Before The Motor Accident Claims Tribunal: Affidavit Filed Under Section 139 C.P.C

October 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Before the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal IN THE COURT OF THE DITRICT !UD"E# ON"O$E M%&%O%' M%& %O%'%% No% No % ()*+, ()* +, Between:-

Pallapu Yedukondalu  and others



 Tirumalasetty Srinivasulu and others …..Respondents

AFFIDAVIT FILED UNDER SECTION !" C.P.C. Pallapu u Yedukondalu S/o.V S/o.Venkateswarlu enkateswarlu, aged about 41 I, Pallap Santh nthar arav avuru uru (V), (V), China China Gan Ganam am (! (!), ), year ye ars, s, Hind Hindu, u, re resi side dent nt of Sa Prakasam Prak asam "istri "istri#t #t, do he here reby by sole solemn mnly ly affi affirm rm an and d sinc sincer erel ely y stat statee as follows:-

I am the deponent herein and 1 st  petitione petitionerr in the above .! .!.. "he  petitioners # to 4 are my children, petitioners $ % 4 are being minors& rep. by me as na natu tura rall gu guar ardi dian an..

I am givi giving ng thi thiss aff affid idav avit it on be beha half lf of ot othe her  r 

 petitioners also. "he above .! is filed for compensation for the death of my wife, who died in a 'otor accident.

I submit that I did not file any similar application in any court of law for  the self same relief nor I did not entrust the same to anybody e(cept the )dvocate, *ri.+.+enata !avan umar, who is filing the above .!.

/!0/0" *olemnly affirmed and *igned before me on this the day of )+3)"/, )+3)" /, 05/

, #12.

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