE TRIANGLE OF MANIFESTATION The serpent is a symbol known to the Celts, Voodooists, Thelemites, Tantrics and the ancient faiths of Asia and Egypt. The serpent represents wisdom, silence and reproductive energy. It is associated symbolically with the interplay of time and life. In the Caduceus, the two serpents are called Ob and Od. As they twine around each other, they create the magickal wand of Double Power. The unification of the Ob and Od is pictured by the globe that crowns the Caduceus. The globe which climaxes the Caduceus symbolizes the Nur Muhammadi, or Light of Mohammed, the Aur (Light) in Hebrew, which is the result of the state of equilibrium existing between the two serpent forces. This Light is the SUPREME ESSENCE. Wilhelm Reich called this serpent energy the Orgone. It has also been referred to as: Ki, Kundalini, Mana, Prana, Vril, Animal Magnetism, the Odic Force, the astral light, the élan vital, the libido, the Atmospheric ‘I’ and Ether.


SERPENT MAGICK The serpent represents the universal force. This power is the very force that moves the universe. Behind all phenomena lies this serpent force. An African creation myth has the great serpent's seven thousand coils setting the stars and planets in motion. Serpent brought life to Earth and still can be seen moving in the current of a river, vaulting over us in the form of the rainbow and blazing down within the lightning. According to Greek mythology, at the origin of the world existed the Goddess Rhea. Her son Zeus in serpent-form coupled with his mother, who was also serpentine at the time. The great Odin disguised himself as a serpent, as did Loki; this parallels Zeus as the 'good serpent' (Agathos daimon) and Typhon as the 'evil serpent' (Kakos daimon). In certain mythologies, Gods and Goddesses would actually wear serpents around their bodies. In Celtic mythology Ceneu Menrud ('red mark') kept a serpent about his neck for a year; Conal Cearnach, of the Victories, had a serpent-creature coiled around his waist which served him in battle in the Tain Bo Fraoch; Carados correspondingly had a serpent wrapped around his arm. The Druid of the Welsh Triads exclaims in ecstatic trance: "I am a serpent!" Ancient Ireland was certainly given to Serpent Worship and the traditions seems to have continued well into the Common Era. The Milesian Celts would carve a snake twisted around a rod. The Crozier, or Pastoral Staff of Cashel, which was found in the 19th Century, bears a serpent springing out of a sheath or vagina. At


Clonmel, there is a cross having four serpents at the center, coiled round a spherical boss. Several instances have been known in which the serpents have been more or less chipped away from off such crosses. Medusa, as Moon and Earth Goddess, was conveyed in a serpent-drawn chariot. The Book of John 3:14-15 states: "Even as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life."

SERPENTINE ECSTASIES Communion is any act of mutual intercourse, especially intimate intercourse. Communion is also the reception of something from the Divine:.the something that IS the Divine. When one 'takes' communion, one is having intimate intercourse with the Divine. Conceive of your spine as being a serpent. Then think of your skull as a bowl of divine nectar or spirit-energy. Visualize the serpent as lapping up the nectar out of the base of the vessel. The serpent is receiving the communion from the bowl. It is as if the spine were the phallus and the valley of the skull, the yoni. Perfect communion, perfect equilibrium and balance inside yourself! Visualize a small serpent as coming out of the front of your skull. Its tail rests in the base of your brain and its head looks straight forward out from your skull. Now open your 'serpent' eyes and look out into the spirit world. You can channel energy out of your brain through this fashion.



THE SERPENT LIGHTNING ROD We know that behind every physical effect in this universe is a real, but invisible, spiritual force. For instance, a plant's growth is directed by its etheric body. Even seemingly lifeless objects, such as stones, are really living spiritual beings and are produced by spiritual forces weaving a web of manifestation in the mineral domain. So, it is not surprising that human-made physical objects can not only affect the physical world, but also affect the spirit realms. Our goal then is to create a serpent "lightning-rod" that we will use to manifest our wishes on the earth plane and to neutralize undesirable opposing forces in our environment. First, visualize your Serpent Lightning Rod in the Astral World. In other words, for several weeks work out in your imagination exactly how you want this rod to look. The Rod is the mundane representation of the Serpent. It should be at least as tall as your waist. Conceive of the Serpent Lightning Rod on the astral, so that it has its foundation in the spirit realms. It is not necessary to make the Rod look like a serpent. It is important that the Rod look like the image you visualize in the Astral. You can take an appropriate size stick of wood and paint on it an image of a serpent entwining itself around the stick. Wood need not be the only substance used or the main one for that matter. The only requirement is that substance be a conductor for energy—for this purpose a crystal, wood, or metallic staff or pole would all suffice. The Serpent Lightning Rod is the most powerful magickal tool because it manifests The Triangle of Manifestation on the physical


plane. The Serpent consolidates both polarities in perfect balance and unity. The Serpent is an ancient symbol of the Earth Spirit. The Serpent has a solar/ masculine/phallic quality. It also shares the nature of the Earth Spirit in that the serpent is self-generating through the shedding of its skin. The Serpent Lightning Rod represents the essence of the Magickal energy of the Earth commingled with the essence of the Magickal energy of the Sun. Plant your Rod firmly in the ground in broad daylight. Let the sun's rays play on the serpent-pole. In your mind's eye, envisage the pole as an arrow of energy penetrating the receptive target of the Earth. Your Serpent Lightening Rod is a bolt of flame from Heaven. You are holding the primary dynamism, the Uplifted Rod of Power! It is the Phallus, the virile member at its most potent. You grasp pure being in your hands. Lay your Rod down on the ground at night under the soft light of the Moon and silver Stars. See the Moon shoot forth a ray and watch it gently land on the Earth. The ray transforms itself into your Serpent Lighting Rod. Reflect on how a serpent will periodically shed its skin and emerge transformed, gleaming and more beautiful than before! You are at the Center of the Universe. You connect Earth to Sky, Sky to Earth. Can psychic and etheric energies be broken up when they present a barrier to our achieving our goals? The Serpent Lightning Rod exists as a bridge between the worlds. When you take it out and work with it you are balancing the energies within yourself and around your environment. Picture what is in disharmony in front of you and point your Rod at it. Don't try to do anything. Just let the energy flow back and forth and connect. The energy will then of its own nature reach a state of equilibrium. The Serpent Lightning Rod equalizes the pressures between the two energy potentials. For example, the Rod could equalize the difference of potential between having no transportation and having a Mercedes Benz. The Rod could counter-balance the difference between having no friends and being surrounded by loving friends. Wilhelm Reich demonstrated the equalizing of unbalanced energy potentials with his "cloud-buster." The cloud-buster dissipates clouds


of water vapor by withdrawing, according to the orgonomic principle, atmospheric (cosmic) 'OR' energy from the center of the cloud. There will then be less energy to carry the water vapors and the clouds necessarily dissipate. The orgonomic potential between cloud and its environment is lowered. The OR charges are drawn into water, preferably flowing water of brooks, streams, flowing lakes and rivers. As the "cloud-buster" dissipates cloudy skies, you too can break up negative situations with your Serpent Lightning Rod. If there's tension between you and a friend, boss or lover the Serpent Lightening Rod can dispel the negative energy. When you are sexually aroused you are building up a bio-electric charge that can be discharged through orgasm. All of biological life, according to Reich, can be seen as a function of tension and discharge. When we have accumulated enough energy charge we slam the Serpent Lightning Rod hard down on the floor. The collapse of the wave function ripples outward, changing the previous destiny that you had created, changing the rhythm of the atmosphere around you, and simultaneously discharging the energy of your desire from the rod. Many cultures believe that crossroads are sacred. Indeed, crossroads are places that exist between the worlds, for in truth, where does one road lead off and the other begin? This "place between" the worlds is similar to other places on the earth: the seashore (not earth/not sea), the horizon (not air/ not earth), the tip of a flame (not fire/not air). When the magickal wand hits the floor it collides with the meeting point. The Rod becomes the World Tree, the very center round which existence doth dance. This center has also been called the world navel. At this meeting point, the Serpent Rod puts things together. It pulls things together which do not agree. The Secret of the Rod is that it is an equilibrant. As you hammer your scepter into the ground state out loud: "I am the center of the Earth, I am where all Cycles meet, everything begins and ends with me. The serpent has always been connected with death for several reasons. Many serpents are poisonous and excrete deadly venom. Additionally, the serpent burrows underneath the earth, traveling through the Underworld, and reemerges into the daylight onto the


surface of the earth. The serpent re-creates itself every time it sheds its skin. It perpetuates itself by letting the old skin drop off. We humans do this when we die. We 'shed our skins' at death, thereby allowing ourselves to continue. We drop the body behind as we slip out of the sheaths of our etheric and astral bodies. That is why the serpent is a revealer of the Mystery of Life and Death. The serpent teaches us that death is a necessary part of our existence; death does not end our existence, it permits us to continue. The serpent represents the unquenchable fire of will. It is the force that comes out of the egg. The serpent must exist in the most severe of blazing hot deserts, enduring difficult climates and jungles, and still manage to persist and continue. It is for just this reason that the Serpent Lightning Rod enables travel through time and space at the blink of an eye. In its succession of existences, it can dance through time, as it sheds off epochs and grows new time and space coordinates.


THE MAGICKAL BUDDY Many magickal systems recommend one work with a "magickal partner," usually a person of the opposite sex, with whom to perform various magickal rites. However, finding such a partner is not always possible, nor is it always desirable—some people prefer to work alone magickly. But in my opinion, in working Magick in one's daily life there is nothing so valuable as a friend on the path. S/he need not be a full "magickal partner," but, at least, someone who can support you in an emotional and spiritual sense. This path can sometimes be demanding and it really helps to have a buddy with whom you can plan out your various workings and report the assorted results of your operations. When you try to apply any discipline all by yourself, sometimes you start out with the best of intentions, but when the going gets rough, the rough get going! But, if you have a friend with whom you've shared your plans, then you are more likely to stick to your plan of action. A magickal friend can support you in moments of spiritual doubt and discouragement. They can encourage you to continue with your studies and workings. They can suggest new and different approaches. They can share with you the results they have had in similar situations. You may be saying to yourself: "Where can I find such a person?" It's not that hard. Place an ad in one of the Magickal, Pagan, Cyberpunk, or Rock magazines stating that you are looking


for a friend to discuss magick with and to form a buddy-system. Put an ad up in your local occult book-store; even most personal ad sections now-a-days have sections devoted to people looking for "Friends Only." Be very specific. State exactly what kind of magick you are into, tell a little about your personal interests, state that you want to find a friend for mutual magickal support and encouragement! Think of the excitement and pleasure of knowing that you will have someone to report all your magickal results to at the end of the day! Also, realize, that you will be more willing to do difficult operations when you know that you have your friend's support and confidence in you! A support group is helpful, but even more helpful in my opinion, is one good friend, who is on the same wavelength as you, and with whom you can share your deepest magickal secrets.


CONCLUSION In the Tarot card deck, The Hermit card intimates that our knowledge is empty and meaningless until we turn and give it to others. I have endeavored through writing this book to share with you the result of over twenty years of spiritual investigation. I hope I have provided you with a fresh approach to imagistic magick, stripped of all the accretions of patriarchal and hierarchical theology, to fill in the gaps that are found in much Magickal literature. I know some people may be tempted to put this book down, because they are not yet ready to begin the required work to bring their desires into materialization. They may still be locked in the battle of wanting and not-wanting their goals. A very large part of themselves doesn't want anything to change. I suggest if this applies to you to go back to the sections on "Respecting Our Inner Selves" and "Something to Think About." Then there are those people who will prefer to wander through the fairy-tale land of superficial affirmation and positive thinking, so as not to confront other dimensions of themselves. Like The Fool in the Tarot Deck, you must walk blindly off the cliff into the ABYSS of the UNKNOWN! It takes great courage and character to go behind our masks and face our true selves. But this is the real task of the magickian. S/he must first transform him or herself. It is never easy to cast off from oneself the cherished notions of childhood and it is no less easy to face the fact that in order to grow spiritually one must accept a more sophisticated world-view.


But for those who are ready to begin regular, disciplined practice, the rewards will be well worth the effort. For The Way of Power techniques work with Nature, in harmony with the flow of the cosmos, ultimately connecting one to the Point from which All Creation flows. Power flows from this Point. Do not be ashamed for wanting to be POWERFUL. It is popularly more acceptable to use phrases similar to "feeling energetic," "send me some energy," "feel the energy flowing through you." Yet, energy is just another word for POWER. POWER brings force, strength, potency, stamina, and vigor. There is no need to steal power from others or abuse others to feel power when you are connected to the source from which All Creation flows. Power is not intrinsically evil or negative, just as wind is not intrinsically evil. Power simply "is". Regarding the use of POWER to effect authority, domination, and control: guide oneself through awareness of the Karmic consequences of the applications of POWER. For the more advanced student on the path, Karma reveals itself to be a concept and, like any other concept> can only hold power over a person if that person believes in it. A terrible responsibility settles on the shoulders of the Adept: the Adept is truly a god. If you treat people terribly then you are decreeing that the world is a place in which people are treated terribly. This can become a spiral into despair, as the world continuously reflects your own mind. Be aware of the existence you are creating around yourself, for that existence is you! If any of your dreams can become a reality for you as they have for me, then I shall not have wasted your money and time in purchasing and reading this book. Make no excuses for yourself. Make no excuses for wanting to have your needs met. DOES THE FLOWER ASK PERMISSION TO BLOOM? As a Magickian, your task is to break the world's hold on you. I recommend that you see how, when, and where society, media, books and religion control you and live your life for you. You are being lived. Wake up to that shocking fact! And then take back your power. Don't be the puppet of any society, any occult philosophy, ANYTHING! Some people are truly POSSESSED by the culture. To


thine own self be true! Choose, with intention, what direction to take with your life. Synthesize the Two Opposites in the Point of Transcendence, and GO BEYOND narrow minded ways of viewing reality. If you really think you are ready to take charge of your own life, and if you take the necessary steps outlined in this book, then you will indeed reap the rewards of THE WAY OF POWER. Go out and put these principles into action. There is no reality but the Ultimate Reality; You are the Emissary of that Reality. Make life a celebration of You!








“Things lie hidden in their opposites. . . ” - Al-Alawi “The Eternal Triangle” - (The phrase came into English late in the XVIII Century, apparently suggested by the Italian ‘Triangolo Equilatero) “The 'synthesis' is exactly the same as the anti-thesis; the only difference lies in a certain change of perspective, in a certain turn through which what was a moment ago experienced as an obstacle, as an impediment, proves itself to be a positive condition." - Slavoj Zizek Now, fifteen years after the first printing of this book, I may well be allowed to say something publicly about the state of existence out of which it arose. At first, I was going to write this Afterword only about the subsequent years since the book was published. Then I realized the enormous amount of synchronicities that converged as the ink was drying on my manuscript and the book finally printed. When I wrote this book, I knew I was adopted. I have always known this fact since I was a little boy. However, as the book was being completed, I had the magnificent experience of finding and meeting my biological mother, Josephine Cordisco, after a search or more than twenty years. Sadly, contemporaneously with this meeting, my adoptive mother fell fatally ill with metastatic breast cancer. I gave her one of the advanced copies of Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence on her deathbed. Amazingly, while in the hospice, my adoptive mother (to whom the book is dedicated) spoke via telephone with my biological mother. They spoke fondly and lovingly with each other. This moment was truly beyond duality. A year later, on Christmas Eve, my biological mother revealed to me the name of my biological father and gave me all the information she had about him. Within months, we found him. My birth mother and he had never married, due partially to the fact that he was a Presbyterian, of British extraction, whose family had resided in the United States since before the Revolutionary War, and her parents were Roman Catholics who had migrated from the eastern coast of


Italy. When my parents met in 1953 or so, my birth mother's family was living in the Greenwich Village section of New York City, and my birth fathers family was in Charleston, a small city in West Virginia. At that time, my birth mother and birth father were living in New York City. He was doing television production, and she was an aspiring performing artist working as a typist in an advertising agency. The name Cordisco derives from the Italian word cordasco, which literally means belated lamb. Thus, the nickname Cordisco may have been given to a child who was late in birth, or to a child who was born at the end of the springtime. In my case, this may not be far off the mark, as I was delivered using long forceps on the 5th day of April, 1954 at 1:32 PM. My mother's family came from the Abruzzi region in Italy. In 1772, my family obtained the Lordship of Montezemolo. My mother told me that her family referred to the people from the region that was once known as Yugoslavia, as cousins, which my mother always understood to mean that intermarriage took place between the people of her region and the Slavic peoples of Bosnia and Croatia. Since 1979,1 have earned the major part of my living as a Dance Musician, playing piano and percussion for ballet and modern dance classes and rehearsals, as well as composing for dance. I have also loved opera all my life, especially the works of the composer Richard Wagner. Josephine Cordisco and I met at the fountain of Lincoln Center in New York City. She is a very beautiful, charismatic and vivacious woman. That day she revealed to me that she had been a singer and a dancer during her life. Her favorite composer was Richard Wagner. I also learned that she had a life-long interest in metaphysics and esoteric spirituality. Then I met my father, Charles Peters, and another huge part of my life’s design came into focus. It would take a book in itself to describe my father. In fact, he did write his autobiography, Tilting at Windmills. Known, first, as the founder and editor of The Washington Monthly, I found him to be a very warm and impressive


man. He has been described as a “Pivotal figure in American journalism,” by J. Anthony Lukas, a Pulitzer Prizewinning American journalist and author. Through meeting my mother, I discovered from where my love of music and metaphysics derived, and through meeting my father, I discovered from where my love of writing, as well as from where my deep interest in politics, and world affairs derived. The Peters family, on my father’s side, are direct descendents of Simon de Montfort, who lived in the 13th century, was deeply religious and the greatest warrior of his time; yet for 700 years it was a hanging crime to speak his name. My father was close friends with John and Jacqueline Kennedy, and was tapped to help begin the Peace Corps by President Kennedy. Since 1995,1 traveled the world extensively from Azerbaijan to Mexico giving presentations at innumerable festivals and conferences. I continued to fine-tune, develop and clarify the concepts in this book through interacting with the public through lectures, Q&A sessions and private consultations. One winter’s night at fones Beach on Long Island, New York, I encountered two UFO’s. They traveled across the ocean, came up onto the beach and finally stopped at a distance of no more than twenty yards. We observed each other for a long period of time. They were giant spherical Orbs, about 50 feet in diameter, and each a brilliant color. The craft were not the conventional gleaming metal flying saucers. They had a fuzzy appearance consisting of pure light, and they observed me as I observed them as two colossal optical organs. This Afterword is an advanced level teaching designed to accompany the book you just read or re-read. My goal is to help the reader manifest his or her desires, goals and dreams. Rather than rehash the concepts presented fifteen years ago, I decided in this Afterword to press forward and present cutting-edge, new material, on the subject of Imagistic Magick. However, I did not stop there, but I am including completely new techniques, never before presented to the public. Now, I am incorporating elements such as Conditioned Space, Morphic Resonance, Scalar Energy, M-Theory, Systemic Formations, the Tetralemma, Seed Resonators, and


Deltrons, into my magickal theory and practice. Eventually after many years of working with myself and my readers on the groundbreaking techniques I first presented in this book, I alchemically reduced the very heart of The Triangle of Manifestation technology to the following three questions: 1. What do I want? 2. What don’t I want? 3. When does [what I want] appear to be [what I don’t want]? The answer to the third question is the Third Point of the Triangle, the Point of Transcendence. This Third Point of Transcendence opens the way for your intentions to manifest. Eliphas Levi says that he who knows the two opposite currents of the Great Magical Agent or Astral Light, and also knows the art of their equilibrium, possesses the key to power. During the years since this book first came out, one fact has stood out. The first step of the Triangle of Manifestation, which is the question: “What do I want?” appears to be the most difficult step of all. People do not know what they want. Therefore, they are stuck at this step. They can tell you all about what they do not want because people are scared to dream about what they do want. Nevertheless, it is helpful to know what you do not want. If you know what you do not want, then (unbelievably) you know the answer to the second question of the Triangle of Manifestation. Permit me to suggest that if you are having trouble figuring out what it is you want, that you do my technique in reverse. Ask yourself “What is the opposite of what I do not want?” Your answer will be the answer to the question “What do I want?” Amazingly, what helps you to become clear regarding what you want is to find out what you do not want! For example, if a person has no idea what they want, but know beyond any shadow of a doubt that they do not want to be sick, he or she must then ask himself or herself “What is the opposite of


being sick?” The answer in all probability will be “Healthy.” Then the person knows what it is he or she wants, that is, to be healthy. Three is the number of the Human Being, because the Child is the result of a Man and a Woman coming together in sexual intercourse. The sperm and egg, two separate and distinct forms of life, join, and in their joining, a wholly new beingness appears on this Earth. The sperm is akin to Chokmah on the Western Kabalistic Tree of Life, for it is energy expressed as a direct outward rush. The egg is akin to Binah, for it expresses all that contains, encloses and enfolds. In a sense, the two (sperm and egg) are opposites, yet they need each other to produce the Point of Transcendence - the Child. Bridging science and metaphysical reality is a very popular topic in many books, presentations, videos and workshops. This is a helpful study, but one must remember that it was not more than fifty years ago that students were being taught about the electron circling around the nucleus, like a planet rotating around the sun! At this time, we know that the electron is more like a cloud and has no fixed position unless an observation is made by an observer. The author is hesitant to write of scientific discoveries along with metaphysical teachings, as many esoteric books from the 1800’s and the early 1900 s, contain much worthwhile information, yet seem quaint and dated whenever they reference some then-new scientific finding which has since been superseded or disproved, and people often discard them as unimportant for this reason. Ken Wilber points out, “The other thing you have to remember when you’re trying to use recent scientific discoveries to validate religious insights, is that scientific theories change approximately decade by decade, and religious insights, to the extent they’re true, are supposed to be timeless.” However, the authors deep love of science precludes him from excluding it from this Afterword. Terence McKenna prefigured this author’s sentiments when he said, “I feel pretty comfortable being on the side of the philosophy of science but its post-Newtonian, post quantum physics, science.” The author takes additional comfort in the clever insight of Oscar Wilde who noted, “Religions die when they are proved to be true. Science is the record of dead religions.”


Aleister Crowley spent much time among Arabs in Tunisia, Cairo and elsewhere. He studied Islam and was the companion of dervishes and Sufis. The Sufis believe that Allah has 100 Names, 99 of which He has revealed to humanity, and One that He keeps secret for himself. In a note to Column V o f777, Crowley lists these names, with the observation: “That these following are only titles of the One Ineffable Name is shown by Koran xvii. 110. But monotheism is not true for the normal consciousness, but only for that of the adept.” This note reveals Crowleys deep familiarity with the Koran. Now there is a story in the Koran that will be related here. The story concerns the great magickian Moses, who learned the arcane secrets of ancient Egypt during his rein there, and the mysterious and enigmatical figure Khezr. Some say that Moses was, in fact, the great Pharaoh Akhenaton. Zenon Kelper writes, “For centuries, its rabbis have claimed to have been led from Egypt by a prophet, Moses, whose face/identity they swore to keep secret (Rule of the Ancient Alliance). However, it happens that Science sometimes brings new ways of seeing things, and Egyptology today shows a compelling probability that Moses was, in fact, the masked figure of Akhenaton.” He concludes, “As Freud noted, Akhenaton could not have been alone, and must have been supported by a group of people whom he called neo-Egyptians’” In the Koran, it is told that Moses at one time thought that he was the wisest man on Earth. The Ultimate Reality informed him that he was not the wisest man on Earth, but there existed another man, a very enigmatic and mysterious wanderer, whom Moses could encounter. The Ultimate Reality also revealed that the Knowledge of the Mysteries was revealed directly to this mysterious man by the Ultimate Reality Itself! Moses was told that if he found the place where the two waters meet and the fish disappeared, he would come across this great man. Moses swore to find this place. What is the significance of Moses meeting the wisest man on Earth at this specific location - the junction of two waters? “The function of the human beings active imagination is to create a bridge, to join two banks of a river, creator and creature,” explains J. Marvin Spiegelman. It is through our power of imagination that we can


manifest our potential for manifestation, both external and internal. Moses found the place where the two waters meet. Reading the Koran in its deeper levels reveals to some mystics that the two waters are the two hemispheres of our brain. This means that Moses did not yet possess a hemisphere-synchronized brain, but that he needed a mystic teacher to bring him to that level. Ervin Laszlo instructs us, “The brain-state underlying ordinary consciousness is left-hemisphere dominated, and we know that the left hemisphere filters out experiences that do not mesh with our established beliefs and expectations. We also know that deep prayer and meditation activate the right hemisphere, and tend to synchronize the two hemispheres.” One way to view this is to regard one of the waters as the way the masculine linear-rational mind perceives and interacts with the maps of the world, and the other water as the way the feminine imaginative-intuitive mind perceives and interacts with its matrix - the natural world. Thus, Moses at that time, only knew an exoteric (or linear-rational) form of spirituality, and was in need of encountering a master who could introduce him to Direct Gnosis or esoteric spirituality. Moses found the wise man in this sacred meeting place of the waters. His name is not given in the Koran, but all know him as the aforementioned great immortal Khezr. Khezr is and is not a particular person. We know now that, for example, Merlin was a title earned by a particular person. There were many Merlins among the Celts in ancient times; so, too, with Khezr. Khezr, the Green Man of Sufism, has been the Immortal Ruler of Hyperborea, the King of the World, Alexanders cook, Hermes Trismegistus, discoverer of the Fountain of Youth, and the Prophets Enoch, Idris and Elijah. If he was Hermes Trismegistus, then this whole tale of Moses and Khezr rendezvous where the two waters meet took place inside one person! In his book Theosophy and Islam, Theja Gunawardhana states, “AlKhidr can most certainly be connected as the head of the ancient school of the Prophets, el-Khadoras on Mt. Carmel (modern Haifa). This sacred mount is mentioned as having been handed back with


endowment by Thutmose III in the 1449 B.C. documents which recorded his conquest of the region. He was a great initiate himself.” The author lived for a while on this mount. Many other people are said to be Khezr. For Khezr is a person, a title and a state of being. The Spanish Arab historian Said of Toledo (d. 1069) said: “Sages affirm that all antediluvian sciences originate with the first Hermes who lived in Said in Upper Egypt.” Chris Bennett, Lynn Osburn, and Judy Osburn in their paper Cannabis: The Philosopher’s Stone mention, “Alchemists like Paracelsus and Eirenaeus Philalethes mention the name Elias, which in the authorized version of the Bible is the same as Elijah, the powerful magician-prophet of Tishpeh, whom the Sufis equated with Khidr , the green man and patron saint of cannabis.” Kenneth Rayner Johnson writes in The Fulcanelli Phenomenon, “The real significance of the mysterious Elias is given in an almost throw away phrase by A.E. Waite in The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross. He says ‘I infer that enthusiasts [i.e. those who looked forward to the coming of Elias] regarded it as a corporate Elias.’ In other words, Elias was the symbolic figurehead of the new school of alchemy whose adepts were now proving its reality among mankind.” These two waters are also the seas of duality. Sara Sviri describes them as, “the sea of life and the sea of death, the space-bound and the spaceless, the time-bound and the timeless.” Therefore, Khezr lives at the meeting place that transcends duality, the coincidencia oppositorum. Unfortunately, the two hemispheres of our brain have become separated and no longer function as a holistic gestalt. To go beyond duality, you need to go beyond the duality of your mind. You have a mind that is rooted in both the body and in the spirit. Criminal and abominable work has been done by governments and other groups who seek to dominate the human race, to further separate humankind from the imaginative-intuitive sea, and to severely compromise our ability to think clearly. We must unite these two oceans, these two hemispheres, these two ways of perceiving and interacting with the world. However, many power-hungry and controlhungry forces (many of the elite and their allies) want to stop this


unification from happening on a large scale. This horrible attack on humanity is being accomplished through various electro-magnetic waves that are being unleashed at our brains and bodies, through television, mass media, through psychotronic resonance, genetic manipulation, mind control, and through the old standby of organized religion. They can affect all aspects ofour lives, all sorts of health issues, but you may notice them especially at night, because they will cause insomnia. Often the electro-magnetic radiation attacks appear similar to glowing spider-webs at night. Lastly, in the Moses and Khezr tale, the disappearing fish is a forewarning that the moment, the instantaneous flash of opportunity, to find this place of transcendence, this balance that exists beyond duality, can be fleeting if we do not seize the moment. The fish is an ancient metaphysical symbol. This symbolic fish represents that metaphysical reality is the Ultimate Field of Existence, the Numina as Michael Tsarion calls it. Confucius once met Lao-tzu. Confucius based his spiritual philosophy on rules and regulations. His rigid doctrine was an example of the quintessential orthodox approach to religion. Lao-tzu, on the other hand, flowed like a leaf on a stream experiencing spirituality as the flow of existence, the totality expressing itself. He saw no need for ritual prayer or religious repetition, for the Divine never repeats Itself in exactly the same way. On returning from this visit to Lao-tzu, Confucius did not speak for three days. A disciple asked him, saying, “Master, when you saw Lao-tzu, in what direction did you admonish him?” “I saw a dragon,” replied Confucius, “a dragon which by convergence showed a body, by radiation became color, and riding upon the clouds of heaven, nourished the two principles of creation. My mouth was agape: I could not shut it. How then do you think I was going to admonish Lao-tzu?” It is best to live in a state of perplexity and fluidity, like water, than to live in a hardened and doctrinal state of believing one knows everything. “Until you are willing to be confused about what you already know, what you know will never grow bigger, better, or more useful,” wrote the great hypnotist Milton Erickson.


Orthodox religion poses a great danger to humanity, and that is why the magickian never allows him or her self to become trapped in this stagnant water. The great religions, the rituals of these religions, are only hints that once there stood on these banks one who flowed like water with the cosmos. That once a true system of awakening existed in some time and place, but now there exists only mechanistic imitation, a monument carved out of rock, to this expression of fluidity. Religion is obsessed with nature, because religion fears nature. Thus, religion attempts to reign in and control nature, including the nature of human sexuality. Michael Tsarion writes, “In fact, the curious thing to always remember when we deal with philosophical questions is that the human mind is not responsible for creating humanity or the world. Very few people in the world give this fact the thought it deserves.” “Every statement contains an absurdity,” wrote Aleister Crowley. In his work Magick in Theory and Practice, he acknowledges that all the names by which humanity have called, or calls, the Ultimate Reality, are in fact all One. However, Crowley regarded each of these names as incomplete theories of the universe, which the mind would eventually destroy “by criticism.” He was acutely aware of the danger of building a philosophical system, stating, “The mind is the great enemy.” One must invoke using rapture, tears, laughter and great enthusiasm, thereby igniting the powers of what is conventionally called the right brain. Another dreadful error made by magickians of all ages and types is the ego is fascinated by theory and information. We are in the age of “info-tainment.” Information titillates the ego, makes the possessor feel that one is important and powerful, and gives the false illusion that one can actually do something. This is a terrible mistake. The magickian, if he or she is ever going to be potent, must put the books aside and take the time to put into practice what he or she has learned. There is no replacement for direct experience. Sadly, there are many would-be magickians out there who can impress you with their wide range of knowledge about magick, and might even get you to join their organization, while in reality they have never done any real and meaningful work. Also, beware of outrageous claims. If you find yourself sitting in awe of someone,


from all their tales of what they have done, you must realize that you have given your power away to this person. In reality, there are few practicing magickians, and even fewer truly mighty practicing magickians, and these few rarely will talk about their exploits. When we fear something, when we are faced with the frightening unknown, this is a call to take notice that our fear, this unknown, contains wisdom that will make you much stronger. People are terrified of themselves, and often turn to external means and techniques with the intention of controlling their outer lives, creating the false belief that all is well. If you can go to the place of the deepest parts of yourself, and then proceed from that profundity, you can manifest real magick. Of course, every human being is a magickian, always manifesting his or her interior. If you fear looking deeply within yourself, if you fear your core, you will constantly trip yourself up magickally. Plotinus wisely noted, “True satisfaction is only for what is plenitude in its own being; where craving is due to an inborn deficiency. There may be satisfaction at some given moment but it does not last.” Most people are asleep, and many magickians are performing magick while dreaming. They do not first perceive the world clearly, because they are awash in the Astral Realm, and therefore cannot access their Limitless Self. One needs to first realize the abundance within him or her self, in other words Plotinus’ “plenitude.” One must correct mistaken notions concerning oneself. For example, if one is constantly doing magick to be loved, one has lost the trail to all the love inside one’s own being and constantly flowing to one from the Cosmos. Doing magick without knowing oneself is like driving a car with the emergency brake on. Michael Tsarion puts it bluntly, “The plain fact is that unawakened men can never, regardless of how they try, build anything solvent and holistic.” If you are performing magick while asleep, you will only manifest more dreams. Your manifestations will be incomplete, fleeting, or a nightmarish version of that which you sought to manifest. Earlier we wrote about there being more than one Merlin, Khezr, Elias, as well as King Arthur, Pythagoras, and many others because


these names were titles. J. R. Cleland elucidates, “Pythagoras, as a title, is identical, in root meaning, with ... the Egyptian ThothHermes.” Yet the power of the position did not diminish. How is it possible that one person can don the mantle of another? The most persuasive response is that the individual participates in the Morphogenetic Field of his or her predecessor. How can the concept of the Morphogenetic Field help you now in your magickal work? Scot Rhoads in his article How To Use Magick With A Straight Face writes, “Ironically, the same discipline which made magick so difficult can now provide this excuse. Scientists are exploring some new ideas that depart from the founding mechanistic paradigm. Ideas consonant with the magickal paradigm show up in Jung’s synchronicity, quantum physics, the Gaia hypothesis and the morphogenetic field hypothesis.” Morphogenesis means the coming into being of form. This is an excellent definition of magick. At first, Morphogenesis was defined as Wikipedia states, “Morphogenesis (from the Greek morphe shape and genesis creation, literally, ‘beginning of the shape’), is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape. Rupert Sheldrake is a British former biochemist turned parapsychology researcher, and the author of a number of controversial books on topics such as animal and plant development and behavior, memory, telepathy and perception. In his first book, A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance, Sheldrake proposed that phenomena, particularly biological ones, become more probable the more often they occur, and therefore biological growth and behavior become guided into patterns laid down by previous similar events. He suggested that this underlies many aspects of science, from evolution to the laws of nature. In his second book, The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature, Sheldrake presented evidence for Morphic Resonance, one aspect of the Formative Causation Hypothesis Sheldrake introduced in A New Science of Life!’ Rupert Sheldrake explicates, “Fields are more extensive than material objects.” He uses the example of the common magnet placed in the center of iron filings. One can quickly see how the iron


filings arrange themselves according to the magnetic field. We know that if we took the iron filings away, Sheldrake says, “The field or invisible structure would still be there.” In the Way of Power, we are working with fields, for fields can arrange the objects and people in our lives. Sheldrake goes on to say that, “Matter is less fundamental than fields of energy.” Morphogenetic fields are form-shaping fields. The Morphogenetic Field is similar to Eliphas Levi’s idea of The Astral Light in which all things and life processes are recorded. Magick is the bringing into being the form of your desire. Think of a fetus developing in the womb. The cells of the fetus cannot just grow in any direction or in any arbitrary manner. They must grow according to an invisible template. Now form is a great problem to scientists, as they really have no idea (for example) how a bird can grow from an egg. The same problem arises when scientists consider instinct. They just do not know how form and instinct are communicated. The magickal techniques of Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence, work with these invisible templates. The strength of each invisible template, or field, is directly proportional to the energy plus clarity that you put into your magickal work. If your magickal work is lacking in congruent coordination with your inner being, then the field will be weak. Those of you who study bodybuilding, dance and sports, know how important it is to strengthen your Core. The core muscles are deep inside you, and they are crucial for balance and stability. If your core is weak, then no matter how many muscles you add to your arms or legs, ultimately you are not congruent, you are not harmonious, you lack integrity in your physical being and you are not one with your physical being. The same goes for magickal work. The core, the center, must be strong in order to produce a morphogenetic field that is clear in its purpose. You can imagine the developing fetus, how it would look, if the invisible template contained information about building a rhinoceros as well as a human being. Pity the poor mother that is bearing that fetus inside her. For what she will give birth to will be monstrous. I am sure many of you have magickally given birth to monstrous


manifestations of that which you wanted to produce. Ponder your arms, legs, and so forth. Chemically they are the same. Each contains cells with the same DNA. However, they have different shapes. They differ from one anther because they each have a different plan, or as Sheldrake says, each has its own unique in-FORM-ation. Some Psychonauts, Meta-Hermeneutical Masters, Neuromancers, and Sorcerers (those who work with the Source), see the Morphic Field as a hologram. Ananda Bosman writes, “The entire body holographic message is present in the single DNA molecule, in order to be capable of reproducing the entire whole.” For eons, metaphysicians have known this blueprint or template as the Etheric Body. The magickian is balanced. He or she does not live a rollercoaster life. He or she needs to reframe his or her relationship with stress and drama. Most people do not live from a deep place within themselves, but instead float around on the waves at the surface of the ocean of life. The magickian dives deep into the ocean, swimming below the surface commotion, and traveling deeper and deeper into the stillness, until he or she reaches the bottom, the ground of his or her being. In your ultimate truth, you are one with this stillness. However, that core stability and stillness takes many years to attain. Aleister Crowley cautions, “Let him, before beginning his Work, endeavor to map out his own being, and arrange his invocations in such a way as to redress the balance.” Chances are you are still driven by your unconscious mind. Crowley continues, “We see then, that we can never affect anything outside ourselves save only as it is also within us. Whatever I do to another, I also do to myself. If I kill a man, I destroy my own life at the same time...Every vibration awakens all others of its particular pitch.” Recall our illustration of the iceberg from earlier in the book. No matter what you choose to manifest, if it is substantially different from your unconscious beliefs, your inner magickian will drive away exactly that which you want to manifest. There has to be a correlation between your innermost unconscious beliefs and that which you want to manifest. You cannot force something into manifestation.


The more you know the force that is the opposite of the force you are invoking, the more you can successfully reach the Third Point of Transcendence. When dealing with personal matters, the opposite force is a force that is living inside you. If you want to manifest a romantic partner, and you ask yourself the second question, “What is it that I don’t want?”, and you come up with an answer like, “I don’t want to be lonely,” then this is a clue that in your unconscious memory storage, you have a desire to be lonely or a belief that you must be lonely for some reason, or a belief that you are unattractive and cannot attract a romantic partner. This can be upsetting at first to realize and face. It all boils down to being honest with yourself. However, this will give you knowledge, so that you will encounter the actor who is playing a role, under the surface, who is preventing your magick from being effective. You manifest according to your level of consciousness. If you are visualizing when you are at the level of, for example, anger consciousness, jealousy consciousness, desperation consciousness, and so forth, these non-propitious emotional states will intertwine themselves with your visualized goal! An ugly hybrid will result. One magickal means to uncovering the content of your unconscious is through some form of Art: playing music, painting, dancing, writing poetry, sculpting and so forth. Art is a magickal tool. Jean Cocteau wrote, “Art is a marriage of the conscious and the unconscious.” Jung suggested that the student, no matter what their artistic abilities, draw or paint a Mandala that represents him or her self. The author suggests doing this as a way to visually depict to yourself your being in all its aspects. The deeper you go, the more you can utilize the Triangle of Manifestation and The Way of Power to become a more integrated human being. Carl Jung reveals the psychology of the magick in this book when he wrote, “The psychological ‘Transcendent Function arises from the union of conscious and unconscious content.” A true magickian has complete internal and external consistency. There is a time-honored magickal instruction that states it is best to work in small steps. Think in terms of Spheres of Influence. If you want your romantic partner to be beautiful or handsome in the Hollywood sense of attractiveness, it would be unwise to go for the


Movie Star right away. There is a small chance this will work, but the wise ones tell us that the procession of the magickal work should be gradual. For example, by facing yourself honestly, you may realize that it might be helpful to first manifest an apartment in which to live with your dream partner. You would not believe the amount of armchair magickians who are still living at home with their parents, and who are trying to produce the most spectacular results. Tsunetomo Yamamoto wrote something very humorous, “In China there was once a man who liked pictures of dragons, and his clothing and furnishings were all designed accordingly. His deep affection for dragons was brought to the attention of the dragon god, and one day a real dragon appeared before his window. It is said that he died of fright. He was probably a man who always spoke big words but acted differently when facing the real thing.” The Sphere of Influence must widen gradually. First, you might need a job, then a car, and so forth. As these things manifest in your life, then you can gradually work on manifesting a bigger apartment, then perhaps a house, and then a mansion. The same might go for your physical appearance. All that sitting around reading a thousand books on magick might have left you with a big potbelly and completely out of shape physically. You may need to do some magickal work to get yourself to rise up from your couch and walk a little bit every day. Then, you can work on inspiring yourself to perhaps join a fitness club, and so forth. Do you see how you increase your Sphere of Influence by degrees? Gradually widen your Sphere ofInfluence so that eventually it can encompass that which you seek to manifest. If you seek to manifest a car, but cannot afford gasoline, then you first need to create (little by little) a Sphere of Influence that includes being able to purchase gasoline. This concept of Spheres of Influence applies to whatever goal you might have in life. Neglect it at your own peril. The magickian moves without moving, for his or her steps are so subtle that no one notices. Before anyone has had time to react, the magickian has achieved his or her goal, because the magickians changes and transformations were so seemingly insignificant (if even noticeable) that they did not seem worth considering.


Ultimately, the biggest fear inside you is that you will be destroyed. You must ask yourself if this fear is rational. In certain situations, you may be faced with losing certain things or people from your life, but will this kill you? Ask yourself, “What is the probability of this (name your fear here) actually happening?” Generally, the unconscious, by denying you what you wish to manifest, is really trying to protect you. It is trying to keep you from being destroyed. The unconscious can sabotage you while all the while it is thinking it is helping you. Delve into the unconscious, to learn the codes inside the unconscious, to discover what are its views of reality. No amount of conscious desire for something can overcome an unconscious belief that if you had that thing, it would destroy you. Think of your father who implied that he would not accept a son who earned more money than he did. You might remember the time you had a nervous breakdown when your first love broke up with you. Or was it when you got into a schoolyard brawl and realized at some level that you wanted that kid dead, perhaps as you pummeled him into unconsciousness? Or perhaps what occurred was much more subtle during the early years of your adolescence, as you very deeply inside began to have sexual feelings for your sister and became disgusted with your body and sex in general. Gradually de-layer the unconscious beliefs that reside silently, but deadly, in your unconscious. In trying to help you to survive, the unconscious could be in fact destroying you. Recall again the diagram of the iceberg in this book; how meditating on it reveals that the world is, in reality, made up of almost seven billion unconscious minds interacting with one another. The unconscious demands that the conscious mind experience the world as the unconscious believes it to be. Because of this selfprogramming, we are more like zombies than like human beings. “The internal dialogue is what grounds people in the daily world. The world is such and such or so and so, only because we talk to ourselves about its being such and such and so and so,” clarified Carlos Castaneda. The Triangle of Manifestation is like a Zen Koan. Do not try to force an answer. Force is not the way magick functions. Magick flows.


Allow yourself to live with the third question. From what you previously read, you now know that strength is not brute force. The subtle strength of the blade of grass can survive the hurricane that knocks down the strong oak. Be supple. Nothing frightens away that which you seek to manifest more than a demanding attitude that says, “You must manifest now and in the way I expect.” Therefore, the answers that come from working the Triangle of Manifestation might seem to be irrational or strange. However, they gradually uncover the challenges that are presented by various levels of your being. Do not try to pry open your unconscious with brute force. Gently coax it to give up its secrets. You need the feminine part of your psyche to seduce the masculine aspects to give up its secrets. In ancient times, the male’s role was to protect the female. These ancient roles have taken deep root in most people’s minds. The rational-male part of you, that is always on the lookout for potential danger (like a saber-tooth tiger), is still now thinking its job is always to be on the lookout for mortal danger. It sees life as a constant struggle to simply survive. You need to utilize the feminine in order to get the masculine to give up its secrets. So, how is this done? You must seduce yourself. Do things that are stereotypically/emim'ne, for example, listen to lovely music, grow plants, buy yourself clothes that are very comfortable, go to parks, buy nice lighting for your home, swim in a pool, buy flowers and display them in your home, purchase paintings for your walls, decorate your home, light candles and incense, and so forth. This applies to both men and women, because we are talking about the archetypes (or energies) of masculine and feminine in a metaphysical sense. The masculine sends forth the energy; the feminine encloses and encompasses the energy. Sheldrake goes substantially further into his definition of morphogenesis as, “The linking of the form and structure of similar systems across time and space through resonance of morphogenetic fields.” Researchers extended his theory from biology to experimental psychology. This linking is named: Morphic Resonance, that is, the influence of previous structures of activity on subsequent similar structures of activity. This goes back to Aleister


Crowley who wrote, “He may attract to himself any force of the Universe by making himself a fit receptacle for it, establishing a connection with it, and arranging conditions so that is nature compels it to flow toward him.” Crowley wrote of the magickal method of Identification. He spoke about evoking a deity, namely a god or goddess. To do this “in perfection involves the attainment of a species of Samadhi; and this fact alone suffices to link irrefragably magick with mysticism.” Crowley suggested that in order to utilize the method of Identification, “the symbolic form of the god is first studied with as much care as an artist would bestow upon his model, so that a perfectly clear and unshakable mental picture o f the god is present to the mind.” He went on to write that the attributes of the god are memorized indelibly in speech (preferably in the language of the god or the language in which the god was/is praised). In other words, the words of the god are memorized. The magickian then identifies himself or herself with the god. Finally, the god is then invoked, “but as by Himself.” If you create a situation that is similar to a situation in another time and space, you can produce, through resonance, that situation. This creates the magickal link. Crowley taught a way of morphogenetically creating deliberately the same template (field) of the condition that one wishes to manifest. Now, in Crowley’s system, this was no mere casual Work of Identification. He urged that the magickian should devote months of his time to developing this Identification. This magickal Identification is much akin to the contemporary psychological work known as Systemic Treatment, developed by Jacob Moreno, Virginia Satir, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, the existentialphenomenology of Brentano, Husserl, Heidegger, as well as the rituals of the African Zulu tribe. Bert Hellinger, the name most widely associated with this work, has synthesized the research and techniques of many of the individuals listed above. Beginning as an ordained priest, Hellinger was sent as a missionary to South Africa. Hellinger lived with the Zulus for sixteen years. He developed a great deal of his work through observing how the tribe would, through magickal rituals, address issues in the tribe by means


of establishing connections with the ancestors of the individuals experiencing distress of some sort. Bobbie Garner and Vistara Conway work with what is called The Knowing Field. They maintain, “We are deeply rooted to our ancestors in many ways. Not only do we inherit some of their physical traits; we can also inherit their unfinished business. The unresolved patterns and traumas of our ancestors are passed down through the generations, and are unconsciously taken on by someone in the family system in a misguided attempt to restore wholeness.” Sheldrake states that one can tune into ones own past through the morphogenetic system. He states, “There is a memory or habit in nature.” He holds that the memory is not in the brain and that this is similar to what Jung called the Collective Unconscious. In Systemic Treatment (also known as Family Constellations), the person who is being Constellated, meaning the person who has a certain problem or issue in his or her life which he or she wishes to resolve, will choose members from the audience to represent members of his or her family (either alive or deceased). They are then placed or arranged by the person with the issue (along with help from the facilitator) in the middle of the room, without comment, based on how it felt to be in the family. Despite not knowing each other or having information about the family members or their relationships to each other, the representatives become a living model of the original family system. The aim is to tap into what the psychiatrist Albrecht Mahr describes as the Knowing Field. The Knowing Field is claimed to guide participants to perceive and articulate feelings and sensation that mirror those of the real family members they represent. In a Systemic Constellation representatives can be chosen to represent not only people, but also emotional states. For example, someone may represent grief. A representative can also be chosen to represent an obstacle. In other words, representatives can be chosen to represent not only people, but objects, conditions, emotions, time, and whatever else the person being constellated wishes to embody in the middle of the room.


It is curious to note that Muslims, with whose religion Crowley was intimately knowledgeable as he spent much time living with Muslims and even dressing as an Arab, strive to copy what they call the Sunnah of the Prophet. The Sunnah comprises, among other things, the exact way that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him and his family) would sleep, wash himself, grow and trim his hair and beard and fingernails, relieve himself, speak, pray and so forth. While most of the orthodox Muslims who practice this intense form of Sunnah are doing this practice out of respect and admiration for the Prophet, in reality they are creating a morphogenetic field, an identification, a similar situation if you will, to that of the Prophet, thereby merging with the morphic resonance of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The magickian can do this with anyone after which they wish to model themselves. For at least fifteen years, practitioners of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP) have known this technique as a way to take on the qualities of certain individuals, as well as a technique to know an individuals most personal thoughts and feelings. Our unconscious minds know a great deal more than most people give them credit for, as our minds are clearly not our brains, but the brain through quantum tunneling accesses the mind. If a group of scientists state that the conscious experiences a person undergoes during a Near Death Experience are produced by the brain, the group obviously would focus on brain activity as the source of these experiences. However, there is new evidence, from Cardiologist and NDE Researcher Dr. Pim van Lommel from the Netherlands, that shows, in fact, that while people were undergoing NDEs the brain was completely flatlined. There was no measurable electrical activity at all. He was able to show that the “chaotic-activity” or “hyperactivity” of the dying brain cells, postulated by contemporary science, was not happening at all. Dr. Pim van Lommel proved this by actually having placed electroencephalographs on peoples brains while they were undergoing NDEs. Van Lommel believes this is the best evidence to show that consciousness can operate outside the brain. The Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, when he was still unknown, hired the best acting teacher in Paris, and for a long period of time this


teacher gave Napoleon only one assignment: to daily walk up and down a long hallway as if he were the Emperor. As human beings living in a Morphogenetic Soup, we have seen and lived every type of human existence on this planet, from beggar to sultan. Thus, we see that through utilizing the morphogeneticfield in one’s magickal work, one may make one’s magick more puissant. Sheldrake says, “Things are as they are, because they were as they were.” This hearkens back to Spare’s work on atavism. Jill U. Adams, Ph.D. & Kenna M. Shaw, Ph.D. define atavism as “the reappearance o f a trait that had been lost during evolution.” They go on to write, “Our genes do not determine who we are, but with atavism, they can sometimes serve as reminders of our evolutionary past.” Just as there are physical atavisms, as well as atavistic behavioral traits of tigers and so forth, so too, there exist reversions to the characteristics of a remote incarnation of oneself, as well as reversions to an earlier type of human being. Sheldrake puts forward that there is a continuous spectrum of morphicfields, including behavioral, mental, social, and cultural. David Pratt shares with us that “This would explain how the characteristics of ancestral species, even those extinct for millions of years, can suddenly reappear, a phenomenon known as reversion, atavism or throwing back. There are also many examples from the fossil record that suggest that particular evolutionary pathways are repeated: organisms with features almost identical to previous species appear repeatedly. Taking this idea a step further, is it not conceivable that the same individualized higher-level fields could manifest repeatedly in physical form and provide a thread of continuity between one life or embodiment and the next?” Humans fall into behavioral loops because humans are creatures of habit. McKenna saw entheogens as Morphogenetic Field Amplifiers, since a person after ingesting an entheogen can hold an object and can access its past states. This is also called Field Integration. Shamans can examine the past history of whatever is being examined, locating lost objects, lost souls, and so forth. You have a Cellular Memory in your DNA. You have the memory of who you were in other Space-Time Frames. In addition, these spacetime frames are happening simultaneously. Knowledge of your other


space-time frames is available to you. This is why it is essential to know who you are. Psychonauts speak of the Omega Point. Omega Point is a term coined by the French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) to describe a maximum level of complexity and consciousness towards which the universe appears to be evolving. In other words, there is a goal or attractor of the entire universe. Morphogenetic Fields are formations of conscious light and sound, which serves as blueprints on which matter, form and conscious identity will manifest. This occurs microcosmically and macrocosmically. Therefore, the universe is one massive field of consciousness embracing and containing all other forms where all experiences of reality and manifestation take place. Sheldrake says in one of his lectures: “If there is a model of morphogenetic fields . . . it has to be in terms of dynamics of some kind. And the interesting [fact] about Modern Dynamics is that it is based on Attractors. Systems are attracted to states that lie in the future. Morphogenetic Fields must contain the goal or final form or status of something. The Morphogenetic Field of the oak tree contains the form of the fully-formed oak and draws the growing seedling towards it.” Obviously, then, this notion of attractors holds great potential for magickal operations. Your yearning for a person or thing is the seed-proof that you are capable of experiencing the person or thing in your life. Hegel confirmed, “The very fact that something is determined as a limitation implies that the limitation is already transcended.” What is the Attractor at the End of Time7. McKenna called it the Transcendental Object at the End of Time. Whether the Attractor is an Object, ourselves, or a Hyperdimensional Ultimate Reality, it is drawing all of history and ourselves toward itself. “Oneness is the point of singularity where all vibrations becomes simultaneous; all colors become ‘white light,’ and all space-time merges into a single ‘moment center’,” we read on the website PHASING: Physics Articles and Information. Mark Dery skillfully defined this Transcendental Object as “a cross


between the Philosopher’s Stone and the monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey.” To follow Sheldrake’s line of reasoning, if the universe has a morphogenetic field, then it has to have a morphogenetic attractor. The concept of the end of history (or the end of the world) is deeply rooted in our entire culture and cultures throughout the world in time and place. Heidegger wrote in Being and Time that “Every seeking gets guided beforehand by what is sought.” A field does not have to be visible to be powerful. Our minds can stretch out into the world around us through invisible and transcendental fields. The mind stretches out much further than the brain. The Earth’s gravitational field stretches out much further than the surface of the Earth; it keeps the Moon in orbit. There is a Spin Field within gravity. This field is fluid-like outside of our physical reality. Cell phones have invisible fields around them that go out far beyond the surface of the cell phone. Can you affect something merely by looking at it? The answer is yes. It has been proven that human beings are aware of another person staring at them. It is called the Psychic Staring Effect. In Morphic Resonance Magick, we work with Seed Resonators. If one can contact the Morphogenetic Field of that which you desire, by obtaining and working with the smallest action/object/ part of that Field, this will function as a seed that will grow into your desire. For example, if you want a Ford automobile, then go to a Ford auto parts store and purchase a genuine manufacturer’s mirror for the particular model Ford that you wish to manifest. That auto part will now be a seed that will help you in your magick to manifest the car, because you have now made direct contact with the Morphogenetic Field of the car. Every person tunes in to the collective memory of all humanity. However, we are most attuned to people who are similar to us in a variety of ways, for example, ancestors, family, past loves, partners, and so forth. These people rise highest on the amplitude curve of our frequency reception. Events that have happened in past generations effect what is happening now. Curses and memories can work across generations. Morphic Resonance gives rise to form, behavior and instinct, according to Rupert Sheldrake. Morphic Resonance is based on Morphic Fields, which are organized in Nested


Hierarchies. Therefore, every organization has Morphic Resonance involved, in other words, bigger and smaller patterns and units. For example, the United States Army is broken up into Field Armies, which contain and consist of Corps, which contain and consist of Divisions, which contain and consist of Brigades, which contain and consist o f Battalions, which contain and consist of Companies, which contain and consist of Platoons, which contain and consist of Squads and Sections. Squads and Sections contain and consist of Soldiers. Each level, down to the soldier, has a well defined role and place in the scheme. Morphogenetic Fields have a kind of memory. In other words, they are based on what has happened in the past. They are in a nested hierarchy because what they organize is in the nested hierarchy. Each of those levels has a morphic field. For example, individuals in a society are organized by the societal field, organized by individuals. Ninety-five percent of our life is coming from unconscious programming. How do you talk to your unconscious mind? This is a problem because there is no entity inside the unconscious mind. This situation is akin to a digital recorder. One cannot reason with the recorder and ask it to change what it has recorded. However, biology has provided us with a method. If you make a statement that the unconscious disagrees with, this results in a weakening of the muscles of the body. When there is a lot of harmony in the system, then the muscles become stronger. By devising simple ways of testing one’s muscle strength, one can determine if something is in harmony with the unconscious. For example, make a fist and hold your arm out to the side. Have someone attempt to push your arm down. Resist the efforts of the person to press your arm down. Now you have a base line. For instance, if you are thinking of adding a particular nutritional supplement to your diet, hold the supplement in your hand and stretch your arm again out to the side. Have someone again attempt to push down your arm. Once more, resist his or her attempts to push your arm down. If the arm is more easily pressed down when holding the supplement, then you know that you are not in harmony with this substance. Conversely, if the same amount of strength is required (or it is more difficult to press the arm down) while holding this substance, than when holding nothing in your hand,


then you know that this substance is in harmony with the unconscious. Remember, disagreement weakens the muscles. This is called Muscle Testing or Energy Psychology Modalities. Other methods can be devised such as writing something on a piece of paper and holding it in your hand, and then performing the above test. The tester cannot be involved in the outcome of the question, because of reasons of quantum entanglement. Use an individual to test you who is not personally involved in whether you receive a yes or no to your question. What is the Meta-Morphogenetic Field? Even the entire universe must have a Morphogenetic Field that is headed toward some future. However, the universe is being pulled by some attractor toward that future. Your friend in magickal work is the future, because it is that very future that is pulling your desire into manifestation. This is why so many writers on the subject of magick will tell you to either experience the work as fully realized and completed, or else to release and let go of all expectation of result (so that you do not interfere with the pull of the future). Crowley spoke about non-attachment and annihilation, while Spare used the phrase “lust for result.” Marik writes in Sigils, Servitors and Godforms, Part F. “Moreover, he [Spare] believed that the conscious mind prevented the fulfillment of the magickal intention. He wrote that conscious desire raises self-doubt and ‘lust for result,’ that it was ‘non-attractive’, creating ‘anxiety’ which ‘defeats the purpose because it retains and exposes the desire’” The magickian lets go of his or her anticipation of the realization of his or her intention, so that he or she can get out of magicks way, and let his or her Future Reality do the Work. Hegel informs us “Even a slight experience in reflective thinking will make it apparent that if something has been defined as positive and one moves forward from this basis, then straightway the positive has secretly turned into a negative.” The author wishes to share a concept known as the Tetralemma that can help you a great deal in your magickal Work. The Tetralemma is a four-cornered figure that features prominently in the classical logic of the Greeks. The Tetralemma is also the Four-Cornered Logic employed in Buddhist philosophy. It states that with reference to any logical proposition X, there are four possibilities:


1) 2) 3) 4)

Yes No Yes and No (at the same time) Not Yes and Not No (at the same time)

One can render this in a more poetic way utilizing verse XVIII.8 of the Buddhist work, Mūlamādhyamakakārikā by Nāgārjuna: Anything is either true, Or not true, Or both true and not true, Or neither... According to Aristotelian logic, these four statements are incompatible with each other (only one of them can be true). This is fascinating in itself in magickal terms, as magickians seek to work in ways that confound the ordinary and transcend the Scalar Speed or Barycentric Escape Velocity of the average person. “Spare described the state when consciousness has crossed this fine line as Neither-Neither or In-between, ‘not this - nor that”,’ writes Marcus M. Jungkurth in his essay Neither-Neither: Austin Osman Spare and the Underworld. The latest work on the Tetralemma has revealed a fifth possibility: that of all of the above at the same time or none of the above at the same time. We may get a glimpse of the Fifth Possibility using the following koan: “All these and even not these”. While talk of this fifth possibility is being discussed at this time, amazingly it hearkens back into antiquity, at least as far as the earliest Buddhist texts in the Pali canon and perhaps even deeper into remote time. We generally see the dilemma of our lives with regard to needing a: solution, something or someone. Therefore, we take steps to solve our dilemmas. The majority of the population fall into either-or dilemmas, for example, “Do I want to live in New York or Los Angeles?” The Yes or No dilemma. However, recall how everything has hidden within it an inherent contradiction. Therefore, every Yes has a No hidden within it, and every No has a Yes hidden within it. Now the few people who ponder the fifth possibility of the


Tetralemma, consider it as sheer chaos. They think, “How can you have yes, no, yes and no, not yes and not no, and all of these and none of these all happening at the same time?” Yet, in reality, or perhaps the author should say, beyond ordinary reality, there exists this fifth state. This state cannot exist in the way things conventionally exist on this planet. To enter into the Fifth Possibility, one opens a hole in the fabric of the universe, allowing something completely novel and unknown to enter. As previously stated, we are creatures of habit. A person gets up every morning at the same time, showers, eats the same breakfast every day (or drinks several cups of coffee), drives the same route to the office, and so forth. However, say one day this person has an accident. Suddenly, his or her routine (habit) is broken. This allows for chaos to enter his or her life, because the normal everyday patterns are ruptured. Yet from the chaos can emerge anything. No one can know what will result from this accident. The person in the other car may become the persons future spouse or best friend. Or the first driver may have to now walk to work, and suddenly discover a new and more tranquil pace to his or her life. The June 2006 issue of the journal The Knowing Field offered the following as possible ways one can grasp and utilize the inherent potential of the Tetralemma: Either Or: Together these form the bipolarity, the dilemma Both: The overlooked connection Neither: The overlooked context None of these, and not even that: The reflexive pattern interruption; Free Element A jazz pianist lives in the Free Element, as he or she will not become disturbed if someone accidentally spills a drink on him or her, causing him or her to hit an unexpected note, what some would call a bad note if one were into the mindset of bipolarity. Miles Davis is quoted as saying, “There are no mistakes in jazz - only opportunities.” The jazz pianist knows that this bad note, this


accident, can trigger an entire wave of inspiration and improvisation in a totally new direction at that very moment. The sour or bent note, a note that would be classified as wrong, a mistake and unmusical to the classical musician, is responsible for the invention and beauty of jazz music. Ultimately, the Fifth Possibility frees one from dilemmas. One leaves the conventional world behind and enters into relationship with the Great Void. It is sometimes helpful for the magickian to stand the world on its head. This helps to bring forth the Hidden Reality. The magickian is always seeking to go beyond Surface Reality. Therefore, many great magickians will deliberately work for the opposite of that which they wish to manifest, knowing that the mind is a trickster and when you ask it for one thing, it will often give you the exact opposite of what you want. Jean Cocteau was a French poet, novelist, dramatist, designer, boxing manager, playwright, artist and filmmaker. Along with other avant-garde artists of his generation, Cocteau grappled with the algebra of verbal codes old and new. He revealed “I am a lie who always speaks the truth.” This is why it is so important to get rid o f any raw needs, demands, and insistence within you. In the hook Introduction to Magic: Ritual and Practical Techniques jor the Magus by Julius Evola and the UR group, it is revealed, “People talk about possessing, and know not what possession is. They talk about ‘strength,’ but what they refer to is a mere fable. The Fulfilled One says: only by losing itself can the self become individualized, ceasing to affirm’ in order to really be individuals and Lords of the Self. One cannot have while hanging on; one cannot become sharper by grasping. The Fulfilled One disappears - thus he reveals; he empties himself - thus he achieves absolute being.” This is the greatest magick, to completely rise above the dilemma and put the situation out of ones mind, so as to allow the magick of that which is beyond the universe to reveal Itself. The magickian works with evolution. He or she is part of evolution. However what the magickian does, is not because he or she must do it, but it is simply what he or she does. Crowley teaches, “Magick is merely to be and to do.” The magickian acts out of his or her Self,


not out of self-conscious desire. The magickian does what he or she does because he or she cannot help but do it. We are also now working with Conditioned Space. Conditioned Space is defined as a space that has been altered intentionally in order to produce a certain affect on that which resides in the space. Space can be conditioned to be magickally conducive to the Work. Space can also be conditioned to produce adverse reactions or be hindering to the Work. Dean Radin explains that certain places, such as casinos, are intentionally conditioned to be disharmonic, in order to prevent the use of coherent thoughts and psychic abilities while gambling. We can call this the Atmospheric Field. Nicole Loffler posits that “the atmospheric field might contain within it, or provide a portal to, a dimension other than the three dimensional reality that is referred to as physical reality.” The postulate that multiple universes, planes and dimensions exist is a relatively new concept within physics. This manifestation of consciousness that revealed a new paradigm in science arrived in the 1980’s with what was called String Theory, which suggested that the universe is made up of multiple dimensions. However, String Theory ran into difficulties, for another version of the equations was discovered, and then more versions until there were five versions in all of String Theory equations. Scientists became very uncomfortable with all these apparently correct equations. String Theory fell out of favor, perhaps because scientists do not enjoy ambiguity. In the mid-1990s, a researcher by the name of Edward Witten who was connected with the Institute for Advanced Study, along with other major researchers, pondered the fact that the five separate existing versions of string theory may actually be describing the same phenomena seen from various points of view. Together they came up with a unifying theory, which they called M-Theory. In this theory, the M is not specifically defined. However, amongst many scientists it is understood to mean membrane. The following words: matrix, mother, monster, mystery and magic have also been suggested for the mysterious M. Regardless of what the M stands for, the M-Theory brings all of the string theories together.


How does knowledge of M-Theory help the magickian? Increasingly a large number of scientists now adhere to the concept that there exist a fixed (or even infinite) number of universes, sequentially differing from one another in inlinitesimally small ways to unimaginably grand ways. These universes are postulated to exist, and their existence is distributed, intermixed or co-existing with our own. However, science has no means of observing higher dimensions, and thus it cannot prove nor disprove the theory. The magickian is quite comfortable in the higher realms and can observe what occurs in the higher worlds. “The concept of multiple dimensions of reality is a common point of almost all mystic traditions,” writes Christopher Penczak in his work Ascension Magick: Ritual, Myth & Healing for the New Aeon. Almost all traditions hold that there is life in these alternative universes. M-Theory or Mystery-Theory may well explain magickal phenomena. Castaneda wrote that the sorcerer Don Juan Matus explained the existence of “crevasses between realities” (Key Earth Grid Locations) and indeed the Grail Epics are precisely a search for this magickal intersection between Earth and Heaven. It is theorized by those who are both scientifically and magickally inclined, that each of our choices can instantly create a new universe, and that our consciousness allows us access to travel through these other universes. According to this theory, we move at such a rapid rate through all these various universes, that each of our present moments is akin to one frame of a movie film. Staying with this film analogy for a moment, we may also consider that just as we can move from one frame to another, through the wonders of digital technology we also can move from one reel to another. Michael Tsarion cautions “The average scientist fails to understand that man changes by Existing. He is not the same being one day to the next and neither is the world around him. Neither man nor the universe in which he lives is static.” This multiplicity of worlds accounts for all of the following: Time Slips in which people appear from nowhere, Time-Windows, Floating Platforms, Alternate Realities, the ever-present Déjà Vu phenomena, Lost Civilizations, Plane- Walkers, UFO’s, and Time Travelers.


Dr. R. Penrose of Oxford University has posited that consciousness is based on quantum mechanics. It is virtual (pure information), and thus consciousness is non-local. He also puts forward the concept that our brain cell microtubules are the antennas of this non-locality. Ervin Laszlo explains, “Physicist Roger Penrose and neurophysiologist Stuart Hameroff claim that consciousness emerges from these quantum-level elements of the brains cytoskeleton. The microtrabecular lattice could be responsible for the quantum-receptivity of our brain, picking up, transforming, and interpreting information based on phase-conjugate resonance.” Time travel is a matter of consciousness. Let us address the magickal creation of a duplicate of your consciousness, in addition to an actual migration of your consciousness into other dimensions. Where do you begin in designing such a ritual that could accomplish this? Sound. Sound that utilizes the harmonics of the Golden Mean is helpful in accomplishing these magickal enterprises. You can literally re-code your being; repair, animate and activate your 12-Strand DNA; heal (emotional and etheric) trauma; and cure cancer and other illnesses; all through the use of sound frequencies, the harmonic science of the ancients. For sound is vibration, the oscillating motion of molecules in the atmosphere. All dimensions exist in states of vibration. Tom Pritscher, a Meta-Hermeneutical Master, inventively explains that when you have suffered trauma, you suffer tears in the fabric of your existence. The author sees these as holes in your subtle bodies, for example in your Etheric or Astral bodies. Music can create a mesh on which can be woven the warp and weft of etheric filaments in order that the holes in the fabric of your subtle bodies can be repaired. Recall too, that as a multidimensional being, you must repair tears that exist in all the dimensions of your existence. The Humanity Healing Network advises that you clear and/or remove any extra, hidden, hiding or multiple souls present within the etheric bodies of each parallel life in order to insure that your One Original Soul Essence resides in each physical body. You must release all merging soul extensions to their proper time and space continuum.


The pan-dimensional vibration is the sexual throbbing of the gods lovemaking - the pulsating heartbeat of the universe. The ancients declare, “If you wish to speak with the gods, you must first know the language of the gods.” This is a language of vibration: light vibration and sound vibration. Sound is light that you can hear! The initiates not only played the Music of the Spheres, but also a system of musical notes (Sacred Tonal Sites that were Sacred Tonal Gates) which resonated the Music of the Earth. We communicate with the entire Cosmos (including all life in the cosmos) in a Symphony of Vibration. We drink wine to become ecstatic, and our electric guitars whine also to bring the audience (and the musician) to a state of ecstasy. The stargate is in large part a huge ring, and it is said that if you ring a bell you can invite a multi-dimensional being to enter your environment. In Shamanism, bells are used to summon spirits, ancestors and deities. According to myth, Celtic shamans used sacred branches hung with silver bells to open doors between the material and spirit worlds. Some magickians work with Spirit Bells, a unique device or tool that provides human beings with a method to contact the Spirit World. Acoustic and elastic wave propagation is being investigated in media, such as solid materials, as well as materials in space such as planets and our Sun. NASA’s solar Acoustic Seismology has discovered a Hyperdimensional Signature beneath the Suns surface. This Hyperdimensional Signature is identical to the Polar Hexagon NASA found on Saturn by its Voyager spacecraft. A hexagon on the north pole of Saturn was first spotted from the Voyager flyby thirty years ago; and NASA’s Cassini spacecraft obtained some great images of the same Saturn hexagon in 2009. Considering the principles of the law of attraction, like is attracted to like, we can understand how vibrations are attracted to other vibrations of an identical frequency. Your thoughts are a form of energy with their own unique frequency and as your thoughts are sent out into the universe they gather whatever is vibrating at the identical frequency. Thus, you bring into your life circumstances and people who reside on the same frequency.


It is important to attune your Core Vibration Rate to the object of your intention, and in turn the thoughts you send out will be attuned to your intention. Your intention must be crystal clear. Carlos Castaneda taught, “Intent is not a thought, or an object, or a wish. Intent is what can make a man succeed when his thoughts tell him that he is defeated. It operates in spite of the warrior’s indulgence. Intent is what makes him invulnerable. Intent is what sends a shaman through a wall, through space, to infinity.” Yet, Tom Pritscher cautions, “Intentions are not enough. It is your level of consciousness that provides the power to co-create your reality. When weak (from not recovering from unresolved stress and trauma) you are easily controlled and overshadowed by others’ intentions.” Therefore, the Work must take place on multiple/roMfs. The magickian must be engaged in multiple frontiers of his or her being simultaneously to effectively manifest his or her goals. Regrettably, many metaphysicians assume that they can solve all of their problems through magickal work alone. Effective manifestation does not work like that. The magickian must cultivate a healthy and strong body, congruent and stable emotions, a focused and disciplined mind, and a developed and profound spirituality. Then he or she must integrate them into an Effective Whole. One way of adjusting the frequency of your intent so that it exactly matches the core vibration rate of your desire is by entering into the Morphic Field o f your desire. By comprehending the Law of Vibration you can magickally utilize it to your advantage. David Icke informs us that “Consciousness is vibration. Everything is a vibrational field.” The mathematical ratio of 1.618 to 1 can be observed in many structures within the natural world, such as geometric forms, energy fields, and the well-proportioned human body. This ratio is called the Golden Mean or Golden Section. Unified Energy Fields (or etheric energy gathered in organized patterns) are structured according to the Golden Mean. The overtones that are generated by Full Spectrum Harmonic Sound exhibit these same mathematical ratios of the Golden Mean. “So harmonic sound (the lower octave of light) creates a unified energy field, an organized intelligence, which is a key to understanding the nature of matter and movement of energy within our world,”


Joachim-Ernst Brendt writes in The World is Sound. Dance, whirling and physical movement also are indispensable to the magickian to help him or her to pierce through to other dimensions. Time travel is possible under certain extreme torsion conditions. Joseph Farrell, author of The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts, was asked directly in a chat the following question (the exchange is given here as it was transcribed): “Joseph, you speak of spin as being an important element with transformation. Do you think ‘whirling dervishes’ may have some connection with this?” He replied, “Yes...spin is the CENTRAL Richard Hoagland says, there are three rules to hyperdimensional physics, rotation, rotation, rotation...” This brought a quick rejoinder from Whitley Strieber: “The reality of the universe is movement - spin, dance, joy. These are the energies of creation because they are the engines of ecstasy. We exist to ascend into ecstasy. That’s what biological life is about.” Whirling is one way of creating what is known in the Tibetan tradition of Dzogchen as the Rainbow Body. By spinning the body into a Vortex of Energy, one opens wormholes through which the individual can travel. Through persistence of will and conscious, one can switch into another (but similar) universe. This happens all the time with everyday individuals who are not consciously acting as magickians. This switching or flipping can account for alcoholics becoming sober for life, villains becoming decent human beings, people in a bad marriage transforming their marriage into a loving partnership, a person in a state of poverty suddenly coming into a fortune and becoming a financial success. The focus of these individual’s consciousnesses propels them through the veils that separate the dimensions and introduces them into the world of their imaginings. Magickians deliberately open portals to these other worlds. Another method which you can utilize, developed by Freemasonry (which is nothing but a kind of European imitation of the mystical dervish lodges, knowledge of which was obtained during the Crusades), is to create a Black and White Grid on your floor. Various types of black and white grid patterns and spirals are effective. The white represents our world, and the black represents


the alternative universe. Bringing them together in a grid creates a union of the two worlds, transforming the space into a vehicle for the magickian. Alice, who travels through the looking glass, finds a door that rises up from a floor designed with a black and white grid, and which leads to the fantastic world. How does Alice escape from the Jabberwocky and return to her own dimension? Precisely by falling/throwing herself onto a chess board (a black and white grid surface). Notice how many hypnotic spirals and black and white floor grids, as well as room grids, appear in modern music videos. of course, the colors black and white presented in grid form represent the transcendence of duality. Crowley firmly stated, “There is nothing in the universe which does not influence every other thing in one way or another.” We might now add that there is nothing in this universe which does not influence every other thing, in every other universe, in one way or another. Never forget Mystery, O Magickian! There are many accidental events that occur in ones life. Accidents are inexplicable, yet clearly make sense when viewed from a wider perspective. In the ancient Greek plays, an actor (portraying a divinity) would suddenly be lowered on stage to enter into the lives of the characters. No human being has all the answers, and we never know when the inexplicable will manifest in our lives, when the door in heaven will open up and a. presence (or solution) will suddenly manifest in our daily lives. Encounters with non-corporeal humans and non-human beings are part of the magickal tradition. Portals, doors, wormholes, and gateways may be opened through ritual, sound, art, natural entheogens, shamanic travel, whirling, automatic writing, stargates, DMT, white powdered gold, acute physical stress, dreaming, astral projection, hypnotism, and ecstasy, to name a few, by the UltraDimensional Magickian. Visitors use portals to enter our world. Windows, mirrors, doorways, chalices, and other containers of water (even the toilet), can all become entryways for spirits. As you see, water often plays an indispensable role in dimensional travel, as for example when a baby is born. One frequently overlooked method of opening doorways (overlooked because most of the time it is only available to the elite and their allies) is through erecting buildings of specific shapes, such a


domes, pyramids and spheres. Those whose finances are more humble can create similar effects through building rooms, boxes, and geometric shapes utilizing PVC pipe. Ananda M. Bosman calls these dimensional gateways as “different time-cells in the membrane of space and time.” These dimensional doorways are also encountered at various power-places on the Planet Earth, usually at the location where two ley-lines intersect, which is often the site of sacred temples or structures around the world. To see these powerplaces, spend a night sitting in a field and gradually your inner eye will open and you will see the power-places in the field. Through the construction of obelisks and other sacred structures, the ancients used to regularly open portals and stargates. In more contemporary times, Nikola Tesla was regularly creating these portals through various projects. Through the gates they traveled, acquiring wisdom. Proust insightfully wrote, “We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.” This spiritual-knowledge comes to each individual in an intimate way, in ways that words cannot express, and in ways that are meant for that person alone. We must each drink from the fountain. No one can drink from the fountain for us and transmit to us the wisdom that was meant for us alone. Each man or woman must make the Hero’s Journey. T.S. Eliot wrote “All significant truths are private truths. As they become public they cease to become truths; they become facts, or at best, part of the public character; or at worst, catchwords.” There are extraterrestrial and hyper-dimensional beings that have played a role in the Earth’s history. We are not alone; we have never been alone. The fact that the media, the government and the general scientific community scoffs at this reality means little. Whitley Strieber quips, “Science has been scoffing in the wrong direction for centuries.” The established scientific community was wrong about the earth revolving around the sun, it was wrong about the origin of meteors, it was wrong about the nature of fossils, and it was wrong about electricity. It is also wrong about the alien presence. Sometimes the activity of these beings has been dreadfully negative and manipulative to the human race, and sometimes their participation has been helpful. It all depends on who they are and


from what dimension, galaxy, star system and/or planet they come. An order of highly evolved beings, which in some religious contexts are called Choirs of Angels, have played a major role in developing the human being and all its subtle bodies, through all of the incarnations of the Planet Earth. Their magickal practice of evolving human life on Planet Earth is nothing other than a form of Cosmic Yoga. On the other hand, it is important not to dwell in an obsessive and fearful manner on beings bent on manipulation and destruction, as what we give our attention to, grows in power. Neither should one hide one’s head in the sand. Those who were aware in 1930’s Germany about the spreading conspiracy theories regarding Hitler’s solution for the Jewish people, as well as for the Catholics, Gypsies and so forth, were able to flee Germany and save their families and their own lives. Therefore, we must be informed, yet not obsessed, anxious and demoralized with negativity. There exist organizations and forces on this planet that need humanity to live in a state of fear. It is easy to control and manipulate people who are afraid. Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean, who has extensive knowledge of the activity of extraterrestrial involvement in our world today, tells us, “We have friends in high places,” meaning that there are beings who have been, and continue to be, profoundly involved with the evolution of the human being into its fullest potential. These supersensible beings, dwelling in the Supersensible Realms, have always been working behind the scenes to help humanity through what seems to be coincidence, accident and the unexpected. Robert Dean frankly divulges in the following transcription: “I have a love-hate relationship with the human species... I have a great belief in the future of mankind, (clears throat) We’re not a mistake. We’re not an accident. None of this is an accident... That the human species... the human race... in spite of all of its orneriness... is a beautiful race... (deep inhale)... And it has a future. And that I have a deep, deep belief that in time... we’re going to go out there... and take our rightful place... where we began... our home in the stars.” What is happening on Planet Earth is of extreme importance to beings living in other parts of our galaxy. The Magickian’s Work


essentially is a Work of Remembering. Through magickal Work, the magickian asks him or her self, “Who am I? What is my Essence? What is my role in the evolution of Existence?” Among the many ways to answer these three questions, the author offers a very simple method. Ask yourself the following questions, “What thrilled me as a child and a young person?” and “What did I want to be when I grew up?” The answers are more likely to be authentic then what years of cultural programming have forced you into believing is your present identity and role on this Earth. Another more curious, and somewhat disturbing question the magickian can ask himself or herself is, “What kind of people do I intensely dislike?” Often, after years of the dominator culture assigning to you your identity and role, your conscious mind rationalizes your years of lying to yourself, by disliking the very type of person and life for which you secretly yearn. This Work is so important, because if you do not know who you are, you are vulnerable to manipulation on many levels. The ordinary magickian focuses on using magickal portals to obtain his or her desire. The sophisticated magickian focuses on using portals and stargates to know him or her Self. Swami Vivekananda stated, “She gently took the self-forgetting soul by the hand...and showed him all the experiences in the universe, all manilestation, bringing him higher and higher through various bodies, till his lost glory came back, and he remembered his own nature.” The fully awakened “Travelers return to this world with new insights and revelations that challenge the established order,” explains John Twelve Hawks. He continues to give details that there is a group of “Powerful individuals who oppose any change in the established social structure.” These individuals view Travelers as the primary source of social instability. The author would feel remiss if he did not mention the incredible magickal power of trance. Trance is part of our everyday experience. People are constantly going in and out of trance. When someone is staring out a window or reading a book and does not notice another person entering the room, or the passage of time, this is an example of trance. When we go to a movie, our minds enter the trance state, temporarily permitting ourselves to enter into the world of the film, and losing track of what is going on around us. If


the film is really good, there is never a moment when we say to ourselves, “This is not real, this could not happen in real life,” and so forth. An excellent illustration of the power of trance is what happens when we watch science fiction or fantasy films. We say we suspend judgment, but in reality the film entrances us, so that we agree with the premise of the reality portrayed in the film. We do not really believe that New York City is being destroyed by a giant monster yet on another level we do believe this is happening, as our hopes rise and fall as they fight the monster. During the film, because we are entranced, our brains release chemicals into our blood streams that cause our hearts to beat faster and to become hyper alert, so that we literally jump out of our seat if the monster suddenly appears out of the darkness. Hypnosis can augment experiences, making them more and more powerful. It can open doors inside your unconscious to places and memories to which you don’t normally have access. With selfhypnosis you can change your heartbeat and blood sugar level, control body pain, strengthen your immune system, solve problems, intensify your concentration, change your perception of time, regress to another time in your life, and adjust your body temperature. With hypnosis, you can create hypnotic-rapport with other people. Trance is one of the most potent forces that humanity has discovered. In ancient Egypt, there existed what were called Sleep Temples in which people in need of healing would encounter the gods. The tradition of temple sleep dates from the time of Imhotep. The ancient Egyptians worshiped the priest Imhotep and dedicated Sleep Temples to him. He was the physician, vizier, architect, and priest to the pharaoh Zoser (2650 - 2590 B.C.). The Sleep Temple also existed in the Middle East and Ancient Greece. Fascinatingly, Sir Mortimer Wheeler unearthed a Roman Sleep Temple at Lydney Park, Gloucestershire in 1928, with the assistance of a young J.R.R. Tolkien. Today, hypnosis is mistakenly considered as a kind of adjunct or quasi-medicine only useful to quit smoking or to stop eating sweets. Nonetheless, in the hands of the magickian, hypnosis can be employed for a myriad of magickal purposes. Through hypnosis, one


can enter the astral plane, for example, as well as perform invocation, evocation and inner path working. Through hypnosis, one can de-hypnotize oneself from the programming received from one’s parents, culture, government and religion. There is a mistaken belief that the hypnotist (of himself or herself) is powerless, and the patient does all the work. However, certain people have always held the power to mesmerize others. For example, some people refused to shake hands with Milton Erickson. Many hypnotists who have studied true mesmerism, draw in huge amounts of energy from the world around them, and then project it through their eyes and hands. Therefore, when one engages in trance work or self-hypnotism, if sufficient energy is not built up beforehand and discharged properly, the hypnotic trance will not be deep enough, and the post-hypnotic suggestions will not be efficacious enough. Whether called ki (qi or chi),fohat, the force, vril, animal magnetism, orgone, the odic force, the Élan Vital, prana, baraka, mana, the atmospheric “I”, homeopathic resonance, or by whatever other name, it is necessary to utilize this energy in your magickal hypnotherapy Work. Some occultists think that building up energy during one day or night is sufficient to fully charge oneself. This is a mistake. Energy must be built up over a period of many months at the very least. The International Society of the Study for Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) is an organization in the United States which acknowledges the existence, and publishes research on the effects, of Subtle Energies. ISSSEEM declares that Subtle Energies are related to low-level changes in electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, gravitational and acoustic fields, any and all of which can have effects on both biology and psychology. Just as a balloon can run out of air, an automobile out of petrol or electricity, and a bank out of money, so too the subtle senses of the human being need energy in order to operate correctly. As a magickian, you must discipline yourself to perform certain practices on a daily basis in order to keep your batteries charged. For example, each morning look toward the sun (not directly at it) and


inhale three times. With each inhalation, draw the rays of the sun into your being. It is taught that the subtle energies are not confined by the threedimensional constraint of the speed of light. Since these energies travel faster than light speed, they can escape our three dimensional universe. One form of energy, called Scalar Energy, is of particular interest in this regard. Scalar Waves are standing points of energy that create the electro-magnetic grid of light and sound out of which is built the template of your bodies. It is the template for the body, mind and spirit in dimensionalization. Phoenix Dubro writes in Elegant Empowerment, that after reviewing the literature on Scalar Waves by Thomas Bearden and others, she concludes, “The scalar wave is the connector to higher dimensional space - the vacuum of hyperspace. It is the scalar wave that navigates through channels between dimensions.” A higher dimensional substance called Deltrons have been proposed. Deltrons have the ability to travel at speeds faster, or slower, than light. The term Deltron was coined by Dr. William A. Tiller. As explained in Conscious Acts of Creation “Through rigorous experiments, Tiller and his colleagues scientifically proved and published the results that human consciousness (expressed as focused intention) can robustly manipulate inorganic, organic, and living organisms.” Often people who try self-hypnosis, but find it does not produce the results they wish, are entering weak trance states that are vague and drowsy. This is due to the large amount of so-called professional hypnotists who open treatment centers or who make self-help CD’s, but who have not grasped (and honestly are afraid of) the enormous power of trance. This is also due to the popular misconception that hypnosis is a form of sleep. These professionals lear putting their subjects into profound trances. The tranee experience must be vivid, vibrant and intense. The same quasi-professionals will tell you that you cannot be forced by hypnosis to do something against your will. Advertising agencies, religious authorities, political powers and many others find this misinformation very amusing. The fact is that you can be hypnotized to do something against your will, and so one very


important goal of magickal hypnotism is to break the magnetic hold these powers and authorities hold over you, and to free yourself. Igor Ledochowski writes, “Mass hypnosis has been used for centuries by con-men and cults (who have developed a sophisticated set of ‘recruiting’ and brainwashing techniques based on hypnotic principles). They are also now being used by politicians, private lobby groups and large advertisers to control what you think and feel so they can control where your money and/or your votes go.” A hypnotic state is accomplished through two steps: 1.) Preoccupy the attention and fix it onto one point. 2.) Circumvent or turn off the normal intellect, in other words, questioning or balanced thinking. At this moment, the hypnotist can start implanting his or her suggestions. Let us consider the first point. How does one preoccupy the attention? In the past, a finger, watch, or candle flame was used to fixate the attention. In addition, rhythmic group chanting is another way to fix an entire group’s attention onto a single point. Repetitive slogans are used today, as well as long and boring speeches. Next, we must consider what are called Hypnotic Realities. We all have our realities in which we have our morals and ethics. For example, most of us would not murder another person; however, a hypnotist could present suggestions to our unconscious mind that gives us an alternative view of reality that would make killing acceptable. This information is being given so that the reader may understand the nefarious powers that certain negative people can wield over individuals and the masses. The person or being who seeks to control the masses must first rivet the attention of the populace. This is, as we explained, the first step, the fixation of the attention onto a single point. The attack of 9/11 may be seen as an example of Step Number One: riveting the attention. Ledochowski reminds us that Hitler realized that films of his carefully crafted spectacles and speeches would reach millions in his country and be able to hypnotize the populace through this media. Today, we have a more nefarious method: television. The researcher Herbert Krugman found that the part of the brain responsible for the normal intellect, like rational thought, is turned down energetically, while


other parts of the brain are stimulated into hyperactivity, whilst watching television. Television unmistakably blunts your ability to think rationally. By keeping a constant flow of terrible images on the television news, as well as a constant flow of talk about rising crime rates, mixed with shocking crime photographs, and grim economic forecasts, those in power (Megacorporations, The Bilderberg Group, The Vatican City / London / Washington D.C. Triumvirate, Majestic 12, The Omega Agency, The Secret Shadow Government, NSA, CIA, GCHQ, The Bohemian Grove, Zionists, FEMA, Council on Foreign Relations, The Power Elite, The Black Pope of Egypt, and numerous secret l/.S. Alphabet Agencies) are able to turn off our higher brain functioning, and lower us to our basic impulses and drives that forces us to focus on eating, sleeping, mating, fighting and running away. If the news, or the local gossip, is constantly telling us that the world is a dangerous place, our neo-cortex shuts down and the reptilian brain takes over. A website called explains the reptilian brain as follows: The brain stem is the oldest and smallest region in the evolving human brain. It evolved hundreds of millions of years ago and is more like the entire brain of present-day reptiles. For this reason, it is often called the reptilian brain. It is similar to the brain possessed by the hardy reptiles that preceded mammals, roughly 200 million years ago. It is preverbal, but controls life functions such as autonomic brain, breathing, heart rate and the fight or flight mechanism. Lacking language, its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic. It is concerned with fundamental needs such as survival, physical maintenance, hoarding, dominance, preening and mating. It is also found in lower life forms such as lizards, crocodiles and birds. It is at the base of your skull emerging from your spinal column. Over millions of years of evolution, layers of more sophisticated reasoning have been added upon this foundation. It is not just the news channels and the politicians who are doing this, but also to blame are certain famous radio-show hosts and public speakers who claim to be freeing us from all this programming. Fear is being used by the government, but fear is also being used by certain people seemingly opposed to certain governmental policies.


All the shouting and hysterical speech of these radio personalities cause people to arm themselves, buy gold and bury it in their back yards, sell their homes and go live in an old bomb shelter in the wilderness, and positively respond to all advertising on that particular show, because they are primed for it (by the stimulation of the reptilian parts of their human brain that respond to survival and territorial issues). Instead of freeing the public from the fear being generated by the news media and powerful groups with negative agendas, they are hypnotizing their listeners to retreat into the lowest levels of their brains, and you can see these personalities are effective because now people are hiding in underground missile silos, buying weapons, living in constant fear of abduction, and so forth. Some of these shows are warning their listeners about the possible existence of a reptilian race of aliens on this Earth. Whether or not this is true, what is of extreme concern is how this sort of information generally makes the listener respond in a fear-centered, impotent way, which clearly is not raising humanity up to its highest potential, but rather is further lowering us into inhumanity. The neo-cortex of human beings shuts down when confronted with something extremely fearful; and so the ultimate result of many of these programs is to turn the audience into a group of reptilians fearing another group of reptilians! The public is being manipulated to fear an invasion by aliens or extraterrestrials. Yes, these beings exist, but fear is the least useful response! According to Kenneth Grant, Austin Spare claimed to have had direct experience of the existence of extra-terrestrial intelligences. Dr. Carl Jung wrote on Unidentified Flying Objects, Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1955: “A purely psychological explanation is ruled out... the discs show signs of intelligent guidance, by quasi-human pilots... the authorities in possession of important information should not hesitate to enlighten the public as soon and as completely as possible.” Humanity is very ancient, and human beings are living on planets throughout the galaxy and the universe. We have been lied to through a targeted disinformation campaign, facilitated by Hollywood, which has churned our thousands of films designed to make us think that if beings are


visiting Earth from some other planet, they must appear as, and be, horrifying creatures. Humanity has had contact with extraterrestrial races for millennia. If the intention of these aliens was to wipe out the human race, they have not succeeded. We truly do have friends in high places, from the interstellar races, which protect humanity. Any alien attack would not be like a Hollywood 1950 s science fiction movie with aliens shooting at us with ray beams from their spacecraft. If there are extraterrestrials coming to Earth from thousands of light-years away, or inter-dimensionally, with destructive intentions, obviously their technology must be as sophisticated as the technology of the most sophisticated human beings. We have had many cultures that produced spiritual, metaphysical and magickal technologies that enabled their adherents to possess many siddhis. Simply put, a siddhi is a spiritual power or psychic ability. Siddhi is a Sanskrit noun that can be translated as perfection, accomplishment, attainment or success. The term is first used in the Mahabharata. 'The spiritual powers that come with this level of accomplishment include the mundane skills of performing miracles like shape-shifting, invisibility, flying, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and reading minds, as well as the super mundane category of enlightenment itself. These are the Ascended Skills, that is, extraordinary power that may be acquired by all men and women who commit themselves to a demonstrable and time-tested program of metaphysical development, such as that given by Rudolf Steiner in his outstanding and radiantly brilliant work “Knowledge of the Higher Worlds And Its Attainment,” which is available as a free download on the internet. Dr. William A. Tiller, Ph.D., who discovered the Deltron, tells us that we can disassemble matter with our minds! Earlier in this work, the author speaks of how the UFO phenomena may be a red-herring used by the United States government to deflect attention from certain Black-Ops. The author received a great deal of heat from this statement. Perhaps it is best to try to explain this in more detail, so that the reader is clear about the authors intentions. It may be more helpful for the government to have a populace that believes in conventional looking flying saucers, along with their very archetypal looking faces and bodies, than it would for the pubic to be informed that any civilization capable of interstellar,


intergalactic, or hyperdimensional travel, would be far beyond utilizing conventional looking space vehicles. Additionally, their weapons would be much different. Any war that might take place would take place on many subtle battlefields, for example within our own brains and even minds. Aliens may attack our Astral (emotional) and Etheric (life) bodies. They may take up residence within our beings and feed on our jealousy, anger, despair, and so on, somewhat akin to a hideous sentient tapeworm. Sally Kempton wisely mentions that, “It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head.” The wise realize the role of magickal equilibrium when it comes to the issue of enemies. Carl Jung, the master, is recorded to have said, “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” In other words, the magickian, when confronted with an enemy, knows that the enemy is profoundly affected when he, she or it, comes into contact with the magickian, as the magickian is affected by the enemy. The true Metaphysical Freedom Fighter is the mystic. He or she may follow various paths. He or she may be a Master of Dogzchen, a Sufi, a Kabbalist, a Ceremonial Magickian, a Master of the Western Mystery Tradition, an Aikido Master, a Druid, one of the Masters of Wisdom, in short, One Who Transcends Duality. The true Metaphysical Freedom Fighter does not carry a laser gun, but a consciousness that is finely tuned as a Samurai’s sword is finely sharpened. Recall how earlier we spoke of the necessity of knowing oneself to a profound degree. We stated that one could not do anything without congruency. For example, a person without integrity cannot properly defend himself or herself. The founder of Aikido, Master Morihei Ueshiba taught, “The penetrating brilliance of swords, wielded by followers of the Way, strikes at the evil enemy, lurking deep within their own souls and bodies.” In the creation of the universe, everything was compressed into an infinitesimally small point, in which all physical laws that we know of did not apply. The Big Bang singularity is a point of Zero Volume, but very High Mass, which makes the density infinite. This singularity contained all of the matter and energy in the Universe. We say that


the Big Bang originated from a Point. The Sufis say that all knowledge can fit into a dot. We might consider that from our present vantage point, all that exists was once us (in our existence as the dot or Zhat as the Sufis refer to it) and is still us (however pleasant or unpleasant our manifestation might be). Auspiciously we have technology, specifically we are referring to the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, which if properly contemplated, reflected on, comprehended, and followed, will return us to our true magnificence as human beings. Shadowy forces, veiled behind the worlds governments, want to send the general populace into a fight or flight state of mind in order to increase their military and police control over the public. Today, certain governments have the technology to create a fake, or Hollywood, alien attack on the Earth. As always, the magickian does not react in an unthinking fashion to any piece of news or to any image. We are not going to be invaded by aliens or extraterrestrials in flying saucers with ray guns. The best reaction to any news reports of this sort is to have a good laugh. Shout out, “Hands off my amygdala!” No one will know what you are talking about, but you will have a good chuckle. The advertising agencies are experts in hypnotism. A friends daughter, when she was only ten years old, asked us, “Why do the commercials have nothing to do with the product being sold?” We were amazed by the perception of this child, but even more amazed at the accuracy of what she was saying. Ledochowski writes, “To change someone’s mind, change their mood.” Repetition is the key here. “The more often you say something the more you’ll believe it. The more a message is repeated to you, the more real it seems to become. This is partly because your memory finds more examples of it, and partly because of the way that your mind tries to reconstruct reality,” elucidates Ledochowski. This is how scientists can convince us that the world works in a certain way, because we read and hear the same explanations over and over again from diverse sources. The politicians use the same method by telling us that we have enemies, that our enemies are from Country X, or the day may come in the near future - Planet X, and that all the people from Country/Planet X are evil people, and


that they will harm us, or invade our country unless we do something about it. Clifford Mee, a Certified Master Ericksonian Hypnotist, informs us, “When you begin to treat the information that you’re getting from these sources - the media, the government, advertising in particular, even films and books - with just a little skepticism, you get to choose whether you want to believe their message or not. You get to choose whether it is part of your life or not. The only thing you need to do to break a negative hypnotic spell that has been cast on you is to begin to think rationally. To begin to think critically.” The unconscious mind, generally speaking, cannot tell the difference between something imagined and the so-called real This makes magickal manifestation through trance compelling. The unconscious, by nature, goes beyond the duality of outside and inside. Look at your home, apartment or room. Observe the condition of the space and examine whether it is pleasing, harmonious, supportive to your work, focused, and clean. The condition or your living space is the condition of your inner space. If your place is a filthy disaster area, you can use your space to influence your internal state by changing your living space. If you do not care about making your home pleasing to look at, you may not care about making yourself pleasing to look at. If a pleasing appearance is magickally important to you, then make sure your home has a pleasing appearance. In regard to your home, the author wishes to share this important piece of advice concerning the elements. The more one knows oneself, the more one becomes aware of ones strengths and weaknesses. These strengths and weaknesses have, from time immemorial, been associated with the four elements. Ivonne Sanchez advises, “If you listen to nature, you will never loose the equilibrium.” One needs to observe what elements dominate one’s living space, and then consider if these are assisting one in achieving ones goals. Wood/Earth is solid, practical, supportive, and reliable. If one’s life lacks stability, if one spends too much time in intellectual pursuits, or realizes that one is not as supportive and reliable as one wishes, it is necessary to furnish one’s home with as much wood furniture as possible. Air is concerned with the intellectual or mental side of life. Air is related with conversation, communication, and mingling. Burn


incense. Keep your windows wide open and let the fresh breeze into your living space. Water corresponds to the emotional side of our natures, flexibility, subtlety, and the ability to infiltrate as water itself. Incidentally, Dr. Tiller states that water is very high in Deltron content. It is the easiest substance to activate than perhaps any other material. Therefore, if one wishes to cultivate these qualities, objects such as fountains, and making sure one drinks eight glasses of water each day, would be an ideal addition to ones lifestyle. Fire is spontaneous, quick, initiating, impulsive, vitalizing, energetic, and immediate. As such, it would be auspicious to purchase a candelabra and light many candles in your living space. Beware of having too much metal in one’s home. This is a danger, and unfortunately many furniture designs incorporate a great deal of metal, as well as all the electronic equipment, computers and wiring that is common in today’s homes. Metal can pick up all sorts of electro-magnetic frequencies as well as magnetic fields. Finally, everyone can immensely benefit from bringing into one’s life, as frequently as possible, the Solar element. Solar qualities express themselves as courage, an invincible attitude, and the gift of unsuppressed will to rise above the ordinary. The Sun is a natural symbol for power and command. Howard Teich writes, “The sun is an archetypal metaphor that lives in all of us, both men and women. Even as far back as the Paleolithic era, when hunters associated their spears with the rays of the sun, sunlight has served as a symbol for power. It is the solar spirit that gives us the resources for everything we do from getting out of bed in the morning and going to work to pushing past boundaries into unexplored and undeveloped aspects of ourselves.” Filling oneself with sunlight, by standing outside in full sunlight, is mandatory for the magickian. Sunlight fills up ones reservoirs and charges ones spiritual batteries. If your home has an excessive amount of metal, it is important to cleanse yourself through personal exposure to sunlight, as well as keeping your curtains open letting the sunshine into your home. Water too, as in showers and baths, is a great cleanser of negative energies. Sunlight helps us to see and know the True Light and to See Clearly. “The voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from hand-held mobile phones... [is] the largest human biological experiment ever,”


writes Professor Leif Salford, Studies have linked cellphone radiation to health problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, brain tumors, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and more. Do not use the cell phone or similar equipment in enclosed metal spaces such as vehicles or elevators, where these devices may use more power to establish connection. The metal enclosure also acts as a Faraday cage that traps the radiation and reflects it back onto the occupants. Do not make a call when the signal strength is one bar or less, which means the phone must emit more power in order to establish a connection with the cell tower. Take nutritional supplements, particularly anti-oxidants, such as: Glulathione, Silica Hydride, CoQIO, and Superoxide Dimutase (SOD), as well as eat whole foods such as legumes and goji berries. Microwave radiation has been shown to decrease levels of these anti-oxidants in the body. In general, to protect yourself from EM F’s, if at all possible, avoid living or spending much time near power lines, transformers, radar domes and microwave towers. Basically, wear as little jewelry as possible. Take jewelry off at night. Find the spot where your electrical panel is located (sometimes also known as the circuit breaker box) and move your bed, your sofa or your office chair away from that area. The point is to spend as little time as possible around this area. Do not sleep on metal. Get rid of your inner sprung mattress, or box springs. When you sleep on these, you are basically sleeping on a big metal grid. Replace with a latex mattress or an all-natural futon. Replace fluorescent lighting with fullspectrum incandescent lighting. Fluorescent lights need electrical transformers called “ballasts” in order to function. These ballasts combined with the fluorescent bulbs put out much more EMFs than incandescent light bulbs. Orgone is the name given by Wilhelm Reich to a vital energy found on the earth. It is also called the Fifth Element. Wilhelm Reich was a psychoanalyst, a protégé of Freud, practicing in Vienna in the 1920 s and 1930’s. Wilhelm Reich’s discovery of orgone began with his research of a physical bio-energy basis for Sigmund Freud’s theories of neurosis in humans. Wilhelm Reich believed that traumatic experiences blocked the natural flow of life-energy in the body, leading to physical and mental disease. Wilhelm Reich


concluded that the libidinal-energy that Freud discussed was the primordial-energy of life itself, connected to more than just sexuality. Orgone was everywhere and Reich measured this energy-in-motion over the surface of the earth. He even determined that its motion affected weather formation. Reich also studied the effects of the fascist society he lived in on individuals’ emotional processing, and worked to promote more freedom. On November 3, 1957, Wilhelm Reich died in his jail cell of a heart failure. Orgone energy exists, in a natural way, under many different forms. It can be neutral (OR), positive (POR), or negative (DOR). Sherry Shriner tells us, “Orgone absorbs negative energy and transforms it into positive energy, sending it back into the atmosphere as positive energy. And it is easy to make and create.” Orgone keeps ELF and other mind control weapons away from you and your home, not to mention unwanted hyper-dimensional visitors. Orgone is a natural healer. Orgone can protect your home from being saturated from unwanted subtle mind control messaging. Learn the technique known as Radix, which is a way that you can accumulate orgone energy in your body without the need for any special apparatus. If you feel the need, you can also wear a personal protection device such as an Orgone Energy EMR Protection Pendant to strengthen your body's biofield and increase your resistance to the radiation around you. Install intervention technologies and prevention technologies that will harmonize and neutralize the InformationCarrying Radio Waves that are all around you. There exist cleansing harmonizers that can be installed in any home, office or workplace, which will harmonize and neutralize all electrical and electronic devices, electrical circuits, appliances, wireless technology, mobile phones, cell phones and cordless phones in your home, office and business areas. lean Jacques Rousseau wrote these words that are never more true than in these days in which we now find ourselves, “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself a master of others and still remains a greater slave then they.” There are some in the UTO movement that would have you believe that a negative presence is still here on Earth since the times of the


ancient Sumerians. They will tell you that something traumatic happened to the human race a very long time ago. It is clear that humanity has suffered from various traumas both natural in the case of meteorites and unnatural in the case of occupation by extraterrestrial races that performed genetic experiments on humanity. Yet some of the influential members of these groups which speak and write books about Ancient Trauma do not seem to think that any benevolent forces existed in the Cosmos at that time, in other words, benevolent forces who knew that there was a need to protect humanity. These negatively focused writers believe only in nefarious beings. This kind of thinking goes clearly against the equilibrium of the universe. We are interconnected with other realms and dimensions. Entities are interpenetrating our world and influencing it. Whitley Strieber writes in The Master of the Key: “There is no supernatural. There is only the natural world, and you have access to all of it. Souls are part of nature.” Humankind and Planet Earth play a very necessary role in the evolution of the Cosmos. Consider a jungle. Ponder how all the beings, including rocks, plants and trees, live in symbiotic relationship with one another, live in relationship with mutual benefit among organisms, interdependent; each gains benefits from the other. Charles Hoy Fort (August 6, 1874 - May 3, 1932) was an American writer and researcher into anomalous phenomena. Today, the terms Fortean and Forteana are used to characterize various such phenomena. The amazing Charles Fort, who single-handedly started this entire movement, wrote, “All biologic phenomena act to adjust: there are no biologic actions other than adjustments. Adjustment is another name for Equilibrium. Equilibrium is the Universal, or that which has nothing external to derange it.” These E-van-HELL-ical preachers of an Earth dominated by evil alien powers also do not seem to remember, or want to even research, human technologies with which we protect ourselves. Proving an evil presence on this Earth is more important to them than proving the greatness and abilities of the human being. Nevertheless, ignorance is not bliss. We must be informed citizens of Planet Earth. If a person’s spirituality tells them that all they need do is trust the Universe, then that person does not stand much chance


of survival. Ordinary forms of spirituality will not help much when faced with negative entities. However, it is clear from the ancient records, and the myths that preceded them, that humanity has faced destructive forces in the past, and survived. While you must not become obsessed with negative energies, you must learn to protect your bioenergetic field from interdimensional manipulation, by developing sophisticated magickal interdimensional shielding. Utilize the core technique of the Triangle of Manifestation by asking yourself: “When does protection from negative energies appear to be vulnerability to negative energies?” R. D. Laing in The Politics of Experience writes, “True sanity entails, in one way or another, the dissolution of the normal ego, that false self competently adjusted to our alienated social reality: the emergence of the ‘inner archetypal mediators of divine power, through the death and rebirth, and the eventual re-establishment of a new kind of ego-functioning, the ego now being the servant of the divine, no longer its betrayer.” The best magick brings us into harmony with our Destiny. The author acknowledges that the ego is helpful and necessary for daily life. The title of this book in no way is a call to embrace the philosophy of those who pretend that it is possible to completely do away with the ego. It would be a humorous and possibly a terrible thing to witness someone without an ego trying to cross a busy highway. Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence is not advocating a radical non-dualism. The ego is a useful tool that one may use throughout the day when the situation presents itself. The ego is just a tool; it is not the Real Self. The dervishes do not believe in destroying, fighting or killing the ego, but rather they give advice regarding how to tame it. When we are adrift in the waves at the top of the ocean, the ego is more like an enemy as it creates more and more waves. In the worst-case scenario, it can capsize and drown us. The author urges you to use the living spirit-knowledge in this book ultimately for the purpose of becoming the most realized and actualized person you can possibly be, and to understand your


unique role in this lifetime. For some of you, this may be the time to begin thinking about who you are in the world, or who you want to be in the world. What do you want to leave behind on the planet? Most people never think much about their legacy. What do you want to leave for humankind? How do you want to be remembered? Often folks will put various projects on a back burner, but never get around to actually finishing them. You are in a relationship with humanity, the planet and the cosmos. Do you want to be remembered as just a taker or as a giver? Many people are extremely busy, and mistake this busy-ness for what they will be leaving behind when they make their transition. Even if your agenda is booked down to appointments and tasks every fifteen minutes each workday, this does not necessarily have anything to do with what you are leaving to the world. Give some thought to this. If you are a musician, have you written that song you have been meaning to write? If you are a poet, have you written that poem yet? Do you wish to leave a garden to your descendents? Do you want a large family? Are you a carpenter and always wished to build your own home, which perhaps you can leave to your children? Perhaps you want to make sure your children are financially secure or have their university education paid for by the time they reach college-age. Do you want to leave an endowment for the Arts? Alternatively, do you wish to create a healing center for victims of child abuse, sexual slavery, children forced to participate in wars, spousal abuse, and so forth? Do you wish to be remembered for teaching people how to be self-sufficient on the land? On the other hand, maybe you do not want to leave a footprint on the Earth. Whatever is your choice, let it be a choice. Do not sleep away your life. of course, to a certain degree, you have no control over circumstances, but to the degree that you have control, exercise that control. If you have always imagined yourself doing something great in life, then now is the time to do begin. Unfortunately, some practitioners of Imagistic Magick believe they can control every aspect of their lives. Yet, we cannot begin to know the innumerable variables, layers, karmic repercussions, and dimensions of our existence. No one possesses All Wisdom and so we must choose and strive toward our goals, always seeking Divine


Guidance in our decisions. Karen Danrich enlightens us, through the viewpoint of the Earth Mother, with these true but hard words, “Why is it so difficult for humans to look at their own darkness? Each wishes to believe that they are innocent, pure, ‘of the light’, and somehow not like those that one views within the world mirror that are war mongers or perpetrate violence in one manner or another. Alas, for each who is non-violent in the physical, one has many parallel lives that one is just as violent as the dance that one witnesses in the world mirror. To believe that the violence is outside of oneself is a vast lie; for there are billions of records of ancestors related unto oneself that participated in all forms of violence, from beating children to raping women to killing upon the battlefield to torturing others for information. There is nothing that occurs now in present time in the world mirror that is brutal that one has not also participated in within one’s ancestry. To believe one is somehow innocent is therefore a vast lie.” In the book you have just read, the author describes many opposites as well as how to equilibrate them. The book speaks of the first and last steps of a staircase, the low notes and high notes in music, the positive and negative poles of an ordinary flashlight battery, Christ and Satan, Horus and Set, Isis and Apophis, Catabolism and Anabolism, Vishnu and Siva, the Ob and Od, and so on. As we conclude this Afterword, the author wants to direct your attention to two forces not yet discussed, two very personal forces in your life, your mother and your father. For from them, the greatest magick was generated: your Life. We are individuals coming from duality, the duality of our father and mother. We are the junction of the two-fold movement of our mother and father. We are the point of Infinite Possibility from the divine interplay of these two forces. The duality from which we are proceeding is coming not just from our parents, but also through them. For we have received DNA from our grandparents, greatgrandparents, great-great-grandparents, and beyond. It is a serious flaw in our culture that most people only know their


grandparents, and know generally nothing about their greatgrandparents lives. These are our sacred families and ancestors, yet we are not encouraged to know and embrace our ancestry. Genealogy has become a hobby, when it should be one of the central tasks of anyone who seeks to understand Magick in its most profound sense. When we come to consider our great-greatgrandparents, most people do not even know their names, let alone know any detail about their lives. If we pause a moment to think of all that our ancestors experienced and suffered in their lives so that we might exist, it begins to boggle the mind. The great cultures of antiquity (and even some indigenous cultures today) took great care to remember each thread of the immense Tapestry of Ancestors that wove us into existence. These ancient cultures recounted in epic songs the exploits and achievements of each ancestor in great detail. We are aware that we receive our ancestors’ DNA. Yet DNA only plays a small part in the story of our lives. For not only do we receive DNA, we receive the Morphogenetic Field of our ancestors. This Morphic Field has many Morphic Fields nested within it: biological, psychological, cultural, historical, and extramundane fields. Everything must be balanced in this universe. In this case, our alchemical laboratory is our own beings, as we alchemically re-unite within our own beings these two different roots that stretch back deep into the primeval past. Performing this task of reunification results in your gaining a huge amount of strength, for you are taking life into yourselves. Behold generation after generation of your ancestors stretching out behind you. Feel your ancestors standing at your back and supporting you with their hands. When you take the responsibility of reconciling the male and the female, the resulting Point of Transcendence reveals your unique Destiny. The center balances all opposites. Through you, your parents become One - your Mystery is how these two lineages are going to develop in you. You are a completely New Universe. You have something very personal, something that belongs to you alone, and that is your Uniqueness - this is called the chispa divina (the Divine Spark). You are a New Creation. There are


no two human beings alike on Earth, no two snowflakes alike, no two fingerprints alike. Nevertheless, you are like the Fool in the Tarot Deck because your Uniqueness is also a Mystery to You. You have to discover in your life who you are. Your parents are your first sculptors, because they gave to you all enigmas and stories that you needed to start your life, as well as the psychological contents and topics that you needed to start your history; without these you would be like an animal. You need these dramas to start your spiritual and psychological development. If you were told, for instance, that you have diabetes in your family history, this is a way of saying, “This is your script to start your life, you need it, and without it you cannot start anything.” Even though you do not know anything about your greatgrandparents, and great-great-grandparents, their lives are affecting you now, in the present, with regard to your life in your immediate family. They affect you in auspicious and inauspicious ways. For example, it is well known in Systemic Treatment that if you have a person in your family who has psychosis, in your lineage a murder occurred. Another discovery concerns the illness Nervous Dermatitis. This skin condition comes from verbally wishing misfortune on a family member, for instance saying, “You’re going to have a terrible life, no one is going to marry you, you’re going to be miserable,” and so on. Likewise, propitious effects, such as individuals becoming great artists, scientists, writers, and many other beautiful features, can directly come from the influence of the lives of your ancestors. You do not have to like your parents. They may have treated you well or treated you badly, they may have taken wonderful care of you, or they may have abandoned you. Nevertheless, whether you like them or not, you must Honor them. You must honor them for one reason, and one reason alone: they gave you Life. Doctors report that the number one complaint, that patients come to them with, is that of general weakness and tiredness. The patients feel this way because they do not take in life. You are the Fruit of Union-, you are the Living Third Point of Transcendence. However, you must pick this fruit. In other words, you must grasp, take hold, and own, the


life that is yours. You are the artist of yourself. You recreate yourself, taking both the richness and pain from your ancestors, and through that process discover your uniqueness! Transcendence means taking hold of your life with joy and perplexity. Rumi wrote in his Dîvâni Shamsi Tabrîz, “I have put duality away. I have seen that the two worlds are one: One I seek. One I know. One I see. One I call.” Arrive between the Two Infinities. Laurence Galian, May 2011, México City, México. Laurence Galian takes pleasure in hearing from his readers. Look for his podcasts, retreats and workshops. He is also available for television and radio interviews, seminars, workshops, and for certain select book signings. To contact Laurence Galian, write: [email protected] Laurence Galian is a Quantic Vibrational Therapist, Composer, Pianist and an initiate of the Masters of Wisdom. In 1980, he received bayat (initiation) into the Halveti-Jerrahi Dervish Order from the late Şeyh Muzaffer Özak ‘Ashki’ Efendi. Galian is also initiated into Celtic-Paganism, Freemasonry and Wicca. Laurence Galian held the positions of Head Dance Musician in the Hofstra University Department of Drama & Dance on Long Island for twenty-five years. His father was in charge of building the Lunar Module. Laurence Galian served as Professor in the Hofstra College of Continuing Education (Hempstead, New York). He formed and functioned as the spiritual guide of the Jerrahi Sufi Circle in St. Louis, Missouri. Laurence Galian has been a frequent presenter at the Starwood Festival, and was one of the first published authors to present Sufi workshops to the Neo-Pagan community. The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts honored him with an award for his work as Musical Director.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR LAURENCE GALIAN, pianist, writer, lecturer; composer, teacher of ancient lore and modern wisdom, was born in Manhattan on April 5, 1954 (Aries, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising). He has always approached metaphysics and the spirit world with a ruthless honesty: he uses what works and discards the rest. He began his music studies at the age of six with James Gerard DeMartini, a professor at Brooklyn College. Today he holds the fulltime position of Senior Dance Accompanist in the Hofstra University Department of Drama and Dance. He has accompanied many of the greatest dancers and companies in the world including Natalia Makarova, Jennifer Muller and The Works, Joyce Trisler Danscompany, and The San Francisco Ballet. He also serves on the Faculty of the Hofstra College of Continuing Education where he teaches classes in: Wicca, Qabalah, Ceremonial Magick, and Welsh mythology. He has recorded a solo piano album of ballet music entitled Ballet Music for Barre and Center Floor, available as a double-length CD from Roper Records, Inc. His original ballet, Zemzem, was aired on the National Public Radio Program "New Sounds With John Schaefer." He is listed in the fifteenth edition of International Who's Who in Music (Cambridge, England). He has studied metaphysics all his life. He is a professional Handwriting Analyst, Tarot Reader, Spiritual Consultant and a practicing Wiccan Priest with a special interest in Celtic Shamanism. He is a member of the Alliance of Magical and Earth Religions, The Temple of Danann and New Moon New York, a Pagan networking


organization. In 1981 Laurence met Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak and the HalvetiJerrahi dervishes of Istanbul, Turkey. The Jerrahis practice mystical Islam (Sufism) and have an unbroken line of transmission spanning over seven hundred years. The founder of the order was Hazreti Pir Nureddin Jerrahi, The Axis of the Sufis. After a foreordained period of study, Laurence was initiated into this order in 1983. Mr. Galian enjoys hearing from his readers. Sometimes he is available for seminars, book signings, and workshops. You can contact him at Box 297, Jericho, New York 11753-0927, U.S.A.


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Table des Matières Title Page Copyright Page Table of Contents Preface Part I Ups and Downs Vibrating Universe Power Centers The Sacred Body Interdependency The Two-Way Flow of the Universe The Natural Kingdom The Flip Side Balance Equilibrium The Inherent Contradiction Practical Application A Visual Metaphor The Triangle of Manifestation Examples of Ideas and the Contradictions Contained Therein Step By Step The Secret Formula Why Do We Need to Equilibrate? Part II The Hegelian Dialectic The Force That Moves Mountains 229

6 7 12 15 21 22 24 26 27 29 31 33 34 37 39 41 43 44 45 46 49 51 52 54 55 57

Symbionts Polarity Transcended The Nature of Reality IT The Roswell Declaration Liberation From Belief Do Affirmations Really Work? The Deepest Stratum Atavisms and UFO's The Aspects of a Human Being Anger Learn How to Clear the Mind Answer Your Own Prayer Archetypes Blueprints Make Room For What You Want I'm So Excited! The Unmistakable Stamp Binding the Opposing Force The Equilateral Cross Fix Your Heart to a Star Magnetize Yourself For Success The Flow of Time You Already Have What You Want Respecting Our Inner Selves Wisdom From the Qabalah The Secret Heart of AUM An Analogy Taken From University Life Hindu Philosophy 230

59 60 61 63 64 68 69 72 73 75 78 79 80 82 84 85 87 88 89 90 91 93 95 97 98 100 103 104 106

The Triangle of Manifestation as Encountered in the Tarot Reverberations of the First Essence The Way of Power Contentment You Got To Be In It To Win It Something to Think About How to Super-Charge The Triangle of Manifestation Save Your Marriage Part III Using the Way of Power A friendly Admonition Bodily Fields Creating Thought-Forms The Complete Way of Power Sigils Talismania The Ground Is Where It’s At Lightning Rods The Caduceus of Hermes as Portrayal of The Triangle of Manifestation Serpent Magick The Serpent Lightning Rod. The Magickal Buddy Conclusion Afterword About the Author Back Cover


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