Benjamin Franklin_ SELECTION I & II

June 16, 2019 | Author: Sergio Fernández | Category: Benjamin Franklin, Taxes, Languages
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Sergio Fernández –American Literature –Topic: Benjamin Franklin [Selection I & II]- Profesorado de Inglés - ISCC

Instituto Superior de Curuzú Cuatiá Carrera: Profesorado de Inglés Cátedra: Literatura Norteamericana Profesor: Cristian Gobo  Alumno: Sergio Sergio Fernández Fernández Curso: 3er año Ciclo Lectivo: 2013 Topic: Benjamin Franklin Franklin [Selection I & II] SELECTION I 1.

a) What role role did the game game of chess play play in Franklin’s Franklin’s study of foreign languages? languages? The winner of every game was entitled to impose a task either in parts of the grammar to be got by heart, or in translations, which tasks the loser had to perform before the next meeting. b) What What lang languag uages es did did Frankl Franklin in learn learn? ? French, Italian, Spanish and Latin c) How did learning learning these these langua languages ges help him? They helped him for reading books. 2. What What is Franklin’s Franklin’s idea idea regardi regarding ng how langua languages ges should should be taught? taught? The first language to be taught should be the Greek, then the Latin and after that all modern languages derived from them. 3.

In what way way did Franklin Franklin repay repay his brother brother for for the problem problem he he caused him in earlier years? years?

He would take home his brother’s son and bring him up to the printing business. 4.

a) What What was Franklin Franklin’s ’s reaction reaction to inocul inoculation ation again against st smallpox? smallpox? He regretted he had not given it to his son by inoculation. b) Why Why did did he he feel feel the the way he did? did? Because of the sake of parents who omitted that operation. operation. He deemed the regret regret would be the same either way, so the safer should be chosen. Page | 1

Sergio Fernández –American Literature –Topic: Benjamin Franklin [Selection I & II]- Profesorado de Inglés - ISCC


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According to Franklin, what were the advantages of forming additional clubs subordinate to the Junto? Improvement of so many more young citizens. Better acquaintance with the general sentiments of the inhabitants. Promotion of particular interests in business. Power of doing good by spreading the sentiments of the Junto.



What method did Franklin offer to improve the police system of the city?

He proposed the hiring of proper men to serve constantly in that business and the tax should be proportioned to the property. 2.

a) How did Franklin propose to control fires? He proposed to form a company which was called the ‘Union Fire Company’ b) What was the result? More and more companies of the like went on establishing till they became so numerous. The institution also flourished.



Do you think the formation of the Junto was a good idea? Explain your reasons.

Yes. Its members wanted to improve themselves, their community and to help others. Since the members were drawn from diverse occupations and backgrounds, it was a good opportunity to establish and consolidate the relationship with each other.

True or False Exercises

--- Place a T before the statement if it is true and an F if it is false. Correct

the statement if it is false. 1.

__F ____ The six shilling tax was a fair tax, regardless of a person’s income.

Poor housekeepers paid as much as the wealthiest. 2.

___F  ____ Franklin’s plans for improving the work of the constable were put to use immediately.

It was carried into execution a few years after, when the members of the Junto as well as of the subordinate clubs were grown into more influence. 3.

____T  ____ The members of the Union Fire Company held meetings once a month.


____F  _____ The fines paid by members of the Union Fire Company who were absent from meetings were used to buy books for the library.

The fines paid by members of the Union Fire Company who were absent from meetings were used to buy fire- engines, ladders, fire-hooks and other useful implements for each company.

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Sergio Fernández –American Literature –Topic: Benjamin Franklin [Selection I & II]- Profesorado de Inglés - ISCC


____T  ______ During Franklin’s lifetime, the Union Fire Company was the only fire company in Philadelphia.

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