Be a Freelance Writer

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First Edition, 2007

ISBN 978 81 89940 33 1

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Published by: Global Media 1819, Bhagirath Palace, Chandni Chowk, Delhi-110 006 Email: [email protected]

Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Freelancer 2. Journalism 3. News 4. News Agencies 5. Sports, Science, Gotcha and Environmental Journalism 6. Scientific Literature 7. Freedom of Press 8. Journalism Ethics and Standards 9. Freedom of Information Legislation 10. How to Become Freelance Writer

Freelancer A freelancer or freelance worker is a person who pursues a profession without a longterm commitment to any one employer. The term was first coined by Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) in his well-known historical romance Ivanhoe to describe a "medieval mercenary warrior." The phrase later transitioned to a figurative noun around the 1860s and was then officially recognized as a verb in 1903 by various authorities in etymology such as the Oxford English Dictionary. Only in modern times has the term morphed from a noun (a freelance or a freelancer) into various verb forms (a journalist who freelances), and an adverb (she worked freelance). The author and poet Ernest William Hornung (1866 - 1921) also used the term in "The Gift of the Emperor" to describe something of poor quality: "I warmed to my woes. It was no easy matter to keep your end up as a raw freelance of letters; for my part, I was afraid I wrote neither well enough nor ill enough for success." Fields where freelancing is especially common include journalism and other forms of writing, computer programming and graphic design, consulting, and many other professional and creative services. The practice is widespread: for example, bounty hunters and mercenaries are freelancers, with their full-time counterparts being, respectively, the police and the military. The Internet has opened up many freelance opportunities, expanding markets and helping to build it into one of the largest economic segments for many economies. Development for freelancing has been especially high for software development, information technology, and business documentation. Freelance practice varies greatly. Some require clients to sign written contracts, while others may perform work based on verbal agreements, perhaps enforceable through the very nature of the work. Some freelancers may provide written estimates of work and request deposits from clients. Payment for freelance work also varies greatly. Freelancers may charge by the day or hour, or on a per-project basis. Instead of a flat rate or fee, some consultants have adopted a value-based pricing method based on the perceived value of the results to the client. By custom, payment arrangements may be upfront, percentage upfront, or upon completion.

For more complex projects, a contract may set a payment schedule based on milestones or outcomes.

Benefits and drawbacks Freelancers generally enjoy a greater variety of assignments than in regular employment, and almost always have more freedom to choose their work schedule. The experience also allows the opportunity to build up a portfolio of work and cultivate a network of clients in hopes of obtaining a permanent position. A major drawback is the uncertainty of work — and thus income — and lack of company benefits such as health insurance or retirement pay. Another drawback is that freelancers often must handle contracts, legal issues, accounting, marketing, and other business functions by themselves. If they do choose to pay for professional services, they can sometimes turn into a significant out-of-pocket expense. Working hours can extend beyond the standard working day and working week.

Freelancers vs. Society From a cultural standpoint, freelancing is viewed as either above or below the social system. In keeping with Scott's original coinage, some Americans and most Europeans view freelancing as a socially elevated occupation. However, many Asian countries appear to follow Hormung by holding low regard for freelancers, often associating the practice with personal failure (an inability to find work with a major employer) and even criminality

Journalism Journalism is a discipline of collecting, analyzing, verifying, and presenting news regarding current events, trends, issues and people. Those who practice journalism are known as journalists. News-oriented journalism is sometimes described as the "first rough draft of " (attributed to Phil Graham), because journalists often record important events, producing news articles on short deadlines. While under pressure to be first with their stories, news media organizations usually and proofread their reports prior to publication, adhering to each organization's standards of accuracy, quality and style. Many news organizations claim proud traditions of holding government officials and institutions accountable to the public, while media critics have raised questions about holding the press itself accountable.

Reporting Journalism has as its main activity the reporting of events — stating who, what, when, where, why and how, and explaining the significance and effect of events or trends. Journalism exists in a number of media: newspapers, television, radio, magazines and, most recently, the World Wide Web through the Internet. The subject matter of journalism can be anything and everything, and journalists report and write on a wide variety of subjects: politics on the international, national, provincial and local levels, economics and business on the same four levels, health and medicine, education, sports, hobbies and recreation, lifestyles, clothing, food, pets, sex and relationships.... Journalists can report for general interest news outlets like newspapers, news magazines and broadcast sources; general circulation specialty publications like trade and hobby magazines, or for news publications and outlets with a select group of subscribers. Journalists are usually expected and required to go out to the scene of a story to gather information for their reports, and often may compose their reports in the field. They also use the telephone, the computer and the internet to gather information. However, more often those reports are written, and are almost always ed, in the newsroom, the office space where journalists and ors work together to prepare news content.

Journalists, especially if they cover a specific subject or area (a "beat") are expected to cultivate sources, people in the subject or area, that they can communicate with, either to explain the details of a story, or to provide leads to other subjects of stories yet to be reported. They are also expected to develop their investigative skills to better research and report stories.

Print journalism Print journalism can be split into several categories: newspapers, news magazines, general interest magazines, trade magazines, hobby magazines, newsletters, private publications, online news pages and others. Each genre can have its own requirements for researching and writing reports. For example, newspaper journalists in the United States have traditionally written reports using the inverted pyramid style, although this style is used more for straight or hard news reports rather than features. Written hard news reports are expected to be spare in the use of words, and to list the most important information first, so that, if the story must be cut because there is not enough space for it, the least important facts will be automatically cut from the bottom. ors usually ensure that reports are written with as few words as possible. Feature stories are usually written in a looser style that usually depends on the subject matter of the report, and in general granted more space (see Feature-writing below). News magazine and general interest magazine articles are usually written in a different style, with less emphasis on the inverted pyramid. Trade publications can be more newsoriented, while hobby publications can be more feature-oriented.

Broadcast journalism Radio journalists must gather facts to present them fairly and accurately, but also must find and record relevant and interesting sounds to add to their reports, both interviews with people involved in the story and background sounds that help characterize the story. Radio reporters may also write the introduction to the story read by a radio news anchor, and may also answers questions live from the anchor. Television journalists rely on visual information to illustrate and characterize their reporting, including on-camera interviews with people involved in the story, shots of the

scene where the story took place, and graphics usually produced at the station to help frame the story. Like radio reporters, television reporters also may write the introductory script that a television news anchor would read to set up their story. Both radio and television journalists usually do not have as much "space" to present information in their reports as print journalists.

On-line journalism The fast and vast growth of the Internet and World Wide Web has spawned the newest medium for journalism, on-line journalism. The speed at which news can be disseminated on the web, and the profound penetration to anyone with a computer and web browser, have greatly increased the quantity and variety of news reports available to the average web user. The bulk of on-line journalis has been the extension of existing print and broadcast media into the web via web versions of their primary products. New reports that were set to be released at expected times now can be published as soon as they are written and ed, increasing the deadline pressure and fear of being scooped many journalists must deal with. Most news websites are free to their users — one notable exception being the Wall Street Journal website, for which a subscripton is required to view its contents — but some outlets, such as the New York Times website, offer current news for free but archived reports and access to opinion columnists and other non-news sections for a periodic fee. Attempts to start unique web publications, such as Slate and Salon, have met with limited success, in part because they do or did charge subscription fees. However, the growth of blogs as a source of news and especially opinion on the news has forever changed journalism. Blogs now can create news as well as report it, and blur the dividing line between news and opinion. The debate about whether blogging is really journalism rages on (see blogging entry below).

Variations of journalism Feature journalism

Newspapers and periodicals often contain features (see under heading feature style at article news style) written by journalists, many of whom specialize in this form of indepth journalism. Feature articles usually are longer than straight news articles, and are combined with photographs, drawings or other "art." They may also be highlighted by typographic effects or colors. Writing features can be more demanding than writing straight news stories, because while a journalist must apply the same amount of effort to accurately gather and report the facts of the story, the reporter must also find a creative and interesting way to write the article, especially the lead, or the first one or two paragraphs of the story. The lead must grab the reader's attention yet accurately embody the ideas of the article. Often the lead of a feature article is dictated by its subject matter. Journalists must work even harder to avoid clichéd images and words when writing the lead and the rest of the article. In the last half of the 20th Century the line between straight news reporting and feature writing blurred as more and more journalists and publications experimented with different approaches to writing an article. Tom Wolf, Gay Talese, Hunter S. Thompson and other journalists used many different approaches to writing news articles. Urban and alternative weekly newspapers went even further blurring the distinction, and many magazines fan more features than straight news. Some television news shows experimented with alternative formats, and many TV shows that claimed to be news shows were not considered as such by many critics, because their content and methods did not adhere to accepted journalistic standards. National Public Radio, on the other hand, is considered a good example of a good mixture of straight news reporting, features, and combinations of the two, usually meeting standards of high quality. Other U.S. public radio news organizations have achieved similar results. However, a majority of newspapers still maintain a clear distinction between news and features, as do most television and radio news organizations.

Sports journalism

Sports journalism covers many aspects of human athletic competition, and is an integral part of most journalism products, including newspapers, magazines, and radio and television news broadcasts. While some critics don't consider sports journalism to be true journalism, the prominence of sports in Western culture has justified the attention of journalists to not just the competitive events of sports, but also to athletes and the business of sports. Sports journalism in the United States has traditionally been written in a looser, more creative and more opinionated tone than traditional journalistic writing; however, the emphases on accuracy and underlying fairness is still a part of sports journalism. An emphasis on the accurate description of statistical performances of athletes is also an important part of sports journalism.

Science journalism. Science journalism is a relatively new branch of journalism, in which journalists' reporting conveys information on science topics to the public. Science journalists must understand and interpret very detailed, technical and sometimes jargon-laden information and render it into interesting reports that are comprehensible to consumers of news media. Scientific journalists also must choose which developments in science merit news coverage, as well as cover disputes within the scientific community with a balance of fairness to both sides but also with a devotion to the facts. Many, but not all, journalists covering science have training in the sciences they cover, including several medical doctors who cover medicine.

Investigative journalism Investigative journalism, in which journalists investigate and expose unethical, immoral and illegal behavior by individuals, businesses and government agencies, can be complicated, time-consuming and expensive — requiring teams of journalists, months of research, interviews (sometimes repeated interviews) with numerous people, longdistance travel, computers to analyze public-record databases, or use of the company's legal staff to secure documents under freedom of information laws.

Because of its inherently confrontational nature, this kind of reporting is often the first to suffer from budget cutbacks or interference from outside the news department. Investigative reporting done poorly can also expose journalists and media organizations to negative reaction from subjects of investigations and the public, and accusations of gotcha journalism. However, done well, it can bring the attention of the public and government problems and conditions that the public deem need to be addressed, and can win awards and recognition to the journalists involved and the media outlet that did the reporting.

'Celebrity' or 'People' journalism Another, less reputable, area of journalism that grew in stature in the 20th Century is 'celebrity' or 'people' journalism, which focuses on the personal lives of people, primarily celebrities, including movie and stage actors, musical artists, models and photographers, other notable people in the entertainment industry, as well as people who seek attention, such as politicians, and people thrust into the attention of the public, such as people who do something newsworthy. Once the province of newspaper gossip columnists and gossip magazines, celebrity journalism has become the focus of national tabloid newspapers like the National Enquirer, magazines like People and Us Weekly, syndicated television shows like Entertainment Tonight, Inside ion, The Insider, Access Hollywood, and Extra, cable networks like E!, A&E Network and The Biography Channel, and numerous other television productions and thouasands of websites. Most other news media provide some coverage of celebrities and people. Celebrity journalism differs from feature writing in that it focuses on people who are either already famous or are especially attractive, and in that it often covers celebrities obssessively, to the point of these journalists behaving unethically in order to provide coverage. Paparazzi, photographers who would follow celebrities incessantly to obtain potentially embarrassing photographs, have come to characterize celebrity journalism.

Role of journalism in society In the 1920's, as modern journalism was just taking form, writer Walter Lippmann and American philosopher John Dewey debated over the role of journalism in a democracy.

Their differing philosophies still characterize a debate about the role of journalism in society and the nation-state. Lippmann understood that journalism's role at the time was to act as a mediator or translator between the public and policymaking elites. The journalist became the middleman. When elites spoke, journalists listened and recorded the information, distilled it, and passed it on to the public for their consumption. His reasoning behind this was that the public was not in a position to deconstruct a growing and complex flurry of information present in modern society, and so an intermediary was needed to filter news for the masses. Lippman put it this way: The public is not smart enough to understand complicated, political issues. Furthermore, the public was too consumed with their daily lives to care about complex public policy. Therefore the public needed someone to interpret the decisions or concerns of the elite to make the information plain and simple. That was the role of journalists. Lippmann believed that the public would affect the decision making of the elite with their vote. In the meantime, the elite (i.e. politicians, policy makers, bureacrats, scientists, etc.) would keep the business of power running. In Lippman's world, the journalist's role was to inform the public of what the elites were doing. It was also to act as a dog over the elites as the public had the final say with their votes. Effectively that kept the public at the bottom of the power chain, catching the flow of information that is handed down from experts/elites. Dewey, on the other hand, believed the public was not only capable of understanding the issues created or responded to by the elite, it was in the public forum that decisions should be made after discussion and debate. When issues were throughly vetted, then the best ideas would bubble to the surface. Dewey believed journalists not only had to inform the public, but should report on issues differently than simply passing on information. In Dewey's world, a journalist's role changed. Dewey believed that journalists should take in the information, then weigh the consequences of the policies being enacted by the elites on the public. Over time, his idea has been implemented in various degrees, and is more commonly known as "community journalism." This concept of Community Journalism is at the center of new developments in journalism. In this new paradigm, journalists are able to engage citizens and the experts/elites in the proposition and generation of content. It's important to note that while there is an assumption of equality, Dewey still celebrates expertise. Dewey believes the shared knowledge of many is far superior to a single individual's knowledge. Experts

and scholars are welcome in Dewey's framework, but there is not the hierarchical structure present in Lippman's understanding of journalism and society. According to Dewey, conversation, debate, and dialogue lie at the heart of a democracy. While Lippman's journalistic philosophy might be more acceptable to government leaders, Dewey's approach is a better descriptor of how many journalists see their role in society, and, in turn, how much of society expects journalists to function. Americans, for example, may criticize some of the excesses committed by journalists, but they tend to expect journalists to serve as dogs on government, businesses and other actors, enabling people to make informed decisions on the issues of the time.

Professional and ethical standards Journalists are expected to follow a stringent code of journalistic conduct that requires them to, among other things: •

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Use original sources of information, including interviews with people directly involved in a story, original documents and other direct sources of information, whenever possible, and cite the sources of this information in reports; o For more information on using sources, see Journalism sourcing. Fully attribute information gathered from other published sources, should original sources not be available (to not do so is considered plagiarism; some newspapers also note when an article uses information from previous reports); Use multiple original sources of information, especially if the subject of the report is controversial; Check every fact reported; Find and report every side of a story possible; Report without bias, illustrating many aspects of a conflict rather than siding with one; Approach researching and reporting a story with a balance between objectivity and skepticism. Use careful judgment when organizing and reporting information. Be careful about granting confidentiality to sources (news organizations usually have specific rules that journalists must follow concerning grants of confidentiality); Decline gifts or favors from any subject of a report, and avoid even the appearance of being influenced; Abstain from reporting or otherwise participating in the research and writing about a subject in which the journalist has a personal stake or bias that cannot be set aside.

Recognition of excellence in journalism

There are several professional organizations, universities and foundations that recognize excellence in journalism. The Pulitzer Prize, administered by Columbia University in New York City, is awarded to newspapers, magazines and broadcast media for excellence in various kinds of journalism. The Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism gives the Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Awards for excellence in radio and television journalism, and the Scripps Howard Foundation gives the National Journalism Awards in 17 categories. The Society of Professional Journalists gives the Sigma Delta Chi Award for journalism excellence. In the television industry, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences gives awards for excellence in television journalism.

Failing to uphold standards Such a code of conduct can, in the real world, be difficult to uphold consistently. Journalists who believe they are being fair or objective may give biased accounts -- by reporting selectively, trusting too much to anecdote, or giving a partial explanation of actions. (See Media bias.) Even in routine reporting, bias can creep into a story through a reporter's choice of facts to summarize, or through failure to check enough sources, hear and report dissenting voices, or seek fresh perspectives. As much as reporters try to set aside their prejudices, they may simply be unaware of them. Young reporters may be blind to issues affecting the elderly. A 20-year veteran of the "police beat" may be deaf to rumors of departmental corruption. Publications marketed to affluent suburbanites may ignore urban problems. And, of course, naive or unwary reporters and ors alike may fall prey to public relations, propaganda or disinformation. News organizations provide ors, producers or news directors whose job is to check reporters' work at various stages. But ors can get tired, lazy, complacent or biased. An or may be blind to a favorite reporter's omissions, prejudices or fabrications. (See Jayson Blair.) Provincial ors also may be ill-equipped to weigh the perspective (or check the facts of) a correspondent reporting from a distant city or foreign country. (See News management.) A news organization's budget inevitably reflects decision-making about what news to cover, for what audience, and in what depth. Those decisions may reflect conscious or unconscious bias. When budgets are cut, ors may sacrifice reporters in distant news

bureaus, reduce the number of staff assigned to low-income areas, or wipe entire communities from the publication's zone of interest. Publishers, owners and other corporate executives, especially advertising sales executives, can try to use their powers over journalists to influence how news is reported and published. Journalists usually rely on top management to create and maintain a "firewall" between the news and other departments in a news organization to prevent undue influence on the news department. One journalism magazine, Columbia Journalism Review, has made it a practice to reveal examples of executives who try to influence news coverage, of executives who do not abuse their powers over journalists, and of journalists who resist such pressures.

Reporting versus orializing Generally, publishers and consumers of journalism draw a distinction between reporting — "just the facts" — and opinion writing, often by restricting opinion columns to the orial page and its facing or "op-ed" (opposite the orials) page. Unsigned orials are traditionally the official opinions of the paper's orial board, while op-ed pages may be a mixture of syndicated columns and other contributions, frequently with some attempt to balance the voices across some political or social spectrum. However, the distinction between reporting and opinion can break down. Complex stories often require summarizing and interpretation of facts, especially if there is limited time or space for a story. Stories involving great amounts of interpretation are often labelled "news analysis," but still run in a paper's news columns. The limited time for each story in a broadcast report rarely allows for such distinctions.

Ambush journalism Refers to aggressive tactics practiced by journalists to suddenly confront with questions people who otherwise do not wish to speak to a journalist. The practice has particularly been applied by television journalists, such as those on the CBS-TV news show 60 Minutes and by Geraldo Rivera, currently on the Fox News cable channel, and by hundreds of American local television reporters conducting investigations. The practice has been sharply criticized by journalists and others as being highly unethical and sensational, while others defend it as the only way to attempt to provide

those subject to it an opportunity to comment for a report. Ambush journalism has not been ruled illegal in the United States, although doing it on private property could open a journalist to being charged with trespassing.

Gotcha journalism Refers to the deliberate manipulation of the presentation of facts in a report in order to portray a person or organization in a particular way that varies from an accurate portrayal based on balanced review of the facts available. It particular is applied to broadcast journalism, where the story, images and interviews are tailored to create a particular impression of the subject matter. It is considered highly unethical to engage in gotcha journalism. Many subjects of reporting have claimed to have been subjected to it, and some media outlets are guilty of deliberately biased reporting.

Legal status Journalists around the world often write about the governments in their nations, and those governments have widely varying policies and practices towards journalists, which control what they can research and write, and what press organizations can publish. Many Western governments guarantee the freedom of the press, and do relatively little to restrict press rights and freedoms, while other nations severely restrict what journalists can research and/or publish. Journalists in many nations have enjoyed some privileges not enjoyed by members of the general publlic, including better access to public events, crime scenes and press conferences, and to extended interviews with public officials, celebrities and others in the public eye. These privileges are available because of the perceived power of the press to turn public opinion for or against governments, their officials and policies, as well as the perception that the press often represents their consumers. These privileges extend from the legal rights of journalists but are not guaranteed by those rights. Sometimes government officials may attempt to punish individual journalists who irk them by denying them some of these privileges extended to other journalists. Nations or jurisdictions that formally license journalists may confer special privileges and responsibilities along with those licenses, but in the United States the tradition of an

independent press has avoided any imposition of government-controlled examinations or licensing. Some of the states have explicit shield laws that protect journalists from some forms of government inquiry, but those statutes' definitions of "journalist" were often based on access to printing presses and broadcast towers. A national shield law has been proposed. In some nations, journalists are directly employed, controlled or censored by their governments. In other nations, governments who may claim to guarantee press rights actually intimidate journalists with threats of arrest, destruction or seizure of property (especially the means of production and dissemination of news content), torture or murder. Journalists who elect to cover conflicts, whether wars between nations or insurgencies within nations, often give up expectation to protection by government, if not giving up their rights to protection by government. Journalists who are captured or detained during a conflict are expected to be treated as civilians and to be released to their national government.

Rights of journalists versus those of private citizens and organizations Journalists enjoy similar powers and privileges as private citizens and organizations. The power of journalists over private citizens is limited by the citizen's rights to privacy. However, many who seek favorable representation in the press (celebrities, for example) grant journalists greater access than others enjoy. The right to privacy of a private citizen may be reduced or lost if the citizen is thrust into the public eye, either by their own actions or because they are involved in a public event or incident. Citizens and private organizations can refuse to deal with some or all journalists; however, the powers the press enjoy in many nations often make this tactic ineffective or counter-productive. Citizens in most nations also enjoy the right against being libeled or defamed by journalists, and citizens can bring suit against journalists who they claim have published damaging untruths about them with malicious disregard for the truth. Libel or defamation lawsuits can also become conflicts between the journalists' rights to publish versus the private citizen's right to privacy. Some journalists have claimed lawsuits brought against them and news organizations — or even the threat of such a lawsuit — were intended to

stifle their voices with the threat of expensive legal procedings, even if plaintiffs cannot prove their cases. This is referred to as the Chilling effect. In many nations, journalists and news organizations must function under similar threat of retaliation from private individuals or organizations as from governments. Criminals and criminal organizations, political parties, some zealous religious organizations, and even mobs of people have been known to punish journalists who speak or write about them in ways they do not like. Punishments can include threats, physical damage to property, assault, torture and murder.

Right to protect confidentiality of sources Journalists' interaction with sources sometimes involves confidentiality, an extension of freedom of the press giving journalists a legal protection to keep the identity of a source private even when demanded by police or prosecutors; withholding sources can land journalists in contempt of court, or jailtime. The scope of rights granted journalists varies from nation to nation; in the United Kingdom, for example, the government has had more legal rights to protect what it considers sensitive information, and to force journalists to reveal the sources of leaked information, than the United States. Other nations, particularly Zimbabwe and the People's Republic of China, have a reputation of persecuting journalists, both domestic and foreign. In the present decade in the U.S., despite a long tradition of a journalist's ability to protect sources from government inquiry, the Supreme Court has upheld lower federal court rulings that restrict to varying degrees the rights of journalists to withhold information, and prosecutors on the state and federal levels have sought to jail journalists who refuse demands for information and sources they seek to protect.

Right of access to government information Like sources, journalists depend on the rights granted by government to the public and, by extension, to the press, for access to information held by the government. These rights also vary from nation to nation (see Freedom of information legislation) and, in the United States, from state to state. Some states have more open policies for making information available, and some states have acted in the last decade to broaden those

rights. New Jersey, for example, has updated and broadened its Sunshine Law to better define what kinds of government documents can be withheld from public inquiry. In the United States, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) guarantees journalists the right to obtain copies of government documents, although the government has the right to redact, or black out, information from documents in those copies that FOIA allows them to withhold. Other federal legislation also controls access to information (see Freedom of information in the United States).

News New is any new information or current events. The reporting of news falls into the field of journalism. News is often reported by a variety of sources, such as newspapers, television and radio programs, wire services, and web sites. News reporting is a type of journalism, typically written or broadcast in news style. Most news is investigated and presented by journalists and can be distributed to various sites via news agencies. The weather is typically presented by a Weather reporter.

Newsworthiness To be considered newsworthy, an event usually must have broad interest in one or more news values • • • •

Effect (how many people were, are or will be affected?) Timeliness (did the event occur very recently?) Revelation (is there significant new information, previously unknown?) Proximity (was the event nearby geographically?)

In recent years increasing weight has also been given to the following news values:• • •

Entertainment (does it make for a fun story?) Oddity (was the event highly unusual?) Celebrity (was anyone famous involved?)

News items and journalism can be divided in various ways, although there are grey areas. Distinctions include between hard news (serious and timely topics) and soft news (lighter topics); breaking news (immediate events); news analysis; and enterprise or investigative reporting, in which a topic is examined in great detail. News coverage traditionally begins with the "five W's and the H"—who, what, where, when, why and how.

Objectivity In democracies, news organizations are often expected to aim for objectivity: Reporters try to cover all sides of an issue without bias, as compared to commentators or analysts, who provide opinion or personal point-of-view.

In the United Kingdom, limits are set by the government agency Ofcom, the Office of Communications. Both newspapers and broadcast news programs in the United States are generally expected to remain neutral and avoid bias except for clearly indicated orial articles or segments. Many single-party countries have operated state-run news organizations, which may present the government's views. Even in those situations where objectivity is expected, it is difficult to achieve, and individual journalists may fall foul of their own personal bias, or succumb to commercial or political pressure. Individuals and organizations who are the subject of news reports may use news management techniques to try to make a favourable impression.

Etymology "News" developed as a special use of the plural form of "new" in the 14th century. In Middle English, the equivalent word was 'newes', based on the French 'nouvelles'. It is not, as is often claimed, an acronym for "north, east, west, south".

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Highlights in October 2006 October 30, 2006 (Monday)

China-ASEAN Summit: o Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao was meeting Monday with leaders of Asean members, including Malaysia, in the south China city of Nanning for a summit showcasing Beijing's influence and increasingly close ties with its neighbours. (The Star) o Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is expected to discuss the Korean issue when he meets his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao today. (The Star) About 10,000 volunteers are on standby and ready to be mobilised in evacuation operations in the eventuality of floods in the interior areas of Ulu Kelantan next month and in December. (Bernama) Typhoon Cimaron, the strongest storm to hit the Philippines in eight years, blasted out to the South China Sea today after bringing the north of the archipelago to a near standstill. (Reuters)

October 27, 2006 (Friday) •

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo departs for a five-day visit to China to discuss trade and chair a summit for China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. (AFP) (INQ7) Southeast Asian haze: Rains douse forest fires and clear skies in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Airports reopen on Sumatra that were closed due to the smog. Air quality is improved in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. (Reuters) South Thailand insurgency: Interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont makes a surprise visit to Songkhla, where he pays a visit to Buddhist monks and Royal Thai Army soldiers injured in a bomb attack on Sunday in Narathiwat. (Nation) (AFP) Junta leader Sonthi Boonyaratglin warns deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that he should not return to Thailand without his permission. (AFP)

October 26, 2006 (Thursday) •

ASEAN receives permanent observer status at the United Nations after the approval of a resolution for its application. (INQ7)(People's Online Journal) Pojaman Shinawatra, wife of deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra meets with Privy Councilor Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda at his home for about 15 minutes. "There was no discussion about politics or power seizing. Khunying Pojaman met General Prem in a respect-paying manner and simply asked about each other's well-being," an aide to Prem is quoted as saying by The Nation. (TNA) (Nation) (Nation)

one-day visits to neighboring countries since assuming the premiership, flying to Hanoi, where he meets with his counterpart Nguyen Tan Dung and other leaders to reaffirm diplomatic trade ties. (AFP) (TNA) Vietnam will be granted full membership in the World Trade Organization, the trade body reports. (Reuters)

October 25, 2006 (Wednesday) •

The coup in Thailand and the Myanmar issue could keep planned talks between ASEAN nations and US President George W. Bush from happening next month on the sidelines of the APEC summit. (AFP) Parliament passes a bill for compulsory military service for men between 18 and 30, despite pushing by international donors to reduce the size of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces. (Australian) East Timor crisis: A clash between rival armed groups near Dili leaves two people dead and causes the closure of Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport. (AFP) South Thailand insurgency: On the second anniversary of the Tak Bai Incident, in which more than 80 Muslim protestors died after being arrested, Human Rights and Amnesty International call on the government to bring those responsible for the deaths and injuries to justice. (TNA) Interim government: o Junta leader Sonthi Boonyaratglin who led the coup d'état that ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra says an investigation has thus far turned up no links between the deposed premier and any corruption scandals. "It will be difficult to implicate him," Sonthi tells The Nation. (Nation) o Interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont meets with leaders of political parties and promises to ease restrictions on political gatherings set by the junta. (AFP) Seventy-six North Koreans are arrested with illegally entering the kingdom. They were among 91 suspected defectors, including 52 women and 10 children under the age of 15, found on Tuesday in an apartment in Pathum Thani. (AFP) (TNA) In a 8-7 vote, the Supreme Court of the Philippines votes against a 'People's Intiative' intended to change the constitution. (INQ7)

October 24, 2006 (Tuesday) •

Princess Marie Ranariddh, the estranged wife of ousted Funcinpec leader Prince Norodom Ranariddh, is appointed to a ministerial post by the National Assembly. The move makes public the much-rumored split of the royal couple.(AP)

since the execution last month of three Christian militants. One person died in a clash on Monday. (Reuters) Two Muslims, Sirojul Munir and Muhammad Rudi bin Salim, convicted in the 2002 Bali bombings, are released from prison. Both had been sentenced in 2003 to five years for their part in bombings. Their early releases spark condemnation from victims' families and the Australian government. (Australian) (Guardian) Jail time is reduced by six weeks for Tommy Suharto, the former dictator's son, who was sentenced to 15 years in 2002 for paying a hitman to kill a Supreme Court judge. His sentence had earlier been reduced to 10 years. (Age) South Thailand insurgency: o Three Muslims are killed as celebrations begin for Eid al-Fitr to mark the end of Ramadan. One is fatally shot in front of a mosque in Yala. Two others, including an iman, were shot on Monday in Pattani. (AFP) o In a move the government hopes will pave the way towards peace in southern Thailand, the Cabinet endorses the revival of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center, which was shut down in 2001 by the Thaksin administration. The center will coordinate various government activities and serve as a mediation body. Its approval comes on the eve of the second anniversary of the Tak Bai Incident. (TNA) (Nation) Thailand interim civilian government: o Meechai Ruchuphan, who served as legal adviser to the administration of deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, is elected speaker of the National Legislative Assembly. Other candidates were Prasong Soonsiri and Purachai Piumsomboon. (TNA) (Nation) o 100 protestors demonstrate at the parliment building call for the members of assembly to resign, saying they are "junta lapdogs" and the "servants of dictators". (Nation)

October 23, 2006 (Monday) •

Continuing his round of visits to neighboring countries, Thailand's interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont visits Manila, where he meets President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who backs his "very strong" commitment to undertake a "roadmap to constitutional democracy" in a year's time. Surayud says he discussed the South Thailand insurgency, noting that Manila is in talks with Moro Islamic Liberation Front. "I appreciate the role of the Philippine government in adopting the right approach to tackle insurgency in its southern region," Surayud said. "I told

ongoing insurgency in its three southern border provinces." (TNA) (INQ7) (AFP)

October 22, 2006 (Sunday) •

East Timor crisis: Fighting breaks out between two rival gangs after the mutilated remains of two bodies are found. Two men are stabbed in the fighting, and four others are injured. United Nations peacekeepers are brought in to restore order. (AFP) (AP) Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad meets with Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi amidst hopes by their party, the United Malays National Organisation, that the two would put an end to their public bickering. However, after two hours, Mahathir emerges as critical as ever. "I can't say I am happy, I am satisfied I am able to say these things directly to him," he says. "I will continue to criticise if I feel something is done which is not beneficial to the country." (AFP) South Thailand insurgency: A bomb hidden in a wastebin in front of an electronics shop in Narathiwat explodes, killing a soldier and injuring a dozen people, including five Buddhist monks making their morning alms rounds. (AFP) (TNA) Thailand flooding: o Already under pressure from flooding to the north, the Bangkok area is on the alert for floods during a period of hide tides. (TNA) o The Department of Fisheries warns that crocodiles bred in illegal farms have been escaping from their confinement due to the floods encompassing much of the central provinces. (TNA) o The total number of patients suffering from flood-related ailments has soared to 472,897 as measured up to October 20, a public health official says. (TNA)

October 21, 2006 (Saturday) •

Southeast Asian haze: 12 airlines cancel domestic flights from SoekarnoHatta International Airport due to smog at many destinations, including Jambi, Banjarmasin, Jayapura, Semarang, Surabaya, Bengkulu, Denpasar, Makassar, Pekanbaru and Padang.(Antara) Thai interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont continues his round of visits to ASEAN neighbors, paying a one-day visit to Indonesia. He meets President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who encourages the junta-backed premier to lift martial law. (TNA) (AFP) (Antara) Flooding in Myanmar and Thailand has killed 143 people. Flooding since August in central and northern Thailand has claimed 124 lives, the government says. At its peak earlier this month, after heavy rains from

central and eastern Myanmar, floods have killed 19 people, though the water has already subsided in most places. (AFP)

October 20, 2006 (Friday) •

Southeast Asian haze: Malaysia calls for a regionwide firefighting taskforce to put out the forest fires in Indonesia, where farmers are clearing land for oil palm plantations. Natural Resources and Environment Minister Azmi Khalid says he'll push the proposal at ASEAN ministerial talks in the Philippines next month. (AFP) (Bernama) (Star) o Indonesia signs a contract with the Russian government to lease two Beriev Be-200 airplanes, amphibious aircraft that can be used to fight forest fires. The planes are expected to arrived in Indonesia on November 1. (Novosti) South Thailand insurgency: Five people are killed and 12 injured in overnight and early morning attacks. Two people die and 10 are injured in a bomb blast at a tea house in Songkhla. Two people are killed in drive-by shootings late Thursday in Narathiwat and another fatally shot early today. Two soldiers are injured in another bomb attack. (TNA) (AFP) The legislative assembly of the interim civilian government is sworn in by Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn. "If all of you perform your duty properly, the country will be stabilized, and the people will be happy. But if you work poorly, the country and the people will suffer," the prince says. (AFP) (TNA) o

October 19, 2006 (Thursday) •

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Southeast Asian haze: NGOs call for a detailed study on the the economic impact of the haze, which they say is worst since 1997, costing about US$9 billion in losses. (CNA) (Straits Times) Ousted as leader of the Funcinpec party, Prince Norodom Ranariddh says he plans to form a new political party. (AFP) Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay, a critic of President Gloria MacapagalArroyo, ends a sit-in after winning a court ruling against his suspension. Binay, his deputy and council were suspended on Tuesday after the government said there were 500 non-existent employees on the city payroll. (AFP)

October 18, 2006 (Wednesday)

ouster "illegal". The party names Keo Puth Rasmey, Cambodia's ambassasor to Germany, as its new head. (Reuters) (AP) The United Nations issues its report on the East Timor crisis, which calls for former prime minister Mari Alkatiri and other officials to be criminally investigated. The 79-page report clears President Xanana Gusmão of ordering former military police chief Major Alfredo Reinado "to carry out criminal actions," but says Reinado himself, who was jailed on weapons charges but later escaped in a prison break, could be "reasonably suspected of having committed crimes." (AFP) (Age) Southeast Asian haze: o Air quality in Kuala Lumpur and Johor hit unhealthy levels due to the land-clearing fires in Indonesia. In Kuala Lumpur, the API is 108. (AFP) o Visibility improves in Singapore, which reports a PSI falling from 92 to 70, but hazey conditions are likely to return on Thursday. (CNA) Thai Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont meets with Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar during a visit to re-affirm ties and discuss security issues, including the South Thailand insurgency. Former premier Mahathir Mohamad says the insurgents want to hold talks. "I think they are at a stage where they want to talk, so they need a response from the government," he told the New Straits Times, and says he's willing to continue as a negotiator. (AFP) (TNA) (NST)

October 17, 2006 (Tuesday) •

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Southeast Asian haze: o Rain brings relief to residents in Pekanbaru on Sumatra but firefighters working to douse forest fires in Central Kalimantan are hampered by a lack of adequate equipment. (CNA) o Civil servants in Central Kalimantan Province are offered two days off work if they help fight fires in the Borneo jungles. Visibility in Palangkaraya is less than 100 meters. In Jambi on Sumatra, visibility is less than 300 meters and flights from the provincial airport have been suspended indefinitely. (AFP) Indonesia confirms the 55th death from H5N1. The victim is a 27-yearold woman from Central Java. (AFP) Lapindo Brantas, the gas-drilling company that officials say is responsible for the mudspill that has left 12,000 people homeless in Sidoarjo, East Java, will pay more than US$100 million this year towards the clean up. The company's parent, Energi Mega Persada, says it will spend around $106 million on the disaster, for which it has yet to admit any responsibility. The mudflow, meanwhile, is being routed towards the sea. (AFP) (AP)

bank in Yala, bringing to 13 the number of people killed in violence in the southern provinces since Sunday. Five people were killed late Monday in drive-by shootings: four people in Yala and a one person in Pattani. (AFP) Tarisa Watanagase is appointed governor of the Bank of Thailand, replacing Pridiyathorn Devakula who was appointed finance minister in the interim government. Tarisa, 57, was an assistant governor of the BoT and is the first female governor in the bank's 64-year . (TNA)

October 16, 2006 (Monday) •

A Christian priest, The Rev Irianto Kongkoli, is fatally shot in Palu, Sulawesi. Kongkoli was an outspoken priest who had led many protests against last months execution of three Christian militants found guilty of taking part in an attack on a Muslim boarding school. (BBC) South Thailand insurgency: A Pattani Province official is killed in a drive-by shooting (TNA)

October 15, 2006 (Sunday) •

Interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont pays a visit to Phnom Penh and meets Prime Minister Hun Sen to reaffirm ties and pledge cooperation on cross-border issues. (TNA) (TNA)

October 14, 2006 (Saturday) •

Interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont embarks on his first international mission, for a round of visits with neighboring countries. In Vientiane, he meets with Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh and President Choummaly Sayasone. (TNA) (TNA) Southeast Asian haze: Air quality in Singapore worsens after being in the good to moderate range for more than a week. The Pollutant Standards Index hits 110 at 8pm, well into the PSI's "unhealthy" range of 100-200. (CNA) Deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has expressed a desire to return to Thailand. "As a Thai citizen, Mr. Thaksin has the right to return to Thailand but the timing will have to be discussed among all parties concerned," says interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont. (TNA)

October 13, 2006 (Friday) •

Southeast Asian haze: o At a meeting of environment ministers in Pekanbaru, Sumatra, Indonesia appeals for help from its neighbours to deal with blazes that are creating the regionwide smog. "We are open to suggestions that will increase our effectiveness in suppressing current and future fires, and we welcome assistance from within and outside the region to overcome this dreadful problem which affects millions of lives," Indonesian environment minister Rachmat Witoelar says. (AFP) o Indonesia is "respectfully urged" by its neighbors to ratify the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution. ASEAN Secretary-General Ong Keng Yong also calls on Indonesia to sign the treaty. (AFP) (CNA) South Thailand insurgency: A police sergeant is injured in Yala as he inspects a suspicious object left in a food shop. (Nation)

October 12, 2006 (Thursday) •

Southeast Asian haze: Environment ministers from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand will meet in Pakanbaru, Riau, to discuss the haze. (AFP) East Timor Prime Minister Jose Ramos-Horta says his country does not want a United Nations peacekeeping force and will continue to rely on troops deployed by regional neighbors, such as Australia, which were sent after the political crisis. Cambodia says it plans to send troops. Thailand interim civilian government: A new parliament, comprising 242 members selected by the Council for National Security is endorsed by King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Members include Chamlong Srimuang, one of the leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy; former Thai Rak Thai party member and interior minister Purachai Piumsombun, former foreign minister Surin Pitsuwan, and Wissanu Krea-ngam, who served as deputy prime minister in the Thaksin administration. The new body may question government policy but has no power to change laws or remove government officials from office. (AFP) (TNA) South Thailand insurgency: Three people are fatally shot in separate attacks. One was a rubber factory worker in Yala. Another was a man who was gunned down at his home in Narathiwat. The third was killed in a driveby shooting in Pattani. (AFP) Thailand floods: o A family of three is swept away in a flash flood in Mae Hong Son, bringing the flooding death toll to 42. (TNA)

and flooding farmland. (Nation)

October 11, 2006 (Wednesday) •

Southeast Asian haze: President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono apologizes to Malaysia and Singapore for the haze that originates from land clearing fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan. "Clearly, this is not a problem we intend to inflict to our neighbours and we are continuously trying to tackle it and prevent it in future," he says, vowing to punish the plantation firms that are setting the fires. o Singapore invites environment ministers for a meeting of the affected nations, which also include Brunei and Thailand, but Indonesian foreign minister Hassan Wirayuda insists the meeting should be held in his country, possibly in Pakanbaru, Riau.(AFP) Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen is in Australia on a visit to discuss security and trade relations. He holds a news conference with his Australian counterpart, John Howard, in which both leaders decry the North Korean nuclear test. (VOA) o

October 10, 2006 (Tuesday) •

Communist Party of Vietnam secretary-general Nông Đức Mạnh arrives for a four-day visit in Laos, where he's to meet his counterpart, Choummaly Sayasone, as well as Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh. (AFP) Southeast Asian haze: o Malaysian Natural Resources and Environment minister Azmi Khalid says talks with his counterparts from Singapore and Indonesia are being planned. (AFP) (CNA) (Reuters) o Malaysia's Meteorological Services Department reports improved visibility in northern regions of peninsular Malaysia. (BERNAMA) More than 1,000 delegates gather in Yangon for the reconvening of the constitutional convention in Myanmar, chaired by the junta, which lashes out at the United Nations Security Council for its discussion of the country in sessions last month. (Guardian) (BBC) (AFP) Six people are killed and at least 42 injured in a bombing during a town celebration in Makilala, Cotabato on Mindanao. Two others are killed and four injured in a blast at a market in Tacurong, Sultan Kudarat. Officials blame Muslim extremist groups. (AFP) (Sun.Star) (BBC) (CNN) Heavy rains cause flooding in Bangkok, with footpaths in Siam Square under water and key roads snarled with traffic. However, King Bhumibol Adulyadej orders flood runoff from the Chao Phraya River diverted to the

(Nation) (Nation) (TNA)

October 9, 2006 (Monday) •

As it prepares to re-open its constitutional convention, the junta criticizes the National League for Democracy, which is boycotting the proceedings, and vows that any party "attempting to undermine the National Convention will be crushed with the people's strength." (AP) Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont's cabinet, chosen Sunday, is sworn in by King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Among the names are Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula as finance minister and deputy premier and Nit Phibunsongkhram as foreign minister. The monarch urges the new government to look after Thailand's image. "The country is in dire straits confronted with flooding and other problems and bad things about Thailand are widely said among Thais and foreigners, hence it is important to rectify the tainted image," he told the cabinet. (Nation) (Nation) Seven villagers are killed in flash floods and mudslides in Chiang Mai Province, bringing the nationwide death toll from flooding to 39. (TNA) (Nation)

October 8, 2006 (Sunday) •

Sixteen provinces are affected by flooding, which has caused 32 deaths, 138,000 to be ill and affected nearly 1.8 million people. (Nation)

New People's Army rebels burn airport equipment in Silay on the central island of Negros after contractors refuse to pay revolutionary taxes.(Yahoo! News)

October 7, 2006 (Saturday) •

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The haze hits the unhealthy stage for the first time in years, reaching a PSI of 150 by 2100 hours, the worse in a decade, and triggering the first health advisory by the National Environment Agency. (CNA) The largest shopping mall in Singapore, VivoCity, opens with 1.1 million square feet of retail space. (CNA) In response to an orial in the recently banned Far Eastern Economic Review, the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts advises the magazine to seek legal redress (FEER) (AFP) (CNA) Flooding is problematic throughout Thailand, including Chanthaburi, where residents waded through chest-deep waters because of a shortage of

Around 1,200 pieces of luggage is lost in the baggage-handling system at Suvarnabhumi Airport after a malfunction shuts down the computerized system for an hour, leaving more than 6,700 pieces to be moved by hand. (AP)

October 6, 2006 (Friday) •

Sok Sam Oeun and Born Samnang, convicted last year of killing labor leader Chea Vichea are in court for an appeals hearing, which is then postponed when one of the three judges does not show up. Sok Sam Oeun denounces his conviction, saying "courts in Cambodia are totally stupid and merciless." Earlier in the week, a witness to the killing released a statement saying neither man was at the scene, but the witness has gone into hiding fearing for her safety. (AP) (AFP) Human Rights decries the overturning of a 14-year sentence for Pollycarpus Priyanto, a Garuda Indonesia pilot convicted in the 2004 arsenic-poisoning death of rights activist Munir Said Thalib. (AFP) Haze reaches the worst level of the year in Singapore, as Indonesian officials say they are "working round the clock" to douse land-clearing fires in Kalimantan. (CNA) (AFP) The Philippines military says it has captured Istiada H. Oemar Sovie, the wife of Jemaah Islamiyah leader Dulmatin, who's said to have been behind the 2002 Bali bombings. She was arrested on Tuesday in a raid on Jolo Island. (AFP) The Far Eastern Economic Review says it has been banned in Singapore because it refused to apologize for an article about Democratic Party leader Chee Soon Juan over which Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Lee Kuan Yew have both filed defamation suits. (FEER) (AFP)

October 5, 2006 (Thursday) •

Haze from land-clearing fires in Kalimantan and Sumatra are blamed for disrupting travel in Malaysia, closing schools in Jakarta and has now spread to the Northern Mariana Islands.(AFP) South Thailand insurgency: o Royal Thai Army Commander-in-Chief Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratglin says he's been contacted by leaders of various rebel factions who are interested in starting peace talks. Another official says members of Patani United Liberation Organization and Bersatu have made contact and that negotiations could begin as early as next month.(AP) (AFP) o Sources say meetings between Thai officials and rebel leaders to set up the peace talks were held on Langkawi three months ago and

(Nation) Thailand's candidate for Secretary-General of the United Nations, Surakiart Sathirathai, is withdrawing his candidacy, says interim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont, after an informal poll of the 15 Security Council members gave their nod to South Korean Foreign Minister Ban KiMoon. (AP) (AFP)

October 4, 2006 (Wednesday) •

The steaming mudflow in Sidoarjo, East Java, caused by a gasexploration drilling accident, could continue for years, officials say, as they prepare to route the mud towards the sea, despite warnings from environmental groups. Drilling crews are seeking the source of the hot mud, which they say is a hole the size of a large pizza. (CNA) Malaysia opens its national space center, the first in Southeast Asia. It is seen as a strategic milestone for the country, which is sending its first astronaut to the International Space Station next year. (AFP) (BERNAMA) Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi says he's "taken note" of Lee Kuan Yew's apology on statements he made about Chinese in Malaysia and Indonesia and calls for Lee to make assurances "that such a statement should not be made again." (NST) (Star) India is transferring some military hardware to Myanmar in a bid to counter the influence of China and to aid the junta in fighting such insurgent groups as the United Liberation Front of Asom and the Nagaland Rebels, which seek shelter in Myanmar's jungles. (IANS)(IANS) Singapore Airlines says it wants to be compensated for delays in the Airbus A380. As the new jumbo jet's first customer, the airline expected delivery this year but it has now been delayed until October 2007. (CNA) Typhoon Xangsane: o Officials reported 110 dead and 79 missing. o Officials say 59 people were killed, with floods submerging thousands of homes as rains continue. (AP)

October 3, 2006 (Tuesday) •

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra announces his resignation as leader of the Thai Rak Thai Party as the former ruling party undergoes an "exodus" of membership in the face of regulations imposed by the Council for National Security that would ban party leaders from politics for five years if their parties are dissolved for breaking electoral laws. (Nation) Severe flooding continues across northern and central Thailand. A schoolboy is swept away and drowned in Prachin Buri, bringing the death

barriers and inundate Mueang Ang Thong. (TNA) (Nation)

October 2, 2006 (Monday) •

Cambodia's National Elections Committee responds to an address by envoy Yash Ghai to the United Nations Human Rights Council, who said policies of the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen "have subverted the essential principles of democracy." The elections body said the envoys comments were "unsubstantiated." (AFP) The state-run New Light of Myanmar reports on fighting between government troops and the Shan State Army-South in which 17 villagers were killed. (AP) Interim civilian government: o Surayud Chulanont begins his first day as prime minister by paying a visit to Supreme Patriarch Nyanasamvara Suvaddhana at Wat Bowonniwet, offering good wishes for the religious leaders 93rd birthday. Surayud also pays a call on US Ambassador Ralph L. Boyce and Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula (Nation) o Responding to the new prime minister's assertion that he will focus on a sufficiency economy that puts people's happiness before economic growth, a poll by Assumption University has 89% of respondents approving of that approach; 64% approve of the new government. (Nation) The government reports at least 11 people were killed and dozens more injured in Typhoon Xangsane. (AFP)

October 1, 2006 (Sunday) • •

Thailand coup d'état: Gen. Surayud Chulanont is appointed interim prime minister of by the ruling military regime. (BBC) Typhoon Xangsane: o 76 people are dead and 69 are missing in flooding and landslides, with parts of Luzon and Manila still without power. (AP) o The storm hits central Vietnam, including Danang, killing 10 people and injuring more than 130 others. SOS Children has opened its school in Danang as an emergency centre and reports that 25% of the roofs in its village have blown off. SOS(Xinhua) (VietnamNet)

September 30, 2006 (Saturday)

been celebrating its 18th anniversary this week. (AP) Thailand coup d'état: The Council for Democratic Reform submits an interim constitution for formal approval to King Bhumibol Adulyadej. (TNA) (AFP) Typhoon Xangsane: o Relief efforts begin following the worst typhoon to hit metro Manila in more than a decade. (Inq7) (Reuters) o Vietnam prepares to evacuate 180,000 people from nine central provinces before the typhoon hits. (AP)

September 29, 2006 (Friday) •

Typhoon Xangsane lashes the Philippines, killing at least 60 people and causing extensive damage in Manila and several provinces, including Quezon, Laguna, Bulacan, Bataan, Bicol, Iloilo, Antique and Leyte. (AP) (DPA) Thailand coup d'état: o Surayud Chulanont will be named as the interim prime minister, several officials say, though his appointment won't be official until it is ratified over the weekend by King Bhumibol Adulyadej.(Times) (AFP) o Responding to criticism and the suspension of aid by the US, junta spokesman Gen. Winai Phattiyakul asks the US to "understand the decision of Thailand." The general also appeals to the foreign press to tone down its negative coverage of the coup and says that "we are considering lifting (restrictions against the press) very soon." (AP) o The Council for Democratic Reform announces its annual military shuffle, removing several pre-Cadet classmates of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The junta's secretary-general, Gen. Winai Phattiyakul, is named permanent secretary for defence. Deputy Supreme Commander Gen. Boonsang Niampradit is named supreme commander, replacing Gen. Ruangroj Mahasaranond. Fourth Army Region command, which is dealing with the south Thailand insurgency, goes to Lt. Gen. Ongkorn Thongprasom, who swaps posts with Army adviser, Lt. Gen. Viroj Buacharoon. (TNA)

September 28, 2006 (Thursday) •

The Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts bans the Far Eastern Economic Review from local circulation for failing to comply with amended conditions in Section 24 of the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act. (CNA) Forty years in the making, but overshadowed by the coup d'état,

Mueang as Bangkok's international airport. The first flight is Lufthansa cargo flight LH 8442 from Frankfurt via Mumbai at 3:02am. Glitches include lengthy waits for baggage to come through the new system managed by Thai Airways International. (AFP) (AP) (TNA)

September 27, 2006 (Wednesday) •

Indonesia joins Malaysia in demanding Lee Kuan Yew to clarify and apologize for his remark on Chinese in Indonesia and Malaysia. (Reuters) Inundated by mudflow from a gas exploration well for the past four months, Porong district in Sidoarjo, East Java, is declared a disaster area. Nearly 3,000 families are to be relocated at the expense of oil company PT Lapindo Brantas. The mud, meanwhile, is being routed towards the sea. (BBC) (Jakarta Post) (ANTARA)

September 26, 2006 (Tuesday) •

Malaysia sends two of its astronaut candidates, Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor and Faiz Khaleed for training in Star City, Russia for their mission to the International Space Station. (Bernama) Around 200,000 civil servants in the support category – hospital attendants, drivers, gardeners and clerical and administrative staff – who earn basic pay of 480 ringgit (about US$130) per month are demanding a salary hike. (NST) (AFP) Royal Thai Air Force Air Chief Marshal Chalit Pukbhasuk tours Suvarnabhumi Airport and declares it ready for Thursday's official opening, as airline and airport staff prepare for the massive move from the old Don Mueang International Airport. (TNA) (IHT) Thailand coup d'état: o Privy Councillor Gen. Surayud Chulanont emerges as leading candidate for interim prime minister. (Bangkok Post) o Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula, whose name was mentioned as a possible interim prime minister, is instead named to head the junta's economics advisory panel. Additionally, the Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy names several other civilians for advisory panels, many of whom hadn't been previously notified. (Nation) o Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratglin says the junta will remain in power and serve in advisory capacity to a civilian government, which will be installed "in a day or two". "There are still concerns about security issues, since we don't know yet what will happen," he says. "We will not control the cabinet, we will just give them our expertise. I

The board of MCOT resigns en masse to take responsibility for their actions on Day 1 of the coup, when MCOT's television station, Modernnine, was the only Thai TV station to broadcast a state-ofemergency message from deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. (TNA) The country's third death this year from H5N1 is confirmed by health officials. The victim is a 59-year-old farmer from northeast Thailand who died on August 10. (BBC) o

September 25, 2006 (Monday) •

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King Norodom Sihamoni visits Slovakia, meeting with Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic and pledging to strengthen ties between their two countries. (AP) The country's 51st death from H5N1 is confirmed. The victim is a 9year-old boy who died in a Jakarta hospital. (News24) Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong arrives in Ho Chi Minh City for a two-day visit to Vietnam, meeting his counterpart, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. Vietnam seeks stronger business ties with Singapore. (CNA) (Thanh Nien) Thailand coup d'état: o Supachai Panitchpakdi tentatively accepts the junta's invitation to become interim prime minister, sources say. He is due to return to Bangkok to hold talks with CDRM leaders. o The junta's secretary-general, Gen. Winai Phattiyakul, says the new constitution has been drafted and that the a long-delayed government budget will also be approved. o Under a civilian-led interim government, the ruling Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy would take on a protective role and be renamed the Council of National Security. (The Nation) (IHT) Northern and central Thailand are hit by flooding, including Phichit, Phitsanulok, Ang Thong, Lampang and Nakhon Sawan. (The Nation) In the South Thailand insurgency, four people are killed in late-night attacks: Two are killed in an attack on a police station in Yala. A village headman is fatally shot at his home in Narathiwat and in Pattani a man is fatally shot while riding his motorcycle. (Nation)

September 24, 2006 (Sunday) •

Hundreds attend funerals on Sulawesi to mourn the executed Christians, Fabianus Tibo, Marianus Riwu and Dominggus da Silva, who were executed for leading attacks on Muslims in 2000 that killed 70 people. (BBC)

confirmed. (BBC) Thailand coup d'état: o Tanks are withdrawn from Sanam Luang though tanks are still in place in other parts of the capital. o The junta prepares to appoint an interim civilian prime minister. The short list includes UNCTAD director-general Supachai Panitchpakdi, Supreme Court president Charnchai Likhitchittha and Bank of Thailand governor Pridiyathorn Devakula. Another name, Supreme Administrative Court head Akkharathorn Chularat, is off the list, a source says. (AFP)

September 23, 2006 (Saturday) • •

Malaysia demands Lee Kuan Yew to clarify his comment on Chinese Malaysians (International Herald Tribute) Thailand coup d'état: Local newspaper reports of the first public protest against the junta vastly differ, with the Bangkok Post reporting 20 people present and The Nation saying 100 South Thailand insurgency: Four policemen are injured in an explosion at a bus stop explosion in Pattani. (The Nation)

September 22, 2006 (Friday) •

Thousands riot in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, following the execution of three Christian militants found guilty of taking part in an attack on a Muslim boarding school. (Reuters) Thailand coup d'état: o The first public protest against the junta is held. (Bangkok Post)(The Nation) o 54 radio stations in northeastern Thailand are shut down by the Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy. (CDRM). (The Nation)

September 21, 2006 (Thursday) •

Lee Kuan Yew claims Chinese in Indonesia and Malaysia "are hardworking and, therefore, they are systematically marginalized" and Singapore must stand up against its two larger neighbors. (Reuters) Three Christians, Fabianus Tibo, 60, Marinus Riwu, 48, and Dominggus da Silva, 42, are executed by firing squad in direct violation of a government pardon for all those involved in the Poso conflict. The men were accused of

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workers call the trial a sham. (CBS News) Chua Sock Koong will be the new Chief Executive Officer of Singapore Telecommunications, replacing Lee Hsien Yang in April 2007. (CNA) The Singapore Changi Airport wins six more awards in September to garner a total of 16 in 2006 so far, including the the Best Airport in the World and Best Airport for Duty Free Shopping award by both Business Traveller (UK/Europe) and Business Traveller (Asia/Pacific). In addition, it wins the World Travel Awards for Asia's Leading Airport and World's Leading Airport. (AsiaOne) Thailand coup d'état: o Deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra issues a press statement in London, urging the junta to have elections soon. Through a spokesman, the billionaire ex-premier also says he plans to take a "deserved rest". (Guardian) (The Nation) (AFP) o In moves to distance himself from Thaksin, former deputy prime minister Surakiart Sathirathai arrives in Bangkok and thanks the junta for its support in his bid to become United Nations SecretaryGeneral. o Former Director-General of the World Trade Organization Supachai Panitchpakdi, currently secretary-general United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, is mentioned as a possible interim prime minister, as is Supreme Administrative Court president Ackaratorn Chularat. (The Nation) o The United States is said to be reviewing its aid to Thailand. (The Nation)(The Nation) o The junta calls for a ban on expressions of public opinion. Threehundred community radio stations are shut down in northern Thailand, which is a stronghold for Thaksin supporters. The junta also bans local TV stations from broadcasting SMS messages from viewers. (AFP) (The Nation) (The Nation) o In the absence of a parliament, the junta formally assumes legislative powers. (AFP) o The junta bans any meetings by political parties. (AFP) (The Nation) o Former Thaksin cabinet members, Newin Chidchob and Yongyuth Tiyapairaj, are summoned and held by the junta. Also four police generals, including the nation's intelligence chief, are transferred to inactive posts. (AFP) (The Nation) (The Nation)

September 20, 2006 (Wednesday) •

Singapore 2006: o The 61st International Monetary Fund-World Bank annual meeting ends with an agreement on the need to revive stalled global trade

The Singapore 2006 organising committee thanks Singaporeans and corporations for helping to make what delegates called the "best and most memorable IMF/World Bank meeting they've had" a success. Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, Minister in Charge of Singapore 2006, also clarified some pointers over the about-turn in the handling of 27 Civil Society Organisation representatives whom the Singaporean authorities originally objected from being allowed entry into the country. (CNA) Thailand coup d'état: o Six military and police generals are named to the junta's Administrative Reform Council, with Army Commander-in-Chief Gen. Sondhi Boonyaratkalin named as head. (The Nation) o Coup leaders declare Wednesday a holiday, with banks and government offices closed, and move to censor the media and ban public gatherings. Royal Thai Army troops are stationed at media outlets. (The Nation) o The junta promises civilian government in two weeks. Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula is named as the possible next prime minister. (The Nation) (The Nation) (The Nation) (BBC) o Deposed premier Thaksin Shinawatra cancels his speech before the UN General Assembly and flies to London, where he is reunited with family and friends who fled Thailand after the coup. (The Nation) o

September 19, 2006 (Tuesday) •

King Norodom Sihamoni is on an official visit to the Czech Republic, where he and President Vaclav Klaus pledge to strengthen ties between the two countries. (AP) An orial in the state-run New Light of Myanmar reacts angrily to the UN Security Council vote to have Myanmar placed on the council's agenda, accusing the United States of fabricating lies and condemning Japan for its change in position on Myanmar. Japan had previously sided with China and Russia in blocking the Myanmar issue. (AFP) (NLM) A military officer is killed and 24 other government troops are injured in two clashes with Abu Sayyaf in Sulu. Meanwhile, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo says troops are on the verge of wiping out the Muslim rebel group. (Sun.Star) (Reuters) Singapore 2006 events: o Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong addresses the opening of the IMFWorld Bank meetings, calling for good governance in the face of globalisation. "Globalisation is not without its downsides, but properly managed, it is a powerful force for the good." (CNA) o Singapore, the IMF and the World Bank call for resumption of world

Chee Soon Juan and other activists end a protest in Hong Lim Park, where they had camped out since Saturday to call attention to what they said were restrictions on free speech and assembly. (AP) Thailand coup d'état: o Tanks move into place around government buildings in Bangkok. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra declares a state of emergency in a TV broadcast from the United States, where he went for the United Nations General Assembly, but the transmission is cut off. o An announcement on Thai television declares that a "Council of Administrative Reform" with King Bhumibol Adulyadej as head of state had seized power without any resistance. State TV stations broadcast messages of loyalty to the King, while international broadcast channels are blocked. (Reuters) (Forbes) (BBC) (ABC News) o

Southeast Asia/September 2006

Highlights in September 2006

The Parliament of Cambodia passes a law that will send adulterers to jail for up to a year. The vote prompts a walkout by opposition Sam Rainsy Party lawmakers. Despite being pardoned, three Christians, Fabianus Tibo, Marianus Riwu and Dominggus da Silva, are executed by firing squad in Palu, Central Sulawesi, for their role in leading attacks on Muslims in 2000 in Poso. Laos is backed in its bid to host the 2009 Southeast Asian Games by the Chinese government, which will build all the facilities needed for the regional athletic competition. Malaysia chooses its first astronauts, Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, and an alternate, Faiz Khaleed, who are undergoing training in Russia for a

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The Security Council agrees to put Myanmar on its agenda. More than 90 people are killed as Typhoon Xangsane (Milenyo) strikes the Philippines, including metro Manila, before moving on to Vietnam. The Singapore 2006 events commences with the Singapore Biennale, and culminates at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group at the Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre. As Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is in New York to address the UN General Assembly, the military (soldier pictured), led by Royal Thai Army chief Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratglin, stages a coup d'état.

September 1, 2006 (Friday) •

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The Parliament of Cambodia passes a law that would send adulterers to jail for up to a year. The vote prompts a walkout by opposition Sam Rainsy Party lawmakers who said that poverty and corruption were more important issues. "This law is also aimed at reducing corruption, because when government officials have more women, they seek more financial sources to support their girls," National Assembly Chairman Heng Samrin says. (Reuters) The Asian Football Confederation bans Laos from youth soccer competition after the country fielded a 15-year-old in an under-13s tournament. The AFC U-17 Championship starts on Sunday in Singapore. (AP) Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi acting in his capacity as the Finance Minister tables the 2007 Budget. (Bernama) The National Arts Council Singapore markets the inaugural Singapore Biennale as a major milestone in the development of the arts in Singapore.(CNA) In the wake of Thursday's bombings at banks in southern Thailand, Army chief Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratglin calls for talks the leaders of the militants, which is counter to the Thaksin administration's policy against negotiations. Though no group claims responsibility for the resurgence of violence in the south since 2003, the Pattani United Liberation Organization announces in a press release that it welcomes such talks. (The Nation) (The Nation) The first international flights are conducted as a trial run for Suvarnabhumi Airport. Two Thai Airways International flights depart safely to Singapore and Hong Kong and then return later in the day. (TNA) (TNA)

September 2, 2006 (Saturday) •

Myanmar developments:

US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton says he has taken steps to have the issue of Myanmar formally put on the agenda of the Security Council. (AFP) o Lt. Gen. Thein Sein announces the military government will reconvene its constitutional convention to next month. (AP) o

September 3, 2006 (Sunday) •

Flooding along the Nan and Yom River kills three people in Sukhothai, with hundreds of people displaced across northern Thailand, including Lampang, Phichit and Phitsanulok. (The Nation)

September 4, 2006 (Monday) •

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The first Malaysian astronaut will be Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, a 34year-old physician, with Malaysian Army dentist Faiz Khaleed, 26, chosen as an alternate. The pair will undergo training in Star City, Russia for a mission to the International Space Station in October 2007. (AFP) More than 400 CEOs are in Singapore for the Sixth Forbes Global CEO Conference. (CNA) Philips says it will open a new LED plant in Singapore, employing around 900 workers and set to start production in 2007. (CNA) Four Royal Thai Army officers are charged with conspiracy in the assassination attempt on caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The four officers, accused of working with Lt. Thaai Klinchana, already in custody, to kill the premier, are Maj-Gen. Pairoj Thiraphab, Col. Surapol Sukpradit, Lt-Col. Manas Sookprasert and Sgt-Maj. Chakrit Chantra. (TNA)

September 5, 2006 (Tuesday) •

Abdul Aziz Imam Samudra is sentenced to eight years in prison for his role in the 2005 Bali bombings. The former high-school computer teacher had created a website for the bombings' alleged masterminds, slain bombmaker Azahari Husin and the fugitive Noordin Mohammad Top. (AFP) At least 30 Abu Sayyaf militants are killed by government troops in fighting on Jolo Island where security forces are still trying to capture two Jemaah Islamiya terrorists blamed for the 2002 Bali bombings. (Sun.Star)

September 6, 2006 (Wednesday)

Norman, Si Yi Chen, and Scott Rush – have their life sentences for heroin smuggling increased to the death penalty. (AFP) Government offensive against Abu Sayyaf: o Memorial services are held in Zamboanga City for six Marines killed in an attack on Monday in which a 27-man unit engaged in a firefight with close to 200 Abu Sayyaf fighters. (Inq7) o Southern Philippine cities are alerted to the possibility of bomb attacks by Abu Sayyaf. (Inq7) Two design teams are selected to design and build the Gardens at Marina South and Marina East in the Gardens by the Bay, with the development blueprints released for public consultation. The Garden at Marina Centre is not awarded to any design team so as to allow for greater participation in the design phase from the general public (CNA). The Singaporean economy tops a list of 175 economies as the most business-friendly economy in the world in a survey conducted by the World Bank's International Finance Corporation. Thailand ranks 18th, Malaysia 25th, Vietnam 104th, the Philippines 126th, Indonesia 135th, Cambodia 143th, Laos 159th, and Timor-Leste at 174th (IFC) (CNA) (TNA).

September 7, 2006 (Thursday) •

Australia announces it will send a 120-troop infantry company to East Timor, where a resurgence in unrest is feared after last week's escape from jail by rebel leader Alfredo Reinhado and 56 others. (The Age) Bomb-maker Mohammad Cholily is sentenced to 18 years in prison for his role in in the 2005 Bali bombings. Another militant, Dwi Widyarto, is sentenced to eight years. (CNA) Indonesia confirms the 47th death from H5N1. The victim is a woman South Sulawesi. Health Minister Siti Fadillah Supari noted that the confirmation was made without sending samples to the World Health Organization in Hong Kong. "We did not send (the samples) to the WHO because our positive results are usually positive results at the WHO." (ANTARA) Laos finds backing in its plan to host the 2009 Southeast Asian Games from the Chinese government, which will construct all key facilities for the regional athletic competition. (AP) Two government soldiers are killed in fighting in Sulu. So far, 11 the government has lost 11 soldiers since last month in its renewed offensive against Abu Sayyaf. (Inq7) Thailand's Criminal Court grants extradition for Vietnamese dissident Ly Tong. Tong plans to appeal the ruling. The former South Vietnamese Air Force pilot has been held in Thailand since 2000 after he hijacked a small plane and used it to drop 50,000 anti-government leaflets on Ho Chi Minh

Airport. (The Nation)

September 8, 2006 (Friday) •

Riau police say protests will not be allowed on Batam during the meetings in neighboring Singapore. (Jakarta Post) (CNA) Singapore 2006 developments: o The IMF and World Bank issue an unprecedented rebuke to Singapore over a ban on activists who had been invited to attend the annual meetings. (FT) o Singapore, which has banned any outdoor protests, will designate an area inside the meeting venue, Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre, for demonstrators. (IHT) The Southeast Asian Games Federation announced the hosting of the 2013 Southeast Asian Games in Singapore (CNA). o

September 9, 2006 (Saturday) •

The World Health Organization confirms two more deaths from H5N1, bringing the country's death toll from bird flu to 48. One is a 14-year-old female from South Sulawesi who died in June and whose death from the virus was already confirmed by the Indonesian health ministry; the other is an 8-year-old girl from Banten province who died on July 14, 2005. (Bloomberg) Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is defeated in an election in Kedah in which he sought to be a delegate to the United Malays National Organisation assembly in November. The former premier polled 227 of 476 votes. He denies he wants to unseat his hand-picked successor, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, but says he hoped to explain his criticisms of the current government to the UMNO. (Reuters)

September 10, 2006 (Sunday) • •

The alert level is raised on Mount Talang after sensors pick up increased volcanic activity. (AP) A woman is killed by a bomb outside her home in Poso. It is the second blast in Poso in a week, the other on Wednesday killing one man. Police say they don't know if the bombings are connected with plans to execute three Christian militants convicted of beheading Muslims. (Australian)

ties, including developments in southern Johor. (CNA)

September 11, 2006 (Monday) •

Riau police a reverse a complete ban on protesters on Batam, allowing the planned International People's Forum coinciding with the IMF-World Bank meetings to proceed. (AFP) The rape trial of four US Marines resumes in Makati Regional Trial Court, with Lance Cpl. Daniel Smith denying he raped the 22-year-old Filipina referred to in court as Nicole, saying they had consensual sex. (Standard) Alert levels on Mayon Volcano are lowered, allowing more than 30,000 evacuees from 22 villages to return to their homes after more than a month. (Inq7) Singapore 2006: o Registration begins, with delegates and other participants going through tight security procedures. (CNA) o Singapore has banned at least 28 activists from entering the country during the meetings. Police say they are "characters who were involved in disruptive activities" at past meetings, such as the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle. (CNA) The foreign ministry repeats its denial that Thailand harbors any safe houses or secret prisons used by the United States in its War on Terrorism. The latest denial comes after The New York Times reported that close Osama bin Laden associate Abu Zubaydah had been interrogated and tortured in Thailand by US personnel in 2002. (The Nation)

September 12, 2006 (Tuesday) • •

Officials plan to siphon out remaining fuel from inside the sunken tanker M/T Solar I, which has caused the Guimaras oil spill. (Inq7) Flooding continues in northern Thailand, with the government reporting a total death toll of five: two deaths in Lampang and three in Sukhothai. A road is closed between Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son, where incessant rain and forest run-off have swollen the Maejam River. Additionally, a mudslide is reported in southern Thailand, in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. (TNA)

September 13, 2006 (Wednesday) •

Responsibility for an international police force deployed to crisis-hit East Timor is handed over to the United Nations. (ANTARA)

Myanmar makes the most extensive use of land mines of any country in the world, according to a report by the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Myanmar is also among only three countries in the world still using land mines, the other two being Nepal and Russia. (AP) (Irrawaddy)

September 14, 2006 (Thursday) •

The ASEAN Secretariat becomes one of six Asia-Europe Meeting's new members. (New Straits Times)

September 15, 2006 (Friday) • •

The UN Security Council formally puts Myanmar on its agenda. (AFP) The soft launch of Suvarnabhumi Airport is marred by a technical glitch that cuts power to the check-in counters. The first commercial flights are conducted by Thai Airways International and Jetstar Asia Airways.(AP) (The Nation)

September 16, 2006 (Saturday) • •

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo begins an official visit to Hawaii. (Star-Bulletin) Four people are killed in six bomb blasts at shopping malls and hotels in Hat Yai. (The Nation)

September 17, 2006 (Sunday)

September 18, 2006 (Monday) •

A shooting Incident at the Mentakab Industrial Estate near Temerloh leaves six criminals, including one Malaysian and five Indonesians, and one policeman dead. It is unclear if the 24 year old Constable was killed by friendly fire or accidentialy shot himself. (Bernama) (the Star) Evidence gathered from the sunken M/T Solar I in the Guimaras oil spill suggests that the tanker may have been illegally off-loading its oil to another vessel. A triangle-shaped hole is found in the left side of the tanker, along with scratches and open valves. (AFP) Conservation International announces the discovery of 50 new species

Activists mark the end of the International NGO Forum in Batam with a press conference criticizing the lack of transparency of IMF-World Bank policy making and accused the Singaporean government of violating human rights be preventing activists from attending the IMF-World Bank meetings. (Jakarta Post) Democratic Party leader Chee Soon Juan enters the third day of a standoff with police after he was prevented from marching from a park designated as a free-speech area to the venue of the IMF-World Bank meetings. (AFP) Amid heightened security after fatal bombings on Saturday night in Hat Yai, bombers and arsonists strike in south Thailand again overnight in attacks across five districts in Narathiwat. There are no injuries. (AFP) (The Nation)

September 19, 2006 (Tuesday) •

King Norodom Sihamoni is on an official visit to the Czech Republic, where he and President Vaclav Klaus pledge to strengthen ties between the two countries. (AP) An orial in the state-run New Light of Myanmar reacts angrily to the UN Security Council vote to have Myanmar placed on the council's agenda, accusing the United States of fabricating lies and condemning Japan for its change in position on Myanmar. Japan had previously sided with China and Russia in blocking the Myanmar issue. (AFP) (NLM) A military officer is killed and 24 other government troops are injured in two clashes with Abu Sayyaf in Sulu. Meanwhile, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo says troops are on the verge of wiping out the Muslim rebel group. (Sun.Star) (Reuters) Singapore 2006 events: o Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong addresses the opening of the IMFWorld Bank meetings, calling for good governance in the face of globalisation. "Globalisation is not without its downsides, but properly managed, it is a powerful force for the good." (CNA) o Singapore, the IMF and the World Bank call for resumption of world trade talks. (cNA) o Chee Soon Juan and other activists end a protest in Hong Lim Park, where they had camped out since Saturday to call attention to what they said were restrictions on free speech and assembly. (AP) Thailand coup d'état: o Tanks move into place around government buildings in Bangkok. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra declares a state of emergency in a TV broadcast from the United States, where he went for the United Nations General Assembly, but the transmission is cut off.

Administrative Reform" with King Bhumibol Adulyadej as head of state had seized power without any resistance. State TV stations broadcast messages of loyalty to the King, while international broadcast channels are blocked. (Reuters) (Forbes) (BBC) (ABC News)

September 20, 2006 (Wednesday) •

Singapore 2006: o The 61st International Monetary Fund-World Bank annual meeting ends with an agreement on the need to revive stalled global trade talks, and to curb risks to global economic growth. (Businessweek) o The Singapore 2006 organising committee thanks Singaporeans and corporations for helping to make what delegates called the "best and most memorable IMF/World Bank meeting they've had" a success. Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, Minister in Charge of Singapore 2006, also clarified some pointers over the about-turn in the handling of 27 Civil Society Organisation representatives whom the Singaporean authorities originally objected from being allowed entry into the country. (CNA) Thailand coup d'état: o Six military and police generals are named to the junta's Administrative Reform Council, with Army Commander-in-Chief Gen. Sondhi Boonyaratkalin named as head. (The Nation) o Coup leaders declare Wednesday a holiday, with banks and government offices closed, and move to censor the media and ban public gatherings. Royal Thai Army troops are stationed at media outlets. (The Nation) o The junta promises civilian government in two weeks. Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula is named as the possible next prime minister. (The Nation) (The Nation) (The Nation) (BBC) o Deposed premier Thaksin Shinawatra cancels his speech before the UN General Assembly and flies to London, where he is reunited with family and friends who fled Thailand after the coup. (The Nation)

September 21, 2006 (Thursday) •

Lee Kuan Yew claims Chinese in Indonesia and Malaysia "are hardworking and, therefore, they are systematically marginalized" and Singapore must stand up against its two larger neighbors. (Reuters) Three Christians, Fabianus Tibo, 60, Marinus Riwu, 48, and Dominggus da Silva, 42, are executed by firing squad in direct violation of a government pardon for all those involved in the Poso conflict. The men were accused of

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police are block roads leading to the prison and guard churches. Rights workers call the trial a sham. (CBS News) Chua Sock Koong will be the new Chief Executive Officer of Singapore Telecommunications, replacing Lee Hsien Yang in April 2007. (CNA) The Singapore Changi Airport wins six more awards in September to garner a total of 16 in 2006 so far, including the the Best Airport in the World and Best Airport for Duty Free Shopping award by both Business Traveller (UK/Europe) and Business Traveller (Asia/Pacific). In addition, it wins the World Travel Awards for Asia's Leading Airport and World's Leading Airport. (AsiaOne) Thailand coup d'état: o Deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra issues a press statement in London, urging the junta to have elections soon. Through a spokesman, the billionaire ex-premier also says he plans to take a "deserved rest". (Guardian) (The Nation) (AFP) o In moves to distance himself from Thaksin, former deputy prime minister Surakiart Sathirathai arrives in Bangkok and thanks the junta for its support in his bid to become United Nations SecretaryGeneral. o Former Director-General of the World Trade Organization Supachai Panitchpakdi, currently secretary-general United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, is mentioned as a possible interim prime minister, as is Supreme Administrative Court president Ackaratorn Chularat. (The Nation) o The United States is said to be reviewing its aid to Thailand. (The Nation)(The Nation) o The junta calls for a ban on expressions of public opinion. Threehundred community radio stations are shut down in northern Thailand, which is a stronghold for Thaksin supporters. The junta also bans local TV stations from broadcasting SMS messages from viewers. (AFP) (The Nation) (The Nation) o In the absence of a parliament, the junta formally assumes legislative powers. (AFP) o The junta bans any meetings by political parties. (AFP) (The Nation) o Former Thaksin cabinet members, Newin Chidchob and Yongyuth Tiyapairaj, are summoned and held by the junta. Also four police generals, including the nation's intelligence chief, are transferred to inactive posts. (AFP) (The Nation) (The Nation)

September 22, 2006 (Friday) •

Thousands riot in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, following the execution of three Christian militants found guilty of taking part in an attack on a

Thailand coup d'état: o The first public protest against the junta is held. (Bangkok Post)(The Nation) o 54 radio stations in northeastern Thailand are shut down by the Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy. (CDRM). (The Nation)

September 23, 2006 (Saturday) • •

Malaysia demands Lee Kuan Yew to clarify his comment on Chinese Malaysians (International Herald Tribute) Thailand coup d'état: Local newspaper reports of the first public protest against the junta vastly differ, with the Bangkok Post reporting 20 people present and The Nation saying 100. South Thailand insurgency: Four policemen are injured in an explosion at a bus stop explosion in Pattani. (The Nation)

September 24, 2006 (Sunday) •

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Hundreds attend funerals on Sulawesi to mourn the executed Christians, Fabianus Tibo, Marianus Riwu and Dominggus da Silva, who were executed for leading attacks on Muslims in 2000 that killed 70 people. (BBC) The 50th fatality from H5N1, an 11-year-old boy from East Java, is confirmed. (BBC) Thailand coup d'état: o Tanks are withdrawn from Sanam Luang though tanks are still in place in other parts of the capital. o The junta prepares to appoint an interim civilian prime minister. The short list includes UNCTAD director-general Supachai Panitchpakdi, Supreme Court president Charnchai Likhitchittha and Bank of Thailand governor Pridiyathorn Devakula. Another name, Supreme Administrative Court head Akkharathorn Chularat, is off the list, a source says. (AFP)

September 25, 2006 (Monday) •

King Norodom Sihamoni visits Slovakia, meeting with Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic and pledging to strengthen ties between their two countries. (AP) The country's 51st death from H5N1 is confirmed. The victim is a 9year-old boy who died in a Jakarta hospital. (News24)

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Tan Dung. Vietnam seeks stronger business ties with Singapore. (CNA) (Thanh Nien) Thailand coup d'état: o Supachai Panitchpakdi tentatively accepts the junta's invitation to become interim prime minister, sources say. He is due to return to Bangkok to hold talks with CDRM leaders. o The junta's secretary-general, Gen. Winai Phattiyakul, says the new constitution has been drafted and that the a long-delayed government budget will also be approved. o Under a civilian-led interim government, the ruling Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy would take on a protective role and be renamed the Council of National Security. (The Nation) (IHT) Northern and central Thailand are hit by flooding, including Phichit, Phitsanulok, Ang Thong, Lampang and Nakhon Sawan. (The Nation) In the South Thailand insurgency, four people are killed in late-night attacks: Two are killed in an attack on a police station in Yala. A village headman is fatally shot at his home in Narathiwat and in Pattani a man is fatally shot while riding his motorcycle. (Nation)

September 26, 2006 (Tuesday) •

Malaysia sends two of its astronaut candidates, Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor and Faiz Khaleed for training in Star City, Russia for their mission to the International Space Station. (Bernama) Around 200,000 civil servants in the support category – hospital attendants, drivers, gardeners and clerical and administrative staff – who earn basic pay of 480 ringgit (about US$130) per month are demanding a salary hike. (NST) (AFP) Royal Thai Air Force Air Chief Marshal Chalit Pukbhasuk tours Suvarnabhumi Airport and declares it ready for Thursday's official opening, as airline and airport staff prepare for the massive move from the old Don Mueang International Airport. (TNA) (IHT) Thailand coup d'état: o Privy Councillor Gen. Surayud Chulanont emerges as leading candidate for interim prime minister. (Bangkok Post) o Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula, whose name was mentioned as a possible interim prime minister, is instead named to head the junta's economics advisory panel. Additionally, the Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy names several other civilians for advisory panels, many of whom hadn't been previously notified. (Nation) o Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratglin says the junta will remain in power and

installed "in a day or two". "There are still concerns about security issues, since we don't know yet what will happen," he says. "We will not control the cabinet, we will just give them our expertise. I reaffirm that the junta will not be involved in politics." (AFP) o The board of MCOT resigns en masse to take responsibility for their actions on Day 1 of the coup, when MCOT's television station, Modernnine, was the only Thai TV station to broadcast a state-ofemergency message from deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. (TNA) The country's third death this year from H5N1 is confirmed by health officials. The victim is a 59-year-old farmer from northeast Thailand who died on August 10. (BBC)

September 27, 2006 (Wednesday) •

Indonesia joins Malaysia in demanding Lee Kuan Yew to clarify and apologize for his remark on Chinese in Indonesia and Malaysia. (Reuters) Inundated by mudflow from a gas exploration well for the past four months, Porong district in Sidoarjo, East Java, is declared a disaster area. Nearly 3,000 families are to be relocated at the expense of oil company PT Lapindo Brantas. The mud, meanwhile, is being routed towards the sea. (BBC) (Jakarta Post) (ANTARA)

September 28, 2006 (Thursday) •

The Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts bans the Far Eastern Economic Review from local circulation for failing to comply with amended conditions in Section 24 of the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act. (CNA) Forty years in the making, but overshadowed by the coup d'état, Suvarnabhumi Airport officially opens without fanfare, replacing Don Mueang as Bangkok's international airport. The first flight is Lufthansa cargo flight LH 8442 from Frankfurt via Mumbai at 3:02am. Glitches include lengthy waits for baggage to come through the new system managed by Thai Airways International. (AFP) (AP) (TNA)

September 29, 2006 (Friday) •

Typhoon Xangsane lashes the Philippines, killing at least 60 people and causing extensive damage in Manila and several provinces, including

Thailand coup d'état: o Surayud Chulanont will be named as the interim prime minister, several officials say, though his appointment won't be official until it is ratified over the weekend by King Bhumibol Adulyadej.(Times) (AFP) o Responding to criticism and the suspension of aid by the US, junta spokesman Gen. Winai Phattiyakul asks the US to "understand the decision of Thailand." The general also appeals to the foreign press to tone down its negative coverage of the coup and says that "we are considering lifting (restrictions against the press) very soon." (AP) o The Council for Democratic Reform announces its annual military shuffle, removing several pre-Cadet classmates of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The junta's secretary-general, Gen. Winai Phattiyakul, is named permanent secretary for defence. Deputy Supreme Commander Gen. Boonsang Niampradit is named supreme commander, replacing Gen. Ruangroj Mahasaranond. Fourth Army Region command, which is dealing with the south Thailand insurgency, goes to Lt. Gen. Ongkorn Thongprasom, who swaps posts with Army adviser, Lt. Gen. Viroj Buacharoon. (TNA)

September 30, 2006 (Saturday) •

The junta detains two dissident leaders, Min Zeya and Pyone Cho, in a crackdown on the opposition National League for Democracy, which has been celebrating its 18th anniversary this week. (AP) Thailand coup d'état: The Council for Democratic Reform submits an interim constitution for formal approval to King Bhumibol Adulyadej. (TNA) (AFP) Typhoon Xangsane: o Relief efforts begin following the worst typhoon to hit metro Manila in more than a decade. (Inq7) (Reuters) o Vietnam prepares to evacuate 180,000 people from nine central provinces before the typhoon hits. (AP) Regional


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The World Confederation of Labour and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions merge to form the International Trade Union Confederation, representing 166 million members. Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, says negotiations are underway with Israel for exchange of the prisoners taken in July's Zar'it-Shtula incident. China announces the resumption of the six-party talks to find a peaceful resolution to concerns about North Korea's nuclear weapons program. Georgi Parvanov becomes the first democratically re-elected Bulgarian president, beating Volen Siderov in an election runoff. A report by Nicholas Stern (pictured), produced for the British government, asserts that ongoing climate change could have an economic impact similar to that of the Great Depression or World War II.

November 1, 2006 (Wednesday) • • •

The government of Uganda and the Lord's Resistance Army rebels sign a second truce as negotiations restart in Juba, Sudan. (IRIN) An Israel Defense Forces soldier and six Palestinians were killed in an IDF operation in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun. (Haaretz), (BBC News) The Prime Minister of Fiji Laisenia Qarase reportedly meets with his security chiefs this morning after yesterday trying to sack Fiji's military commander Frank Bainimarama. Alexander Downer, the Foreign Minister of Australia, has raised concerns about a coup. (ABC News Australia) The World Confederation of Labour and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions merge to form the International Trade Union Confederation. (International Herald Tribune)

October 31, 2006 (Tuesday) •

Esperanza Fire o California authorities arrest a man who is suspected of intentionally starting two wildfires this summer and is considered a person of interest in the Esperanza Fire. (San Francisco Examiner)

A fifth firefighter dies as a result of injuries obtained fighting the Esperanza Fire near Palm Springs, California started by arson. (Los Angeles Times) A United States federal appeals court blocks a landmark judgment against the tobacco industry clearing the way for selling "light" and "low tar" cigarettes until industry appeals can be reviewed. (AP via Kiplinger forecasts) Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, says that it has started negotiating with Israel on prisoner exchange. (Reuters) Galymzhan Zhakiyanov, a prominent Kazakhstani politician and one of the founders of Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan, says the Government of Kazakhstan should "look at other circumstances that have harmed Kazakhstan's image" instead of "fighting Borat." (stuff) The Prince of Wales’s controversial visit today to a madrassa in the Pakistani town of Peshawar, bordering Afghanistan has been cancelled over fears for his safety, after calls by Islamic leaders for revenge for a Pakistani airstrike that destroyed another religious school about 60 miles away. (The Times) The Lebanese army issued a statement saying its gunners fired anti-aircraft artillery at Israel Air Force warplanes as they flew over south Lebanon. (Haaretz) China announces the resumption of the stalled six-party talks to find a peaceful resolution to concerns about North Korean nuclear weapons program. (BBC News) Taliban insurgency: Suspected militants attack a convoy of NATO troops in Afghanistan's eastern province of Nuristan killing three soldiers. (Reuters) Bajaur airstrike: Pakistani officials confirm that a strike on a madrassah was based on United States intelligence that senior members of al-Queda were hiding there. The attack has generated protests by religious and tribal leaders in Pakistan. (The Washington Post) Fiji's military stage exercises around the capital Suva and close off the city's army barracks as tensions rose due to fears of a coup d'état. Fiji's military chief, Frank Bainimarama, has threatened to force the Prime Minister of Fiji Laisenia Qarase to resign unless the Prime Minister drops two Bills, one which will offer amnesty to some of those involved in a 2000 coup led by George Speight. (ABC News Australia) Bob Barker, longtime host of the American game show The Price Is Right, announces he will retire in June 2007 after hosting the program since 1972 o

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October 30, 2006 (Monday) • •

President of Bulgaria Georgi Parvanov is reelected after a run-off election with Volen Siderov in the presidential elections. (EITB) 2006 Bajaur airstrike: Pakistani helicopter gunships fired missiles and destroyed an al-Qaeda-linked training facility and killed 80 suspected terrorists in a northwestern tribal area near the Afghan border, in a madrassa near the town of

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The Israeli cabinet has approved the addition of the Yisrael Beitenu party into the governing coalition. (BBC News) Sir Nicholas Stern, the former chief economist of the World Bank, submits a report to the British Government warning of the economic costs and damage to the world that could result from global warming. (The Times) Saddam Hussein's chief lawyer, Khalil al-Duleimi, walks out of court after 12 of his requests were rejected, but the chief judge immediately appoints other attorneys to defend the deposed President of Iraq. (USA Today) Specialist Ahmed Qusai al-Taayie, an Iraqi American United States Army soldier currently listed as missing in action in Iraq, is reported to have married an Iraqi citizen, against U.S. military regulations. (MSNBC) A bomb at a Baghdad market kills 31 people and wounds more than 50 others. (AP via ABC News America) Super Typhoon Cimaron, the strongest storm to hit the Philippines in eight years, kills at least three people as it makes landfall in Luzon. (Reuters), (Reuters)

October 29, 2006 (Sunday) •

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Mexican federal police seize the center of Oaxaca, which had served as the headquarters for the five-month protest occupation of the city. (International Herald Tribune) President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva wins a second term in a landslide victory with 61 per cent of voters supporting him. (AP via Phillyburbs) Serbian constitutional referendum, 2006: Serbian voters approve the new constitution. (BBC) Iraqi insurgency: 17 police officers, 15 of them police trainers, are abducted and murdered in Basra. (BBC) 2001-2006 war in Afghanistan: One NATO soldier and about 70 Taliban insurgents were killed in southern Afghanistan when fighting broke out between insurgents and Afghan troops and NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), officials said. (CNN) The Attorney-General of Israel delivers a brief to the Supreme Court of Israel arguing that the President of Israel Moshe Katsav should stand aside pending a possible indictment for rape. (AFP via New Sunday Times) ADC Flight 53, a Nigerian Boeing 737 airliner carrying more than 100 passengers, crashes near Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja. The Sultan of Sokoto Mohammadu Maccido, the sultan's son, Muhammed Maccido, a senator, and Abdulrahman Shehu Shagari, son of former Nigerian President Shehu Shagari, are on the list of passengers on board. (CBS), (Reuters), (Xinhua) There are six confirmed survivors. (SABC), (CNN) Fierce political rioting in Bangladesh kills at least 10 people and wounds about 500 as the main political parties fail to agree on a successor after the expiry of Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia's five-year term. President Iajuddin Ahmed

Constitution of Bangladesh by appointing himself as head of the interim government. (Reuters), (CNN), (Telegraph)

October 28, 2006 (Saturday) •

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General Henry Obering, the head of the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency welcomes what he cast as epochal progress toward putting a high-energy laser aboard a modified Boeing 747 to attack ballistic missiles that could be fired by North Korea and Iran. (Reuters via ABC News Australia) Cuban television shows images of convalescing leader Fidel Castro walking and reading the day's newspapers showing that he is recovering from his emergency surgery in July. (Reuters), (BBC) The Russian political parties Rodina, the Russian Party of Life and the Russian Pensioners' Party merge to form a new leftist party, Russia of Justice, effectively making Sergey Mironov the new leader of the opposition in the Russian legislature. (ITAR-TASS), (IHT) Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki tells the U.S. ambassador that he is Washington's friend but "not America's man in Iraq." (CBS News) At least 42 people are killed in a bus crash in Nepal. (BBC) Violence breaks out during street protests in Bangladesh, causing the deaths of at least 9 people, as confusion continues over who will take over governing the country from former Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia. (Reuters) The genome of the honeybee Apis mellifera has been fully sequenced and analyzed. (Nature) German newspaper Bild publishes photos allegedly showing Bundeswehr troops posing with human remains in Afghanistan while on peacekeeping duties there. (Reuters) NATO apologises for the deaths of Afghan civilians in an air raid on Tuesday, October 24, in Kandahar province, blaming Taliban insurgents for using the villagers as cover. (BBC) Voting begins on a new Serbian constitution that would make Kosovo officially a part of Serbia; voter turnout on day one was low. (BBC) Joseph Kabila and Jean-Pierre Bemba face-off in the presidential run-off election in Democratic Republic of the Congo. (BBC)

October 27, 2006 (Friday) •

Australia's senior Muslim cleric Sheikh Taj El-Din Hilaly is barred from preaching for three months after his controversial speech comparing women who did not wear the hijab to "uncovered meat". (BBC) Baseball: The St. Louis Cardinals win the 2006 World Series, beating the Detroit Tigers 4 games to 1. This is the Cardinals' first title since 1982. David Eckstein is named the World Series MVP, winning his second ring. (ESPN)

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torture, murder and kidnapping in the early years of his regime, from 1973 to 1990. (ABC News Australia) Thousands of young Muslim men demonstrate in the Somali capital of Mogadishu in support of a call for a holy war against Ethiopia. (BBC) Washington D.C.-area sniper Lee Boyd Malvo admitted that he and partner John Allen Muhammad were responsible for the 2002 murder of a 60-year-old man on a Tucson golf course, police claim. (AP via KPHO) The Iranian Students' News Agency reports that Iran has injected gas into a second network of centrifuges and has obtained the output, a possible step in developing nuclear materials. (CNN) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of the U.S. state of California, declares a state of emergency, and a reward of USD $500,000 is offered for the capture of the arsonist responsible for the wildfires started in the Twin Pines area of the state.(CNN) Shares in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China go on sale at the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the world's biggest Initial Public Offering (IPO). (CNN) Johannesburg International Airport is renamed to OR Tambo International Airport. (News24) A controlled explosion is carried out by an Army Bomb Disposal squad on Dublin's O'Connell Street after a security alert on an Aircoach bus, although no explosive material was found. Traffic in the city has been severely affected. (RTÉ) The Ford Taurus rolls off the assembly line for the last time. The Ford plant in Atlanta, USA, closes and 2,000 employees are all laid off. MSNBC

October 26, 2006 (Thursday) • •

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George W. Bush signs into law The Secure Fence Act of 2006 to build a fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. In Australia, Sheikh Taj El-Din Hilaly apologizes after a public uproar over his statement comparing women who did not wear the hijab to "uncovered meat". (BBC News) The National Assembly of Nicaragua passes a law banning all abortions in the runup to general elections.(BBC News) A Russian Progress spacecraft hauling fresh food, oxygen and vital spare parts for the International Space Station (ISS) arrived at its orbital destination after a successful rendezvous marred by a last-minute antenna glitch. (USA Today) Four firefighters are killed and one is critically injured as they tried to control the Esperanza Fire that drove hundreds from their homes near Palm Springs, California, United States. An arsonist started the fire. (CNN) (CBS) Fifteen people die and 400 are admitted to hospital in Pskov, Russia, after consuming alcohol suspected of being tainted with medicinal drugs or chemicals. (Reuters)

need to be permanently relocated over the next ten years due to rising sea levels caused by global warming. (TNZH) ExxonMobil Corp., the world's largest petroleum extracting company, says its third-quarter net income rose to USD $10.5 billion from $9.92 billion as crude prices rise to an all-time high. This is the second highest quarterly profit figure for a United States company. (Bloomberg) Afghan government officials claim at least 60 civilians were killed in ISAF Operation Medusa in the Panjwayi district of Kandahar province on Tuesday. (ABC News) A German minister claims that two Israeli fighter jets fired two shots over a German naval peacekeeping ship near the Lebanese coast. Israel denies the jets fired. (Times)

News agency A news agency is an organization of journalists established to supply news reports to organizations in the news trade: newspapers, magazines, and radio and television broadcasters. They are also known as wire services or news services. News agencies can be corporations that sell news (e.g. Reuters and All Headline News (AHN)), cooperatives composed of newspapers that share their articles with each other (e.g. AP), commercial newswire services which charge organizations to distribute their news (e.g. Market Wire, Business Wire and PR Newswire). Governments may also control "news agencies," particularly in authoritarian states, like China and the former Soviet Union or non-profit organizations operated by both professionals and volunteers. Australia, Britain, Canada, and many other countries also have government-funded news agencies. A recent rise in internet-based alternative news agencies like Scoopt, as a component of the larger alternative media have emphasized a "non-corporate view," as being largely independent of the pressures of business media. News agencies generally prepare hard news stories and feature articles that can be used by other news organizations with little or no modification, and then sell them to other news organizations. They provide these articles in bulk electronically through wire services (originally they used telegraphy; today they frequently use the Internet). Corporations, individuals, analysts and intelligence agencies may also subscribe. The business proposition of news agencies might thus be responsible for the current trends in separation of fact based reporting from Op-eds.

Notable international news agencies • • • • • • • • • • • •

Agence France-Presse All Headline News (AHN) Agencia Internacional de Noticias ANP (The Netherlands) ANSA (Italy) Agenzia Giornalistica Italia (Italy) Associated Press Associated Press of Pakistan - Not associated with AP Australian Associated Press BASA-press (the first independent news agency from The Republic of Moldova) British Broadcasting Corporation Bloomberg L.P.

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Canadian Press Canadian University Press China News Service, China City News Bureau of Chicago Cox Enterprises DPA (Germany) EFE, Agencia EFE ITN, Independent Television News Interfax Inter Press Service Global news agency featuring development news ITIM - Israel ITAR-TASS, Russia Kyodo News (Japan) Maghreb Arab Press (Morocco) (aka La MAP) Nippon News (Japan) NZPA (New Zealand) OANA The Press Association (UK) Pacific News Service Petra (Agency) (Jordan) Power and Interest News Report Press Trust of India QHA, Ukraine Reuters United Press International Xinhua News Agency, China Yonhap, Korea

News agencies are distinct from news syndicates that distribute comic strips and other orial material, such as columns and features, and also from PR services that distribute press releases. Sometimes news agencies have separate arms for such work, but many such organizations are completely separate. These are Organisations which gather news and feature stories and send them out to client newspapers. They may send them through telegraph wires like the Philippines News Agency (thus the term wire service) or like Depthnews, they may mail them out to the client newspapers.

Commercial newswire services • • •

Asia Corporate News Network Business Wire CCN Matthews

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CNW Group Empire Information Services Eworldwire Japan Corporate News Network Korea Newswire Market Wire, aka InternetWire New Oceania Nonprofit Newswire PR Newswire PrimeZone Media Network TransWorldNews US Newswire Wireless Flash News News Agencies in Pakistan

Free online newswire services • • • • • • • •

PRFree PR Leap ClickPress Newsmotto USPRwire UKPRwire Scitech News CSUWIRE

Sports journalism Sports journalism is a form of journalism that reports on sports topics and events. Sports journalism has grown in importance as professional and amateur sports have grown in wealth, power and influence as well. Within some newspapers at times, the sports department has been sometimes mockingly called the "toy department," because sports journalists concern themselves with games rather than 'serious' topics like politics, crime, business, etc. Sports journalism still may not be considered the most important product of a news media organization, but it is an essential product, and the sports journalism industry includes organizations devoted entirely to sports reporting — magazines such as Sports Illustrated and the Sporting News, all-sports talk radio stations, and sports television networks like ESPN — as well as many other news media that devote personnel and resources to covering sports. Sports teams are almost always very accommodating to sports journalists, allowing them into locker rooms for interviews and providing extensive information support, even if reporting is unfavorable to them. Major League Baseball still gives many print journalists a special role in its baseball games: They are named official scorers and can make judgment calls about certain aspects of the score that do not affect the final disposition of the game. Sports stories often transcend the games themselves and take on socio-political significance; Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball is an example of this. Modern controversies regarding the compensation of top athletes, the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs, and the cost to local and national governments to build sports venues and related infrastructure, especially for the Olympic Games, show that sports still can intrude onto the news pages. Sportswriters face much more deadline pressure than most other reporters, because sporting events tend to occur late in the day and closer to the deadlines many organizations must observe. Yet they are expected to use the same tools as news journalists, and to uphold the same professional and ethical standards. They often must be very careful about showing any bias for or against any home-town team. Sports

journalists usually must also gather and use voluminous performance statistics for teams and individual athletes in most sports.

Science journalism Science journalism is a relatively new branch of journalism, which utilizes the art of reporting to convey the message on science topics to a public forum. The communication of scientific knowledge through mass media requires a special relationship between the world of science and news media, which is still just beginning to form. The first task of a science journalist to render the very detailed, specific, and often jargon-laden information produced by scientists into a form that the average media purchaser can understand and appreciate, while still communicating the information accurately. Science journalists often, but not always, have advanced training in the particular scientific disciplines that they undergo — they may have been scientists or, for example, medical doctors, before coming journalists — or they have least have exhibited talent in writing about science subjects. In recent years, the amount of scientific news has grown rapidly with science playing an increasingly central role in society. Interaction between the scientific community and news media has been therefore inevitable. The differences between the methodologies of these two "pillars" of modern society, foremost their distinct ways of developing their realities, have led to some difficulties.

Environmental journalism Environmental journalism is the collection, verification, production, distribution and exhibition of information regarding current events, trends, issues and people that are associated with the non-human world with which humans necessarily interact. To be an environmental journalist, one must have an understanding of scientific language and practice, knowledge of historical environmental events, the ability to keep abreast of environmental policy decisions and the work of environmental organizations, a general understanding of current environmental concerns, and the ability to communicate all of that information to the public in such a way that it can be easily understood, despite its complexity.

Environmental journalism falls within the scope of environmental communication, and its roots can be traced to nature writing. One key controversy in environmental journalism is a continuing disagreement over how to distinguish it from its allied genres and disciplines.

of environmental journalism While the practice of nature writing has a rich that dates back at least as far as the exploration narratives of Christopher Columbus, and follows tradition up through prominent nature writers like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau in the late 19th century, John Burroughs and John Muir in the early 20th century, and Aldo Leopold in the 1940s, the field of environmental journalism did not begin to take shape until the 1960s and 1970s. The growth of environmental journalism as a profession roughly parallels that of the environmental movement, which became a mainstream cultural movement with the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1962 and was further legitimized by the passage of the Wilderness Act in 1964. Grassroots environmental organizations made a booming appearance on the political scene in the 1960s and 1970s, raising public awareness of what many considered to be the “environmental crisis,” and working to influence environmental policy decisions. The mass media has followed and generated public interest on environmental issues ever since. The field of environmental journalism was further legitimized by the creation of the Society of Environmental Journalists in 1990, whose mission “is to advance public understanding of environmental issues by improving the quality, accuracy, and visibility of environmental reporting.” Today, academic programs are offered at a number of institutions to train budding journalists in the rigors, complexity and sheer breadth of environmental journalism.

Debate over advocacy in environmental journalism There exists a minor rift in the community of environmental journalists. Some, including those in the Society of Environmental Journalists, believe in objectively reporting environmental news, while others, like Michael Frome, a prominent figure in the field, believe that journalists should only enter the environmental side of the field if saving the planet is a personal passion, and that environmental journalists should not shy away from

environmental advocacy, though not at the expense of clearly relating facts and opinions on all sides of an issue. This debate is not likely to be settled soon, but with changes in the field of journalism filtering up from new media being used by the general public to produce news, it seems likely that the field of environmental journalism will lend itself more and more toward reporting points of view akin to environmental advocacy.

Overlap within environmental communication According to Mark Meisner of the Environmental Communication Network, “environmental communication is all of the many forms of communication (interpersonal, group, public, organizational, mass, etc.) that are engaged with the social debate about environmental issues and problems.” Also within the scope of environmental communication are the genres of nature writing, science writing, environmental literature, environmental interpretation and environmental advocacy. While there is a great deal of overlap among the various genres within environmental communication, they are each deserving of their own definition.

Nature writing Nature is the genre with the longest in environmental communication. In his book, This Incomparable Land: A Guide to American Nature Writing, Thomas J. Lyon attempts to use a “taxonomy of nature writing” in order to define the genre. He suggests that his classifications, too, suffer a great deal of overlap and intergrading. “The literature of nature has three main dimensions to it: natural information, personal responses to nature, and philosophical interpretation of nature” (Lyon 20). In the natural essay, “the main burden of the writing is to convey pointed instruction in the facts of nature,” such as with the ramble-type nature writing of John Burroughs (Lyon 21). “In essays of experience, the author’s firsthand contact with nature is the frame for the writing,” as with Edward Abbey’s contemplation of a desert sunset (Lyon 23). In the philosophical interpretation of nature, the content is similar to that of the natural and personal experience essays, “but the mode of presentation tends to be more abstract and scholarly” (Lyon 25). The Norton Book of Nature Writing adds a few new dimensions to the genre of nature writing, including animal narratives, garden essays, farming essays, ecofeminist works, writing on environmental justice, and works advocating environmental preservation, sustainability and biological diversity. Environmental journalism pulls from the tradition and scope of nature writing.

Science writing Science writing is writing that focuses specifically on topics of scientific study, generally translating jargon that is difficult for those outside a particular scientific field to understand into language that is easily digestible. This genre can be narrative or informative. Not all science writing falls within the bounds of environmental communication, only science writing that takes on topics relevant to the environment. Environmental journalism also pulls from the tradition and scope of science writing.

Environmental interpretation Environmental interpretation is a particular format for the communication of relevant information. It “involves translating the technical language of a natural science or related field into terms and ideas that people who aren’t scientists can readily understand. And it involves doing it in a way that’s entertaining and interesting to these people” (Ham 3). Environmental interpretation is pleasurable (to engage an audience in the topic and inspire them to learn more about it), relevant (meaningful and personal to the audience so that they have an intrinsic reason to learn more about the topic), organized (easy to follow and structured so that main points are likely to be remembered) and thematic (the information is related to a specific, repetitious message) (Ham 8–28). While environmental journalism is not derived from environmental interpretation, it can employ interpretive techniques to explain difficult concepts to its audience.

Environmental literature Environmental literature is writing that comments intelligently on environmental themes, particularly as applied to the relationships between man, society and the environment. Most nature writing and some science writing falls within the scope of environmental literature. Often, environmental literature is understood to espouse care and concern for the environment, thus advocating a more thoughtful and ecologically sensitive relationship of man to nature. Environmental journalism is partially derived from environmental literature.

Environmental advocacy Environmental advocacy is presenting information on nature and environmental issues that is decidedly opinionated and encourages its audience to adopt more environmentally sensitive attitudes, often more biocentric worldviews. Environmental advocacy can be

present in any of the aforementioned genres of environmental communication. It is currently debated whether environmental journalism should employ techniques of environmental advocacy.

Topics The field of environmental journalism covers a wide variety of topics. According to The Reporter’s Environmental Handbook, environmental journalists perceive water concerns as the most important environmental issue, followed by atmospheric air pollution concerns, endocrine disruptors, and waste management issues. The journalists surveyed were more likely to prioritize specific, local environmental issues than global environmental concerns. Environmental journalism can include, but is not limited to, some of the following topics: From The Reporter’s Environmental Handbook: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Air Pollution (Indoor) Air Pollution (Outdoor) Animal Waste Management Biodiversity Brownfields (“former industrial and commercial sites” (104)) Cancer and Other Disease Cluster Claims Chemical Emergencies Chemical weapons (Disarmament) Children’s Health (Asthma) Children’s Health (Lead) Cross-Border Environmental Issues (U.S.-Mexico) Dioxin Disposal of Dredged Materials Endocrine Disruptors (“also called a hormonally active agent, [it] is a chemical that interferes with the functioning of the endocrine system” (172)) Environmental Justice and Hazardous Waste Food irradiation Genetically Modified Crops Global Climate Change Groundwater Pollution Naturally Occurring and Technology-Based Disasters Occupational Health Ozone Depletion Pesticides Pollution Prevention/Source Reduction Population Growth

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Sprawl and Environmental Health Surface Water Quality Water Supply

From EnviroLink: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Agriculture Air Quality Climate Change Ecosystems Energy Environmental Disasters Environmental Economics Environmental Education Environmental Ethics Environmental Legislation and Environmental Policy Forests Ground Pollution Habitat conservation Natural Outdoor Recreation Population Sciences Social Sciences and Humanities Sustainable Development Sustainable Living Transportation Urban Issues Vegetarianism Waste Management Water Quality Wildlife

Gotcha journalism Gotcha journalism is a term often used to refer to techniques primarily used in certain versions of broadcast journalism to represent a specific person or group of people in a specifically desired manner through manipulation of images and quotes, or through ing of interviews. The phrase gotcha journalism is reported to have been based on a headline in The Sun, the British tabloid newspaper, in 1982, when it printed a massive headline reading "GOTCHA!" in reference to an incident in the Falklands War. An early citation indicated

it was used by Stuart K. Spencer in the Los Angeles Times in 1987. Former United States Vice President Dan Quayle reportedly referred to "gotcha journalism" in 1999 during an interview with talk-show host David Letterman.

Techniques Gotcha journalism generally refers to a method of interviewing or ing of interviews in which the interviewee is made to look foolish or out of touch. The effect is often to make the targeted person look uninformed or as if he or she is lying. This effect is also achieved by replaying quotes from public speeches and following with hand-picked footage or images that appear to contradict the statement. For example, a city's mayor might give a speech in which he claims that during his tenure, employment is at a record high in his city. A news outlet may replay that speech and follow up with footage of desperate men and women at the unemployment office, and perhaps even an interview in which the person is asked to comment on the mayor's speech. The interviewee in this case may be baited with questions that have very obvious answers such as, "The mayor says unemployment is a record low; how do you respond to that?" Gotcha journalism may also be achieved by misleading an interviewee about which portions of his or her statements will be aired, or misleading the audience about how an expert opinion is acquired. For example, a special feature may be run on drug use in schools. To add sensationalism, an "expert" may be given manufactured statistics that indicate a three-fold increase in drug use is occurring in suburban schools, and asked to comment on what it might mean, if real. The expert may issue a statement such as, "If this were actually happening, this trend would be alarming - thank goodness it's not!" To discr this expert, the whole clip may be aired, in which the reporter narrates, "We asked Dr. John Q. Smith to comment on drug use in American schools" followed by the clip of this quote, in which it appears that Dr. Smith is in denial over drugs in school. Alternatively, if Dr. Smith's quote makes the case that the reporter wishes to have made, the narration might state, "We asked Dr. John Q. Smith what he thinks of the increase in drug use and he said," followed by the section of the clip in which Smith says, "this trend would be alarming." Manipulation of quotes, images, and archive footage is typical in the rigorous ing process, especially for news magazines, and does not cross over into gotcha journalism until there is a deliberate attempt to mislead an interviewee, expert, or the audience. Most

commonly this manifests by finding footage of exceptions to a generalization given by a speaker or interviewee. For example, in the weeks following Hurricane Katrina, a number of public officials gave public statements in which they stated that progress was being made. A number of news outlets aired the statements followed by footage of flooded homes, abandoned neighborhoods, and interviews with the many people still affected by the disaster for whom there clearly was no progress yet.

Scientific literature This article talks about the general structure of the production and use of scientific literature. For information on particular types, see the article for the type. For information about journal article adatabases, and abstract and indexing services in the science, see Academic databases and search engines. Scientific literature comprises scientific publications that report original empirical and theoretical work in the natural and social sciences, and within a scientific field is often abbreviated as the literature. Academic publishing is the process of placing the results of one's research into the literature.

Types of scientific publications Scientific literature can include the following kinds of publications: • • • •

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scientific articles published in scientific journals patents specialized for science and technology (for example, biological patents and chemical patents) books wholly written by one or a small number of co-authors books, where each chapter is the responsibility of a different author or set of authors, though the or may take some responsibility for ensuring consistency of style and content presentations at academic conferences, especially those organized by learned societies government reports scientific publications on the World Wide Web books, technical reports, pamphlets, and working papers issued by individual researchers or research organisations on their own initiative; these are sometimes organised into a series

The significance of these different components of the literature varies between disciplines and has changed over time. As of 2006, peer-reviewed journal articles remain the predominant publication type, and have the highest prestige. However, journals vary enormously in their prestige and importance, and the value of a published article depends on the journal. The significance of books, also called research monographs depends on the subject. Generally books published by university presses are usually considered more prestigious than those published by commercial presses. The status of working papers and conference proceedings depends on the discipline; they are typically more important

in the applied sciences. The value of publication as a preprint or scientific report on the web has in the past been low, but in some subjects, such as mathematics or high energy physics, it is now an accepted alternative.

role in science Scientific literature is where scientific debates are properly carried out and adjudicated.

preparation of an article The actual day-to-day records of scientific information are kept in research notebooks or logbooks. These are usually kept indefinitely as the basic evidence of the work, and are often kept in duplicate, signed, notarized, and archived. The purpose is to preserve the evidence for scientific priority, and in particular for priority for obtaining [patent]s. They have also been used in scientific disputes. Since the availability of computers, the notebooks in some data-intensive fields have been kept as database records, and appropriate software is commercially available. The work on a project is typically published as one or more technical reports, or articles. In some fields both are used, with preliminary reports, working papers, or [[preprint]s followed by a formal article. Articles are usually prepared at the end of a proje3ct, or at the end of components of a particularly large one.

scientific authorship The nature of the content A scientific article has a standardized structure, which varies only slightly in different subjects. The first part is normally an abstract; this is a one-paragraphy summary of the work, and is intended to serve as a a guide for determining if the articles is pertinent, and to furnish subject metadata for indexing services.

The quality of content

Ultimately, it is not the format that is important, but what lies behind it - the content. However, several key formatting requirements need to be met before an outlet can be regarded as forming a part of the literature. 1. The format should be archival, in the sense that libraries should be able to store and catalogue the documents and scientists years later should be able to recover any document in order to study and assess it, and there should be an established way of citing the document so that formal reference can be made to them in future scientific publication. The lack of an established archival system is one of the hurdles that World Wide Web based scientific publication has had to overcome. Reliable repositories such as arXiv or PubMed Central have been institued, and progress is now being made on their interoperability and permanence. 2. The content should be presented in the context of previous scientific investigations, by citation of relevant documents in the existing literature. 3. Empirical techniques, and the results of the investigation, should be described in such a way that a subsequent scientist, with appropriate knowledge of and experience in the relevant field, should be able to repeat the observations and know whether he or she has obtained the same result. This naturally varies between subjects, and obviously does not apply to mathematcsand related subjects. 4. The conclusions drawn should be based on previous literature and/or new empirical results, in such a way that any reader with knowledge of the field can follow the argument and confirm that the conclusions are sound. That is, acceptance of the conclusions must not depend on personal authority, rhetorical skill, or faith.

Peer review Peer review and the learned journal format are each convenient ways of ensuring that the above fundamental criteria are met, rather than being in themselves essential to scientific literature. The purpose of peer review is quality control, a term which also encompasses other means towards the same purpose. The "quality" being referred to is the scientific quality, the lack of flaws in the data, and the validity of the conclusions drawn from the data. The lack of peer review is what makes most technical reports and World Wide Web publications unacceptable as contributions to the literature. The relatively weak peer review often applied to books and chapters in ed books means that their status is doubtful, unless an author's personal standing is so high that his or her prior career provides an effective guarantee of quality. Formal peer review is in flux and likely to change fundamentally owing to the emergence of institutional digital repositories where scholars

can post their work as it is submitted to a print-based journal. Though this does not prevent peer review, it permits an unreviewed copy into general circulation. Increasing reliance on abstracting services, especially on those available electronically, means that the effective criterion for whether a publication format forms part of the literature is whether it is covered by these services; in particular, by the specialised service for the discipline concerned such as Chemical Abstracts Service, and by the major interdisciplinary services such as those marketed by the Institute for Scientific Information. Investigative journalism Investigative journalism is a kind of journalism in which reporters deeply investigate a topic of interest, often involving crime, political corruption, or some other scandal. An investigative journalist may spend a considerable period researching and preparing a report, sometimes months or years, whereas a typical daily or weekly news reporter writes items concerning immediately available news. Most investigative journalism is done by newspapers, wire services and freelance journalists. An investigative journalist's final report may take the form of an exposé.

The Investigation The investigation will often require an extensive number of interviews and travel; other instances might call for the reporter to make use of activities such as surveillance techniques, tedious analysis of documents, investigations of the performance of any kind of equipment involved in an accident, patent medicine, scientific analysis, social and legal issues, and the like. In short, investigative journalism requires a lot of scrutiny of details, fact-finding, and physical effort. An investigative journalist must have an analytical and incisive mind with strong self-motivation to carry on when all doors are closed, when facts are being covered up or falsified and so on. Some of the means reporters can use for their fact-finding: • • •

studying neglected sources, such as archives, phone records, address books, tax records and license records anonymous sources (for example whistleblowers) going undercover

Examples •

Black Like Me o In 1959, John Howard Griffin, a caucasian, changed the color of his skin and traveled in the U.S.'s Deep South as an African-American, later writing a series of articles for Sepia magazine and then his famous book.

Thalidomide o The 'Insight' team of The Sunday Times achieved great renown in the 1960s for its exposure of public health scandals, most notably Thalidomide. o Paul Foot used his columns in The Daily Mirror and Private Eye to expose miscarriages of justice.

Watergate o The Washington Post's investigation by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein led to the resignation of U.S. President Richard Nixon.

The Iron Fist o Alexenia Dimitrova of the 24 Hours Daily (Sofia, Bulgaria) investigated the American and Bulgarian governments secret Cold War files.

Revelation$, about Clearstream, which has been called the "biggest financial scandal in Luxembourg" and was discovered by ex-Clearstream banker Ernest Backes who co-authored a book about it with French journalist Denis Robert.

Freedom of the press Freedom of the press (or press freedom) is the guarantee by a government of free public press for its citizens and their associations, extended to members of news gathering organizations, and their published reporting. It also extends to news gathering, and processes involved in obtaining information for public distribution. In the U.S. this right is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Not all countries are protected by a bill of rights or the constitution pertaining to Freedom of the Press. For example, Australians have nothing in their constitution nor a bill or rights that suggests anything to do with Freedom of the Press. With respect to governmental information, a government distinguishes which materials are public or protected from disclosure to the public based on classification of information as sensitive, classified or secret and being otherwise protected from disclosure due to relevance of the information to protecting the national interest. Many governments are also subject to sunshine laws or freedom of information legislation that are used to define the ambit of national interest.

Basic principles and criteria In developed countries, freedom of the press implies that all people should have the right to express themselves in writing or in any other way of expression of personal opinion or creativity. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights indicates: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers" This philosophy is usually accompanied by legislation ensuring various degrees of freedom of scientific research (known as scientific freedom), publishing, press and printing the depth to which these laws are entrenched in a country's legal system can go as far down as its constitution. The concept of freedom of speech is often covered by the same laws as freedom of the press, thereby giving equal treatment to media and individuals. Besides said legal environment, some non-governmental organizations use more criteria to judge the level of press freedom around the world. Reporters Without Borders

considers the number of journalists murdered, expelled or harassed, and the existence of a state monopoly on TV and radio, as well as the existence of censorship and selfcensorship in the media, and the overall independence of media as well as the difficulties that foreign reporters may face. Freedom House likewise studies the more general political and economic environments of each nation in order to determine whether there exist relationships of dependence that limit in practice the level of press freedom that might exist in theory. So the concept of independence of the press is one closely linked with the concept of press freedom.

The media as the fourth branch of government The notion of the press as the fourth branch of government is sometimes used to compare the press (or media) with Montesquieu's three branches of government, namely an addition to the legislative, the executive and the judiciary branches. Edmund Burke is quoted to have said: "Three Estates in Parliament; but in the Reportpooopers' Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth estate more important far than they all". The development of the Western media tradition is rather parallel to the development of democracy in Europe and the United States. On the ideological level, the first advocates of freedom of the press were the liberal thinkers of the 18th and 19th centuries.They developed their ideas in opposition to the monarchist tradition in general and the divine right of kings in particular. These liberal theorists argued that freedom of expression was a right claimed by the individual and grounded in natural law. Thus, freedom of the press was an integral part of the individual rights promoted by liberal ideology (see the section below). Freedom of the press was (and still is) assumed by many to be a necessity to any democratic society. Other lines of thought later argued in favor of freedom of the press without relying on the controversial issue of natural law; for instance, freedom of expression began to be regarded as an essential component of the social contract (the agreement between a state and its people regarding the rights and duties that each should have to the other).

Status of press freedom worldwide Worldwide press freedom index

Every year, the Reporters Without Borders organization establishes a ranking of countries in terms of their freedom of the press. The list is based on responses to surveys sent to journalists that are members of partner organisations of the RWB, as well as related specialists such as researchers, jurists and human rights activists. The survey asks questions about direct attacks on journalists and the media as well as other indirect sources of pressure against the free press, such as pressure on journalists by nongovernmental groups. RWB is careful to note that the index only deals with press freedom, and does not measure the quality of journalism. In 2003, the countries where press was the most free were Finland, Iceland, the Netherlands and Norway. In 2004, apart from the above countries,Denmark, Ireland, Slovakia, and Switzerland were tied at the top of the list, followed by New Zealand and Latvia. The countries with the least degree of press freedom were ranked with North Korea having the worst, followed by Burma, Turkmenistan, Eritrea, China, Vietnam, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

Non-democratic states According to Reporters Without Borders, more than a third of the world's people live in countries where there is no press freedom. Overwhelmingly, these people live in countries where there is no system of democracy or where there are serious deficiencies in the democratic process. Freedom of the press is an extremely problematic concept for most non-democratic systems of government since, in the modern age, strict control of access to information is critical to the existence of most non-democratic governments and their associated control systems and security apparatus. To this end, most non-democratic societies employ staterun news organisations to promote the propaganda critical to maintaining an existing political power base and suppress (often very brutally, through the use of police, military, or intelligence agencies) any significant attempts by the media or individual journalists to challenge the approved "government line" on contentious issues. In such countries, journalists operating on the fringes of what is deemed to be acceptable will very often find themselves the subject of considerable intimidation by agents of the state. This can range from simple threats to their professional careers (firing, professional blacklisting) to death threats, kidnapping, torture, and assassination.

Reporters Without Borders reports that, in 2003, 42 journalists lost their lives pursuing their profession and that, in the same year, at least 130 journalists were in prison as a result of their occupational activities. In 2005, 63 journalists and 5 media assistants were killed worldwide. •

The Lira Baysetova case in Kazakhstan.

In Nepal, Eritrea and China, journalists may spend years in jail simply for using the "wrong" word or photo.

The Georgiy R. Gongadze case in Ukraine.

England The English revolution of 1688 resulted in the supremacy of Parliament over the Crown and, above all, the right of revolution. The main theoretical inspirator of Western liberalism was John Locke. Having decided to grant some of his basic freedoms in the state of nature (natural rights) to the common good, the individual placed some of his rights in trusteeship with the government. A social contract was entered into by the people, and the Sovereign (i. e. government) was instructed to protect these individual rights on behalf of the people, argues John Locke in his book Two Treatises of Government. Until 1694, England had an elaborate system of licensing. No publication was allowed without the accompaniment of a government-granted license. Fifty years earlier, at a time of civil war, John Milton wrote his pamphlet Areopagitica. In this work Milton argued forcefully against this form of government censorship and parodied the idea, writing "when as debtors and delinquents may walk abroad without a keeper, but unoffensive books must not stir forth without a visible jailer in their title." Although at the time it did little to halt the practice of licensing it would be viewed later a significant milestone in press freedom. Milton's central argument was that the individual is capable of using reason and distinguishing right from wrong, good from bad. In order to be able to exercise this ration right, the individual must have unlimited access to the ideas of his fellow men in “a free

and open encounter”. From Milton’s writings developed the concept of “the open market place of ideas”: When people argue against each other, the good arguments will prevail. One form of speech that was widely restricted in England was the law of sious libel that made criticizing of the government a crime. The King was above public criticism and that statements critical of the government were forbidden, according to the English Court of the Star Chamber. Truth was not a defense to sious libel because the goal was to prevent and punish all condemnation of the government. John Stuart Mill approached the problem of authority versus liberty from the viewpoint of a 19th century utilitarian: The individual has the right of expressing himself so long as he does not harm other individuals. The good society is one in which the greatest number of persons enjoy the greatest possible amount of happiness. Applying these general principles of liberty to freedom of expression, Mill states that if we silence an opinion, we may silence the truth. The individual freedom of expression is therefore essential to the well-being of society. Mill’s application of the general principles of liberty is expressed in his book On Liberty: "If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and one, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind".

Nazi Germany Nazi propaganda was used to glorify Adolf Hitler and stifle dissenting viewpoints. The dictatorship of Adolf Hitler largely suppressed freedom of the press through Joseph Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry. As the Ministry's name implies, propaganda did not carry the negative connotations that it does today (or did in the Allied countries); how-to manuals were openly distributed by that same ministry explaining the craft of effective propaganda. The Ministry also acted as a central control-point for all media, issuing orders as to what stories could be run and what stories would be suppressed. Anyone involved in the film industry -- from directors to the lowliest assistant -- had to sign an oath of loyalty to the Nazi Party, due to opinion-changing power Goebbels perceived movies to have. (Goebbels himself maintained some personal control over every single film made in Nazi Europe.) Journalists who crossed the Propaganda Ministry were routinely imprisoned or shot as traitors.

India The Indian Constitution, while not mentioning the word "press", provides for "the right to freedom of speech and expression" (Article 19(1)a). However this right is subject to restrictions under subclause (2), whereby this freedom can be restricted for reasons of "sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, preserving decency, preserving morality, in relation to contempt of court, defamation, or incitement to an offence". Laws such as the Official Secrets Act and Prevention of Terrorism Act (PoTA) have been used to limit press freedom. Under PoTA, person could be detained for upto six months for being in contact with a terrorist or terrorist group. PoTA was repealed in 2006, but the Official Secrets Act 1923 continues. For the first half-century of independence, media control by the state was the major constraint on press freedom. Indira Gandhi famously stated in 1975 that All India Radio is "a Government organ, it is going to remain a Government organ..." With the liberalization starting in the 1990s, private control of media has burgeoned, leading to increasing independence and greater scrutiny of government. Organizations like Tehelka and NDTV have been particularly influential, e.g. in bringing about the resignation of powerful Haryana minister Venod Sharma.

United States Freedom of speech in the United States John Hancock was the first person to write newspapers in the British colonies in North America were published "by authority," that is, under license from and as the mouthpiece of the colonial governors. The first regularly published newspaper was the Boston NewsLetter of John Campbell, published weekly beginning in 1704. The early colonial publishers were either postmasters or government printers, and therefore unlikely to challenge government policies. The first independent newspaper in the colonies was the New-England Courant, published in Boston by James Franklin beginning in 1721. A few years later, Franklin's younger brother, Benjamin, purchased the Pennsylvania Gazette of Philadelphia, which became the leading newspaper of the colonial era.

During this period, newspapers were unlicensed, and able freely to publish dissenting views, but were subject to prosecution for libel or even sion if their opinions threatened the government. The notion of "freedom of the press" that later was enshrined in the United States Constitution is generally traced to the sious libel prosecution of John Peter Zenger by the colonial governor of New York in 1735. In this instance of jury nullification, Zenger was acquitted after his lawyer, Andrew Hamilton, argued to the jury (contrary to established English law) that there was no libel in publishing the truth. Yet even after this celebrated case, colonial governors and assemblies asserted the power to prosecute and even imprison printers for publishing unapproved views.

A U.S. Postage Stamp commemorating freedom of the press. During the American Revolution, a free press was identified by Revolutionary leaders as one of the elements of liberty that they sought to preserve. The Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776) proclaimed that "the freedom of the press is one of the greatest bulwarks of liberty and can never be restrained but by despotic governments." Similarly, the Constitution of Massachusetts (1780) declared, "The liberty of the press is essential to the security of freedom in a state: it ought not, therefore, to be restrained in this commonwealth." Following these examples, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution restricted Congress from abridging the freedom of the press and the closely associated freedom of speech. John Locke’s ideas had inspired both the French and American revolutions. Thomas Jefferson wanted to unite the two streams of liberalism, the English and the French schools of thought. His goal was to create a government that would provide both security and opportunity for the individual. An active press was essential as a way of educating the population. In order to be able to work freely, the press must be free from control by the state. Jefferson was a person who himself suffered great calumnies of the press. Despite this, in his second inaugural address, he proclaimed that a government that could not stand up under criticism deserved to fall.

Jefferson said: "No experiment can be more interesting than that we are now trying, and which we trust will end in establishing the fact, that man may be governed by reason and truth. Our first object should therefore be, to leave open to him all avenues of the truth". In 1931, the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Near v. Minnesota used the 14th Amendment to apply the freedom of the press to the States. Other notable cases regarding free press are: • •

New York Times Co. v. United States: The Supreme Court upheld the publication of the Pentagon Papers. New York Times Co. v. Sullivan: The Court decided that in order for written words to be libel, it must be, first of all, false. It must also be published with the deliberate intent to ruin someone's reputation.

In Branzburg v. Hayes (1972), the Court placed limits on the ability of the Press to refuse a subpoena from a Grand Jury by claiming Freedom of the Press. The issue decided in the case was whether a reporter could refuse to "appear and testify before state and Federal grand juries" by claiming such appearance and testimony "abridges the freedom of speech and press guaranteed by the First Amendment." The 5-4 decision was that such a protection was not provided by the First Amendment. Notable exceptions •

In 1798, not long after the adoption of the Constitution, the governing Federalist Party attempted to stifle criticism by means of the Alien and Sion Acts. (It was notable that the Sion Act made criticism of Congress, and of the President, a crime, but not criticism of the Vice-President. Jefferson, a non-Federalist, was Vice-President at the time the Act was passed.) These restrictions on freedom of the press proved very unpopular and worked against the Federalists. Thomas Jefferson was among those who opposed the Acts, and he was elected President in the election of 1800. Jefferson then pardoned all those convicted under the Acts. He made it a principle not to ask what they had done, but only whether they had been charged under the Acts. In his first Inaugural Address in 1801 he reiterated his longstanding commitment to freedom of speech and of the press: "If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it."

The Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sion Act of 1918, which amended it, imposed restrictions on the free press during wartime. It carried fines of $10,000 and up to 20 years imprisonment for people publishing "... disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States or the Constitution of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States ..." In Schenck v. United States (1919), the Supreme Court upheld the laws, setting the "Clear and present danger" standard. Congress repealed both laws in 1921, and Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969) revised the "Clear and present danger" test to the "Imminent lawless action" test, which is less restrictive.

1988: Hazelwood School District vs. Kuhlmeier: The Supreme Court upheld that the principal of a school has the right to review and block controversial articles of a school paper funded by the school and published in the school's name.

In the United States in 2005, interpretation of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act may consider political statements as being the equivalent of campaign donations. Because access to Internet statements are weakly controlled, the campaign value of statements is not known in advance and a high ultimate value may trigger large fines for violations. This particularly threatens Internet statements by individuals, and ambiguous definitions of membership in the press make the possible effects ambiguous.

Implications of new technologies Many of the traditional means of delivering information are being slowly superseded by the increasing pace of modern technological advance. Almost every conventional mode of media and information dissemination has a modern counterpart that offers significant potential advantages to journalists seeking to maintain and enhance their 'freedom of speech'. A few simple examples of such phenomena include: •

Terrestrial television versus satellite television: Whilst terrestrial television is relatively easy to manage and manipulate, satellite television is much more difficult to control as journalistic content can easily be broadcast from other jurisdictions beyond the control of individual governments. An example of this in the Middle East is the satellite broadcaster Al Jazeera. This Arabic language media channel operates out of the 'relatively liberal' state of Qatar, and often presents views and content that are problematic to a number of governments in the region and beyond. However, because of the increased affordability and miniaturisation of satellite technology (e.g. dishes and receivers) it is simply not practicable for most states to control popular access to the channel. Web-based publishing (e.g., blogging) vs. traditional publishing: Traditional magazines and newspapers rely on physical resources (e.g. offices, printing presses) that can easily be targeted and forced to close down. Web-based publishing systems can be run using ubiquitous and inexpensive equipment and

can operate from any global jurisdiction, to get control over web publications, nations and organisations, are using Geolocation and Geolocation software. •

Voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) vs. conventional telephony: Although conventional telephony systems are easily tapped and recorded, modern VOIP technology can employ sophisticated encryption systems to evade central monitoring systems. As VOIP and similar technologies become more widespread they are likely to make the effective monitoring of journalists (and their contacts and activities) a very difficult task for governments.

Naturally, governments are responding to the challenges posed by new media technologies by deploying increasingly sophisticated technology of their own (a notable example being China's attempts to impose control of through a state run internet service provider that controls access to the Internet) but it seems that this will becomes an ever increasingly difficult task as nimble, highly motivated journalists continue to find ingenious novel ways to exploit technology and stay one step ahead of the generally slower moving government institutions that they necessarily do battle with.

Journalism ethics and standards Journalism ethics and standards include principles of ethics and of good practice to address the specific challenges faced by professional journalists. Historically and currently these principles are most widely known to journalists as their professional "code of ethics" or the "canons of journalism." The basic codes and canons commonly appear in statements drafted by both professional journalism associations and individual print, broadcast, and online news organizations.

Every news organization has only its credibility and reputation to rely on. -Tony Burman, or-in-chief of CBC News While various existing codes have some differences, most share common elements including the principles of — truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability — as these apply to the acquisition of newsworthy information and its subsequent reportage to the public. Like many broader ethical systems, journalism ethics include the principle of "limitation of harm." This often involves the withholding of certain details from reports such as the names of minor children, crime victims' names or information not materially related to particular news reports release of which might, for example, harm someone's reputation.

Evolution and purpose of codes of journalism The principles of good journalism are directed toward bringing the highest quality of news reporting to the public, thus fulfilling the mission of timely distribution of information in service of the public interest. To a large degree, the codes and canons evolved via observation of and response to past ethical lapses by journalists and publishers. Today, it is common for terms of employment to mandate adherence to such codes equally applicable to both staff and freelance journalists; journalists may face dismissal for ethical failures. Upholding professional standards also enhances the reputation of and trust in a news organization, which boosts the size of the audience it serves.

Journalistic codes of ethics are designed as guides through numerous difficulties, such as conflicts of interest, to assist journalists in dealing with ethical dilemmas. The codes and canons provide journalists a framework for self-monitoring and self-correction as they pursue professional assignments.

Codes of practice While journalists in the United States and European countries have led in formulation and adoption of these standards, such codes can be found in news reporting organizations in most countries with freedom of the press. The written codes and practical standards vary somewhat from country to country and organization to organization, but there is a substantial overlap among mainstream publications and societies. One of the leading voices in the U.S. on the subject of Journalistic Standards and Ethics is the Society of Professional Journalists.The Preamble to its Code of Ethics states: ...public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility. The Radio-Television News Directors Association, an organization exclusively centered on electronic journalism, maintains a code of ethics centering on -- public trust, truthfulness, fairness, integrity, independence and accountability.RTDNA publishes a pocket guide (PDF file) to these standards. Examples of journalistic codes of ethics held by international news gathering organizations may be found as follows: • • • •

British Broadcasting Corporation: orial Guidelines. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Journalistic Standards and Practices Al Jazeera: Code of Ethics. Code of Journalists of the Republic of Slovenia

Common elements The primary themes common to most codes of journalistic standards and ethics are the following.

Objectivity •

• •

• •

Unequivocal separation between news and opinion. In-house orials and opinion (Op-Ed) pieces are clearly separated from news pieces. News reporters and orial staff are distinct. Unequivocal separation between advertisements and news. All advertisements must be clearly identifiable as such. Reporter must avoid conflicts of interest — incentives to report a story with a given slant. This includes not taking bribes and not reporting on stories that affect the reporter's personal, economic or political interests. See envelope journalism. Competing points of view are balanced and fairly characterized. Persons who are the subject of adverse news stories are allowed a reasonable opportunity to respond to the adverse information before the story is published or broadcast. Interference with reporting by any entity, including censorship, must be disclosed.

Sources • • • •

Confidentiality of anonymous sources (see news source). Avoidance of anonymous sources when possible. Accurate attribution of statements made by individuals or other news media. Pictures, sound, and quotations must not be presented in a misleading context (or lack thereof). Simulations, reenactments, alterations, and artistic imaginings must be clearly labelled as such, if not avoided entirely. Plagiarism is strongly stigmatized and in many cases illegal (see copyright).

Accuracy and standards for factual reporting • •

• • •

Reporters are expected to be as accurate as possible given the time allotted to story preparation and the space available, and to seek reliable sources. Events with a single eyewitness are reported with attribution. Events with two or more independent eyewitnesses may be reported as fact. Controversial facts are reported with attribution. Independent fact-checking by another employee of the publisher is desirable Corrections are published when errors are discovered Defendants at trial are treated only as having "allegedly" committed crimes, until conviction, when their crimes are generally reported as fact (unless, that is, there is serious controversy about wrongful conviction). Opinion surveys and statistical information deserve special treatment to communicate in precise terms any conclusions, to contextualize the results, and to specify accuracy, including estimated error and methodological criticism or flaws.

Slander and libel considerations •

Reporting the truth is never libel, which makes accuracy and attribution very important.

Private persons have privacy rights that must be balanced against the public interest in reporting information about them. Public figures have fewer privacy rights. Publishers vigorously defend libel lawsuits filed against their reporters

Harm limitation principle During the normal course of an assignment a reporter might go about — gathering facts and details, conducting interviews, doing research, background checks, taking photos, video taping, recording sound. Should he or she report everything learned? If so, how should this be done? The principle of limitation of harm means that some weight needs to be given to the negative consequences of full disclosure, creating a practical and ethical dilemma. The Society of Professional Journalists' code of ethics offers the following advice, which is representative of the practical ideals of most professional journalists. Quoting directly: •

• • •

• • • •

Show compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage. Use special sensitivity when dealing with children and inexperienced sources or subjects. Be sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief. Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance. Recognize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than do public officials and others who seek power, influence or attention. Only an overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyone's privacy. Show good taste. Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity. Be cautious about identifying juvenile suspects or victims of sex crimes. Be judicious about naming criminal suspects before the formal filing of charges. Balance a criminal suspect's fair trial rights with the public's right to be informed.

Presentation News writing, Journalism, Ethical standards should not be confused with common standards of quality of presentation, including: • •

Correctly spoken or written language (often in a widely spoken and formal dialect, such as Standard English) Clarity

Brevity (or depth, depending on the niche of the publisher)

Self-regulation In addition to codes of ethics, many news organizations maintain an in-houseOmbudsman whose role is, in part, to keep news organizations honest and accountable to the public. The ombudsman is intended to mediate in conflicts stemming from internal and or external pressures, and to maintain accountability to the public for news reported. Also, to foster self-criticism and to encourage adherence to both codified and uncodified ethics and standards. An alternative is a news council, an industry-wide self-regulation body, such as the Press Complaints Commission, set up by UK newspapers and magazines. Such a body is capable perhaps of applying fairly consistent standards, and of dealing with a higher volume of complaints, but may not escape criticisms of being toothless.

Ethics and standards in practice See journalism scandals, media bias, and yellow journalism As with other ethical codes, there is perennial concern that the standards of journalism are being ignored. One of the most controversial issues in modern reporting is media bias, especially on political issues, but also with regard to cultural and other issues. Sensationalism is also a common complaint. Minor factual errors are also extremely common, as almost anyone who is familiar with the subject of a particular report will quickly realize. There are also some wider concerns, as the media continue to change, for example that the brevity of news reports and use of soundbites has reduced fidelity to the truth, and may contribute to a lack of needed context for public understanding. From outside the profession, the rise of news management contributes to the real possibility that news media may be deliberately manipulated. Selective reporting (spiking, double standards) are very commonly alleged against newspapers, and by their nature are forms of bias not easy to establish, or guard against. This section does not address specifics of such matters, but issues of practical compliance, as well as differences between professional journalists on principles.

Standards and reputation Among the leading news organizations that voluntarily adopt and attempt to uphold the common standards of journalism ethics described herein, adherence and general quality varies considerably. The professionalism, reliability and public accountability of a news organization are three of its most valuable assets. An organization earns and maintains a strong reputation, in part, through a consistent implementation of ethical standards, which influence its position with the public and within the industry. Among the most respected western English-language publications, programs and broadcast networks are: • • • • • • • •

Washington Post New York Times Wall Street Journal British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) The Globe and Mail, Canada The Cable News Network (CNN) Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which supports two news platforms: o National Public Radio (NPR) o Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), known in particular for The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and Frontline

Genres and ethics Advocacy journalists — a term of some debate even within the field of journalism — by definition tend to reject "objectivity", while at the same time maintaining many other common standards and ethics. Creative nonfiction and Literary journalism use the power of language and literary devices more akin to fiction to bring insight and depth into often book-length treatment of the subjects about which they write. Such devices as dialogue, metaphor, digression and other such techniques offer the reader insights not usually found in standard news reportage. However, authors in this branch of journalism still maintain ethical criteria such as factual and historical accuracy as found in standard news reporting. Yet, with brilliant prose, they venture outside the boundaries of standard news reporting in offering richly detailed accounts. One widely regarded author in genre is Joyce Carol Oates for book on boxer Mike Tyson.

New Journalism and Gonzo journalism also reject some of the fundamental ethical traditions and will set aside the technical standards of journalistic prose in order to express themselves and reach a particular audience or market segment. Tabloid journalists are often accused of sacrificing accuracy and the personal privacy of their subjects in order to boost sales. Supermarket tabloids are often focused on entertainment rather than news. A few have "news" stories that are so outrageous that they are widely read for entertainment purposes, not for information. Some tabloids do purport to maintain common journalistic standards, but may fall far short in practice. Others make no such claims. Some publications deliberately engage in satire, but give the publication the design elements of a newspaper, for example, The Onion, and it is not unheard of for other publications to offer the occasional, humorous articles appearing on April Fool's Day.

Relationship with freedom of the press In countries without freedom of the press, the majority of people who report the news may not follow the above-described standards of journalism. Very often non-free media are prohibited from criticizing the national government, and in many cases are required to distribute propaganda as if it were news. Various other forms of censorship may restrict reporting on issues the government deems sensitive.

Variations, violations, and controversies There are a number of finer points of journalistic procedure that foster disagreements in principle and variation in practice among "mainstream" journalists in the free press. Laws concerning libel and slander vary from country to country, and local journalistic standards may be tailored to fit. For example, the United Kingdom has a broader definition of libel than does the United States. Accuracy is important as a core value and to maintain credibility, but especially in broadcast media, audience share often gravitates toward outlets that are reporting new information first. Different organizations may balance speed and accuracy in different ways. The New York Times, for instance, tends to print longer, more detailed, less speculative, and more thoroughly verified pieces a day or two later than many other newspapers. 24-hour television news networks tend to place much more emphasis on

getting the "scoop." Here, viewers may switch channels at a moment's notice; with fierce competition for ratings and a large amount of airtime to fill, fresh material is very valuable. Because of the fast turn-around, reporters for these networks may be under considerable time pressure, which reduces their ability to verify information. Laws with regard to personal privacy, official secrets, and media disclosure of names and facts from criminal cases and civil lawsuits differ widely, and journalistic standards may vary accordingly. Different organizations may have different answers to questions about when it is journalistically acceptable to skirt, circumvent, or even break these regulations. Another example of differences surrounding harm reduction is the reporting of preliminary election results. In the United States, some news organizations feel that it is harmful to the democratic process to report exit poll results or preliminary returns while voting is still open. Such reports may influence people who vote later in the day, or who are in western time zones, in their decisions about how and whether or not to vote. There is also some concern that such preliminary results are often inaccurate and may be misleading to the public. Other outlets feel that this information is a vital part of the transparency of the election process, and see no harm (if not considerable benefit) in reporting it.

Taste, decency and acceptability Audiences have different reactions to depictions of violence, nudity, coarse language, or to people in any other situation that is unacceptable to or stigmatized by the local culture or laws (such as the consumption of alcohol, homosexuality, illegal drug use, scatological images, etc.). Even with similar audiences, different organizations and even individual reporters have different standards and practices. These decisions often revolve around what facts are necessary for the audience to know. When certain distasteful or shocking material is considered important to the story, there are a variety of common methods for mitigating negative audience reaction. Advance warning of explicit or disturbing material may allow listeners or readers to avoid content they would rather not be exposed to. Offensive words may be partially obscured or bleeped. Potentially offensive images may be blurred or narrowly cropped. Descriptions may be substituted for pictures; graphic detail might be omitted. Disturbing content might be moved from a cover to an inside page, or from daytime to late evening, when children are less likely to be ing.

There is often considerable controversy over these techniques, especially concern that obscuring or not reporting certain facts or details is self-censorship that compromises objectivity and fidelity to the truth, and which does not serve the public interest. For example, images and graphic descriptions of war are often violent, bloody, shocking and profoundly tragic. This makes certain content disturbing to some audience members, but it is precisely these aspects of war that some consider to be the most important to convey. Some argue that "sanitizing" the depiction of war influences public opinion about the merits of continuing to fight, and about the policies or circumstances that precipitated the conflict. The amount of explicit violence and mutilation depicted in war coverage varies considerable from time to time, from organization to organization, and from country to country. (See also: Military journalism.)

Campaigning in the media Many print publications take advantage of their wide readership and print persuasive pieces in the form of unsigned orials that represent the official position of the organization. Despite the ostensible separation between orial writing and news gathering, this practice may cause some people to doubt the political objectivity of the publication's news reporting. (Though usually unsigned orials are accompanied by a diversity of signed opinions from other perspectives.) Other publications and many broadcast media only publish opinion pieces that are attributed to a particular individual (who may be an in-house analyst) or to an outside entity. One particularly controversial question is whether media organizations should endorse political candidates for office. Political endorsements create more opportunities to construe favoritism in reporting, and can create a perceived conflict of interest.

Investigative methods Investigative journalism is largely an information-gathering exercise, looking for facts that are not easy to obtain by simple requests and searches, or are actively being concealed, suppressed or distorted. Where investigative work involves undercover journalism or use of whistleblowers, and even more if it resorts to covert methods more typical of private detectives or even spying, it brings a large extra burden on ethical standards.

Anonymous sources are double-edged - they often provide especially newsworthy information, such as classified or confidential information about current events, information about a previously unreported scandal, or the perspective of a particular group that may fear retribution for expressing certain opinions in the press. The downside is that the condition of anonymity may make it difficult or impossible for the reporter to verify the source's statements. Sometimes sources hide their identities from the public because their statements would otherwise quickly be discred. Thus, statements attributed to anonymous sources may carry more weight with the public than they might if they were attributed. (See also: news source.) The Washington press has been criticized in recent years for excessive use of anonymous sources, in particular to report information that is later revealed to be unreliable. The use of anonymous sources increased markedly in the period before the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Science issues The mainstream press is often criticized for poor accuracy in reporting science news. Many reporters are not scientists, and are thus not familiar with the material they are summarizing. Technical information is also difficult to contextualize for lay audiences, and short-form reporting makes providing background, context, and clarification even harder. Food scares are an example of the need for responsible science journalism, as are stories connected with the safety of medical procedures.

Examples of ethical dilemmas One of the primary functions of journalism ethics is to aid journalists in dealing with many ethical dilemmas they may encounter. From highly sensitive issues of national security to everyday questions such as accepting a dinner from a source, putting a bumper sticker on one's car, publishing a personal opinion blog, a journalist must make decisions taking into account things such as the public's right to know, potential threats, reprisals and intimidations of all kinds, personal integrity, conflicts between ors, reporters and publishers or management, and many other such conundrums. The following are illustrations of some of those. •

The Pentagon Papers dealt with extremely difficult ethical dilemmas faced by journalists. Despite government intervention, The Washington Post, joined by The New York Times, felt the public interest was more compelling and both published

reports. (The cases went to the Supreme Court where they were merged and are known as New York Times Co. v. U.S. 403 US 713 [4] •

The Washington Post also once published a story about a listening device that the United States had installed over an undersea Soviet cable during the height of the cold war. The device allowed the United States to learn where Soviet submarines were positioned. In that case, Post Executive or Ben Bradlee chose not to run the story on national security grounds. However, the Soviets subsequently discovered the device and, according to Bradlee, "It was no longer a matter of national security. It was a matter of national embarrassment." However, the U.S. government still wanted The Washington Post not to run the story on the basis of national security, yet, according to Bradlee, "We ran the story. And you know what, the sun rose the next day."

The Ethics Advice Line [6], a joint venture, public service project of Chicago Headline Club Chapterof the Society of Professional Journalists and Loyola University Chicago Center for Ethics and Social Justice [9], provides some examples of typical ethical dilemmas reported to their ethical dilemma hotline and are typical of the kinds of questions faced by many professional journalists.

A partial listing of questions received by The Ethics Advice Line:[10] Is it ethical to make an appointment to interview an arsonist sought by police, without informing police in advance of the interview? Is lack of proper attribution plagiarism? Should a reporter write a story about a local priest who confessed to a sex crime if it will cost the newspaper readers and advertisers who are sympathetic to the priest? Is it ethical for a reporter to write a news piece on the same topic on which he or she has written an opinion piece in the same paper? Under what circumstances do you identify a person who was arrested as a relative of a public figure, such as a local sports star? Freelance journalists and photographers accept cash to write about, or take photos of, events with the promise of attempting to get their work on the AP or other news outlets, from which they also will be paid. Is that ethical? Can a journalist reveal a source of information after guaranteeing confidentiality if the source proves to be unreliable?

Journaliste en danger Journaliste en danger (JED), is an independent, non partisan non-profit organization (French: association sans buit lucratif) founded on November 20, 1998 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo on the initiative of a group of Congolese journalists for the defence and promotion of the press freedom in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

JED was founded out of the concern that press freedom was being violated and that journalists had become victims of unfair justice. JED is not an association reserved solely for journalists, but rather a wholly independent and open structure to all those who feel like having a vocation to defend and promote their right to inform and to be informed freely without any restriction. Since May 2003, JED has been active in eight other central African countries: Burundi, Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, The Central African Republic, Rwanda and Chad. JED is a member of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange, a global network of non-governmental organisations that monitors freedom of expression worldwide and campaigns to defend journalists, writers, Internet users and others who are persecuted for exercising their right to free expression.

Freedom of information legislation Over sixty-one countries around the world have implemented some form of freedom of information legislation, which sets rules on governmental secrecy, the oldest being Sweden's Freedom of the Press Act of 1766. Many more countries are working towards introducing such laws, and many regions of countries with national legislation have local laws - for example, all states of the US have access laws as well as the national legislation. In general, such laws define a legal process by which government information is available to the public; in some countries, they may only apply to journalists, or to people with a legal need for the information. In many countries there are vague constitutional guarantees for the right of access to information, but usually these are unused unless specific legislation to support them. These laws may also be described as open records or (especially in the United States) sunshine laws (alluding to "letting light shine" on the process). A related concept is open meetings legislation, which allows the public access to government meetings, not just to the records of them. In many countries, privacy or data protection laws may be part of the freedom of information legislation; the concepts are often closely tied together in political discourse. A basic principle behind most freedom of information legislation is that the burden of proof falls on the body asked for information, not the person asking for it. The requester does not usually have to give an explanation for their request, but if the information is not disclosed a valid reason has to be given.

Some countries with existing legislation Albania In Albania, the constitution of 1998 guarantees the right of access to information; the legislation supporting this is the Ligj nr. 8503, date 30.6.1999, Per të drejten e informimit per dokument zyrtare (Law no. 8503, dated June 30 1999, On the right to information over the official documents). This requires public authorities to grant any request for an official document. (in English, in Albanian)


In Australia, the Freedom of Information Act 1982 was passed at the federal level in 1982, applying to all "ministers, departments and public authorities" of the Commonwealth. There is similar legislation in all states and territories: • • • • • • • •

Australian Capital Territory, the Freedom of Information Act 1989 New South Wales, the Freedom of Information Act 1989 Northern Territory, the Information Act 2003 Queensland, the Freedom of Information Act 1992 South Australia, the Freedom of Information Act 1991 Tasmania, the Freedom of Information Act 1991 Victoria, the Freedom of Information Act 1982 Western Australia, the Freedom of Information Act 1992

Belize In Belize, the Freedom of Information Act was passed in 2000 and is currently in force, though a governmental commission noted that "not much use has been made of the Act".

Bosnia and Herzegovina In Bosnia and Herzegovina, both federal entities - the Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - passed freedom of information laws in 2001, the Freedom of Access to Information Act for the Republika Srpska and Freedom of Access to Information Act for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina respectively. As such, though there is no single national-level law, the whole of the country is covered.

Bulgaria In Bulgaria, the Access to Public Information Act was passed in 2000, following a 1996 recommendation from the Constitutional Court to implement such a law.

Canada In Canada, the Access to Information Act allows citizens to demand records from federal bodies. This is enforced by the Information Commissioner of Canada. There is also a complementary Privacy Act, introduced in 1983. The purpose of the Privacy Act is to extend the present laws of Canada that protect the privacy of individuals with

respect to personal information about themselves held by a federal government institution and that provide individuals with a right of access to that information. It is a Crown copyright. Complaints for possible violations of the Act may be reported to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. The various provinces and territories of Canada also have legislation governing access to government information; in many cases, this is also the provincial privacy legislation. For example, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act applies to the province of Ontario's provincial ministries and agencies, boards and most commissions, as well as community colleges and district health councils. In Quebec the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information governs access to government information.

Chile In Chile, there is a constitutional provision for the freedom of information, but no Access to Public Information law. The right provided by the Constitution is regulated in the articles 11 (bis and ter) of Law N° 19,653, which modified Law N° 18,575. In it, it is stated that administrative activities in the agencies of the public administration and documents of organizations that work with them are public. The public can request information with the following requirements: it has to be in a written matter and it does not have to be information already available to the public. Information has to be delivered in 48 hours.

Colombia In Colombia, the constitution gives a right of access to public information, and the Ley 57 de 1985 Por la cual se ordena la publicidad de los actos y documentos oficiales (Law 57 of 1985, for the ordering of the official publicity of the acts and documents) implements this, giving the right of access to documents que reposen en las oficinas públicas - which reside in the public offices. - Also there is a Law called "estatuto anticorrupcion Ley 190 de 1995" or anticorruption act. The 51st Article oblies public offices to list in visible area all the contracts and purchases every month. It is slowly becoming to effect.


In Croatia, the Zakon O Pravu Na Pristup Informacijama (Act on the Right of Access to Information) of 2003 extends to all public authorities.

Czech Republic In the Czech Republic, the Zákon č. 106/1999 Sb., o svobodném přístupu k informacím (Act No. 106/1999 Coll. on Free Access to Information) covers the "state agencies, territorial self-administration authorities and public institutions managing public funds" as well as any body authorised by the law to reach legal decisions relating to the public sector, to the extend of such authorisation. Another 106 Answers to your Questions (With Judgements) is a useful English-language guide to the Act.

Denmark In Denmark, the Access to Public Administration Files Act of 1985 applies to most public agencies, and an unusual clause extends coverage to most private or public energy suppliers.

Ecuador In Ecuador, the Transparency and Access to Information Law of 2004 declares that the right of access to information is guaranteed by the state.

Estonia In Estonia, the Public Information Act of 2000 extends to all "holders of information", which is clarified as being all government and local government bodies, legal persons in public law and legal persons in private law if they are performing public duties (providing health, education etc).

European Union Regulation 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents [4] grants a right of access to documents of the three institutions to any Union citizen and to any natural or legal person residing, or having its registered office, in a Member State. "Document" is defined broadly and it is assumed that all documents,

even if classfied, may be subject to right of access unless it falls under one of the exceptions. If access is refused, the applicant is allowed a confirmatory request. A complaint against a refusal can be made with the European Ombudsman or an appeal can be brought before the Court of First Instance.

Finland In Finland, the Laki yleisten asiakirjain julkisuudesta 9.2.1951/83 (Act on the Openness of General Documents of 1951) established the openness of all records and documents in the possession of officials of the state, municipalities, and registered religious communities. Exceptions to the basic principle could only be made by law, or by an executive order for specific enumerated reasons such as national security. The openness of unsigned draft documents was not mandated, but up to the consideration of the public official. This weakness of the law was removed when the law was revised in the 1990's. The revised law, the Laki viranomaisten toiminnan julkisuudesta 21.5.1999/621 (Act on the Openness of Government Activities of 1999), also extended the principle of openness to corporations that perform legally mandated public duties, such as pension funds and public utilities, and to computer documents.

France In France, the accountability of public servants is a constitutional right, according to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. The implementing legislation is the Loi n°78-753 du 17 juillet 1978 portant diverses mesures d'amélioration des relations entre l'administration et le public et diverses dispositions d'ordre administratif, social et fiscal (Act No. 78-753 of 17 July 1978. On various measures for improved relations between the Civil Service and the public and on various arrangements of administrative, social and fiscal nature). It sets as a general rule that citizens can demand a copy of any administrative document (in paper, digitized or other form), and establishes the Commission d’Accès aux Documents Administratifs, an independent administrative authority, to oversee the process.

Georgia In Georgia, the General Administrative Code contains a Law on Freedom of Information.

Germany In Germany, the federal government passed a freedom of information law in 2005. Six of the sixteen Bundesländer - Berlin, Brandenburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, SchleswigHolstein, Hamburg and Bremen - have approved individual "Informations-FreiheitsGesetze" (Freedom of Information laws).

Hungary In Hungary, the Act on the Protection of Personal Data and Public Access to Data of Public Interest extends a right of access to all data of public interest, defined as any information processed by a body performing a governmental function. Complaints and contested applications may be appealed to the Data Protection Commissioner.

India The Indian Right to Information Act was introduced to the Indian Parliament in July 2000. It came into effect on 12 Oct 2005. Under this law the information has become a fundamental right of the citizen. Under this law all Government Bodies or Government funded agencies have to designate a Public Information officer (PIO). The PIO's responsibility is to ensure that information requested is disclosed to the petitioner within 30 days or within 48 hours in case of information concerning the life and liberty of a person. The law was inspired by previous legislations from select states (among them Maharastra, Goa, Karnataka, Delhi etc) that allowed the right to information (to different degrees) to citizens about activities of any State Government body. A number of high profile disclosures revealed corruption in various government schemes such scams in Public Distribution Systems (ration stores), disaster relief, construction of highways etc. The law itself has been hailed as a landmark in India's drive towards more openness and accountability. However the RTI India has certain weaknesses that hamper implementation. There have been questions on the lack speedy appeal to non-compliance to requests. The lack of a central PIO makes it difficult to pin-point the correct PIO to approach for requests. The PIO being an officer of the Govt. institution may have a vested interest in disclosing damaging information on activities of his/her Institution, This therefore creates a conflict of interest. In the state of Maharastra it was estimated that only 30% of the requests are

actually realized under the Maharastra Right to Information act. The law also bares disclosure of information that affects national security, defence, and other matters that are deemed of national interest.

Ireland In Ireland the Freedom of Information Act came into effect in April, 1998. The Act has led to a sea-change in the relationship between the citizen, journalists, government departments and public bodies. There are very few restrictions on the information that can be made public. A notable feature is the presumption that anything not restricted by the Act is accessible. In this regard it is a much more liberal Act than the UK Act. Decisions of public bodies in relation to requests for information may be reviewed by the Information Commissioner. One particular controversy which has caused concern to journalists and historians is that traditionally government ministers would annotate and sign any major policy or report documents which they had seen. However this practice has fallen out of favour because of the new openness. This annotation and signing of documents has often given a paper trail and unique insight as to "what the minister knew" about a controversy or how he or she formed an opinion on a matter. Also civil and public servants have become more informal, in keeping written records of potentially controversial meeting and avoiding writing memos as a result[5]. While this information would not often be released, and sometimes only under the thirty year rule, the fact that government ministers now do not annotate and sign documents creates the concerns that while government is open it is not accountable as to who did or saw what or how decision making process works.

Israel In Israel, the Freedom of Information Law, 5758-1998, supported by the Freedom of Information regulations, 5759-1999, controls freedom of information. It defines the bodies subject to the legislation by a set of listed categories - essentially, most public bodies - and provides for the government to publish a list of all affected bodies. However, this list does not seem to have been made publicly available, if indeed it was ever compiled. Many public bodies are not obliged to follow the law, which limits the potential for use by the public. Currently, the freedom of information regime in Israel is unusual in that it

is the only country where public universities and colleges are not subject to the legislation on a national basis; the justice minister, however, has looked into extending the law to cover these institutions.

Jamaica In Jamaica, the relevant legislation is the Access to Information Act, 2002.

Japan In Japan, "Law Concerning Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs"( ) was promulgated in 1999. The law was enforced in 2001. In many local governments, it establishes the regulations about information disclosure( ) from the latter half of 1980's.

Montenegro A freedom of information law was passed in Montenegro late in 2005, after a process of several years.

New Zealand In New Zealand, the relevant legislation is the Official Information Act. This implemented a general policy of openness regarding official documents and replaced the Official Secrets Act.

Norway The Freedom of Information Act of 19 June 1970 is the implementation of freedom of information legislation in Norway on a national level. Article 100 of the Constitution gives access to public documents.

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf promulgated the Freedom of Information Ordinance 2002 in October 2002. The law allows any citizen access to public records held by a public body of the federal government including ministries, departments, boards, councils, courts and

tribunals. It does not apply to government owned corporations or provincial governments. The bodies must respond within 21 days. A 2 day seminar is being held at the Holliday Inn, Islamabad by the Ministry of Law Pakistan on the 28th and 29th of September 2006 for the discussion of the forthcoming legislation: Freedom of Information Act.

Paraguay In Paraguay, the law protect the "habeas data" that means that any citizen can request a copy of the info related to him in public or private offices, and request to be destroyed if it founded inaccurate. This was used mainly by old oppositors after the Pdt. Stroessner long (1954-1989) dictatorship in order to find info about themselves. In 2005, efforts had been made to transparet the Government buys, with a system that publish in the Web the requests, as also the results.

Republic of Moldova The Law of the Republic of Moldova on Access to Information

Romania Since 2001 there is one law on Freedom of Information and one on transparent decision making processes in public administration (a sunshine law). You can find the English versions of these laws in the annexes of the following studies: Access to Public Information: Guide for Citizens and Transparency of Decision-Making in Public Administration - citizens and administration guide

Serbia In Serbia, the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance gives access to documents of public authorities.

Slovenia Slovenia passed the Access to Public Information Act in March 2003. The Act governs the procedure which ensures everyone free access to public information held by state bodies, local government bodies, public agencies, public funds and other entities of public law, public powers holders and public service contractors.

Information Commissioner's site

South Africa South Africa passed the Promotion of Access to Information Act on 2 February 2000. It is intended "To give effect to the constitutional right of access to any information held by the State and any information that is held by another person and that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights"; the right of access to privately held information is an interesting feature, as most freedom of information laws only cover governmental bodies.

Sweden In Sweden, the Freedom of the Press Act of 1766 granted public access to government documents. It thus became an integral part of the Swedish Constitution, and the first ever piece of freedom of information legislation in the modern sense. In Swedish this is known as Offentlighetsprincipen (The Principle of Public Access), and has been valid since. The Principle of Public Access means that the general public are to be guaranteed an unimpeded view of activities pursued by the government and local authorities; all documents handled by the authorities are public unless legislation explicitly and specifically states otherwise, and even then each request for potentially sensitive information must be handled individually, and a refusal is subject to appeal. Further, the constitution grants the Right to Inform, meaning that even some (most) types of secret information may be passed on to the press or other media without risk of criminal charges. Instead, investigation of the informer's identity is a criminal offense.

Thailand In Thailand, the relevant legislation is the Official Information Act of 1997.

Trinidad and Tobago In Trinidad and Tobago, the relevant legislation is the Freedom of Information Act, 1999.


"TURKISH LAW ON THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION" (Law No: 4982)came into force on April 24th, 2004.

United Kingdom Freedom of information in the United Kingdom The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (2000 c. 36) is the implementation of freedom of information legislation in the United Kingdom on a national level, with the exception of Scottish bodies, which are covered by the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (2002 asp. 13).

United States Freedom of information in the United States In the United States the Freedom of Information Act was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 4, 1966 and went into effect the following year. The Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments were signed by President Bill Clinton on October 2, 1996. The Act applies only to federal agencies. However, all of the states, as well as the District of Columbia and some territories, have enacted similar statutes to require disclosures by agencies of the state and of local governments, though some are significantly broader than others. Many combine this with Open Meetings legislation, which requires government meetings to be held publicly.

Zimbabwe In Zimbabwe, the Access to Information and Privacy Act (AIPPA) was signed by President Mugabe in February 2002.

Countries with pending legislation • • •

In Argentina, national freedom of information legislation is pending, though some individual regions have legislation on a local level. Armenia passed a Law on Freedom of Information in 2003, but as of 2004 it had not come into force pending government plans to replace it. In Azerbaijan, there is a constitutional provision for the freedom of information, but no active enabling legislation.

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In Botswana, as of 2003, the government was quoted as saying "The Freedom of Information Bill is not a priority for the new ministry, but some activities like information gathering and initial planning will start." In Fiji, the constitution gives a general right of access, but enabling legislation has not yet been passed. A draft Freedom of Information Bill was circulated in 2000 but derailed by political unrest; the government has not yet begun work on a second bill. In Ghana, the Freedom of Information Bill was resubmitted to the Cabinet in 2005. In Indonesia, the House of Representatives drafted and submitted a freedom of information bill in 2004, but as of 2005 it remained dormant, with the government taking no action. In Jordan, there appears to be a draft Law on the Guarantee of Access to Information. In Kenya, the draft Freedom of Information Act 2005 is currently pending. In Lesotho, the Access and Receipt of Information Bill was before Parliament in 2003-4, but the current status of the legislation is unknown In the Maldives, there is currently no freedom of information legislation. In 2004, the government announced that a bill was expected to be passed in that year, but this has not yet transpired. In Mozambique, the government produced a draft Freedom of Information Bill in August 2005. It is expected to become law within two years. In Nauru, the Freedom of Information Act 2004 was laid before the parliament in that year, but was not passed. Further work on the legislation is currently being held back, pending a review of the country’s Constitution. In Nigeria, the Freedom of Information Bill was before Parliament in June 2005, and was then considered likely to pass. In Sri Lanka, the 2004 draft Freedom of Information Act has been endorsed by both major parties, but had not been passed as of January 2005. In Uganda, there is currently no freedom of information legislation. The 1995 Constitution gives an explicit right of access to information, but requires Parliament to enact laws governing this right. These laws have not yet been passed, though a bill was put before parliament in 2004.

How to Become a Freelance Writer Hundreds of thousands of writing opportunities exist. The trick is to find the ones that pay. Start by writing for smaller, possibly non-paying publications. By writing articles for smaller publications, you will establish your credentials and build a portfolio. You need that portfolio for established publications to take you seriously and hire you. If you plan to write magazine and newpaper articles, don't quit your day job until you are making enough money to sustain your lifestyle. This means that you will do your writing in the early morning or in the evening or whenever you have a spare moment.

Steps 1. If you are a young person, submit a poem or story to a children's magazine such as Owl .If you are a teenager, join your school's yearbook committee and submit articles to the school newspaper. Regard this effort as good practice for your future freelance career. 2. If you are a college or university student, craft strong, well-written essays for class. You can also offer your services at the writing lab, and write articles for the student newspaper, literary magazine, and alumni magazine. 3. Subscribe to "The Writer" 4. Join a freelance writers association 5. Go to the reference section of your local bookstore and buy a copy of "The Writer's Market". 6. Submit letters to the or of your local newspaper. 7. Write articles for your church bulletin. 8. Create a blog. 9. Write articles for wikiHow. 10. Join a professional organization and write articles for their newsletter. 11. Write articles for your office newsletter or intranet site. 12. Think of something you'd like to write about, then send a query letter to the city/lifestyles/sports or of your local newspaper asking if they are interested in publishing an article on the topic. Include the first paragraph of your article and an outline of the rest. Call in two weeks if you don't get a reply. 13. Find publishers you'd like to write for, then read their guidelines. 14. Think of something you'd like to write about, then send a query letter to the or of a pertinent major publication asking if they are interested in publishing an article on the topic. Include the first paragraph of your article and an outline of the rest. Call in four to six weeks if you don't get a reply. 15. Just write. 16. Be random. Be different. Consider all thoughts. Think freely. 17. Be you. 18. Meet Alot of different people.

19. Consider the impossible 20. Forget what they think. What do you think? 21. Know about your subject 22. Listen to creative music

Tips • • • • • •

Before submitting anything to a major publication, make sure you read their guidelines. Always send a query letter to a major publication before submitting a completed article. Update your resume every time you have an article published. Know your grammar. For help, see Set aside a room in your house for writing. On your tax return, claim this space as a business expense. Keep receipts. Many of your purchases are tax-deductable.

Warnings •

Maintain honest financial records. Your earnings are taxable.

How to Start a Freelance Copywriting Business Launching a freelance copywriting career is not only possible, but profitable as well. Here are some steps to get you started.

Steps 1. Start telling all your friends and relatives about your career change to get the word out. They may not be able to help you directly, but they're bound to know someone else who needs your services. 2. Print business cards with your contact information to hand out at parties or other social gatherings. Any time you land a client, make sure you hand out multiple business cards. 3. Take a writing or grammar class at your local community college if you are worried about the quality of your writing.

4. Accept writing projects from charities or non-paying clients to build up your sample portfolio. 5. Try to find other freelance copywriters in your area to create a network. If they have extra work, they can pass it on to you. 6. Buy a book, such as Writer's Market, that lists available writing markets and guidelines. 7. Call marketing firms in your area to see if they hire freelance copywriters. The worst thing they can do is say no. 8. Create a brochure or postcard advertising your services and mail it to local businesses. 9. Continually check online job listings. Copywriting jobs tend to appear and disappear quickly, so check often. 10. Always spell-check your work before submitting anything.

Tips •

Don't be discouraged if your career doesn't immediately take off. It may take several months to establish a client base that hires you on a regular basis. With determination, you will have a steady amount of work and income.

How to Become a Better Writer Tips for getting beyond writers block and tapping into your genuine writing self.

Steps 1. Go straight for the throat. Type the words out as fast as you can. If you can type without looking at the keyboard, sometimes that helps. What can slow you down is constantly correcting your typos. Write at least a few paragraphs before going back. 2. Instead of big writing sessions, write in little paragraphs or phrases all throughout the day. You can build on this practice. Big writing sessoins will come out of it. 3. Try writing with your eyes closed (on a keyboard, not paper). Develop a flow. 4. Write when you just wake up. You can be insane that way. And insane is good. 5. Read all sorts of things, but really take the time to dig into an old fashioned book. Determine what is good writing and what is not. Find your literary heros. While there are many in the past, there are many here in the current day, too. 6. Go to the library or B&N, where it is comfortable, grab a stack of books, and read for hours on end. 7. Go back to writing with a pen. Switch things up a bit. Experiment with your different writing moods.

8. Write in a public place. Snatch words or bits of other people’s conversation as you are writing. This can be a lot of fun. 9. In the end, enjoy ing! ing is such a huge part of writing. I cannot emphasise this enough. Really learn to perfect your prose. Omit the redundant!

How to Write Articles

Writing articles often requires a session of note taking and research Whether it's for a magazine, newspaper, your teacher, or even wikiHow, writing an amazing article whittles down to one widely-adaptable technique. Here's how to use that technique to your advantage.

Steps 1. Determine your topic. Exactly what are you going to write about? Brainstorm for ideas if you have to. When writing for wikiHow, you may even wish to refer to requested topics for ideas. 2. Figure out who your audience is. Are you writing for a beginner, an intermediate, or an advanced audience? For example, if you are writing an article about "Creating PowerPoint Slides," are your readers new to PowerPoint, or business people looking for advanced tips? 3. Do your research. How well do you know the topic? Is it something you can write easily about with little or no preparation, or do you need more information from experts in the field? 4. Decide on the length of the article. Teachers, magazines, and newspapers will often give you a limit. wikiHow articles, on the other hand, are often "as long as they need to be and no longer." 5. Compile a list of possible sources for you to consult. This can include documents, internet research and people to talk to. 6. Write either an outline or a summary of your article. This will help bring the concept of the article into sharper focus. 7. Write the rough draft of the article as follows:


Tell your readers what you are going to tell them. This is your introduction. For example: ƒ

This article explains how to create a PowerPoint slide presentation. It covers the following information: choosing a theme, creating a title slide, and creating topic slides. ƒ The information in this article is written for a beginner. The author assumes that you have never used PowerPoint. o Tell your readers what you promised to tell them. In this section you tell them how to choose a theme, create a title slide, and how to create topic slides. o Tell your readers what you just told them. For example: ƒ

This article taught you how to create a PowerPoint slide presentation. You learned how to choose a template, how to create a title slide, and how to create topic slides. 8. Check over your piece for presentation.

Check for faulty information. Have you double-checked your facts? Delete any unnecessary or contradictory information. The only time you should have information that doesn't support your topic is if you're doing a "point-counterpoint" piece. o Eliminate anything that is just taking up space. Don't fill your work with fluff. If you need to do more research, go ahead and do it. o Check for grammar and spelling errors. o Read it aloud to yourself to make sure the text flows smoothly. 9. Rewrite the article as often as it takes. 10. Turn in your completed article. o o

Tips •

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Neither the outline nor the summary for your article has to be in traditional I, II, III format. The point of formatting is to help you. If you feel you can find your focus by writing a list of incomplete sentences, then go for it. Later, if your teacher wants a formal outline, you can create one from the article itself. By checking grammar and spelling errors last in the ing process, you won't waste any time by correcting those on something you may delete. If you're writing for a newspaper or magazine and are new to professional writing, it's customary to introduce yourself and your story in a query or pitch letter. Find the name of the or who will be handling your piece (i.e.; if you're writing an article about cars for a newspaper, find the name of the car-section or). This information can be found in the masthead, a box containing the names of the ors,

usually found near the front or comment pages of a publication. Write a catchy but brief outline of what your story is about and why that publication's readership would be interested in it. Also include a few lines about your experience as a writer. The tone of this letter should be professional, but affable and friendly. It is not the place to make demands, or admit your shortcomings as a professional writer. Discussing wages and freelance fees should come after the or has accepted your pitch. If you have no experience as a professional writer, do not start off pitching columns (opinion pieces). Columns are generally reserved for people who have either been working at a publication for a very long time, or for people who have a particular expertise in a field. If you're new to writing, start small. Think obituaries, human-interest stories and simple news articles. It's generally easier to start with newspapers than with magazines. Try writing for life, fashion, arts, cars or travel sections before pitching stories to news. These sections tend to be understaffed and therefore have a greater budget for freelance writers. If you're interested in pursuing a career as a writer, be realistic. People who make their living as writers generally start to build their portfolio of published work as early as high school. It generally takes even the most dedicated writer several years before he can make a living off of the trade. In other words, don't quit your day job. Ease into writing gradually, perhaps doing freelance pieces while maintaining a more stable job part-time. Take some courses in both non-fiction and fiction writing. Not only will they help with your work, but also you can make contacts in the business by getting to know your professors and fellow writers. This will help you to be taken seriously when you start pitching articles for publication. Being a good freelance writer means knowing how to write and how to network.

Warnings •

When writing for a newspaper or magazine, do not do so for free. Ask what their freelance fee is beforehand. Your pay will usually be calculated on a per-word basis. Your work is valuable. Writing for free demeans the profession and makes making a living more difficult for those of us who depend on freelance fees to pay the bills. (But if you're just starting out, volunteering to do some articles for smaller community papers, student publications and trade magazines is a great way to build your portfolio. Be warned that these publications rarely have the money to pay freelancers anyway.) Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to write the article. If you don't, then you'll be rushing at the last minute to create something that isn't representative of what you can truly do. Do not be a diva. Your work will go through several ors, copy-ors and fact checkers before being published. It will be changed. Pulling a temper tantrum is a surefire way to not be invited to work for that publication again.

• •

Your reputation as a writer is almost as important as the work you submit, do not make errors or plagiarize. Copying something without attribution is the quickest way to get blacklisted as a writer. Keep your notes and source lists handy so that your ors can verify your work. If you do make a mistake, come clean immediately and apologize profusely. Don't miss deadlines. Generally speaking, a late article is worse than a mediocre one. Literary circles are small and gossipy. Don't say anything bad about a fellow writer or or, ever. You never know who's married to whom.

Things You'll Need • • • •

Something to write with: computer, pen and paper, etc. An email account to pitch and submit stories. (Something vaguely professional, no one will take [email protected] seriously.) Research materials. Either go to your bookshelf, the library or find an expert on the topic. Access to a database like Lexus Nexus or factiva. Be sure to see what others have already written on the topic.

How to Be a Good Writer

A fresh page to start your thoughts Here are some tips on how to become a good writer. It takes time, perseverance and practice but with patience, good practical approaches and determination, you can turn your creative desire into concrete writing.

Steps 1. Expand your vocabulary. Read books, especially newspapers daily. If possible, reading a dictionary or thesaurus can also be very useful. 2. Get 2 notebooks. One is a 'Vocabulary Notebook', the other an 'Inspirational Notebook'. In your Vocab Notebook, write down new words and their meanings,




6. 7.


and also some mnemonics (memory tips). In the Inspirational Notebook, write down bits and pieces from your daily life, like a fun conversation you overheard in the mall, or a joke a friend told you. This can also be a diary/journal. Join online or neighbourhood writing groups. Wikihow is already an excellent choice. Here, write as much as you can, join in discussions and also help works. ing helps to improve your writing. Brainstorm before starting a story. If you are going to write a non-fiction one, do your research. Research is incredibly important for non-fiction writing, because facts must be true. It is also important for fiction because you want your novel or short story to sound plausible. Decide on a plot. If it is going to be a fictional story, what is the plot? Think: o When? o Where? o Why? o Who? o How? Remember your characters, and visualize them in your brain. They are going to be really important if you are going to write a fictional story. Use your imagination! It's perfect alright to have flying elephants in your hometown, but be prepared to explain why. Don't just say: "Then, an elephant came fluttering into my home. The end." Finally, write more! Reading is also important, but never, ever be afraid to set that pen going. Write, write, write!

Tips •

Just write! It doesn't matter if it feels blocked or looks like gobbledygook to begin with; let the words flow out and things will begin to take shape. Leave for a few days and come back. You will see something in what you have written and be able to start transforming it. Read more. A lot of inspiration will come from as wide a reading variety as possible.

Warnings •

Have a room or a space to write in. Distractions are dangerous to a writer

How to Write Effective Press Releases

Submitting a press release to a number of news wires in the World Wide Web, is something that not every internet marketer is availing of. You’ll be surprised by the amount of traffic one good press release will generate for your web site.

Steps 1. Tell a story and mention your business, product or service in the body of the press release. 2. Proofread your press release many times. Look for grammar and spelling mistakes. 3. Write a press release about the new products or services you're offering on your web site. 4. Create a press release about the results of an online survey or poll you have completed. 5. Submit a press release about a trade show or seminar you're hosting. 6. Create a press release about your opening of a new web site. 7. Submit a press release about an online award your business or web site has won. 8. Write a press release about a free e-zine you're publishing. 9. Create a press release about online products or services you're giving away.

Tips • • • •

Keep your press release one page in length. Your header, contact information and release date should be at the top of your press release. Use short sentences and double space your lines. Your header and first few sentences should grab the readers attention.

Warnings • •

Your press release should sound like news, not an ad. You should only send your press release to the media related to the topic of your press release.

How to Get Your Opinion Piece Published Opinion authors may be regular general commentators or specialist commentators (for example, politics). To provide opinion pieces, you may be a regular contributor or

provide a single or occasional comment on a story or topic of current interest because of your expertise and knowledge in the area. There are no prerequisites to becoming an opinion writer, except writing ability and passion for your subject matter. You can ‘pitch’ your piece to a publication or they may ‘commission’ or ask you to write on a topic. Some pieces are paid. Sometimes an or will only run your piece on-line only. Take it, it’s a start.

Steps 1. Make sure you can write well. This means being both technically proficient and having an engaging writing style. Alternatively, you can use a proofreader for the former and either a ghost writer or PR hack for the latter. Regardless, its always best to get someone else to read your article before submitting. 2. Work on writing quickly and making your points in a lively and succinct manner. 3. Find a niche topic and become an expert. It's easier than being a fantastic writer who can write across a variety of subjects and research skills. 4. Pick a topic you are passionate about, something you know about well. Or find out what is of perennial interest and become an expert in that area. 5. Become familiar with the publications you are targeting. Read it everyday for at least two weeks and become familiar with the paper’s ‘style’. Get a style guide if you can. 6. Develop relationships with section ors by providing facts for them on your topic when asked, sending Christmas cards and being on time, helpful and friendly. Start by emailing them a short biography and identify yourself and your area for future work. When your topic comes up, hopefully they’ll call you first. 7. Keep an eye on current events to be ready for your opportunity. You may only have a 48 hour window to write and submit your piece from when the story breaks. 8. When the opportunity arrives, choose a unique or different angle for your piece to help it get a run; it’s time to juice those media relationships. 9. Pitch your story to the opinion or (whom you’ve been cultivating) first if you can and never send an unsolicited completed piece – unless you have lots of time on your hands and are happy to receive frequent rejections. 10. Work with the or when your pitch is accepted. Do this to meet word limits and deadlines and accept all feedback. Trust that they want you to produce the best article possible, one that will run in their publication. 11. Make sure to provide controversy in your piece through an argument. Remember, this is your opinion and you should choose a side and make your point. It’s the opinion or’s role to provide balance, not yours. 12. Accept failures. If your pitch fails, it means you’re one step closer to success. Take heart in accelerating news cycles, you can be certain your topic will come around again soon. Don’t get discouraged, try widening your targeted publications or your speciality.

13. Get blogging. In the meantime, start a blog for practice and send it to on-line opinion and other on-line news services.

Tips •

The "Opinion Page" is traditionally a section of the paper that is focused on biased, individual views on topics of the day. The page includes Letters to the or, which are usually a couple of hundred words each, two to four longer opinion pieces either submitted or commissioned and the orial, written by the paper’s managing or.

How to Get a Freelance Job Get a job directly from the customer.

Steps 1. 2. 3. 4.

Get to one of the freelance websites - getafreelancer, freelance, elance etc. Register. Bid for applicable projects. Get selected.

Tips •

Try to provide a demo of the project

How to Freewrite Do you have writers' block? Did you choose a topic or idea to develop, but find yourself stuck? Try freewriting! This exercise is used by writers to gather their thoughts and ideas before they begin a document, with the result being an endless, non-punctuated, and freeflowing paragraph that'll be immensely helpful in the preliminary writing process.


1. Set a timer or use the clock on your computer screen to give yourself 5 to 10 minutes to continuously write. This is so you don't need to worry about the time. 2. Select a topic for your freewriting (if you've chosen to do focused freewriting). Write this topic at the top of your page. 3. Start your timer. 4. Write down whatever comes to mind in relation to your topic (if you have one). If you are doing unfocused freewriting because you are trying to come up with an idea or topic, just write down every random thought that crosses your mind as quickly as possible. 5. Continue writing until the designated time has run out. Do NOT stop until that point.

Do not pay attention to grammar or typos. If there is an incomplete sentence or a misspelled word, keep going. If you run into a dead end or draw a blank, keep writing the same word or phrase over and over again until something else pops into your mind. 6. When the time has run out, look over what you have written and circle or underline ideas that you like or that you think might be useful for your project. 7. Group your marked ideas and phrases and decide where they lead you in your writing process. 8. If you have enough to start your paper or document, then begin working on your rough draft. If you do not have enough ideas, try another informal invention technique such as brainstorming or mapping. o o o

Tips • • • •

A good way to avoid wanting to freewriting is to turn off your computer screen so that you cannot see the words that are being typed. A countdown timer with an alarm may be better than just a clock as it will save you from constantly looking at the clock. Use relaxing music to help your mind relax itself. If you are having a hard time at the start then use your senses, simply write what you are feeling directly through your senses: Is it hot or cold or maybe you are hungry or tired, whatever you are feeling just write it and then the rest will come to you.

Warnings •

Freewriting is not guaranteed to work for everyone, but it can help to break even the toughest writer's block

How to Become a Professional Copyor

Copying is a very in-demand skill that can pay fairly well. A college education goes a long way, but may not be necessary if you can prove your skills. This may be more true in the newspaper industry than in other, less demanding fields.

Steps 1. A local newspaper may be the best place to start your career. Check the paper's classified listings to see if any job openings are posted. 2. If your location isn't flexible, get to know someone at the local paper. They'll be able to tell you if and when a position is open. A good way to get to know a copyor at your paper may be calling the paper after business hours and asking for the copy desk chief. Tell them why you're calling and offer to buy them dinner in exchange for their advice on how to become a copyor. As hokey as it sounds, most people enjoy being reminded that their job is desirable and sought after. 3. Once you get the interview, you better know your Ps and Qs. To brush up on your skills, check out "When Words Collide: A Media Writer's Guide to Grammar and Style" By Laurne Kessler and Duncan McDonald. Also know your AP style: is it a website or a Web site? 4. Pass the test. Most papers have a copying test that requires you to perform well in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and general knowledge. 5. Stay informed! Copying isn't just about grammar, it's about fact-checking too. Do the numbers in that graphic add up? Is that really ragweed, or is it goldenrod in that photo? 6. Have a dirty mind. Seriously. Copyors have to be aware of pop culture connotations to avoid embarrasing headlines or worse. 7. Know computers. 8. Know a few programs. Most copyors also layout pages, especially in the newspaper industry. Learn Adobe InDesign or QuarkXpress if you really want to make yourself competitive with college grads.

Warnings •

Copying can be a pretty thankless job sometimes. You can work late hours and may have to make late-night calls to ors or reporters, who often don't like being awakened. Just a warning.

How to Create a Professional Looking Newsletter If you don't want to use the preset templates in your publishing program, here are some tricks of the trade to help you create professional looking newletters on your computer.

(This assumes you have a working knowledge of your computer and publishing software.)

Steps 1. Set up a template for your newletter starting with page size (letter size is usually best). 2. Develop a layout grid which sets page margins, divides your page into columns, and establishes horizontal lines on which to "hang" your text and pictures. For example, page margins of .5" all around, a simple 4 column grid, with .125" gutter, and horizontal divisions every 1". Note that a grid simply organizes your elements, columns and art can be more than one column wide but don't overdo it. 3. Design a simple masthead with a logo, newsletter name (try 30 to 36 point type), business name, issue number and date. Proportion the masthead to take up a little less than a third of the depth of the front page, e.g., if your copy area is 7.5 wide x 10" deep, a 7.5 x 2" masthead with about an inch of white space below will be about right. 4. Learn to use your style sheets--they'll save a lot of time in the end. To begin, keep the number of styles to a minimum. For example, Body text, Headline, Subhead, Caption, Bulleted List, Contact Info might be all you need.

Tips •

• • •

Keep your fonts to a minimum. Choose one serif type family (e.g., Times family) for body text and captions, and one sans serif (e.g., Helvetica family) for headlines and subheads. Serif types, such as Times or Garamond are easier to read in text so try starting with a Body text style of 9 point Times, with 10.5 point line spacing. Resist the temptation to make the fonts too large. 9 point body type is elegant, 10 point body type begins to look amateurish. Use the best photos and clip art (check the web for dozens of free clip art sites) you can find and again, resist the temptation to make them too large.

Warnings •

• • •

Avoid text widows and orphans, i.e., words left by themselves at the end of paragraphs or single lines left at the top of columns. It's usually easiest to do this with ing, but you can also tweak the character width or tracking. Don't go overboard with this though or your text will look inconsistent. Control hyphenation by setting your body text style to no more than two consecutive hyphens. Spell check, spell check, spell check. Don't feel you need to fill every inch of space. White space allows the eye some rest and contrast, and will better show-off your content.

• •

Only ONE space between a period and the start of the next sentence, not two. Don't go overboard with special effects. A drop shadow or other effects, if used appropriatly, can give a professional look to your project; but doing too much looks cheap.

How to Write a Suspenseful Opening This is a perspective from an amateur author. A lot of people have problems with either starting a suspenseful tale, for lack of knowing what to write or from not being descriptive enough, or they have difficulty moving it along. Here are some suggestions for helping your creative flow.

Steps 1. Brainstorm your ideas on a blank sheet of paper. Write down whatever ideas come into your head, however 'un-suspenseful' they sound. Brainstorm character names, personalities, setting, anything and everything. It doesn't matter how messy your paper becomes, all you need are ideas. 2. Think about the five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight, sound. For example: "I could taste the salty tang of the sparkling ocean washing around my feet." (Alright, so taste and feet don't really fit, but it's just an example). Write down at least two for each sense. Eventually, you can choose the best ones to put down. 3. Think about your main character. Imagine their appearance, their personalities, odd habits they may have, anything! Think of at least one simile and one metaphor to describe them. You can even base your main character on yourself, if you like. 4. Plan how you will create suspense and tension. Think about including some hints that suggest what is to happen later in the story/opening. For example: "I didn't notice the motorcycle parked in the driveway, nor did I notice the kitchen window that had been opened." 5. Start writing! Start by describing the setting. You can use maybe 1-2 paragraphs for this. Don't change your idea halfway through the paragraph and cross everything out, just finish writing about that particular idea, then write about the new one. If you do this, you will find it easier to continue writing. 6. For the ending of your opening, (that sounded slightly weird) write something that would make the reader want to continue reading. For example: "A gun barrel emerged from out of the darkness and aimed itself straight at me."


You can use what I call the 'zoom effect'. Start from something big, like the setting, and 'zoom' in to something small, like the expression on your character's face. Never cross out anything unless it's a spelling mistake or something like that! Crossing things out will make you more reluctant to write.

How to Become a Magazine Writer from Scratch It is possible to become a Freelance Journalist despite your educational background provided you have the skills, drive, creativity and desire necessary!

Steps 1. Make sure you have natural talent and a creative flair. If you don't, take a course or go back to school. 2. Become obsessed: Read and collect every magazine you can get your grubby little hands on. 3. Find your niche: Through the previous step you should be able to determine your favorite type of publication (art, fashion, trade, etc.) 4. Try to focus on your favorites, it's easiest to write about things you actually have an interest in. 5. Create an extensive database of magazines and their publishers. You can gather this information from the masthead or in some instances, through researching online. 6. Most ors are going to want to see clips or sample pieces. Since you are starting from scratch you will need to create up to 3 brilliant articles that you don't intend on ever publishing to serve simply as a reference of what you are capable of. 7. From Information you've gathered from mastheads, mail or email ors and be sure to address them by name to show that you are familiar with their publication. Politely ask them for Submission Guidelines and include the sample work you concocted earlier. 8. Keep approaching Magazines/ors while waiting for responses. Provided you have talent and skill, with determination, eventually someone will bite. 9. Don't expect to be paid for your first few pieces and be sure to communicate that with the people you are contacting. The pieces you publish will begin your clipbook that will help you acquire paid assignments in the future. For new writers, published clips are like gold so don't ever be bitter about working for free (in the beginning)

Tips • • •

Start by contacting smaller independant magazines Learn how to create an excellent query letter Search postings seeking writers on websites like Craigslist

Warnings •

When contacting Magazines via internet, never mass email. Send each correspondence individually

How to Write a Children's Story

Writing a children's story requires not only imagination and creativity, but also the ability to put yourself in the mind of a child. Sit down and think about what a child might think about. Concentrate alone with your thoughts and an idea will pop up all of a sudden. When it does, do not let it go, start writing. Just get the thoughts and ideas out, and do not worry about spelling or grammar. That will be taken care of later.

Steps 1. Brainstorm story ideas. The story is perhaps the most important aspect of a good children's book. Consult some of your favorite books (children's or not) for examples, but try to be original. Choose a story that fits your interests and talents, such as action, fantasy, or mystery. 2. Develop your characters. In order to have a good story, you need some interesting characters. Who is the main character of the story? Is there more than one? Are the characters human, animal or fantasy, or do they include elements of all three?

Before you begin, it is best to make an outline of the characters and how they fit into the story. 3. Make a story outline. Use note cards, draw it in picture form, or write a standard outline. The important thing is to have a general understanding of the beginning, middle and end of the story, and of how the characters will interact and evolve. A good story usually has some sort of conflict or obstacle that the main character has to resolve, after which everyone lives "happily ever after". Here's the breakdown:

Introduce your characters with descriptions of physical and personality traits, their surroundings, and those with whom they come in contact. o Create a problem/conflict. This could be between two people, an internal conflict, or one in which the main character overcomes an obstacle in the outside world. o Write the climax of the story, which will include the main character(s) coming face to face with the conflict. o Show how your character(s) resolves the problem, and what happens next. 4. Add pictures. Everyone loves pictures. They can add to the interest level of the story and make it easier to follow. Try including a few funny cartoons or pictures in your story. If you enjoy drawing, and have the ability, illustrate the book yourself. Otherwise - as long as you're not planning to publish the book - you can find a friend or colleague to help. Don't know any visual artists? Cut and paste pictures from magazines, the Internet, or use stickers. o

Tips •

Keep it simple. Depending on the age group you are trying to engage, you don't want to make your story too complex and difficult to follow, because younger kids will quickly lose interest. If you want to be more daring, play with the standard story formula by leaving the ending open for interpretation (a la J.K. Rowling). You can leave the reader wondering what might happen next. This can be especially useful if you are thinking about expanding the story into a series of children's books. Please, PLEASE use humour. We all have it. Focus on 'silly' things that will have both the child and the adult reader laughing together. Use made-up words, rhyme, and alliteration: Dr Seuss knows, it's much easier and more fun to read aloud. Whenever possible, show the character's personality through speech and actions, not bland statements like "Sally is selfish". Try to differentiate between different characters by having them react differently to the same situation, for a start. Make sure your diction (level of word usage) and storyline are audienceappropriate:

Age 0-18 months: very simple words, animal noises and names of animals, colours, mommy and daddy. Children's games such as hide-and-seek and peekaboo (which teach children to deal healthily with short-term seperation). Bright colours, faces. Learning to use the toilet. Very short sentences, simple ideas that are supported visually. Age 18 months - 3 years: Fuller sentences with some describing words. Basic concepts such as growing and sharing which require thought but can still be supported visually. Simple emotions: happy, sad, lonely, wanting. Learning to wait. Exploring the world: a forest, an ocean, a preschool, a playground. Everything is BIG at this age. Creativity: building blocks, play-dough, crayons. Knock-knock jokes. Being a big brother/sister. Being a friend (this is a very new concept at this age; children are becoming aware of others' thoughts and feelings). Learning to count. Age 3-5 years: Slightly larger storyline. More complex sentences explaining the motivation behind actions shown on the page. Adventures. Getting lost and finding your way home. Fighting. Being brave in spite of fear. Telling the truth. Thinking of others before yourself. Explaining how you feel. Learning to spell. Learning to add. Telling parents if someone hurts you or makes you feel bad. How to resolve arguments (though they still need a lot of help at this age, they can be introduced to healthy argument resolution, especially the idea of sharing and thinking how others feel). Disappointment. Age 5-7 years: overcoming challenges. Learning new skills. Understanding good reasons to do something and bad reasons to do something. Magic. Confusion. Books long enough to read over two or three nights. Use bigger words but be careful to explain them, so as not to frustrate new readers.

Warnings • •

Avoid using slang words or inappropriate language/situations (remember, this is a children's book!). If you plan on publishing your tale, do not include art work unless you are a talented in this area. If your work is accepted, the publisher will find the perfect illustrator for your story. Do not be tempted to snag artwork from the Internet, as you may unintentionally violate copyright law

How to Get a Job As an Advertising Copywriter So you think you can do better than those atrocious commercials you see on TV? Here's how to get a job writing ads.

Steps 1. Go to the public library (or online) and get a directory of all the advertising agencies in your town/state/province/country. 2. Make a list of all the Creative Directors of the agencies, their phone numbers and e-mail addresses. If the CD's aren't listed, phone the agency and ask for his/her name. 3. Write some ads. Get a bunch of products and do some research on them. Write a "Creative Strategy" for each of them. (A Creative Strategy is an explanation of how you would sell the product and why.) Write campaigns (print, radio, online and TV) for each product. 4. Call each CD and book an appointment. You'll get blown off about a million times but don't give up. Offer to do lunch. Ad guys love lunch. Dinner too. 5. Get out your ads and sell them to the CD. She'll be ing you to see how you'd sell to a client. 6. Leave something behind with your name on it. Your best ad with your biz card is ideal. 7. Call the CD every couple of weeks. Don't be a pest but don't give up. 8. If you're offered a job, take it. Don't even think of negotiating your salary. There are 12,000 people who would do the job for free.

Tips • • • •

Don't bother e-mailing ad execs. They want to see how you sell concepts and they can't do that online. Forget about showing CD's your poetry or high school essays. They want to know you can write ads. Take freelance work if it's offered. Do anything to show CD's you can perform. Don't give up. If you've got talent you'll get a job.

How to Conduct Audience Analysis For most technical writers, audience analysis is the most important step in planning a target document. In order for a writer's final product to be fully successful, the piece must be aimed toward the intended audience--its knowledge, its opinions, its needs, and its wants. The question then, is how do you come to the conclusion of what the intended audience's knowledge, opinions, needs, and wants are? These instructions will help guide you, the writer, through analyzing your audience and strategizing so that your writing makes as much of an impact as possible.

Steps 1. Know the definition of audience analysis: determining the important characteristics of an audience in order to chose the best style, format and information/arguments when writing or speaking. Understanding the identity, personality and characteristics brought to a situation by the specific type of audience. 2. Know the purpose of audience analysis: Having knowledge of a specific audience allows the writer or speaker to understand the social situation in which he or she writes. It allows the writer to come up with a strategy to adapt arguments to best suit an audience. Conducting audience analysis informs a speaker or writer about the people he or she is talking to. This is important because based on what is found out in the audience analysis a writer/speaker can adjust his work to relate to an audience in the best way possible. It allows a writer/speaker to be able to succeed in their goal of writing or speaking whatever that may be. If a speaker/writer wants to persuade, inform, motivate, excite, scare, warn or cheer up an audience, then analyzing those people to which he/she is talking can allow them to pick the best words, stories, tone, style and delivery to use when writing or talking to that specific group of people. 3. Follow this acronym and answer the resulting questions. Just remember the AUDIENCE.

Analysis- Who is the audience? Understanding- What is the audience's knowledge of the subject? Demographics- What is their age, sex, education background etc.? Interest- Why are they reading your document? Environment- Where will this document be sent/viewed? Needs- What are the audience's needs associated with your document topic? o Customization- What specific needs/interests should you the writer address relating to the specific audience? o Expectations- What does the audience expect to learn from your document? The audience should walk away having their initial questions answered and explained. o o o o o o

Tips •

Analysis/Understanding: Defining the background of the audience aids the writer in determining what information is already understood and what information needs to be included. More information may need to be included so that the audience can understand and reach the conclusion that your document intends.

Demographics/Interest/Environment: Demographic characteristics of the audience can help determine the style and content of a document. Age groups, areas of residence, gender, and political preferences for example, are some of the characteristics to focus on. Paying attention to these aspects of the audience can also help sidestep any offensive remarks or topics that the audience would not relate to or appreciate. Needs/Customization: If there is more than one audience, you can write sections specifically pertaining to the corresponding audiences, or write in one particular fashion that applies across the board. Similarly, if there is a wide variability in the audience, cater to the majority--write to the majority of the people that will be reading the document. References to other sources with alternative information may need to be included to aid the minority of the readers.

Warnings •

Audience analysis is part of the beginning stages of producing a target document. Whereas audience analysis does help to start off the project and lead the writer in the right direction, it is only one step in the formation of a document. It is beneficial to consult other rhetorical strategies that may help guide the writing process even more so.

How to Become a Writer (for Tv) One simple method to become a tv writer

Steps 1. Research the current trends in programming by ing lots of first-run series, as well as reading Variety or Hollywood Reporter 2. Start creating general ideas for a show by brainstorming. 3. Visit The TV Writers Vault and read professional advice on developing and protecting concepts. 4. Start to write your concepts as a full synopsis for proposal. 5. Register it in The Television Writers Vault and monitor any reviews or activity by production companies that scout the Tv Writers Vault for new material to produce. 6. Sell the project to a production company and begin work as a producer and/or writer on your own project.

How to Write a Fable

Animal acting like human being Think of yourself as the next Aesop? If you're thinking of writing a fable, there are some things you need to know. Read on and create!

Steps 1. Read some fables to get the general idea of what they are and how they are structured. 2. Work out the basic elements of your fable. Usually, fables have animals acting like human beings, a problem to be solved, and a moral at the end. 3. Write it backwards. Start off with the moral, and then write the story. 4. Think about what personality your main character should have, he needs to be able to learn your moral. 5. Think about how your other characters can fit the moral. For example, in the story of the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise was slow, therefore the moral was 'slow and steady wins the race'. 6. Make up a situation where your character learns the moral. 7. Write all your description and dialogue so that it reflects the characters' personalities.

Tips •

Read your stories to young children. They can be a very useful audience to gauge how well you have put across your ideas. If they laugh when they're meant to and if they get the meaning of your fable, then you're on a good track.

How to Participate in NaNoWriMo NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer's Month) is a competition to write a 50,000 word novel entirely in the month of November. It is a fun way to write in a community atmosphere. Although there are no prizes for winning, the knowledge of having finished a 50,000 word novel in a month in a prize in itself.

Steps 1. Visit and sign up for an account. The competition begins on November 1st, but you can sign up any time before the end of the contest. 2. Plan your novel. Many NaNoWriMo writers title their novel and name their characters before they've even thought of a plot. It is perfectly acceptable under the rules of NaNoWriMo to outline your plot before November 1st. 3. Find a writing spot and prepare it. In order to validate your word count, your final submission must be in .txt format, but you can hand write or use a typewriter, and enter it into a computer after it is finished. Have a lamp and a comfortable chair you'll be spending a lot of time there! 4. Get together your "NaNoWriMo Survival Kit." Writers stock up on energy drinks, soda, and one-handed snacks so they don't have to leave their writing spot while they are writing. Many also prepare specific "writing playlists" of CD's or mp3's to listen to. Buy a supply of notebooks and your favorite pens to carry around for whenever inspiration strikes.

Handwritten plot ideas 5. Check out the NaNoWriMo forums. This helps get you excited to write, and is full of information to make your novel more realistic, ideas to pad your word count, links to online thesauri and dictionaries, and even a forum for other writers in your region. 6. Pick up some NaNoWriMo dares! These are from the forum and are just silly (or not-so-silly) plot twists, characters, or objects that you try to work into your novel. NaNoWriMo is all about quantity, not quality, so many writers choose to try and work in as many dares as possible. One of the most popular dares is the Traveling Shovel of Death™, a shovel that is used to kill or bludgeon characters. 7. On November 1st, start writing! You only have 30 days to write your 50,000 word novel, which is about 1700 words per day. Make sure you have planned time to spend writing! 8. Keep track of your word count. You can update your word count at any time on your user profile.

9. NaNoWriMo progress Starting November 25th, you can upload your entire novel for verification. If you've reached the 50,000 word goal, you'll receive a downloadable certificate and your name will appear on the list of winners! 10. Use December to finish your novel and it. In the spirit of NaNoWriMo, you should have done no ing during the month of November, which probably means your novel needs a bit of cleanup to be the best it can be. 11. Share your finished novel! Give copies to friends, family, and other NaNoWriMo authors.

Tips •

Go to your regional NaNoWriMo meet-ups! You can meet others in your area who are working on their novels. These meetups are a great place to share plot and character ideas, and just to vent your frustration when you get stuck.

Warnings •

Don't start writing until November 1st! You have to start NaNoWriMo with a blank slate. No previously written prose is acceptable.

How to Become a Writer The exploration of oneself – thoughts, attitudes, motivations, values and goals – is the act and art of writing.

Steps 1. Use logic and desire to create the vision you want.

2. Think about what you want to write, instead of what you want to get from writing. You won't get anywhere if all you're after is money. 3. Be prepared to work odd hours -- you'll need to write whenever ideas strike, even if it's the middle of the night. Completely immerse yourself into the world you create. 4. Find what works for you and stick with it. Even if you get dozens of rejection slips, if you feel comfortable working the way you do, you'll eventually have success. 5. Take advice: never succumb and never doubt. If you succumb and doubt, then you have heightened your failure and will likely fail. But if you oppose failure, then your masterpiece will drip underneath your fingers and perhaps change the world. 6. Know that writer’s block isn't a real thing. The block may be due to other needs. Heed to those needs and then return – renewed. 7. Do not let typing become mechanical. Love, wine…, any action of rejuvenation precedes typing. 8. Write, write, write. Don't stop.

Tips • •

Unsubscribe to the biographies of other artists. Subscribe to their arts, perhaps, but not their lives. Be simple and check your thoughts and aspirations.

Warnings •

Be aware that if you are writing books they may not sell well

How to Write a Good Story Everyone has a story to tell. There are many factors that can inspire a good story. Here are a few tips to release the writer in you. Its not hard and everyone can do it just give it a try.


1. writing ideas Pick your story ideas based upon what you know (even if just a little bit - see number 2). If you know your starting subject then it's easier to branch details from it, and it's so much easier to write about. 2. Research subjects that you are familiar with but aren't quite experienced with For example, let's take surfing. Most people know what surfing is, they've seen it on TV or in reality, but they don't know how to do it. So, if you have a surfer character in your story, research it. Research the moves, the techniques; interview a surfer about the experience. Yada yada. 3. Decide what audience you are writing for, it could be, children, teens, or even adults. Once you've established those two factors, you will have a better idea of what to write about. 4. Get inspirations in your everyday life. For example if you want to write a children's book, observe children. See how they act, see the world through their eyes, and then write about something that fascinates them. Listen to the news maybe your brain can conjure up a story just waiting to be written. Everyday life can be an inspiration.

5. write your thoughts in notebook Make sure that you always have a notepad with you. If you're on the bus, at work, wherever, if something piques your interest, write it down so you won't forget. 6. Write down your dreams, maybe you could make a story out of one or more of them. A good way to capture dreams is to set your alarm clock about an hour early than when you usually wake up, and always have a notebook within hands reach so that the first thing you can do is write the dream down. Dreams evaporate from memory (possibly forever) at an exponential rate, so get it down at once!

7. Write down the purpose, lesson, reason that you are telling this story. Make sure that is what you are expressing with the story. 8. Read through your story and !

Tips •

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There is no such thing as writer's block. Rather, it should be known as "Writer's Laziness". If you wake up one morning and realise that you don't know what to do for that next chapter, don't hang about until "inspiration" sets in. Otherwise you'll be hanging about for a very long time. Instead, simply sit down and start writing with whatever comes into your head first (but don't take what you just wrote too seriously at this stage). Eventually you'll be back on a roll with some good ideas and you can go back and /replace what you just wrote to suit your new ideas. However, there is a second type of writer's block: the type that kicks you in the teeth just as you're in the middle of writing. You know, when you finish that paragraph and suddenly, WHAM: "What am I gonna do next?!" When this happens, go out for a walk, or listen to some inspiring music, or just take a break. After a while go back and try writing again, and soon it will come to you. Read 100 books before writing one, and 200 before writing two. If you get writer's block, maybe that means you've painted yourself into a corner. Is the plot really going the way you want it to? Maybe the scene you're writing isn't necessary. Try getting to the action (I know it's there, happening in your head) a different way. While ing, be sure to improve on your wording, like, use 'buttercup' instead of just staid 'flower'. There is almost always a better word(almost). You've all seen those little dialogue tags that say things like 'Andrew said' or 'Molly whispered.' But without those tags, could you tell who was talking? Have each character have a unique voice! Maybe they slur their words, have an accent, etc. Most of the time, people don't talk in full sentences. They give one word answers, use lazy words such as "Yeah, uhhh, mmhmm," etc.

Warnings • •

Try not to "drag" the book on. Give details, but not too many that the reader will be bored. On the other hand don't give so few details that nobody understands what is going on.

How to Submit a Story to a Magazine

You've written a story and want to submit to a magazine. Where do you start?

Steps 1. Pick up a copy of the Novel and Short Story Writer's Market. This is a book that is published each year and lists magazines that specialize in publishing fiction. 2. Identify potential magazines where the story might fit (i.e., if your story is fantasy, then look for magazines that accept fantasy stories). 3. Obtain a copy of the magazine's guidelines. Many now have them online. 4. Read samples of the magazine to get a feel for if your story will fit. 5. Format the manuscript in proper manuscript format, including any requirements listed in the magazine guidelines. 6. Write a letter to the magazine and send your story 7. Record the details of the submission for later reference.

Tips • • •

Reading several copies of the magazine will help keep you from submitting to magazines that may not be a good match. Use Courier/Courier New for the submission letter Always be professional in all correspondence

Warnings • •

Avoid fancy paper, fancy fonts, or graphic headings. It's the story that should stand out, not the paper. Submit only what the magazine is asking for. If you submit a 5,000 word story to a magazine that only takes 3,000 word stories, no matter how good the story is, it's going to get rejected. * Pay attention to the or's name! It is bad form to spell their name wrong.

Things You'll Need • •

Novel and Short Story Writer's Market Formatting and Submitting Your Manuscript

How to Write Romance Novels

Most publishing houses who buy romance novels have specific formulas they want their authors to follow. To find out who follows what particular formula you must request the writer's guidelines.

Steps 1. Before you begin to write your romance novel, choose a publishing house that specializes in this genre. 2. Purchase or borrow the "Writer's Digest Market for Writers". This book lists publishers of books as well as magazine articles, newspapers, etc... You will be able to access contact information, send for guidelines, and get specifics from each publisher. Most credible publishers list themselves in this fantastic reference book. 3. Research the publishing houses that are most likely to buy your ideas. 4. Follow their formula guidelines strictly. 5. Your research should be thorough and if you are writing an historical romance novel, don't fictionalize the historic components. 6. Don't give up and work on your book regularly.

Tips •

Schedule a time to write on a regular basis. Don't deviate from your schedule. Approach this with discipline and do not let others discourage you. If possible, try not to tell many others what you are doing until you are well on your way into writing your book.

Warnings •

Do not submit your books to publishers that are merely printing companies encouraging you to "self publish". They are just looking for your printing business and you will spend a lot of money if you pursue this. If you specialize in a pertinent or specific topic that will have limited appeal to a buying audience, this option might be recommended. In that case you will market your books directly to your audience. This is not usually the case for romance novels.

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