
May 8, 2017 | Author: dbbircs | Category: N/A
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Bene.........................•....••...•••..••................~ ~ Si, _ Ra.' ;s ...........•" ,..••...••• .23 Iluu..: s_Bha' -as 31 Plancr~ in Si,ns 0 Planers in 11ou"' ,8~ PlanelV)' Ruk-r..h;p. __.., , ,.........•....•••..• 1 ~5 y...,,,,_Plancwy Comhina. ,,,,,• ., ,.......••. ...••....117 " 199 Nah hatras- Mvon Si,n Navarnva and the Divis;onal Chan " ~ ~5

SKII.l lI 0,,,1'''' J I Ch" p' a I:!'r JJ Clwpk'./-I C/tapft rl 5

R",1ificali,,,, of flirth Time " [Dlcrprctalion--How to Analj-lC anoJ S~ nthe.i"" a Chart .. ,,__





Prcilic'lIng E ' -enll _.. ... _........... .....•••••••••••_•... .......... ~59 GodW'r-PIancYry Tran...,. ,................••..•••_ •......175 TUJIl"il E.-enh illl M td>u n lu. _.••_ ••_ .J 17




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( '''m hi "illlt 0 .... Ch.ort " ';lh .-\....Ih« T~..:h"

O ' ....11 ethos. milo.,.,. and C'Uhu~; and tr an.p;ortin, a .\ItI:tn."'I ,"'" a. Jy'Ol "ha to an em-jn>llll1enl , _ty diffen: nl from ' ........hon'e il ..... it< roclh can k3d 10 a 101 of root" ".", in "ndC'Nand,n, and ao,;mll:oJi llll it.> 'pm\. \\, llla m L~';acy·. rol'Itn ~;.", 10 VeJ io: ",tm"~il:a1 lrter...h n in the We'" i, aI Un, Ine l mea nt I,.. the Anot"""" m Ind and iraellect Ik bnll g, hi, e' ptrieOCl' 10 beat on hi, pre--cntatiun of tile -.ubje< reader', in ~rest hy 11M" IIlg n il, in gradual 'teps. to Muilun ha ( ele\1inn,~ ll\tn,]ogy), re,ned;"I'nea,u"", ~nd ",u ...lane a.rrd ngy, Ik fo.ays into ayW'\eda and Va,,",. al"oO--hodt .,j" er-atur~ .>11 Ve-1i..• a.trt>lugy. hy an Arnen can f", "" America n readers/u p. n«c arc the ,:uc con'""pl> tl\;oll ha' e foono! to ...orL. 1llc OIher lcnr:t.' o f ~Irology . ...hi,"h are bs,illalin ll but too complex for I11O'>l bcginnc:T'\. ... ill be the ..ubje;."t of a


"""" ..., _ """ book. U,inll thi, ~ mo~ · l_'- I\lk and ddmnimng the COl\' cornp:ten-tic< ()( a \'"'-11ut " aId, lhaI )011 don'l \"OOfu>c: )'Otlf'od f by lTyi"" '0 k am c'"CfYlh'ne at once, You ...ill ha.'c 10go from dili d co adole ""cnt 10 lUiJh_ nJOY tIIc """"1:'5'



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n Iqjl,\ . a f,,,,nd oi m"",. Chri>lirnl R"" •• i....itetruing",, I.....1et1 anJ guided my frien.h. and me in Indial. B. - Sure,h- Su....h" ara. Rill Vakamp. Bob anJ Aiel Bll~ft. Evvy Tawsei. L)Tm Perry. Bill Oallmm. Dno. Rrian and AhUl o R Barry R""", Ln and :'O ancy fkn.kf. Martha. Bonner. yn R e lM...,. C'hahap,ani L1l1al. anJ la>!: but nof lea >!:. IIw ''' 0 wndono:d "al> lhal l .--....:ucd If""OPle ~y Ihry adopred me l. !oil "" Spnnfy anJ !o k Spiffy ' lbo:y ar~ IIw pnmaromt Shalllna ron>uhan" for my .... ad ing. ), I 1000k! al.o hl~ to thanl Looi-e Hay for het v;.ion of a oo ghr and 'PImdid ..oetc, and my .. .. nda1'ul editor. Chri,u"" and ""' ...... bom hairy . Ilannah Lily. A '!""'cial lhan...





froln my.....! and all the a'IIUlogical "'....1 in lho R ig \ nIa ' ;-" c c>"ld..N do. n lrom f>lkr 10 child. -'Ia>.lCf 10 .1"':;,* mall) g"........""". Tbe ."'-'''111 ... ~ menlIlhlt i, nul to lei into !TOO. ble to stiln " ·;Ih. P"at;onj;d i. !he aut hor of lhot \ -""'a SOlra,. "ffem:l a nme· I)' ;IJIho.i,m: MA\"OId tile da nger ",tJi.i\ "". not COliiest and a\'en in~ the Ie"




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AI I.... (IIIIloJ:= ducummt lb" p1 -tlI1h·siy p;onem and call it a c....." On lhe chan. the) m;llOlof:)', Of J)«i..1\. i. a S)stnn for lrtleflnli ng hin h chart. . ith the ".rrenl paltem. in the ha,.,.... and 10 undcl"'tancaJUl'> (Of ...... CTTInI'''8 P""''"'' ..-.:ore than singular cauQll.". . nls. To mc:_ that"s a bn Ilk \;o.y ,ng lhallhe city' IImil ;n . "" .. .. noc ooly h." .. the 3tJ.~ 01,,,,,...... 0( uch Sun sign. hul fllJ1tM:or d" i"...... 0( up 10 ISO ~me n ... ~ are caUed !he Shoda.~,~;as. II ', hl-.... U


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Vedic cbarb. wh" h llfC called d lllkl"a, KURd'll;) , an' differen t from cl,lITmt western lllotroloa ical c harts Vedi c chart. can be. CrealN in yariO\l' lot}In.; this c haplrr " ill introd oce lhrtt of 1I~ .... whkh uc the IIlO'>l " idd y u>et:au>oe lte . i,... '\lily fived, "hlle the ~ 1I1lon'.

1110.= i. no """ h dlln~ It i' in!.:...: ",", 1O",>te 1h.1t. aoconlm, k> curTnIIll'Ironomiclll lt"ror)' on pLnrury fl,lftll.:lloun.. lfwno an' only e ...>Lv ,y'>tern "hen: ","lIcr can IhlClcon «,J1¥ dIN. and """"'_One fOft"C' i. pullin, in, 1100 "'m i. pullin, 001 S,omt"hor.. in theaI ball o f w pI.Inct 1M cau..... Ihlll' l>ut. '""""" hkdy. 1100 q"y corrung from lhal cosmic plilE>CWly 1IIiIlhcm.llIC;lII:l>Ironomicai point. A. mcmKJlled in 1100 mlrod ..... I' on. I,adilion;ll Vedic a..lrol~ y rcc· "l'"lze; only lhe planets 'i"l>Ie by the unaided or nau a e,e I Sun Ibrou~h S3Iuml. ,,-ith the n cepllon Ul;ll lhe norlh and "-lIJ Ul nodal poi nt' of the Moon', 0 ",,1. ,,-hen: celiJ"'C' occu'. arc Irc"tcd a, pl;md'_ Tbe ""Ie ' pl anetsI U, an".. and I'luto l are noI ulihzed by M

"' ;>prrooimallng lhe 1"',.;_ 00m 0( OIII.oIar >.--!em·, ""Ier pI""e". You .. ill find!h;l' ........e m0dem Vedic au,,,,,", urmmmlinll ~' inclool ng lhe OUler planer., in their .. on.. GraIIa- fnrm the cm ter poinl ol VCl!i.; a,!Iulo;:y. CO kn.... your planet!! A, "e ",",II01led ellI"ba:. ... ery thln~ is onm,e..! II) the planel" in SOfI'Oe .. a) ..... UIOIheI'. PIane~ = lox..,,",, in the ...) " ' I.1.on,; """"I";v. i.),: fee lings ami emolion,: r...... >u r: t>e''C'l"ag« ; l.ClI pnid...",; ",'ar..--rela.ed or """8, "og ;nJu'lri , ,,,,b a' Navy. Merd u. n. M.uinc. Coa1'l G wrd. II I" ...... )"'n. So "'e Ila~ 3M do)" Suo (COlI n{iog during lilt do), ) a nd 360 nigtm of !he :\loon tC"",,"ing dunng lhe




night, ) lo ""'lc: one

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A \\" ";1111 \ loo n, or tile brigb' hillf (Shukfo>.... arou nd a lot. Ketu nt........,hmml and i, .aid I" he the Ural..a of ... IX indic ator of en h~111enmmL Ketu. h)- all the " lang... it .onal..... licai plane! and .. an intlicattlr for ..nhgtwenmcnl_ _ il i. I .., ly ~>


planet IlOl gi>en a •..:om",*,_ d,ret'1"" . It . is ''ifie. th.. drrn,'1ioP o r _ IlOl of this QfIh . Slg"ifi"~: ma lerna l g randfat ..... r; irodicalll imibr 10 M...... hul 11ped in la_, life';me. Oc';UPe aI>le 10 u'" th""" m...aning. In I mu llil....... uf ""y., 1be foi l"" ing infonnat;on I'C'pfc....,nl> liOm.. of tlte IDOlol intportalll an,;hut es of the plallrt, in laNe formal for \oa' y Iool -up and \ t ud)', Whil.. ther-.. .on: m~ y man: ch.onct\'TI '"'" ic)- like 10 lead an" ~ in ...haq!'" 3. E"n h ...p.......,I' f....'U, . dctbliOfl The.... peoplc m. "able anJ pra bao,.... ...'ann. . i",,--e lhey h",e rec""ru mr>li"n I belie-.-e there i. """'" loJic 10 this and hlye >em it '"'fl . Para.-.ara. inJicille. th;'! I rell'OJ!rU planet in its " , n o f debilitation be( for"",Ia!; In VtaJhala (a " a lic planrrary " ' mg..11 ""l.;ulall"n $Y'ill'"ml. rr1rosr-.ook ma L.,.. Illy tile reln's r..J., pla ne t" nm alluw etl lo function al its he,t. There i> a princ iple. gi~n by Maharishi I'ara""a that . UI'I" "" lhi, some.. hat. The sag., . Ial.", lhal a relrograd e pIa "", will n:""r-.e Ihr e lloch of an e u llw , ,, illlalw pla",,1. There is not much " l inen in """,logical li,cn tu,." al>on Il«\l. 10 bavea '1ire Ii' und.,,-t hem. Sorrl("lime- the per;on " ,ill 1lnil· ing In 1001 lhey " 'ill o fteo " 'utl unullhe liI>l mrnute 10 do 'OffiClhing . The pm..ure o f ~n& lon:ed to lK1 'oUppicment, lhe " ea1.......s "f rem>gr.ofi. ll "oold be an>piciou. time for ...ani", _ pmjQ."L>. buyi ng or bulldrn~ " hou-.e. ao;.11> Iii.... ",nh lhe "h1mg •• la"''oUits. J:oio~ 10 "M or entering a competition. IIlitniagn. bu,,_ ~rao;h• ......,ing " _ buI,~ buy in,. equ lpm(1ll. ",or1o.inJ: ""'h chention, Th" Joe. lIlll me;l/l they ""' "'nClg , In f....1 .lhey;on: often riJ:hl. anJ ",ind " hal lhe) ha,c in their pcrwrro are often _1lC "" id 10 ' J'OI an upp>flu nily lOr prufi l duri ng IIITIC."< o f di",,-,~r tlul "'~ mi,ht mi'" Com."....,I). they might .mel! d,....,. rer hefore "' he" do a nd [tel " uI ahe""', A lIan¥"r " ilh Jupi ler reu'U!,rade ;" a la.:l o f timely te'P"n-e 10 new oppurtunilie•. Luino:u o r 100 m",h " pli m" m "'.... Ie.... thc-e pe"ple tu ut>,iuu. ""nelit• . Jur'lCr relrugrade !>emme, intCR'"..:d In pruj..": I' tha t ha,-" IMxome di, n:~ardcle prder lhe c""'fllny lIf thor......·n 'OC~" e1 lher throu,h mafllo' f...end-; ofllle o;amc g.....Jer .... Ihr" Ugh ,,,,imalle ..... sex rdali.... ..mps, A Ira",it lIf retrot!"ade Vetil" un ('Ul _ ·s ....'e life imo a '('in. cal.l>i.., dl"nlen->l (I( ir-.:r-c-ased imernt~ ly !he lIJ'l'illOll' lale """)I a ~i,niflCaIll _",m of planetary r-""'fr. If there are (If n.....: tlf tlle-e ...!ldhi pUllets. the ....'ftllll dlart Jet. ""ek. ",..h lIS l uJli..:r. \:~n",. ,,,•.,,flIihtal""ar~" puim,. the ";~n "'i ll have lrouble pl\>I .......inj: lhe fa\lQf_ able (oo:e' that de",Tibe nor visil it

Tbe risin, siMn or "........'dam i. callee. and lhe rultl' lIIId ,,~ n tt"lf l" ......."\:led by unfa\'Orllblt planet,.

UnfaWH' i, ,m on,,,, ...,If. First .ian of Ihe nalUrallOOioc. T ra", fe", it> influe""e. and IILaI o f iI' ruling planet Man. to the: mlc~llIlion of 1M fIN hi",..., of I chart, M .Sl e FQ' . "UbI,,: Sdf'I\in.p1iSlic ..oluli...... ~r

' "n'R.::



1 1 ~:J''' E AT H


SY \l BHI .: A Ru n ti. n ' n . ,(·t:PT: K""", n~ thmgs Slabk , ro..'1lS i. o n p,I'...... rulinl! pla nel M ereu')'. to lhe inlCl"J'fd u ilh ha nd......... sal'ile. M""'. ' '''''''';ve. Iu..-s divcNly. geni al. q uick al makmg mends. k«ps up u llh Q'md..• • can: of a l'P"arllrlCC. dcbaI..... imprno.i ..... Q.>nWfQIKJoRalt" or 'f'Calcr.l)OOd readi ng. unli"l!. and OOlIw. ,U. ( 'n fa.-...ohl..: Indc-cisi...... ha;i y. ct...n~aNc. 100ronm", or "'"\You- fJad,Mcall# hl in conflicts or dilcnllna.. ~Icci",



O " .ur-#'ololio


sn nu ll .: A Cra" un I~ling •. h.~ h _is n ..f Iht nalunll lIi, h; ...'OfTictl. fru>lralN, .lepre.-.l. _~c:pt"'"1. dI.>eo;n'\ bc:1;e,. " Ihc'r" " any _I ",, ~. flluh· find in, . borin, . inl.".f.".", ...i\h ottJ,o:r.,· ptUbli. h than""!>,,, in , he tood , rao.- n of OIhen U,,/' hccOll"le"< ~icumil fd in Io,~: gtls inu"""e In" q u.... ~l y: expe cts oth ers 10 und~rsland Illem "', lho,..1 ","ing IM i, u Ple: A'f'iring. ilkene lil> from cono;w,l menlcal .1unulau....n U,,/ a.'Ol"tJhk: R ~hgiou. follllllic. pu-h y. greedy . lklay. \Wtin~ lad... "--'.Il«1acles and d rulinlt plan" t !ile huta iclernen.; al... called ).;>1" '11. II pl llnCl ,,',ll (ale on 1h,,~ ,ig n c twa..'kn.."" " hen occu pying t.... s.peci lk ~i@n. For e \ampk. If \ienu~ ,!l'lI~. lf

Z.. Jiu c Sign"

II,,, ;,

th(u ", ill k a l inl~ of boIh pUl'J"h"ful and · """ U _h ~ad NM bo: ha,-ior. " , lIIlOlOO c~am pl~. it you ...-amed 10 ~IlOW ""'ltIhin~ about how, Pt'1'W'fl thin k>.. you ,",,-,Id loot.: for M lrolon 10 .., """" QU........... ; """ ch.opl ..tlcl'ein one ncUt-jo;l at IIand i. in one o f tlrra. ..o: !hal indK:..,.., :l 'PX ir,.; behavioral (11;" "":1"';"';" a.. an ~additiorul- fIN rou-c. Thal i... the hou"" ind"all ng tNt ' f'cn1 i"1k"!an1 clI.trxTcrio.Iico of the hi",,,,, tnc lutli", .. beI....r I.... ~' are b,~ l hene(tcl. unf~"->r31>1e (rn:tle tie I. '... rni,N. 110,."

Hru H.,.'-'t'-T""I< HI"'..... " r HOIl... (I/ IM 1Iurmin: lI>d lhe: p1 ;1RC1 Men:\W} S,, "'jk.: S,N,n,... fri~ nri,hho" COlIfa,e. plT~ ~",aJ .lfen,Th.

~~=---- - -/IENEA11l A \l FJ )IC SKY

hear ing. ear eraho n f\.JJiti",.: r>:"l fa...' ral>le for malmal lil. , ....u f,• •ht s piritual H. lule. ,: The sig n of Pisces anJ Ill. plan..., JI'I" I01 S'WlIjiU: L,llerati"". • nligh '.nm""I, ",~ual pl"..ou",., Jete ntion. eOnfll1t'lll,om ItI"' p/.... lrril.bk ' 1',,,,.:Iy: bo\_y or [0" . uthor;I..U\,e ; d" I" ma. ic ; impalic nl: no, a [earn rlayer : com bali"e: eill-,I)' Cl tale from Ofhero.; ..tne..n·1 ....on! 10 t;oie ao.h"~; 'fl anetllion 'P"'I: ~loe\~ ~ .Jlhers l , Fiery Th inking h"",,,,ble: Q uicl Ihinker, d e>'er. adaplahle . ' Iuid problems" l ~ing ability. mi no.l k~ ps push ing aheao.l : ffl/>k . Rommnc. ideali..ue• .l..iIW iu art, ;df ...."tiu nal... cham>ins . >edtll."t,,~. p nJ al pm.uarJing. fun 10 l'l' ...·i[1!. plio) fu L••h-rnIURlU\.. "f"'""'IWlt'''''. aenoroul~: nLrayagal1l; c an't sil 'ol iJi for long ; prone to acci,lonh an.l disea "" involvinJ 'uq:~ry; hot t>I"" ,Jecl; head and hh,,~1 ",Iment>: ctonmg. ,trole,. he",ta.;h~,. "v~r h~,,\i n g , CUts. woun,I, . hrt'"l . ; ha, lrou n l~ senli ng .lown tv 'k~p l -.....,rubI~:

Jltp ilfT in A /'i..,

K' .I'w" rJ" .- F i~ry (Active} Expansion Fa">hk lm. cloullNemI '... flO! in the l>IuoJ. ...........' U"j",.""N..: (h''-'''C'lel'H1s. gelS 'nlo a..1i ~ lly " 'ill'klUl e'amini ng the ~,,,,s,:,!u.e,,,,,c •. /leis con f,,'>Cd and fatiguc'd. easil, t.".ee. and thn .. t: mUoo inn..........., ,,'; ..."lriclt' to-do Ii,,- mmlal ronr....ion. d,,·idcd. u~;n. m,n l~ abou l roo many I"",il:>i llli(,. ~I>d donn'l I.I-l.e iIClion, n ' "~liou, .. helhcr lho:)- "",lill' ;1 or not. rapid talk· cr. ell"«>l.unal l} OI.·cnc irnuJ;oIN. """I...... I'lOl .lItr-.! 10 dottIIN ic chore,.. tung ~lhTl"nI'; MeL hand. or >Joould..r ,U t t .... ..,. I" (~ ..i";

.\krcuf)' i. ... al,htl", lin ill> own .ignl. lf .\l....:uf)' i. in ilS OIAn , ign on an ~ng le I I. .. ~ h. 71h. 0I 10th 1-.:l1l>O:") tl ba.·"III.... a R~ra Yop.. indicalln g Illo:- hij!hc.;l manife-.tation of Ml""d Thinl ing h l ' v ru f>lt : O, i" nlc: thin g. aI. """" . ~·I Ihinl "nou,h ~boul !he t,.ture . 100 much p1~~m, aruuro.l or indul,,"i. n , l'UI~ charnto. pwple out of lheir ""~'. 1r. ",, o ff OIhcn 1:»' "l\ikarlnr. them...."IOS 10 I ~m, "'''l'ir;;lIory -ai lments• •l in I",ubi,...

.\1..", I" (~,"I"; K~ .... rJ,, : A..'t i' t or Fit ry Mind F... wuN~: Q uiden, ~)'Sle11I;llIC. a;ocl. ,, 't lJ·,deral !h i n!uIokr. ... limb compIailb; brt..uung protokm... ailnKnt... dJ'>Ca..:. art lu.rd 10d,ag""", K,.,....wrJ.• .'

An .. ill

l' n u,u ~l


nJs: l 'nho Undcd andI... cn..ltic Thinking f " .vomhl..: m""j Ih;ll ;~ er.:at1\t and full of new ilk....; K~.... v


good .of ...riling. "'"",c ivi ~. and l"e>k: \\.,U educaled . ~\ed~ leers!Jn" .. althy.

COmJOflah~ life . I>c""fi~ial fam ily. dem ted. so h }el -.lmn,. hum."". •pinlu"oI . mini.lcr. jud",. pc"",n of meri t. 'o:n-itivc . wcially acti,'e. gond ...n-e of humor. " ell lIl,cd. ,000 intuilion , h ~ lO Me fun. ....n.. for the pu blic ~ U"jtJ'~mJhi..: Too opl imi F" v" m hl,,; C a",. for Ihe underdog a nd lhe ' uHcrilit ma"e,. be nefit> by living in f" re ,gn lan,h nr "orking ,,'i!h forc;t""r', le ache' and l" am , un,Y\n"c nlional sul>je"s, mighl u.... """"",ti," and ,u'l!el)' to;n; ), r"d in;. chan g" 'l ..i,l· I), n"NO"-' and lIIurried. ma ny "han~", in reside """, Ii"". in spirit ual hou '>.ing or o n 1he n nlJ'U' o f , pirilua l or rcligio ", organil.;Uion... fed ing, "h~ n~" a k~, e>.po,..rc 10 car accidems; ail lTlC1ll' o f lhe c ltesl, t> and heart ; mi;1II has'e , urgt"f}' on lhe !>reaM.


P U,.\ H 'i '-\ ' I .H I

.'1... i. u u Tlle S.. n occ..pies ilO "'" n , i, n (...."-'heln ). " ",....mho Royal "'-"'(ion Flhl). n:pJ, a rrl>illo..... propagandiSol. ad..xale , defender. INnb ....C•• unds 0111. famou... cour~eow.. command. dwnninS' repel s """",i'-;l). c,apahlc oppooen1.defea. oppo-eems. marp imelhiC oce. illcnl. f"'nl. "'hen prolised .umi.... l'''fl1WrobI~: (ira!>< !he "P"thSht. tn..). e,ui.... hoi; temf'horn. domi llic .pealer; liles 1""1f) and refi ...."ffICnl. la~~lLarg~ anilude. 10\... of nature and na tura l ' urr""ndin/l'. lfU'lwonhy. noc:cd.s 10 "'urk on their _nohe roellt< from prai..: UnjdVVrubJl': Nco:ds to he !he ad lock "' nh fatller. lal~. ofTen,., """I)'. IIh of 3l1ger. c ra""" Ihings inlle n..:ly. skm•

Ur 1..ftJ K~ .....nh. In lclligcnt AClion FQ''''rohIr: Brighl-mindn\. good m::lII. in'Piring .pc.dcr or .. n ..".. ronf1drnl. pnJ planner aoJ .. d l l _ n in their r",lo1. pro.\ lr rt"uy

g=.n-c. ambl'lOU'. thlnb good caml"!:



...- .., lh hiP. idc:I.l•. -elf·relia nt thmka-. In.''Ck frequently. benefit. nun the ",", ,,,,,menl or

lar;c COfl'OI"UIIJll\ L'~r .

f "", eh ildren. mind """a ..,.., fa.... d«rp.i'e. coolempel'. lad o f allClllion to dcui l•• o:ating.




) upiu r"lt I~ KrJo ,mJ,hunntd or rc""'-'d. clr\ m ) maltc""" "Mn OI'C ''pu rc'' and """' i,.,.j. "'orh '" cll ,,,,h fOll."1 ......... and f".n,n ....1'\';".... ",If-\Ulf,ci.-.II. falhrr I" ", "" unlt'oU31 hul _uc,·a_ful hI'., f.Jn/ a,,,,ruN r : Oecq>l"", confused ahoul J'Ur'f">"C ,n lof.,. ... ill ~ ,ntO "'>n'p1.... aliuns ...·,Ih lod...... a,,h-ama ~ c 0( b) DIhcn. ui.d.. orhcn. .. Di ned ~"'I""",,,ip " ilh foU",," ;md tlh JlCUfIk " to:> 0lCI ", "h au lhunl) 0'l'C'l' thnn. lO~ic hod) . hcaJ1 )lI'Otlk.....


A'rf" .." , _

K"",,"'niJ' Unhuu.ndni or ChaOlic Life Fa>T.>robk: S",.tlually ..... ancai. in_.,.j In hiP. fam\lal ... h >;,,'e probleITl'. emy '. 1~1""'. and bngU;oge; ,..:i_ if" ..w~lI.;al JUC'li'e OIlan trouble" impolcncc:: fm ilny d ,trlCllltic1.: bl.x>d ... ~at imNJancn: pn:blem. "i'h e hmmatioa .U"" i" \ it% /(~' ..'OI' .1,,t"a~ •• hernia. 10m mu...:k:,

Jupilrrin l'irgo /(t'}'K',m l , : Elpa",i,c ~l ind f " l!" rlr : Emcrprising. enlhllsia,lic. symra thctic. fricOOI )'. inlclIc':tllal. ~,:"e l'l i nll. "' If- manating. me lhod ical. in,i g.hlful. e of humor. juoJtc. mi m,tc•. Ctllln",lo•. , publisher. prof.......... t>u-i nc~Mt'an, fOl1 l1natc m ..-all Vnfa""ml>lr: o negali"c out..--ome-.. ""'- I propk 1'Cf'Oll. oto'>lJvl.1cd e hmllw ion. Wtgnllion in ~, and i,...,. · I;neo.. ht...bcbn. monlal problem, and ly le Un/mw"ble: Mentally un'table. too many 'urrri"" in life . hyrer-en,i 'lve. alli:rg:ieihllK noI u!"fmnl. ,, 'ili lum on peopk to r1ina I""m. kid""Y ailn"",'.;, knoocr IYek IYin. oe\u;ol .. uknes..... hc~ addia.\C bl:N'lor

'too.. i.. l.ihrw K~...vnJJ. Lmely E.mot>onf a.vruJ>lr : [), pIoma lil:. \tty .moolh. l"'...........c . -Nuct;\(.1'C'rnlc• .. 'ill II)' noll" hun f"'OI'lc'. fuehnp. ba ianf;ed. gr.. iou~ multifacelcd. acconun".bllni- plltiJ"o, O\ ercome .. ith 1"',........ ~anl. tmrwient. redJe"" decepli, r . , ulhttle. inunalure )lem.... romanlic ..nlar>-

I.llemen t.. mi.'lIRtk«lood in' ent. m•. do...... ·1 u rLam Ihing~ eoough. faug ued, l idney ailmem s. h'...r tmul>le•. hlc.............. fearful of change RaJ", ill lib.., K."...·o rdI.. lnrK•..-ali,,, or L'n... ua1 Lov e Faw>robir: A.xqtI~ and """ of I~ unu-ml and IIw: fIr: Qu ick adapl.lbdlt~ in "in illlle10de;U '" ilh a mul· nrudt of pet"'Ollalily 1~Jl er ..",Ieg,... qlle-ti....... :outlloflly. d,,,Tirn ina,,'·e. .. iny. a>k. ftw pn.>f. i Rl~nl on 0I1Ier.. urWly ...u\'il,", Vorjroken ji" aro:e.. para...' ''', ",",x uaHy driven .... it"'..t n.,~ h llllflilmml, reprodu" !i\'e a i hn~lIl ', ' pe« h or t...;rnng prn hlemard and fas!.. "" , in sbort..dUfllU ' ~ •• ~an ~d',,,,, 11" lini.hcd. 00I 1100d ...-ilh ....1l 4unl10ll I ... &. ido.."t... ... >UII4h.. ......,,,-ri............."e'.r." hIo.-di"ll. lo, i J"JHl~r i ..



K..." •..,n1. .. bp;in,i." A ,-,)ond ... """"ily lo lcam and ,;lay up 1 dale. po.,. nive. ..., otIg ~"'" of ",If :llI41 of I'" 'P'''''', 1'1,,1... "'I'h i~al. d iS",r,,,,,- pa" io",. ;ntcTc,,"1 ,n tran",en""... tal l n' ....lcdgc Unj""""lhl,,: Gel> ,nto J eI'l . d eve' had bo ler, IIw,indulJles, '" >t a., ho ly a , llle) Want oth,' N 10 think. get. mu...h en tid , m, k'jI:ll l'r"hlcm, . family I,o uhles, h,e"ks from , hiM,en, ti",,,,,,i,,1 I,,., 1hruull-h ' p',,-, ul,,l;lIn, hlllll, 1111 to mi' lake, . , d f·ai>sorhi fun·l.... ing, sm iling . strong ",ill. bon · es t. ~IICCJC . p">d caming allility. fonuna e. coumdor. m n",hmr. Jud~. mini""," Un/....."'bl..: F"" lr""">!' .. -;1Iful. chanl-'C"S or modi fleojob md resjdtoc~ oflen. "''' WI '1 hle 10 he .uhordillalc. opoilc d. ... ill rckl if n,lI gi' e" a good nplanaliOll. lUO opli mio;tic. "" ll ..y ...Ilal .n· r ral:.e ltll'g·lcrm r""pll"hi htl . f~;uful o f 1",-


BES E ~rn ~


ing fre. lie....... ... 1\JIli ailmeo l•• hip or mid · le g pn-.bJe""

.\1,..." ill Stl/lililln.. . K...,..."OI', ider.ollOl1. blu'b .. ul "",,,,,-.i'e. owdy"anl. lung ailmenl>o.lt1r and thiih tru..t>b.. ."eIling!>. lluid.ld (. b,"ld up


l'I~ "" 1l

in Sign"

.tlan in Sa/:itlariu"

Xry.",,"',. ~ClS lhing, donc , p"lnical ....",,) for g"' cm men l or I.. ge co rp" r .tliOll "{)f"~. un afraid ,tralc gi,,-. p" pular, '-elise "f hum" r, laugh< off Imuhk-, Un/ m oon/ hi" Tric. I,. , hard I" succeed. IKll"''' 001 hlll'l' other" fcel;"ghkms. ~pUalOr}' ;>ilmrnl... ;lIf"" iow.


Jup' u .. i" s.. !:itluri.. .

Jupiler i.


in ilS _ .. , i,.. (." akshCl"" _ \1.11"" Jupilt'f

,Ie. i. c~..hed '" i. in ih .... "Ioi'' .lhen lI am....Yop is

Te.idc!. m an a..

llJlTTll:d. illdkali ll1l~ hilhoN mamfN.lIlc. sense of humor, .. ielcd ExparNoli ~.- Coma. lepl mind-'Cl, humallll:ln.1J\, d1xiful. sen", of fa,""", . rc""""-tfll~ s;"e p"'lh. orthuf;k>", ",e;dIh n pw>d< ",Ith ill". rom "J"'3l' lhe lI'IIIh hKll~ , chml:lhlc. moun:etuJ. mana",,". >lily' 0II1rac! "IuiCl ly happy U"{a'VOtr>N,, Sul\mi•.;.... ",olrict cd JfU" lh. wcak I'onunc . trouble wilh c hildn: n....... h> lru>l. """ ''P''''. fr.......iilcd.. ...... ..:Tu pl..... " ill tak e " ..... I~y can !\d. 1..c~ of honor. "'... lack o f direction, prohkm



8£1'IC SK Y ---~-_


N"h u in .\ " /lilt" ri.. . K r'j '..'o nJ,: Good

M ~l eri~1

Oee of an un'l'Ilal or fo.." ii n na'ure; hJ., hlin g for 'he , uhhme .... ouH,f.lM.....d inary splrilual and pllik....,.hKal underIabng_; may lra\~" 10 fomgn C

prOJ.•",... ual. •lubbom. insa:ure. odd. p ili rmu Neo. I'C'\lriI!JJ · Slrucluted or R.:micled ThIllL nl! Ftrl'f"aH~: f'utr:y.cful. alIC'QIi'e 10 dull...... ic;d. froJal. anal)'tical. ,)led in okl philo>oJ>hin t'''fawr-aN~: C)t,.nor.". ....... sigh! 0( lbe Ill. J'IC1Wl:. J'l'1'). feels


~ ~T I!..A

"l,[l'f-SKO ''-


ill ,j", iII)' nlUlmc. morose, ,joubl ful, 'PC"""' ill of .~he"'. "",k., "" l:n~e , mu n, 1'clio::al. organ. ired. gi',"g Un(awroh!.truclcd financial gm "th. I'">or career, I....k of prolNbk: AN" 10 .,h;",,, Iu~h ....... uv "!,,rJluall, . ""ide!, ~IM' ", ...k. moJiuorw llJIPn....,hn. ...w eer "",~ ' hlough ClInloUlli .., uni:al Vnt...., rubk; Carttr ~i, i~ could ~m 10 '" up. 'ho" ""tf'(; lhnne\IlUI act" nih. .. hieh mo.y be: I"" unle ,""co&nl\ or Ai hu,,"nt' lo Ltc: ;o; 1II~ c 'i"'Cl;dly lhr knee, : ci n;uWioo c.....kllle ..... .

lelI,j". the pc1">OIl

feeling ,",o ld. k>I

.~ u "

i" A.q.... ri.... 1.,"1'\'''''',,)' : l"''' '' al iv" Act;'-;ty f " ,. ,mhlr ; Creal j,,, and ,,'lcllige nt, sc;,," tilic, a""I"i..-"I, Inven· li,'c, gC tl;us. caring. "" relic. pOlili..- "lIy active, "d""'ate, helpful In the 1( " ron- ",ale , lic or h-d'a~ dr;e~ -\l~'''7 .11

AqM4f1·... K.,... F.'Cu.rd "''''ker. thinkinjl inl""" ~ ...-uh aile U~f,,,,>roMe: \l icromana~, crilical. 'ilock iIllhe .mall detaille,.,L incal"" ilide.l. In>uhle de~lmg with urn.'CJ1ainly. t>Ut ..,f·,tpic: ant i philolic .... l,IAl;olUl ~ ant.! rclAion"'iJ's. jlClS d)-~f.....1it,.w J""'U>Cn. pwnncr.. 'eetb ;a..l gum I'f'.lblem.. 1lXiderrt.. ..ur'Jerie'I.. ~ fe-..:n.. m.he\. irregubri,y IXbeMl

A"....ri... 1:r:o" -.8: E~pan>oion Through ('OIIlroi Fa'''ffi hlt : 0rJ"" i7ed. orderly. deat and OOIl\'illf;1llg. one.-.ed 10 lawful and demot:' lII ic inte,.,.,t.. reformer. j ll.\I. " al II'll:. ...",h hard for tbe good of all. plulo.oplllcal. d iplomatic:. poli'ical , kill. ,,,If·'UlflC;enI. good fn end or ,uPr0oter. ...ell·beha.'ed e hildf~ V"f""""blt : Pl~)' " too much b~ lhe hook. per1 W":Ior~. ",n· i..,la\",&. f...... f, tend". limiled ""ahh, ",I UCI'lIlt to Ul"'nd or ITI",bI..: Gi.'c. aid and "'ppon to OIhe.... nnI"'nal. ll."'l"'Oful. peaccful.


W>i'" of f•...,Ii..... ",,"in!!. afflX'liona1.:. itbli.. 1C• • i~. mmanlic Vrr/.""md>lr: Too J-OII' .... 1JXllionIlJ1~ '. full of doohl. . ul....-rYir nL nnoIionall~' drJ-'nd.·nt. lar~'. ilklulll"lll. gulhhk. poor fOC\l'o .... r arn ing ... Ii~,ng . ..... crdra..·n li""'ncial .nd ..moIi ....... 1'. ,ol u"i...,

Un! mml>Jr : Locl o f ..apocit)' to earn the entfon, and ""'AC) lhey n,:,ro, usc' h.:o fn. Jjs",lihnod, uro-Nralllro. ''''cnndul~enl. I. n'pn.,JU,:I;'·C rom' '''clhn~, in the ;Rle-linal Uc" I'n ..... e E r.p;on...;on Fm'lH'Obk, F",,, gato' of ..'eallh. hr....c oudo.. ir.. .:Ii,·c. J'O'ilivc go;d '-Clter. a. fers cru, dC\-uttt l/nfas-..robir: O....:T'fXI..h. ~al ll'OI,I~ Iivc' 10 hi~ and fiN. h.ulcn roucah"n. uuuhk .. ~h ctI.klrcn. rcllllion,h,1' """"ern... ,(;r~. ,erN c:o.p;o......n. tnappmpria too ,,",,-'fl. ,e;l]OI. ;odd,,"\. infla mlcs. )-cIIal ,,,,, ill !'U n . I'~......,./.:

Slruct..-ed Gr0!0lh Fa...,.,b1r: InlCf'C'o.led in the j..,~ of !he ('(lIRl1'I probltftl'>. dn-tt"l! 10 !he "'runa: f"C"'J'1e. P'- circul al..... l" fl l ,lmC'l1I s, r..... problelll'i,joont In>UNfI''o'''' lam~ mi..... u~ of J"'nli ll..... Ii"h.. i" l'i'U J K~...otJ.: Shaio-cd Grou.lh Famrublr: f'u'-o fur 11011 "",,y_ ing allt'miu... ' '' Illc lUI"" and reg ulal iom., contused bclIa~;"f 1M financ e", 1'...... - in .........., ,_ It> fol""" :I f~ foimplc



I . Look. al!he p1aMt as if ;1 ,,~ in a I"'"ocular . ign. In Vedic a' lrolugy. l~ ou,.c, "i ll,.,. hle An~.!he 'oCO;t>l1d " " h ~e Talll'\l~ aliI"" .. :oy IM'Ugh Ilional ,,,,"Ilil,... ..... " f pel.. ' n"'bIc .. Ilh helper.. .i,ion trouble. repnld"",;, ,, or h"nlll>rW ;mbaJ· aIIt."C'I.. heaJth i. up and 0:1l.!lcm, . 'nf"nihly. pan,,,.,. "oHTly l'ul ..nko"'.m. ,..,'c....·hc'. hl: allh W(>fkc,. high ....· ual ' ;lalily. ~c .. . uI'JI'>r1 lrom '''hel'. ~ain, Ihmu l'h unearned mean, ( in.urall. ,.epw du,:tion ~nd cltmlllal10n ail· ment... few ~hil"""". ~h">R;e "'alet)' d ......a"'" (d ,alTtlc.'a. lunl' ("(lIl~e'>­ tIl'lL 'oCa",·L. fal ooild up. ete.l: d;m~,... of " ' a..'C.dc.., fi",,,,,,/JI~: H i ~h l ~'

.\1....., i" .\I,\ -I I1 I1 r 1(r>"'"J, : f ull , " f \lo"iIdkkr and "' i....'" 1"'f"."" ; idea hrt.i~c. cmOl ;,~",lIy and creal i"ely block ed link m;nj(ll; lion or al'l>recia tion in career. , low ad'am:emenu in car eer. trouhl e. Wilh knee' a,,,1joint. -'IIHIII in I-:/.FW....\ 'f1 l l1ou 'e 1I'..y""m,I.,: !'ullne" of Profit, an d Opr", luni l;..,

fi n'o","',,: I'len ly o f eIem~ "..ilh o lde r .. bh nJli' . ineo. 1"""". CUl'i. hump.. IIIf....1'o... and infbmm:il..-, do>':,""", Ihgh pin~ """'OIilla"""

• IICc ..... ful.

.it.." u.

.~ f. C(J .\' [J

II" .. ~

Aeti'"C in Acqw >lIJOll Ftl.VNpL'.Ik.... t ntrgCl IC family lifc. benctils "' ilb manllf""' lJIl ng. Indu"n~l .. military ¥I1, ilin,. , i.n 1Ik)()t) 10 the n«d). C.Im'O _n ....~)'. ctwTTu ng. capti ~31"',. mcflll ~' ... m:U"f mind. ",hcnluICf. cowageoes n'l h"fm lOaID'icc. tuns out . e.Jucarion prublnn, in t'm y ~·e""'. v."lIflIlc\l Of

I>rc.-"". borN-; tn arm . a nd uPJ't'I" hooJy. lra\d eccr-

""''' .lIan U. fO lRTIt It


~..,I'. brea.,t and che\[ ;nllammatj"", a nd \urgcrics; J'v rol>l.: Ovcr.octivc. drink< or talc. drug, to ..:I.....' u. ~. people to 00 their tl1()Ool, , OIiented '1l1dl"t bu >i llC\\QW1 or 1r..Jer, , hor1 tr."'el>, charming. 1'Cf'lJ"",e, 'l) Of b) r-cr\c~ Irk. >IrOIIS·", ilk>J ar)J vi~, pan"" ... Vn/il'-urohl.: I'roo.'okc, figlu' or di'J'Utn. -el li,1t a, partner. altr....1-, angry or OIg~,i\·e pa1f1(''';. lacks ....>Iaining I"'''. 'er, impolite. i......on, ioJcratc. fall. in Me or gets rntirt\alc 100'luickl). lt;q>ha.tard bu , i...." pracllcc" 1'O''''''i\·c. traPJlCr, heaJache , or heaJ injuric. , reprodUCli\ c ailment' ." ar< in f: IWITll llaltu Ke;.'.nml.l: A llurnillg U fc f"'''mhl€ : High ,' italit), martial ' piril, c~pre"i,'c, act i ~: hell" and gc" help from ul hers , idca!i, li"pa"ionatc: , kill. in life n lcn lc, bHlC' acli' ·c•• u ""';\ C ) et , II) , ho' b a \;':' um and a victrmizer, lad. o f -elf. ....ffkicllt."}. brolcn relation..hi",. prob\crm ...i tb ,ibling' and ncighbon. r«klc... ,",'itb nlOllC). lacl of ""PI"'" bUll othen. sudden cDding.. ""i1nd~ riddcn.l"'nal iloJ.. ""Na",~ abu-e . ;k-.:-idcnls. bums. poi"""in, ... ....'ll c ncl, theft" iw IIlnam mation ... ..oorrCnN life. innamcd bod ) .11,," i"

." ,' "TH H"".~

K€)...vnh: AcID., Fortu ne aDd Ptu~ fling. ..m llI:'ighbon. "'CT'UpuiOIl' .. ad pai""l&in, ..'Ofkt:r. ..Titeo about f'hil.""'J'h). ~Ii,ion. po.>ibly a>U'OIon U"f"''''nlNr : l in eieocck..>, unethICal. hu ld, po:uple lu lhe lellcr " f Ihe la" . utI"hl.. f"r ur . lIn"'!!h ... Lui>'e,- deran~ed.. d i 'rdcrl)'. fi.lIIIrd .... dc"Ih.IlCO''''' and men1 f,..- fa. her. lIip problem•

." "feU" in H :STU II",,,, K"yw" rd, : Intel ]"" IUa l f i/l 'o""bI,,: l' ''I'\ud imellcc1..w peop ..... prt ~«lrd by a1 hanoct' '" ith [""'crflll f"'t>pk. managing- ca-h 0-.. inlclh , cne oklcI- , iMing and friCfld ..,f nuod. educai N out 1 country• .Jm>e'> pk....lIlT< menta.lly U"{a,,,'m bk fcity a\ a healer. geu good helpcrl lities. facn p.." blem< . ,.h "", ' m"m, hum",,",,hl......~ 10 d'."gnillo"'. mampula tes OIheR f.... money. lad of ....If-promolion, limid. po..... fin,,,,,e-. I""l o f gr....- e(ulnn_. ph"ny ..piritualj,.. Iovo- re-io;t;mce 10 di-ea.-e. hu-hand t>ao financial and ... , wI prob!eJm. In>ubl~ "lth children. uver atlrnmt" p....., gru..m ing.. get_ fat or puffy O~C'f lime. j ..... llIw ,j,, : b p'llIsion Through H igh Know k dge f ,,.'o,,,hlr : Gain, the highe'l ronm of I< now l ed g~ . gcts go..d teachers and guru,. tra~~ li ng ~x pands Irtune. !l'~ 0d h, nu nc a nd personal p',,,--c,. ''1'1\imhlk. ac,-el'tl ng Unf(1w.",bI~: Conflic t~ n!> n( Fm....-..J>k: hpansi caren: wIled in """-u llmg. t:wl!.~ling. judgi,,&. !e"at:!>,ng. p/lik >phy. .pil'il UillilY. fi""ll1nllnl; ~ dnl~n; urllCn. hU'>1wwJ d.; pacci"c\; f"-"ili\'e OUl ria)' lhal role. '"" "' ell a, IIIlluem iai peopl c; ci"icminded. ahmi'olic_""",ntwnic:' ,,'ilh "'..,.., opan"",,, (If dcw lopi ng IQIc:m>


'''.''' ;If .\ "£ 0 .\'1' U.." ", KrJo-"-o,u,: Re fm"" Ta"'C'o

F" " " tlhlr : r-on un...c. pIe '"-lllf family life, p.:rw....i,c "'f'C'akr. l"ld mu., idan. , in¥"r, an"lie. oocially :Illcpl. language >lill .. 3'...... "' .....y hah n•. lIlee 10 h'fllC, .J>o.. cl" ' h,nJ. ~hid" s, n ".; " clililcd.. p;olnotic. k" e of G;1d and lhe d i' i"" V"/a ,.,bk.-In fficiency of 10,,, and comf"n. ,,,,,"m1t~ mother u, a, a ~her. l c ' nF fu, k,,·e. dr.... " 1I1 p"uplc lac:l' " F ' n k"" . lie o:do.oc.. ,io car and ho......, probkm•. ;n>Urant'C uu" blc... earc~. ...i th k,w: m.J ,""",,). rcprod uctl~ prut>!em>. bre_ and chc>I a ilmelll'" ""an and ••,,, dlme ull;""


~ .."

... ill f"/f'TII II",,,r Ary'", ortI. : ~I , nd of Lo we F" >'01'. l~ ...) '"r. bu,ine>s acuit y. C' JIllp...,,,,,,a!'> I,,. ">cial , \:; ill, . e,," ' mlllg. pct"ua.sive. fun -I" "' ng. bend,,- fn>m m:di ,...;'m and ":'; ['1"""' : c"n ~I;,ms 10 r", 11i uf gam",>. "mcnain' ncnt , allJ.. leucs. and amu", mCllls: intclligem. , kille1..:

Vulno:rablc. """ ots in I,we. I"' n n.:i"' d" 11( J ,,,, I.,..c, ",00 ",c lcd 10 ""op k di ' lntcre'ICd in them. ",xual irnhala". c. i" allc"li,c to loved ones Of u"alle l~lo:d hy I"ve,... m i~hl "'d ane"ti"" from "'>,n ' no re productive ill"e, ,,, . a" d ''''~erie" hrea, ( aihlle n(, or c"m p hcall" "'. eye a m k li"", . rcsmctcd sexual ocvel" pmCnl, I"", "f I" w d o"e,

1, ," ,.. i ll /li1."'lH If" .... , Kt:\ " lf. ; Llisllcd; fort, j/ratcl ul for bln.,ng>.. tlle>o>n Olhrn. I.!rrfa ''''''blt': f ...,l. "" fortllRlltc; lacl of apfIf'tt'''1OlI lrom lather. gwu. ano.l 00---; di........-Itantro; Ionp for I", c; "'",".ndulgent; f...,l~ hcunJro b) IIfc: kpl UlItlP!UIOfl" tn.oohl,,: f;J(

l ion ,lS i" Tf:...·7H Hou" K~...tHd,, : o."'''I'"' ioll' of lm'e and Beau,y f,..",ro/>I..: Good finances. comfon < ~ nd plc-..", re-.. " able rd..' k>n Iil e. p"'''idcs plea....., ,.. ....Iler>. lonn .....,,1,

lJnj",-aN..: .. ilh fe~ in 0ItCC'f or "i'b rrpmpu l,i"e, plan. hut i' immo hilil.ed abou1 Illk i n~ k"lion. un.......uru· lou.. h a, tnue f....hng for or a""arene " o f """" c....... 10 them. ,'Omrnunica lion. an: liard 10 ....dl:Nand or "" my , nu..1 ""'d. pilI. in e'In:_~ of cffon---."",,", or a 101. n:edon or d''''f'POJnl Ollle",; a hu>ed IIId I\i" ~)>(cm: ",andal>; clvon ic dl""'OCJ 8unt. ('.tll"" k il l'" O":r troul>les: resplnl..,.. ..illt"'''', ; proNem , tn,dina: and in fore'gn COIl"'....; .",nitta! ( 'til""

TF..\7H H,," u Kn1OvrdJ: eve", li me FVrvblt': Stno:lllrcd. steady , clt' : l'u r" "" "l'ponu n;1 ;", ,n a "NCIU~ allll prodcn l man1'II.'f: ••.1... 1 c~ i'li ns peoces-e-, allll i....."nll•..,': r " ,Ii" (nun tradilio",, ] Of e".ltli ,hOO Ivsi~", ~; g.i ns through older "tolm,..•• longume f,.;,,1IIh. and malure people of influence: lntks


-",al" T" i" 1"" El .f"TII If" .. ... K........vrdJ: h cu Li ber~l iun F" wmrhk O", ,"'n tn lif.. in plac.... o f ..,.;I,,_ion ~nd tq>alll1lon-ho "p'lal~, "l'hritm,. ~l~"l" and pm,uni ; ded":~led I" I ~ 1". ...; d la nl,,· 1>1.. " oJ h" llllllIIl..rilIn C

N.• m: I,' lIou n;

N"h .. in I:IN.H · II" " . .. K....·.. vrd.: L:nu,ual o r Inn.....a l" t Ikha,'''''' F" ,v rubl..: Shrt"" d. ca ulioo" mylt to lh,,"n othtn' ""pl;,i'y, f.",,,'-td on ...... t lopm jl pc:,,;onal "'....... ~nd wealth . build< ~ in a l li 1l~ .. ilh Ol~ {,'nt _ " blt . Li"" in tilt Itd In U" "I"" form , of co mmun"'''I ;..n and ""If -< ~ pres,;,,,, . ..·n t...... ....hom i"". mar k..., .".."'PtJ"I>n• ....,1f1 in", lll" .... '''nj; Ibinjl\ 0' al lbe ....",ng li m,,~ lak", a hil arr" appro ach; "ullanlo,,!>. "''''oC'".j,t. ....... ned, unMfilltd. d1,",pltd .-.:!uc""ullirintl. Iraoin. lleahhy bcginninlf'

'i' ilI.

of pUfJU'C in Ilk ..,:f";a. ~«d " nil good



L'rr/'''-orobI" ~Ifi,h. rgOli\l k:ol. t...nJe....-y to ii ""'" Ol.............If· """ling ;JllitlJ.k c,," 1I.her; fami l)' prot.IelR'i in gmeral; brokC'tl ..... i"""ff>tirnl: eoJucOllMlI1 ; h,;,l In >u!>k ~ ning CO••lly P''''C'OOM'''o ....h Z\ home• • :11. n~ cloIh«.. ellCCli ng. tugh ",nse of """,ice. droll" n '" htalin g.. good uh animal... lcJ;a1 "",.e. bend'i[S f"JOI lfJl1l~'s ,i l>li n~_un" and 1« t6th j" 3rd ' 0 the .lth ). J;ood re';.w>ce ... di~a~ ( ·" /aI attach; imp..;...... ~sive; 1»;", special diets;

Ia""",, . . .

" cal dig COlion Of h)~ t)·; prone IU i nflam~ •..,. di~ accido..." anJ injune..; IDa)' i/,~>d li naocial n I'm d fons : 1T"'''ey from a lfa ir>; "r (lie docrl) and the c1murc "f life U.!{a",,,, ,bI..: I.i, c < off the ~ race< of 0I bc l'\ : p""r: ti nar":;a! problem, ", ith I'arln,·r. nl i~h t I,,,e inh..-rit. nce, a..-..-cp" lt~, In... " pa~ m,·", fnr "''''ices; b)' famil) ; speech prob lems; dc,;cl'li , e: ., hne", . from food: teel h, Ii"" ~ .. m•. a nd f....e p«Jl>lcm. : 'i,ion ail!ncnld bt"'ah lhroug llOUl 11 k : alw. y, ' ccrn, III have '''me chan,e to llla~ e m",,,, y; able 10 fulfi ll .... i'il"' . ; /:el. financ i;,1 be nefit from old.... ' ihling. I}f from we ll pl"" ed peopl e: pan ....... chil dren are a be ne fit ( 1llh i, ~lh from 71h and i' co nrecred 10 tl'" 2ndl : ca,h flow co n....0.",,... ma llei"> Vn!ul'(>",l>It : Might be' l""" pfed to Lokt i""l'P"'rnatc mea n. 10 g. ... .. ca hh; """b fIov,' rroblnn>: gd' illlo fi....n1 ..... ;('\0 ocnJ"l u,('\o ; , p,ril u~ l Ilk V~fu ,,,ruh/,,


mo n"Y by " mlUns.

Sp..nd. too


~br"ad .

monc:y tryins.


h.·e> ~ simpk .

S.eI ml is.hlcntd.

htoolll('lo ~ finlll1o~ 1 , ict"n, man~ Io>;.a.. l~ ka lo-- 'p"y;nlt jobo. I""h

fi l1llllo al'llOIiul lon: . ptt'dl. I/u'o;ot. motllh, ..oo f~n Journt)',; s.ood \trru nar 'i"'aln or if\\lruct,,, : rnmurucation> >p.x'. .II,t Vnj,H'"",I>I,,: Imp'II,ent: d'~n' l tak~ good .....'e "f lhei, health: lrouble. wtth )ll unl!e' ,iblln,_ and neighbor_; "rU~I'\t,: IXttd in humanlla rian and chari table p.....uit. ; ,""on Im"" l, for bu,inc"," Unj,w"",M,: much st imulation and anlagonism frr ....,cn;.ful ' n run'ig n cuumnr, l'..l m"'....h lr : S ,t-hn~. rna) ex""':1 100 nll...h ...- l'l>km.. in rn...l alld hoT.......

R" I..r vf f -" " n lo itt SF-CO \ '/} K T") y,rJs: M,_)' Throu~h the Home ft mbl..: Good education andertlofional h la.....'C; , 000 Iinam." "; """" in eduulion. roun..., lmg. real eotate• .,ncuhuR:. , ;mIcnin,. hoIe l ..d hou wng Inde . d olhing. \'Chicles. or goologi.:al an d utlic ient edu , alion

R..I,·rln ll ..-ith 'l'"ilUOI prx1i«, Rll lrr "I"__ n ll i .. .~I \"TII Ar,,,,'_ h : f:mol Sl:ni....... [0 build up ,....... finan,ial a"~ e(r : u,,1n11 '""""" from Ie"""n,.. good profit. from train-



'lfIC'. ",If in llle: la iC>! "pp.. , mn ily ~reil-', fne""I ~. ,uppo.lI1i.'e. hcne·

f,,, f,um influenual friend from !he moIhc r . " de or II>c

fa mil ~. haw~.

fulfiU the.. dream... ~et ... hall h.,. "' aIM . g.... d ea.Jl flo .... (:rrf""" IIbI~; M~y "" •.., a """", oJ m,Jlher ( 11th ,. IIlti from II>c .tIti ~ .... y he: ... my ''l'l'''''\lic. thin"'- ,tic)' tla\c mu,t' " 1111.' than thc:).' do and ~"" .>JlP.,unlu..... undM'C'ducalfk ,,"';Ih ,,~: has dilf"",lly pcrl•..."n~ ,.. her >pintual (lQCtiC'cs: lIu"hlc ,,"uti ch,1drcn or chlkkann, . ~ ....... llYouj::h 'f'CCUlaliom.: nut S\ICCC>o~fu. In 'J'twu. ",,!CfUinlJlC'lll.'OO '>Ibn 1 ~J'C'i 0( ,am...


"f I lfth ill 'II:CO.\"1J


K,....."",h · Money Through the Mind Fa""","'~: U,n'e from ma te and from ctu ldrcn creatC$ .. allllO';p.ere o f financ ial.u.h . interN in emerua inmelll and p""", I'OlIlIlnlie. ge l> Io"e frorn their INteo; i ' '/e; , m"n l>u, i"e"mJ.n; good relali"". bip ",;Ib d" I ~; pa"io"" are fulfilled; form, ~'OOd bu. i"".. contrac:; l> alld related 10 -p«ul. rioon, .port.. ente n"IIlment. and ,e liglOU' act i,·it;""'; part ner .. 011 the 'ptrit",,1 Jl"1h. l/ n! awml t>l, : Seu>all)' ,weract;"'e; do"", not fn«I the.. need. ; lack of ~ood doe, no( COITtcll)" ~ up h,I"""" lr4n.-;t""'. or an)' form of agrffrnent; IrotIhle .. lib fore,,., bu" ne»;; ctul dren 1l\;I } ' be ... . ~' in a f~gn country or. diuant "ale


""'i""". ...."';




H.. "~ ,,j Fiflh in MGHTH K~'Y'..",i> : ShaJo.,.o.l lmellec l F«Ill di ff""'!1or ,,'i!ho.'Ul re-uh


H..,,~ uf f ifl. in .\I .\'TH K~ 'H"" ': Sp'n l....l lnle lligm....., FC. 'J'edalN in mantra , and orbe r ""n lll~ l le.:hn iq"e"S . " hild"'n a' e hle, ...,d. find, romanCe un lung...I I'ta.lI:e 1 .~ .'e1 S. a, lute k'k>w lcJge "f la...... el h i~ • . a nd j"' li,'e Un""'"rled fi~h tilll 'l~th; ",n..e of loCnioC'; , 1j1l in hullh

lind ,,,,If·i mpro' 'Ire.ks, and hrui...... H" I., ,,/ -"u lh ill n:cos" AtyWle. ; ailme nls of ieeth, mouth. race. and lIm..1

Hu k ,. of -"Ulit in Tl IIHlJ Kry _ nls." [k' l,-rmilk"d S~""ice "'"",,,"hI•." V.-ry d~I~""",,·d. couragnou l, ad~nlun: -e-d' tr: oft~n ~ thruugh d JOll alorr: Common j..t.... relal•..t 10 ...'t1U ~ ~II · ing.. clerio;" l. "'.....h. Iqal. and do:f~ I""'>IrH'i; youn,er . il>ling' might ... ;n, ..h'td in ......... I'll.... .......hl!l!. III"1llN .."..,icel;c.,. and other d..i.:me ur ~ril)' r", ld_ IJrt/".....abI. : C.." tli;lion "Ofler: 'lnIle~ic minJsd. k,li(,d m ... If-

lkfro>e of Wl)' fo rm. k~1 and mNic~l ,~ i ll,. :>&1" o tflCt' ! mlU\ll~ ­ mrnL prot.!"ttI" "" th malorn;d aunlS and ....... .... aoo I""'r ili""


Hula ,tj .'w ln in .\ ,.:n:.....1H K~.I...'r) . Of C'\ll·' filhr han! enough '0 kcp jolt or po.... tion: tu.. a """· payinJ and Iwd... odln~ job: ll\II1r. li- . mu"" a4, propk for ~ or ",le outloorn- 10 maLe cnhips add pov.'er 10 lhrir life; good b." ine" ,kills; bala ec ed in bu~inei> and dail y busin",,~ life; a ,lUIe; good rel iAliCln, hll"-.J:.iJled in ...,Ialing 10 1T1l"" ls bring "ICCelo': good p;lnn.,....hll" ;on{! maniage; litrong and well-


liked male

U'!fol'Orobk: Has l1KU llwn Clnt male or rwtntr-f!m aI the !oaITI" lime; partnerr. domin_ their lrw.; falleuN "'" 10 100 mIlCh lrlr\..,lin g; gers inlO ,,"ual cornplicaliOll>o; dupllcilOUlo; lOO balanud or 100 001 of balmcr; pri Jeltl> ... ilh t..., i _ part""""ip'; male ml~ht "" 100 foru....J ..... !Mm~l \'l . ed in ""e,. n:h. health. Im N i~ali..n ....1i' i1ies. and " C'C upauon. im uh...J. the e....ure ur e \ k'm.i..., o f Itfe , 1"''''''''' Ill", rt\;Iy do ......i....", ... ha\e InterN ,n l/to:.., "ea, I./nf" vuruN r: ~Ia,,;age prob! di,.........; male is i....-...n prdw n..;!>Ie and i.. Jlalrmt'm of JOOd c..Ii (10,. : pt'1">OIl ~ wong. romoonflC f~ hn F' and pa..,ion•• pef soo has JOOd M' s ilm rUx; S UI'I'•.ln oo . 1Id Defended F,m ,,.,,N e: Pm'a il o' e r !heir problel1l\ and OOITIe;m:h,:or. heal",.. in'''''lip lOl'. deteaj"" . ,nwral'ltt

. gem l""JIC'Ciall)

Slcn al'd accidenl\ ); " "",' pe'C'loo ",..lIh ll"'mop' fn om m.",....1 rclali ' l l''l/a.vroble: Troubloo " ilh d F"."roN,,: Malc i. ~'ual1~' ' -ital and pas",......c; mate I\,.,. fascinating 'piritual a.lld "", ~eric "Iua/ili",,; mate i, more sc.h ua l Ihan appear' "II tile out",de; mate ""uld inllerit or hlillg ,'Iller ,,"uree> of income lnlo the rclal"-"olship l'n/a>'!""f>I,,; Sut;«t 10 d l\-..rce and/or " ch llg: fIIlr1""'" gamhle or rake lOU much


Null , oj Eirllth i" t'/(iHTif K~"''rJrJJ : I-ull"".. 01 Supp...... Fuwrobk: G"",d """-Irh; "ral,, ~' and k", ~",,-ily': ....ppol'1 1'......... from mallYlrea;.; " ,oog ml ulllO" a nd "'J'C'I"il uics; ml"....,.,. in llIe "'PlIle; '~1I1 rNo IaI=; in~rc-.led in pun lco, ma,ie. and ....1JII'1"'" l/"/Ql'()robI~: ~-.". f...l, dear ""'...1Ibeir pu rpo..: in life ; unde rpaid ; ~ ""'" in", perio; 10. 'l ....hfoed propIc tn;I.~' I'd prum",ed ....'e r lt\c:nl; "'C'> hidC._rebCCe he l>a>ior; "'...... i......ed . abu.N.. lUId rejecled ; ..uncd ; ,i.ioo prot.Ielffi; aIlment> " r lITe fed a, .....,11 ~ reproduclIO and c hminaliun ; i" r; ,",'ill lII'i" 1t1O"ol la,", '§u il ~: ",", a of ~'_ il:e 10lhe f;llhcr .. nd I" the g uru: fooune rhn h....d IIItd.; falbu could be in,...I> ed in ,imilar p.....,.,;1S lj,iftn ~....t>lt : hillier "'" had heallh.. d .. providln, snvice U"j.n-ahi,.- Manu.ill ilIbom : strU, , 1eos 10 l~r ..m in" kMI"'yi", """J'I'liorter and ~1\iI 1 ~-'I. "P\I'" ....,....:ti ..,; inW>l~ ill healing •• lhe medic:al f;cld-: ll'It< ur ...ith iokas lha t art t.>o ",hilllCoj Of art OUI of toucll ...ith lht lirnoo->lLDd Lol l)'; sman . k_ '. l,,:ripIIII'''' and malllra\ : good opponumlies, children art a b1"",: ma} be gi~n the 'WIf1Un il~ 10 adopI a c hilJ or .. on:, for a~ 10 '1If'PO'1 ~-h ilJre n

llllf.,:r; J.a.:k of inrome 10 properly !C. and ,elf·jmpl'O"'emen l joborlC}' t/troug h de.:epuon; pa"'Cd enc.- for a.hancemcnl; ~ch fev; OJlf01unllJC<


R" lrr of £/~ ..'.;" .\"1,\711 /(n rth : Pfufi, s and fornmc F

,,; .... inspi Mion to 1JI~: '''''C'Cf could

sl) Ie;

;n""',-c fillilllCial """",gcmcnl. roru.ulling; wecc.. .. n h ","cm mcnl "nod .. "h 11IfJ( corporat ions; lhin"- '-cry big and malea,lClhal[ 'lar-alth"ugh anything i' r(',;"'1 ",i,ilu,,1friend' { Infa wroh/t: r.."-e, mnJU,!:h friend, and cider iC; ......rnl"ll nro 10 J!e1 t'nlighlO'nN l!"!a ,,,""""r: LocL of rourago anti dr1.. nnin ;,t/io", ""'"" Illrough •••"'...uu......; lml.. -ales or sclf· pmmoIiOfl ""ilil;""': arr~l'It'noi ..... limid: f"X" an i'ol ;'; anti ""rfOnt\;loc.. -.lilts; J!~l~ into lmu llk Illrougb "riling: uJII:",,,din~l~d: young~r " lIl ings Jnd nt'ighhtlrs art' a .. lOlrce o f concnn Hlt/r r

uf T..'rll l11 ill FOIRTH

A;r)'~',,,,I,, :

h .. l in ~, ti" f reoo" m F"" ""'f>lt : Sp, nl LI~1 -.eeker; t'ducation 10 f"rei ~ n lond, ; mlllher moy I>e ",. a ditle"'nt culturt' or race: eXl"'rienc", stJlt, " f ,""verie 4nd n~>bh a; 'Ilay for tht' horneIe" or he an adv" C :Jle f". """ pic w,lh· " ul a h"' n~ (re fLI~e." . r..ople rt'covt=n ng fD>tll J htlLl,jng 1" " "I" di ~a,. ler. Ole,): d"n ate, In "ht"* U,,(uwruJ,I..: Li v~~ in isolatoo r~gi'~lII; Im>n and troubles in Idol· lion.J1,p'; doC" ro-1y in bu,i"",. : bINnc~, partn l~ 7lhl Itll/~r

u/ , ..·d/," ill 1-:1(;11 111


l: nho oundcd ard lran...,endcfllal FIJ'Wruh t.... InH>I' ·c d III Incdicinc. i..... e....l'aliOll. alTair,; of older J!'-.,.,.".• ..".. i"u,,. ill !he end u f life: gain, lro lll olher,;· "".....; migI'll ( ) gCl inhenr,ulI:e ard ", he. form , " f uoexpcs1ed aodf,... UIlCa'llt.'d IIIComc:

adepl a _r,,'itual malte ", aod ph ik"" phin; " ,r y i,.uni,,,, a nd ,,,,i!!htful; ~ I ..",........tIer ; ~urio"" 10 1; _ ah"'utl "" '-'Xff1_ . ... hf..; 10,,,, of I"" tra ' "'Mntal VIr!a."""N,.- Shy; lack ....'''' lIlide nce; .·h,,'n;'; r...."dal m >bI"IT>!>: lacl. of \ illllity; o..... n·. fu•.-u, elll....' h un ma Lin.- a li\ 'in,: IAI,.-\;. nl" ~... ure: rq>rooJ....' '' e and din,i""t~)f> ai lment.; ...IT in ff1 ; b d . of "'f'I'O" and "" from 01:"""'; malle: Stud, abroad; ' llIete>fed in enh ;ht.........1lI antJ hi!!h form. uf 1;_Ien.


Rula III l'h'dfth in U ;,\"TH Kn ....."'J. : Unh" u nded Caree, FU" ' l'llhle : elf"'" inte,e," ""me, amu ",J ' ri flt ual. d ' a, ilahle. and humanitarian eff" n s; m" lll ...orl.; f", on.. o f tbe.... " ' j!I '"'ali" n" , ou kl al-o ,.. " I; , n d ini.... "'fTl'llhl~: DOl ~du ell ; ;n' utr", ien l ,,,,,,me; forsale. ~"'U'" m'n~ . for a 'f"n tua l life ~ nd slRlUles .u" ,""", h; ..." moch 'llI to juI> Io> for 1'dT"~; h}erid. and levels of e. itit> In fo"eip. 1aJlf -.ex;

ske.,.. ""ell Unji" ",,,blr: Lack o r dites'lion in life: on lhe run from the la" aOOlo. credl'or, ; ,ubJect to many fmc. and punj,h m.:nt.; ha.' t",,,hle in foreign land, : c)'e, ighl ailment,; feet p"'blc,,,,; 1.>1 muc h .it')" or ,u ; , Iccp d i" ,nl cr. ; d i,regaN for , pirilual pTa'"'.:c.



.••, "¥J:

" .-'~



~ogas--pCAne=I"s ,.·, we primari· l)' II"'" the: ,•.- ,If'd " '11" 10 "",-"an a ' roxifie piant1111')' ~umhmali"n lhat gi",... added effects to th0. Some 'H'tdd arJ .... 1hal trinn ar~ mor~ ,.j~ n , flCilnl .han "Iuu~,. boa in , he chan, thai I ha,'~ r~iltl. I find mor.. ,nn....",," """"in, frum "'luu"".

if you



In Ih,s chart .,....... ;on, going to J'Ul ~al .....~s on ,...t>pIilllot1 ~o, ,",, Dr, 8 \I. Raman Ita< "'n n..n I boul detI1h n, JO:) yu,il'. of hidt , ly Bockmi n. ter Fuller. ,"" nter. brou~hl OUI lhe ideil et"'""" planct:, don not ..nhlnce buth t.... pta ", C""JuJIC'liom "r~ "'" ..1"'ly" f';"ndIy---fl'llC ptilllh i po.

"'rrorn"" r..l..tion ....i"" .Of you CUI """ fi8Tl1si tic

'" hIIf",,,-.,,,. unbaPM' Itwe alTai". ~il. d i, illu, iomnenl •.,. d i' ench"" Imet\1 in malt........ f It"c; 1I11C\," ' -enh ona! 'IalC problem... fal lopian tuhe hlt,,;la~. er~ .

c....j" ..Nit>.. oj H ': ,\ L " ,uul lif: Tl' Kn .,..,rJ" " m ", • Loee: Kftu '" Chan,e and M••bha Ffl,; 1 ion ,



= Unu,ual or

F" I'OIrlbI,,: Likin, for drsaam, relIlOlc. or fOfCl, 1l rhingo: moee §IK~"'" in f"•., ign b •••" f de aling .., ilb fot>\.e"i '~ or o ""'If",k mind: dar"er, di...,.ay. k>!oing lhe bi, pi"l...... and """i,¥ " p."j«l fal l apan lit lbe "",mo: th inp ~ ofT "'0:11 the n fan ap;or1




n.., pm;i ned try- fIIaced. -y.... e- Of ""union.yo,... arc 'f'f'oo,c and t>e)ond ...·haI S-ft''"' readily r.-i&nt ,n Ille chan . In tile paSl. \ed.... . >l ruk".... "ould commrt lhac )'OIu to """..-y. " hieh led 10 "ft} formulao UK! upla...tiinlJli",... In inahon of p1aJliocTtNo> in ...luch l~ an kcaled or lllt- he......... lhal lhr) rule TIlt n fech ut ltr-.r y'",",. ;t> i, lhor gena-al ru~. are m,..1noIleral-1ie dun ng m" da~ a nd t>IIul ll ",,"o,l- of lilt pi",,", i", ,,h ~ The ""'" I'""idmt fulm of Rilja y,,,a . .~ ...h..., lhe' ruler 01 a lrinal. or Inl""". ho."'.... (1. 5. or 9 >cumbinn in 'f'1:....... acrordmg 10 thor MIC a,1""'-"' ruIt"S ("..., chOlp(C' IZI. f or ..umpk. Sercm in Aquarius zs prt:ts s.:..~ by 10 t s.tum . , prct> ho............ 3 llnd 10 ,"",llyl and \I"", i~ Sc....-pio ailil) 10 gain throtlgh _ "... of nab halr' Ji'l""ilion cune from Lagadil's ' ''dan ,l:O h omlto . nd frum Kama; Itar, . ·, Multun lto CltimOlllil ily to ..., ,!uidly- 100 " lIh Ii........,• .......h .., in oo-i_ whng. _ 01 the l"")'ctM>k>t: ic:oJ f..." tNlrao ~u ...n """"' re.a period.





T"" ..kJ/w..: S"ifl \ 10. .... H..........n. (If I..".., flames""", 5u flbol: head Pr.,.iJi"x f>r" ,,: A -h.. ,ni. I I kall M


~(I''-. Am.O"IOAr~ I~

n..""·RuJ,,,, P"'~ : K~u t 1y..anl FawnJbI..: Good. .....ady "'on... : honorabIc ljym, ; .-unpetmt. .....g......,,-~; inlell" "'ll. rel iable_ "'If••utr"; g.ood r........- n; lighl-hearted.. opllflmem and healm, norrt:) to 01:1....'" S{'Intuallendtn..; ".; modc'rat... bahtt. l'lI;): ~>aI "n entnl: like. 10 g'" lhe boI10m hne; goes (Of " 'hallMy-' ",or: J 'gmlinl: la..... pride in "'hal they 00; "ill hor>or lheir ccmnutn flb ; g",>d le;ider. .1"'. lgblf"", ant


n,,' """"

UItji",o",bI,: Chang..ahl... \ llilling.\fUhn"m : 10 ad\'ice; hard 10 ~.....; imp"h"nl; .....JIOOd> Un >troIlg.y In chall"n!!",; ,.." goal, •• "\ !,,,,c-n... a1ly indul!!"n t; Capl· c...., ; quick 10 find ..""kl\e"o' I~ Io\..t inlerN In , ~hn' >OITIrlbin' ............... 'II "-'uld llnl .... okay. - 8enbr aso"y TO ulllen R~"'WWf....ndtd "o.:ti "I1~': C",, \'()' s 1h( ''lhn furm. of fighting ba~k ~ working with IO ~ lm, ppl!ic.; can lie ~,..-.l "rile. "",j in,plri ", 'f'C'u ",,-; ;ma ginali\ e: slri"e> I" rid lllc:ir hie or ~ny i"'P"rit ic> or t'nt:uml'or..""... that rnuld s1""" their _pimua! pn~rC"o' VnflJlOfl,blr: Th e.. ,i mple approa.; b 10 life might"" inl"'J"':llOO and lack _ of It.. dri, c and ("•.' 1l' ,..,cdaj 10 ""r" a propC'I' h' -;ng. Lkk ,..-iOR'Sight getS Ih= ;11I0 comr1oc..".......-freq...",' 1l1(>\""ll . un.ul'>k rdaliomhif". multiple job< or C~. R«votI~.4n ;" ;/i...-; Good for k'>lar1.ln, """"-~; ~ "nil. !oClf. ;ml'f lea rn all rhty can ah""1 hfe-mall"l cern .......... kdg~.... l>le in ma n) areas.earna good l"ing . n"."f>a;"Ie d. modl.'I1l1C ,nJ.,..;n".. f'l'~~i-tiona!. lhcir dt-\vl ...... Can lum 10 "'00......'" ka< mg Ibcm "J"-'O10 ban, a martyr or ':"1 ,,,,,,n dd r.nd.:d by hd in tile .. ." ng P""Pk


Rrc""''''el1 i. anu. he r naJ;;!Jlal n fa......-ah le (or doing " f i =" 'll" ncg ali~e "" h. 'loch a. ha' in~ "'>111tcd. fmefuJ. Thi. l~ nOI • rn.lI'lIhk lin", 10 iniliale new lhing .. excepe perna!", 10 _tan a r\C'W S1ud)'. " , uecover hidtkn w~:lIth ,"buried tre~,u n:"1 ' ll" lO ~mhk. Thi. mig '" ho: • time to pul .............., in an ;rNitution Of ~"'lI1lt'." Go tolruc· lonItioIt:

,..>lay d e' t,IIt eo'lll,

0 .11" .1#



Tnu..Ic",. ",: H-.1 .\ ,.....11: 1br Ii,e f .., ..... ~ .. hand. .. a d ......" bN Ii'>l PrtsiJu'l( IJrira,un fSun's .... ... r.I )" "" ....... uocu"'...: Vif go, 10" to \ ' Q''' 13"'20' ..... l"Jasa -RII/ ,ntl PI_ n : M'' 'l fl O } ." FW. and lh.. lleTbs and/or Y'OU ';al ~. "ill br Il"IOfe .. tr....Ii,.., Ctta..,,, y m , i..... pc.'PI e; dt>nll 't untlrNa.... their impa..1 un dued S,,'..u..>I: A toed or ~ d~'s til'" PTr. jJu. , lh lty: A pi l "'ala) l..oro,it", ,· S., ittaritr< In r 10 Sag ittMiu< ~.-W /Jrua ·H" ItIl /t PllJM I: \"ellllS (2() )eareo!don e no"", F.collOlnit:: p lanning ,h' ~ll d he ra'o' m;rl lhe "m h lime' ~ Itw ""~I .. ben tbe I>ody of ,be Nhy j. .... '. iy a lot ()( a.,IrOk~ ...... ,., 10 aoJ.. the- cliftll ahou t ~irJC dan of .., nif"'ant life ("om!' In lhot ~_ For "ample. ,,-_k about t;bl.... of marn..,e. di,~. !lin i\ of ,-h,Idn.n. .:cidmt•. hospita lit ati....... do:. ~ ;1'01110,:....... ill lhm run ' an n..» blnh limn 10 locale da C",,,iJr r in H.u tify illit "


,....."'..: ·Iltc.... euuld P"'"b1) be a COfn' la/lon t>n.. ~ t'-' a,kong of a 'l ue-llOI'--Ihlol i-.. .. !kn a person con'IIl.·" ,~ lI'>lrolorer- and the time of ,hc1r I>'rlh. Fing. Whe n )011 gCl lheir I>m" lb'a . If I~ " all""'" lion .. . 0 ,,'hc1het lhey :oR Gemini or Cwon-r. Ibm JIO-,ry a lbl; I""m. ,ndi,;.Iling Grmi ........gN- ' (~el" 13 funher di""",,"C"'



T~pl' of

ca..... r: Tllr c,...",r or .'ariou. jot>. a peoon h", >d«tnI , 0000d be C"o'idrn!,n lhe d1. .. Whm )011 loot. al ,he lemh hou.-e. !he' rut.:r at .... te .. h, and plant'l' occ~ i~ the ...."h, you , hould be able '" ~niLe . ~ c""",,r cho~ IIl30de 11)' !he' penon. To Ie."," "hal 1)1"'" of c"""",, a", '>l in,ul.. ed b)'1!le' diffetnl' plann•• con", h chaplel" 6. Tllr Lagllil and it. !Uhng plane! .. ,11 ai>o p1a~ a lafl!l' role in ,hapi ng a per",ill. a.-J life mlm.',I s.


~"lall"".hi ,, ' " I"'rtne..... fam il)

e,c n,,: T he family hou""

m" "'''''..... 1100 thei r tife

=: .~ rd lo r younger 'illlinj!" " .JIll for m.~ h­

cr. 0111 " " mo' '''' r'' , illiing, or aunt, and unde, a,k! l""irorT-p ring-. 7111 for male. 'J, h for father. ami 111h for ollkr , ihling' a"u falhe" , , iblings or a Unl> . nU ullde ••",[ {heit olhpring. If the rrl a' ion.hip, and ,he life e"en" of ,he'" family memlle", are favural>le or u n f." or~l>le . {here , hrrl .\ho!"rt1 gi>co .Jela,t. on iody m;arlJngo, TbcTe i< all ad>........,d o}ste m cal led n,..u.uw,. a.... bmd ,n t'",

l'oJOk. dIal , i>e. a . pccif..: teehni'l"" f.. uJl . Mercury. Jur'ler. ~I" MaWrl m lhan (" allet!

;n a ~ reat friend ' n this chapter)

I,,,,aled in an ang le or a tri""

,'arguuam a

conj uncl of a>peeled by ot her he

~hel11 rned · in" , II" placed

1\ w·",,,,, inun""" oyolcm i\ al y es lb. 8. ;and 121. My posinon i' thal male1k p1«1'lI:1' ~ ...oese III ""l! ali'l" posiuo..s. no! bct:\Cl". If • pc...... " .. e:ok Ilk! hungry and en '...... lhe hou it...,lf fllU y.



~D_oncd ~'''''''fe na~am ..., Good pla.:e menl Hlcrea>e' ,.... ..bilily of . hi: choon 10 rock up fa rnra bJe indi,;a1ioM. Bad pl........1fIC'II1 brin~. do"" ,he c hart.


Look aI .he -lladbala and ''''l'abala ~rnl~'1re, then it r..nctionv as a mal..l;c, and if hen..l;cs .'1'l. lhe quao,ny (If predomin"'...... of lhe plane l< ' pl.......n...o"- a' e 'hey mo ,n, "I~, SJlum. JUJ"tn . Rahu. and Miu. \ krge tb:sc lr_il d f",,1S '" 'lh lho: daI»\ Jmal~ " ' +1 Th.. pi....,. ;. 01"",1) ,,,mbll" ,I>< Sun ,- ), Thi, r 'ane' "ocl"al"J in pl."",..), ,,,... (Ir.1IJ ) U ...."'"


ThI.1'l-1 .. ~~fi< 1+ I. '.:'.. maltr", H ~ to ___ ~



1110, pl.o.... h '8 ~ k""fi< 0.m.olcfoc l ·l ~ .. ..., _-...-.... m.n


ThI> pl.-ond I' ",'«" 1 t..""r", 1.1 0.m.oIdic H in 1Ilo , ...t!-' "" mm;ory lObi"" ta-'i1it4t>1-< ,n Ifk"-l ,.' fl...·. '" >tllH


Thl' ~ a kolcfi c 1. 1'... mold'" H I n ll""",,~ from Ill< CUlT"" ",,,,,",1'0' Ill< d~ hll kli ... ;od"'..


Thj, pl...., ",:c,"".. 4 " , n ...·i'h high (. ) '" "",. I-)

_ ,,,.h ' ok. ',,,,,. ' lr pUnII "f "'lIh f;n ........... anJ unfa...""'''' quali. ~ For !h.. prno.>I1 ma~' "",... a miud 1'""'_IOlY or lhey ~. ha, e pn-j"d. in t..... , Ii' .... .. hen f"",..:oI>I e ,,.. unf",."""'" qu~hlln ....,_ f"'"..... Yo........ k,l b .... fi N :III .. "'" .Ile plallC! _ig nif~ J" l'I0'''. " 'hell'o:r pl;l....I;I. y I"'rio•.h ..... ill t>e fa.orat> l.. unfa.ora t> le. In 0 '" " ';lm pi.., ..... 11 h a favtlr;ll>... Moo" In the "t'cond htl"' e. y'O\! coukr e\ l"'d the I"''''' n Itl ,h, . . . ell iinanci;llly .....ithin the ind ieutio n, proulI 'ed t>y Ihe ).1u,j....... el'" The etl«t. tit g.>chara 0' pla netary Iran. il, can .... judgnl fn'", !he planela')' .uC'njll h. The """" pn:";llent pn*'lcm. and "' lhal dri. n """"I client. 10 ~ an aslrol"j:C" " .. ~n t~ planet. fU 'k''''''g unf.. .......Ny- in .. "'l""'.flC chart lr3n, il "',.:r unf"" o.a" lc rl"""''''Y ",,,iIi..... in lhe ltinh ch.att.




... Jchilobled pbnet ..; 11 1'orc0ll"" _ 'ng'" anoJ ....!I'C p""1"" Il""""h .1 .. ,11 .." ld and he l" I an: n'" ~ood, l1le)' oft en cal l . he ral i.. the Str"n~1I1 Fad result. »--:!.': Ave... ~( (hft" 30: \'el)' f."'falllc:



Skill lll: !=oRCCMCing OR j)Redictir'9 eVenOl % ~'8l




>.!? ..:

\ I~

\, )i

, iT:



" :::

;lid to rr~nl It.,- Indk~tiom ~nd tfIC' culmirwlln' pinh dun . A, ee

...uolo.,,",,"o } " "

m.... he k,drln:'\ ...'hk h rlandS "'" otnlllgIL,,- '" J, (y u/!n). ~t YIIi" '-1arItd " lIh lilt drath of Kn. hna. SUI1lc .....y on ~t~ 2. J10Z B.Co ~f1C'r Kri\hna ..... m....alcnly ...... b:I' " hunl...•• arnNo' Dal n ,I" Io\..r h;" lh.. npIinn 01' cal "u la" n~ d...'a' from lhe Slrnng".r of ,' ilh,:, lht I.agna 0' lhe M.... n. Thi' is an area On whie'h I have ~n hn t.. or no '-Omm".nla, y; curte mly. I l '>lill ow,· lay lhe v...... hal'hal dlar1 on lilt birth charl lo sy nthe";le lhe' ......ull emg ""'a,ed in a cen..'n srgn i~ ll'1oe dra'" n up ff ,ty ~fon alont'. Foll,"" i", a formul a. e",'Oh sign of tho: JOJi:o.: "'''uld t>e gi'''' n a ,a lue frt'm ( )...~, ,r~ >winJ,t lh" Moo n ...ould do ...ell Of l~",rly by tran, i, (n""1 modem "'''''pUler program, will do Ihi, ("r l"",j, Thi . "value chan" i, dr..", n up for each p lane t, ,tw,... ing a vign hac high or 10... !>indu,. High bindu,_follr 0 1 more--m"an tha t the Moo n " 'ill do well when tran , itlng lhal ;.ign. l)nder four bindu. rOOi · cal", lha, ,he Mo\,n ""11100 JX>Orly in tha i l">;.ilion by Iran' ;t. .... ", hen male fic planets lra n, il 0 ...-1 the sign oc cu pi'-"tl !>y tha t ", Moo n. • he ", ill IIO! be a....e 10 repel the malefic inllu ence;.. If lhe \k".n had hi~.fl blll\du;, in a . ign and ""IS lranrt t:l planeh duou,h lhe . i, .....


cakul atiOfl Can lie .son..- in second" It i' only '''''l

'-8 ,.. J-I



'00" 75'

'"' 25%

Counting the Lagna 0' the Moon as one, rllld when a (llanel tran· lnali..... of all (IIa.....1a l)' mflur'K"" fallin~ in a ";~n . Sa""" _an< ~all.~ Th is IR"""" ,.ummari,,"'< all lhe hindu> o r an Ih< p1al1l"r. (or each ,i~n, The !'C"utla.. numl"C'f .. ill lell )011 lhe overall Mreflglh or a '" I n 10 rro.note lood alld n-pcl hod infl~. The minim um ,,,,1~ i< ;!..~ 10"hI"';n 10001 ......u1 I$(SC'Cch.opICT 121. 0..,1' JO billala and othe r rul... f..... do.1cmuninll'lanclar)' , I= , th,

.5. SummarilC lhe tol:Il numM of tnn,ih

that in imf'iK"lmg

lhal .....,.'11......... lhe -arne time. 6. Doterminr 1l'C' ",,,,,,11 \lmItlh of lhe ......1001 c hart 10 rromute or rcrcl f:n orahie or unfa\'Ol'3hk ill.~. 1. 1m i..... ""'""' Ill Ihr rou nk:rNlancin~ inllla""'T..,o ,ft) "!'Kilk infonn.olion 111" i•• ",;nlplr hut ..-..!f1Jl rolf. ( A day o n nthn-";!k


cn , till briJlt! r tf....," .) h,

Luo.>k ", lra ",il> ...,1 .",.. 10 1....,:...... Moon. and S"" p...w >g I hn lUjth : IJ ...... ~; and

2J 3~

",;~ ...

You c.,n iII..... lok ,n """" of ...kWlrao Ill... ci," . r

Look.. lhr pl.nrI·' . rr....,lh

2. Lool. .. Nev.' . nd FilII M"",,> .!'"ii.w. lhr """d dian. a. Lu.......>n. n, ~ of !lililence, eu:,: .Jtea"", 1''''apna J: cd e>.tial allen'" of an omen', innuence from the !UlllfC of e.-enb Chool O,:C"" in lhe c t:al e lhe part..... ., ,'ilh hou-e ( 1 Ilh " 5!h lolhe 71111• •ndica ung ~hi kl ren . nd lh~ ir ~umpk.

.If.",. nd rbe male', need ro' ""·e.nd roman.:e. could e-en hel p you ... ilh you r 011 a mcdiwlOll

i", ~ menl •• nd

~ )'UU'

l1e a


F'JlId companion


\\ haI folloo.o.." a ,~ ....... gui&:l,,~. ~ JI"" lliorJ" ...i ll be modi ·

fied lIJ' ......... n b)' me quahl)' of lhe planf'C'.1cd. lie....... ,he ~ .ndto:..." IM lhe pI"""l;' ron.'c cWIIIS or . 1l.... IK_ oa .-um n, . imullancou,ly. I u,;c til run ,1!ouu for lhal day to determine !he CUCI hour of lhc "'CTIl:.

l 'nf" ' or llh lc n1rn-n l da-albhulti, olln l'My IInfa",r,,1'olc

pC"""' "

Ira "" ;h . If a in an unfnor-al>k ~U kll uno! an unfa" )I"ah!c I,a", it occcrs lhe o' ",a ll c" p"cll y ' 0 "-'J'l'1 Ibe nqrali"e eran ';1 i, weak. •

t' nfa, ·"ru hl.' lrun,i l' ,... nn",,·It"d I" lilt- 61h I>""..... lhc Nh " ~n ( Vi' II" ). and 11k: rule r or the fllh lIu,e ..-ill tri g. l1er lInfavoral>1c cwnl' ,duled 10 WM1 Ihe (', Ih h,," , e rep" " ..'m ,: heallh, di,pll1" IIlh h,"'..... lhe KII> 'ign 1s..'O'l"U!. and lhe rul..,,- u f lhe ~I h hou ,< ""lltng· rer urtfa u hlc ",CIII. relalro 10 "hal lhe ~1h h....'" ~ """,, III, : nou. hea llh proN"n,. (pc","!" dealh If ocher

fen; "'" of "'!"P'>fI; hcinr d i~ardcd di''''''J'eClro, or O\"r1o..l ro: ,'U lncrahtlily W mi' ''""nn''nt. ""a nobJ. CDlh;orra~\II1Cfle. C1e. ind icalon C-e1i"-l;

• tnr.............


1....".,;10 « ", nt'l'ud 10 I.... IZlh "'........ Ihe

1::!tIt "I n I Pi"" ",,!. a no! lhe ruler of lhe 111h hou", ",111 lrigjI:CT unta\orahk ",'Ie. !hen "'crall elfects .. iJl be In.o beneflC" l in gener_ _ mm ure of .... --qu ile·,... ool.nJ noll-quile-Nd etf«ts

. ,11

an~ .

• .\ ..trno« lind , transite.! by r

pIanri ;n Ih hin h t ha n .. hen "....hle pl.met. .. ill Jivc r..' urA'ok rtf...."!• .

• T,", turn-nl da....tbh ukl. "" ri"d I, fll...... h.... Thi s amplifies {a",..ah!e Ir,,",, ~,.


In"" M"J.:" ,'u.",I. f'" "",tlbl, " lu" Tr" " .a;,,/( •


( '"j" vor(l},l1 /Du.tlul" " / fI"".,, . '!

If Iht 6lh h..lI"". ;I~ ruler, and Vi~ ace '>Inong io Iht natal llItn lran~ilS m a tht 6th will di",I~) 1Tn"l'1"";li•., rif« I'l-for i",WOI.'t. good ",If -oeftm.t ralhtT than "". Through In..,k Resi"' '''''''' 10 di",ast ..'ill lit ,tnonP'f and lhe 00I't1 of illntsl and a-ridtnt!. ..ill he ku. ~han.

• If tht 11th hau.e. ,\"; ruler, and Socorpio art "' none in lilt natal chan. llItn, Ma Iht 8lh ...11 he ......, , or II It.a.'>l len ...gati>t_ T hi. lran'e1 y_ •


If the I1t11hou"." itl ruler, an d Pi""el are ' tn 1llg in tile "ata l , hart. Ihcn transits over the 121h w,lI he Ilk" '" 1'" ,; . nve. Thi, Irao, it w uld hring a n inl'r"a ".,u 'ell'« of charity allu , ... lf-sacnfke ; w lf.• uffici e",:y i, hi gh~r: nklVe menl I" ward ' r irituahly a nd en lighteolll" nt i. " lillie ri".,; ,Jeep ItllpnlVt . : ... , is ",,,re plea, ,,ra!>le; Irave l l" """ 'go COlIn· lrit . i, gai nful; lime c....1d lit ~flenl in a retreat or ashram . rhere i . IlK..., proI ecti on against loss lba n hef,,,,,: 1e.,.1 pntohlen " leading 10 ....... ~ibk imrn"""'rr"lml fade away: and tht J'tr"', n is able to It,!'e a hospilll i nr pl..,t of dtwl1ion.

Tht fol ..... mg 'CX1ioo list. lilt t!f....:t< of each plano:l:', lr3nsl1S 1Iw hou..n. You '~n ~ 1Iw lri~iting piarln rrl."e 10 the natal p>'>it.",.o( lho ~l"on am lho I..aa;na. ComI>P>ing or mtlJIng the "'" is

S un b S IX TH f mm ,\I",,,, ,IT ' '''KIIO Kr",' ,,,d .: St'r ., ;"~ amI u.. 1~n"., nf l h ~ Sdf FOl' from hr aling ,.,od; get a elrhip fiJ.'OI'UbJ, · Good 1I11W' for t'ou..i_

1tan ......1 ionlttinJl 10

"P"",",,Dl "' ith OIhoT!run )OU "'OIl ' . pin; JOOd "1M for a Ion, mnln.alion mrtal or a nice crip 10 a ' p.1. Of h!';l,]th tn';IIl mml : ill'oNiJlalt' III' O fll)'9:~ V..~'t'Oli_hing. ~ i,it )...... r rOll""r ' >r ) our IlIC k " "11 ,,,0,,00 , "'" I.V mtrlllfl sense and ' tal t1lueal In )'our IT""....."!;o n" km,-.di>laJ>ce tra,d, 1001< fruMul /./nj«' y'robl, : R ~ali¥ n " 'lIh ) our 1'In~, fac h..... and ~uro--n, -Ir: (' aI..: ('",,,n'e .. " ling ;U>d communiu tjon. d "ovld ht b , 'Ofable; J'h),icill >trrn glh. dcfcmuo;u>on, and J'IIffO'oCful"..", ...... ... ,her: nule commitmm,,; YNI your br-olllocT'd &'ting: ~.. ~S ytlIII'l' Iruvtral'!Ig

,lI ao.. I . IOl 'RTII j rom ." ao.. or UI /:Hd ~...'Ofds: FuUne... of Fttltllg, Faromblr: Thi, i, a goOO time flY J1XJf'C Nucalioo: call yOUT "'ull"",; . pend nIOl'C lime ", ilb )'OUT family: do, thinr I" ma~e yOUT t.._ moll' c"rn(onab~; We a Dice trip in } 'OIlr ca"; ) ..... f« ling, and lI11uilion \1>0.... 1l~: Emoi ioo, are more de'lic",e a.l lIIi, I,me : Iry 1'10II to Id) our (t' 1.M/C'''' Kt'J'IIotdJ : Fullnes- of FOllY"" FaHlluN t': This" 11 fonu"'le perm,J ; he""fih "'-Ime fro m tqal., and cducauoru.1 p u"", n\ ; lili a It , JO""""Y and e njoy y,....-e lf; ' i, il Y'JtIf falbor ,. ' UN; ...rl oul Y' pta ns a nd Olratqr\ ",'jlh empk,)'e.. ( 'nfirmrtlb lt': Your ht...... lalh:r mlp.1 he emutitloaHy uff be-e in thi ~ po:rioJ; ...orric-o. ahtlUl tugher e:tfuclll ..... aoo Y'.... '''''rail f,.-tune mighl creq> in; Ihe~ i, e 10 ( urnphnHtlrI' ",'~h k... ~-le; ~y e1hicat


your c-h,ldn:n b«omc ill. , hen la ke care of it rig hl a... a~' ; keel' ur ywr heahh

I • .\ 1:1 '1::.\ '111fro ", .\10.... Of' l .JIgtUI K~-, n1.: ElJ"'ll ';'"e Partners hir< f(noorobl~: Fam ""'" paI1nel">hip> un••ni~c~ ):"" 'hoo ld be good: 1eom11ll1llOO'e about your bIN""", could your e...-n · ing~ """'c lra....l r." " '00 is good------uL.e your "'""c: ut planning your ' np;.: >I'K>'A' JI"OI'Ie you. gr.o!i . 1Ude; for " VffieI\, ' hi, transil rould ui gger some i.~ " -lIh lhe m.ce: you If\lghl be npcai ng 100 muc h JUl'iI~ ~


J" p iu r I . EIGllrll f ro", ,\1_ Of' 1.. K, is one of Jupiler'~ be..l lJan";,._ hI:rc is moee fO(· lin:', ' I"nnul kR" '! '

} Ilp iur I . Tf:,\ 'TII / n ,m ,II""", " r 14 K" "


,lI'g (K "" Your "'puGltion """Id L1U a dowo "'utrI If )011 do," 1 leep up ...ilh tour ~l>ihlie-: if)oo dcla).lhcn filW'lCC and c~ "l'I'OfI""' I~


pa". )OU ~ ; you m lghl ha.., 10 pill

In _ nlnl e ffort 10 l«p lhinp ~Hlll; leep My a r>d don 'l fall ~ 10 horcdum }"piur I . f:l.F..'F.,\TII / ra_ .,,_

Of' / ....1:_

Kn .. fHIb: W....lth of Opp..nuoillC>. 1'" ..",11>I..: C",.. h !lo'A' """'Id be bclllT, ha\'Pock; be ca re· fu l ahou l invc,tin g in "gel rich" schemes: 'lay foc u~ d on yuu r ea rn· mgs: therc arC lrcnd, now to ovc rindulgc or not pay c nough al1e ntion ]Ilpi/r r I . 'lW I-."IJTII /,nm .\1" ",1 ,,, Lag"" Kr p w nl.•: In, ighh for Lia"raDOIl

1'a"'''''/>/r: Some de,i"" for "",.., ....lIl i gh ~lImcn(· mIl/hI be cree pillg ill Ill....'; l:n In India , or ~omc fCmote pi lgrimag~ ' pol or • .., trCal il yoo '",1ind lllN ;)OII' chari table dolla lion .... ill he re... ankd; iI's good 10 'PCnd -ome qu;"t lime ...lIh yIIDClf; fillllncial .. ~pa .... ion ..h->uld bc pu l o ff ufll,1 ""~ I)O'Ir of lhi.. Sa.Ie SaJj " n I I... be I ll'l inl .O the L.a~ "" and I" thr Sun. '>.al um ', traINh art" o lt.. n I.......... wi ~in~ and impkli", of all Ihr 1I1On,I". M""h of .. ha11 is iuPl"' ni n~ "'''h IlJl 'n.lo\i dwl. '" btn I~)' cal l for I re...h "J. '-1lJl be ~augnl from thr Cwn'''' p »nion of ~ urn O' f'f thr nlla l c han plmrl:;.----e..pecilfty . he ,\I.." .., I..;oj! ",,- and Sun and "'f'f d U\lh;" ,. ho........ II a nd 12, tTbr Nh bou..., i. con...... rN a f..or· ahle J"eo' '''S'' for s;'. um. although Sal,,", "' ill \/, 11 ....,"' """ ~ ok! Llr,",,-. if ..... .r...,..... il-l \\i ~n

\bn)' I"""'p le g'" !Ii ghl"ord Of"'me a.,rolo-'1....... ab oo r.llhrr lhan aI..11 1he m. reS... dm g Soll um', d f.."ls. H....."' a ll plantt. ",", .. a purJ"'SC. Sa' um i. lhr planel of re' I"' "sibi lily a focu. , Ouri", a Saturn reri..d , i. j, nel a-har i' hi ' ay, "S. e lh. jo/>. ,k' lh. job. a nd u'oid lhe lIli""y:' I hm·.. a lso , ...n that h. pul. a hig r mpha, is o n f""'8' . n ...", c1urs arr k..y '" WO, klnll w. n ... ilh .Salum·, inn llila>ic "hlIn I M ' II,h ri~ h. living, malil. ling. /\ )'UfVC'\llC l~mtnl " 1""'1""'" \"a-Iu. a nd I..... I'..... n....., " ho t>lrm>------lhal', I.... 1I•.l lffrl'l'nl and fklual n,mln' of Sat urn. 11-0 l .......'n a. Yama. ..... Lord of KNr;ti.... SlIlun'I" dl""I' art" at'\O lightl) hn"coI ... . he tranSll1."d , igTllbou..,-. ab.hl)' 1t> repe1"",ali.'" mn ....ocrs and prolTO>lC' 1""11" '" 0 """ , Salum', Ilnf. " nhk ill he rNocN if the- >J,n he,,,, uan",lrd ha.. high "Il'WI1"~.'&r}[. p lim.. If I.... pI;Oflhtala'ltI l blodu.. Sat.... runs n....-e ~ntly, klI' ..un~ .., du ring

"di". ..,," ...

( 2') 7

saJc Sali. i f the

M,. ",·, ashl al." ·al)11 ,an le "" "lUI':C' "r SalUrI1 , H.....·C"c,. c'en the he ... Saturn perio.>d nn (lll'l)' ..Ifflo..' d ..lIcogc•. \ ' ''''} JlC'l'P1e: 00 .....11 filL1floCwl}' duri.. g • Sa/urn pcn' .... I>o.,t tho.:)' mighlli"" tha t they ha,c "",me ph)',ical 01 heal th p..u hlem th.l1 rcquill$ ,,"'Ii.. uc.l t"'''lK. All ..ur TccupU.lablc bo.>Uno.larin .tart k' f;,oll .ff. hu t lhis i, ultimalely In the .... me or ClClIIi nl! a _ IIfc fo, ' >unoch'c., Wc ~ to d ...."C Ill",' "'c ..,,,,,t it w ..... 1llc . ' f'Q."1 uf . f...,,-:>h\e Jupircr ... S31urn .. ill ohm,m-.h m.,y unf3'~>nNc , in:..,, " .....,. from 5001>101', Inn";" . A"',. the p ,,"i"c or lleJati,.. nature u r the ClIITcnt dalmg , and ne iJl. hbors , Take care , ella' din, injurie, 10 the ned , ""... klc«, and Ilian"'-. II cou ld de·..elup into a l>d,,,,,,. U-e thi. tu ne 11> ,..1 """" ~ cd at;.;.., . Td.e the ~e ...·a~ out CIllOtion.aIl~ and r,nanciall~. and y Id, ...,..' c. miJ hl l>e ;n ....der, y,..... ""lIher .... ... Id app ;ale """" anmlil Be OOR!oel'\'I!i"e in land and a,ne" II" "'" do-.. linl!". 1./"f........N.: l'hing. " "'Id gel "'''';1'18 or .. eal) on the home from . The tedl"m ,,.. dai ly ",,,,,,", uri IIld reo.po,ml>lhl) lTUy feel .. e..nn8. If )"" plan on ",,"in@. then thinl it through, or ehe It rould l>e dlm cult 10 find .. hat )" " .. ant or ) llII c'OOld @eI a ,tlUCturc thai i~ full ,,f f'l'1bIem, . Gel a 1"0.1 Va' tu con,uhatil'n l>d~ )oo p",.:eN 100 fal". -'Iale sure thatl"" arrange thin@' ahead o f time in lem" or an)' e..en care fu, fa mily me n''''''', e> l iI:;~ Leu ~ the n.lII.urallndi 10 iml""' '' younel f and )our ""lal ion>hi l'" "il h OI h""". If you need 10 defend y" .. ""l' in iUly loay', !ben do ..... Sla)' finn and WlTtel. The'" \:OUkI be "'->me "" nfron lalion,. bul )ou' ll o:me 0Ul at.,,&l In !he Ion!! 1'11I. Yuu """"Id be teelmg lIKIre po.......-rul during Ih!> lime. h""....-... and ""ahh ",i ll p,.:l up. U"f,"..r"I>I~: if you're righl, remem ber IU 40 ~ l'" Y''''f ""'''' of m,:,cy, l ry 10 be '11I'-lOlh wilh lhe ''''-Te.>ed """'''' o f righle,-"""Clo' )"", '"" k eling , IIe"'are uf g:e1l1l1/': in, 'Oh etl III I"'ny dl>p.

1:: ,,,,,

,\"'U'" /. Sf T J:AT II j r",,, ,\I"'''' '1f 1"'1:"" A'rJI'\l'" nl.l-: Slru,,,,,,:d I'arltlU reel ILke l!elling mam ed al Ihl' IlIn", If ) 'UU "ani 10 male )'n", ""Iali",,,hip lel'al. and you " am k' j!" ;m,,;oJ. lhen n",",' i, okay I ""f""' ially ,I' J upiler i, ao.,n ·1 fall prey 10 lookln' fo, a ~In dnl in a rdali'>n'hip- you'U jU.1 F1 rhe .... me larma .. uh 11 thlln't1l! face anached. Be failhl'ul. lbe~ coold be a laLi. .,f d!-.i~ cTeq:>in. In --ma~~ ""~ lhal thi' is "'-~ bio.,k'j:lCai in nalu~. ~ a maIK..., hil' ' I""'iali.. if y'''' f...,I IIY --.I. S41,,,.. , . f :U;UTII / ,.",. .11_ or UlK_ 111" IJ2Il'll i. ,-ailed .iUoIen i, i' benl ""n";. I" i'y n in ~""'- "nd olOO "bli llg,,- Tn.. platC'menI als.o promi-cs profIt> from lhe thmg. l!wl !>alum I'C'('«'>Cnh• ....rn '" f....ur from old, e..ubli../'16.1 etI1npn~ and peuple, II " JOOk or edu ':ali"",,1 CaU"" Do some good ror }our commUn, I)'. lJnf,.,; Tlti~ !""ilion lIIa rb me !>Wl1 Sa'um '. ",,'cn· anda-IUlJ f, ~'car Sadc Sali ""yag-e "'e r Ihe lenilOf)' uf )'Our ti"n~ 'i~n or .\loon land "I", . I hnc round l!wl lhoe l""'4e ur Salurn "'... tile of i"uc~ from lhc ....... ".-here "e t..d felt l>ctrll~ nl 12m mn~, up a ~ or n. Tn;, lr;I... il •......,' " 101 me ......l lnd CIlJOlional dllolre", if ~uch i ~ in the ch;ut h' .WI ,,·,IIt. '1'00 m iJ;1lI 001 feel lile }ou C;Ul he clul enouFIt", lIti, IIrne. The mind .. di!oCOllti _ and unfocu >ed rn: cwld he ....... or a job and U'COOl)C, Uf lou mighl fee lli Ll: Fi" inF up ~ ....... l and """" n~ un.., §OrrIC1hIIlF ehe . Family IlI3llcn;ond i"uc, "~th "'~cd onn coultl he a ......e 0( cunfl ..... and ..... happl_. Y"" mi,hl rcel .....nlC raellln.....1for all lhc l l m~ Y"'" F....e and people loeA iIdc up. T hi< i. a good liO\end .ome lime Ieaminl\ rlIl I....m. YOII mil!hl 1'....-1 II kt )'0enh : oc " hal)"OII can In ,mpro'" you . "",lth . Emh usi..m and C'IlUr mate or partner rtliIle lIle he..c o f Ihi, time.

The rr"fil r 1u ~ k> u",.. . While ,he ullimale eff ec1 i, a n.oo,f;canon of hth.a' ior and ,he ,'Teah".. of . n...... you. til>oc;alo,d .... ith a m. lefic plall.ih h) .......yin,l chapI.... 5 on plMlC'l' ," . igtl!o. lbe-e-m Ihi. "ay. ,,-eo ~Ip toJy, En mpte, o f Ihe"", muskal ~ ... npo"l lt''''' u e lhc 11. h.... s.,hu....._'" a nd l!>e Sri LJ Ii,a s.,},,,,ra,,,,",- The..... .. ,JIb >ing (If eha nl ll>e I JXlO nam e' I ~h;l'>ranam ) of ee-e .Joo IIICS, M

One ca n pI..·ale or mod ify the innue"" e of a I'b nei by .. ean ng lhe .·,..,.e>I'- .",l>n!: gem>i"ne. e me..." ,,",,. f?rit.o l"" the mosI siplifio recommended (h eralL ge m'''K1C' lIe1p tu ...,lidi,.,. you r intentinn In ,nlp"",e yourself within the co nlext of the pla!le1 's intluc n,'c in the bin h c han. Ge m, , a n imparl ,i gn;tk anl '0"'''111 intluc '.... e..-;n lhe , arne way lhal Iighl. wlll:n pa, sed Ih""'8h. ruby III a ' pco;i lic way. form, a la, er he Youcall lo0Io. for lhe-.t i~"", in boIh lhe ..... a>d in rhe nI':IfIl~ clwt•. O"'-i011, III.i lily 10 he in 3 m.trriage aI all. I ITW1) ca>o:"> '" JlCrIIk' ha,,, a I,king for "adt otIlrr. hul tho:y find Il\al lllhtp. or !hall"" n:\illlrN k-to'Cl of rooloW commilme 1"",\;n, f't1'"",-, ..,lh aifl lCtnI ' 11\ and :'itll ht~ and a "";1k Ve SftnJ.. of ra.ding ",·hen we gel a jkJ l..... d, agn",,; , or olher Ayun 'l"d k ",,~I )·si, . In general, lhe planets a ''''''';aloo with Ille Lagna ,i' e llle mosl mforma lion on hod) ' l) (Ie. Bod ~ lY re i, al.... p>d loOl 10 hel p 'denl,f) ri'mg sigM dun ng lIle ~.oi chan =tifi~alion (Ott ~ hapler , , ).

n..: "' lTl.'nl C)'Cle. alon g "" mIlle lJ;UI' il'- .. ill modify • """""'. A) Im'~ cc.....lilWion ...'COrding 10 lhe n.oluni: of ") d c. Vnllf; ~. gn'n .-alue 10 A),,"'Cda b) d,,1 10 lhe I)f"'" of d' ",,",,, thai peT\UC1 m.oy b" s'U'""rabk to. You .. ill .1... be able to ",ad h.....m ,ignifICal ion>. front lhe pllneh lhill oc,:u p) thaI blh "''''se. and 1"'-"e lhat ha\~ a .. g", li~ant a'reililaooo. O"'·n SIgn. and Moolatlll u" a

Ilow '0u-e """~tal""'arga Fal1l1li;oriu lioll o f s.u" lril ..., trolOllir;allnllh lu.-.e gk'"..' /)' )

C. ~ m,. Share- . Mela" . L~"g lh of Influence, H" h 'lars. Dh"lu,. Se '''e- . Ca hinet. Sirenglhs. Pe rn ' m Oo..d ,>r lI"d. V~ar of 111I1 uo" ,·0. Doilies. Hoighl, Vagya Type. T", l es . I'\lw~r Tillie. B"d~' I' am , Day. of the \\'eek . Gender. G un;" . Dm"; ti" n_. Da.... Le ngth . MOlionl . B~il1g. V"galaraka'. A~'urvedlc' Dt" ha, . Rulers, Ilhad alul. I'!"""lory War. Av;O,tha, or Pldn~lary Slales. Com hu, uo n. RClro,radc'\

I'lall"'a/)' friendships eGo-aha Milra ): Nalu ral. TWlpt"O"ary. Ctlll1hll'led

M" ..~ ""lat! 00 ,ip": Bhut... or Ekmem -: Fire ( Agni). Earth IPrllhi,'i l. Air •\'Iy" ). and Wi ler l

Qualn y f Aclimy: MO\·ctble 1Chilra l. FIled . Sltu ra). Dual .O"',;.h...·abl\;n"l. Qua lity of L if", (Gu na l: Pure \Satwa ). A.:1I'~ (Raj",, ). Impure t Tarnas l

Cll' te", I-'ri e' l l ll rahinin I. Wani". I K, hlltriya). Vaisya (" ,c ....·hanl), Shud ra \ W",ker ) Eight CtII" f"' '' Dire..-li"... Dire." t1"n of R"i ng : tl cadfi" t (SiMlnB A""",.jun. Shon " """.. \ion Spt'Cilll o ..... r"'''lIo"o: T" '" .. Duub le-BuIlICd SiS..... Frullful ;ond Bam-n Sign.. OdanarOIWa,Ap>iloma. ... c.


, tuns l iS 'P"'ia1 clwl lyl""'> ~,ond the noc

(II ';~n lran,il ~".kulalion ') 'ol~m 1

a \ idc",a1 epherno:ri, or lht ,"WII; pano:lwtf "

Afltr you lui" learned IhI: lop it.'1; 1i, led abo" . I ,u"~" lhat you rna,It, lhe: rnU",.; ing. Con\"ll mort ,••h aneN boo~_many of w h;~h an: Ii\l '''' in lh, t>,t>h of ' aphy.

l mUII·t."" ... a.trolcogy: Tithi, . kilu. (,ca,on'l. Sol ar month•. l unar "",mh,. eclipsc'

Vi m,hora~a (anolh" way of judllln l: the fa,omt>1e 01 unt'.....rahk: 'l ualily' of rlanlcm by Par.......a l

Sud"""'-na C....kra ell ",mmal) ...ay' 10 j lklgc pl""",\ from lhe Lalna. Moon. and Sun )

Upllllrah.. (Au,i liary planet> or a,tronom ical poinl\ bt),;ond lilt . landanJ 9 Vtd", pi"""", .

Altedic... -

0 " "",- dUraiion and .. 00 o f di..._


A,h......,....j ....... of A) ""~ in a.-.ImIogy

Findm, lo,:allon or d ,lft."Iion from ,he Ib_

T11T1C' di"'i" .. .. h....., ...:hol...-s d itk O





or femak



dr.e lopmo:nl of OOII....i ou_



"!:I1'~ P1}.


lopio.c. h'lc.,j t1c1_ are the ly'pel; of 'lunl ioo, II!O"I fmj....."Il. ly a"'-cd t>y my " liftlb ,

FinMlilily : muria~.,. w.i"""•. po:r.onaI. fmu ly. I. lb: ri"hl...,.,~


lI.,a lm: "",,'eonion.


are..... OQ>C( ..nd duni,oo


dl..,• ..,

" "" ltll o f famdy rrte'frlben. (Will my

Career: M;U1'na: ... ending. findin~ ne.... " afe in a e llar!. l )j~li ..n a nd I.....,,!i.-... "f SlmlJo:lh Illli:h;ola ' IIIilit:a l,,", Ill Para-an. ea:h planet . an inn ucece O\~ a (. bj.


""~ ~

""""" ........

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01 1•• ' ,t>< ",",,,,, ,

TH'" ! i. ..~plaH1cd 1Il chapter ,'I , [ t i. held Ill'" pn>pk n n Ile d" io.le'" and pr...lical. and -.h
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