Beckett, Samuel - Endgame

April 30, 2018 | Author: Antonio Gattulli | Category: N/A
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Descripción: Beckett, Samuel - Endgame...



By Samuel Beckett

 Bare interior. Grey Light.  Left and right back, high up, two small windows, curtains drawn.  Front right, a door. Hanging near door, its face to wall, a picture.  Front left, touching each other, covered with an old sheet, two ashbins. Center, in an armchair on castors, covered with an old sheet, Hamm.  otionless by the door, his eyes fi!ed on Hamm, Clov. "ery red face.  Brief tableau.

Clov goes and stands under window left. #tiff, staggering walk. He looks up at window left. He turns and looks at window right. He goes and stands under window right. He looks up at window right. He turns and looks at window left. He goes out, comes back immediately with a small step$ ladder, carries it over and sets it down und er window left, gets up on it, draws back curtain. He  gets down, takes si! steps %for e!ample& towards window right, goes back for ladder, carries carries it over and sets it down under window right, gets up on it, draws back curtain. He gets down, takes three steps towards window left, goes back for ladder, carries it over and sets it down under window left, gets up on it, looks out of window. Brief laugh. He gets down, d own, takes one step towards window right, goes back for ladder, carries it over and sets it down under window right,  gets up on it, looks out of window. Brief laugh. He gets down, goes with ladder towards ashbins, halts, turns, carries back ladder and sets it down un der window right, goes to ashbins, removes  sheet covering them, folds it over his arm. He raises one lid, stoops and looks into bin. Brief laugh. He closes lid. #ame with other bin. He goes to Hamm, removes sheet covering him, folds it over his arm. 'n a dressing$gown, a stiff to(ue to(ue on his head, a large blood$stained handkerchief over his face, a whistle hanging from his neck, a rug over his h is knees, thick socks on his feet,  Hamm seems to be asleep. Clov looks him over. Brief laugh. He goes to door, halts, turns towards auditorium.

%fi!ed ga)e, tonelessly&: tonelessly&: Finished, its !inished, nea"ly !inished, it must #e nea"ly !inished$ %*ause.& %"ain u&'n g"ain, 'ne #y 'ne, and 'ne day, suddenly, the"es a hea&, a little hea&, the im&'ssi#le hea&$ %*ause.& I cant #e &unished any m'"e$ %*ause.& Ill g' n'( t' my kitchen, ten !eet #y ten !eet #y ten !eet, and (ait !'" him t' (histle me$ %*ause.&  Nice dimensi'ns, nice &"'&'"ti'ns, Ill lean 'n the ta#le, and l''k at the (all, and (ait !'" him t' (histle me$ %He remains a moment motionless, then goes out. He comes back immediately, goes to window right, takes up the ladder and carries it out. *ause. Hamm stirs. He yawns under the handkerchief. He removes the handkerchief from his face. "ery red face. Glasses with black lenses.& HAMM: )e* %he yawns&  *t' &lay$ %He takes off his glasses, wipes his eyes, his face, the glasses, puts them on again, folds the handkerchief and puts it back neatly in the breast pocket of his dressing gown. He clears his throat, +oins the tips of his fingers.& Can the"e #e mise"y* %he yawns&  *l'!tie" than mine+ N' d'u#t$ F'"me"ly$ But n'(+ CLOV

Clov goes and stands under window left. #tiff, staggering walk. He looks up at window left. He turns and looks at window right. He goes and stands under window right. He looks up at window right. He turns and looks at window left. He goes out, comes back immediately with a small step$ ladder, carries it over and sets it down und er window left, gets up on it, draws back curtain. He  gets down, takes si! steps %for e!ample& towards window right, goes back for ladder, carries carries it over and sets it down under window right, gets up on it, draws back curtain. He gets down, takes three steps towards window left, goes back for ladder, carries it over and sets it down under window left, gets up on it, looks out of window. Brief laugh. He gets down, d own, takes one step towards window right, goes back for ladder, carries it over and sets it down under window right,  gets up on it, looks out of window. Brief laugh. He gets down, goes with ladder towards ashbins, halts, turns, carries back ladder and sets it down un der window right, goes to ashbins, removes  sheet covering them, folds it over his arm. He raises one lid, stoops and looks into bin. Brief laugh. He closes lid. #ame with other bin. He goes to Hamm, removes sheet covering him, folds it over his arm. 'n a dressing$gown, a stiff to(ue to(ue on his head, a large blood$stained handkerchief over his face, a whistle hanging from his neck, a rug over his h is knees, thick socks on his feet,  Hamm seems to be asleep. Clov looks him over. Brief laugh. He goes to door, halts, turns towards auditorium.

%fi!ed ga)e, tonelessly&: tonelessly&: Finished, its !inished, nea"ly !inished, it must #e nea"ly !inished$ %*ause.& %"ain u&'n g"ain, 'ne #y 'ne, and 'ne day, suddenly, the"es a hea&, a little hea&, the im&'ssi#le hea&$ %*ause.& I cant #e &unished any m'"e$ %*ause.& Ill g' n'( t' my kitchen, ten !eet #y ten !eet #y ten !eet, and (ait !'" him t' (histle me$ %*ause.&  Nice dimensi'ns, nice &"'&'"ti'ns, Ill lean 'n the ta#le, and l''k at the (all, and (ait !'" him t' (histle me$ %He remains a moment motionless, then goes out. He comes back immediately, goes to window right, takes up the ladder and carries it out. *ause. Hamm stirs. He yawns under the handkerchief. He removes the handkerchief from his face. "ery red face. Glasses with black lenses.& HAMM: )e* %he yawns&  *t' &lay$ %He takes off his glasses, wipes his eyes, his face, the glasses, puts them on again, folds the handkerchief and puts it back neatly in the breast pocket of his dressing gown. He clears his throat, +oins the tips of his fingers.& Can the"e #e mise"y* %he yawns&  *l'!tie" than mine+ N' d'u#t$ F'"me"ly$ But n'(+ CLOV

%*ause.& )y !athe"+ %*ause.& )y m'the"+ %*ause.& )y$$$ d'g+ %*ause.& Oh I am (illing t' #eliee they su!!e" as much as such c"eatu"es can su!!e"$ But d'es that mean thei" su!!e"ings e-ual mine+ N' d'u#t$ %*ause.&  N', all is a* %he yawns&  *#s'lute, %proudly& the #igge" a man is the !ulle" he is$ %*ause. Gloomily.& And the em&tie"$ %He sniffs.& Cl'. %*ause.&  N', al'ne$ %*ause.& /hat d"eams. Th'se !'"ests. %*ause.& En'ugh, its time it ended, in the shelte", t''$ %*ause.& And yet I hesitate, I hesitate t'$$$ t' end$ Yes, the"e it is, its time it ended and yet I hesitate t'* %He yawns.&  *t' end$ %awns.& %'d, Im ti"ed, Id #e #ette" '!! in #ed$ %He whistles. -nter Clov immediately. He halts beside the chair.& Y'u &'llute the ai". %*ause.& %et me "eady, Im g'ing t' #ed$ CLOV: Ie 0ust g't y'u u&$ HAMM: And (hat '! it+ CLOV: I cant #e getting y'u u& and &utting y'u t' #ed ee"y !ie minutes, I hae things t' d'$ %*ause.& HAMM: 1id y'u ee" see my eyes+ CLOV:

 N'$ HAMM: 1id y'u nee" hae the cu"i'sity, (hile I (as slee&ing, t' take ' !! my glasses and l''k at my eyes+ CLOV: Pulling #ack the lids+ %*ause.&  N'$ HAMM: One '! these days Ill sh'( them t' y'u$ %*ause.& It seems theye g'ne all (hite$ %*ause.& /hat time is it+ CLOV: The same as usual$ HAMM %gesture towards window right&: 2ae y'u l''ked+ CLOV: Yes$ HAMM: /ell+ CLOV: 3e"'$ HAMM: Itd need t' "ain$ CLOV: It ('nt "ain$ %*ause.& HAMM: A&a"t !"'m that, h'( d' y'u !eel+ CLOV: I d'nt c'm&lain$ HAMM: Y'u !eel n'"mal+ CLOV %irritably&: I tell y'u I d'nt c'm&lain$ HAMM: I !eel a little st"ange$ %*ause.& Cl'. CLOV: Yes$ HAMM: 2ae y'u n't had en'ugh+ CLOV:

Yes. %*ause.& O! (hat+ HAMM: O! this$$$ this$$$ thing$ CLOV: I al(ays had$ %*ause.&  N't y'u+ HAMM %gloomily&: Then the"es n' "eas'n !'" it t' change$ CLOV: It may end$ %*ause.& All li!e l'ng the same -uesti'ns, the same ans(e"s$ HAMM: %et me "eady$ %Clov does not move.& %' and get the sheet$ %Clov does not move.& Cl'. CLOV: Yes$ HAMM: Ill gie y'u n'thing m'"e t' eat$ CLOV: Then (ell die$ HAMM: Ill gie y'u 0ust en'ugh t' kee& y'u !"'m dying$ Y'ull #e hung"y all the time$ CLOV: Then (e ('nt die$ %*ause.& Ill g' and get the sheet$ %He goes towards the door.& HAMM:  N'. %Clov halts.& Ill gie y'u 'ne #iscuit &e" day$ %*ause.& One and a hal!$ %*ause.& /hy d' y'u stay (ith me+ CLOV: /hy d' y'u kee& me+ HAMM: The"es n' 'ne else$


The"es n'(he"e else$ %*ause.& HAMM: Y'u"e leaing me all the same$ CLOV: Im t"ying$ HAMM: Y'u d'nt l'e me$ CLOV:  N'$ HAMM: Y'u l'ed me 'nce$ CLOV: Once. HAMM: Ie made y'u su!!e" t'' much$ %*ause.& 2aent I+ CLOV: Its n't that$ HAMM: I haent made y'u su!!e" t'' much+ CLOV: Yes. HAMM %relieved&: Ah, y'u gae me a !"ight. %*ause. Coldly& F'"gie me$ %*ause. Louder.& I said, F'"gie me$ CLOV: I hea"d y'u$ %*ause.& 2ae y'u #led+ HAMM: Less$ %*ause.& Is it n't time !'" my &ain4kille"+ CLOV:  N'$ %*ause.& HAMM: 2'( a"e y'u" eyes+ CLOV: Bad$


2'( a"e y'u" legs+ CLOV: Bad$ HAMM: But y'u can m'e$ CLOV: Yes$ HAMM %violently&: Then m'e. %Clov goes to back wall, leans against it with his forehead and hands.& /he"e a"e y'u+ CLOV: 2e"e$ HAMM: C'me #ack. %Clov returns to his place beside the chair.& /he"e a"e y'u+ CLOV: 2e"e$ HAMM: /hy d'nt y'u kill me+ CLOV: I d'nt kn'( the c'm#inati'n '! the cu&#'a"d$ %*ause.& HAMM: %' and get t(' #icycle4(heels$ CLOV: The"e a"e n' m'"e #icycle4(heels$ HAMM: /hat hae y'u d'ne (ith y'u" #icycle+ CLOV: I nee" had a #icycle$ HAMM: The thing is im&'ssi#le$ CLOV: /hen the"e (e"e still #icycles I (e&t t' hae 'ne$ I c"a(led at y'u" !eet$ Y'u t'ld me t' g' t' hell$ N'( the"e a"e n'ne$ HAMM: And y'u" "'unds+ /hen y'u ins&ected my &au&e"s$ Al(ays 'n !''t+ CLOV: S'metimes 'n h'"se$ %he lid of one of the bins lifts and the hands of /agg appear,  gripping the rim. hen his head emerges. /ightcap. "ery white face.  /agg yawns, then listens.& Ill leae y'u, I hae things t' d'$


In y'u" kitchen+ CLOV: Yes$ HAMM: Outside '! he"e its death$ %*ause.& All "ight, #e '!!$ %-!it Clov. *ause.& /e"e getting 'n$ NAGG: )e &a&. HAMM: Accu"sed &"'genit'". NAGG: )e &a&. HAMM: The 'ld !'lks at h'me. N' decency le!t. %u55le, gu55le, thats all they think '!$ %He whistles. -nter Clov. He halts beside the chair.& /ell. I th'ught y'u (e"e leaing me$ CLOV: Oh n't 0ust yet, n't 0ust yet$ NAGG: )e &a&. HAMM: %ie him his &a&$ CLOV: The"es n' m'"e &a&$ HAMM %to /agg&: 1' y'u hea" that+ The"es n' m'"e &a&$ Y'ull nee" get any m'"e &a&$ NAGG: I (ant me &a&. HAMM: %ie him a #iscuit$ %-!it Clov.& Accu"sed !'"nicat'". 2'( a"e y'u" stum&s+ NAGG:  Nee" mind me stum&s$ %-nter Clov with biscuit.& CLOV: Im #ack again, (ith the #iscuit$ %He gives biscuit to /agg who fingers it, sniffs it.& NAGG %plaintively&: /hat is it+ CLOV: S&"atts medium$

%as before&: Its ha"d. I cant. HAMM: B'ttle him. %Clov pushes /agg back into the bin, closes the lid.& CLOV %returning to his place beside the chair&: I! age #ut kne(. HAMM: Sit 'n him. CLOV: I cant sit$ HAMM: T"ue$ And I cant stand$ CLOV: S' it is$ HAMM: Ee"y man his s&ecialty$ %*ause.&  N' &h'ne calls+ %*ause.& 1'nt (e laugh+ CLOV %after reflection&: I d'nt !eel like it$ HAMM %after reflection&:  N'" I$ %*ause.& Cl'. CLOV: Yes$ HAMM:  Natu"e has !'"g'tten us$ CLOV: The"es n' m'"e natu"e$ HAMM:  N' m'"e natu"e. Y'u e6agge"ate$ CLOV: In the icinity$ HAMM: But (e #"eathe, (e change. /e l'se 'u" hai", 'u" teeth. Ou" #l''m. Ou" ideals. CLOV: Then she hasnt !'"g'tten us$ HAMM: But y'u say the"e is n'ne$ CLOV %sadly&:  N' 'ne that ee" lied ee" th'ught s' c"''ked as (e$ HAMM: NAGG

/e d' (hat (e can$ CLOV: /e sh'uldnt$ %*ause.& HAMM: Y'u"e a #it '! all "ight, a"ent y'u+ CLOV: A smithe"een$ %*ause.& HAMM: This is sl'( ('"k$ %*ause.& Is it n't time !'" my &ain4kille"+ CLOV:  N'$ %*ause.& Ill leae y'u, I hae things t' d'$ HAMM: In y'u" kitchen+ CLOV: Yes$ HAMM: /hat, Id like t' kn'($ CLOV: I l''k at the (all$ HAMM: The (all. And (hat d' y'u see 'n y'u" (all+ )ene, mene+ Naked #'dies+ CLOV: I see my light dying$ HAMM: Y'u" light dying. Listen t' that. /ell, it can die 0ust as (ell he"e, y'u" light$ Take a l''k at me and then c'me #ack and tell me (hat y'u think '! y'u" light$ %*ause.& CLOV: Y'u sh'uldnt s&eak t' me like that$ %*ause.& HAMM %coldly&: F'"gie me$ %*ause. Louder.& I said, F'"gie me$ CLOV: I hea"d y'u$ %he lid of /agg0s bin lifts. His hands appear, gripping the rim. hen his head emerges.  'n his mouth the biscuit. He listens.& HAMM: 1id y'u" seeds c'me u&+


 N'$ HAMM: 1id y'u sc"atch "'und them t' see i! they had s&"'uted+ CLOV: They haent s&"'uted$ HAMM: Pe"ha&s its still t'' ea"ly$ CLOV: I! they (e"e g'ing t' s&"'ut they ('uld hae s&"'uted$ %"iolently.& Theyll nee" s&"'ut. %*ause. /agg takes biscuit in his hand.& HAMM: This is n't much !un$ %*ause.& But thats al(ays the (ay at the end '! the day, isnt it, Cl'+ CLOV: Al(ays$ HAMM: Its the end '! the day like any 'the" day, isnt it, Cl'+ CLOV: L''ks like it$ %*ause.& HAMM %anguished&: /hats ha&&ening, (hats ha&&ening+ CLOV: S'mething is taking its c'u"se$ %*ause.& HAMM: All "ight, #e '!!$ %He leans back in his chair, remains motionless. Clov does not move, heaves a great  groaning sigh. Hamm sits up.& I th'ught I t'ld y'u t' #e '!!$ CLOV: Im t"ying$ %He goes to the door, halts.& Ee" since I (as (hel&ed$ %-!it Clov.& HAMM: /e"e getting 'n$ %He leans back in his chair, remains motionless. /agg knocks on the lid of the other bin.  *ause. He knocks harder. he lid lifts and the hands of /ell appear, gripping the rim. hen her head emerges. Lace cap. "ery white face.& NELL: /hat is it, my &et+

%*ause.& Time !'" l'e+ NAGG: /e"e y'u aslee&+ NELL: Oh n'. NAGG: 7iss me$ NELL: /e cant$ NAGG: T"y$ %heir heads strain towards each other, fail to meet, fall ap art again.& NELL: /hy this !a"ce, day a!te" day+ %*ause.& NAGG: Ie l'st me t''th$ NELL: /hen+ NAGG: I had it yeste"day$ NELL %elegiac&: Ah yeste"day$ %hey turn painfully towards each other.& NAGG: Can y'u see me+ NELL: 2a"dly$ And y'u+ NAGG: /hat+ NELL: Can y'u see me+ NAGG: 2a"dly$ NELL: S' much the #ette", s' much the #ette"$ NAGG: 1'nt say that$ %*ause.& Ou" sight has !ailed$ NELL: Yes$ %*ause. hey turn away from each other.& NAGG: Can y'u hea" me+


Yes$ And y'u+ NAGG: Yes$ %*ause.& Ou" hea"ing hasnt !ailed$ NELL: Ou" (hat+ NAGG: Ou" hea"ing$ NELL:  N'$ %*ause.& 2ae y'u anything else t' say t' me+ NAGG: 1' y'u "emem#e"* NELL:  N'$ NAGG: /hen (e c"ashed 'n 'u" tandem and l'st 'u" shanks$ %hey laugh heartily.& NELL: It (as in the A"dennes$ %hey laugh less heartily.& NAGG: On the "'ad t' Sedan$ %hey laugh still less heartily.& A"e y'u c'ld+ NELL: Yes, &e"ished, and y'u+ NAGG: %*ause.& Im !"ee5ing$ %*ause.& 1' y'u (ant t' g' in+ NELL: Yes$ NAGG: Then g' in$ %/ell does not move.& /hy d'nt y'u g' in+ NELL: I d'nt kn'($ %*ause.& NAGG: 2as he changed y'u" sa(dust+


It isnt sa(dust$ %*ause. 1arily.& Can y'u n't #e a little accu"ate, Nagg+ NAGG: Y'u" sand then$ Its n't im&'"tant$ NELL: It is im&'"tant$ %*ause.& NAGG: It (as sa(dust 'nce$ NELL: Once. NAGG: And n'( its sand$ %*ause.& F"'m the sh'"e$ %*ause. 'mpatiently.&  N'( its sand he !etches !"'m the sh'"e$ NELL:  N'( its sand$ NAGG: 2as he changed y'u"s+ NELL:  N'$ NAGG:  N'" mine$ %*ause.& I ('nt hae it. %*ause. Holding up the biscuit.& 1' y'u (ant a #it+ NELL:  N'$ %*ause.& O! (hat+ NAGG: Biscuit$ Ie ke&t y'u hal!$ %He looks at the biscuit. *roudly.& Th"ee -ua"te"s$ F'" y'u$ 2e"e$ %He proffers the biscuit.&  N'+ %*ause.& 1' y'u n't !eel (ell+ HAMM %wearily&: 8uiet, -uiet, y'u"e kee&ing me a(ake$ %*ause.&

Talk s'!te"$ %*ause.& I! I c'uld slee& I might make l'e$ Id g' int' the (''ds$ )y eyes ('uld see$$$ the sky, the ea"th$ Id "un, "un, they ('uldnt catch me$ %*ause.&  Natu"e. %*ause.& The"es s'mething d"i&&ing in my head$ %*ause.& A hea"t, a hea"t in my head$ %*ause.& NAGG: 1' y'u hea" him+ A hea"t in his head. %He chuckles cautiously.& NELL: One mustnt laugh at th'se things, Nagg$ /hy must y'u al(ays laugh at them+ NAGG:  N't s' l'ud. NELL %without lowering her voice&:  N'thing is !unnie" than unha&&iness, I g"ant y'u that$ But* NAGG %shocked&: Oh. NELL: Yes, yes, its the m'st c'mical thing in the ('"ld$ And (e laugh, (e laugh, (ith a (ill, in the #eginning$ But its al(ays the same thing$ Yes, its like the !unny st'"y (e hae hea"d t'' '!ten, (e still !ind it !unny, #ut (e d'nt laugh any m'"e$ %*ause.& 2ae y'u anything else t' say t' me+ NAGG:  N'$ NELL: A"e y'u -uite su"e+ %*ause.& Then Ill leae y'u$ NAGG: 1' y'u n't (ant y'u" #iscuit+ %*ause.& Ill kee& it !'" y'u$ %*ause.& I th'ught y'u (e"e g'ing t' leae me$ NELL: I am g'ing t' leae y'u$ NAGG: C'uld y'u gie me a sc"atch #e!'"e y'u g'+ NELL:  N'$

%*ause.& /he"e+ NAGG: In the #ack$ NELL:  N'$ %*ause.& 9u# y'u"sel! against the "im$ NAGG: Its l'(e" d'(n$ In the h'll'($ NELL: /hat h'll'(+ NAGG: The h'll'(. %*ause.& C'uld y'u n't+ %*ause.& Yeste"day y'u sc"atched me the"e$ NELL %elegiac&: Ah yeste"day$ NAGG: C'uld y'u n't+ %*ause.& /'uld y'u like me t' sc"atch y'u+ %*ause.& A"e y'u c"ying again+ NELL: I (as t"ying$ %*ause.& HAMM: Pe"ha&s its a little ein$ %*ause.& NAGG: /hat (as that he said+ NELL: Pe"ha&s its a little ein$ NAGG: /hat d'es that mean+ %*ause.& That means n'thing$ %*ause.& Shall I tell y'u the st'"y '! the tail'"+ NELL:  N'$ %*ause.& /hat !'"+


T' chee" y'u u&$ NELL: Its n't !unny$ NAGG: It al(ays made y'u laugh$ %*ause.& The !i"st time I th'ught y'ud die$ NELL: It (as 'n Lake C'm'$ %*ause.& One A&"il a!te"n''n$ %*ause.& Can y'u #eliee it+ NAGG: /hat+ NELL: That (e 'nce (ent 'ut "'(ing 'n Lake C'm'$ %*ause.& One A&"il a!te"n''n$ NAGG: /e had g't engaged the day #e!'"e$ NELL: Engaged. NAGG: Y'u (e"e in such !its that (e ca&si5ed$ By "ights (e sh'uld hae #een d"'(ned$ NELL: It (as #ecause I !elt ha&&y$ NAGG %indignant&: It (as n't, it (as n't, it (as my STO9Y and n'thing else$ 2a&&y. 1'nt y'u laugh at it still+ Ee"y time I tell it$ 2a&&y. NELL: It (as dee&, dee&$ And y'u c'uld see d'(n t' the #'tt'm$ S' (hite$ S' clean$ NAGG: Let me tell it again$ %2aconteur0s voice.& An Englishman, needing a &ai" '! st"i&ed t"'use"s in a hu""y !'" the Ne( Yea" !estiities, g'es t' his tail'" (h' takes his measu"ements$ %ailor0s voice.& Thats the l't, c'me #ack in !'u" days, Ill hae it "eady$ %''d$ F'u" days late"$ %ailor0s voice.& S' s'""y, c'me #ack in a (eek, Ie made a mess '! the seat$ %''d, thats all "ight, a neat seat can #e e"y ticklish$ A (eek late"$ %ailor0s voice.& F"ight!ully s'""y, c'me #ack in ten days, Ie made a hash '! the c"'tch$ %''d, cant #e hel&ed, a snug c"'tch is al(ays a tease"$ Ten days late"$

%ailor0s voice.& 1"ead!ully s'""y, c'me #ack in a !'"tnight, Ie made a #alls '! the !ly$ %''d, at a  &inch, a sma"t !ly is a sti!! &"'&'siti'n$ %*ause. /ormal voice.& I nee" t'ld it ('"se$ %*ause. Gloomy.& I tell this st'"y ('"se and ('"se$ %*ause. 2aconteur0s voice.& /ell, t' make it sh'"t, the #lue#ells a"e #l'(ing and he #all'ckses the #utt'nh'les$ %Customer0s voice.& %'d damn y'u t' hell, Si", n', its indecent, the"e a"e limits. In si6 days, d' y'u hea" me, si6 days, %'d made the ('"ld$ Yes Si", n' less Si", the /O9L1. And y'u a"e n't #l''dy (ell ca&a#le '! making me a &ai" '! t"'use"s in th"ee m'nths. %ailor0s voice, scandali)ed.& But my dea" Si", my dea" Si", l''k* %disdainful gesture, disgustedly&  *at the ('"ld* %*ause.& and l''k* %loving gesture, proudly&  *at my T9O;SE9S. %*ause. He looks at /ell who has remained impassive, her eyes unseeing. He breaks into a high forced laugh, cuts it short, pokes his head towards /ell, launches his laugh again.& HAMM: Silence. %/agg starts, cuts short his laugh.& NELL: Y'u c'uld see d'(n t' the #'tt'm$ HAMM %e!asperated&: 2ae y'u n't !inished+ /ill y'u nee" !inish+ %1ith sudden fury.& /ill this nee" !inish+ %/agg disappears into his bin, closes the lid behind him. /ell does not move. Fren)iedly.& )y kingd'm !'" a nightman. %He whistles. -nter Clov.& Clea" a(ay this muck. Chuck it in the sea. %Clov goes to bins, halts.& NELL: S' (hite$ HAMM: /hat+ /hats she #lathe"ing a#'ut+ %Clov stoops, takes /ell0s hand, feels her pulse.& NELL %to Clov&: 1ese"t. %Clov lets go her hand, pushes her back in the bin, closes the lid.&

%returning to his place beside the chair&: She has n' &ulse$ HAMM: /hat (as she d"ielling a#'ut+ CLOV: She t'ld me t' g' a(ay, int' the dese"t$ HAMM: 1amn #usy#'dy. Is that all+ CLOV:  N'$ HAMM: /hat else+ CLOV: I didnt unde"stand$ HAMM: 2ae y'u #'ttled he"+ CLOV: Yes$ HAMM: A"e they #'th #'ttled+ CLOV: Yes$ HAMM: Sc"e( d'(n the lids$ %Clov goes towards door.& Time en'ugh$ %Clov halts.& )y ange" su#sides, Id like t' &ee$ CLOV %with alacrity&: Ill g' get the cathete"$ %He goes towards door.& HAMM: Time en'ugh$ %Clov halts.& %ie me my &ain kille"$ CLOV: Its t'' s''n$ %*ause.& Its t'' s''n 'n t'& '! y'u" t'nic, it ('uldnt act$ HAMM: In the m'"ning they #"ace y'u u& and in the eening they calm y'u d'(n$ ;nless its the 'the" (ay "'und$ %*ause.& That 'ld d'ct'", hes dead natu"ally+ CLOV: 2e (asnt 'ld$ CLOV


But hes dead+ CLOV:  Natu"ally$ %*ause.& Y'u ask me that+ %*ause.& HAMM: Take me !'" a little tu"n$ %Clov goes behind the chair and pushes it forward.&  N't t'' !ast. %Clov pushes chair.& 9ight "'und the ('"ld. %Clov pushes chair.& 2ug the (alls, then #ack t' the cente" again$ %Clov pushes chair.& I (as "ight in the cente", (asnt I+ CLOV %pushing&: Yes$ HAMM: /ed need a &"'&e" (heel4chai"$ /ith #ig (heels$ Bicycle (heels. %*ause.& A"e y'u hugging+ CLOV %pushing&: Yes$ HAMM %groping for wall&: Its a lie. /hy d' y'u lie t' me+ CLOV %bearing closer to wall&: The"e. The"e. HAMM: St'&. %Clov stops chair close to back wall. Hamm lays his hand against wall.& Old (all. %*ause.& Bey'nd is the$$$ 'the" hell$ %*ause. "iolently.& Cl'se". Cl'se". ;& against. CLOV: Take a(ay y'u" hand$ %Hamm withdraws his hand. Clov rams chair against wall.& The"e. %Hamm leans towards wall, applies his ear to it.& HAMM: 1' y'u hea"+ %He strikes the wall with his knuckles.& 1' y'u hea"+ 2'll'( #"icks.

%He strikes again.& All thats h'll'(. %*ause. He straightens up. "iolently.& Thats en'ugh$ Back. CLOV: /e haent d'ne the "'und$ HAMM: Back t' my &lace. %Clov pushes chair back to center.& Is that my &lace+ CLOV: Yes, thats y'u" &lace$ HAMM: Am I "ight in the cente"+ CLOV: Ill measu"e it$ HAMM: )'"e '" less. )'"e '" less. CLOV %moving chair slightly&: The"e. HAMM: Im m'"e '" less in the cente"+ CLOV: Id say s'$ HAMM: Y'ud say s'. Put me "ight in the cente". CLOV: Ill g' and get the ta&e$ HAMM: 9'ughly. 9'ughly. %Clov moves chair slightly.& Bang in the cente". CLOV: The"e. %*ause.& HAMM: I !eel a little t'' !a" t' the le!t$ %Clov moves chair slightly.&  N'( I !eel a little t'' !a" t' the "ight$ %Clov moves chair slightly.& I !eel a little t'' !a" !'"(a"d$ %Clov moves chair slightly.&  N'( I !eel a little t'' !a" #ack$ %Clov moves chair slightly.& 1'nt stay the"e$ %i.e. behind the chair&

y'u gie me the shie"s$ %Clov returns to his place beside the chair.& CLOV: I! I c'uld kill him Id die ha&&y$ %*ause.& HAMM: /hats the (eathe" like+ CLOV: As usual$ HAMM: L''k at the ea"th$ CLOV: Ie l''ked$ HAMM: /ith the glass+ CLOV:  N' need '! the glass$ HAMM: L''k at it (ith the glass$ CLOV: Ill g' and get the glass$ %-!it Clov.& HAMM:  N' need '! the glass. %-nter Clov with telescope.& CLOV: Im #ack again, (ith the glass$ %He goes to window right, looks up at it.& I need the ste&s$ HAMM: /hy+ 2ae y'u sh"unk+ %-!it Clov with telescope.& I d'nt like that, I d'nt like that$ %-nter Clov with ladder, but without telescope.& CLOV: Im #ack again, (ith the ste&s$ %He sets down ladder under window right, gets up on it, reali)es he has not the telescope,  gets down.& I need the glass$ %He goes towards door.& HAMM %violently&: But y'u hae the glass. CLOV %halting, violently&:  N', I haent the glass. %-!it Clov.& HAMM:

This is deadly$ %-nter Clov with the telescope. He goes towards ladder.& CLOV: Things a"e liening u&$ %He gets up on ladder, raises the telescope, lets it fall.& I did it 'n &u"&'se$ %He gets down, picks up the telescope, turns it on auditorium.& I see$$$ a multitude$$$ in t"ans&'"ts$$$ '! 0'y$ %*ause. He lowers telescope, looks at it.& Thats (hat I call a magni!ie"$ %He turns toward Hamm.& /ell+ 1'nt (e laugh+ HAMM %after reflection&: I d'nt$ CLOV %after reflection&:  N'" I$ %He gets up on ladder, turns the telescope on the without.& Lets see$ %He looks, moving the telescope.& 3e"'$$$ %he looks& $$$5e"'$$$ %he looks& $$$and 5e"'$ HAMM:  N'thing sti"s$ All is* CLOV: 3e"* HAMM %violently&: /ait till y'u"e s&'ken t'. %/ormal voice.& All is$$$ all is$$$ all is (hat+ %"iolently.& All is (hat+ CLOV: /hat all is+ In a ('"d+ Is that (hat y'u (ant t' kn'(+ it !alls: n'( c"y in da"kness$ %*ause.&  Nicely &ut, that$ %*ause.& And n'(+ %*ause.& )'ments !'" n'thing, n'( as al(ays, time (as nee" and time is 'e", "eck'ning cl'sed and st'"y ended$ %*ause. /arrative tone.& I! he c'uld hae his child (ith him$$$ %*ause.& It (as the m'ment I (as (aiting !'"$ %*ause.& Y'u d'nt (ant t' a#and'n him+ Y'u (ant him t' #l''m (hile y'u a"e (ithe"ing+ Be the"e t' s'lace y'u" last milli'n last m'ments+ %*ause.& 2e d'esnt "eali5e, all he kn'(s is hunge", and c'ld, and death t' c"'(n it all$ But y'u. Y'u 'ught t' kn'( (hat the ea"th is like, n'(adays$ Oh I &ut him #e!'"e his "es&'nsi#ilities. %*ause. /ormal tone.& /ell, the"e (e a"e, the"e I am, thats en'ugh$ %He raises the whistle to his lips, hesitates, drops it. *ause.& Yes, t"uly. %He whistles. *ause. Louder. *ause.& %''d$ %*ause.& Fathe". %*ause. Louder.& Fathe". %*ause.& %''d$ %*ause.& /e"e c'ming$ %*ause.& And t' end u& (ith+ %*ause.& 1isca"d$ %He throws away the dog. He tears the whistle from his neck.& /ith my c'm&liments$

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