Benson Yeo - Classic of the Book of Burial

August 10, 2018 | Author: TummoElis | Category: Yin And Yang, Burial, Feng Shui, Nature, Books
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Knowledge of a Lifetime

The Book of Burial

Knowledge of a Lifetime

The Book of Burial

Benson Yeo

Copyright © 2010 Destiny Empire Pte Ltd All rights reserved.

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ISBN: 978-981-08-7626-5

Publisher: Destiny Empire Pte Ltd Author: Benson Yeo

Typeset in Century Gothic by Paul Lim. Printed in Singapore by Craftprint Pte Ltd. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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葬 书 The Book of Burial



The Book of Burial is for the English-educated readers. As Chinese Metaphysic is getting acknowledged (and growing signicantly!) in the West, but with limited access to the Chinese Metaphysics world, this book is for you. It will bring you beyond reading; and teaching you the connotation of each sentence with a clear understanding. History records thatThe Book of Burial had live through the test of time, over thousands of years. And to be honest, it is not about the history but to understand why this book still holds an important factor in today world. The answer is because it WORKS! This book can served as a research basis or references. A word of caution, please do not take my words for it! Unless it make sense to you, or the explanation is logical to your satisfactory. So lets begin the quest for dynamic knowledge of The Book of Burial.

Enjoy reading,

Benson Yeo


Foreword . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .vii

Chapter 1 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .0 1 Chapter 2 Scroll 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .0 5 Chapter 3 Scroll 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .4 7 Chapter 4 Scroll 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .7 9 Chapter 5 The G reen D ragon C lassic. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..10 5

Take note. Readers must need to know beyond the meaning of Heaven, Earth and Man. And most importantly, the ‘Law of Nature’. Here are some tips to help you get started: ‘Heaven’ means the facing of the tomb stone, ‘Earth’ means the Tomb stone and ‘Man’ means the dead.

It will be wise rst to read our foundation books on ‘The Correct Way of Understanding A Person Destiny’ at If you still don’t understand, that’s ne; that’s why you are reading this book. RIGHT! Or go back to our foundation book and read it again.

y k s t a h S n o e fi L ©

Chapter 1



First, we need to understand what the word “Burial” means? • For a direct translation, it mean something to do with “Earth”; • It can mean burying the dead; • What is inside the Earth; and • The book of Understanding Earth. On The left is a picture of earth with the magnetic eld movement. • The energy movement outside earth is what the Chinese metaphysic world called them “Heaven”; and • The other energy movement inside the earth is termed “Man” These two types energy is crossing the path through “Earth” and without “Earth”, they cannot interact. Understanding the Earth is to understand how energy interact, react but most important is the outcome of the results. And these results can or already can be found in every destiny as long as you are human. All these energy makes up the timing of the Yin and Yang of spring, summer, autumn and winter. As long as we are under the inuence of time, we become second nature of the bigger nature.


日 Day Jia


Yang Wood



Tiger Yang Wood

甲 丙


Above is an example of a day pillar, where you can see how Heaven and Man connect through the earth. Just like the scenario of the magnetic eld of the earth. Isn’t it the same? Here they are trying to tell us that Heaven, Earth and Man are never separated and will never be. Without either one, nature cannot be form. Just like when you read a Bazi chart, and most practitioners will like to said you are strong wood or weak metal etc.. And ‘The Book of Burial’ is about teaching us that when a person dies, he/she must nd a favourable earth with good magnetic eld to prosperous him/her for their next life, or help their descendants. Here is where the skill lies on helping who rst? The dead or the living?

Chapter 2

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葬者乘生氣也。 The Book of Burial said: The dead must bury on the earth that brings in prosperous energy.



The Book of Burial

甲 子

甲 戌

甲 申

甲 午

甲 辰

甲 寅

乙 丑

乙 亥

乙 酉

乙 未

乙 巳

乙 卯

丙 寅

丙 子

丙 戌

丙 申

丙 午

丙 辰

丁 卯

丁 丑

丁 亥

丁 酉

丁 未

丁 巳

戊 辰

戊 寅

戊 子

戊 戌

戊 申

戊 午

己 巳

己 卯

己 丑

己 亥

己 酉

己 未

庚 午

庚 辰

庚 寅

庚 子

庚 戌

庚 申

辛 未

辛 巳

辛 卯

辛 丑

辛 亥

辛 酉

壬 申

壬 午

壬 辰

壬 寅

壬 子

壬 戌

癸 酉

癸 未

癸 巳

癸 卯

癸 丑

癸 亥

The 60 pillar cycle chart

Scroll 1

生氣即一元運行之氣在天則周流六,在地則發生萬物。 天無此,則氣無以資。地無此,則形無以載。 故磅乎大化,貫通乎品彙。無處無之,而無時不運也。 陶侃曰先天地而長存,後大地而固有,蓋亦指此雲耳。 且夫生氣藏於地中,人不可見,唯循地之理以求之, 然後能知其所在,葬者能知其所在,使枯骨得以乘之, 則地理之能事畢矣。

Prosperous energy can be found in our journey derived from the 60 cycle (table on facing page). When energy reaches earth; spring, summer, autumn and winter will be born. This is termed as nature transformation. Energy has no xed location or direction, and North – East – South – West is only a guide. Energy’s has their own land and every land contains certain energy. In other words, every location has its direction, and every direction contains a location! And we must know which energy can use and what cannot. There are beautiful landforms and we must know whether it can be useful to you!



The Book of Burial

For example, there are beautiful landed property, apartments, ofces etc. After moving in, you are burden with multiple obstacles. And it will be too late for regrets. The study of land form is not about the Left Green Dragon, Right White Tiger, Back Tortoise and Front Red Phoenix! These are the basic misconception of understanding a landform. Readers please be careful. There are many Chinese emperors with fantastic landforms surrounding them, and some are well known for their nobility and some with bad reputations and still lives with the bad names even until today.

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The law of change is rstly derived from the inuence of energy, and then earth forms with spring, summer, autumn and winter. And the four seasons; each season contains certain energy within for continuous change. And we cannot see what is hidden inside the earth. That’s why we still don’t know the many things about inside earth. But if we understand how nature forms, in terms of the four seasons, we can still nd our prosperous energy. If you know which earth that brings in the prosperous energy to the deceased; and once the deceased is buried, all opportunities will be realised.

五氣行乎地中,發而生乎萬物。 The Book of Burial said: The ve energy travel inside the earth; once they appear on heaven, nature and season will follow the changes.

五氣即五行之氣,乃生氣之別名也。 夫一氣分而為陰陽,析前為五行。 雖運於天,實出於地。行則萬物發生,聚則山川融結。 融結者,即二五之精妙,合而凝也。 The Five Energy; on Heaven we called it 5 energy; on Earth we called it spring, summer, autumn and winter. Their differentiations are due to the Yin and Yang interpretation.



The Book of Burial

Here’s a Yin and Yang symbol; there is Yin inside Yang and Yang inside Yin. Be it Yin Yang or Yang Yin, they are in unity. Heaven have Yin and Yang, Earth have Yin and Yang, Man also have Yin and Yang. There are in total 4 sectors in the symbol. Why 4? • They are, of course, within Yin there is Yang; and within Yang, there is Yin. • They are the North, East, South and West. • They are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. • That’s is also why all destines comes in 4 pillars.

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时 Hour

日 Day

Jia Yi

月 Month 年 Year



Yang Wood

Yin Wood

Yin Water

Yang Metal

Shen Hai

申 Monkey Yang Metal



亥 Pig

未 Goat

Yin Water

There are Yin and Yang on 4 Heaven

on 4 Earth


Yin Earth

Yang Wood

There are Yin and Yang

There are Yin and Yang on 4 Man

And if you added up all the 4, you get a complete cycle of the 12 Earth (The 12 Earthly Branches – the 12 hour phases of day and night that we are on a constant change that we don’t even know whether you like it or not.) Heaven Yin Yang is as follow:


Yang Yin

甲 乙

Tree Flower







Yang Yin

戊 己

Mountain Soil


Yang Yin

庚 辛

Iron Minerals


Yang Yin

壬 癸

Water Air

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Earth Yin Yang is as follow;

Spring Wood Wood Yin Earth Yang Summer Fire Fire Yang Earth Yin Autumn Metal Metal Yin Earth Yang




Winter Water Yin Water Yang Earth Yin

寅 卯

Growth Peak

辰 巳 午 未

End Growth Peak End

申 酉 戌

Growth Peak End

亥 子 丑

Growth Peak End

Man: Yin Yang is the same as Heaven. They are also termed as the dragon veins, roots, blood ows, water ows… In fact, they cannot be seen from the naked eye. But if you can understand and remember all the hidden stems (Man) inside all the animal, you will know how they ow. Now you see, are they any different from each other? They are actually the same. Is only the term that they used are different that’s all.



The Book of Burial

When Heaven and Earth gather, Nature is formed. Here, let me show you as follow what do they mean by ‘gather’.

子 乙 丑

戌 乙 亥

申 乙 酉

午 乙 未

辰 乙 巳

寅 乙 卯

丙 寅

丙 子

丙 戌

丙 申

丙 午

丙 辰

丁 卯

丁 丑

丁 亥

丁 酉

丁 未

丁 巳

戊 辰

戊 寅

戊 子

戊 戌

戊 申

戊 午

己 巳

己 卯

己 丑

己 亥

己 酉

己 未

庚 午

庚 辰

庚 寅

庚 子

庚 戌

庚 申

辛 未

辛 巳

辛 卯

辛 丑

辛 亥

辛 酉

壬 申

壬 午

壬 辰

壬 寅

壬 子

壬 戌

癸 酉

癸 未

癸 巳

癸 卯

癸 丑

癸 亥

The 60 pillar cycle chart

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From the 60 pillar cycle chart (facing page). When Heaven and earth are in a pillar, nature takes place as shown in the example below.

• • • • • •







甲 子

甲 戌

甲 申

甲 午

甲 辰

甲 寅

You have the Winter Tree You have the End of Autumn Tree You have The Autumn Tree You have the Summer Tree You have the end of Spring Tree You have the prosperous Spring Tree

This is what you must understand of the change in nature. And this can be found everywhere in nature. And what is unique in this nature is when you are already part of it; where this can be found is in your date of birth. When you were born, you were given a unique nature! You must understand what nature you have. Nature can be sentimental as well asdisastrous. Examples: earthquake, volcano, typhoon, tsunami etc. And this can be quite disturbing to the earth. And this is due to the movement of clashes and combines of the earth. The inuence of this normally comes in a form of characters. To get more detail information, you can check out our books on the ‘10 Gods Structural Reading’ at



The Book of Burial

人受體于父母,本骸得氣遺體受蔭。 The Book of Burial said: We depend on our mother for our existence because she gave birth to us. And the form of our body depends on t he energy level within our mother’s physical condition.

父母骸骨為子孫之本,子孫形體乃父母之枝, 一氣相蔭,由本而達枝也。 故程子曰:卜其宅兆,蔔其地美惡也。 地美則神靈安,子孫盛。 若培壅其根,而枝葉茂,理固然也。惡則反是。 蔡季通曰:生死殊途,情氣相感,自然默與之通。 今尋暴骨,以生人刺血滴之而滲入,則為親骨肉,不滲則非。 氣類感,有如此者,則知枯骨得蔭,生人受福。 其理顯然,不待智者而後知也。 或謂抱養既成,元非遺體,僧道嗣續, 亦異所生,其何能蔭之有? 而不知人之心,通乎氣。 心為氣之主,情通則氣亦通,義則蔭亦。 故後母能蔭前母子、前母亦發後母兒, 其在物則簍藪螟蛉之類是也。尚何疑焉?

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The forming of our bones from our mother’s stomach represents our roots (Man). And the forming of our esh represents the branch (Earth). The day of delivery when we are part of the world represent ourselves (Heaven). Just like how nature grows from inside out. • • •

We need earth that is why we call them mother “Earth”; We need the Rain and the Sun to make nature happen, and that is why we call them “Heaven”; and And it is our responsibility to play our part in nature, and they gave us a name call “Man”.

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How to understand nature?

Start with your own, your own destiny! Destiny is a destination with a purpose. Is it reachable or it never will? Here is a clue for you, if you fall under the nature of soil, then you must go and nd out how soil helps in growing nature? They need the Sun to make it happen for them. And when you had reached the Sun, you will have success without question. The breakthrough here is what do you want to achieve? And what is your objective? Your destiny can be a relentless desire that will drive you all out, that is why you need to understand your nature rst. And your lucks play a very important role in your life. Your destiny was xed and it cannot be changed because they were the creators of your personality and characteristics, the people in your life, the outcome of who can support you and who cannot. Are you a go-getter or just sitting on the fence? But once you understand your destiny, and the best thing is you are changing even without you really knowing it. Everyone is under the inuence of good luck and bad luck which you do not have to know why, and it will happen because nature said so. Good luck is call good Feng Shui, and vice versa for bad luck. Everyone is born with good and bad feng shui which can be found in your running lucks. And they are each unique to individual.

經曰:氣感而應鬼福及人。 The Book of Burial said; Once you can feel the energy, the difference between good and bad will surface immediately.

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父母子孫本同一氣,互相感召,如受鬼福。 故天下名墓在在有之,蓋真龍發迹,迢迢百里, 或數十裏結為一穴,及至穴前則峰巒矗擁,水環繞, 疊層層,獻奇于後,龍脈抱衛,砂水翕聚,形穴既就, 則山川之靈秀造化之精英,凝結融會於其中矣。 苟盜其精英竊其靈秀,以父母遺骨藏于融會之地, 由是子孫之心寄託於此,固其心之所寄, 遂能與之感通,以致福於將來也。 是知人心通乎氣,而氣通乎天,以人心之靈合山川之靈, 故降神孕秀,以鍾於生息之源,而其富貴貧賤壽夭賢愚, 靡不攸系,至於形貌之妍醜,並皆肖象山川之美惡, 故嵩岳生申,尼丘孕孔,豈偶然哉?鳴呼! 非葬骨也,乃葬人之心也。非山川之靈亦人心自靈耳。 世有往往以遺骨棄諸水火,而無禍福者,蓋心與之離故也。 Father, mother, children and grand children are of a single unity. They go through together both difculties and happiness.

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There are many famous and well known tomb-stones where the real dragon is being trace down, from 100 to 1000 km distance away; embracing the meridian spot, surrounded by smooth owing water, the continuous of staggering mountain, displaying a unique formation from back to front, encompass by the dragon veins, the earth and water consolidate forming a consolidation breath, surrounded by beautiful and serene nature etc. So the question is, can you nd or know how to nd this kind of landscape? Can you nd this kind of surrounding in your country, or what happen if you live in an apartment? Realistically and on a practical approach, rst, we are all unique. And we live in different location. You may nd a similar or even same landscape from the picture above, but some cannot be use due to the location factor, example it can be in Greenland, North or Northwest Canada because they are cover with snow.



The Book of Burial

Even if you had found a similar landscape, do you know which earth to start the burial? There are in total only 12 types of earth that can be used! These 12 types are the same as the 12 Earthly Branches. Even if you know the earth that should be used, do you know the facing? Even if you know the Earth to use and the facing, do you know how to use a date to join the 3 forces and reinforce ti into the deceased so that the energy can be captured! If all this are done correctly, the effect is almost immediate. This means, “You can feel the dynamic positive ows of the energy”!

是以銅山西崩,靈鍾東應。 The Book of Burial said: Even an Iron Mountain can be split apart. Unless you know how to handle and manage the dead. Mountain symbolises the Earth. Split Apart is when the location is right but the facing (Energy) is wrong; this is where the energy can split the mountain apart!

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漢)未央官,二日無故鍾自鳴。 東方朔曰:必主銅山崩,未幾西蜀果奏銅山崩, 以日揆之,正未央鍾鳴之日也。 帝問朔:何以知之?對曰:銅出於山, 氣相感應,猶人受體于父母也。 帝歎曰:物尚爾,況於人乎! 昔曾子養至,孝子出,母欲其歸,則齧指而曾子心痛。 人凡父母不安而身離待側,則亦心痛。 特常人孝心薄而不自覺耳。 故知山崩鍾應,亦其理也。 In brief, the above paragraph is taking Earth and Metal as a reference reading on how Energy can affect Earth. Earth produces metal within earth. Is just like mother conceived, and when metal is removed from earth, they have to break the earth! Mother will be in great pain during labour. And when the metal is out, they don’t like the earth because they do not want to be trap again. Here the book is trying to say if you make mistake on the earth and energy level, life will be in vain.



The Book of Burial

木華于春,栗芽於室。 The Book of Burial said:: Wood transforms in spring. The transformation is from the roots in the earth.

此亦言一氣之感召也。野人藏栗,春至,栗木華。 而家藏之栗,亦芽。實之去本已久,彼華此芽, 蓋以個性原在得氣,則相感而應。 亦猶父母之骨,葬乘生氣而子孫福旺也。 大一氣磅於大地間,無端倪無終窮,萬物隨時運化, 本不自知而受,造物者亦不自知也。 Example; 戊 born at the end of spring where 辰 is the season. Inside 辰, there are 戊乙癸. 乙 is the roots of the Tree and in order to nd out the health and wealth of a mountain, as long as wood can grow on mountain, they will be termed as a healthy and wealthy mountain. It is just like a person, as long as they acquire the character, they will ourish in life. The time of ourishing is when the tree grow. And in burying the deceased, we must rst nd out which roots can be used. And they are mostly kept inside the earth which can be found in a person destiny. In the 60甲子, if you know, there will be 2 to 3 pillar can be use for burial. As you can see from the 60 cycle, each energy bring along a earth and each earth bring along an energy.

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蓋生者氣之聚,凝結者成骨,死而獨留。 故葬者反氣人骨,以蔭所生之法也。 The Book of Burial said:: As you know that life comes from energy, and they produce esh and bones; and when a person dies, the bones remained. The leftover energy! These bones derived from the energy and when the energy stops, they are trap inside the earth. To resurrect the energy, one must go and nd out the alternative earth that can give life to them again; because from the 60 cycle, you can nd that every earth carries an energy and every energy sits on earth. Once you have found the earth and buried the deceased, the energy will draw out the roots and the change will start almost immediately. The rules and laws of live after death of the Energy.



The Book of Burial

乾父之精,坤母之血,二氣感合,則精化為骨,血化為肉。 複借神氣,資乎其間。遂生而為人。 及其死也,神氣飛揚,血肉消潰,惟骨獨存。 而上智之士,圖葬于吉地之中,以肉乘生氣, 外假子孫思慕一念,與之吻合, 則可以複其既往之神,萃其己散之氣。 蓋神趨則氣應,地靈而人傑,以無為有, 借偽顯真,事通陰陽,功奪造化,是為反氣人骨, 以蔭所生之法也。 The Heaven represent Energy and the blood represents the veins of the Earth. And when these two connects, bone will be form. The veins will transform into earth and becomes the vitality of man. The timing of birth is about facing death, and the timing of dead is about facing a new birth; and they are termed the Yin and Yang of Life.

丘壟之骨,阜之支,氣之所隨。 The Book of Burial said:: The bones of the deceased and the grounding of a tombstone must follow the respond of the energy.

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丘壟為陰岡,阜為陽丘。 言其高骨,乃山之帶石者,坑高不能自立, 必借石帶土,而後能聳也。 岡者迹也,土山為阜,言支之有毛脊者,壟之有骨氣隨而行。 則易見支無石故必觀其毛脊而後能辨也。 然有坑而土支而石城而隱支而隆者, 又全借乎心目之巧,以區別也。 The bones of the deceased represent Yin and the tombstone represents the Yang.



The Book of Burial

Using the layout of The Ming Tombs as our example:

The back or tip of the mountain represents the bone, illustrated by the blue line. Just like the spine of a person back. The area, illustrated as yellow circle, is the resting ground. Also known as the “Meridian Spot”. Generally, this is termed as good location, and the required skill to determine what energies the land had gathered.

經曰氣乘風則散,界水則止。 The Book of Burial said: When the favourable energy is captured and contained, all negative energy will be dissipated. It is not about using the physical water to capture and contain the energy.

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謂生氣隨支壟體質流行,滔滔而去,非水界則莫之能止。 及其止也,必得城郭完密,而後左右環圍, 然後能藏風,而不致有蕩散之患。 經雲:明堂惜水如惜血,堂裏避風如避賊, 不慎哉? All energies are riding on dragon (Earth), and there are 5 types of energies and each energy have their Yin and Yang. • • •

There is Heaven water that cannot be perceived by the naked eye. Heaven problems require Heaven Energy to solve. There is also Earth water and it can be perceive. Earth problems require Earth to solve. There is also Man water and only through the understanding of Heaven and Earth, Man can be solved.

The saying of the left and right serves as the arm to protect the tombstone? Think again, there are many different tombstones around the world. With cultural indifferences. How do you explain that? Does it mean that tombstone without the left and right embracement is termed as bad. Of course NOT! The “left and right” embracement is talking about the Yin and Yang of 60 甲子. We will touch on the 24 mountains in the later chapter and will reveal to you for the rst time in the history of Feng Shui – ‘The Secret of the 24 Mountains’. If only readers know and understand this approach, the result will surface.



The Book of Burial

古人聚之使不散,行之使有止,故謂之風水。 The Book of Burial said: Ancient people use this theory of the left and right embracement to prevent the energy from escaping. That’s where the word “Feng Shui” is used. • • • • •

Feng represent “Air” Shui represent “Water” Air needs water to recycle and water needs air to nurture nature Water and Air are the only two elements lives on a co-dependency There are NO metal that can produces water or air. Readers please take note!

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高坑之地,天陰自上而降,生氣浮露,最怕風寒,易為蕩散。 如人深居密室,稍有罅隙通風,適當肩背,便能成疾。 故當求其城郭密固,使氣之有聚也。 平支之穴,地陽自下而科,生氣沈潛, 不畏風吹(缺).出在曠野,雖人面無蔽, 已自不覺:或遇穴晴日朗,其和之氣自若,故不以曠為嫌, 但取水之有止使氣之不行也。此言支壟之取用不同,有如此。 The perception of Earth, when they are too high, the temperature is cold. Prosperous energy is most afraid of blockage. I-ching termed them as unstable. Just like a house with crack hole on the wall, prolonging the crack will turn into illnesses! Just like buying a property, rst you must know whether the property is suitable to you because; you may be buying: • An illnesses • An disastrous • A fortune • A status • A Divorce • A childless • A murder •

A Haunted etc….

There are only two types of land in Feng Shui, the high land and the low land. Just like there are only 12 Earthly Branches. They are the 6 Yin and 6 Yang Earth. Whether the energy is usable, you must nd out the energy of each Earth brings. And every destiny is used differently.



The Book of Burial

風水之法,得水為上,藏風次之。 The Book of Burial said: The Law of Feng Shui, The Earth play the most important role but is not on the Earth itself, rather what Energy the Earth brings is of paramount. The left and the right embracement is secondary.

支壟二者欲得水,高壟之地或從腰落,雖無大江截, 亦必池塘以止氣,不則去水稍遠,而隨身金魚不可無也。 儻金魚不界,則謂之雌雄失經,雖藏風亦不可用。 平支之地,屆若無蔽,但得水截, 何嫌曠,故二者皆以得水為上也。 The Yin and Yang of the Earth must have energy, be it highland or low land. Even without running stream in front to serve as a capturing point, it doesn’t matter. There is also no principle on how long or how far the water runs. But the question is, is there energy that can be use? And if the energy cannot be used, even with the left and right embracement also cannot be use!!!

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經曰:外氣形氣止生,蓋言此也。 The Book of Burial said: The Energy depends on the Earth and the Earth depends on the Energy.

水流土外謂之外氣,氣藏土中謂之氣。 故必得外氣形,則之生氣自然止也。 此引以,以結上文。得水為上之意。

日 Day Jia

甲 Yang Wood


寅 Tiger

The Heaven – Energy travelling on Earth (Represent the results of Reality) The Earth – Brings along a Heaven and contains An Inner Energy (The Gate)

Yang Wood

甲 丙 戊

The Man – represent Inner Energy or trapped Energy (An Intention)

甲 子

甲 戌

甲 申

甲 午

甲 辰

甲 寅

乙 丑

乙 亥

乙 酉

乙 未

乙 巳

乙 卯

丙 寅

丙 子

丙 戌

丙 申

丙 午

丙 辰

丁 卯

丁 丑

丁 亥

丁 酉

丁 未

丁 巳

戊 辰

戊 寅

戊 子

戊 戌

戊 申

戊 午

己 巳

己 卯

己 丑

己 亥

己 酉

己 未

庚 午

庚 辰

庚 寅

庚 子

庚 戌

庚 申

辛 未

辛 巳

辛 卯

辛 丑

辛 亥

辛 酉

壬 申

壬 午

壬 辰

壬 寅

壬 子

壬 戌

癸 酉

癸 未

癸 巳

癸 卯

癸 丑

癸 亥

The 60 pillar cycle chart

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何以言之氣之盛,雖流行而其餘者猶有止, 雖零散而其深者猶有聚。 The Book of Burial said: How to know if an Energy is ourishing, or an Energy is being stopped?

甲 寅 When the Energy is rm; it means Heaven, Earth and Man all appear in identical, this is termed ourishing!

庚 寅 When Heaven prevent or stop the Earth from growing; meaning the metal is stopping the wood from growing, this is termed being stop by Heaven! Many people had make serious mistake by only understanding Earth, not knowing that the results of the Earth is from Heaven. That’s why the book keeps stressing Heaven as the most important factor in a feng shui application. Because Heaven have the nal say as they are the outcome of the burial results.



The Book of Burial

高坑之地落勢雄雌,或上或止各有(缺)作自(缺)一地, 可盡其力量也。 而好龍多從腰落,分枝蔓於數十裏之間, 或為城郭、朝樂、官曜、禽鬼、捍門、華表、羅星之類, 皆本身自帶,不可為彼既流行而餘者非止也。 但當求其聚處,而使之不散耳。 平支魚龍,大山跌落平洋,四畔曠闊, 其為城郭亦不過高逾數尺而已, 且去穴遼遠朝山一點在乎雲寓之表,人莫不以八風無蔽為嫌, 又豈知支壟氣隱,若零散而其深者,猶有聚也。 但得水截,使之有止耳。此言支壟之氣盛者如此。 Most people search mountain after mountain to locate the bones and veins of a dragon in nature and not knowing that there is readily a dragon in their path that comes in a 10-years cycle. They can be found in the 28 constellations that are already hidden in our bones and blood. There are several way to nd them in our life. For example, you can rst try gure it out in your destiny that contain 4 location and 4 Energy that they can tell you about the eight formations. If you are keen to know and nd out more, you can decode it in our Master Classic book on ‘The Heaven Instillation Treasure’.

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故藏於涸燥者,宜深。藏於但夷者,宜淺。 The Book of Burial said: When burial on highland, must buried deep. And on at land, must not too deep.

上句言壟,下句言支。高壟之地陰之象也。 氣在強剛而機下,故言涸燥當深葬。 平支之地,陽之象也,氣在外弱柔而浮上,故言但夷當淺葬。 Because highland is cold outside and warm on the inside. Warm is living energy and cold is dead Energy. And at land can easily received or capture warm Energy and need not to bury too deep. How deep is termed deep? 6 feet below and within. Why 6? 12 earthly branches divide by 2 = 6 Yin and 6 Yang. The Sun rise and set with the 6 branches. Just like a human body, when the weather is cold, our inner body start to vibrate and produce heat to keep us warm. And when we are cold on the inside, we need the warm Energy outside to balance the cold inside.



The Book of Burial

經曰:淺深得乘,風水自成。 The Book of Burial said: Once you know the Yin and Yang of the Energy, naturally will have excellent Feng Shui.

高壟之葬,潛而弗彰。故深取其沈氣也。 平支之葬,露而弗隱,故淺取其浮氣也。 得乘者:言所葬之棺,得以乘其生氣也。 淺深世俗多用九星白法,以定尺寸,謬也。 不若只依金銀爐底求之為得。 If you can understand the Yin and Yang of burial; highland and atland can also be of favourable to anyone. As long as you know where the good Energy reside, any land can also be useful. People do not understand the Yin and Yang of deep and surface burial, and used Flying Stars and Purple White and feng shui ruler to measure the deep and surface of a burial. Their intent to deceive, to confuse, to cheat and absurd usages. Readers please be careful.

夫陰陽之氣,噫而為風,升而為雲, 降而為雨,行乎地,而為生氣。 The Book of Burial said: The Energy of Yin and Yang; it can be Wind, when gather can form clouds, and becomes rain, once touches the ground, Earth will be prosperous and nature are nurture and the birth of nature st arts.

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陰陽之氣,即地中之生氣。故嗜為風,升為雲,降為雨。 凡所以位天地、育萬物者何:莫非此氣邪斯。 蓋因曰葬乘生氣,故重舉申明其義, 愚嘗謂能生殺,皆此氣也。 葬得其法,則為生氣。失其道,則為殺氣。 如所謂加減饒惜,吐浮沈之類。 並當依法而剪裁之,不致有撞殺、沖刑、破腮、翻斗之患也。 To know Feng shui is to know nature; and understand how and what is the cause of inuencing them to grow. Just like buring a deceased, you must rst nd out from their nature which can be found in the year, month, day and hour. This is NATURE. And what creates nature? ENERGY! The good and bad energy all are already stated in a person destiny. • Energy come with the good and the bad. • The good energy sometime cannot be use. • The bad energy sometime can be very effective. • The good can become bad. • The bad can become good too. All burials can be read as destinies as well; and it is as accurate as a destiny reading, and will depends what you want to achieve.

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夫土者氣之體,有土斯有氣。氣者水之母,有氣斯有。 The Book of Burial said: Earth is the body of the Energy. As long as there is earth, energy can be found. Air is the mother of water; without Air, how does water come?

氣本無體,假土為體。因土而知有此氣也。 水本無母,假氣為母,因氣而知有此水也。 五行以天一生水,且水何從生哉? 生水者金也,生金者土也。土腹藏金,無質而有其氣。 乾藏坤,隱而未見。及乎生水,其兆始萌。 言氣為水母者,即乾金之氣也。 世人不究本源,但以所見者水爾。 故遂以水為大地之始,蓋通而未精者也。 What form Energy? They have no forms, they are the srcins. They use nature as articial earth. What form Water? Water also have no form. They used articial metal as mother. Because of energy, we know there is water. Water comes from Heaven, because there is no element that can produce water. Metal produce water? From the cold conguration is just like earth produce metal by trapping them. If you understand how earth produces metal, you will know how metal produces water. They don’t really “produce”, their produce is by capturing the energy that produces them.



The Book of Burial

People do not understand the srcins, and literally mistook the real water as water. Although physical water is the source of alliving l things but we must understand on how they come from! This book is the source of all srcin!

經曰:土形氣形物因以生。 The Book of Burial said: The form of earth is derived from Energy.

生氣附形而有,依土而行,萬物亦莫非(缺)也。 此引經結上文,有土斯有氣之意。 Earth is the outcome of Energy. That’s why earth have various shapes; Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire shapes!

夫氣行乎地中,其行也因地之勢其聚也小因勢之止。 The Book of Burial said: When Energy complete the forms of Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire, they can travel under the earth.

氣行地中,人不可見其始也。 則因地之勢而知其行其次也,又因勢之止而知其聚也。 Once earth is complete, Energy can travel under it so they can initiate seasons changes where spring, summer, autumn and winter are formed.

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葬者其起,乘其止。 The Book of Burial said: To understand the “Book of Burial”, you must rst understand the knowledge on the source of srcin.

善葬者必原其起,以觀勢。乘其止,以穴。 凡言止者,乃山川融結,奇秀之所,有非明眼,莫能識也。 《片玉髓》雲:草上露華偏在尾,花中香味總居心。 其止之謂與或謂粘穴,乘其脈之盡處為止, 然則益倚撞安可以上? 雲不知古人正恐後世不識止處,故立為四法,以乘之夫。 蓋者止土蓋,倚者止於倚也。 撞粘莫不皆然,唯觀義之所在高低,正側何往、而非止乎? Before burial, you must rst understand the nature of the deceased. How their energy ows, which energy can be used, which land can be use and how to use? Because once you can understand the Energy, there are invisible mountains and terrains, beautiful surroundings where the naked eyes cannot see. All things, as long as the naked eye can perceive, can be faked. Be it mountain, stream, left and right embracing, veins, meridian spot etc. This are all the wrong perceptions. Readers please learn to understand and read beyond the paragraphs.

Chapter 3

Scroll 2 地勢原脈,山勢原骨,委蛇東西,或為南北。 The Book of Burial said: Earth inuence is from the veins. Mountain inuence is from the bones. And all can be found and seen in all locations.

平夷多土瀉,多石支之行,必認脊以為脈壟之行, 則求石脊以為骨,其行度之勢,委蛇曲折千變萬, 本無定式,大略與丘壟之骨,岡阜之支略同。

The staggering of mountains form the bones. The walkway and waterway form the veins Just like a human body. All veins are covered with flesh. All bones are also covered with flesh. They are all the same; the difference is the terms that are being used, that’s all.



The Book of Burial

千尺為勢,百尺為形。 The Book of Burial said: • To know the Yin is from the Yang, and to know the Yang is from the • • •

Yin. To know the Heaven is from the Earth, and to know the Earth is from the Heaven. To know the Feng Shui of your destiny is from 60 甲子, and to know 60 甲子 is from your destiny. If you know the land you will know the Energy, and if you know the Energy you will know which land.

千尺言其遠,指一枝山之來勢也。 百尺言其近,指一穴地之成形也。 Please refer to the above explanation.

勢來形止,是謂全氣。全氣之地,當葬其止。 The Book of Burial said: When the Energy is settling on the Earth, it becomes very inuential. And it is good for the burial.

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原其遠勢之來,察其近形之止,形勢既順, 則山水翕合,是為全氣之地。又當求其止處,而葬之。 斯盡善矣!止之一字,最謂吃緊,世之葬者,不乏全氣之地。 但於止處,則有昧焉耳。 夫千里來龍,五尺入手,才差一指,盡廢前功。 縱奇峰聳,拔秀水之玄,皆不為我用矣。 若得其傳,知其止,則如數二三辨白。 人或見其莽然,可左可右,可移可易, 而不知中間自有一定不易之法。 尺寸不可遷改者,指南雲:立穴若還裁不正, 縱饒古地也徒然。高低深淺如葬誤,福變為災起禍愆。 How to know whether the Energy can be use? Look at the Earth. And when the Heaven and Earth are in aiding, power and inuent can be found there. There are 12 earth branches in total, and in the twelve, there is only one earth that will make a big difference in a person’s life. And knowing the Heaven 5 elements is not enough; there is a missing portion and it can be found on the 12 earth. How to use the earth, they are all already reected in your destiny chart. And you must learn and study them correctly and make no mistake about it because this is your life. If you know your destiny, you can denitely nd your Feng Shui in yourself. What can use and what cannot, you will know it as well.


• • • •


The Book of Burial

Bury on highland or at land, all this can also be found in your destiny. The bones and veins are all already present in your destiny. Things that are good for you doesn’t mean will benet others. All apartment and land can have the same door facing, but all living come from different destiny. That’s the difference!

宛委自複,回環重復。 The Book of Burial said: The power and inuence can be found in the Yin and Yang. Yang runs forward and Yin runs in reverse.

宛委自複,指其勢而言。 或順或逆,即委蛇東西,或為南北之意也。 回環重復,以其形而論,層拱疊繞,即朝海拱辰之義也。 全氣之地,其融結之情如此。

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若踞而候也。 The Book of Burial said: Once the Energy has been discovered, stay there and wait.

如人之踞然不動,而有所待然。 Just like a property, once you know that the property or burial site that contain the good Energy, stay there and wait, good things will ow in, one after another.

若攬而有也。 The Book of Burial said: Once you know that the land brings noble Energy, life will become abundance.

如貴人端坐,器具畢陳,攬之而有餘。 Although there are good Energy, good also have their own variations. There are as follow: • It can brings in abundance wealth. • It can brings in noble help. • It can brings in power and authority.



The Book of Burial


上句言擁衛之山,須得趨揖朝拱, 不欲其潛逼、衝突,而不遜也。 下句言儲蓄之水,必得止聚,淵澄不欲,其瀉反背而無情也。 The Book of Burial said: A good Earth can prosperous a dynasty and protect your home. A bad Earth can destroy an empire and brings in conicts to a home. A money depository Earth is better not to be exposed! And it is better to be hidden. Once they are exposed, they can become ruthless.

來積止聚,沖陽和陰。 The Book of Burial said: When the Energy arrives, you must stay there. You can nd it in the 60 甲子 when Heaven and Earth are in unity. And the aiding must be able to help in your destiny.

來山凝結,其氣積而不散。止水融會,其情聚而不流。 斯乃陰陽交濟,山水沖和也。 If there is a coming mountain, look at their consolidation point and see whether it can be use?

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水深沈,則土壤高厚。氣沖和,則草木茂昌。程子曰:曷謂地 之美,十色光潤,草木茂盛,乃其驗也。 The Book of Burial said: Deep water can sink Earth. Therefore, Earth must be high and solid. When this can be achieve, it can become aiding to ‘nature’ and wood can grow healthily. The ‘Nature’ is referred to individual nature in a destiny. And the outcome will be obvious.

貴若千乘,富如萬金。 氣像尊嚴,若千乘之貴,擁簇繁夥,猶萬金之富。 The Book of Burial said: When the Heaven and Earth respect each other, nobility and wealth can last thousands of miles.



The Book of Burial


堂局完密,形穴止聚,則生氣藏蓄於中矣。 善葬者囚其聚而乘之,則可以福。 見在昌後裔,如萬物由此氣而成化育之功,故為蔔地。

The Book of Burial said: If the Meridian Spot of an earth can store a good Energy and the Energy can grow nature; the grading of the land will be very high and valuable. If the deceased is buried under this kind of land, prosperity will be granted. And most descendent will benets from it for many years to come. That’s where most master and learner emphasis on land form but the real results is from the Energy that the Earth carried with them. Why most people don’t know? That is because the Energy are too difcult to differentiate.

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支龍貴平坦,夷曠為得支之正體,而上中複有支之紋理, 平緩恬軟,不急不燥,則表裏相應, 然卻有支體而得壟之情性者。 直如擲槍,急如繃線,謂之倒火硬木,此陽中含陰也。 法當避殺粘唇架折而葬。劉氏所謂直急則避, 球而湊簷是也。陽者為弱,本宜湊人。 奈何性急要縮下一二尺,緩其急性苟執。 支法之則凶,此支龍之至,難體認者, 故景純謂支龍之辨,蓋言此也。 The Book of Burial said: Earth is precious, expensive and noble. And these earths are all made up from the Yin and Yang of the Earth. And the Yin and Yang Earth are made up from the ‘12 Earthly branches’.



The Book of Burial

Above are the 6 Yang branches.

And each Yang branch carried 5 different elements.

The 6 Yin branches are illustrated above.

乙 亥

丁 亥

己 亥

辛 亥

癸 亥

And each Yin branch also carried 5 different elements.

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That is why you need to understand the branches rst because of the different Energy that they bring. And it is not so much on the land itself but what it brings that matter most.

支之所起,氣隨而始。支之所終,氣隨以鍾。 此言平支行度體段原其始,則氣勢隨之而行。乘其止, 則氣脈因之而鍾。觀勢察脈,則可以知其氣之融結矣。 The Book of Burial said: Where do the branches come from? It is from the end results of the Energy! If you stop breathing, this will be the end of our growth. And what is important to the branches is about the Energy. That is why a deceased emphasis great comprehension on the Earth in order to capture the Energy. The living also exercises great comprehension in order to achieve their success by capturing the right kind of Energy.



The Book of Burial


隱隱有中之無也。隆隆無中之有也。 其體段若盞中之酥,雲中之雁,灰中線路,草裏蛇蹤, 生氣行乎其間,微妙隱伏而難見,然其吉,則無以加矣。 The Book of Burial said: The law of understanding the branches: • First, we must understand what they mean by ‘Your destiny’. • Second, we must understand what is their hidden intention that can affect ‘Your destiny’. • Third, we must nd out the secret Energy that they bring in for ‘Your destiny’. The ‘Ultimate Truth’ lies within this 3 component. Although this is what the ‘Book of Burial said’ but most importantly, we must apply it. And in doing so, we will see the effects and results. If I had not experienced from it, I wouldn’t be writing this book.

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經曰:地有吉氣,土隨而起。支有止氣,水隨而比。 勢順形動,回復始終。法葬其中,永吉無凶。

引經以明上丈支龍行度,言平夷之地, 微露毛脊,圓肴如浮浮,如星如珠。 方者如箱如印。長者如王尺,如蘆鞭。 曲者如幾,如帶。 方圓大小不等,如龜魚、蛙蛤,是皆地之吉氣湧起。 故土亦隨之而凸起,及其止也,則如旋螺之。 言形止脈盡,而一水交度也。高水一寸,便可言山。 低土一寸,便可言水。 此支氣之止,與水朋比,而相為體用者也。 勢順形動者,龍勢順伏而不反逆,局形活動而多盤旋, 砂水鈎夾,回環重復,首尾無蔽,始終有情。依法自可穴。 The Book of Burial said: There is prosperous earth and there is disastrous earth. There is a branch that carried power. If you cannot feel it now, go to your past and you may nd it, and it can be in your childhood time. Once you have found it, which is where your real house is located. Live there and there will be only good.



The Book of Burial

山者,勢險而有也,法葬其所會。 The Book of Burial said: The denition of mountain; there are many kinds of mountain but it is not necessary to have if t he mountain cannot be of useful. And there are also cases where the mountain can be use but the burial is wrong. To understand this subject, you can nd it in the chapter ‘Understanding the Hour of Birth’ in our book ‘Heaven Instillation Treasure’. There is detailed explanation on this.

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言生氣之所從來因其來,而知其止.故葬者得以乘之, 不使有分寸之違也。 脈不離棺,棺不離脈,棺脈相就,花接木,法當就化, 生腦上循,脈看下詳,認迹、蟹眼, 三文名字,交牙、滴斷,或分十字,或不分十字, 看他陰陽配與不配,及夫強弱,順逆,急緩,生死, 浮沈,實,以定加減、饒借,接氣,外揚穢氣,外符合, 前後無蔽,始為真穴。 一有不順、即花假矣!此乘生氣之要訣也。 下言乘金,穴土義同。 The Book of Burial said: You must know when the prosperous Earth comes and when they stop. And the decease must bury on the prosperous Earth. The facing of the tombstone and the burying earth Energy must coincide with the Facing. This is when the Facing and burying is on the same Meridian Spot. This is called Heaven, Earth and Man are in unity. Readers have to be careful on meridian spot. Not all meridian spots can be use, only if you are certain of a person’s destiny, then you will know which meridian spot is suitable. Just like buying a property, if a property is good for you doesn’t mean that it will be good for everyone.



The Book of Burial

The inuence of Feng Shui varies depend on the grading of a person’s destiny. There are some destinies even when Feng Shui is done, the effect can be minimal due to the prevention of their destiny. Which mean the person own characteristics. Just like when they are rich, they will squander their own wealth and spend unwisely. This kind of person even the world best Feng Shui also cannot help them. That’s where the variation comes in. When Feng Shui is done incorrectly, it can also destroy a person’s empire.

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謂人首廢壞,真偽莫辨。故不得不詳加審察也。 大無真未喪,則定穴易為力,但乘其來,即知其止。 卻有一等不幸,為牛羊踐踏,上破下崩, 久年深,或種作開墾,或前人謬,其旁園牆拜壇, 不無晦蝕,或曾為居基,蓋低損高。或田家取土,鋤掘賊。 而大八字與會魚不可得而移易。但要龍真局正,水淨砂明, 當取前後左有四應證之。心目相度,酌量開井,無不得矣。 蓋夫一氣化生,支壟隨氣而成。形質今既廢壤莫辨, 故必十廢中審之,則凡所謂陰陽,剛柔,急緩,生死,浮沈, 實之理,無不了然。既得其理,則倒杖之法,亦因之而定焉。 The Book of Burial said: Only for those who tried, they will know what works and what don’t. And it is better to do it on t he living rst, rather to the dead. How to know what works and what don’t? It have to start with your destiny rst. Once you know what works and what don’t in your destiny, the outcome of experience is already experienced. Because the living can move around easily when compares to the dead. And that is what they mean by experiences.



The Book of Burial


謂審擇其所相輔於我者,法當於小八字,下看兩肩暗翊, 肩高肩低以分陰陽,作用次視三分三合,崎急平緩, 以別順逆,饒減。盡觀翊之砂,蝦須之水,以定葬口。 界限是皆左右之所相,苟失其道,則有破腮,翻斗, 傷龍,傷穴,傷淺,傷深之患。故不得不詳加審擇也。 下篇言相浮水印木義同。 The Book of Burial said: You have found the land and the Energy. Now the most critical aspect is a date to join all the three into a unity body. A suitable date selection. The date selection will be based on the deceased’s destiny as the pivot point of reference. In • • •

a destiny chart, one must understand the differentiation of: The Yin and Yang of the Heaven. The Yin and Yang of the Earth. The Yin and Yang of the Man.

Heaven is also term as ‘Period’ = 三元 Earth is also termed as ‘Gather’ = 三合 That is where the ‘Compass School’ and the ‘Form School’ were created. Heaven and Earth didn’t separate but people separated them in two different schools of thoughts. And in a date selection, these two forces joined hands to perfect an Energy to be use. Just like a date that maps out a nature in everyone’s life. If they are separated, we wouldn’t even exist. Readers please ponder.

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You have the right land and right energy but when the date selection is in chaos, all good will be minimized. Because a new destiny emerge at the time of the burial and the date will stand and override the Heaven and Earth. This is to tell you how strong the impact of a date can do to the living and the dead.


上文所謂乘審擇避,全憑眼力之巧,工力之具。 趨全避缺,高益下,微妙在智,觸類而長,玄通陰陽, 功奪造化,及夫穴場一應作用,裁剪放送之法,皆是也。 陳希夷先生曰:聖人執其樞機,秘其妙用,運於已心、 行之於世,天命可移,神功可奪,數可變也。 道不行,存乎人耳。 The Book of Burial said: A person of noble character will understand the profound communication of Feng Shui. It is not difcult but it is too easy that people don’t see it that way. It has been now named under mystical or metaphysics but the secret is already written in the foundation. Many books had written to distract rather than confuse a mindset. A crossover into inner reading of this book, you must have an open heart rather than prejudice.



The Book of Burial

禍福不旋日。經曰:葬山之法,若呼吸中言應速也。 The Book of Burial said: The good and bad will not escape from a date. The date must be able to breath for the dead, and it must reference to the deceased’s destiny, then the outcome will be favourable.


土色光潤,草木茂盛,為土之美。 今童山粗頑,土脈枯槁,無發生沖和之氣,故不可葬。 卻又有一等石山,文理潤,光如卵殼、草木不可立根, 自然不産開井:而得五色土穴者,是又不可以重而棄之也。 The Book of Burial said: If a date indicates that the nature is complimentary to a destiny, then it can be use. If not, it cannot be use. Even if it is a meridian spot, it will be useless.

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夫土者,氣之體。有土斯有氣,山既鑿斷,則生氣隔。 不相接續,故不可葬。 《青華秘髓》雲:一息不來身是殼,亦是此意。 然與自然跌斷者,則義不相矣。 The Book of Burial said: Energy is derived from Earth. As long as there is Earth, there will be Energy. But broken Energy cannot be used for burial.

氣因土行,而石山不可葬也。 The Book of Burial said: Energy relies on Earth to travel, and The Energy of mountain cannot be used for burial.



The Book of Burial

氣以勢止,而過山不可葬也。 The Book of Burial said: Energy can be stopped by another Energy. There are 4 empty lands in 24 mountains, these 4 empty lands cannot be used for Burial.

氣以龍會,而獨山不可葬也。 The Book of Burial said: In the 24 mountains, there are 8 groundless Qi that cannot be used for Burial.


此複證五凶之不可用也, 凡此是無所(缺)適足以腐骨爛棺而已,主退敗, 少亡,癆疾,久則歸於歇滅,可不慎哉? The Book of Burial said: The 4 empty mountains and the 8 groundless Qi will take away all good fortune. 24 – 4 – 8 = 12. There are only 12 Earth in 24 mountains. There are 12 that can be use and 12 cannot.

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此言上地龍之行度體段也。大頓小伏,藕斷絲連,謂之卸, 夫大地千百里行龍,其何可窮平?故遠若自天而來也。 The Book of Burial said: Nature is derived from the outcome of Heaven. Be it bones, esh, meridian spot or mountain, all are from the inuence of Heaven; and if you know how to interpret the 10 Heavens, you will know the answer to any burial ground.



The Book of Burial


此言隱伏于平洋大阪之間,一望渺無涯際,層層級級, 若江面之水,微風蕩漾。則有輕波細紋,謂之行地水, 微妙玄通,吉在其中矣。 The Book of Burial said: The denition of Water. There are water that can be seen and cannot be seen. Water forms are waves; ripples; storms; surges etc and all this can be seen. But in a Burial, the use will be the one that naked eye cannot see; that is, the make-up of good fortune and bad fortune.

若馬之馳。其來若奔。其止若屍。 The Book of Burial said: The speed of our lucks is just like a running horse. When it gallops, it is the time of our success. When you had already enter them, back track and nd where that lies. Your Feng Shui is there. And when they stop running the fortune is fading fast.

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眾山朝揖,萬水翕聚,如貴人燕安休息珍(缺)富如萬金, 若攬而有也。 The Book of Burial said: When Heaven and Earth gather in unity, is just like opportunities come knocking. The abundance of wealth is waiting at your doorstep. But if you don’t initiate the move, the money is just like behind your backyard which you can’t see it from your front door.


明堂綽,池湖繚繞。左右前後眼界不空, 若貴人坐定,珍撰畢陳,食前方丈也。 The Book of Burial said: If the Burial is buried on the nobleman Earth, the future will be enormous.

若之鼓。若器之貯。 The Book of Burial said: You must know the start and the end of a destiny, than you can nd the ‘gem’ that hold the power.

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若龍之盤旋,鸞之飛騰。 言其活動有婉蜒翔舞之體段,無破碎死蠢之形。 The Book of Burial said: One must observe the facing must not have any broken mountain or ugly encounter.


來勢如虎出深林,自幽而漸顯,氣象蹲踞而雄壯, 止勢如雁落平砂,自高而漸低,情意俯伏而馴順, 氣象尊嚴擁護綿密,若萬乘之尊也。 The Book of Burial said: There are certain destinies that the good and bad come together within a pillar. As long as the Qi can be use, it is still acceptable. And this is where there are some people that do bad things, and yet still can become successful in other ways. The applications of Feng Shui have to be exible. Some people do good things in all their life but without much success; and some do bad things and ourishes. Feng Shui is always in neutral; it depends on what you want and how to achieve the results. Nature is for us to use. Some people have to do bad, in order to achieve the results. And the difference is that the end results matter. There are people who do bad for a good cause; there are people who always do good but the cause of the outcome can be bad.



The Book of Burial


眼界軒豁,氣象爽麗,神怕性,一部精神悉皆收攝。 而納諸擴中,然而至理微妙,未易窺測,要令目, 道存心領意會,非文字之可傳,口舌之可語也。 《中庸》曰:人莫不飲食,鮮能知味也。 The Book of Burial said: The Shine of Heaven will guide us the way. The worldly things that we can see with our naked eye are most of the time, fakes. The outcomes of nature cannot be understood or seen with our naked eyes. The law of nature is too difcult to put down into words because the perception of different individuals will see it in many different forms. The changing world is nothing but the propagation and inuence by the words of mouth. Just like if you don’t eat, you will never know the taste. The key here is to experience it yourself than you will know the truth.

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如萬水之朝宗,星之拱極,枝葉之護花,廊廡之副廳堂, 非有使之然者,乃一氣感召,有如是之翕合也。 《易》雲:水流濕,火就燥,雲從龍,風從虎, 聖人作而萬物睹其斯之謂歟。 The Book of Burial said: The movement of water is followed by the form of Earth crust. I-Ching said: Water movement is to moist, Fire movement is to dry, the cloud is stopped by the mountain, the tree give us the directions of the winds. Sage uses this knowledge as the foundation to understand how nature changes with time.


凡真龍落處,左回右抱,前朝後擁,所以成其形局也。 未有吉穴而無吉案,若龍虎抱衛而主客不相應, 則為花假無疑。 The Book of Burial said: There are good formations in a land form; for example, the right and left embracing a meridian spot, the back is supported by mountain and the front is consolidated with nice viewing where water gather in a common area. But if it is unable to accommodate the person’s destiny, what is the point of using the area.



The Book of Burial


四勢即龍虎主客也。貴乎趨揖,朝拱,端嚴。 而不欹側明淨,而不模糊情勢,如此烏有不吉, 更欲不親五害。 五害者,童、斷、石、獨、過也。 The Book of Burial said: Even if the 4 lands are clear with formation, but the 5 Qi are not in sequence or in chaos, they cannot be used.

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此特指上地而言、十中有一(缺)以為,則世間無全地矣。 非慨論也。 海眼曰:篇中形勢二字,義己了然,可見勢在龍,而形在局。 非俗人之所謂喝形也。奈何卑鄙之,易惑人心,須至銅蔽。 以訛傳訛,以盲誘育,無益反害,莫此為甚。 總之道理,原屬廣大精微,古聖先賢原為格物致知窮理盡性, 大學問今人只作籠利想,故不得不以術行耳, 匪直今人之術不及古人,今人之用心,先不及古人之存心矣! 奈何? The Book of Burial said: In the saying, in a 10 years luck pillar, there is only one pillar that can be very useful. Although people have been talking about land formations, but in fact, it is not about land formations. The Qi and the forms, if only you understand nature the application will be very easy. And as we know that Qi ride on forms, and form derived in a person’s destiny; and it is not from the way by looking at land formation on suitability. Most commoner will make this mistake. There are people who listen and learn from ‘others’, and there are also people who follow blindly etc. Instead, this will cause more harm than benecial to them. These are the people who have no ideas about nature, and yet talking about nature. Most learners use only brain and forget heart. How to help them?

Chapter 1

Scroll 3 夫重岡疊阜,群支,當擇其特。 The Book of Burial said: Here the important factor of the success and failure of a person is in the circle of 60 甲子. There is one pillar to determine your success! You will be able to discover it if you reference it into your destiny chart.

大則特小,小則特大。 山小,取其大。山大,取其小。 The Book of Burial said: In the 60 cycle, not only we must know the good pillar, we must also need to know the bad pillar. There is bad hidden in the good, and also good hidden in the bad.

參形雜勢,主客同情,所不葬也。 參形雜勢,育真偽之不分。主客同情,盲汝找之莫辨。 The Book of Burial said: If there are confuse mountain and chaotic Qi surrounding the burial ground, it cannot be used for burial.



The Book of Burial


伏肴隱伏,峙者隆峙,此育支坑行度,體段之不同。 The Book of Burial said: Although the deceased is buried in the ground but the result is based on the above ground.


支壟葬法,雖有不同,然其止處,悉皆如掌之平。 倒杖口訣曰:斷續續斷,氣受於坦起伏伏起,氣受于平。 李淳風曰:來不來,但中裁,住不住,平中取。 亦曰:來來來,堆堆堆,慢中取,但中裁。皆如掌之義也。 The Book of Burial said: The burial ground, although there are many different ways, is due to the different nature of a destiny. The differences arise from different date selections for different deceased buried in different ground. Just like a high rise building, in one sector, all doors will have the same facing and grounding; but the difference are the many different tenants living in it. That’s where all differences can be justied.

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支葬其巔,緩而急之也。壟葬其麓,急而緩之也。 金牛雲:緩處何妨安頂,急時不怕葬深泥。 The Book of Burial said: The nding of Earth is based on the summit. The nding of a facing is based on the facing of the meridian spot, and not the location of the meridian spot.


所謂如首如足,亦即麓之義。謂欲求其如首如足也。 The Book of Burial said: The secret of Burial; rst is to understand and nd out which earth can be use, and then t he location will be secondary.



The Book of Burial


支壟之葬,隨其形勢。莫不各有常度,不經則不合常度, 或葬壟於首,葬支於麓足則生氣散,如馳逐也。 The Book of Burial said: There are two meridian spots, the natural and the manmade. The tombstone is manmade, and the nature is the open ground of all locations and directions. They are also t ermed the Big Taiji and smaller Taiji. The big Taiji MUST not distract the man made Taiji, once the small Taiji is under attack by the big Taiji, the land cannot be usedfor the burial.

夫人之葬,蓋亦難矣! 支坑之辨,眩目惑心,禍福之差,候虜有間。 The Book of Burial said: The art of burial is not as easy as you t hink. There are 3 strict procedures have to be follow carefully and cannot be compromise. • The Earth • The Qi • The Timing

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甲 子

甲 戌

甲 申

甲 午

甲 辰

甲 寅

乙 丑

乙 亥

乙 酉

乙 未

乙 巳

乙 卯

丙 寅

丙 子

丙 戌

丙 申

丙 午

丙 辰

丁 卯

丁 丑

丁 亥

丁 酉

丁 未

丁 巳

戊 辰

戊 寅

戊 子

戊 戌

戊 申

戊 午

己 巳

己 卯

己 丑

己 亥

己 酉

己 未

庚 午

庚 辰

庚 寅

庚 子

庚 戌

庚 申

辛 未

辛 巳

辛 卯

辛 丑

辛 亥

辛 酉

壬 申

壬 午

壬 辰

壬 寅

壬 子

壬 戌

癸 酉

癸 未

癸 巳

癸 卯

癸 丑

癸 亥

The Earth

From the 60 甲子 table, and there are 60 types of different land forms. Each of the land form carries a Qi with them. And in aperson’s destiny, we are inuence by this 60 pillars. In a luck pillar, it contains a mini 10 years period. If we talk about a complete 60 cycle, we will never make it there! Because in reality, if we can live thru to the 9th or 10th pillar, we are already 90 – 100 years old.



The Book of Burial

Only if you know the 60 cycles, you will be able to tell which earth carries which kind of Qi. Here is a word of caution, different destiny carried different pillars. That’s why you need to know all of them. If you are a master, you should not take any risk on people’s life. You have to be sure and be certain about it. Between you and your customer, there is a transaction taking place – a consideration is present. Make no mistake about it. Heaven Instillation Treasure said: Every location has a direction and every direction comes with a location. Every Heaven has a Earth and every Earth comes with a Heaven.

The Qi Why the Qi? The Qi is the Heaven and the Heaven is also the Qi. They are in fact the same, only the term used is different; so it is good enough to divert people’s attention from knowing the secret. From the 60 甲子 table, you can see that there are 6 same Qi that sits on 6 different landforms; and each of them can only see each other in a 100 years cycle. But just by knowing the Qi is not good enough. In fact, it can cause a downfall in a person’s life. The truth is, you must know this Qi is good for who and who can use it. And it is the core of turning a person’s life.

The Timing Here, the timing refers to the art and skill of connecting the Qi, the Land, the burial and nally, the living. What is the purpose of the burial? If you know which Qi to use for the dead as to prosperous the descendants, but if it is not use correctly, the effect can be devastating to the descendants as well as to the dead.

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Timing is something that you have to learn from our school. There are no short cuts. Because Feng Shui and Destiny are not applications. The application will only be effective after you had acquired the REAL knowledge. The date application you can nd it in our book on ‘The Innite Treasure’.

乘金相水,穴土印木。 The Book of Burial said: The Earth must be able to produce metal. And the produce must on the outside and not trapped; because earth produce metal by trapping them inside. When metal is trapped, they cannot be used, that’s why metal has to be outside meaning appearing on the Heaven. And when the trapped Qi appear on the Heaven, they are free and they can be exercise meaning can be used. If this can be achieved, nature will grow. As long as a meridian spot can grow with nature and it is good for the deceased, it can prosperous the descendents.



The Book of Burial

外藏八風,内秘五行。 The Book of Burial said: The 8 natures are vulnerable to any coming forces. But if the hidden 5 Qi are strong enough, this person can undergo and challenge all obstacles in his life. Please refer to the following Bazi chart for illustration. 时 Hour

日 Day


丁 Yin Fire


Yang Metal

Yang Wood

Yang Metal



寅 Tiger

Yin Water


Hai Yin


月 Month 年 Year

申 Monkey

Yang Wood

Yang Metal

寅 Tiger Yang Wood

甲 丙

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天有一星,地有一穴。在天成象,在地成形。 葬得其所,則天星垂光而下照,地柔順而上載也。 The Book of Burial said: The Heaven is dependent on the Earth; The Earth cannot live without the Heaven as well. In Heaven, it will represent the star; on earth, the representation will be the meridian spot. Heaven represent the weather and upon reaching earth, seasons will form.



The Book of Burial


物無陰陽,違天背原。孤陽不生,獨陰不成。 二五感化,乃能沖和。沖和之處,則必有五色異土以應之。 言四備者,不取于,又曰沖和之處陰氣寒,至此而。 陽氣熱,至此而涼。涼之氣,是為沖和。 The Book of Burial said: If there is neither Yin nor Yang, nature will not happen. Because Yang without Yin, birth will not take place, just like Man without woman cannot promote birth. And Yin without the present of Yang, Yin cannot form. That’s why each of the ve elements comes with one Yin and one Yang. Here are the examples below: • Wood have Yin and Yang. A tree without leaves, we can tell that it is not healthy. • Fire have Yin and Yang. In spring and summer, we know the weather is warm and hot; in autumn and winter, the weather is cold. This tell us the day and night. • Earth have Yin and Yang. They are the highland and low ground. • Metal have Yin and Yang. The freeze and chill for food preservatives. •

Water have Yin and Yang. The sea and the rain.

These are all the transformations of the Yin and Yang of the 5 elements. And when a burial ground is concern, we must rst understand the Yin and Yang of the outcome of the usage. Meaning, you must understand and know the outcome of the burial rst before any recommendation can take place. Please remember: you have to know it rst!

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目力之巧,工力之具,趨全避閥,高益下, 微妙在智,觸類而長,玄通陰陽,功奪造化。

目力之巧,則能趨全避闕。工力之具,則能高益下。 大凡作用之法,隨宜料理,千變萬化,本無定方, 全在人之心目靈巧,以類度類,觸而長之。 則玄功可以盜天地之機,通陰陽之理,奪造化之權。 The Book of Burial said: The art of burial selection is not about looking at the land formation and meridian spot because beautiful surroundings can be fake. Just like a well dressed person, we may easily be deceived by basing on their appearance. First is to know the person’s destiny and understand their nature, then you will be able to judge what can or cannot be used for that nature. Then you will know which burial ground is suitable for the deceased. 5 elements are not easy to understand. Although the knowledge had spread across the continents, not much people can fully understand them. They may be only 5 elements, but within them, there are thousands and even millions of changes and transformations.



The Book of Burial

Examples: • There are numerous owers and trees in the world. • There are different types of cultures. • People comes from different walks of life. • The many kind of foods selection. •

The rich and famous, the poor and lowly people etc…

In order to know and understand them, they are all living within the 5 elements. We called them ‘The Micro Nature of mother Earth’, our destinies. Nature is here for us to learn about them, and the saddest thing is that they are not taught in school because no one understand or even pay attention to them. I am the translator of this book, persistent that the day will come and my knowledge will be shared with the world. That’s why I chose to translate this book, ‘The book of Burial’. And when we die, where we will go? There is only one place, back to where we had come from, ‘THE NATURE’! In this world, there are thousands of people born within the same year, month, day and hour; but one thing they forget is, they came from different locations and directions. That is why, people may have the same birthday, but all results varies. Ever since our birth, we have being inuenced by the nature of Feng Shui. Because Feng Shui is about nature; and nature is about Feng Shui. The Heaven is Earth; and Earth is Heaven! Yin is Yang; and Yang is Yin. To learn and know more about the nature, we have a vast range of Video Books and Classics Books for you at

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勢如萬馬,自大而下。 The Book of Burial said: If you know how to bring the Qi to the ground, the force is unstoppable. And when you do it wrongly, their strength is just as evil.

形如負,有壟中峙,法葬其止。 The Book of Burial said: The things that we can see in the land form can be either real and fake. And one thing that is genuinely real, is the seeing the invisible. And this is where a burial should be place.

經曰:勢止形昂,前澗後岡,龍首之藏。 The Book of Burial said: Every Qi will settle on a land, if the Qi can settle in a person’s destiny, this will be termed as the dragon land.

鼻吉昌, 角目滅亡。耳致侯王,唇死兵傷。 The Book of Burial said: There are places that are termed no man land. After the burial, people will turn cold to each other but there is opportunity. Although there’s opportunity, long usage will hurt feelings of the living. Thus, it is better to stay away from this kind of land. There are 8 of them within the 24 mountains which I will touch on in the later chapter.



The Book of Burial

宛而中蓄,謂之龍腹。其臍深曲,必後世福。 傷其胸脅,朝穴暮哭。 The Book of Burial said: The selection of a date must not clash with the burial ground, and when they are clash especially on the dragon stomach, evil will rise immediately. This is a mistake that master practitioners will not want to experience.

夫外氣所以聚氣,過水所以止來龍。 The Book of Burial said: Why is Qi hidden in the earth? So that the four seasons can be recycle. There are, in total, 28 Qi that are found inside earth. Earth is the gatekeeper and knows which Qi are released at different timings. Here is a saying that Earth can be seen and Qi cannot. If you want to know the Qi, you must rst understand the Earth.

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In Destiny reading, if you want to know whether you can be successful in life, look inside you and nd the right character. The table below are all the hidden Qi of different Earth.

寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥 子 丑 甲 丙 戊

戊 乙

丙 戊

丁 己

己 丁

庚 壬

戊 辛

壬 甲

己 癸

千尺之勢,宛委頓息。外無以聚,氣散於地中。 經曰:不蓄之穴,腐骨之藏也。 The Book of Burial said: The accumulation and embracement of mountain can bring fore power in a meridian spot. This is most people are talking about. But the secret is, can the meridian spot be used by the deceased? What will be the impact for the deceased? What are the after-effects after the burial? If the meridian does not contain the Qi that the deceased wants, and the earth Qi is dissipated, even with the beauty surrounding, the land cannot be used for burying. If the earth does not store the benecial Qi for the deceased, the burial ground cannot be used. If the advice is ignored, the bones will rot. And there will be no remedies for it if the advice is not taken seriously!



The Book of Burial

夫噫氣能散生氣,龍虎所以衛區穴。 疊疊中阜,左空右缺,前曠後折,生氣散於飄風。 經曰:騰陋之穴,敗槨之藏也。 The Book of Burial said: Qi can destroy Qi! That’s why you must know where the dragon and tiger lies on the meridian spot. Just like the previous sentence said, if you are not aware or don’t know where the good Qi is being captured, even the beautiful surround cannot help. In Feng Shui knowledge, it is not about the physical world like the mountain, water that we are able to see. Real Feng Shui is looking at the invisible Earth, Fire, Wood, Metal and Water. If the Qi is toxic, the facing of the tombstone will experience many failures.

夫土欲細而堅,潤而不澤,裁肪切玉,備具五色。 The Book of Burial said: There are invisible ne and benecial earths, and they contain precious earth, metal, water, wood and re. And they can be differentiated by the 5 colours. But there are not many people who are able to interpret the differentiations.

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土無氣脈,上緊下。 焦白之土,麻之砂,括燥鬆散,鋤之如聚粟也。 The Book of Burial said: If the earth without Qi, or the Qi is being restricted and the earth is empty; the ground is useless.

濕如刲肉。水泉砂礫。皆為凶宅。 The Book of Burial said: If the opening Qi is 己, and 己 falls under the nature of moist earth; the meridian spot cannot have water stream or water ways because it will wash and disperse the moist earth. Not only burial but the opening of house door for the living also cannot be used. You can nd the Feng Shui Secret here!

夫葬以左為青龍,右為白虎,前為朱雀,後為玄武。 玄武垂頭。朱雀翔舞。青龍婉蜒。白虎馴俯。 The Book of Burial said: Burial can be done in North, East, South and West. They are also termed as the green dargon location, white tiger location, the red phoenix location and the black tortoise location. Be it in any location, the burial Qi must bow to the tombstone. This is the core factor of selecting a burial ground. And it is not about the left, right, front and back of a tombstone. Remember this.



The Book of Burial

形勢反此,法當破死。 故虎蹲謂之銜屍。龍踞謂之嫉主。 玄武不垂者,拒屍。朱雀不舞者,騰去。 The Book of Burial said: In any location, if the Qi is not bowing to the tombstone, the land cannot be used. The deceased can be buried in all location as long as the Qi can respond to the meridian spot. But if you are really good, there is a location that carries the same facing, I called it the ‘Gem’.

夫以支為龍虎者,來止迹乎岡阜,要如時臂謂之環抱。 The Book of Burial said: The branches represent the dragon and tiger. The dragon is the only branch that can grow by itself, and tiger represents the start of growth. Many people talked about the left and right embracing formation. There are invisible right – left embracement that no objects can destroy it. This is in the time selection for the burial.

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以水為朱雀者,衰旺系乎形,應忌乎湍激,謂之悲泣。 The Book of Burial said: Water can be created as a meridian spot. But the good and bad will be determined by the land. One careful consideration is that the ow must be sentimental. There are many different interpretations and different scenarios, this is because natures are not identical. Ponder and think are two different subjects. The North and South climates are different from the East and West. Some places have the four seasons’ inuences and some don’t. Just like a property can make a person to be a millionaire, but not everyone staying in the same property will become millionaire? Why is it so? Because of different destinies and every destiny have different nature in it. To know nature is as goodas knowing Feng Shui. If you know Feng Shui you know nature. Readers must understand and have in-depth knowledge of the differences.

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氣為水母,有氣斯有水。 原其所始,水之流行,實生氣之所為也。 生氣升而為雲,降而為雨,山川妙用, 流行變化,勢若迴圈,無有窮已。 是故山之與水,當相體用,不可須臾離也。 The Book of Burial said: Qi is the mother of nature, and nature is the mother of mankind. And we must study and understand how it started. Firstly, there is Qi, and there is Yin and Yang. That’s where cold and hot is derived from the Qi. This point alone, we know that, everything started with a Yin and Yang. Warm Qi rises and cold Qi falls. As warm is lighter than cold; so when warm Qi rises, they accumulates and becomes heavy. Why heavy, because when they accumulates, the concentration becomes water. When water becomes too heavy, they fall and we called it, rain. The rain doesn’t just come by itself. These are the outcomes of the Qi’s inuences. The rain nurture Mother Nature and growth take place. Readers please take note that rain has to stop so that nature can give birth. If the rain doesn’t stop, they can destroy nature. Now, how rains grow nature? Their responsibility is to moisture the earth. When earth is moist, they need the sun to make it happen. That’s why rain has to stop then the sun can make nature grow. This is why Heaven and Earth are in unity and they never separates. Readers, now you know!



The Book of Burial

派于未盛,朝於大旺。 The Book of Burial said: The appointment of water. To understand accumulation of water is by understanding on how they ows. One must know that water always ows downward. And why they ow downward? Because they follow the direction of earth. To determine how water ows is not by understanding water but is about earth. Without earth, nothing can control water. Water always gather at one point which is the lowest ground located in SouthEast. Water ows from NorthWest which is the highest ground. Air is accumulated and capture by the Mountain (戊癸 combined pull in 丙. Snow mountain received the Sun, water forms). That’s why land selection is an important role in a burial. Before selecting a burial site, we must rst understand the deceased destiny, where nature can be read. Just like understanding the water ow but is not at the water; instead is about the earth. If you know the gathering point of the water, you will know which land is suitable. In the 60 甲子, there are in total 60 different land forms. To help you, they can be seen in the 24 mountains; of which, only 12 mountains can be used and 12 cannot. Even if you know the 12, it have to refer to the deceased for usage, and not by merrily looking at the surrounding.

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山之氣運隨水而行,凡遇吉凶形勢,若遠若近, 無不隨感而應,然水之行也、不欲斜飛直,反背無情, 要得砂節節欄截之玄,屈曲有情,而成不之運化也。 The Book of Burial said: The Qi luck of a land is dependent on the direction on how the land runs. Some run according to the 12 earth while some runs in the reverse way. This can be found in a person’s destiny. All good and bad can be witnessed along the way. Whether they are coming or already long gone. Just like how water is being interpreted. You will nd your Feng Shui if you think like nature.



The Book of Burial


此言水之去勢,于屈折處要高儲蓄,然亦不必盡泥穴前, 但得一水,則亦可謂之嘴矣。 善於作用者,穴前無辰直長法,以穴中溝頭水論, 儲泄折中作鬥既賂而後泄去,可救初年無患。 此亦是奪神功之妙也。 The Book of Burial said: Although there are many water formations, the best formation is when water is sentimental, from right to left or from left to right. But the real knowledge even without a meridian spot, it can also be done like magic. All you need is a good Qi! If you know where the good can be found, everywhere is just as good. Not many people know that there are good and bad meridian spots. What is a meridian spot? It captures Qi. If you know how to capture the Qi, do you really need a meridian spot? Think!

洋洋悠悠,顧我欲留。其來無源,其去無流。 The Book of Burial said: The 60 甲子 cycle can move in clockwise and counter clockwise. What is important is that there is one pillar that can take care of you for life. It may or may not have already passed us by. The worst of all, you don’t get to reach them in time. If you don’t know nature, it will give you a sudden shock of many surprises.

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經曰:山來水回,貴壽而財。山囚水流,虜王滅侯。 The Book of Burial said: Which mountain can embrace water? Another saying is, which earth can retained the good Qi! Nobility, longevity and wealth will accumulate. When the mountain is trapped and the Qi escapes, the descendents will be captivated and slowly, one will fail after another.

Chapter 5

The Green Dragon Classic 青囊序 : The Secrets of the 24 Mountains 杨公养老看雌雄,天下诸书对不同. 先看金龙动不动,次察血脉认来龙; The master observed the cycle of Yin and Yang throughout his life. The contents of one book will have many interpretations by many individuals. Even if the secret is out, no one will pay attention to it. First, we must see whether there is any movement on the ‘Golden Dragon’. If the ‘Golden Dragon’ is moving, then the veins, meridian spot and mountain will be secondary. If you do not understand the ‘Golden Dragon’, you will not know how to use the veins, meridian spot and mountain.

龙分两片阴阳取, The dragons are divided by Yin and Yang. ‘Dragons’ mean earths, because dragon is the only branch that can grow by itself. There is, in total, 12 Earthly branches; divide them into 2 sections, there are 6 Yin branches and 6 Yang branches.

水对三叉细认踪, You must know Heaven, Earth and Man; the trinity of nature. They are all from 60 甲子.



The Book of Burial

江南龙来江北望,江西龙去望江东; If the dragon is coming from South, you know that it is heading towards North. If the dragon is coming from West, you know that it is heading towards East. Locations or directions, which is more critical on the above paragraph?

是以圣人卜河洛,涧二水交华嵩, 相其阴阳观流泉,卜年卜世宅都宫; The Sage know what is “He To” and “Luo Shu”. It is just like the Early Heaven and Later Heaven, or it can mean Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, Good and Bad, Male and Female etc… With this, it can help us understand the cycle of 60 甲子. You can use it for your ancestor or your entire life on the good and bad period.

晋世景纯传此术,演经立意出玄空, 朱雀发原生旺气,一一讲说开愚蒙; This is the pure knowledge from nature and can be turned into a very powerful skill. Only by understanding the classic, will you then discover the profound meaning within the emptiness. If you know this, you can see the invisible Qi. The open space must have good Qi. And one must not listen to wordof-mouth from others.

The Green Dragon Classic

一生二兮二生三,三生万物是玄关, 山管山兮水管水,此是阴阳不待言; Heaven created Earth, and Earth created Man. That’s why man is responsible for nature. This 3 forces are the trinity of the universe. Mountain needs mountain to cure, and Water needs water to cure? Meaning Heaven need heaven to solve heaven’s problems, and Earth needs earth to solve earth’s problems. This is the ultimate cure, by understanding Yin and Yang.

识得阴阳玄妙理,知其衰旺生与死, 不问坐山与来水,但逢死气皆无取;

Once you know the wonderful profound of reasoning, you will know the good, bad and ugly of any outcome. You will not talk about the mountain, veins, meridian spot, owing water, embracing water or the green dragon, white tiger, red phoenix and the black tortoise because you already know the land does not contain the good Qi for a given person.

先天罗经十二支,后天再用干与维, 八干四维辅支位,子母公孙同此推; The early heaven only uses the 12 earths. The later heaven uses the stem and the 4 guas to accommodate the missing sectors of the remaining empty spaces. And this can be used to apply to any person, be it young, old and even baby.



The Book of Burial

二十四山分顺逆,共成四十有八局, 五行即在此中分,祖宗却从阴阳出; To have a full understanding of the 24 mountains, we must rst separate Yin and Yang. After separation, there are 30 Yin pillars and 30 Yang pillars. See chart below.

戊 申

戊 子

戊 辰

戊 寅

戊 午

戊 戌

己 亥

己 卯

己 未

己 巳

己 酉

己 丑

The Yin-Yang pillars of the 24 Mountians

The Green Dragon Classic

Once they are divided, you will be able to see that there are 4 major earth structures, each carrying 10 Qi. They are lined-up within the 8 locations and directions in a compass. And the 5 elements are being placed in a strategic locations, and the missing portion is the facing. If only you can understand the Yin and Yang of this 24 mountains, you can nd a person’s burial ground and the property of any person.

阳从左边团团转,阴从右路转相通, 有人识得阴阳者,何愁大地不相逢; The Yang pillars are moving on the left, and the Yin pillars are rotated on the right. When you know t he Yin Yang interpretations, you will then know why nature plays an important role in a person’s destiny. • • •

The Heaven is the Yang, and Earth is the Yin. The Heaven is the Qi, and the Earth mother nature. Without Heaven, there will be no Earth.

The chart on the previous page shows the 4 major mountains and these are: • Water Mountain because 申子辰 represent Major Water. • Fire Mountain because 寅午戌 represent Major Fire. • Wood Mountain because 亥卯未 represent Major Wood. • Metal Mountain because 巳酉丑 represent Major Metal.



The Book of Burial

Following are the breakdown of the 4 Major Mountains: • The 5 elements on Water Mountain.

甲 申

丙 辰

戊 辰

庚 申

壬 辰

The 5 elements on Fire Mountain.

甲 寅

丙 戌

戊 戌

庚 寅

壬 戌

The 5 elements on Wood Mountain.

乙 亥

丁 未

己 未

辛 亥

癸 未

The Green Dragon Classic

The 5 elements on Metal Mountain.

乙 巳

丁 丑

己 丑

辛 巳

癸 丑

Now this is the problem that most people experienced: The text said 24 mountains, and so we always thought that there are 24 different mountains. They are in fact saying that there are ‘20 Qi sitting on 4 different mountains’. That’s why they said 24. In Chinese text, 20 & 4 are different characters. These 24 mountains are all derived from the 60甲子. And 60 甲子 is also 60 Heaven and Earth. And make up the 60 sets of Heaven and Earth. The book of Burial mentioned all the Heaven and earth that are all within the 60 cycles of 60 甲子. On a closing note, if you think hard enough, you will discover your own feng shui. Please do not give up. Hope is the one thing that gives us the little push in our everyday life! You will always have my blessings…

Knowledge of a Lifetime books published: The Correct Way of Understanding a Person's Destiny (Basic) The Classic of 10 Gods Structural Reading (Advance) Five Verse Treasure Vol 1 (Master's) Heaven Instillation Treasure (Master's) The Innite Treasure (Master's)

Coming soon: Five Verse Treasure Vol 2 (Master's) The Doctrine of Bazi Learning Vol 1 (Master's) The Doctrine of Bazi Learning Vol 2 (Master's) The Book of Man The Book of Woman

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