Benson Yeo -The Making of Your Destiny.pdf

February 8, 2017 | Author: lemak | Category: N/A
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Contents 

The Questions and Answers on a Better Understanding of Ourselves

The way to know your character and what makes up your character

The Understanding of the four seasons

Why the season is so important in a destiny

The Characteristic of the 12 animals

The Heaven, Earth and Man

Understand how “Heaven” derived

The connotations of Heaven, Earth and Man

The definitions of “Hidden Man”

How Heaven and Earth start the cycle

The 60 cycle of nature

What is a DNA

How to know your mother

How to know your spouse

How to know your Children

The Questions and Answers on a Better Understanding of Ourselves A brief introduction of us; When we were born, we are innocent and we spend most of our time eat and sleep as a baby. As we grow along the way, the words “learn” and “teach” were introduced to us. And we learn how to act, walk, talk from our parent teaching etc… Think for a while, the words learn and teach are closely associates together as though they comes in a pairs! You teach, because you had learned something. You want to learn because someone is teaching! There are many words phases that come in pairs. In reality, most things also come in pairs too! Examples; -

Man and Woman Happy and Sad Heaven and Earth Live and Die Hot and Cold Yes and No Top and Bottom Left and Right Right and Wrong Good and Bad Outside and Inside Conscious and Sub-Conscious

Just give yourself a word, and you will always find an opposite explanation! In the “Oracle of Change”, they called it the “Yin and Yang” and the above examples explained all things are associated with a two way explanations and it depend on how you wants to interprets it and you can name or called it whatever you want. A word of caution, although Yin and Yang always come in a form of balance from the above examples, but in reality, it is not about balancing the Yin and Yang in a person’s destiny! It is about understanding it and then makes a balance out of it with a change in your thoughts. For example; I will take “happy” and “sad” to explore their meanings. We cannot balance Happy and Sad! But if we can understand how a person is always happy and a sad person is always sad, then we will know why they behave in such manner! With that understanding, we will know how to introduce happiness to a sad person and learned how to maintain happiness from a happy person! Another interpretation’s of happy and sad. The interpretation of happy; a person can be sad to an extreme measure and become happy! Or a person can be happy because they choose to be. A person can express happiness in a superficial way but inside sad and vice versa. This is the Yin and Yang of Happy! It is nothing wrong about it! It is only the behaviour of a characteristic.

Likewise for sadness, some people cry because of happiness and some people cry of certain sadness. Here I want to share with you on the magnitude of the Yin and Yang. And again, Yin and Yang are merrily means how to see an opposite view of two different meanings of a words phase when two persons communicate. A miscommunication always starts with the wrong words we used! The experience of sadness in one way or another always helps us find happiness in it. The experience of happiness can also encounter some short of sadness in it. Although it may look easy but when it comes into a conversation or communication between two parties, it can become very difficult because the levels of understanding towards people are very different! You mean what you said or you don’t mean what you said. What you don’t say doesn’t mean you don’t mean it, what I said is not what you mean! Here, let me explain; A couple “encounter” a conflict of misunderstanding. “Encounter” is an experience of two different meaning within a same word and don’t know what to do about it and that’s where it becomes a conflicts! In short, you can call it a cause and effects! And now try to balance it or resolute. You want to resolute, what about the opposite sex? Only by both parties willingly wants to understand the views of both parties, than the outcome of the effects can be drastically reduce! If there is no understanding, a balance can never be achieved! That is where this whole learning curve is introduces to you about the explanation and understanding of yourself in your destiny. Learning destiny or learning to understand destiny are two different things. You look but do not see. You hear but do not listen. If I cannot understand myself, I’ll rather try not to understand others. But if you can understand yourself, you can and will be the master of your life! For this I guarantee you. Happy reading!

The way to know your character and what makes up your character? The Four seasons in your life The Good and Bad things that surrounding us and who are the people that surround us? We have our grand parent, parent, friends and siblings, spouse, children and our colleagues and bosses. They are all one way or another part of our life. Be it useful to us or not useful to us. They are part of our environment. That’s where I will touch on the four seasons in our environment. Why we are part of nature and how the influences being with. This is about how your character derived. It is a long explanation, so please stay with me. The Understanding of the four seasons In four seasons, we have the spring, summer, autumn and winter. Their movement of change in each phase are through transitional period. One year consists of four seasons. And as the seasons goes by we learned something out of it. With their changing phases! Examples; as farmers, spring and summer is sowing and reaping period and autumn and winter is resting period! They also carry different temperature that affects us that’s where the 12 months cycle comes into action. The derived of four seasons are the creation from nature. Hence, I will use nature symbols as a representation into a month for easy interpretations.

Definitions and Attributes of the Four Seasons, Months and The 12 animals Months












Animals representation for the month in season

Nature Seasons





February; March; April;

The tree is a symbol of representing the beginning of spring The Flower is a symbol of representing the blossom of spring The Mountain in spring is a symbol of representing the ending of spring towards a transition period to summer

May; June; July;

The Sun is a symbol of representing the beginning of summer The Fire is a symbol of representing the extreme heat in summer The Soil in summer is a symbol of representing the ending of summer towards a transition period to autumn


August; September; October;

The Iron is a symbol of representing the beginning of autumn The Gold is a symbol of representing the extreme chill in autumn The Mountain in autumn is a symbol of representing the ending of autumn towards a transition period to winter

November; December; January;

The Water is a symbol of representing the beginning of Winter The Snow is a symbol of representing the extreme cold of Winter The Soil in winter is a symbol of representing the ending of winter towards a transition period to a new spring and the cycle goes on and on.

I also incorporate the 12 animal’s zodiac into the season’s cycle for each representation month. The reason is because ancient time farmers are mostly non-educated so as to make life easy for them, sage uses the animals as a point of reference for them to understand what to take note during a specific month, that’s where the 12 animals comes into action and they become popular till now! The 12 zodiac animals as follow; There are one thing you need to take note of is the words strong and soft (Meaning the Yang and Yin of each animal’s characteristic) example the tiger and rabbit; the tiger is a strong characteristic and the rabbit soft on characteristic. The rest just apply the same principle. There in total 6 strong and 6 soft animals and that’s where what we had covered from the very beginning. Everything comes in pairs! And from their arrangement, it is always one strong and one soft after the others from the 12 months arrangement.

I will include the timing for each animal’s representation to tell you what happen when we reach a certain time frame and how to interpret from there. See chart below; The derived of the temperature of an hour comes from the sun rise and sun set timing. However this is not a fix reading because there are rains in a hot environment and it can be hot weather as well in a cold environment! And these are the cause of relativity in the atmosphere (The Energy Flows). The temperature of an atmosphere can have significant influence to the environment and that’s why the 12 animals were name after the 12 earthly branches as part of nature. In short, they are the 12 paths or land that we will be walking on. Once this is in place, we can tell whether an environment is hot, dry, cold and wet. A note to take, not all environments is user friendly, sometime instead of helping us, you help them! Don’t worry, you will be taught along the way.

Definitions and Attributes of The 12 Animals (The Earthly Branches) Temperature of the hour





Extreme heat

Hot & Dry

Sun setting




Extreme cold

Cold & Wet


3 – 5 am

5 – 7 am

7 – 9 am

9 – 11 am

11 – 1 pm

1 – 3 pm

3 – 5 pm

5 – 7 pm

7 – 9 pm

9 – 11 am

11 – 1 am

1 – 3 am














Animals representation for the month in the seasons

Nature characters






From the above chart you can see now each month is represented by an animal’s zodiac and contain a specific nature with their temperature in each month encompassing a 12 months period cycle. Example for tiger; tiger is the “start of spring” and fall under “February” and in nature, the tiger is represented by the “tree characteristic”, timing is “3-5am” and the temperature is “cooling”. Incorporating a specific nature beneath each animal’s zodiac sign’s is to help us to understand the characteristic of an animal represents under the column “Nature characters”! Why the season is so important in a destiny? The seasons represent a characteristic to us! And they have the strongest influence in our life! They also represent our main environment because they gave birth to us! And she is also your mother! How? Here let me give you an example and why? The month derived from the year because in a year there are four seasons. Meaning the year gave birth to the four seasons! The year is represented by the month parent. So our parent derived from our grandparent through the year – (month derived from year). Now, one month encompassed around 30 days, and if you are born a day out of the 30 days in a given season’s, it represents you! And the season’s is your mother and the year becomes your grandparent! Since I am talking about you and your season, I will bring you one step further to conclude the hour of birth as well. One day consists of 24hour and without the day, there will be no hour! Here I am trying to say is that the day gave birth to the hour. If you are the day, then the hour is your children! That why, the hour is represented by our children! Now let’s go back to our environment – The month;   

Do you have an environmental friendly place or a place of not environmental friendly? Does your environment provides opportunities for you or you have to create it yourself? Can you rely on your environment for help or they are not helpful at all due to circumstances?

Here is what I mean by season as the main influence of your characteristic. Example; the seasons are made up of 12 months from the year. And you are born 21st of March 1970 and hour of birth is 6am; you can find that March falls under the animal’s sign of Rabbit and the season of blossom spring! See destiny chart below; Abbreviations


Day Master










So March is an environment of rabbit in Blossom spring where you are born (Highlighted in green). And the day the month gave birth to “You” and you are represented by the nature of an “iron” (highlighted in black). You are name after the “day master” because this chart belongs to you. And you and only you can control or change your path be it a journey or a destination in your life, you are in total control! If you cannot control yourself, then they will come in and teach you! The choice is yours! The rabbit character will have a direct impact to you! From the above destiny chart, the iron day master is represented by the monkey. Let’s make a comparison between the rabbit and monkey to find out is there a characteristics flaw? A point to note, flower is rabbit and rabbit is flower and they are always the same! A details explanation can be understood when I cover on the Heaven, Earth and Man after this topic. “The season” The character of Flower Rabbit; if you have rabbit in your chart, you have a fine and elegant personality. You are cautious, prudent, attentive, intimate and not temperamental. A people love character! A good companion, know how to get people attention on their usefulness. They are born gifted in art and full of creativity. They are likely to be some successful fashion designer or model. Tough they may appear to be reserved and steady; they are creative and have very detailed thinking, though they may appear to look negligent. “The Day master” The character of Iron Monkey; if you have monkey in your chart, you are very nimble and quick-witted, full of creativity and very good memory and has the ability and gift to learn and pick up new skills. They are very good at handling bad and nasty situation! They are very hard worker and multi talent, with good coaching skill; they are multi tasking and well known leader. They are most of the time an advisor to others!

From the above two characteristics, there are no character conflicts and this is a good match on this person characters. Your life will be much influence by the rabbit season. If you are not sure how the iron is represented by the monkey, please read again on the earlier chapter on the chart; “Definitions and Attributes of the 12 Animals”. Following are the characteristic of each animal’s and if you have the animals that are in your chart, they will give you their characters. Remember to do the matching and find out is there a characteristic mismatch between you and the season!

Next topic I will cover on the definition of Heaven, Earth and Man before I touch on your DNA, Mother, Marriage and Children section. The Characteristic of the 12 animals

Tiger Wood; if you have tiger in your chart, you are very independent, brave and dare to take risk over other signs. In any given task to work on, you will take it to its limits even when encounter some setback! Tiger people will not get anger easily! And majority are born leaders! Firm and decisive and yet stubborn! They are able to apply knowledge into practice effectively, have good observation qualities, able to grasp opportunities fast, will not rush into things and will check and plan before action.

Flower Rabbit; if you have rabbit in your chart, you have a fine and elegant personality. You are cautious, prudent, attentive, intimate and not temperamental. A people love character! A good companion, know how to get people attention on their usefulness. They are born gifted in art and full of creativity. They are likely to be some successful fashion designer or model. Tough they may appear to be reserved and steady; they are creative and have very detailed thinking, though they may appear to look negligent.

Mountain Dragon; if your chart have dragon, you are influential and authoritative. The symbol of lucky! Lofty, dignified and wisdom! Gusty people and mostly are generous! Straight forwardness, honest and sincere! Don’t like gossip! They are very patient. They are suitable to work in a job which requires patience or long working hours. No matter male or female, they can eat a lot and would not put on weight easily.

Sun Snake; if you have snake in your chart, you are full of energy. Once decided, you will do without regret! You are fast, quick, clever and smart! Although you project yourself as ordinary, but you are good in spotting opportunity and put it into action in a very fast speed! And very flexible on things! Rich in psychology understanding, and a charisma person! Inspiring; full of insight and a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavour! People have snake in their chart are very hardworking, tend to put in efforts to practice, and this is one of their strengths. Full of life and energy, with no complains or grievances, and do things fast and sharp

Fire Horse; if you have horse in your chart, you are energetic, vigorous and proactive. Will not please easily, if they are being pressure too much, the outcome will become rebellious! They are very frank and also very good in influencing others! They are also happy and cheerful and know how to get along with people very well. You have literary and artistic talent! Horse is brave, courageous, and faithful, know how to differentiate good and bad. They are likely to admit their mistakes and mend their ways.

Soil Goat; if you have goat in your chart, you are easy going, pleasant, graceful and of cultural substance cultivated personality. Always considerate of others people needs and gentle in feelings but with a strong will power on outside soft and inside hard knock character. A very hospitality and yet a person who love nature! Full of creativity and have very sensitive feelings. They are very conscientious in whatever they do, not afraid of setbacks, courageous to move forward. They always like to improve and change their environment for the better.

Iron Monkey; if you have monkey in your chart, you are very nimble and quick-witted, full of creativity and very good memory and has the ability and gift to learn and pick up new skills. They are very good at handling bad and nasty situation! They are very hard worker and multi talent, with good coaching skill; they are multi tasking and well known leader. They are most of the time an advisor to others!

Gold Rooster; if you have rooster in your chart, you are frank, outspoken, sentimental, full of romantic feelings. And will speak what’s in their mind! But does not like gossiping behind their back! They likes to go for perfect and flawless things, is a idealist. Once they see something that they like, they will purchase the item without considering its value or usability.

Mountain Dog; if you have dog in your chart, you have good observation talent. Very alert and calm at the same time! Versatile in handling thing in different changing circumstances but yet can be stubborn at things! In an extreme condition, they can be uncompromising. Dog people are rich in philosophy, sympathize others easily. They are loyal, faithful and responsibility! Despite rich or poor, if there are people in need of help, they will try to assist. They are eager to seek improvement and eager to perform to get into others’ good books. They are also very trustworthy. However, they may be rash in a love relationship, where they can easily fall in love with someone without even knowing the other party well.

Water Pig; if you have pig in your chart, you may appear normal but inside you are full of drive! And you will make sure everything is in order. Passionate, enthusiastic and righteousness! They empathize strongly in terms of affection on friendship, family, siblings and people they love. They are also charismatic and can undertake huge responsibility and face extreme hardship in their endeavour! They are fond of pondering over matters, fantasizing and can be full of imaginations. However they lack of the determination to practice what they think. They would require all things to be going well in their stride before they can perform well.

Snow Rat; if your chart have rat, you are a charmer, wise, quick in reaction, good judgement, adaptability and resourceful! And you will make sure everything is in order. They will make sure that their effort is trouble free! They are good in spotting opportunity! They can express themselves very well, can reason logically and impressively. If their self element is strong and luck in their stride, they can be a master in planning and full of stratagems.

Soil Ox; if your chart have ox, your main characteristic is diligence. They will put deep thoughts before they carry out the things that they want to do. They know very well in reality of life and they will burn bridges to move forward in their strike! They are in born leader! They are very protective in family and are of cultural people. The only setbacks are that they are critical about themselves and worry too much which can result in tiring themselves mentally and physically.

Now that you had known your environment and your character, the following I will touch on the different characters you may have when you are in different places. The Heaven, Earth and Man Here I introduce you, The Heaven, Earth and Man! Heaven – The Energy at the atmosphere Earth – Tell us the Energy above them and the Energy beneath them Man – The Energy inside Earth Why Heaven and Man are inter-dependent on each other through Earth; Man transform into Heaven through Earth; example a seed!

Earth Man The seed

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Tiger belongs to tree because it contain the seeds of tree Rabbit belongs to flower because it contain the seeds of flower Dragon belongs to mountain because it contain the seeds of mountain Snake belongs to the sun because it contain the seeds of the sun Horse belongs to fire because it contain the seeds of fire Goat belongs to soil because it contain the seeds of soil Monkey belongs to iron because it contain the seeds of Iron Rooster belongs to gold because it contain the seeds of Gold Dog belongs to mountain because it contain the seeds of mountain Pig belongs to water because it contain the seeds of Water Rat belongs to snow because it contain the seeds of snow Ox belongs to soil because it contain the seeds of soil

The results of a Sowing and Reaping Heaven Earth Man 1. Tiger contain the seeds of tree is sowing, and reaping is when the tree appear on the tiger 2. Rabbit contain the seeds of flower is sowing, and reaping is when the flower appear on the rabbit 3. Dragon contain the seeds of mountain is sowing, and reaping is when the mountain appear on the dragon 4. Goat contain the seeds of soil is sowing, and reaping is when the soil appear on the goat 5. Monkey contain the seeds of Iron is sowing, and reaping is when the iron appear on the monkey 6. Rooster contain the seeds of Gold is sowing, and reaping is when the gold appear on the rooster 7. Dog contain the seeds of mountain is sowing, and reaping is when the mountain appear on the dog 8. Ox contain the seeds of soil is sowing, and reaping is when the soil appear on the Ox There are four branches sowing and reaping is different and they are the snake, horse, pig and rat. This is due to the principle of the strong and soft! As in a pillar example, the pig is soft, so anything that is on top of the pig must also be soft and that’s where the rain comes on top of the pig! A pillar always come in both strong or both soft! There is no such thing as one soft and one strong in a pillar! The horse, snake and rat will use the same principle as the pig! In short, “Heaven and Earth” must use the same strong and soft in a pillar and please don’t get confused by the Man!

Understand how “Heaven” derived We know that heaven always above ground, so anything that is above ground, we called it “Heaven”! See below example chart;

Definitions and Attributes of The Heavenly Stems Heaven Earth Man The above table show, all the natures appear beneath the animals and on top of the animals. When they appear on top of the animals, we called them “The Heaven Stems”.

Heaven Earth Man

1. The tree is called Heaven 2. The tiger is called Earth 3. The Tree beneath the tiger called (Man) When all the same tree stand in a vertically line (A Pillar) as shown a table on the left, we called them a Rooted tree and the tree is very strong because it is rooted!

A pillar always complete with a Heaven, Earth and Man. Without this, destiny cannot be read! 

As in a human body; o Our surrounding and the air that we breathe is called Heaven o Our physical body is called Earth o Our internal organs is called Man Here’s an example; Picture a tree. We can see a physical tree but we cannot see its roots! That’s exactly what it means. The outer nature means when the tree appears on top of the tiger and the inner nature is when the tree is beneath the tiger and this will make up of a person to behave the same or differently. I will bring you deeper into the understanding of Heaven, Earth and Man. Now with this in place, I will use Heaven, Earth and Man on all the following topics that I am going to cover. If I use Heaven, the meaning is I am taking about the Heavenly, if I use Earth, I am taking about the 12 animals and if I talk about the nature beneath the earth, I am talking about the Man.

The definitions of Heaven, Earth and Man   

Heaven – Society; example the tree, things that we can see with our eyes, can touch with our hand and feels with our feelings. Earth – The gatekeeper; they are the one that prevent or allowing us from getting emotional when the nature cross path through the earth creating a connection between Heaven and Man. They control Man (our inner feelings) Man – Our inner self; example the roots of the tree, we cannot see it, cannot touch it and we can only feels it. Unless you know what is beneath Earth you can tell how a person feels emotionally.

The connotations of Heaven, Earth and Man 

Heaven – “what we can see” can be real and can be fake. How we see others doesn’t mean we are right but sometime we can be wrong about the things we see. Because seeing can be deceiving!

Earth – The arbitrator, our main feeling that communicate between Heaven and Man. Our core feelings control us on what we should do and what we shouldn’t! And they have the capacity to goes against our inner feelings and control them!

Man – Our inner feelings and thoughts; o What you do may not be what you are thinking and feeling o What you think and feel may not be the things that you want to do o Feeling bad for what you are doing o Doing something that is against your feeling

Once Man appears on Heaven, the feeling and character of this particular Man will be show to everyone!

Definitions and Attributes of The Hidden Factors In The Earths Heaven

Earth Man Man in Graveyard Man in Storage

The Heaven and Man use the same nature from the above table. In depth understanding of Man; there are also Man that are in the graveyard and storage and they are called “The Hidden Man” The definitions of “Hidden Man”       

Secret that we kept Things and people that we love but we don’t know how to express Things and people that are important to us but we don’t know how to say People that traps in our life that we don’t even know People that are under our mercy Our inner emotion Our inner thoughts that always talking to us

I will cover this topic in a different eBook as the explanations are very extensive and complicated! So look out for my eBook if you want to explore deeper into life that matters! Back to Heaven, Earth and Man; A pillar can appear to be good and bad and all these are due to the wrong connections between Heaven, Earth and Man within a pillar! There are in total 60 pillars that complete a cycle in nature, tighten your seat belt and see what nature have installed for us.

The four seasons and The Timing forming the 60 pillars

The Movement of Heaven, Earth and Man deriving the 60 pillars of nature Heaven Earth Man How Heaven and Earth start the cycle? The derived of the 60 pillars of nature required a starting point to starts with. The question here is, use the tiger or the tree? The answer will be the tree. Without the energy of Heaven, nothing can grow on earth. So I will use the tree for heaven as the starting point of the 60 pillars of nature.

The Movement of Heaven, Earth and Man deriving the 60 pillars of nature 11-1am












So how you start your day? Which hour tells you a new day? The answer will be the rat! Every day before midnight at 11pm, is the start of the rat hour! The methods were derived in the oracle of change. They are called the Yin and Yang of timing. So now you know that an hour also have its own Yin and Yang! So let the table of 60 pillars of natures begin as follow;


The 60 cycle of nature Pay attention to this table, the Heaven and Earth are moving in sequence. The heaven are moving according to the supporting factors of the Yin and Yang of the 10 natures and the Earth are moving accordingly to spring, summer, autumn and winter in a pillar and each pillar are never the same. And once they had completed a 60 cycle, they will start all over again.































































Now, on the left two pillars you can see the 1st pillar and the 60 pillar. The tree sits on the rat started as the 1st pillar, and the snow sits on the pig is the end of the 60 pillars. The snow starts by appearing at the “Earth” and appears on the Heaven when it reached the last pillar. Same goes for the tree that first appears on Heaven and when it reached the last pillar, it appears deep beneath the pig which is at the storage of the Pig! You can find the tree in the table - The Hidden Factors in the Earths and look for the pig where you can find a tree is in the storage of pig!

So here I am using the same chart as an example; a female born 21st of March 1970 and hour of birth is 6am; On the right the same chart that we had covered earlier on. You can see that the year, month, day and hour come with a pillar each! Each pillar’s also covered the Heaven, Earth and Man. All this are derived from the 60 pillars of natures. As promise, now I had covered the 60 pillars of nature, now I will touch on the DNA, Marriage and children in a chart. What is a DNA? Abbreviations

Hour pillar

Day Master pillar

Month pillar

Year pillar





Heaven Earth (Palace) Man

Heaven – the natures that appear on stem is how we project ourselves in society as well as how society sees us. Earth and Man – is the nature of our true self. They represent our feelings and characters. From the above chart you will find that the nature on the Heaven and the nature of Man beneath the Earth were not the same! Meaning this person project herself outside society and the feelings inside her is different! The word “outside” meaning that I am talking about the Heaven! And the word “inside” meaning I am talking about her feelings - Man! Now, look at the year pillar, the mountain beneath the dog is the “DNA” meaning the in-born character that you will develop or “given” when you are born and it will stay with you throughout your lifetime!

Can it be changed? Then you must look at the nature that represent this characteristic! Since this person nature is represented by iron and her DNA is mountain, mountain is solid hard! The only two things that can cushion the balance in this character will be water and iron! Water can moisten the mountain and iron can releases the mountain earth and a flexible state can be achieved! Year pillar

Now look at the year pillar from the left, there is an iron sitting on the mountain dog. The scenario of this reading meaning the mountain is supporting the iron. And that creates a very supportive characteristic towards her outside world! In short, she’s a very supportive person.


A point to note, the meaning “Support” or “Produce” have different connotations. Support and produce can sometime create a lot of stress to others or other may misinterprets your good intention. The magnitude of the interpretation is dynamic and I will cover this topic in a separate eBook because this is a subject by itself! Go check out our eBooks library on “The truth about “Support and Control” that you don’t know about!

How to know your mother! Month pillar

Year pillar

The nature of flower represents the season of rabbit and it also represents your mother. How to know whether your character and your mother’s character can get along? Go and read the dog and rabbit character and see whether they have a matching characteristic or not! In fact, the rabbit and dog combined when they see each other. To know all about combined, please read our eBook on “Everything you need to know about Combined”!



How to know your spouse? Day Master pillar

Month pillar

Next look at the Spouse and mother’s palace; can the character of the spouse and mother matches? If it does, then after married, the spouse and mother will be able to get along and this is a called for celebration! Sometime a spouse and mother-in-law cannot get along and were mostly due to the conflicts of combined or clash that causes characteristics indifferences!



How to know your Children?

Hour pillar

Day Master pillar

Now look at the spouse and children’s palace; can the character of the spouse and the children matches? If it does, then the spouse and children can get along very well! As Rat is the representation of her spouse’s palace (Earth), she will find that her spouse will have the characteristic of the rat!



Please note that this is a very basic approach on not the reading but the understanding of a destiny. By now, you have experience a basic approach on how a reading is done! 1. 2. 3. 4.

Reading can be pillar by pillar which I had demonstrated above! Reading can be Heaven with Heaven Reading can be Palace with Palace Reading can be Man with Man

It would be wise to understand the entire chart first, and then the luck comes into the chart and the yearly period to the chart and lastly the events and occurrence on a monthly period! Following is a detail chart comprising of the luck and annual yearly period; Before you can go that far, you need to understand the supports and controlling factors of the 10 natures! In my next eBook, I will introduce you the 10 different natures and their interaction with other natures in an in-depth understanding on the eBook on “The Doctrine of the 10 relationship”. Thank you for reading this eBook and I hope this eBook is of value for your fundamental understanding in your destiny!

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