Being Master

February 27, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Being Master By: Draven


TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE i.  i.  Quotes ii. ii.   The Purpose of This Document iii.    Acknowledging Our iii. Our Differences

COMMENCEMENT 1.  2.  3. 

Mastering Yourself Know Your Environment General Guidelines For Personal Conduct

SOJOURN 1.  2.  3.    4.

Finding The Slave Collaring The Slave Mastering The Slave Releasing The Slave








QUOTES ‚One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.‛ ~Leonardo da Vinci

‚Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.‛  ~ Albert Einstein

‚The eye of the master will do more work than both his hands.‛  ~ Benjamin Franklin

‚Mastering ‚Master ing others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.‛ ~ Lao Tzu

‚One reason so few of us achieves what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in  particular.‛‛ ~ Anthony Robbins  particular.

‚What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly‛ ~ Richard Bach

‚Personal mastery is the discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of  focusing our energies, energies, of developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively.‛ ~ Peter Senge

‚A man of self -control becomes the master‛ ~ Sam Veda

‚No man is free who is not master of himself.‛ ~ Epictetus

‚I have only one counsel for you; be master.‛ master.‛ ~ Napoleon Bonaparte Bonaparte


THE PURPOSE OF  THIS DOCUMENT I often hear people ask , “Is there any training for men, on how to be a master?” The common response is, “Either you are master or you are not, one who is not a master cannot be taught to be one.” And, while I suspec t this is true, I also think, we may not be able to be taught to be a master, but we certainly can learn to be a better master. My focus here is to improve upon the thought process and techniques of those who are already skilled masters.

I will be the first to admit that I am not perfect, no, far from it. Even as I have prepared this document through a precise outline of what I wish to discuss, I am plagued with the fact that even its’ author will scarcely be able to live up to the ideals and efforts dictated below. An important concept to employ when reading this, and certainly while living life, I believe, is to be  better than yourself. yourself. Though we will inevitably inevitably falter falter and succumb succumb to our our lesser traits, and toss aside our lofty ideals and make grievous errors in this world, we must also be capable of transcending our petty selves towards something better, something noble. Honor, Strength, Fortitude; these are not just words to toss about as casually as a Tal. It is within ourselves that we can see how to improve, for only we can know where we are true to ourselves and when we are being petty or needlessly cruel.

It is not my intent to tell anyone how to live their lives, nor to point fingers or lay blame or even to suggest that another’s method isn’t absolu tely the right way of doing things. My perceptions are based on common topics of conversation and questions directed towards me personally. My ideals come from truth, and when spoken plainly and without design, truth rings clear and echoes within our hearts.

The real purpose of this document is to help you explore yourselves and find the truth within, and listen to it. Without discovery there can be no growth. Without growth there can be no understanding. understand ing. Without understanding understanding there can be no excellence. Without excellence there can  be no consistency. consistency. Without Without consistency consistency there there can be no peace. Without Without peace peace there can be be no happiness. Without happiness happiness there can be no love.


 ACKNOWLEDGING OUR DIFFERENCES DIFFERENCES There is no ultimate formula to use when mastering a slave. As each man is an individual, so is his slave. The master must be able to incorporate new skills and techniques along with his regimented training style when dealing with a new girl. He cannot expect to get the same results with a new slave as he had obtained with a previous slave using the exact same methods. He must discover what style of teaching she can most easily learn. He must not be afraid to adjust his technique to bring out the most his slave has to offer. It is true, she is to change to suit him, but if the man cannot change enough, to allow her to be capable of suiting him, then the road will be much longer and filled with more difficulties than is necessary or healthy for the relationship.

A man who is to be master must know how to co-exist with his peers. If you are unable to live in harmony with the other men around you then ultimately you are unable to live in harmony with yourself. While we all have different opinions and ideas of how things ought to be, we must understand that we may not know the best possible way to do absolutely everything; that there may be another who has a method more suitable to obtaining the results desired. We must  be willing to to listen to the thoughts thoughts and and opinions opinions of others others without without disparaging disparaging them out of hand. Even if we cannot or will not agree to the philosophies of others is no reason to turn a deaf ear to their words. It is in listening that we can know for certain if we are secure in our ways, or perhaps if we might make adjustments based on wisdom imparted upon us.

A slave too will pick up on any perceived weakness and subconsciously it will dictate her actions. Even while she obeys, it is possible she loathes. A large part of maintaining respect and control is to exude absolute authority. A man who is weak in the eyes of his peers will more than likely appear weak to the eyes of his slave. Such things lead to a downward spiral and are very difficult to stem once the idea has taken seed. The best possible barrier against such situations is to maintain peace with those around you. This is not to say that you should meekly follow the will of others, certainly you must stand up for what you believe, but a man who does not receive the respect of his peers may not be worthy of respect from anyone.






Self control is total control. This is true in all areas of life, not only when mastering a slave. In order to be a master you must consider whether or not you have control over your own life, before attempting to control the life of another. A true master cannot be a man who is still searching for himself; he must know who he is at his very core. He must be of sound mind and be stable in his home life and have a clear sense of direction. You cannot cannot be the source of wisdom for another if you cannot make wise decisions for yourself. A man must understand and have a grip on the most important areas of his life, to possibly include, his health, financial status, job security, mental stability, emotional stability, family life, general morality, or social standing. Any other subject which directly affects his life should be well  balanced as well, well, before undertaking active mastering mastering of another. another.

One thing I think many men do not take into account, when they begin searching for a new slave, is that they are seeking to directly influence a human life in every way possible. He will ask her to surrender her heart and mind and body to his will. He will be manipulating her actions and thoughts and feelings. This is inherently dangerous and potentially life changing to the individuals involved. It should never be approached as a game or in ignorance or fear. It is reckless and irresponsible to knowingly abuse your position as master to engage in some sort of  juvenile sport, sport, in which which you intentionally string along the heart of another another only only to dash dash their hopes and dreams upon the cruel rocks of your sadistic pleasure.




Another aspect to mastering yourself is controlling your reactions and emotions. You must be able to set aside your immediate thoughts and allow yourself to delve deep within yourself to search out answers to the difficult questions or decisions in your life, especially when mastering slaves. You must not allow inner conflicts to keep you from making rational choices and sound  judgments. You must must be willing willing to be fair and not not forbid a thing simply simply because because it was not you who initiated the thing. An example might be if you had to make an important decision regarding your slave’s future but she has recently re cently disobeyed you on a minor matter. While not

neglecting to punish the slave for the infraction you must not allow yourself to impose an even


greater penalty by allowing the fact of the punishment to influence the important decision you must make. You must be able to separate the situations and review each as an individual, not on the whole. It is extremely easy to continue to compound transgressions together until it shows such a picture as to suggest that you only encounter one huge problem after another, without allowing yourself to clearly see that you enjoy far greater good than bad from your slave’s actions. 




Another aspect of mastering yourself is the ability to maintain order within the master/slave relationship. Do not allow chaos to run rampant. When your slave oversteps her boundaries, try to limit the amount of time she is allowed to misbehave without repercussion. Do not argue, negotiate, or take orders from your slave regarding how you will deal with her transgressions. If you intend for things to be a certain way then it is your responsibility to ensure your slave understands that, without thinking it’s possible to sway your mind through manipulation or sho uldn’t listen to logic and make informed decisions. demands. This does not mean that you shouldn’t It’s perfectly reasonable to consider that your slave may have knowledge of a situation which

could possible change its outcome if you only give it time to sink in. But, it is imperative that  you are making the decisions, not your slave.

When it comes to mastering yourself, you are in a never ending task to continuously look within yourself, examine your mind and motivations and intent, before engaging in important discussions or making major decisions for either yourself or your slave, especially when your decisions could potentially affect the mental stability of the slave. Remember you reap what you sew and what you grow comes back to you. If you follow logic and make careful choices in the training of your slave, you will be rewarded with a creature that is a well balanced individual and trusts you implicitly. The alternative is to fight at every turn of the training because you show yourself to be reckless with your actions and she is automatically automatically fearful of every potential decision you make.

And how do you know if you are master? When in doubt, there is no doubt.



Understanding your surroundings is critical to knowing how you should exert your will. If you are in a Gorean setting, then know Gor. There is nothing so exasperating within the realm of Gor than a master who does not know Gor. If you are to seek a kajira to be your slave then you must be aware of the protocol and history behind the use of such girls. You must be aware of the demands put upon such slaves and how they were regularly called to task within the books. This way you ensure that your slave doesn’t lead you to false assumptions as to what she is capable of doing, when serving you. Perhaps you have not read the books completely, I haven’t. That doesn’t mean you just m ake things up as you go

along. Learning to be a better master includes knowing who to trust when seeking information. There are a number of online sources to reference, for accurate text of the books of Gor. You should never rely on quotes alone because more often than not you have not considered their appropriate context. Always back up your source with at least two others and if possible get the concurrence of one or more free person who is in a position to know. There is an old adage which claims ‚fake it ‘til you make it‛; this is not appropriate for Gor. If you are unaware of the proper procedures when dealing with kajira or other free, then it is your duty to research and learn what is proper before attempting to implement any strategy. There is no real substitute for reading the books yourself and gaining an exact contextual basis for how every situation is to be handled. Contrary to popular misconception the books of Gor leave very little open to interpretation.

A true master must also know how to balance his lifestyle choice within different types of nonlifestyle environments. Your knowledge of how the master/slave dichotomy works can serve you well in all walks of life, not strictly in online or lifestyle interactions. You can edit the explicit tendencies that such a lifestyle invokes and use the basic principle of self control and acknowledgement of differences with colleagues in the workplace, peers in a social setting, and even relatives at family functions. If you maintain a calm, assertive, and commanding presence, those around you will naturally heed your word. You will find you are commanding conversations, and thus thought processes, with more ease than if you were presenting a shakable, uncertain front. Being a master in the workplace is ensuring that you hold the political high-ground. If you are in a position of little authority, then it is with your co-workers that you must maintain order. Let it be you who they look towards to solve questionable situations. Do not allow them to gather information on you, but rather you must ensure you are


knowledgeable about them. If you see a source of conflict between two of your co-workers be sure that you have the ability to either exasperate it by pitting them against each other, or quell it by intervening and establishing control once more. Refer to the team you are a part of as your team, and be certain you are in the best position to present your teams efforts personally whenever possible. If you are in a position of authority within your workplace, you must run the environment with careful calculation. Ensure those directly below you, who may have to supervise others, have the knowledge necessary to make decisions that increase productivity. Be sure that all your employees know that you expect cooperation not only with yourself but with each other. Listen to the ideas of those beneath you but ensure that your overall plan is what they promote.

Within a family environment know that quiet confidence reigns supreme. Be strong with your opinions without needing to raise your voice to have them heard. State the salient points in any discussion and conclude it intelligently. Do not get dragged into pointless arguments which you know you cannot convince your point in. Show them you are well adjusted and you will be well loved. Understand that in matters of the family there is no recipe for perfection, save that which ends in a smile.

When you are at home, you cannot allow your authority to be questioned. It must be known without the need to say it. A man’s home is his castle and as such you must be king. The woman’s role in the home is to keep it orderly, and ensure the children mind their betters. The man’s role in the home is to keep the woman in order to ens ensure ure the house continues to run


The point to considering thoughts such as these when interacting in non-lifestyle situations is to develop a sense of being that you carry with you wherever you go. If you are only a master when it comes to pushing text across a screen, then you are no master at all. One must take the confidence he feels online and force himself to feel that confidence everywhere else. There is no room for fear in life, unless it is accompanied with courage. If you have the need to say your peace, then say it with no regret. Speak in a strong voice, one filled with wisdom. Let it be thought that you know exactly what you are saying and the reasons you are saying it. If you have hesitation and a quiver in your tone then others will dismiss your words as unimportant, and therefore you will be relegated to a similar title in their eyes. You must know your environment completely in order to know how you are to master it.



 First and foremost is honesty. There are few measures of a man to which second chances are not afforded. Honesty is one such measure. If there is nothing else you take with you, let it be the virtue of the truth. Most importantly, the truth should be a natural and consistent factor in any master/slave relationship. Though she may doubt from time to time your statements, let your actions be her guide. Give neither her, nor anyone else for that matter any reason whatsoever to suspect that your actions are counter to your words. They should mirror one another and be seen as being consistent with one another. When you tell the truth you never have to worry about repeating the same lie at a later date and possibly getting it wrong. When you are honest in answering questions or making statements the truth shows through and people instinctively know the right of it. When people become used to hearing the truth from you and find it confirmed time and again they begin to accept your word much more readily and without confrontation and you find that you gain the power of their respect and the strength of their backing. You will find that your own life is improved incalculably by the confidence gained through such honorable acts. You will gain the peace of mind and confidence needed to maintain a significant presence in the community of your peers. It becomes a chain reaction to which you are elevated ever higher in the esteemed opinion of those around you.

You must push through the inner roadblocks which prevent you from fulfilling your duty as master. At times you will find you have a knot in the pit of your stomach. It may say to you that she is such a priceless treasure, that which you have been seeking for years, impossible to replace, and the idea that you might break such a fragile possession makes you hesitate. Such a feeling inside you could possibly betray you if you are not careful. You must push past such fears and use your courage to know the truth of her. She is not to be placed upon a pedestal and worshiped, for it is her lot to serve. Even during her moments of resistance, she simply seeks an assurance that you can do what is necessary to control her. In your fear that she might break, do not hesitate to break her and command her obedience. It is far more important that she understand without question that she cannot break you.

You cannot fight change within yourself. Through time we grow and mature and modify our thought process to adapt to the ever changing world around us. Be sure that you do not remain stagnant and un-evolved in the whole of life. Find within yourself the differences from your


past and employ those which have made improvement upon your present, in respects to how you approach your future. Be aware that a slave may be required to mold herself to her master,  but a master master must know know the best best techniques techniques to use on on that particular particular slave to ensure ensure she is capable of complete surrender. Each individual is different and must be handled differently, in turn. Be aware that you may benefit from compromise. If faced with the choice of listening to a proposed form of change and ignoring outright any such possibility, you should listen, and perhaps discover an opportunity within yourself for improvement.

Do not be a slave to your emotions. When you are master, you are in a position of great power and responsibility. You are required to make decisions frequently and those decisions need be made regardless of your current state of mental wellness. If you allow yourself to be guided by emotion then you are submitting yourself to the will of the person who has triggered said emotion. If an individual has made you angry and you act out of anger you might as well be dancing on the string of a marionette. One who is easily brought to outrage or fear, likewise those who can be enamored without effort, are victims of those who induce such emotion e motion within others. When you must decide an important course of action, be certain to only do so with clear skies within your head and calm waters within your heart. You will find that the end result is far less backpedaling, and misunderstandings amongst those around you. Take the time needed to understand the reasons behind your decisions; do not just issue blind orders.

Do not be ignorant of your own mistakes. Admit when you have erred, though never in a way which suggests that you aren’t the wiser for fo r it. Recognize the wisdom in others and learn to adapt to a better way of living, if it also increases the richness of your own life. A person who argues a point even knowing he is in the wrong is acting out of pride and stubbornness. He is ignorant to the damage he does to himself in the eyes of his peers and those he commands. The man who can admit thoughtful acknowledgement of his inaccurate suppositions is capable of growing and maturing in thought as well as retaining the respect of those around him, both peers and subordinates. Being a master means knowing when to agree and when to disagree.

Know yourself. Be aware of your limits and your habits. Understand what sets you off so you can safeguard against such happenings. Be alert to your emotional and mental state so that you may know when to avoid conflicts and when you might seek them out intentionally. Know your inadequacies inadequacies when approaching a debate and do not put yourself in a position to be unable to refute information you cannot be sure is genuine. You must often reflect upon your


life. Study your past and imagine your future. Know that life is lived in the present, but only where we have been will be an accurate guide for where we are going. Wonder about your failures and discover the reasons for those failures and prevent such reasons from recurring. To  be master you you must must be intimately intimately familiar familiar with with every aspect aspect of yourself. yourself. Before Before you can know another, you must first know yourself; else, you run the risk of blindly conforming.

For the love of all that is good, learn. Recognizing your errors is quite admirable, but he who understands where he went wrong and continues to repeat the same mistakes is a fool. Only someone who can do better the second time around is capable of achieving any greatness at all. The definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over again while expecting a different result each time. Commit yourself to seeking out the materials vital to understanding your surroundings and learn them. If you wish to build a structure you must first learn the  blueprints. If you are are to be a master master of Gor Gor you must learn learn Gor. If you are are to master master a slave slave you must learn her soul.

Be better than yourself. There are moments in our lives when we know damn well what we are doing isn’t right. Unless you are completely devoid of morality and conscience then you are

capable of determining when you are acting in contradiction to what you might normally expect from others. Perhaps it is a moment where you take advantage of another man’s slave. It

may be when you are being unnecessarily cruel to one of limited aptitude or dialect, simply for the sake of hurting their feelings or, perhaps the revelation or concealment of information that will embarrass or harm an individual. When we have power we also have a potential to abuse that power. If the only thing you gain from the abuse of power is a momentary cheap thrill, then you are sure to expect long-term damage to your credibility in the eyes of those around you and an eventual self loathing from within. Ultimately you must answer yourself this question; what kind of man do I pretend to be vs. what kind of man am I really? If you can’t

give yourself an honest answer that you enjoy hearing, then you might consider re-evaluating your priorities.






When searching for a slave you should understand your motivations. Are you looking to engage in a short term sports activity in which you play the master and she plays the slave? Are you not sure what you want but have heard that supposedly masters have slaves? Are you looking to replace the slave you mishandled last time and quickly fill the void so as to keep up appearances? Are you seeking your next victim? Do you want to one-up the Ubar of another home? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you should take a step back and re-evaluate your purpose within the lifestyle. What will you do once you acquire a slave? The correct answer is that you are seeking to establish a rewarding relationship in which you develop a willing slave into her greatest potentia potential, l, establishing a level of complete trust and exploring both the slave and yourself in all areas of life and the lifestyle. Setting and expanding limits keeps you aware of every aspect of your body and brain as well as hers. How prepared are you for the commitment of a slave, before you attempt to find one? You should think long and hard about the ramifications of your actions, when exercising control over a life.

When seeking a slave, you should know what to look for. It is vital to determine compatibility so as to maximize maximize the rewards afforded the owner of a slave. She should be intelligent; when the sex is over it’s nice to have something to talk about. However, you sshould hould gauge your own

intelligence as well. If your slave is far above your intellectual capacity you will end up being manipulated and she will become bored and begin to hold contempt for you. You should understand her experience experience level. It is not necessary for a slave to have less experience within the lifestyle and may even be desirable that her experience is as much as or greater than the master owning her, but only if his experience is significant to begin with. This way he can move her along more smoothly and get to the more intricate levels of mastering sooner rather than later. A man has to be very careful in any and all attempts at rushing training with a slave; regardless of her experience there is a potential to damage her mentally and physically if you rush needlessly. The slave’s age is another factor when determining compatibility. Within a range of 5 or 7 years of your own age is ideal. If she is too much younger you will find she is too concerned about things you no longer have an interest in. Her experience won’t be as mature as

yours and she may lack wisdom you have culminated long ago. If she is too much older she may feel as if she is your better, even if it’s subconscious, based on the same principle of mature

wisdom. Of course there are exceptions to this and no set qualification of age is ever required, as long as the individuals involved can properly handle the realities of life. Similarly those who


make a distinction from only a few years difference in age are likely doing so out of ignorant superciliousness.

You should fully understand the slave’s limits. Now , it’s a popular misconception that kajira of Gor supposedly have no limits, save that which is set for them by their owners. That may be the case in a series of fictional writings, but for individuals individuals of living, breathing, breathing, flesh and blood, nothing is ever so simple. Several times in these pages there is reference to the responsibilities responsibilities of a master when dealing with the health and well-being of a slave and the reason is simple; mismanagement of a slave can cause long-lasting mental instability and emotional trauma. Her physical wellbeing is in the care of the owner as well, and should he treat her as a character in a  book he may find he has has broken several really really good laws. So have a care in being cavalier; cavalier; some things are better-off taken slow and with consideration. Be sure, however, that while exploring the girls limits that she does not convince you she is weaker than she truly is. You must make her understand that some limits are meant to be stretched, others broken. While this isn’t the rule, it certainly is a common exception. As a master/slave relationship grows so does her understanding of what her true limits are. In exploring those things she must first be able to establish absolute trust in her owner. This is why actually delving into this layer of the lifestyle is best saved for long after you’ve collared the girl and know her through and through.  

The master of a slave is her lifeguard. The term is so simple and yet it is as accurate a title as I’ve ever found when describing the level of responsibility a man undertakes when collaring a slave. He is responsible for the level of danger she encounters under his watch. He is charged with pulling her from turbulent waters if she happens to get in over her head. If she enjoys playing in the deep end of the pool, he must ensure she does not drown. Her life is in his hands.




A crucial part of determining compatibility of a slave you have an interest in is determining her overall commitment expectations. You must know if you are both willing to make the same pledge of loyalty to each other and the lifestyle. If she is not interested or capable of seeking a face to face relationship relationship and you are determined determined to establish e stablish an off-line relationship, then you are both potentially walking into a short term contract. As long as you both understand the level of commitment which is expected then this shouldn’t be a problem.  


Assuming you have made an informed judgment judgment and have ffound ound the slave to be acceptable, then you will likely collar her. Be certain she understands your expectations completely. Be certain you understand the responsibilities responsibilities completely. It is proper for the slave to beg your collar. Do not ask the slave if she will accept the collar. That sets up the opportunity for the slave to dominate the decision. She is slave, she has no rights, if you understand the relationship to be compatible then you will know the slaves desire by hearing her beg for your steel. If she refuses to beg for the collar, then she has exercised the one and only right she retains as a err or in person of Earth, not of Gor. I f that’s the case then obviously you have made an error


A collar is only a token symbol of the ownership of your slave. A collared slave is not necessarily owned simply because she has steel about her throat. She may be someone’s possession, but in order to be truly owned she must be unquestioning in his judgment, uncompromising in his will, unfailing in his desire. Her trust must be absolute. Certainly there are levels of ownership and only when she has surrendered herself completely can you attain true power over her. If you have that power then a collar represents far more than the outward steel it appears to be. The stronger the relationship is the stronger the representation of the steel.



You have collared the slave; now what? Assuming you qualified the viability and worthiness of both yourself and the slave to co-exist in the manner you have predetermined, then, you are ready to begin the journey together. Too often people only concern themselves with the chase and don’t really have a clue how to proceed afterwards. They figure, I have managed to capture and collar this girl, what more need I do? Surely, that is all it takes for me to be labeled a master, now and forever, right? Wrong. Y ou’ve only just begun to realize how little you actually know. Even if you are a seasoned master and have owned a number of slaves, there is always that initial period of starting all over, yet again. You must reacquaint yourself with the basics, which you may have begun to take for granted in previous relationships, assuming the girl knew well your manner and ways. Here it is all new again, and though you have taken into account your knowledge and techniques, you must reassemble them both to ensure she stays on the same page.

One of the first things you might want to do is come up with some specific Core Rules , which she is to be held accountable for following. The rules are usually pretty standard, if y ou’ve done this sort of thing before, but should be tailored around each individual girl as much as possible. You should already have discovered what types of traits she possesses from the query sessions you had before collaring her, so the rules may well address some of her most inconsistent or troublesome traits, in an effort to help her grow to set aside fears or inhibitions. I had thought to list an example of some Core Rules , but I discover discover that I cannot agree agree on a set to cover each and every individual. A master and slave are too unique and individualized to be able to follow the same set of rules as anyone else. I can however make a couple of very basic suggestions for your consideration. Below are only a few examples:

1.  1.  Family comes first. The need for this rule may vary from slave to slave, but in the context in which I write the slaves are generally living their lifestyle online and maintaining an offline existence with vanilla husbands and children and other family. It is my most earnest recommendation that this rule be the number one priority in any master/slave relationship. Likewise, anyone who would allow or insist that the slave neglect her home-


life and family matters, in my opinion, is not fit to be a master of slaves. In such cases I would implore the girl to extract herself from the influence of such a man as soon as  possible. 2.  2.  Master’s word is final. The slave may have the final word, if it is “yes, Master.” Master.”   This seems self explanatory, but is also very important. Excluding conversations in which you are attempting to gain information that the slave is in a position to provide, and focusing on discussions which are instructional in nature and meant to impart commands or knowledge upon the slave, the master must ensure that he has the final say in how things will be and what he expects. A man who allows his slave to dominate a discussion or lecture will soon find he is being topped from the bottom. 3.  3.  Master will decide when and how the slaves training will progress. The time for a slave to impart her concerns about limits and past experiences and other concerns was before the collar was put in place. The master has a strict responsibility to ensure that he does not push his slave further than she is able to go either physically or mentally, keeping her safety a number one priority at all times. Having said that, if we are to believe that the master has the mental wellbeing and physical safety of the slave in mind, then it is up to him to set the pace and enforce the training regimen. If it is left to the slave to decide when and how to proceed, you will find that progress to be limited indeed, while her behavior suffers as a direct result. 4.  4.  The slave will complete her scheduled or timed tasks as instructed i nstructed and with minimal question.

You should set the slave to regular and varied tasks, such as essaying her slave thoughts, maintaining a project online or around the house, performing certain chores in a certain manner. Basically it’s busy work, but it’s also a constant reminder of who and what she she is, as well it gets her accustomed to a bit of regularity in her life, and often times allows  you to observe unfettered thoughts thoughts and feelings she m may ay not know how to express in just any situation. The more you learn about your slave the better able you are to train her to  please you.


Other rules might revolve around her behavior in the home and about in public, her manner of speech, her dress code, co de, the ritual of being in her master’s presence. Still more detailed and

personally created rules may regard her eating e ating habits, her toilet privileges, her recreational abilities including self gratification, and any number of things meant to keep the slave focused on your pleasure and reminding her of her lot in life.




I will counsel you, as a master, to take your time. If you are confident in all that has lead up to the point of owning a slave, then you must believe that you will own her for quite a long time. So, take that time, and be sure things happen when it’s right for them to happen, not because

you forced it to be so. A girl’s submission should be a natural occurrence, not an ultimatum. 

As a master you must know everything there is to know about your slave. You must be able to manipulate her body and mind at will. While keeping her personal safety as a primary goal, it is essential that she feels what you allow her to feel. You should explore her past to put together the pieces of the puzzle that is a slave. It will help you to discover why she behaves as she does, or perhaps the reasons behind some of her fears. And you need to remember what you learn. If weeks later a situation occurs that has direct bearing to a traumatic past then it is your duty to help her avoid it, or at the least, traverse it safely. A girl’s slavery is not one dimensional; it is a complex weave of need, experience, and desire. Understanding her slavery is the only way to properly master her.

It is essential that you avoid being manipulated by the slave. An intelligent slave is adept at double meaning, innuendo, begging, and passive aggressive behavior. If you let her, she will dominate your will and manipulate your feelings, thoughts, and actions in order to get what she wants, or to direct events in her favor. While it is perfectly acceptable to give your slave allowances, for good behavior, you must guard against constant begging for superfluous favors.





A slave’s life needs structure. Setting a routine will bring a bit of o f stability to the relationship. A

routine can consist of things which are required of her, daily or weekly, such as essays, meetings, tasks for a project, or other similar events. Routine also promotes attention to detail. Routine is necessary to embed within the slave a sense of purpose and usefulness. By providing several varied and significant tasks she is given many opportunities to please her master. This will go a long way toward creating a slave that is both obedient and helpful in the master’s  daily life.




At some point in a master/slave relationship the slave may show signs of resistance to training. Obvious instances are when she lacks the motivation to put forth the effort required. She may  be approaching new territory territory and feel insecure insecure and unsure unsure as to to how to proceed. Perhaps Perhaps she she is  just throwing throwing a tantrum tantrum and childishly childishly refusing refusing to cooperate. cooperate. It could could be as well well that you you are only recently passed a limit and she gets cold feet about approaching it again. In these instances, where the slave’s safety isn’t in question, you must necessitate compliance. You must

take what is yours and require her surrender, even if she is reluctant to give it. In the end, she is your slave and she must learn to obey.




It is essential that in most instances you balance your punishment with compassion and nurturing. The slave must know that after the punishment is over she is still desirable as a slave and ever regarded your prized property. Nearly always a slave will feel the need to be closer to her master after punishment, not farther away. Take advantage of this to continue building the ever growing bond between you and instill in her a sense that, not only are you the giver of pain but also the healer of wounds. To properly do this you must condition the slave to understand her punishments and accept them.

Conditioning the slave is a long and subtle process. You cannot program a girl like a machine, with quick instruction and continued compliance. She must be shown the correct ways to do any number of things and then be shown yet again, over and over, until it becomes second


nature. A wise master will instill conditioning in his slave without her ever truly being aware of what he has done or how he did it. He will only have made small adjustments in her life that were easy enough to follow individually, one at a time and never straying from his goal, until she looks at herself one day seeing such a drastic change that she cannot fathom its origin. He will bend her to his will as surely as the accumulation of rain bends the leaf. Examples of such condition can be found in behavior modification, overall outlook on life and love, work ethics, and health and fitness awareness. Make use of the effects of good conditioning, but be alert for signs of bad conditioning as well. For, just as unaware the slave becomes of the changes within her for the better, so may you be unaware of potentially bad conditioning taking place as an unintentional result from other actions of yours.

Good conditioning is gained primarily through two methods of reinforcement: positive and negative. Positive reinforcement consists of:

1.  Praise 2.  Physical touch 3.  Sex 4.  Treats/candy 5.  Allowances 6.  Lifting of restrictions

Negative reinforcement may be exampled by:

1.  Denial of pleasure 2.  Restricting speech 3.  Limiting travel


  4.  Removal of allowances or privileges 5.  Placing toilet restrictions   6. Limiting social/recreational time

All types of reinforcement can aid in the development of a slave. The overall effects are that the slave will feel cared for; she will know you are not only taking the time to change her, but that you know enough about her to be able to; this makes her feel treasured and valued as a slave. It will create a continued desire to work towards other changes that might improve, as she sees the positive result. As well, if the end result is rewarding enough, the slave may be eager to duplicate whatever behavior she portrayed to earn a similar reward in the future.

Going hand in hand with positive and negative reinforcement is punishment. No lesson is learned quite so well as that which is punctuated with discipline. An importa important nt factor in deciding when and how to issue punishment is being able to gauge the appropriate level of punishment necessary for any type of infraction. You must also ensure you stand firm on your decisions for punishment without allowing yourself to be needlessly cruel in its delivery.

Some examples of punishments that fall under good conditioning are:

1.  Corporal punishment 2.  Additional tasks/assignments 3.  Restriction of movement 4.  Clamps, plugs, or other discomfort tools 5.  Endurance or stress punishments 6.  Humiliation


  7.  Sensory deprivation




The other side of the coin is bad conditioning. conditioning. Through various acts a slave may become less secure in the abilities of her master to keep her safe; she loses trust and becomes self reliant upon maintaining her wellbeing, both physically and mentally. When this occurs, she will inevitably retreat from any good progress your training might have produced. Left unchecked this will result in the ruin of the master/slave relationship.

Bad conditioning can be found in manner forms. Over and above reasonable kinks, some of the most dangerous manifests itself in the following ways:

1.  Excessive physical abuse a.  Repeated beatings which lead to damage of the flesh.  b.  Placing the slave in physically unsafe or life threatening situations. c.  Turning control of a slave over to one who is unskilled, inexperienced or out of control. c ontrol.

2.  Mental abuse/terror a.  Disparaging remarks about her appearance or physique.  b.  Constant threat of physical violence, regardless of the level of follow through. c.  Constant uncontrolled hollering or cursing.

3.  Emotional abuse a.  Constant threat of the removal of her collar.  b.  Threat of a substitute substitute or replacement slave. c.  Prolonged isolation. d.  Betrayal of confidences.


There is a seemingly innocent danger lurking within the unsuspecting minds of those who are inexperienced in dealing with the realities of influencing a slave’s life. Being online presents an

opportunity to explore areas you may never have attempted in a face to face environment. As well, characters portrayed in books are put through all manner or trials and experiences which do not portray the subtle damages caused by excessive violence or mistreatment. When you undertakee the mastering undertak mastering of a slave it is time to put aside the grand notions of fantasy role-play and embrace the harsh realities of life. What you say makes an impact in the slave’s life. Her  body is susceptible susceptible to damage. Her Her emotions emotions are fragile. fragile. Her mind is capable of imbalance. imbalance. You You hold the power and it is your responsibility; use it wisely or risk destroying a life.




A truth we seldom care to entertain is the necessity, at times, to release the slave. I will not argue the debate as to whether or not you should place the care of the slave into the hands of another, or simply remove her collar and send her on her way. That opinion will be as varied as the number of people asked of it. You should however recognize the times releasing a slave is appropriate, and for what reasons, as well as know that there are times a reason for release may  be given yet still be deemed deemed inappropriate. inappropriate.

The first truth is, only a master should remove the steel. A slave has no rights. Those were relinquished at the moment of collaring and remain in the control of the master until he releases her. There are times when a slave may be forced to remove her own steel, but they are few and far between, and may just indicate, should such a thing be necessary, either her masters inability to control her further, or his lack of mastery to begin with. If removal of her own collar isn’t necessary, which is to say she takes it off in a fit of anger or out of purposeful deceit to her

owner, then she deserves what she gets should he not allow her to resume wearing it.

There may be more than a few occasions when the slave, in the heat of the moment, might decide to push the boundaries of her slavery and your power over her and beg release of your steel. This shouldn’t put you off your guard, even if it is unexpected. It is important to remain objective and realistic when dealing with situations such as this. More than one master, I’ll wager, has ended up regretting a hasty decision to let an emotional slave talk him out of what was rightfully his. In cases like this he has allowed her to manipulate him, often to the


detriment of both master and slave. At those times he should deny her request and silence any further indication that she may continue to beg out of the steel she belongs in. One dangerous habit to let your slave fall into is to repeatedly beg release of the collar as a reaction to any number of things she doesn’t like, or perhaps to gain the upper hand in an argument. If the slave feels you won’t release her out of fear  of losing her then she may use that to her advantage in gaining leverage over you. You should either call her bluff or find some other way to end the constant threat, as you can never grow as master and slave if she is allowed such inappropriate  behavior.

On the other hand, there very well may be times when it is appropriate to accept a slaves  begging of release. This would mostly mostly be appropriate appropriate for for the owner owner of an establishment establishment which retains a number of slave girls for the service of its guests, such as a Castle, Manor, Inn, Tavern, or other such establishment. In such situations, perhaps a girl has been kept until such time as she can be found suitable for ownership by another master, in which case the release of the slave would be an expected e xpected and perhaps even welcomed event.

There are other situations which would be less than common, but still considered appropriate for a slave to be released. If the slave is able to honestly and logically explain the realities of her life as to describe herself as being better off outside outside a master/slave master/slave relationship, then it may be considered appropriate to acknowledge the truth of the situation and release the slave. Personal inabilities and health concerns as well as mental stability are all important issues to listen to your slave about. The situation may be that the slave does not wish to be released but you know you must. Even through the begging and pleading you must be strong enough to stand up for your convictions, if you are indeed being true to yourself. It’s unfortunate, but we can never guarantee that even through all our efforts, certain relationships are not meant to be.

Once in a while a master and slave enter into a relationship knowing it cannot be a permanent arrangement. arrangem ent. If his expectations are to eventually develop a life-long partnership partnership and/or marriage with the slave of his choice and the girl he has collared is involved with a marriage of her own, then they have likely come to the understanding that at some point they will move their separate ways. There can still be many fine benefits to such an arrangement, but the need to release the slave is inevitable and should be p prepared repared for carefully and with much consideration. If the master is going to take on the commitment of a collar then he has an obligation at the very least to fulfill some level of training or growth for the girl in question.


That and the pleasure she brings him while in this stage of their lives can ensure that the time is not ill spent.

Regardless of the reasons for release, if it has come to that then let it be done properly. Do not abandon a slave without formally releasing her. Besides showing you to be a coward, it can also leave long lasting emotional scarring for a girl to be simply left with no purpose, but not having  been relieved of duty. Worse still is if the girl doesn’t even know if her master has left left her or

not. If one day he just disappears and doesn’t return, how long is she to wait around, expecting him to return? It’s better to just face f ace the fact like a man and get the job done. If you’re going to release a slave, then release her, don’t run away from her.  

You should also be able to provide an honest reason for releasing your slave. Your reasons are your own and there’s nothing to say that you cannot release the slave for wh whatever atever reason you choose, but at least tell her what that reason is. Perhaps you just don’t like her anymore; perhaps you are pursuing other areas in your life and cannot take on the responsibility of the

slave any longer. Whatever the reason is tell her; give the slave closure so she can move on with her life.

Move on with your own life. Many people forget the reasons they thought it was a good idea to  break off a master/slave master/slave relationship relationship and soon soon after they they are back back in front front of the person person  bargaining for another another chance or or imagining imagining they can make it work this this time. The The best solution solution is to not look back. Be confident in your choices and keep looking forward. forward.

That said, we can never account for the unexpected circumstances, and there are exceptions to every rule. It’s up to each individual to make the choices they feel is best for them.  





AXIOM The axiom is an established principle or universal truth. While there are infinite variations of the meaning of being master, logic stands to reason that some truths can hold on merit alone.

1.  Master yourself. 2.  Maintain order. 3.  Step outside yourself and be objective. 4.  Be fair. 5.  Be honest. 6.  Do not be a slave to your emotions. 7.  Learn. 8.  Strive to be better than you are. 9.  Understand your motives for mastering a slave.   10. Know what to look for in a slave.

11.  Master the slave. 12.  Avoid being manipulated by the slave. 13.  Bend the slave to your will. 14.  Avoid bad conditioning techniques. 15.  Release the slave for the right reasons.


The simple truth is, there is no simple truth. The best laid plans go right out the window as soon as you start putting them into effect. You will have moments of doubt. You will have moments of triumph. You will feel the frustration and anger of your humanity. You will feel the joys and rewards of your efforts.

Being a master is an ever-evolving process. It is a journey of self exploration, deconstruction, and revelation. You are taking upon yourself the goal of shaping, not only your own life, but the lives of the slaves you take under your wing. It was what we were born into and it is a fate we cannot escape.

Even now, after having completed this lecture I wonder if I am worthy of my own words. I think anyone who doesn’t question his own motives and worth has no understanding of

attainment. I am a better man simply for having dissected my thoughts and I hope to continue to improve through the interaction with my peers and the ownership of my slave.

~ Draven

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