Best Year Ever Workbook - Get What You Want in 2016

February 23, 2018 | Author: fuoco02ie | Category: N/A
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Michael Hyatt...


GET WHAT YOU WANT IN 2016 5 Steps to Reach More People, Make More Money, and Create More Impact Michael Hyatt

This workbook is a place for you to record your notes, insights, and action plans. We suggest you print it out before the webinar, scan through it, and then have it in front of you as the webinar begins. If you want to comment on Twitter or Facebook about the webinar, please use the hashtag #GetWhatYouWant. Michael’s Twitter username is @MichaelHyatt. Stu’s is @StuMcLaren. (Stu is Michael’s co-host for this webinar.)

INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

PREMISE Accomplish your ___________________________ goals this year by ___________________ the __________ secrets of high achievers.

© 2015, Michael Hyatt

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SECRET #1: Believe You Can _________ The first secret of high achievers is that they have a specific ______________ _______________. A. The Myth: High achievers got a _______________ ________________. •

Perhaps they have more:




Or simply better ________________________________

B. The Truth: High achievers got past ________________ ______________. •

They know it only exists inside their own __________________.

Too often, we are like the _______________________________.

Think how many other barriers have turned out to be only _________________ barriers. o The ________________ barrier o The ____________ minute mile o The _____________ hour marathon

C. High achievers replace _______________________________ beliefs with _______________________________ truths.

ACTION ITEM q Write down three ___________________ beliefs and replace them with ________________________________ truths. © 2015, Michael Hyatt

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SECRET #2: Get Past the _____________ The second secret of high achievers is that they have learned how to ______________ _______________. A. All high achievers have gone through _______________________. •

“The master has ____________________ more times than the beginner has _________________.” – Stephen McCranie

B. The three emotions •




C. “Your ____________________________ does not equal your past.” – Tony Robbins •

High achievers use failure as a ________________________ ________________ on the way to success.

D. Wrong vs. Right Questions •

The Wrong Question: “Am I ______________________ to fail again?”

The Right Question: “What does this failure make ______________________?”

ACTION ITEM q Identify a major failure in the past. Ask, “what does that failure _________________ _________________________________?”

© 2015, Michael Hyatt

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SECRET #3: Set ____________________ Goals The third secret of high achievers is that they set ______________ _______________ for what they want. A. ___________________ and ________________ are two different things. B. Goals are ___________________________ and _____________________. C. Goals have _________________________________. •

“Dreams may be __________________________________ but goals are ____________________________.” – Michael Hyatt

You can always evaluate the _____________________ of your goal by asking, “Is this _______________________?”

ACTION ITEM q Write down 5 to 7 goals that are ________________________, ______________________ and have a ______________________________.

SECRET #4: Know Your ____________ The fourth secret of high achievers is they know their __________. A. They know exactly ________ they are doing __________ they are doing. •

High achievers are _____________________________ connected to their goals.

© 2015, Michael Hyatt

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“People lose their way when they lose their __________.” – Gail Hyatt

B. High achievers understand the ________________ __________________ •

There’s going to come a ______________ in the pursuit of big goals when you want to __________________.

The key to succeeding and persevering is tapping into your ________________________________.

C. The cause of stagnant goals •

Chances are, there are some lingering items that you’ve never actually _____________________________.

You’ll get better ________________________ if you can get clear on the ______________________ why that goal matters to begin with.

ACTION ITEM q Identify your _____________ for each __________________.

SECRET #5: Get __________________ Now The fifth secret of high achievers is that they know the importance of _____________________. A. High achievers know that _______________________ is the real enemy. •

“Excessive ___________________________ is often a fancy way to procrastinate.” – Michael Hyatt

© 2015, Michael Hyatt

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That’s why high achievers break projects down into ________________________ pieces.

B. High achievers focus on the _______________ _________________. •

They know that the path becomes clear only when you are __________ _______________________.

“You don’t have to be ____________________ to start, but you have to __________________ to be great.” – Zig Ziglar

“_____________________________ is the mother of procrastination.” – Michael Hyatt

Focusing on the ________________ ____________________ _____________ is the key to reclaiming momentum.

ACTION ITEM q Identify at least one ___________ _________________ ______________ for each goal.

BONUS SECRET #6: High achievers know that you have to _________________ in _____________________ to achieve anything truly great.

© 2015, Michael Hyatt

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Conclusion ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

© 2015, Michael Hyatt

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