Bentley Substation Instruction Manual v 3.1

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1

Bentley Substation Instruction Manual Version 3.1

Authors: Alex Liang, Jason Jew, Nam Trinh, Rich Malins, and Stephen Follett Page 1 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Table of Contents Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 8 A. Purpose: ......................................................................................................................................... 8 B. Requirements: ................................................................................................................................ 8 C. Legends:.......................................................................................................................................... 8 D. Shortcut Keys: ................................................................................................................................ 8 E. Glossary, Definition, and Terminology ........................................................................................... 9 I. General Approach ............................................................................................................................ 10 A. Software Overview ...................................................................................................................... 10 B. Drawing Size, Page Format, Title Block, and Scaling ................................................................... 10 C. Handling Existing Vector/Raster Drawings .................................................................................. 10 II. Design Approach............................................................................................................................... 11 III. Launching Bentley Substation and Working with Project Manager .............................................. 12 A. Restoring a Project from Backup................................................................................................. 14 B. Creating a New Project ................................................................................................................ 15 C. Creating a New Drawing Page ..................................................................................................... 16 D. Copying a project ....................................................................................................................... 24 E. Copying a Drawing Page ............................................................................................................. 24 F. Renaming a Project or Drawing Page ......................................................................................... 25 G. Modifying a Project or Drawing Page ......................................................................................... 27 H. Running reports.......................................................................................................................... 28 I. Viewing BM Explorer ................................................................................................................... 29 J. Adding spare parts...................................................................................................................... 29 IV. Designing with Existing Vector/Raster Drawings ............................................................................ 30 A. General Method ......................................................................................................................... 30

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 B. Bringing in Existing Vector Files to a Bentley Substation Drawing ............................................. 30 C. Placing symbols into Vector/Raster Graphics............................................................................. 31 V. Inserting 2D Symbols ....................................................................................................................... 31 A. Symbol by Name Method ........................................................................................................... 31 B. Symbol by Part Number Method................................................................................................ 33 C. Symbol by Device ID Method ..................................................................................................... 34 D. Symbol by Macro Method .......................................................................................................... 35 VI. Designing the Electrical 3D Layout Models ..................................................................................... 36 A. Naming Convention for Electrical 3D Model, Saved Views, and Callouts Based on Bus Configurations .................................................................................................................................. 39

1. Single Bus/Main and Aux Bus/Double Bus (115kV) .................................................... 39 2. Ring Bus (115kV) ......................................................................................................... 40 3. Breaker and A Half Bus (230kV) .................................................................................. 41 4. Typical Distribution Substation (115kV-Ring Bus/12kV-Double Bus shown) ............. 42 B. Creating a New Electrical 3D Layout Model ................................................................................. 43 C. Assembling the Electrical Master Site Layout .............................................................................. 45 D. Creating Saved Views ................................................................................................................... 45 E. Creating Section Callouts .............................................................................................................. 50 F. Creating “Step” Section Callouts .................................................................................................. 55 G. Modifying Section Callouts .......................................................................................................... 57 VII. Inserting 3D Objects ....................................................................................................................... 60 A. Inserting Substation Object.......................................................................................................... 60 B. Inserting Cable/Bus Object ........................................................................................................... 64

1. Placing Rigid Bus Conductors ..................................................................................... 64 2. Placing a Rigid Bus Conductor Using the “Height Change, Rigid Bus-Bars” Algorithm ......................................................................................................................................... 66 3. Placing a Cable Using the “Catenary Sag” Algorithm................................................. 69 4. Placing a Cable Using the “Spline Sag” Algorithm ..................................................... 72 C. Snapping Connectors to Cables and/or Buses ............................................................................. 74

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 VIII. Designing Construction Drawings ................................................................................................. 78 A. Creating a Plan View Drawings (i.e. General Arrangement Outdoors) ........................................ 78

1. Creating a New Page ................................................................................................... 78 2. Referencing In a Plan View ......................................................................................... 82 3. Modifying the Viewable Area of a Plan View ............................................................. 90 B. Creating Section View Drawings.................................................................................................. 96

1. Creating a New Page ................................................................................................... 96 2. Referencing In a Section Callout/Detail Callout........................................................ 100 C. Clipping Plan Views and Section/Detail Callouts ....................................................................... 104

1. Clipping by Using the Clip Volume Tool ................................................................... 104 2. Modifying/Deleting a Clipping ................................................................................. 107 D. Rendering Plan and Section Views ............................................................................................ 112 E. Placing Construction Labels ....................................................................................................... 116 F. Placing Manual/Automatic Balloons.......................................................................................... 116 IX. Clash Detection.............................................................................................................................. 116 X. Assigning Part Numbers to Panel Layout Symbols ....................................................................... 116 A. Placing part numbers to symbols while auto-updating the symbol attribute. ......................... 116 XI. Designing Grounding Grid Drawing ............................................................................................... 124 A.

Creating an Arrangement of Grounds Model/Drawing ........................................................ 125


Placing the Grounding Grid ................................................................................................... 125


Placing Grounding Grid Connectors ...................................................................................... 126


Extracting Grounding Grid Information................................................................................. 127

XII. Designing Conduits Drawing......................................................................................................... 128 XIII. Designing Single Line / Meter & Relay and Station Service Diagrams ........................................ 128 XIV. Designing Schematic Diagrams and Contact Development Tables ............................................. 128 A. Designing from Intelligent Design Standard/Previous Intelligent Project(s) ............................ 128 B. Designing Schematics from Scratch.......................................................................................... 129 C. Inserting Wire Tags ................................................................................................................... 129

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1. 2. 3. 4.

Overview .................................................................................................................. 129 Inserting Individual Wire Tags.................................................................................. 130 Inserting Wire Tags Automatically on AC Schematics ............................................. 134 Inserting Wire Tags Automatically on DC Schematics ............................................. 136

D. Inserting Wire Links................................................................................................................... 138

1. Different Wire Link Symbols ..................................................................................... 138 2. Wire Link Usage ........................................................................................................ 140 3. Hiding Drawing Cross References ............................................................................. 141 E. Inserting Cable/Circuit Numbers ............................................................................................... 142 XV. Designing SCADA Related Drawing ............................................................................................. 145 XVI. Designing Panel Layouts ............................................................................................................. 145 XVII. Bill of Materials, Name Plate, and Target Plates Reports ......................................................... 149 A. Overview ................................................................................................................................... 149

1. Assigning Balloon Number to Construction Drawings using “Insert Balloon” command ...................................................................................................................... 149 2. Assigning Balloon Number by “Device Properties” Dialog Box ............................... 150 3. Assigning Balloon Number using the “Data Manager” tool .................................... 150 4. Assigning Job Order Number by “Symbol Text” Dialog Box ..................................... 151 5. Assigning Job Order Number using the “Data Manager” tool.................................. 151 B. Running Report Output to Microsoft Excel Format .................................................................. 153 C. Importing Excel File to Materials Database .............................................................................. 156 XVIII. Designing Circuit, Conduit, Trench, and Junction Box Schedules ............................................ 159 XIX. Generating Drawing List ............................................................................................................ 159 XX. Plotting and Publishing a Project................................................................................................ 160 A. Printing Full Size Drawings for Final Issue ................................................................................. 160 B. Printing Drawings for Review (not full size) ............................................................................... 171 C. Printing Drawings NOT in ProjectWise ....................................................................................... 182 D. Creating PDF or TIF files ............................................................................................................. 192 E. Creating 3D PDFs ...................................................................................................................... 203 XXI. Backing up, Incorporation, and Archiving a Project ................................................................... 204 A. Overview ................................................................................................................................... 204 Page 5 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 B. Interim Mandatory Backup for Data Retention ........................................................................ 205 C.

Project Incorporation ............................................................................................................ 206

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Date 02-03-12





Added Rev. block and other misc. changes



Chgd. Sec. III.E




Chg. Sec XI.A




Updated Sec. VI




Revised per SS7 features


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Chk by A2L4

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1

Preface A. Purpose: This document outlines all necessary steps and procedures required to complete a substation design project utilizing Bentley Substation software within PG&E configured environment. All users need to follow these steps to ensure contents can be properly utilized among PG&E and contractors.

B. Requirements: 1. Bentley Substation should be properly Installed and Configured. 2. Master PG&E Parts Database has been installed. 3. Master catalogs (2D/3D) are present.

C. Legends: 1. Text in single quote is: ‘Running a command’. 2. Text in double quote is: “Column or field name existing in the software”. 3. Text in bold is: USER TO KEY IN VALUE(S). 4. Text in Italic and bold is: Hint or CAUTION or PAY CLOSE ATTENTION.

D. Shortcut Keys: Symbol

Old Keystroke

New Keystroke ¹

Degree (5°)



Centered Period (LINE·CKT)



Subscript ‘2’ (H



Greek Omega (Ohm Ω)


Alt+234 (doesn’t recognize)²

Phase Symbol (3Ø)



Plus or Minus (14 Feet ± 1 Inch)


Alt+0177 or Alt+241


Alt+0178 or Alt+253

Superscript ‘2’ (²)

¹ Alt+XXXX means hold the ALT key, then type the numeric combination above using the num pad (right side of the keyboard), then let go of the ALT key ² Symbol can be inserted using Microstation’s Insert Symbol button on the text editor dialog box.

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E. Glossary, Definition, and Terminology Backup: The process, which bundles all related files/data of a project to one single file (*.prj) Construction Drawing: Drawings to be issued out to construction or vendor drawing DTM: Digital Terrain Model G.A.O.: General Arrangement Outdoors Live Nesting Level: defines how many level of reference of a reference the software needs to look through to display the reference Master Civil Model: 3D drawing containing civil components such as DTM, road, fence, gate(s), PRP, topo…This model will not be issued to construction; it’s used to create foundation arrangement, grading plan, and etc. Master Electrical Model: 3D drawing containing all actual inserted 3D symbols which will not be issued to construction. Master Model: 3D workspace model within Bentley Substation. Design can be done on this model. No title block to be included here; and do not issue designs done in this model My Projects: The folder name which contains all active substation projects Page Name: Drawing number Project Name: Substation Name e.g. East Nicolaus Substation PRP: Project Reference Point; or X,Y coordinate equivalent RomanS: Front style to be used in PG&E Bentley Substation environment Sheet Model: 2D workspace model within Bentley Substation. Do not design on this model, this is strictly 2D model containing title block, which to be issued

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I. General Approach A. Software Overview Bentley Substation is an intelligent and integrated CADD software which consists of Microstation and a database running in the background. Bentley Substation users can perform all basic drafting tasks that used to be done in Microstation. Existing drawings with non-intelligent graphics can brought into to the new environment and mixed with new intelligent symbols as necessary. Similarly, legacy 2D physical objects can be on the same drawing with new 3D intelligent symbols. All drawings for a substation will eventually be bundled into one project file. The project name will be the name of the substation. No individual DGN files will be available for editing or archiving.

B. Drawing Size, Page Format, Title Block, and Scaling 3.

For simplicity of printing and handling, Bentley Substation will allow you to print to all PG&E approved paper sizes (0-size through 5-size). Bentley Substation produces drawings utilizing a letter and number coordinate system to properly identify locations of components for intelligent linkage. The appropriate page format needs to be selected for all drawings to be issued. For electrical designs, there are two types of title blocks: “ETEC4S_TB” and “ETEC4S_TB_EDS”. As the name implies, one is for regular projects and one is for Electrical Design Standard Projects respectively. Master Layout Model design and schematics will be 1:1 scale. All other drawing’s title block can be scaled appropriately following the latest revision of Substation Design Guidelines. Refer to Section III.C for more information regarding the creation of different page sizes and commonly used scale factors.

C. Handling Existing Vector/Raster Drawings 3.

Users can maintain existing drawing numbers for all types of drawings; simply create a new drawing in Bentley Substation with the same drawing number, page size, and scale, then merge vector contents by referencing and “Merge to Master” command. Intelligent design can be on the same drawing with legacy (non-intelligent) design; however, non-intelligent design will not have the same features as intelligent design. Similarly, existing drawings containing raster can be edited using Descartes.

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II. Design Approach


It’s important that project design needs to be based on existing and approved design standards, not from other projects when design standards are available. This means all applicable existing standards will need to be modeled ahead of time. If required design standard are not available at H:\Substation Data\Standards, users need to create the design standard first before proceeding with the design For non-standard designs, users can start the design from scratch or copy from other projects as appropriate. For indoor/schematic design, it’s recommended to start with the relay and switch contact development table then build AC/DC schematics by device ID. Do not assign any part number (PG&E Code) to schematics or contact development tables otherwise materials will not be captured on the Bill of Materials report. Only assign part numbers on panel layout drawings. For outdoor design, users can either copy all applicable standard 3D layout drawings to the project then arrange them to create the Electrical Master Layout drawing or start design by placing symbols/Macros from the catalogs as needed. Final construction drawings will be made up of references of various views of the electrical master layout drawing. Dimensions, text, balloons, and construction labels will be placed on final construction drawings to be issued. Following is a basic outline of the Workflow Process: 1. Check ProjectWise and H:\Substation Data\My Projects\ to see if the substation you are about to work on is already in the active projects folder. If not, refer to ProjectWise user manual to create new project in ProjectWise. 2. Check drawings out of WIP into the “References” folder if drawings you need to work on are not already in ProjectWise. Note that you should only do this for drawings that will be converted to Bentley Substation format. For all other drawings from WIP, check out to your LAN ID folder or C:\Data\MAT_DB\ (such as drawings to be superseded, 0-size drawings, etc.).

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3. Proceed with design by working in the Electrical Master Layout and Civil Master Layout Models first. Important: please be sure to create one 3D layout per voltage level, bus section, transformer, or bay. Do this by copying the Electrical Master Layout drawing, giving it a unique name (e.g. 115kV Ring Bus or Transformer 1). Recommended criteria as follows: a. A typical distribution substation will have one layout for the high side, one layout for each distribution transformer arrangement, and one layout for each distribution bus section. An entire ring bus can be on one layout. b. A typical transmission substation will have one layout for each voltage level; however, within each voltage level, each BAAH bay or bus section will need its own layout. Each transformer shall have its own layout as well. c. For switching stations, each BAAH bay or bus section will need its own layout. Finally, reference all layouts into the Electrical Master Layout which will consist of the station fence and control building. See Section VI.A for model and Saved View naming guidelines 4. When project is completed, archive the project -- for instructions, please consult with the ProjectWise User Manual.

III. Launching Bentley Substation and Working with Project Manager On most workstations, from the desktop, users can double click on the Bentley Substation Icon to launch the program (the blue transformer shortcut icon).

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Alternatively, Bentley Substation can be launched from “Start” Menu  “All Programs”  “Bentley”  “Bentley Substation V8i”  “Bentley Substation V8i”. Once Bentley Substation has launched, the “Project Manager” dialog appears as shown below.

The following tasks can be done using the “Project Manager”: - Restore a project from backup/archive - Create a new project and new drawing page - Copy a new project or drawing page - Rename and modify a project or drawing page - Run reports - View BM Explorer - Add spare parts

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A. Restoring a Project from Backup On a regular production run, after a project has been completed using Bentley Substation, it will be backed up into one single file which will then be archived. This archived project needs to be restored in Bentley Substation’s Project Manager before it can be worked on again. On “Project Manager”, point to “File”  “Restore”, the “Restore Project” dialog box appears

Line 1: Click on the ellipsis for the “Project File (*.Prj) field to select a project to be restored:

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Select a project to restore and click “Open” Line 2: Keep the default file path “H:\Substation Data\My Projects” folder here since all active projects will be placed in one location Line 3: Assign a new project name if needed, otherwise, the name for the project to be restored will be kept

B. Creating a New Project Within the “Project Manager”, a new project can be created by right clicking on “My Projects” directory, select “New Project”, or “File”  “New”  “New Project”, or shortcut ‘Ctrl+N’ .

The project name will be the substation name or switching substation name e.g. Orosi Substation or Santa Ynez Switching Station.

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After keying in the substation name, click on “Description” and key-in the following information as shown below. This information will appear on the title block.

C. Creating a New Drawing Page After successfully creating a new project, the “New Page” dialog box immediately appears which asks the user to create a new drawing page.

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1. Project – Ensure you are creating the drawing in the proper project 2. Drawing Set – Type in a drawing set (or choose an existing). More info regarding Drawing Set see Section III.C.18.i. 3. Installation – Type in a Page Installation, or choose an existing from the drop down list. 4. Location – Type in a Page Location, or choose an existing from the drop down list. For drawings that contain devices that have different installation and location, such as Single Line, Single Line Meter & Relay, Panel Layout, etc, leave page Installation and Location blank. The use of fields can help simplify the assignment of installation and location for devices to be placed. For all other drawings, follow the Installation and Location definition chart below to key in the appropriate information for these pages. Note that all elements placed on the drawing will inherit the Installation & Location specified here.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Note: do not use special characters for Installation or Location (#, &, commas, apostrophes, colons, semicolons, parentheses, *, etc) OUTDOORS




-Voltage class

-Voltage class Building name e.g. 115kV MPAC 1 or Control Building

-Grounds -Conduits -Voltage Class Bus Section (for circuit breakers) e.g. 230kV Bus Section E, 12kV Bus Section D

-Voltage Class Bus Section (for switchgear) e.g. 21kV Bus Section G



-Breaker # e.g. HVCB 182

-Panel #s e.g. Panels 1-5 or 115KV Panels 6-10

-Floor name and Bay# / Bus Sect. name (enclosed substation)

-Wall’s name

-Transformer Bank # e.g. TB#1

-Floor # and panel # / Wall’s name (enclosed substation)

-Feeder # (for distribution feeders) e.g. Feeder 1101

5. Page Name – Type in a Page Name, most likely will be a PG&E drawing number beginning with 0-, 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, or 5-, or describing the layout. 6. Initial Mode – Choose the type of drawing you are creating from the list of available types. 7. Title Block – The default is ETEC4S_TB, which is the proper title block for 4-size drawings. For 0-size, choose ETEC0S_TB, 1-size drawings, choose ETEC1S_TB, 2-size drawings, choose ETEC2S_TB, 3-size drawings, choose ETEC3S_TB, and for 5-size drawings, choose ETEC5S_TB. Page 18 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 8. Place title block in sheet mode – ensure this box is NOT checked for new drawings. 9. Page Format – The default is ETEC4S, which is the proper page format for 4-size drawings. For 0-size drawings, choose ETEC0S, 1-size drawings, choose ETEC1S, 2-size drawings, choose ETEC2S, 3-size drawings, choose ETEC3S, and for 5-size drawings, choose ETEC5S. 10. Page Macro – this allows cells to be placed automatically upon page creation. Currently, the cells that are inserted using the PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_#-SIZE macros are: LNAMES, DESFIL, PGE3PH, NOTES, REF, DWGNO, and also inserts text nodes of appropriate size inside the revision block. Depending on what size drawing you are creating, adjust this field as necessary: a. For 4-size 1:1 scale drawings, nothing needs to be changed, as PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_4-SIZE is the default b. For 0-size 1:1 scale drawings, click on the ellipses and choose PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_0-SIZE c. For 1-size 1:1 scale drawings, click on the ellipses and choose PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_1-SIZE d. For 2-size 1:1 scale drawings, click on the ellipses and choose PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_2-SIZE e. For 3-size 1:1 scale drawings, click on the ellipses and choose PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_3-SIZE f. For 5-size 1:1 scale drawings, click on the ellipses and choose PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_5-SIZE g. For drawings of any size that are not 1:1 scale (scale factor is anything other than 1), clear out this field (make it blank). Please see below for detailed information on how to add the page macro for these types of drawings. h. All drawings not 1:1 scale: When creating these types of drawings, the Page Macro field should be blanked out. Once the page gets created, the appropriate page macro needs to be inserted, but scaled to match the scale of the drawing.

With the drawing open, click on the Insert Macro button: Search for, or type in, the appropriate macro depending on drawing size: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Page 19 of 211

For 4-size drawings, select or type in PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_4-SIZE For 0-size drawings, select or type in PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_0-SIZE For 1-size drawings, select or type in PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_1-SIZE For 2-size drawings, select or type in PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_2-SIZE For 3-size drawings, select or type in PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_3-SIZE For 5-size drawings, select or type in PAGE_TEXT_MACRO_5-SIZE 1/3/2014 Version 3.1

Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Next, click on “Macro Settings” on the bottom right hand corner of the dialog box, and then type in the same scale factor you used in Step 10 in the previous section. Click OK Click on “Place Macro” when finished

With the macro on your mouse cursor, click on the lower left corner of the drawing page and perform a data (left) click.

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To complete filling in the title block within “Project Manager”, click on the “Drawing Set” tab (at the bottom of the window) and key in additional information required for the project.

Note that this information will appear on all drawings within the project.

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Drawing Set Tab

Drawing Set – A collection of drawings involved in a particular project, but within the same Substation (Project). i. For example, all drawings required for a Bank Replacement Job would be in one Drawing Set called “REPLACE BANK 1” or similar. ii. For subsequent projects requiring a drawing already assigned to a Drawing Set (but the project has already been completed), one would then change that particular drawing’s Drawing Set to describe the new project. An example would be the Single Line Diagram or General Arrangement Outdoors, which would be required for most projects. Note: do not use special characters for Installation or Location (#, &, commas, apostrophes, colons, semicolons, parentheses, *, etc) Installation – See table above for examples iii. Outdoor Arrangement Drawings: Installation represents the voltage class and bus section name. iv. Conduit & Ground Drawings: Installation would be either “Conduits,” “Grounds,” or “Conduits & Grounds” for both. v. Indoor Arrangement Drawings: Installation represents the name of the building. Page 22 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 1. For substations containing only one building, Installation would be the name of the building, for example “Control Building.” 2. For substations containing more than one building, Installation would be the voltage class of the building, followed by the name of the building, to identify one building from another. For example, “115kV Control Building” or “230kV MPAC .” i.

Note: Location – a more specific description of where the piece of equipment is located. This location is somewhere within the “Installation.” See table above for examples.

11. Scale Factor – This is where you set your page scale. Common values: Scale

Scale Factor


Scale Factor

1’ = 1’-0”


1/16” = 1’-0”


3” = 1’-0”


1” = 10’


2” = 1’-0”


1” = 20’


1½” = 1’-0”


1” = 30’


1” = 1’-0”


1” = 40’


¾” = 1’-0”


1” = 50’


½” = 1’-0”


1” = 60’


3/8” = 1’-0”


1” = 100’


¼” = 1’-0”


1” = 200’


3/16” = 1’-0”


1” = 400’


1/8” = 1’-0”


1” = 500’


3/32” = 1’-0”


1” = 1000’


12. Set page online – This needs to always be checked 13. Page Descriptions – The information entered here will appear in various spots on the title block. Information can be entered here, or at a later time by either selecting “Modify Page” after right clicking on the drawing listed in the Project Manager, right clicking anywhere on the title block, or via the tab “Page…” at the Data Manager dialog box. Page 23 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Once all these are properly filled out, clicking OK will open the new drawing page. Alternatively, users can right click on the project name in “Project Manager” to create new drawings at any time.

D. Copying a project To copy a project, in “Project Manager”, right click on the project name to be copied  “Copy”; a “Copy Project” dialog box appears:

Line1: This should be the project the user wants to copy. Line2: Lets the user define a new location for this project. For the most part, this location should be under “H:\SUBSTATION DATA\MY PROJECTS” folder since all active, ongoing design projects will be in one folder. Line3: Assign a new name for the project.

E. Copying a Drawing Page To copy a drawing page, on “Project Manager,” navigate to the project containing the drawing page user wishes to copy  right click on the drawing  “Copy”, the “Copy Page(s)” dialog appears.

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The most important thing to do first is to select the destination for the project where you want to copy the drawing(s) to. Fill in the rest of the fields as needed or leave “(Keep Existing)”. If drawing description needs to be changed, click on the “Description” button and key in all drawing info/description. Click “OK” when done. For the “Page Options” field, “Maintain Device ID” should be checked and the pull down menu should have “Tag Only” selected. The “Set Pages Online” box should also be checked. On the “Wire Number Options”, check “Maintain Wire Numbers” and select “Tag Only”. Also check “Maintain Wire Link IDs” and also select “Tag Only.” Note: refer to Section XIV A to universally change Device ID and other data using the “Data Manager” tools

F. Renaming a Project or Drawing Page To rename a project, from “Project Manager”, right click on the project to be rename  “Rename” 

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Key in a new name and click “OK” To rename a drawing page (drawing number), from “Project Manager”, right click on the drawing to be renamed  “Rename” 

Besides renaming a drawing page, note that “Drawing Set”, “Installation”, and “Location” can be changed here as well. Key in a new drawing name (number) and click “OK”

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G. Modifying a Project or Drawing Page To modify a project, from “Project Manager”, right click on a project to be modified, the “Modify Project” dialog box appears:

Click on “Description” 

“Business Line” and “Facility Type” can be modified here To modify a drawing page, from “Project Manager”, right click on the drawing to be modified, 

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All active fields can be modified here. Note: to modify inactive fields (Project:, Drawing Set:, Installation:, Location:, Page Name:), use the “Rename” command. Note: the use of the “Place title block in sheet mode” check box is no longer necessary. Please do not check this box under any circumstances. Failure to do so may result in losing work.

H. Running reports Reports (B/M) can be run in Project Manager; however, a drawing page must be opened. See section XVIII for more detailed on running report commands and features.

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I. Viewing BM Explorer From the Project Manager, you can view a list of all of the items that have been assigned Part Numbers by clicking on the “BOM Explorer” tab on the bottom of the Project Manager. Here, you can edit the quantities of parts, and also remove part #s (do this with caution!)

J. Adding spare parts (Not being used at this time); Users can add spare part using the traditional material database.

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IV. Designing with Existing Vector/Raster Drawings A. General Method Since Bentley Substation carries full Microstation features, modification of raster and vector files will be handled similarly to how Microstation handles them. After vector files are copied to a Bentley Substation drawing by ‘referencing’ and ‘Merge to Master’ commands, users can still use familiar drawing tools to modify vector contents just like in Microstation. New intelligent symbols can be combined with non-intelligent (vector) graphics.

B. Bringing in Existing Vector Files to a Bentley Substation Drawing Users should place the existing raster/vector files in the “References” folder within the project’s main folder. This folder contains all drawings checked out from WIP that are to be converted into Bentley Substation format; this includes both vector and raster files. In “Project Manager”, open a drawing that user wishes to bring existing vector content into (it’s important to ensure that the Bentley Substation file’s scale is compatible with the vector drawing scale). Run the ‘Reference’ command  ‘Attach’, and then navigate to the “Reference” folder containing the existing vector file  the file to be attached and click “Open.” Once the vector file has been referenced in, use clip reference to exclude unwanted data (such as drawing numbers in the border, revision block info, extraneous data outside the format, etc.). Then, merge the vector drawing into the Bentley Substation drawing.

Note: if the vector file to be referenced and merged to the Bentley Substation drawing contains a raster file, that raster file will be referenced into the Bentley Substation drawing as well. Click on the “Raster Manager” command to verify.

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The example below shows the raster file listed in the Raster Manager. Basic raster file manipulations such as move, scale, copy, rotate…can be done using Descartes tools.

Important: to avoid the raster file being detached when opening the file next time, the raster file’s path needs to be validated as follows: in the “Raster Manager” dialog box, right click on the raster file  “File Name…,” click on the magnifying glass and browse to the correct location of the raster file, then click “Ok”

C. Placing symbols into Vector/Raster Graphics For Single Line, Schematic and Panel Layout modes use the “Insert Symbol” commands under “Design” task to place 2D symbols on the drawing. Bentley Substation will not recognize connections between intelligent symbols and nonintelligent graphic (raster/vector). As a result, multiple “Engineering Design Consideration” messages may appear which can be ignored. For arrangement drawings, insert substation objects in the Master Electrical Layout model, then create saved views as required by the existing raster/vector graphics, and finally referencing these views to the main drawing containing raster/vector graphics. Refer to Section VI for more details.

V. Inserting 2D Symbols A. Symbol by Name Method Once a new drawing page has been created in single line, schematic and panel layout mode, users can place 2D symbols from the “Master Catalog 2D”. On the main task  “Design”  “Insert Symbol by Name”(or shortcut E3).

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Users can browse the part tree (left column) to select appropriate symbols or key in symbol name under the field “Name:.” Note that the top right corner shows the most recently used symbols and the lower right corner shows a preview of the symbol. To ‘Rotate’, ‘Scale’, or ‘Mirror’ symbols before placing them, click on “Symbol Settings” button. Change settings as needed.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Click “Place Symbol” button to place symbols on the drawing. Once placed down, the Device Properties dialog box will appear:

“Installation”, “Location”, and “Device Tag” can be assigned here along with “Family” if applicable. Under the “Options” box, check the box “Suppress Device ID” if the user does not want to display “Device Tag” on the drawing. Depending on the type of symbols placed, additional dialog boxes may appear. Note that once symbols have been placed, user can ‘Rotate’, ‘Scale’, or ‘Mirror’ them by using regular Microstation or “Symbol Settings” commands . Symbol Text can be moved by right click  “Text Position” or modified by right click  “Symbol Text…”

B. Symbol by Part Number Method For Panel Layout Drawing Mode, symbols may be placed by Part Number or PG&E Material Code. On the main task  “Design”  “Insert Symbol by Part Number”(or shortcut E4). Please note that this method only works if a PG&E Code has been previously assigned to the symbol.

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Note that a PG&E Code may be associated with more than one symbol. If this is the case, user needs to select an appropriate symbol under “Select Symbol:”

C. Symbol by Device ID Method This method is particularly helpful when a device has been placed on the drawing, assigned with a Device ID and also assigned a Device Family, and the user needs to place additional components of that device. For example, the contact development table for a relay has been placed on the drawing and now the user needs to place the rest of the contacts. From the main task  “Design”  “Insert Symbol by Device ID” (or shortcut E5) 

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Filtering by “Installation” and “Location”, the “Device ID(s)” window displays all devices that had been placed in the project. Note that this method only works when a device carries a family and the family has been selected when previously placed. Clicking on a Device Tag displays all symbols available to be placed. Note that the X in front of the symbol indicates the symbol has been placed and no longer available for placement. Hint: hold down the Ctrl key to select and place multiple symbols at a time.

D. Symbol by Macro Method Macro is a group of symbols that were previously grouped and can be placed all together at the same time. A Macro carries full properties and attributes of the individual symbols that make up that Macro. Once a Macro has been placed, symbols that make up that Macro can be treated as individual symbols. This means user can modify, move, scale, or copy those symbols. To place a Macro, from the main task  “Design”  “Insert Macro” (or shortcut E2) 

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Several Macro settings can be done here. Be sure the checkbox “Maintain Device IDs as created when inserting Macro” is checked. Depending on the type of Macro, additional dialog boxes may appear to prompt the user to enter symbol text, current rating, and etc…

VI. Designing the Electrical 3D Layout Models 3.

The Electrical 3D Layout models serve as sources for the majority of outdoor arrangement drawings, including but not limited to the General Arrangement Outdoors, Sections, Elevations, and Detailed drawings. These 3D models include actual inserted 3D substation objects only. With existing substation facilities, the Electrical 3D Layout models will initially contain only new portions of the ongoing project. Existing equipment will not be modeled and/or added to this model unless there is value added by doing so. Eventually when all equipment in the facility has been replaced, the Electrical 3D Layout models will be complete. Here is the work flow and how the Electrical 3D Layout Models are utilized:

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Substation Physical Design Work Flow Hierarchy All 3D works, Saved Views, and Callouts. Turn of hook points and start rendering Reference, Saved Views, and Callouts. Turn off hook points and start rendering Nested References, Dimensions, Annotations

Electrical 3D Layout (Transmission) Sub Model (one for each voltage level and bus section)

Plan View (saved view – sheet model) for G.A.O

Electrical Master 3D Layout (one for the entire station)

General Arrangement Outdoors/Elevations (Construction Mode)

Civil Master Site 3D Layout (one for the entire station)

Electrical 3D Layout (Distribution) Sub Model (one for each bus section)

Plan View (saved view – sheet model) for Callouts

Sec. Callout Sec. Callout

Sec. Callout Sec. Callout Sec. Callout

Plan View (saved view – sheet model) for Callouts

Sections & Details


(Construction Mode)

(Construction Mode)

LEGEND -3D Model

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-Sheet model within the 3D model (Saved views and Callouts) -Construction Mode (DWG to be issued) -Sheet model reference -Drawing page reference

Arrangement of Conduits - Outdoors (Construction Mode)

Arrangement of Grounds - Outdoors (Construction Mode)

Arrangement of Foundations - Civil (Construction Mode)

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Direct (non-nesting) References, Dimensions, Annotations

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All Electrical 3D Layout models will NOT be issued to construction; therefore, they will not have title blocks. The Electrical 3D Layout model will need to be created only once. If the project already has the Electrical Master Layout model user can skip to Section VII and insert necessary symbols as required by the project. 3.

A. Naming Convention for Electrical 3D Model, Saved Views, and Callouts Based on Bus Configurations As 3D design continues to grow in our substations, it is imperative to following the following guidelines based on the bus configuration of the project being worked on. Generally, user must follow either design standards or design guidelines to determine the number of Sections or Elevations for each particular bus configuration. These Sections and/or Elevations are made up by Callouts; these Sections and/or Elevations are named with letters e.g. Section AA or Elevation B etc. These letters are not repeatable within the entire project. Numbers are generally assigned to details e.g. Detail 1, Detail 2, etc…these numbers are not repeatable within the project. Below are how to breaker down and name 3D models and Saved Views. Note that the underlined parts are similar between various related names. 1. Single Bus/Main and Aux Bus/Double Bus (115kV) i. 3D Model Names: Section D


There will be 2 3D Models named as:

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Electrical 3D Layout 115kV Section D

Section E


Electrical 3D Layout 115kV Section E

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Section D

Section E

Main Bus

Aux (Transfer) Bus There will be 2 3D Models named as:

Electrical 3D Layout 115kV Section D

Electrical 3D Layout 115kV Section E

Double Bus, Single Breaker and Double Bus Double Breaker are similar where each section is required to have its own 3D models; and the sectionalizing breaker belongs to the previous model. ii. Saved Views: Only 2 required for model: Electrical 3D Layout 115kV Section D 1: Plan 115kV Section D W/O Callouts 2: Plan 115kV Section D W/ Callouts and 2 Saved Views for model: Electrical 3D Layout 115kV Section E 1: Plan 115kV Section E W/O Callouts 2: Plan 115kV Section E W/ Callouts 2. Ring Bus (115kV) i. 3D Model Names:

Ring Bus

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One 3D model named as: Electrical 3D Layout 115kV Ring Bus ii. Saved Views: Only 2 required for model: Electrical 3D Layout 115kV Ring Bus 1: Plan 115kV Ring Bus W/O Callouts 2: Plan 115kV Ring Bus W/ Callouts

3. Breaker and A Half Bus (230kV) i. 3D Model Names:

Bay 1

Bay 2

Bay 3

Bay 4

Bus 1

Bus 2 Breaker-and-a-Half There will be 2 3D Models named as:

Electrical 3D Layout Electrical 3D Layout 230kV Bays 1 & 2 230kV Bays 3 & 4

ii. Saved Views: Only 2 3D models required: Electrical 3D Layout 230kV Bays 1 & 2 1: Plan 230kV Bays 1 & 2 W/O Callouts 2: Plan 230kV Bays 1 & 2 W/ Callouts and 2 Saved Views for model: Electrical 3D Layout 230kV Bays 3 & 4 1: Plan 230kV Bays 3 & 4 W/O Callouts 2: Plan 230kV Bays 3 & 4 W/ Callouts Page 41 of 211

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4. Typical Distribution Substation (115kV-Ring Bus/12kV-Double Bus shown) i. 3D Model Names: Three 3D models names required for this typical configuration as follows:

Electrical 3D Layout 115kV Ring Bus

Electrical 3D Layout Transf. 1

Electrical 3D Layout 12kV Section D

ii. Saved Views: Only 2 3D models required: Electrical 3D Layout 115kV Ring Bus 1: Plan 115kV Ring Bus W/O Callouts 2: Plan 115kV Ring Bus W/ Callouts and 2 Saved Views for model: Electrical 3D Layout Transf. 1 1: Plan Transf. 1 W/O Callouts 2: Plan Transf. 1 W/ Callouts and lastly 2 Saved Views for model: Electrical 3D Layout 12kV Section D

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 1: Plan 12kV Section D W/O Callouts 2: Plan 12kV Section D W/ Callouts

B. Creating a New Electrical 3D Layout Model Navigate to the ProjectWise tab within Project Manager, highlight the Bentley Substation project (remember, the Bentley Substation project name will be in ALL CAPS) to be worked on  Right-click on the Bentley Substation project and select “New Page”. In the example shown below, “TEST PROJECT SUBSTATION” will be the Bentley Substation project used.

The “New Page” dialog box will open, similar to the one shown below:

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1. Project – ensure you are creating the drawing in the proper project 2. Drawing Set – type in a Drawing Set, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list (see Section III.C.5.i for proper naming convention) 3. Installation – type in an Installation, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list (see Section III.C.5.iii for proper naming convention) 4. Location - type in a Location, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list (see Section III.C.4 for proper naming convention) 5. Page Name – type in a name for the Electrical 3D Layout Model (see Section VI.A for proper naming convention) 6. Initial Mode – choose 3D Layout Mode from the drop-down list 7. Title Block – clear this field by highlighting and pressing delete or backspace (3D models do not use a title block) 8. Place title block in sheet mode – ensure this box is NOT checked for 3D Layout models

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 9. Page Format – Choose 3D LAYOUT from the drop-down list 10. Page Macro - clear this field by highlighting and pressing delete or backspace (3D Layout models do not use page macros) 11. Scale Factor – the scale factor for ALL 3D Layout models is 1 12. Set page online – this needs to ALWAYS BE CHECKED 13. Page Descriptions – you may choose to enter all of the page descriptions at this time, or come back and do it later Leave all other settings as shown and click “OK”. A new blank page will be created, in which the user can now insert 3D symbols for their project. To help defining location to insert new 3D symbols, reference the Civil Master Layout Model and locate the new 3D symbols location based on established PRP (X,Y coordinate.) Hint: for existing substations, users may want to reference the existing general arrangement OD or Ultimate General Arrangement OD in temporarily to locate areas for new 3D symbols. Once the areas for new 3D symbols have been located, users can detach the reference. If components needed for the project are available in the Master Catalog 3D catalog, follow Section VII to insert 3D objects. If components are not available, submit symbol requests. When designing a whole or portion of the Electrical 3D Layout Drawing from existing Design Standard(s), follow Section III.D to copy the Design Standard(s) to the project. Once the Electrical 3D Layout models have been completed, follow Section VI.C and VI.D to create various sheets to be referenced into construction drawings

C. Assembling the Electrical Master Site Layout The Electrical Master Site Layout will consist of references from the Electrical 3D Layout models created in Step A above, and objects such as the station fence, control buildings, cable trench, pull boxes, etc. To assemble, reference in the various Electrical 3D Layout models, aligning them using the Civil Master Site Layout’s defined PRP as a common point. Once the entire substation is built up using this method, follow sections C and D below to create sheet models for referencing onto construction drawings (General Arrangement Outdoors, Ultimate Arrangement Outdoors, etc.).

D. Creating Saved Views Once the user has created the Electrical 3D Layout models or assembled the Electrical Master Site Layout, users are now ready to create Saved Views (i.e. Plan View without

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Callouts), which will be used to generate Section Callouts for referencing into Construction Drawings. **Note: BEFORE you begin to create your Saved Views, it is important that you do two things in your Electrical 3D Layout Models: 1. Toggle off hook points by going under the “3D Layout Design tab and clicking “Toggle Hook Point Visibility” button (Shortcut A + 9).

If you DO NOT perform this step BEFORE you create your section views, your hook points will be visible in your final construction drawings and the only way to get rid of them is to create your saved views and construction drawings all over again!!! 2. Be sure your Annotation Scale is activated on your main tool bar. Click on the “A” button so that it becomes active (pressed) and that your annotation scale is set to “Full Size 1=1”. This will ensure that your section callout labels come in at the correct scaling. Failure to do so will result in your section callout labels showing up extremely small or large in comparison to you drawing. (If your Annotation Scale is currently not shown, you can activate it by clicking on “Settings” in the main toolbar. Scroll down and select “Design File”. You can now drag and dock the “Annotation Scale” toolbar onto your main toolbar.)

Once you have completed these two steps, you are now ready to create your Saved Views. In this example, we will be creating a Plan View of our project. Begin by opening the Electrical 3D Layout model and rotating to the top view. When creating a Saved View, whatever you see on your screen will be exactly what appears in your saved view. To achieve the desired view, generally a “Fit View” works best, or in some instances you may choose to zoom in on a certain area. Once you have achieved the desired view on your Page 46 of 211

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screen, click on the Saved Views icon in the main toolbar. Alternatively, you can go to the main toolbar at the top and click on “Utilities”. Scroll down and select “Saved Views”.

The following “Saved Views” dialog box will appear.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Click on the “Create Saved View” button in the toolbar (hands icon) and the “Create Saved View” dialog box opens up. Rename your saved view as desired (i.e. Plan View without Callouts) and be sure the “Create Drawing” checkbox is checked. Leave all other options as shown below.

Perform a data point in your drawing and your new saved view will be created. The “Create Drawing” dialog box shown below will open.

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1. Create Sheet Model – make sure to place a check in this check box 2. Seed Model – be sure “ModelSeed.dgn.2D Sheet” is selected from the drop-down list 3. Annotation and Detail Scale – make sure both the Annotation and Detail Scales are set to “Full Size 1=1” 4. Open Model – make sure to place a check in this check box Leave all other options as shown and click “OK”. The sheet model you just created should now open up.

**Note: In the bottom left corner you will see a drop-down menu box. This will come in handy to help you figure out which sheet model you are working on and also allow you to switch between different models.

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You have successfully created a sheet model for you Saved View (i.e. Plan View with Callouts). This Plan View sheet model will now be used to reference into your Construction Drawing (i.e. General Arrangement Outdoors).

E. Creating Section Callouts Within your Electrical 3D Layout model, open up the sheet model of the Saved View (i.e. Plan View with Callouts) that you wish to create Section Callouts in. There are two ways to access your sheet models: 1.

Open the “Models” menu by clicking on the “Models” icon ( ) in your Main Task Bar. Alternatively, you can go to the main toolbar at the top and click on “File”. Scroll down and select “Models”.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 This will bring up the Models dialog box from which you can double-click the desired sheet model (i.e. Plan View with Callouts) to open it.


Use the drop-down menu box, located in the lower left corner to select the desired Saved View (i.e. Plan View with Callouts View).

Once you have the desired sheet model that you wish to create Section Callouts in (i.e. Plan View with Callouts), go to your Main Task bar and expand the “Drawing Composition” tab. Select the “Annotate” tab and choose the “Place Section Callout” button 1).

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(shortcut T +

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The “Place Section Callout” dialog box will open.

1. Drawing Seed – select “Section_English_C_SheetOnly” from the drop-down list 2. Height – select “From View” from the drop-down list 3. Annotation Scale – be sure the toggle button is enabled (pushed in) 4. Create Drawing – make sure to place a check in this check box Page 52 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Leave all other options as shown in the screenshot above. If you have done this correctly, you will notice that your cursor has changed from crosshairs to an “X”. A basic Section Callout can be created in 3 easy steps by following the command prompt in the lower left corner: 1. “Define start point for callout” - perform a data point (left-click) where you want your section callout line to start 2. “Define end point or to define a step” - drag your mouse in the direction that you wish to draw the section callout line and perform a second data point (left-click) where you want your section callout line to end. As a general rule of thumb, it is best practice to draw your section callouts either from left-to-right or bottom-to-top!!! **NOTE: CREATING A STEP SECTION CALLOUT WILL BE COVERED IN THE NEXT SECTION. 3. “Define direction and depth of callout” – drag your mouse in the direction that you wish to define the depth of the callout (what you want to see) and perform another data point (left-click)

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 The “Create Drawing” dialog box will appear.

1. Name – refer to Section VI.A for proper naming convention of section callouts (i.e. Section A-A) 2. Drawing Seed – select “Section_C_English_C_SheetOnly” from the drop-down list 3. Create Sheet Model – make sure to place a check in this check box 4. Annotation and Detail Scale - make sure both the Annotation and Detail Scales are set to “Full Size 1=1” 5. Open Model – make sure to place a check in this check box

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Leave all other options as shown and click “OK”. The section callout you just created should now open up.

F. Creating “Step” Section Callouts You can also create what’s called a “step” section callout. This is helpful when you want to create a section callout, but would like to exclude certain parts of the model. To place a “step” section callout, open up the sheet model of the Saved View (i.e. Plan View with Callouts) that you wish to create Section Callouts in, as you would if you were creating a standard section callout. From the main task bar under “Drawing Composition” and then “Annotate”, select the “Place Section Callout” button (shortcut T + 1). When the “Place Section Callout” dialog box appears, make sure to set all options as instructed in the previous section.

Once again, if you have done this correctly, you will notice that your cursor has changed from crosshairs to an “X”. A “step” Section Callout can be created by following the steps in the command prompt in the lower left corner:

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 1. “Define start point for callout” - perform a data point (left-click) where you want your section callout line to start 2. “Define end point or to define a step” – while holding down the CRTL (control) key on your keyboard, drag your mouse in the direction that you wish to continue drawing the section callout line in. While still holding the CRTL (control) key down, perform a data point (left-click) where you would like your “step” to begin. Continue holding down the CRTL (control) key, dragging your mouse, and performing data points (left-clicks) to define additional “steps” as desired. When you are ready to place the last point of your “step” callout, release the Control key, and perform a data point (left-click). 3. “Define direction and depth of callout” – drag your mouse in the direction that you wish to define the depth of the “step” callout (what you want to see) and perform the last and final data point (left-click). In the example below, a “step” callout was created, which consisted of 7 (seven) data points (shown numbered), to show a callout without the switch. Step 1 was placed while performing a standard data point, Steps 2 thru 5 were placed while holding down the CTRL (control) key, and Steps 6 and 7 were standard data points.

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G. Modifying Section Callouts Once you have created a section callout, there are two different ways to go back to modify what can be seen in your section callout: 1.

Navigate back to the sheet model of your Saved View (i.e. Plan View with Callouts), where your section callouts were originally created. You can do this either by using the drop-down menu in the lower left corner, or by clicking on the “Model” button (blue square with white cube icon) in your main toolbar and selecting the desired Saved View. With your Saved View open, use your basic “Element Selection” tool and left click on the section callout label you wish to modify. A dashed box with a green arrow and four (4) blue handles will appear, which denotes the boundaries of the section callout.

**Note: If the blue handles do not appear when selecting the section callout label, make sure the “Disable Handles” toggle button (blue square with a red circle around it with a line going through it) is unselected (not highlighted) in the Element Selection dialog box.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 To reposition the section callout label, simply press and hold down the left mouse button on the green arrow and drag it to the new, desired location. By releasing the left mouse button, your section callout label will now be repositioned. The user can also adjust the boundaries of the section callout simply by left-clicking on a blue handle, moving it to its desired location, and left-clicking again to place. 2. Navigate to the Electrical 3D Layout model (usually called Default). Using your “Element Selection” tool, left-click on the desired section callout marker ( ) that you wish to modify. A dashed box with a green arrow and four (4) blue handles will appear, which denotes the boundaries of the chosen section callout.

**Note: If the blue handles do not appear when selecting the section callout label, make sure the “Disable Handles” toggle button (blue square with a red circle around it with a line going through it) is unselected (not highlighted) in the Element Selection dialog box.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 To reposition the section callout label, simply press and hold down the left mouse button on the green arrow and drag it to the new, desired location. By releasing the left mouse button, your section callout label will now be repositioned. The user can also adjust the boundaries of the section callout simply by left-clicking on a blue handle, moving it to its desired location, and left-clicking again to place. Once your desired views are set, you can now go back to that section view to see the changes you have made, either by using the drop-down menu in the lower left corner or going to the Model menu and opening the appropriate section view. If the user wants to create more section callouts, go back to the sheet model for your Saved View and repeat the steps outlined in Section VI.D. **Note: After creating a section callout, you may notice that your drawing(s) and master model have an “eye” showing for each section callout that was created, similar to the one shown below.

If you would like to turn off the visibility of this “eye”, since it can clutter your drawing and view, you can do so under the “View Attributes” tab. In the Main Toolbar, click on “Settings” and select “View Attributes”. When the “View Attributes” dialog box opens, expand the “Presentation” tab. Click the drop-down arrow next to “Markers” and the box shown below opens.

Uncheck the checkbox next to “Section Callouts” and close the “View Attributes” tab. You will now see that the “eye” is no longer visible in your drawing. You MUST change this setting for each drawing that you would like this attribute to affect!!!

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VII. Inserting 3D Objects A. Inserting Substation Object To insert an 3D object, go to main Task  “3D Layout Design”  “Insert Substation Object” (or shortcut E2)


The “Insert Symbol Macro” dialog box will appear as shown below.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 When placing 3D symbols, choose the “Symbol By Part Number” tab. The majority of 3D objects require PG&E Material Codes assigned before placing them in the drawing. This is to maintain and keep track of parts used to create Bill of Materials. There are several ways to search for parts: 1. Part Type – There are three types of 3D symbols – Single, Variable and Repeating. (The majority of 3D symbols are type Single, these include items like Circuit Breakers, Transformers, switches and connectors. Variable types of 3D symbols include cables, angle bus and tubular bus. Repeating types of 3D symbols include Unistrut with slots and fence sections.) 2. Part Tree – This will be affected by which Part Type is selected above. The folders are labeled by type of equipment with sub-folders organized according to voltage class. Simply click on the folder of the piece of equipment that is needed for placement. To the right of this area, in the center of the window, it will be populated with the parts that are contained in the folder selected. 3. Filters – As mentioned above this list is generated based on what is selected in the “Part Type” and “Part Tree” fields. By selecting the folder “All Parts” in the “part Tree”, all of the available parts will be listed in the center of the window and from here user can enter the part number in the “Filter Part Number” field to access the desired part. 4. Select Symbol – This area will list the available symbols depending on the Part No. selected in the “Filter part number” list above. Some parts have more than one symbol associated with them. See example below. For example, part 34-2325 is a 12KV circuit breaker and it has two options in the “Select Symbol” list. One symbol shows the junction box on the left side and one symbol shows the junction box on the right side. User will need to select the desired symbol from this list.

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5. Recently Used – This list is populated based on the parts the user has recently placed. The user can simply select the item from this list and place as needed. Basic symbol settings can be done by selecting a symbol and clicking on the “Symbol Settings” button (near the bottom of the dialog box).

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Here the user can adjust the Rotate, Scale, and Mirror symbol settings in this window. Note: Changes made here will affect all future symbols being placed. To return the Symbol Settings back to the default settings, the user must re-select “Insert Substation Object” and click on the “Symbol Settings” button and reset options as required. Once completed, click “Place Symbol”, the “Substation Object Settings” dialog box appears. Note on symbol scaling: With a few exceptions, all symbols were created with 1:1 scale. This means user will need to scale symbol based on the drawing scale he/she currently working on. If an object required for the project has not yet been assigned a PG&E code, user will need to submit an official symbol request using the Symbol Request Database. Note: clicking on the red push pin located at the top right corner of the window of the “Insert Symbol/Macro” dialog box toggles this dialog box from displaying again after user had placed a symbol.

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B. Inserting Cable/Bus Object 3. 1. Placing Rigid Bus Conductors **Note: This set of instructions outlines how to place rigid bus conductors that run along the same level that have no elevation changes. To insert a 3D rigid bus conductor, go to main Task  “3D Layout Design”  “Insert Cable/Bus Object” (or shortcut E3)


Once the “Insert Cable/Bus” dialog box opens up, navigate to the “BUS TUBING” subfolder (located in the “CONDUCTORS” main folder) in the Part Tree.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Choose the desired rigid bus conductor to be inserted and select “Insert”. This will take you back to your drawing and you will notice your cursor has changed into an “X”. In the lower left-hand corner, you will see that you are prompted to “Enter a data point”. Start by performing a data point (left-click) on where you want your bus conductor to begin. Drag you mouse and perform a second data point (left-click) on where you want your bus conductor to end.

The following “Cable/Bus Object Settings” dialog box will appear:

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Click “OK” and your bus conductor will now appear on your drawing.

2. Placing a Rigid Bus Conductor Using the “Height Change, Rigid Bus-Bars” Algorithm **Note: This set of instructions outlines how to place rigid bus conductors that require a change in elevation. Navigate to the “Insert Cable/Bus” dialog box and choose the desired bus tubing to be placed down by selecting “Insert”, as described in Part 1. This will take you back to your drawing and you will notice your cursor has changed into an “X”. In the lower left-hand corner, you will see that you are prompted to “Enter a data point”. Start by performing a data point (left-click) on where you want your bus conductor to begin. **NOTE: When dealing with a height change, ALWAYS start by placing your first data point (left-click) on the LOWER SIDE. Drag you mouse and perform a second data point (left-click) on the higher end where you want your bus conductor to end. In the example shown below, it may be hard to see, but the structure on the far right is lower than the other two. So in this example, the bus conductor will be drawn from right to left (low to high).

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The following “Cable/Bus Object Settings” dialog box will appear:

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 1. Installation – type in an Installation, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list 2. Location - type in a Location, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list (see 3. Suppress ID – place a check in this checkbox to hide the Device ID on your 3D model 4. Sag algorithm – select “Height change, rigid bus-bars” from the drop-down list 5. Distance – enter the distance from the starting point of the rigid bus conductor to extend out before the height change begins (values are in FEET). In this example, a value of 5 feet was used. 6. Angle - enter the angle at which the rigid bus conductor is to “elevate” to accommodate the height change (values are in DEGREES). In this example, a value of 45 degrees was used. Leave all other settings as shown and click “OK”. The bus conductor will now be constructed based upon the parameters that you entered.

**NOTE: If the bus conductor doesn’t get drawn as desired, simply delete the bus conductor, and follow the process again to place down a new one. You may choose to enter different parameters at this time. Unfortunately, there is no way to “modify” the parameters once the bus conductor has been placed down.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 3. Placing a Cable Using the “Catenary Sag” Algorithm **Note: This set of instructions outlines how to place a cable with sag that has the characteristics of a typical catenary curve. To insert a 3D cable using the Catenary Sag algorithm, go to main Task  “3D Layout Design”  “Insert Cable/Bus Object” (or shortcut E3)


Once the “Insert Cable/Bus” dialog box opens up, navigate to the “CABLE” subfolder (located in the “CONDUCTORS” main folder) in the Part Tree.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Choose the desired cable to be inserted and select “Insert”. This will take you back to your drawing and you will notice your cursor has changed into an “X”. In the lower left-hand corner, you will see that you are prompted to “Enter a data point”. Start by performing a data point (left-click) on where you want your cable to begin. Drag you mouse and perform a second data point (left-click) on where you want your cable to end.

The following “Cable/Bus Object Settings” dialog box will appear:

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 1. Installation – type in an Installation, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list 2. Location - type in a Location, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list (see 3. Suppress ID – place a check in this checkbox to hide the Device ID on your 3D model 4. Sag algorithm – select “Catenary Sag” from the drop-down list 5. Sag – how much the cable will sag from the highest point to the lowest point (values are obtained from T-Line and measured in FEET) 6. Bend Radius – the specific amount the cable can bend before internal or external damage may occur (can obtain value from searching the internet and are measured in FEET) 7. Offset - the distance from the starting and ending points that the spline sag will occur (values are in FEET) Once the user has entered values for all of the parameters listed above, click the “OK” button and the cable will be constructed based upon the parameters that were entered.

**NOTE: If the cable doesn’t get drawn as desired, simply delete the cable, and follow the process again to place down a new one. You may choose to enter different parameters at this time or you can try drawing the cable starting at the other end point. Unfortunately, there is no way to “modify” the parameters once the cable has already been placed down.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 4. Placing a Cable Using the “Spline Sag” Algorithm 3.

**Note: This set of instructions outlines how to place cable drops, jumpers, or conduits that have more complex curves. To insert a 3D cable using the Spline Sag algorithm, go to main Task  “3D Layout Design”  “Insert Cable/Bus Object” (or shortcut E3)


Once the “Insert Cable/Bus” dialog box opens up, navigate to the “CABLE” subfolder (located in the “CONDUCTORS” main folder) in the Part Tree.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Choose the desired cable to be inserted and select “Insert”. This will take you back to your drawing and you will notice your cursor has changed into an “X”. In the lower left-hand corner, you will see that you are prompted to “Enter a data point”. Start by performing a data point (left-click) on where you want your cable to begin. Drag you mouse and perform a second data point (left-click) on where you want your cable to end. In the example below, a jumper is being constructed from connector-to-connector.

The following “Cable/Bus Object Settings” dialog box will appear:

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 1. Installation – type in an Installation, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list 2. Location - type in a Location, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list (see 3. Suppress ID – place a check in this checkbox to hide the Device ID on your 3D model 4. Sag algorithm – select “Spline Sag” from the drop-down list 5. Offset - the distance from the starting and ending points that the spline sag will occur (values are in FEET) Once the user has entered values for all of the parameters listed above, click the “OK” button and the cable will be constructed based upon the parameters that were entered.

**NOTE: If the cable doesn’t get drawn as desired, simply delete the cable, and follow the process again to place down a new one. You may choose to enter different parameters at this time or you can try drawing the cable starting at the other end point. Unfortunately, there is no way to “modify” the parameters once the cable has already been placed down.

C. Snapping Connectors to Cables and/or Buses Once the user has the Variable Object (i.e. cable, bus) placed down in the drawing, he/she can now place down and “snap” a connector to that object. This will enable the user to slide the connector along the cable/bus and place it as needed. In this example, the variable object is a cable. Page 74 of 211

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Click on the “Insert Substation Objects” command and select the connector to be placed down by highlighting the part and selecting “Place Symbol”. The following dialog box should appear.

Under the “Placement Options” area, choose Cable from the “Method” drop down menu, and click “OK”. The drawing page will open back up and the user will need to zoom in on the cable or bus (close enough to where you can see the centerline of the cable or bus in Wireframe mode) that the connector is to be “snapped”. Move the cursor anywhere along the cable so that it is pointing at and highlighting the center line of that section of cable.

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Place your cursor on the centerline of the cable or bus and the connector will appear. Move your cursor along the centerline of the cable or bus and the connector will appear to slide along it. Once you have the connector in the desired position, perform a data point (leftclick) and the connector will be placed down and “snapped” to the cable.

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**Note: Once the connector is placed on the cable, the user can still reposition the connector along the cable if necessary. Selecting the basic ‘Move’ command will bring up the following dialog box:

Choose Cable under the drop-down menu in the “Method” field and perform a data point (left click) anywhere on the connector. By performing another data point anywhere on the cable, a second connector should appear and the centerline of the cable will be highlighted.

User can now slide the second connector along the cable. Once the second connector is placed as desired, perform another data point. The first connector should now disappear and the second connector will now be placed at its new location. Perform a right click to exit the “Move” command. Page 77 of 211

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VIII. Designing Construction Drawings Construction drawings are 2D drawings that will be created and issued to construction (i.e. General Arrangement Outdoors, Section Views, etc) If existing drawings contain vector/raster data, refer to Section IV to copy vector data and/or reference raster images into your drawing.

A. Creating a Plan View Drawings (i.e. General Arrangement Outdoors) Once you have created your desired sheet models within you Electrical 3D Layout or Electrical Master Site Layout models, you are now ready to use them to create your Construction Drawings.

1. Creating a New Page In order to create a Plan View Drawing (i.e. General Arrangement Outdoors), users will need to create a new page within the project. There are three (3) ways to create a new page, which is dependent upon where your project is located. a) Using ProjectWise Explorer, if your project exists in ProjectWise: If your project currently resides in ProjectWise, you can create a new page through ProjectWise Explorer by right-clicking on the Bentley Substation project and selecting “Create Electrical Page”. In the example below, “Test Project” is the name of the substation.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 b) Using Project Manager (ProjectWise tab), if your project exists in ProjectWise: If your project currently resides in ProjectWise, you can create a new page through Project Manager (ProjectWise tab). Start by opening Project Manager and navigating to the “ProjectWise” tab as shown. Highlight your Bentley Substation project, perform a right-click, and select “New Page”. In the example below, “Test Project” is the name of the substation.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 c) Using Project Manager (Folders tab), if your project is NOT in ProjectWise: If your project DOES NOT currently reside in ProjectWise and is located in the H:Drive under “My Projects”, you can create a new page through Project Manager (Folders tab). Start by opening Project Manager and navigating to the “Folders” tab as shown. Highlight your Bentley Substation project, perform a right-click, and select “New Page”. In the example below, “Test Project” is the name of the substation.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Regardless of whichever of the three (3) methods you chose, the “New Page” dialog box will appear.

1. Project – ensure you are creating the drawing in the proper project 2. Drawing Set – type in a Drawing Set, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list 3. Installation – type in an Installation, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list 4. Location - type in a Location, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list (see 5. Page Name – type in a name (drawing number) for the construction mode drawing that you are creating (i.e. 1234567 is used in this example) 6. Initial Mode – choose Construction Mode from the drop-down list 7. Title Block – select the appropriate title block from the drop-down menu for your drawing (i.e. in this example, we will create a 4-size drawing, so “ETECT4S_TB” was chosen) 8. Place title block in sheet mode – ensure this box is NOT checked for construction drawings Page 81 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 9. Page Format – select the appropriate Page Format from the drop-down menu for your drawing (i.e. in this example, we will create a 4-size drawing, so “ETECT4S” was chosen) 10. Page Macro - clear this field by highlighting and pressing delete or backspace (Construction Mode drawings do not use page macros) 11. Scale Factor – type in the desired scale factor for the drawing you will be creating (i.e. in this example, a scale factor of 48 is chosen) 12. Set page online – this needs to ALWAYS BE CHECKED 13. Page Descriptions – you may choose to enter all of the page descriptions at this time, or come back and do it later Leave all other settings as shown and click “OK”. The new drawing page will be created and will appear under the project. 2. Referencing In a Plan View Once you have your new Construction Mode drawing created, you are now ready to reference in your Plan View sheet model. To do this, run the ‘Reference’ command from your main toolbar. This will open up the “References” dialog box as shown below.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Click on the “Attach Reference” icon and the ProjectWise “Attach Reference” dialog box will appear. a) If you are referencing a Plan View from a drawing that is currently in ProjectWise

1. Folder – navigate to the Bentley Substation project in ProjectWise where the drawing you are going to reference in is located 2. Name – select the drawing to be referenced in by either double-clicking on it, or highlighting it and clicking the “Add” button ( Step #5) 3. Application – select “All Applications” from the drop-down menu 4. Extension – be sure “*.dgn;*.dwg;*.dxf” is selected from the drop-down menu 5. Add – this button is pressed after the drawing in Step #2 is selected (if the drawing was already double-clicked and appears in the “Selected Documents” field, this button will be greyed out as shown) 6. Selected Documents – this will display the drawing to be referenced once it is selected 7. Attachment method – be sure “Interactive” is selected from the drop-down menu Page 83 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Once all of the above has been completed, leave all other settings as shown, click “OK”, and the “Reference Attachment Settings” dialog box will open.

1. Model – select the desired Plan View from the drop-down menu to be referenced in 2. Orientation – click the “+” sign next to “Standard Views” to expand the options and and select “Top” (by doing this, the reference will come attached to your cursor for you to place, rather than having it place down the reference “out in space”) 3. Detail Scale – select “Full Size 1=1” from the drop-down menu 4. Nested Attachments – select “Live Nesting” from the drop-down menu 5. Nesting Depth – type a value of “2” in this field **Note: The reason why the Depth of the Live Nesting changed is because we are creating a new page, which references a sheet model that already contains a reference. Since this is considered to be a 2nd level of nesting (referencing), we need to account for that by changing the value in the “Depth” field to “2” in order to maintain the intelligence of all the references. Page 84 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Once all of the above has been completed, leave all other settings as shown and click “OK”. This will take you back to your drawing and you will see your reference, outlined by a “dotted box”, attached to your cursor as shown below.

Perform a data point (left-click) and your Plan View sheet model will now appear and be referenced in. You can now use your basic Reference commands to position the reference in the drawing page as desired.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 **Note: If you are going to be adding any annotations or dimensions to your construction drawing, you will need to set the annotation scale onyour page to match the Scale Factor of your page (which you set when you first created the new page). In this example, the new page was created with a Scale Factor of 48, so the annotation scale will need to be set to ¼” = 1’. To do this, navigate to the Drawing Scale, which is located in the main toolbar and be sure the Annotation button is enabled (pushed in). Also be sure that you are working in “Feet” and “Inches” and select the correct annotation scale from the drop-down menu that matches the Scale Factor of your page.

**Note: If the Drawing Scale toolbar is not already docked, go to the main toolbar and click on “Settings”. Select “Drawing Scale” and the Drawing Scale toolbar will appear. You can now drag the toolbar and dock it to your main toolbar as you wish. **Note: Material item bubbles (balloons), dimensions, construction notes, bubbling, general texts…can be placed manually on your Plan View drawings. b) If you are referencing a Plan View from a drawing that resides in My Project in the H:Drive When the ProjectWise “Attach Reference” dialog box appears, click “Cancel”.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 The Windows “Attach Reference” dialog box will now appear, similar to the one shown below.

1. Look in – navigate to the My Projects folder located in the H:Drive and select the project you wish to reference from (i.e. TEST PROJECT SUBSTATION is used in this example) 2. Document Name – highlight the drawing to be reference in (i.e. ELECTRICAL MASTER SITE LAYOUT.DGN was chosen in this example) 3. Attachment Method – select “Interactive” from the drop-down menu Once all the above has been completed, click “Open” and the “Reference Attachment Settings” dialog box will open.

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1. Model – select the desired Plan View from the drop-down menu to be referenced in 2. Orientation – click the “+” sign next to “Standard Views” to expand the options and and select “Top” (by doing this, the reference will come attached to your cursor for you to place, rather than having it place down the reference “out in space”) 3. Detail Scale – select “Full Size 1=1” from the drop-down menu 4. Nested Attachments – select “Live Nesting” from the drop-down menu 5. Nesting Depth – type a value of “2” in this field **Note: The reason why the Depth of the Live Nesting changed is because we are creating a new page, which references a sheet model that already contains a reference. Since this is considered to be a 2nd level of nesting (referencing), we need to account for that by changing the value in the “Depth” field to “2” in order to maintain the intelligence of all the references.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Once all of the above has been completed, leave all other settings as shown and click “OK”. This will take you back to your drawing and you will see your reference, outlined by a “dotted box”, attached to your cursor as shown below.

Perform a data point (left-click) and your Plan View sheet model will now appear and be referenced in. You can now use your basic Reference commands to position the reference in the drawing page as desired.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 **Note: If you are going to be adding any annotations or dimensions to your construction drawing, you will need to set the annotation scale onyour page to match the Scale Factor of your page (which you set when you first created the new page). In this example, the new page was created with a Scale Factor of 48, so the annotation scale will need to be set to ¼” = 1’. To do this, navigate to the Drawing Scale, which is located in the main toolbar and be sure the Annotation button is enabled (pushed in). Also be sure that you are working in “Feet” and “Inches” and select the correct annotation scale from the drop-down menu that matches the Scale Factor of your page.

**Note: If the Drawing Scale toolbar is not already docked, go to the main toolbar and click on “Settings”. Select “Drawing Scale” and the Drawing Scale toolbar will appear. You can now drag the toolbar and dock it to your main toolbar as you wish. **Note: Material item bubbles (balloons), dimensions, construction notes, bubbling, general texts…can be placed manually on your Plan View drawings. 3. Modifying the Viewable Area of a Plan View Often the viewable area of a previously created Plan View will need to be modified in order to see new, additional equipment that has been added. That new equipment may reside outside of the viewable area and will need to be captured on applicable construction drawings. In the example below, the saved view of the “Plan View without Callouts” is outlined in the pink box.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Let’s assume a new switching structure was added to the design that is located below the bottom dead-end structure. Because the viewable area of the Plan View is “restricted” to the pink box, we will need to modify this to make it bigger in order to capture the new switching structure. To do this: a) Go to your Electrical 3D Layout Model and open the saved view that you wish to modify (i.e. “Plan View without Callouts is the saved view being modified in this example).

b) Open the Reference menu below.

and be sure to highlight the reference as shown

Once you highlight your reference, you will notice that your reference will be outlined by a pink box in your drawing.

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c) Using your basic Element Selection tool , perform a data point (left-click) anywhere on the pink box in your drawing, and you should see 4 blue “handles” (boxes) appear at each corner of the pink box as shown below.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 **Note: If the blue “handles” do not appear, try double-checking your Element Selection tool dialog box settings to make sure that it matches those shown below. Be sure #1 and #2 are selected, and #3 should be disabled (not pushed in).

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 d) Left-click and hold down the left mouse button on any of the blue handles. Drag your mouse in the direction that you wish to expand/compress your view. You will see a white dotted box showing you pink box as it get resized as shown below.

Once you have the desired view shown, release the left mouse button and your view will be set. In this example, the pink box was expanded downward to reveal and show the switching structure.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 If you already have the saved view of your Plan View referenced into a construction drawing, you can now navigate back to that drawing and see that the viewable area has been updated!! **Note: After updating your saved view, you may need to reposition the reference in the construction drawing that it was referenced into, so it fits within the page border. In this example, here is a screenshot of the construction drawing before the update:

And here is a screenshot of the construction drawing after the viewable area was modified and updated.

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B. Creating Section View Drawings Once you have created the desired Section Callout(s) or Detail Callout(s) within you Plan View sheet model, you can now reference them into a new construction drawing. 1. Creating a New Page In order to create a Plan View Drawing (i.e. General Arrangement Outdoors), users will need to create a new page within the project. There are three (3) ways to create a new page, which is dependent upon where your project is located. a) Using ProjectWise Explorer, if your project exists in ProjectWise: If your project currently resides in ProjectWise, you can create a new page through ProjectWise Explorer by right-clicking on the Bentley Substation project and selecting “Create Electrical Page”. In the example below, “Test Project” is the name of the substation.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 b) Using Project Manager (ProjectWise tab), if your project exists in ProjectWise: If your project currently resides in ProjectWise, you can create a new page through Project Manager (ProjectWise tab). Start by opening Project Manager and navigating to the “ProjectWise” tab as shown. Highlight your Bentley Substation project, perform a right-click, and select “New Page”. In the example below, “Test Project” is the name of the substation.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 c) Using Project Manager (Folders tab), if your project is NOT in ProjectWise: If your project DOES NOT currently reside in ProjectWise and is located in the H:Drive under “My Projects”, you can create a new page through Project Manager (Folders tab). Start by opening Project Manager and navigating to the “Folders” tab as shown. Highlight your Bentley Substation project, perform a right-click, and select “New Page”. In the example below, “Test Project” is the name of the substation.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Regardless of whichever of the three (3) methods you chose, the “New Page” dialog box will appear.

1. Project – ensure you are creating the drawing in the proper project 2. Drawing Set – type in a Drawing Set, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list 3. Installation – type in an Installation, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list 4. Location - type in a Location, or choose an existing one from the drop-down list (see 5. Page Name – type in a name (drawing number) for the construction mode drawing that you are creating (i.e. 1234567 is used in this example) 6. Initial Mode – choose Construction Mode from the drop-down list 7. Title Block – select the appropriate title block from the drop-down menu for your drawing (i.e. in this example, we will create a 4-size drawing, so “ETECT4S_TB” was chosen) 8. Place title block in sheet mode – ensure this box is NOT checked for construction drawings

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 9. Page Format – select the appropriate Page Format from the drop-down menu for your drawing (i.e. in this example, we will create a 4-size drawing, so “ETECT4S” was chosen) 10. Page Macro - clear this field by highlighting and pressing delete or backspace (Construction Mode drawings do not use page macros) 11. Scale Factor – type in the desired scale factor for the drawing you will be creating (i.e. in this example, a scale factor of 48 is chosen) 12. Set page online – this needs to ALWAYS BE CHECKED 13. Page Descriptions – you may choose to enter all of the page descriptions at this time, or come back and do it later Leave all other settings as shown and click “OK”. The new drawing page will be created and will appear under the project. 2. Referencing In a Section Callout/Detail Callout Once you have your new Construction Mode drawing created, you are now ready to reference in your Section Callout or Detail Callout. To do this, run the ‘Reference’ command from your main toolbar. This will open up the “References” dialog box as shown below.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Click on the “Attach Reference” icon and the ProjectWise “Attach Reference” dialog box will appear. a) If you are referencing a Plan View from a drawing that is currently in ProjectWise

1. Folder – navigate to the Bentley Substation project in ProjectWise where the drawing you are going to reference in is located 2. Name – select the drawing to be referenced in by either double-clicking on it, or highlighting it and clicking the “Add” button ( Step #5) 3. Application – select “All Applications” from the drop-down menu 4. Extension – be sure “*.dgn;*.dwg;*.dxf” is selected from the drop-down menu 5. Add – this button is pressed after the drawing in Step #2 is selected (if the drawing was already double-clicked and appears in the “Selected Documents” field, this button will be greyed out as shown) 6. Selected Documents – this will display the drawing to be referenced once it is selected 7. Attachment method – be sure “Interactive” is selected from the drop-down menu Page 101 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Once all of the above has been completed, leave all other settings as shown, click “OK”, and the “Reference Attachment Settings” dialog box will open.

1. Model – select the desired Section Callout or Detail Callout from the drop-down menu to be referenced in (i.e. Section A-A was chosen in this example) 2. Orientation – click the “+” sign next to “Standard Views” to expand the options and and select “Top” (by doing this, the reference will come attached to your cursor for you to place, rather than having it place down the reference “out in space”) 3. Detail Scale – select “Full Size 1=1” from the drop-down menu 4. Nested Attachments – select “Live Nesting” from the drop-down menu 5. Nesting Depth – type a value of “2” in this field **Note: The reason why the Depth of the Live Nesting changed is because we are creating a new page, which references a sheet model that already contains a reference. Since this is considered to be a 2nd level of nesting (referencing), we need to account for that by changing the value in the “Depth” field to “2” in order to maintain the intelligence of all the references. Page 102 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Once all of the above has been completed, leave all other settings as shown and click “OK”. This will take you back to your drawing and you will see your reference, outlined by a “dotted box”, attached to your cursor as shown below.

Perform a data point (left-click) and your Section Callout or Detail Callout will now appear and be referenced in. You can now use your basic Reference commands to position the reference in the drawing page as desired.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 **Note: If you are going to be adding any annotations or dimensions to your construction drawing, you will need to set the annotation scale onyour page to match the Scale Factor of your page (which you set when you first created the new page). In this example, the new page was created with a Scale Factor of 48, so the annotation scale will need to be set to ¼” = 1’. To do this, navigate to the Drawing Scale, which is located in the main toolbar and be sure the Annotation button is enabled (pushed in). Also be sure that you are working in “Feet” and “Inches” and select the correct annotation scale from the drop-down menu that matches the Scale Factor of your page.

**Note: If the Drawing Scale toolbar is not already docked, go to the main toolbar and click on “Settings”. Select “Drawing Scale” and the Drawing Scale toolbar will appear. You can now drag the toolbar and dock it to your main toolbar as you wish. **Note: Material item bubbles (balloons), dimensions, construction notes, bubbling, general texts…can be placed manually on your Plan View drawings.

C. Clipping Plan Views and Section/Detail Callouts Once you have your Plan Views or Section/Detail Callouts referenced into your construction drawings, you may find the need to modify the viewing area of some of these. A few reasons, but not limited to, for wanting to modify the Plan View or Section/Detail Callouts are: 

clip out the Plan View or Section/Detail Callout bubble that is automatically generated in order to replace with the “old” 2D cell version

clip out overhead lines that may show up

clip out a portion of the Plan View or Section/Detail Callout in order to place into a construction drawing that contains “old” raster and vector

All of the above, and more, are valid reasons to utilize the “Clip Volume” feature. 1. Clipping by Using the Clip Volume Tool To utilize the “Clip Volume” tool, open the construction drawing that has the Plan View or Section/Detail Callout that you wish to modify. Click on the basic “Place Fence” tool in your main task bar and the “Place Fence” dialog box will open.

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1. Fence Type – select “Block” from the drop-down menu 2. Fence Mode – select “Void-Clip” from the drop-down menu (this will keep everything enclosed within the fence, and clip everything outside of the fence) Once the above settings have been set, place a fence around the equipment that you would like to keep in your view! Everything that resides outside of this fence will be clipped!!! In the example below, all of the equipment will be kept, with the Section Callout bubble being clipped out.

Once you have your fence set, click on the Reference command in the main toolbar, which will open up the “Reference” dialog box. Highlight the reference to be modified, and click on the “Clip Volume” command in the Reference toolbar. In the example below, “Section A-A” was chosen.

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The “Set Reference Clip Boundary” dialog box will open. From the “Method” drop-down menu, be sure to select “Active Fence”. Also make sure the “Discard Existing Clip Masks” checkbox is unchecked and the “Use Reference Dialog List” checkbox is checked, as shown below.

Perform a data point (left-click) in your drawing and your reference will now be shown clipped!

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 2. Modifying/Deleting a Clipping If you decide that you would like to modify or delete a clipping that you have performed, there are two ways to accomplish this. a) Using the “Delete Clip” tool Start by opening the construction drawing which contains the “clipped” reference that you wish to modify/delete. Click on the Reference command in the main toolbar, which will open up the “Reference” dialog box. Highlight the reference to be modified, and click on the “Delete Clip” command in the Reference toolbar. In the example below, “Section A-A” was chosen.

Using your basic Element Selection tool , perform a data point (left-click) anywhere on the pink box in your drawing, and you should see 4 blue “handles” (boxes) appear at each corner of the pink box as shown below.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 **Note: If the blue “handles” do not appear, try double-checking your Element Selection tool dialog box settings to make sure that it matches those shown below. Be sure #1 and #2 are selected, and #3 should be disabled (not pushed in).

Left-click and hold down the left mouse button on any of the blue handles. Drag your mouse in the direction that you wish to expand/compress your view. You will see a white dotted box showing you pink box as it get resized as shown below.

Once you have the desired view shown, release the left mouse button and your view will be set. In this example, the pink box was expanded downward to reveal and restore the Section Callout bubble.

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b) Using the Fence method This method may be the preferred method, if you wish to “unclip” the entire reference. Start by opening the construction drawing which contains the “clipped” reference that you wish to modify/delete. Click on the basic “Place Fence” in your main task bar and the “Place Fence” dialog box will open.


1. Fence Type – select “Block” from the drop-down menu 2. Fence Mode – select “Void-Clip” from the drop-down menu (this will keep everything enclosed within the fence, and clip everything outside of the fence) Place a fence around the entire page, or if you know a specific direction that you would like to unclip. In the example below, the entire page was fenced to undo the entire clipping.

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Once you have your fence set, click on the Reference command in the main toolbar, which will open up the “Reference” dialog box. Highlight the reference to be modified, and click on the “Clip Volume” command in the Reference toolbar. In the example below, “Section A-A” was chosen.

The “Set Reference Clip Boundary” dialog box will open. From the “Method” dropdown menu, be sure to select “Active Fence”. Also make sure to place a check in the “Discard Existing Clip Masks” checkbox and the “Use Reference Dialog List” checkbox is checked, as shown below.

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Perform a data point (left-click) in your drawing and your reference will now be shown unclipped! In the example below, you can now see that the Section Callout bubble that was initially clipped is now restored.

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D. Rendering Plan and Section Views Once a Plan View or Section View has been created in the drawing, the user can now change the rendering (i.e. Hidden Line or Smooth) of the drawing for the sake of plotting. True Hidden Line is the necessary rendering option to plot our Construction Drawings to issue. To change the rendering of a Plan or Section View in your drawing, the user will need to go back to the Electrical 3D Layout Model or Electrical Master 3D Layout model, since this is where all of the Plan and Section Views have been created. Go to the Models menu and open up the sheet model of the section to be rendered. In this example, we will be rendering “Plan View without Callouts, which is shown below.

Open the Reference dialog box and highlight the reference to be rendered. Click on the “Set Reference Presentation” button blue sheet of paper inside).

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in the Reference toolbar (icon with white cube and

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The “Reference Presentation” dialog box shown below will appear.

1. Synchronize View – perform this step first, select “Clip Only” from the drop-down menu (**NOTE: If your view has been clipped, and you choose any other option besides “Clip Only”, you will not only lose your clipping, but it will make it difficult when you try to re-clip your view!!) 2. Use View Flags – be sure there is a check placed in the checkbox, this will enable all of the grayed out options below it 3. Display Style – select “Hidden Line” from the drop-down menu **NOTE: If you don’t perform Step #1 above first, the other two settings will change back to their default settings and you will have to set them again once Step #1 is finally set. Be sure all other settings are set as shown above and click “OK”. This will bring you back to your drawing and your selected view will now be rendered in Hidden Line. Page 113 of 211

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With your Reference dialog box still open, scroll through the column headings above the drawing names, until you find the “Visible Edges” column. **NOTE: If you do not see the “Visible Edges” column in your Reference dialog box, right click on any column heading, and place a check next to “Visible Edges”, as shown below.

The default setting is set to “Dynamic”. Left-click on “Dynamic” and the following dialog shown below appears. Page 114 of 211

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From the “Visible Edges” drop-down menu, select “Cached”. Click on the “cube” icon off to the right. This will bring up the “Cached Visible Edges Settings” dialog box as shown below.

Under the “General” tab, select “Exact” from the “Method” drop-down menu. From the Accuracty drop-down menu, select “Medium” and leave all other settings as shown above. Click “OK” and this wil take you back to your section view. After a few moments of processing, your section view will now be rendered in “True Hidden Line” mode. To render any additional sheet models, simply navigate to the sheet model and repeat the steps outlined above for that particular section view. If any changes are made to the 3D models, the sheet models that have had their display set to Cached Visible Edges will need to be updated to reflect the changes. To do this, navigate to all sheet models affected – upon opening of the model, you will get a message notifying that your display is out of date.

To update, open the references dialog box (you should see that the “Visible Edges” entry for the reference is in red. With the reference selected, either click on the Reload Reference icon, or right click on the reference and select “Reload Reference.”

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E. Placing Construction Labels This feature allows user to place one label per equipment. This label could be item number, rating, materials, or any other note Under “3D Layout” design task, run the command ‘Place Labels’ (shortcut E6). Under “Label Options”, click on “Construction – ID”. Every device within the project is entitled to one construction label, which could be bus size, rating, equipment type, or even item number… Under “Device ID”, select appropriate field to place construction labels. Here are choices and their purposes: 1. “Quantity For Project”: this option allows all device tags for the entire project 2. “Installation”: this option limits device tags within the pre-defined installation 3. “Location”: this option limits device tags within the pre-defined location Key in text on the “Label Tag” field and click the “+” sign to place construction label on the drawing.

F. Placing Manual/Automatic Balloons By Jason

IX. Clash Detection 3.

This feature is not currently usable under current configuration

X. Assigning Part Numbers to Panel Layout Symbols A. Placing part numbers to symbols while auto-updating the symbol attribute. There are some symbols that can represent multiple part numbers. When placing a part of this type there are a few additional steps to follow. With the Panel Layout drawing open, select “Insert Symbol by Name”. The Insert Symbol dialog window will appear.

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Select the symbol from the list and click “Place Symbol”. Place symbol in drawing and the Device Properties window will appear.

Click on the “Search…” button in the upper right portion of the window. The Select Part Number window will appear.

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Double click on the desired part from the list. It will be added to the “Selected Items:” portion of the window. Click “OK”. The “Device Properties” window will appear.

The Part number the user selected will be listed in the “Part Number” portion of the window. Click “OK”. Page 118 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 The symbol will be updated accordingly depending on the attributes that were set for the part.

In this example, the Lens Color: attribute for this symbol was updated automatically with the letter “R” to show a red LED lamp. The benefit of this feature is the user is able to place a symbol, update selected attributes for the symbol, assign a Part No. to the symbol and add that part number to the Bill of Materials all within one procedure. Note: This method can also be used when placing SCADA symbols to the SCADA Cabling Diagram.

B. Assigning Item part numbers and Nameplates to items located behind panels. To assign balloon numbers to items or nameplates that are not visible on the front of a switchrack, the user must place symbol RK_BM_NUMBERS and nameplates directly below the rack in question on the Panel Layout drawing. For existing panel layout drawings, place these BM items/nameplates in the appropriate spots below the racks. If the existing drawing does not contain a place to house items behind the panel, or for new drawings, you may use the macro “RK_ITEMS_BEHIND_MACRO” for a spot to place these items into. See below for example:

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Since the above is a macro containing just lines and text, you can adjust the size of the box and edit the text as needed for your particular panel layout drawing. To actually add an item that is to be mounted on the back of the panel, perform the following steps: 1. Ensure your grid is on and set to correct grid spacing (effectively, 1/8” spacing), as this will help in lining up the items. The preferred scale factor for Panel Layout drawings is 4 (3” = 1’-0”), but existing drawings may be of different scale. 2. Insert the symbol “RK_BM_NUMBERS” from the Insert Symbol by Name command, and insert this seemingly blank symbol onto a grid point:

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3. Once placed, the Device Properties window will pop up. Specify a Device ID for this piece of equipment (should match the Device ID of this item as represented on the schematic diagram), then specify a part number by either clicking on Search, or manually adding it by clicking on Add. Once a part number is specified, adjust the quantity as needed, and give it a balloon number (balloon number = item number on your specific Bill of Materials). In this example, the auxiliary relay is to be mounted behind the panel, which has the Device Tag of 262QL-R1, part number of 59-0229, quantity 2, and balloon number 1380.

When finished, click OK.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 4. The next window that pops up is the Symbol Text dialog box:

We will be using the symbol’s balloon number that was assigned in step 3 to display on the drawing, but to show a comma to separate between different items, it must be specified via Symbol Text. You may need to insert a few blank spaces before the comma to have proper display. Job Order Number may also be filled in now, or may be done in bulk via Data Manager . Click OK to finish. 5. To get the balloon number to display, right click on the red insertion point and click on Balloon. If you don’t see the red insertion point, turn on Insertion Point Visibility):

Assuming you already assigned a balloon number in step 3, once you click on Balloon from the right click context menu, your mouse will become a crosshair, and you will see the Insert Balloon window. Leave this window as-is (Left to Right), then perform a data (left) click right where the red insertion point arrow is, immediately followed by a right click to place down the balloon number.

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Whatever balloon number that was assigned in Step 3 now shows up. If the balloon number changes, this text will change as well. However, notice the comma is not being shown correctly, or may not be needed. To adjust the position of the comma or to remove it, right click on the comma and click on Symbol Text:

In this case, two spaces before the comma should do the trick. Again, you may fill out the Job Order Number at this point, or wait to change them all via Data Manager.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 If you do not need the comma (this is either the only item, or last item), simply uncheck Visible for BM Item Numbers. 6. To insert subsequent items to be mounted behind the panel, repeat steps 2 thru 5, placing the next item to the right of the previous, or on a new row.

As long as you correctly fill out the Device ID, part number, balloon number, quantity, and Job Order Number, these items will be included when you run the Bill of Materials report To account for nameplates that are to be mounted behind the switchrack, follow the normal steps for placing down nameplates , except place the nameplates below the switchrack:

XI. Designing Grounding Grid Drawing The master PRP (Project Reference Point) needs to be present on the project for the tool to work. Bentley Substation Ground Grid tools only now can be used on Construction mode drawings. Page 124 of 211

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A. Creating an Arrangement of Grounds Model/Drawing Assuming a project has been created, on “Project Manager”, follow Section III.C to create a new drawing page as shown below

Be sure to set “Initial Mode:,” “Title Block:”, and Page Format:” as shown above. Set “Scale Factor:” the same as active scale of the existing drawing if one exists; otherwise, set it to be the same as the project’s Ultimate General Arrangement Outdoors drawing. Click “OK” when done If there is an existing Arrangement of Grounds drawing, follow Section IV to bring existing data to Bentley Substation environment. Then merge existing vector data to the new Bentley Substation drawing; however, raster file(s) will remain as a reference(s) B. Placing the Grounding Grid From the main Tasks  3D Layout Design  Page 125 of 211

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Use the drop down menus to select all applicable parts and define the grid depth and X,Y spacing then click “Place grid”; follow the command prompts at the bottom left of the screen to have data points on opposite corners of the grid user wishes to place. The “Place wire” and “Modify wire” commands can be used to manually place a ground segment or modify ground segments respectively. C. Placing Grounding Grid Connectors These connectors are used to either connect the grid to ground rods or to metallic objects such as structures, light poles… From the main Tasks  3D Layout Design 

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or shortcut T1 

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Select an appropriate terminating connector from the drop down menu and click “Place conn.” Follow command prompts on the left lower corner of the screen to place as many connectors as required. Each connector will be tighten to the grid automatically. The “Modify conn.” Command can be used to modify the connection from the grid to the terminating connector D. Extracting Grounding Grid Information This tool extracts the total length of the grid, number, and types of connectors being used in the project. User may input this information to material_DB. To run the tool, from the main Tasks  3D Layout Design 

or shortcut T1 

User needs to verify if material code for grounding cable is current and applicable. Change material code as needed when inputting this information to Material Database.

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XII. Designing Conduits Drawing PG&E is co-developing the Conduit Builder tools with Bentley. Until this project is implemented, the arrangement of conduits in/outdoors will be done manually using conventional drawing tools. However the subject insert variable 3D object described in Section VII.B may help with drawing conduits.

XIII. Designing Single Line / Meter & Relay and Station Service Diagrams Follow Section III.C to create a new drawing page. Select “Single Line” as initial mode. If existing Diagrams have vector/raster, follow Section IV; otherwise, place symbols and Macros from the catalogs to create these drawings. For proper linkage, assign all symbols with Device IDs. These Device IDs shall be maintained consistently throughout the project. Note: do not assign any part numbers in Single Line Diagrams.

XIV. Designing Schematic Diagrams and Contact Development Tables A. Designing from Intelligent Design Standard/Previous Intelligent Project(s) Due to the way software works, it’s best to copy Follow Section III.D to copy the applicable standard(s) or previous project schematic(s) to a dummy project. Use instructions on Section III.F to modify those drawing pages as necessary including but not limited to changing device IDs, Page Name, Drawing Set, Installation/Location, and etc… Once the set of schematics are complete, user now can copy this set of schematics to the current project. Refer to additional instructions on how to use intelligent schematics. Device IDs on those drawings copied from design standards can be changed globally as follows: Under the task “Review/Revise”, under “Revision Management” tab, click on “Data Manager” or shotcut (Q), the “Data Manger” dialog box appears. At the bottom, click on the “Device ID” tab, then key in existing device Tag on the “Find what:” field and “Replace with:” field (located at the bottom right corner) then click “Replace All”. This example shows replacement of 11FB-???? with 11FB-1105. The same procedure can be used to mass edit Installation and Location values, by selecting the desired “Look in.”

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 If “Find whole words only” is checked, it will only search for values that match exactly what is entered in “Find what.” For example, if “????” is typed in with this checked, only values that are “????” will be affected. Values that have “TS1A-????” will not be affected, due to this checkbox – simply unchecking this will look for “????” everywhere.

Do not forget to click the save button on the top left corner (Floppy disk icon) to save changes.

B. Designing Schematics from Scratch Follow Section III.C to create a new schematic drawing page. Use “Schematic” as initial mode with title block and page format, and scale should be set to 1. Follow Section V to insert 2D symbols to design the schematics. Do not assign any PG&E code to any symbol within schematic drawings since these parts will be not captured by the Bill of Materials report template.

C. Inserting Wire Tags 3. 1. Overview Unlike previous practices where wires were regular lines, wires now carry intelligent attributes with them. ‘Draw Wire’ command can be found under main “Tasks”  “Design”  “Draw Wire” or shortcut R1. Wires can be drawn through components as needed. Wires will be automatically broken when going through components with proper connection points. When wires are Page 129 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 supposed to be connected together, a dot will be placed automatically. Likewise, once components have been removed, wires will heal automatically. In order to utilize the automatic wire numbering and other intelligent features, wire usage has been defined as follows: PG&E AC Wire Usage as of Sept. 2011

PG&E DC Wire Usage as of Sept. 2011

2. Inserting Individual Wire Tags Wire tags can be assigned manually, but individually, for all types of wires regardless of usage selected. Since this is purely manual, there are no preset wire prefixes or suffixes – you are free to type in any value (per PG&E wire naming convention).

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Wire Manager Method a. Select any portion/branch of a wire, right click and select “Wiring Manager”

b. The Wiring Manager dialog box will appear after a few seconds, which then shows the properties of this wire. Notice that the system automatically highlights all wire branches/segments that are of the same potential. In this example, there are three potential groups.

c. Type into any of the branches’ Wire Tag field the desired wire number, and the other potentials are automatically populated with the same number. In this case, “J1” was entered in the first branch, and the subsequent branches were automatically filled with “J1.” When finished, click OK.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 d. The wire number has been assigned, but not yet displayed. Right click on the portion of wire you want the wire tag displayed, and select “Add Label.” The “Label Settings” dialog box appears, and you are instructed to “Enter a data point to confirm.” Place your mouse cursor near the wire and (data) click to have the wire number appear.

Edit Wires Method a. Right click on the portion of wire you want the wire tag displayed, and select “Add Label.” The “Label Settings” dialog box appears, and you are instructed to “Enter a data point to confirm.” Place your mouse cursor near the wire and click to have a wire label placeholder appear.

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b. Right click on the same segment, and then choose “Edit Wires.” The Edit Wires dialog box appears. Enter a desired wire label into the Tag field, and then click OK. The wire number then replaces the placeholder.

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3. Inserting Wire Tags Automatically on AC Schematics Under main “Tasks”  “Design”  “Automatic Wire Number” (shortcut T1), the “Wire – Auto Label” dialog box appears:

Ensure the settings are as shown: - Labeling Selection: Select Objects… Page 134 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 - Filters – Mode: Schematic Mode - Filters – Use: All - First Number: 0 Then, click on the “Edit Group Wire Number” button near lower left corner, the “Edit Prefix/Suffix” dialog box appears. Check all boxes under the column “Same as Option.” On the same dialog box, under the “Suffix” column, key in your desired suffix such as B1-1101 for all wire types. Hint: you may copy and paste here.

Note: For AC wire numbering, key in 0 in the first number field; after auto-numbering is complete go back and delete the zero from first group of numbers generated to comply with current PG&E wire numbering convention. (Example: change 50B1-1101 to 5B11101). How does automatic wire numbering work? When user selects “A-Phase Current” as a wire usage, the software assigns number 5 as the first digit of the wire number. Beginning with 50B1-1101, Every time this wire goes through a component such as a test switch, the zero automatically increases to 1 and so on. Next wire number will be 51B11101, 52B1-1101…Note: wire numbers will not increase when going through a terminal block. Click “OK” to close the “Edit prefix/Suffix” and Wire – Auto Label dialog boxes. Nothing will appear to happen, but the lower left corner prompts you to select wires. Using normal element selection methods, select all wires you want to have wire numbers automatically generated. Note: you don’t have to select every branch of wire that would otherwise have the same wire ID – selecting just one branch will suffice. Note: if required, use the carriage (^) character to have wire numbers on 2 or more lines.

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4. Inserting Wire Tags Automatically on DC Schematics Similar to the procedure above, one can automatically assign wire tags to DC schematics. When selecting a wire usage, such as “J_INTERLOCK,” the software assigns the appropriate prefix (for example, J-). Note: if the last J number used in the past on the existing drawing was 18 for example, users can key in 19 in the first number field.

Note: Wire usage can be identified by color. Note that J wire’s color is light blue. Also, on DC schematics, if all proper wire usages have been placed and identified, user can have

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 the software automatically assign wire numbers for the entire drawing or even the entire project at one time.

Alternatively, if wire usage has been properly identified, user can select the type of wire to automatically assign numbers by selecting appropriate “Use:” under “Filters” as shown below:

In this example, only J wires will be assigned wire numbers, leaving all other wire types unaffected. By leaving the “Labeling Selection” as “Select Pages…” the software will perform automatic wire tagging for entire page(s). This may result in wire numbers assigned in Page 137 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 an order the user isn’t expecting, since the software does so “top to bottom, left to right, per quadrant.” For schematics with an upper and lower portion, it is recommended to choose “Select Objects” instead, and first select the upper portion, then repeat for the lower portion.

D. Inserting Wire Links 1. Different Wire Link Symbols Below is a list of the wire links currently available in the Master Catalog 2D.

Choosing the type of wire link symbol will depend on the intended application. Each of the wire link symbols will do the same thing, but just has different presentation. For these symbols, the letters H and V in the symbol names stand for “horizontal” and “vertical.” Pick the symbol based on the following criteria: • When you are trying to link a single wire, use the symbols WL_SQ_(H/V) as they have the link index shown inside a square (mimics how PG&E specifies wire links). No arrow is shown so there is flexibility to add your own arrow that can point in any direction.

• Use the symbols WL_SQ_AR_(H/V) for single-wire links, much like above, but if you need a short arrow.

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• For multiple wire links, use the symbol WL_AR_(H/V)_OFF, which are just plain arrows without any text shown. You will need to place a link pair on each wire you are trying to link (so the wires actually link). Then, in order to show the link graphically, you will need to draw bracket lines (shown in blue) and then attach the symbol WL_SQ_AR_(H/V) or WL_SQ_(H/V) on each of the brackets for a graphical link.

• If you would like to see just an arrow and the reference text, use the symbols WL_AR_(H/V)_ON.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 For all of these wire link symbols except for the ones with the reference turned off (have OFF in the symbol name), the corresponding circuit number will also appear if a Cable Symbol is placed on the other end of the linked wire:

2. Wire Link Usage Wire links are required whenever wires are to be continued on a different section of the drawing or different drawing page. One wire link pair is required for each wire (a group of wires cannot be linked using one wire link symbol). Follow Section V to insert an appropriate wire link symbol. Place this symbol on the wire to be linked. The “Wire Link ID” dialog box appears. Key in a wire link tag.(Use a letter for a link within the drawing; use a number for a link to another drawing). The “Link Index” will be filled in automatically (the first pair will be 1). Click “OK”.

Place the other end of the wire link. The other end of the wire link could have a different wire link symbol. Make sure wire link tag and index are the same for the wire to be linked. Once the link has been established, the drawing reference will appear.

Note: wire link symbols can be mirrored as needed by right clicking, then select “symbol setting.” Rotation is not recommended. Page 140 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 3. Hiding Drawing Cross References For wire links pointing to within the same page (using letters as the Wire Link ID), it is not desirable for the drawing cross reference to be displayed. There are currently two methods of not displaying (hiding) them: 1. Make the size of the drawing reference very small a. Right click on the drawing cross reference and select “Text Settings…” b. Adjust the Height: to be 0.00001 c. Be aware that if either wire link is moved, the drawing reference will reappear at its full height (0.125), thus requiring this to be performed again. Because of this, it is recommended to adjust the height after you are certain the location of the wire links will not change.

2. Move the drawing cross references outside of the drawing border a. Right click on the drawing cross reference and select “Text Position” b. Relocate the drawing cross reference to somewhere outside the drawing border. Page 141 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 c. Note that this method is unaffected by changing the position of the wire link symbols. However, it can be more difficult to locate the proper drawing cross reference of a wire link symbol if there are many of these relocated outside the border.

E. Inserting Cable/Circuit Numbers Select ‘Insert Symbol by Name’ (E3), and select the appropriate cable symbol. Place this symbol on the wire you want to assign a cable to. The “Device Properties” dialog box appears.

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Key in a circuit number, such as C101. At the bottom of the box, there is an option for “multiple placement” which should be checked if you would like to place multiple cable symbols (this is useful for placing a multiconductor cable). Select a cable family by clicking on the “Family” ellipsis, then selecting the appropriate family based on the number of conductors of the cable you are trying to model.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 The ‘Device Usage Chart’ pops up immediately.

This will show the user the other conductors in that cable (if applicable). Click “OK” twice, and the ‘Cable Text’ dialog box will appear.

You can enter the length of the cable at this time, or come back to it later by right clicking on the cable symbol and selecting ‘Cable Text.’ If “multiple placement” was checked, you will be given the opportunity to place another of the same cable symbol. A line appears, and as long as that line crosses another wire (or multiple wires), a cable symbol will be placed onto those wires. Right click to end. The symbols placed via “multiple placement” will have their Device IDs’ suppressed – right click

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 and uncheck to show this number.

XV. Designing SCADA Related Drawing Follow Section III.C to create a new schematic drawing page. Use “Schematic” as initial mode with title block and page format, and scale should be set to 1. Follow Section V to insert 2D symbols to design the drawing. Do not assign any PG&E code to any symbol within the drawing since these parts will not be captured by the Bill of Materials report template. Since most SCADA symbols do not appear on multiple drawings, 2D symbols for SCADA devices will not have families associated with them. Basic 2D Bentley Symbols with connection points are sufficient for these types of drawings. For cabling diagram, utilize wire links to link between devices.

XVI. Designing Panel Layouts Follow Section III.C to create a new panel layout drawing page. Use “Panel Layout” as initial mode with title block and page format, and scale should be set to 4. Follow Section V to insert symbols to design the drawing. Be sure to assign PG&E codes to all symbols within this drawing since these parts will be captured by the Bill of Materials report template. Nameplates are handled as follows: From the main “Tasks” ”Design”  “Insert Symbol by Name” (shortcut E3) 

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Insert symbol “NAMEPLATE” and click “OK”.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Fill in Installation and Location for the “NAMEPLATE” symbol. For “Device Tag”, key in a number, this number will be the nameplate item number, which appears on the nameplate report. Click “Search”, the “Select Part Number” dialog box appears. Double click to select a part number based on the figure and letter size as listed on the table below: Fig\Ltr








































































































These figure and letter size numbers are based on the nameplate sheets on the Material Database.

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Click “OK” when done selecting part numbers. The “Symbol Text” dialog box appears.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Key in text for the nameplate. Depending on the part number selected, there will be a limit on how many lines are available for data entry. The last part of the nameplate is the “TAG Associate”. This “TAG Associate” allows users to link a device ID with the nameplate’s description. To fill in the “TAG Associate”, click on the arrow with the red x, navigate to the drawing, click on the device the user wishes to associate with the nameplate description. To generate a nameplate report for importing to PG&E Material Database, follow section XXI below.


XVII. Bill of Materials, Name Plate, and Target Plates Reports A. Overview The software captures Bill of Materials, Nameplate, and Target Plate information when a PG&E code is assigned to a component (including Nameplate and Target Plates) placed on project drawings. Different Bill of Materials are separated by Installation, Location, and Job Order Number. These serve as filters when running reports. The report output will be in Microsoft Excel format, which will be imported to PG&E’s existing Material Database. Once these B/Ms have been imported to the Material Database, users can make changes as necessary, including but not limited to quantity, mounting location, device name, etc… Balloons (material/Target Plate’s item numbers) will have to be assigned manually by the user using one of the methods below: 1. Assigning Balloon Number to Construction Drawings using “Insert Balloon” command

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 2. Assigning Balloon Number by “Device Properties” Dialog Box After a part has been placed on the drawing, right click on it  “Device ID…” 

Users can key in a balloon number under the “Balloon No.” field (upper right corner). 3. Assigning Balloon Number using the “Data Manager” tool On the main “Tasks”  “Review/Revise”  “Revision Management”  “Data Manger” or shortcut Q . Be sure to click on the “Part Number” tab at the bottom to get the dialog box below:

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 This method is recommended since all parts filtered by Installation and Location will appear on this list. Balloon numbers can be keyed in under the “Balloon” column. Assigning a Job Order Number for each of the parts will allow a user to generate a B/M that lists only the items ordered for that particular job number, and not the entire substation. This can be done in one of two ways: 4. Assigning Job Order Number by “Symbol Text” Dialog Box After a part has been placed on the drawing, right click on it  “Symbol Text…” 

Every symbol that will be assigned a part and balloon number (either 3D or Panel Layout) will have the Job Order Number symbol attribute, with a default value of ?. The user should replace this “?” with the project’s job order number. 5. Assigning Job Order Number using the “Data Manager” tool On the main “Tasks”  “Review/Revise”  “Revision Management”  “Data Manger” or shortcut Q . As with anything you do in Data Manager, the first thing that needs to be done is only check the drawing(s) you want to apply changes to. Click on the “Symbol Text” tab at the bottom to get the dialog box below:

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This lists all the symbol text attributes associated with the symbols placed on the selected drawings. Go to the ‘Attribute’ column heading, and click on the upper left corner to bring up the Filters list. Choose “Job Order Number:” to show only the “Job Order Number:” attributes in the list.

Now, simply replace all the “?” values with the appropriate Job Order Number.

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B. Running Report Output to Microsoft Excel Format From the main “Tasks”  “Output”  “Report & Graphical Output”  “Run Reports” or shortcut W, the “Run Reports” dialog box appears.

On the left panel, scroll down to the bottom and click to expand the “CUSTOM” report template; then click on the box to check the desired report template to run. In the Output section, click on “Preview…” to generate a preview of the selected report (you must click on Preview first for the filters to work correctly). Chances are, the data is not correct (or nothing is shown) – you must apply filters to get the desired data. Close the Preview and click on “Filters.” Depending on what type of report you are running, you will need to set different filters. Here are the typical filters one would set for specific reports. Filtering: Bill of Materials – Outdoor Arrangement (PGE_BM_3D_LAYOUT) The report will only look for symbols (with part numbers) that are located on 3D Layout mode drawings. Use the filters Symbol_Installation, Symbol_Location, and JobOrderNumber to narrow down the parts list. For example:

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The above filters will only return items that were specified with the Installation of 230KV, Location of RING BUS, and placed under Job Order Number 12345678. Note: type in values specific to your project Filtering: Bill of Materials – Panel Layout (PGE_BM_PANEL_LAYOUT) The report will only look for symbols (with part numbers) that are located on Panel Layout mode drawings. These 4 filters should be used: partnumber Not Like 87-00* (so that nameplates are not included on this BM; they are listed on another report), JobOrderNumber, Page_Installation, and Page_Location, for example:

In this case, all panels located in the 115KV MPAC 1 will be reported on one Bill of Materials report, but they span across multiple drawing pages. All the drawing pages have the same page installation (115KV MPAC 1) but differ in page location: PANELS 1-5, PANELS 6-10, etc.

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 By setting the Page_Location filter to be Like PANELS*, it will report on all items on the various panel layout drawings. Note: type in values specific to your project Filtering: Bill of Materials – Panel Layout Nameplates (PGE_NAMEPLATE) The report will only look for nameplate symbols that are located on Panel Layout mode drawings. These 3 filters should be used: JobOrderNumber, Page_Installation, and Page_Location, similar to how you filter the BM for Panel Layout report. Ouput B/M Report to Microsoft Excel After setting the filters, hit Preview… again and verify that the report is showing what you need. When you are ready to output to Microsoft Excel, perform the following:

Multiple report templates can be selected at the same time, but ensure each has a unique file name. Check the box “Output To File”, click on the ellipsis to select a “Destination Folder:” and key in a report name. The report name could be the bill of material number. Check the “XLS” box and click “Run”. The Microsoft Excel file will be created and saved at the location specified. Open these reports to verify the contents are correct, and to add any additional information.

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C. Importing Excel File to Materials Database A new feature for the Materials Database program is an “Import B/M” function, designed to import the Excel file generated by Bentley Substation’s reporting capabilities (see previous section). The steps to create a new revision for your project within Materials Database are the same as before. Once you get to the material entry screen, there is a new button for importing the Excel file:

Click on “Import B/M” and a dialog box will open where you will select the Excel file you are trying to import:

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Upon successful completion of importing the report, you will receive this message:

The import feature was designed to fail if the Excel file has any of the following conditions: 1. Missing item numbers 2. Duplicate item numbers 3. Item numbers outside the range of items specified for the particular revision you are Page 157 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 importing into 4. Sheet name is something other than “Sheet”

(This is easy to fix – just open the Excel file and rename the worksheet to “Sheet”) If you get any of these errors, the program will let you know what the problem is. You will then need to open the Excel file and fix the problems before trying to import it again.

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XVIII. Designing Circuit, Conduit, Trench, and Junction Box Schedules Pending implementation of a new Conduit Builder Plugin Tool, the circuit, conduit, trench, and junction box schedules will be designed using the conventional method.

XIX. Generating Drawing List To run a list of drawings for the project filtered by Installation, Location, and/or Drawing Set, use the “drawing list” report template. Follow Section XXI.B, select “PGE_DRAWING_LIST” template, apply appropriate filters and select output options. These drawings are helpful for the drawing list and/or transmittal.

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XX. Plotting and Publishing a Project 3.

A. Printing Full Size Drawings for Final Issue 1. From File menu, open “Print Organizer”

Click the Cancel button in the “Select a Wizard” window. Save As NewName.pset in location of your choice somewhere on theH:\ drive(not in ProjectWise) (in this example, we are using the name test3.pset)

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Select a Printer From File menu, open “Printer Setup…”

Select desired printer. Under File name: make sure that “printer.pltcfg” driver is selected(Ex.1).

Ex.1 If it isn’t, click on the Browse button(magnifying glass). Click Cancel when the ProjectWise Select Printer Driver Configuration File window appears(Ex.2).

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Ex.2 The next window that appears should show all printer drivers supplied by Bentley(Ex.3).


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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Select the “printer.pltcfg” printer driver and click Open(Ex.4).

Ex.4 The Printer Setup window will reappear with an Options field in the bottom half of the dialog box(Ex.5).

Ex.5 From the pull-down field select your desired printer(Ex.6). –In our example I have chosen printer \\Gasofp01\BR1Yplot2006a Click OK.

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Ex.6 3. Add Drawings to Print Set Click “Add Files to Set”button(Ex.7) Ex.7

The “Create Print Definitions” window will appear(Ex.8). Ex.8

Click the Add button. Page 164 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 The Select Files window will appear(Ex.9).

Ex.9 If your project is in ProjectWise, then make sure you are looking in the correct folder. To select the correct folder click on the folder pull-down field and select your project. In this example I will select LINDEN SUBSTATION(Ex.10).


With the correct project folder selected, you can now select the drawings that are to be printed(Ex.11). Page 165 of 211

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Ex.11 Click OK. The Create Print Definitions window will reappear with your selected files in the Input files window(Ex.12).

Ex.12 Click Done. Click OK to add the drawings to the Print Set. The drawings will now be listed in the Print Organizer window(Ex.13). Page 166 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Ex.13

4. Specify Paper Size Do this by selecting the drawings (you can select multiple by holding down the CTRL key or performing a “fence” to select multiple). Right click on any of the highlighted drawings then choose Properties. Or click the Edit pull-down menu and select Properties(Ex.14).


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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 The Modify Properties window will appear. Under the “Paper Size” drop down menu, choose the appropriate page size for your drawing(Ex.15) Ex.15

For 2-size: Arch C (24 x 18 in.) For 3-size: ARCH D (36 x 24 in. )For 4-size: ARCH E (48 x 36 in.) For 5-size: Custom1 (50.5 x 30.5 in.) – this needs to be set for your plotter (see below for instructions) 5. Apply Print Style With the drawings still highlighted, go to ToolsApply Print Style…(Ex.16) Ex.16

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Select the appropriate Print Style: For 2-size: PGE SIZE 2 For 3-size: PGE SIZE 3 For 4-size: PGE SIZE 4 For 5-size: PGE SIZE 5

Ex.17 In this example, we have two different sizes. I have selected PGE SIZE 2 for the 2-size drawing and PGE SIZE 4 for the 4-size drawing(Ex.18). Ex.18

Notice that the size and scale has changed:

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Ex.19

Because our current plotters are not able to print a 44x34 in drawing onto a 44x34 in paper without having the edges cut off, we need to print onto a slightly larger paper. In this case, we are printing a 44x34 in drawing onto a 48x36 in paper(Ex.19). 6. Preview Before Printing Click on the Print Preview button ( ) to view all drawings before printing. Fix any drawings that are not correctly displayed. 7. Print Drawings Select drawings to be printed and click Print button (


Choose “All” to print all drawings or “Selection” to print selected drawings in the Print Range field(Ex.20).


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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Click OK.

B. Printing Drawings for Review (not full size) 1. From File menu, open “Print Organizer”

Click the Cancel button in the “Select a Wizard” window. Save As NewName.pset in location of your choice somewhere on theH:\ drive(not in ProjectWise) (in this example, we are using the name test3.pset)

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2. Select a Printer From File menu, open “Printer Setup…” Select desired printer. Under File name: make sure that “printer.pltcfg” driver is selected(Ex.1).

Ex.1 If it isn’t, click on the Browse button (magnifying glass). Click Cancel when the ProjectWise Select Printer Driver Configuration File window appears (Ex.2).

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Ex.2 The next window that appears should show all printer drivers supplied by Bentley(Ex.3).


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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Select the “printer.pltcfg” printer driver and click Open(Ex.4).

Ex.4 The Printer Setup window will reappear with an Options field in the bottom half of the dialog box(Ex.5).

Ex.5 From the pull-down field select your desired printer(Ex.6). –In our example I have chosen printer \\Gasofp01\BR1Yplot2006a Click OK.

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Ex.6 3. Add Drawings to Print Set Click “Add Files to Set”button(Ex.7) Ex.7

The “Create Print Definitions” window will appear(Ex.8). Ex.8

Click the Add button. Page 175 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 The Select Files window will appear(Ex.9).

Ex.9 If your project is in ProjectWise, then make sure you are looking in the correct folder. To select the correct folder click on the folder pull-down field and select your project. In this example I will select LINDEN SUBSTATION(Ex.10).


With the correct project folder selected, you can now select the drawings that are to be printed(Ex.11). Page 176 of 211

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Ex.11 Click OK. The Create Print Definitions window will reappear with your selected files in the Input files window(Ex.12).

Ex.12 Click OK to add the drawings to the Print Set. The drawings will now be listed in the Print Organizer window(Ex.13).

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Ex.13

4. Specify Paper Size Do this by selecting the drawings (you can select multiple by holding down the CTRL key or performing a “fence” to select multiple). Right click on any of the highlighted drawings then choose Properties. Or click the Edit pull-down menu and select Properties(Ex.14).


The Modify Properties window will appear. Under the “Paper Size” drop down menu, choose the appropriate page size for your drawing(Ex.15)

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Ex.15 In this example, we will choose ANSI C-size(22 x 17in.) Click OK. 5. Apply Print Style With the drawings still highlighted, go to ToolsApply Print Style…(Ex.16) Ex.16

Select the appropriate Print Style: For this type of print, select PGE NOT TO SCALE(Ex.17).

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Ex.17 In this example, we have two different sizes. But, we are printing each of them on a C-size sheet of paper(Ex.18). Ex.18

Notice that the size and scale has changed(Ex.19):

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6. Preview Before Printing Click on the Print Preview button ( ) to view all drawings before printing. Fix any drawings that are not correctly displayed. 7. Print Drawings Select drawings to be printed and click Print button (


Choose “All” to print all drawings or “Selection” to print selected drawings in the Print Range field(Ex.20).

Ex.20 Click OK.

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C. Printing Drawings NOT in ProjectWise 5. From File menu, open “Print Organizer”

Click the Cancel button in the “Select a Wizard” window. Save As NewName.pset in location of your choice somewhere on theH:\ drive(not in ProjectWise) (in this example, we are using the name test3.pset)

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6. Select a Printer From File menu, open “Printer Setup…” Select desired printer. Under File name: make sure that “printer.pltcfg” driver is selected(Ex.1).

Ex.1 If it isn’t, click on the Browse button(magnifying glass). Click Cancel when the ProjectWise Select Printer Driver Configuration File window appears(Ex.2).

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Ex.2 The next window that appears should show all printer drivers supplied by Bentley(Ex.3).


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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Select the “printer.pltcfg” printer driver and click Open(Ex.4).

Ex.4 The Printer Setup window will reappear with an Options field in the bottom half of the dialog box(Ex.5).

Ex.5 From the pull-down field select your desired printer(Ex.6). –In our example I have chosen printer \\Gasofp01\BR1Yplot2006a Click OK.

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Ex.6 7. Add Drawings to Print Set Click “Add Files to Set”button(Ex.7) Ex.7

The “Create Print Definitions” window will appear(Ex.8). Ex.8

Click the Add button. Page 186 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 The Select Files window will appear(Ex.9).

Ex.9 Since the drawings you want are not in ProjectWise, click Cancel(Ex.10).

Ex.10 The “Select Files” window will appear. From here you can navigate to the location of the files you want to print. (Ex.11).

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Ex.11 Click Done. The Create Print Definitions window will reappear with your selected files in the Input files window(Ex.12).

Ex.12 Page 188 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Click OK to add the drawings to the Print Set. The drawings will now be listed in the Print Organizer window(Ex.13). Ex.13

8. Specify Paper Size Do this by selecting the drawings (you can select multiple by holding down the CTRL key or performing a “fence” to select multiple). Right click on any of the highlighted drawings then choose Properties. Or click the Edit pull-down menu and select Properties(Ex.14). Ex.14

The Modify Properties window will appear. Under the “Paper Size” drop down menu, choose the appropriate page size for your drawing(Ex.15)

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Ex.15 In this example, we will choose ANSI C-size(22 x 17in.) Click OK. 8. Apply Print Style With the drawings still highlighted, go to ToolsApply Print Style…(Ex.16) Ex.16

Select the appropriate Print Style: For this type of print, select PGE OLD DGN(Ex.17).

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Ex.17 In this example, we have two different sizes. I have selected PGE SIZE 2 for the 2-size drawing and PGE SIZE-4 for the 4-size drawing(Ex.18). Ex.18

Notice that the size and scale has changed(Ex.19): Ex.19

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Because our current plotters are not able to print a 44x34 in drawing onto a 44x34 in. paper without having the edges cut off, we need to print onto a slightly larger paper. In this case, we are printing a 44x34 in. drawing onto a 48x36 in. paper(Ex.19). 9. Preview Before Printing Click on the Print Preview button ( ) to view all drawings before printing. Fix any drawings that are not correctly displayed. 10. Print Drawings Select drawings to be printed and click Print button (


Choose “All” to print all drawings or “Selection” to print selected drawings in the Print Range field(Ex.20).

Ex.20 Click OK.

D. Creating PDF or TIF files 1. From File menu, open “Print Organizer”

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Click the Cancel button in the “Select a Wizard” window. Save As NewName.pset in location of your choice somewhere on the H:\ drive(not in ProjectWise) (in this example, we are using the name test_pdf.pset)

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 2. Select a PDF/TIF driver From File menu, open “Printer Setup…” Select desired driver. Under File name: make sure that “pdf.pltcfg” or “tiff.pltcfg” driver is selected. We will be using the pdf.pltcfg driver for this example(Ex.1).

Ex.1 If it isn’t, click on the Browse button(magnifying glass). Click Cancel when the ProjectWise Select Printer Driver Configuration File window appears(Ex.2).

Ex.2 The next window that appears should show all printer drivers supplied by Bentley(Ex.3).

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Ex.3 Select the “pdf.pltcfg” printer driver and click Open(Ex.4).

Ex.4 The Printer Setup window will reappear with the pdf.pltcfg driver selected(Ex.5).

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Ex.5 Click OK. 3. Add Drawings to Print Set Click “Add Files to Set”button(Ex.7) Ex.6

The “Create Print Definitions” window will appear(Ex.7). Ex.7

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Click the Add button. The Select Files window will appear(Ex.8).

Ex.8 If your project is in ProjectWise, then make sure you are looking in the correct folder. To select the correct folder click on the folder pull-down field and select your project. In this example I will select LINDEN SUBSTATION(Ex.9).


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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 With the correct project folder selected, you can now select the drawings that are to be printed(Ex.10).

Ex.10 Click OK. The Create Print Definitions window will reappear with your selected files in the Input files window(Ex.11).


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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Click OK to add the drawings to the Print Set. The drawings will now be listed in the Print Organizer window(Ex.12). Ex.12

4. Specify Paper Size Do this by selecting the drawings (you can select multiple by holding down the CTRL key or performing a “fence” to select multiple). Right click on any of the highlighted drawings then choose Properties. Or click the Edit pull-down menu and select Properties(Ex.13).


The Modify Properties window will appear. Under the “Paper Size” drop down menu, choose the appropriate page size for your drawing(Ex.14)

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Ex.14 In this example, we will choose ANSI E for the 4-size drawing and ANSI C for the 2size drawing. Click OK. 11. Apply Print Style Highlight the all 4-size drawings(in our example 4056938), go to ToolsApply Print Style…(Ex.15) Ex.15

Select the appropriate Print Style: For this type of print, select PGE SIZE 4(Ex.16). Page 200 of 211

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Ex.16 Repeat step 12 for the other sized drawings if applicable. Notice that the size and scale has changed for each drawing(Ex.17): Ex.17

12. Preview Before Printing Click on the Print Preview button ( ) to view all drawings before printing. Fix any drawings that are not correctly displayed. 13. Print Drawings Select drawings to be printed and click Print button (


14. Select destination folder for prints If you want to create one PDF that contains all drawings, in the Submit section of the Print dialog box click on the Submit as: pull-down menu and select Single print job(Ex.18) Page 201 of 211

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Ex.18 Click on the Browse button and select the destination folder and name of your PDF file(Ex.19).

Ex.19 15. Click Save. Choose “All” to print all drawings or “Selection” to print selected drawings in the Print Range field(Ex.20).

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Ex.20 Click OK.

E. Creating 3D PDFs Open the desired drawing. From File menu, select Print. The Print dialog window will appear.

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Under “Printer and Paper Size” select “Bentley driver.” Click on the magnifying glass and select the “pdf.pltcfg” plot driver. Under “General Settings:” check the “Print to 3D” checkbox. Under “Printer and Paper Size” Select the desired paper size. Under “Print Scale and Position:” click the “Maximize” button. Click on the printer button at the upper left of the window and name the file and select destination.

XXI. Backing up, Incorporation, and Archiving a Project A. Overview Backing up a project is the only way to remove it from the active working directory and maintain all of the project’s intelligent links and integrity. On “Project Manager”, right click on the project to be backed up  “Backup”  Select Project from “Project:” pull-down menu or ellipsis. Select destination for the Backup file by clicking on ellipsis under “Save in:” field. In the “Include in Backup File” field “Language phrases used” should be checked; “Create Project Catalog” should be unchecked. Click “OK”.

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The project backup file can be stored your C:\Data folder; however, it needs to be restored before users can work on it. See Section III.A for project restoration instructions.

B. Interim Mandatory Backup for Data Retention ***Important: these steps are required to be performed at least once a day to help preventing substantial data loss*** Create the Bentley Substation Backup folder on your C:\Data folder as follows: Right click on the “Start” menu  “Explore” then navigate to C:\Data Point to the C:\Data folder, right click  “New”  “New Folder” and Key in Bentley Substation Backup Before closing Bentley Substation or at the end of the day, follow Section XXI.A above to backup your active project to the “Bentley Substation Backup” folder on the C:\Data folder. This C:\Data folder is backed up regularly by IT. We recommend a minimum of 3-day worth of backup data per project. Only the project team lead is responsible for backing up the project he/she is responsible for; and each project needs to be backed up by only one person.

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C. Project Incorporation 1. From Windows Explorer, create new folder in U:\ELS UPLOADING\DSUB_INCORPORATION\ directory. This is where you will put the files to be incorporated by ERU. The format for this folder is as follows: Example Sub - 30zzzzzz - 08-14-12 Substation Name – Job order number – Date Issued 2. Back in Bentley Substation, open Print Organizer. Open a previously created PSET file (if none exists, request the Design Engineer to create one for you). See Section XX.A. From File menu select Printer Setup. a. Option 1 (If you do not have the Informatik driver):

Click magnifying glass next to File name field.

Select either tiff.pltcfg or pdf.pltcfg printer driver. Click Open. Page 206 of 211

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Bentley Substation Instruction Manual V 3.1 Click OK. b. Option 2 (If you do have the Informatik driver): Under File name, click on the magnifying glass and choose “printer.pltcfg”

Under Options, select “Informatik Image Driver 3.0A” from pulldown menu. Click “Configure” button and set Printing Preferences as required. Click OK 8. Apply Print Style Hihglight all drawings to be printed, go to ToolsApply Print Style…

Select the appropriate Print Style: For 3-size: PGE SIZE 3 For 4-size: PGE SIZE 4 For 5-size: PGE SIZE 5

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In this example, because all the drawings in the print set are a 4-size drawing, we need to select PGE SIZE 4. Click OK. Notice that the size and scale has changed:

Because we are printing TIF/PDF files for incorporation, the exact paper size is set by the Print Style. For example, 4-size is 44 X 34, 3-size is 34 X 22, etc. In this case all drawings are 4-size, therefore paper size is ANSI E(44 X 34). Select Print Preview and verify that drawings are correctly displayed. Fix any problem drawings then Click Print button.

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Click “Output File Names…” button.

From pull-down menu select . Click “Preview Names…” button.

Output file name should ONLY be drawing number with .tif extension.(see above) Close window. Page 209 of 211

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Navigate to U:\ELS UPLOADING\DSUB_INCORPORATION\”Folder you created earlier”. Click OK. Click OK again to create tif/pdf files. 3. Update job Transmittal as follows: Bold all drawings that are being incorporated and add line item to transmittal similar to example below:

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ERU: Upload and update ELS for items 0013 thru 0023 and 0027 thru 0036. Destroy hard copy originals from Flat files.

Change the To field to ERU. Change the address to 245 Market St. San Francisco. Create email and attach updated transmittal to it. For the body of the email use below example: Please see the attached transmittal for incorporation of drawings for Your Substation. Converted drawing image files are located in the share folder: U:\ELS UPLOADING\DSUB_INCORPORATION\Your Substation – 30zzzzzz - Issued 0x-xx12. For questions regarding image quality, please let DD know. For questions regarding drawing information, please contact DE: Designer Name 442-2xxx.

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