BDSM Checklist Original
September 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Rate your Pleasure of that Activity: 1 = disliked intensely, 2 = gave no pleasure, 3 = was just ok, 4 = liked it, 5 = extremely enjoyed. oul! you "i#e to Do it $a%ai&'( Never = a hard limit, No Desire = a soft limit, )orce! = if you were forced to you (might) like it, May*e = if under the right conditions, )etish Nee! = this really turns you on and you can't live without it.
0ver Do&e( /es
Abrasion (scraping, (scraping, sanding) Age play (not pedophilia) pedophilia) Anal play Anal plugs !mall !mall Anal plugs "edium "edium Anal plugs #arge Anal plugs public public under clothes Anal sex Animal roleplay Arm and leg sleeves sleeves (binders) Asphyxiation Auctioned for $harity $harity %all stretching %athroom permission control %eating hard %eating soft %estiality (sex with animals) %iting (being bitten) %lindfoldes %ondage light %ondage heavy %ondage all day&multi day %oot worship %randing %reast bondage %reast fucking %reast whipping %reath $ontrol (choking) %reath $ontrol (mild restriction) $ages&$ells&$losets $ages&$ells&$l osets (locked inside of) $aning english $aning sensation $atheteriation $hains (bound with) $hamberpot use $hastity device&belts $hauffeuring (driving) $hores (domestic service&housework) $hosen clothing for $hosen food for $lamps labia&clit area
oul! /ou "i#e ,o Do( Rate
No Desire )orce!
)etish Nee!
Rate your Pleasure of that Activity: 1 = disliked intensely, 2 = gave no pleasure, 3 = was just ok, 4 = liked it, 5 = extremely enjoyed. oul! you "i#e to Do it $a%ai&'( Never = a hard limit, No Desire = a soft limit, )orce! = if you were forced to you (might) like it, May*e = if under the right conditions, )etish Nee! = this really turns you on and you can't live without it.
0ver Do&e( /es
$lothespins $ock worship $ollars worn in private $ollars worn in public $ontract slave $orsets $ross dressing $uffs leather $uffs metal $unnilingus (eating another woman) $unnilingus (receiving oral) $utting %lood play aily diary iapers ilation ildos vaginal ildos anal ouble penetration ar plugs dge play (risk taking) lectricity *nternal (egg or probe) lectricity +! unit lectricity -iolet and nemas for cleansing nemas retention&training xercise forced&re/uired rotic dancing xaminations xhibitionism (before friends) xhibitionism (before strangers) ye contact restrictions 0ace slapping 0antasy gang rape 0antasy rape play 0ellatio (giving head to a "an) 0inger $laws 0ire play 0isting anal 0isting vaginal 0ollowing orders 0oot worship 0orced dressing 0orced feminiation
oul! /ou "i#e ,o Do( Never
No Desire
)etish Nee!
Rate your Pleasure of that Activity: 1 = disliked intensely, 2 = gave no pleasure, 3 = was just ok, 4 = liked it, 5 = extremely enjoyed. oul! you "i#e to Do it $a%ai&'( Never = a hard limit, No Desire = a soft limit, )orce! = if you were forced to you (might) like it, May*e = if under the right conditions, )etish Nee! = this really turns you on and you can't live without it.
0ver Do&e( /es
0orced homosexuality 0orced masturbation 0orced nudity 0orced servitude 1ags bit 1ags cloth 1ags inflatable 1ags phallic 1ags rubber ball 1ags tape 1enital sex (a la vache&doggie style) 1olden showers (urinate on) 1or !lave +raining (positions) 1roup play gang bang (multi men) 1roup play multiple women 2 3 man 1roup play 4rgy 5air pulling 5airbrush !pankings 5arems (serving with other subs) 5arnessing leather 5arnessing rope 5igh heel wearing 5igh heel worship 5omage with tongue (licking) 5oods (full head) 5ot wax dripping on body&genitals 5ot waxing hair removal 5uman puppydog play 5umiliation in private 5umiliation in public 5ypnotism *ce cubes *nfantilism (baby play) *nitiation rites *njections *nterrogations 6idnapping 6neeling 6nife play (no blood) #eather restraints #eather (wearing) #ecturing for misbehaviors #ingerie (wearing) "anacles 7 *rons
oul! /ou "i#e ,o Do( Never
No Desire
Ma y*e
)etish Nee!
Rate your Pleasure of that Activity: 1 = disliked intensely, 2 = gave no pleasure, 3 = was just ok, 4 = liked it, 5 = extremely enjoyed. oul! you "i#e to Do it $a%ai&'( Never = a hard limit, No Desire = a soft limit, )orce! = if you were forced to you (might) like it, May*e = if under the right conditions, )etish Nee! = this really turns you on and you can't live without it.
0ver Do&e( /es
"anicures giving "anicures receiving "antra and meditation "assage giving "assage receiving "asturbation "edical scenes "ilking (made to produce breast milk) "odeling for erotic photos "ummification elastic wrap "ummification saran wrap ame change ipple clamps ipple 8iercing ipple 8lay 8ulls, +ugs, +wists 4rgasm control 4rgasm denial 4utdoor scenes 8ain mild 8ain severe 8earl shower (cum on face) 8edicures 7 0oot massages (giving) 8edicures 7 0oot massages (rec'vng) 8ersonality modification 8hone sex 8iercing (perm) 8iercing (temp) 8ony play 8rison scenes 8rostitution, real or fantasy 8unishment scene 8ussy whipping 8ussy worship 9iding crops 9iding the horse (crotch torture) 9imming (oral&anal play) receiving 9imming (oral&anal play) giving 9ituals 9eligious scenes 9oleplaying 9ope bondage 9ope %ondage *ntricate (:apanese) 9ubber&latex clothing (wearing) !carification (cutting,making scars)
oul! /ou "i#e ,o Do( Never
No Desire
)etish Nee!
Rate your Pleasure of that Activity: 1 = disliked intensely, intensely, 2 = gave no pleasure, 3 = was just ok, 4 = liked it, 5 = extremely enjoyed. oul! you "i#e to Do it $a%ai&'( Never = a hard limit, No Desire = a soft limit, )orce! = if you were forced to you (might) like it, May*e = if under the right conditions, )etish Nee! = this really turns you on and you can't live without it.
0ver Do&e( /es
!cat (brown showers) !cratching receiving !cratching giving !ensory deprivation !erving as a maid or ashtray !erving as furniture !erving as art !erving other oms (supervised only) !exual deprivation !hared (given to another only temp) !having (depilation) !leep deprivation !lutty clothing !pandex clothing !panking hand !panking !panking leather woodenslappers paddles !panking (4+6) 4ver +he 6nee !peculums !peech 9estrictions, what and when.. !preader %ars !tanding in corner (punishment) !tocks (head 7 hands) !traight jackets !trapondildos !trapondil dos (sucking on) !trapondildos !trapondil dos (penetrated by) !trapondildos !trapondil dos (wearing) !trapping (full body beating) !uction $ups !uspension inverted !uspension horiontal !uspension upright !wallowing !wallowi ng semen !wallowing !wallowi ng urine !wapping (with one other couple) !winging (multiple couples) !witching roles (+op&bottom) +attooing +easing +humb cuffs (metal) +ickling +otal 8ower xchange (+8) +riple penetration ;niform (wearing)
oul! /ou "i#e ,o Do( Never
No Desire
)etish Nee!
Rate your Pleasure of that Activity: 1 = disliked intensely, intensely, 2 = gave no pleasure, 3 = was just ok, 4 = liked it, 5 = extremely enjoyed. oul! you "i#e to Do it $a%ai&'( Never = a hard limit, No Desire = a soft limit, )orce! = if you were forced to you (might) like it, May*e = if under the right conditions, )etish Nee! = this really turns you on and you can't live without it.
0ver Do&e( /es
-ampire 1loves -erbal -ibratorhumiliation anal -ibrator egg&internal -ibrator genital -ideotaped !cenes watching -ideotape 9ecording of you -oyeurism ater +orture&!por +orture&!ports ts artenburg 8inwheel earing symbolic jewelry eight control hipping cat of < hipping flogger hipping single tail hipping general restling
#ist any allergies that the om(me) should be aware= (if yes, describe>)
Any medical problems&issues= problems&issues= (if (if yes, give details>) details>)
o you have any known !+'s= 5ave you ever been exposed to 5*-&A*!= hen were you last tested= o you practice safe sex=
Any specific subject subject not described in this list that the om(me) om(me) should be concern with= (if yes describe>) $omments> 9eferences>
oul! /ou "i#e ,o Do( Never
No Desire
)etish Nee!
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