Beauty and the Beast the COMPLETE SCRIPT

December 27, 2018 | Author: Anonymous yIUkC8z | Category: Beauty, Leisure, Foods
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The musical...


THE COMPLETE SCRIPT NARRATOR: NARRATOR: Once upon a time, in a faraway lan, a youn! prince prince li"e in a #$inin! ca#tle% Alt$ou!$ $e $a e"eryt$in! e"eryt$in! $i# $eart e#ire, t$e prince prince wa# #poile, #elfi#$, an un&in% un&in% 'ut t$en, one winter(# winter(# ni!$t, an ol )e!!ar woman came to t$e ca#tle an offere $im a #in!le ro#e in return for #$elter from t$e )itter col% Repul#e )y $er $a!!ar appearance, t$e prince #neere at t$e !ift an turne t$e ol woman away, )ut #$e warne $im not to )e ecei"e ecei"e )y appearance#, appearance#, for )eauty i# foun wit$in% An w$en w$en $e i#mi##e $er a!ain, t$e ol woman(# woman(# u!line## u!line## melte away away to re"eal a )eautiful )eautiful enc$antre# enc$antre##% #% T$e prince trie trie to apolo!i*e, apolo!i*e, )ut it wa# too late, for #$e $a #een t$at t$ere wa# no lo"e in $i# $eart, an a# puni#$ment, #$e tran#forme tran#forme $im into a $ieou# )ea#t, an place a powerful #pell on t$e ca#tle, an all w$o li"e t$ere% A#$ame of $i# mon#trou# form, t$e )ea#t conceale $im#elf in#ie $i# ca#tle, wit$ a ma!ic mirror a# $i# only winow to t$e out#ie worl% T$e ro#e #$e $a offere wa# truly an enc$ante ro#e, w$ic$ woul )loom until $i# twenty+fir#t year% If $e coul learn to lo"e anot$er, an earn $er lo"e in return )y t$e time t$e la#t petal fell, t$en t$e #pell woul )e )ro&en% If  not, $e woul )e oome to remain a )ea#t for  all time% A# t$e year# pa##e, $e fell into e#pair, an lo#t all $ope, for w$o coul e"er learn to lo"e a )ea#t -.e $a"e #een a pro!re##ion of #taine !la## winow# illu#tratin! t$e narration, a# well a# 'EAST #$rein! $i# portrait% T$e camera #lowly *oom# out from t$e ca#tle an we #ee t$e title% /ae up on t$e $ome of 'ELLE% S$e e0it# t$e front oor an )e!in# $er wal& into town%1 'ELLE:

Little town, it(# a 2uiet "illa!e E"ery ay, li&e t$e one )efore Little town, full of little people .a&in! up to #ay%%%

TO.NS/OL3 4: 'on5our6 TO.NS/OL3 7: 'on5our6 TO.NS/OL3 8: 'on5our6 TO.NS/OL3 9: 'on5our6 TO.NS/OL3 : 'on5our6 'ELLE: T$ere !oe# t$e )a&er wit$ $i# tray li&e alway# T$e #ame ol )rea an roll# to #ell E"(ry mornin! 5u#t t$e #ame Since t$e mornin! t$at we came To t$i# poor pro"incial town%%% 'A3ER: ;oo mornin!, 'elle6 -'ELLE 5ump# o"er to t$e )a&ery1 'ELLE: Mornin! mon#ieur6 'A3ER: .$ere are you off to 'ELLE: T$e )oo&#$op6 I 5u#t fini#$e t$e mo#t wonerful #tory, a)out a )ean#tal& an an o!re an%%% 'A3ER: -I!norin! $er1 T$at(# nice%%%Marie, t$e )a!uette#6 Hurry up66 TO.NS/OL3: Loo& t$ere #$e !oe#, t$at !irl i# #tran!e no 2ue#tion ou >ou in(t mi## a #$ot, ;a#ton6 >ou(re t$e !reate#t $unter in t$e w$ole worl6 ;ASTON: I &now6 LE/O?: Hu$% No )ea#t ali"e #tan# a c$ance a!ain#t you%%%an you%%%an no !irl for t$at matter6 ;ASTON: It(# true, Lefou, an I("e !ot my #i!$t# #et on t$at

-'ELLE 5ump# on t$e )ac& of a wa!on an rie# t$rou!$ town1 ou >ou call t$i# )acon .OMAN 7: .$at lo"ely !rape#6 MAN 9: Some c$ee#e6 .OMAN 8: Ten Ten yar#6 MAN 9: One poun ;ASTON: (0cu#e me6 MAN 9: I(ll !et t$e &nife6 ;ASTON: Plea#e let me t$rou!$6 .OMAN 9: T$i# )rea6 MAN : T$o#e fi#$6 .OMAN 9: It(# #tale6 MAN : T$ey #mell6 MAN @: Maame(# mi#ta&en6 'ELLE: T$ere mu#t )e more t$an t$i# pro"incial life6  ALL: .ell may)e may)e #o%%% ;ASTON: u#t watc$ I(m !oin! to ma&e 'elle my wife6 -TO.NS/OL3 !at$er  aroun ;ASTON, an e"entually #urroun $im1  ALL: Loo& t$ere t$ere #$e !oe# !oe# a !irl w$o(# w$o(# #tran!e #tran!e )ut #pecial #pecial A mo#t peculiar maemoi#elle It(# a pity an a #in S$e oe#n(t 2uite fit in6 ;RO?P 4: 'ut #$e really i# a funny !irl ;RO?P 7: A )eauty )ut a funny !irl  ALL: S$e really really i# a funny funny !irl6 T$at T$at 'elle6 ;ASTON: Hello, 'elle% 'ELLE: 'on5our ;a#ton% -;ASTON !ra)# t$e )oo& from 'ELLE1 ;a#ton, may I $a"e my )oo&, plea#e ;ASTON: How can you rea t$i# T$ere(# no picture#6 'ELLE: .ell, #ome people u#e t$eir ima!ination#% ima!ination# % ;ASTON: 'elle, it(# a)out time you !ot your $ea out of t$o#e )oo&# -to##in! )oo& into t$e mu1 an pai attention to more important t$in!#%%%li&e t$in!#%%%li &e me6 T$e w$ole town(# tal&in! a)out it% -T$e 'IM'ETTES, w$o are loo&in! on, #i!$% 'ELLE $a#

pic&e up t$e )oo& an i# cleanin! off t$e mu1 It(# not ri!$t for a woman to rea++#oon #$e #tart# !ettin! iea#%%% an t$in&in!% 'ELLE: ;a#ton, you are po#iti"ely prime"al% ;ASTON: -Puttin! $i# $an aroun $er #$ouler#1 .$y t$an& you, 'elle% Hey, w$aya #ay you an me ta&e a wal& o"er to t$e ta"ern an $a"e a loo& at my $untin! trop$ie#% 'ELLE: May)e #ome ot$er time% 'IM'ETTE 4: .$at(# wron! wit$ $er 'IM'ETTE 7: S$e(# cra*y6 'IM'ETTE 8: He(# !or!eou#6 'ELLE: Plea#e, ;a#ton% I can(t% I $a"e to !et $ome an $elp my   fat$er% LE/O?: Ha $a $a, t$at cra*y ol loon, $e nee all t$e $elp $e can !et6 -;ASTON an LE/O? lau!$ $eartily1 'ELLE: ea$, on(t tal& a)out $er fat$er t$at way6 -He con&# LE/O? on t$e $ea%1 'ELLE: My fat$er(# not cra*y6 He(# a !eniu#6 -E0plo#ion in )ac&!roun% ;ASTON an LE/O? continue lau!$in!% 'ELLE ru#$e# $ome an e#cen# into t$e )a#ement%1 'ELLE: Papa MA?RICE: How on eart$ i t$at $appen ou alway# #ay t$at% MA?RICE: I mean it, t$i# time% I(ll ne"er !et t$i# )one$eae contraption to wor&% 'ELLE: >e#, you will% An you(ll win fir#t pri*e at t$e fair tomorrow MA?RICE: Hmmmp$6 'ELLE: %%%an )ecome a worl famou# in"entor6 MA?RICE: >ou really )elie"e t$at 'ELLE: I alway# $a"e% MA?RICE: .ell, w$at are we waitin! for% I(ll $a"e t$i# t$in! fi0e in no time% -#liin! uner mac$ine1 Han me t$at o!+le!!e clenc$er  t$ere%%% So, i you $a"e a !oo time in town toay 'ELLE: I !ot a new )oo&% Papa, o you t$in& I(m o MA?RICE: My au!$ter O -Appear# from uner mac$ine wit$ )i*arre !o!!le contraption on $i# $ea i#tortin! $i# eye#1 .$ere woul you !et an iea li&e t$at 'ELLE: O$, I on(t &now% It(# 5u#t I(m not #ure I fit in $ere% T$ere(# no one I can really tal& to% MA?RICE: .$at a)out t$at ;a#ton He(# a $an#ome fellow6 'ELLE: He(# $an#ome all ri!$t, an rue an conceite an%%%O$ Papa, $e(# not for me6 MA?RICE: .ell, on(t you worry, cau#e t$i# in"ention(# !oin! to )e t$e #tart of a new life for u#% -Come# out from uner mac$ine1 I t$in& t$at(# one it% Now, let(# !i"e it a try% -MACHINE w$ir# an c$op# woo, 5u#t a# it #$oul1 'ELLE: It wor MA?RICE: It oe# It oe#6 'ELLE: >ou i it6 >ou really i it6 MA?RICE: Hitc$ up P$illipe, !irl% I(m off to t$e fair6 -Lo! #tri&e# $im in t$e $ea, &noc&in! $im out% /ae to later in t$e ay1 'ELLE:

;oo )ye, Papa6 ;oo luc&6

MA?RICE: ;oo )ye, 'elle, an ta&e care w$ile I(m !one6 -MA?RICE an PHILLIPE continue on t$eir 5ourney until t$ey )ecome lo#t1 MA?RICE: .e #$oul )e t$ere )y now% May)e we mi##e a turn% I !ue## I #$oul $a"e ta&en a%%%wait a minute% -Lift# lantern to illuminate #i!n !i"in! irection# to Ana$eim an =alencia1 Let(# !o t$i# way6 -PHILLIPE loo&# ri!$t, at a ar&, o"er!rown pat$, t$en left towar# a more in"itin! route, t$en )e!in# to !o left1 MA?RICE: Come on, P$illipe6 It(# a #$ortcut% .e(ll )e t$ere in no time6 -PHILLIPE an MA?RICE continue t$rou!$ t$e ar&%1 MA?RICE: T$i# can(t )e ri!$t% .$ere $a"e you ta&en u#, P$illipe .e( )etter turn aroun%%%an%%%w$oa%%%w$oa )oy, w$oa P$illipe% O$, o$6 Loo& out6 -A #warm of )at# fly out of a tree% PHILLIPE run# t$rou!$ t$e fore#t a"oiin! e"eryt$in! until $e almo#t run# o"er t$e e!e of a cliff1 MA?RICE: 'ac& up6 'ac& up6 'ac& up6 ;oo )oy, !oo )oy% T$at(# !oo, t$at(#++)ac& up6 Steay% Steay6 Hey now% Steay% -PHILLIPE finally )uc&# $im off%1 P$illipe6 -PHILLIPE run# away, lea"in! MA?RICE on t$e e!e of t$e cliff%1 P$illipe O$ no6 -He loo&# up an #ee# .OL=ES !rowlin! at $im% MA?RICE run# away, )ein! c$a#e )y t$e .OL=ES% He #tum)le# own a $ill, an lan# at t$e !ate of a ca#tle% He !ra)# t$e loc&e !ate an trie# to #$a&e it   open%1 MA?RICE: Help6 I# #omeone t$ere -T$e !ate open#, an MA?RICE run# in% He #lam# t$e !ate in t$e face# of t$e .OL=ES% Lea"in! $i# $at on t$e !roun a# t$e rain )e!in# to fall, MA?RICE run# to t$e ca#tle an )an!# on t$e oor% It crea&# open an $e enter#, cautiou#ly%1 MA?RICE: Hello Hello -.atc$in! from a ta)le near t$e entrance are L?MIERE an CO;S.ORTH1 L?MIERE: -'arely w$i#perin!1 Ol fellow mu#t $a"e lo#t $i# way in t$e woo#% CO;S.ORTH: -Al#o w$i#perin!1 3eep 2uiet6 May)e $e(ll !o away% MA?RICE: I# #omeone t$ere CO;S.ORTH: Not a wor, Lumiere% Not one wor6 MA?RICE: I on(t mean to intrue, )ut I("e lo#t my $or#e an I nee a place to #tay for t$e ni!$t% L?MIERE: -loo&in! at CO;S.ORTH li&e a c$il $a"in! 5u#t foun a lo#t puppy1 O$ Co!#wort$, $a"e a $eart% CO;S.ORTH: S$u#$ #$u#$ #$$$$$6 -CO;S.ORTH put# $an o"er L?MIERE(S mout$, w$o promptly procee# to touc$ $i# lit canle $an to CO;S.ORTH(#   $an%1 Ow ow Ow O. O. O?CH66666 L?MIERE: Of cour#e, mon#ieur, you are welcome $ere% MA?RICE: -loo&in! aroun in confu#ion1 .$o #ai t$at -He pic&# up t$e canle#tic& for li!$t, not reali*in! t$at t$e #pea&er i# in $i#   $an1 L?MIERE: -Tappin! $im on t$e #$ouler1 O"er $ere6 MA?RICE: -Spin# aroun, pullin! L?MIERE to t$e ot$er #ie1 .$ere L?MIERE: -Tap# MA?RICE on t$e #ie of t$e $ea% MA?RICE loo&# at L?MIERE%1   Allo6 MA?RICE: O$6666 -Startle, $e rop# L?MIERE onto t$e floor%1 Increi)le6 CO;S.ORTH: -$oppin! o"er1 .ell, now you("e one it, Lumiere% Spleni, 5u#t peac$y++aaarrr!!$$6 -MA?RICE pic&# up CO;S.ORTH1 MA?RICE: How i# t$i# accompli#$e -He file# wit$ CO;S.ORTH1

CO;S.ORTH: Put me own6 At once6 -MA?RICE tic&le# t$e )ottom# of  CO;S.ORTH(# feet% He lau!$#% He )e!in# to win t$e #prin! on t$e )ac& of CO;S.ORTH(# $ea, twi#tin! $i# face aroun wit$ t$e cloc& $an#% MA?RICE open# t$e front of CO;S.ORTH an )e!in# to play wit$ $i# penulum% CO;S.ORTH #lam# t$e oor #$ut on $i# fin!er%1 Sir, clo#e t$at at once, o you min6 MA?RICE: I )e! your paron, it(# 5u#t t$at I("e ne"er #een a cloc& t$at%%%aa$%%%i mean%%%aa$ aa$ aa$+c$ooo6666 -MA?RICE #nee*e# in t$e face of CO;S.ORTH, w$o procee# to wipe $i# face off u#in! $i# cloc& $an# in a "ery anac$roni#tic win#$iel wiper manner% MA?RICE #niffle#, inicatin! t$e col $e $a# cau!$t from )ein! in t$e rain%1 L?MIERE: O$, you are #oa&e to t$e )one, mon#ieur% Come, warm your#elf )y t$e fire% MA?RICE: T$an& you% -L?MIERE an MA?RICE $ea towar# t$e en, wit$ CO;S.ORTH runnin! after t$em%1 CO;S.ORTH: No, no, no, o you &now w$at t$e ma#ter woul o if $e fin# you $ere% -'EAST i# watc$in! t$e action from an o"er$ea wal&way, an ru#$e# off a# t$e trio enter# t$e en%1 I eman t$at you #top%%%ri!$t%%%t$ere6 -CO;S.ORTH tum)le# own t$e #tep#% MA?RICE ta&e# a #eat in a lar!e c$air in front of a roarin! fire%1 O$ no, not t$e ma#ter(# c$air6 -/OOTSTOOL ru#$e# pa#t CO;S.ORTH, )ar&in! up a #torm%1 I(m not #eein! t$i#, I(m not #eein! t$i#6 MA?RICE: -A# /OOTSTOOL ru#$e# up to $im1 .ell, $ello t$ere, )oy% -/OOTSTOOL prop# $im#elf up uner t$e feet of MA?RICE% COATRAC3 enter# an remo"e# $i# cloa&%1 .$at #er"ice6 CO;S.ORTH: All ri!$t, t$i# $a# !one far enou!$% I(m in c$ar!e $ere, an -CO;S.ORTH i# run o"er )y t$e -once a!ain1 anac$roni#tic InyCar #ounin! teacart of MRS% POTTS1 MRS% POTTS: -Arri"in! )y t$e #ie of MA?RICE1 How woul you li&e a nice #pot of tea, #ir It(ll warm you up in no time% -Pour# tea into cup -CHIP1, w$ic$ $op# o"er into MA?RICE(# open $an1 CO;S.ORTH: -from face own po#ition on carpet1 No6 No tea, no tea666 CHIP: -A# MA?RICE #ip# t$e tea1 Ha $a6 Hi# mou#tac$e tic&le#, momma6 MA?RICE: -Startle )y t$e cup1 O$6 Hello6 -T$e oor to t$e en #lam# open an a #tron! !u#t of win )low# into t$e room, e0tin!ui#$in! L?MIERE(# flame# an t$e fire in t$e fireplace% CO;S.ORTH i"e# for co"er% MRS% POTTS )e!in# to #$a&e% CHIP 5ump# )ac& onto t$e tea cart an ta&e# refu!e from )e$in $i# mot$er1 CHIP: ?$ o$6 -'EAST enter#% .e #ee $im in full for t$e fir#t time% He i# on all four#% He loo&# aroun in t$e ar&ne##%1 'EAST: -;rowlin! $i# wor#1 T$ere(# a #tran!er $ere% L?MIERE: -w$o $a# relit $i# flame#1 Ma#ter, allow me to e0plain% T$e !entleman wa# lo#t in t$e woo# an $e wa# col an wet%%% -L?MIERE(# la#t #entence i# rowne out )y t$e "ery lou !rowl of 'EAST, w$ic$ put# out $i# flame# once a!ain% L?MIERE loo&# own, e5ecte%1 CO;S.ORTH: -Comin! out from uner a ru!1 Ma#ter, I( li&e to ta&e t$i# moment to #ay%%%I wa# a!ain#t t$i# from t$e #tart% I trie to #top t$em, )ut woul t$ey li#ten to me No, no, no6 -A!ain, 'EAST(# !rowl rown# out CO;S.ORTH%1 -MA?RICE loo&# to one #ie of t$e c$air, t$en to t$e ot$er an #ee# 'EAST%1 'EAST: .$o are you6 .$at are you oin! $ere MA?RICE: -=ery #care an )ac&in! away from t$e a"ancin! 'EAST1 I wa# lo#t in t$e woo# an%%%-#tare# at 'EAST1

'EAST: -A"ancin! on $im1 >ou are not welcome $ere6 MA?RICE: I(m #orry 'EAST: .$at are you #tarin! at MA?RICE: -Cowerin! uner 'EAST1 Not$+not$+not$in!6 -Turn# to lea"e1 'EAST: -Racin! aroun an )loc&in! t$e entrance wit$ #urpri#in! #pee1 So, you("e come to #tare at t$e )ea#t, $a"e you MA?RICE: Plea#e, I meant no $arm6 I 5u#t neee a place to #tay % 'EAST: I(ll !i"e you a place to #tay6 -'EAST pic&# up MA?RICE, carrie# $im out of t$e room an #lam# t$e oor, plun!in! t$e en, alon! wit$ CO;S.ORTH, L?MIERE,MRS% POTTS, an CHIP into ar&ne##% /ae out%1 -/ae in to 'ELLE(# cotta!e, #een from PO= of ;ASTON an LE/O?%1 LE/O?: He$6 O$ )oy6 'elle(# !onna !et t$e #urpri#e of $er life, $u$   ;a#ton% ;ASTON: >ep% T$i# i# $er luc&y ay6 -;ASTON let# !o of a )ranc$, w$ic$ #win!# )ac& an $it# LE/O? in t$e mout$% ;ASTON turn# to t$e )an, wein! !ue#t# an ot$er#, apparently 5u#t out of  #i!$t of 'ELLE(# cotta!e%1 ;ASTON: I( li&e to t$an& you all for comin! to my wein!% 'ut fir#t, I )etter !o in t$ere an%%% propo#e to t$e !irl6 -MINISTER, 'A3ER, an OTHERS lau!$ $eartily% Camera pan# 2uic&ly to #$ow 'IM'ETTES cryin! t$eir eye# out% To LE/O?1 Now, you Lefou% .$en 'elle an I come out t$at oor++ LE/O?: O$ I &now, I &now6 -He turn# an )e!in# irectin! t$e )an in BHere Come# t$e 'rie%B ;ASTON #lam# a )aritone o"er $i# $ea%1 ;ASTON: Not yet6 LE/O?: -/rom in#ie t$e in#trument, wit$ $i# lip# #tic&in! out t$e mout$piece1 Sorry6 -Cut to interior of cotta!e% 'ELLE i# #ittin! in a c$air reain! $er new )oo&% T$ere i# a &noc& at t$e oor% S$e put# t$e )oo& own an wal&# to t$e oor% S$e reac$e# up an pull# own a "iewin! e"ice% S$e pee&# t$rou!$ an #ee# an anac$roni#tically accurate fi#$+eye "iew of ;ASTON% S$e moan#, an pu#$e# t$e oor open%1 'ELLE: ;a#ton, w$at a plea#ant%%%#urpri#e% ;ASTON: I#n(t it t$ou!$ I(m 5u#t full of #urpri#e#% >ou &now, 'elle% T$ere(# not a !irl in town w$o wouln(t lo"e to )e in your #$oe#% T$i# i# t$e ay%%%-;ASTON pau#e# )y a mirror an lic&# $i# teet$ clean%1 T$i# i# t$e ay your ream# come true% 'ELLE: .$at o you &now a)out my ream#, ;a#ton ;ASTON: Plenty% Here, picture t$i#% -;ASTON plop# own in t$e c$air an prop# $i# mu+co"ere feet up on 'ELLE(# )oo&% He )e!in# to &ic& off $i# )oot# an wi!!le $i# toe# t$rou!$ $i# $ole+y #oc&#%1 A ru#tic $untin! lo!e, my late#t &ill roa#tin! on t$e fire, an my little wife, ma##a!in! my feet, w$ile t$e little one# play wit$ t$e o!#% -'ELLE loo&# po#iti"ely i#!u#te% ;ASTON !et# up ne0t to $er face%1 .e(ll $a"e #i0 or #e"en% 'ELLE: ou, 'elle6 'ELLE: -
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