Become a PUA Instructor With Love Systems

April 6, 2017 | Author: Love Systems | Category: N/A
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Interested in becoming an instructor? Here's how!...


Become a PUA Instructor with Love Systems

We get a lot of inquiries about becoming a Love Systems (formerly Mystery Method Corp) instructor. Becoming a Love Systems instructor is based on merit, no t need. “I live in XXX city and can ca n run  programs for you here” does not matter. Most of our  programs  programs sell out far in advance and we could easily double in size if we wanted to. We’ve chosen not to, because our values put values put the client first. We will not put clients in front of an instructor we’re not 100% sure about. The process for becoming an instructor with us is actually quite simple: get nominated by two senior instructors and then pass an in-person evaluation with Love Systems President Nick  President Nick  Savoy.. Savoy •

Four things we look for in potential instructors.

Three steps for getting there.

Think you have what it takes?

There are four things we look for in potential instructors:

1) Game

Obviously, you have to be good with women. Really good. Clients will not only be listening to what you say; they’ll be watching your game “in the field” and modeling what you do. do . This puts a responsibility on us to make sure instructors are men who get it right – even the little things. There are many ways to succeed with women. Love Systems (and Mystery Method Corp before it) did not invent pick up or dating. We’re looking for men who are comfortable meeting women with reference to the basics of the Love Systems approach, notably the Love Systems Triad and Magic Bullets. Bullets.

2) Ability to Teach

This is probably the hardest of the criteria to pass. Can you pick up a beautiful woman with a dozen guys looking on, scrutinizing your every move? Can you watch a client with women and  pinpoint out of the dozens of possible areas of improvement, what are the one or two things he should be working on right now? Can you give him specific, practical tools and inspire him to make those changes? Do you have infinite patience? Can you explain and present complex subjects so that they add value to beginners and experienced men alike? Do you work well in an instructor team?

3) Thought Leadership

Are you someone who has the potential to add to and help refine the Love Systems approach? We’re not looking for this from Day 1, and it only gets to be an absolute necessity for   promotion to senior instructor, but it’s something we look for even at the entry level. For  example, do you write field reports with insightful commentary? Do you hav e routines worthy of  the Routines Manual? Manual? Many instructors have blogs have blogs;; would yours have anything to say?

4) Ethics & Fit

We adhere unreservedly to the Love Systems Values. Values. We don’t like drama or attention-seeking  behavior (out of the club...). Instructors propose people who fit the first three criteria who they will enjoy working with. After all, instructors usually work together and there’s no point in having someone, no matter how ho w skilled, who isn’t a good fit.

"Being a Love Systems instructor is a life-changing experience. Being around and having access to other instructors - guys who are literally the best in the world with women - serves as both the catalyst and resource to take your game to the next level. That being said, 'game' is a teachable skill. People think that being an instructor is all abou t having 'game'. Not true. You are ASSUMED to have some of the best game in the world as an instructor and Love Lov e Systems can teach you how to get there. Believe it or not, that's the easy e asy part. You want to be a Love Systems instructor? Exhibit characteristics like common sense, intelligence, the ability to get along with  people, a positive attitude, the ability ab ility to teach, initiative, lack of ego, reliability and just being a

cool guy who doesn't cause drama and is easy to hang out with. Now add 'world class game' to this mix and THAT is what I would consider 'instructor material.'" - Mr. M, M, Senior Love Systems Instructor  Alright, those are the basics. Now how do you get there?

Step 1: Impress Senior Instructors

This almost always starts with one or more bootcamps more bootcamps or other live other live training programs. programs. •

There aren’t really that many other opportunities for senior instructors to get to k now you well enough to invest in your training until you’re ready for the in-person evaluation with Savoy.

If you want to teach Love Systems, you need to learn and be an expert on the Love Systems approach.

Love Systems instructors are former students. Their personal journeys both inspire future clients and help them relate to each other.

“Being good with women” is not a short-cut around this. First of all, if you’ve always been good with women, you’re what we call a “natural” and would probably not make a great instructor. Most of our clients are not “naturally” good with women and have to learn it step by step. We teach clients how to do this, and that requires a bit of experience with the process yourself.

Step 2: Workshop Assistant

If you’ve sufficiently impressed at least one senior instructor as having instructor potential, that instructor might take you under his wing. That instructor may invite you to help out on future  programs for further training (people learn just as much – if not more – from a bootcamp their  second or third time) and to see the process from the instructor side. As a workshop assistant, you do not count toward the “ratio.” Love Systems insists that all of its Live Training programs involving more than on e instructor has no more than a 3:1 client:instructor ratio. So, if there 7 clients on a program, there have to be 3 instructors. Only

instructors who have passed the final evaluation and are on the Love Systems Instructors page Instructors page count.

Step 3: Evaluation

If you have consistently impressed two or more senior instructors to the point that they are willing to put their names on the line for you, you will be proposed to become an official Love Systems instructor. During the second half of the year, most of these final evaluations take place at theLove the Love Systems Super Conference, Conference, held every October in Las Vegas. Evaluations can also happen at any time in Los Angeles, and, approximately once a year, Savoy travels to London, New York, and Australia to review potential instructors there. The senior  instructors who are nominating you will guide you through this process. While it only takes two senior instructors to kick off a nomination, candidates who are invited to  join Love Systems Systems usually have broad backing from many different instructors. It is to to your  advantage to make as many contacts and be seen by as many instructors as possible. The standards in the evaluation process are high. Results are given as “Yes,” “No,” or “Not Yet.” Among first time candidates the results are usually about half “Not Yet” and one-third “Yes.” Many of today’s most successful Love Systems instructors initially received a “Not Yet,”  proceeded to improve on areas of concern, and then were passed. This says a lot about their  tenacity and ability and desire to lead by b y example and live as well as teach self-improvement –  two key Love Systems values. values.

Think that you have what it takes it to become a Love Lov e Systems instructor? Send an email to [email protected] with your first & last name, email address, phone number and some comments about why you want to be an instructor.

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