Before The District Consumer Forum at Ballari No. /2016

October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER FORUM AT BALLARI No. /2016 BETWEEN: Sri Bherulal Balar S/o Late Badarmal Balar D.No. Jain Market, BALLARI


AND 1. Sri Virupa Virupaksh kshii In char charge ge o ofce fcerr Bellary Branch Customer Service Division & Franchise Holder o  Eureka Forbes Ltd.,near Bala Bhodini School, KHB Colony, Gandhinagar Gandhinagar BALLARI-583103 2. Ofcer Ofcer In In char charge ge E Eure ureka ka Forbes Forbes Ltd., Ltd., Service Head Quarters, Schedule No.42 P-3/C, Muneshwara Layout, Harulakunte, BANGALORE-560 088 3. Ofcer Ofcer In charg charge, e, Eurek Eureka a Forbes Forbes Ltd. Ltd.,, Corporate Head Ofce, B1/B2/,701, Marathon Innova, O Ganpatrao kadam Marg, Lower Parel, MUMBAI-400 013. 4. Ofcer Ofcer In charge charge,, Regist Registere ered d Of Ofce ce 7, Chakraberia Road,(south) KOLAKATA-700 025.

.Respondent No.1

..Respondent No.2

..Respondent No.3 .. Respondent No.4

  By R.S.K.Singh, D.Sadiq Ali Ali & Vinaya Kumar, Advocates, Plot No.54,   Sontha Linganna Sey Colony, Gandhinagar, Ballari   Phone: 9242143918


The Complainant humbly submits as ollows: This compla This complaint int is led led on behal behal o Sri Bherul Bherulal, al, addre address ss cited cited above above hereaer as complainant and the address o the Complainant or the purpose o service o noces processes etc., is care o counsels and complaint is as ollows: 1. The Compla Complaina inant nt is resid residing ing at the addres addresss cited cited above above and one o our Respondent No.1 is residing at the address cited above, a noce was got issued to the Respondents No.1 to 4 explaining the act o unair trade


pracce adapted by the service provider and charging excess o the price or providing service or one year by the counsels o the complainant, a copy said noce along with postal acknowledgement is led along with this complainant or kind perusal o this Honorable Forum. The trader/service provider has not yet complied with request o the complainant and hence th the e co comp mpla lain inan antt is co cons nstr trai aine ned d th this is co comp mpla lain intt or or re redr dres esse sed d o th the e complainant and enquiry in the maer.

2. The cause cause o acon acon o this this complaina complainant nt has occurr occurred ed within within the territor territorial ial  jurisdicon o this Honorable Forum hence this Honorable Forum has  jurisdicon to enquire in the complainant. complainant. The Complaint led within the territorial and pecuniary jurisdicon o the Honorable Forum.

3. The cause cause o acon acon aros arose e when when the compla complaina inant nt has purchas purchased ed service service co cont ntra ract ct o orr on one e year year rom rom the the agen agent/ t/em empl ploy oyee ee o Sr Srii Vi Viru rupa paks kshi hi,, Resp Respon onde dent nt No.1 No.1 on 10 10-2 -2-2 -201 015 5 as per per th the e In Invo voic ice e Cum Cum Rece Receip iptt No. No. 102462 102 462389 3890 0 dated dated 10-2-2 10-2-2015 015 by collec collecn ng g ca cash sh amoun amountt o Rs.153 Rs.1530/0/Rupeess one thousand Rupee thousand ve hundred thirty only or one year period period service service contract rom the date 10-2-2015 to 10-2-2016. A photo copy o the said Invoice cum receipt is enclosed to this complainant or kind perusal o the Honorable Forum.

4. It is submi submied ed durin during g the pe perio riod d o penden pendency cy o servic service e contrac contractt the Sri Sri Sridhar employee o the Respondent No.1 again or the second me has misrepresented Smt Manju Devi, wie o the complainant on 14-8-2015 stang sta ng the servic service e contra contract ct o the previo previous us co contr ntract act ha hass expire expired d and and collected one more me service ee o Rs. 1530/- Rupees One Thousand ve hundred thirty rom the complainant’s wie and when she resisted to pay has the employee has taken the money misrepresenng the act o  pendency o service contract and issued Invoice cum Receipt No. 23991641 da dated ted 14-8-201 14-8-2015 5 and a photo photo copy copy o the said Invoic Invoice e cum receipt receipt is enclosed to this complaint or kind perusal o this Honorable Forum.


5. It is submi submied ed that that First First Respon Responden dentt is the agent agent and ranchis ranchise e holder holder o  the Second, third and ourth respondents and hence it is necessary to make al alll the the o our ur resp respon onde dent ntss par pares es or or th the e purp purpos ose e o en enqu quir iry y by th the e Honorable Forum.

6. It is submied submied that that the First First Respondent Respondent is having having ranchi ranchise se agreement agreement to provid pro vide e servic service e to Ac Acqua qua Guard Guard Water Water Purie Puriers rs by co collec llecn ng g a annual annual service ee rom the consumers, and he is carrying out strictly under the supervision o the Respondent2, 3 and 4 and also paying a ranchise ee o  60% o the amount collected to the Respondent No.2.

7. It is submied submied that that the employee employee o the the Respondent Respondent No.1 No.1 has cheated cheated the the co comp mpla lain inan antt by co coll llec ecn ng g serv servic ice e ee ee or or seco second nd me me an and d th thus us th the e Respondents 1 to 4 jointly and severally commied the oence o unair trade pracce and also charging excess o permied ee or one year. It is subm submi ied ed that that all all the the Resp Respon onde dent ntss ar are e lia liabl ble e seve severa rally lly jo join intl tly y an and d vicariously liable or damages to the complainant.

8. It is subm submi ied ed that that when when the the co comp mpla lain inan antt has has tr trie ied d to co cont ntac actt th the e Resp Respon onde dent ntNo No.1 .1 or oral ally ly seve severa rall mes mes,, th the e Respo Respond nden entt No.1 No.1 ha hass no nott bothered to set right the mistakes nor provide any explanaon in this behal, and it is apprehended that the Respondent No.1 has got printed ake Invoice Books or the purposes o cheang innocent consumers and even it apprehended that the Respondent No.2 3 and 4 are not even aware o this unair cheang trade pracce by the Respondent No1.

9. It is submied submied that that compla complainant inant is lled lled with with in period period o 2 years years rom the the date o cause acon hence with in limitaon period.

10. It is submied submied that act o the Respondent Respondent No1 to 4 is serious malprac malpracce ce ollowed by the trader and there might by several case like this and hence it is prayed that enquiry may be conducted by issuing noces to all the Respondents 1 to 4 to ascertain who is real culprit and what is intenon o 


the traders and it would be germane to submit that every day the sales man o Acqua Guard call on the innocent house wives during the ming when the husbands go or business and collect money by cheang and hence this complaint may kindly be enquired into to curb such malpracces by the traders in general and Respondent N0.1 in parcular. 11. It is submied submied that Responden Respondentt No.1 has commied serious serious wrong and misrepresented to the complainant hence the Complainant is entled to set right his grievance and hence the respondents are liable or to make good loss suered by the complainant. PRAYER In view o the submissions contained in the proceeding paragraphs, the complainant most respecully prays to the Hon’ble Forum to direct the Respondents pares to: a.

Reund Reund the excess excess amount amount collecte collected d or providing providing servic service e to the complain complainant ant along with interest.

b. Pay sum o Rs.50,00 Rs.50,000/0/- towards towards the physica physicall strain and and mental mental agony suered suered by the complainant and his amily members (Compensaon) and c. Pay a sum o Rs.5000 Rs.5000//- toward towardss cost cost o this peon. peon. For which act o kindness, the complainant shall as is duty to bound ever pray.

Advocate or the Complainant

Signature o Complainant

VERIFICATION I, Sri Bherulal S/o Late Badarmal Balar aged 48 years, do here by state what is stated in the above cited paragraphs are true to the best o my knowledge and belie and nothing material is concealed by me.

Ballari Date:

Signature o Complainant.

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