Behaviora Behavi orall approa approach ch to manage managemen mentt foc focus uses es on the fact tha thatt huma human n beha behavior vior is learn lea rned, ed, thus thus all behavi behavior or ca can n be un unlea learn rned ed and new new beh behavi aviors ors lea learn rned ed in its pla place. ce. Behaviorism is concerned primarily with the observable and measurable aspects of human behavior. Therefore when behaviors become unacceptable, they can be unlearned. The Beha Behavio vioral ral approa approach ch to man manage agemen mentt evolve evolved d mai mainly nly bec becaus ause e the pra practi cticin cing g managers discovered discovered that adopting the ideas of the classical approach failed to achieve total eciency eci ency and workplac workplace e harmony harmony. The behavior behavioral al appr approach oach to manageme management nt high highligh lighted ted what the classical advocates overlooked – the human aspect. The classical theorists looked at the organization from a production perspective; the behavioral advocates viewed it from the individuals viewpoint. The behavioral approach to management highlighted individual behavior ! group processes, and acknowledged the importance of behavioral processes at work.. The "awthorne work "awthorne studies #led by $lton $lton %ayo and other e&perts e&perts and associa associates' tes' in the late ()*+ and early ()+ helped to lend credence to the behavioral approach. -ome of the main behavioral behavioral research researchers ers who made considera considerable ble contribu contributions tions to the progression progr ession of the behavioral approach to management are are $lton %yao, %ary /arker 0ollett, 1ouglas %c2regor, 3urt 4ewin, 5hester Barnard, 6braham %aslow, 2eorge 7omans, etc.
Branches of Behavioral Approach to Management The behavioral approach approach has been divided into two branches branches the "uman rela relations tions approac approach h and the behavioral science approach. 8n the human relations approach managers should know why their subordinates behave as they do and what psychological and social factors have an impact on them. -upporters of this approach make an e9ort to show how the process and functions of management are in:uenced by di9erences in individual behavior and the in:uence of groups in the oce. Human Relations Approach The encouragement encourageme came the "awthorne e&periments. ents. The terminitial human huma n relations relations nt mean mefor an the th the emovement way way in whic wh ich h from ma mana nage gers rs co conn nnec ectt e&perim to subo subord rdin inat ates es.. %ana %a nage gers rs face face many many dic dicul ulti ties es be beca caus use e st sta9 a9 me memb mber ers s us usua uall lly y do no nott st stic ick k to predetermined and balanced patterns of behavior. -upporters of "uman relations approach feell tha fee thatt man manag ageme ement nt sh shoul ould d re recog cogniz nize e employ employees ees nee need d for re recog cognit nition ion an and d soc social ial acceptance. %anagement therefore involves getting things done with and through peopel. nderstanding worker response and inter
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