Download Ben and Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream Inc...
Ben and Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream Inc.: A period of Transition T ransition
Introduction to the Company • •
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Formed by friends Ben Cohen and Jerry Greened !ituated in "ermont and more consistent #ith the $countercuture% &aues Founders too' a corr correspondence espondence Company famous for its commitment to socia causes and coecti&e mana(ement )nd hi(hest mar'et share of *)+ ,a-or competitor #as Haa(en a/
Industry anaysis
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Ice cream industry #as #orth 012.3 biion !uperpremium !uperpremi um and premiuim ice creams dominated 45+ househods ate ice cream Aduts consumed ice cream as an indu(ence or (uity peasure and (a&e it to chidren as re#ards !uper mar'et ice cream in&entory turned 63 times year ,ar'et #as se(mented into cate(ories accordin( to butterfat content
The industry #as fra(mented into into oca and re(iona companies companies aon( #ith a number of (ro#in( muti nationas
Ice cream ma'in( process
Homo(eni / i 7asteuri/in( Free/in( n(
Fi in(
!upepremium Ice cream mar'et •
istin(uished from other ice creams by hi(her fat content and o#er
e&e of o&errun T Tasted asted much cream creamier ier and richer than traditi traditiona ona ice cream creams s Competition in the se(ment focused on 9uaity 9ua ity o&er price nce consumer in&ested in a superpremium brand they usuay didn’t
s#itch due to any di;er di;erentia entia pri price ce ,ar'et #as se(mented into t#o sub se(ments : $smooth% ,anufacturin( other rms products > este ac9uisition
s D
Haa(e r e y e r . n .a/s
> ,i8?in > @ncon&entiona Iconic brand and o(o
s D y r r e J
= n e B
> 7urchased by unie&er > Threat: ess e8pensi&e > ;er to purchase H.
Ben = Jerry’s
• • • • • • • • •
Fa&or di;erentiation #as the 'ey factor of (ro#th ,i8 in
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